#pitter newsies
sk1ttery · 1 year
It’s currently 3:49AM and all I can think about is Bumlets, Skittery and Swifty. Blorbos. My skrunklies. I mean LOOKIT EM
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serendipity0930 · 16 days
my terrible terrible secret is that i had an very brief but very intense obsession with the song “watching over me” when it first came out only to join the spn fandom and discover that that’s it’s one of The Destiel Songs. forever ruined.
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i-seed-u · 3 years
newsies with pets.
this is my entire soul I would die for this prompt
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oscar-delancey · 3 years
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Helicopter helicopter
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azear03 · 3 years
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Fun newsies art dump! Sorry I've been hella busy w/ uni. I hope to get back into drawing for yall soon tho! May even open coms in the near future
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pittbull-enthusiast · 6 years
Drabble - Spot Conlon x Reader
One can never have enough Spot Conlon fics, so I’m just gonna drop this one right here;)
Warnings: Bit of a makeout-sesh. Oops
A thick fog had settled itself all along the streets of Brooklyn. It was bitterly cold and wet out, and the dark grey clouds that had settled itself above the city suggested that a heavy rain was coming. One’s breath came out as white puffs whenever they exhaled, and if they didn’t have gloves or earmuffs, their fingers and ears could be seen as a bright pink due to the frigid cold. This, however, didn’t seem to stop the city’s normal hustle and bustle. Stores were still being frequented, horses were still pulling their carriages, and the Brooklyn newsboys were still trying desperately to sell some papers.
Spot Conlon hated the cold. He also hated fog, damp streets, and pink fingers and ears. Thunder rumbled in the distance and Spot adjusted the brick red scarf around his neck, feeling utterly disgruntled. Selling papers in this kind of weather was hard for newsies, even for someone as talented at selling them as Spot was. Huffing, he looked over to his selling partner.
“Are you’s almost done sellin’ your papes yet, Sneak?” He called. The sandy-haired boy looked over from his place at the lamp post and nodded, and Spot internally sighed in relief.
“A’ight, good. I want you and the boys back at the Lodge as soon as possible, it looks like it’s gonna start rainin’ soon. This weather is gonna give you hiprothem.. hippo.. hyro..”
“Hyperthermia, Boss?”
“Yeah, whatever.” Spot grumbled. “I don’t want you’se gettin’ sick.” Sneak tried and failed to hide his look of delight at his slip-up and Spot shot him a hardened look. The boy quickly looked away and started shouting a headline, and Spot chuckled lightly to himself.
His amusement was short lived, however. Thunder cracked again and heavy rain started falling from the sky, leading everyone to start running for some kind of shelter. Spot stood amidst the chaos and looked up at the sky with what could only be described as an irritatingly offended look on his face.
Spot Conlon hated the rain, too.
Spot walked in the Lodge and shrugged off his coat and scarf. It was raining pretty hard out now, so he was relieved to see that most of his boys were already inside and warming up. Cold newsies meant complaining newsies, and quite frankly, Spot didn’t want to deal with complaining newsies.
“I don’t care if Hotshot drinks it all the time, Keys, you’se still too young to be drinkin’ this kinda stuff.”
Spot looked over at the kitchen area where the soft Brooklyn accent was coming from and smiled. (Y/N) was standing over a much younger newsie with one hand on her hip and the other holding what looked like a bottle of whiskey.
“But Queenie, Hotshot let me have some the otha’ day-”
“He what?”
Spot walked over and put a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder, which had tensed at the discovery of Hotshot’s irresponsibility with little Keys. She looked up when she felt Spot’s hand and the expression on her face softened.
“Easy, doll.” He said quietly. She nodded and faced the little newsie in front of her again, who looked very upset at the shocked tone she had used.
“Am- am I in trouble?” He asked. He was wringing his newsboy cap in between his little hands and Spot gave the kid a gentle side-smile at the action. (Y/N) wrung her cap in her hands when she was nervous too.
“‘Course not, darlin’,” (Y/N) said while scooping up the boy and placing him on her hip. “S’not your fault you didn’t know, ‘specially if Hotshot told ya you could have some. It’s just really not good for your body, and you wanna grow up big n’ strong, right?” The little boy nodded happily. 
“Just like Spot!” He exclaimed cutely.
(Y/N) chuckled and glanced at Spot, who had on one of his rare smiles. “Yeah, just like Spot.” She set the boy down and ruffled his hair. “Why dontchya go play with Mikey for a bit, hm?” He nodded and excitedly sprinted away. Spot watched him go and then turned his attention to (Y/N), who quickly shoved the bottle of whiskey in a drawer.
“You’re drippin’ wet, Spot.” She said chidingly, but Spot didn’t miss the hint of concern in her voice, too.
“‘M fine, doll,” He said, wrapping a strong arm around her waist. “Just didn’t feel like sprinting back when it started rainin’ is all.”
(Y/N) brushed her fingers through his wet hair and sighed. “Still, you could get a cold. We’re going upstairs to get you changed.”
Normally, Spot hated when people told him what to do. His newsies knew that, the other boroughs knew that, and (Y/N) knew that. However, (Y/N) did it anyways and wasn’t afraid of the consequences when she did so. It’s one thing that had drawn Spot to her so much in the first place. So, Spot nodded and followed her upstairs to his room. He knew better than to object anyway, (Y/N) could get quite fired up when it came to his health.
When he walked in the room, (Y/N) had already tossed another pair of pants and socks on the bed and was bent over digging through a drawer to find a shirt. After closing the door, Spot smirked and started stripping down his layers, admiring the… view.
“Stop starin’ at my ass, Conlon.” She said without turning around. Spot could still hear the smile in her voice and laughed.
“Sorry, doll.” He said cheekily while hopping to get his pants on. “Can’t help myself sometimes.” Waiting back a few more seconds, he slid his socks on and leaned back on the bed frame, staring and biting his lip. His brow furrowed in contemplation for a moment before finally making up his mind. Then he swiftly strode over to the cabinet where (Y/N) was still digging to find a shirt and placed both his hands on her hips, making her spin around and meet him nose to nose.
“Heya, Beautiful.”
“Heya, Handsome.”
The rain could still be heard hitting the roof harshly, but Spot didn’t really mind the sound. He was too focused on the feeling of (Y/N)’s hands sliding up his bare chest and moving to play with the damp hair at the back of his neck. He rested his forehead on hers and brushed their noses together, looking subtly down at her lips.
“I really ‘ppreciate you, doll, ya know that?” He murmured.
“Yeah, I know.”
He brushed a thumb over her hip. “Yeah?”
She hummed and slid one of her hands up in his hair. “Yeah.”
They stood there a moment, breaths intermingled, listening to the hardened pitter-patter of the rain. Then Spot leaned in and barely brushed his lips against hers. Her grip on him tightened and she met him forward with a deeper kiss, pulling him flush to her body. Spot’s hands tightened around her hips and he slowly walked her backwards so her legs hit the cabinet she had been digging through earlier.
“What if someone comes in?” (Y/N) breathily murmured against his lips, showing no sign of wanting to stop what they were doing.
“Then to hell with ‘em,” Spot mumbled, running his hands past her hips. “They should’a learned to knock.”
(Y/N) chuckled quietly at his remark and Spot smirked, squeezing her ass and then moving lower to lift her legs so that she was sitting on the cabinet. (Y/N) laughed.
“Eager, are we?”
“Only for you, doll.”
Smiling, (Y/N) reconnected her lips with his and continued to heat up the kiss, grabbing at his hair while Spot ran his hands up and down her torso, enjoying the little hums (Y/N) would make when he gently squeezed her hips or breast. Kissing her was Heaven for him.
Spot had just begun to nibble on (Y/N)’s neck when the room door swung open, revealing a now incredibly flustered Sneak.
“Ah!” He yelped, and Spot rested his head on (Y/N)’s neck, sighing heavily and praying to God for some patience. Then he lifted his head up to look at Sneak.
“Yes?” He said impatiently, his grip never loosening around (Y/N)’s waist.
“I uhm.. I- Hotshot said ta come ‘n get you’s..”
“Did Hotshot say why you’s needed to get me?” Spot said with a raised eyebrow, and (Y/N) snickered.
“Uh, somethin’ ‘bout not being able to find his whiskey..”
Spot grumbled something incoherent and (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“We’ll be down in a second.” She informed him, her voice laced with disappointment. Sneak nodded and awkwardly made his way out the door, muttering a “sorry” as he went. When he was out of earshot, (Y/N) started giggling and rested her head on Spot’s bare chest, trying to recover from her sudden fit.
“Why’re you laughing?” Spot demanded, trying to lean down and look her in the eyes. She continued laughing and lifted her head up, moving her hand to cover her mouth as she continued to let out rather adorable giggles.
“Hey, why’re ya laughing?” Spot asked again, this time smiling and letting out a laugh at the end of his sentence as he looked at the state (Y/N) was in.
“‘M sorry,” She managed, now moving her hands to his broad shoulders. “You’s were just so mad when he came in-”
Spot snickered and the two calmed down and made eye contact for a moment, before making busting out into laughter again.
“Okay, okay,” Spot finally said, catching his breath and looking at (Y/N) in the eyes. “I should probably go handle whateva is goin’ on down there with Hotshot.”
(Y/N) nodded and leaned in, pecking Spot on the lips once, twice, three times before hopping off the cabinet.
“Go ahead, I’ll be right down.” She told him. Spot nodded and made his way to the door. He had just walked out when (Y/N) had called him back.
“Hey, Conlon!” Spot poked his head back in the door and was hit in the face with a white shirt. “You forgot your shirt.” She said, smirking. Spot chuckled.
“Thanks, doll.”
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cncobby · 6 years
rainy/lazy days with cnco
uh disclaimer this is my first hc after finals and my brain lowkey is fried so i hope it isnt trash :D ily all
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LOVES rainy days he gets to spend with aaliyah
you three have a very specific rainy day routine 
aaliyah is the first to wake up 
jumps in between you two
“ITS RAINING !!!!!!!”
at first richards like wtf its so EARLY
but then he see’s how excited aaliyah is and 
soft™ richard comes out immediately
breakfast consists of waffles with a TON of whipped cream and syrup
coffee for you and richard, hot chocolate for aaliyah
disney movie marathon of course
aaliyah puts on her fave disney princess dress 
she forces u and richard to dress up too
(richard in a plastic tiara is the best part of the whole day)
lots of duets between richard and aaliyah
arguing over which disney princess is the best
aaliyah ends up getting sleepy after your third movie 
canoodling time for u and richard ;)))
i just imagine lots of deep convos and cuddling during rainy days
small things like him playing with your fingers
you tracing over his tattoos
deep talks about the future 
“i want a family with you”
he like lowkey panics bc ur silent
“not riGHT NOW BUT-”
cutting him off with a kiss 
“shut up u dingus i want a family with you too, i just didnt wanna start crying”
lots of early morning cuddling
you guys are both awake but just laying in each others arms
listening to the pitter patter of the rain
playing with his messy curls while he traces figures on your skin
*muffled* “joel we should really get up”
“five more minutes mom”
you guys eventually move the cuddling to the living room 
but first !! breakfast
making a special pancake breakfast that u guys have specifically reserved for rainy days
(joel acts like its so prestigious but its really just chocolate chip pancakes with other normal breakfast foods)
rainy days are sacred movie days
all of ur fave movies
watching bootleg musicals together??? yes
reenacting scenes from RENT, newsies, and in the heights
(convincing him do a wicked duet with u was the best decision ever)
(he makes a very handsome fiyero)
“may i have this dance m’lady?”
“are you asking me to dance with you to the hamilton soundtrack?”
“yes i am”
after lots of convincing he lets u straighten his curls
(its not a good look)
bubble baths together???? yes pls
romantic baths with candles and wine 
you guys play soo many board games
u get hella competitive
but also suck at monopoly so he’s purposely letting u win
just to see ur cute reaction everytime he fake lands on your property
teaching him how to play chess
“but WHY can the pawn only move diagonal sometimes???”
“i honestly have no explaination babe thats the rule”
lots of smooches in the kitchen
making and decorating sugar cookies
“ur not allowed to show the boys these babe they’re all for me”
“well too bad i already made some for them”
“hEY i’m your bf i get cookie dibs”
a food fight happens suddenly????
u guys are a MESS 
there is flour everywhere and suddenly he’s kissing whipped cream off your mouth
eventually u abandom baking and end up buying cake
late night walk through the rain
you guys end up at a cozy cafe
end up sitting by the fireplace until 3am just talking to each other
he piggybacks u home bc ur literally half asleep when u leave
you guys def sleep in till noon at the very least
you’re obviously the first one up
he wakes up to the smell of you making coffee
*wrapping his arms around your waist*
“smells good amor”
“breakfast is on the way, i ordered doordash”
um harry potter movie marathon obviously???
you both know the movie by heart
reenacting scenes together
(ok but the sexual tension when you guys recreate the harry draco duel???)
*zabdiel pinning you to the couch*
“scared potter??”
*pushing him off of you*
“you wish nerd”
wearing your matching harry potter robes ofc
him playing guitar and trying to teach u guitar!!!!
“and put that finger there - why do you have such small hands for”
doing dumb shit like making him give u a piggyback around your entire house
him pretending to drop you
eventually he actually does but catches u in time and plays it off with a kiss
“nice try dork”
gets really excited bc he has an excuse to just stay inside all day
you’re barely awake when he carries you into the living room
“christopher what the fu-”
you turn ur head and there lies the biggest pillow fort youve ever seen
“we’re not allowed to leave this fort since its raining”
“chris i have work to do”
grocery run to get ur fave unhealthy snacks
i feel like he’d love having you read to him??
like imagine cuddling and reading aloud to him while he plays with your hair
you guys end up ordering pizza and opening a bottle of wine and stay up the entire night talking about dumb stuff
dancing in the rain!!!
he’d prob get the dumb idea to kiss in the rain bc its romantic
so he pulls you out into the rain and you guys end up getting soaked 
but its all worth it bc he’s spinning you around and smooching you like theres no tomorrow
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rivertellsstories · 5 years
Have some fear, something’s here.
A spoopy Sprace story. Sprace isn’t actually important lol, I just thought the story went best with them
Words: 1310
"Oh stop it", Race says and slaps his boyfriend playfully on the chest. "You know I'm right", Spot counters smugly, keeping his eyes on the road. "Doesn't mean you get to say it", Race sighs and leans his head against the car window. The landscape glides by slowly, a consistent picture of dark trees against an evenly dark sky. The slow pace of the car combined with Spot's humming in the background is a perfect mixture to make Race's eyes droop. "Ya sleepy?" Spot asks, startling Race awake. The effect lasts about two seconds before he can feel himself slipping off again. "Yeah", he mumbles and he thinks he hears Spot let out a little laugh. "Then go to sleep, loser."
The sound of thunder and Spot cursing wakes Race up once more. Sleepily, he yawns and rubs his eyes. "What's going on babe?" This time it's Spot who startles and Race gives his annoyed boyfriend a small grin. "The car broke down. I think the engine broke", he grumbles and Race groans. "Man, it's still a journey of three hours before we get home. I just wanna sleep."
"I know Racer", Spot shushes him, letting his fingers trail through golden curls before playfully tugging on one particularly stubborn curl. Race hisses at him in discontent, but doesn't move, unwilling to change his sleep inducing fetal position. His annoying boyfriend is not going to mess with his comfort, hell no.
"I'll go look for a gas station. With some luck, we'll be back on track in no time. Does that sound like a good plan?" Race nods. "Yep. I'll stay here and catch some more z's, if you don't mind. Also, I've been hearing about stereos getting stolen, so for the sake of our stereo, I'll stay here." Laying his hands on his chest in attempt to look wounded, Spot exhales dramatically. "I have the most wonderful boyfriend. More concerned about his stereo instead of his boyfriend venturing out in the woods."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever drama queen. Go get some fuel."
"Aren't you charming?" Spot remarks dryly before pressing a kiss to Race's forehead. "Get some rest, you look more awful than usual, bitch." Before Race can start a tirade of protests, Spot presses a swift kiss to his lips. "Love ya, sweatie."
"It's sweetie, you dick! I'm not sweaty!" Race yells as Spot exits the car. "Whatever you say love. Keep the doors locked and be safe." Race waves his boyfriend goodbye. "You too."
Race sleeps for another two hours before the storm restarts and he gets once again woken up by the sound of the rolling thunder. He looks around in search of Spot before remembering that the other man has gone out. Shrugging his shoulders, he rearranges himself in attempt to go to sleep again.
Morpheus doesn't come for him again and Race is left waiting for his boyfriend to come back with only the howling of the wind accompanying him. Gnawing at his bottom lip, he decides that the woods have a very different vibe about them without Spot at his side to make stupid jokes about them. Loneliness and something else threatens to creep upon him. Unwilling to get freaked out by a bunch of trees, Race puts on the stereo and stubbornly sings along to Laura Pausini's 'La solitudine'. Nothing wrong with some Italian 90s nostalgia to beat spooky woods.
The trick works and for a solid half hour, Race amuses himself by singing along to Spot's "secret" collection of Disney cd's. But then, halfway through Hellfire, the stereo starts malfunctioning and the only sound that comes through is the repeated "mea culpa". As Race stares at the system in disgust, even that sound abruptly gets cut off and the last thing he hears are the words "Kyrie eleison" and the meaning of them, combined with the fact that it doesn't sound the way it always does, makes Race shiver.
The sudden halt of the music, forces Race to listen to the pitter pattering of the rain and the occasional clap of thunder. But ever so slowly, the raindrops on the roof of the car stop sounding like raindrops and Race's mind starts wandering. Is that truly nothing more than the sound of the rain? His thoughts take him back to the previous evening, where'd spent his time looking up videos of black-eyed children together with Spot.
They knock on car windows, he remembers as something persistently goes tip-tap. Is it nothing more than the rain or are those the tiny, hesitant steps of a child? He can hear her now, a little girl getting closer to his car. Tip-tap. Those are her footsteps for sure. Within seconds, she'll reach for the door handle and try to open it. When that will turn out futile, she'll tap on the window. Eyes wide open and curls framing an innocent looking face, as she'll asks that one faithful question. "Won't you open the door, sir?" Tip-tap. And there it is. A tiny knock on his window. Race really doesn't want to look, but humans are nothing if not slaves to their own curiosity. Slowly, he turns to face the window.
In the darkness, he can't make out a thing, but when he lays eyes upon the tree close to his car, his heart rate calms down. It was probably just a twig hitting his window. He ignores the fact that the tree has very short branches and that none of them could've been long enough to hit his window.
"You're a crazy one", he says to his image in the rear-view mirror. He swears he can see something behind him move, but he ignores it and stubbornly stares into the mirror. If he doesn't turn around, it isn't really there. God, playing Bloody Mary in the sixth grade wasn't as scary as this. How did that game go again? Say her name three times and she'll show up or something along those lines.
'Bloody Mary', Race thinks, unwilling to utter the words, but his brain still curious and stupid. He doesn't want to see her, doesn't want to know whether the urban legends are true or not and yet, his brain defies him by staring deeply into the mirror and thinking the forbidden duo of words a second time. Who knows what happens if you only think it? Surely, that wouldn't be enough to summon her? Or would it? Morbidly curious, Race keeps staring at his reflection. It doesn't look like him. Of course the face is the same one, but the aura around it is different.
He tears his gaze away from the mirror before he can think the words for a third time. A cold gust of air hits the back of his neck, making the hairs there stand up. It feels like a breath, soft and delicate, but one that's as cold as the inside of a tomb.
Unwilling to dwell on that thought any longer, he thinks back to everything that happened this week and tries to remember something funny. His worry about Spot threatens to overtake any and all activity in his brain, but Race successfully represses that. He retreats back to Tuesday, where they had dressed Kid Blink up as a pirate. The guy had swung his hook in a lacklustre way and had said 'ar' in the most deadpan manner possible. With a smile, Race tries to ignore the sound of something scratching his car and a voice whispering: "Let me in." Shaken and worried, Race falls asleep.
When he wakes up the next morning and still sees no sign of his boyfriend he doesn't know what to do. Before he leaves the car, he takes a deep breath to steel himself.
After opening the door, he's at a total  || || |_ for words when he sees the scene in front of him.
Man door...hand hook
Car door
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auspicioustarantula · 6 years
juls’s fic masterlist
here we go boiiiss basically im doing this to get everything in one place:) organized by ship or character ig lov u guys also. am i biased about ravey? maybe
~asks are currently closed~
❤️ favorite
💛 more than 2k words
💙 fan favorite (50+ notes)
💜 requested
kissing headcanons 💙
small headcanons 
grossly romantic headcanons 💜
soft headcanons 💜
domesticity meme 💜
EVEN SOFTER headcanons 💜
kinda angsty headcanons 💜
ship meme 💜
red ❤️💙
blue ❤️
dying with memories > part one
dying with memories > part two
dying with memories > part three
dying with memories > part four
dying with memories > finale ❤️
secondhand birthday 💜
crumbling ❤️
pretty things
boys will be boys 💜
excuses he’s used to get out of going to parties 💙
texts he’s sent at 3am 💙
basic headcanons
fluffy headcanons  💜
family ties > part one ❤️
family ties > part two
family ties > part three
mein bruder, mein bruder ❤️💛
jacobs siblings
simple headcanons
“kath doesn’t know how to stage an elaborate proposal”
the price of love ❤️
domesticity meme 💜
sugar and smoke rings 💜💙
disaster headcanons 💜
domesticity meme 💜
ship meme 💜
you’re my fool
part of me ❤️💛
the other boy ❤️💜
fluff headcanons 💜💙
pitter patter 💜💙
the only thing that’s mine  
twinkle twinkle little star
choir kid/theater kid headcanons 💜
domesticity meme 💜
snowflake 💜
enough ❤️
fluff headcanons 💜
adhd finch headcanons 💜
domesticity meme 💜
on his being a narcoleptic 💜
fluff headcanons 💜
fluff headcanons 💜
fluff headcanons 💜
domesticity meme  💜
classic headcanons 💜
ship meme 💜
domestic headcanons 💜
BIG SOFT headcanons 💜💙
ship meme 💜
your heart is a soft place > part one
your heart is a soft place > finale
heart’s lament > part one 💜❤️💛
heart’s lament > part two  ❤️💛
love from boy
bros headcanons 💜
genuine wrestle boys
be my escape 💜💙
einstein 💜
classic headcanons 💜
ship meme 💜
pure headcanons 💜
soft headcanons 💜
theater headcanons 💜💙
what the newsies major in
personal disability headcanons
newsies as colors
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ao3feed-zarry · 6 years
The Life Cycle of a Storm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wUdVOI
by goldenretrievers46
"You know, you and Harry are like a thunderstorm. Thunderstorms are one of the most varied natural phenomenon to occur. They can be soft and soothing on a steamy summer night, as lightning flashes in the distance, as the thunder rumbles with a low boom, and as the rain pitter-patters on the roof. They can be full of nourishing moisture and rejuvenating verve. But they can also be destructive. They can crash in and destroy and tear apart lives with no remorse. The wind can destroy your sense of security and the rain can beat into your brain incessantly. The thunder can crack and break you. But even though it's destroying your life, it always holds this... beauty to it... like a perfect chaos that you can't help but get lost in. And every time a storm is born, one thing drives it and one thing only. The instability and heat and wind in the atmosphere, electrically charging everything until it explodes into this massive, passionate thing that you can't help but be in awe of. That's what drives your relationship, Zayn. The insatiable passion and desire and heat that you can't live without, yeah?" he asks.
Zayn freezes for a moment.
"Yeah," he admits.
Words: 301, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Perrie Edwards, Taylor Swift, Briana Jungwirth, Freddie Tomlinson, Eleanor Calder, Sophia Smith, Hailee Steinfeld, Original Characters
Relationships: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Perrie Edwards/Zayn Malik, Gigi Hadid/Zayn Malik, Harry Styles/Taylor Swift, Harry Styles/Original Male Character(s), Kendall Jenner/Harry Styles, Gigi Hadid/Kendall Jenner, Eleanor Calder/Louis Tomlinson, Briana Jungwirth/Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson/Original Female Character(s), Liam Payne/Sophia Smith, Niall Horan/Hailee Steinfeld, Niall Horan/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Small Towns, musical theatre, Community Theatre, Pining, Mutual Pining, identity crisis, Sexuality Crisis, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Bisexual Harry, Bisexual Zayn, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Summer Love, Actor Zayn, Actor Harry, Mechanic Niall, Storm Chaser Liam, Restaurant Owner Louis, Liam's family has a resort, Niall's a farm kid, Fictional Town, Harry plays Roger in Rent, Zayn plays Angel, Newsies the musical - Freeform, Rodeos, county fair, town festivals, Small Town Minnesota, Sexual Content, zayn has alot of anxiety, perrie is an awful person, gigi makes zayn sort out his shit, endgame zarry, endgame kengi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wUdVOI
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viennaleia · 7 years
Newsies as things they love
Jack: Project Runway (Tim Gunn’s no. 1 fan)
Davey: Windex (on those days he decides to be a mom and wears an apron and cleans everything in sight)
Crutchie: Dandelions (makes flower crowns out of them)
Katherine: Libraries (she’s a total nerd)
Race: Starbucks (he’s an extra af bitch)
Albert: The recorder cover of My Heart Will Go On (this one)
Elmer: Rhinestones (his eyes are drawn to anything shiny tbh) 
Henry: Chapstick (he’s a sucker for a good smelling lip smacker)
Spot: Vines of people failing (makes his heart pitter patter with happiness)
Finch: Popcorn (he’s basically a pigeon)
Romeo: The Bachelorette (has cried for days over a bad season finale)
Specs: Stationary (let’s face it, he’s also an extra af bitch)
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sk1ttery · 1 year
Continuation (?) of the previous post.
“What the fuck.”
Oscar looks up from his phone to see one of Specs’ friends- Swifty? - is staring at him with a look of shock and- disdain? His expression’s hard to read behind the sunglasses, but judging by the intense furrow of his brow, he’s less than pleased.
Oscar’s currently on break sitting outside of the McDonalds. He’d been in the middle of messaging Morris when he’d been approached.
“What?” He blinks, confused as to why Swifty’s even talking to him. He was probably here for Specs-
“The hell happened to your hair.”
Oscar stares at him for a moment before forcing an awkward smile. “I wanted to try something new.”
“It looks shit.” There’s an uncomfortable silence and Swifty turns away for a moment, pursing his lips before looking back at Oscar. “No. I’m sorry. That was incredibly rude. It…. doesn’t look that bad-“ He grimaces.
“…You- You don’t have to lie-“
“Oh, thank God, because what the fuck did you do?? Why is it so patchy- why is it orange?? Did you use toner??” He pushes the glasses to the top of his head as Oscar blinks at him.
“Oscar. You did use toner right?” He swears he can see Swifty deflate, his face falling.
“Do you know what toner is??”
Oscar smiles again, awkwardly and Swifty buries his face in his hands and lets out a pained sounding laugh. “Ohmyfuckinggod-“
He lifts his head again and smiles. It looks extremely forced as he clasps his hands together. “When do you get off work?”
“…Six. Why?”
Swifty holds out a hand. “Give me your phone.”
Oscar hesitantly hands it over, eyeing him cautiously. “…What are you-“ Swifty’s handing it back before he can finish his sentence.
“My number. Along with my address. Come by after work so I can fix this- mess. Mkay?”
“Okay-“ Oscar pockets his phone just as Specs emerges from inside, perking seeing Swifty.
“Hey, man!”
Swifty grins. “Hey! You ready to go?”
Specs nods and turns to Oscar. “See you tomorrow, Oscar-“ He waves- being civil as always - as he and Swifty make their way to Swifty’s car, chatting and laughing.
He doesn’t knock instantly. He’s trying to pluck up the courage to, standing outside Swifty’s apartment, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. He takes a breath before knocking.
The door opens instantly and he’s greeted by Swifty. “You’re late.”
“You didn’t give me a time to-“
“I’m fucking with you. Come in- We’ll have to do it in the bathroom- I don’t want to fuck up my couch or anything. You want a drink, a snack or anything?” Swifty pushes the door shut behind them and leads Oscar through the apartment.
“Uh- No. I’m good thanks-“ He’s dragged into the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid before he can react, Swifty’s hands are in his hair, inspecting and he lets out a judgemental sounding huff before stepping out of Oscar’s eyeline.
“I don’t know how you managed to botch it so badly.” He comments, returning with a box, starting to open it. Oscar sees that it’s red.
“Morris did it- Are you dying it red?”
“It’ll cover the unevenness, and you’re like- pale as shit, so the blonde looks funky. Do you trust me?”
“Shit, man, I don’t know, should I???”
Swifty laughs. “I’m a hairdresser, Oscar. I know what I’m doing.”’
Oscar barely has time to argue before Swifty’s getting to work.
“So, what do you think?” Swifty holds a mirror in front of Oscar so he can see the finished product.
Oscar stares for a moment then wrinkles his nose. “I look like fucking Ronald McDonald.”
Swifty descends into a fit of giggles. This was his plan all along. Oscar can tell. He watches Swifty try to catch his breath through his giggles. He swears he sees tears in the other’s eyes.
“Are you done?” He asks. He likes the hair more than he’d like to admit. The red is actually nice.
Swifty catches his breath, wiping his eyes and letting out a shaky exhale. “Yeah- yeah, sorry. Do you like it?”
“I- Yeah. Thanks man. Do I owe-“
“No, don’t worry about it. It’s on me. Just- don’t go doing your own hair again, yeah?”
Oscar flushes. “Right- Yeah. Thanks.”
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i-seed-u · 3 years
got some more tiny sketches
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42 notes · View notes
i-seed-u · 3 years
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yeah they gay and trans keep scrolling
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i-seed-u · 3 years
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update i finalized the piece
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i-seed-u · 3 years
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