#philippines sunset home
galeriette · 5 months
sunrise > sunset
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huangzhiming · 5 months
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Lau Pa Sat Night Market in Singapore! 🌃✨ This is a palace of gourmet food, very lively! Taste authentic food and feel the warm night atmosphere. While tasting the fragrant snacks, you can feel the lively atmosphere of the night market, as if you are in a sea of delicious food! 🍜🍢🍹 #Singapore #night #gourmet
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chrlsr911 · 2 years
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“Spaghetti wires” It is the fact that it may pose risk to eveyone due to the cluttered and tied up electrical wires. To contribute more to the problem, some of us are asking our neighbors to give us some electricity by providing them an extension cords and plugging some important appliances and other essential electronics (and sometimes we pay extra for that). Yet, even though I’d never seen that cluttered in the States (though some of them are burried underground), however that is remarkable for me to see that again as a memories during my childhood years. Sooner, they’re going to fix it. Taken yesterday Alley 2 Baesa Quezon City, Philippines #baesa #quezoncity #qc #philippines #ph #pilipinas #metromanila #nationalcapitalregion #sunset #goldenhour #evening #street #highcontrast #house #home #reality #urban #city #sunsetphotography #goldenhourphotography #eveningphotography #streetphotography #highcontrastphotography #realityphotography #urbanphotography #cityphotography #photography #instagram #ig #igph (at Quezon City, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTzXSOhZjH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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0cta9on · 9 months
Unlikely Duet - 3
length: +4k words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
(Author's Note: This took longer than I thought because of finals and I'm flying to the Philippines to see my family. Will probably take a while for the next chapter to come out, but I'll try my best :) )
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Yuno’s POV
As I enter my house, the stench of alcohol immediately assaults my nostrils. I turn to my left and see the familiar sight of my father’s unconscious body on the couch, crushed beer cans littered on the floor around him.
“Hey dad,” I muttered, my words dissipating in the stale air.
I go up the stairs to my room and toss my backpack onto my bed, grabbing my makeshift piggy bank I made out of an empty tin of peanuts from my desk.
“Only $20 left,” I sigh. “I’m gonna need to find a job again soon.”
As I go to change out of my school uniform, I take out the $10 bill I got from Winter out of my wallet. “Looks like I’ll be able to eat dinner tonight. Thanks Winter,” I smirk to myself.
After donning a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants, I descend the stairs, carefully maneuvering through the graveyard of beer cans. Before stepping outside, I stop and take one more glance at my father, still out cold. I grab a nearby blanket and drape it over him before stepping outside.
The chilly afternoon air hits my face as I walk to the nearby convenience store. The sunset paints the sky a gradient of bright tangerine with streaks of violet to contrast. The chime of the door signals my arrival as I enter the store. I grab a cup of ramen and a soda before heading to the front to pay.
“Cash or ca- Yuno?”
I glance up and see Winter on the other side of the counter, wearing the store’s uniform.
“Oh. Hey,” I utter, placing my items in front of her. “Didn’t know you worked here.”
Winter’s lips curl up into a smile. “I-it’s my first week here actually, I’m still getting used to everything.” She giggles shyly as she fumbles with the scanner. After a minute, she successfully rings up my items. “Y-your total is $12.59.” I take the $10 bill out of my pocket and sigh, disappointment evident on my face.
“A-actually,” Winter stammers, nervously wringing her hands. “W-we’re having a 50% off s-sale today, s-so your t-total is six bucks.” She flashes me a nervous smile.
I study her expression for a moment, her unconvincing smile starting to waver. I knew she was lying out of pity, but considering the alternative is to sleep hungry, I eventually gave in.
“I’ll pay the rest next time,” I say, handing her the $10 bill. Relief washes over her face as she takes the dollar with her trembling hands. I grab the plastic bag with my food and turn to leave.
As I open the door, Winter calls out, “W-wait! Your change!”
“Keep the change. It’s your money anyways.” I give her a small nod before exiting the store, the chime of the door echoing behind me. Turning the corner toward my house, I’m suddenly knocked to the ground as someone collides with me.
“Fuck, watch where you- Minji?” I look up and see the perpetrator to be none other than Minji, her face filled with fear as she silently mouths,  ‘please help me.’
Minji’s POV
I stretch my arms upwards as I let out an exhausted yawn. “That meeting took longer than I thought it would.”
Danielle and I walk side by side as we exit the campus, the sun already setting after the prolonged student council meeting. “Well, prom is happening next month. It’s a lot to prepare for,” Danielle says, mirroring my exhaustion with a yawn of her own.
My stomach grumbles, signaling my hunger. “Let’s stop by the convenience store on the way back. I’m starving.”
“I wish I could, Minji, but I have to get home ASAP to work on an english project,” she replies with an apologetic look. “Maybe next time.”
I sigh in disappointment. “I guess so. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” We wave goodbye as we part ways. On my way to the convenience store, I take a shortcut through an alleyway, hoping to get there before it gets too dark. Suddenly, a gray cat comes out of nowhere and looks up at me with its large seafoam green eyes.
“OMG, HI BABYYY,” I call out to it in a high pitched voice. The cat meows before walking up to me, rubbing its body against my leg. I crouch down and gently pat its head, the cat reciprocating my affection with a purr. “You’re a friendly little guy, aren’t you?”
Before I knew it, the once-orange sky had turned pitch black. I grimace as I realize I got too distracted playing with the cat. Suddenly, the cat skitters away as I hear footsteps approaching from behind me. I stand up and turn around, shivering as I see a rather disheveled looking man stumble towards me. As he gets closer, I can smell the strong stench of alcohol emanating from him.
“Heyyyy, you lost, girly?” he asks, slurring his words.
I slowly back away from him, not daring to make any sudden movements. My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest with each step he takes. “I-I’m fine. J-just trying to get home.”
He scoffs at me. “C’mon, come have a couple drinks with me first. Just a couple drinks, I won’t tell no one.” His pace increases, attempting to close the gap between us.
“I-I should really get home, I have school tomorrow,” I try to reason as I stagger backwards, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.
“What are- what are you afraid of, huh?” he hiccups. “You think… you think you’re too good for me, huh? Fuc… fuckin’ bitch!” His drunk expression turns angry as he lunges to grab me. I swat his hand and make a run for it, weaving through the dark streets using the dim streetlights. Despite his intoxicated state, he manages to stay close behind me, just barely grabbing onto my backpack. As I turn the corner, I accidentally knock someone to the ground.
“Fuck, watch where you- Minji?” the person grumbles.
A wave of relief washes over me as I see that it’s Yuno I knocked to the ground. My voice hitches in my throat as I mouth a silent, ‘please help me,” towards him. In a flash, Yuno is on his feet, grabbing the drunk man’s wrist right as he’s about to grab my shoulder.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Yuno questions in a threatening tone as he shoves his man’s hand aside. I instinctively hide behind him, clutching onto his shoulders for support.
The man stumbles back, his eyes narrowing in anger. “Who the fuck… Who the fuck are you, man?”
“H-he’s my… um…” I stutter, struggling to find the right words that would make this man go away. Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted as I hear Yuno speak.
“I’m her boyfriend.”
“Y-yeah, he’s my… what!?”
Yuno’s POV
I cringed at myself as those words escaped my lips, silently cursing my impulsive response. Fortunately, I couldn’t see Minji’s reaction as I focused my sights on the piece of shit who was chasing her. 
“Boyfriend?” He throws his head back in laughter, teetering dangerously. “Whatever man, we were just- just having a fucking conversation, that’s all,” he slurred, staggering towards us. I braced myself for a potential confrontation, feeling Minji’s grip on my arm tighten with each unsteady step he took.
Suddenly, Winter appears out of nowhere, brandishing a can of pepper spray that she directs at the assailant's eyes. He crumples to the ground, shrieking in pain as he desperately tries to rub the stinging sensation from his eyes. I grab Minji’s wrist as the three of us run back to the convenience store, the attacker’s screams of agony echoing behind us.
“A-are you two okay?” Winter asks, her breath shaky with anxiety and exhaustion.
I nod, secretly feeling impressed by her swift reaction despite her typical timid demeanor. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks, Winter,” I say before turning around to check on Minji.
“Are you alr-”
My words are cut off as Minji envelops me in a tight embrace, her sobs muffled against my chest. I stand there, my body tensing up while my mind goes blank from the sudden contact. Heat envelops my cheeks as I feel the warmth of Minji’s body against mine. Unsure of how to respond, I awkwardly pat her head.
“Uhh there, there,” I murmur in a feeble attempt to sound comforting. “You’re alright, Minji.” Winter ushers us towards one of the nearby tables in front of the store. It takes a while for Minji to regain her composure, her face still pressed against my chest as her tears slowly subside.
“How did you know we were out there?” I ask Winter while trying to subtly pry Minji off of my body.
“W-well, I originally followed you out to give you your change, but then I saw what happened and something just came over me. I-I always carry pepper spray just in case, but I’ve never had to use it until today,” she explains, her hands still trembling slightly as she tries to give me the money.
I sigh, succumbing once again and accepting the money from her. Despite her unassuming appearance, she’s surprisingly stubborn. Minji, who’s now calmed down, finally releases her grip on me, revealing her puffy eyes from all the tears.
“Th-thank you…” she sniffles, nodding towards Winter. “A-and sorry about your jacket, Yuno…” Minji tries to wipe away the wet spots on my hoodie, but to no avail. I glance down at the damp spot, then back at her.
“Don’t worry about it,” I responded in a soft tone.
The three of us sit in contemplative silence for a while, the only noise coming from the chirp of the crickets and Minji’s occasional sniffle. Winter is the first to break the silence.
“I-I should head back inside now or else my manager will yell at me,” she says, standing up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Yuno.” I nod at her as she leaves before turning my attention towards Minji.
 “I’ll walk you home,” I state.
“Okay… Thanks, Yuno…” She sniffles  in response, her gaze fixated on the ground. I grab my bag with the food that I bought and turn to lead the way, but I’m stopped in my tracks as Minji tugs on my sleeve. “Please… let me hold onto you… while we walk…” I nod in understanding, offering my arm.
We walk in silence towards her house, her fingers gripping my sleeve the whole way. I steal a glance at her to see if she’s okay, but her black hair covers her face, obscuring her expression. Her uncharacteristic silence mixed with the subtle eeriness of the night created a somber atmosphere, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. 
We eventually arrive at the steps of her front door. I gently shake my arm to let her know we’re here, causing her to pop her head up as if she broke free from a trance.
“Are you okay?” I ask, my head tilted in concern.
“Yeah, I’m okay…” Minji replies in a small voice. She goes to open the door, but stops with a trembling hand over the door knob. “Y-Yuno…”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“Can you… stay with me a little longer…?”
My body tenses at her odd request. I considered making up an excuse to leave, but I knew it wouldn’t be right to leave her like this, especially after what happened.
“Sure, I guess I can stay for a bit.”
Minji offers me a weak smile as we enter her house together. The familiar sight of her home feels weirdly calming despite me feeling out of place. I follow Minji to the kitchen and place my food on the counter.
“You should eat something. Maybe it’ll make you feel better,” I suggest, surrendering my ramen to her.
“Thanks…” she mutters, her eyes glued to the floor. As if on cue, her stomach grumbles, signaling her hunger. I hide my grin with my hand as her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink from embarrassment.
I take out the cup of ramen and fill it with water before popping it into the microwave. Deja vu washes over me as the two of us stand in her kitchen in silence, the microwave humming in the background. I take the can of soda I had bought and crack it open, trying to make small talk to distract her from the earlier events.
“So,” I began, awkwardly taking a sip. “How did your student council meeting go?”
Minji slowly glances up at me with a downcast expression, her glossy eyes reminding me of a sad puppy. Suddenly, she bursts into tears, her shoulders shaking with sobs.
Caught off guard, I scramble to figure out what to do. “Aw shit, Minji, what’s wrong? A-are you okay? Do you need something?” I ask, panic evident in my voice.
Minji wipes away her tears with the back of her hand, struggling to compose herself. She takes a deep breath before speaking, her voice shaky.
“I-I’m sorry, it’s just… everything,” she admits, exposing a vulnerable side of her that I’ve only seen briefly during our last encounter. “There’s a lot on my mind with the student council, and my parents are coming home soon, and then that guy in the alley– I thought he was going to… I don’t know, and then I bumped into you and now…” Her words trail off into a choked sob.
I hesitantly place a reassuring hand on her shoulder just as the microwave dings, signaling that the ramen is ready. I set it on the table, grabbing a fork from one of the drawers, and pulling out a chair for Minji to sit.
“Here, eat up,” I say in a gentle tone.
Minji nods and takes a seat. We sit there in silence as she eats, the sound of her slurping noodles filling the quiet kitchen. She steals occasional glances at me, her eyes no longer reflecting sadness, but something else - something I couldn’t decipher. She sets her chopsticks down, finally breaking the silence.
“Back there… Why did you say you were my boyfriend?” she asks, her voice steady but curious.
My cheeks flush with embarrassment from her question. I’m not sure if I knew that answer myself. I could have easily said ‘brother’ or ‘friend’, but for some reason ‘boyfriend’ is the word that slipped out. I hesitate, grappling for an explanation.
“U-uhh,  y’know, it just, uhh, kinda came out. I thought it was the quickest way to get him to back off. Although, I guess it didn’t really work in the end…”
Minji chuckles at my awkwardness, her lips forming a small smile. “It’s okay. Thank you for that, I really appreciate it.”
Feeling a bit sheepish, I stand up to leave as she finishes the rest of her food. “I should probably get going now.”
“Wait,” Minji calls out. She looks down at her hands, seemingly lost in thought. “Yuno, would you mind… staying the night again? I just… don’t wanna be alone right now.”
She looks at me with pleading eyes, making it impossible to say no. After a moment’s consideration, I give in. “Uhh, yeah. I guess I can sleep on the couch again.”
“I’m not gonna make you sleep on the couch again, Yuno,” she says, sporting a grin. “You can sleep in my older brother’s room.” Minji gently grabs my wrist, leading me upstairs before I can utter a word. She swings open the door, revealing a nearly barren room with just a double bed in the corner and a drawer on the far side. “It’s not much, but it should be more comfortable than the couch.”
“Uhh, thanks, I guess,” I mumble, scratching my head.
Minji flashes me a bright smile, a welcome contrast to her earlier glum demeanor. “I’m gonna change into some pajamas. Make yourself at home,” she says as she disappears into her room next door.
I sink onto the bed, exhaling deeply. The mattress feels firmer than my own, likely due to being unused for a long while. As the room’s silence and emptiness offer no distractions, my mind swirls with numerous thoughts. Fate seems to be steering me toward Minji, though I can’t understand why. Mere days ago I could’ve gone an entire day without so much as thinking about her, but now I can’t go more than a couple hours without some unexpected encounter. On top of that, I’m suddenly met with new people that don’t avoid me like the plague. Yujin, Winter, even Minji’s friends don’t look at me the same way that other people do (Well, most of them at least). It all feels confusing and weird. But… It doesn't feel all bad.
My train of thought is interrupted by a knock at the door. “Can I come in?” Minji’s voice filters through the door.
I shake my head, ridding it of any stray thoughts. “Yeah, sure.”
She opens the door, revealing an armful of pillows and blankets barely contained in her grasp. “I brought some stuff so you’ll be more comfy. And, um…” she pauses, averting her gaze. “I’m gonna sleep in this room too, if you don’t mind.” I look at her in disbelief, which is quickly washed away as I watch her expression darken. Minji sits next to me on the bed, fiddling with her fingers. “I-I’m sorry if this is a lot, Yuno, I really am. I’m just really freaked out right now because of what happened earlier.  A-and I know we don’t know each other that well, but I just feel… safe around you.”
My eyes widened slightly, feeling stunned by her words. “I didn’t really do anything though, it was Winter who stepped in,” I mentioned.
“I-I know, but if I’m being honest, I’d rather be with you right now than Winter.” 
I felt my cheeks start to burn as she spoke. Minji’s eyes widened in realization at what she said, her face turning a bright pink. Flustered, she shakes her head at me. “I-I mean, umm, y-y’know because uhhh, I-I know you more than Winter kinda a-and, um, she uhhhh, w-well I just met her t-today a-and-” She grabs a pillow and buries her face in it to halt her rambling.
I couldn’t help but snicker at her reaction. I had never seen the student council president get so flustered about anything. It was almost cute, in a weird way.
“I know what you meant. Don’t worry about it,” I reassure her.
Minji removes the pillow from her face, still pink from embarrassment. “A-anyways, we should get some sleep now. I’ll, uhh, sleep on the floor.”
“No,” I protested. She freezes and turns to look at me. “You can take the bed. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor in your house.”
Her lips form into a smile, her expression softening. “I appreciate your kindness, but you’ve done a lot for me already. This is the least I can do for you,” she says, using the pillows to create a makeshift bed on the floor.
“Minji-” She turns to face me and I suddenly find myself staring straight into her large, round eyes, mere inches away. I gulp, my body freezing as if it’s stuck in a trance. Everything goes silent except for the sound of my heart pounding in my chest. We stood there for what felt like years, the concept of time slipping from my mind as I analyzed the details of her appearance. The way her long, black hair frames her round face. The slight plumpness of her cheeks. Her heart-shaped lips. Unconsciously, I find myself slowly leaning in out of a desire to see more of her. I never noticed how soft her lips looked…
“U-um!” Minji exclaims, breaking me out of my trance. I quickly back away, not realizing how close I had gotten. “W-we can just share the bed, I guess.”
“R-right,” I stutter, my mind too jumbled to think about the implications of what she said. I fan myself, suddenly feeling very hot.
Minji picks up the pillows off the floor and uses them to create a barrier in the middle of the bed. “I-it’ll be fine as long as we don’t cross the line. Right?” she asks, looking to me for reassurance. I nod mindlessly, still reeling from our impromptu “staring contest”. We awkwardly lay on the double bed together, separated by a loose line of pillows. I turn my body away from her, feeling too embarrassed to even look in her direction. 
“Um, goodnight, Yuno.”
“N-night, Minji.” I forcefully shut my eyes, praying that this was all just a weird dream.
Minji’s POV
Hours passed as I lay there in my brother’s bed, staring at the wall. The exhaustion was killing me, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw that man’s face again. I would normally call Hanni at a time like this, but I didn’t want to disturb Yuno, who was snoring softly right next to me. I can only imagine what the girls would say to me if they ever found out about this…
While deep in thought, I felt Yuno shift in his sleep and suddenly found his arm wrapped around my waist. The barrier of pillows had somehow collapsed as I could feel the warmth from his body pressing against my back. 
“U-uh, Yuno? Are you awake?” I whispered. I waited for a response, praying that he was awake, but all I heard was the sound of his snoring. Panicking, I gently tried to lift his arm off me, but his grip on me only tightened. My exhaustion completely drained me of my strength, making it impossible for me to shimmy out of his arms. In the end, I gave up and surrendered to his embrace. I’m not sure if I was going delirious from the lack of sleep, but I felt oddly comforted by his touch. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier as I lay there, feeling warm and safe. Instead of seeing the face of my assailant, all I could see was Yuno’s kind face as I felt myself fall into a deep sleep…
“Minji! Minji! Minji!”
Thousands of people cheered my name as I finished my last song of the night. Lights flickered all around me like stars in the night sky. My heart swelled with joy as I stood upon the stage in front of my fans. It felt like a dream come true to be able to perform in front of everybody.
“Thank you all for coming tonight! You were a great crowd!”
“MINJI!!!” I heard a voice yell out in the crowd. Suddenly, the entire stadium fell silent as the spotlight shined on the source of the voice - Yuno. Confusion washed over me as he made his way towards the stage. Was he always this bold?
“Minji,” he said, taking my hands. “I have something I need to say to you.” 
I tilted my head in uncertainty. Despite performing for this enormous crowd, I suddenly felt embarrassed with Yuno’s eyes on me. “U-uh, yeah? What is it, Yuno?”
His grip on my hands tightened slightly as he leaned into my ear, his warm breath on my earlobe. “Minji… I love you,” he whispers sweetly.
The crowd roars with cheers and screaming. I felt the blood rush to my face, rendered speechless by his unexpected confession. The previous chants of my name were now replaced with “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Yuno began leaning towards me, his lips puckered. With my body suddenly frozen in place, there was nothing I could do except shut my eyes and wait for the inevitable. The echoes of the crowd began to fade away until it was completely silent. 
After a moment of nothing happening, I open my eyes, faced with the egg shell white wall of my brother’s room instead of Yuno’s puckered lips just moments before. Sunlight peeked through the blinds of the windows, melting away my drowsiness. A wave of relief and a slight bit of disappointment washed over me as I realized that everything that happened was all just a dream. As I moved to get up, a weight on top of me stopped me. I look down and see Yuno’s arm still wrapped around me. The relief I felt turned into embarrassment upon the realization that I slept in bed with a boy the entire night. A boy that I met three days ago.
I nudged his arm off of me, hoping that he didn’t wake up, and swiftly got out of the bed, tiptoeing to my room. After shutting the door behind me, I paced around my room, a thousand things running through my mind.
“We didn’t technically do anything, so it’s all good, right? But we slept in the same bed together… OMG THIS WAS MY IDEA!! MINJI, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? It’s okay, it’s fine, we just… cuddled for a bit. Cuddling is okay, right???” I thought to myself, my hands squeezing my brain for an answer. The weight of my actions was too heavy for me to bear, causing me to collapse face first into my bed. My internal debate is interrupted as I hear a buzz from my phone. My stomach drops as I see it’s a text from my dad.
Dad: Your mom and I are on our final flight back from the conference. We’ll be home by the time you get out of school.
Minji: Okay. I’ll see you then.
I hit send and toss my phone on the bed. It hasn’t even been an hour since I woke up and yet I’m already under a lot of stress. With not much else to do, I decide to go and get ready for school, hoping that the rest of the day will be better.
After showering and putting on my uniform, I peek into my brother’s room to wake up Yuno only to find the bed tidied up with a note perched on top. 
“Went home 2 get my uniform. C u around,” it read. A subtle smirk forms on my lips at his thoughtful gesture. I shove the note into the pocket of my blazer and head downstairs, exiting the house. The morning air of spring fills my lungs as I step outside. Flowery scents waft through the gentle breeze of April. I shut my eyes, momentarily forgetting about all the worries I had earlier. 
The buzz of my phone pulls me back to reality. Frowning from being broken from my trance, I take out my phone and discover a text from Haerin.
“Meet me in the lunchroom before class. I got you a coffee.”
My frown immediately turns into a smile at the promise of coffee. I quicken my pace, putting a little pep in my step. Walking through the gates of Evergreen High School, I exchange greetings with students and teachers as I make my way towards the cafeteria.
“Morning, Minji!”
“Good Morning, Ms. Kim.”
The warmth from these greetings never failed to make my morning. I spot Haerin and Hyein sitting together at an empty table, smiling at me as I approach them.
“Good morning, Minji,” they say in unison as Haerin slides an iced americano towards me. I gladly accepted the drink and took a sip, savoring the refreshing notes of espresso as it revitalized my senses.
“Good morning, girls. Thanks for the drink, I definitely need it this morning,” I greeted them. “So what did you two want to talk about?”
Hyein shrugs. “Haerin just said to come with her to meet you here. I’m not exactly sure what this is about.”
Glancing over at Haerin, I find her staring at me with an odd intensity. “Uh, what’s up Haerin?” I ask, confused.
“I had an odd dream last night, a premonition if you will, and I think you’re the one that will be able to explain it,” she begins, her cat eyes unwavering. “You see, in the dream, I saw you getting attacked by this lanky-looking monster with red eyes, but then this shadowy figure came and rescued you. You started crying a bunch, and then I saw you cuddling with the shadow guy all night long. Did something happen last night, Minji?”
All the stress from earlier suddenly came back as Haerin recounts her dream. They sound eerily similar to the events of last night, but surely it’s just a weird coincidence. Even if she did manage to witness Yuno saving me, how did she know he slept over? Beads of sweat form on my forehead while Hyein dismisses Haerin’s revelation with laughter. 
“Yah, have you been watching those cryptid videos again, Haerin?” she teases, chuckling. “I told you to stop watching those late at night, they give you weird dreams.” Haerin ignores her jab, her piercing eyes still fixated on me. Thankfully, the bell rings, saving me from potentially revealing something out of nervousness.
“Y-yeah Haerin, you need to stop watching those silly videos. A-anyways, I gotta go, bye!” I grab my americano and quickly exit the cafeteria, feeling Haerin’s piercing gaze lingering on the back of my head.
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hashirun · 5 months
I’ve been here in Malaysia for close to four months now, and I’ve been studiously trying to learn the language because I feel that it adds depth and texture to how I perceive and experience my life here. Words give shape to thoughts and emotions, and whenever I am able to attach a Malay word to my thoughts and emotions, it somehow feels like I am experiencing them for the first time.
Whenever I look at the KL sunset I think, “That’s merah” - red. Whenever I eat something delicious, I think, “Sedap.” Whenever it’s hot outside, which is everyday, I think, “Panas.” 
When my family visited me here in KL last February, I took my brothers out to eat late dinner at a local restaurant. I was super proud of myself when I ordered food in Bahasa Malaysia. “Makan sini, dua ayam goreng, satu nasi goreng, satu nasi putih, satu mee goreng, tiga kopi.” My brothers were impressed, and I silently thanked my local friends for teaching me how to order the previous week. 
After my family went back to the Philippines, I came home from work one night and I thought “Saya penat dan sedih” - I am tired and lonely. “Sakit hati” - my heart ached. For my family, for my friends, for my dog. 
I learned that when speaking with friends, you refer to yourself as “aku” instead of “saya,” and to the other person as “kau” instead of “awak” because it’s more casual that way. “Saya” and “awak” are reserved for polite conversations, and of course I would take any chance I can to be impolite with friends. But when a local friend gifted me with baju kebaya, a traditional outfit in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries, for Hari Raya, “Saya terenstuh” - I was touched. I couldn’t bring myself to think “Aku tersentuh” because it felt rough, and the emotion that welled inside me that time was just so soft.
It hasn’t been easy for me living in a foreign country.  Being away from my family and everything I’ve known my whole life. And yet, “Aku rasa gembira” - I feel happy. I AM happy. Sini dan sekarang. Here and now. Sebab - because - for the first time in years, aku boleh rasa. Aku rasa hidup. I can feel. And I feel alive.  
I just need more words to describe this new way of life.
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fandomlockedfan · 1 month
A Japanese uni exchange student just confessed his love for a friend he made during his time in the Philippines and I AM SOBBING RIGHT NOW 😭😭
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This is such a poetic love confession I can't even 😭 I hope Carl gets to see this before sunset boy goes home.
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twig-tea · 1 year
A question for you because you seem like one of those people who has watched everything: how did you get started watching bl, and what are your ultimate favorite shows?
Double-barrelled! I'm honoured.
How did I get into BL?
The short answer is that ~2016 the YouTube algorithm served me up Lovesick and I immediately went EXCUSE ME WHAT IS THIS and looked up everything else available and watched literally everything I could get my hands on (which at the time was easy because there was only a handful compared to today, but it still felt like a wealth of content to enjoy).
The longer answer is that I used to be really involved in GL (I was the secretary at the first Yuricon in North America in 2002 or 2003) and then BL manga fandom (was in a scanlation group for awhile) through ~2006? so its extra hilarious that this wasn't my route in; I apparently took a break right before they started making live action versions in Japan. But when I got into Thai BL it was fun rediscovering these tropes in a new medium and through the lens of a new-to-me culture, noticing how they differed and how the genre had matured (and how it hadn't), and on catching up on the stuff out of Japan, seeing some of the manga I read over a decade ago come to life! So I mention this history because it's definitely a part of why I stayed (and probably why the algorithm found me relatively quickly).
I only started tracking things in a spreadsheet in 2020 (and it's not nearly as comprehensive or useful as @absolutebl 's), but I did try to backfill the highlights of what I've seen and I have over 550 rows on there, fwiw. I'm a completionist so I do try to watch everything, though that's getting more and more impossible these days.
Ultimate Favourite Shows
This question is so hard. I know you didn't even give me a limit but you have to understand @lurkingshan, I can't choose favourites, I have a draft top ten list that has been blank for 3 years because I can't commit. Okok. I'm just going to list shows as they come to me (not in any particular order):
Thailand: Until We Meet Again, He's Coming to Me, Diary of Tootsies, WhyRU, Ingredients, Not Me, Secret Crush on You, I Told Sunset About You & I Promised You the Moon, Triage, You're My Sky, Make it Right, La Pluie, My Ride, Bad Buddy, My School President, Laws of Attraction, Moonlight Chicken, Dear Dr I'm Coming for Soul, To Sir With Love/Khun Chai, The Eclipse, Midnight Museum, Lovely Writer... Grey Rainbow [ducks, hides, runs away]
Japan: Doushitemo Furetakunai (no touching at all), Kinou Nani Tabeta (What did you eat yesterday?), Our Dining Table, Takara-Kun and Amagi-Kun, Old Fashioned Cupcake, 7 Days (mon-thurs & fri-sun), His (miniseries & movie), I Want to See Only You, Kieta Hatsukoi/My love mix-up, the Cherry Magic Movie, Life~Senjou no bokura/Love on the Line, 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us, Given (anime is my fave version), Tokyo in April Is..., Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese, Utsukushii Kare/My beautiful man
Korea: Our Dating Sim, Semantic Error, The Lover [BL side], Color Rush, Blueming, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, Love Class 2, Made on the Rooftop, Discipline Z, Light on Me, To My Star (yes both seasons), Strongberry (faves are Long Time No See, Confidential Coffee Break, and A First Love Story), Sing My Crush, Just Friends?
Vietnam: Goodbye Mother, Hey! First Love, Nation's Brother, You Are Ma Boy, Follow My Sunshine, FOOLs, Tien Bromance: My Small Family, Love Bill
Philippines: Gameboys, Gaya sa Pelikula, Boys Lockdown, Cheat [warning: horror], Your Home, Better Days
Taiwan: Be Loved in House, My DNA Says Love You, We Best Love (1 & 2), HIStory (Crossing the Line is my fave, and second fave is...Make Our Days Count [ducks, hides, burrows into ground]).
Other: Summerdaze (short from Singapore), Stay Still (Hong Kong), HeHe and He (Hong Kong, final season in progress but s1&2 are so funny) and the bromances/difficult to categorize: Scumbag System, Word of Honor, The Untamed, Guardian, Coffee Prince, Bromance (Taiwanese), Great Men Academy, Mr Queen, Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, SCI Mystery
*deep breath* ok I'm stopping lol narrowing it down any less than this gives me pain so I won't try. Also I'm sure I forgot something obvious (and Tumblr was eating drafts of this at various points). All I can say about this list is it's under 100 and that's the best I could do.
Thanks for the ask, and to anyone who made it this far thanks for reading!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
"Your smile is beautiful. I want to see it more often..." + Rulie?
Reggie sighed as he wiped his hand over his face wondering yet again why he decided to take up photography. There were only so many flocks of geese and sunsets to capture on film right?
He was kind of stuck on his final project which had the topic Everyday Beauty-the subject matter was up to im but time was running out, and he honestly wasn't sure what he could shoot.
"Why don't you just take photos of us?" Bobby joked. "We're hot shit!"
"That is actually not the worst idea," Reggie mused. "Taking pictures of the parts of us that we don't see as beautiful, but show inner beauty!"
"Okay, I was joking but that sounds amazing Reg," Bobby said, clapping him on the back.
Reggie took up his camera, and planned each shot, asking each of his friends to pose for him, showing off the parts of themselves they felt the most insecure about. They parts they had been mocked for, or felt ashamed of. No holds barred, but Reggie would let them choose what they did.
A shot of Luke, shirtless, proudly showing off his top surgery scars.
A close up of Alex's hands, covered in callouses and holding a bottle of Ativan.
Bobby hugging Celia, the flag to the Philippines held between them.
Willie sitting on his skateboard, clutching his cracked helmet in one hand, and the key to his childhood home on the other.
Flynn with her hair in it's natural state-no braids, no weave, but a brilliant smile on her face.
Carrie standing by herself, a blurred crowd all around her, face frozen in a silent scream.
Reggie even took a picture of himself; capturing the rosacea on his cheeks, the freckles on his nose, and the crooked grin that had been the source of shame for so long.
He only hit a wall with Julie.
"It's stupid," she muttered. "I know it's a stupid thing to be insecure about."
"What is it?" Reggie asked.
"My smile," she said. "Kids always made fun of the gap, about how it made me lisp when I was younger, always whistling at me."
"Is that why you never smile for us?" Reggie asked quietly.
Julie nodded. "And I know you guys wouldn't make fun of me, but it's so hard to make those voices go away, to believe anything but the negative."
"I get it," he replied. "I suffered through years of braces and a retainer and I hated smiling with either one. But you know what I did?" Julie shook her head at him. "I smiled more. If I made it seem like they couldn't bother me, they stopped trying."
Julie giggled at that, releasing her smile, and Reggie held a hand to his heart.
"Your smile is beautiful. I want to see it more often..."
"Stop!" Julie protested, but now she seemed unable to stop smiling, bright and beaming.
"Can I please take a picture?' Reggie asked. "Maybe if you see yourself the way I do you'll finally realize how beautiful you really are."
"That's the point of your project isn't it?" Julie asked.
"Pretty much."
"Okay then," Julie agreed, letting Reggie pose her against a flowy curtain, leaning towards him and unleashed her smile once more.
Reggie took a moment to take her in, and was sure his hands were shaking as he lifted the camera. Taking picture after picture, capturing Julie as she smiled and laughed, and finally pulled him in for a picture of the two of them, faces squished together, their smiles filling the frame.
Reggie didn't submit that one, instead printing it off and it lived on his nightstand, and it was that pose that they recreated on their first date after he aced his project, after they got engaged a few years later, and again at their wedding.
And Julie's smile was big and bright in every single one. Just as beautiful as always, just like her.
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johnpaulentereso · 5 months
name: John Paul Entereso 
address: sta. Lucia magalang pampanga
country: Philippines 
contact no: 0962 081 7451
 Title: "Unbreakable Bonds: A Tale of Friendship, Love, and Appreciation"
- Peebee is a kind-hearted and appreciative individual who values her relationships deeply. She is resilient, open-minded, and committed to nurturing her friendships. Peebee is loyal, supportive, and always willing to embrace new experiences. She embodies the qualities of love, friendship, and gratitude, creating strong and lasting bonds with those in her life.
- Polpol is a kind-hearted and appreciative individual who values his relationships deeply. He is patient, selfless, and open-minded, always willing to lend a helping hand. Polpol is a devoted friend, offering support and kindness to those he cares about. He embodies the qualities of love, friendship, and gratitude, creating strong and lasting bonds with those in his life.
- Bae is a beloved and friendly cat who brings joy and sunshine into Peebee's life. Bae's presence is comforting and brightens Peebee's day. Bae represents the true meaning of unconditional love and the special bond between humans and their furry companions.
- Laup is a loyal and friendly dog who brings joy and companionship to Polpol's life. Laup's presence is a constant source of comfort and support, symbolizing the power of love and loyalty between humans and their furry companions.
 - Daytime
- Sunset
- Sunny day
 - Peebee's living room
- Park
- Polpol's apartment
- Picturesque park with lush greenery
- Candlelit room
- Balcony overlooking the ocean
"Unbreakable Bonds: A Tale of Friendship, Love, and Appreciation" is a heartwarming story that follows the journey of Peebee and Polpol, two kind-hearted individuals whose lives intersect through their love for their pets. When Peebee's beloved cat, Bae, goes missing, Polpol's compassion leads him to reunite Bae with Peebee, sparking the beginning of a deep friendship. As their bond grows stronger, Peebee and Polpol navigate the challenges of life, supporting and appreciating each other along the way. Their pets, Bae and Laup, also form a special connection, highlighting the power of love and companionship. Through acts of kindness, heartfelt conversations, and shared moments of joy, Peebee and Polpol discover the transformative power of appreciation, celebrating their friendship and the love that blossoms between them. This heartwarming tale reminds us of the importance of valuing and cherishing the relationships that bring light and happiness into our lives.
Peebee's Living Room
(Peebee is sitting on the couch, engrossed in a book. Bae, her beloved cat, is curled up beside her, purring contently.)
Peebee: (smiling, gently stroking Bae) Bae, you truly are my ray of sunshine. Your presence always brightens my day.
(Scene shifts to Polpol walking his loyal dog, Laup, in the park. The sun shines warmly, casting a golden glow on the surroundings.)
Polpol: (grinning, patting Laup's head) Laup, my faithful companion. You're not just a pet, you're my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you by my side.
One day, while exploring the neighborhood, Bae wandered a little too far from home and got lost. Peebee was devastated when she realized that her beloved feline companion was nowhere to be found. Peebee searched tirelessly, putting up flyers and reaching out to neighbors in the hopes of finding Bae.
Luckily, Polpol, a kind-hearted animal lover, stumbled upon Bae in the park. He noticed her collar with Peebee's contact information and immediately reached out to reunite them.
(Scene transitions back to Peebee's cozy living room. The sound of a ringing phone breaks the silence. Peebee picks up the phone.)
Peebee: (curious) Hello?
Polpol: (friendly voice) Hi, is this Peebee? I believe I found your lost cat, Bae. I saw your contact information on her collar.
Peebee: (relieved and grateful) Oh, thank you so much for calling! I've been worried sick about Bae. I'll come right away to pick her up. Where can we meet?
(Scene shifts to Polpol patiently waiting with Bae at a picturesque park, surrounded by lush greenery.)
Peebee: (approaching with a mixture of excitement and relief) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding Bae. I'm Peebee, by the way.
Polpol: (warmly) Nice to meet you, Peebee. I'm Polpol. Bae is such a sweet and friendly cat. I couldn't leave her alone and wanted to make sure she found her way back to you.
(Scene ends with Peebee and Polpol shaking hands, their eyes filled with gratitude and the beginning of a newfound connection.)
Polpol's dedication and compassion played a crucial role in bringing Bae back to Peebee's loving arms.
Peebee's Living Room
(Peebee and Polpol are sitting on the couch, engaged in a heartfelt conversation. The room is filled with warmth and comfort.)
Peebee: (grateful) Polpol, I can't express how thankful I am for finding Bae. She truly means the world to me. You've brought her back to me, and I'll forever be indebted to your kindness.
Polpol: (humble) Peebee, it was no problem at all. Seeing the relief on your face when we reunited you with Bae was all the thanks I needed. Laup and I are always happy to lend a helping hand, or in this case, a helping paw.
(Scene transitions to a sunny day, Peebee and Polpol walking together with Bae and Laup, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of nature.)
Peebee: (smiling, watching Bae and Laup playfully interact) It's incredible how well Bae and Laup get along. It's like they've formed their own special bond. They bring so much joy to each other's lives.
Polpol: (nodding in agreement) Animals have a way of connecting people too, Peebee. Just like how Bae and Laup have brought us together, their friendship is a testament to the power of love and companionship. It's a beautiful thing to witness.
(Scene ends with Peebee and Polpol sharing a genuine smile, their hearts filled with gratitude and a growing friendship. Bae and Laup continue to playfully run around, their energy and happiness contagious.)
The Power of Appreciation - A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship
Peebee's Living Room
Peebee and Polpol sit on the couch, reflecting on their friendship.
Peebee: Polpol, I want to express my deep gratitude for your kindness and for bringing Bae back to me. You've shown me what true friendship means.
Polpol: Peebee, you've been an amazing friend to me too. I appreciate all the support you've given me, especially during tough times.
The scene transitions to Peebee and Polpol organizing a small gathering to celebrate their friendship.
Peebee: Let's invite our friends and family to join us in a celebration of appreciation. We want to show them how much we value each other and the love we share for our furry companions.
Polpol: That's a beautiful idea, Peebee. It's time to spread the love and gratitude that we have for one another.
The scene ends with Peebee, Polpol, Bae, and Laup surrounded by loved ones, enjoying the heartfelt celebration.
Closing Scene:
Peebee and Polpol sit on the couch, with Bae and Laup by their side.
Peebee: Our pets brought us together, and our appreciation for each other has strengthened our bond even more.
Polpol: Absolutely, Peebee. The power of appreciation is truly remarkable. It has brought us closer and made our friendship even more meaningful.
They share a heartfelt moment, symbolizing the enduring friendship between them and the deep love they have for their furry companions.
The Power of Friendship
Season 2: Love Blossoms
(Scene opens with Peebee and Polpol spending time together, their friendship stronger than ever.)
Peebee: Polpol, our friendship means the world to me. You've always been there for me, and I cherish every moment we spend together.
Polpol: Peebee, you're an incredible person, and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Our bond has grown so much, and I appreciate you more than words can express.
(Scene transitions to Peebee and Polpol experiencing moments of closeness and shared laughter.)
(Peebee and Polpol find themselves drawn to each other in ways they hadn't anticipated.)
Peebee: Polpol, I've been feeling something more than friendship towards you. I think I'm falling in love with you.
Polpol: Peebee, I've been feeling the same way. Our connection runs deeper than just friendship. I believe I'm falling in love with you too.
(They share a tender moment, realizing the depth of their feelings for each other.)
(Another Scene: Peebee and Polpol are taking a walk in a beautiful park. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over them.)
Peebee: (smiling) Polpol, being here with you feels so magical. It's like the world fades away, and it's just the two of us.
Polpol: (grinning) I feel the same way, Peebee. There's something so special about this moment, about us. It's like everything falls into place when we're together.
(They share a gentle touch, their fingers intertwining as they continue their walk, their hearts filled with newfound love.)
(Peebee and Polpol embark on a journey of exploring their newfound love while navigating the challenges that come with it.)
Peebee: Polpol, this is uncharted territory for both of us. But I believe our love is worth exploring and nurturing. Let's take this journey together.
Polpol: Peebee, I couldn't agree more. Our friendship has laid a strong foundation for our love. Let's support and cherish each other as we navigate this new chapter.
(Episodes continue to showcase Peebee and Polpol's growing love and the beautiful moments they share together.)
(Scene: Peebee and Polpol are in a candlelit room, a table set for two with their favorite dishes.)
Peebee: (surprised) Polpol, what's all this?
Polpol: (smiling) I wanted to create a special night just for us. A night where we can forget about the world and focus on our love.
Peebee: (teary-eyed) This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, Polpol. I love you.
(They share a romantic dinner, laughter filling the air as they create beautiful memories together.)
(Scene: Peebee and Polpol are standing on a balcony overlooking a breathtaking view of the ocean.)
Peebee: (mesmerized) Polpol, this place is incredible. I can't believe you planned this getaway for us.
Polpol: (holding Peebee's hand) I wanted to create a space where we can escape from the world and focus on our love. You deserve nothing but the best, Peebee.
Peebee: (leaning in, whispers) And you, Polpol, are my everything. Being here with you, feeling the warmth of your love, it's a dream come true.
(They share a passionate kiss, their love for each other filling the air as they embrace the beauty of the moment.)
(Peebee and Polpol's love for each other stands the test of time and strengthens their bond.)
Peebee: Polpol, our love has only grown stronger with each passing day. I am grateful for the love and happiness you bring into my life.
Polpol: Peebee, you are my rock, my partner, and my best friend. Our love has brought so much joy and fulfillment into my life. I am forever grateful for you.
(They share a heartfelt embrace, knowing that their love will continue to endure.)
(Peebee and Polpol are sitting on the couch, with Bae and Laup by their side. The room is filled with warmth and love. The sound of purring and wagging tails fills the air.)
Peebee: Our pets brought us together, and our appreciation for each other has made our bond even stronger. Bae, you've taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, and Laup, you've shown me the loyalty and companionship that knows no bounds.
Polpol: Yes, Peebee. The power of appreciation is truly remarkable. Our furry friends have not only brought us happiness but have also brought us closer together. They have a way of reminding us of the simple joys in life.
(They share a heartfelt moment, surrounded by their beloved pets. The room is filled with laughter and love as their friends and family join them.)
Peebee: To all our loved ones, both human and furry, thank you for being a part of our journey. Your presence and support have meant the world to us.
Polpol: We are grateful for each and every one of you. Your love and friendship have enriched our lives in ways we never thought possible.
(They raise their glasses in a toast, celebrating the enduring friendship, love, and appreciation that has brought them all together.)
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itstravelersnoteb00k · 7 months
Where To Eat in Tagaytay: 
Discover 5 Restaurants With a Breathtaking View of Taal
By: Althea I. Austria
Marcia Adams
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Marcia Adams is a garden restaurant located on the boundary of Tagaytay and Alfonso, specializes in home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant opened in 2010. Its first dining area was inspired with Italian farmhouses in Tuscany and received the nickname Marcia Adams Tuscany. Since then, additional dining areas have been added following the Mediterranean theme with the Sunset Lounge (Spanish influence), Greek Terrace and its extension, and the Provençale Pavilion.
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Marcia Adams offers a very unique Mediterranean theme that will bring us all with the experience of a Spanish influence too with their cuisine that specializes home-cooked. The restaurant is a reflection of Marcia Adams' passion for gardens, food and architecture and Neil Adams' experience in the Mediterranean and its cuisine. Everything from the colorful seats and cushions, flower arrangement architectural details and ornaments to the variety of dishes were carefully selected to create a unique experience at Marcia Adams.
2. La Creperie - Twin Lakes Tagaytay
La Creperie has its goal to serve to the consumer their sweet delicacies while enjoying the view of the Taal Volcano in Tagaytay City. Its main objective is to provide some neighborhood place for a hearty breakfast, casual lunch, or dinner, afternoon tea, or a nightcap, of wine and dessert. La Creperie is located at the Twin Lakes Tagaytay, Alfonso, Philippines.
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La Creperie is inspired to a French cuisine who's ultimate motive is to dedicate its learning in French cuisine into serving a different types of delicacies that will nourished to consumer a wonder experience by bringing the French cuisine into their tables.
This is not just a creperie, but the manifestation of years living and loving all things French, of travelling the world (and being inspired by it!), fond memories of our youth, and of childhood friendships meant to last forever.
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3. The Teahouse at Qi Wellness
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Teahouse is open and offering a to a guests who wants to experience a Chinese quality cuisine and inspired by centuries-old architecture, cuisine, and healing practices of China, and combined with modern design, culinary techniques, and medical advances, Qiwellness Living reflects the sublime synergy of the old and the new, and presents a distinctive ambient, dining, and spa experience. Experiences are very personal. At Qiwellness Living, you create your own sensorial journey that begins the moment you arrive - - welcomed by the sound of a chau gong, your arrival is announced. 
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The Teahouse at Qi Wellness has a different types of services offering for their guests, first one is the teahouse, in here they are offering their cuisine while in the bathhouse, they are offering wellness type of services where guests can relax in their stay. 
4. Balay Dako
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Balay Dako is one of the proudest restaurant in the Philippines who serves our own delicacies, this restaurant is a place a family and friends can gather to enjoy some good company and with good food. The restaurant not just serving a food but they are serving a food that will inspire us to be more resilient to our country and to appreciate it more by tasting our own delicacies.
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The food that Balay Dako is serving is a type of food that will define the history of our country by the struggle and acceptance, and upheaval and adaptation of our fellowmen.
5. Tsokolateria Artisanal Café
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Tsokolateria is one of the places in Tagaytay that are often jam-packed. The limited parking right in front of The Boutique Bed & Breakfast in Tagaytay always seems to be occupied by patrons wanting to enjoy the restaurant’s relaxing ambiance, view of Taal, and delicious food—everything on the Tsokolateria menu is either made with cacao as the main ingredient or has bits of cacao. Tsokolateria is best known with their different type of pastries and chocolates that is made out of cacao, it is also known with its place that is located near by the Taal volcano and with it you can experience the delicacy with a beautiful view and ambiance.
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Foodies and tourists have been trooping to Tsokolateria Tagaytay and Baguio for their creative take using local Tablea chocolate as inspiration for their exciting dishes. Tsokolateria is best known for its native Tablea House Blend hot chocolate which is hand made the old fashioned way. These are served in a traditional batirol which is whisked to bring out the natural flavors of the tsokolate.
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ofthreechords · 1 year
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it’s Kerry and my V again, I think about these two so much even though I post so infrequently about them
Here's a bunch of scenarios and mental images about these two that I play over and over in my head, to help me calm down and go to sleep. Pretty self-indulgent.
After the surgery that saves his life, V moves in with Kerry. Over time, he designs and installs numerous security upgrades in the villa, and this gives Kerry an idea as to what to tell the public if they ask how the two met...
They agree on the following story: V broke into Kerry's villa to steal one of his guitars. Kerry caught him, and asked how he got past his security systems. (For the sake of the story, said security was nearly impossible to breach, though in reality it was the opposite.) After V gave his explanation, Kerry offered him a job to upgrade the security, and he accepted. They started seeing each other soon afterwards.
Dating celebrities is difficult. Kerry is bound by numerous contractual obligations, and in the beginning, he and V had to follow various "rules" when they're out in public -- for example, V wasn't allowed to touch Kerry. Eventually, they feel that they've had enough of these rules, and so Kerry gets in touch with his manager and demands that the terms of the contracts are re-negotiated. The rules are lessened -- the two are allowed to hold hands, hug, and kiss in public as much as they want, and V is allowed to come along whenever Kerry goes on tour.
Kerry notices that V has a little bit of an accent sometimes. V then explains that he was born in Dublin, Ireland, but most of his upbringing was in Night City. As he was growing up, many of his summers were spent in Ireland to visit his extended family -- while he was there, he would pick up on the accent. He’d lose it over time as he returned to Night City, but it seems it never goes away completely.
Kerry then asks where V’s family is now, and V reluctantly confesses that they had a falling out some years ago. He doesn’t seem proud of that, and so Kerry asks if he’d ever considered reconnecting with his family. V admits that he’s scared, but with Kerry’s support, he eventually builds up the courage.
They travel to the luxury condo of V's parents in Charter Hill. V is very nervous, but Kerry takes his hand to comfort him. As V's parents see their son at the door, they are skeptical at first -- but V makes his sincere apologies, getting emotional as he does so, and Kerry squeezes his arm to show his support. V's parents accept their son's apology and welcome him back, and he and Kerry are invited to stay for dinner.
V's sister and brother-in-law are also invited over for dinner. The siblings meet each other at the door and happily embrace, while the brother-in-law is stunned that V is dating Kerry Eurodyne.
Kerry eventually releases new music, and his manager schedules a tour. V tags along, because at this point, the two can’t stand being apart. On the AV flight to their first destination, they gaze out the window, looking at the wide expanse of the moonlit ocean. Calmed by the sight, they head to bed and snuggle for a while before going to sleep.
About a year since they’d started dating, Kerry and V go on vacation to the Philippines. Kerry shows V the home and culture he's so proud of, and V develops an understanding and appreciation for it. Watching the sunset at a beach, Kerry proposes, and V happily accepts. They don’t make any public statement, but over the next few weeks, the media goes crazy with speculation over the rings Kerry and V are now wearing.
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2rcollections · 1 year
Pearl of the East: Breathtaking tourist attractions in the Philippines
The Philippines is a beautiful archipelago nation with over 7,500 islands and a population of over 105 million people in the Southeast Asian region. There are countless stunning Places to visit in the Philippines, from traditional villages, stunning beaches and islands, picturesque forests, tropical jungles and historical sites.
If you are looking for a tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters and pristine white beaches, the Boracay is the place for you. This postcard-perfect island is home tp stunning white sand beaches, dazzling turquoise waters and vibrant nightlife. Scuba-diving sites and coral reefs beckon for underwater adventure seekers. Whether you want to party the night away, live it up in one of the island’s luxurious resorts or relax in the amazing nature views, Boracay is the perfect destination.
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For those who wish to experience the rich culture and traditions of the Philiippines, Banaue village is the place to go. Located in the Ifugao province, this place is the home of the famous Bata Rice Terraces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 2,000-year-old terraces are an extraordinary example of sustainable living. As you wander through the traditional Ifugao villages and step into centuries-old traditions, you’ll be blessed with amazing views of the surrounding mountains and gorgeous sunsets.
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If you're looking for a more urban experience, then the capital city of Manila is the ideal spot. One of the bustling cities in Southeast Asia, Manila is alive with bright lights, malls, night markets and museums. Visit the historical walled city of Intramuros, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire the grand architecture of San Agustin Church and explore the grand Manila Cathedral, both of which date back to the 16th century.
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The Philippines has so much more to offer than its stunning beaches, hidden villages, and urban cities. There are many tropical islands, national parks, volcanoes, waterfalls, caves and more to explore. There's something for everyone in the Philippines! So, come and visit the Philippines and experience its beauty and culture.
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Blog Writer: Keiannaa May Panique
Editor: Rafael Varon
Iane Loraine Baylon
Jeff Allen Mabag
Hannah May Panique
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Rain, rain go away
Come again on mama's washing day
It's a lovely rainy, grey day here. Bad for getting any work done outside but lovely for staying indoors with something comforting to drink. Before I worked from home, I used to hate rainy days. It felt terrible having to get up and go out and seal myself up in some box building, knowing I was wasting such lovely writing weather. Most places I worked, you couldn't even hear the rain on the roof. You should be able to call off work for rain, from running any errands in fact, on rainy days. We should all be allowed to be little field animals, tucked safely in our dens, snacking on stored food and napping on rainy days. That goes double for lovely stormy days.
Sursurrus means a whispering or rustling sound.
Let's talk rain in superstition and folk lore.
As might well be expected rain has far too many superstitions associated with it for me to begin to even cover half of them. I will tackle a few though.
Farming, for obvious reasons, is very interested in predicting when its going to rain. Everyone knows someone that swears they can feel approaching weather changes in their bones/joints/bunyuns but did you know that if you see turkeys dancing, it means rain is coming? Insects flying low over water, and fish jumping above it, is a sign of rain. "If a rooster crows after six in the evening, his head will be wet before morning." Chickens preening their feathers after a storm means there's still more rain to come. Cows laying down in the evening means rain before morning. A ring around the moon at night on a starless sky means rain. If Wednesday's sunset is behind a cloud, it will rain by Sunday. And if aspen leaves stop quivering - honey, you've got a big storm coming.
Rain is also, understandably, considered a portent.
Rain after a funeral is nature's way of mourning a good life gone or celebrating a soul getting into heaven. Rain falling on a bride and groom in Russia on their wedding day is good luck, indicating wealth and children in their future. In Europe rain at a wedding represents how many tears over her bad marriage a bride will shed.
Don't wear red during a storm in the Philippines. You might get struck by lightning.
In England, there's a humorous story behind the superstition that if it rains on Saint Swithin's day (July 15), it will rain for forty days afterward.
"Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight."
"Rain from the east, two days wet at least."
Do you want to cause it to rain?
Go outside and wash your car. Or, if you're in Norway, whistling at the sun also brings rain. A woman is discouraged from whistling in Europe and America, lest she 'whistle up the wind' and she is never permitted to whistle onboard a ship for the same reason. In fact, for many sailors, anyone whistling onboard a ship is risking calling in a storm, regardless of gender. Throughout Europe, dunking a holy relic into a nearby body of water can cause it to rain. In England, burning ferns or heather does the same.
Do you want it to stop raining? In England, send your oldest kid outside to get naked and stand on their head.
Rain is also considered a cure for a huge number of ailments from eyesight problems to warts. In Wales, you can bath a baby in rainwater to get them talking sooner than their peers. Wash money in rainwater so it can never be stolen.
And of course -
never open an umbrella indoors.
What rainy day superstitions - or traditions - do you have?
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A pill that was once hard to swallow for others is coming back to me now
What a year that was... Feelings were mixed, to put it to words: there are many things that's really happening to me at the moment yet I still feel empty. I was ugly crying reading my best friend's birthday greeting and that hits hard. This was the birthday that really poured emotions I have been keeping since November.
It's not about me anymore, it's about people within my circle and slowly fading away. We arrived in San Juan, La Union on 29th I asked my best friend, Koko about med school he will pursue in the next few years. Imagine, you work best friend leaving? That broke a part of me. We stayed silent when he said he's not seeing himself working as a medical technologist in the next few years. I am trying to see the bright side, nothing is permanent though. He is continuing what paused for a while so why would I stopped someone reaching his dreams and the life he planned for himself? I did not bother asking. Next day, over sunset on my birthday I had a little moment of silence and tried seeing the bigger picture because nothing in this world is constant. I stared at the waves with pain and hope, with questions that I'm too far to know the answer. I questioned the life I have, because I dreamed of having a simple one - enjoy my youth at most and deserve the things I truly deserve. But it's weird, life threw the craziest and challenging ones that are too hard for me to solve. The kind of tired that no amount of vacation and massage therapy will ever solve. At the end of the day, that flicker of hope I only had is gone leaving me at the rock bottom and crying until 31st of March. Believe me, I just cried my heart out on that day, even us cannot pin-point where it actually hurts. He just accompanied me, the greatest gift I ever received. We were silent until we head back to Manila, it irrates him that he got burnt by the sun and a total-fail henna tattoo. He even raised his voice and I hate it, I hate it when people do that.
Going back, that time he said he's planning to study again. He told me the same exactly words I said about 3 years ago. "Huwag niyo akong antayin." Go by your decisions and do not wait for me because I don't even know what to do. I think those were the times when he was transferring to ManilaMed and I don't have the guts yet to leave Manila Doctors. That sudden feeling when your soul leaves you for a sec and your stomach really felt very empty. A pill that is even bigger is hard to take it all in. It's straight up happening to me right now, I got so scared because I will be left behind with an excess baggage. They're leaving with high hopes and better future. I am stuck with my father that's deteriorating, unable to take the exam, no money, no comfortable bed to sleep to and no time for myself anymore. I hated every minute and part of it. I hated home.
If this is all His plans, I don't know anymore. In this case, He's teaching me patience then it reached the ceiling. I actually wished for my birthday to take the pain away and let him rest. I want my old life back.
Coming into realizations, it was not my decision not to say to Koko that I plan on taking the exam. He was surprised when he knew it, I guess that was also the time of an epiphany for him. I really need to fix my papers and let this be an inspiration. I hate it to think of it that way, but I needed to get out of here first. My plans of staying in the Philippines travelling here as an individual should be set aside first and come what may for future me.
Additional realizations as I turn 26 I almost had a tattoo done, well due to being in a beautiful destination I contacted my long-time followed artist and really wanted a heart tattoo on my finger. I had to step backward for now because it's not ideal for my skin yet. While in San Juan, I also unblocked and checked on people. It's been a year since and I plan not destroying the peace I protected and saved up for the recent months. I also noticed someone got engaged in September and that's where I stopped. I will never be someone who will hurt and ruin a relationship. I will never hurt a woman by continuosly sticking to it. I may always be alone and people think desperately wanting to have a relationship, sometimes I think of it that way too but I knew in my heart that I am not ready for it. I needed a time for me to heal, to discover myself and to be alone and find my core. Here's to the single life though, I love it so much I can stay like this forever. But if there's a chance, I hope to find someone who's going to love me the way I wanted to be loved, respect the space I created for myself and just be there for me. When that time comes, I owe it to God and the universe for giving me a bonus.
I cannot believe that turning 26 would be this be very emotional and staring off with fears and tears are just unrealistic for someone. I treasured birthdays so much... It means so much to me unlike other people who don't usually mind it. It hits different when you realize you age because youth is slowly fading away, your problems got more complicated and it gives you a day to re-evaluate life. Listening and staring blankly to the waves helped a little. Eating good food half-filled the emptiness that I am feeling. Being with your best friend gave you a rest no one can replace. Staying at a different place, gave a new perspective of seeing things. Being in La Union gives an illusion of living the alter reality.
San Juan, La Union is my second home even though I visited it for the second time yet I always see myself coming back. A portion of me that I left there whispers that I needed to go back where my heart is. For now, it's my happy place. Thank you for accepting me, Elyu. One day, I'll live there. One day, I will have all the time to spend my life in the seaside and live my best life. Thanks, Elyu. For now, I will be a corporate slave in Manila, earn some money to go back to you.
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papalayasurfretreats · 16 hours
Surfing Retreat Siargao: Your Ultimate Getaway to Surfing Paradise
Siargao, often dubbed as the “Surfing Capital of the Philippines,” offers an unparalleled experience for both seasoned surfers and beginners. Surfing Retreat Siargao Nestled in the Philippine Sea, this island paradise is renowned for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant culture. For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a surfing retreat in Siargao is the perfect solution.
Why Choose Siargao for Your Surfing Retreat?
World-Class Surf Spots
Siargao is home to some of the best surfing spots in the world, including the famous Cloud 9, known for its powerful waves and breathtaking sunsets. Whether you're a pro or just starting, there’s a wave waiting for you.
Ideal Weather Conditions
With its tropical climate, Siargao offers ideal surfing conditions year-round. The best months to visit are typically from September to November when the swells are at their peak, but surfable waves can be found throughout the year.
Stunning Natural Beauty
Beyond surfing, Siargao boasts lush landscapes, lagoons, and rock pools. Take a break from the waves and explore the island's beauty by visiting the enchanting Sugba Lagoon or the picturesque Magpupungko Rock Pools.
Community and Culture
The local community is friendly and welcoming, offering an authentic Filipino experience. You can immerse yourself in the local culture through traditional food, music, and festivals, enhancing your retreat experience.
Yoga and Wellness Options
Many retreats offer yoga sessions and wellness programs to help you relax and rejuvenate after a day of surfing. Enjoy daily yoga classes against the backdrop of breathtaking sunrises and sunsets.
What to Expect at a Surfing Retreat in Siargao
Professional Coaching: Most retreats include professional surf coaching tailored to your skill level. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your techniques, expert instructors will guide you every step of the way.
Comfortable Accommodation: Surfing retreats typically offer a variety of accommodation options, from beachfront bungalows to luxurious villas, ensuring a comfortable stay with stunning views.
Nutritional Meals: Enjoy healthy, locally-sourced meals designed to fuel your body for surfing and relaxation. Many retreats focus on a balanced diet, providing energy for your active days.
Excursions and Activities: Beyond surfing, many retreats offer excursions to explore Siargao’s beauty, such as island hopping, snorkeling, and visiting nearby beaches.
Plan Your Surfing Retreat Today!
With its combination of world-class waves, beautiful landscapes, and a warm community, Siargao is the perfect destination for your next surfing retreat. Surfing Retreat Siargao Whether you’re looking to ride the waves or unwind on the beach, this island has something for everyone.
To start planning your getaway, check out Papalaya for a selection of incredible surf retreats in Siargao that cater to all skill levels and preferences.
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siquijorbestof · 8 days
A Magical Day Tour of Siquijor: Exploring the Island of Mystique
Nestled in the Visayas region of the Philippines, Siquijor is an island that holds a unique allure. Known for its mystic legends of healing, magic, and spirituality, this small island is also a paradise for nature lovers. For travelers short on time, a Day tour of Siquijor is the perfect way to experience its natural beauty, rich culture, and the enchanting stories that surround the island.
Whether you’re seeking waterfalls, caves, pristine beaches, or a dive into local history, Siquijor has something for every adventurer. Let’s take a journey through this island on a day tour that promises to leave you mesmerized.
Welcoming Sunrise: Arriving on the Shores of Siquijor
As you arrive on the shores of Siquijor by ferry, the first thing you’ll notice is the serenity that envelops the island. Unlike the more commercialized tourist spots in the Philippines, Siquijor has managed to retain its laid-back charm. The air is fresh, and the scenery—endless blue seas against the green landscape—feels like something out of a dream.
The best way to start your Day tour of Siquijor is by renting a scooter or hopping on a tricycle, the local mode of transportation. As you begin your journey, the sun rising over the horizon will paint the sky in warm hues, promising a day filled with adventure and discovery.
Cambugahay Falls: A Refreshing Dive into Nature
No tour of Siquijor would be complete without a visit to the iconic Cambugahay Falls. Located just a short ride from the main town of Lazi, these multi-tiered waterfalls are a must-see. Surrounded by lush greenery, the turquoise waters of Cambugahay offer a refreshing escape from the heat.
You can swing from a vine like Tarzan into the cool waters, or simply sit back and enjoy the tranquility that this spot offers. If you’re an adventurous spirit, climbing up to the higher tiers of the falls will give you a different perspective, and each level offers something unique to explore.
Mystical Balete Tree: Siquijor’s Enigmatic Attraction
As you continue your Day tour of Siquijor, make a stop at the Old Enchanted Balete Tree. This centuries-old tree is believed by locals to be a place of mystery and spiritual energy. The air around it feels different—charged, perhaps, with the legends of healers and witches that surround the island.
At the base of the Balete Tree is a natural spring where you can dip your feet in and let the tiny fish nibble at them for a free foot spa! It’s a calming experience, but the stories attached to the tree remind you that Siquijor is an island where the line between nature and mysticism often blurs.
Lazi Church and Convent: A Walk Through History
After exploring nature’s wonders, take a cultural detour to the town of Lazi, home to the famous Lazi Church and Convent. Built in the 1800s, this church is a national treasure and stands as one of the best-preserved Spanish colonial-era structures in the Philippines.
The convent, located just across from the church, is equally impressive. Its massive wooden floors and simple yet grand design give you a glimpse into the past. Visiting these historical landmarks during your Day tour of Siquijor will provide a deeper understanding of the island's rich cultural and religious history.
Salagdoong Beach: A Tropical Paradise Awaits
No island tour would be complete without visiting a beach, and Salagdoong Beach is the perfect stop for soaking in Siquijor’s pristine waters. The clear blue sea contrasts beautifully with the white sand, making it a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike.
What sets Salagdoong apart from other beaches is its famous cliff diving spot. If you’re feeling adventurous, take the leap from the cliff and plunge into the sparkling waters below. Whether you’re diving into the sea or lounging under the shade of a coconut tree, this beach is an essential part of your Day tour of Siquijor.
Sunset at Paliton Beach: The Perfect End to Your Day
As the sun starts to descend, make your way to Paliton Beach for a picturesque sunset. Known as the "Mini Boracay" of Siquijor, Paliton Beach offers stunning views with fewer crowds. The golden hour bathes the entire beach in soft, warm light, making it an ideal spot to end your tour.
As you sit on the sand, watching the sky turn from orange to pink and finally to twilight, you’ll feel the magic of Siquijor come alive. It’s the perfect way to reflect on the day’s adventures, from waterfalls to mystical trees, and to appreciate the beauty that this island offers.
Conclusion: Siquijor – A Day Tour Like No Other
A Day tour of siquijorbestof is a journey that weaves together nature, history, and mysticism. The island’s beauty is undeniable, but what makes it truly unique is the aura of mystery that surrounds it. From waterfalls to enchanted trees, and from historical churches to serene beaches, every stop on this island offers something new to discover.
Whether you have a single day or several to explore, Siquijor leaves an impression that will stay with you long after you’ve left its shores. For those looking to combine adventure with tranquility, the island of Siquijor is an unforgettable destination.
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