#pierrot puyo puyo
duckapus · 8 months
Idea that I will be writing at some point: Dopplganger Arle realizes that world-hopping by herself isn't really conductive to scheming so she comes up with what could generously be considered a plan;
Go to Nimbus's world, specifically a neighboring kingdom
Use Pierrot disguise w/ added cat tail to pose as traveling performer
Use performing skills and the novelty of non-music-based magic to catch the attention of local ruler
become ruler's new jester and use their castle as a base of operations
Become the One True Arle
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And yes, Doppel has an actual jester disguise that she's had since her debut in Puyo Puyo~n. Poor girl isn't just the living embodiment of Cole Identity Issues, she's also Evil-Clown-Coded.
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aqueeraphale · 1 month
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The Arle kinnies are fightiiiing
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Evil Clown Contest Redemption Round Five
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Puyo Puyo franchise  - requested by goldeneubank21
1 - 4. Doppelganger Arle/Pierrot
5 + 6. Chico
7 + 8. Bastia
9 + 10. Floree
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moonsidesong · 3 years
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Puyo Puyo was released on Famicom Disk System and MSX2 on this day 30 years ago! It’s grown quite a bit since then, don’t you think?
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doppelgangerschezo · 2 years
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ppqarcade · 3 years
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リピロット - Lipilot
ピエロシリーズ  "Pierrot Series” Color: Blue Type: HP
人を楽しませるのが大好き。 バランス感覚にすぐれ玉乗りが得意。うまく 乗れるようになったのはタマタマとのこと。 
人を楽しませるのが大好き。 バランス感覚にすぐれ玉乗りが得意。とても うまく乗りこなすがタマに失敗しちゃう。
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trickycharm · 3 years
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come hither fool
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missoverlord · 4 years
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Yo~n Wallpapers
There are so many missing that it’s not even funny. If anyone happens to have any, that would be absolutely wonderful, although with @puyopreservation ‘s upload of Compile Gallery 2, some could be remade? Pierrot’s was the only one snagged from the Playstation version’s page, but it looks identical to the ones used for the Dreamcast page.
Also, orphan Skeleton-T calendar because his is the only one that could load, apart from a microscopic preview of a Seriri page. He seems very confused and I don’t blame him at all.
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modmamono · 4 years
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duckapus · 4 months
Honestly kind of burnt out on the Arle Arc so you're getting bullet points.
First off, the portal opening up in Bolero's throne room is due to the confrontation in Primp Town. The combination of Literally Everyone revealing that they've figured out there's something up with her, the Compile trio revealing they know she's Doppel, seeing Ava, and the continuing deterioration of her stability causes Arle to panic and reflexively use the portal command to go somewhere safe. The last place she felt safe was the castle, and her doubled Avatar power and poor mental state cause the portal to show up on the ground and Way Too Big, so everybody falls through.
This of course causes more stress and confusion instead of less, and she looks about two seconds away from a panic attack, when Peony manages to recognize her despite the different form and says "Dapple, is that you?"
And that's what breaks her
Her transformation spell goes haywire and she starts flickering between all the different Alternate Costumes that both Arles have gotten over the years, then it "settles" on some kind of massive, mismatched cat monster thing, and then she busts out of the castle and runs off into the wilderness, Ava, Carbuncle and Frenzy close behind and everyone else doing their best to catch up
Ambrosia picks a bad time to feel vindicated about Pierrot actually hiding something sinister (we gotta add humor in here somewhere), and Shantae deduces why exactly she turned into That Thing; shapeshifters, especially magic-based shapeshifters, absolutely have to maintain a strong sense of self or they'll lose themselves to the masks they wear, and during times of great stress and uncertainty the magic of a shapeshifter with a poor sense of self will try, and fail, to mesh all those different identities into a coherent whole
Anyway, Arle ends up running into a cave. But not just any cave; this is the Echo Chambers, one of the most dangerous locations in Harmonia (and an area intended for lategame in The Cloud's Songbird). It's a shifting labyrinth of enchanted, highly reflective crystals with weird acoustics, made more dangerous by the fact that Lumiere filled it with powerful monsters during the game's main campaign, and unlike most of his minions they didn't get any weaker or less numerous following his defeat
It's at this point that the big group realizes that Tama isn't with them, though they assume that she's still at Bolero's castle, while Frenzy discovers that she's actually hitched a ride in his quills because she wants to help Miss Arle. Or Miss Pierrott. Whichever she is. And she can indeed help, because she can hear Arle and give Frenzy directions towards her
The big group tries to figure out how exactly they're supposed to find Arle when she's lost in a magic maze, and Ash comes up with an idea; he sends out Jellobe and Kirlia (yes Ralts evolved at some point), because even as a Dark Type mutant Kirlia can still sense emotions, and since Jellobe knows Miracle Eye it can act as an amplifier for that empathic sense. Perfect for tracking somebody with That Much emotional turmoil
Ava and Caruncle don't need that sort of help because Ava always knows where Arle is since they're connected
As all this is happening Arle's now deep in the maze and manages to pull herself together into her Doppelganger Arle form, though with Dapple's ears and tail and normal Arle's weird sleeve things, and she ends up confronted by her own reflection.
A lot of her own reflection, all in different Alts, with the main one being a Shadow like the ones Meggy, SMG4 and Mario have had to deal with in the past
won't go into detail Because Bullet Points but it basically boils down to telling Doppel that all her attempts to be Arle were completely pointless and she's screwed herself over and may as well just be Nothing, and she ends up listening, which results in one more transformation. the colored parts of her outfit turn grey, her face disappears entirely, and she slumps down onto her knees in defeat while the chamber around her seals itself off from the rest of the maze
The main group gets stuck dealing with Lumiere's monsters, while Frenzy, Tama, Ava and Carbuncle reach the sealed entrance to Doppel's chamber
They then also get confronted by Shadow Arle, who tries to do more of the usual Shadow stuff to a completely unphased Ava, then agrees to open the way if they can beat her, a Pierrot reflection and a Dark Arle reflection
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in a 4v3 puyo battle (she's being generous to the two noobs in the party by not bringing in a fourth reflection)
-they obviously manage to beat the Arles and make it through to Blank Arle, who everyone but Ava is shocked to see in that state
-Ava walks up to her, which actually prompts Arle to rapidly scooch away against the far wall and brace herself for an attack, because why wouldn't what's left of Arle want to retaliate after what Doppel did to her
-Ava is undeterred and keeps going up to her as if nothing happened...and holds its hand out, offering to help Blank Arle back up on her feet.
-There's some hesitation, but eventually Arle takes the offered hand, and after they stand up Ava actually pulls her into a hug, and despite the lack of a face it's clear from how badly she's shaking that she's started crying
-they're engulfed in blinding light, and when it clears Ava and Blank Arle have been replaced by Arle and Dapple, with Dapple now visibly and audibly sobbing uncontrollably and trying to say sorry through it while Arle just holds her and hums the same lullaby that Doppel had used to comfort her while she was fading
-the big group finally gets through the monsters and goes back to looking for the others, only for the small group to come to them
-In the aftermath it's revealed that Arle's now the one with all the Avatar Code, and Dapple is no longer an Avatar in any capacity (there's that permanent deactivation I mentioned. Note that at the time I never said death). Meanwhile Dapple apologizes to Bolero and Peony for deceiving them for so long, and says she understands if they never want to see her again...only for them to interrupt that train of thought by pulling her into their embrace, because they're just relieved she's alright now and want her to come home, and really that's what she wants too but didn't dare hope she'd get to do
-...she's definitely dropping that stupid accent now though
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dash-n-draw · 4 years
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The Day of Fools is upon us
Release the Clowns
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Evil Clown Contest Round One
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puyopreservation · 4 years
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The manual of Pocket Puyo Puyo~n uses either screenshots or the original art itself used in the N64 version’s intro.
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clownsoftheday · 5 years
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Today’s Clown is: Pierrot/Doppelganger Arle from the game Puyo Puyo!! Quest!
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heavenlysphere · 5 years
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Battle Royarle
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