#phew a three parter for this one
gren-arlio · 1 year
Well, it's official. Welcome to Part 1 of Episode 1 of Arle's Route in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon.
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(The Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Manga always got me covered. This time, you make the context.)
Yeah, it's real now boys. Won't be as consistent as Schezo's route because school is starting soon and all that jazz, but we're here. The reason it's part 1 is because the video is too damn long like last time, so I'm cutting it in half.
Since I'm much better at this than I was when I began, hopefully this one will be slightly better than the very originals.
The video itself:
And now the timestamps:
Intro: 0:40
Small Settings Thing: (5:41)
Info Booth With Kikimora: (6:00)
This seems like a little, but trust me, this covers about 10 minutes of content that's pure text, which takes a lot longer to do. It's for my sake of not overworking. Part 2 is eventual... when is another story. Honestly, this is starting to look like a three parter episode one.
To people who've been here for a while, you may be wondering where the portraits are. Truth be told, stopped them for the top images. Saves time, and looks a little better.
With that, hope you enjoy the show.
Intro: (0:40)
Arle and Carbuncle are great friends.
The 2 of them enjoy walking together, and when they have time, see different places.
Phew...this feels great...the sun's warm,
Its breezy and fresh...it's boring!
But something interesting will happen, right?
Taking a walk isn't so bad, but is boring, I'm looking for something exciting...
[Insert clouds going dark]
What the!? What's going on? I don't wanna get soaked...
What's up, Carby?
[Schezo appears from lightning. Actual LowTierGod stuff.]
... ... ...
Oh, Schezo!
What's going on? Why are you here?
... ... ...
Huh? That is Schezo, right...?
I feel bad! You don't have to ignore me! ...I'm sorry, are you in a bad mood?
Schezo seem much more powerful than usual, right?
He felt like a different person.
What? We're leaving? Well, alright, let's go!
[One day, when she forgot about the event...
Arle and Carbuncle were taking a walk, as usual. They came to what seems to be an amusement park.]
What the? They built an amusement park here.
Gu! Gugu!
What's wrong Carby? Ah! That's Rulue over there!
[Rulue and Minotauros seem absent-minded.]
Hey! Rulue!
Hm? Ah, Arle!?
Hey, did you come to play also?
Don't say such silly things! Why would I want to play in a place here!
Then why are you here?
It's...I'm here to train!
To train? At an amusement park?
This isn't just an amusement park.
All the attractions are maxes, filled with monsters.
And there's all sort of loot and treasure in there, too.
They belong to whoever grabs them.
Wow...it's a strange park, but doesn't it seem fun?
I don't care, I'm here to train!
Master Rulue, then let's go in early...
Shut up!
Let's go in now!
[Rulue, angry, went into the amusement park.]
If you're going to play here, I suggest not to.
The attractions are full of danger, and you could get hurt.
Mino! What're you waiting for! I'm leaving you!
Yes Master Rulue, I'll be with you!
[Rulue and Minotauros left.]
What? You're here too?
[Arle was standing there, dazed, when a voice called from behind.]
Schezo!? Did you come by yourself?
You heard about the rumors of this place, right?
You don't know? It's about the attractions.
If you clear them all, you get something called a "Great Magical Item."
Well, I don't have time for idle talk, so I'm leaving.
[Schezo left as well.]
Hmm...sounds interesting.
Cmon Carby, let's go!
Small Settings Stuff: 5:41
Wow...this place is huge...where do I start?
(The player goes to the Menus, and goes to options. It reads:
Sound -> Stereo
Controller -> Non-Vibrating
Dash -> Normal
Flash Stop -> Off
Map -> Normal
Map Display -> Normal
Window Display -> Skip
Info Booth With Kikimora: (6:00)
This took forever.
This is the Info Booth, huh? They give all sort of tips there.
(Menus. My beloved and my behated.
They go:
Listen <-
Oh, you're the one in charge!
Cleaning Lady?:
In charge? No, I'm just a cleaner, but I help around.
I'm Kikimora. I'm an usher here.
Hmm, is that so? You always have a mop with you, right?
Yes. I don't tolerate dirtiness.
That being said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Then lemme ask you something...
Game Overview Explanation
About Items
About The Shop
About Rankings
The player goes down one by one, starting with Game Overview. Keep that in mind. I'll put a --- to signify the next one.)
Well, all the attractions here have a purpose.
You'll be navigating a maze while fighting enemies here.
For many, it's become a fun attraction for them.
Of course, there's all sorts of goods and items as well.
If you think and use items carefully, you'll have a lot better time.
However, if you hit 0 HP, it's a game over for you.
All the exp and items you gained will be lost.
The first attraction is very easy, but they'll get tougher as you go on.
With that, do your best.
Mhm...I see...
What do you want me to explain? (She says this every time. I'm doing this once.)
About Items:
Items are distributed into Rings, amulets, scrolls, herbs, medicine, food, and others.
Rings and amulets can be equipped, but most other things can only be used once.
Also, I don't know the names of the items in the attractions.
Find the name of the items...in other words, find our in your own way.
Hmm...I see.
It's quite a problem that you didn't know the items name!
I'm sorry...I really don't know!
Aw, alright...how disappointing...
About the shop:
In the shop, you can buy and sell items.
Money is needed to buy items, which can be found in the attractions.
You can also have a curse lifted or its name identified there.
The owner, Momomo, may seem weird, but he's a good merchant, so you'll be in good shape if you're able to get into his store.
You may even be able to get a better selection of goods.
Hmm...I see... (She says this a lot, huh?)
About Rankings:
Rankings are done when you complete an attraction.
The system allows you to compete for scores from the items and money you got.
We calculate your score based on three score when you first enter, and after you left as well.
As for items, the less you bring, the easier your searches for new ones will be.
However, the amount you bring in will be heavily reduced.
Hmm... I see. Come in with a lot of items then.
If I get kicked out, will it counted against me?
That's right, though it's not fun to start with a negative number.
The ranking system will have a top and bottom 10, which you'll be able to see on the bulletin board.
This where I explain things to newcomers.
We have a bulletin board filled with useful info, so be sure to check it often.
You can also see your score, so try to reach for first place.
If you get first, you might get a wonderful prize!
"Might get?" What in the world do I get?
Actually, I don't know myself.
Are you really an usher?
I knew you were probably some old lady...
If you put it that way, I prefer "Cleaning Lady"!
...I knew you were an old lady.
You're wrong!
(Arle goes to the bulletin board.)
A Bulletin board...I'll have a look at it.
Welcome to PuyoPuyo Dungeon <-
Bulletin Board:
If you're entering an attraction for the first time, try the PuyoPuyo Dungeon!
An exciting adventure awaits you.
That'll be all for today. Hopefully this suffices for about a week.
Catch y'all next show.
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doctorwholover01 · 3 years
Hello, hi wow it's been a while since I've posted on the tag. Then again there is really nothing to post about it really speculate about. Anyways, we got the episode names which is fun and some photo bare minimum. With this though I wanted to make a post about the episode names and the synopsis of episode two of s11 I wanna talk about specifically the part of;
' Daryl is in his own intense hellish situation trying to find dog and finding more than he expected '
Like many others who I have seen on here and on Twitter my mind went ' it's Leah '. We knew she was coming back and specifically them using dog as a way of leading Daryl to Leah as it sounds in this is very remanist of in Find me where dog leads Carol and Daryl to the cabin. Now as I said we knew Lynn was coming back as Leah we suspected as much. But I want to talk more on how the importance of the Leah is a reaper theory comes into the episode names in my mind. To break down:
11×01: Acheron Part I
11×02: Acheron Part II
- Acheron a river in Greece and known in Greece mythology as the ' river of woe ' and one of the five rivers of the underworld. This river would be a passage for the newly deceased into the underworld. I thought it was interesting that they are naming a two part episode after Greek mythology and especially the river of woe, of sorrow of distress. This could possibly be the inevitable end to Alexandria or something more. There is a need for food and a need to rebuild to survive could this be why they used this myth as well as in episode two having to fight walker. So basically all in all this two parter will possibly be sorrowful. With the return of Leah though the next few episode names is where I thought of what the writers may or may not being doing.
11×03: Hunted
11×05: Out of the Ashes ( if this isn't a Caryl EP I will riot )
11×06: On the Inside
11×07: Promises Broken
11×08: For Blood.
Okay these episodes right here their names I really like them and my brain may be making up shit or thinking up a possible dream story but heres what I thought may happen when I read after ep1 and 2 names.
So episode threes name for me went for two things 1. Being Daryl being hunted by Leah and the reaper's ( I'm not so sure about that one ) 2. Daryl being hunted by his past of Leah so her presence being there as well as the group being hunted by the reaper's specifically Maggie her story to this and how Leah being a reaper will make the story that more interesting. Because of whatever hold she has on Daryl can be used to her advantage.
Episode four being name Rendition I thought was interesting in two ways in story wise. Rendition is a performative piece of music so a performance is being performed from Eugene group possible to get to the commonwealth. And as well as Leah to get her way into the group and get to Maggie to preform as a defensively, alone in order for that hold on Daryl to be held. A performance is going to happen in each way.
Out of the ashes episode 5 like I said will fight if it's not a Caryl episode. I'm joking... Kind of. Out of the ashes to me sounds like a big phew moment maybe the group find food, find Connie, get in contact with Eugene group. All of that to me is what I think this episode may be a kind of relief but not really. Cause it's TWD and we haven't known relief for years. Like episode one and two this episode I don't really have a lot to say expect that.
Episode six, On the Inside, now from I think it apparent filming spoilers of Norman filming as Daryl with reaper's there has been this theory going about that Daryl will actually be a reaper because of Leah which I'm not going lie to me just sounds like bad story telling if it goes through. Daryl character had found his place in where he belongs which is with team fam he says as much to Carol in find me. To me On the Inside would be where Leah found in EP 2 would come into play with her reaper story line. She is on the inside of the group now possibly part of it she is inside there walls and she has infiltrated the group which in order for her possibly maybe being a reaper leader gives her a head start on how to get to Maggie to know the group and the bring it all down and burn it, pillage and take everything. I don't think Daryl is working with the reaper like I said it would be a horrible 360 on his character now but infact Leah infiltrating on the inside. As well as Eugene group getting a feel for the commonwealth scooping it out. Seeing what that life is.
Promises broken this episode is why I think it's Leah working on the inside of the group to infiltrate. She has most likely told Daryl she doesn't have a group in order to get to Maggie since the reaper's seem to be her storyline and now Daryl possibly with Leah. Like I said I think Leah from the inside of the group will try to burn it all down like with the Whispers expect Leah will be smart about it hitting already weak points like alpha did but not showing her hand too quickly. Remmber the hold on Daryl I said about she will try to use that break him down more against the group possibly reminding him of his time in the woods. Maybe he's sees through it through the lie hence a Promise broken. She is break that hold on him promise of his past of which he left and felt guilty about where he thought he belonged broken. Which would tie into.
The half way point... I think. For Blood episode eight. The reaper want blood as we've seen a little in the extra episode specifically Maggie groups blood and now it will be all of Alexandria who is Maggie group. I feel in this episode as it is the half way point Leah will show her true colours to everyone making Daryl feel at blame as he has let her into the group and now put HIS BLOOD his family at danger to the reaper's. I think a fight will pan out in this episode and as one of my friends said maybe Daryl will have to chose to either still feel this hold Leah had over him and sacrifice Leah For Blood, for his family to feel he has right his own wrong.
Yeah so basically tada. This is all been stuck in my head for about two days now and I thought I'd share. I'd like to know others opinions on these episodes as well. So I'm just going to peace out again and not post until the trailer comes out.
PSA I do know this has little to nothing to do with Caryl but the Caryl tag is where I post most. I am a Caryl account this is also where I seen the most speculation.
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All the questions that start with a letter in your first name. GO
All the... that start with a... letter in my... oh boy alright. 
Least favorite fic you wrote this year: 
Does an individual chapter of a fic count? Because if so then chapter 10 of I See You which I wrote back in January and really liked at the time and now I look at it and just see all the things I should have done better. 
Least popular fic this year: 
Like always it’s a Ryan piece. It’s relatively new, and not as many people read Ryan as they do other characters, so though it makes me sad that he doesn’t get the attention that Billy gets (even though I feel that my writing with Ryan is WAY stronger than it is with almost any other character)- I’m not surprised. The individual piece is Canary Mary & the Miners and it’s actually one of my favorite things I’ve written about Ryan Brenner’s past. 
Longest completed fic you wrote this year: 
Bold of you to assume that I completed a fic this year. Technically I finished Jigsaw this year, because Black was posted early in 2020. I completed The Jilted Tourist, which is only a three-part mini series at roughly 12k. I’ll be done (completely) with the first portion of Core Drive within the next day or so, and I’ll be finished with The Last Dream (another short three-parter) before the year ends. If anything else gets finished in the next few weeks it will be miraculous.  
Shortest completed fic you wrote this year: 
Oh I jumped the gun on the last question. So it’s The Jilted Tourist. Which was honestly a lot of fun to write because Joss is a hoot. 
Longest wip of the year: 
Core Drive is the longest ongoing WIP that I started this year, and it will absolutely be the longest thing I have ever written by the time it is all said and done. It (And it’s accompanying side stories) sits right now at just over 54k and it’s not even half way cooked. 
Shortest wip of the year: 
Let’s Face the Music & Dance. Like John, I rushed in and got in over my head and had to take a step back but once I clear a few things out of the way I plan on coming in hot with this one because I still believe in it. I also started a new Billy story that is only around 6k ish but I’m really stoked about it more than I’ve ever been stoked to write Billy so that’s cool. 
A fic you didn’t expect to write:
Pygmalion- I never expected to write about Sam. Or a Funko Pop.  Lonely Stranger- I never expected to get to play in the Neon Lights world but @something-tofightfor gave me the okay and I was giddy about it.  Core Drive- I thought it would sit on the back burner for a long ass time but nope.  In the Arms of the Ocean- lol i write about Caspian now so that’s a thing. and this came out of no where and jumped to the top of my favorites. 
Something you learned this year: 
That I shouldn’t second guess myself as much as I do when it comes to characterization. I have my reasons for things and I should stand by them because when I do I am happier with the end result. 
Any new fics to start next year: 
I technically started it this year, but it will start seeing the light of day next year- Damned if I Do-  which is going to be a twist on the most canonically compliant yet still very AU Billy that I’ve ever written. Also already sort of started but in a constant state of flux is Not if it’s You- which will be Benjamin. 
A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: 
Ransom by @something-tofightfor . It’s literally got everything. You will not be sorry. 
Longest fic you read this year: 
Saving the last part of it for my Christmas Eve festivities because covid christmas is going to be just me and J sitting at home like any other day and I want SOMETHING holiday centered to look forward to... but Steel City also by @something-tofightfor was the longest fic I read this year. 
Shortest fic you read this year:
Oh gosh I don’t know I’ve read so many fun littler drabbles. 
phew. that was a lotta questions. thanks for askin’ em. 
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spacecadetal · 4 years
bait (1/3)
kakashi hatake x fem!reader 
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summary: after years of hinting and nudging your friend, kakashi, to take you out on a date, he just doesnt get it. but its okay, looks like someone else wants to take you out instead warnings: alcohol use, mentions of violence, mentions of injury, mentions of scar word count: 1923 part one - part two - part three / ao3 authors notes: howdy, i felt like writing a little something something. we got jealous kakashi and hes a little bit of an asshole about it but anywho... this is a three parter and its also been uploaded to ao3 so enjoy
You huffed and puffed as the cold canteen touched your lips, eternally grateful for the water you were pouring down your throat with one mighty scull. Wiping the sweat from your brow, a smile formed on your lips.
“Phew, you really got me there” you laughed, your breathing still erratic as your pulse began to slow down. 
“That’s because you’re easily distracted,” Kakashi teased, cooling off under a tree.
“I am not!” you protested through your laughter.
Sparring with Kakashi was always a great way to stay in shape. Always testing your limits and then some. Over the years you had your victories but Kakashi had more of them, still that didn’t deter you from bringing it your all when in friendly combat. 
The sun was high in the sky with no clouds to protect from it’s fiery beams. You stood with your hands on your hips, the training grounds behind you a vast field of trimmed green grass surrounded by towering oak trees. Kakashi always knew the best spots to train, the places no one thought to go. 
Kakashi wasted no time pulling out his novel, one knee bent while his other leg lay flat against the grass. Collected as if he hadn’t just sparred with you for an hour straight. “What about that escort mission from the Land of Stone?” he asked coolly, his eye scanning the pages in his hand.
“You don’t just get to see a baby boar every day” you defended. It’s not like there was any danger lurking around but you did linger there for far too long. Long enough for Kakashi to come along and pull you away before mama boar could come back and charge at your group. 
“Alright then, what about the bandit camp at the border?” 
Ah, that was a long time ago. Three years to be exact. Those pesky bandits kept you on your toes, that’s for sure. Two on one with only your kunai and a couple of shuriken to aid you. A flying kunai landed in your back near your shoulder blade, catching you off guard only for Kakashi to swoop in and fend the third bandit off for you. 
“I thought someone had my back.” you said, eyebrows raised though he still was not looking your way, nose still in his erotic fiction. That kunai had really hurt, you still had a scar. “Anyways, are you coming?”
Wordlessly, Kakashi snapped his book shut. Trading his shady spot under the tree for a spot next to your side in the sun. Walking back to the village along the dirt path, you engaged in your usual chatter. Mostly a stream of your thoughts entering your brain and exiting out of your mouth while Kakashi hummed and nodded. Years of friendship and he didn’t mind your rambling nor did he think you were annoying (well, he hadn’t expressed it anyway), it was good. Kakashi could be a man of few words when he wanted to be but you had more than enough for the both of you. 
“Any plans for tonight?” Kakashi asked out of the blue, finally glancing up from his book.
Heat gently started to rise to your cheeks but not enough to give yourself away. A part of you hoped this was going to be a lead in for him to make plans with you.
“Oh…no not really.” you said, eyes shifting from side to side.  “I mean…I kinda wanna try out that new restaurant...”
Hint, hint! Nudge, nudge! With a lingering side eye in his direction, you tried to catch his reaction. The slightest change in his brow or a twitch of his lips hidden behind fabric. However Kakashi seemed unfazed, flipping the page of his book as he walked along. “Why don’t you?” 
Okay, so maybe you need to lay it on a little thicker. Say no more. 
“It’s kind of a place for two, if you know what I’m saying…” you said, your head tilted towards him. 
Finally Kakashi lowered his book, his head turned to you. He must have finally gotten the hint, your eyes widened in hope. It was silent between you for a moment, and your expression told him you were expecting something, perhaps for your daydreams to finally come true. “Oh well, maybe one day you’ll have someone to go with”
Seriously? ‘You! I want to go with you!’ you wanted to scream but you composed yourself like you usually did. A heavy breath left your nostrils as you tried to keep your head high. Okay, one more try. 
“Yeah, like on a date. I think that would be really great, super cool actually, if someone that I really liked would take me there...on a date...romantically” 
That was obvious as you could make it without outright saying it. 
“Sounds okay, I guess” Kakashi said, shrugging as he considered it for a second.
Bubble burst. For someone who was excellent at strategy, formed his own jutsu, and knows a thousand others, this man had a thick skull. Was he truly oblivious to your hints? They weren’t exactly microscopic, more like a billboard with bright flashing lights around the border. Date me! Take me out on a date! For the love of all that is good in this forsaken world! Sure, you were your own woman. You could easily ask him yourself but it was more romantic to have him ask you. You loved that stuff. Flowers, romantic dinners, walking under the moonlight. There was nothing better than a chivalrous gentleman.
You had some inkling he might feel the same. Kakashi was a master of subtlety. His hands would gently come down on your waist when he squeezed past you, lingering there for a second too long. When sparing, he often pinned you down. Straddling you as he smiled with his eye, sometimes he’d stay there for an extra couple of minutes despite your protests. His fingers would brush against yours while you walked side by side. Normally you didn’t react and figured it was accidental even with your cheeks turning the colour of strawberries; Kakashi never let it be, pointing it out and bringing attention to it. Apologising profusely. Maybe you were too in your head about it. Taking every little gesture to heart because you desperately wanted him to feel the same too but you weren’t exactly foolish either. 
Another day, another attempt of dropping hints with nothing to show for it. Used to the disappointment, you accepted defeat the moment you stepped back into the bustling village streets. Mid afternoon and it was as busy as it normally was. Kids running around the streets, kicking balls and chasing each other. Women walking with their friends to teahouses for a pot of jasmine tea and gossip. Folks walking home from the market struggling to hold the heavy bags in their hands. The two of you wandered around without aim or purpose before Kakashi led you to the bookstore. The man had too many books as it was and yet he was going to buy another, not that you mind being dragged there. Kakashi had disappeared into a small, hidden corner of the bookstore where erotic fiction was stocked while you were browsing through cookbooks by the front of the store. Fingertips flicking through pages trying to find something good to make. 
Kakashi was right, you were easily distracted. Recipes using cod and cabbage had taken up all of your focus, leaving you unaware of the person standing next to you on your right. Head turned to you as if they were waiting for your head to pop up and notice them. It wasn’t going to happen, you were too engrossed in the instructions of ‘remove the bones and place them to the side for the broth’, so they cleared their throat loudly. 
That captured your attention, instantly your head snapped in their direction. 
“(Y/N)” Tanoshī said with a kind smile, giving you a little wave with one hand as the other held some random cookbook he had picked up in front of him. 
At first you were alarmed by the sudden sound but upon realising who was beside you, you instantly relaxed. Eyes and lips softening from a frown to a smile. Tanoshī was someone you had missions with occasionally, friendly towards everyone he encountered. You weren’t exactly close but when you did notice him, you would smile and wave. 
“Oh, hey! What’s up?” You asked, happy to bump into him like you usually were.
“Sorry to spring this on you but, uh, did you want to go out tonight? I really wanna try out that new place and you were the first person I thought of. It could be, ah, like a date, maybe?” He asked, his fingers flipped through pages yet his dark eyes were locked onto you. Scanning for the slightest change in your expression to hint at some impending rejection. 
“A date?” You asked, surprised at the offer.
You were glistening with sweat, bare arms covered in streaks of dry dirt and scratches, stray hairs sticking to your face and in various directions. Not exactly in an attractive state to be asked out, maybe that’s why Kakashi didn’t. Yet Tanoshī was standing beside you asking you out and you actually felt quite flattered. 
While you reflected on how flattered you truly felt, Tanoshī’s eyes darted about, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Yeah! I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t-“
“That sounds great actually! I would love to do that! Did you want to meet outside there at eight?” You interrupted him, happily accepting his offer.
It had been so long since you had been on a date. Even if it didn’t go anywhere you had an intense craving for romantic attention. Needing to feel some connection between people that made you appreciate the little things in life. If someone wanted to take you out, of course you were going to go. Besides it’s not like Kakashi is going to be asking you out any time soon, your hints hadn’t exactly been working in your favour. But who knows, maybe Kakashi might catch wind of it. Better yet, he might get jealous; you highly doubted it though.
Tanoshī had told you that eight worked for him and smiled brightly as he left the store with a wave in your direction. Clumsily you placed the book back on the shelf, eyes on Tanoshī as he walked down the street through the large store window. A smile of your own gently on your lips, someone really asked you out. It was quite flattering. You were about to tear your eyes away when you felt a presence behind you. “Sounds like you have someone to go with after all” 
When your head whipped around to meet Kakashi, you noticed he held a new book in his hand. One that wasn’t part of the Make-Out Paradise series, briefly you glanced at it but paid it no mind. Instead you were focused on the fact you had a date.
“It sure does!” your smile was wide but internally you were frowning. Wanting to whack him around the head and scream: it should be you taking me there! 
“Anyways, it looks like I have a date to get ready for” Your eyebrows wriggled around and Kakashi reacted as he usually did. One eyebrow raised in silence. With that you were walking out the door, a mini salute in Kakashi’s direction as you pulled the door wide open. 
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Up From the Depths P.2 - Re-Review #33
Look at that scenery! It gets me every time, I will be honest.
“This is Thunderbird One in immediate pursuit of The Mechanic.”
“I’ve got you Thunderbird One. Thunderbird Five is tracking you at a thousand metres and closing.”
“The TV-21... I haven’t seen it since I was a kid. It’s just as cool as I remember.”
“Please use caution, Scott. The Mechanic must be piloting remotely. That means he’s got nothing to lose.”
“Except Dad’s old plane he’s carrying.”
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“Scott, there’s a safe area up ahead. You could knock out the TV-21 and bring down the plane with zero civilian causalities.”
“No way, Thunderbird Five. That plane belongs to us and I’m going to get i back in one piece.”
And that decision causes a load of problems - but had Scott not made that call, the episode would have been quite a bit shorter, and Scott probably wouldn’t have met Ned - and I wouldn’t have been able to write a fic about called ‘When Scott met Ned’, so I’ll go with it.
“Scott, when I designed the TV-21, you’re Dad wanted all the thrust I could give him. That booster is the most powerful I’ve ever built.”
“More powerful than Thunderbird One?”
“Well... yes.”
“Thunderbird One is going down!”
Grandma being able to give Scott those instructions makes a lot more sense now the whole series has aired. When we first saw this episode, I was a little bit like.. explanation please? (Because based on TOS Grandma; she didn’t seem the type to fly). But, it’s okay, they came through and gave it to us.
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“Don’t worry, I won’t let the TV-21 out of my sight.”
We know you won’t John.
“Thunderbird Shadow moves fast and quiet. He won’t hear me coming.”
And another Kayo ‘I can totally manage a solo mission moment’. Yeah, remember one of the last ones? As in the nearly dying part (’Touch and Go’)? Clearly not. Is it just me, or is that getting a little bit repetitive and annoying now? I really found that Kayo had an attitude in this two-parter.
I for one, am very glad Grandma called in some assistance.
“Hello, Dear? Are you busy?”
“Never too busy for you, Mrs Tracy.”
“How would you like a second chance to get The Mechanic?”
“I’d enjoy it more than Parker likes complaining about the weather. Scotland, Parker.”
“Right haway, M’Lady. hOf hall the places to ‘ide hout ‘e picks the rainy hone.”
Parker, I’d like to claim that such might actually be me, down here n the South West coast. Hello, always rains down here... except it’s actually really nice right now. I claim it’s the lack of pollutants affecting the air quality and atmosphere. But’s that’s just one girl’s theory.
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Look at his face, his poor little face. Thunderbird Four really is in a state though...
“What do you think?”
“I think we have a lot of work to do.”
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Scott looks so sad, sat back at his dad’s desk, bless him. Knowing him he’s probably reliving the fact that he failed to get the TV-21 back. He’s always too hard on himself. Anyone else remember the events of ‘Recharge’? Virgil, come give him another talking to, please.
“I get that everybody loves the TV-21, but it’s just a plane.”
“It’s also a symbol of your Father’s determination. Ever since he was a boy, your Father dreamed he’d be the fastest pilot who ever flew.”
“So he and Brains built the TV-21?”
“It was beautiful! Dream come true!”
“Until The Hood crashed it.”
“But he didn’t crash his dream. Your Dad didn’t care about being fastest anymore. He only cared about being first. First on the scene when people need help. First to act when someone’s in trouble. And instead of one ship to do it all, he built five. The TV-21 was the beginning of International Rescue.”
“We need to get that plane back!”
That’s the spirit, Alan!
I’m loving all these scenes on Tracy Island in this episode just to say. Definitely another reason why it makes it into my favorites. It’s an episode which really succeeds in making the boys both human and heroes and I will endlessly love how well written this family was in this two-parter.
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“What’s the situation, John?”
“The Mechanic’s craft has stopped over the GDF’s high security iridium vault. The GDF are responding now.”
Because we all know how well that will go down...
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“All personnel have been evacuated, Colonel Casey. Except one.”
“Well get him out of there.”
“He said he won’t leave. He’s afraid of losing his job. Oh, and he told to say ‘Gladys won’t go either’.”
“What’s his name?”
I think we already know the answer.
“A crewman. Tedford. Ned Tedford.”
“Oh boy.”
Called it!
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“No one’s stealing the world’ supply of iridium, Gladys. Not on our watch!”
That’s right everyone! It’s our favourite gold member of the Rescue Club! Ned Tedford and Gladys!
“Phew, Gladys. I thought we were in trouble there for a second.”
Yeah, Ned you kinda are... See I told you, never leave the GDF to handle things. I bet Colonel Casey is really regretting allowing Virgil to convince her to give Ned a “nice cozy desk job” with the GDF.
I love how Colonel Casey just says “there’s a worker inside” - she knew it was Ned, she could have told them it was Ned - it’s even more comical that she chooses not to.
“It’s never even been tested!”
“Brains, whatever it is, will it help us stop The Mechanic?”
“Then we’ll take it!”
Good choice.
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Maximum Max is a brilliant new development and one I think Alan really loves - it was like giving the kid more video games to play with. And it gave Scott a chain to go and rescue Ned! Hooray!
“It’s game time!”
Yeah it is! And just look at them go.
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In my opinion, this goes down as Scott’s best ever entrance to a rescue.
“It’s International- Arrgh!”
*Has iridium thrown at him*.
Definitely the best entrance.
 “Keep your dirty hands off this iridium!”
“Ned Tedford?”
“Oh, it’s you! Sorry about that!”
I think that was meant to be Scott’s line. And the fact Scott can reognise Ned (when we know Colonel Casey didn’t give a name - well, that we heard), means he must have been told a lot by his brothers. Or, that’s the assumption I’ve always made.
“Why am I not surprised? I need you to climb into the airlock.”
“No way! I was told to watch this iridium. I won’t let it be stolen!”
“Uh... it’s already been stolen, Ned. You do realise you’re in space, right?”
I mean, I would hope the floatiness gave that away...
“Hmm... That does explain the floatiness.”
Or apparently not. I am proven wrong. Again.
“But it does not change anything! I’m not going anywhere without this vault!”
And there is another decision that sets the path of the episode. If they could have just rescued Ned and Gladys... I can’t help wondering if they would have stood a better chance at recovering the TV-21, or if it still wouldn’t have made a big enough difference.
“Alan, we’re gonna’ have to retrieve the iridium as well.”
“Scott, that isn’t the mission!”
“It wasn’t, but it is now.”
Always listen to your field commander, Alan, and today that is Scott, and he’s made the call. Whatever you and I may think of it.
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The International Rescue theme played on bagpipes was absolutely wonderful!
“hIt’s been cloned! That’s hone hof the ‘ood’s hold tricks!”
“Where do you think he got it from?”
That is a new one... Another thing to add to the list of connections between The Mechanic and The Hood, because that implies a more long term connection than we might have first thought.
And all I have to say here, is poor hAlice! May she rest in peace.
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“But it’s Dad’s plane!”
“I know, Alan, but it’s not Dad.”
That quote, will always get me.
Remember what The Mechanic said about taking what he wants? Yeah, well he very nearly took Thunderbird Three down with the TV-21.
“Sorry Dad.”
I think he would always have rather had his sons, than his old plane, sad as it is to have been so close.
“The TV-21 was so close!”
“Dad really loved that plane.”
“Ah, in the end the TV-21 was just a bunch of steel and rivets. Your Father would never have risked failing a mission just to save it. What he really loved was us. All of us. His family.” 
So, after all that, Thunderbird Four is fixed, and everyone has gathered together (even John) for a bit of well earned family time. Yep, there are hundreds of reasons to love these last two episodes.
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I sent a ask a while ago asking abt your stories, but now I’m sending one to ask which story I should read first? I’m not able rn to watch the Godzilla movies or whichever other ones there are(I can’t remember I’m writing this really tired) so which of your stories should I read first? Cause I’ve been wanting to but the amount of them and me not knowing the base lore is daunting lmao (sorry if this comes off as rude, I’m not trying to be)
Well, the good news is it doesn’t entirely matter which you read first! I try to keep my series clearly indicated, so everything that’s not in a series is standalone. I made a post about a month ago where I talk about some of my different stories, if you’d like to take a look at it. 
I think I would recommend my ongoing chapter project, Where the Wild Things Are, as a good place to start if you aren’t familiar with canon stuff. This takes place immediately following the 2014 Godzilla movie and becomes AU within the first chapter. It’s my longest Godzilla story at the moment, so it might be daunting, but since Maddie is “new” to everything as well, you get to learn important stuff along with her. 
If you’re looking for something a little shorter to ease yourself in, or with a little less plot, my series “teeny tiny murder machines” is fluff-based and each of the chapters (except for the three parter) is essentially a one-shot taking place in this AU. 
And of course, I have several actual one-shots. I would recommend Glass Shards and Bloody Hands as a good starting one. It’s relatively short compared to most of my stories (i have a hard time keeping things short) and doesn’t have any complicated AU rules or anything. 
Honestly, friend, I don’t blame you for finding it daunting, and I certainly don’t think you’re rude! And don’t worry about not knowing the lore, I’m still learning a lot it myself! 
I’m also going to leave a list of characters who frequently make appearances in my stories below the cut, in case a bit of an introduction would help you! Should go without saying, but there will be some spoilers!
Madison Russell (Maddie) - a twelve year old (unless otherwise stated) who I often write as the honorary daughter of Godzilla and Mothra, because fiction is fun and why not. She’s a tough cookie but I also found her character to be kind. A number of my stories explore the emotional repercussions of what she lives through. She’s just a kid, after all. 
Mark Russell - Maddie’s dad, who I often write as reasonably fearful and concerned about his daughter hanging around massive creatures. I give him figurative heart attacks a lot.
Emma Russell - Maddie’s mom, who built a device called the ORCA that makes Titan noises. She uses it to control them, and she wants them to “reset” the earth by having them kill most of the human population. I leave her as an antagonist for the most part. She dies at the end of KotM (the 2019 movie) by sacrificing herself so the others, most notably Maddie, can escape Boston, which is where the big battle happens in this movie.
Andrew Russell - Maddie’s older brother. We know almost nothing about him. He was killed during the events of the 2014 movie, which I often refer to as the battle of San Francisco. His death was Emma’s motivation to unleash the Titans. Sometimes I let him live.
Dr. Ilene Chen - a Monarch scientist who I often portray as being a close friend of the Russells. I usually have her working at Castle Bravo, but I’m not sure if that’s a permanent post for her in canon. 
Dr. Ling Chen - Ilene’s twin sister. She’s usually called “Dr. Ling” where Ilene is “Dr. Chen” to avoid confusion. We know very little about her in canon, but I often have her as working closer to Mothra, if she’s not with her sister. I also have her as a close friend of the Russells. 
Dr. Rick Stanton - he’s a snarky dude who’s actually one of my favorite characters. If you’ve ever seen the trailers, he’s the white-haired guy who, when someone says “My god,” he tacks on “zilla.” He also seems to work at Castle Bravo as a Monarch scientist. 
Dr. Serizawa - he dies in KotM and I cry every time I watch that scene. He was a real big believer in Godzilla not being a bad guy. Sometimes, I let him live too. 
Dr. Vivienne Graham - Unfortunately, she also dies in KotM. I often write her as an honorary aunt to Maddie, so if you ever see Aunt Viv, that’s her. She was very smart and nice and I’m sad she’s dead. 
Colonel Foster, Barnes, Griffen, & Martinez - the first is the lady in charge of G-team, and the others are the three most well-known (that is, we know their names) members of G-team, which is a military section of Monarch dedicated to trying to keep the Titans from causing unrestrained damage.
Alan Jonah - an eco-terrorist who Emma worked with in the 2019 movie. He wanted to unleash the Titans to cause lots of death and destruction. Bad man. No one likes him.
Monarch & Castle Bravo - Monarch is the name of the organization that studies and keeps track of all the Titans. Castle Bravo is the name of the base that specifically watches Godzilla. It’s located around Bermuda. 
Phew, that’s a long list, and it doesn’t even include any of the Titans! I’d be more than happy to help you in any other way, friend, so please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions! 
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heartlandians · 6 years
Love the Episode, Hate the Message
I’m really concerned that I can really like an episode at first viewing a lot and then on second thought get really ticked off. As such I should probably write reviews before I stopped to think.
I love that it’s a two show arc, I didn’t expect one in the short season.
I love seeing Fairfield.
I like the new Katie, she has a nice smile and isn’t she 4.0 since we had twins ?
I’m glad Georgie’s problem won’t turn out to be an ED. I’m not glad that she’s using Wyatt as her excuse not to go to the event, if in fact they could have still made it. Is a concrete staircase the new we fell in a well ?
I hope that the cute interruption scene with Lyndy actually becomes a real discussion. Point of note from a dad, you don’t need the kid in your room to be interrupted but that’s not the point.
You don’t need to be told you’re in Alberta when the shot has three teens leaving a night time concert early and it’s broad daylight outside.
Who would have loved to see Amy yell at Ty to stop running and talk to me. Leaving her with the thought that this partnership may be all wrong ? I’m tired of him pulling away in a vehicle. Maybe that’ll become a discussion one day.
Let’s talk about Lisa Stillman, respected horsewoman, breeder, strong, mature, a woman in a man’s world, successful and in fact Ty Borden’s client. It’s an important word because he has a moral and ethical responsibility as a Vet to immediately contact her. How more disrespectful could they be than not contact her ? While I doubt they’ll have the scene all concerned deserve to be read the riot act by her. She’s got enough on her plate ? Aunt Evelyn’s sick ? Just disrespectful.
The Lisa Stillman I admire is strong enough to handle tragedy and a business issue. I’m sure she’s done it in the past. No it won’t be easy but while Jack might think she can’t handle it that’s not Ty’s problem. This isn’t isn’t something that cabin wait. They’ve left this crazy out of control woman in charge of Fairfield. They have solid evidence that a race has been fixed and a doped horse won with a confession by Laura. There’s only one way this can go because if the show shoves this under the table as a phew that was close, I think I’m done. I can’t imagine Lisa would be that person, so dishonest that she wouldn’t report the incident.
It’s not just Amy involved either, Scott knows and has evidence himself of a doped race now, whether their bizarre relationship is a partnership or not. Seriously, this isn’t being resolved because Aunt Evelyn’s sick and Lisa’s a weakling ?
Vets take oaths and swear to a code of ethics, he’s obligated to inform his client and he may be obligated to report this to authorities. Sure they’ll have them stop the race, I hope, but the truth is it should never have gone this far. Submitted by: smokinholsters ______________________________
I really liked the episode - now I’m afraid to watch it again! 
No, but in all seriousness, you do raise some valid points. I’m glad that this was kind of a two-parter and things weren’t wrapped in a rush. While I’m sure Ty and Amy will walk out of this pretty much unharmed, I really hope that they don’t at least make it easy because while Heartland is a feel-good show, sometimes things gotta go wrong in order for things to seem realistic enough. The ending can still be happy even if the road is rough - and it’ll make it twice as rewarding if it is!
There’s been some important things brought up starting from Ty’s responsibility as a vet, his partnership with Amy and how their actions can affect each other’s business/future (something I wished would have been discussed during “Diamond in the Rough”, but I’m glad it’s at least been brought up now and things aren’t easy with Ty and Amy’s partnership), why did it seem like Ty was pretty fast to announce working with Amy wasn’t a good idea (is there something he’s not telling her?), what’s Ty’s role with the Hudson vet clinic, Lisa’s involvement as the owner of Fairfield, does Ty still think running away is actually better than communicating (should he take lessons from Jen?), etc. etc. It sounds like next episode will be heavily focused on the issue, so I hope the whole thing isn’t just solved during the first five minutes.
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jalules · 8 years
I got tagged in things three times over! so I should probably answer these questions……I grouped them all together for easy hiding behind a single cut
1. Dream cosplay! Or if you don’t cosplay, dream Halloween costume?
ALL THE VILLAINS. They have the best wardrobes….OH. And I am extremely fond of Pazu and Sheeta from Castle In the Sky and would love to cosplay either/both of them.
2. Opinion on whether real pants are the worst? (Hint: Pants are the worst)
Pants occupy the third circle of hell. I don’t wear real pants.
3. If you had to pick one genre of music to listen to forever, which would you pick?
Probably some kind of soft folk to avoid over stimulation and headaches.
4. Favorite color?
hmmmMMMM yellow?? Light blue?? Pink??? This is hard.
5. Favorite show/book/movie/game from your childhood? Any media really.
I was profoundly obsessed with the Jewel Kingdom books as a kid. Diamond Princess was MY GIRL, she had an Arctic fox companion.
6. Beverage of choice with meals?
Water or tea.
7. Favorite type of cookie?
8. Do you have original stories? Tell me about one.
One I’m working on atm is a fantasy/mystery sort of thing about teens digging up jar spells in one of their back yards. It’s mostly the result of asking people around me what they wanted in a YA book, which was; girls with problems, good siblings, an agender character.
9. Are you the kind of person to make New Years’ Resolutions? What was yours this year?
Ehhhhhhhhhhh I try? Occasionally? They’re more like vague ideas or jokes. This year was “be more independent/become a terrifying renegade pearl.”
10. I snuck in a two parter so FREE SPACE. Tell me a random fact about yourself.
In sixth grade my teacher was out for a few weeks and the kids in my class convinced the sub to stop all our planned lessons and instead put on a play based on a story I had written. (It never got performed, but rehearsals went well.)
11. I also want to ask the fictional setting question, because it’s a good one. Which fictional setting would you live in, given the choice?
Steven Universe maybe?? Nothing TOO terrible happens there. Plus, there’s singing and donuts.
1) What is a piece of media you enjoy that you don’t think you could get your friends into?
For a while I became emotionally invested in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I didn’t even try to pull anyone in with me. That time has passed, but my fondness for Mikey lingers. 
2) What is the most useless class you took in school of any level?
The philosophy elective I took my senior year of high school was an Exact Copy of another class the same teacher taught the year before. I was soooooo mad when I found out.
3) Favorite dessert?
Cake. Any cake. All the cake.
4) What’s a mnemonic you like?
I’ve always been terrible with these…the only one I consistently remember is “I before E, except after C.”
5) What’s a movie you really wanted to like but left lukewarm?
Kubo and the Two Strings. It was beautifully animated, but the story was really disappointing to me. :/
6) What’s a topic that gets you obnoxiously excited and you talk for far too long about it when someone gets you started?
hahaha you mean ANY topic, right?? haha…ha..phew….ah…..cartoons, probably.
7) Most recent game you played that had an emotional impact on you?
I don’t really play games! But a friend did explain all of Life Is Strange to me and I died a little.
8) What are you procrastinating on right now?
So. Many. Writing projects.
9) What’s the thing you think you would miss the most in a foreign country? (If you live abroad, what do you miss the most?)
Ease of communication, I think. I already have a hard time talking to people in my home country at times, so naturally a language barrier throws a whole other wrench in the works. When I visited Chile I froze up even when people tried to speak to me in English, which was embarrassing.
10) Do you remember the names of any of your childhood stuffed animals?
Yes! White Bear was a creative classic. And I still have my Babs Bunny doll, actually.
11) What’s an aesthetic you really like but don’t think you could/don’t want to wear yourself?
I’m a sucker for admiring frilly cutesy lolita type stuff.
01: how old are you?
02: what’s your current job?
Freelance writing, I guess. Still holding out for that “real job” thing….
03: what are you talented at?
Writing, I hope! And I think I have a nice singing voice.
04: what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?
I self-published one novel already, but I really want to get on to the next one! And the one after that…and the one after that….
05: what’s your aesthetic?
Moss, stargazing, graphite smudges, candlelight, fit and flare dresses, cinnamon, dragonflies, buddleia plants, cozy little houses, boiling kettles, glitter nail polish, oversize sleep shirts, costume jewelry.
06: do you collect anything?
Gemstones and bits of found nature.
07: what’s a topic you always talk about?
Random facts, gosh. Most of my sentences start with “You know what I read the other day that was really interesting?” regardless of whether or not anyone else will find it interesting.
08: what’s a pet peeve of yours? 
Being talked down to and patronized or treated like I’m stupid (I’m NOT stupid.) 
09: good advice to give?
It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to not know everything.
10: what are three songs you’d recommend?
I’ve been listening to Do My Thing by Estelle (feat. Janelle Monae) to pump myself up for stuff, at this very moment I’m listening to Pretty Things by Rufus Wainwright, and the other night I had the pleasure of hearing a live performance of Polaris by Ursa Major, who is an artist I’m really looking forward to hearing more from! (I really like his whole EP actually, but Polaris and Window Seat II are my favs.)
aaaaaaand that’s all the questions. I won’t tag anybody but I hope you enjoyed this massive amount of silly information.
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