#pierson's puppeteer
otakusparkle · 3 months
Identity V The Animation "Arnold and The Puppet"
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Event Costume
Gardener (Emma Woods) Skin will be available in-game shop
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mikkythehamster · 6 months
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The girl’s corpse appeared to be headless. Whose daughter was she? Her familiar face looked my way, smiling. Perhaps the itchiness at the base of my throat is because I have no head. カカカカカカカカカカカカ!!! ★ Tik tok ★ Instagram ★ Store ★ Twitter ★
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aroaceweirdos101 · 2 months
I feel like the next Hello Puppets! game(if we ever get one) should be about Anthony pierson's run in with the puppets, cause man has this guy become irrelevant after Midnight show's released(he doesnt even have a proper character page on the wiki! By that I mean I had to search through the 'all pages' tab because for some reason he isnt on the human category page)
Besides, it could also be used as an in game explanation for Nick and Daisy's absents in the first game(I said in game because IRL it was because of time restraints)
But thats just my opinion, I would love to hear what other people think!
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cryptic-loser · 1 month
Hi Hello Pupets fandom!!!
I decided I was gonna draw up my personal headcanon of what good ol' ✨️Anthony Pierson✨️ looked like!
Y'know, before he got yoinked by Mortimer-
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There he is!! The man, the myth-hunter, the legend himself!!
Feel free to let me know your thoughts!! ^^
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 5 months
Fairy tale Au Post 1
TW: For blood, scars, mentioned murder, and slight gore
I love the Grimm Fairytales and Fairytales in general. So, I decided to make an au with Hello Puppets which takes inspiration from the tales intertwining in the musical "Into the woods"
Credits to Bright and Elena's picrews:
Elena's: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1855819
So here's a brief summary of the Au
I don't believe in Fairytales: When Sarabeth was 5 years old, she swore every night an angel-like woman would burst out of her grandmother's storybook to tell her stories every night. The stories, of course, were Fairytales in the book itself. The fairy would read her stories until one night she stopped as Beth grew older.
22 years past, and, now, journalist Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins finds the storybook in her mother's attic once more and decided it to a local library as she is too old for Fairytales ...or she anticipated because fate gave her an unwelcoming twist
After opening the book, Beth finds herself trapped in the book itself unable to escape unless she fixes the torn pages. With new friends and foes, Beth will try to find a way to return the balance of the storybook and the real world as soon she realizes there is more than stories.
1. The only romance to be found would be only with Beth and Anthony, the established couple of "The Iron Stove", and Owen and Amy
2. I took some creative liberties with the stories themselves for fun and for oblivious reasons
3. Stories do interconnect, as the fairy tale world is not exactly that complex due to the characters being from written stories (so here's the inspo from the "Into the woods")
4. Gremlin doesn't have a second picrew due to gremliness (picrew didn't have her blue
5. I didn't realize until too late there was an axe option
Here are some of the main characters!
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Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins
Story: Not yet written/Forced into "Red Ridding Hood" by book
Character role: The human from the real world/Red Ridding Hood
When she opens her grandmother's fairy tale book, she is sent to the beginning of Red Ridding Hood's story as she is off to see her Grandpa...until she remembers she doesn't have one.
But, hey, At least she got to wear modern clothes!
Although she is stuck in a world where danger constantly lurks around...
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Owen Gubberson "The Wolf Man"
Story: UNKNOWN/ Red Ridding Hood
Character Role: Unknown original role/ Big Bad Wolf
He appears to be the Big Bad Wolf in "Red Ridding Hood" but...he is not fully a wolf, isn't he? Maybe he is a werewolf or something, but there is something off about him...
And why he wants the storybook so badly?
Still, he is clearly someone to avoid....
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The Fairy Godmother
Story: Unknown original story/ Cinderella and other stories relating to fairy Godmothers
Character role: Unknown original origin/ The Fairy Godmother in fairy tales
It is unknown how she came to be a Fairy Godmother, or where did she originally come from. Some say that she was not a fairy tale character at first, or that she was responsible for the narrator to disappear.
Nonetheless, she was a benevolent protector, and helped Queen Daisy to go to the festival before becoming a Queen. She also did help many fairy tale characters before her disappearance.
It is rumored that she is still alive somewhere, but it's well known she lost an eye and a rose bloomed instead
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Rumor goes it was the Wolf Man behind the incident because she allegedly cursed him...
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Daisy Danger (The Baker Queen)
Story: Cinderella
Character: Cinderella, now the widowed mother of two charming twin princes
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful but sorrowed baker girl who lived with her wicked stepmother and brothers as a servant after her parents died. She dreamed to go to the Prince's Festival to have fun and not work for once. Sadly, her stepmother destroyed her dresses and forbid her to go to the festival. The young woman wept at her mother's tree until a mysterious Fairy arrived and gave her a lovely dress among with slippers. The girl went to the festival and became the belle of the ball as she danced with the prince. Her wicked stepmother never recognized her.
Eventually the girl had to leave and forgot her slipper, the prince swore to find her but ironically found her through her banking and the two fell in love and married and had twin sons.
The king sadly died at war and her sons were off to help. Thankfully, she befriended the widow of one of her step's brother, and a blind prince from far, far away
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Riley Ruckus (The widow with an Axe)
Story: Blue Beard
Character: Blue beard's wife/Daughter of Red Rose (Dora Ruckus) and Rapunzel's son (Manfred Ruckus)
Once upon a time, a vengeful trickster stole away the daughter of the late Queen (nicknamed) "Red Rose" and the late King for cutting his beard and breaking the curse on Manfred's brother. The trickster gave the child to a cruel couple, and the girl grew up to soon be married to a wealthy widow with a heart black as coal with a blue beard. The girl, however, was smart and managed to outsmart her husband many times. One day, the husband gave her the keys of his mansion so she could visit any room she liked except one with a red door while he was out in business. Realizing something was off, the ever so smart girl opened the door and realized the widower murdered all of his six wives, and she was probably next as the key to the forbidden room was enchanted so when she accidentally smeared it would never come off.
The husband return knowing his wife opened the door, and he took his sword ready to murder her in that dreaded room. However, when he entered, he never realized his axe was missing until too late. The girl bravely chopped off his head and inherited his wealth and adopted his dog. Her late husband's brother swore to avenge his brother
She sold his mansion, and befriended the Queen, who pardoned her crime and punished her cruel fosters. Now she lives with the Queen ready to find her home, and help her and the queen's friend, a blind prince, to find his sisters and break his curse.
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Nicholas "Nick" Nack (The blind Prince)
Story: The seven Swans/the princess with the star in the forehead (gender bent)
Character: The prince and brother of seven sisters/Nephew of Prince Snow White's princess (Nicole/ @dolly-royal OC)
Once upon a time in a far, far away kingdom, there was a king with seven lovely daughters. Sadly, the king was slowly becoming mad and obsessed with having a son to take the throne, to the point that he swore to kill his own daughters if the next child of his was a son. The queen hid her daughters in the forest and promised to raise a white flag if her child was a girl (meaning they could return), or a red flag if her child was a son (meaning they could never return.) A red flag was rose and the seven girls never returned. Eventually, the queen died, and the king married a witch, however the only son made a promise to his mother to visit his sisters behind his father's back. The girls loved and swore to protect their brother from any danger, until sadly the witch found out about them and saw the seven girls as a threat to her throne.
She cursed the girls to be swans, and then took the Prince's eyesight so he could never find his sisters ever again unless a gentle girl from another world's tears fall into his eyes, breaking his blindness.
His father died, and a mysterious fairy turned his stepmother into a mirror. He was eventually found by the dog of a widow, friend of a benevolent Queen, who took her under wing. Now he is trying to find his sisters and break the curse
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Until Beth broke his curse, and offered to find his sisters so he and the rest could get their happily ever afters.
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Mortimer Handee (The witch)
Story: Sleeping beauty and the Iron Stove/ Most stories with a witch (except from some like Hansel and Gretel. He's not the trickster in Riley's story)
Character: The witch/sorcerer of some fairytales
Once upon a time, there was a magician king who lost it all, and swore to get revenge on anyone that wronged him. So, he turned to dark magic and began to torment princes, princesses, damsels, knights, etc. He particularly cursed the trouble making daughter of a noble king into a deadly slumber unless the tune of a magical harp was played to wake her up. He then locked a handsome prince into an iron stove, before a lovely Princess broke him free. Furthermore, he turned the prince into a talking iron stove himself. He tricked a young farmer into buying magical beans to help his family, and tricked the noble king into lying to said farmer so he could retrieve the harp from a giant to save his daughter.
He spent around tormenting people, until he was threatened by the Wolf Man to take away his powers if he didn't help him capture a woman in a red jacked and her book.
Likewise, he decided to bring back to life a puppet of a childless toy maker in hopes to capture the mysterious lady and her book.
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Anthony Pierson (The Puppet boy)
Story: Pinocchio
Character: Pinocchio
Once upon a time, there was a childless toy maker and his wife. They couldn't conceive, so they spent their time making toys for children. After his wife passed away, the toy maker created a wooden puppet lad to become his son to cope with the grief. A mysterious fairy Godmother took pity of the man and brought the puppet to life. Sadly, the puppet boy wasn't exactly the greatest boy and had a complicated relationship with his father who left him, and the boy became dormant and bitter. Years later, a witch brough the puppet back to life with the promise he could make him a real boy and take revenge from his father if he helped him capture a mysterious girl and her story book.
Sadly he didn't expected that the fairy godmother that first gave him life, also curse him with his nose growing if he lied...nor that he would ended up falling for the girl (and vice versa), and wanting to help her quest.
Sadly the Wolf Man and the Witch aren't to happy about this...
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Angelize "Angel" Analyze (The feather princess)
Story: The iron Stove
Character: The princess in the Iron Stove
Once upon a time, there was a shy but wise princess reading books into the forest when she heard a sweet lad's voice asking for help. Hesitantly, she rushed to help only to find an iron stove. It turned out that the lad was trapped because of a wicked witch wanted revenge from his father, so she used a feather she carried to open the Iron Stove and free the prince. The two eventually became friends and fell in love, the prince proposed and they became engaged. However, the princess father was not thrilled with the idea of her daughter marrying some iron stove in the forrest, so he gave away the Prince's location to the witch that cursed the prince.
The witch turned the Prince into a stove, and the princess ran from her kingdom and father to help her lover return to his original self.
She eventually realized there was hope as Seven swans told her and her lover to find blind prince, a widower, and a benelovent queen to guide them.
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Charles "Charlie" Burlington (The Iron Prince)
Story: The iron Stove
Character: The prince trapped in an Iron stove
Once upon a time, there was a clumpsy prince charming, whose father tricked an evil witch. One day, the young lad was up getting a stroll into the gardens when an elderly man asked to him out get log and coal for his iron stove. The boy rushed and help the old man, but when he was about to turn on the stove, the old man (who was in reality the witch his father tricked) lock him in and cursed the lock so it would become unbreakable and no key attempted to be forge would open the stove. So he spent his days asking for help and begging for someone to free him, until a shy princess managed to open the stove as a feather was no key or strong enough to break the lock. They became friends, and then lovers to soon marry off.
Sadly his lover's father was not pleased and told the witch that curse him his hiding place. He was turned into a stove and became hopeless until his love return swearing she will find a way to break the curse
On their long adventures, he offered to keep a young swan warm burning log an coal on himself with the help of his lover. Touched by their kindness and their situation, the swan calle dher six sisters and told him to find a blind prince and his friends to help him break the curse.
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Scout Harper (Briar Rose)
Story: Sleeping beauty
Character: Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose
Once upon a time, there was a trouble making but sweet princess running wild and causing trouble in the town. She eventually befriended a young farmer, after he took care of her stuffed Rabit. The two became friends, and she promised to tell her father to help the farmer and his mother. However, she was drawn by a spinning wheel in an old cabin and when she touch spindle, she fell into a deep slumber. This was because her father refused to invite a wicked witch, who was once a kind, into the part on held when she was born. The wtich placed a curse on her that she would fall into a deadly slumber when she touched the spindle of a spinning wheel (which his father foolishly decided to destroy all) and could be only be woken up by the melody of a golden harp.
Thankfully, her farmer friend found the harp through some beans and a magical beanstock,and helped her wake up. The down side, was that her father tricked him into stealing that harp from a giant living up in the clouds. So, the two basically became outlaws and now are finding a way to avoid the giant's wrath and get revenge on that witch man.
Thankfully they found a mysterious girl with a red jacket/cape whiling to help them out along with her friends. Sadly, she also appears to have that crazy Wolf Man and the Witch after her...
This took longer than expected, but alas I still got some more cast to create and work on more picrews as I got a lot of drawings to get done + Picrews help me visualize better and honestly I kinda don't want to get full designs of so many characters yet.
Anyways, I've been brainrotting lately about this fairytale AU, which kinda helped me bring back my energy and love for HP once again.
For those curious about what Charles looks like a stove as the curse does take time to break, here it is:
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He has eyebrows and his mouth shaped into a smile when he needs to. The Au of course takes into the angsty side but sometimes we need a bit of comedy to lighten up things up + honestly I could not resist the stupid urge to make this a thing
Ask box is always open and I would be thrilled to answer your questions while I work for the next batch!
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nitr09-productions · 2 years
This isn't going up on my Tapas for weeks, but I wanted to share it here.
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sarilolla · 2 years
Do you think the Vox Veritas got serious after Anthony’s disappearance? I mean, he had to have had friends in the group who would look for him. Something like that. A friend of mine is debating writing a story where they connect horror games like Poppy Playtine, Hello Puppets!, Tattletale, BATIM/BATDR, etc... Into one universe where paranormal investigators hunt the supernatural. Though sometimes they destroy or write off certain things to make people less interested in them.
Kinda like the Society of the Blind Eye from Gravity Falls except without memory erasure.
Ooo, interesting question. I think that with Vox Veritas it could have gone one of two ways. From what I can remember, there was only two people in that group, Anthony Pierson, and his buddy Randy. So either as Anthony disappeared, Randy was forced to end the group, or he built a bigger one like you mentioned.
Personally I think that it’s the first option. We hear about Randy in the first or two first of Anthony’s tapes, meaning that when he started becoming interested (obsessed) with the puppets, Randy might have left the group, not wanting to have to deal with this and maybe resolve him of some guilt should something happen.
The second option is very interesting as well, if the group persisted, I can definitely see it turn into that group from Gravity Falls. And I love crossovers, so that story would probably be very fun to read!
Thanks for the ask ^^
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forehead-alien · 1 year
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The most iconic alien species created by Larry Niven, the Pierson's Puppeteer.
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ericaportfolio · 1 year
I want to clarify something for the Scout Saves the Show AU. Just for everyone to know, the Handeemen puppets are not related to each other thanks to a tweet question I made some time ago here in the link below. Andrew Allen had a good perspective on everything in the series so far that I'll do another post about it if everyone wants me to.
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Clearly, Andrew can't reveal much information since I think he was hinting for the next game. I believe the next game in the series will focus on the idea of what found family is and what makes one healthy or toxic. The Handeemen versus what I believe will be Vox Veritas. Mortimer tries to make every puppet have some family-like structure versus Vox Veritas being friends helping and supporting each other with some imperfections because THIS IS NOT GOING TO END WELL! We all know Anthony Pierson’s fate in the first game! The Hello Puppets series is a tragedy after all.
Now putting my game theory to the side, what does this have to do with my AU? Mortimer is trying to do something similar to how Game Mortimer is trying to make the Handeemen a family structure found family despite some obvious toxic signs that shouldn’t be normalized in a kid's show. Thus why the Show Universe crew members worry about cancellation every day, along with the worry of somebody kicking the bucket. Then Scout entered the picture and threw a wrench into EVERYTHING! This makes the Handeemen rethink what found family is, and Mortimer gets a reality check he can’t expect someone to view him as a father and call him dad overnight. Riley is the most interesting because she gets overthrown as the golden child of the group and receives a challenger for fan favorite. Plus, Riley who once tried to be viewed as a daughter figure to Mortimer, gets shattered and has to confront her true problems with her relationship with her mother and come to peace with the grief of the loss of her biofather.
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teratocrat · 10 months
it's time for another thrilling installment of "what wikipedia tabs does hajnal have open rn"
Canine transmissible venereal tumor
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
March on Rome
Pak Protector
Pierson's Puppeteers
List of Known Space characters
Homo Habilis
Imperial Army (Holy Roman Empire)
Imperial Diet (Holy Roman Empire)
Perpetual Diet of Regensburg
Long gun
Trabant (military)
Tzadikim Nistarim
Brown-headed cowbird
Begging in animals
Grey catbird
Giant cowbird
Brood parasitism
Aggressive mimicry
Chipping sparrow
River delta
Ice giant
Volatile (astrogeology)
Titan (moon)
Carbon dioxide
Ontogenetic niche shift
Phalanx bone
The Magician's Nephew
Variable star
Waterloo (1970 film)
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madam-kumo · 11 months
Identity V characters as Music
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(I did skip some because I had no idea what to do for them. Also Major spoiler warning)
Emily Dyer (doctor)
Nurses Office by Melanie Martinez.
For obvious reasons
Freddy Riley (Lawyer)
The Fine Print by The Stupendium
He mentions in his backstory that he hopes to find a better job than the "menial" job he has with a low wage.
Kreacher Pierson (Thief)
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
He literally steals parts from the ciphers.
Emma Woods (Gardener)
Dandelions by Ruth B.
A happy song for a happy character. (Emma is literally so cute, she deserves it)
Servais Le Roy (The magician)
Circus by Brittney Spears
Where do we find magicians? A circus...
Martha Behamfil (Coordinator)
Bang! by AJR
Martha has a gun. That's it.
Fiona Gilman (Priestess)
W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole
I was gonna go with Dragula by Rob Zombie but that felt too aggressive for Fiona.
Tracy Reznik (Mechanic)
Puppet Boy by Devo
It has the cheerful sound to it like Tracy does but I chose this song because I love her mechanical dolls (they underrated).
Vera Nair (Perfumer)
Francis Forever by Mitski
I feel like this song sums up how Vera felt after murdering her sister.
Kevin Ayuso (Cowboy)
Country Girl by Luke Bryan
I gave him the most southern song I could physically think of.
Margaretha Zelle (Female Dancer)
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
I think this song shows how Margaretha felt and how she saw herself just before coming to the manor.
Sergei (Weeping Clown or Joker)
Cigarette duet by Princess Chelsea
This song is pretty much a nutshell of when Sergei was having problems with Margaretha and was trying to convince her to stay with him.
Aesop Carl (Embalmer)
Coraline Opening Song
If you paid attention to when the other mother is making the doll then you can see when she lays the great aunts doll on what looks like a kit of some kind then you can see that it's an embalming kit. (My favorite movie song for my main)
Norton Campbell
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
I saw somebody use it in an edit when he attacked Orpheus and Melly so I think this song fits.
Patricia Dorval (Enchantress)
Come Little Children from the Hocus Pocus 1993 film
I always got the vibe that Patricia is very family oriented and tries to avoid social conflict when she can so a peaceful song like this literally being sung by a witch is something Patricia would enjoy. (I love this woman so much)
Mike Morton
Freak by Sub Urban
I couldn't really think of one without repeating so I decided on this one.
Demi Bourbon
Alcoholic Friends by Dresden Dolls
I think this was how she felt after her brother got the invitation to the manor.
Victor Grantz
Message man by Twenty One Pilots
I think this song fits him because I'd imagine he's very observant since he's so quiet so not a lot of people know much about him but he knows a lot about others.
Andrew Kreiss
Tears to Shed from the Corpse Bride film
The movie is about death and the song is about comparing yourself to others. Nothing else fits quite like this one does. (I can't describe how much I adore Andrew)
Luca Balsa ("Prisoner)
Welcome to the Internet- Bo Burnham
I feel like Luca matches the overall chaotic vibes this song has and he would probably explain the internet just like Burnham did (very quickly and kinda passive aggressively)
Melly Plinus (Entomologist)
Entomologist by GHOST
Need I say more
Edgar Valden (Painter)
My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstones
This song sounds happy like Edgar
Ganji Gupta (Batter)
The Sports Wii theme song
This is what he gets for beating up my poor Geisha during rank
Anne Lester (Toy Merchant)
Pogo- Living Island
A cheerful song because she deserves it (I have a soft spot for Anne mains)
Ada and Emil (Phycologist and the Patient)
Dark Red by Steve Lacy
I love their relationship so much
Orpheus (Novelist)
Satisfied by Marina and The Diamonds.
I don't know, just seems fitting.
Alice Deross (Journalist)
Ramalama (bang, bang) by Róisín Murphy
If you've ever heard this song, you know exactly why I chose this song.
Leo Beck ( Hell Ember)
We'll meet again- Vera Lynn
This song is probably something he would listen to on repeat to hope that it will help him reunite with Emma. (I'm gonna cry)
Jack (The Ripper)
Run Rabbit Run by Flanagan and Allen
I have a feeling that he's one of those killers that taunts his victims so this song fits.
Violetta (Soul Weaver)
Spider's Web by Melanie Martinez (my favorite portals song)
She's literally a giant spider. (And I love her for that)
Michiko (Geisha)
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Michiko just wanted to marry the man the man she loved but it was ripped away by her lovers father. (I wanna give my main a hug so bad)
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer)
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
You saw this coming, don't lie to me
Burke Lapadura (Mad Eyes)
Rainbow Factory by Glaze
He works on machines and stuff. I don't know, I'm running out of ideas.
Yidhra (Dream Witch)
Puppet Boy by Devo
This is the only song I'm repeating because it fits so well.
Robbie (The Axe Boy)
Teenage Dirt Bag by Wheatus
I feel like it matches his energy as a kid with way too much energy and mischief in his little body.
Mary (Bloody Queen)
Where's your Head at? by Basement Jaxx
You could say she lost her head....I'm done.
BonBon (Guard 26)
Blow! By Ke$ha
His ability is that he can make these explosive thingies when he chair someone.
Ann ("Disciple")
Brutus us by the Buttress
This song was the first thing that came to mind when I saw her, obviously.
Antonio Paganini (Violinist)
Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I feel like the "woman in the mirror" could be replaced by the devil he made a deal with.
Galatea Claude (Sculptor)
Breezeblocks by Alt-J
This perfectly describes how I think Galatea felt when her statue was destroyed by her father.
Percy (Undead)
Zydrate Anatomy by Alexa PenaVega, Paris Hilton, and Terrance Zdunich
Another song I can't really explain why but it feels right.
Grace (Naiad)
Siren by Kailee Morgue
Perfect for Naiad by the title alone.
Phillipe (Wax Artist)
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
His backstory has always freaked me out a bit since he literally has a corpse covered in wax glued(?) to his shoulder.
Keigan Nicholas Keogh (Clerk)
The Principle by Melanie Martinez
I feel like Clerk would be the kind of person to subconsciously abuse her power like the principle does.
Alva Lorenz (Hermit)
Rat by Penelope Scott
Alva says he will never know the true answers to humanity so I feel like this song fits into that phrase.
Ithaqua (Night Watch)
Below the Surface by Griffinilla
This song was the first thing to come to mind for him so I'm gonna keep it.
Sangria (Opera Singer)
Ballad of Jane Doe from the Ride the Cyclone musical
Jane doe hits some of the highest notes in this song I've ever seen in a musical and I just feel like Sangria would really like this song.
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otakusparkle · 16 days
Identity V The Animation "Arnold and Puppets"
Episode 10: "Joker's Stolen Motorbike"
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empress-runner · 11 months
Pierson's Puppeteer on Tumblr: yeah I'm nontrinary
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So.. How did they come to life in their new bodies? As far as I remember you needed the voodoo book, or atleast remember the spell, I highly doubt you knew about the voodoo shit before you got the rights to the puppets..
Btw do you know someone named Anthony Pierson?(to both the puppets and Jeremy)
"Yeah, no, I didn't have to do any of the voodoo shit.."
"I guess since the spell gave the characters souls of their own [I assume??], the souls were drawn to the new bodies??-"
"I dunno, all speculation..."
"And.. I think I might, actually- Did he happen to dabble in the Paranormal? If so, did he have like- A podcast or something? The name sounds familiar-"
"And uhh.. the lil guys can't really answer at the moment- They're a little too immersed in their movie marathon-"
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We don't have time for dolls
Inspired by @ericaportfolio theory about the real villains for hello puppets which you can read here:
I was inspired to make a small piece about my host Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins, a now free Anthony Pierson, and of course our dear Scout trying to tell the police about the events and the missing people to the police. Sadly, they just take them as a joke and think Scout is some sort of elaborate toy.
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Here's the version without dialogue
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askamykruber · 2 years
Wait so how did you guys enroll Scout into a school? Is like a puppet school (If that exists.)
Or is it like a human school-
I'm genuinely curious.
*sipping tea* well, hello again, dearie! Owey and I were having tea, but we would love to answer your lovely ask.
"Well, how do we even begin? Umm, we can start with the school not being our first option!"
Oh yeah, it was totally not our first option because ummm well Scout is a puppet and there are no puppet schools as far as we could tell....I...I think
"So we did try homeschooling our daughter!"
"Guess how that turned around?"
"Well your lessons were boring and tedious"
Girls, we are not going to start this fight again, would we?
"For context, Amy and I were quite busy with the repairs of the studio to actually homeschool Scout, so we asked the handeemen if they could help us."
Turns out that our little Scouty was umm too much to handle for some puppets
"Called the handeemen"
So we did consider a tutor, yet we did not know how to explain the whole sock puppets, the automatons, and-
"Living puppets who came out to life thanks by an evil spell boo who may or may not be given by Beth's stupid boyfriend's father: Victor Pierson!" (Phantom could not resist, sorry)
Scout, no need for mentioning Cameos or make fourth wall breaks
"What's a fourth wall break?"
"Writing stuff, but we are not changing the subject!"
Umm where were we?
"The we can't get me a tutor because well how can we take the time to explain the whole former evil puppets thing!"
Thank you, Scouty.
"So, without many choices left, Amy and I took some time to discuss this deeply and we agreed that we needed to get Scout to school...somehow."
So we decided to work on a plan and perhaps use a little bit of magic to help us convince them.
"If you were wondering why didn't we use it on a tutor"
The spell doesn't last long enough and it drains our energy once we try to use it many times."
"Not to mention...we have the risk of making them forget about...well pretty much everything."
We used some make up and tell them that Scout had a peculiar condition. Of course that they were some minor inconveniences, but thanks to Mortimer we were able to get her in-
"A prison for students"
"You have a couple of years before your graduation, it's not bad, Scout"
"You don't get to do algebra every week..."
Maybe start your homework, then complain
"Sighs...alright! alright!"
Anyways, we hope this answer your lovely question, @thewothlessdragon
-Amy and Owen
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