cs-con-news · 7 years
Hi! Just like to say that @piratesbooty63fan has been planning a meet up after autographs for the SF con and if anyone else is interested, maybe try contacting them, or me I guess, for more details. The more people the merrier (:
@piratesbooty63fan and @daisy3489 are planning a CS meet up so if anyone is looking to meet some fellow CSers in San Francisco then contact one of them!
You guys are welcome to send us any info about the meetup or tag us in posts and we’ll reblog here to help spread the word!
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Happy Birthday!! Have a 🍻on me!!!
Thank you!!
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swanemma · 7 years
Wanted to wish You the happiest of Birthdays! Hope you have the best day ever!
Thank you so muchhh!!! I’ll try :’) ♥
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felicia-parker · 8 years
#38 Dorothy & lucas
#38 A person’s weight as they lie on top of youThere’s a cool breeze that filters in through the open window of the farmhouse, darkness settles in as Dorothy blows out the last lantern, plunging their safe haven into darkness, the only light on is in the loft with Sylvie and Toto.“We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow,” Lucas breathes as he sheds his jacket, loses his boots. Dorothy slowly edges for the bed, she’s lost her own jacket and flannel t-shirt. The sight of her in the low light makes his throat tighten and Lucas sits back, giving her room on the mattress. “We do,” She agrees as she settles onto the bed and wraps her arms around his heavy shoulders, leaning her weight on him. With a soft sigh he leans his head back and lets his forehead press to hers. The air around them settles and Dorothy presses her lips to his. They move slow and quiet, stretching out along the mattress, her legs tangle with his and she presses him down just to curl atop of him.“You’re a furnace,” She teases him, lips finding his in the dark. His hands curl along the small of her back and he pulls her closer -- he eliminates the space between them. Letting the weight of her hips press over his, exhaling softly as she curls her fingers along his cheeks and strokes his bottom lip with her thumb. “I think you make me one,” He tries to tease her back as he kisses the pad of her thumb, “You make me a lot of things Dorothy,” He whispers into the darkness and waits for her to object. Instead she simply stretches out, buries herself in the crook of his neck and exhales.“You make me better too,” She assures him, fingers stroking lower, palm pressing over his chest feeling the beat of his heart.SEND ME ONE OF THESE + AN OTP
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dorothysguard · 8 years
Hello again! I asked you about what your opinion was of a season 2. I agree with you about some of it. I hope hope hope they give them Season 2 and would love to see more because it is really good. more Dorothy and Lucas not half bad either! LOL! wondering what you though the endgame would be for them. Do you think they will end up together by the end? Do you think he will go back to kansas with her or do you think she will stay in oz with him? or do you think they say goodbye altogether?
(first, sorry the delay!)If we have a season two, the logical thing to do is to leave a cliffhanger in season one’s ending, so probably Dorothy and Lucas may be together but not at all, maybe the Wizard of Oz doesn’t approve Lucas and want them to be separated...idk, I’m making that up because I love angst but it can be anything.Maybe they’re together but Sylvie is far away and they have to rescue her...Since the last episode is called “There’s no place like home”, I think your question is very tricky and the writers can play with that, that home is not a place, it’s a feeling so probably, after 98149324 adventures, Dorothy will feel safe as long as she’s with Lucas (and Sylvie pls).Definitely they have to end up together, that’s a must! Lucas has to visit our world because he has to meet Dorothy’s parents but also they must stay in Oz because is the place where they met? Hahah...I want everything? Does this sound reasonable? 
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mryddinwilt · 8 years
Emerald city! For the show thing!
The first character I fell in love with: Tip
The character who is my ‘baby’: Toto (that counts right?) if not then probably Jack
The character who I do not understand: The Wizard. I don’t know enough about him yet. 
The character that I think the show ruined: None of them yet!
The most attractive male and female character: Lucas, West
The character death that was the worst for me: Anna. 
The character that is the most like me: Dorothy 
The character I think the writer(s) love: The Wizard
The character that I just want to be happy: Tip! Just help her find peace!
My four favorite characters, past or present: Tip, The Princess, Dorothy, West
My four least favorite characters, past or present: The Wizard, Glinda, the Munchkin guy
Ask me about TV shows! And I will flail (probably)
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cs-con-news · 7 years
is it possible to see the list for those attending the convention in San Fran?
Yup! Just scroll to the bottom of the page for that con. It lists everyone that told us they were planning to attend!
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cutieodonoghue · 7 years
Do you plan on adding another part to your "Yours To Keep" & "World Unknown Verse" with Emma pregnant again like you ended the last part? I sure hope so!
Hi! I don’t know. I often think about it but when I sit down to write something it never quite comes out the way I want it to. If (when) I do write another part expect it to be a oneshot that ends the whole series. I am happy with the way it ends currently, but I’ll leave the door open for one more just because I can’t help myself. :) 
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shady-swan-jones · 7 years
Hi there! Do you happen to know this story? Someone posted something yesterday about wanting to find it! Here is the description they gave! Emma and Killian are roomates and Killian has an ON/OFF relationship with Milah and she’s mean AS FUCK to Emma? and there’s a scene where he calls her to come home and she says she can’t but then she does come home and he’s there with Milah so she gets the fuck out of there?
sorry friend, no idea.
anyone else knows?
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ultraluckycatnd: Happy Birthday!!
understandmysilence: Happy Birthday gorgeous human being!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
piratesbooty63fan: Happy birthday!!!
Thank you very much everyone!!
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ksuew · 3 years
The Rookie 4x01 Life and Death Recap ****Spoiler city****
I promised a friend a recap, since she can’t watch until tomorrow, so I figured I might as well post it for anyone who wants to see it? I never can figure out a read more break on mobile so fair warning, DON’T LOOK IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS 😁
This is just a rough draft thing, so it’s probably full of typos.
@hamburgerheroes @piratesbooty63fan
Phew… crazy first episode. Unfortunately I was fielding calls and texts about a work issue the whole time so my viewing was very disjointed. So I’m rewatching as I type this recap for you.
The episode is preceded with a recap, of course. Then the opening scene is Chen, Bradford, Nolan, and Harper in tactical gear approaching a warehouse.
While waiting for the go order from Grey, grey has flashbacks of a few hours earlier. They realize Lopez and West are both missing, they find out La Fiera has escaped and assume she took them, then they get security footage of the kidnapping and are watching it at the station, still in their wedding attire. As we suspected. The footage shows Lopez being put in a vehicle and West struggling, then shot in the back, then stuffed into the trunk. Everyone is in shock, Lucy is crying.
Lots of fans are really upset about Jackson, and I get it. But the show runner and writers had no choice. Here’s excerpts from an interview with Alexi
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At this point, we’re back to Grey a different officer wants to wait, but Grey says it’s been 3 hours and they need to move fast and orders them in.
They breach the warehouse, find an empty get away car and Angela’s wedding dress on the floor. Lucy moves to pick it up, Nolan stops her, there is a trip wire to explosives under the SUV. They leave the warehouse and realize they had a plane waiting there from the tracks it left.
Next we see La Fiera, Angela, and her female goon in the airplane. Angela assumes they’re going to Guatemala so she can torture and kill her slowly, but La Fiera tells her (as we suspected) that she’ll be kept alive until Angela safely delivers her (La Fiera’s) baby (of course)
Next Grey and Wesley are meeting with a DEA bigwig who essentially says, we ain’t helping. Next they arrive in the compound in Guatemala and talk about how impenetrable it is, etc. She meets the doctor who will be attending her. Angela tries to tell the doctor not to touch her and La Fiera says if she resists she will be sedated for the rest of the pregnancy.
Back at the station Lucy is talking with Nolan, beating herself up about not seeing the trip wire. She’s really just upset about Jackson, she says she can’t believe he’s gone and she and Nolan hold hand for a moment.
Tim and Harper join them and discuss if Lopez is still alive and why. Lucy comes up with the theory that La Fiera wants Angela’s baby as the ultimate revenge. Grey tells them the DEA won’t help. They talk about how Jackson scratched his killer and they’re running DNA. Grey tells them all to go home and get some rest while they work on a plan. ***Chenford alert***
Lucy says she can’t go home and see Jackson’s empty room. Tim says, “you don’t have to, you can stay with me”
She says she doesn’t want to impose and this is where he says she shouldn’t be alone right now. She says thanks, he says yeah, then she wonders how Wesley is holding up.
Cut to Wesley meeting with some bad guy and offering to turn dirty lawyer in exchange for finding out where Angela is. I do not like this development and what it can/will do to them in the future.
Cut to a short, weird interaction with Lopez and the female bodyguard then, back to Chenford.
We see Tim in his jammies, setting up his couch to sleep on. The house looks different than I remember it and surely it has at least 2 bedrooms, so why the couch 🤷🏻‍♀️. Anyway. He looks adorable in his jammies. He says, “I’ll take the couch”. Lucy walks out of presumably his bedroom and says she thought he was setting up the couch for her. He says he’s not going to have a guest sleep on the couch and she says she’s not going to kick him out of his bed. He says okay, gets up. Looks a bit awkward, a bit nervous. Asks her if she needs anything. She says “the last 24 hours back”, he says he doesn’t have that power. She says, “a hug” and he says, “yeah. Come here” in a soft voice that nearly made me combust! He hugs her. As they go to part things get all UST, he croaks out “night”, can’t quite meet her eyes. Meanwhile she’s definitely got the “realization” light bulb starting to go off slowly. Still a bit confused. He goes to his room and flops into bed. Obviously affected by what just happened. she is the same out on the couch. Fidgety with nervous energy. He looks toward the door like he’s about to go back out there to her, say something more (do something more?) she looks toward his door from the couch, obviously contemplating same. Back to him purposefully looking away from the door, back to her making her decision. She’s pushing the covers off about to go to his door, when his door suddenly opens. He’s on the phone saying “yeah, okay, we’ll be right there”. She tries to pretend she wasn’t already up and moving toward the door. He says Wesley knows where Angela is and they head into the station.
Oh man, it was sooo gooood!!!
Next it’s the Wesley telling them that he knows where they’re holding Angela. They all say they want to help, but Grey says how’re we gonna do that . They bring up “Max” the covert government guy from the counterfeit money case. Grey says fine, reach out. He tasks Tim, Harper, and John to start tactical plan and says Lucy will stay with him to run the murder case. Then he takes a moment to congratulate Nolan on officially becoming a P2. They get the DNA back, the killer is a 17 year old kid.
Government guy shows up at Nolan’s they coerce him into helping. They go to Guatemala separately from Wesley who is supposed to get a meeting with La Fiera without getting killed. Nyla and Tim look hot playing with military surveillance toys while John steals the plans to La Fiera’s compound from the architect.
Lucy and Grey go after the killer. Grey has a really great scene after cornering the killer and he and Lucy take him in.
Back at the compound Wesley gets to see Angela. John tells Nyla and Tim that he has the plans and there’s a weakness, but the drone shows that the weakness has been fixed so they have to go to plan B. Nyla does not like plan B!
Cut to a very sad scene of Lucy finally going home and looking at Jackson’s room as he left it. Tim calls, says they’re going to plan B. Lucy, as well, does not like plan B. She says to give her a minute to get set up. Tim then radios government guy Max, who also does not like plan B. They decide on a different extraction point and he reminds them if they aren’t there at the agreed upon time they will be left behind.
They alert Wesley with fireworks. Turns out plan B is him injecting Angela with pitocin to start contractions so that they’ll have to transport her out of the compound to the hospital. Nyla will have a drug to counterreact the pitocin at the hospital.
Unfortunately, they separate Angela and Wesley. He’s put in a different car to take him away and kill him so Nolan goes after Wesley while Tim and Nyla get set up at the hospital. Lucy is tapped into a satellite giving them info on the vehicles, etc. Tim says, thanks, we got it from here”. Lucy says, “Tim”, the tension clear in her voice. “Please be careful”. With more significance than just one officer to another. He’s in business mode and replies, “I always am”.
Bradford and Harper ambush LaFiera et al. Angela gets into the hospital with Tim and Nyla and gives Angela the reversal shot. As they make their escape to the helicopter LaFiera follows and fires on them, grazing Angela’s leg, she turns and shoots La Fiera, killing her. They make it to the chopper, tell Max they need to get Wesley and Nolan, he says no, they all point their guns at him and he decides to make the stop.
Wesley and Nolan fight their two bad guys (Nolan simply must save the day in each episode). They make it to the chopper, everyone is safe and they get the hell out of dodge.
Then, the time jump. It’s 3 months later and Angela and Wesley are arriving home from the hospital with their son to a surprise welcome home party with Grey, Nolan, Harper, and Chen. They’ve stocked their freezer and bought them a second freezer and stocked that too. Tim is happy and relaxed. Lucy is a bit overly cheerful, it’s obviously a bit forced. She and Nyla present Angela with a basket full of teas and herbs and cookies tailored to uterine health and breast milk production (as she would). Nyla admits that it was all Lucy when she walks away. That it was good for Lucy to concentrate on something positive. This makes Angela turn a bit sad and reflective. The show ends with Angela holding her baby and standing at Jackson’s grave updating him on her life and how she misses him and hopes by the time her leave is over that she’ll be able to face the station without him in it. She then reveals (again, as we suspected) that her baby’s name is Jackson😢
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dorothysguard · 8 years
What do you think the likelihood will be of getting a season 2? I recently got into this show and am really enjoying it. I for one hope it gets renewed!
Oh, man. I’d LOVE a season two.But, have you seen the episodes list? It makes me think like they’ll already share the WHOLE story, with the ending we all know.So it’s kinda hard for me to see it, in this show they’re not only showing the typical Dorothy’s Gale story, they are also adding Tin man’s “original” story as well (since the beginning, the general details are almost the same -have you read the books? Or just check wikipedia to have general idea-), we’ll know the Scarecrow’s past...well, basically I think we’ll know everything in this season, what’s the point of making a season two? What would be the plot?But sign me up for aaaaanything, i’d love to see more of Dorothy x Lucas, and Jack x Tip. Gimmeeeee.
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jaylamcd68 · 3 years
The Rookie 3x13
Major Spoilers for tonight’s episode .. I decided to do a much more thorough recap as requested by @piratesbooty63fan
Once again we had no Chenford this episode .. I am majorly looking forward to Tim finding out Lucy is going on a long term UC though!! I just need the interaction!!
I am going to split this up into 3 parts:
1. Bradford/Nolan/Lopez
2. Jackson
3. Lucy/Nyla
1. Bradford and Nolan are working together they hear a shootout happening and pull up on a bunch of dead gang members - the drug war with La Fiera has started. Only one Wopez scene this episode as well and it is the scene they already released about Wesley saying they have too many guests and Angela being all 72% sure he’s her forever husband.
Tim and Nolan go to see Cesar (the son of the head of the LA gang, who ordered the kill on Diego) to warn him he is in over his head. 
Lopez goes to see La Fiera, she tells Lopez that she’ll stop the war if she gives her the recording of the father making the deal to merge operations. 
The Feds meet with Angela and want to know what LAPD knows about La Fiera because she is so high profile she’s a federal case and LAPD doesn’t need to be looped in. Angela is rightfully offended and says she will decide what to do with the recording that La Fiera wants, the Fed says he’s just going to go over her head to her boss and then cut LAPD out of the whole operation. 
Bradford and Nolan are watching Cesar’s hideout while also trying to cut down Wopez’s wedding guest list (hilarious moments with John telling all the guests that they have to cut that Tim is really upset about having to cut people or that it’s his fault that there are too many people invited).
Lopez revisits La Fiera as the feds decided she’s actually an asset since giving her the tape presents an opportunity to upload spyware onto La Fiera’s computer but she expects this and uploads the file to a brand new computer. She tells Lopez that people always underestimate chicas like them. Lopez realizes that La Fiera put a hit on Cesar’s infant son, who is in the house that Bradford and Nolan are. They are rolled up on by 5 gun men but they are able to get all 5 in custody before backup arrives.
Back at the precinct Bradford grills Nolan about whether he’s serious about becoming a TO, apparently he is convinced. 
The fed is waiting for Angela at the end of the night and insinuates that the plan didn’t work because they left it in the hands of a rookie, to which Angela responds that La Fiera is smarter than either of them is and the reason why she is going to be the one to catch La Fiera is because at least she can admit that.
Major badassery from Det. Lopez and I am HERE for it!
2. West meets with Nolan’s professor to talk about police reform.
Jackson gets called to be backup on a call and it turns out Stanton overturned his firing and is back on the job in Hollywood division.
West rightfully freaks out that Stanton is back on the job to Grey, and feels defeated that this guy is back on the job with basically no repercussions for leaving him to die.
Jackson is having flashbacks about being attacked while he watches Stanton and his coworkers have lunch.
West bring Professor Ryan in to help with the situation, she suggests going public, grey disagrees saying that it will just make him a martyr because the LAPD will double down on their decision to protect Stanton. Professor Ryan tells Grey that unless he can tell them another way to protect Jackson by the end of the day they’ll go public.
Jackson and Grey go to Doug’s new precinct and get the watch commander there to show the body cam footage from the day Jackson was attacked as part of “training” so that everyone knows what kind of cop Stanton is.
Suck it Stanton.
3. Grey wants to see Lucy and tells her she is going undercover if Nyla can get her ready in one day.
Nyla takes Lucy to a party with one of her old undercover contacts to test how she will be able to keep her cover in tact. Tamara ends up in the street with a guy who is harassing her, Lucy nearly blows her cover trying to handle the situation when the guy they meet notes that Lucy’s gun in PD issue, but Lucy is able to smooth it over. 
Turns out Nyla was setting Lucy up by having Tamara there to distract her, Lucy adorably is still super overprotective out about the guy she was with whether they were actually fighting or not!😂 
Nyla takes Lucy to get lessons in how to actually be a chemist cooking drugs, and the detective teaching her turns out to be the “contact” from the party that Lucy was trying to convince she was a chemist.
Nyla gets a call from the detective teaching Lucy how to cook and apparently she’s better than half of his guys already so Grey approved Lucy to go undercover. 
Lucy gets kidnapped at the end of the night where it turns out “Coco” got caught and confessed she and Lucy and Nyla were all cops. The kidnapper tells Lucy she needs to tell him what the cops know or he will burn Nyla alive. Lucy talks her way out of it, and ... Spoiler:
it is revealed that this was Nyla’s final test to see how Lucy would react in a situation where she was kidnapped again and to give her one final out before she goes under. Lucy says she’s still in!!!!
Our girl going UC .. my nerves!!
Gah .. It is all too much to handle, I can’t believe next week is the season finale, how am I going to survive all summer .. fanfics it is!!
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cs-con-news · 7 years
Since there is already a OUAT convention announced for Vancouver in March 2018 next year, do you think there will be more OUAT conventions announced in other cities (i,e Toronto, New York or wherever)? So you think any main cast members that have left will go if they are able to?
I think Vancouver, Chicago, and New Jersey will all have conventions next year. They already said that they will not be returning to Toronto and Denver.
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cutieodonoghue · 7 years
What was the title of the song you wanted us to listen to when reading "All My Love"? would love to download it!
I linked it in the authors note, but it’s All My Love by Icarus Account :)
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cat-sophia · 3 years
Happy Birthday @piratesbooty63fan !!!
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