victoria-zalomn · 3 years
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Me: *sits through a three hour lecture on drug dissolution and absorption*
Roommate: “what did you learn?”
Me: “The best way to do cocaine.”
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coatedtablets · 6 years
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(2.56) kumpulan refisi materi...
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girl-meets-pharmd · 7 years
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day 1; microbiology notes
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vaganturincerti · 5 years
Life of a new P4
This past Monday I started my P4 year, my last year of Pharmacy School! (WOOHOO) I have 7 blocks of rotations with my first FOUR being ambulatory care. My first three blocks are in a city an hour and a half away from home, while my fourth block is in a city five! hours away. Instead of having to drive back and forth every day for four months, a friend and I decided to get an apartment together because she’ll be in the same city for her last five blocks. This is the first time I’ve ever lived on my own. I’ve either lived with my mom or my fiance´ and now i’m completely alone. It such a huge change for me that it’s been a little hard to adjust to it. I’m working through it, but it’s definitely gonna take some time and to be quite honest..i hate it. I hate being alone. Yes there are time where I want to be alone but to live alone..it’s not for me and kudos to those of you that can do it. Maybe after a few weeks that outlook will change but for now, it sucks. so for my first block I’ll be working in a Coumadin (warfarin) clinic and Diabetes clinic checking their INR’s or blood glucose and making changes to their medication as necessary. I’ve never worked in an area like this before so it’s been very exciting, although i’ve yet to see any diabetes patients (literally no one showed up for their appointments). I’ve really enjoyed what i’ve been able to do this past few days and I’m definitely looking forward to becoming more involved in the entire process. It’s also super nice to see pharmacist being this involved in patient care where we meet with them, discuss their goals and how they’re hitting them (or not), and then we have the ability to change those doses as necessary (granted it’s limited, but still). I wasn’t sure I’d like Am care but so far it’s been nice..ask me that later on and we’ll see if it’s still the same opinion. Let’s hope I continue to enjoy it..cause ya girl has 3 other rotations in am care back to back. I’ll tell you guys a little bit about how the day/weeks go. So all day and Wednesday and Friday morning we’re in the Coumadin clinic then Tuesday all day and Wednesday afternoons are diabetes clinic with topic discussions on Thursdays. I come in at 7:45 in the morning and get started on looking at the old visits with the pharmacy resident and once each patients INR’s come back we see them. We ask them how they’ve been taking their warfarin, if they’ve missed any doses, if they’ve been eating more greens than normal, and if they notice any signs or symptoms of bruising/bleeding (there’s more but I won’t list them all). We use these questions to help guide our decision on what to do if their INR isn’t in range. Once we check with the pharmacist we type up our notes and move onto the next patient. I can’t tell you the diabetes workflow because I’ve yet to see one. When i’m done for the day just depends on when the last patient comes in and if i have anything else that needs to be done. So far I’ve been getting done around 1 or 2, but it’ll always be no later that 3 which is super nice. The thursday topic discussion will be interesting since I have to present on an entire topic; this week’s is DOACs (oral anticoagulants). It’s a lot of information so hopefully it goes well. I’m really wanting to keep up with this page now that I feel like I (kind of) have more time on my hands, so i’ll update you guys soon on how the first week went! XO
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The 16 Key Skills Needed to be a Pharmacist
Pharmacists are an important cog in the healthcare machine. Following the diagnosis of certain ailments or conditions, patients will be prescribed medication that is the responsibility of a pharmacist to check, prepare and dispense. But it’s not as simple as picking something up off a shelf and handing it out – pharmacists require a wide range of skills to be effective in their role.
When it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, attention to detail is literally a matter of life and death – and there is no room for error. Although human beings naturally make mistakes, the consequences don’t lie only with the pharmacist – the effects on a diabetes patient is given the wrong type of insulin, for example, could be absolutely catastrophic. Whether it’s reading the doctor’s abysmal handwriting, entering the information into the computer system, or measuring ingredients correctly, accuracy is essential.
Sometimes doctors forget to check for drug interactions; sometimes the nurses who submit electronic prescriptions make typos. Pharmacists are like proofreaders, and if something doesn’t make sense, or a mistake has been made, then they have to have the confidence and the integrity to stand up and ask questions.
Science & Maths Skills
It may sound obvious, but people often underestimate how much pharmacists rely on practical science and maths skills. From something as simple as calculating how many pills a patient needs to work out more complex variable dosages, numerical skills are essential.
The same applies to scientific aptitude. Pharmacists need to have in-depth knowledge – and enthusiasm for – chemistry and biology; it is important to be able to easily assimilate new and complex information when it becomes available.
Interpersonal Skills
Pharmacists often have to juggle between doctors who don’t like to be questioned (see point 2), and frustrated patients who are upset at having to wait for their prescriptions; developing the interpersonal skills to deal with this requires patience, diplomacy and a great sense of humour. Being able to soothe bruised egos and hurt feelings are an essential part of making the process run smoothly.
Communication Skills
This is one of the key parts of a pharmacist’s job. It is essential that they can communicate clearly to the patient how and when they should take their medication, and then verify their understanding. It can also be challenging to explain why a patient is receiving a certain medication, as well as explaining any side effects.
In the US especially, pharmacists can find themselves battling with insurance companies all too often, especially when they are hesitant to cover the medication that the patient needs. As registered professionals, they need to be able to advocate on their patient's behalf when obstacles arise, rather than just sending them away empty-handed.
∞ Read More: https://www.careeraddict.com/pharmacist-skills
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wannabe-pharmacist · 7 years
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4/100 days of productivity ▫️ 1/31/17 Studied until my brain hit autopilot mode. Had a pop quiz in my pharmacology class yesterday and that went really well! Today, I'm preparing for a possible pharmaceutical chemistry quiz and going over some case studies. It's snowing in New Jersey today! Such an apropos time of the year to stare out the window reminiscing of snow days and mom's hot chocolate. 😋
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idliketogreet · 5 years
Two Sides
Its really nice to see my ‘old’ crushes again like, Sarah (studyholmes), studydelicious, Sharon (asmrglow), and i guess Sarah Mason (studbly, fav studygram and studytube uwu❤️) I mean, i think i’ve been swayed away lately by... Eroda (if you know, you know) and my old 'journey’ aka finding some good fics in ao3 *ehem*.. And ofc, i feel guilty for wasting my Saturday away, but i guess i’ve never being concentrate on Saturday so far and prob that day is going to be my day off.
The influences that my ‘old’ crushes had on me:  - I prefer FlipdApp rather than Forest (love you Sarah!) - I prefer BrainYoo rather than Anki for online flashcards (i’ve just downloaded them, haven’t use any of them, such audicity of me to make a preference 💀) 
upDaTe: im writing some formulas of pharmacokinetics in my offline flashcards. There are so many assignments on next week, and probably filling while memorizing (eyE can’t believe i can be sound productive😭💀) the contents in my offline flashcards, could be a baby step of doing ‘something’ during my train trip between home and my college. Btw, i get anxious the moment i remember the OSCE simulation that i’m going to have on this Wednesday🙃 Crossed finger.. Wish us luck!
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victoria-zalomn · 5 years
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First exam tomorrow, not feeling really confident about it, but we'll see
Still enjoyed the atmosphere of the train
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Things said in a Medical and Pharmacy students’ house
Her: *checking out a dish at the sink*
Me, walking by: “It’s dirty. That was the dead body container.”
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victoria-zalomn · 4 years
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I am just going to do drugs
me, in the middle of a zoom lecture
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Things said in a Medical and Pharmacy students’ house
Med. student, marching in from the laundry room: “HOW DO YOU GET THE SMELL OF DEAD PEOPLE OUT OF YOU CLOTHES??”
We still don’t have an answer. Suggestions welcomed. 
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Things said in a Medical and Pharmacy students’ hosue
Us: *watches one episode of bones*
Me: “We could totally sell recycled bone grafts on the black market. You’ve got a cadaver right now. ”
Her, nodding: “And now we know how to not get caught.”
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