mmiotw · 4 months
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I did the meme. You know, the thing. The thingy…
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backuparguelles · 2 months
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Oh my corn! Thanks for the triple requests @pineapplegrenader! It’s really glowing and spooky but really fun to see them scary!
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beekirbydrawsstuff · 1 year
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Artfight attack numero 2 featuring @pineapplegrenader's Tess wondering how she got here
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quacknsnack · 1 year
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my first artfight attack, starring @pineapplegrenader's Monica!
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deadbutcaffeinated · 2 months
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I gots more!
1. missunytheartist on instagram
2. Pineapplegrenader on deviantArt
3. Cheetahspots on artfight
4. @witheriety-1
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fuzzychildchopshop · 1 year
Master of the Slime by Pineapplegrenader
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
I remember you saying that you weren't fond of early comedic archie sonic, but you also like adventures of sonic the hedgehog. What do you think works in AOSTH that doesn't in Early Archie?
I mean, it has more jokes that I think are funny. That's all it really comes down to
Early Archie Sonic would often build its humor almost exclusively around puns, and that just gets grating fast when those are the only jokes you're making. Manak's art being a downgrade from Shaw's didn't help either, sapping a lot of the energy from the humor. But there's also this kind of meanspirited attitude with a lot of the non-pun jokes, especially the constant jabs at Antoine. AoStH is by no means a comedy masterpiece, but its Looney Tunes antics tend to give me a chuckle or two and also it reminds me of YouTube Poops
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist spotlight: pineapplegrenader!
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Header source: [X]  
Introduce yourself Hello! You can call me Pineapplegrenader! I love to draw, make comics and youtube videos! I'm real glad to be contributing to this zine! When did you start drawing? Are you a digital or traditional artist? I've been drawing all my life! I started drawing digitally around 2011 when I got my first wacom tablet. Do you use any traditional mediums? If so, which are your favorites? I don't use too many crazy mediums. Just good ol' pencil and sketchbooks for me!
Why do you prefer traditional over digital? (or viceversa) I like the range of options an art program can give you. What do you think is the most challenging part about being a traditional/digital artist? The most challenging thing about drawing traditionally verses digitally is that there are few ways and short cuts to equal out your shortcomings as an artist. I feel like traditional drawings can show the most authentic perspective of your skill. That aspect can be exciting and daunting. What inspires your pieces? Things that inspire my pieces include narrative, interesting color schemes and emotion.
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image source: [X]   Explain your "everyday" drawing process I improvise a lot of the time! I go into a drawing session having a good idea of what I want to create and I make changes when I get a new idea or a current idea seems unfeasible. Do you have an artist you admire (or more than one)?
I have a few that I really like:C.H. Greenblatt (Chowder) Jeff Smith (BONE) Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim) Kōhei Horikoshi (My Hero Academia)I've recently got into My Hero Academia and I really like the art style! I like how the characters are still cartoony and streamlined, yet they have volume and depth. Its an art-style that I want to study from more in the future. Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why? https://www.deviantart.com/selom13/art/Mob-Loves-Milk-782583235
Always loved this piece! It was one of my firsts experiments with lineless art! I like that I was able to illustrate the concept with clear shapes and strong colors.
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing? I like to listen to a lot of different kind of music, all of it energizes me. I sometimes listen to movie or game OSTs, mostly tracks that feel action-packed and grand. I also listen to alot of electronic and Electro-Swing music.
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image source: [X]   What makes art interesting for you? I love that I can take an idea from my head and make it real. Sometimes that image turns out exactly like I planned it or completely different. I always find the contrast between our concept for a piece and the end result intriguing. What do you do when art block strikes? I like to make a big shape out of scribbles. I look at the shape and try to create a recognizable image out of the silhouette, like a person's head or a building. I've made lots of pieces that I love from this process! What’s the most valuable art advice you’ve ever received?
Fun should be at the core of everything you do!
If something isn't providing you joy, you should seek out something else that does. For me, art makes me happy! Even when I feel like my art isn't good or worth the attention of others, I can still depend on the process of making art being enriching. The act of making art and the end result of seeing your vision become reality is an incredible reward!
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prodigaljester · 6 years
Had a dream where you fused liz with your other frog oc to create a new oc. You named them Oggi.
oggi need food *slorp slorp*
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mmiotw · 3 months
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A warm up doodle…
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backuparguelles · 2 months
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Another WIP from @pineapplegrenader and it’s really almost perfect when it finishes from my triple requests!
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fandomzines · 7 years
Any advice for artists who get rejected from zines and collaborations?
Warning: long post ahead!
Hey there! The main advice I have is to not be discouraged and keep on trying! Zines sometimes have hundreds of applicants so it can be tough for mods to choose people, especially since they have to consider a lot of factors when deciding which artists to go with.
I’ve been working on zines for the past year or so. I’ve been on 30+ zines so far, but for every acceptance email I get, I also get between 10 - 15 rejections, sometimes for projects I really, really wanted to work in. It’s still discouraging every now and then, but it gets easier to move on from the rejections after a while. Besides, if I had stopped applying after the first couple of rejections, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work on the projects that did accept me later on!
So keep applying to zines! And work on your personal portfolio in the meanwhile. After all, every drawing you make allows you to grow as an artist! 
Good luck & all the best!
-Mod Mandy
Don’t be discouraged! There are plenty of other factors thatcontribute to being accepted and rejected to a zine. Some zine organisers lookfor different styles, either to add variety or to match the feel of the zine.It doesn’t necessarily reflect a lack of skill on your part!Someone mentioned this to me today: having the right person looking at yourwork at the right moment is an important factor. It’s luck basically, but youcan increase your chances if you don’t give up and keep creating and keepapplying to zines you’re passionate about!
Also, as Mandy said, build up your portfolio! Your portfolio isthe first impression the organisers will get when they review your application.Try to include more pieces (especially complete ones if you’re an artist) in yourportfolio! How you compile and organise your portfolio matters too; the orderof your pieces, what is emphasised, and even the site your portfolio is on. Ifyou are providing a link to your blog for your portfolio, is it difficult forthe organiser to find your pieces? Is your blog overwhelmed by other irrelevantposts, or are your work properly tagged or sorted by categories?
I just want to add that, on a slightly irrelevant note, it’s common recentlyfor creators who are new to zines to apply to nearly every zine project theyencounter. Although it’s not a bad thing, I feel that creators should also takethese into consideration:
1. The interest, time, effortand determination to participate in the project: 
Why do you want toparticipate in this zine? If the zine project isn’t about something you feelstrongly enough about, you might find yourself lacking motivation to finishyour piece if you get in. Zine projects tend to be long and draining, it’s important that you are able tocommit to it! Collaboration projects like zines seem fun, but don’t apply toone just for the sake of wanting to be part of one! 
2. Not all zines are wellmanaged:
There’s more interest inorganising zines these days, but I personally feel that some zines are organisedimpulsively (read: without proper planning) and poorly promoted. Choose whatzines to apply to wisely! There are zines where you’re more likely to get into,but it might turn out to be a zine where there were few applicants to beginwith and there isn’t much interest in that zine project. Also check out the organisers on the project; are they people you want to workwith? Do they seem responsible and do they have experience in organising zines?If it’s their first time, do they have other moderators on the team? Is theschedule realistic? Etc. Personally I feel that it would be better not be part of a zine than to be partof a zine that is irresponsibly managed!
 TLDR; Don’t rush into zine projects! 
Rejection doesn’t mean you’re bad, but you should take the chance and time toreview your portfolio and work. Good luck!-Admin Lily
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quacknsnack · 1 year
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artfight revenge featuring @pineapplegrenader's Nina!
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brandonlarish · 7 years
How do you draw your backgrounds?
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I have no idea
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hernyart · 7 years
Rayman Legends is getting a port on the Nintendo Switch in the dame gain of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I’ve bought Rayman Legends 3 different times and I’m totally up for buying it again for the Switch
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Do you think not seeing Sonic Rangers at E3 this year is a bad sign? Some people think that since they haven't shown gameplay yet, that its not ready yet or its bad. I'm personally not worried.
Yeah no, if we don't see it at E3 then that's not necessarily a reason to worry. Not every AAA game gets shown at E3, and it's not due out until next year. We don't even know when the projected release window is. It could be a holiday 2022 release for all we know
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