orbybmf1n · 1 year
Young shemale takes another giant dick as a challenge Dp Desi Milf Facial Madura se masturba para mi me masturbo con sus bragas de colores Orgia con el andres y el gordito de gafas Novinha Safada rebolando toda cachorra Fingering myself until I squirt Milf stripper Fucked in hotel room after party Granny anal fucked in hardcore interracial threesome she is so horny Deviant Sebastian Kane slaps and torments his twink slave
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zwrsg5lzebwddo · 1 year
Brunette teen Aimee Tyler gets her pussy eaten out and banged by an older guy Bombshell Kitty Caprice Bends Over For Fiances Buddy Sexy MILF Teacher Footjob Student Cock Fingering excited milf wet trimmed pussy in bed my private secretary high class sex meeting in a luxury villa maribel mamando pinga en california Dogging dans ma voiture Granny anal and double penetration Danish teen and bubble butt dildo xxx patronly Family Competition Casey Calvert In Cant Say No
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black-thoroughbred · 2 years
Idk if I posted about this but agistment owner stopped running agistment and moved house. Everyone left and we moved our horses together next door which is owned by an old farmer who isn't doing anything with his land. They're on 25 acres rn but will be on 50 when the fencing is done(hopefully this weekend). So my two are now with ex agistment owner's 4 geldings. Bom adapted just fine as she does with most things and has no problems with the geldings except for food time resource guarding. Star is.. not as happy. He is guarding Bom a lot and generally doesn't seem keen on making friends. I have seen him grazing near them but he doesn't get very close(Bom on the other hand was sharing hay with Chevy the other day, who doesn't share his food with anyone!). If it was a herd of mares I think he'd be just fine but I don't think he gets on particularly well with geldings. At food time everyone is lined up at the fence except for Star, who doesn't want to get anywhere near the others. Star gets separated out for his feed and if Bom starts wondering off he will stop eating and get very upset, trotting the fenceline and calling too her. Every time he's let out after feed time he guards her and herds her away from the others. I think he sees her as a source of safety and comfort and so is very protective of that, and she is HIS mare after all! I wonder if having 1 mare in a paddock full of geldings is a great idea, we'll see when she goes into season next 😅
I wish he'd make more friends but it's only been a couple weeks and I only see them at feed time when tensions are high, so who knows what their relationships like the other 95% of the time I'm not there.
besides the general stress it's putting on Star one thing that is bothering me is that Bom's resource guarding has gotten worse. Which is understandable but definitely not good. Usually she'll pin her ears, throw her head, swish her tail and maybe stomp a back leg when you go near her when she's eating, and it had been slowly getting better over time, today she was pigrooting and kicking out .. not great. But they are building yards so each horse will have their own space to eat soo hopefully that behaviour will stop and the stress at food time will go down.
A big paddock with horsey friends is all I've ever wanted for them and I think Bom is enjoying herself, Star is a nervous horse and not easy going and curious like Bom is so it'll take him longer but I hope he settles in soon.
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kickingwolf-707 · 2 years
During the age of thirteen, I encountered my first accident on a horse, being bucked off as the horse pigrooted while launching into a gallop down a hillside. Acquiring eighteen stitches on my right shin. Since I was influenced by the Comanche riders in the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show.🐎
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thatpaintedpony · 4 years
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Installment #2, 2012. After I was unceremoniously dropped on my ass at the western clinic, we moved Bob to agist at my friend’s place, which was a 20 minute drive from home rather than 40, and on the 18th of March 2012 we went to our very first show together – a local ag show. The main horse events were initially rained off on the Saturday, but resumed on the Sunday. We entered the Show Hunter classes and the rider classes. It was pretty rough – we still weren’t able to hold a consistent frame, never mind actually work correctly over the back (I didn’t even know what that was at the time, to be fair) and still got the wrong canter lead as often as the correct one, but I won 3rd place in the local rider class and felt pretty pleased. Despite not exactly going around like a fancy hack, Bob didn’t buck, bolt or do anything untoward, so overall I was thrilled.
Unfortunately things did not continue so smoothly. I’d bought an old brown Bates Caprilli dressage saddle to ride him in, which had fit when I first got it, but had soon started to hurt his back. I didn’t recognise the signs as I still didn’t really know what I was doing and ended up getting bucked off and pile driven head first into the dirt. With that, it was back to the stud with him for bootcamp. It didn’t take the smart old bugger long to realise I didn’t have a great seat, and he started pigrooting whenever he didn’t want to work. I started riding in the stock saddle so he couldn’t dump me as easily, which worked – he gave up trying to toss me after a couple of attempts. Once we were back on track and riding in my new dressage saddle – the black Bates Isabelle that I still have today – we moved him to an agistment paddock slightly, but not much, closer to home.
Around this time I was starting to think I wanted to try jumping him, so I took dad out bush and found some fairly straight gum tree saplings which we cut down to use as trot poles and I started “training” him with the idea that I would jump him. I had no idea what I was doing and no coach to speak of so I’m not sure what my plan was. Towards the end of 2012, he developed a cough and was on antibiotics for a while, and I didn’t ride much for the rest of the year. It was a fairly quiet one, all things considered!
(Pic 1 - post getting dumped on my ass at the clinic, Pics 2&3 - At our first show! Pic 4 - riding in the stock saddle after the bucking incident)
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Equestrian asks - all the prime numbers
fortunately I have GOOGLE you HEATHEN
2. mares or geldings? why?
eh, not fussed, i’ve seen nice mares and i own a marey gelding so as long as it’s a good tempered horse i don’t mind.
3. Do you think warmbloods are over-rated?
nope, but i think BIG warmbloods are overrated. 14-15.2hh baybeeeey
5. What kind of bit do you use and why?
Double bridle because he gives over the back and feels like a totally different horse, and is much less likely to react to things in the double. If I tap with a whip in the snaffle then I’ll get a pigroot, in the double I get nada. Which is what my anxious brain needs lol.
Bit- Curb with a medium shank and low port --> some alleviation on tongue but no scraping the roof of the mouth
Bridoon - Single joint eggbutt  --> less movement in his mouth than the loose ring
7. Favorite horse color?
Black, maybe pally, wouldn’t mind a really dark bay. That said when I’m out photographing at a comp I always go :’) when I see a chestnut.
11. Favorite Hot-blooded breed?
Eh I think both arabs and tbs have their issues. I like the pretty head that comes with arabs lol (well, partbreds - purebreds can be a bit much)
13. Dapple grey or Fleabitten grey?
17. Apples or Carrots?
Carrots cos cheaper lmao
19. Palomino or Buckskin?
Pally but I like both
23 - answered
29. Do you collect breyer horses?
31.Private barn or Boarding stable?
No idea what the difference is, but I suppose a private barn is where I am now and it’s smaller and we all know each other, so I’d go with that
37 - answered
41. A bad habit you have?
My brain, using the heel or spur cos my calves are weak as fuck and it’s like use leg or else, randomly forgetting how to use my body then doubting myself until I forget what I thought I knew... the list goes on
43. How high have you jumped?
Like 40cm lol
47. Indoor or Outdoor arena?
Indoor has been amazing. Only time it’s not is early on a winter morning
53. Long mane or Pulled mane?
Neither, I want short and thick. So much easier to braid.
59. Favorite horse names?
I love any cute stable names.
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Tomorrow i have a horse trainer coming out to school Napoleon for a week for me to see what or if there is some sorta issue causing him to constantly pigroot/buck in the canter so i can get back on track with things.
So it will be interesting but I’m keen to be able to canter him around without the worry of potentially being launched off him!
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glamorousequestrian · 5 years
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Just an update on my journey to getting my confidence and riding strength back!  Beetle was such a naughty grub today!We experienced our first pigroot and bucking session, which I’m honestly surprised I managed to sit- although one did nearly get me unseated haha!He was checked over and thankfully not lame, just feeling really excited and energetic today!Other than that, he was working nice and forward and we are starting to discover his go button instead of lazy dragging feet and tripping himself over!All in all, it was a challenge today but I’m glad I overcame it! ❤️
Feel free to ask any questions, I just plead no more hate! It’s just not nice! 
For those who don’t know what happened, I had a really bad riding accident that resulted in a broken back and developed riding anxiety. Just standing at the mounting block would send me into a full panic attack. I was terrified of standing next to my horse. I’m doing little updates on how we come along! x
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what-the-floofin · 6 years
Just explored your art tag and I love your Voltron centaur concepts! What are some horsey-like habits each paladin has picked up?
Hhhhh thank you!
Man I’m still finding stuff for them in that regardbut like, okay, some things that come to mind right off the bat (with some influenced/offered via messages)… 
When idle Shiro has a habit of dragging a hoof against thefloor in that kinda ear-gratingly painful way. Why? Because in the ring hedidn’t have access to proper hoof care other than what he could wear downhimself, in his own time. He doesn’t really notice doing it because it becamesuch a mind-numbing task of repetition it’s just plain automatic to do and tuneout.
Pidge has zero fear when it comes to retribution, she’lloverbalance if she has to. And if she falls you’re damn well sure she’s gonnatake ‘em down with her.
Result: that girl can kick high
Coran utilises the extended trot to Nyoom with Propriety. Clopclopclopclopclopclopclopclopclop
Coran also knows a lot of fancy moves and I can see himenjoying a good ballroom-style taur dance. Considering Lance’s talent for tightfootwork, they totally spend time sharing tricks and talents and unspokenlyde-stress with dance sessions. Allura may join this at some point.
Keith can pace. Like, really, really pace. Once, back out inthe desert when he had a lot of free time he wanted to see how much distancehe could cross in one stretch with no breaks. He loaded himself with provisions(because to not plan your recovery is stupid), settled into the pacing stride,and went. And he kept it. For a long, long time without breaking stride. Acombination of Stubborn and high endurance does wonders.
He makes a pretty decent pacer. But he prefers not to.Action is definitely his thing.
I’m ashamed I can’t grab anything for Hunk right now becauseI love that boy so much and he needs attention jesussend me to jail for such a crime I cannot believe. How atrocious of me
…. Good lord I got nothing for Allura either this is UTTERLYSHAMEFUL
I’ve had questions about horse-spooks and whether or notcentaurs would react the same. I’d say a reason to spook is moreperson-considered-reasonable rather than horse-considered-reasonable, but justremember that is a lot of mass tomove quickly, it would still be pretty explosive to see.
So in the direction of that subject..
- Lance has responsive heels. Pidgesometimes flicks long wire against his back legs for the shits and giggles of hisinstant pigroot reaction.
- One time Hunk was out planetside with Shiro,free-foraging to stock the kitchens. A weighty branch fell over Shiro’s back. Hunkswears his life flashed before his eyes. All four feet came off the groundman, and way too close for comfort.
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Dog has been neutered since he was 1 but will still sometimes try to hump cushions when he gets really worked up playing. I thought getting neutered was supposed to fix that.
We had a clydesdale who was gelded (by a vet) at age 7, he never once stopped believing he was a stallion. He’d make huge displays of macho buillshit like pigrooting and bucking and frogging and cantering full speed at the fence, at the little mares that these local idiots would always ride past (the horses would always freak out completely on the way up and down the hill, everytime, and yet the riders always acted like it was a new occurrence), threatening to leap the fence and all. Bit of a wanker. 
Sometimes it’s just a release of energy. Typically when puppies are spayed at about 6months the behaviour is less likely, but individuals have different reactions.
When we got foster doggo debbie? This tiny little, skeletal animal that had been almost bred to death? About a month she went into heat, (she was nowhere near physically stable enough for desexing operations at this point, or it would have been done to prevent this), she humped everything. If it touched her tummy, it was getting humped.
She’d steal pillows from your bed (they are hers now, after being washed) and even a large pikachu plush thing... anything. She wasn’t doing it for any reason other than pure instinct, in her case. Even now, after desexing, sometimes when she’s having a bad day (often when her bloodsugar is very low or ludicrously high, bc it fluctuates wildly but the vet can’t find why just yet), she’ll hump things. It’s not her choice, I don’t think, she has a blank look.
Foster puppy Jilly did hump to show dominance over foster puppy Willow, but only bc the latter kept stealing her toys. IT was a surprise, they were both desexed girls, and jilly is very sweet... 
Harvey was desexed before we got him, and has never bothered to, even when super excited. 
It’s all about the animals as individuals really. 
I’d say it’s just what your dog’s mind says to do when he gets super excited; does he have any other unusual reactions to excitement or stress?
 Unless this is a brand-new, very unusual behaviour, in which case you may want to just ask your vet if there’s anything that might be affecting his behaviour. 
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I found out yesterday that little Miss Shani does infact know how to buck. Here I was thinking all she had in her was a little pigroot or a shy. NOPE. Lady can buck. However on this occasion, she did not have enough buck in her to get me off. 
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dappleddd · 2 years
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probably the 3rd? flat work ride on ms cherry. she's fairly well schooled on the flat (besides the canter being a standardbred) but super happy with her yesterday! (it's 1am now so yesterday seems weird to say)
booked her in to have a chiropractic adjustment tomorrow which i'm super interested to see how she feels. we have an issue of pigrooting into the canter if i don't hold her back through corners so i'm curious to know wether it's a pain issue or possibly saddle fit. she gets her saddles fitted in a couples weeks anyways.
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ktvstheworld · 3 years
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Bonsey boy 🏇 . What an absolute superstar pony this guy is! 12 months off, drag him straight out of the paddock, jump on, and it's like I rode him yesterday. No buck, pigroot, or any nonsense whatsoever, just a total gentleman 😍 . He came in yesterday for a pamper; I gave him a hot wash, detangled his mane and tail, gave him a haircut, and swapped him into fresh rugs. I think he likes the attention! 🥰 . I've got a bit of work to do with this fella building him back up again, he's put on lots of weight over his time off (his girth from last year didn't fit! 😂🙈) but lost lots of muscle over his top line and hind. I've given his feed a re-jig, and will get the lunging gear and poles back out again so I can keep him ticking over on the days where I'm not able to ride. . I absolutely love working with this horse, and can't believe how quiet he is - he even gave Ella a pony ride today and totally looked after her 💕 . Looking forward to getting him up and going again and getting a few outings happening as well. Looking at my little spooks jacket from last year, it's a good excuse to get myself back in shape, too! 💪😁 . Big love, K 😘 xx . #Mondain #offthetrack #offthetrackthoroughbred #exracehorse #ottb #racingvictoria #ottbdressage #thoroughbred #dressagehorse #dressagetraining #showjumper #eventer #hunterhack #riddenhunter #showhunter #acknowledgedretrainer #horsetrainer #horsetraining #dressagetrainer #racehorse #workinghunter #ottbretraining #fitness #csectionrecovery #fitgirls #horseproperty #equestrian #equestrianlife #equestrianblogger #ottbjourney (at KRequestrian) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQCvOHHknd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thatpaintedpony · 5 years
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This guy. I tell ya.
I very nearly had a spectacularly bad ride today. He just WOULD NOT do what I asked. If I asked for walk he either kept hollowing out and trying to stop, if I asked for trot he was either dragging his heels or trying to canter, running through my outside leg/rein. I could not get him forward, no matter how firmly I asked. I was getting really, really frustrated with him, and I nearly just got off. But I figured we need to work on our canter anyway so if that's what he wanted to do, fine. We would canter.
And honestly it turned the whole ride around. We did some lovely canter transitions, some nice, calm canter, both directions (one small pigroot excluded) and then came back and did some lovely trot as well before we finished up. So we ended on a good note but I could have killed him that first half an hour.
I'm seriously considering riding with a whip again, even though it makes me super anxious. I've only ridden him with a whip twice - once he was fine, and once he bucked me off. I don't feel like I have enough evidence to decide which is the more likely outcome. And since the incident where he bucked me off was my last bad fall and gave me months of anxiety when I started riding again .. it makes me nervous. But at the same time I am getting nowhere without something to reinforce the "go" aid and he just does not give a fuck about my spurs. Without impulsion we have nothing. So I'm hoping to try it again in my next lesson, so I don't have to manage mounting up with it in my hand and can pass it off if it's not going well. We shall see. Something's gotta give.
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The face of an innocent bystander who randomly decided to be angry eared and pigroot at his mother under saddle today for no apparent reason???
(I rode through it and it all went well by the end which is leaps and bounds on 18 months ago but Jesus WHY)
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After two days of Napoleon working with a trainer, he has improved so bloody much and we have discovered so many things about him, like he’s been trained in dressage fairly well and he has stopped pigrooting (so far) after pin pointing some head carriage issues from his past that came from his last owners who have straight up lied to me about him but either way i still scored a very very good horse!
I will update a bit more tomorrow with some photos of his progress!
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