#Thunderbird four
skeefee-sky · 20 days
it's mah birfday today :D
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and to celebrate, i wrote a lil something-something between Gordon and Four that's, not related to that main story i'm writing with them, but, just as a side thing, if that makes sense xD c: here go! enjoy them being cute >w<
(i dunno why but i was listening to Kingdom Dance from Tangled on repeat while writing this. it helped motivate for some reason :D)
💛💙~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ 💙💛
Early mornings before the rest of the island was awake were often the best parts of the day. Especially when you got to soak in the silence before rowdy brothers, or a klaxon alarm, interrupted it. Gordon had missed his morning swims.
His arm finally healed, he could actually enjoy them again, and strode down to the pool with a pep in his step. Hopefully he’d have just enough time to do a couple of laps (and maybe relax a bit) before they were called out on any rescues.
Just as he stepped forward to dive into the water, a louder splash sounded out from the sea, down by the shores of the island. Amber eyes brightened as the aquanaut curiously went to investigate. Had something fallen into the water? Was there a creature splashing about in the sea? Was there an intruder on Tracy Island? Gordon half-ignored the last thought, but decided he’d better go down and check it out anyway.
It was a bit of a walk from the poolside down to a safe spot of the shore where he wouldn't slip and fall, but he found he didn't need to go to the water's edge to find what had been splashing about. His Thunderbird stood tall in the water, ripples around her knees where she kept her ground on the sand as it disappeared into the watery depths. The aquanaut hid a laugh in his hand as the craft suddenly twirled around, and landed on her backside in the water, having tripped on something he couldn't see.
"Gordon!" the sub chirped happily, ignoring that she'd fallen, just being glad her pilot had found her. "Look! I found a spot that's the perfect depth for me!"
"So you did." Amber eyes swept over her frame, Gordon grinning as he moved a little closer to the water's edge. "You okay though?"
"Yep! I-..." The Thunderbird suddenly paused, dropping her hands into the water at her sides. Sea-green optics trailed over her pilot, a little sullen in guilt. "Oh... I didn't, wake you, did I? I thought, I couldn't be heard from the villa.."
Gordon shook his head with a laugh. "No you didn't. I was already poolside when I heard you; thought I'd come investigate the splashing though!"
If the craft couldn't tell where he was headed by his outfit and the towel slung around his shoulders... The ocean was starting to look mighty inviting. And he didn't particularly feel like trudging back up to the pool... For now, the aquanaut sat himself on a rock next to the water, dipping his feet in and just watching his Thunderbird enjoy herself.
"... It's weird being in water not in my craft-form," the sub observed, lifting a servo and watching the water run off her digits.
"You're gonna be more salty than normal," Gordon commented with a snicker. "And don't even get me started on the sand-!"
Thunderbird Four let out a soft huff... and tossed a handful of water at him. Gordon yelped and nearly slipped off the rock, spluttering as the water hit him like a tidal wave. It certainly felt like one-! He sat there, dripping and stunned, for a moment before swiping water out of his eyes. His sub looked a little shocked herself, before bursting into giggles.
"You can be sandy with me!"
"Hey no fair! I can't splash you back!"
The Thunderbird continued her giggles; she might have been the smallest of the crafts, but she had still had advantage over their human pilots. She didn't notice Gordon get to his feet, and back up to take a running leap into the water, chanting 'cannon ball!' as he landed. An attempt was made - the water merely only splattering against the sub's arm. He surfaced a second later, floating on his back to stare up at the yellow Thunderbird, her frame shading him from the sun. He felt warmly comfortable at her side, knowing she was keeping an eye on him, so she didn’t accidentally move and sweep him away in the water. Who said you couldn’t be friends with a giant robot-?
Gordon rolled over and changed position, treading water so he didn’t slip under and blindly tried to find a submerged crook of metal he could find his footing on. He found one in her hand as she lifted it to gently aid him; the aquanaut then tilting his head at her.
“What made you decide to come out here anyway?”
“I was… maybe a little bit bored…” Thunderbird Four sheepishly admitted. Gordon had broken his arm, which meant she’d been grounded unless one of the other brothers piloted her for a rescue. What made her decide to come out to the water today, she was still thinking about. “Needed to get out for a bit. Poke around the island… explore.”
She could have done it any other day, now that she thought about it. But… something about today told her she’d eventually meet up with her pilot… and she had! Craft and pilot could enjoy the water together, where they belonged.
“I stopped here cause, something about it felt special. When I transformed, I wasn’t expecting to be able to stand! I thought there’d be another drop-off, like every other part of the island!”
She laughed, and Gordon lightly joined her with a laugh of his own. That was true, and the ocean was pretty deep to begin with! He suspected his Thunderbird would have likely sunk to the seafloor had she not figured out how to float. The aquanaut turned and swam over to a spot he could grasp onto metal, before hauling himself out of the water to climb his Thunderbird. The sub sat quietly as she let him, waiting until he was sat on her shoulder before she moved freely, sitting more comfortably as the water shifted around her.
“… Why have we never done this before?” Gordon then asked softly.
“I guess, there was never an opportunity to,” Thunderbird Four answered, peeking at him from the corner of her optic before looking back over the horizon. “I’m glad you’re my pilot, Gordon.”
“I’m glad I am too.” 🐟
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tinytracys · 6 months
Everyone talks about giving the Tracys plenty of hugs and therapy but what about the other key members of International Rescue?
They have experienced The Horrors too.
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darkestwolfx · 6 months
TAG Transcripts | Masterpost
So, I'm making a start on organising all of my previous content and I'm starting with Transcripts!
And the reason I'm starting with these is because when I came back and was able to look at messages etc (as opposed to the late night reading I made fanfics) there were a lot asking about these with quite a few questions - so firstly, Q & A;
Where can the transcripts be found? They can now be found on this masterpost, but also back on my 2016 post!
Are all the episodes available? Series 1 is complete, Series 2 is mostly complete, Series 3 is unstarted
Will I finish them? Yes, if there is this level of interest of course I will, but episodes can take a while to transcribe so it may not be a quick process!
Do I make a profit? No. This is something I started doing as a fan, for fans as someone who's previously found issues with subtitles not appearing or being incorrect.
Can I download a copy? Yes, from my mediafire links in word or PDF format
Why can't the documents be edited, copy & pasted? The documents are password protected, yes, because a lot of work goes into them and if they're going to be re-distributed I would appreciate the credit or an update of where they're being shared, so no they cannot be directly copied and pasted
Feel free to reblog and share though, Thunderfam, as these were made for you to enjoy!
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And before there are questions as to where the link can be found on this masterpost, let's put that here!
Above is the link for the TAG transcripts (I have TOS completed but will post this separately).
What can be found here at the moment:
Series 1
in Word & PDF format
25 files per folder
All episodes completed - Ring of Fire is in one combined set
Series 2
in Word & PDF format
Available episodes - 17; Earthbreaker (1) City Under the Sea (4) Colony (5) Up from the Depths I (6) - will be added shortly (amending pieces) Up from the Depths II (7) Volcano (14) Power Play (15) Bolt from the Blue (16) Attack of the Reptiles (17) Grandma Tourismo (18) Clean Sweap (19) The Man from TB5 (20) Home on the Ranch (21) Long Haul (22) Rigged for Disaster (23) Inferno (24) Hyerspeed (25) Brains vs Brawn (26)
I will aim to finish the episodes outstanding here and then start on Series 3, but this will be amongst all my other work but I will do my best to get there!
Okay, I think this is the part of the post where you can cheer for joy :)
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Totally @gaviiadastra​ ‘s fault.
Original pattern can be found here by Bag-O-Day Crochet
I give you Thunderchicken potstands (because they aren’t big enough to be potholders due to the fact I didn’t have the right yarn). All mistakes are mine as I went off pattern and attempted to do my own thing - which is always scary :D
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I just realised I stuffed up the pattern in the second one - play spot the difference. :D Also, Gordon would be happy as Four is actually bigger than Two somehow ::scratches head::
(Twas fun :D )
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frie-ice · 2 years
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In the season two Thunderbirds Are Go episode, "Up From the Depths – Part 1," it has been a few Easter eggs that references the original 1965 series. Here are two of them that I have placed here.
The first Thunderbird and the iconic caps they wore. And I have to agree with sea boy here, I can't believe they once wore those.
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avengedbiologist · 5 months
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Happy Gerry Anderson day!
Glad I could finally get this idea done (it's been in my head for 2 years now how awful), thought I should actually do sommat for GA day (mainly cause I've been so focused on other stuff it's nice to go back to it) but also not to be a sop but without GA and the shows created I would not have many friends at all, I've met so many people via these shows (mainly tbirds obvs) and I'm so glad for it! So love y'all and enjoy Ur day!
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lenle-g · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Y'all <3
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hebuiltfive · 6 months
Alright… Gordon & Penny and a Disney Movie of your Choice AU!
Thank you @idontknowreallywhy!
So, first of all, warning to say these are really cheesy, but given it's Disney movie related I'm going to put aside my cringe and post them as they are without over editing them.
Secondly... I ended up writing three for this prompt because I couldn't decide which movie to go with. They're only short pieces so I figured it's okay? Plus you get three for the price of one ask! It's a win-win-win!
Anyway! Each little drabble is based off a Disney film (the last one is a little crossover of two Disney films - I know, I know, but I'm indecisive and I can't help it!). I won't be saying which drabble is based off which Disney film, but I'm hoping they're kind of easy to work out?
I've rambled so much, I'm going to have to put the actual answers under the cut now. Sorry! Hope you enjoy them! 😊  
1) Lights
Her golden hair seemed to glisten in the glow of the lanterns. She was hypnotised by the sights. Gordon couldn’t blame her; the yearly event was, if he was being honest with himself, incredibly impressive. He’d have been more in awe if he wasn’t currently captivated by something else… someone else.
Ever since he’d stumbled into Penelope’s life a few days ago, his priorities had changed. His outlook had changed. At last he’d seen the light.
He wasn’t captivated by the floating lanterns as they watched from that boat.
He was captivated by her.
2) Never, Never, Never
Gordon’s hands fell from his hips and his face contorted into a frown. She should have known he wouldn’t have taken her decision well.
“Leave? But, why would you ever want to leave Paradise?”
He jumped down off his perch, whipping his hat off the top of her head as he passed her.
Penelope blew stray golden strands from her face, before firmly declaring, “Nobody can stay here forever, Gordon. Try all you like but, one day, you’ll have to leave soon.”
“Never! Even old Hood won’t be able to run me out of this place!”
“Never say ‘never’, Gordon. You can never be sure what tomorrow will bring.”
3) The Flipper
The Princess had never seen anyone leave her presence in such a hurry.
There she was believing she had finally, finally met a man who could conform to her father’s ridiculous demands and yet be someone she could one day, perhaps, love. They had swam together so in sync, so attuned.
He hadn’t said a word to her but he had been kind and sweet. He had been like no other suitor…
But he had bolted so fast at the strike of midnight. She hadn’t even had the chance to catch his name. All she had was one single flipper he’d accidentally left behind.
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edutainer2022 · 11 months
@lenfantdeverone , @idontknowreallywhy, @janetm74 I don't think Spotify is available in my country, so I did it longhand - just went through my mp3 playlist, trawling for everything that is "Scott" in my head (themes, lyrics, vibes, something he would like, something that goes along with some headcanons or Scott fics I read) - there's no system, but there IS a rather recognizable pattern, I guess:
Nothing_Breaks_Like_a_Heart_(Mark Ronson)
Imagine Dragons - Believer
P!nk - Try
one republic-I-aint-worried
Nickelback - Million Miles An Hour
Nickelback  -  If Today Was Your Last Day
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
Sky Full of Song (Florence & The Machine)
How You Remind Me (Nickleback)
The Darkness - I believe in a thing called love
Metallica - Unforgiven
Taylor Swift - Red (Taylor's Version) (2021)
AC-DC - Thunderstruck
bonnie-tyler-total-eclipse-of-the-heart + I need a hero
Carole King - Where You Lead
Nickelback — Trying Not To Love You
Nickelback — When We Stand Together
Imagine Dragons - Thunder
The Weeknd — Blinding Lights
Harold Faltermeyer — Top Gun Anthem (Film Version)
Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurricane
Bryan Adams – You Can't Take Me I'm Free
Bryan Adams – Brothers Under The Sun
Bryan Adams – Here I Am
Bryan Adams feat. Sting, Rod Stewart – All For Love (From The Three Musketeers)
maria_burmaka_- Той, той, хто зі мною/ The one with me
Fleur — Сегодня / Today
Bon Jovi – Have A Nice Day
Bon Jovi – You Give Love A Bad Name
Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son
Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
a-great-big-world-Say Something, I'm Giving Up on You
Timbaland – Its too late to apologize
Simon & Garfunkel – Sound of Silence (Hello darkness, my old friend)
Tailor Swift – I knew you were trouble
Rachel Platten – Stand By You
Shakira – Underheath your clothes
Mans Zelmerlow - Heroes
melnica_- Господин горных дорог/Lord of Mountain Roads
Nightwish – End Of All Hope
sekret_ Безпечный ездок/Reckless Rider
Bravo - Это за окном рассвет/ It's the dawn in the window
ChaiF - Поплачь о нём, пока он живой / Mourn him till he's alive
Keha – Die Young
kancler_gi - Брат мой, брат/ Brother mine, brother
fleur_- Расскажи мне о своей катастрофе/Tell me of your catastrophe
Demi Livato - Give-your-heart-a-break
Lullaby (Hunger Games)
30seconds to Mars – The Kill
The Feeling - Love It When You Call
Age of Information - Shattered (And-I've-lost-who-I-am)
kantsler_gi- Вы ненавидите меня так страстно/ You hate me so passionately
Queen- Show must go on
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skeefee-sky · 26 days
you guys, i adore the notes ya'll have left on my sims4 posts - it fills my heart with so much!! >w< definitely gonna come back to those posts if i'm ever feelin' sad c':
but for now, ima be good and post a thing... a wip wednesday thing c: you know how i brought up Earth&Sky but One and Two in my ideas post? welllllllll.... i also got an idea for FishTank but Two and Four >w> it's a lil bit shorter than my last wip andddd, i'll prolly rewrite half of it but, anyways x'D
i think i set this sometime between season 2 and 3??? i think? ... i say, not remembering my story notes xD
💛💚~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ 💚💛
Thunderbird Two then trudged along her runway, and comfortably settled herself down behind the sub, tucking her up into her lap with her arms wrapped around her as the smaller craft burst into giggles.
“Two, w-what are you doing?!”
“Protecting you,” the bigger Thunderbird rumbled softly. Thunderbird Four fell quiet; sea-green optics looking up to seek out her sister-craft’s golden-orange ones. Oh…
“Protecting me from what…?” she asked. Thunderbird Two didn’t respond; her gaze trained on the water stretched for miles around them. She knew exactly what she meant… She’d overheard a conversation between Scott and Virgil when the two had opted to aid each other in a maintenance check. Something they’d said, about being there for each other on missions – they had each other, earth and sky; Alan and John had each other, space, but Gordon… Gordon was usually alone in his underwater rescues. If something happened, it could be ages before someone was able to get to them… The green Thunderbird grimaced as the thought brought up a memory she didn’t want to remember, and she unconsciously wrapped her arms tighter around the frame close to her. Thunderbird Four let out a soft squeak.
“Two… I’m okay…” she murmured, curling her own arms over the one that held her close. “The Mechanic’s not going to hurt me anymore…”
“That’s, not what-…”
“You were thinking it.”
She was, and she hated that her sister had picked up on it. Thunderbird Two deeply cycled a vent of air, loosening her grip a little. Four was right though… Last they’d heard, the Mechanic was under protection of the GDF. So far, nothing since. The bigger craft only relaxed a little. The sub in her arms leant back into the warmth of her engines, feeling safe in that moment. They only had the Chaos Crew to worry about now…
“You know… I do worry about you too sometimes…” Thunderbird Four admitted, keeping her gaze trained on the horizon as she spoke, watching the slow-setting sun. “… He hurt you too, didn’t he…”
“Good thing I had an amazing pilot to help guide me home…”
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Creature brain continued. Empty Quiver is the second fifth of a god named Lingering, and also totally coincidentally the term used by the US government for an incident where a nuclear weapon is seized, stolen, or lost. Total coincidence yup
Progress photos below the cut
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tinytracys · 11 months
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darkestwolfx · 7 months
Making good on those promises now and coming back at you at full speed!
This is just another of those typical drabble type things that I love writing, and you lovely lot seem to enjoy reading!
And there will definitely be more to come! I've been typing away at some more EOS writing as you all know how much I love including her! But there is lots more on the list two, including everything that comes into my inbox :)
I need to tidy up and do a bit of housekeeping around here I think so there's going to be a lot of bits and pieces appearing. I never finished moving all my ff works over to ao3 either so I will get on that also!
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Had a little fun today 😁
Pattern derived from Stella Universe’s Chubby Chick
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Bentley Mark VI Majestic Major Hemi V8 Special (one-off). 
When you first see a Bentley Mark VI in all of its stately proportions, high-performance isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. The Mark VI is now often used as a wedding car along with its Rolls-Royce stablemate the Silver Wraith, and what they lack in outright speed they make up for with elegance, dignity, and opulence.
For the uninitiated, a Bentley Special is a car that started life as a Bentley, often a Mark VI, that then has its chassis shortened and lowered. A new more sporting body is usually fitted on top, possibly influenced by the Bentley Le Mans racers of the 1920s and 1930s, and new engines and transmissions are frequently fitted for a more sporting driving experience.
In essence, Bentley Specials are hot rods for the kind of people who fare on a first name basis with all the Ritz-Carlton concierges from London to Los Angeles.
When delivered to customers most of the Bentley Mark VIs that were made were fitted with steel coachwork with four doors, and they were powered by either the 4.3 or 4.6 liter straight-six sending power to the rear wheels via a 4-speed manual gearbox.
The Daimler Majestic Major 4.5 V8 engine is perhaps not as well known as it should be. It was designed by legendary British engineer Edward Turner in two forms that look remarkably similar from the outside – the 2.5 V8 and the 4.5 V8.
The 2.5 V8 was produced in far higher numbers as it was fitted to both the Daimler SP250 sports car and the Daimler V8 250 four-door sedan. Surprisingly given the difference in displacement the external dimensions of the two engines are fairly close, the 4.5 is slightly wider, longer, and deeper.
Turner had made a name for himself designing motorcycle engines for Ariel and then Triumph earlier in his career, including the famous Ariel Square Four, the Triumph Speed Twin, the Triumph Thunderbird, and the Triumph T120 Bonneville.
In 1959 he designed the two automotive V8 engines for Daimler, using a very similar design for both engines, which included hemispherical combustion chambers and an overhead valve cylinder head design influenced by his earlier work on high-performance Triumph motorcycle engines.
The V8 has a 90º vee angle, an iron block with sandcast aluminum-alloy heads which contain two valves per cylinder actuated with pushrods from the camshaft which is located high in the block. The design of the engine has been praised by many over the years, including Jay Leno, however the fact that it was most famously fitted to the Daimler SP250 sports car – a vehicle that was not at all well-received – did dampen its reception somewhat. The 4.5 liter version of the V8 was fitted to the Daimler Majestic Major, a large and luxurious four-door sedan with a curb weight north of 4,000 lbs. The engine was said to produce 220 bhp and 283 lb ft of torque however this has been challenged in intervening years as the Daimler dynamometer was somewhat antiquated and was unable to produce readings above 220 bhp.
Whatever the actual power of the engine was it was prodigious, it was capable of propelling the hefty Daimler Majestic Major to a top speed of 120 mph, almost unheard of in such a vehicle at the time, and it gave the car performance that could rival many sports cars of the era.
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taffydragondraws · 1 year
Alright here's the fourth and final set of Anderverse Inktober '20:
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My favorite caption given for the 30th one: "Dad, the Doctor Who stuff is over there."
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