#pinstripe x tawna
abrahamsmarterboy · 28 days
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Yep! We got proven by James Loy Martin, The Artist who works at Toys for Bob and Crash 4, and also secretly shipped them and we got proven by the Naughty Dog creator too
I hope you fans continue Shipping Tawna X Pinstripe! I'm ready to ship them more since they got married and had a cute son Pinstripe Jr.
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sapphiresky413 · 11 months
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Meet the mafia don turned pirate and captain of the Heavy Bullet Pirates, Pinstripe Potoroo! Took a long awhile because I kept reworking a lot of stuff, but I finally got it done!
Next, I'll need to work on his wanted poster and Sulong form. This is part of my Crash Bandicoot x One Piece crossover series. There are more characters I want to get to in the future. (Once I get Pinstripe's stuff done, I want to try my hand and draw Koala Kong next. And I also really want to work on Tawna and her pirate crew)
Do not repost.
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cyberfreakk · 6 months
welcome to the trash pile that is this crash of the titans/mind over mutant n. gin based ask/rp blog.
since there is no internet or signal where n. gin resides, he receives ur asks and submissions via "letters" and "packages" unless u somehow manage to teleport to his location and ask him things directly but u can't do that. u don't have those kinds of powers. i think.
unfortunately i can't give u any other lore besides that so u'll have to get it from him but to be fair he's stubborn but very easy to persuade if u present him with the right things (ex: baked goods, shiny objects, a pretty looking person, etc.).
PROSHIPPERS GET OUTTA HERE RAAAGHHHHHH!!!! also ppl neutral on it, cortex x the igors shippers, and nsfw/kink blogs too. /srs
no NSFW discussion/topics
do not tag any posts with kin or f/o/self ship tags.
shipping is allowed. white/blacklisted ships listed under the cut.
OCs are allowed.
magic anons are allowed but no genderbending/swapping
please refer to me as "nitro" when sending asks to me and not n. gin. just to avoid confusion since we share the same name.
u are free to tag me in whatever (please please please please!!!)
✉️ ; letter - asks
📦 ; package - submissions
📪 ; not mail - posts that aren't asks or submissions
🔁 ; reblog - reblogged posts
☢️ ; nitro joins the party!! - posts where nitro (host) speaks
(asks and submissions will be tagged with character names and sender urls by default)
*n. tropy/fem!tropy
aku aku
von clutch
*i will kiss u on the mouth for this
any character that would make the ship problematic (pedophilic, incestuous, abusive, etc. (includes aged up))
any character who can't verbally consent
n. gin (selfcest is a weird area but i'm personally not into it)
n. brio (queerplatonic allowed)
OC/self insert
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ich-theosaurus · 6 months
dont like how people are obsessed with assuming the worst with tawna x pinstripe as if anything is canon
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #342: Confronting the Rat-Face (Crash Bandicoot)
Pinstripe: (On the phone) .......And I'm telling you, right here, that if you think for a second that and my Boyz are gonna folk over our hard-cold cash to any of you fools, than y'all going to have another thing- (Stop Speaking and Immediately see an Clearly Upset Tawna walked in his office)...... I'll call you back, ma. Bye.
(Phone Call End)
Pinstripe: (Comb his hair, Straying some Cologne on his shirt he's wearing, and put out the most Over Confident Smile and Cocky Smile Known to Men) Hey there, beautiful~ What's shakin'?~
Tawna: Cut the crap, Rat-Face. We need to talk.
Pinstripe: Really now? And what, pray tell, you wanna talk to, yours truly, about?
Tawna: Did you tell my boyfriend that I never loved him?
Pinstripe: What? You mean that nobody of a Bandicoot-
Tawna: (Grab Pinstripe Collar in anger) His name is Crash!! Get. It. Right!!!
Pinstripe: Hey! Hey! Hey now! I don't mind being close and personal with a beautiful lady before, but this is too much. And besides, I never understood why you chose that idiot over yours truly here!
Tawna: (Groans as she lets go of Pinstripe's collar and pinch her nose in annoyance) You really don't get it, do you?
Pinstripe: ('Scoffs') Babe, I run the toughest mafia in the world while that losa' of a Bandicoot out broke somewhere on an island. What more do I don't get?
Tawna: (Took a Deep Breath before Speaking) Okay. First off, don't you EVER call me 'Babe' again. You hear me? We never had a thing with one another and we NEVER will. So get that out of your thick skull, right now, before I pulverize you into submission! Got it?!
Pinstripe: Alright. Alright. I'll get outta my system. Sheesh....
Tawna: Good. And second, My Crash is everything but some loser or a nobody like you think he is! He's the most courageous, handsome, and sweetest Bandicoot I ever have the pleasure of loving with all my heart. And if you think for a damn second that I would be that shallow enough to leave him just because he's not some Rat-Face Sleazeball with a ego complex as big as Cortex's forehead, then you clearly don't know a thing about me at all.
Pinstripe: So That's it, huh? You really wanna be with that Bandicoot over me?
Tawna: (Nodded Confidently) That's right. I am NOT attending on leaving my Sweet Boi anytime soon.
Pinstripe: (Sat Down with Annoyed Anger on his face) ('Tch') Fine. Stay with that losa' for all I care. You gonna regret not being with this. (Have Both of his hands Pointing at Him in a Ego like fashion)
Tawna: (Walk Towards the Door) Oh trust me, Rat-Face....(Gives One final look at Pinstripe before walking out) You're not even worth my time anymore.
*Door Close*
Pinstripe: ('Tch') Whateva'! I don't need ya anyway! There's a lotta fishes in the sea for me!........At least I hope there is. Cuz I ain't getting single anytime soon!.....('Sigh Heavily') Shit. Maybe I do need to go on some Dating Sites Dingodile kept yappin' on about....
Tawna: (Happily Opens the Door) Crash Honey~ I'm hoooome~ (Giggles Softly once she noticed Crash was already Fallen Asleep on the Couch) Cute~
Before she could anything besides closing the door behind her, Tawna noticed a letter that was sitting right next to lamp on the coffee table. Her heart began to melt in Sincere Happiness once she read the letter about how Crash loves and appreciate her in his life.
And with that, Tawna began to get a nice long blanket from out of the closet, lay right next to an already asleep Crash, and cover the blanket around the both of them.
Tawna: (Smiles Sweetly) Goodnight, Crash honey~ (Gives Crash a loving Kiss on the Cheek) I....love you...so....('Yawn') so....much.....zzzzzz~ (Peacefully Falls Asleep)
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
So I found this on Twitter and
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The manga, Crash 2's manual, Naughty Dog's former website before it changed when the franchise was dormant, and now this obscure nintendo DS game. It's enough to admit that even if nowadays in new games they may no longer be together, Tawna X Pinstripe DID happen
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dante-heller · 3 years
When I search up crash x tawna, that doesn't mean i want to see her with fucking Dingo or that rat Pinstripe, Tumblr
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chelseacatgirl · 4 years
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Been a while since I made an NPC OC for Skylanders, so meet Ellis, who was also called "The Hooded Hybrid" by everyone in Skylands. Name: Ellis Species: Elf/Mabu Hybrid Gender: Male Element: Magic Family: Usher *Father; Deceased* Gabrielle *Mother; Deceased* Voice Actor: Sam Riegel (Like Kazuki Sendou from Comic Party) https://youtu.be/XUZ9XmBZbNI?t=233 Biography: Ellis is a orphaned hybrid of a Mabu *Around Flynn, Cali, and Nightshade's breed* like his late father Usher and an elf like his late mother Gabrielle. He once lived on an island in Skylands that knows less of the Skylanders where he grew up on a small house in the forest until age five where a gang of troll poachers invaded the household and murdered his parents before kidnapping Ellis. The trolls planned to have their own zoo much better than the Cyclops Queen's, where it's a zoo of hybrids they capture and display in a attempt to gain money to be rich, and Ellis is the first and only one. Three days after he was imprisoned, he managed to escape, where he grew up on the run for years, even wearing the hood to conceal his identity in order to avoid the poachers, while he grew up he had heard about the Doom Raiders and been avoiding places where they caused mayhem, all while he doesn't know much of the Skylanders, while one day, he may want to do good, as well as making friends because he's been alone for a long time. Three days after the Skylanders, as well as their allies, Hunter and Bianca's group, the five dragons and their Dragonfly companions from the Dragon Kingdom, Crash Bandicoot and his friends and foes saved Skylands from Spellslamzer and Nitros Oxide, there are unstable rifts that appeared in Skylands as Nitros Oxide's henchmen were planning to hunt down the 10 elemental orbs *Similar to the ones in Avalar* to give to Emperor Velo XXVII in order to conquer Crash's universe, as well as Spyro's universe, and Ellis wanted to find the orbs in each of the shrines, but everyone in Skylands thought he was stealing them, there, they refer to him as "The Hooded Hybrid". A few days later,  Master Eon and Buzz sent Nightshade and Luminous to find and capture him and bring the orbs back. When they encountered the Hooded Hybrid, he recognized them as two of the Doom Raiders, and also thought they be after the orbs, while Ellis was trying to fight back the former Doom Raiders, the rift appeared and sucked Luminous and Nightshade away from Skylands and into Gasmoxia in Crash Bandicoot's dimension. A few hours later, Wolfgang, Dr. Krankcase, and Chef Pepper Jack went to find Luminous and Nightshade and deal with the Hooded Hybrid, like with Nightshade and Luminous, Ellis thinks they're going to steal the elemental orbs from him too, then suddenly the rift sucked Chef Pepper Jack away into Crash's universe, much to Wolfgang and Krankcase's dismay then another appeared sucking the two former villains to Avalar. Spyro and Cynder, alongside Dragonfly companions Sparx and Sting were sent to find the five former Doom Raiders as they never returned. When they encountered Ellis, they noticed he wasn't a thief that was stealing the orbs, but was trying to ensure that the villains outside Skylands won't go after them, but before he would reveal who they were, the rift sucked Ellis away, promoting the four to go through the rift, yet Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, and Sting were separated from Ellis where they ended up in Gasmoxia from Crash's dimension, but they found the Magic and Undead orbs, meaning he could be nearby. When Ellis was stranded on the planet Gasmoxia, he once again encountered Luminous and Nightshade, who have found the Light and Dark Orbs before encountering Terro, who wanted the orbs for Velo and Lord Akura for inter-dimentional domination, when Terro defeated Nightshade and Luminous, he captured Ellis and the Elemental orbs he has in his possession without realizing the Light and Dark ones, much to their dismay, realizing the Elf/Mabu Hybrid was trying to prevent the villains from taking them for evil purposes, before Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, and Sting appeared and found the two former Doom Raiders before heading out to rescue Ellis. When Ellis was locked up in the dungeons, he attempted to escape, but encountered Team Rogue's Raketi Hyena, Lars Black, Alejandro Gila, and Talon Hawk, as well as Oxide, before Chef Pepper Jack, alongside Dingodile, Tiny Tiger, Koala Kong, Ripper Roo, Pinstripe Potoroo, and the Komodo Brothers *Who freed him from the dungeons* appeared and saved him from them, right before reuniting with Wolfgang, Krankcase, Luminous, Nightshade, Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, Sting, Elora, Sheila, Crash,Coco, Crunch, Carbon Crash, Carbon Coco, Tawna *From another dimension from CB4IAT*, Irma Bilby, Bumpy Woylie, Pasadena O'Possum, Yaya Panda, Aku Aku, Lani-Loli, Ika-Ika, Dr. Cortex, N. Brio, N. Gin, Nina, and Uka Uka. After hearing Ellis's backstory and what he was doing, they went off to free Kupuna-Wa and Akano and retrieve the Elemental Orbs from the villains. After defeating Terro, then N. Oxide, then Velo *Whose robot body is once again destroyed* and freed the Quantum Masks and got the orbs back, they then encountered and defeated Akura before he and Terro retreated back to Skylands. After both universes are saved, Ellis gets to know more about the Skylanders while spending time with them while they promised to track down the same troll poachers that once capture him a a child. He currently lives in the same elf village in the Radiant Isles that Midori and her family live in.
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A. Skylanders series © Activision Ellis (c) Me
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
okay my curious who's blastoff bandiroo?
Because they’re a fankid. And you know what happens every single time I make fankids? A process:
1. Have crackship
2. Give kiddo to crackship
3. Get more invested in kiddo
4. “Actually they’d make a great OC on their own. I’m gonna change the name and design to remove all fandom references!”
5. And then they’re in the OC cast that I don’t do much with at all
6. Attempt to make NEW fankid for NEW ship
7. Repeat.
Every single time. Every SINGLE time.
Buuuuuut okay. So one of my more recent poisons is Pinstripe Potoroo x Tawna Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot. I’ve vagued about that one, right? Any time the word “TawnPin” shows up on this blog. That’s it. That’s the one.
I’ve been considering writing a fic for them, but I’m trying to strike a balance between “I have enough scenes to give them a full plot” and “this CANNOT be an ultra longfic because I will not have the time or energy.” So I was actually thinking at work today about how I might structure such a fic, and I’m leaning toward a montage-style kind of thing. And because it is indeed Crash Bandicoot, time travel play is allowed, so I was like...I can pick a point where their relationship is just starting out, but have them move forward to areas where later stages of their relationship is happening! So I can have a slowburn AND show the long game! Eh? Clever, right? Probably actually going to be confusing in practice. Anyway, I wanna at least finish watching a playthrough of CB4 before I commit.
But to your QUESTION.
As with many of my ships, I have designed them...a CHILD.
One idea I had, that I REALLY SHOULD NOT DO because I cannot PORT AN ANTHROPOMORPHIC MARSUPIAL into my OC cast (I already had to kill the Megavolt fanchild because she wouldn’t translate; I don’t ship him with the “mother” of that one anymore anywayyyyyyyyy) is that TawnPin end up in some far-flung futuristic world and they’re like “Okay let’s just blaze through and get out” and then they get a random assist from this random enby criminal and they’re like “Thanks. If there wasn’t a couple decades’ gap between us and you existing we would team up” and what they don’t know, what they DON’T KNOW is that IT’S THEIR OFFSPRING
For the name, I realized that I’m essentially doing an interspecies relationship (they probably shouldn’t be able to biologically mate but whatever, it’s a cartoony game where everyone is mad science), so rather than name the kiddo either a Bandicoot or a Potoroo, I pulled a Dingodile and just mashed the names. They are both. They are a Bandiroo. Then, because it’s CB, I wanted some good old ALLITERATION in there, so I’m like, what starts with B, isn’t a NAME name but conjures some kooky imagery, and can be seen on a villainous character? I had actually considered and thrown out “Burstbubble” before I got to “Blastoff.”
Blastoff is nonbinary (mostly they, very rarely she), and has hair that’s curly like their mom’s but black like their dad’s, and they keep it in a ponytail that never manages to properly stay in place. They fell right into the family business of ORGANIZED CRIME and are known as being fearsome despite having a bubbly personality. As in...will say “Wow, great weather we’re having lately! Perfect day for a swim.” while they shoot you in the liver and push you off the dock into the ocean. Yeah. That kind of evil. Also the #SWAG type. They wear pantsuits - pinstriped because of their dad and pink-and-blue because of their mom (bonus points: it makes the trans flag, though I think they also have an enby flag pin on a lapel). But since they’re not a dude, they can pull off the one aspect of the suit their dad never could: THE MATCHING FEDORA
They wield some kind of firearm with a trigger, but we can either go the dad route of a HUGE-ASS GUN or the mom route of a hookshot that allows them to actually grapple enemies and parkour through town, or maybe they dual-wield? I dunno. I don’t need to be thinking about this character I DON’T need to be thinking about this character.
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“I now pronounce you husband, husband and wife”
And then Crash, Prinstripe and Tawna get married together, the end!
I saw some random comment in a webpage that said that it would be nice to see a polyamory relationship between Tawna, Prinstripe and Crash and I feel inspired enough to draw them getting married xD
Then I just draw something really quick about Tawna x Fake Crash and Coco x N. Gin xDDDD
“Y ahora los declaro marido, marido y mujer”
Y entonces Crash, Pinstripe y Tawna se casaron, el fin!
Vi un comentario aleatorio en una página web que decia que sería genial ver una relación poli amorosa entre Tawna, Prinstripe y Crash y me dio la suficiente inspiración como para dibujarlos casándose xD
Y después solo dibuje algo rápido sobre Tawna x Fake Crash y Coco x N. Gin xDDDD
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mintybeargirl · 5 years
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what if i told you
that I ship isabella x tawna
lmao im gonna get lots of replies saying “TAWNA BELONGS TO PINSTRIPE/CRASH!!! NOT ISABELLA U FOOL!!!”
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claraknight · 7 years
Fiiiiine, how about Crash Bandicoot? :D
Alright! :D
The first character I first fell in love with: Nefarious Tropy, aha, I was already a villain fan without even knowing it-
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Coco Bandicoot! Before the remaster I was completly neutral to her, I even found her a little annoying in the second game. But oh man in the remake, she’s such a cutie pie!! I love her-
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t really HATE characters but I somehow can’t really appreciate Koala Kong? I was hoping the remaster would make me appreciate him more but it actually made it worse- I guess people of the fandom like him so I’ll name this one.
Hm? What about Velo XXVII, you say? *laughs* Come on, who loves this guy?
The character I love that everyone else hates: There’s so few fanart of him so I’ll say OXIDE, he’s my fave villain of the series!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hard one, I’d say Komodo Joe? Used to like this guy a lot, then it faded into a neutral tone. Dunno.
The character I would totally smooch: Oxide wouldn’t let me approach him and Tropy is so tall, I guess I’d go for Brio! He’s such a cutie!
The character I’d want to be like: Seeing all the characters and how crazy they can be, it’s hard to actually want to be like them, but I’ll say either Nefarious Tropy or Nina Cortex (the twinsanity one, not the later ones, yuck).
Just to have my life together, keeping it cool no matter what, with the bonus of having style. x)
The character I’d slap: Madame Amberly, without a doubt. Oh, also bring Willie Wumpa Cheeks, while you’re at it!
A pairing that I love: Tawna x Pinstripe
A pairing that I despise: Please don’t ship Crash/Coco or Coco/Crunch- I mean they are like siblings, please don’t-
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8-bit-britt · 7 years
To be perfectly clear, I’m still hyped af for the Crash Trilogy that hasn’t changed a bit, and that wasn’t to throw hate at Tawna x Pinstripe shippers either I’m sorry if it seemed that way!
I’m actually not a huge Crash x Tawna shipper myself, I do so every now and then. But the way they’re portrayed in the remake I’m just. Imma cry. It’s cute and I’m glad the characters are more lively with their expression and body language if that makes sense?
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #342: Do You Really Love Me? (Crash Bandicoot)
Tawna: (Starts Getting Worried about a bothered looking Crash as she Snuggle next to him on a sofa under a blanket) Crash honey, are you okay?
Crash: (Wondering what Tawna was talking about) Huh?
Tawna: You been pretty silent for awhile now. Even when got into the house. So I'm wondering if everything okay.
Crash: (Looking Away from Tawna for a second in order to figure out what to tell her....only to come up with something) Ahhh!
Tawna: Hm? What's is it, 'hon?
Crash: (Notice a Notebook and Pen on the coffee table and picked it up)
Tawna: Ohh. You wanted to write something to me?
Crash: (Nodded Rapidly) Mmhmm! (Writes Down what he wanted to tell his girlfriend and show her the notebook)
Tawna: (Reads What Crash has written down....Only to let out a small Gasps afterwards) Crash.....are you seriously asking me if I love you or not?
Crash: (Immediately Starts Feeling Bad about what he wrote down as he lower his head in shame)
Tawna: Oh, honey....(Gently Held Crash's up to face her) Of course I love you. I always have and I always will.
Crash: Really?
Tawna: Yes. Really. I-I mean, where does all of this is coming from if you don't mind me asking.
Crash: (Writes out a single name off his notebook and showed it to Tawna once more)
Tawna: (Starts Getting Ticked off once she sees the familiar name) ('Groans Lightly') Pinstripe. I knew that rat-face had something to do with this....
Crash: (Starts Feeling Bad again for making Tawna Upset)
Tawna: (Heart Feels like it's going to break once she sees Crash feeling more down than before) ('Takes a Deep Breath') Listen, 'hon, I know I already told you this before, but I really do mean it when I always tell you how much I love you. You're Sweet, Brave, Thoughtful, Very Handsome~(Softly Ruffles Crash's Hair Affectionately which makes him Giggles while Blushing) And you always do whatever you can to help the people you care so much about. Even me. ('Sigh') Crash Bandicoot, you mean so much to me that I honestly couldn't be any more happier or blessed to be with someone as wonderful and loving like you in my life. (Gently Grabs Crash's hands) So please don't let anyone doubt my love to you. Because no matter what everyone on this planet says, I will ALWAYS love you from the bottom of my heart. And I will be more than happy to keep you telling you that till the day I die. Because you're my everything.
Crash: (Smiles Sincerely as Tears Starts Falling down his face and begins to Hug Tawna Lovingly and a little Tightly) Tawna!~
Tawna: (Giggles Softly of how Adorable her boyfriend is being and starts hugging him back) Oho, Crash honey~ You're feeling better now?~
Crash: (Happily Nodded) Mmmhmm!
Tawna: ('Sigh in Relief') That's good to hear. I don't know if you noticed, but I honestly don't like seeing my cute boyfriend sad like that, you know?
Crash: (Snuggles close to Tawna's embrace) I'm sorry.
Tawna: (Smiles Softly) It's okay, 'hon. I'm just glad you're feeling better now. And don't you worry about Pinstripe either. I will personally deal with that Rat-Face soon enough. But now.....(Snuggle Close to Crash) I wanna spend some equally time with the Bandicoot I love~ (Kiss Crash's cheek)
Crash: (Blushes Madly while enjoying more of Tawna's embrace and cuddles)
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curious-shadow-cat · 7 years
(if you're still accepting these -w-) Crash X Isabella, Pinstripe X Tawna and Dingodile X Tawna, Dingodile X Ami??
Crash X Isabella
4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
Well, seeing the concept art of Crash being with all the Trophy girls, I can see it happening. Though, it’s odd. I used to think that she was Tawna because she almost looks exactly like her. Then I found out her name and I still think it’s a little weird. 
Pinstripe X Tawna
4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
I don’t blame Tawna for leaving Crash for Pinstripe. I mean, he’s tall (Taller than Crash anyway lol), he’s got money, has a fancy place, I guess he loves her for her. We don’t really know that much about their relationship. We just know that she left Crash for Pinstripe.
Dingodile X Tawna
5 = It’s alright, I ship it a little perhaps…
I think Dingodile can be a bit nicer than Pinstripe though maybe. He may not live in a fancy place but he certainly did try to make it seem fancy for Tawna. Which was deleted in Twinsanity. No idea why.
Dingodile X Ami
Again, No idea since I don’t know that much about the trophy girls but I’ve seen how some people rp her and him together and it’s pretty cute. :3 
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
About Crash X Tawna and Pinstripe X Tawna since I ship both and want to justify her change of heart and also why she doesn't even seem to be with any anymore in the end
Some people may tend to develop romantic and/or sexual feelings quicker as a sort of species survival instinct when they are living through a chaotic abnormal environment (aka war, an apocalyptic or post apocalyptic society, being held hostages together or be runaways/refugees together etc), hence why as rushed as the trope may be it was created for aventures stories with stakes
Tawna may have fallen for Crash because they were in danger, they had been held in neighbouring cages for who knows how long and she really felt safe with that guy making her laugh and being kind to her in these trying times where they were regularly tortured and unsure what the next day would look like. She may have fallen for him instinctively because he was there for her, and once they were safe, after a moment the survival instinct and the fitting hormones faded and so did the romantic love
Perhaps on the contrary that kind of love developped for Pinstripe after Crash was gone and that she felt even more in danger since the Cortex Vortex experiment on herself was eminent. The character bible indicates she tried to convince Cortex's henchmen to rebel so it means she did interact with him. Since after all we do not see that moment, we can only suppose, but who knows maybe it did go well, with mutual respect and psychology, maybe him torn in watching her for his boss he is faithful to and that girl he is getting attached which she would sense. In fact since after all she IS roaming around free when Crash saves her, maybe Pinstripe had either diiiscretely opened her cage aking advantage of the chaos or as she was escaping by her own means pretended he saw nothing, and she would remember this. Then her survival instincts and hormones would kick and her mind wouls little by little replace Crash with him, either gradually or immediatly but she didn't notice/was in denial too, too distracted by how happy she is to see Crash she really deeply likes saving her and being safe himself. But after a moment, she wouldn't be able to deny anymore and go with Pinstripe. And that is precisely after this was fulfilled in a safe environment thay she might have left him too in the end if we take account of the fact their relationship is never mentionned outside of that manga again. Or she grew tired of him being too morally grey which reopened her eyes (a mafioso after all)
In conclusion, both ships can work one after the other and work without making her a heart breaking whore or illogical. After all one year happens between Crash 1 and Crash 2 so this gives a lot of time for things to change, develop and happen
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