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Can you #pill it? 😊
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5 of the best exercises you can ever do
If you're not an athlete or serious exerciser — and you just want to work out for your health or to fit in your clothes better — the gym scene can be intimidating and overwhelming. What are the best exercises for me? How will I find the time?
Just having to walk by treadmills, stationary bikes, and weight machines can be enough to make you head straight back home to the couch.
Yet some of the best physical activities for your body don't require the gym or ask you to get fit enough to run a marathon. These "workouts" can do wonders for your health. They'll help keep your weight under control, improve your balance and range of motion, strengthen your bones, protect your joints, prevent bladder control problems, and even ward off memory loss.
∞ Source: https://bit.ly/2vFvlzR
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Auti$m $peak$ does not speak for me! I am not a burden! I do not need a cure! I am not a tragedy! I am not broken so I do not want to be “fixed”! I am not a “missing puzzle piece”! I do not need awareness!
💡  All I want is the acceptance and love that I and all the other Autistic people deserve and just be myself!!  💡
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Happy autism acceptance month!!!
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Why does #stress hit women harder than men?
If you’ve been stressed out and ignoring it—isn’t everyone stressed right now?— it could be time to do something about it. That’s because even though you may be basically healthy, tension is doing its stealthy damage. The latest evidence? Researchers have just linked high levels of the stress hormone cortisol to brain shrinkage and impaired memory in healthy middle-aged adults. And get this: The effect was more pronounced in women than in men.
This new research underscores an important point. Though stress affects your whole body, ground zero is your brain. It’s not just the effects of cortisol—it’s that teeth-grinders like traffic jams, personal snubs, and financial worries are perceived and interpreted by your grey matter. Fortunately, research focused on the brain is pointing to new, more effective ways to reduce your tension.
But first, let’s drill down and see how and why your brain’s natural reactions make you more vulnerable to the zings and arrows of tension. | https://bit.ly/2UseXiA
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SIMBASTATIN 🤣 #pharmacytechnician #pharmacy #pharm #pharmacist💊 #pharmacylife #pharmacystudent #pharmtech #pharmtechlife #pharmacyschool #localhealth #localhealthrx #health #meme #funny #medschool #medlife #health #meme (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/localhealthdouglasmain/p/BvmsNxQgnfm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12685jnajef3z
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Everything About Lupus
Lupus is a long-term autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling, and damage to the joints, skin, kidneys, blood, heart, and lungs.
Due to its complex nature, people sometimes call lupus the "disease of 1,000 faces."
In the United States, people report around 16,000 new cases of lupus each year, and up to 1.5 million people may be living with the condition, according to the Lupus Foundation of America.
The Foundation says that lupus affects women in particular, and it is most likely to appear between the ages of 15 and 44 years.
Lupus gained public attention in 2015 after the singer Selena Gomez announced she received a diagnosis in her late teens and underwent treatment for the condition.
Lupus is not a contagious disease. A person cannot transmit it sexually or in any other way to another person.
However, in rare cases, women with lupus may give birth to children who develop a form of lupus. This is called neonatal lupus.
∞ Learn more: Types Causes Risk factors Symptoms Video Classification: 11 symptomsDiagnosis Treatment and home remedies Outlook
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The 16 Key Skills Needed to be a Pharmacist
Pharmacists are an important cog in the healthcare machine. Following the diagnosis of certain ailments or conditions, patients will be prescribed medication that is the responsibility of a pharmacist to check, prepare and dispense. But it’s not as simple as picking something up off a shelf and handing it out – pharmacists require a wide range of skills to be effective in their role.
When it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, attention to detail is literally a matter of life and death – and there is no room for error. Although human beings naturally make mistakes, the consequences don’t lie only with the pharmacist – the effects on a diabetes patient is given the wrong type of insulin, for example, could be absolutely catastrophic. Whether it’s reading the doctor’s abysmal handwriting, entering the information into the computer system, or measuring ingredients correctly, accuracy is essential.
Sometimes doctors forget to check for drug interactions; sometimes the nurses who submit electronic prescriptions make typos. Pharmacists are like proofreaders, and if something doesn’t make sense, or a mistake has been made, then they have to have the confidence and the integrity to stand up and ask questions.
Science & Maths Skills
It may sound obvious, but people often underestimate how much pharmacists rely on practical science and maths skills. From something as simple as calculating how many pills a patient needs to work out more complex variable dosages, numerical skills are essential.
The same applies to scientific aptitude. Pharmacists need to have in-depth knowledge – and enthusiasm for – chemistry and biology; it is important to be able to easily assimilate new and complex information when it becomes available.
Interpersonal Skills
Pharmacists often have to juggle between doctors who don’t like to be questioned (see point 2), and frustrated patients who are upset at having to wait for their prescriptions; developing the interpersonal skills to deal with this requires patience, diplomacy and a great sense of humour. Being able to soothe bruised egos and hurt feelings are an essential part of making the process run smoothly.
Communication Skills
This is one of the key parts of a pharmacist’s job. It is essential that they can communicate clearly to the patient how and when they should take their medication, and then verify their understanding. It can also be challenging to explain why a patient is receiving a certain medication, as well as explaining any side effects.
In the US especially, pharmacists can find themselves battling with insurance companies all too often, especially when they are hesitant to cover the medication that the patient needs. As registered professionals, they need to be able to advocate on their patient's behalf when obstacles arise, rather than just sending them away empty-handed.
∞ Read More: https://www.careeraddict.com/pharmacist-skills
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Biology: Cell Structure I Nucleus Medical Media
This animation by Nucleus shows you the function of plant and animal cells for middle school and high school biology, including organelles like the nucleus, nucleolus, DNA (chromosomes), ribosomes, mitochondria, etc. Also included are ATP molecules, cytoskeleton, cytoplasm, microtubules, proteins, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, cell walls, cell membrane, cilia, flagella, etc.
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What are stem cells, and what do they do?
Cells in the body have specific purposes, but stem cells are cells that do not yet have a specific role and can become almost any cell that is required.
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can turn into specific cells, as the body needs them.
Scientists and doctors are interested in stem cells as they help to explain how some functions of the bodywork, and how they sometimes go wrong.
Stem cells also show promise for treating some diseases that currently have no cure.
∞ Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323343.php
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Oh, please 😂
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Investing in TB Research: World Leaders Urged to Commit to End TB
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of humanity’s oldest and most persistent plagues, dating back thousands of years.
 Read more here ∞ https://bit.ly/2TT3Ekb
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Local Illinois schools might soon have to teach classes on mental health
Local schools in Illinois could have more state mandates in the near future after a plan requiring classes on mental health was approved by an Illinois House panel.
Check for more here ∞ https://bit.ly/2Wc73qN
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How to Choose a Doctor
Tips on how to help you choose a doctor.
Choosing a new doctor can be a challenge, especially if you have moved to a new community. Asking for recommendations from coworkers, neighbours, and friends is a good way to start, but ultimately you will have to decide which physician is best suited to your individual needs and situation.
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6 reasons to consult your pharmacist
Did you know that age can affect how the body absorbs and reacts to medication? Your pharmacist knows all about it and can help you reduce the risks and improve your health. Here are some of the ways your pharmacist can help you follow your treatment in order to stay healthy longer.
1. He reviews your medication.
2. He helps you manage your medications.
3. He helps you follow your treatment properly.
4. He recommends the right over-the-counter products.
5. He recommends the right devices so you can stay independent.
6. He has good advice
Talk to your pharmacist if you have questions or need advice on the subject.
∞ Source: https://www.brunet.ca/en/advices/6-reasons-to-consult-your-pharmacist.html
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13 Foods to Eat When You’re Pregnant
Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important.
Read the full article here ∞  http://ht.ly/iPmI30o3ZqO
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