#pheonix priestess
kursed-arcana · 2 years
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bumblebeehug · 1 year
whoops here comes an analysis on the pheonix priestess movie - heads up before you read!! this is all lighthearted and my personal opinion, you could probably tell me the opposite opinions and i’d agree in some way so if i sound mad or upset just know that it’s all written with love :)
i rewatched the pheonix priestess movie and wanted to commit crime at how badly they portrayed lucy lmao. at first they made her cute and excited for the job, but then they fail it which obviously is fine except lucy thinks it's all her fault (like yes she was the one who couldn't catch the thief but NEITHER COULD THE OTHER IN TEAM NATSU). then there's some scenes where lucy blames herself despite team natsu delibirately telling her that they don't blame her, and i get this whole fanfic vibe. like I can write a depressed lucy for those reasons because the stuff i write isn't canon, but unless she's depressed for genuinely good reasons (natsu leaving, losing aquarius key, not being able to say goodbye to her dad before he died) it just doesn't make sense for her character to get so genuinely sad over how things went. then, as if everything isn't bad enough, eclair acts like a total bitch just cause lucy wants to make friends with her - which leads me to the way she's acting when she's trying to make friends!! like why is she being so consistent on following eclair around and giving her ice cream and stuff when eclair is telling her she doesn't like it!!! LUCY WOULDN'T DO THAT, like sure, she'd walk quietly with her in that new town because she wants to protect her, but there's no way she'd act so obnoxious. then eclair decides to be kind to her, finally, because "oh, it turns out i'm not the only person in the world who has experienced sadness?? even mages can be sad?? but mages are bad because i hate magic!!" which was just a weird concept to me, like girl be for real.
nothing in that movie sat right with me (that’s a lie, i like the movie, but you get it) - i would like the nalu moments better if they didn't feel so out of place. there was no reason for eclair to tell natsu to take care of sad lucy - eclair and natsu barely had any interractions throughout the movie at all! how would she know shit about their relationship!! i'm sorry but it's just so weird. i do like how much natsu notices lucy though - when she's upset because of the mission he cheers her up, and when eclair bullies her (ignores her attempt to introduce herself) he jumps in to save the situation. those moments i like, because it shows development in how natsu pays attention to lucy, which does in fact prove that their relationship is evolving (nowadays it's all gone backwards though, but let's not talk about that here).
the portrayal i do like is when they show Lucy's more considerate side - she has moments where she pays attention to eclair's needs (asking her if she'd like to switch roommate since she obviously doesn't like lucy very much - good thing she declines that offer, because i would bite her head off if she took it), and is overall more silently caring. i like that more because that's the character i recgonise. don't get me wrong, i LOVE lucy's outbursts and outgoing personality, but she isn't known for being intrusive. she knows when not to step over boundaries, and this movie shows the complete opposite.
I also like when the thief (geese or whatever his name was lmao i love him) thanks her for being her - he admits that even if they were "enemies" (not that severe but u get it lol) he still found her intriguing enough to like her - which made him want to save her in a bad situation later on. he compliments her on her way of bonding even with her rivals (which i LOVE that they brought up - girlie befirends every single person she meets!! not even zeref could hate her lol) (no comment on that everlue guy though lmao).
I think that translates nicely later into how well eclair and lucy bonds later - they were truly only able to become friends thanks to lucy, because let's be so real: eclair's a bitch and i'll say it again. i still like the bond they formed later (they were such lesbians for a while i'd love them together if eclair had a better personality lol) because lucy could really shine in her way of loving her friends - she's the one who gets closest to the people around her, and she cries the hardest when they have to leave.
overall i have a love hate relationship with this movie, cause the characters are lowkey so ooc that they're in character which is ironic lol.
also i can't stand the animation. dragon cry stepped up!! love that animation, the pheonix priestess was just weird - their faces were weird, their propotions all whacky and they didn't look like themselves. some scenes were really pretty though, esp lucy's sad/melanchony faces.
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raijin-tribe · 1 year
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Pheonix Priestess Postcard Illustration Source: HARVEST: Fairy Tail 2nd Illustrations Book [p.66]
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terriluvss · 1 month
The treatment of Lucy’s character really disappoints me.
Every Arc, Lucy is always forced into the role of beaten down, damsel or never given the spotlight to really shine. The only time we ever see her at full potential is tartaros arc and alvarez arc (in the main series i havent read 100yq so im not gonna be talking about it here). However even in tartaros there was bs moves made against her to stop her from fighting.
Like up against jackal, how she chased after him to battle him yet we never got Lucy vs Jackal. Why? Because mashima pulled this bs move of restricting lucy yet again. Holding her back by causing Jackal to hold two people hostage. We NEVER see Natsu put in the same situations as her, its ALWAYS Lucy.
Or with the pheonix priestess movie where I not ONCE saw Lucy fight. She’s always running away, she can’t even catch the gees guy because he magically slips into this random crack in an alleyway because pLoT. I just wanna see her be able to win, like that whole movie I don’t remember a single time she was actually given a moment to just ACTUALLY contribute to the action.
Same with the grand magic games, where she was about to perform urano metria and win (as she should) yet mashima did the same thing of pulling a bs cheapshot with some lamo canceling her spell out of nowhere. It just makes no sense. And we NEVER see this happen to any other characters. We don’t see Natsu’s flames get abolished trying to fight sting and rogue, we don’t see Gray’s ice suddenly melting when he tries to fight, we don’t see wendy having her wind suddenly not work.
It’s ALWAYS Lucy. The shows official punching bag. Fanservice? Just throw Lucy in front of the camera. Characters need a reason to fight? Just have Lucy get beaten up. Need a villian to have a motive? Just have Lucy get kidnapped or her keys stolen. Like literally when do any of the other characters get inconvenienced? I can only think of one time the other characters get the Lucy treatment of being kidnapped and it’s tartaros arc (my fave arc as a lucy stan) but pretty much it’s always only Lucy getting inconvenienced.
AND SIDE NOTE Aquarius just randomly deciding to dip during the tournament MID FIGHT (the water tournament in GMG). I know this is in character for her, BUT LIKE this was just mashima’s excuse to be able to torture Lucy yet again. I mean come on, I get it’s for comedy and all but I’m tired of Lucy being the butt of the joke. Why can’t we just have a moment for her to actually be able to win. And I’m pretty sure Aquarius actually tries to do her job so why would she just dip during the middle of it? I don’t know it just irks me how mashima always finds a way to disarm Lucy (even having villians take her keys too.)
Even in the FIRST EPISODE her keys get tossed aside for plot reasoons! So natsu can come and save the day11!2? It would’ve been so cool if Lucy could’ve fought alongside him and he recognised her as someone with potential to join fairytail. Rather than just having her stand idly by. And in mt hakobe how natsu just magically kicks taurus away whilst Lucy was trying to fight, because we cant have lucy being a character whos actually taken seriously now can we? Nope! She just always has to be the butt of the joke. And in Galuna, where that pink haired girl magically had lucys spirits work against her for just so we can have the obligatory lucy torture yet again. In the lullaby arc what does lucy even do i dont even remember? It’s happy whos the one who suggests for her to use virgo, might as well just give happy the keys at this point. Maybe mashima would actually let them be used for once if happy had them
It’s the same garbage every arc, and it sucks because I love Lucy her magic has such potential to be a powerhouse. We’ve seen her really flourish but the only time she ever gets the chance to flourish is when Mashima realises he’s written himself into a corner and actually HAS to use Lucy’s character. The only times are when he realises no one else can come save her so he actually has to try to use her magic narratively. Like in tartaros (my fave lucy moment) where she FINALLY gets to have her own moment to shine. And against brandish because Natsu is dying of dragon seed cancer!?1?2 oh noes! Looks like Lucy actually has to fight! (W fight by the way one of my fave lucy moments, I was so giddy when I saw her fighting like that for the first time.)
But yeah, I guess I’m just salty that Lucy is constantly thrown aside in favor of Natsu or Erza or sometimes Gray. Lucy deserved better. Sorry for this rant being all over the place, it just saddens me to see Lucy being treated like a joke the entire series. We were robbed.
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The Hag
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Note: I’m leaving our lady Dolma out of this since I wanted to look into dark magic used for aging spells
The Hag is a disguise used first by Morgause, and then Morgana, to draw their support in close under the guise of a helpless old beggar woman.
It seems to be an old witch’s trick, or some a form favored by High Priestesses, as Morgause was the first to use it on Morgana. Nimueh, the first High Priestess, preferred using a ‘younger’ version as Kara, but I’m guessing she was skilled in these transformations too.
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On a side note: I wonder if it takes more or less skill to become younger or older? I’m guessing it takes more skill to remain young, since Nimueh was the age as Uther when she was defeated, and Morgana/Morgause only have the wisdom of short lineage of Priestesses to go off on
Morgause’s ‘beggar woman’ disguise
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Morgause first appears to Morgana with this guise in ‘Eye of the Pheonix’, and it’s apparently the first time she’s used it, since Morgana is justifiably shocked at her appearance.
This disguise is really only useful for quick meetings, if your face is recognizable by the general public or guards. But it’s very effective, completely molding Morgause’s face.
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However, the downside is how vulnerable to exposure the disguise is, it most likely weakens the user, gives them a frail appearance, and their true face can be seen in mirrors or reflective surfaces (just as Mary Collins’ was exposed in ‘Dragon’s Call’).
I’m guessing both disguises work with dark magic, which has some source of power (like the amulets with blood in ‘Gwaine’ or straw doll/dead body combo in ‘Dragon’s Call’), unlike Merlin’s aging spell using a combination of good magic and a potion in ‘Queen of Hearts’.
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Interestingly, the spell seems to have one advantage, which is some persuading power or spell that is tethered to the person the guise is meeting with. I only say this because of the emphasis on Morgana gripping Morgause’s hand to consent to her meeting, and then the same repeated when Morgana returns as a hag for Gwen.
Morgana’s Hag guise to meet with the Queen
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In a blatant parallel of her relationship with Morgause, Morgana disguised herself as the Hag to meet with an enchanted Gwen in ‘A Lesson in Vengeance’. Another brainwashed young woman, led away by the High Priestess for the prime motive of assassinating Arthur.
This time, there is no maidservant or friend on the side to express concern for Gwen being led away, even Merlin is absent. But Gwen mirrors the movements of Morgana from years ago, Morgana taken on the same disguise when she meets with a brainwashed Gwen in season 5.
I think it’s a very tragic line Gwen is being led on, you could argue the amount of brainwashing or type that was inflicted on Morgana, but it very much reminds me of old folk tales, where the witch leads the damsel away to bargain away her youth or pretty face.
In this case, Gwen bargains away the love of her life, with no conscious decision-making on her own part, merely following the steps Morgana took long ago. This also makes me believe that Morgana was intent on using Gwen, not only as her ally, but as her partner and future lineage of High Priestess.
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Think of the words she uses when she met with Gwen earlier, “Only with their allegiance will your path to the throne be clear” Her path to the throne? You might think Morgana is bluffing here, but I believe she has genuine trust and belief in this new version of Gwen, that they will sit on the throne of Camelot together, as co-rulers of a new legacy. A Pendragon for a Pendragon.
Her uncompromising tone, and vague words are also very reminiscent of Morgause’s tone when she used to smuggle magical items to Morgana to use against Arthur.
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They even repeat this ‘hand consent’ thing I mentioned earlier, which might be an added persuasion spell, for these risky situations where knights of villagers could spot the mole.
It’s unfortunately clear that Morgana had intent to continue on the lineage of High Priestesses no matter the cost, and what better ally and friend to carry on the burden than her best friend?
I can’t imagine what would’ve befallen Gwen if they hadn’t broken the spell, if on Camlaan’s eve two traitors of Arthur’s circle would’ve stood by Morgana’s side, if the possibility of victory bene made nil by the Queen’s stance.
Morgana and Mithian - a damsel a penny
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Morgana’s use of her Hag costume (then Hilda lmao) is interesting to note because this was in ‘Another’s Sorrow’ just one episode before the Dark Tower.
The writers obviously introduced Morgana’s form as an old woman here, and might have drawn the parallel to Gwen’s allyship later.
I am surprised that Morgana doesn’t attempt to use Mithian beyond this plot to lure Arthur to a trap, or think of her as an excellent candidate as a brainwashed High Priestess.
She has all the Queenly capabilities as Gwen, she’s well-educated and in a situation where her father had already tried to to marry her off to Camelot. Their castle is not so well-defended, as Morgana is able to slip in and take advantage of the father and daughter.
The only explanation would be that Gwen was not only the perfect candidate for Morgana’s partner, but the only one; which must correlate to their long-standing history of betrayal, love and friendship.
And here’s a picture of dolma as my favorite senior sorceress! (Sorry Alice)
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pics from my own screenshots and Pinterest 💕
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ao3feed-nalu · 2 years
A New Member
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8fs9SY6
by MaverickStone
A young girl finds herself whisked away to Fairy Tail with fragments of a past she barely knows and a fear of reaching out. What happens when the Fairies decide to help? A mix of actions led a frightened child to accept their role in a family that encompasses chaos. But will they stay in Fiore when they catch the eye of a far-off Guild and its own team?
 **Contains spoilers for Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess! So heads up!
Words: 3107, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: team natsu - Character, Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Fairy Tail Guild, Original Characters, Lucy Heartfilia, Lisanna Strauss, Wendy Marvell, Happy (Fairy Tail), Charle | Carla, Éclair (Fairy Tail), Momon (Fairy Tail)
Relationships: Erza Scarlet & Mirajane Strauss, Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox
Additional Tags: Rewrite, Older Sibling Dynamics, Family, Found Family, Will this be gay?, I said I'd rewrite, But not HOW I'd rewrite, Parent!Erza, Parent!Mira, Fairy Tail Pheonix Priestess Setting, Japanese dub, Alternating P.O.V.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8fs9SY6
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recoveringpsychotic · 5 months
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New Year Forecast Spread
Summary of Year Gone - (Modern Witch Tarot/MWT) - Ace of Pentacles/The world around you is full of possibilities and promise. Engage with it. Live your life and let good things come to you.
Career Outlook - (Pride Tarot) - The Fool/Innocence and new beginnings, optimism, and hole. Hiker with dog by their side.
Financial Outlook - (Pride Tarot) - Six of Wands - keywords: victory, achievement, success, well-deserved recognition, praise, approval; supportive environment. Don't forget to uplift and support those who need it to be heard. [Donate those who don't have a voice]
Love Outlook - (African Goddess Oracle/AGO) - Soucouyant/Shadow of Scarcity [air] Trinidad -AKA Boo Hag. You have more than you realize. Scarcity and lacm are an illusion. My blessings always overflow.
Family/Friends Outlook - (AGO) - Yemaya/Goddess of Awakening [water/High Priestess] Yoruba/Nigeria. You have chosen to lift the veil and have a real relationship with the Divine. "I am receiving and radiating love."
Spirituality Outlook - (AGO) - Jumbie/Shadow of Masks [Air] Carribean. Where is the lie? Get quiet to get clear. Show hour true face. Dare to reveal yourself. "I am willing to remove the mask."
Jan-Mar Outlook - (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot/BtVST) - Death/The Gentlemen - Change is coming. You can get the creeps out of your life; painful memories, outdated beliefs, and toxic relationships. Find your voice.
Apr-Jun Outlook - (BtVST) - Five of Stakes - Seek value in conflict to uplift underrepresented voices, and rise above the pack.
Jul-Sept Outlook - (BtVST) - Two of Pentacles - You've got your plate full. Slow down. Yes you have tons of responsibility but you won't get anything done if you don't create time to be organized.
Oct-Dec Outlook - (BtVST) - Page of Pentacles - Novice, inexperienced beginnings. Learning new skills. Time for self improvement, focusing on health & new hobbies.
Biggest Obstacle You Will Face - (Wisdom From the Dragon Realms Tarot/WFDRT) - Eight of Pentacles - Each coin pentacle is better made, showing evolution from novice to master artisan. You're still a journeyman. With time and practice you can mold your world.
How To Tackle That Obstacle - (WFDRT) - Ten of Swords - Grieving dragon challenges the storm. Sbe is a survivor and will move kn. The final blow has been struck, now you are passing through a landscape of ruin, grief, and devastation. This is moment of the ultimate letting go. Get up. Learn. Survive.
Overview of the Year Ahead - (MWT) - The Tower - Disaster has struck. There is nothing we can do as we watch it's destruction. The pain of sharp rocks below is unavoidable. Sudden massive and probably painful change is on the horizon. From the ashes, a pheonix. Tragedy can help us grow stronger. Fee your pain, dont ignore it.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
Fairy Tail: The Government of the Guilds
So after seeing a certain confess, I really got thinking on how the guilds work and felt I have found a level of how this system works and please bare with me through this.
So let’s start at the top and work our way down, and at the top of the magic world is the Magic Council. The magic council seems to regulate and look over every guild in all of the continent of Ishgar. The Magic Council is located in Era, a city that we’re never given an actual location of but is presumably not in Fiore given the Magic council of a branch specifically for Fiore. All of these branch building are likely located in the countries in league with the magic council. The Magic Council exists mostly to regulate and preside over, wizards in guilds so they can have order and not fear a bunch of super power nutcases with magic to act on their own. They also now have the power to enforce their laws with the Rune Knights, their personal military. But these guys seem to only be used when dealing with an international threat, like Jellal who invaded the council, and just let the police force of the country handle it themselves.
The Magic Council, while I did say is at the top, can be over turned by the countries government, meaning that even though the council controls all the guilds and makes their rules, the kingdom in which the guilds are located in can also take advantage of them as they are citizens of the country. An example would be the king of Fiore asking all the guilds to participate in taking down the dragons is request directly from the king, no need for council decree. Another example being the carbuncle guild being ordered by the prince of veronica to capture the phoenix stone. The magic council would probably scold them for taking a mission not licensed by them but they are mostly off the hook as this job was requested of the monarch himself.
Underneath the magic council you have the guilds working inside the respective countries of Ishgar. In the country of Fiore we have many guilds and it makes sense. Each of these guilds mainly handles a job in a certain area with each of the guilds operating out of a city, like Fairy Tail in Magnolia, Lamia Scale in Margaret, Phantom Lord in Oak town, etc. This way we can bring all the mages of one area together and have them solve the problem of that area, I mean were not going to have, say, someone who lives thousands of miles away from the guild building have the job request sent to them instead of one in the closest area. With jobs there seems to be an equal distribution based of strength and prestige of the guild. A guild with more members and stronger wizards are likely to get more jobs sent to them than ones with few members. Also these guilds seem to reflect the areas they cover as many of their home cities will also treat them like hometown heroes. The guilds and the area they represent seems to be a big deal as maintaining a good relationship with where they’re stationed is shown when the guilds openly participate in towns with things like the harvest festival in Magnolia and the thanksgiving festival in Margaret.
While the guilds do seem to cover an area a piece, they do have guild master conferences which allows them to meet up and exchange what’s been going on in their neck of the woods. This is probably a good way of taking, say, an escaped prisoner who’s recently gotten out of the area look over by one guild into another, with these meet ups they are able to make each other more aware.
An under the guilds we have the standard mages. In the world of FT we know magic is a common thing in everyday like, people own glasses that lit them read faster, they can change the color of their clothing with magic, and they talk on “phones” made of magically charged lacrima. What sets the wizards apart from that is they want to hone this craft. While that mostly means make their magic strong it still is an incentive to go out and join a guild. Also, as said by lucy, you’re not really considered a full fledged wizard unless you join a guild, which makes the mages want to join guilds in pursuit of mastering their craft.
It seems a big reason guilds exist is to round up all the mages of an area and keep tabs on their activities. We see that even while a mage who doesn’t live the area near the guild they join, they still do and through being in that guild it allows someone to keep track of you. With all these magical yahoos concentrated in certain areas of a kingdom, it not only helps the kingdom keep them under control but also gives sway over a large amounts of wizards in the continent.
The world of Guilds is something not explored all that much and that’s a shame. This world is interesting and deserves to be fleshed out. This post was mainly me writing how it seemed the government of guilds functioned given what we’ve seen.
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cheekymochiiii · 6 years
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🎶on the second day of Christmas the-fairys-tail gave to me...2 NaLu pics, and THE TRUE QUEEN OF THE FAIRIES !!!! 🎶
media// Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess; Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry
dedicated to// those who are in the Holiday spirit
comment// this is my ship y’all so y’all can either hate or appreciate.
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atlasfigurehead · 7 years
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Alien Sorceress, phoenix child of Star fire
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Jokes on You
AU: Phoenix Gai Au
Words: 1723
Rating: General
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Shisui, Tenzo|Yamato
Warnings: None
Summary: After a long morning of training, Sakura feels like taking a nap. Possibly the biggest mistake she has ever made.
Made with Help from @sakura-rpblog
When Tsunade-sama had told Sakura to start her adventure into the world and gain knowledge, she hadn’t imagined that it would be full of such interesting experiences. Meeting the forest spirits, and the various creatures and humans that inhabited the land was something that she fully expected.
But being part of a group that included the last remaining phoenix, a Kodama, and a Half human-half Yatagarasu? That had not been in her plans. Neither had training under Kakashi-sensei to learn Kenjutsu or watching the small group she had become a part of bicker over where they were going to go next.
It made her miss her days at the temple. Where food was always collected by some of the other priestesses while Sakura hid away in the basement studying up on the various creatures and clans of the world.
“We need supplies,” Gai insisted, his hands on his hips as he stared down Shisui. “And the last thing we need is you following Kakashi and Sakura to the town. If anyone spots you…”
There’s no moment before today that Sakura can think of where Gai looked so serious. Usually, he was the definition of brightness and sunshine. Both personality-wise and literally. He looked like the sun if he relaxed enough to let himself revert into his true Pheonix form, rather than hiding away in his human disguise.
“You and Kakashi rarely ever spotted me,” Shisui argued, one large feathery arm coming out to rest on Yamato’s shoulder. “Come on Yamato, tell him. I can keep hidden.”
“I’m with Gai on this one,” The Kodama huffed as he brushed Shisui’s arm away from him. “It’s too risky. If you are spotted the humans will chase you down, and if you bring them back to camp…”
Throwing his arms up into the air, Shisui groaned “I know I know. We have to protect the last phoenix. But come on, humans can’t be that bad. Sakura and Kakashi aren’t horrible. They haven’t tried to skewer me for lunch, or kill Gai.”
“You wouldn’t taste good,” Kakashi shot back, coming to a stop by Sakura’s side. “Too stringy. Plus that half-human part of you would make me feel bad about eating you.”
“Ay!” Covering her mouth, Sakura chuckled when Shisui jumped back behind Gai and glared at the older man. “Don’t act as if you’d eat me, Kakashi! It’s creepy!”
“Well, if we don’t go to town to pick up some supplies then my options may be limited,” Kakashi gave his shoulders a shrug. “And if you get caught and we have to retreat because a bunch of humans decides they want to try and make you a trophy for their home, then I won’t be able to get myself food that I want to eat.”
Gai laughed, Yamato slapped a hand over his face, and Shisui hid completely behind the Phoenix.
It was the most ridiculous thing Sakura had ever seen in her life.
“We’ll leave in an hour,” Kakashi stated, his eyes travelling down to Sakura. “Once you’ve had a bit of rest.”
“I’m fine,” She insisted, clenching her fists and throwing a punch into his arm. “You didn’t even tire me out that much during training, Sensei. I could go for another hour.”
As soon as she said that it felt like all of her energy was zapped away from her. Her knees gave out, and the only thing that stopped her from crashing into the ground was Kakashi catching her in his arms.
“Another hour, huh?” If she could glare at him she would, but her body refused to move no matter how hard she tried to force herself to do something. Even just standing up on her own seemed impossible now. “I think at this rate I’m going to end up going into town on my own.”
“ ‘m not… that tired.” Sakura protested even as her eyes started to close.
“Perhaps if you rest, we can have some food ready for you when you wake up,” Yamato offered a soft smile on his face when Sakura glanced his way. “What would you prefer? Yatagarasu soup or some fresh apples from town?”
Shisui screeched, yelling something about ‘bad jokes’ and ‘terrible friends’. No matter how hard she tried to stay awake and listen to what it was Shisui was saying, Sakura found herself slowly passing out in her Sensei’s arms.
She’d just have to ask Gai how the rest of the argument went later. When she was awake and able to listen to the grand story that he’d come up with.
It was already dark when Sakura finally opened her eyes. She blinked a few times, the smell of something delicious filling her senses. Slowly, she stood up from a makeshift bed Kakashi carefully placed her in earlier and walked towards the direction where the smell is coming from.
There, sitting around a small campfire was the rest of the group. Kakashi was leaned up against Gai’s side, his head on the Phoenix’s shoulder and his eyes half-closed.
Across from them, Yamato’s resting under a tree that she’s pretty sure wasn’t there before her nap. Though, it’s not abnormal for the Kodama to grow new tree’s just for him to sit under.
“Sakura!” Gai’s cheerful voice greeted her. “Come, sit down. We’ve already made soup.”
“I made soup,” Kakashi corrected him, sitting up so that Gai could lean forward and scoop up some soup into a bowl for Sakura. “You and Yamato argued over whether or not you should wake her up.’
Rubbing her eyes, Sakura took a seat between Kakashi and Yamato and carefully took the bowl from Gai when he offered it to her.
“Thank you,” she covered her mouth as she yawned, still groggy from her nap. “How long was I asleep?”
“About four hours,” Kakashi explained. “I was able to go into town, get supplies, get back and make soup while you snoozed the day away.”
Impressive, considering town was about an hour and a half away. Though, she wasn’t too surprised. Kakashi didn’t like being around big crowds in her experience, so she could imagine him bouncing between stalls desperately grabbing whatever he needed and getting out of there as quickly as possible.
Usually, he took her along for the trip so that she could talk to people. Get some human interaction.
He always said it was healthy for her, even though he avoided it as much as possible.
“Well, it smells good. Thank you,” digging in, she groaned when the flavour hit her tongue. Delicious as always, and warm. With just the right amount of vegetables and a slice of meat that tasted exquisite.
Examining the group in front of her, she tilted her head when she noticed that Shisui was nowhere to be seen.
Even when she turned her eyes up towards the trees, his favourite place to hide away, there was no sight of him. Almost as if he had disappeared.
As if…
Her face paled, and her eyes shot back down to the bowl in her hand. Now that she thought about it the meat was tastier than what she was used to and tougher.
A little stringy and harder to pull apart than beef or pork.
Setting the bowl down on her lap, she glanced between the three men in front of her. Not one of them was looking at her, and that smile that had been on Gai’s face when she first joined them was now gone.
All three of them looked haunted now.
As if they were thinking about a lost friend.
“K-Kakashi-sensei,” the older man looked at her when she spoke up. “W-where is Shisui?”
Her heart dropped when he turned away from her.
“Sakura,” Yamato spoke up, his voice heavy with regret. “I’m sorry, we tried to save him. We didn’t think…”
Throwing the bowl away from herself, Sakura scrambled to her feet. Horrified by what she had just done. She couldn’t believe it. Surely it had to be a joke.
“You’re lying!” Tears streamed down her face. “Tell me you’re lying! This can’t be. He can’t be…”
She should have defended him. Told her Sensei off for making such a cruel joke.
Covering his mouth, she stared down at the large bowl of soup.
Had they done it?
Did they think it was the only way? The best way to respect their friend?
“You three are terrible!” She snapped, pointing a finger towards her Sensei. “He was our friend! Our comrade! And you…”
“Awww, Sakura-chan,” A smiling face appeared directly in front of her, sending her spiralling backward in shock as she took in the face. Shisui’s face. “You’re so sweet. I knew someone in this group liked me.”
Suddenly the air around the fire changed. The heavy feeling of regret disappeared instantly, replaced by laughter and a light, cheerful energy.
“I can’t believe you fell for that,” Yamato curled up into himself. “I didn’t think that would work.”
“Best idea ever,” Kakashi-sensei hid his face in Gai’s shoulder, barely keeping himself up while he laughed. “Shisui, you’re a mad genius.”
“You!?” Sakura pointed at the Yatagarasu with a look of betrayal. “This was your idea!?”
“You shouldn’t have slept so long, cherry blossom,” Shisui chuckled. “I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to wake up.”
Dropping her arm to her side, Sakura lowered her head.
“Aww, Sakura don’t tell me we upset you,” Kakashi-sensei teased. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
“Come on, Cherry blossom.” as soon as Shisui reached out to poke her, she lashed out. Landing a fist right against his face and sending him flying backward into the campfire. Knocking the pot of soup onto the ground and spilling their food all over the ground.
She could hear Kakashi-sensei muttering something about ‘eating before she woke up’ but she didn’t care.
If they starved tonight it was their own damn fault.
“Next time you think about pulling a stunt like that, just remember that it’ll be the last time!” She screamed, turning her back to the group and storming away. “And next time I’ll shove my Bomuti right up your-“
“Sakura!” Yamato cut her off, horrified by what she was about to say.
Good. Maybe it would prevent them from trying to pull a prank on her in the future.
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@tenderlysizzlingfart (it won’t let me tag you 😭😭😭) @trekkie-in-space
Sakura js a toung priestess, training under some of the best known priests. She excels at history, which is a big part of her job because part of their duty is to keep reminents of the past and record history as it happens.
There are scrolls that are up to 500 years old. Older even than Gai (who’s about 450) and records all of the history from a time before the Pheonix’s were hunted.
Sakura has a certain passion for learning about the pheonix’s. A lost mythical people. She never thought she would ever get to meet a Pheonix in person, and to say she’s in awe is a bit of an understatement. She can’t wait to ask Gai all sorts of questions, which Gai is happy to answer to the best of his ability.
While Gai and Sakura talk, Kakashi actually goes to visit their records because he wants to know a bit about the past to see what he can learn and if there’s anything he can find about why he might have the connections he does with the spirits (he’s not aware of his connection to death)
While looking at the records, Kakashi stumbles upon a scroll about the Hatake clan. Something he finds a lttle weird since his clan is dying and the only other clans he has seen mentioned have some connection with the spitis. He’s curiouse now though so he starts to dig
when Gai, Tenzo and Sakura realize that Kakashi has been gone for a few hours they go to check up on him, only to find him tucked away on a corner of the room with scrolls scattered around him and wide eyes and so much to tell them all
the most important thing is, he’s going to yell at Pakkun for not telling him earlier, because the Hatake clan has always been connected to the hound spirits
(tenzo and Gai don’t know Kakashi’s clan name. He never tells them and only goes by ‘Kakashi’ from the age of fie. They’re both doing a face palm when they find out because that’s a name any spirit knows, espeshally the pheonix clan, since the Hatake’s sworn duty was always to protect the Pheonix’s)
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bumblebeehug · 1 year
just wrote a long as analysis on the pheonix priestess movie (with A LOT of criticism - all light hearted ofc but i feel like there's unpopular opinions in there lol) it's saved in my drafts, would y'all be interested? cause i kinda dont wanna post it, i'm scared of backlash (which probably is the most obvious sign that i shouldn't post it, if i cant handle criticism i shouldn't give it out either)
i can message it though, maybe someone could beta-read it LMAO
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tobi-momo · 3 years
omg yes i love fairy tail, which one????
really???ALSHDLASD thats awesome!! im watching the pheonix priestess! im like ten minutes away from the ending lol
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Harem au
N/A: Kitty, the lady necromancer can´t ever stopping trolling him...well, wizard Kurt is a bad detective. Ryder should give him some tips. Loosely based on a webcomic and some documentaries I watch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
By all intentions and purpose, the carriage is one of the fastest transportation out there, not really, but the nobles love to use the fanciest carriage available, even if they can fly or teleport, either way, Kitty Pryde is using this transportation to head to her new destination.
The driver seems to enjoy talking in a vulgar manner with the passenger and is gritting on Kitty´s nerves.
"You know, usually he asks for prettier women, you are pretty average, your chest, for example, is really small, maybe he wants to try an average woman for once" the man gives a crook smile and Kitty only rolls her eyes.
"Do you speak like that with all the women? Thinking talking poorly of them, hurting their self-esteem they will accept you, oh, child, not in a million of years" Kitty said close enough for the man to hear "in fact, I think you should benefit in never talking again"
The carriage arrives in the place where the Necromancer is waiting, the silence was the golden rule in the carriage and in the castle, however, Kitty has no problem to chat with the intimidating figure of one Kurt Wagner.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Evil Necromancer," Kitty said shaking his hand after Kurt makes an airy question to the man who drove the carriage but didn´t care enough to get the answers(nor the lack of answers)"I´m your new acquisition to your ever stupid harem, please, let´s not make this a bloody mess" Kitty said smiling and Kurt can admire her sense of humour.
"Well, Katzchen" seems natural to call her like that, she is such a catty person, Kurt likes that, oh...maybe he can play favourites again and see those women tear each other apart, it has been a long time since he has any favourites "I´m an evil Necromancer, I can´t promise anything" then Kurt gives a smirk full malice, however, the man noticed something not entirely peculiar about the woman.
"Oh, you are wearing blue? I thought the monarch thought this was a tasteless colour" Kurt replied a bit curious as no other woman ever put blue in any circumstances.
"This shade is from Lady Zaorva´s own form and I like to homage the goodness, however, not even her is the owner of the blue colour, now, my dear Mr Evil Necromancer, where shall I be?" she asked in such chipper way that Kurt shakes his head amused. Giving an order to the driver to take her luggage and take to the room, again, Kurt is not minded the lack of answers. _______________________________ His mansion is bigger and dark and Kitty would have to control herself from not make a quip about men and the ever need of overcompensation, why Kurt needs such a bigger mansion is a mystery to Kitty.
Walking through towards the room, a green door appeared in her panoramic view and Kitty has no problems in knocking first then phasing. The room, behind the door, is a luxurious place, worthy of a princess. A woman with green hair is painting something not minding to reply.
"No, you evil monster I won´t tell anything about my father," Lorna said only to realize Kitty is not the monster who keeps her arrested. Her hand drop the brush as she runs to hug here saviour.
"Hello, Lorna," Kitty asked too akin of a mother"Are you alright?" Kitty asked and the question has a hidden meaning that Lorna picks up.
"No, he never touches me, but keeps me here as his prisoner, my father is a flawed man and makes a bad deal with a Necromancer" Lorna gritted her teeth angrier at each moment.
"Magneto asking help from a Necromancer is never wise, especially if he wants to destroy his enemies, I know, Magneto asked for help to get rid of the Meridith, an old thorn on Magneto´s side, and now the country is under Magneto´s power, however, I don´t think the man intended to things to go that gruesome, which makes him a fool in my eyes" Kitty declares as Lorna only nods "you were helping the resistance, aren´t you? That´s why you are here?"
"It´s more than that, the necromancer request one of the royal children as Magneto hasn´t paid everything yet. Oh,  if he hasn´t...I wouldn´t be here" Lorna sighs dejectedly "Wanda was supposed to be here, but...no, she suffered too much, I don´t want her to be away from her family, Vision was almost killed in their last diplomatic mission and Wanda needs to be on his side" Lorna then looks away from Kitty "but don´t think so highly at me, maybe, I just want to be close of one of the prisoners, Marco Diaz"
"I know, I understand, we fall in love in the strangest place, Lorna, I was sent here to free you, however, I can take this Marco as well, after all, no kid deserves to not know their father" Kitty speaks brightly looking at the belly who is no longer under an illusion. Lorna would ask how, but, it´s better not ask.
Lorna did notice how his guards are taking Kitty´s suggestion to the heart, the monster the man created to keep the prisoner of Meridith away suddenly decides to take a walk, of course, opening the cell of each prisoner(the political prisoners are extremely confused and thankfully) as Lorna hugs Marco.
Kitty only looks at the couple and wishes the best for Marco as he gets a really bad and scary father-in-law now. ___________________________________________ Kitty is sewing a blue dress as the Necromancer shows up in her room, ignoring the other gazes of the women (envious, fearful and hateful) and is in a foul mood. Kitty stops sewing as Kurt puts his head on her lap.
"...Bad day?" Kitty asked cooly "It was Lorna´s and the other prisoners vanishing from your grasp"
"Sort of" Kurt speaks tired now" Magneto did pay the last part of his deal, so, Princess Lorna is no longer important, no do I care for Meridith, I just want to know how that happens"
"Oh, maybe is the guards, you know, you could replace them with seals, it works better, living things have the need of breathing and need to eat and drink, so, maybe the prisoners got luck, a bit of luck with a good plan" Kitty replied huffing his hair. Kurt looks astonishing at this revelation and smiles now.
"I know what happened" Kurt´s golden eyes are on her form"It´s the Blue Lady´s work" the smile is a tad bit maniacal. Kitty looks apprehensive at this, biting her lips the woman tries to speak gulping now.
"I know who the Blue Lady is, it was obvious from the start"Kitty can feel her heartbeat increasing loudly, can he hear it?! "Is Kymri, the priestess from the Zaorva´s temple, of course"
"Yes, of course, good on you, Mr Evil Necromancer" Kitty feels at easy now and smiling serenely at Kurt. ________________________________________ Elizabeth Braddock is a woman with great beauty but a cold heart. Jean Grey is also a great beauty but is a woman with no soul or brain. Both prime themselves to be Kurt´s favourite and love the idea of cashing favours, however, Kurt is not even looking at them anymore, no matter what they wear, Kurt is not even remotely interested, yet, the new welcomer, Kitty Pryde with her blue dress is clearly his favourite.
Betsy wanted a diamond ring, a pink one that she thought Kurt would give to her, she is beautiful, however, Kurt gave a pink diamond ring to Kitty, who in turn, does not seem to care all that much.
Jean wanted new clothes, a fine new dress that she thought Kurt would give, after all, Jean is the most beautiful woman in the world, however, Kurt gave the dress to Kitty, who in turn make the dress be blue. Jean is enraged at this.
The two women thought it is time to pay a visit to Kitty Pryde. At first, they tried to read her mind, somehow they failed(gaining a strong headache), then they tried to poison her, put enough Belladonna to kill an army, yet, Kitty shows up fine in the next day.
In fact, she summons the poison Jean used and drinks in front of her, Jean can´t lie here and say that didn´t freak her out, however, this won´t stop. Kitty needs to go.
Betsy got violent and stab the woman in the heart. Betsy´s victorious smile twisted her gorgeous face as she laughs now Kurt will have to like her more, that´s was the end goal. Next day, Betsy scream in fear as Kitty Pryde just get out of the shower, a wet towel in her hair claiming it was hard to take all the dirty, the towel was only on her hair as Betsy could see the woman´s chest...no mark of her blade.
"Ah, stop staring at it, I know I´m pretty" Kitty jokes and takes the towel to reveal Kitty´s chestnut hair. Betsy runs away. The image of her skin untouched haunts Betsy, after all, she did stab the woman through the heart.
Jean and Betsy united force and decides to confront this...woman.
"What are you?" Jean asked trying to read Kitty´s mind again and failing.
"My name is Kitty, miss Grey and you are really pretty but...rotten inside, in fact" raising her fingers the red hair fall from the ground " it is nauseating to look at you" Jean tries to summon the Pheonix, yet, nothing happens, actually, nothing happens as she can´t read anyone´s mind or lift anything.  Where are her powers?
Betsy tries to attack, tries to, as Kitty Pryde make the woman fall from the ground without as so much looking directly to her. It was something was pushing her down forcing her to obey, it was really painful and some of her bones certainly are in a poor state now.
"You are really, really pretty Betsy, yet, your beauty only hides your rotten self" Kitty speaks calmly as Betsy´s skin turns in a putrefied state "you were a horrible woman in life, maybe in death, you can be something better" Jean tries to speak but no sound comes out."Child, I haven´t forgotten about you"
On the next day, Betsy is gone and in Jean´s room has a woman no one recognizes, she is without any shadow of a doubt, the most hideous woman in the planet. ________________________________________ Kymri is a priestess in the oldest temple dedicated to Zaorva and is a woman in love, just like the goddess herself, she is in love with a man who can create chaos for fun(wait, is it a sin to compare herself to Zaorva?) and ever since they sleep together, Kymri knew he was the one.
"Say, if you were to purify a haunting home, how you would do it?" Kurt asked a bit peeved after Kymri just healed someone with just healing powers, Kymri´s lover is an odd man, but, Necromancers are odd by nature.
"It´s easier, I would pray to Zaorva to clean the house or maybe ask for a monk, that´s their speciality"Kymri is a tad bit afraid of saying she would ask Jude for help, she has no idea if Kurt and Jude are in good terms.
Kurt is crestfallen (much better than angry) and scratching his head the man concludes the obvious.
"You aren´t the Blue Lady" Kurt speaks and for a moment Kymri is ready to defend the colour of her skin, when, it finally hits on her quite violently that Kurt is not referring to her skin.
"Oh..that Blue Lady, no, I´m not her, however, funny thing, I heard that the Blue Lady is one of the Zaorva´s oldest followers. Her followers always wear blue, as a symbol of her grace, in fact, the most blue you wear the better" Kymri speaks closing her eyes and remembering all the details.
"What?" Kurt can only speak/ask not minding the curious stares being delivered to him. " Who told you that?"
"Ah, one of our regular followers,"then Kymri stops "in fact, I´m new here, not sure if she is an old member or not, it´s rude to ask such things, either way, Kitty Pryde told me that, the Blue Lady prefers to wear blue as a way to honour Zaorva" And Kymri points to a painting of Zaorva herself, well, one of the interpretations of the entity, and the blue hue is the same Kitty uses.
Kurt´s eyes twitch at that as he bamfs ignoring Kymri´s pleas and confusion. _____________________________
Kitty is exploring Kurt´s mansion and finally meet one room she never saw before, strangely enough, this is a room with advanced seals prevent the woman to enter. She got a hand to Kurt when he wants to make something impossible, he does. Kitty couldn´t enter in the room, thanks to the seal, yet, manages to open the door and see glimpses of what is there.
"Wait, is that the news about the fire in Rome?" Kitty asked knowing what really happened. Seeing by this distance the words "It was her doing"make the woman steps back until she hits on someone. Someone fuzzy.
"That´s the room where I ponder about the Blue Lady, I always want to meet her, she is a mystery to everyone" Kurt explained letting Kitty entering in the room. "See this? Is about the time Rome was burned completely, no one knows what happened. I think someone must have upset her, could be jealousy?"
"Jealousy? No, they tried to harm ...her son, and the Blue Lady does not forgive such travesty"
"It´s you, isn´t?" Kurt asked looking into her eyes. "Blue Lady as in your clothes, not skin, right?"
"Oh...you are bound to found out, eventually"
Kitty crosses her arms and looks into his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Mr Evil Necromancer, I´m the Blue Lady, how was your day?"
"You are a cheeky thing, aren´t you?"
"I need some sense of humour"
After that, the harem lost his interest completely, no one mind the fact the driver is still mute, as the remains members were sent away to their home. For now, it seems Kurt is no longer interest in a harem.
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valkyons-obsidian · 7 years
2017 Halloween Event Item Locations
(Bolded Items are new items this year) WIP LIST
Island of Dolls Bathory Flames Globulosaurous familiar Naga Skin Mad Scientist Coat Sweet Mourne Boots Blood Cloaked Soldier Socks Magician Sweater Spirited Away Mask Black Widow Stockings Skull Necklace
Abandoned Cemetary Vampire Eyes Frankenstein Anklets Spider Queen Body Spider Queen Socks Spider Queen Sword Sweet Mourne Makeup Evil Baroness Dress Osstoplasm familiar
Haunted Forest Skeleton Witch Top Lost Souls Gloves Petrifying Empress Shoulder Pads Blood Cloaked Soldier Teddy Living Hat Voodoo Priestess Tattoos
Village of the Damned Skeleton Witch Belt Evil Baroness Hooves Evil Baroness Tail Voodoo Priestess Top Mohab Wig Lost Bride Bustier Patched Blanket bait Backgrounds
Pumpkin Alley Pumpkin Shorts Feather Cape Sewn Mouth Cassandre Wig Sweet Mourne Necklace Mysterious Enchantress Mask Evil Baroness Necklace
Ghost Ship Lost Souls Underwear Harpy Headdress Soul Sentinel Staff Hydracaris familiar Voodoo Priestess Mask Stealth Crow Pants Mysterious Enchantress Staff Lost Souls Camisole Blood Cloaked Soldier Coat Pointed Ears
Laboratory Manor Mad Scientist Goggles Lost Souls Eyepatch Pumpkin Meeting Snake Tattoo Black Widow Necklace De la Muerte Skin Wolf Druid Belt
Well of Souls Soul Sentinel Tights Mysterious Enchantress Top Empty Eyes w/ Tears Assassin Eyes Unfortunate Adventurer Coat Evil Succubus Body
Hangman’s Tree Bloody Countess Boots Wolf Druid Arms Frankenstein Skin De La Muerte Makeup Bloody Countess Bolero
Odessa Opera Enchantress Dress Evil Succubus Socks Frankenstein Dress Skeleton Witch Teddy Mysterious Enchantress Socks Evil Baroness Horns Lost Souls Pants
Lava Cracks Soul Sentinel Fur Thirsty Mouth Demonic Eyes Lost Bride Garter Bloody Countess Dress Thirsty Mouth Lost Bride Veil
Demonic Altar Lost Bride Splatters Stealth Crow Shoulderpad Lost Bride Shoes Sweet Mourne Underwear Bloody Countess Belt Blood Cloaked Soldier Necklace Frankenstein Wrist Cuffs Pheonix Castle Mary Wig Wolf Druid Headdress Possessed Eyes Bloody Countess Gloves Labyrinth Black Widow Dress Bloody Countess Cape Bloody Countess Corset Alchemist Belt Wolf Druid Dress Wolf Druid Legs Wolf Druid Arms Wolf Druid Claws Spider Queen Mask Wicked Mouth
Pyramid Soul Sentinel Dress Lena Wig Magician Skirt Black Widow Shoes Spirited Away Belt
Bramble Forest Petrifying Empress Cape De La Muerte Crown Talisman Tattered Cloak
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