#pipette dropper
tiramegtoons · 1 year
here comes the boy
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hello boy welcome
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there he is
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he is here
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lin-4 · 2 years
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Wholesale Pink Glass Dropper Bottles, Stock Luxury Pipette Bottle
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shhtickerbook · 4 months
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Burnt Sugar
Wonka agere one shot fic! for all those asking for more CG! lofty content. This was very self indulgent and comforting for me heh. As always A03 link below or just read under cut!
Willy Wonka was sitting at his workbench, his chocolate making case taking up the whole table. A line of multicoloured corked bottles sitting on a shelf beside, each labelled with a symbol. (it was much easier than reading small lettering)
With extreme care he used a pipette to sample out just a few drops of liquid sunlight, dropping it into the glass spiral condenser. The amber bead travelling down the clear corkscrew before it made contact into a heated flask filled with a light blue serum. It was supposed to turn an aqua hue, but instead it became more of a mint green. Willy frowned in annoyance, tapping the glass gently to try and encourage it to mix further. Stubbornly it remained the same, it didn’t make sense, he was sure his measurements were correct. Biting in his lower lip as his foot shook up and down as he concentrated.
Very carefully again, he transferred one more drop of the golden liquid through the pipette. But squeezed the dropper a little too hard with his shaking hands, Willy cursing under his breath. He was exhausted to say the least, the past few days had been filled with constant recipe revisions and experiments. This batch was to be of his new idea! Mood lollipops, the idea was that with each lick the candy would change hue and flavour to match your mood. But the mechanics of it were proving to be insanely complex. Scattered papers and sketches of blueprints and experiments littered all around the tabletop and room.
With the excess force added to the dropper, far more than what he wanted poured into the mix. The aqua base quickly turned bright, almost neon green, not before it began to bubble worryingly.
Wonka muttered, pulling at his hair anxiously. Quickly he scrambled through his case in search of an ingredient to try and balance out the PH of the elixir. Just managing to find something that could work, but by the time he had turned around the solution was boiling furiously, a foam starting to build and ride up through the glass tubing. Willy didn’t know what to do, he was about to lose hours of work. He pressed his thumb against the neck of the tube, but the green candy mixture rose up to meet his skin, which was burning hot.
He yelped as he removed his hand, the molten sugar having burned a small circle onto his thumb. Sucking on it hard to try and relieve the pain, having to watch in defeat as his hours of work pumped out of the tubing, emerald foam spilling out across his desk. Molten candy mixture spreading over everything, his plans and other important equipment.
Wonka’s face screwed up, clenched hands shaking in frustration. All that work for nothing, the experiments and a complete waste of expensive ingredients, all for him to mess it up and ruin all of it. It wasn’t often Willy got angry, it just wasn’t the kind of person he was. But this was too much, frustration bubbling over just like the melted candy had. In one sweep he attacked his work station, the spiral conductor being thrown from the table and smashing into splinters against the floor. Thick molten candy also exploding into his wall and floor, fusing itself to the surface. Willy scared himself with the noise, flinching away in alarm. He hadn’t meant to destroy it, instantly regretting his decision. The glass spiral now lying in three pieces across the floor.
Said conductor was one of his first pieces of equipment he got, it was whilst he was travelling through Germany in search of ingredients. He’d been feeling under the weather and visited a local chemist, who then introduced him to his laboratory equipment. A world of beakers, flasks, and more. Upon discussion he had the idea of using the them to expand his chocolate making. The old man sold him that conductor for half the usual price, as well as the exchange of a few chocolates of course.
Willy stood in silence as he stared at what he’d done. The smell of burning sugar filling the room horribly. The realisation of what he’d done only made him feel even worse, holding the back of his chair before kicking it over. He didn’t care anymore. Mood lollipops were a stupid idea anyways, he tried to reassure himself. He stepped back before falling to floor, biting hard on his lip. Childish tears threatening to fall, but he squeezed his eyes shut tight to keep them at bay.
He was so caught up in his misery that he didn’t notice the door creaking open, the sound of very small boots entering. Followed by a shocked exclaim in a pertinent voice.
“Willy Wonka what on EARTH has happened in here.”
The Oompa Loompa had heard such commotion from the workshop, having to come investigate. He wasn’t expecting to see such carnage inside, glass and melted sugar everywhere. Putting down a teacup he had in hand, he carefully stepped over broken glass as he looked around in horror at the mess. Willy groaned at the arrival of Lofty, his head buried in his hands. It was the last person he wanted to be around right now.
He mumbled miserably, he didn’t have the brain to deal with Loftys judgment. But he wasn’t going to get out of it that easily, especially not from Lofty of all people.
“Not a chance, look at the mess you’ve made in here? Why there’s melted sugar stuck to the ceiling of all places!”
He looked up in horror, kicking away pieces of glass as he approached the chocolatier. Who was curled up on himself in complete defeat. Even Lofty realised that he was clearly feeling quite woeful right now, sighing sympathetically.
“Nevermind, we can deal with all this later. Out you get before you break anything else”
The Oompa Loompa barked out the order as he pinched his brow, tugging at Wonkas sleeve. He knew that Willy had been working himself too hard over the last couple days, and was clearly in need of some TLC. But yet again he was ignored, which he didn’t appreciate in the slightest. Placing two hands on his hips he spoke again, more firmly.
“Willy Wonka you are to get up immediately, you’ve been working yourself silly and this nonsense is clearly a direct result of it.”
He gestured again to the mess, Willy lifting his head to look at it apprehensively. It somehow looked even worse, and the state of his favourite conductor broken on the floor just upset him further.
“Leave me ‘lone”
He murmured wearily, glaring at the Oompa Loompa. Who just returned the expression with a glare, meaning business. From the tone of his voice, Lofty began to suspect the boys current state of mind. His tone of voice and body language giving it away.
“I’m not going anywhere, now. OUT.”
His voice rising sternly, Willy jumping at the noise. Before glaring hard and standing to his feet, towering over Lofty as he snarled.
Wonka yelled back, stomping his way out of room. Nearly bowling the Oompa Loompa right over. Whilst leaving, his boot collided with the last remaining spiral of his conductor. Splintering entirely underneath his shoe, he paused for a moment before continuing outside. Willy felt as if his body was filled with boiling oil, ready to explode just like his chemistry supplies. He marched through his flat, not even sure what to do with himself. He felt overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and any other possible word for just plain horrible! It didn’t help when the set of small footsteps followed behind him curtly.
“Careful! You’re going to track glass throughout the house with that stomping.”
Lofty commented, but it only further aggravated Wonkas mood. His pretentious tone of voice feeling like nails on a chalkboard to his already sour mood. Turning around suddenly as he stopped him in his tracks, Lofty looking up cool as ever with his teacup back in hand.
“Oh don’t you ever SHUT UP!”
Willy threw out his arm, accidently hitting the teacup from Loftys hand. It smashed against the door frame before exploding into ceramic shards.
There was a terrible long silence for a moment, once again Willy highly regretting what he’d just done in a temper. Lofty looked at the remains on the floor as his took a breath in, trying to keep his own composure. It was one of his cups from Loompa Land, he had a few others, but it was still a sentimental item from his home. The clay itself collected from the river that ran through the island, before being fired in a uniquely designed Loompa kiln. It was a lengthy process, but the island produced some of the most beautiful ceramic.
He looked right up, making eye contact with the chocolatier. His face was unnervingly neutral in expression, that’s when Willy realised just how big a trouble he was in. Lofty lifted a hand and motioned for Willy to lean down, remaining his stone cold expression.
“Whilst I can understand that you’re feeling upset, that wasn’t acceptable behaviour.”
His tone was slightly different, extremely serious but still gentle. As if someone slowly poured a glass of icy cold water down the back of his shirt. Willy felt his sleeve being pulled, before being taken by surprise as Lofty briskly lead him away. He had to hunch over due to his tiny stature, and tried to pull away. Somehow Lofty’s grip was incredibly strong regardless of his size.
“What are you doing? Let go of me!”
Willy had meant for his tone to come off commanding, but it came out instead as pathetic and whiny. Giving the exact opposite impression he wanted to convey.
“If you are so intent on behaving like a child, then you are going to be treated as such.”
Lofty continued as he led the man into the sitting room, pointing towards the corner where a circular woven rug sat. Willy looking in complete bewilderment, wondering what in the world Lofty was playing at.
“Sit. There. Ten minutes”
Willy frowned in confusion before chuckling in utter disbelief. Once again trying to jerk away from the iron grip on his sleeve.
“You’ve got to be joking me-“
“Oh I certainly am not. If you are choosing to act out like this then you’re going to be treated accordingly.”
He stated, no longer willing to tolerate this misbehaviour. He was well aware that Wonka had times in which he felt younger than his physical age, and all this behaviour pointed towards him feeling so. Acting like a complete brat must be his way to communicate said emotions.
“I-Im not going to be put into a timeout”
Willy said defensively, hating it even more so when he could feel his defensives starting to crumble. The tone of voice and instructions making him feel very vulnerable. His reaction only furthered Lofty’s suspicions of his dwindling headspace.
“Are you sure about that? Because I disagree.”
Lofty firmly pulled him to the corner, before tugging hard down. It was remarkable how strong he was, considering his size. The jolt unsteadying Wonka as he fell onto his rear. It didn’t hurt, but paired with Lofty’s firm expression and his already sensitive emotions?
It made him feel too vulnerable and small, swallowing hard to keep down any tears. But even still against his own self control, a few dribbled over. Curling in on himself as he sniffled to himself miserably, it seemed to be the last straw for his headspace slipping.
Even Lofty sympathetically shook his head at the sorry sight, but had a suspicion that it was what he needed. Wonka was the type of person who far too often bottled up any negative emotion, always trying to keep his signature (and often irritating optimism)
So pulling a pocket watch from his waistcoat, he checked the time.
“Your ten minutes begin now”
Willy looked up with a glare, he didn’t want to wait ten minutes. It wasn’t fair, he hadn’t meant to break Loftys silly teacup. Although there was a part of him that felt guilty about it, it was a pretty teacup. He watched as the Oompa Loompa turned on his heel, gathering each shard of ceramic from the floor.
Wonka didn’t even know why he had even entertained this silly idea, but with his current headspace Willy couldn’t stop the onslaught of tears, mixed with self pity and overwhelm. Whining and groaning from pure frustration, wanting any kind of attention. He wanted Lofty to come over and apologise for putting him here, or at least offer some kind of response. But Lofty didn’t react at all, just continuing to clean. The lack of any kind of reaction though infuriated Willy further.
He’d been placed onto the oval rug, legs tucked up to his chest. So with a huff he kicked both his legs out from underneath him, boots slamming onto the floorboards with a loud clunk. Lofty was faced away as he swept the broken crockery, but sighed before responding.
“Please remove your shoes from the floor, I don’t want you leaving scuff marks on the mahogany”
He sternly requested, Willy swallowing and instinctively pulling his feet back. Cursing himself for being so easily scolded, it was something about his tone of voice that just cut through him like butter. It just built even more anger and frustration within himself. He was scowling to himself when he thought came to mind, remove his shoes Lofty told him.
Fine. He’ll remove his shoes alright. Fumbling a little with the laces, Willy untangled the lace from his boot. Grabbing ahold of the sole he pulled hard to get it off, holding the boot to his chest with a frown. Before he could change his mind, he raised the boot high above his head. And in one angry motion he hurled the shoe hard, colliding with the doorway where Lofty was disposing of the mess. A chunk of the skirting board chipped off from the projectile hitting from such force.
The Oompa Loompa jumped in surprise at the projectile, but still retained his cool exterior. Taking another deep breath to regulate himself, he knew a reaction was exactly what Wonka was trying to get out of him. So he calmly just pulled out his pocket watch once again, resetting the timer with a sigh and a shaking head.
“Congratulations Mr Wonka, you have now had your time reset , with an added five minutes for throwing that shoe. Even think about doing the same with the other one, and you can trust me when I say you’ll be spending the rest of the evening on that mat.”
He spoke with a dead serious tone, turning to look Willy directly in the eye to show he really really meant it. Wonka’s angry body language visibly deflating like a balloon, shrinking down. He knew that Lofty wasn’t taking any more of his tricks. He couldn’t even be naughty properly, just like how he couldn’t finish that stupid recipe. With only one boot on he tucked his legs back under his chin, sniffing as he felt his eyes watering. This time he couldn’t hold it in, bursting into floods of tears. Quickly escalating into bubbling sobs, everything all at once crashing in on itself.
Willy couldn’t even tell what he was crying about, whether it breaking his condenser, yelling at Lofty or being scolded at for throwing the stupid shoe. It seemed to be days of pent up emotion just exploding out of him. His cries ended up hitching and hiccuping , making his head throb horribly. It felt as if he’d been marooned on this silly carpet for hours. After five minutes his sorrowful howling had escalated to the point where he wasn’t sure if he could breathe, any time he tried to stop he just dissolved into panicked sobs again.
Lofty knew that he had no option but to intervene at this point, regardless of his punishment. Slowly walking over before sitting down across from him on the floor.
“Alright you’re going to make yourself sick at this rate, you’re not taking in enough air with your silly gasping.”
Willy looked up through his tears to see the Oompa Loompa sitting across from him. Although still amongst the meltdown, he glared at him.
He yelled as best he could, but his voice cracked and whimpered which ruined the effect he wanted yet again.
“Not happening I’m afraid. Now try take in some deep breaths with me, before you keel over from lack of oxygen.”
Willy’s head was in-fact feeling a bit dizzy, as were his hands that were beginning to tingle with pins and needles. As if he had a fizzy soda pop running through his veins. It was difficult to try and break out of the cycle of hyperventilation, watching closely as Lofty demonstrated. Who placed an orange hand to his stomach, before breathing in deeply.
“Copy as such, hold a hand over your belly and breathe in, hold it for a few moments before letting go. Feel your stomach rise in and out the way as you do so.”
Willy found this all rather silly sounding, but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even if Lofty had been so mean as to put him in timeout. He took in the breath, but halfway through it hitched again. Falling back into the unhelpful gasping.
“Try again, with me this time”
Loftys tone was still firm, but gentle also. Willy swallowing as fat tears kept on spilling over. He nodded and tried again, holding his hands over his belly. This time successfully taking in a deep breath and feeling his stomach rising and falling. He carried on following Lofty’s example for a couple minutes, and although the torrent of tears hadn’t stopped, Willy had managed to calm down a little.
“That’s much better, now would you say we’re done with the tantrum at last? I fear for the house’s interior if we plan on throwing any more shoes.”
Willy nodded tearfully, looking over at the ceramic shards that had been swept into a pile, sitting to the chunk that had been chipped from the skirting board from the boot. Then remembering the mess in his workshop he caused, he just ruined everything.
Face screwing up again, swallowing to try keep himself from falling to pieces again. Lofty sighed sympathetically, shaking his head as he unfolded a handkerchief from his waistcoat.
“Now that’s enough of that, I know it was an accident- well at least some of it was. Regardless, from the look of it you’ve served your time anyways.”
Lofty checking his pocket and watch before he stood up to daub around the chocolatiers hot teary face. A surprisingly gentle and kind action that was quite unheard of coming from Lofty. The fabric was extremely soft, there was even a pretty design embroidered onto it. He was then handed the cloth once Lofty was satisfied with his mopped up eyes.
“Now blow that nose of yours, you’ve probably given yourself a terrible headache.”
Wonka sniffed with a nod, but felt the pretty stitching with his fingers. It felt a little sacrilegious to make it gross by blowing his nose into it.
“It’s too- pretty”
Willy mumbled, the corners were stitched with tiny little exotic flowers and vines. Maybe they were the ones you got in Loompa land. It was a shame that he didn’t spend too much time there on his travels, only a quick stop in search of cocoa beans.
“It’s quite alright, keep it if you’d like. I can always make another.”
Lofty said flippantly, seeing a flicker of a smile in Wonka’s face at the gift. Although it wasn’t like he deserved it from how miserable he’d been acting. It was clear that with Lofty’s small hands he could then create the smallest and most intricate detail.
Even still, Willy didn’t want to ruin it. Stuffing the hanky into his pocket before resolving to use his sleeve to wipe his nose. Much to Loftys utter disgust, Willy just hoping that he wouldn’t change his mind on the gift.
“Ugh, and I give you a perfectly good handkerchief for nothing”
Lofty spoke, shaking his head in disappointment. For the first time Willy letting out a small chuckle, although still between the tears dribbling down his cheeks. Even Lofty couldn’t help but smirk, pleased to see that his spirits had lifted even a little.
“I suppose you can get off that mat now, I gather you’ve certainly learned your lesson.”
Loftys small hand patted Willy’s knee, who took in a deep breath as he nodded. Apart from the headache he already had, Willys head was feeling extremely fuzzy. The outburst had caused him to slip very small, very quickly. Thankfully Lofty had already connected the dots on that matter, and it was very clear Wonka was going to need some caring for this evening. Willy knuckled his bloodshot eyes as he stood up, feeling a slight head rush as he did so.
“Careful! Don’t need to add falling over and flattening me to the list of trouble today.”
Lofty warned, standing and dusting himself off. Looking up at Willy as he stood fidgeting with his hands. Not quite sure what to do with himself, thankfully Lofty took charge again. Despite his towering size over him, all he could see above him was a tired little child. One that seemed to be in desperate need of some comfort and rest.
“Come on then, let’s get you settled and into bed.”
Lofty held up his hand, just high enough so that Willy could hook a finger into the palm of his small hand. Willy allowing himself to be lead through the flat, his other hand making its way to his lips as he chewed on his thumbnail. It was only early evening, but Wonka felt exhausted regardless. The upset had taken all the energy from his system and left him drained and weary. Lofty swiftly delivered the boy to his bedroom, greeted by the warm red and pink tones decorated throughout.
Similar to his childhood home, Willy had a bed built into the wall much like his mother’s canal boat. The structure having a short ornate barrier that on the boat was meant to prevent one from falling out during a storm. Although no longer on the water, it was an aspect that Willy always found comforting. The raised sides creating a safe barrier, he often fell out of his ramshackle bed at scrubbits during the night when he stayed there. The hardboard flooring extremely unforgiving to your body when you fell upon it. Even still, there was also a homemade rag rug sitting on the floor beside. Noodle and her Mother had made it for him as a housewarming gift for when he first moved into his new home.
Willy let go of Lofty’s hand to kneel down on the floor to run his hand over said item. It was made from scrap pieces of multiple kinds of fabric tied together, he liked the texture of it.
All the while Lofty tutted at the rooms lack of organisation, disapprovingly picking up a discarded vest that was lying on the ground.
“Really Mr Wonka, you’re too old to be keeping your room in such a sorry state”
Lofty couldn’t help but comment, before looking over at the little chocolatier who was just kneeling on the carpet, running his hand over its surface, the other chewing on his thumb. Lofty realised his own irony of his comment, chuckling to himself.
“Well, perhaps not at the moment I see”
There was something endearing about Wonka like this, well apart from the tantrum. That part he could live without, but you can’t exactly pick and choose these things. Willy himself was feeling very small, head fuzzy and little. But especially tired, he was so sleepy. He hadn’t been sleeping properly for the past couple days, mind too busy with calculations for new candies and chocolate.
“You need to get into bed, get changed into your nightclothes and I’ll return in a few minutes with some sustenance.”
Lofty called, Willy turning away from the rug to look over with a weak nod. Eating and drinking properly was yet another matter that he’d been neglecting. By his bed sat a drawer containing his nightclothes, deciding to just shuffle on his rear over rather than walk.
Willy ended up deciding on his favourite pair, an incredibly soft magenta material. It had small gold buttons down the middle though, and he had a little trouble getting them done up. The fabric felt heavenly against his skin, the material reminding him of one of his mother’s old smocks. With his eyes closed he held the sleeve close to his cheek, just imagining the sweet smell of her perfume, a soft gentle tune being hummed.
On his bed he spied a familiar looking companion, a navy knitted toucan was peaking his beak from beneath the blanket. Willy pulling himself up to crawl onto his bed, carefully collecting his bird friend, Chester. Both button eyes looking up at his own red bloodshot ones from crying. He manoeuvred his wing to reach up and wipe his own eyes.
don’t cry willy, it’s okay
As Willy continued his imaginary conversation with the stuffed animal, Lofty re-entered the room. Holding a wooden tray with him, he couldn’t help a fond chuckle at seeing the man in some kind of whispered conversation with the inanimate object. Wonka heard said laugh though, head whipping around as he threw the plush behind him. His face burning scarlet, Lofty must find him so silly.
But the Oompa Loompa wasn’t phased in the slightest, shaking his head with a small knowing smile.
“I believe I’ve already met- Charles is it? Before, no need to throw him away in my presence”
He reassured indifferently with a shrug, Willy feeling a little better.
“Chester! name is Chester.”
He had to correct the mistake, frustrated that Lofty had once again forgotten his name. Lofty simply looked up and shook his head.
“My apologies Chester”
Willy then turned to pick up the toucan again, whose eyes had been a bit skewed by being thrown. Which gave him a very understandable expression of annoyance.
ouch! You’re lucky I didn’t split a seam there. Charles though huh? Makes me sound fancy, don’t mind it.
Willy held the bird close to his chest in apology, who thankfully was very forgiving. Lofty approaching and placing the tray on the side table. On it sat two drinks, one small mug of tea, and a glass bottle of what looked to be hot chocolate.
Willy blushed a little again at the sight of it, remembering it had been something Abacus had purchased for him. A rubber nipple was stretched over the neck of the glass bottle to keep it sealed.
“Abacus already warned me of your capability of spilling drinks when you’re feeling young, I thought especially right now, it’s what you need”
Lofty stated matter of factly, not willing to risk Wonka creating any more mess tonight. Willy looked down played with his fingers, feeling a bit torn on whether he wanted it or not. But before he could make a decision, Lofty caught sight of something, clicking his tongue.
“Oh for heavens sake let me fix those buttons, you’ve created quite a mess of it.”
Without hesitation he reached forward to fix them, unbuttoning and rebuttoning each row. Willy hasn’t even realised he’d buttoned each row into the wrong buttonhole, looking down to watch as Lofty small hands fixed the error. Chuffing to himself smugly when finished, Willy didn’t think he could feel any smaller. The simple action had sunk him even further into headspace, but he appreciated how Lofty took charge like this. There was no room for him to start second guessing or feel self conscious.
So when Lofty did offer the bottle afterwards, he didn’t hesitate and took it with both hands. It was hot, but not so hot that it burned. It was filled with a milky sweet hot chocolate, whilst Lofty sipped on his own dark mocha.
“Cmon, into bed now. I do say there may be a possibility of a story if you get settled quickly.”
With widened eyes Willy quickly scrambled beneath his blanket, he did love stories so. Abacus always read in his comforting baritone rumble, but he’d never had a story yet from Lofty. There was a small stack of hardback books piled underneath a shelf, yet another gift from Noodle. She knew how much Willy enjoyed books, whilst both little and big now. But he had a soft spot for these picture books, they were short and had easy rounded lettering.
Pointing at the stack once settled inside bed, Lofty began to sift through them. Smiling at the charming watercolour illustrations, each book was its own story but they seemed to all share the theme of the characters being animals who acted much the same as humans. Beginning to understand now that Willy struggled with decision making at the moment, Lofty chose one of the books himself. Settling on one which depicted a family of kittens performing household chores.
Willy smiled when recognising the title, reaching out to trace the covers illustration when Lofty perched on the bed beside him.
“Now are we all comfortable?”
Lofty turned to see the chocolatier tucked into bed, the small toucans beak hooked over the covers. Willy held the bottle in both hands, only realising now that he was quite peckish. The hot chocolate was soothing against his raw throat from crying, and he guzzled it down eagerly. Although he was quickly interrupted with a gentle nudge of the elbow from Lofty.
“You’ll give yourself hiccups again if you drink it too fast Wonka, it’s not going anywhere.”
He chastised, Willy releasing the grip on the bottle with a sheepish giggle. Lofty then returning to the book, reading out the title in a clear gentle tone.
“Five little Kittens…”
By the end of the story, the rest of the bottle had been drained to nothing. Willy loved the book, even more so with Lofty reading. He would often pause between pages to rely his own thoughts and comments, which made Willy laugh. Surprisingly Lofty also did voices! Lowering his pitch up and down for each of the different feline characters.
“Alright then, how about one more and you try get some rest.”
Lofty spoke quietly, wanting to settle the boy in hopes he would fall asleep. Willy’s eyelids were beginning to flutter, the hot chocolate having filled his belly with a bloom of warmth. Lofty just chose the next book in the stack, this one’s cover featuring a squirrel in a blizzard whilst he hid inside a tree trunk.
By the time that Lofty had gotten through the middle of the story, he heard a gentle rumbling from beside him. Willy Wonka completely out for the count, snoring softly with one hand still ahold of the glass bottle. It was an endearing sight, even Lofty couldn’t lie. With a fond chuckle, he laid a hand to gently stroke his brown curly hair from his face.
“I do say, I definitely prefer you like this.”
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melkintoyou · 1 year
pleas write more stoner mark... im begging on my knees 🙏🙏
Mmm imagine Mark on tour and he calls you late at night, voice all groggy, audibility baked and needy. PART TWO
You and Mark yell out in unison, singing Avril Lavigne through the phone. After a long, cold day at work, this is exactly what you needed.
It has been exactly two months since, your best friend kissed you and left for this tour. Nobody could've prepared you both, for this impulsive act of breaking down the bridge between friendship and love. You both agreed that, time apart would allow you to think about the next step... Except, you both couldn't go a second without talking to one another. You shared selfies and photos throughout the day, and ended nights with a facetime call. Even if it was 2 minutes, just to say good night. Mark made sure to hear your voice before he slept. Tonight was no different.
You had been on the phone for 20 minutes now. Your rooms dimly lit by led lights, both blue because you share a favourite colour. The coziness of your fluffy bedding and Mark's voice had every atom in your body relaxed. "And I met so many new people! It's crazy to see so many people fuck with the music over here" he rambled on about his experiences on tour. He talked about the feeling of being on stage and how comfortable he feels, like he can let go of everything. He describes it feeling as though the whole world disappears and the only thing matters is the stage and audience. Mark was born to do this. "I'm telling you dude, it's has all played out so cosmically. It feels like fate but also so unreal..." You listened intently by adding validating hums in between his sentences. Suddenly, you noticed the volume of his voice slowly fade into a silence, as he looked at you and smiled.
"But... man.. dude, I miss you" he pouted his lips, half smiling and looked away. "I mean.. It's whatever, just wish you were here you know"
"It all means nothing, if I can't share it with you" he said, coyly.
"AWWWWWW someone's obsessed with me" you teased him, making his face flush with a warm, red colour.
"Shut up, you're stupid y/n" he laughed, before clearing his throat.
"Also! Look what I got" he rummaged through his bag to pull out what seemed to be a small glass bottle, with a pipette dropper. "It's straight thc oil babe..It's so strong dude, so good." He went on, as he dropped some under his tongue.
"Yoo that sounds so good, I want to try!" You sat up, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip. Maintaining eyes on Mark, you refused to miss every moment of him gradually getting high. He looked so cute.
"Yeah for sure, I'll bring it with me when I come back. You're gonna love it.. It gives you such a body high" He said, now with his voice a bit deeper and eyes, a little lower. He let out a soft giggle. "Like, I feel so sensitive right now dude, this bed feels amazing..." He ran his hands up and down his torso. Eyes zoomed into you, with lips curling into a smirk. "We're gonna take this when I see you next..." "Yeah I'm down 100%" You say in between sips.
"Then I'm gonna touch you." He dead panned, as his eyes fixed on you, making you choke on the water and widen your eyes.
"Uh.." You lose all coherent thoughts as your heart starts beating in your ears and you felt your body slowly get hot. Mark chuckled, watching you get flustered over his comment.
"I'm just being honest.. I think about it a lot.. you know touching you" his voice was lower and raspier. Shifting his bed, he put his phone on his night stand and turned on his side. Propping himself up on his left arm. He ran his right hand through his hair. "All the pretty noises, you'd make." He continued, "Under me, on top of me.. You would be so sensitive to my touch, my fingers... my tongue. I want to kiss you everywhere y/n.. Can I do that? When I see you?" His eyes now sincere and big, yet filled with lust. It made you nervous.
"Urm.. yeah, I'd like that" you whispered, feeling his words go straight to your core. You slowly rubbed your thighs together, for some sort of relief, to your now steadily, growing dampened spot between your legs. You bit onto your lower lip. "Mark..."
"Yeah baby?" He licked his lips, moving closer to the camera.
"I miss you" you whine, almost needy at the use of a pet name.
"And I miss you."
You hummed, smiling at him. Head spinning with desire.
"Wanna make you cum when I see you next." He looked down at his bulge, now growing underneath the covers. "I can't wait to see you.. feel you around me" Mark palmed himself through his pyjamas.
"Can you uh do something for me?" Whisper fell from his mouth, trying to hold himself together.
"Mhmmm" you bit your lip and nodded.
"Can you be a good girl and touch yourself for me?"
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timdrake-yumm · 2 years
A Tim who has a little bottle of Lazarus water. The lid has one of those pipette dropper things attached to it like some of those medicine bottles do. I’m talking pre-Robin Tim too. He uses it on all the injuries he doesn’t want people asking about that he can’t cover up some other way. It’s used very sparingly so he still has it as Red Robin (though perhaps he got it refilled when he was with the LoA). Where did he get it from? Who knows, but since he only uses so little, the side effects are harder to recognize. His eyes use to be such an icy blue, but now they look kinda teal? Not nearly as much as Jason’s of course, and they don’t glow yet. And he’s accidentally given himself some kind of pit madness immunity/resistance (like you would do with poisons) so that if he were put all the way, completely immersed in a Lazarus pit, he’d be much more in control of his thoughts and actions than Jason was. Is he still crazy? Absolutely, no sane person tries to clone their best friend almost a hundred times, but once people learn of the Lazarus water (if they ever do) they can’t be sure if that’s just Tim or if the water has been effecting him that way.
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" In her first year at Radcliffe, 1955, Marilyn had enrolled in introductory physics, and her advisor glanced at her course schedule and paused. He was a plump man with a tweed suit and a crimson bowtie, a dark gray hat brim-down on the table beside him. 'Why do you want to take physics?' he asked, and she explained that she was hoping to become a doctor. 'Not a nurse?' he'd said, with a chuckle. From a folder he pulled her high-school transcript and studied it. 'Well', he said. 'I see you received very good grades in your high-school physics course.' She'd had the highest grade in her class, had set the curve on every test; she had loved physics. But he couldn't know that. On the transcript, it said only 'A'. She held her breath, waiting, afraid he would tell her that science was too hard, that she'd better try something like English or history instead. In her mind she prepared her retort. Instead he said, 'All right, then, why don't you try chemistry - if you think you can handle it,' and signed her course slip and handed it over, just like that.
When she arrived at the laboratory, though, she found herself the only girl in a room of fifteen men. The instructor tututted and said, 'Miss Walker, you'd better tie up those golden locks.' 'Can I light the burner for you?' someone else would say. 'Let me open that jar for you.' When she broke a beaker, the second day of class, three men rushed to her side. 'Careful,' they said. 'Better let us help.' Everything, she soon realized, started with better: 'Better let me pour that acid for you.' 'Better stand back - this will make a pop.' By the third day of class, she decided to show them. She said no, thank you, when people offered to make her pipettes, then hid a grin as they watched her melt glass tubes over the Bunsen burner and strecht them, like taffy, into perfectly tapered droppers. While her classmates sometimes splashed their lab coats, burning holes all the way down through their suits, she measured acids with steady hands. Her solutions never bubbled onto the counter like baking-soda volcanoes. Her results were the most accurate; her lab reports the most complete. By midterm, she set the curve for every exam, and the instructor had stopped smirking.
She had always liked surprising people that way."
Celeste Ng; Everything I never told you
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spinphysicians · 1 year
Do NOT ❌ sleep with you windows open or the little dropper pipette gremlin 🧪👨‍🔬 will break in and dose you up with high strength psychadelics. right to your eyelids son I’d watch out.
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qwiverdance · 2 years
Back home very cool :3
Also I just wanted to share how I feed Lemon because a lot of people think Joltik only “eat” static electricity when that’s not true :3
1. Buy Honeydew! Not the melon, the thing Pokémon like Ledyba and Ledian make naturally. Usually I order it online because I go for the high quality stuff.
2. Put it in an Pipette! Any sort of small liquid dropper will do, mine is 10ml.
3. Feed the Joltik! Put the pipette against its mouth and wait a second for the Joltik to sort of ask for the honeydew(I.E, biting the tube). Then gently squeeze the top of the pipette. Take breaks if the Joltik stops drinking at any point! Continue until there is no more liquid
4.I do this twice a day! Once in the morning around 9 and once in the evening around 5, but this depends on how much electricity your Joltik takes in everyday and what kind (Static or not).
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jaerontaemo · 2 years
230222 — Jaehyun bbl update
Are you doing well? Yesterday i had a photoshoot in Taiwan and came back Its really been a while but it was nice The atmosphere of the venue and style matched better than I imagined, so I had fun filming it. I want to show the picture of it quickly though Please look forward for it And now i am on my way to record after filming for content
It's not my solo yet ㅋㅋㅋ I think that czennies will surely like the things being prepared when they are released. No i am preparing while hoping that you will like it To give a spoiler, i used a spoid (t/n: pipette/liquid dropper - could it possibly be a CF for beauty products??) Someday you will be going “ah” at this message Anyway, I'm going to record now Everyone, have a good day
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v3joker · 9 months
[Game of Dice] Joker Skills
*Originally made to post to my YouTube community as each week I put something about Game of Dice there. This is also posted here, to Tumblr, to archive it.
Almost every Joker character (character with a hidden skill) has their skill based on an existing skill. Some just exist on that Joker skill, not as a regular skill. I usually explain new Jokers' skills by saying the name of the existing skill rather than explain what the skill does, since it's easier to say the name of the skill. :)
Anyway here's a list of all the Jokers with what skill it's based on cause I love having random knowledge for this game. Even the ones not based on skills.
Phantom (Puppet/Chaotic City): Big Fish
Prince (Prince's Dignity/Insight): Color Finale
Wintry (Heaven's Blessings): Celebrity's Visit
Phantom Thief (Phantom Thief's Trick/Phantom Thief's Fancy Trick): no exact skill, but could be based on Knife in the Dark without JOY steal
Halloween (Candy/Halloween Magic): Smashing
Deadly Bunny (This Way, Please/Your Table is Ready): Exceptional Choice
Black Rose
Wintry (Speed UP/Can't Follow Me): High Jump
Card Queen (Greetings from a Magic Cat): Birthday Party
Bosun (Oppress/Overwhelm): n/a
Tora (& Tori)
Onmyouji (Onmyodo: Confuse/Exhaustion): Shiver Me Timbers!
Rudolph (Surprise Entry/Gift): Home for Newlyweds
Rockstar (Rica's Dimension Shift/Rica's Teleport): Dimension Shift
Goddess of Love (Love Melody/Serenade): Yikes! Crocodile, but upgraded
Beast (True/Forever Love): Skydive, w/ double summon
Baseball Girl (Swing/Full Swing): Nano Warp Machine
Cosmic Girl (Space Travel/Exploration): Strange Pipette, w/ summon
Rabbit Hacker (Keylogger/Dropper): Gotcha!
Undercover (Emergency Custody/Violent Criminal Arrested): Mirror Mirror
Mechanic (Sharon's Calculation/Victory Formula): Let's Count (Hello Kitty collab skill)
Archaeologist (Relic Thief/Power): Interception
Unicorn (Unicorn Gravitation/Magic): Retribution Reverse
Noble (Isabelle's Day/Isabelle's Special Day): Come Over Here
Gothic (Ghostly Greetings/Touch): Touch of Succubus
Sailor (Sympathy/Special Sympathy): Song of Mermaid
Queen of Hearts (Heart Beam/Queen's Heart Beam): Critical Hit, w/ summon
Space Pirate: no exact skill but could be based on Strange Pipette and/or Home Run
Guardian (Judgement/Divine Judgement): Gravity Field
Honor Student (Wisdom/Experience Drain): Life Drain
Demon (Skill/Power Drain): n/a
9-Tailed (Ready to Feed On/Bon Appetit): Invisible Hand, w/ Stop!
Mouse King Lucy (Building Mouse Village/Kingdom): Spartan Training
Mad Hatter (Teatime/Sweet Teatime): Divine Protection
Delinquent (Focus/Man-to-Man Block): Spotlight
Cheer Leader (Lucky Cheering): Master Navigator
Tomboy (Full/Pinpoint Dash): Hidden Quest
Hong Kong (Awakened Alice!): Symbol of Wealth
Hong Kong II (Happy/Sweet Snack Time): Counterattack
Beautiful (Splendid/Shining Beauty): Don't Stand in Front
Ling Ling
Goal Keeper (Nothing get pass me/Nothing can pass me): Knife in the Dark
Sky Warrior (Warrior Stance/Victory Pose): Excellent Choice
Magical Girl (Magical Awakening/True Power of Magic): Critical Magic Show
Dr. X
Original (Gravity UP): Yikes! Crocodile!
Lightning God (God's Wrath/Punishment): n/a
Captain (Rear/Surrounding Pursuit): Mischief of Spirits
Original (Counterattack): Counterattack, w/ can't takeover
Detained (Mental Interference/Control): No Escape
Soldier (Doll Escort/Protection): Music Start
Original (Rapid Growth/Data Manipulation): Rapid Growth, w/ can't takeover (whole game installation)
Darkened (Spreading Darkness/Crawling Chaos): Broken Brake
Original (Ninjutsu: Slow/Onmyodo: Blizzard): Slow
Yukata (Take This/Taste This): Switch, w/ Steal Prop *Blizzard is supposed to have Ninjutsu as the prefix, but it has never been fixed. So it has Onmyodo like Onmyouji Tora
Original (Climax/Encore): Leave it to Fate (Climax), targets up to 3 cities at higher grades
Fairy Queen (Blooming Dream/Dream in Full Bloom): Christmas Miracle
Original (Checkmate/Golden Checkmate): Curse (Checkmate), Girl Crush
Pool Party (Come on In/Come Here): n/a
Devil Reapercy (Rogue/Outlaw): Solitude
Original (City Shooter/Sniper): Steal Prop, w/ summon
Space Police (Police Officer/Investigator): Every Inspiration
Original (Wolf Summon/Big Game Hunting): Retribution
Puppeteer (Trap Hole/Endless Trap Hole): Maelstrom
Original (Fan Meeting): Doll Fishing
Sea Fairy (Let's Play/Have Fun in the Water!): Domino
Magical Girl (Magical Refraction/Reflection): Time Rewind, no Panda installation
Fairy Dancer (Fairy Dance/Eye Catching Fairy Dance): The Solitude of Glamor
Original (Meditation/P.T): Power Up!
Magic Cat (Spell of Destruction/Apocalypse): Ch.1 Renaissance/Ch. 2 Destruction
Original (Sharp/Harsh Lash): Charming Rainbow
Devil (Bewitch/Beckon): Charming Rainbow, but upgraded
Sun Knight (Sword of Victory/Sword of Promised Victory): n/a
Original (Joyful/Blessed March): Speedster
Angel (Song/Blessing of Angel): Color Sync
Moon Archer (Piercing Arrow/Mirage Piercing Arrow): Curse of Clown
Ballet (Attitude/Arabesque): Poisoned
Original (Butterfly Dance/Blue Butterfly Dance): Push
Christmas (Yura's Gift/Sincerity): Sweet Trap
Gothic (Flutter/Crystal Light Butterfly): Psychokinesis
Original (i love cakes/I love anything sweet): Charming Bubble
Winter Festival (Baker's/Pierre's Gift): Santa's Gift
Agent (Good Will/Samaritan): Give and Take
Original (I Got You!/Don't Move!): Girl Crush
Seaside (Hydro Pump/Cannon): Self-Defense
Saint (Authority/Splendor): Girl Crush, but it also decreases character & dice abilities (Energy Drink [Goods])
Original (Locating the Target/Target Located): Come With Me
Seaside (Hang out with me!/Let's play!): Thief Target Area
Witch Trainee (Scary Prank/Dangerous Prank): Signal
Original (Secret in the Hoodie/Weapon in the Hoodie): Hexcraft
Young Master (Young Master's Mischief/Weapon): Demon Invasion
Villain (Breakdown/Wide Breakdown): Ocean Party
Fairy Knight (Impressive/Flashy Swordsmanship): Event for You
Original (Warning Shot/Suppressive Fire): The Art of Theft
Great Witch (Magic Concentration/Discharge): First Place Dash
Original (Black Hole/Super Black Hole): Besiege
Circus Master (Continuing Show/Express Night): Double Trap
Original (Hero Power/Just Power): Guardian of Justice
Original (Give me strength!): Symbol of Wealth
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rifleseye · 2 years
".... Sir? ...What's the difference between a pipette and a dropper?" Skydive asks, wings twitching uncertainly. Is he trying to look smaller than he is? Yes he is.
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"Ah." He smiles slightly, hoping to at least ease Skydive's timidness a little. There's nothing wrong with asking about something one doesn't know. "The terms are used interchangeably. Though there is a difference between a pipette dropper and a burette dropper. The burette uses a stopcock at the bottom to control the release, while a pipette has a system that releases liquid in the desired amount by lessening the vacuum."
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skyriderwednesday · 2 years
Involuntary Distraction
Holmes brought his hand into position over the dish, adjusted his footing, and-- Hic! His breath hitched at the sharp, unexpected sound, and two drops hit the glass. Watson groaned, “Sorry. I’ll go upstairs.” -- Holmes very much prefers not to be distracted while performing experiments. Some distractions cannot be avoided however.
(Rated G, 426 words)
Holmes bent low over his chemistry equipment, unblinking, only reluctantly drawing breath, channelling all of his focus into the minute adjustment of tendons that would compress the bulb of his pipette to release one precise drop of the alkaline. He brought his hand into position over the dish, adjusted his footing, and-- Hic! His breath hitched at the sharp, unexpected sound, and two drops hit the glass. No matter, he would simply adjust the ratio. He replaced the pipette into its bottle and drew up a little of the acid into its dropper. The alkaline was stronger, returning the solution to neutral would require two drops. He compressed the bulb over the dish, one drop, two-- Hic! Holmes winced, three drops. He grit his teeth. He couldn’t possibly increase his quantities any more to compensate, the process was too delicate and the components too expensive. The sample was small, and it would waste too much of the-- Hic! Holmes growled in frustration and whirled around, spattering acid which fizzed as it started eating into the wallpaper. “Watson!” he cried, glaring at the doctor. “I’m terribly sorry, Holmes,” Watson said, bowing his head apologetically as he made to rise from his chair. “I didn’t mean to disturb you, I’ll go up--“ Hic! Watson groaned, “Sorry. I’ll go upstairs.” Holmes stared, his temper dying as quickly as it had flared, finally processing the noise. Of course, hiccups. His mind had retained enough situational awareness to connect a distraction to Watson making a noise, but clearly not enough to distinguish voluntary from involuntary. He sighed, and realised the dropper was still in his hand. He put it down. “No, there is no need for that. It is nothing you can help.” “I don’t want to distract you while--“ Hic! “--while you’re working. I’ve already done that enough.” “You’re no distraction.” Watson raised one shoulder in his usual shrug, gathering his things. “I’m enough to shout at, at least,” he said. If Holmes was to be honest, he would find it more distracting to think of Watson hiccupping in his room for his sake. “I apologise, I wasn’t thinking. Is there anything I can do?” Watson gave him a bemused look as he sat back down. “They’re only--“ Hic! “--hiccups, Holmes. Ruddy annoying, but no cause for--“ Hic! Watson grumbled, “--concern.” “Would tea help?” “It would hardly hurt.” Holmes nodded, “We’ll have tea.” Watson eyed his worktable, “What about your experiment?” “The solution needs to sit,” Holmes lied, adding another drop of alkaline to the dish. “I’ll fetch us tea.”
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oscarbioproducts · 12 days
Malaria Test Kit: A Critical Tool for Rapid Diagnosis of Malaria
 Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites of the Plasmodium species, transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria is a significant public health concern, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Early detection and treatment are crucial in preventing severe illness and death. A malaria test kit, often called a rapid diagnostic test (RDT), is a tool used to quickly detect malaria infection by identifying specific malaria antigens in a patient's blood sample.
What is Malaria?
Malaria is caused by five different species of the Plasmodium parasite, with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax being the most common. The disease presents with symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain. If left untreated, malaria can lead to severe complications such as anemia, respiratory distress, and organ failure, especially with P. falciparum infections.
Types of Malaria Test Kits
Malaria test kits are designed to detect the presence of malaria parasites in a person’s blood. There are two main types of malaria tests:
1. Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) Kits
What it Detects: RDTs detect specific antigens produced by the malaria parasite in the blood. Most kits can detect Plasmodium falciparum, and some are capable of detecting other species like P. vivax.
How it Works: A small blood sample is collected and applied to the test device, which reacts with antibodies in the kit to detect the presence of malaria antigens. If the test is positive, a visible line appears, similar to a pregnancy test.
Advantages: Quick and easy to use, providing results within 15-20 minutes. Suitable for remote areas with limited access to laboratory equipment.
2. Microscopy
What it Detects: Microscopy is the traditional method of diagnosing malaria by examining blood smears under a microscope to identify the malaria parasite.
Advantages: Highly accurate and capable of identifying the specific species of Plasmodium and the parasite's life stage.
Disadvantages: Requires skilled personnel and laboratory equipment, making it less suitable for field use or areas with limited resources.
How a Malaria Test Kit (RDT) Works
The malaria RDT is based on detecting specific proteins (antigens) in the blood that are produced by malaria parasites. Here’s how the test works:
Sample Collection: A small blood sample, usually obtained by a finger prick, is collected.
Application to Test Device: The blood sample is applied to the test strip or cassette. A buffer solution is added to help the blood move across the test strip.
Reaction with Antibodies: The test contains antibodies that react with specific malaria antigens. If these antigens are present, the reaction will cause a visible line to appear on the test strip.
Result Interpretation:
Positive Result: One or more lines appear on the test device, indicating a malaria infection. Some tests can differentiate between P. falciparum and other species.
Negative Result: Only the control line appears, indicating no detectable malaria infection.
Key Components of a Malaria Test Kit
A typical malaria test kit includes:
Test Device (Strip or Cassette): Contains antibodies that react with malaria antigens in the blood.
Buffer Solution: Helps the blood sample flow through the test strip and react with the antibodies.
Lancet or Needle: For pricking the finger to collect the blood sample.
Pipette or Dropper: For applying the blood sample to the test strip.
Control Line: Ensures the test is working correctly by showing a line when the test is valid.
When to Use a Malaria Test Kit
Malaria test kits are used when a person presents with symptoms such as:
Muscle aches
Nausea and vomiting
These symptoms often resemble those of other illnesses, so testing is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Advantages of Using a Malaria Test Kit
Rapid Results: Malaria test kit, particularly RDTs, can provide results within 15-20 minutes, allowing for prompt diagnosis and treatment in clinical and field settings.
Easy to Use: The test kits are simple to use and do not require complex laboratory equipment or extensive training, making them ideal for use in remote or resource-limited areas.
Non-Invasive: The test only requires a small blood sample, usually collected by a finger prick.
Cost-Effective: RDTs are relatively inexpensive and can be used in large-scale screening programs.
Portable: RDTs are compact and can be easily transported to field settings, making them suitable for on-site testing in malaria-endemic regions.
Limitations of Malaria Test Kits
Limited Sensitivity: While RDTs are effective for detecting P. falciparum, their sensitivity to other species like P. vivax may be lower. Microscopy or molecular testing may be required for more accurate species identification.
False Positives/Negatives: RDTs may occasionally produce false-positive results due to cross-reactivity with other infections or false-negative results if the parasite count in the blood is too low.
Inability to Measure Parasite Load: Unlike microscopy, RDTs cannot determine the density of malaria parasites, which is important for assessing the severity of the infection.
Need for Follow-Up: Positive results from RDTs often require confirmation through microscopy or other laboratory tests, especially in areas where multiple species of malaria parasites are prevalent.
Conclusion: The Role of Malaria Test Kits in Combating Malaria
Malaria test kit, particularly RDTs, are essential tools for the rapid diagnosis of malaria in both clinical and field settings. Their ability to provide quick and reliable results makes them invaluable in areas where malaria is endemic and laboratory resources are scarce. Early detection through these kits allows for timely treatment, reducing the risk of severe illness and death. However, their limitations should be acknowledged, and confirmatory testing may be necessary in certain cases.
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qocsuing · 21 days
The Flexibility And Significance of Dropper Bottles In Daily Lives And Industries
The Flexibility And Significance of Dropper Bottles In Daily Lives And Industries
The humble dropper bottle in the packaging solutions industry is a testimony to smartness and usefulness. These bottles have evolved beyond their original purpose for precision, versatility and now serve as critical things in our day-to-day lives, healthcare, cosmetics, chemistry and even food sectors.Get more news about Serum Bottle Producer,you can vist our website!
The Anatomy of a Dropper Bottle
A dropper bottle basically has three major components; the bottle itself, the dropper pipette and the cap. The bottle is usually made of glass or high-quality plastic to ensure that it remains air tight thus protecting light sensitive liquids from oxidation and degradation. Additionally, the slender tipped dropper pipette with its graduated markings makes it easier to measure even very small fluid quantities accurately while dispensing. Finally, the cap ensures that the content is not tampered with by firmly shutting down the lid until when ready for use.
Applications Across Industries
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Eye drops, ear drops and liquid vitamins are examples of health medications which depend on dropper bottles for administration purposes. As such controlled dispensing helps in ensuring accurate dosing which is important for patient safety as well as efficacy.
Cosmetics and Skincare: Most cosmetic companies especially those dealing with serums or essences or other highly concentrated skincare products use dropper bottles as their packaging materials. This ensures that there are no errors during application hence enhancing customer experience while at same time optimizing product performance to minimize waste.
Chemistry and Laboratories: Dropper bottles find great utility in scientific settings where they are used in handling various liquids with accuracy. The ability to properly measure chemicals including reagents & solutions is necessary during experiments, research activities & quality control operations among others.
Food and Beverage Industry: With references particularly on flavorings; extracts; niche health supplements as examples that may rarely be found only but through some instances catering to this category dropper bottles have been utilized. This is possible due to their ability to carry out precise dosage and promote customization and innovation in manufacturing products.
Advantages of Dropper Bottles
Precision Dispensing: Users can dispense exact amounts of liquid with minimum wastage and enhance the efficiency of the product through a graduated dropper pipette.
Convenience: It is highly user-friendly even for those people who face problems related to dexterity.
Versatility: Their versatility and significance across various sectors reflect their broad applications.
In summary, dropper bottles demonstrate that simple designs are often the best ones. They have become important components in numerous sectors such as healthcare, cosmetics among others because they are precise, convenient and versatile. Therefore, dropper bottles will play a key role in our continuous search for new solutions in accurate dosing and quality preservation of our products.
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cherrieblossomm · 2 months
Tips for €d harm reduction. part 2
Hair loss edition
Make rosemary hair oil at home with:
olive oil (you can use coconut oil but it could be too heavy on your hair)
some cloves or garlic if you like.
In a pot with water you’re going to put a small bowl with the olive oil, rosemary and the garlic or cloves, then you put in on medium heat until it starts smelling, the rosemary should change it’s color and you should turn the heat off right before it boils.
Then put it into a pipette or dropper.
You should use it 1-2 times a week by oiling your scalp and massaging it for about 5-10 minutes. Then you can leave it on your hair from 1-6 hours on your head before shower, you should always wash your hair after and double cleanse if you need it
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hopecklq · 2 months
pharmaceutic & pharm pipette dropper glass bottles, 15ml to 100ml, brown...
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