#physical look of it. That it looks like a literal bolt of lightning streaking across the sky. Framing his eyes. And when Harry get mad
whitephoenix81 · 2 years
Okay guys, I have a theory/headcanon.
What if Harry's scar wasn't originally put there by Voldemort? What if it was Lily? Hear me out!
Imagine, Halloween, 1981. Lily had Harry up in his nursery. She prepared for this inevitable outcome. Being a prodigy in both Charms and Ancient Runes, she researched a ritual that would protect Harry from the monster currectly climbing the stairs.
She doesn't have much time. Not having her wand on her, she finds the sharpest object she could find, and pricks her finger. Using her blood, she draws the Norse symbol for "Sun" for "Soul", upon Harry's brow.
Telling her baby boy to be strong and safe. That she and daddy loves him no matter what. And then kissing the crown of his head. For what she knows is the last time, is the most difficult thing she's ever had to do.
Standing between the monster and her innocent baby, she willing, gladly, takes the killing curse. If it means that her little Bambi was safe.
As the breath leaves Lily Potter's body, her willing sacrifice, combined with her love for her son. And her blood, marking Harry's brow, sealed the spell. And Voldemort's fate.
For when he turned his wand on the baby in the crib. A baby, who no longer had blood on his forehead. As the same killing curse, that took away his parents flew towards him, Lily's sacrifice powered spell came to life. Lily's love for her son, combined with her blood, Harry blood. And the ancient magic that Lily had invoked, meant that Voldemort and his magic, couldn't touch him.
The dark and evil curse rebounded off of Harry, and struck the one who cast it. Hitting him, ten-fold. Leaving nothing behind but his wand.
However, because the curse is meant to attack a person's very soul. And Voldemort's soul was already frayed as it was, a piece sheared off of what was left of it. And because it could not survive without a host, it searched, and attached itself to the closest, and most magically viable object in the room. Harry.
As Lily's spell had only just been activated, and was still fresh and new. It attached itself like a leach. Turning what was beautiful, and full of love and hope. A sacrifice that lived in Harry's very skin.
And twisting it. Corrupting it, into something dark. Full of pain and misery.
Turning it, into a scar.
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timelesslords · 3 years
invisible string
read on Ao3 
Missing scene from Mark of Athena- Annabeth realizes the curse of Achilles is gone. 
Annabeth wasn't one to call fighting monsters fun, but she might just have to make an exception for ones made of tar.
Okay, so the actual monsters hadn't been fun. And really, fighting monsters was never really fun. But she couldn't deny that there was something exhilarating about fighting alongside Percy again, after so many months apart. She had been worried that they might be out of step, that the distance and the time might have weakened the bond they shared. That Percy's memories wouldn't quite be the same, or still be distant and fuzzy like Jason's. But they were as in sync as ever. As soon as the first monster had risen from the tar, all it had taken was one glance to solidify their strategy for dealing with it.
Add in Percy's new shape-shifting friend Frank for a speedy getaway, and Annabeth had the most fun she had had in months. Of course, there was still the minor issue of actually getting the ship in flying shape once they got back. And being separated from Percy again, even if it was only a few floors away, instead of hundreds of miles. And the aftermath of trying to get the tar out of her hair– that had been something Annabeth seriously never wanted to repeat. 
But something was bothering her, something she didn't have the time or mental energy to explore until she was sitting on her bunk, trying to dry her hair. Percy had fought impressively; he always did. But he hadn't been the one-man army Annabeth had gotten accustomed to, during and after the war. He hadn't been invincible.
She wasn't sure– wasn't positive– but her gut was telling her that something was off. And she thought she might know what, even though the thought of it made her stomach do somersaults. 
They were going to have a meeting in the mess hall soon, and she didn't have a lot of time. But she had to know. So Annabeth slipped out of her cabin, making her way towards the one she knew Percy had claimed an hour or so earlier. She knocked, but didn't wait for a response before opening the door. 
"Hey," Percy said, sitting up from his bunk. He looked pleased to see her, his classic troublemaker smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
"Hey yourself." Annabeth said, letting herself in and shutting the door behind her. It wasn't technically allowed for them to be in the same room together alone, especially with the door closed, but Annabeth had brought her invisibility cap just in case. She could probably slip it on fast enough to avoid being caught. Probably.
Percy scooted over, making room on the bed for her. She sat down next to him, and he wrapped his arm around her. It felt so nice to just be together Annabeth almost didn't bring it up, but the long, shallow scratch on the arm holding her made that impossible. 
She traced the scratch with her finger. It shouldn't have been possible, and yet here it was, staring at her in the face.
"It doesn't hurt." Percy said, noticing her attention, but misreading her concern. 
"But it shouldn't be there." Annabeth said. 
Percy looked at her strangely, like he didn't understand what she meant. Annabeth felt a cold and familiar fear in the pit of her stomach. Ever since they had cracked Hera's sick riddle and figured out that Percy and Jason had been swapped, Annabeth had been haunted by the very real possibility that even if they managed to find Percy, he wouldn't remember her. Obviously that hadn't happened, but this wasn't a small thing either. What if Percy's memories weren't as intact as he was letting on?
"The curse of Achilles," Annabeth prompted, trying to keep the fear out of her voice, "You should be invincible." 
"Oh! That." Percy said, recognition finally flashing across his face. Annabeth was suddenly torn between abject relief and the very strong urge to yell at him for making her panic. She settled on relief. 
"I had to give it up when I crossed the Tiber.” Percy explained, “Hera– or Juno, whatever, she said it was a Greek curse, that I couldn't carry it into Roman territory."
Without thinking, Annabeth took her free hand and slid it around Percy's back, brushing her fingers over the small of his back, his Achilles heel. Percy had told her that it felt like a thousand little lightning bolts were racing up and down his skin, when she touched it. She remembered the look in his eyes when he had guided her fingers there for the first time, equally terrified and exhilarated. She got no such reaction now; just a sort of sad apologetic look. 
She pulled back her hand. Annabeth had already known intellectually that it was gone, but it still felt like something had snapped inside her.
"Oh." Annabeth said. 
"Disappointed?" Percy asked. He was studying her expression carefully, like he was trying to decipher a puzzle. 
Annabeth sighed. She'd originally started calling him Seaweed Brain because he could be so obtuse sometimes, especially when it came to reading her. He hadn't even realized she liked him after they'd kissed in that stupid volcano, for gods' sake. But the longer they knew each other, the more difficult it became for her to hide anything from him. He was actually surprisingly perceptive, especially now that he knew to be looking.
"No, no." Annabeth said, wrapping her hand in his, "I just– I don't know. It feels like a bad omen." 
"I've honestly gotten used to not having it." Percy admitted. He interlocked his fingers with hers, and Annabeth was pleased to find that they fit together as perfectly as they had before. That, at least, hadn't changed.
"You never really needed it." Annabeth said, truthfully. Percy had always been a skilled fighter. And, okay, maybe it had been necessary for the war, but only because they had been so hopelessly outnumbered. But unless they were facing 250 monsters to one demigod again, Percy could easily hold his own without it.
"You're still upset though." Percy noted. 
Annabeth bit her lip. She felt a bit stupid for it, but she wasn't really upset about Percy losing the protection. Sure, it sucked that he was a little more breakable now, but he hadn't exactly been very breakable to begin with. 
In truth, she felt worse that the connection between them forged by the Achilles curse had been wiped away. Not just her having taken that knife for him, though that was part of it. Percy had told her later that the thing that had kept him tethered to his life, to himself when he bathed in the Styx had been her. She had been his lifeline, literally. Maybe that was how she had known to take that knife for him in the first place, because that little spot had tied them together in some hallowed, inseparable way. 
And now it was gone, along with their matching grey streaks, the only other physical reminder of the bond they shared. Annabeth was embarrassed to admit how much it had upset her when the grey had finally worn out of her hair. 
"It's just... I don't know. It feels someone cut an invisible string between us." Annabeth said. 
Percy nodded, like he understood, and Annabeth knew he did. knew he was thinking of all the same things she was. As if to prove it, he took his free hand and brushed the one curl that had once been grey behind her ear. She, too, could pick out his strand of hair that the sky had marred, even if it had turned dark again. 
"I felt like that too, at first." Percy admitted, "I didn't want to give it up. I knew it was important somehow. But I also knew if I wanted to see you again, it was the only way." 
Annabeth looked in his eyes, warm and earnest, and felt something in her chest glow. It was still incredible to her that he had remembered her, despite Hera's full force. She knew it had to have been him, and just him; Hera hated her too much to leave the memory of her in his mind. 
"I guess I can deal with you being a little more delicate. As long as we're together." Annabeth said. Percy smiled, squeezed her hand.
"Delicate, huh?" 
"Like fine china." Annabeth teased, "I'm going to have to watch out for you."
"You always watch out for me." Percy smiled. 
"Somebody's got to." Annabeth said.
They sat quietly for a minute, just enjoying each other's company. 
"You're still my lifeline, you know." Percy said, suddenly, "Wiping away the curse didn't change that." 
It was Annabeth's turn to squeeze his hand, because if she tried to speak she thought she might cry. She settled for kissing him instead, slow and sweet, revelling in the fact that he was finally back with her again.
They only broke apart when Annabeth heard footsteps coming down the hall. She managed to shove her hat on just as Piper knocked on the door.
"Come it!" Percy called, desperately trying to straighten out his shirt. Annabeth bit down the urge to laugh.
"Meeting in the mess hall in five." Piper said, poking her head in the door, "You too Annabeth."
"She's uh- she's not here." Percy said. It was so deeply unconvincing, what with Percy's flushed face and mussed hair, that Annabeth actually had to cover her mouth to prevent a giggle from escaping. Piper smirked. Even if she hadn't been a daughter of Aphrodite, the scene would have been fairly obvious to most onlookers. And Piper was most definitely a daughter of Aphrodite.
"You're a terrible liar." she said, amused, "But whatever. If you happen to see her, could you let her know?"
"Yeah. Yup. I can do that." Percy said, but Piper had already disappeared down the hall. Annabeth shimmered back into view, unable to hold back her laughter anymore.
"Is she always like that?" Percy asked, his face still red. 
"Oh yeah. I think you're going to like her." Annabeth said, standing up, pulling Percy with her. They walked down to the mess hall hand and hand.
So maybe the curse was gone, and the grey streaks in their hair had faded away. But they didn't need those physical reminders of each other, not really. He had remembered her, and she had found him. They were tying new invisible strings to each other, ones that couldn't be severed by any sword, or any river or any god. 
And Annabeth had a feeling this was just the start. 
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hotchseyebrows · 3 years
that's my heart right there
a derek morgan x penelope garcia fic
a/n: hi beloveds :) today i present this happy and soft morcia fic that i wrote in practically one go last night. who needs wips when you can just ignore them all blatantly for new works? thank you as always to @blkantigone for providing another set of eyes, love you lots! love you all too, thank you for reading!
rating/warnings: teens and up, allusions to sex but none on screen, mostly just gooey marshmallowly fluff!
read it on ao3 here!
The sunlight surrounds her in a soft glow. She smiles at him and something inside of him breaks open.
“Let’s get a drink.” It’s not an unusual request for them, but it feels bigger this time. “If you want to.”
Her smile grows. “Yes please.”
A post Exit Wounds fic where Kevin doesn't exist and Clooney the dog is much more important to the narrative. They're in love and finally doing something about it.
word count: 2311
“I kinda love you, Derek Morgan.”
“I kinda love you, Penelope Garcia.”
He thinks about it the whole plane ride back from Alaska. When they board, she gently tugs him to the big couch before sitting directly next to him. He drops his arm around her shoulders instinctually, smiling as she hums and pulls out her knitting. She smells like honey and rain (the respective scents of her shampoo and conditioner and her body wash) and has picked a warm color gradient for her outfit and makeup today. She babbles about her knitting group’s latest gossip for a while as he relaxes into her side.
She seems like her normal relaxed and bubbly self, but he can feel the tension in her shoulders. Their early conversation was comforting, but her worries are still weighing on her. But he doesn’t want to bring it up in front of everyone, so he just kisses her temple and tugs her closer. “So wait baby girl, is Jared going to ask out Francisco or not?”
“I don’t know! I asked him about it before we left and he dodged giving me a straight answer. I think he’s worried about their friendship, but it’s SO obvious that Francisco is wild about him. They’re already best friends, so- he’s just being silly. I told him that.”
The conversation moves on, but Penelope’s friends join the merry-go-round of thoughts in his head for the rest of the flight. They stay close for the remaining 8 hours, usually with some form of physical contact even as they adjust positions over the long trip home. Derek focuses on making her laugh as much as possible and trying to make her blush all at once.
When they land at home after almost 9 hours on the jet, the sun is setting. The team is obviously tired, but in relatively good spirits as they exit the plane. Derek is last, just behind Penelope. The sky is full of the same colors on Penelope’s clothes today, he realizes as they walk across the airfield. “It’s good to be back,” she says, pulling her shawl tight. “I miss you when you go but it’s… easier on me in some ways not to be there.”
It makes him pause, slowing to a stop. Penelope walks further ahead but notices he’s not there and stops herself. She looks over her shoulder at him, waiting. The sunlight surrounds her in a soft glow. She smiles at him and something inside of him breaks open.
“Let’s get a drink.” It’s not an unusual request for them, but it feels bigger this time. “If you want to.”
Her smile grows. “Yes please.”
They don’t dance. This part is unusual. Instead it’s 4 drinks in each at a quiet bar close to Derek’s apartment, and they are glued to each other’s side on the same side of a table in a corner booth. This place doesn’t even have a dance floor. 
She leans against his side, nosing at his neck. “You smell good,” she mumbles. He wraps an arm around her, feeling shaky like a ship in a storm.
“Baby girl, is this-” He pauses, not sure what the question should be. Not sure of the answer she’ll give. Penelope picks her head up to look at him, cheeks flushed. Derek swallows. “Am I imagining things, or…” 
“You’re not imagining things.” She leans up and kisses the corner of his mouth. “I feel it too.” He grins and pulls her in for a proper kiss. They fall into it easily, as if it isn’t the first time. The first time it really means what it’s meant to. It feels like they’ve been together for years- and in some ways, that’s not untrue.
He brings her home. It’s late, and they’ve had a long case and now a long night, so he knows she’s tired. Still, she stops to drop to her knees to hug Clooney when he comes barreling out of Derek’s bedroom at the sound of them entering the apartment.
“Oh, hello sweetie, hi there, yes, I know, it’s so exciting when Daddy comes home, but it’s even more exciting when he brings me to visit, I know-” Clooney agrees with a quiet woof- “see, Derek, Clooney said I’m his favorite.”
Derek smiles at the way his best girl gets along with his big goof of a dog. “He’s got good taste.” He doesn’t mean the words to come out so weighted, but she looks up at him with such a reverent look on her face that he doesn’t care.
She stands up and drags him through his apartment, Clooney hot on their heels. They get ready for bed at the same time as if they’ve done this domestic routine every night for ages. She won’t stop looking at him like she loves him. Like she cherishes him. He believes her.
She pulls him into his bed, arranging their bodies close together. They don’t do anything more than kiss with their arms wrapped around each other. She falls asleep first with her head on his chest. It makes him feel warm. They shared a bed in Alaska too, and now he’s thinking about not wanting the streak to end. He pulls her closer for the moment, the places where her soft skin is touching his own shooting little bolts of lightning through him as he falls asleep too.
Penelope makes breakfast. He takes Clooney on a run, slipping out of bed when she’s still asleep and kissing her forehead before he goes. When he comes back, she’s in his robe, standing over the stove. He’s sweaty and hot, but she yanks him into a kiss anyway. After the eggs burn a little, he pulls away and takes a quick shower. She’s waiting at the table, coffee made and Clooney napping at her feet. The food is delicious, but sitting here with her like this is better. She tastes like coffee when he kisses her over the table.
Someone surely would have noticed Penelope in the same outfit again today, but over the years so much of her clothing has ended up hanging in Derek’s closet next to his own that she’s able to pick out a full outfit for the day. Today her dress is frilly and bright green. He picks out a darker green shirt to match- just because he can.
They drop into this new routine easily. Their flirtatious phone calls now have this added layer of promise and intent, even if they haven’t made good on it yet. She’s always been the primary person to stop in and take care of Clooney while Derek’s on cases, but now he comes home and she’s still there. His two best loves, sitting on his couch. He gets home after a case with hidden cameras and is feeling particularly exposed over it all. But there she is, smiling up at him, because she missed him. Because she wanted to see him.
“Hi there,” she says. He crosses the room and lifts her off the couch, holding her against him. She follows his lead with ease, trusting him implicitly. His arms wrap around her waist. He can literally feel her breathing like this, and he’s never been so grateful that she’s alive. “Hi,” she whispers again.
“Hi baby.” He nuzzles the side of her head, breathing in the soft honey scent of her hair. 
She doesn’t ask what’s got him all worked up. She just wraps her arms around his neck and lets him hold her. After a minute or two of just swaying in place, he leans in and presses their lips together. A gentle kiss at first, but quickly his desire for closeness, to feel her, bleeds into that too. He lifts her legs off the ground and puts them around his waist. Penelope makes a noise close to a whine in the back of her throat, pushing closer. He carries her to his room, kissing her fiercely all the while.
Afterwards, she’s lying on top of him with her head on his chest. Derek runs his fingers through her hair, gently untangling anything he comes across. “I’m glad you’re home,” she says, slightly muffled by her mouth’s position against his skin.
It sounds like she means that this is their home. Or that she is his home. 
“Me too.” He pulls her up for another slow kiss. She climbs up on top of him, straddling his hips. Her hands cup his cheeks before running down his chest. He keeps the kiss slow, and she kisses back with ease. Like they’re in love.
Derek is in the break room, making another cup of coffee. Emily slides next to him, a coffee stirrer in her teeth. “You seem happy.”
Derek looks at her out of the corner of his eye. “It’s a nice day, Prentiss.” Emily deliberately looks at where the rain outside is hitting the window. Derek doesn’t back down.
“Whoever you’ve been dating must be a hell of someone. That’s good.”
Derek can’t help but smile. She really is.
“But I want more information sooner than later, Morgan.”
He hums, and picks up Penelope’s coffee cup from the rack. He takes his time filling it before looking at Emily pointedly. 
She pauses and then grins. “I fucking knew it. I knew it!” Derek smiles back. “You better take care of her, I swear to God-”
“I will. I am.”
She softens. “She better take care of you too.”
He picks up both mugs. “She does.”
He’s never felt like this in a relationship before. Being with Penelope is easy. It’s just the same as it was, but better and more. She stops by his office a little more, and he swings by the batcave more often than he needs to, but no one notices. It’s just part of the normal Morgan-Garcia antics everyone expects. 
She does take full advantage of this and is definitely getting kissed more often than anyone else at Quantico during the day, but Derek doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind at all.
They’re sitting on a park bench at the edge of the dog park and watching Clooney run himself ragged through the grass. She puts her head on his shoulder. “Francisco asked Jared out a few days ago.”
“I thought you said Jared was the one who was thinking about asking out Francisco.”
“Francisco got tired of waiting.”
He nods. “I know the feeling,” he says before kissing the top of her head.
After they find Ellie’s mom, Derek can’t shake this weird mixture of happy and sad in the middle of his chest. Penelope comes over unprompted with a plate of cookies and a stack of dvds. They lay on the couch, her holding him and Clooney with his head on Derek’s thigh. They don’t talk about it then, but they will later. For now she traces a pattern on his side as Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter kidnap a baby. Clooney starts snoring. Penelope kisses Derek’s shoulder, arms holding him tight.
They show up together to a little party at Rossi’s. Emily sees them holding hands and grins. No one else notices that, but they do notice when Penelope pulls Derek down into a kiss after he gets her another drink.
“Thank you, mon amour. You’re my hero.”
He laughs. “Anything for you baby girl.” He taps the tip of her nose in punctuation. She pulls him in for another short kiss in response.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” says Rossi.
Emily is grinning widely. Spencer and JJ have matching excited and pleased looks. Hotch has this knowing look on his face. Derek raises an eyebrow at him specifically. Hotch just looks back with the softest smile on his face. He should have known Hotch would have noticed.
“Hold on, does that mean what I think it does or is this something you two are just doing now?” Spencer asks.
Derek looks down at Penelope. “Yes.”
The team laughs. “Yes to which part?”
“Yes,” Penelope says.
Spencer scrunches his nose at her. She giggles. “Yes, as in, it means what you think it does, pretty boy.”
Spencer claps his hands together, swinging them back and forth a little. “Good! Finally. I’m glad we don’t have to wait anymore.” 
“Me too,” Penelope says to the group, but she’s only looking at Derek. He leans in and kisses her again in agreement. 
Derek takes Clooney out when they get home to let him do his business before bed. When he comes back inside, Penelope is already in bed wearing one of his shirts and flipping through a knitting magazine. He strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed next to her, laying on his back and putting his face on her thigh.
“I think they took that well,” she says.
Derek rubs his face into her skin. He hums, nodding a little. 
“When did Emily find out?”
“Find out that it’s you I’m seeing? Or that it was you I was too afraid to do anything about?”
She chuckles. “How about both, then.”
“She cornered me in the break room a few weeks after Alaska. And I never officially told her that I was nuts about you, so I think a safe bet would be her first day on the team.” Penelope drops the magazine and climbs into his lap.
“That long?” He knows what she means specifically.
“Even longer.” She runs a thumb along his jawline and looks down at him with such adoration in her eyes he thinks he might burst.
“Me too,” she whispers, like it’s a secret. He pulls her down into a kiss.
“I kinda love you, Penelope Garcia,” he mumbles against her lips.
“I kinda love you, Derek Morgan,” she says back without hesitation. He kisses her again, 'cause that’s the best thing he’s heard all day.
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candychronicles · 5 years
deal // d. kaminari
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A/N: My part in the soulmate au bnharem server collab! 
CHARACTER PAIRING: Kaminari Denki x Reader
WARNINGS: nothing that i can think of? just dumb, sweet fluff
SYNOPSIS: in a world full of heros and quirks, finding someone you can love is very, very hard. it’s even harder when you have a soulmate and the words that are tattooed on you are a nightmare. but still, even in this strange world, love finds a way.
TAGS: @jojosmilktea @redbeanteax​ 
Want to be a part of my taglist? Message me!
Want to indulge in some more soulmate ideas? Head on over to the masterlist!
in a world full of heros and quirks, finding someone you can love is very, very hard. everyone has the first words your soulmate will ever say to you tattooed on your body. there is not one size, placing or font. it just slowly develops into a full fledged sentence, like a birthmark, as you got older and were able to read more.
some people were absolutely desperate to find their soulmate. they would introduce themselves to as many people as possible, trying out different phrasings constantly. there was a whole app created that was dedicated to sharing your tattoo and trying to meet up with people that matched it. most people, however, believed that soulmates should and would come naturally.
when you were 7, your tattoo was finally developed, and you craned your neck in an attempt to see what was written down your spine. it took you quite a while to figure out the words due to your limited reading abilities and more so the fact that it was hard to read in the mirror. when you finally figured it out, you were absolutely dumbfounded.
“aah! stop! i could’ve dropped my croissant!”
what in the peanut butter fudge does that mean?
you decided that at 7 years old, it didn’t matter to you. it wasn’t until you were twelve that it was even brought back up again. a popular six second video platform went viral and, along with that, came the understanding of where your tattoo came from. suddenly, it was very, very scary, knowing how commonplace your tattoo phrase was. 
your heart was broken one too many times by not finding your soulmate, despite hearing those very words over and over again from so many people. you had memorized vine after vine, trying out different ones each time, slowly giving up hope as you approached your 21st birthday. while the platform was dead, the creations made on the app were a forever reminder that you were still, in fact, alone.
on one particularly dark and gloomy afternoon, with heavy, overcast clouds, a thin drizzle of cold rain and a calming yet eerie fog settling onto the street, you walked into your secret, hidden to many, coffee shop, or at least it felt like that for you. you tended to see the same familiar faces, knew all the employees and always tried new things, wanting to support a local business.
you were lost in your own thought when a young man, most likely around your age, bumped into you, balancing precariously a plate with treats and a hot coffee. 
“aah! stop! i could’ve dropped my croissant!” he screeched, moving his food and drink away from you, not wanting to spill any, especially on the pretty girl he just bumped into.
without missing a beat, you replied with your own vine reference in the most monotone voice you could muster: “you know what, i’m about to say it. i don’t care than you broke your elbow.”
you were so accustomed to replying to that reference, your brain working before you could even think, randomly grasping at the first memorization that came to mind. it came as a complete shock when the random stranger dropped his food and drink on the floor, mouth wide with a grin, eyes alight with excitement.
you cocked your head quizzically, still not understanding what was going on. at that point in your life, you had given up on finding your soulmate, but it became quite apparent to you that he did not believe the same things or feel the same way. 
the strange guy with electric yellow hair and a black streak happily rolled up his shirt sleeve to show you that what you said to him was on his body and, in that moment, everything finally clicked. you had to grab the nearest wall just to wrap your head around the situation. this guy is your soulmate?
with shaky hands, you pulled him to the back game room, apologizing to the workers for the mess as you whisked past him. once you were in the room, you shut the door, breathed once, twice, three times, and then slowly lifted the back of your shirt up to show him the tattoo. 
the strange man, without thinking about it, slowly reached his fingers up to the back of your spine, slowly tracing the letters of the words in mesmiration. you, on the other hand, were as still as could be, too entranced by the way his soft fingers felt dancing along your backside. goosebumps rose on your skin and you knew that there was no way to deny or argue the automatic attraction that you felt towards him.
it felt like lightning bolts were shooting out of his fingers, giving you just enough jolt to stay awake, your heart pounding from adrenaline. everything felt so surreal but you could feel that this was the start of something, something truly life changing.
slowly, you lowered your shirt, pulling your back away from his exploring fingers and turned around, looking him in the eye. 
“what’s your name?” you whispered out, not trusting your voice to speak any louder at the moment.
“Kaminari Denki, but please, call me Denki,” he answered without skipping a beat, eyes brimming with excitement. 
“and what’s yours doll?”
“(l/n) (y/n) but you can just call me (y/n). after all, we’re probably going to be spending quite a lot of time together.”
“while your here, why don’t you sit down with me and we can chat? i just met you but i’m so love struck already. i need to know more about you.”
the two of you ended up spending hours in the shop, stuffing your faces full of pastries and sweet drinks, playing board games, asking each other questions, shamelessly flirting all night. it came as no surprise to either of you that you two would like each other, but to be so content telling a practical stranger your whole life story was still a bit overwhelming for you. you two exchanged numbers and on you went with the rest of your night, then the next day, and then the whole week.
it was practically killing you inside knowing that Denki had not called you yet. he mentioned he was a pro hero, so you knew he must be busy, but the thought of never being able to talk to him again drove you mad. little did you know, Denki was thinking the same things, wondering if he was good enough for you, if you really liked him, if you even wanted to see him again.
after all the moping around you did by yourself, you finally gained the courage to call, leaving a polite message in the voicemail box asking for him to call and discuss some things, hoping you could get some answers out of what was going on. 
it only took twenty minutes before Denki’s name was flashing across your phone. you tried to play it cool, allow it to ring a couple of times, but eventually caved and answered, trying to not appear too excited or frazzled. 
the conversation ended up lasting hours, with plans to meet up later that week. you two both chuckled when realizing you both felt the same way, not wanting to call if the other wasn’t interested.
the week went by quickly, the first official date arriving much sooner than you expected. Denki had told you nothing except to wear comfortable tennis shoes and athletic clothes. you assumed maybe a hike but you were not prepared for what he actually signed up for: rock climbing. 
while heights weren’t your biggest fear, they certainly weren’t something you enjoyed, but you were going to push through and have fun. Kaminari brought out the best in you, fueling your adrenaline side a lot more than expected. 
the whole experience was going great, Kaminari going up with you a couple of times to show you the ropes, both literally and physically, when he suggested you try one on your own. it was an indoor facility with plenty of padding, safety ropes and trained staff if any issues arose, but still, it was more terrifying than you were expecting.
you set a slow but steady pace, finally reaching the top, Kaminari cheering you from below. you looked down to give him a smile and a wave, realizing that was a bad idea only when you saw how far you had to jump back down. Kaminari saw it in your face and internally panicked, not sure how to help you in the situation, until he came up with an idea.
“just jump! i’ll catch you. i promise!” he yelled, arms outstretched and ready for your descent. 
all it took was a few deep breaths before you let go, jumping down the wall, slipping halfway and fearing you would get injured. Kaminari, however, stayed true to his promise, catching you steadily in his arms, a cheeky, self-satisfied grin on his face.
“i’m picking the date next time,” you declared with a cheeky smile of your own, shimmying out of his grasp.
true to your word, your second official date was picked by yourself, something that was still interesting and adrenaline inducing at times without the fear of dropping from big heights: horseback riding.
you had assumed after the first date he took you to that this would be a nice reprieve from his daily adventures, which was true. what you didn’t assume, however, was the fact that Kaminari was mildly terrified of the giant creatures with hooves.
“oh come on! what are you afraid of?”
“getting kicked, getting bitten, stepped on, bucked off, the list is endless…”
“i won’t let anything happen to you. you caught me last time so i’ll make sure to have your back this time.”
as the day went on, you soon realized that you didn’t need to keep an eye on him. he was riding his horse very well, becoming in tune with his posture and seating, overall making the horse happier. he didn’t even want to leave after your trail ride was all over, you having to drag him back to the car as he stared out the window with puppy dog eyes.
when you made it back to your apartment, you turned towards him, ready to thank him for yet another lovely day, when you felt a pair of warm, eager lips attach themselves onto your own. you were dumbfounded for a minute, not understanding what was going on and therefore not responding. Denki almost took it as a sign that he was going too fast, preparing to pull away when your brain and body finally caught back up.
your lips moved in sync with his, wet tongues and teeth clashing. it wasn’t the prettiest kiss you ever had, but it was filled with such passion and longing that you didn’t know how you were able to pull away.
“wow…” Denki said breathlessly, hands coming up to cup your face and lean in for one more kiss.
“there’s plenty more where that came from,” you squeaked, trying to sound confident but coming out overly excited and slightly embarrassed.
Denki’s face suddenly turned very serious and he shifted in his seat to get a better look at you, you doing the same.
“(y/n), i know we’ve only been going on dates for a couple weeks, and i know there’s still so much more that i want to know about you, but i cannot, in good conscience, let you leave this car without me asking if you want to be my girlfriend. so uh, what do you think?” 
your body responded immediately this time, your head bobbing up and down in confirmation, composing yourself for a second before you responded.
“Denki, we’re soulmates. i know it’s fucking scary, i know it may seem even weird, but i have never felt this way about anyone or even anything. i want to be your girlfriend as badly as i want you to be my boyfriend. so yes, boyfriend, i would love to go steady with you.”
before he could respond, you raised one finger in silence, commenting, “but, from now on, we pick the dates together.”
“deal! and uh, i know we’re in your driveway already, but there’s this really good noodle place down the road, and i’m starving. would you want to come with me? i’ll pay,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, a light flush on his face.“oh, well, if you’re paying, i guess i have no reason to say no, huh?” you joked back, laughing and sticking your tongue out at him.
you both giggled at that, completely isolated from the outside world. at that moment, it was just you and him. while the relationship was still fresh and new, it felt like you guys knew each other for years and yet knew nothing about each other. it didn’t matter, though, because you two knew that things would only get better from there, and you were both prepared for whatever came your way.
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Harry Potter Appearances 1 // By The Book
By The Book // Harry Potter Appearances 1
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          I’m in a book club and we started talking about the problems of the Harry Potter movies and one of the main issues we all had was some of the appearances of the characters. Which gave me the idea to do this little thing called “By The Book” where I talk about how I envisioned characters based off of their book appearances. Marauders included.
Harry Potter:
“ Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. … Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape... The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. “
I imagined Harry (in the first book) to be extremely small, almost as if he was a first grader and being very petite. His hair in my head would be like, three times the size of his head, and would be curly, jet black, and messy. His eyes were described as almost once so I thought of them like that and of course, bright green.
Further in the book, however, I imagined him a bit different. He kept his messy, wild, jet black curly hair but his wieght and height had changed. I think this is because characters is further books described him as “tall” so I imagined him as taller and more strong looking. Probably around 5′6 during his fifth year.
Ronald Weasley:
“ tall, thin and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose. firey red hair “
A lot of people say that Ron isn’t attractive, which with how people draw him I can see why. However, I always imagined him to be much more handsome than Harry. I imagined him very tall and lanky, small, and very boyish looking. His hands and feet were very large and freckles covered everything on his body. My favorite part of him was always his hair, because I took “firey red hair” literally and thus led me to think his hair was fire engine red.
His appearance never really changed much for me, he just got taller and his hands and feet just got bigger over the years.
Hermione Granger:
“ She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth. “
I think Hermione appearance was a major let down for me, as it was constantly said that she had bushy hair and large front teeth. If anybody is wonder why she didn’t have large front teeth it is because Emma could not talk well with them in, I imagine that was like having dracula vangs in.
Though back to the point, I imagined Hermione to have large, frizzy, bushy brown hair that was, like Harry, three times the size of her head. Her teeth I imagined weren’t very big actually, I don’t know why but I considered them normal, which now thinking about it was probably because my two front teeth are bucked. We don’t get much about her body size unlike the boys (tall, small, skinny, lanky, etc.) but I always seen her as more tall but on the heavier size.
When she was older in book four, I imagined her to not had grown much and her to be skinner than before.
Fred & George Weasley:
“ shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky fiery red hair, freckles “
I kind of ignored the book with their appearance and imagined them more like how they were casted. Taller and lanky like Ron, and they had the trademark freckles along with the feiry red hair I loved.
Something noticable that I changed and outcasted them from the Weasley family was their eyes, I imagined everyone in the Weasley family to have blue eyes except Fred and George.
Ginny Weasley:
“ a long mane of red hair and when her jaw sets her resemblance to Fred and George is striking “
I somewhat ignored the description we’re given. I imagined her to look much more girly, a very soft jaw with large light blue eyes. Less freckles than Fred, George, or Ron that just set over her nose. I still saw her with long, firey, silky red hair, however.
When she got older I imagined her to be very petite, I had an image set in my mind of her Quidditch gear being too big on her and falling off at times.
Lavender Brown:
We never really got a description.
Lavender had more personality than physiology. Over the time I read about her I did get an imagine in my mind as I obsess over details. I imagined her with a heart shaped face that had a very stuck out chin, long wavy ginger hair, big and round blue eyes, a small button nose, big lips, and tan skin. I don’t know where I got it but here were some of my reasons as a child (which is when I first read the books)
Lavender talked a lot so a big mouth went with the phrase “Lavender Brown has a big mouth.”
She often begged or got upset so puppy like eyes made sense.
I liked long hair, and I liked gingers.
Seamus Finnigan:
I could not find his description, if he had one it was most likely small.
I kind envisioned him to look like the dumb blond type and I for some odd reason always seen him as ugly. I might of thought that because I didn’t like his character though.
Neville Longbottom:
“ round faced short and plump and blond “
Neville wasn’t a character that stuck out to me until I reread the books as an adult. When I was a child I imagined him as like Dudley but more handsome. He had short blond hair, was short but taller than Harry, and plump. I saw him with freckles but when I reread the books I never imagined him like that.
When he was older I imagined him very tall, almost like Ron, his blond hair was longer and the freckles were gone.
Adult Gryffindors/ Marauders:
James Potter:
He was my first crush of the book series. I imagined him like Harry but always saw him as cuter. He was very tall and muscular looking, much like Harry was when he grew up. I saw him with a strong jaw and ocean blue eyes and of course, jet black messy curly hair.
I think a good way to describe his hair would be like young Tom Riddle (another crush of young me).
I would like to mention his Animagi form, I imagined him as a very large deer with horns the size of trash cans (sort of like Hagrids’ hands).
Sirius Black:
His appearance obvious changes a lot from his young self to Prisoner Of Azkaban self. So let us start with young Sirius, I imagined him to have long hair for what a guy would typically be considered. Probably to his shoulder and very black but not jet black like James. His eyes were almond shaped and light grey with playfulness in them. I imagined him to be one inch shorter than James, standing at 5′9 while James is 6ft.
Also, I had this strange fascination with him dressing in romantic goth styled clothing, I don’t know why but he gave me that vibe when he was young.
“ He had a gaunt, sunken face, waxy skin, yellow teeth, and long, matted hair. “
When we first see him I imagined him to be as he was described, very skinny with sunken face that brought out his high cheekbones (find the positives, Bella) his skin being waxy and looking tired. His teeth yellow and crooked from them being ground against and his once long, silky hair being to his waist and matted. I had this vision of him having scratch marks and scars all over his body, almost as if he was self harming.
Remus Lupin:
My favorite Marauder! I related to him the most out of the Marauders due to his mature and nerdy nature but onward to the appearance. Young Remus, I imagined him to be tall and lanky like Ron, I think he was the tallest. He has a thin face and a soft jar making him appear less manly than James and Sirius but more boyish like Peter. His hair would be a chestnut brown, soft and shaggy, with curls in it ending a little below his jaw. I always made his eyes chestnut brown with a hazel like ring around them. Also, his scars would be on his cheek, across his eye and through his eyebrow, and then another one starting at his chin and ending at his neck.
“ The stranger was wearing an extremely shabby set of wizard's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was flecked with grey. “
I imagined him a lot like how he was described. Wearing shaggy robes that were a leather like brown and had patches sewn into it, all of them being different colors and patterns. He loss that boyish look and looked much older than he was, probably due to me visioning him to have wrinkled or aged skin and bags under his eyes. His chestnut hair did have grey hairs scattered throughout and he had grew scruff that also had grew in it.
Peter Pettigrew:
People tend to make Peter ugly, which as his character is described (physically and personality-wise) but I always thought of the Marauders all being handsome or even a little pretty. While I envisioned him being the least attractive I never saw him as ugly. I pictured him, when he was young, being the shortest maybe even shorter than Harry. His eyes would be smaller than average but a pretty light green. His nose was pointed but long and his lips were small and thin. His teeth were much like Hermiones’ being bucked.
Lily Evans:
I always thought Lily to be the second prettiest girl in the Harry Potter franchise (my first being a certain looney Ravenclaw). I imagined her to be very petite but taller than Peter and shorter than Sirius. Her hair was medium and thick, it was auburn but had streaks of firey ginger highlights. Her eyes were almond shaped and bright green like Harrys, her skin was milky and clear.
When she got older I imagined her to be taller but the three boys still taller than her. Her auburn hair would be longer and often kept in a ponytail due to baby hair pulling on it, her green eyes still seeming perfect and full of life despite the bad circumstances. She would grow out of her petite form and have a curvier more woman like body.
Molly Wobbles Weasley:
“ short, plump, and kindly-looking woman sabor-tooth tiger when mad “
Molly was one of my favourite characters because of her nature, she reminded me a lot of my mother. I always pictured her as a short, plump, woman who had curly short firey red hair. Her eyes being a light, kind looking shade of blue with periwinkle specs. I always liked to picture her smile because I felt like she would have plump lips and nice white teeth and a kind smile.
“ June and August of 1995 she lost a good deal of weight and appeared paler, though she seemed to get a healthier look back by the next year “
After her wieght loss I still pictured her as plump looking woman but I did change some of her features that stayed the same. I pictured her with her hair much shorter almost to the end of her jaw and still curling up, I gave her straight bangs that were side swept onto both sides and gave her an age spot from the sun.
Authur Weasley:
“ Arthur had bright red hair, though he was balding by the early 1990s. He wore glasses and had blue eyes, and also possessed the tall, thin build inherited by his sons “
For some reason I made every son of his taller than him, I wanted him to be the same height of Molly. I made his eyes around light blue shade, his hair the same fiery red but thin and balding. I imagined his glasses to be thick and round.
In the later books I gave him a hunch back but kept his other features the same.
Did you not see a character you wanted to? Please know that this is just the first ‘By The Book’ I am sorting by houses as it is easier, I’ll eventually get to Professors, and more secondary characters. I will likely be doing Slytherin or Ravenclaw next so keep an eye out for that.
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Zap #2: School Days
Wow, she’s beautiful, Collin thought as eyes caught on Sammy Dunne. She had long, brown hair and bright blue eyes, and his heart started thumping loudly against his chest as she sat next to him in Physics. Say hi, you dolt, you can do it — just one word, “Hi!” He said, a bit too loudly, and she turned a raised eyebrow to him. She was wearing the school uniform, an orange sweater over a blue button-down and a skirt, and he the same, with the addition of pants in place of a skirt. He wondered if she could hear his heart beating too. “I’m Collin,” Collin offered. He had had a few classes with Sammy before this semester, but he could never be sure if she remembered him. Easily forgettable, Collin thought to himself, at least it’s endearing.
“Sammy,” she replied, turning back to her desk. Her hair had fallen along the side of her face and she moved her hand to brush it back. And there it is, Collin decided, the last time I’ll ever talk to Sammy Dunne. He knew it as an absolute certainty: when girls told you their names then looked away, that was it. He began tapping his pen on his desk. His eyes wandered over to Sammy, who was staring disinterestedly at the board. His pen tapped louder. She didn’t look. He sighed and looked at the board in front of him; the teacher — a dull man, balding with glasses — spoke in a monotone voice as he motioned with chalk to the board. Collin’s eyes began to wander back to Sammy once again. Her cheek was in her cupped hand, and her eyes had slowly drifted shut. Immaculate, Collin thought.
Whether by association or chance, his mind began to wander towards Starlight, the hero who had impeded him less than a week before. The heroine had worn glasses to cover her large blue eyes, and styled herself with a different haircut, but he realized then that it was, definitively, the same girl. A small spark began to awkwardly dance around his hand, which he had to force under the desk to not be noticed. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, he thought quickly as the electricity continued to surge, what do I do? Oh my god, of course, my luck, the prettiest girl in the goddamn world is on the other freaking side of the heroic spectrum. Maybe, MAYBE, he reasoned with himself, she’ll see the truth behind it all one day, and then she’ll join me and we can work in tandem. And then we’ll fall in love and get married. Oh, that would be delightful. Of course, that would require her talking to me, which, of course, she’ll never do.
Just then, Sammy’s phone began to shriek out into the classroom. The entire class turned to look at her, except for Collin who already had been looking at her. She jumped awake, and reached for her phone, checking the message. Her hand shot into the air. “I’m sorry, Mister McKay, I need to be excused,” as Mr. McKay looked at her inquisitively, she explained, “superhero business.” She did not wait for a response, but grabbed her bag and ran out the door, Collin’s eyes following her out. I wish villains got to do that, Collin lamented to himself. I wonder what’s going on that would immediately necessitate her, he then thought. She’s fairly new, and it’s not like the hero gang around Northridge is unpopulated. I mean, sure, we’r no New Monmouth City, but to resort to pulling a newbie out of class? The bell rang after a short time, as it always does, and he grabbed his pack and began to head home.
His walk home was not particularly long. It was a short walk down Booker Street, past the Bakery that always smelled like fresh icing, across the Pons Footbridge, and then just down Laker Avenue. The trip usually took around twenty minutes, so as he walked he would sketch some designs for costumes or robot ideas. Super-villainy, he knew, was not something that could be achieved simply by having super powers. His brother always told him that an unprepared villain is the worst thing that can happen to the world. So Collin was always preparing, whether it was his speeches or designs or practicing with his powers. As he crossed the footbridge he remembered how proud Matt had looked at him after he accidentally blew up the toaster with his powers. “Now you know not to do that again,” he had said, and Collin had blushed and cried. But he had never blown up the toaster after that day.
It was immediately as he turned onto Laker Avenue that he recognized something was wrong. His hands reached into his bag to grab his mask — at the very least — but, upon understanding the situation more wholly, he dropped his bag. New potholes had formed in the street from where Starlight’s energy blasts had missed their target, and other scuffs and breaks along the pavement looked to have been made from various collisions and smacks against the pavement. He looked further down the road and he saw that there were people actively engaged in a fight. Running down to get a closer look he saw Matt, wearing his trademark navy overcoat and mask, fighting with the superheroes of Northridge. There was the Black-Hammer, the super-strong, super-dumb superhero, who donned an all-black spandex costume covering himself from head to toe, with small eye and mouth holes cut out. His arms and legs were plated with steel to give him an extra oomph (as he liked to say, anyway). Next to him was Insecticide, an older female hero who dressed in a green sweatsuit with small bug-like wings attached to her back that let her fly. She could also control flies — or something — as far as Collin knew. Fighting alongside both of them was the young, beautiful Starlight, and, seeing her in action was both dazzling and hilarious. Although her powers seemed strong and she was undoubtedly the prettiest person he’d ever seen, it was quite obviously her first week. Her attacks missed widely, causing incredible property damage, and she struggled to coordinate with Black-Hammer and Insecticide, who had been working on their teamwork for years now. Then again, so had Matt.
Matt was not like the other villains of Northridge, and, as far as Collin was concerned, he was the only super villain in the area. Black-Hammer charged at him, throwing his fist at Matt’s face; Matt refused to dodge it, letting the super-powered man’s punch connect. As it made contact, the force behind the punch fell away, leaving the two men standing there, staring eye to eye. Matt raised his hand and flicked the hammer’s chin; the hammer soared through the air, forming another pothole in the ground of Laker Avenue. Ha, idiot, Collin thought. Matt was better known by his villain alter-ego: Momentum, based on his ability to absorb and reassign the momentum of things that touch him. Black-Hammer moaned in his pothole. He was out of commission.
Insecticide tried next, with Starlight providing backup, but as she charged in, an energy beam from the beautiful young heroine collided with her backside, forcing her collapse at the feet of the super villain. Momentum then turned his eyes to Starlight, who, Collin was sure, began shaking in her boots. Go, Matt, go! He silently cheered for his brother, while holding some contradicting feelings in seeing the future love of his life about to get pummeled. As she began to back away, Collin noticed the sky getting markedly darker. A slight rain began to patter against the ground, juxtaposed with the brightness of the random energy beams that Starlight shot to deter Matt’s pursuit. Of course these blind shots did not work, but, as Momentum moved to grab the girl, a bolt of lightning cut across his path, searing his hand.
Collin looked down at his own hands. Am I doing this? He wondered. No, my subconscious can’t be that in love with this girl, he decided. The winds began to pick up with the rain, turning a sunny day into a storm in under a minute. Thunder boomed in the sky, as more streaks of lighting shot down around the couple fighting. Collin stared in amazement, wondering what divine force could possibly be doing this, when a final burst of lightning collided with the ground, and, in the smoke it left, stood a girl. She was around his age, as far as he could tell from the distance he was at, wearing a white, button-up T-shirt with what looked like some small black insignia across the chest, and a black and white skirt. She wore boots that were once white, but now had faded into a murky color through overuse. The girl in the lightning wore no mask, revealing large brown eyes, and a small-but-cute face, which matched her stature as she stood just above five feet tall. She wore a small bow in her hair that was half-white, half-black.
By the time he was done noticing her, he hadn’t had time to notice that Matt was hovering in the air, seemingly being carried by the winds. He struggled against it, but there was nothing he could absorb. He was trapped. The small girl laughed a tiny laugh as she brought her hand down with the thunderclap, and a bolt of lightning collided against his brother. All Collin remembered next was the screaming. His brother’s skin looked chard as it began to sizzle and smoke. Collin covered his face in horror as he saw his brother struggle to look down at the girl, as he was still being carried by the winds. “Who are you?” He managed in a soft, broken whisper.
The girl responded in a confident voice that was a little higher than Collin would have thought. She looked Momentum in the eyes and said, “I am the Menace.” She hoisted him up, higher into the winds. “And you are going the Chamber.” With that the two of them were gone, leaving two collapsed heroes and a star-struck Starlight on his street. The young heroine turned to him.
“Did you see that?” Starlight — Sammy — asked.
“Y-yeah,” Collin said, feeling an incredible mix of emotions while trying not to break in front of a super hero. “Yeah I did.”
“I can’t believe we got to see her in action,” Starlight said. “Wait, I know you from class,” she realized. “Cameron, right?”
Collin stormed into his house, quite literally sparking in anger and self-hate. I should have done something, he scolded himself, letting loose large quantities of discharge throughout his house, I should have stopped her! He kicked a cabinet in his kitchen and heard a large crash from inside. Goddamn it! He stopped trying to restrain himself and his powers ran rampant throughout the kitchen, shutting of the fridge and leaving scorch marks throughout the property. I’m a freaking moron, he reminded himself, getting distracted over pretty girls doing hero things; I’m not a hero, I won’t be a hero, and I won’t be with her.
That was when he realized: of all the plans he had, he had never once envisioned a situation where Matt would not be here with him. His electric rampage stopped immediately. He was alone in the house. His eyes surveyed the damage he did, the broken lamps, the scorched furniture, and the destroyed Tupperware. He almost screamed, until his eyes drew upon the toaster in the corner of the kitchen. It had been left untouched. He took his pen and notepad and began to write.
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