kirbyswarpstar · 29 days
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canon potato cookie
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I don't think Potato cookie's that much of a himbo.
He's a hardworker and trying his best to be a great older brother to his quadruplet siblings.
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yeah I do love that part about the story, I am just glad that the pig is the one who bought the win after ate a large potato
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I just really love the pigtato, and the expression this pig has. screenshot taken from royalmike's video. Which i'll link to as it just feels right.
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potatoc00kie · 2 months
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losing my mind over this rn
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lukochi · 1 year
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The “hoho”
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dulesknight · 1 year
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And I'm guessing that's gonna be Potato Cookie.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Thats a good question. A lot of things that are edible tend to be alive especially those shaped like animal creatures. By the looks of it, i can see the pigtatos just taste like a pork stew (pork and potatoes together) or just potatoes.
Like the blueberry spiders. Are they just blueberries or do they taste like spiders?
The answer is yes :] /j
Hmm, never had pork stew, but I do imagine they probably taste closer to potatoes
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tiggyloo · 1 year
I love the new Cookie immediately
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sundove88 · 4 months
Heyo! Can ya give me some headcanons on:
1. Dark Cacao
2. Wizard
3. Eclair
4. Dark Choco
5. Potato
6. Vampire
7. Prune Juice
8. Latte
9. Couveture/ Gatekeeper Cookie
10. Pitaya
Dark Cacao is a cat person at heart and always will be- and he also squeals whenever he sees macarons themed around kitties.
Wizard Cookie’s house has magic air conditioning on 24/7, so he doesn’t melt due to the intense heat outside. Because he’s got an ice cream hat.
Eclair has somewhat of a habit for sorting books by their color or topic! Some of his favorites are history books.
Dark Choco signs up for community service regularly- he wants to do everything he can to atone for his actions.
Potato has more than just Pigtatoes on his property. He’s even got a few chickens and maybe some wild rabbits and stuff like that!
Vampire has to always carry sunscreen with him whenever he travels outside- daylight will give him a nasty sunburn, holy water will cause an itching rash, garlic will give him a bad stomachache, stakes will give splinters, etc.
Prune Juice has potions for every occasion- he and Wizard often hold friendly brewing contests to make the most potent and delicious ones.
Latte has kept a picture of every student she’s ever taught, and she sees Cream Puff and Walnut as nieces of sorts.
Couverture will often let the other watchers huddle beside him whenever it’s too cold outside, often bringing massive weaved blankets to heat them up.
Pitaya often gets their belly rubbed by Hollyberry and a few others; not that they mind it- it’s just that they’re so chomnk that it’s a natural response.
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tqmlecherocuki · 23 days
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I can't beliv gnomed nerfed him.
...what could he be yappin about tho....
"hey! did you get that new drink? i think it's pretty good, yeah! then again we all have preferred tastes and that's okay! i just think it's pretty good and that you should try it if you haven't!! Sparkling's got some serious skill, tell you that! ...of course you probably didn't know because perhaps you haven't been here much? i mean, have you?? either way, he is a nice man. oh! that drink you have! it tastes better with milk! in.. my opinion...! just thought I'd let you know, you don't have to try it of course! oh and- geez! at this point I think I should make you a list! he he!!? I won't! if you don't want me to, of course! I'm-I'm just saying! haha. anyways- have you heard about how--
"-all from local origin! that's why they taste so unique! I think some green grape lady is the main provider of--"
"-and the farms! I didn't know what a pigtato was until Yammy-- a friend, showed me! ah!! they're so precious! precious little bundles of joy! you should see them too someday! I highly recommend it!! ... I'll, uh, take you there myself though... Yam would... hm... I think I'll ask him discreetly! "hey yam, what if, hypothetically, Choco-nim wanted to see the pigtatoes? what would you say in that scenario that won't happen? would you theoretically be okay with it?" ... that'll probably work! yeah? perhaps! either way there's so much to see! like those yaks!-"
'...what... parts am I supposed to retain from... all of this...?’
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cinnasketches · 1 year
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Oh Lawd he’s coming!  Sign up to get notified of our Piggie Plush Kickstarter- Pigtato- today!  
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kirbyswarpstar · 3 months
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tossing these into one post cuz i do not feel like posting all of them on their own
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legendary-cookies · 1 year
whats ur opinion on the new farmer boy? ‼️ (potato cookie)
The same as most new cookies that aren't Legendary which is "meh"
I do think the pigtatoes are goofy though and this one pose of him holding one up is pretty great
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But other than that I don't have any strong opinions about him
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potatoc00kie · 8 months
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i love this sprite of potato cookie so much
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the pigtato is having the time of its life rn
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mikurulucky · 7 months
Custard III: Hey Wizard, did you notice your voice has changed? Wizard: What, you mean I sound like a man and you sound like a pigtato on helium? =w= Custard III: You take that BACK!! Wizard: Ok, if you can say it like a man! >;) Custard III: I AM A MAAANN!!!
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