art-zoratrix · 8 months
Привет. Можно хуманизацию Фосфо из Хранителя Луны? Пожалуйста
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Не помню, чтобы когда-то представляла его в виде человека, поэтому вначале было сложно придумать, каким бы он мог быть. Но это было очень интересно. Никогда раньше не видела хуманизаций Фосфо - может, моя будет первой? :)
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Dang. There goes our guide.
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theantivoid-3 · 5 months
How do you like Sohone and Phospho?
Tbh I kinda see them as an uncle and nephew duo that are rlly close friends and such!
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bluefloret · 1 year
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did an oc meme but just started drawing whoever i felt like lol
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phosphosuppmain · 5 months
ONE OF MY FRIENDS JUST CALLED CHILCHUCK "satellite dish ears guy" AND.... I shouldn't be laughing at someone bullying my bbg
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phosoutofthecage · 5 months
God I love Asahi... She needs her back blown out
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canidaedreams64 · 1 year
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finally decided to make a toon oc…………………. jade harely who?
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crowshoots · 1 year
what if after my exams i made a blog for fenyx from immortals fenyx rising …
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Power and Phospho: >:D Aki and Nite: She is in my house and you all are enabling her!
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laneaconite · 6 months
Flora Meets Fauna
We grew up in a house at the top of a hill, With a yard that stretched on, long and wide. Divided in thirds by graying wood fences and the metal arched trellis built for sweet morning glory to climb. Speckled by fruit trees, Overgrown with juniper and rubber rabbitbrush. I can still feel the soft puncture of powder blue juniper berries and the crush of their cones hidden inside.
I have vivid half-memories of that skinny mottled trunk, Dark amber bark glowing red in the setting sun. A decade and a half after the tree died of natural causes, My mother says she never got to taste its cherries. It was only us: Myself, my sisters, who climbed up to nestle in its branches And feast upon the fruit hidden within. It was only us, and squadrons of orderly red ants scavenging low hanging fruit and the birds who picked at the crown only they could reach.
Only us, climbing up into her trembling limbs, Bark stretched and split like old scars. We picked and ate anything left, brushing leaves out of our faces And spitting the pits onto the ground below. I can’t remember how they tasted, But their absence sits like a stone in my heart.
All the trees shed their leaves and went dormant every winter, It was clockwork, we knew just how to Rake the leaves into a pile, bag them up before they rot beneath the snow. When we didn’t, we would learn just how much harder the ground could grow And what it meant to starve the perennials. The trees went dormant every winter and we waited for the warmth, And we waited for the cherries, But then came spring, summer, and autumn—
Our peach tree was a thing of beauty: It grew sidling on top of the hill, nestling against lilacs. The trunk was broad and divided low into strong, heavy branches. Wrapped in elder gray-brown lenticels, growing lighter in color As it reached for the sky. Its youngest branches shone bright green, fading to red— budding fragrant, verdant, oblong leaves. Every other year it bore a bounty of gorgeous Golden fruit, exquisitely sweet. The pink and yellow flesh was soft and sun-warmed, And the juice streamed all the way down to my forearms, After just the first bite. Yielding against my front teeth. I can still feel the bristly peach fuzz Which coated my arms as we picked Plastic laundry pails full of fruit to feed the whole family.
My parents did all in their power to keep this tree alive, Wrapping her sagging old branches together, dressing her wounds, Building a support structure to hold her up. But God knows how long she served that house— Or whose original hand lovingly raised her from the ground— But our tree was doomed from the start. For her greatest branch extended beyond our yard.
For a decade or so, the exchange worked: He could take all of the peaches that grew on his side, A bounty and blessing we nourished. And for ages I couldn’t imagine what could compel him To saw that gorgeous branch off and discard it, Leaving our beautiful tree bereft, bleeding honey-colored sap. But it’s a simple, philistine answer: he didn’t like children, Or seeing our overgrown back garden beside his perfectly mowed lawn. He built a ten foot fence, And the peach tree died that same summer.
Another decade passed and Her skeleton still stands there, brittle branches reaching up Like twisted aching fists into the sky. The birds still perch upon its ghost, and mom hangs feeders With seeds and homemade nectar from her stable center.
-Lane Aconite, Original draft written April 25th, 2023 Edited March 14th 2024
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Hello my lovely readers, this is another poem of mine that's been edited so significantly from its original that I wanted to include my first draft below the cut. The story the poem above tells is a more grounded and nuanced emotionally, as well as more vivid in its imagery. It captures the scope of the story in a more honest way than my first version, which was too soaked in the acerbity I was feeling at the time. I just didn't have the energy to give it my all like I do now.
We grew up in a house at the top of a hill, The yard was speckled by fruit trees. After the tree died of natural causes My mother says She never got to taste its cherries. It was only us: Myself, my sisters, and squadrons of orderly red ants Who climbed the trunk and feasted on the low hanging fruits And the birds who picked at the crown only they could reach.
Only us, climbing up into the trembling Grey-brown branches. We picked and ate anything left, Spitting the pits onto the ground below. I don’t remember how they tasted, But I remember their absence keenly.
The peach tree was a thing of beauty The trunk broad, thick, and divided Low into strong, heavy branches, With fragrant, verdant, oblong leaves. Every other year it bore a bounty of gorgeous Golden fruit, exquisitely sweet. The yellow and pink flesh was soft and sun-warmed, And the juice streamed all the way Down to my forearms, After just the first bite. I can still feel the bristly peach fuzz Which coated my arms as we picked Laundry pails full of fruit.
My parents did all in their power To keep this tree alive But it was old, and doomed, For a great branch extended beyond our yard. And for a time, the exchange worked: He could take all of the peaches That grew on his side, A bounty and blessing we nourished. I can’t imagine what compelled him To saw that great branch off, Leaving our beautiful tree bereft, Bleeding honey-colored sap. The peach tree died that same summer.
The truth of the matter is yes, both trees died. I can't eat peaches from the grocery store because they're picked early in the season to be shipped across the country and ripened artificially using ethylene gas. This method only penetrates the outer layer of the fruit, so they look pretty but appearances can't hide how hard and sour their flesh becomes the closer you bite toward the pit. Artificially ripened fruits can also be toxic to workers producing them and the consumer depending on the chemicals used. The summer sun's just irreplaceable. The cherry tree was chopped down, the trunk left partially standing in a shape somewhat like a seat. I used to sit there sometimes to write in my journal. A surprise peach tree sprouted up in the middle of my parents' greenhouse from a spat peach pit, or one that rolled down the hill while picking. They had to move the greenhouse to the opposite side of the hill, digging out a huge recess to fit it, just so this new tree would thrive and bear fruit. I helped in moving the greenhouse, but moved away that autumn. The new peach tree bore her first fruit that year, and even more the next, but I still haven't had a chance to visit and taste a real peach again.
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mymunefanartaccount · 2 years
Hello. Can you draw Sohone and Phospho? Please
Привет. Можешь нарисовать Сохона и Фосфо? Пожалуйста
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theantivoid-3 · 5 months
Who is your favorite Guardian of the Moon character?
Another gud question
But tbh I couldn't rlly choose all of them are rlly cool!!
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genospherebio · 2 years
The Ways in Which One Can Develop Chemicals in Body
On the off chance that you are experiencing issues concentrating, feeling emptied and from energy, are looking more seasoned than you like, or you are losing bulk and finding muscle more challenging to keep up with, you might be encountering a few side effects of menopause or andropause (known as male menopause). Development Chemical Invigorating Peptide Treatment (Sermorelin-Ipamorelin-CJC1295) could be the ideal decision to re-establish you back to your more energetic self. Development chemical invigorating peptide treatment is likewise an incredible supplement to bio-indistinguishable chemical substitution treatment or testosterone treatment. You can check online about custom monoclonal antibodies. Regardless of different medicines, development chemical animating peptide treatment supports development chemical creation to give you the development chemical creation you really want to feel improved and battle maturing.
Human Growth Chemical -
Development chemical is your body's maintenance and recover courier. As levels of development chemical decay, your body's capacity to re-establish and recover itself additionally declines. Your body simply can't fix and regrow as it did when you were in your 20s. When you are in your 50s, development chemical delivery has genuinely declined. There is less development chemical delivered over the course of the day. All kinds of people experience this decay. This is where development chemical invigorating peptide treatment makes a difference. Check in the web about phospho specific antibodies to broaden your horizons on the subject.
Low Creation of Human Growth -
Having low creation of human development chemical or development chemical inadequacy can affect your personal approval. Side effects of low development chemical creation can include - Tension and gloom. Victims of AGHD report higher paces of tension and gloom because of the malicious actual impacts of not having enough HGH. Kundenspezifische antikörper is another method. Unfortunate mind-set and poise. Crabbiness, sleep deprivation, and impulsivity can likewise be tracked down in higher rates among individuals with reduced capacity to create Semorelin and HGH.
Low energy and essentialness. AGHD endures additionally note that they experience general sensations of disquietude and peevishness, to a great extent because of the harm the condition does to one's own confidence and prosperity. As we age, our actual appearance starts to change in unfortunate ways. By animating development chemical creation, we can securely and successfully ward off those impacts and increment our personal approval.
How to Develop the Chemicals in Body After We Age or It Declines -
Rest, work out, perspiring, discontinuous fasting, decline sugar consumption, exogenous HGH (Human Development Chemical) and another way is Peptides!
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theros-comics · 1 year
Things Lykofos made Phospho believe when they were little
(Follow-up this this comic strip here)
Eggs aren’t real
Birds are not real, they’re just construct spies for Keranos
The earth is round
Eating too many cookies will make your bones crumbly like cookies (so give them to your sister, she’ll throw them away for you)
Heliod sees EVERYTHING you’ve ever done under the sun, even that embarrassing moment. Yep, that one. He’ll also tell your sister everything if she asked about it
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elizabethhood · 11 days
Biology Notes
A minute by minute summary of my thoughts during bio class.
Countdown begin.
This ain’t gonna be fun.
Only two min in.
She’s late.
How am I already bored?
That guy’s late.
Cal/Boba handcuffed together, working as allies?
Melidaan joins Mandalorian Empire?
I’m bored.
Clones’ first time hearing music
Clones eating real food for the first time?
Clones tour temple? (Where they hear music/eat real food for first time?)
I was right. This isn’t fun.
Soulmate AU for Charles/Erik?
Erik’s POV for first meeting?
Immediate aftermath of said first meeting?
Erik and Raven visit after Cuba?
They meet babies Kurt, Warren, Jean, maybe Scott.
They miss the sign, don’t realize it’s a school? 
‘Did Charles have kids?’ moment, especially after realizing Jean’s a telepath?
Jean recognizes them from memories? All recognize them from photos and/or stories?
All the guilt when Erik sees Charles.
Cells. The powerhouse of, mitochondria is.
Phospholipid. Now there’s a word to make people flip a Scrabble board with.
Nigh impossible, you’d need lipid down first, then add phospho-, but a girl can dream.
Kurt and Warren would be adorable as childhood friends
That guy’s playing Wordle.
That guy is really, really, really bad at Wordle.
People realizing how insanely dangerous Charles is?
Erik realizing how lucky humanity is for Charles’ morality? and being very attracted to that?
Quiz on Friday, 45-50 questions, 50 points. Study slides.
Erik getting attacked by another telepath, Charles going territorial, has other telepath screaming/crying on floor, living worst nightmares, clutching head and begging for it to end, while Charles is gently comforting/fussing over Erik?
That girl is texting.
Is that guy watching Gravity Falls? Great taste.
Aw, why’d you turn the screen that way? Now I can’t see it.
Quinlan switching out Fox’s caf with decaf, letting him fall asleep, tucking him into bed?
While Fox’s asleep, using Shadow Training (TM) to do paper work? (Forgery/Ability to have multiple styli (plural of stylus) filling out multiple data pads simultaneously? (Force use?)
Quinlan leaving five min before Fox wakes up. Fox finding his paper pretty much done, crying because he’s still out of it and doesn’t want to wake up?
Quinlan making this a habit when he’s on Coruscant? Stone finding out, not telling? Fox scared if he talks about it, it’ll go away? Unable to believe it’s real?
That girl’s doing a crossword. Badly.
The answer is Lobelia. “She stole Bilbo’s spoons” is Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. 
Where in Middle-Earth did she get Tauriel from? Even if she hadn’t been added solely for the purpose of paying less in royalties to Tolkien’s family, even if she had existed in the book, when in the name of all that is precious and beautiful, would she have stolen Bilbo’s spoons?
I might kill myself. This is why I shouldn’t have sat in the back row.
Only 6 min left. Heh. +60, Execute Order. I know I’m not funny.
So close, yet so far. So unbearably bored.
Is this what stream-of-consciousness notebooks look like?
I have a very odd stream of consciousness.
We get to leave early? Hallelujah!!
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phosphosuppmain · 5 months
If this post gets 10 notes I'll draw my Dunmeshi oc
If this post gets 50 notes I'll draw my Dunmeshi oc kissing another character of my followers choosing
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