#piper’s world
jflemings · 4 days
— busted
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pairing: jessie fleming x arsenal!reader {piper’s world}
synopsis: sam offers to babysit piper while you go out on a date and decides to drag niamh along. piper accidentally spills the beans on you and jessie’s budding relationship
warnings: none!
୧ ‧₊˚ 🪽 ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
“y/n!” sam calls as her and niamh enter your apartment. she takes off her shoes and gestures for her teammate to do the same before the sound of small feet pitter-pattering draws her attention.
piper is going as fast as her little legs can carry her, her arms outstretched as she runs towards sam. she’s grinning big and giggles loudly when sam bends down and picks her up, tossing her in the air slightly.
“sammy!” her boisterous giggles bounce off the walls.
“pippa!” sam echoes back
the striker holds piper close to her and points to niamh “you remember niamh, don’t you?”
piper nods and waves “hi niamh”
the defender softly says hi back just as you stick your head around the corner “oh my god thank you so much for doing this” you thanks as you lean down to zip up your left boot “i’m sorry it’s so last minute, i’ll get you both something to make up for it”
“don’t worry about it” sam waves off “i’d do anything to spend time with piper, and niamh here was just sitting at home” you says jerking her thumb behind her.
you pat yourself down and check your purse to make sure you’ve got everything before running a finger under your eye “i shouldn’t be back too late” you assure the duo.
sam nods “tell me again about this date”
you roll your eyes “there’s not much to tell. we met through a mutual friend and hit it off”
“and when can i meet this mystery woman?” she cocks her brow
you pause and bite your lip before shrugging “i’ll let you know”
sam rolls her eyes as you redirect your attention to niamh, smiling briefly “there’s left over pasta in the fridge but i’ve also left money on the counter if you wanna order in, she’s been fed and bathed, bed time is eight thirty, and if she wants a snack there’s a variety in the cupboard” you tell the two chelsea players as you grab your coat “and do not let her bully you into allowing her to stay up late” you point at the both of them.
niamh’s hands go up in surrender “got it. food in fridge, bed at half past eight, snacks in the cupboard, don’t let her bully us” she lists off, earning a nod of approval from you.
“you’re a natural” you playfully wink at her before kissing piper’s head “be good for sammy and niamh. i don’t want any trouble” you say pointedly
piper nods her head “you be good too, mummy” she says as she lays her head on sam’s shoulder.
you usher the two women further into your apartment as you check your phone, your eyes widening at the realisation that you’re going to be late. you blow your daughter a kiss and wave the three of them goodbye, closing the door and leaving them to their own devices.
“have fun on your daaaaate!” sam calls out as you shut the door, smiling smugly to herself.
over her shoulder, niamh and piper share a look “you wan’a colour?”
two hours later sam is sitting on the floor of your lounge room with multicoloured clips in her hair. piper holds onto her shoulder as she focuses on finding a place for a sparkly butterfly clip.
she clips it in the front of sam’s hair and then holds out her small hand “‘nother please niamh” she says politely.
“of course” the defender says whilst trying to hold in her giggles “another butterfly?”
piper stops to think for a minute “yes please”
sam flicks through the kids section on netflix patiently “what do ya wanna watch, kiddo?”
“turtles please” piper answers as niamh hands her a blue butterfly clips “blue for cheelseaaa” she drags out as she carefully placed the clip in sam’s hair.
sam finds the animated ninja turtle show piper’s talking about and smirks “blue for chelsea because we play for chelsea?”
“no” she says matter-a-factually “blue for chelsea because jessie plays for chelsea”
niamh stills for a moment “you know jessie?”
sam nods her head “i introduced them a—”
“of course i know jessie” piper interrupts dramatically “jessie has sleepovers!”
the two women pause and share a look. niamh raises her brows as sam shrugs her shoulders, the two of them having a wordless conversation.
piper, being none the wiser to it, continues “and colours with me and plays with me” she goes on, holding out her hand again.
niamh’s on auto pilot as she hands the toddler another clip, her unblinking expression identical to sam’s.
“all done!” piper cheers as she claps her hands, holding up a hand held mirror to sam so she can look at her hair. sam takes the mirror and nods her head before turning to piper.
“do you see jessie all the time or just sometimes?”
“all the time” piper nods “mummy and jessie go out sometimes so i get to go to stephy”
niamh’s eyes go wide “and mummy and jessie… are they—”
“mummy and jessie are bestest friends” piper giggles as she situates herself in sam’s lap “they say so all the time”
the two chelsea players share another confused look but don’t push it any further with the toddler, choosing to sit back and watch the show she’d chosen instead.
despite the colourful animation on the screen in front of her, sam’s mind was going a million miles a minute. she loved jessie dearly but she knew what you went through when you got pregnant with piper. the internal conflict that plagued your pregnancy had taken a toll on you, as did the fact that your ex wanted nothing to do with you or your sweet little girl, and sam didn’t want a repeat of that happening. hell would freeze over before she watched you get treated like that again.
it only took thirty minutes for piper to be sprawled out in sam’s lap, her little limbs poking sam’s body awkwardly. the striker brushed some hair out of her face before standing carefully, adjusting her grip so that piped was situated comfortably on her chest.
she walks down the hall to piper’s room and tucks her in before turning on her little fairy lights. she stands in the doorway for a minute to ensure that she hadn’t woken the child up before cracking the door and walking back out to the living room.
“did you know—”
“no” sam replies as she sits on the couch next to niamh “i had no clue”
the defender kisses her teeth “are you worried?”
sam pauses for a moment, scrubbing her hand over her face before releasing a sigh “no” she says, dropping her arm on the armrest “not for the reasons you might think, anyway”
niamh nods and fidgets with the remote, the animated teenage mutant ninja turtles show still playing in the background. “so… the issue isn’t jessie?”
“no, god no. well—” sam shakes her head “no” she says firmly before looking to niamh.
niamh smirks “so you won’t be mad at me if i call jessie right now?”
“to do what?” sam asks puzzled.
you and jessie walk with your arms linked, the both of you bundled up and huddled into eachother as you walk to her car. you shake your head and laugh as jessie tells you a story from her ucla days.
“you left her on the front lawn?” you laugh
jessie throws her head back “no!” she exclaims “she told me she was getting her own way back to our dorm so i left early. it was only when i woke up the next morning and she wasn’t there that i ran back to the frat house”
“teagan gets pretty wild” you muse “i can’t believe she got you to go to a frat party”
the canadian groans “more than once, and i ended up leaving early almost everytime”
jessie blushes wildly and looks away from you briefly, clearly recalling a memory she doesn’t want to think about “yes” she says quietly.
you duck your head slightly “jeeesssieee” you draw out teasingly, nudging your shoulders together.
she’s about to answer you when her phone buzzes in her pocket. she stops the two of you and pulls her phone out, frowning when she sees niamh’s name on her screen. the two of you look at eachother and shrug before she answers “hello?”
“jessie!” you hear niamh yell down the other line “how’s your night going? what are you up to?”
jessie’s eyebrows furrow in suspicion “it’s fine, not much going on. why? what are you doing?”
“sam and i are babysitting” she answers, allowing jessie to hear the smile in her voice.
the midfielder’s face drops ever so slightly and she looks at you intensely. you feel your stomach fall and you can’t help but grip jessie’s arm tighter.
“real cute kid, very polite” the defender trails off “how’s y/n?”
all the colour drains from jessie’s face and her eyes go wide. you can see the panic across her face and you wave your free hand about trying to get her to try to explain whatever niamh was telling her.
it’s like jessie’s brain has completely disconnected from her mouth “who’s y/n?”
you drop jessie’s arm and cover your face with both hands as she grimaces. the canadian bites one of her knuckles as niamh goes silent on the other end of the phone and she wonders if she can just hang up now.
“jessie” a thick australian accent says “put y/n on the phone please”
“okay” jessie says quietly before holding out the phone “it’s for you”
you purse your lips and take the phone off her “niamh”
you screw your eyes shut “hey sammy, how’s piper?” you ask as cheerily as you can “did she get to bed okay?”
“fell asleep in my lap whilst watching ninja turtles” she answers “how’s your date going?”
“good” you answer whilst nodding “i’ll, uhm, be home soon”
“perfect!” she perks up “tell jessie to come up with you when she drops you off”
you look at jessie who’s biting her nails nervously and watching you like a hawk, looking for any sign that sam’s unhappy with the two of you. you suddenly feel like you’re back in highschool getting scolded by your mother for ending up drunk on your high school’s oval instead of sleeping at your friend’s house like you told her. you frown and pull jessie’s hand away from her mouth before holding it in your own.
“okay” you sigh deeply before hanging up and handing jessie’s phone back to her.
she pockets it and squeezes your hand “is it bad?” she asks nervously.
you squint “i’m not sure” you say huddling into her again “but it’s just sam, so, probably not”
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starii-void · 4 days
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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chaoticrosesimp · 2 months
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The empire of the wolf commited so many crimes , specially to my Rose.
Someone pay me to fix them all , please BBC Give me your money.
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sparrowlucero · 5 months
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Little alien "birds", about the size of button quails. They speak with a very melodic cantor, the holes along their "neck" forming a sort of biological flute that can produce a wide range of sounds. Human speech tends to sound confusing and garbled to them unless it's musical; they're big fans of sensible human media like Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats and Hamilton, though the really avant garde among them might even be into deep cuts like Glee and Phineas and Ferb
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pizza-with-death-blog · 3 months
9 fell in love with life again because of Rose. Then on Satellite 5 he thought he saw her die before his eyes, got her back, then almost watched her burn from the inside out because she loved him enough to sacrifice her life for him. He then died for her.
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Of COURSE Ten is afraid of love, and specifically loving Rose. He's held what he thought was her ashes in his hand, and his whole existence he's known that one day he might lead her to her death for real.
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Nine fell in love with his pink and yellow human.
Ten was born in love with her, and that terrified him.
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shuutingstar · 27 days
what if someone made a sitcom with Camp Half Blood and the whole premise is literally just showing the backgrounds characters while the main characters go save the world or smth.
[camera pans on Drew’s face]
Drew: [looking at her nails indifferently] yeah someone let all the pagasai out of their stables and it’s a chore to fix.
[explosions in the background]
Drew: [unfazed] I’m not saying that I’m helping, by the way. I’ve broken a nail and I’m still in pain.
[Percy is seen battling a cyclops while Annabeth slashes at its feet with her dagger before running off frame]
Drew: I know you must be wondering why I don’t just go to the infirmary, but they’ve been full ever since the stampede — and Connor promised he’d steal me some cute bandaids with pictures on them so I decided to wait it out.
[screams and more explosions and property damage]
Drew: [rolls her eyes] but now Connor’s busy doing something else so I have to wait even longer. maybe I should just go to the infirmary… [walks away from camera]
[camera zooms in on the carnage near the stables where the seven can be seen herding the frightened winged horses back to their stables, while a beat-up cyclops lay unconscious with only its feet in frame]
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littldoctor · 8 months
The doctor and Rose
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soranatus · 16 days
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Pied Piper/Hartley Rathaway — “Invitation to the Speedster Ball” From Titans: Beast World Tour: Central City (2023)
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beingfacetious · 9 months
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You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home? I don't know. I want...
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Just finished reading house of Hades
Emotional trauma galore
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jflemings · 1 month
— nightmares
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pairing: jessie fleming x reader, jessie fleming x child {piper’s world}
synopsis: piper has a nightmare and calls out for jessie
warnings: mentions of nightmares, crying
a/n: combined 2 anons for this! i’m also trying new things w my fics to match my current theme hehe
୧ ‧₊˚ ☁️ ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
jessie wakes up in the middle of the night shivering. she rolls over and realises you’ve managed to steal her side of the blanket, rolling her eyes as she pulls the cocoon you’ve made for yourself apart. she doesn’t know what time it is and can’t be bothered to check once she buries herself back underneath the warm covers that smell like you.
she pulls them up over her nose and then blindly searches for you in the dark, putting her arm around your waist and burying her face in the dip where your neck curves into your back. the sound of your heartbeat and breathing is enough to almost lull her to sleep until she hears a small voice calling out her name.
“jessie” it’s kind of quiet and a little distant so she thinks she’s dreaming and ignores it until she hears it again, louder and more distressed this time.
the canadian lifts her head off the pillow to make sure she’s not just hearing things, her whole body going rigid next to you.
“jessie” the little voice calls out again, just as loud as before but more drawn out and desperate.
jessie recognises piper’s voice and tosses the covers off herself, making sure not to wake you as she slides out of bed and tip toes down the hall.
warm, muted light slightly flickers and dims from inside piper’s room as she approaches. she pushes open the cracked door to see a very distressed looking little girl sitting up in bed and clinging to her ninja turtle donatello plush toy.
“pip? what are you doing up” she whispers, quietly stepping into the room and pushing the door slightly closed behind her
piper sniffles and reaches her arms up to signal she wants to be held. jessie obliges and cradles her protectively as piper folds into herself on the footballer’s chest. she continues to sniffle as jessie begins to rock her ever so slightly in hopes of putting her back to sleep. she’s a little stunned in her half-awake state, not knowing exactly what do to. it’s the first time piper has actively sought jessie out for comfort without a single mention of you.
usually when piper awakes though the night she comes into your bedroom and wiggles her way in between you and jessie. other times she’s stood at your side of the bed and stared at you until you woke up in fright before climbing over you and tucking herself in. a few times she’s had to tug on jessie’s arm to be put in the big bed because you sleep like a rock, but there’s never been anything like this.
“had a bad dream” piper whispers into the dark, the only light coming from a string of star lights that are quickly dying. jessie makes a mental note to put new batteries in them tomorrow. “was really scary. you were playing foo’ball then a big monster with red eyes started chasing you but you didn’t see him and he swallowed you up!” she continues on, shifting slightly in jessie’s hold before sniffling again. “no one else see him! i tried to get mummy but couldn’ find her. no one to help”
jessie hums and sits down on piper’s bed as she begins to rub circles with her thumb on her back “it wasn’t real pip, i’m right here” she assures “why didn’t you come get me or mummy?”
“saw the monster’s eyes an’ thought he was going to get me”
“what do you mean?” jessie asks puzzled.
piper pulls herself off jessie’s chest, keeping one of her hands bunched in her hoodie as she turns and points out her door “there” she says before turning back to face jessie “he’s out there”
piper’s bottom lip quivers and tears begin to run down her chubby cheeks. jess wipes her tears with one hand whilst the other holds the girl tighter “sweetheart there’s no monster i promise”
“b-but his eyes!”
jessie’s brows furrow. she wants nothing more than to go out into the living room and show piper that there’s no monster that’s going to gobble her up, but she knows that she needs to get piper back to sleep. instead, she lays down on the single bed and keeps piper cradled to her chest before pulling the covers up over the two of them. realistically she shouldn’t be sleeping in a child’s bed the night before a game at the risk of waking up sore, but jessie has a feeling that if she attempts to take piper out of her room it’s only going to stress her out more.
she lays the two of them under the canopy hung a over piper’s bed “the monster…” piper trails off
“we’re safe i promise” jessie whispers.
the little girls hand lets go of jessie’s jumper and lays flat over her heart, her little fingers spread out and tapping aimlessly “he won’t eat you?”
“he’s not gonna eat me”
seemingly satisfied with the answer she gets, piper goes boneless on top of the midfielder. her arms are tucked underneath her and her legs slightly fall around jessie’s waist, her donatello still held tightly in one hand. she nestles her head in the crook of jessie’s neck and soaks in her still sleep warm skin, the slight smell on you that somehow permanently lingers on jessie only providing more comfort to the three year old.
the feel of jessie’s chest rising and falling slowly puts her to sleep, the feel of the footballer’s body under her bringing her peace.
when you awake the next morning it’s to cold sheets and a blaring alarm. you expect jessie to be curled up against your back like she is most mornings but all you’re left with is an empty bed. you roll over to turn off your first alarm and realise the apartment is silent. no shower running, no tv going, no coffee machine being used. just you.
what’s even more puzzling is the fact that you also can’t hear piper. if jessie wakes up first piper isn’t far behind, the pair of them usually up talking or giggling loud enough for you to hear it through your closed bedroom door. you swing your legs over the side of the bed and put your slippers on before making your way out to the kitchen and living room.
jessie’s spare pair of running shoes are still on the shoe rack by the door so you know she’s not gone for a run and her keys are still sitting on the counter along with her wallet.
furrowing your brows, you turn back and go towards piper’s room. pushing the door open slightly you’re met with piper laying on jessie’s chest, the two of them tucked under the covers snugly as they continue to sleep peacefully.
you lean on the door frame and take in the scene in front of you. jessie’s got an arm raised above her head whilst the other is wrapped around piper over the covers, and your little girl is tucked into the crook of her neck. donatello has been discarded through the night and now finds himself next to jessie’s head on his shell with one leg poking your girlfriend in the cheek.
you smile and push yourself off the door frame before cracking piper’s door again and turning to head to the kitchen, preparing a coffee you know jessie’s gonna need from sleeping in that bed.
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flamingfoxninja · 2 months
This makes so much sense why Kipperlilly was asking about how Kristen made Yes! And specifically Where she made Yes! at.
Kristen made a whole new Deity through Arthur Augfort's office and school. As a powerful cleric she reached into the Astral Plane and made life out of her questioning and worship. She temporarily had access to the realm of dead gods to make something from nothing. This was all set in the making from day one.
Jace was working with Kalina and Arianwen to revive The Nightmare King and The Rage Goddess. That's what Ragh saw in front of the office after Prompocolypse. They used Kalvaxis wanting to regain his power as a bigger play to bring back their corrupted and dead deities. A chess piece in a series of steps.
While Kalina was going to bring back The Nightmare King, Jace would work on bringing back The Rage Goddess through Elmville. Kristen already proved that Augefort Academy has access to the Astral Plane. He found and targeted students susceptible to rage, took them to the Mountains of Chaos where the Divine Wedding took place and force the students to make a choice: live for Rage or stay dead.
The Rat Grinders made that choice except for Lucy. Which is a problem because the Need a Cleric. The people the Rat Grinders killed from the school have been Clerics, because with Kristen's method you need a powerful connection to a Deity and Worship to bring life to one.
Lucy worshiped a Giant Goddess, she would have been perfect but she refused.
Yolanda gave up any affiliation to a specific deity, neutral but powerful in worship. She would be a worthy vessel but she refused.
Buddy was brought to always be killed. A follower of Helio, the son of Sol who had corrupted the Goddesses in the first place. He is the grandson of a powerful Cleric, and has that same connection and power within himself. Kipperlilly didn't kill Buddy in panic, that was the plan all along: bypass Obliviti Mori by killing a cleric to meet the Rage Goddess in the Astral Plane, then revive them to spread the word and start the ritual. Buddy was just the first one to accept.
Like in Sylvaire, they are seeding Rage to make their own version of the Nightmare Forest to bring back The Rage Goddess. It's going to bloom and spread, rake over Elmville and the Augefort Academy where the Astral Connection is.
These plans have been started since Freshman Year, and have been defeated all because on goblin was just trying to find his babysitter and another halfling just couldn't handle that.
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rise-deepseamonster · 2 months
Sally, after Percy tells her about the battle with the giants: So what did we learn today about tending to every injury, even minor ones, immediately?
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thirdeyeblue · 2 months
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The Doctor and Rose attend a Vitex gala
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readwithlivvy · 2 years
rachel elizabeth dare didn't throw a a plastic blue hairbrush into the titan king's eye just for you to call her a percabeth plot device
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nkp1981 · 3 months
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BTS Of "The End Of The World"
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