#pirate silvio
wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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Che palle! You've got a lot of nerve giving orders to the captain
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violettduchess · 10 months
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A/N: This is my contribution to @cy-inky's One Week Challenge!
Prompt: "Don't smile at me like that", Silvio Ricci, Pirate AU
And yes I agree with @nightghoul381 that the hardest part of this challenge is the 500 word limit 😆
WC: 500 exactly baby
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It’s the smell that hits you first, a perfume of musky bodies and the warm scent of stew bubbling on the hearth. You step inside the dockside inn, the sound of your Cavalier boots on the wooden floor growing louder as conversation shifts from a flood to a slow drip. Eyes widen over mugs of frothy ale, spoons pause halfway to mouths. Some patrons sink further into their worn booths, gazes averted. Others stare openly with sharp, gleaming interest. But they all watch as you make your way towards the bar and the tall man sitting at the far end of it. Your chains of gold make as much noise as his do. 
He glances over his shoulder as you approach and you catch the surprised gleam in his sea-blue eyes, like a shiny coin glinting in sunlight. But he turns away, lifting the glass of whiskey he’s been nursing and feigning a nonchalance you know in your bones he doesn’t feel.
“Thought you never wanted to see me again,” he mutters, a quiet snarl in his voice. 
“Can we talk somewhere…..private, Captain?” You have no time to waste.
Silvio knows you well enough to hear the steel in your voice, as sharp as the rapier you wear at your hip. Still, he draws out his last sip of whiskey just to annoy you before setting his empty glass down on the bar with a loud thunk.
He motions for you to follow him, away from the whispering voices, up the creaky wooden steps to the room he's renting. Closing the door behind you, your gaze is immediately seized by his and memories roll through you like sudden waves: 
-your sword at his throat and his slow, fearless smile
-the deck of your ship, an endless sky full of stars
-his golden chains against your bare skin, your hands mapping his lean body
-the fierce fighting between two stubborn souls, two captains of two ships with two very different ideas of what freedom means, you think love, he thinks independence
-your last meeting: a smashed tumbler, you damning him to the salty depths....Silvio walking away without a backwards glance 
“What’s got ya approachin’ a man you said you wanted dead?”
You draw a deep breath. “I’ve found it. Obsidian’s Map.”
The words need a moment to sink in. The treasure map of Obsidian was always considered a myth. But you both believed differently.
And now, you have it. 
“Where’s it say to go?” His words are edged with interest and eagerness.
You run a hand over your frock coat. This is the part you’ve been dreading.
“Alexandrite.” Your jaw clenches. “Don’t smile at me like that.”
He keeps smiling, smug and beautiful and you are doomed.
“You need my ship.”
It pains you to nod but you do.
He steps towards you, a thumb enticingly brushing your chin, dredging up feelings that were never really drowned, no matter how much you drank.
“Seems like you gotta convince me……Captain.”
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @bubblexly
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 months
Dear Spoopy, may I request a mermaid!Silvio? :o
You may, dearest Lorei !! 💜
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Just take my hand. You’re going so slow you may as well be asking to be eaten < Guy who is literally a sword fish
Requests are still open >_^
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katriniac · 8 months
Silvio hates your wedding customs.
... not all the customs. Just one:
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Picture it:
Silvio and Emma emerge from the wedding ceremony and go straight to the reception. It's all taking place in Rhodolite, because she told asked him.
That means Rhodolite customs are taking place.
When the emcee announces the "dollar dance", Silvio is at the open bar getting his drink refilled, so he doesn't take much notice.
Until men begin lining up to dance with the bride. His bride.
Silvio stares in disgust as the first man has the gall to slip paper money into her sleeve at the wrist. They begin to waltz.
"What. The. Fu--?? Hold my drink. Nah, on second thought --" He slams the liquor back, crassly wipes his lips, and stalks towards the dance floor.
Now the next man in line is putting a rolled-up bill under Emma's hem at the top of her shoulder.
A few tumbled chairs, many foreign swear words, and one broken wrist later, Emma is explaining at the top-of-lungs what this wedding custom is all about.
Silvio matches her volume and stubbornness in refuting the fact that the custom is "stupid" and that she should know "no one gets to throw money at you except me".
Amid the quietly stunned guests , Clavis gleefully puts a wad of cash in Nokto's palm.
Luke: " Why're you so happy to be forking over cash? Didn't you just loose the bet that Silvio would go ballistic over the dollar dance?"
Clavis: "Ah, yes, yes. I took that bet gladly, and raised the ante so high that Nokto couldn't refuse. I knew if this much money was on the line, he'd make certain the dollar dance would be at the reception."
Nokto: "A pleasure doing business with you."
Luke: *confused baby bear*
Clavis: *shrugs, guffaws* A nice, normal wedding dance is boring. Boring, boring, boring. The bribe -- er, I mean friendly wager -- was a way to ensure the occasion would hold some excitement!
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jaysdoodlehell · 1 year
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The thrill of spicy eel
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Rio: Emma made you all playlists!
Rio: Prince Gilbert, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Rio: Prince Keith, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Rio: And Silvio, here's the ABBA Gold album.
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solomons-poison · 5 months
Still thinking of Silvio, just buried under a pile of children. Very likely all boys. Each time, Emma is hoping it'll be a girl. Just one girl. Maybe she gets one with her very last child, who is absolutely spoiled to high heaven (truthfully, they all are, the palace is constantly filled with the noise of rowdy children having fun who are just as loud as their father 💀).
The first kid isn't planned and he has a bit of a breakdown about it. He hovers so much during the first pregnancy, barely letting you leave the palace and worrying so much about when you try to lift things. He's leaving meetings to check on you and (begrudgingly) getting Rio to check on you when he can't. He worries about your food and drinks and wanting to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. He's thankful for being by the sea to get plenty of fresh fish, and pesters Prince Keith for trades in herbs and remedies to help your morning sickness and such.
Silvio learns how to braid hair just for his daughter. He loves bringing back all sorts of items from his trips overseas, different books and toys and artifacts. Carlo is accidentally like a second uncle (Emidio is completely blocked from meeting the kids). It takes a lot of convincing to allow Silvio's father to see the grandkids, and is only allowed with strict supervision for a short amount of time.
Silvio play fights with his kids all the time, often pretending to be a pirate. Or they'll act as the pirates while he's the dashing prince coming to save the kidnapped princess, Emma. He teaches them how to swordfight (including fighting dirty....) and takes it upon himself to show them how to work and command a boat.
Silvio, who's struggled with being honest with his feelings for so long and couldnt really be honest because that'd make him vulnerable, working so hard to overcome that for you and his kids. He tries his best to tell you and his kids how much he loves you guys. He really struggles with it, muttering it for a while, face red, blurting it out in a shout sometimes. But he improves with it. He wants to make sure his kids always feel wanted, in a way he never got to.
The first time he holds his first baby, his jewelry gets in the way, between baby trying to put a pendant in their mouth and Silvio almost accidentally hitting his kid with his heavy chain. He spends a long time after the birth of his first kid dressed down without his usual bling, and it's the most casual and least flashy the palace staff have ever seen him. Sometimes he has spit-up stains but of course they're scared to mention it to him unless he's going to an important meeting or something.
He puts his kids to bed with stories about his trips on the seas, the kinds of people he's met, countries he's visited, rare treasures and new creatures he's found. Usually they're enraptured by his stories. But once in a while, they surprise him by preferring your storybooks to his experiences, getting him upset that some fictional story is more captivating than his real life experience, making him pout for the next week.
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Against the Tide - Master List
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character, Silvio Ricci x Original Female Character Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach), Silvio Ricci (Ikemen Prince), Olivia DuBois (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent, Pirates and Princes, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure, Worldbuilding, Angst, Some Subtle Racism, Sexual Tension, Political Subplot
Olivia is the only one of her parents' children old enough to remember when Vora was home. Her mother was only newly pregnant with Olivia's younger sister Thalia when the long war between Vora and the much-larger country of Clario came to an end. It wasn't a victory for Vora, merely a truce, and one which dictated that Vora cede its ruling power to the bigger country and its former Prime Minister and his family relocate to Clario.
It has been twenty years since she last saw the shores of her home, and she still misses it.
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AN: AU wherein Silvio is still the Crown Prince, just not of Benitoite. The female love interest is a woman of color. Grimmjow is human. Please mind the tags and any warnings posted at the beginning of chapters, as they will tell you important things you need to know about the content within.
I'm finally getting around to finishing this rewrite, and I have to thank @batteryrose for bringing my OC, Olivia to life (you can find the amazing art he did here). Please go check out his other art!
Chapter List:
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Chapter One: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Two: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Three: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Four: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Five: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Six: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Seven: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eight: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Nine: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Ten: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eleven: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Twelve: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Thirteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Fourteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Fifteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Sixteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Seventeen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eighteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Nineteen: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Twenty: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Twenty-One: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Twenty-Two: Tumblr | AO3
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xaintsero · 1 year
Happy Mermay folks. To celebrate before the month ends, here is Mer!Gilbert as a killer whale
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I was gonna contribute a lot more and draw Pirate Silvio but then I realized I'd be changing absolutely nothing since he technically already is one
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Anyways love me a good mermaid and pirate duo. HC that Rio was also apart of Silvio's crew but one day Silvio got annoyed with Rio and made him walk the plank 💔 but it's ok because Emma saved him and he's been smitten ever since
Now the real question is: would Orca Gilbert be human sized or whale sized? Whale sized Gilbert is funny when considering the terror he can bring to ships, but also how will we romance him? 😔
And since Yves is half obsidian I imagine he has legs ofc... but as soon as he touches water he turns into a mermaid. And considering his luck, it's always happening at the worst times imaginable. Poor guy
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xbalayage · 6 months
I wish you would write a fic where Emma or reader is dying in Silvio's arms
It shouldn't have ended up like this. He was so meticulous — he knew better than to bring you along on an expedition.
But through the endless begging and pleading, your constant stubborn showmanship and puppy dog eyes to convince him that you could handle yourself without his help left him in a grumble, sighing defeat.
So he took precautions for the potential troubles that could await with you now on board. He's told you time and time again about the dangers of the open seas, how everything is left up to chance. Sure, things don't happen all the time but when they do, it's deadly; whether it be pirates, the unpredictable weather, getting sick or even just not being careful and falling into the sea itself.
He hired more people to join his crew for this trip, supplying medical and food rations of the abundance, bringing more clothes than you'd probably need and always keeping you in the centerfold of the ship— when it's time to rest, your place is to stay in the same bed as him, he'd take turns sleeping if needed be.
Silvio was a good captain, always aware and on guard; but with you as an added variable, his anxiety worsened and his attention drifted. If he had just trusted your word and focused solely on what he needed to, maybe the turn of events wouldn't have ended like this. He had fallen asleep: a ship's downfall without their captain. All because he worried something might happen to you if his eye wasn't always on you. And to an extent, he was right to think that.
In the middle of the night out on the open seas, his ship was raided by an enemy ship due to his entire crew getting a little too comfortable and drinking, Silvio's command during the day hadn't noticed anything of worry, so he allowed it. Activity had been lackluster so he said to hell with it. But his plan was never to fall asleep.
And of course, you couldn't sleep and left the safety of Silvio's side to wander the ship the same night it'd been attacked and raided. But you never heard a sound. These were skilled pirates who weren't much to showboat and killed the resting lambs in their sleep. However, the moment they spot you, you instinctively scream, mentally hitting yourself for not bringing a sword along with you in case of anything. You ran, but they're much quicker.
You hoped for someone, anyone on board to hear you— that Silvio would hear and come to your rescue— but then the night grew silent, nothing but the chinks of chains, the holstering of swords and the seas waves filled the night.
Silvio awoke to a gut wretching feeling not long after, swearing he heard your cry for help in his dream and it sprung him awake. He looks for you and you're not by his side.
Shit, shit, shit.
He's mentally cursing up a storm as he hurries, grabbing his sword all in one fell swoop as he rushes out of the cabin in search of you. And where he finds you completely tears apart his heart. He drops his sword and falls heavy onto his knees at the sight of you that he wishes he'd never seen. Your beauty shimmers under the full moonlit night, the waters sing their sorrowful song as the image of you with a sword drawn through your chest laid on the deck.
He shifts over on his knees, unsheathing the sword and tossing it to the side as he lifts your body up onto them, seeing no life in your eyes but stray tears that had fallen to the side. He pulls your lifeless body close to his chest, holding too tightly and can't help his own tears that build up and escape as he screams into the eerie, lifeless night.
He failed you and his crew; this would be an everlasting scar forever etched into his mind.
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
Ok but why do we get to have a mermaid AU and no sailor AU like I want to see Silvio doing actual sailing and shit
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privateers. In short, pirates working for the government to carry out quasi-military activities... a pirate with papers if you will
With their solemn and equally terrifying captain, Chevalier who oversees his bunch of lawless brigands abide by the contract or else don't get caught. Don't ever engage in direct combat with his fleet.
Clavis is the quartermaster, during the Golden Age of Piracy this was the highest ranking pirate on a ship under the captain, usually elected by the crew. The quartermaster was the only officer on a ship who could veto a captain’s decision, but only when the ship was not engaged in battle or on a mission. This rapscallion is a wild card, difficult to control, has to be strictly supervised to deter from causing all manner of nautical misbehavior but he's always onto something. All the captives are under his supervision... Some destinies are worse than death.
Nokto appraises the goods values and is the one in charge of dealings, negotiations, pricing and reselling. Also paperwork.
Luke is the errand boy whenever they are at port. He is also the cleaning lad but don't be surprised to find he has enormous strength from doing all that sea man work.
Sailors. Honest to goodness sailors. The Royal Navy.
Leon, this charismatic swashbuckler is the captain of the Crown Fleet. He is easy-going but takes his job very seriously. If they ever happen to pass Chevaliers ship they'll definitely exchange annoyed glances.
Jin is the second in command, this shameless carouser enjoys festivity and especially the riotous drinking once on land. He knows his bitches in every port.
Licht is the lookout. He knows how to read the weather and sea and has very good eyesight. Being up there also gives him some much needed alone time from all the noise Jin is steering with the crew.
Yves is the cook. The first time he was introduced someone in the crew was reluctant to accept him on board saying women on ships bring bad luck. Yves was definitely outraged at that remark but rest assured he became an absolute essential to the crew, anytime he's absent Licht is left to cook and we know how that turns out, pray to the gods someone is there to save the ship from burning.
Sariel is the king's emissary, he communicates his majesty's wishes to the captain and anything paperwork related is to him. His inspections aren't without scrutiny, usually Jin is the one getting a scolding word.
Lawless brigands whose name is feared far and wide. Ruthless and unforgiving like the tempest seas, they bow to no man.
Silvio or as some call him Silver, he's... Well actually, I lied. Silvio is not a pirate but a merchant growing his empire of trade and influence. Let's just say that to do that he has the morals of a large corporation, that is, he has the human rights violations as a checklist.
"The capitalist machine must be oiled with the blood of pirates"
-this guy at some point
Keith is a savage pirate you wouldn't want to cross paths with. He committed all manner of atrocities without batting an eye. His ship mostly sails tropical seas and is very difficult to track as it hides in the mist and uses the weather to sail unnoticed. He's very good in dealing with poisons and has a pet bird on his shoulder, Dill.
Gilbert's face is the universal symbol of death and destruction :D scourge of the seven seas, World's Calamity, and prominent glutton, this pirate sails an Obsidian black ship, incredibly military advanced and commands a ruthless crew. Despite the considerable size of his ship it's difficult to predict what route he's going to intercept (making him a constant nuisance to Silvio). Maaaaybe tried to kidnap Emma... more than once. You're not safe. Not even on land.
That said, you never know from where or when he's coming but when you see the dark flag, it's already too late.
Possibly uses pirate slang unironically
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violettduchess · 9 months
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A/N: I was really surprised and happy to see people liked Silvio's Pirate AU for @cy-inky's 1 week challenge. I had so much fun writing it, I decided to make a part 2. Here it is! (You do need to read part one to follow this, its not a stand alone fic)
WC: 1.1 k
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Silvio’s thumb runs over your chin, his head is cocked to one side as he searches your face, his blue eyes alight like the seas during a summer storm.
“Seems like you gotta convince me…..Captain.”
You slap his hand away, the sound like a pistol shot in the confines of his small rented room.
“What the fuck,” he snarls, jerking away from you, sudden anger raising the color in his cheeks. 
It was perhaps a tad excessive but if you had allowed this man to touch you like that, had lost yourself in the familiar feel of his fingers on your skin, the shifting ocean of his eyes, you know it would have ended with you in his bed and an empty room in the morning, sheets twisted with the agony of abandonment, the air thick with disappointment.
No, it’s a dance you have done far too many times with Captain Silvio Ricci. Your heart is best kept locked in a steel cage, away from his grasp.
“The only convincing you need, jackass, is one look at the map and the knowledge of what kind of bounty is waiting for anyone who can follow it.” Your voice crackles with irritation, at the way his touch is still haunting your skin.
He crosses the small room in several paces, yanking open the drawer of his shoddy wooden nightstand and pulls out a flask. He petulantly takes a long pull before wiping his mouth and regarding you with narrowed eyes.
“I ain’t lettin’ you anywhere near my ship until I see the map.”
“I’m not showing it to you until you guarantee me and my crew passage on your ship.” The waters around Alexandrite are notoriously dangerous. So much so that no ship has ever traveled there and returned whole. 
No ship except his.
“The whole fucking crew? No way. I gotta watch out for my own. You and no one else.”
You shift your weight, annoyance tap-dancing across your expression. “Your boat is big enough.”
He shakes his head, his gold earring swinging in time to his stubbornness. “Uh uh. Your crew don’t know my ship. And I ain’t gonna take on the chore of babysittin’ people who have only ever sailed on your dingy.”
His jab at the size of your ship has always been one of his favorite things to provoke you with. 
You exhale through gritted teeth. “Fine. Just me.” 
There it is. That easy, irritatingly sexy grin that sends your heart rattling the bars of its cage and has other much neglected parts of you screaming for attention. 
“Well now ya just gotta show me the map and we’re good.” He leans back on the bed, resting his weight on one hand. Another familiar sight, echoing countless forgone nights spent in his cabin, in your cabin, in dockside inns like this one.
You clear your throat even though it’s dry as a bone.
“I’ll bring it to your ship in the morning. Along with a trunk of my belongings. We sail at dawn.”
Turning on heel, you can hear his voice rising as you leave. “Whaddaya mean we sail at dawn? I’m the captain! I say when we sail, you-” The closing door cuts off the rest of his words and now you’re the one grinning as you bound down the wooden steps, away from his room.
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Sunrise at sea is never disappointing. You lean your arms on the wooden railing of The Sea Bitch, Silvio’s ship, watching as the wind puffs out the mainsail, urging you away from port and toward the distant, dangerous waters of Alexandrite. The sky can’t seem to decide which color to wear so she wears them all: pale pink, rich apricot, deep orange, soft lavender, arresting gold.
The crew watched you board. Some grinned knowingly, others were openly warm and welcoming, happy to see you again. But there were some crew members who quickly averted their eyes, only mumbling a welcome because you are a captain in your own right. You wonder what stories Silvio has spun behind your back, what tall tales he created to justify your absence. 
“You said one fuckin’ trunk. What you had my crew hauling wasn’t a trunk but a goddamned wardrobe.” His voice cuts through the peaceful scene, his jewelry jangling as he comes to a stop beside you, clutching the railing with his strong hands. The early sunlight winks off the deep blue stones of his many rings. One in particular catches your attention. A braided band of gold and platinum on the middle finger of his left hand. It’s easily outshined by the gaudiness of his other rings but you would know it anywhere. After all, you gave it to him one idyllic moonlit night forever ago.
The sight of it has you jerk away from him, forcing your gaze out across the water, gleaming in the early morning light. Why the hell is he still wearing it? And the moment you have the thought, your brain begins pointing a finger at you, shaking its head. Hypocrite. What is the delicate chain you wear around your ankle, hidden in your black Cavalier boot that no one ever sees but you? The silver one dotted with tiny, twinkling blue sapphires that he fastened himself with those long, nimble fingers.
“So where’d you put it? Are you kicking poor Carlo out of his quarters?” The first mate is such a polite man he probably would not mind. In fact he would probably insist it was an honor. 
Silvio turns his head and there is trouble in the glint of his blue, blue eyes, in the flash of his white teeth.
“I ain’t puttin’ out any of my crew. You’re sleepin’ in my cabin where I can keep an eye on ya.”
Shock and anger have turned your blood to lava and your reaction is just as explosive. “The fuck I am!”
He is utterly unmoved by your outburst, simply shrugging a shoulder. “I didn’t say ya gotta be in my bed. I got a couch in there.” His head tilts and his grin slides into place. “Unless, of course, ya change your mind and then I’ll consider sharin’.”
And with that he walks away and you wonder as your fingers curl into your palms if he knows how dangerously close he is to you running him through with your rapier.
Risking your ship suddenly seems a much more palatable option than spending another minute with him. You turn your gaze towards the port which is already only a smudge in the distance.
Too late now. 
You sigh, turning back to the ocean and bracing yourself on the railing.
You’ve made your bed and you have to lie in it.
But you’ll be damned if it includes Captain Silvio Ricci ever again.
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Taglist: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @bellerose-arcana @ikemen-writer @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @mxrmaid-poet @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381 @bubblexly
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scummy-writes · 4 months
im not sure if its an unpopular opinion but i think more characters need silly hats like theo i just think its so funny how theos hat looks like its not actually touching his head and i want more characters to have that mainly silvio
( This is for the Send Me An Unpopular Opinion game I reblogged)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I do hate theos hat in a 'yall really could have at least tried to mesh it better with the sprite 😭' way, but i love the idea of everyone in the fandom playing around and putting transparent pngs of hats onto random charas. Lets put a silly pirate hat on silvio, or a bandana, or business hats. Lets put Chev in pretty headbands. Lets put clavis in a top hat. I want the chaos!!!
otherwise in the game, if the hat was meshed well, I wouldnt have a problem with theos hat!! would be interesting to see other accessories with people tho
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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Here you can find all the works created for this challenge hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me! (Link to the challenge)
I'll be updating this masterlist gradually as the challenge progresses! (If you've created a work in the duration of this challenge and before the deadline - July 15th - and you can't find it here, don't hesitate to let me know!)
legend: 💝 - fluff; 🔞 - smut; 💔 - angst; 🎨 - art
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█ DAY 1, June 19th - Bodyguard AU | Mafia AU
Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mafia AU - Theo & OC - @krys-loves-otome
💔 Worth Protecting - Napoleon x OC - @fang-and-feather
Quello che vuoi, lo ottieni - Napoleon x Wellington - @xxsycamore
🎨 Mafia AU - Dazai - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Prince
💝🔞💔 Captive Heart - Silvio x f!Reader - @nightghoul381
💔 Overture - Nokto x Adam (OC) (cw: near-death experience; poison) -@naresnani
Ikemen Sengoku
💝 Miss Fortune - Mitsuhide x MC (cw: gun mention, blood mention) - @lorei-writes
█ DAY 2, June 20th - Angels and Demons AU | Pirate/Mermaid AU
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Angels and Demons AU (cw:blood) - Harr x OC - @krys-loves-otome
🎨 Angels and Demons AU - Seth - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
💔💝 Back to You - Mozart x Mermaid OC - @fang-and-feather
💔 Between Good & Evil - Shakespeare x Theo - @xxsycamore
💔 Treasure - Jean x Napoleon - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Prince
Different; Similiar - Chevalier & Gilbert - @lorei-writes
█ DAY 3, June 21st - Social Media AU |Coffee/Flower shop AU
Ikemen Vampire
💝 Hope - Isaac x Reader - @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Flower Shop AU - Sirius x Lancelot - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Coffee/Flower Shop AU - Kennyo x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
🎨 Flower Shop AU - Leon - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 4, June 22nd - Celebrity AU | Bookstore AU
Ikemen Vampire
💔💝 Now and Forever (+ Soulmates AU) - Leonardo x f!Reader - @violettduchess
The Doors that Connect & Divide - Entrance: Arthur (cw:blood) (+ Magic AU) - Arthur x Reader - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Bookstore AU - Mitsunari x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Villains
Celebrity AU - Elbert x Kate - @atelier-the-atelier
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Bookstore AU - Seth & Nodisha - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Prince
🔞 The Silvio Cinematic Universe - Silvio - @atelier-the-atelier
🔞 Bad Romance - Gilbert - @aquagirl1978
💝 Love on Set - Yves x Reader - @fang-and-feather
█ DAY 5, June 23rd - Forbidden love AU | Soulmates AU
Ikemen Prince
🎨 Soulmates AU - Nokto x OC - @krys-loves-otome
💔 However, he is... Leon - Leon x MC (cw: implied mutilation) - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Vampire
💝 Bonds of Fate, Bonds of Love - Jean x OC - @fang-and-feather
💝 Soulmates AU (+ Bookstore AU + Coffee Shop AU) - Comte x f!reader - @violettduchess
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Forbidden Love AU - Seth x Zero - @badass-at-fandoming
█ DAY 6, June 24th - Office AU | Circus/Magic AU
Ikemen Prince
💝 Illusion of Grandeur [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] - Clavis x Reader - @claviscollections
Ikemen Vampire
Wings of Freedom - Napoleon x Genderbent!MC - @xxsycamore
💔 Fake Promises, True Dreams (+ Arranged Marriage AU) - Leonardo x MC - @fang-and-feather
🎨 Magic AU - Vincent x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Revolution
Office AU - Seth & Edgar - @badass-at-fandoming
█ DAY 7, June 25th - FREE DAY ( an AU of your choice!)
Ikemen Prince
💔 Memories That Lived - Chevalier x Reader - @princesspraya
💔 Teenage Love - Silvio x OC - @ikemen-writer
Negotiation - Gilbert x f!Reader - @violettduchess
💝 It Was You - Chevalier x Reader - @aquagirl1978
Into the -BertVerse - Gilbert (x Reader?) - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Kagema AU - Seth x Sirius - @badass-at-fandoming
Obey me!!
🎨 Free Day - Lucifer x MC - @krys-loves-otome
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tiny-woooden-robot · 27 days
Against the Tide - Master List
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character, Silvio Ricci x Original Female Character Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach), Silvio Ricci (Ikemen Prince), Olivia DuBois (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent, Pirates and Princes, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure, Worldbuilding, Angst, Some Subtle Racism, Sexual Tension, Political Subplot
Olivia is the only one of her parents' children old enough to remember when Vora was home. Her mother was only newly pregnant with Olivia's younger sister Thalia when the long war between Vora and the much-larger country of Clario came to an end. It wasn't a victory for Vora, merely a truce, and one which dictated that Vora cede its ruling power to the bigger country and its former Prime Minister and his family relocate to Clario.
It has been twenty years since she last saw the shores of her home, and she still misses it.
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AN: AU wherein Silvio is still the Crown Prince, just not of Benitoite. The female love interest is a woman of color. Grimmjow is human. Please mind the tags and any warnings posted at the beginning of chapters, as they will tell you important things you need to know about the content within.
I'm finally getting around to finishing this rewrite, and I have to thank @batteryrose for bringing my OC, Olivia to life (you can find the amazing art he did here). Please go check out his other art!
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Chapter One: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Two: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Three: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Four: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Five: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Six: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Seven: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eight: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Nine: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Ten: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eleven: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Twelve: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Thirteen: Coming soon*
*Chapters will be updated here as they are posted. Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for this fic!
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