#pirate Jax
rabid-mercenary16 · 10 months
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@sm-baby : carnival Jax
@rainbow-neko-artblog :pirate Jax
@campbell_soup70 on instagram: opposite Jax
And of course my Jax corruption Jax
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 5 months
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Wouldn't hurt a fly huh?
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phebodo · 4 months
Pirate AU
Here's my TADC Pirate AU that I finally finished
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Individual designs and roles:
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deadnymaster · 5 months
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canonkiller · 1 year
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I know I've posted most of these already but :) set of guys
jax (3+4) and roan's (4+5) original headshots and snow's (10) fullbody were designed by @drakeroot ; guillotine's (6) fullbody was designed by @tundism ; gelis's (7) original headshot was designed by @billymayslesbian :3
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phantomgamer77 · 2 months
pirate adventere!
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We are the phantom crew!
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defnotjarlaxle · 11 months
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writercole · 1 year
May I ask for another "Sons of the sea" snippet? I'm so needy for Jax tonight as a savior. Idk why. If it's possible obviously.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I sat down with some rum and coke intending to write something and...
I’d roamed the high seas for nearly two decades when I came upon a ship firing on a much smaller vessel. On closer inspection, the ship turned out to be a naval ship from the kingdom of Mooreau, the people who had been accused of slaying the princess.
“High alert, boys,” I called across the deck.
“You can’t be serious,” my first mate responded with a raised brow, his thick accent adding a layer of disbelief to his words.
“I am, Chibs, we’re going in.”
“Aye,” he sighed.
Chibs navigated the ship towards the skirmish, the other crew members tugging on rigging and sharpening their sabers. Through the spyglass in my hand, I was able to discern the crew of the tiny vessel, a tanned man with a closely-shaved mohawk and tattoos and a fairer skinned person who had the delicate features of a woman.
I didn’t have the time to ponder the look of the crew as we pulled along side the navy vessel, slicing the ropes that were tethering the smaller ship to it. The first member of my crew to jump in and fight the sailors was Happy. His blood lust knew no bounds at that time.
I watched as the Admiral recognized the colors on our ship and paled; none had stood against the Sons of the Sea and lived to tell the tale.
“Retreat!” he called.
His crew scrambled into action and soon were on their way, heading back to the kingdom from whence they came. I turned my attention to the smaller vessel and smirked as I saw the captain boarding.
“It’s not every day a famed pirate steps into the battles of a single ship,” the captain called. I felt my heart race when I realized my first assessment was right. A female captained that vessel and her voice lured me in like a siren, warm and inviting and a complete problem.
“Call it my civic duty,” I replied, the smirk struggling to stay on my face.
“In that case, I would guess you want nothing in return,” she said as she stopped an arm’s length from me, her honey eyes meeting my own with a hint of defiance and daring.
“Being able to drive away a ship from the kingdom of Mooreau is all the return I need, Captain.”
“I appreciate that,” she answered with a sigh. “We are a small crew of but four. Our plunder is small; we sail for the love of the sea.”
“Love of the sea is how I started sailing, too.”
“Aye, and a broken haart,” Chibs interrupted, stepping to my side.
“Please, ignore my first mate. He doesn’t know what he speaks of.” The glare I sent his way would have been enough to silence a lesser man but only drew a chuckle from the graying man.
“Sure, Jackie boy.” Rolling his eyes, he clapped me on the shoulder and turned to the captain with a wide grin. “Lass, it was our pleasure to rescue your vessel today.”
To her credit, the captain dropped her smile and met his gaze head on. “A rescue? Is that all our vessel was to you? Because I assure you, first mate, you wouldn’t last one day on my rescue vessel.”
I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing at the way she took control of the situation, the way she put Chibs in his place. The fire in her eyes burned with an intensity I’d seen once before, a lifetime ago playing in the streets of Monach. That girl surprised me at every turn.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Captain Jackie,” she smiled, extending her hand. “It’s a pity it was under such boisterous circumstances.”
“Please, it’s Jax, Captain.” I took her hand and shook it in the way I’d shake any man’s hand.
“Jax. Until we meet again.”
She dropped my hand and retreated to her vessel, lifting her hand as she had her navigator turn the vessel to sea.
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heartlesscorpse · 2 years
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Jax Sparrow moodboard
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mollusken · 2 years
tell us more about poni plz
OKAY!!! Poni is a member of the draking crew Swannie used to be a part of so I’m definitely using this as an excuse to talk about all of them. This is the hierarchy of that ship, named the Busken:
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• Poni is very funny because she’s just a tertiary character in Swannie’s story, but people really take a shining to her when I show her around. (For reference, here she is!)
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She’s a rowdy girl, always the first to jump into a fight. Swannie and her would oft butt heads over their strategy, with her seeing the younger draker as a little foolish and brash. Despite that, she was one of the most honest and brave people Swannie had ever worked with. She was an instrumental figure in helping people during the attack on Raley’s town, risking her life - and her arm - to save people from the drakes that swallowed it. I seriously don’t have much on her other than that lol. She’s just super cute and fun to draw and everyone loves her especially the DM. :]
I’ll put everyone else’s info under the cut!
The Rest of the Crew:
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(above, left to right: Swannie, Silvette, Vinan, Lark)
• Silvette and Swannie met at the beginning of their Draking career, hired onto a ship out of the same port city. They became allies very quickly as a means of survival in that setting, and kept in touch as they moved onto other ships.
When Silvette managed to save up enough to start their own crew, Swannie was one of the first people they asked to join. They’re like siblings and have a lot of history in helping each other grow up and into themselves as people.
• Vinan is Silvette’s right hand man, he was raised on a pirate ship which explains his sharp tongue. Having done a lot of sailing, he’s an expert navigator. He also handled the ship’s chequebook with an iron grip, especially after Lark joined and wasted a good chunk of their funds (more on that below).
• Skipping around a bit but since they’re tied into the last two characters: Lark Roelahk.
Lark is an interesting character (for me at least lol) because they came from a branch family of the Amastacias, which made them a cousin of Bett’s. The Amastacias are - of course as everyone knows - an old money family of hex specialists who will do any job for a price. They are tieflings with direct bloodline ties to the nine hells.
The Roelahks were one of the few Amastacia branch families that had Actual law-power come after them for the fucked up magic crimes they were doing, and so Lark was in the path of being collateral damage on that. Silvette, having a personal relationship with a relative of theirs, took them on to give them a place to lie low.
Lark was a useful asset with their family’s connection to the criminal underworld, as it helped the Busken find opportunities they usually wouldn’t have access to (their role being the ship’s job manager). Unfortunately coming from a wealthy family they had No idea how money worked and spent way too much attaining those opportunities. Lark:
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Vinan had to step in and take control of the chequebook before they single-handedly bankrupted the ship, so their role whittled to just the finding and sales-pitching to clients.
This was also the catalyst for Swannie and Nova meeting, as Nova came aboard on loan from the Vestige to help balance their books.
•   Next is Jolli & Moody because I love them. They are a couple who worked with Silvette, and are exact opposites of their names in their dispositions.
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Jolli came from a noble family who moulded her into becoming an engineer. She hated it, and wanted to get out of her family’s grasp, so she used those skills to get onto a draking ship. She’s pretty sarcastic and reclusive, but comes out of her shell with her partner. Although not a fan of engineering as a career she does like inventing useful tech, especially in her retirement.
Moody on the other hand, was a rogue from childhood. even though draking was illegal until like 2 years ago, Drakers generally frowned upon any mercenary or thieving work. So Moody had a bad reputation for the jobs she used to do. Not many people would look past it, but Silvette did and hired her anyways.
She’s been a stalwart friend to both them and Swannie, and the couple has recently joined our team on the Vestige. She also apparently picked up Clowning in the years they’ve been apart much to Nim’s delight lol.
The rest are more tertiary characters like Poni so they have a little less info but:
• Indus was an engineer specialist who definitely picked up Jolli’s slack in terms of caring for the job; they were incredibly analytical and inventive. Basically the absent minded inventor type. Their skills and quick-thinking were imperative for the little ship. Both Indus and Lark unfortunately died in the crash of the Busken that also took Swannie’s leg.
• Jax was a former army cook who moved into draking. As a quiet man, he liked the solitude in the day when the crew was out working, and the rowdy atmosphere of get-togethers over meals in the night. He also had a specific interest in science/biology and went over drake dissection with Swannie, teaching her a lot of her skill. 
• Raley was an integral piece of the crew, as medics were a rare skill to find in the Draking profession. He was a doctor-in-training that hailed from a small town, which unfortunately suffered a dragon’s attack. He learned a lot in the gruelling days afterwards while helping folks patch up. Something in him shifted from that experience, and he was never comfortable again staying in one place. The Busken was one of the ships that responded to the distress calls and, intending to board just to make it to another city, he never left the ship. Um so yeah there you go, another addition to the Untamed Lore Bible. I made a LOT of side characters for Swannie’s background (and just keep expanding it the more I think about it) but I love having the variety. It’s so flattering that people like Poni’s design enough to ask about her even if she’s very minor in the main story! :]
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rabid-mercenary16 · 9 months
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 11 months
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*clears throat*
fuck you
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therealcallmekd · 9 months
Game Night!
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just spent several hours on this, i dont think i will ever render this whole piece but I love it so much!
Malware and Magia Jax: Me :3
Freakshow: @hootbon
Corruption: @rabid-mercenary15
Carnival: @sm-baby
Sinful Circus: @nobody-nexus
Eldritch: @dia-smthidk (I just realized I never looked at the height chart for this one... whoops...)
Terrible digital circus: @obamerzslop
Pirates: @rainbow-neko-artblog
Mechanical Circus: @iguessimfished
Pokemon: @michiruxbna
Steampunk: @astrowaffle
SCP: @an-albino-pinetree
Nursery: @txttabloid
(if someone can guess what i was inspired by they get a digital cookie <3)
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d6volution · 5 months
I don't know if this has been done yet but...can I request Yandere!Jax f_cking the reader into submission?! With like.. possession and obsessive behaviors? I don't normally ask for stuff like this so feel free to ignore, if it doesn't tickle your fancy UwU
I'm debating on making this into a little yandere!jax series hmm...
anyways enjoy!
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tags: afab!reader x jax , choking, light oral, rough sex, possessive jax, cream pie.
Jax's eye twitched.
He was getting fed up with you, ever since you arrived here you've been acting like you run the damn place. That was his job.
Being stuck on his boat with you and the others wasn't making this ANY better. And it wasn't a very big boat, just a small speed boat big enough to fit everyone. Just barely.
For context, Caine sent you all off on another adventure, find the treasure before these nasty pirates do and blah blah blah whatever.
"Just hand over the map wouldja?" Jax extended his hand, still overly accustomed to getting his way.
"Yeah, and who put you in charge anyways little bunny??" You rolled up the map and poked the side of his head with it a few times before he rolled his eyes and gripped your arm, yanking you towards him.
"Watch it, doll face. Oh, and don't go running ta' Caine when your hand goes missin." He smirked and you jerked away from him.
"Wh.. Whatever just let me find our way to this stupid treasure so we can get out of here!"
Jax raised his hands in his defense, "Jeez when did women become so hostile, so much for docile and loving.."
"Jax I swear to god I'll shove your ass off this boat and make you swim back!"
"Oh yeah? Do it, .. I dare you." He stood up , making the boat rock a little and you followed suit. Gritting your teeth at his boldness.
Unfortunately your height made you look less intimidating, only reaching just beneath his shoulders.
"I'm going to wipe that stupid grin off of your face!" You basically tackled him and ... well, in the end you both fell over board.
Flash forward a few moments later and you both were soaked, sitting with your arms crossed like children as pomni and ragatha took over the map and guiding the boat.
"I hope you know your washing my clothes when we get back, toots."
You scoffed, "In your dreams."
The adventure wrapped up nicely, but you and Jax both opted out of the dinner to instead go dry yourselves off.
There was one problem though.. Jax passed his room and continued to follow you to yours.
"Just what do you think your doing?"
"You thought I was jokin' these clothes need quite the washing. You can't expect me to do it myself can ya?" He smirked, watching your face ball up as he belittled you right to your face.
"Buzz off, Jax I'm not doing your damn laundry."
You tried to rush into your room and slam the door but his foot caught it before you could, he pushed the door open without any regards to your safety causing the door to fly wide and open and you to fall onto your ass.
"Jax, you assh—"  You looked up , still frazzled from falling, and came almost  face to face with his crotch. He was still wet. Thus, his clothes were clinging to the large imprint in between his legs.
"See something ya like motor mouth?" He grinned and squats in front of you, causing you to hurry and scurry backward.
Your face was on fire.
"N.. No, just— would you help me up and get some dry clothes on!?"
"You're one to talk. it looks like your body doesn't like it when you lie to me." He rested his cheek on his palm, head tilting as he stared at your chest. Unfortunately, your clothes were sticking to your skin , and your nipples stiffened against the fabric, making it all too obvious that you were having more than innocent thoughts about him right now.
"Th.. That doesn't mean anything! I'm obviously cold!"
"Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.. what's the deal anyways, scared I'll show you the time of your life?"
You laughed obnoxiously loud, "Yeah, I'd like to see you try!" Oh, that probably sounded like an open invitation, didn't it— "Ah..!" Suddenly, you were falling backward, but you caught yourself by your elbows.
He was yanking your pants off, which wasn't easy considering that they were still very wet, your eyes darted from your pants to his crotch again, which was growing in size. You swallowed.
"W.. Wait, wait you prick!" You tried to sound more intimidating but it sounded like a helpless plea.
He sighed, "What now? You aren't chickening out, are ya?" He hoped not , he couldn't lose this chance now. This was just too good.. seeing you like this all scared and nervous it was doing something to him.
"O.. Of course not, I can do it myself.." He hummed in amusement, watching you with that shit eating grin.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck, what had you gotten yourself into? Even back in the human world, you only had sex like.. twice! And that was almost a year ago. But there was no way in hell you were telling him that.
You finally got the damn pants, .. and underwear off, still keeping your knees locked together.
"Good girl, so you can play nice." He grinned , your expression and sputtering made it clear that you were caught off guard by his praise. Too bad he doesn't plan on being nice himself from here on out.
He yanked you by your hips and immediately maneuvered your legs apart, he dove face first in between your legs and started lapping at your cunt without warning. His tongue was rough, long and warm.
The tip of his tongue nudged at your entrance. He was drunk on your taste already. Hell, if he'd give this up to anyone else.
You scrambled, but he was easily overpowering you, "J.. Jax, you.. bastard s.. staa..." You whined and tried to push his head away.
Clearly irritated he sat up and grabbed both your hands within his much larger ones, "Quit movin' or ill just fuck you without any prep, alright sweetheart?"
You stiffened up, fuck you can't let him win again. You puffed out your chest, which earned another grin from him. "S.. So what? I can take it, you think .. you think I'm scared or something?" You tried to challenge him, wondering if he'd call your bluff.
"Oh? Fine by me." He started to remove his overalls. Your heart was racing , breathe caught in your throat as his thick shaft flopped free from its confines, he was already lining it up with your cunt. "J.. Just do it! You scare—"
He gripped the fat of your thighs before he rammed into you, knocking the wind out of you. "Hn.. Hha—"
"What happened to all that talk, huh? .. fuck you're tight." He hunched over you and started to thrust into your warm cunt , slow and steady but you felt so full. It was definitely the lack of prep but you couldn't help but moan and whine in his ear as the painful drag of his cock made you feel absolutely dizzy.
"Hmm? Is this all ya needed, doll face? Some cock to calm ya down?" He chuckled and sharply thrusted against that spongy spot inside of you, causing you to yelp and wriggle beneath him.
"S.. Shut.. up.. hha.. fuck.." You sounded pathetic beneath, "c.. can't you do better than this?" Oh, you were digging your own grave here.
"Heh." He propped up your legs, your ankles nearly touching your ears. "Don't say I didn't warn ya, babe." His hips began to piston into your cunt which made a lewd wet and slapping sound, you were beyond aroused, juices coating his cock effortlessly. "Fuck, there we go.." He moaned into your ear.
You could hardly speak, gripping at his back as he relentlessly attacked your cervix with the tip of his cock. "pl.. please...!" You didn't know what you were begging for.
"Please what, huh? Screwin' with me all day, pushing me into the.. fuck— damn water. you deserve this." He panted, and sat up , putting a little bit of space between you before grabbing your throat. Placing just the right amount of pressure to get you tightening up around him even more.
He honestly did this just for kicks, just to see that scared expression again.
"Gettin' off to be choked too, what a slut. Nngh.. it's fine though, ya know why doll?"
He leaned back down, his hips never ceasing to move. Your foreheads touched, "Because you're all mine now. C.. Can't let this tight cunt slip away from me.. mnh.."
He knows you wouldn't even be able to leave if you tried. You're stuck here with him forever.
You whimpered and pleaded pathetically, tears forming in your eyes. It was too much, it felt too good. Your entire body was buzzing with pleasure. "J–Jax.. gonna..!" You gasped, and he finally removed his hand.
"That's right cum on my cock babe, fuck." He grunted and used his free hand to rub circles onto your clit, pushing you over the edge immediately.
You yelled his name in pleasure, legs shaking and cunt siezing around him. It made you too tight, causing him to blow his load inside of you, "Shit.."
He slowly pulled out and a few more ropes of cum spilled onto your stomach.
Jax looked at you, all fucked out and barely able to keep your eyes open. He couldn't let anyone else see you like this.
Unbeknownst to you, Jax just latched himself onto you. It'd be hard to rid of him after this.
It was like a coil snapped inside of him.
He stared at your for a long while, you were half asleep so you didn't exactly notice.
"Hey, toots." He gently slapped your cheek.
"C'mon.. we both need a shower. We can take care of the clothes later, yeah?"
"Huh, shower.. together..? n-no that's—"
"Ya really pulling that card right now? For all you know I could've just knocked you up, now c'mon."
The bunny pulled you onto your wobbly legs and into the bathroom to clean up.
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nobody-nexus · 8 months
The Ragatha get together didn't go well....
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Carnival Ragatha belongs to @sm-baby
Freakshow Ragatha belongs to @hootbon
Corruption Ragatha belongs to @rabid-mercenary15
Swap Ragatha belongs to @cocomocomochi
Pirate Ragatha belongs to @rainbow-neko-artblog
Test Dummy Ragatha belongs to @cupidtxt
Terrible Circus Ragatha belongs to @obamerzslop
Song of Sorrow Ragatha belongs to @snuffydoo
Sinful Circus Ragatha belongs to me!
Drawing was inspired by Jax Game Night which belongs to @therealcallmekd
And, last but not least, this is the original drawing (I can NOT for the life of me find who made it and it sucks so if anyone knows who made it LET ME KNOW I wanna give proper credit)
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hootbon · 10 months
imagine how a fight between Gangle AUs would be and in the end they’re all just stuck knotted together
the Jax AUs would laugh like hell
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How did we get here-
Myself - I’m so cool (Nuh uh)
@iguessimfished silly fnaf au
@rabid-mercenary15 quite a silly goofy corruption au (I think it’s pretty cool)
@txttabloid babi au (look I love them so much)
@sm-baby for ofc the oh so famous carnival au (it gives me serotonin)
@dia-smthidk bro I love your eldritch au
@rainbow-neko-artblog ..PIRATES (pirate au.. rrr I adore the designs so much)
@magicalmysteryperson I’m sure nobody is shocked I like this one so much (Edgy au.. it’s so delicious and the artstyle)
@obamerzslop ..same as before, the designs are so fucking cool (the terrible digital circus au)
I likely didn’t get all the silly aus I might have wanted to in on this one but it was fun to do
I’ll toss the Jax part of this sometime soon but haveth my fan doodle because I love you guys and you’re all so cool, I wish I could be that cool honestly
I hope you guys don’t mind being tagged
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