#pixar monsters uni
1v31182m5 · 1 month
Can you draw Sonia x Randall meeting for the first time.
İt's already shown in the movie lol
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cozystars · 11 months
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Why did no one tell me cars 3 was good sooner
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delugedecade · 6 months
Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase
forcefully review as watched by Deluge
spoilers, obviously, but then again, I'm the one watching it for the first time.
Wait, I've seen this guy before, blue electric man thing
Damn, It's always US Unis that look so lively. It's rarely this lively here in Aus. Then again, probably just media portraying it as lively.
There's always a Dog? Where? Joke...
Yoooo Its the name of the movie!
Well yeah, You usually use a magnet to brick a hard drive, I think.
They really are being tempted by scooby snaxs.
Self aware joke on how they split up
The power of cartoons is truly extraordinary, being able to lure and shock a virus
They got to the Scooby Dooby Do song~
I was expecting a Corri-Doors bit...
I wonder who sent them in....
Play ball? Baseball? The other student.
Level one clear!
There's another square at the base of the coliseum, really suspecting baseball boy
They pulled out the quick change, let's go
It's probably the baseball dude
Wooly mammoths!
Damn, Pterodactyl baby is bigger than i expected
The Doppelgangers, Cyber Doppelgangers. and in classic outfits. and reverse palate swap for Scoob and Shaggy, Which I heard are from a different era of TV Scooby.
Yeah I really think its the baseball guy
OOO, classic monsters
Dear god, Blake, flirting with Blake
Lol, playing in the amusement park to dunk on the old villains, literally
Man had the damn magnet the entire time
Yep, figured as much. Baseball guy.
Hmmm.... After credits interview
kinda like the bloopers at the end of old pixar movies
Overall, Interesting premise, but I feel its a little drawn out, considering the clues pretty clearly pointed us in the right direction on whodunit. Not as much musical inserts. Props for old references that I vaguely get.
@submissiveking99 @tokufan400 @freeusemuses @ofdarkestdesires
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laffiteslanding · 1 year
The Pixar Park Pitch
In response to the question about a Pixar park going around, I agree that as a brand its fairly disparate now in its catalogue and themes, but I also think that if you play around with its concepts a bit you could come up with some fun ideas.
If I were creating a Pixar park, I’d actually start by dropping the Pixar name and overall theme to instead focus the park around the theme of family. There’s plenty of Pixar properties that use this motif so there would be plenty of IPs to draw from.
Next, I’d create a hub land with a similar layout to the one Universal is creating for Epic Universe. Supposedly Uni has a large space-themed hub with different “portals” leading to each land. For Pixar, I’d theme this hub area to Monsters Inc. This hub area would be largely if not entirely indoors/under cover, and take inspiration from the film’s scream and laugh factory. There would be several attractions, shops, dining options, and character spots spaced throughout the area. As we explore the hub land, we learn about the park’s backstory, indicating that the monsters’ door tech is glitching and opening up portals to places no one has ever seen before, and they’re not sure why. We are invited to investigate these newly opened realms to discover the answer for ourselves.
These glitchy doors that we can enter lead to the realms of Coco, The Incredibles, Onward, Turning Red, Soul, Brave, Inside Out, and Wall-E. Note that each of these films are quite underutilized in current Disney parks, and IP such as Toy Story, Cars, Ratatouille, and Finding Nemo aren’t present as they already have dedicated areas in existing parks.
Each land would then focus on their respective film’s world building to create really engaging and unique environments to explore. Additionally, each land would have a variety of attractions to appeal to family members of all ages. The Soul land, for example, would feature a sensory garden based on The Great Before for young children, as well as a jazz club for older audiences. Each area would have its own pace and thrill level to make each one feel unique and worth visiting for guests. The Incredibles area could be very thrilling and action packed, while Brave might be more exploratory with the Will o’ Wisps. I haven’t sorted attractions at the moment but rest assured there would be a healthy mix of dark rides, thrill rides, shows, play areas, and more.
Importantly, each of these lands would play into the larger theme of family in various ways, and explore beyond the scope of the films where suitable to enhance this theme. Inside Out might look at family through a more personal lens, while Turning Red might look at found family and Wall-E at how humanity and even nature is our family, too.
In the evening, a large nighttime spectacular would take place at the end of the hub area in an external stadium similar to Hollywood Studios’ Fantasmic! setup. The World of Color like-show would be hosted by Mike, Sully, and Boo and feature projected scenes from Pixar’s stories interspersed with on-ride pictures of families having fun on attractions throughout the park that day. Guests and monsters alike would realize that the doors have been glitching to help teach us the importance of family, no matter what it looks like or where we come from.
And that’s it! Let me know if you have any thoughts on the idea. I’d love to hear them!
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Y’all don’t understand how popular Violetta was, one time they had a big news article about how Lodovica Comello and Martina Stoessel were doing voices for small side characters in the italian dub of Monsters University
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readmancy · 4 years
monsters inc: exploitative systems will never be okay. you cannot succeed without succumbing to the moral failures of the system.
monsters uni: even if u fail college u can still climb up corporate ladder like good capitalist 🥰🥰🥰 be janitor!!!! u will be ceo one day..
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sonicfan3 · 6 years
Up is such a wonderful film
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kips-laboratory · 3 years
Sind LUCA und die anderen Seemonster verbannte Monster aus der MONSTER AG Welt?
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Science Fiction of ... PIXAR
Willkommen zum ersten Teil meiner Reihe "Science Fiction of ... PIXAR" wo ich die Geschichten von Filmen, Serien, Comics usw. unter die Lupe nehme und analysiere, wieviel Science Fiction in Stories stecken, die gar nicht als Sci-Fi gedacht waren und welche "fantastischen" Theorien sich hinter manchem Film bzw. deren Story verbergen.
Die MONSTER AG, sowie das Prequel MONSTER UNI und die Serie MONSTER BEI DER ARBEIT spielt in einer Welt, wo die unterschiedlichsten Kreaturen - die wir als "Monster" bezeichnen und so nebenbei bemerkt: DIe Monster nennen sich selbst auch Monster - leben und arbeiten. Mit der Schreikraft bzw. Lachenergie von Menschenkindern erzeugen sie ihre Energie. Und seit dem Pixar Meisterwerk "Die Monster AG" wissen wir: Lachen erzeugt mehr Energie als Schreien.
  Aber darum geht es heute nicht, sondern vielmehr um die Tatsache, dass die Monsterwelt eine Art Paralell-Universum darstellt, dessen Bewohner durch Türen in unsere - in die Welt der Menschen - eintreten können. Und nur zu einem Zweck: Energiegewinnung! Zunächst möchte ich auf den Sci-Fi Aspekt dieser Tatsache eingehen, denn es existiert tatsächlich ein Science Fiction Roman von Isaac Asimov (dem Begründer der Robotik-Gesetze nebenbei bemerkt), der genau dies zum Thema hat: "Lunatico oder Die nächste Welt" :
Durch einen Zufall macht der Radiochemiker Frederick Hallam eine schier unglaubliche Entdeckung, die ihn später zu einem angesehenen Wissenschaftler werden läßt: Kleine Mengen des Wolfram-Isotops 186 scheinen sich plötzlich und unerwartet in stabiles Plutonium-186 zu verwandeln! Die Lösung für dieses Phänomen, das große Mengen an Energien liefern kann, ist bald gefunden, aber ebenso unglaublich. Das fremde Isotop stammt nämlich aus einem Paralleluniversum, in dem andere Naturkonstanten gelten und Plutonium-186 ein stabiles Isotop ist! Hallam entwickelt eine Maschine, die „Elektronenpumpe“, die sich diesen Effekt zunutze macht und quasi unendliche Energiemengen durch den interuniversellen Austausch aus dem Nichts erschaffen kann! Doch ein paar Wissenschaftler haben Zweifel, ob dieser Austausch mit dem fremden Universum wirklich ohne unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen erfolgen kann…
Quelle: https://sf-fan.de/rezensionen/isaac-asimov-lunatico-oder-die-nachste-welt.html
Sprich, die Monster nutzen die Tatsache, dass die Naturgesetze in einer anderen Welt ihnen einen Vorteil verschaffen aus, und entwickeln eine Technik, die ihnen nicht nur das Reisen in diese andere Welt, sondern auch die Energiegewinnung aus dieser anderen Welt erlauben. Wie die Monster diese Türen so konstruieren, dass sie eine interdimensionale Reise erlauben, woher sie vom  Aussehen der Tür auf der "anderen Seite" wissen - denn die Türen in der Monsterwelt sehen genauso aus wie die Türen in der Menschenwelt - wird in den Filmen bzw. der Serie nicht erklärt. Allerdings können Studenten an der "Monster Uni" scheinbar lernen, wie das vonstatten geht. Nun kommt es schon mal vor, dass sich Monster nicht immer an die Regeln halten, und die Strafe ist Verbannung - in unsere, der Menschenwelt! Es wird nicht erklärt, ob dies ein universelles Gesetz in der Monsterwelt oder nur ein "hausinternes" Gesetz der Monster AG ist. Tatsache ist: "Berühmte" Mystische Wesen wie Nessi bzw. das Monster von Loch Ness oder der "Yeti" stammen scheinbar aus der Monsterwelt; jedenfalls erwähnen Mike, Sulley und Yeti bzw. der "Schneemensch" dies.
  Es wird leider auch nicht darauf eingegangen, dass die Verbannung eigentlich im Widerspruch der Geheimhaltung der Monsterwelt steht - denn wenn ein Monster in die Menschenwelt verbannt wird, sollte man eigentlich damit rechnen, dass die Menschen früher oder später das Monster finden. Und Menschen sind dafür bekannt, so lange zu forschen und zu bohren, bis sie eine Erklärung für etwas gefunden haben. Natürlilch könnte es sich bei der Verbannung auch um eine Monster AG Interna handeln, und die offiziellen Behörden der Monsterwelt wissen darüber gar nicht so recht bescheid.
Wie auch immer: Die Tatsache der Existenz von Türen, mit denen man durch die Welten reisen kann könnte Tür und Tor für endlos viele Möglichkeiten bieten: So könnte die Welt der "CARS" genauso besucht werden wie die Welt von "ONWARD", wo Elfen, Zauberer und Einhörner ins Zeitalter der Technologie angekommen sind, und natürlich könnten "nichtmenschliche" Wesen auch theoretisch durch eben so eine Tür in andere Welten gelangt sein! "LUCA" beschreibt eine sehr emotionale Coming of Age Geschichte vor der malerischen Kulisse der italenischen Riviera, wo sich die Hauptcharaktere als "Seemonster" herausstellen, die allerdings an Land menschliches Aussehen annehmen. Wie die Wesen sich selbst nennen, warum sie da sind oder woher sie kamen wird nicht erklärt.
Somit ist es durchaus denkbar, dass Luca von Wesen abstammt, die vor unter Umständen sehr langer Zeit durch eben solch eine Tür in die Welt der Menschen gelangt ist. Entweder aus Neugier, durch einen Unfall oder durch eine Verbannung. Vielleicht haben die "Monster AG Monster" diese Türen nicht immer für die Energieerzeugung genutzt? Vielleicht besuchen immer wieder "Monster-Wissenschaftler" die Menschenwelt, und Vorfahren von Luca und Alberto haben vielleicht an unserer Welt so viel Gefallen gefunden, dass sie nicht mehr zurück wollten? Oder die Tür ließ sich nicht mehr aktivieren und sie waren gestrandet?
Alles ist möglich und denkbar. Auf jeden Fall werfen die Pixar Filme immer wieder interessante Sci-Fi Theorien auf, die es wert sind, weiter verfolgt und analysiert zu werden.
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jordangreenart · 7 years
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For day 25 of Inktober, here's Sulley from Monsters University!
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erunapendleton · 4 years
seven comfort movies
I was tagged by @alliecatcorner to share my 7 comfort movies!
1. Catnapped! (1995)
I first saw the trailer for this movie in the VHS for Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose when I was maybe 6? The main theme’s song was repetitive and bright colors of cats turning into balloons and a strange Godzilla-sized dog intrigued the hell out of me, but alas the movie evaded me for years. Until while browsing an FYE as a sixth grader (?) and I found the movie on DVD! 
The movie meant a lot to me as a child as I found it sweet and exciting, but it meant even more to me during the time when my dog had passed away. 
The movie tells the story of knuckle-headed, but good hearted Toriyasu, his excitable sister Meeko and their lost dog Papadoll. After Papadoll goes missing, the two are summoned to the world of Banipal Witt, a land of anthropomorphic cats and their ruler Buburina who is using Papadoll to terrorize its inhabitants. Toriyasu with the help of some rebels, must save Papadoll and return home all within a day lest he and sister also become Buburina’s monsters!
It’s movie that few know, but I try my best to get people to watch a hidden gem like Catnapped!. 
2. The Whisper of the Heart (1995)
TWotH is by far my favorite Ghibli movie. It’s the only feature by Yoshifumi Kondo who unfortunately passed away after completing this movie. I find his direction while still slow paced, meaningfully so and effective. I would have loved to see other Ghibli features with his touch, but alas it will never be.
TWotH stars Shizuku, a bookworm and fledgling writer who slowly falls for her classmate and aspiring violinist Seiji. Their relationship is rocky at first, both finding the other annoying, but both bond over their shared passion toward their chosen art. Both promise the other to throw themselves into their work and meet again when they’ve finished a goal. And it’s just an overall heartwarming tale of two young people impassioned by a love much greater than them.
I watched this while I was writing Crimson and Clover and living at home going to uni and my boyfriend dormed away from me working toward his degree, so I relate a lot to Shizuku’s circumstances too. ☺️
3. Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
This is a movie that gets better once you revisit it. At first glance Kiki is a young witch looking for her place in the world and that’s all the movie is about. But her figuring out what kind of witch she wants to be and staying in love with flying and delivering is something all young artists, passionates and anyone who has a hobby can relate too. This thing that I love - is it worth my time? Am I making a fool out of myself? Should I give up? Are all questions I ask myself all the time.
Miyazaki has a way of telling fantastical tales like Kiki’s Delivery Service about a witch and her love for flying that perfectly symbolize the relationship between an artist and their art. It’s comforting because we’ve all been there and ultimately, your art is not a waste of time.
4. Animal Crossing: The Movie (2006)
So, it’s no secret that Animal Crossing has been a huge part of my life ever since I played Population Growing (2001). This movie has many magical parts and relatable parts. It’s about a girl named Ai who moves to an animal village and learns to live on her own among her new mysterious and friendly villagers. She grows close particularly to her neighbor Sally (Margie, in the games) and learns about her desire to become a famous fashion designer. 
Playing the games is not necessary for enjoyment. You will mostly feel happy, if not a little bittersweet after. Also listening to the live version of K.K. Bossa is enough to give it a watch!  
5. Ratatouille (2007)
This is the best Pixar movie. Period.
Ratatouille is sort of a meme because of the premise of a rat controlling a lanky man in the kitchen is really funny, but this movie is so much more than it’s funky little premise. With the through line, “Anyone can cook,” the movie tells the audience that you can do anything you are passionate about, not necessarily just cooking, by telling the tale of the most unlikely chef that could ever be. A rat who wants to be a chef, aka food service’s number one enemy? But still Remy is determined by his love for food to bring that same fervor to others and refuses to give up or be bound to the odds given to him by his species. 
Another thing I love is how he says, “I hate taking. I want to make things.” He recognizes the negative stereotype his people have and wants to prove to the humans he has something to offer, all rats are capable are more than just stealing. It’s a gorgeous message for everyone that you are more than your circumstances or what people tell you are. You can be anything. Anyone can cook. 
6. Hercules (1997)
There’s a lot to love about Hercules between the absolutely creative new art style used for the characters, the clever pop culture references like the air-hercs, or even just the humor. What I love the most is the characterization of Hercules. 
It’s best encapsulated in the scene when Hercules sings “I Can Go the Distance,” which explains his feeling of ostracization from those around him and the lines of “I dream of a far off place where people cheer when they see my face and voice keeps saying, ‘This is where I’m meant to be,’” always gets me. I really admired how Hercules just goes off to learn who he is and then throws himself so strongly into becoming a hero all so that he can finally feel like he belongs... He didn’t wallow - he changed his circumstances. It’s empowering to see.  I won’t drone on too much longer lol stan Meg
7. The Little Mermaid (1989)
I often get really irritated when people zone in on Ariel’s infatuation with Eric and decide that is the ONLY reason she wanted life on land. It’s like they ignore her cove of thingamabobs or her overbearing father who never taught her or sisters anything about the surface. Eric was just another reason for her to break away and be free. Ariel’s bravery, wit and passion is admirable and it’s so wrong to diminish any of those traits just because she was in love. 
One of my favorite scenes is when her father, who finally realizes Ariel is serious about life on land and her love for Eric, not only gives her legs, but the most beautiful, sparkling purple gown. It couldn’t be anymore different than how Ursula discarded by leaving her naked while her father wrapped her nicely and lovingly and finally ready for life above. I just find that very touching.
Ok that went on for far too long lol time for some tags
@duechainz @rengokukyoujurou @yoshis @king-gappy @phantom-riter @nezukoh @jojo-sama
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readymades2002 · 3 years
i went through the monsters uni artbook as well since i also have it (i know i know i was a teenager and i had issues) and found this
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1) “celebrating the best of the american workplace” about a movie that has a climax where the boss goes, what, “ILL KILL A THOUSAND CHILDREN BEFORE I LET THIS COMPANY DIE” or whatever is very funny
2) who on EARTH does pixar make movies for this is nothing!!! this is absolutely nothing!!! hey kids we’re constructing your childhood and we’re doing it by celebrating The Best Of The American Workplace, what the fuck is WRONG with this company. they should not be making kids movies and on every level it seems like they absolutely do not want to
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1v31182m5 · 1 year
So a headcanon I had with @clippyzippy , Randall went crazy with colors in 4th grade’s graduation party after getting a self confidence boost from his dad but regretted it after awhile X0
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littlegingrnut · 4 years
see I was just thinking that those were asks that might start some positive trains of thoughts but okay fair enough, they were kind of deep. so here are some hopefully less deep Q's too: Favorite assignment you've ever gotten? How are your plants doing? Oooh favorite plant at the moment? What do you always find yourself doing when you're bored out of your mind?
Okay okay that's fine.
Assignment? as in school/uni? bro idk I can't think..
my plants are doing alright, probably not super happy also think i didn't use the best soil for them so might have to repot them again.
My faves are probably my monsters and the pilea, they're great and thriving i guess
okay so at the moment i'm putting together a playlist on spotify that's all songs from animated movies (disney/pixar/dreamworks) and i already have one that's only the score's soo yea i guess that
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bi-wazowski · 5 years
Hey! This is not an ask, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your url name. I also adore your ask sulley/mike accounts!!! I'm a mike/sulley shipper (and apart of the LGBT+ community in general), so I personally find those accounts amazing. (I hope you are enjoying your break, too!) And, it also makes me glad that there are still people in the Monsters, Inc fandom. I think it's kinda dead, but hopefully it'll be more active when Monsters At Work airs!! (I'm sorry if this is very long)
Ahh, thank you so much!! It’s something pretty dear to me and I love having it, since I’m bi myself and have always headcanoned mike as bi/pan and sulley as either gay or bi/pan as well!
And thank you again! I love running those blogs a lot, and they make me very happy. I get a lot of love on there that I’m not super used to and some hate so breaks are necessary to me, but I’m still so glad that the blogs have made so many people happy! And I definitely am enjoying my break, so thank you again!!
And I feel that! Monsters inc/uni means a LOT to me and monsters inc has been my fave Pixar movies for years now, and while the community isn’t super huge anymore I am so thankful it exists! And same here!!! I’m super excited (and a lil nervous but mostly excited) for monsters at work!! I really hope it puts the love back into the fandom!!
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disneygals-blog1 · 5 years
There are three people who run this page and they are Rose, Lily and Poppy. Rose and Lily are twin sisters and Poppy has been friends with them since high school. We are now all in our twenties and we all have a passion for Disney. Through our page you’ll find out a lot about us but here is a little intro from each of us! Thank you for taking the time to visit or use our page.
Hi! My name is Rose, I’m 20 years old and I live in England and have a twin sister called Lily. I work for the company Boots and am training to become the assistant manager there. I have been to Disneyland Paris, 6 times and Disney World, 3 times. I am currently saving to go to Disney World again in 2021. My favourite Disney film is hunchback of Notre dame, my favourite character is lilo, my favourite Disney song is I wonder from sleeping beauty and my favourite pixar film is ratatouille. I could go on and on about how much I love Disney and all my favourite characters etc. But I’ll keep it short and sweet. As I have been to the parks the most I’m the one who mainly writes about top tips and fashion!
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Hello! I’m Lily, Rose’s other half and I’m currently at uni studying for a degree in social work, I hope to one day become a social worker. I have a two guinea pigs called Simba and Nala, as well as a dog called stitch. I have been to Disneyland Paris, 4 times and once to Disney World. I am going back to Disneyland Paris at Christmas with my boyfriend. My favourite Disney film is Lion King, my favourite character is Dumbo, my favourite song is Colours of the wind and my favourite pixar film is Monsters. Inc. I mainly write the facts about the films, because I’m full of useless information!
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Hey I’m Poppy, I’ve been friends with Lily and Rose since we were 11 years old, I too love everything Disney and so does my family so much so that my sister had her first baby a year ago and called him Sullivan! Sully for short of course. I’m also at university studying to become a nurse. I have never been to Disneyland Paris but I have been to Disney World, 6 times. I am saving to go to Disneyland Paris with my sister and Sully next year! My favourite Disney film is the nightmare before Christmas, my favourite character is Belle, my favourite song is Poor Unfortunate Souls from the little mermaid and my favourite pixar film is Monsters. Inc too! I mainly post about Disney Easter eggs, lyrics and quotes because I love to sing!
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There’s a short insight to us and we hope you like our site and find it easy to navigate through, any questions or if you would like to share experiences from disney please reach out to us!
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prismwon · 3 years
hii its me your uni anon again! those are really good answers!!! how have you been since we last talked? i built a new vanity for myself yesterday so im feelong pretty accomplished haha
hidden hairdye is such a cool hairstyle especially if its like a big constrast between the two colors! also what shade of green do you like best or do you like them all equally? for me personally i would chose the more blue toned greens like an emerald or forest green
ooh i haven't seen luca or move to heaven yet ill have to check them out! what was your favorite parts about them? i dont care about spoilers so you can tell me everything without worrying!
naughty boy is such a classic i firmly believe it is one of pentagon's best songs like it is the essence of them as a group out into song imo😭😭 it literally always puts me in a good mood when i listen to it
🌌 anon
hi omg im so sorry this took me a while to respond to !!! i cleaned out my closet for the first time in a while so i feel VERY accomplished, as well as the drawers under my bed !!! tomorrow or the day after ill focus on my bedside drawers cause that hasnt been done in a while either but omg you built one ??? thats so so cool omg i hope it went well !!!!
YES YES YES FOREST GREEN AND EMERALD GREEN those r my favorite colors and what i'd love !!! my room is like, a sea green-ish color and it j feels very homey tbh i adore it
OH OK OK SO ABOUT LUCA. luca is a rlly good disney pixar movie its basically like....takes place in italy or smth thats supposed to be italy? its abt two boys who are both sea monsters but who live/want to live on land and just the experience of being outsiders i guess??? idk how to explain it but its rlly good and has like...the gayest undertones ive ever seen in a disney movie tbh its very nice and relaxed sort of an i also cried . move to heaven, i initially watched bc i saw people in twitter say it had hongseok but its....fair warning, it has a lot to do w like. death and grief and moving on and who gets left behind? but this family runs a sort of "trauma cleaning" service, where they basically clean up spots where people passed and put their treasured belongings in a yellow box and give that box to the "heart" of the deceased? its really beautiful and moving, ive never cried as much watching this show
tbh i didnt mention but lately (even though its emotional hell) i love blue birthday, hongseoks web drama too !!
AND YOU'RE EXACTLY RIGHT ABT NAUGHTY BOY AAA its honestly one of my favorite title tracks and music videos, its such a unique and creative sound and concept and the mv has them as working class ppl, the ending of them just running around and chanting the words together, the part where hui's in a car and shines a light on the other 7 members there at the time???? honestly i like it more than shine, it feels more "pentagon" esque than shine bc of the rich instrumentals and especially knowing what they were enduring at that point in time (like shinwons guest in his radio yesterday said!!!) just endears the song to me even more !!!!
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