Me: My first crush as a child was on Albert Einstein so NOBODY should be surprised that I turned out this way
@pinkypromiseow2 : oh honey.
@pinkypromiseow2 : that checks out.
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gamanyne · 1 year
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He's obviously beekeeping age 🧎🏻‍♀️
HEAVILY inspired by the glorious 'Honey' fic by @pinkypromiseow2 on ao3
Reading their work had me FLOATING. Highly recommend giving their work a read 👏🏻
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theholybun · 1 year
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THIS SCENE !!!! is From @pinkypromiseow2 newest fic. Cottagecore and Sigma ?! At this point I should be kissing their shoes for this.
I didn't get blackmail to do this. (Trust me) I wholeheartedly recommend their A03 Siebren reads and tumblr loves to bury their work for some reason. Please check it out. More recommendations on the way. Thank you ❤️
Here is the link
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Thought I'd post some doodles I've accumulated since writing Empress, as it's what I've managed during my down-time.
@akoiromanticstudent and @pinkypromiseow2 bullied me into posting these so blame them!
This is literally just one interpretation of Reader/Starlight, so not supposed to be a consistent design. Take of it what you well eh.
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callout post for my beloved mutual @pinkypromiseow2
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Special thanks to @pinkypromiseow2 for showing me this song as it’s now the first song on my empress playlist as it’s very… THEM
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8, 11 and 27 !
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
For writing, the end because it's finally out of me and in words, LOL. I would generally struggle with endings in most writing but smut is pretty straightforward on a few possibilities to end with. For reading, the middle is often my favorite - I don't find myself rereading endings or beginnings for most fics.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
JHFDHKFLKGFGHDHGHFBVVHBC HOW COULD I PICK ONLY THREE HGHHRJVJHG I'll link FIVE in no particular order because I love them all equally. Because no one can actually stop me. And bc I know my current audience they are all Sigma/Reader smut.
THE EMPRESS by @consceleratuswrites - Emperor Sigma / Prophecy-Forced-Wife Reader - INSANE PLOT. GONNA BE AMAZEBALLS. Gonna be really hot later. I mean it's already hot now but the smut is going to be. Insane.
Observatory by nikori514 - Professor Siebren / Student Reader - literally always going to be a sucker [literal] for Prof Sigma honestly, especially when he's guilty/embarrassed/a perv. Every interaction here is so cute.
Honey + Bonus by @pinkypromiseow2 - a BEEKEEPER SKIN FIC. Your "sweet" neighbor. OOAAUGH. Bonus INSANE hot. The domination, the longing, the innocent suggestiveness.
Undivided Attention by @ssigmas - First. Maestro. [screams.] And Orchestral Musician Reader. The incredibly accurate musical details, and conveying his stern expressions perfectly. The approach, the tease, the unraveling, OUGH.
Discipline by @ultradiplr - Professor Siebren / Random-Student Reader - Don't actually know what it is. Actually largely find spanking a huge turnoff, but besides that, I think it's the domination, the edging, the control... the anonymity, but not without care, boundaries, and emotion...
Okay not gonna lie my own fics are also heavily among my favorites but that's because they cater to exactly my needs and preferences, what can I say >:)
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Favorite part of writing is being done. Or being hit with those moments of clarity, those moments I actually get an IDEA. Least favorite part is the middle, lost the novelty of being new, but not close enough to being done. AHGUHDRHEKJHDSFGHE
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4, 27, 40, 58, 64, 77 of anything in Empress. :)
~ @akoiromanticstudent
Thank you BB!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Personally, I find that listening to music is the main source of inspiration for me. It helps me visualise the story better when the music matches the overall mood and atmosphere. I also love watching a lot of 'period drama' for Empress along with general mythology.
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Writing the middle part and trying to get each plot point to flow into each other and make it all seamless is PAINFUL. And I do it to myself, and it's only myself to blame. So it's trying to marry those two up - without creating filler, making sure there is enough time before each major plot beat, and making it also flow naturally - Its very AUUUGGGGHHHH inducing. But also fun 🥹 in that painful puzzle-solving way.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
It honestly makes me so happy that people feel inspired enough to draw things from my silly fic that I'm just happy to see it. I think I would love to see people's interpretations of the Inner Sanctum and Arvum in particular as I'm curious to see how it translates from what I've written. Also OUTFITS! But who am I kidding?! WE LOVE SEEING EMP SIG AND PEOPLE LOVE DRAWING THE BIG BAD MAN.
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
I love the brainstorming part, as it's something I do a little more subconsciously - like working and listening to music, getting an idea, and writing it down in my silly notebook.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
Good. Dialogue.
I think you can make a scene ten times hotter if the character says something a little more unhinged in the - ahem - HAZE? This is something I will personally struggle with so LOL HOPE I DONT FUG IT UP.
But yeah, language is sexy.
77. I answered this in a previous ask - but to be quick here I LOVE WRITING ARGUMENTS.
THANK YOU @akoiromanticstudent bb this was fun!! I'M TAGGING YOU DIRECTLY TO DO 40. 25. and 70.
I'm also tagging @pinkypromiseow2 and @pearsaregrossfightme to do this as well, with prompts 75. 65. 16.
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#68 for the writer’s prompt?
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
[I'm exclusively a smut writer for Sigma x Reader, because I'm almost exclusively a smut reader of various ships/characters/fandoms of many years, an absolute degenerate - that being said...]
I have terrible creativity actually. I don't usually come up with original ideas, I'm often entirely riding off of others' ideas. But it seems to... it seems to depend on the version of Sigma that I'm writing.
There's a lot here, and smut-related elements are mentioned below the cut.
Professor Siebren de Kuiper - Most of my inspiration comes from The Historian, aka my music history professor, who is my favorite prof with whom I have the most close-to-flirtatious history, as their similarities is what drew me to Sigma in the first place. So... yeah, there is a good chunk of the way I write Professor Sigma that is literally just a proxy for the fantasies I've had about The Historian or other hot professors I've had - Suit and Tie having the most specific inspiration. I also have an amazing Professor Siebren/Professor Reader draft lurking that literally came from a shitpost-type comment that I cannot wait to write, because the premise is hilarious and the manifestation is hot as hell.
Cartographer Siebren de Kuiper - ENTIRELY based off of @pearsaregrossfightme and @mulberrycafe's Borrower!Reader AU and not at all original, I'm just. Horny I guess. 😂 IDK I think the general concept/appeal of GIANT HANDS is, in terms of flexibility and overstimulation potential, just insanely similar to tentacles, so, uh, some of that inspired actually?
Maestro Siebren de Kuiper - This version of Sigma and the planned events of gavotte capriccio is heavily inspired by The Historian, but he's going to be also influenced by The Conductor, The Russian, and The Madman. Well, up until the actual spicy stuff, that's definitely fictional, but again, onto pre-existing fantasies. This is my favorite Sigma, of course, and apparently so strongly my favorite that I'll go beyond smut and was struck with enough inspiration to actually develop a ROMANCE. Twice. The other is another draft in progress, inspired by the art in my PFP that I commissioned from @melonkind, as in, I commissioned it, they created it, and after I stared and screamed at it for a really long time, I was eventually struck with a very cute "we could fall in love like this" plot.
(I may also write a third, different version of Maestro Siebren, a much more Dom-coded version that I'm extremely down bad for and is hugely inspired by conversations with @consceleratuswrites and @pinkypromiseow2 mostly. Conversations with @pearsaregrossfightme also have given me inspirations, but entirely unintentionally. 🤭)
Emperor Sigma - The only version of Emperor Sigma I can feasibly survive writing is going to be this gigantic [relatively] work called The Emperor's Favorite Toy which started as a fanfic for @consceleratuswrites's The Empress, and has become an Actual Coherent Prequel, much to my surprise and despite my vehement avoidance of plot. And is still in drafts, because the smut is. Uh. A lot. For the first chapter. It makes me dizzy to look at. Anyway this personality is entirely under Conc's direction, and she has repeatedly had to tell me to make him meaner, which I'm still learning to do. :P
Ironically, ultimately, I've feared writing "canon" Sigma the most because the lore is so... incomplete. It's so annoying to try to tread on it personally. I have some drafts for Canon Sigma that have gotten stuck purely because I can't reconcile Talon giving him that much freedom, etc etc... it's tricky. 🥴
OOPS anyway i should go to sleep
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