#photoshop car shapes
anistarrose · 9 months
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[ID from alt: first is a tweet from a fake Oregon Parks Department account on twitter, @/OregonParksDept. The caption reads: "Brrr! Winter is upon us campers, so remember to obey all road signage, especially around tight curves. I sense a big change in the weather coming! #RoadSafetySavesLives".
The image is a snowy road, with a yellow triangular caution sign depicting a swerving car.
Second is another tweet from the same account reading: "Now here’s a rare sight- a Brimstone Moth in December! Remember campers, look but don’t touch!"
Attached is a photo of a yellow moth, with a vaguely triangular shape and a (seemingly photoshopped on) eye pattern.
Last is an edited version of the "we thought you were dead" meme, reading: "Aw, hey, Alex Hirsch's fake Oregon Parks Department account, we thought you were dead." End description.]
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tomlinfonda · 1 year
"Why are artists so butthurt about AI art? Horse carriage drivers didn't complain when they invented the car, they were just grateful that the technology evolved and made it easier to get around."
Art is not a carriage, it's not a vehicle. Its purpose is not to be efficient, to do a practical job with as little effort as possible. Art is not something that can be automated, because its artistry lies in the humanity of its creator. Art is wonderful, from a baby's first drawing, inexperienced and unskilled, to the paintings adorning the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
If you consider yourself an AI artist, I ask you: are you proud of yourself when the computer has completed another image that you will claim as yours? Do you look at it and feel the joy of having created something?
Does the generative process teach you how to see the world better? With every image created, do you evolve? Do you understand the planes of the face better now than 1000 images ago? Do you know what rim light is, and where to put it? Do you understand light sources? Tones? Could you take a piece of paper and shade a portrait by yourself?
"AI software is just like Photoshop or Blender, the next step in artistic technology".
It's not though, is it? A digital artist uses a pen to put colors on screen, chooses where to put each brush stroke, when to smudge or use the liquify tool. A 3D sculptor manipulates basic shapes into characters just like a traditional artist molds clay. An AI "artist" doesn't make any of the thousands of choices that lead to the creation of a real piece of art.
"But art is hard, and I'm not good enough."
Neither am I! Man, I'm not the worst artist in the world, but I'm not great, still not at the level I would like to be. Sometimes I draw something and I look at it and realize that it sucks ass! Sometimes I post a drawing online and realize that I drew a character out of proportion, that the light source is not consistent, that I've shaded outside the lines! And you know what's great? That I get to have an understanding of what I did wrong! I get to evolve! I redraw something from 5 years ago and realize that my composition is much better, my shading more believable. And I know that in 5 more years, I might redraw it again and pride myself in how much I've evolved.
I've been drawing since I was a baby, and I still have a long way to go. And that is also fine, because art is a lifelong pursuit, growing, changing, just as I am.
It's okay to not be good. Hell, it's okay if you don't even try to get better. By drawing, you WILL. It's inevitable that, by practicing, you'll learn.
You know what will not make you a better artist? Software that will generate your "art" for you. The result might look more complex than what your skill level allows you to create right now. But it doesn't look better. You could draw a crooked circle on xerox paper and it will look better than all the AI art in the world. Because you made it. Have some faith in yourself. Your vision has more artistic value than what that computer generated.
"If you're afraid that AI will steal your job, learn to draw better!"
I'm trying. Are you?
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kitthepurplepotato · 9 months
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Chapter 8 - Fooling Around with Pro Hero Deku?!
(18+ but half of it can be read by everyone!)
Summary: Sharing a hot tub with the person you love the most can go two ways; it can get really emotional or really hot. This one was both.
Important note: This chapter has 18+ parts but there is a note written in red when the cheekyness starts and then there is a green note where it ends. The chapter has some important information and plot so please read the “safe” bits even if you skip the “action”. Thank you!
Warnings: Sexual content, swear words
First Chapter Master List
“Are you ready to have a splash with me?” Izuku mutters cheekily as he leads you towards his car. Your whole face becomes a big flashing red sign.
“Your mom is still watching.” You giggle to yourself, as you wave to Izuku’s family for the last time before you sit into Izuku’s badass sports car to be taken home.
“Mom would be thrilled about my evening plans, she’s been bugging me to do something fun for ages.” Deku answers like he’s talking about the weather and not about you two getting naked in a hot tub like two random characters in a bad Hollywood movie.
“You are surprisingly chill about this.” You mumble with your face still red. Izuku only giggles at that.
“Well, we have a common changing room in the agency and it was the same in UA, so I’m not… well, a lot of people had seen me naked. I’m also in a lot of underwear ads. I have no reason to be ashamed of my body as you’ve seen the most of it already. I’m just excited to share this intimate moment with you, get to know you a bit more… yeah. I’m just happy to spend some time with you. I know I’m not the most perfect person body-wise, I have a lot of scars and a lot of freckles and most of them were photoshopped out of the pictures, but I know you won’t judge me. I trust you.” Izuku smiles as he turns right with perfect precision. “Okay, that’s a lie, I am a little bit ashamed and a tiny bit worried, I mean, I have a lot of freckles on my bum and…”
“Oh my god, Izu! Shut the fuck up!” You yell, mortified, but also, somehow amused. Honestly, Izuku having a freckled bum was one of your head canons so you are more than happy to hear it’s actually true; back when you accidentally took a peak at him from your window you didn’t have time to actually access his bits and bobs properly, plus it would’ve been inappropriate to do so back then so you missed this tiny detail.
“Your freckled bum sounds adorable.” You mutter under your nose with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah?” He mutters back, face red as a lobster. “Okay, now I’m a little bit nervous.”
You can’t help but giggle at that.
“You are so cute.”
“So how do you want to do this?” You mumble under your nose with a tiny blush on your face. Izuku’s smile is so full of fondness it makes your heart flutter in your chest; he looks so fucking innocent right now, wrapped in a massive All Might towel like a big burrito while you are still in your clothes, way too ashamed to take them off yet.
“Well… maybe you should get in first. I won’t peek!” He sits up straight, like a good schoolboy. “Then you close your eyes and I come in too. Then we can decide on the rest later. The hot tub makes a lot of bubbles so we won’t see anything unless we want to. Which is fine by me by the way. If you… want to look.” You are not the only one shying away from this now but Izuku tries his best to keep himself determined. You both want to get closer to each other, that’s true, but even as an adult, getting naked in front of someone for the first time is always a bit… well… awkward.
And okay, fuck’s sake, Midoriya Izuku looks like a fucking Greek god, while you are literally a nicely shaped potato. It’s not just about being awkward, it’s about the massive difference between you two. You don’t have a six pack. You don’t have nicely sculpted body, you are just… normal. Not bad, not ugly, but nothing compared to Izuku’s perfect body.
Fuck, you are stressing over nothing. He doesn’t care about that. He never did. You are being stupid…
“Sweets, we don’t need to do this if you are not ready.” Izuku grabs your hand, his finger drawing circles on your skin, his eyes full of worry.
“It’s not that, Izu. I just want… I want you to like me. But you work with all those heroes and they all look so…”
“Stop that. Right now.” Izuku reprimands, his eyes dark and protective. “You don’t know how much I…” He shakes his head to clear his thoughts and the darkness from his eyes. “I thought about you… so much. Every time I touch you, I try to imagine how you look like under all the layers and I think I have a slight idea already… this sounds so creepy but isn’t it normal? Thinking about this stuff when you love someone? Wanting to see them without all the covers, see them raw so you can love every single flaw, every single detail just as much as you love their soul?” Izuku’s hand makes it’s way to your waist, then under your shirt, caressing your side, moving his thumb over your soft skin, mapping out the area with nothing but wonder in his sparkly eyes. “I’m obsessed with you, Sweet Pea. I’ve always been. From the first time I saw you. I’m even obsessed with the way you sleep, with the way you draw, I love your shapes I love your colors… I love you.”
“Izu…” Your whole face is red. His words, his touches… they are scorching hot, they make you burn with desire, the flames licking at your skin as his fingers wander around your sides. You put your hand on his under your shirt and his movement stutters; he looks at you with nothing but worry, like he did something wrong but it’s actually quite the opposite; you move his hand to the middle of your chest to make him feel your heart thudding like a maniac, just after those few words. “This is what you do to me. Can you feel it?”
Izuku only nods, his fingers splayed out completely, assessing, studying the undiscovered area. His touch feels amazing, like tiny sparks of lighting going through your veins with every minuscule motion. The tips of his fingers aren’t soft, they are full of callouses, rough and broken, but they are Izuku’s so it still feels pleasant.
“Can I… ask you for a favor, Sweet Pea?” Izuku mutters, eyes full with want.
“Anything, love.” You whisper, completely entranced.
“Today… I only want to see you. And touch you. Get to know you. Nothing else.” He admits. “If I go too far, can you stop me? Even if… even if it’s good, even if it’s okay with you… I always wanted to do this. To just… be vulnerable with someone, be naked and enjoy each others company without uhm… ending up in the bed. I know it sounds weird, but…”
“No, I understand. I will stop you. But only because you asked me to.” You admit, not able to keep eye contact with him. Damn, it’s not going to be easy to say no when he looks at you with eyes this hungry but if this is what he wants…
“Can you start now? Because I’m really struggling.” Izuku giggles while he nuzzles your tummy. You both start laughing like two idiots while your hand finds its way into Izuku’s curls to play around. It’s not that his words doesn’t uhm… make you feel things but he said that with such an adorable tone you just can’t stop smiling.
“You close your eyes, calm down, then see you in the hot tub, yeah?”
“How am I supposed to calm down when I know what you’re about to do?!” Izuku legitimately whines into your face, his voice needy and so so honest it makes your heart hurt. He’s finally himself right now, just him being a silly and a uhm… horny nerd, not the hero, not the famous guy from the headboards, just Izuku, the young geek from the neighborhood. You absolutely love when Izuku goes all unhinged because it’s so fucking rare to see him like that.
Maybe, after this, he will be able to be like this more and more until all his insecurities fade away completely - That’s what you think about as you shed your clothes right by the hot tub, leaving the clothing nicely folded on the bench next to it.
Okay. You can do this. You have your towel in an arms length, in case you feel like it’s too much. By the look of it, Izuku won’t be able to see too much while the hot tub is on, the bubbles are way too frequent for him to take a good look.
You just need to sit in and wait for your godly boyfriend to join you and make sure he doesn’t… uhm… do anything he doesn’t really want to as per his instructions. Easy.
“I’m coming in!” Izuku announces himself, still in his All Might towel. He makes his way over with big, confident steps but stutters as he takes in the sight in front of him; your naked body hidden by nothing but the bubbles, your arms around your naked chest for extra safety, cheeks ruddy from embarrassment. Izuku swallows hard, his whole face red as he comes closer and sits down on the side of the hot tub, still in his towel. “Hi, Sweets.” Izuku drops his eyes to the floor with a shy smile on his face. He pops his legs into the water, splashing around like a child.
“Hi.” You mutter with a tiny smile. “Want to join me?” You reach out for him, but Izuku starts muttering random, incoherent stuff, clearly about to combust and you can’t help but laugh at that, all your embarrassment gone just from the sight of him.
“Uhm, yeah, I will, I swear I will it’s just uhm… you are… naked… and pretty and uhm… I don’t think I thought this through, oh my god…”
“Izu, just come in. It’s too late to run away now.” You giggle, forcing him to take your hand.
“Stop pulling me!” Izuku yells, his eyes terrified. Did you just attempt to pull the guy into the water? Yes, you just did. “Let me put my towel down, oh my god, Y/N!” Izuku stumbles and falls into the tub, water splashing all over, the sound of it louder than the happy giggles coming from you. “How will I get out now?! I have no towel, Sweets!!!” Izuku yelps, his voice high pitched, his face facing the other way out of embarrassment.
“We can share mine…” You purr into his ear while you snake your arms around his waist to pull him closer. Your breasts bounce back a bit as you push yourself into his back and you swear you can see smoke coming out of Izuku’s ears.
“Sweets, your… your bosom… is touching my back.” Izuku mutters as the blood explodes out of his nose, like in those stupid animes.
“I thought you want to get to know me better…” you mutter back, a little bit embarrassed now that the adrenaline is wearing off. “Sorry, I’ll stop bullying you.” You finally give the poor guy some peace. Izuku takes a deep breath and before you have time to get a good look at his beautiful back muscles, this absolute maniac tears the towel off himself under the water, and throws it to the other side of the garden, almost down into the street.
“Well, I wanted to show you my tattoo properly without flashing anything you don’t want to see yet, but now you missed your chance to see it.” Izuku grumbles with a red face, fake-offended.
“I don’t mind seeing your peachy ass, Izu.” You tease him but apparently, it doesn’t work anymore; Izuku only rolls his eyes with a fond smile on his face.
“Are you sure you can handle the sight? Even Kacchan admitted that my ass is juicy. I’m quite sure Calvin Klein likes my ass more than they like my personality.” The green head sighs. He’s in a sassy mood. You absolutely adore Izuku in a sassy mood. “They have all those fancy suits and shirts and cool trousers yet all I get is underwear. I’m offended.”
“Are you trying to show off, love?” You snicker, slowly sneaking closer your boyfriend, hoping for a cheeky cuddle. He doesn’t lean towards you yet, probably still a bit shy, but that’s fine.
“Maybe? I mean my butt is probably the only part of me that’s not full of scars…” Izuku looks away with eyes full of sadness. You hate when he does that, but you’ll make sure to change his way of seeing himself as soon as you can.
“I love your scars though.” You caress the massive scar around Izuku’s elbow; it’s the biggest one of them all, sprawled through half of his arm. It’s the one he got when he was only 14 years old. “One day, I want you to tell me the story behind all of them while I kiss them all. That’s one of my dreams, really. To do that. I want to kiss your insecurities away because you are the most beautiful human being in the whole wide word, Midoriya Izuku.” You stretch yourself to give your favorite person a kiss, absolutely unaware that your boobs are out of the water now.
(Warning: mention of nipples, boob touching)
Izuku yelps into your kiss and covers them with his hand right away; again, silly mistake, because just as his rough palm touches your sensitive nipple you can’t help but make a surprised noise, something between a moan and a yelp. Izuku moves his hand away with a high pitched “sorry” but you are not having any of that; you take his hand into yours and put them back where they were. “You can touch. If you want. You wanted to get to know my body, so… just… do it.” You stutter, half terrified and half… well… excited.
I mean, fucking Midoriya Izuku, your favorite hero is fondling your fucking boobies in a hot tub, of course you are excited, who wouldn’t be?
“Oh…Kay… thank you, Sweet Pea. I’ll be careful.” The tension in the air is… well… there is uhm… tension. Okay, where did your brain go?! Hello?! Words?! What’s going on?! Who is this?! Where are you?! Why is it so hot in here?!
(You okay to read along for a bit.)
“You okay, love?” Suddenly, Izuku’s hand leaves your chest and caresses your cheek; he pushes some stray hairs out of your face with a gentle smile on his face.
“I think I got overexcited and left this universe for a second, sorry.” You admit sheepishly. “You know, I’m kinda sharing a hot tub with pro hero Deku and we are both naked… my fangirl self is yelling in my head.”
Izuku next laugh is so free and careless it makes your heart melt completely.
“What does your fangirl-self want to do about it?” Izuku teases you back. You can’t help but yelp at how stupid your last sentence was.
“Nothing! Really! Nothing! I’m okay like this! Chilling in the hot tub!” You whine, red faced.
“You want to touch me? Want to feel me up, Baby?” Izuku’s face is right by your ears, his voice deep and husky, his shenanigans followed by a cheeky, innocent giggle.
“Stop teasing me, Mr. Perfect Muscles!” You full on yell into Izuku’s face now, absolutely mortified. He can’t just grumble into your ears like that, even as a joke! Oh my god, that went straight to places where nothing was supposed to go today. That’s just not fair.
“Sorry, I’ll stop. I swear.” Izuku giggles. “Except if you don’t want me too, my favorite little fangirl.” He grumbles again, making a flirty face which looks absolutely like Hawks’s.
“That’s how you wanna play this game, hot stuff? Take this, you flirty little chicken.” Your arms reach towards Izuku’s armpits. He doesn’t have time to defend himself before you start to tickle him menacingly, right where it tickles the most.
“Chicken?! Sweets, stop… haha… oh my god, stop… haha… please I beg you I’m sorry!” Izuku laughs, his eyes pleading but you are on a mission here; you need to show Izuku who wears the pants here! “Okay, if… haha… you don’t stop, I’ll stop… haha… you myself.” Izuku grabs your waist and sends you flying in the air; now needless to say the nerd didn’t think this action through at all because first of all, THIS IS TOO FUCKING HIGH, and second of all… well. You are still naked.
It takes Izuku a few seconds to realize his mistake and he catches you as quickly as he can, even with his eyes closed out of respect; he puts you in his lap, and mumbles sorry then takes a deep breath to calm himself down.
“Stupid nerd…” you grumble, your red face hidden in the crook of his neck. You try to make yourself comfortable, but Izuku puts his hands on your shoulders, his face just as red as yours.
“Sweets, don’t move… I made a mistake.” He mutters; he makes such a constipated face you can barely stop yourself from laughing.
“What…” Something twitches right under your… uhm… well… that. “Oh.”
Warning: 18+ for a bit, scroll down to the green writing to continue, there are important bits there!
“No, it’s fine, I’ll…” You try to carefully move away but the friction is just enough for the both of you to feel the pleasure of it. You’ll never forget Izuku’s face when your folds touched his half-hard member; his eyes are dark and clouded, almost watery and he’s biting his lips to not make a sound, to not show how much he liked it, but it’s all in vein; his face says it all as he can’t stop looking into your eyes, he can’t stop drinking the sight in front of him, he grabs your waist to stop you from moving away too far, desperate to feel you, desperate to be touched… “Izu…” You whisper as your body slowly goes back to its original place, right on top of Izuku’s laying member. “You don’t want this, remember?” You mutter into his mouth as you leave open mouthed kisses on his lips. His grips gets stronger, his restraint so close to snapping, but Izuku fights against the urges, even as another wave of pleasure goes through his spine when you straddle the hero’s hips and sit back down.
“I love you. I respect you. You are my everything, Sweet Pea. I would die for you.” You are not sure if Izuku is even conscious by the way he mutters nonsense into your ear; his hips snap forward, the length of his member shimming between your folds without any kind of penetration but the feelings of something so soft yet hard rubbing against your core makes you moan out loud; you look up at your boyfriend, into his eyes full of tears and terror and you stop your movements completely; something is wrong, something is not right, something is…
“Izuku, it’s fine. We don’t need to do anything. But we can also just… uhm… do this? It feels nice, isn’t it? It’s okay to want to feel nice, Izuku. It’s not a sin to have desires. I love you. And I want to see your face all scrunched up from how good it feels. I want to make you happy.” You try to smile at him, your hand caressing his cheeks to soothe him.
“This is so dirty, Sweets. You deserve better than this. I want to cherish you. I want to earn this. I want���” You can’t help but sigh at that. It’s a sweet thought but it’s also so silly; you don’t feel like you are being used for pleasure right now, it’s actually quite the opposite; this position is so intimate, so special, it’s just you and him surrounded by nothing but warmth, holding into each other, loving each other, helping each other to wind down after a stressful week…
“Izuku, what part of this is dirty to you? We love each other, don’t we? Is it a sin to feel each other? To enjoy this closeness? Do I look offended? Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.” You try your best to ignore his twitching member laying under you for a second to prove your point.
“Well, your pupils are really wide. Your eyes shine really beautifully. Your cheeks are flushed. Your lips look really tasty… I mean healthy. You look really beautiful. I love you.” He stares into your eyes like you are the one who hung the starts in the sky. You absolutely love the way he looks at you right now, it actually makes you believe this is real, not just a fleeting dream you are having every night to get away from the reality. You might be a creative person but you would never be able to come up with such a beautiful piece of art as Izuku’s face is right now.
“That’s… not what I asked.” You giggle into his neck shyly. “Can you tell me why you think this is wrong? I want to understand you.” You stop your shenanigans, trying your best to not touch in those places, but even without realizing it, Izuku pushes you right back. You decide not to comment on it and to school your face when the pleasure hits you.
“It’s… it’s dirty. You are so pure, so perfect, I… I don’t want to ruin this with my filthy desires. You are so much more than that to me. I don’t want to use you…” Izuku mutters while his hands caress your sides soothingly, the touch full of love and care.
Green zone, also, this bit is important.
“Izu, do you want to tell me what happened to you… before me?” You move your hand to the man’s cheeks, slowly caressing his ruddy cheek to calm him down a bit. Izuku visibly tenses at the mention, but sighs into the space between you, his muscles relaxing once more. Izuku has a lot of freckles on his shoulders, probably from the sunny weather and it makes his bulky figure loose it’s menacing edge; he’s just a boy, a young guy, lost in his own head, lost in his memories, a young guy full of insecurities etched into his heart by someone in the past who certainly does not matter anymore.
“There was one person. A person I thought I loved but… I don’t think I did. She certainly didn’t love me but it took me months to realize that. Everyone knew, everyone tried to tell me but I didn’t listen. I was too happy to feel needed, to not be a “Deku” for once.” Izuku tenses again so you decide to hug him tight, or as tight as you can hug a person sitting in a hot tub. You touch in a lot of places, but it doesn’t make you feel desire anymore; Izuku’s mental health is so much more important than a few minutes of pleasure. “I’ve always been a bit behind when it came to anything sexual, I was too focused on my hero work, on my notes, on my research to even think about uhm… trying stuff, even alone. This person… didn’t care about me feeling this way and I was too scared to say no but even though it felt nice I felt… dirty. I felt used. I felt like that but I still did it, every time she asked me to but with every single time I hated myself more and more for being so weird about this and she started to make me feel small and useless after a while and it wasn’t just about sex, it was about everything; my clothes, my scars, my body; my legs being too muscly, my freckles, my hair, I was too soft, too boyish…” Needless to say you are halfway between yelling and crying your heart out as you listen to his story. “It took me several months and Katsuki’s constant begging for me to finally realize she doesn’t love me, she just loves the money and my name. I was nothing but a stepping stone for her. We had an ugly break up. She said a lot of things I will never forget. It took me a long time to even be able to look into the mirror without frowning. I thought I’ll die alone. Then you came into my life.” Izuku pushes you a bit further so he can look into your teary eyes with nothing but love. “You turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I still have insecurities, clearly but… they are fading away. You are healing me. Thank you.” Izuku leaves a tiny kiss on your lips and pulls you closer once again, his body flush against yours.
“So what we just… did… well, almost… reminded you of this? I’m sorry for being so pushy… I didn’t mean any harm, Izu…” You finally let go of your tears, let yourself be the vulnerable one.
“No… I mean yes but it’s not your fault. I thought I am being the one using you this time, not the other way around. I see how stupid I was now that my head is clear. I’m sorry for ruining our hot tub date.” Izuku mutters into your hair while his arms tighten around your middle.
“You didn’t ruin anything, love.” You smile. “We got to know each other, didn’t we? We even played around a little bit and it was really nice. You told me something important. I learnt something new. It was a good date, Izu.”
“I don’t deserve you.” Izuku plays with your hair with a lovesick gaze in his eyes, his hips moving just a tiny bit under you.
“Oh, you do. You are perfect. Just what I always wanted.” You mumble into his hair, enjoying the way his curls tickle your cheek.
“I mean, I am the hero you are obsessed with…” Izuku teases, finally back to his old self.
“Hey! That’s not what I meant at all and you know that!” You giggle into his hair then move to his ear to give it a little, reprimanding bite.
“Sweets, uhm…” Izu pushes you away again to look at you. “How… much did I ruin the mood? Would you be uhm… interested in continuing?”
The look Izuku gives you while he says that goes right to your… well.
“Are you sure? We don’t need to. I can wait.” You try to reassure him but Izuku only shakes his head at that.
“Haha, I think… I think I want to fool around with the person I love the most. It’s my off-day. I can do whatever I want.” He says giddily, moving you down again. This time, you don’t try to fake nonchalance.
Warning: 18+ until the end, sexual content, (NO penetration), I don’t know how to tag this?!
“Uhm.” Izuku swallows around nothing, his face scrunched from pleasure already. You move your hips tentatively, shimmy yourself to the side of his length and for the first time since you two have been together, Izuku makes the sweetest voice, high pitched and so-so hot it makes you feel things down there, way past the pleasure of the friction. You try it again, and again, the movement more and more deliberate; your folds hug the length of him as you move from the tip to the end, without penetration, just you massaging his member by moving back and forth on the skin, giving yourself pleasure just as much as you give pleasure to him. “Sweets… that feels really good…” Izuku moves his hips up to help with the friction and you can’t help but choke on your next words, not even sure what they were supposed to be in the first place. “Is it nice for you too, love?
Ahh, Izuku is a guy who needs reassurance and talks a lot. You are not surprised by this revelation.
“Really nice, I love how close I am to you. Can we sleep naked tonight?”
Izuku only giggles at that which becomes a moan as he snaps his hips up again.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea but I can sleep in my underwear again?” You make another move, and another and another, getting closer and closer to your climax with every slide. “Can you sleep without a shirt? I loved the feeling of your… uhm… bouncy bits.” Izuku gets redder and redder as the time goes by, his movements under you careful, soft and so-so loving it hurts your heart. Your hands are in Izuku’s hair now, the curls bouncy under your palm. It might be only your imagination but you swear there are tiny, green sparkles around Midoriya, they look like the sparks of One For All acting out from all the pleasure Izuku’s getting from your shenanigans. You decide to move a bit quicker, with less hesitance, chasing your own sparks that erupt inside you with every move and every touch.
“You can touch them if you want.” You mumble, absolutely out of it and Izuku indeed goes for it; he moves his head towards your chest, leaves tiny kisses around your breast, then pops your bud into his mouth, only for a second and you see stars right away; your grip on his hair tightens and Izuku moans into your breast, needy and impatient as he snaps himself up again, chasing his climax while his mouth wanders from your chest to your neck then up to your lips. The kiss you get next is nothing like the ones you’ve got before; this one is scorching hot, dripping from desire, needy but somehow so full of emotions and unsaid words - Izuku talks to you even when he’s not, every movement full of words he’s too shy to say.
“We should stop, I’m gonna…” Izuku pants into your ear and licks into it, the smallest of moans coming out of his mouth as his movements become more sporadic. It’s absolutely ridiculous how you didn’t even really do anything yet it feels like the best sex you’ve ever had in your life.
“Too late.” You whine, your words followed by a deep kiss and that’s when it hits you; something snaps inside you, makes you feel cold and hot at the same time, your moan muffled by Izuku’s mouth; it takes Izuku a few seconds to understand what just happened and it doesn’t take him long to follow; one look at your blissed out face was all he needed to come, his grip tight on your sides as he comes down from his high together with you.
“This is the cheekiest thing I’ve ever done, Sweets.” Izuku pants with a massive, shit-eating grin on his face. You’ll never forget his blissed out face. Never. Fucking hell, you would absolutely be thrilled to have a second round like… right now. The pink cheeks, the half-lidded eyes, the sparks dancing around his whole body, even under water…
“Do you want to hear something even cheekier?” You whisper into his ear, barely able to conceal your giggles.
“Tell me.”
“We need to clean the whole hot tub. Today.” You finally let your laugh out and Izuku snorts.
“Worth it.”
Spoiler: Both of you almost change your mind about that after cleaning the fucking hot tub for two whole hours.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Honestly? I have no idea how this happened but it felt so right for these two that I decided to keep it even if it feels a bit cringe. Izuku definitely have some issues to sort out, but we love him.
- Also, I didn’t forget about the secret room! I have it planned in already but the reveal is going to happen in the last plot!
- I hope you enjoyed this part, please send me your thoughts! 🥦
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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syrupfog · 3 months
Penguin who sells scrap metal art at all the local craft fairs— he makes it with Shachi, because Shachi brings home the extra shit from his job at the auto shop. 
Killer who keeps getting booths opposite Penguin — he sells handmade leather journals, with custom engravings. 
They’re cordial. They’re a little blushy with each other. There might be a spark. 
Too bad Kid, who helps man Killer’s booth, HATES Penguin. Can’t stop talking shit about him because he feels like Penguin’s devaluing metalcraft (Kid makes high end metal sculptures for movies).
And Penguin’s chill bc he’s over here lasering the rust off of an old car bumper that he’s planning on shaping into a dragon, while Kid’s over there just fuming to Killer. 
Sometimes Shachi shows up and directly antagonizes Kid, for fun.
When Penguin and Killer eventually start dating (Killer makes him a custom journal with a penguin on the cover), they take a while to break the news to Kid… because of course Kid will be happy for Killer… probably…
Kid finds out at a summer festival when Shachi shows up with THREE oversized lemonades and comes over to hand one to Killer, citing “boyfriend privileges”, which confuses the situation because Kid assumes Killer and SHACHI are dating and he’s like “WTF A REDHEAD?? REALLY??”
And then Killer has to be like “no I’m dating your sworn enemy over there” and Penguin waves and Kid goes “WHAT NO RAAAAAGHSHSJSHHAHSHA” (just like that) so it’s a good thing Penguin’s a tough little guy.
Anyway Kid gets over himself when Law starts renting the booth next to them and HE sells old Victorian photographs where he’s photoshopped animal heads onto the people and Kid decides actually THAT’S the worst thing ever.
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anonbeadraws · 1 year
for the weirdly specific ask game: super curious about 5, 12, 21, and 27 :>
Thank you so much, I'm gonna respond to all the lovely folks who asked me here too about the weirdly specific art ask game! (Thank you to @phantomseptember, @wyrmzier , @grumpyoldsnake, @philcoulson-redtapeninja @swordsandspectacles and the other anons for asking!)
1. Art programs you have but don't use? I don’t think I have one! I’ve been playing on Photoshop for so long, though I’m thinking on getting Clip Paint Studio for comics at one point!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)? Mmmm, often find I draw folks looking to the left, but wouldn’t say I prefer one way or the other, especially when I’m flipping the canvas at least three times to make sure they’re all even!
3. What ideas come from when you were little? Mmm, lots of fantasy things, I have this old story about the green man that I made when I was 16 and it’s been rolling and remade ever since! It really needs another go other, it was my first dip into anything non cisgender before I knew, y’know?
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw? Mmm, probably cars. Hate drawing cars, so annoying.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself? Ohhh, probably, 80%, but that’s what happens when you’re chronically online like me lol
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw? Mmm, love a big floofy skirt or shirt, all those folds, very hard but so satisfying when I get rolling
12. Easiest part of body to draw? Mmm, eyes n’ mouth? I wanted to get good at them ever since I was a kid, cause they’re the expressive bits! I want to get better at Hands, the gay part of the body.
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing? I honestly can’t think of any? I guess I try n see the good in any art, even if it’s not my vibe; the colours, the lines… There’s always something
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)? At home! I try and keep Digital art to my desk, but If I’m doing ink art for fun, it’s on my bedroom floor, praying that I don’t mess the carpet
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy? Mmmmmm, mouths and hair?
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways? Ohhh, mmm, lineless art! the amount of effort that goes into it, love it!
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with? Iiii should be doing it more! But it’s usually a pretty lady with voluminous hair and fangs, it’s a good go to!
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated? Mmm, I think, it’s this piece, It really vibes with what I want to make at the minute, deep shadows, good lines, good Shapes! Thanks again for asking me!!!
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smicksstuff · 2 years
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Welcome to The Grid !
Hi im diana, she/her. im just your friendly neighbourhood f1 and football fanatic! im super cool about my passion for my sports boys and their team. come chat with me anytime !! ⚽️🏎️
Favourite Teams: Manchester United, Scuderia Ferrari
request : If you have any request or suggestions, send them to me. I will answer them as soon as I have time !! ◡̈ I'm not a writer so I'm sorry in advance if I cant do your request.
VAR (rules): i do not write nsfw content. However, i may interact with blogs who post such content. I believe that each of us are responsible for what we read and our actions online.
🤍 this is a safe space to be in love with men who drive fast cars in odd-shaped circles and men who chase after a ball for 90+ mins.
© all written or photo edited content is mine unless stated otherwise. please do not copy and/or publish to different accounts and platforms without permission!
click “keep reading” to access the full masterlist!
The Starting XI
Player Profiles (Instagram edits)
f1 drivers
The Pitbox Crew Series [ongoing]
(yngasly x f1drivers)
Part 1 - The Pitbox Crew
Part 2 - The Enstone Life
Part 3 - Mischief Managed
Part 4 - Land of Pizza and Pasta
Part 5 - Upside Down, Inside Out
Part 6 - Better Together
Part 7 - Power, Beauty and Soul
Part 8 - Ferrari Charm
Part 9 - Maple Syrup & Surprises
one shots
f1 drivers
mick schumacher - she shoots and she scores !
george russell - you had me at football
charles leclerc - off season antics
mick schumacher - gorgeous
mason mount - tis the season
alejandro garnacho - comeback kid
alejandro garnacho - forever and always
marc guiu - class of ‘24
hector fort - secrets
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・
Media Day! (Photoshop Edits)
charles leclerc & nyck devries
williams ‘22 boys
alphatauri ‘22 boys
mick schumacher
charles leclerc
bianca bustamante
dogs of war
dow: the baker
dow: the white knight
alex albon
logan sargeant
oscar piastri
max verstappen
mason mount
fernando alonso
lando norris
lewis hamilton
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・
The Hall of Fame (art)
F1 x Cars (Series)
Team Ferrari
Team Williams
Lily + Alex
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・
The Team (statistics/ fun facts)
f1 drivers
George Russell
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・
Yellow Card (ramblings)
f1 silly season
danny, mick, seb, nicky
cha cha
bahrain gp 23
ferrari, mclaren and mercedes fans
esteban x randy
aus gp 23
Cars: Live Action
King George
monaco race suit
football silly season
odds and ends
pinterest name aesthetic
f1 core challenge
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・
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celebritieswithemmab · 5 months
Shaq can't stop endorsing (seemingly) random things
So what's the pattern?
Like many people, I saw this picture on my social media feed a few years back. The haunting image has stuck with me ever since.
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The first time I saw the viral X (formerly known as Twitter) image, I thought it was fake. I assumed it to be the product of Photoshop and nothing more. After all, why would Shaq, a retired professional basketball player, be endorsing a pregnancy test? It has been a long time since I speculated on Shaq's bizarre endorsement but with the birth of this blog, I've been eager to talk about this subject. Shaq's bizarre endorsements range from, yes, pregnancy tests, to executive office seating. None of them seem to make any more sense than the others. So what exactly has Shaq endorsed (it's a lot) and why does it make sense to endorse these brands?
The majority of the time, if a celebrity is going to endorse something, there is a good chance it will have to do with clothing, beauty, or wellness. As celebrities are seen as rare, exclusive, and special, very rarely do you see celebrities endorsing everyday items for the common parts of our lives. If a celebrity endorses an alcohol brand we may buy it for our parties, or wear their makeup when we go out, but the gap between the lives of celebrities and our own is vast. We both may wear shoes and work out, but that's where a lot of the similarities end. Celebrities make for excellent brand endorsers because they have spent their lives specializing in a certain career many people never have the chance to access. This allows them to be perceived to hold a very certain skill set (like how Kim Kardashian, an influencer and reality TV star known for her curvy figure, owns a shape wear brand now valued at over $4 billion). Brands can use the image of celebrities to ad a layer of credibility to their product or service. Shaq first earned his fame on the court, and is no stranger to endorsements for sneakers or basketballs. Yet since his retirement, he has branched out to other unrelated topics.
To start off, Shaq owns more than 150 car washes, 17 Auntie Annie franchises, nine Papa John's franchises (also appearing in their advertising), and has bought and sold enough Five Guy locations to amount to 10% of the entire company.
And those are just some of the franchises he has owned. When it comes to what Shaq has endorsed, the brands are even more plentiful.
Heres a few of my favorite Shaq brand endorsements:
Pregnancy test
Sleep apnea mask
Epson printer cartridges
Executive office chair
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Shaq also owns the celebrity likeness of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Muhammad Ali, David Beckham, and Julius Erving.
So how did Shaq become the celebrity that can seemingly endorse anything?
To understand that, you must first understand Shaq's personal brand. He appeals to men who are sports fans (specifically basketball). His audience is 75% male, and nearly half of these are aged 25-34. Shaq is brand-safe, and has faced little to no controversy throughout his career. He is incredibly recognizable. Standing at 7'1, it makes his likeness hard to miss (like in the above photo). His energy positions him as lively, youthful, and relatable. Despite his impressive investment portfolio valued at over $100 million, he still appears down-to-earth, and some of his band endorsements fuels this image (more on this later). These all appeal to his main demographic. Some things that stand out to male consumers are a good value proposition, logic, simplicity, and humor.
Imagine this: you are a male, 26 years old, and regularly keep up with sports. You're just beginning your corporate career in accounting and have big plans for your future. Your girlfriend just called you concerned that she missed her latest period. You work through your anxiety and head to the nearest corner store. Standing amongst pads, tampons, and pregnancy tests, you have no idea what to look for. You feel out of place, out of your element, and you can't stop spiraling about how your whole life could change. That's when you see the kind, familiar face of Shaquille O'Neal staring up at you from the box of a pregnancy test. You rejoyce in the presence of something known! Suddenly, the overwhelming array of products with their overwhelming array of promises doesn't seem innavigable anymore. The surprising and out-of-place endorsement is humorous and allows you, finally, to laugh. All of a sudden your serious situation turns silly and ironic. You quickly choose the Shaq pregnancy test, comforted by the knowledge that you get the gift of two free Shaq stickers with purchase.
The strange endorsements Shaq takes on allows the more mundane or scary parts of our lives to be turned into something of a comedy. We recognize the surprise of seeing Shaq, the 7'1 basketball star, endorsing an office chair, but when you're an office executive and your days are filled with excel files, something a bit unusual may be exactly what you need. Especially if your colleagues are sports fans, it would make an excellent conversation starter: I have Shaq's chair. A sleep apnea mask can become Shaq's sleep apnea mask. Your ice pack can become Shaq's ice pack. This means that these products are now seen as truthworthy, strong, long-lasting, valuable, and, most importantly, a bit funny.
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k00281190 · 2 years
Final display and Artist statement
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During this semester I took a much more focused approach to my project. I chose the word transport in relation to movement. I explored transport through vehicles and my commute from mayo to Limerick, recording videos and taking photographs.
During my time, participating in the animation elective, I looked at how I could animate a person jumping onto a train, I used my primary research of my bus journey to mimic the jostling of a train. The process of animation is fascinating but also time-consuming! I enjoyed the scripting and the storyboarding. Although I not did get to complete an animation, I enjoyed the process.
I created intaglio and lino prints. I made stamps and created patterns using the stamps and also made an object called an accordion flip with my patterns. I wanted my illustrative style to also feature and I think my lino prints worked well with my style.
Graphic Design
I created an icon design of a cable car moving up, this workshop challenged me to break down my design into simple shapes. I then took it a step further by bringing my design into illustrator and photoshop creating artboards and making a motion graphic (GIF) of my icon, which I'm very pleased with how it turned out for my first gif! I combined my lino print and typography to reimagine an album cover . I created a zine which I found quite hard, the result at the end was not what I expected but nonetheless, overall Graphic design was most enjoyable.
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photocut-ai · 7 days
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Our cutting-edge transparent PNG maker utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology to seamlessly convert images to PNG format without any loss in quality. This innovative tool ensures that the clarity and intricate details of the original image are preserved, even when dealing with images containing hair or fur. Upon completion of the conversion process, users have the option to download the high-resolution PNG image at no cost. Learn how to effortlessly remove backgrounds from images for Depop with our user-friendly tool.
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PhotoCuts offers a free online PNG maker that allows you to upload multiple images and convert them all at once, saving you time and effort. Whether you are working with animal pictures, portraits, logos, or vectors, PhotoCut can handle it all. Enhance your productivity and workflow with PhotoCuts hassle-free experience. Explore the world of color temperature and how it can impact your photography.
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Q1. What is a PNG file?
Ans. PNG stands for Portable Graphics Network. It's a type of image format that keeps all the details without losing any quality. 
Q2. What is PNG good for?
Ans. PNG is perfect for storing images without losing any quality. It supports true color images and transparent backgrounds, making it a popular choice for web graphics.
Q3. How to remove a white background from a PNG?
Ans. Removing a white background from a PNG is easy with PhotoCut. Just upload your image, click 'Remove background,' and let PhotoCut do the work for you.
Q4. What image format is transparent?
Ans. File formats like PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF can all have transparent backgrounds. Give PhotoCut's transparent image maker a try to create your own.
0 notes
freya-development · 4 months
Cutout Animation
Our second assignment of the semester was to make a 15 second animation using paper cutout. The criteria for this was to use audio with speech so that we could work with lipsync.
We started out by choosing a trending audio on social media at the time, then made a storyboard to follow the sound. This allowed for us to block out the expressions that we would need.
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After that, we then drew the design out on paper and started to cut out the separate pieces. The head, neck and hair were one part, the clothes another and then the eyes, pupils, eyebrows and mouth were all separate pieces.
We also made a dope sheet in Excel. This included breaking down the speech in the audio into sounds synced up with the frame number they lined up with. We then made the associated mouth shapes needed to make all of the sounds.
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Once the dope sheet and cutouts were done, we started animating using dragonframe and a green screen background. To do this, we followed the storyboard and moved the individual paper parts in line with our plan.
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After this was done, we took the image sequence into Adobe After Effects to edit it into a video. We also were able to key out the green background and replace it with a 2D shop car park drawn in Photoshop.
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One issue we came across was that the video was flickering a lot in After Effects. We tried to reduce this however weren't able to find a solution and don't know what caused it so it ended up visible in the final animation.
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seidenkaiser · 6 months
I am taking sewing/design/moodboard requests.
Don't be shy and just put in the ask box what you'd like to see and we will see what comes of it.
Designs/Drawings that come from Requests are free to use for everyone unless stated otherwise on the Design Post! | But please give Credit If you use a look for your OCs/Sew it yourself/use it in any way. (And Tag me if Possible lmao, I wanna See) I only do front Views for Requests unless you ASK explicitly for a Front/Back.
Sewing Requests can be nearly anything. Guides/Reviews/Insights for skirts/Dresses/sleeves/shoecovers/chokers/etc. You can also ask for specific Detail works Like ruffles, patchwork, Soutache, (bead) embroidery, decoratibe stitching, etc pp (If I don't have the Materials on Hand it might Just take longer)
I try to make Sewing Requests as detailed as possible. I will describe the steps and give Reviews on what works and what doesn't. But it won't be a full fledged Tutorial. If there are further questions Just ask away.
Photoshopped Moodboards are completely free to use and you don't even have to credit me since I use a very specific style to create those. That Style is a Hit or Miss for Most people.
What I DON'T do:
I do not make full design breakdowns with seperated layers, Material recommendations etc
I do Not Take sewing Requests for Giant Projects. E.g. Disney Princess Style Ballgowns. You can ask for parts of it like Princess sleeves or the bodice,...
What I LOVE:
I love weird prompts. You want an Outfit Design inspired by a Car engine? You want to See how I struggle with some odd shape to Sew into a project? A Designer Moodboard for birds shitting? I gotchu fam
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f10ri222 · 6 months
Week 10 & 11- After Effects
The Process-
First we experimented with images we had on a file to see how to demonstrate the moving images on a loop , then i had to plan what i wanted to do with my images so I designed my own houses , cars and things in the background like trees and a lampost then i will scan the physical sketches onto my after effects digitally and render them there-
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after touched up the images on photoshop and turned them into pngs i uploaded them onto after effects then layed the houses out copy and pasted to look like a row of houses then the cars onto the road after making a new layer solid as a grey path the same with the dark blue sky then moved them into the positions i wanted them to be in after scrunched up some paper and made pngs of clouds moved them into their position also and the cat i added onto the roof jumping up n down with the pen tool with the sound i edited on capcut added busy street sound and music fading at the end as if its the cars radio also with the lampposts on photoshop drew a long rectangular shape faded yellow light then messed with the opacity to make it look like its flickering
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spiritofmultitudes · 6 months
Brf- Kate not seen since reports of royal cars driving to hospital around new year
Surgery not planned in advance because planned overseas visit cancelled
Reported abdo surgery. Rumoured gynae and plastic surgery.
William swaying weirdly at official engagement
William close to godfather’s memorial service but cancelled with 45 mins notice for “ personal matters”
William didn’t go to godfather’s funeral either
H and M kicking goals so obvs W had to try to one up them.
Kate papped with bankrupt mum on private estate. Kip gives one photo to TMZ. British media pressured not to publish for her “privacy”. Face shape different. Puffy? Tyre tread clearly visible so perhaps not driving and still. Mum clear, Kate blurry.
BMedia furious.
KP release fake photo of Kate with kids for Mother’s Day. Kids wearing same outfits as baby bank visit last year but they have been photoshopped. Kates hands weird and not wearing Diana’s engagement ring. Kate’s face lifted from vogue.
4 international agencies issue kill-order on photo. BMedia can now go wild and do about pic, trouble in marriage.
False report on Murdoch papers that H and M do the same thing. Milan Harriman refutes with proof and drops the original. Kensington Applecross refuses to drop the original.
Kpalace now issues weird and likely false statement that Kate did the photoshop. Media calls this out because she’s a control perfectionist mannequin (see Hilary mantel on royals bodies).
Kpalace offers doctored/fake pic of W on way to commonwealth service in car with woman whose head is turned away. Claims it’s Kate. Car different colour from the one W arrived in. Not clearly K- could be anyone. Interweb detectives find old profile pic of Kate from 8+ yrs ago that matches car pic.
Theories… Kate is sick, rehab, surgery complications, separation from W and refusal to play his narratives.
But KPalace acting like she’s dead. No messages, no pic, no video. Coverup and acting as if he killed her.
He isn’t fit to be in charge of anything, let alone billion pound estate, monarchy.
Also they are protecting an alleged pedophile so let’s not focus on lifestyle brands and bs. The whole family is complicit in protecting Andrew.
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
monday - tuesday
8:32 a.m. and i am... idk.
i don't even feel tired really.
today my gf spent a lot of time with her family from jersey. it seemed like they weren't all going to go out, and then they all actually did. she and i woke up so late, but she went out. i didn't have to because i'm so sick. her mom brought me some medicine which is really kind of her. unfortunately, today was horrible for her mother. they all went to bars and stuff, my gf's brother made them do karaoke, it was basically a good night until my gf's mom dropped her off here. my gf was way drunk and we were busy with something when her mom started calling. the stuff ended, and then my gf called her mom, that was maybe 10 mins after. my gf was like, what's up, and i heard her mom on the other end of the line, weeping, totally a mess emotionally, talking about my gf's brother. he probably got pretty wasted too and got in some kind of argument w/ their mom. when he realizes his mom was just driving to her place, expecting him to either stay the night or uber home, he got even more livid. the argument was re: how unhappy he is with his current gf, how out of shape he is, she was probably sort of mean about it, i know she can get nasty w/ my gf, even me. i wrote here about the time she just drove off leaving us in the laundromat, and then coming back. she can be very bad, however, how my gf's brother reacted, is beyond sympathy. when he got out of the car, my gf's mom said something like "do you think you're better than me," to which my gf's brother decided to grab his mom by the collar, spit in her face, and say "yes i am and i'm only the way i am because you're a piece of shit". he then threw her drink in the face and wandered off. he also i guess cursed her out. my gf called him, and he admitted to the above, while simultaneously saying he didn't do anything his mom said, she texted the other family members he hit her, she didn't say that to my gf i think. i don't really know what he did, what he admitted to is bad enough, and the fact he doesn't think that's doing anything is insane. he probably did get more violent than he is willing to admit, he tried to play off what he did as something totally rational, and when he grabbed her by the collar he probably was really forceful with that. he is a piece of shit and he doesn't seem to understand how bad a person he is.
when i got sick, my friend in saudi arabia got sick at the same time almost, or it feels that way now. he got some kind of stomach virus. mine is comparatively less bad. now his little brother is bleeding from his ear. everything seems to be getting worse. it feels like this month began with a shooting, it feels like that obliterated everything before kind of, in terms of events or, like, anything. the memories are there but they seem so far away now. this month marks something in my life. a great expanse of the future opens, malady and terror for the living.
anyway, i really need to shower. guhhhh.
my mouth feels like hell too. too much salty food, there are sores in my mouth. everything is gross and painful right now.
i have showered. it's almost 12 pm tuesday. i've been up since like 4:30 pm yesterday.
i feel like i look pretty right now so i took a pic. ignore the blot on my upper lip . . . please .
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i did not read tonight so maybe that's why my vanity is going unchecked (it's actually because i'm insane and feel the need to document whenever i feel pretty so i can look back on it and try to know that i'm not totally ugly (which feeds into the reading in another way (vanity is an impulse borne of the need to test that what you are is 'real' maybe))).
anyway in order to stop thinking about awful things happening in my life here's a picture i found while looking for photos of glass eyes;
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it's so scary and twisted right? there's something so wrong with this image, i don't even think it's an insane photoshop, a girl did this to memorialize her mother i think. why??
it's a really powerful image, it feels like, dangerous, which makes me want to use it in something, but that seems maybe irresponsible. i might fuck around though. i just don't want to make something that seems like, to be interested in advancing any kind pro pig message.
anyways looking at glass eyes on flickr i found this super cute doll:
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i love her outfit, it's the perfect kind of bright/grating. i'm hoping to do stuff like that this summer maybe. we'll see.
anyway, i am like, sooooo tired. it's almost 1 pm too. fucked up. i need to take more medicine too i think.
i am going to go take some pillzzz now.
i took my pillz and my stomach hurts now. that's cool. i took 2 acetaminophen pills (they were like horse pills too but the box said take 2) and then another decongestant. i wonder if i am gonna puke now. i keep thinking about puking today.
anyway to keep my mind off the pain in my stomach, uhh, i did fix one of the songs i keep trying to get right, now it needs brightening again but the vocals sound right i think, they don't sound fried and w/o any mids. the guitar in the left channel is a bit less squishy i think, all the really needs changing is i think the snare needs to be a touch brighter, and then the right channel guitars, and then lower the bass again i think.
i am really tireddd now so:
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eduardolessa · 11 months
The End or the Future of Art?
Is cyberart the end of art? No, on no account, considering the benefits that cyberart can bring to artists and the art world, like being able to make art from anywhere, without using expensive supplies, and being able to see art from many artists without having to go to museums or exhibitions, is cyberart the end of art because it is actually an extension and a new way to make art. Not only is it a new way to make art, it is also a way that is more accessible and easier. Due to this, cyberart has made art more accessible to almost everyone around the world. 
Art has been around for a really long time, and has made its presence notable throughout history. For example, art was present in the prehistoric age, when cavemen painted cave paintings on the walls of the caves they lived in, using whatever resources they had. In no way, has art been the same throughout all these years. As Katerina Gregos said in her TED talk, it has evolved and changed over time, depending on the historical era and the way of living. This way, art represents a reflection or a reimagination of reality, depending on the author’s point of view.  So, throughout all these changes, art represented reality and its conflicts, an, to this day, art has an important, but subtle, role in society, representing resistance to social and political problems. Therefore, art is a new way to fight contemporary issues. 
A new way to make art has been gaining space in the art world, and this is cyberart. The first digital art experiences date back to the 1980s. One example of this is that in the early 1980s, Harold Cohen invented a paint program called AARON, which is a robotic machine which has as its main objective creating and designing large abstract drawings on a sheet of paper placed on the floor. At first, until the 90s, AARON’s paintings were abstract, however, during this decade, it started creating figures, forms and shapes from the world, and also implementing color. Other than this, with the digital art movement, programs like Photshop, Paint, Rhizome, and many others became accessible to the general public, thus making cyberart more popular. For example, Rhizome, since its initiation in 1996, firstly as a mailing-list, has been a digital art center that aims to select and conserve the art that exists on the Internet, by reuniting different arts that are on the Internet. Today, cyberart is becoming more popular at a rapid pace, and due to this, it will likely not stop gaining popularity any time soon.
Painting has been part of human history, as a form of art and communication for a really long time. As mentioned before, they were present in the Prehistoric era, when cavemen painted about their daily lives on the cave walls as a rudimentary way to express themselves to the other humans around them. And, with the development and evolution of the human race, as well as our technologies and techniques, the styles, methods, and themes of paintings have changed a lot. For example, the cavemen used to paint about their hunts using natural pigments, and today, it’s possible to paint using computers, paint, watercolor, as well as many other methods. Painting, in today’s age, is still one of, if not the most, important, influential and common forms of art in the world.
Now, getting back to why cyberart has made art more accessible to people everywhere, with the development of programs, websites and applications that allow people to create cyberart, people can now create art from anywhere in the world. For example, Photoshop and Paint, which have respectively more than 22 million users and more than 100 million users, allow people to paint, draw, and edit photographs from literally anywhere in the world if they have access to a phone, tablet or computer, which doesn’t even need to be connected to the Internet. This way, even if you’re home, in your car, at work, or even at home, you can let your creativity flow free and create unique forms of cyberart. Another way to make cyberart from anywhere is using AI to create paintings or images for you. Some examples of these softwares are DALL·E 3, which costs US$20.00 a month and Bing Image Creator, which is free.
This brings me back to my next point, which is that while making cyberart, the person doesn’t need to spend money on paint, canvases, pencils, and other materials needed to create non digital art. These supplies can be very expensive, like for example, a good quality 18 x 24 inch canvases costs at least $34.99, while the Creative Cloud Photography plan which includes Lightroom, Photoshop and many other great apps for creating cyberart, costs only US$9.99 a month. Also, Paint is completely free, which is great for people that don’t want to, or can’t afford to spend a lot of money on art supplies.
Another great benefit that cyberart brings to people everywhere is that, considering that someone has a computer, or smartphone, which more than 85% of people in the world do, according to BankMyCell.com, they can have access to different artworks and exhibitions, without having to go to museums and art galleries. One example of this is the OpenSea Network, which allows people to check out NFTs, which are Non-Fungible Tokens, which means they are registered on the blockchain and belong to someone, of many different forms of art, including paintings, for instance. This way, through OpenSea people can access for free, and from anywhere some of the most coveted digital paintings and arts in the world. The OpenSea network has more than 1 million users around the world. Another way that people can check out art from the comfort of their home, are art galleries like “ArtMajeur” and the MOCA (Museum of Crypto Art), for example, and these types of galleries and exhibitions are becoming more and more popular. These types of galleries allow people to check out artworks from anywhere, but also check out artworks they would have never seen in museums. For example, Colborn Bell, an important name at the Museum of Crypto Art, said that he is much more interested in what, for example, a 20 year-old in Indonesia who has been drawing in his room, or a queer woman in Kenya, which he would have never seen in the art galleries he, and most people, frequents can bring to the art world, than what traditional artists can, while looking at NFTs.
So, to sum everything up, cyberart has made art more accessible to almost everyone in the world, if they have a digital device available to them, which almost everyone does. This way, it’s possible to affirm that cyberart is definitely not the end of art. It is a new way to create art, which is more accessible to people everywhere, in view of the fact that it doesn’t require expensive supplies, can be created everywhere, and to see this type of art, the person doesn't have to go anywhere anymore. Considering these benefits that it can bring, it is not fair or right to say that cyberart is the end of art, because it definitely isn’t.
Colborn Bell is the Co-founder and Director at the Museum of Crypto Art and said that in the Future of Digital Art podcast, minutes 17:43-18:10 (https://open.spotify.com/episode/3OnRG72qHBCgxRnHR7Uzbn?si=876a20f6f26e4b38)
Katerina Gregos - Why Art is Important - TED x Ghent
The prices of art supplies were taken from Amazon.com
Price of a good quality 18 x 24 canvas https://a.co/d/8wgiN8w 
The price of the Creative Cloud Photography Plan was taken from the Adobe website
https://zipdo.co/statistics/adobe-photoshop/#:~:text=Adobe%20Creative%20Cloud%2C%20which%20includes,90%25%20of%20creative%20professionals%20worldwide. (Photoshop number of users)
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/24/technology/microsoft-paint.html#:~:text=The%20original%20Paint%20program%20boasts,intricate%20and%20sometimes%20popular%20works. (Microsoft Paint number of users)
https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/openai-brings-chatgpt-and-dall-e-together-for-next-gen-image-creation/ (DALL-E price)
https://museumofcryptoart.com/collection/ (MOCA website)
https://www.artmajeur.com/pt/ (ArtMajeur website)
“Cyberart -  A Short History of Digital Art” worksheet
“Module 2: Exhibitions of Digital Art” worksheet
By: Eduardo Lessa
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nfkjournal · 11 months
Week 4 - Lou Romano & Pirate Character Design
In this class, we focused on Lou Romano and colour psychology. We also created our own pirate designs in the style of Lou Romano, which means we had to use simple shapes and less detail to convey shape language.
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Firstly we used the Eyedropper tool in Photoshop of a Lou Romano image and created colour swatches from the colours in the image.
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We then created our own pirate designs inspired by the style of Lou Romano. We created a PureRef scene of Lou Romano's work and pirates for reference. I used mostly Lou Romano's storyboards for The Incredibles as reference as I liked how this art style had small and pointy proportions with no face. I wanted my character to have a friendly and approachable but also slightly feisty and daring personality and I tried to convey this by using a mixture of both round and pointed shapes. The Lou Romano style usually makes the faces pointed but I made my character's face slightly less pointy to convey the friendly side while making the hands, hat, feather, arms, legs and hair pointy and triangular to show the more daring side of her personality. I also changed the pose from a less haughty pose to a more approachable pose as her hand is gestured outwards rather than close to her body. I mostly a palette of warm colours in my design to further highlight the warm and friendly personality. I gave her chibi proportions with a larger head and smaller body and short legs to also highlight her approachable personality.
I also added shadows to get the blocky aspect across as the Lou Romano designs have sharp, blocky shadows as a key aspect of the design. I had trouble simplifying this design in class as I kept subconsciously adding detail to the outfit and so I kept sticking to my Lou Romano images for reference.
For the background, I chose to use the storyboard of the plane from The Incredibles as a reference as I believed the colours represented peace and calmness, and I believe light blues can also represent friendliness and reliability which are my character's personality traits. I used the polygonal lasso tool to create these sharp quadrilateral shapes that represent the clouds and created sharp polygonal shapes for the mountains. I am overall happy with this outcome and I believe it effectively conveys my character and her personality.
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Artist Research - Lou Romano
Lou Romano is an American animator and voice actor who has worked on many Pixar movies such as Monsters Inc and the Incredibles by creating the storyboards. His first job at Pixar was working on the Incredibles and he won an Annie Award in 2005 for this. He was also the art director for lighting for Disney's Pixar's Up. He worked on Ratatouille by voice acting for the main character Linguini and for Snot Rod in Disney's Pixar's Cars. He studied animation in one of the most well known art schools, CalArts, and also studied acting at the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts.
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