#pixie and kt
sagekoi09 · 1 year
someone called me fish boy once but im lowkey okay with, nice nickname funky dude from my art club
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
Put the plug in the socket, give me all your power. When you turn it on I can go for hours. Hit the switch, push the button, baby, then you'll see we can have it all, baby, you and me. We, we we can have it all, baby, you and me. We, we, we can have it all, baby, you and me, you and me, you and me. Kiss the stars tonight, kiss. You and me, oh, we will, the stars tonight, write our name in lights. They will see we're in love tonight. Love tonight, we're in love tonight. Love tonight, love tonight. We're in love tonight. We're on the rocket. We, we're on the rocket.
Kiss The Stars by Pixie Lott
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wumblr · 6 months
if we're doing a 2000s fashion revival for real, then we need to talk about imogen heap. i'm not kidding when i say everyone was trying to imitate her. to some degree, the fashion gestalt of the era basically comes down to her representation booking her for garden state and the OC finale soundtracks. i can't remember who but it was A VERY small agency, she feels like one of the last musicians who really blew up organically out of nowhere (and due to her own merits -- i remember one of the early reviews i read for speak for yourself said "she has more talent in one finger than most musicians approach in their entire career"). and the reason it grew tired so quickly is because nobody COULD imitate her. there's a wealth of techniques from her catalogue that survived to become production tropes (live looping, i couldn't say who inspired who but i think she was doing it before jon brion, kt tunstall, and andrew bird), and a larger number of techniques that didn't (the vocoder keytar, because it's hers). possibly the only person at the time who had crossover appeal between manic pixie, hip hop, and the mainstream, because she was so solidly oriented as queen bee of the weird girls. EVERYBODY liked her. even the SNL joke is about how effective her work is. when i saw her live, somebody waiting in line described speak for yourself as "maybe not a great roadtrip album" specifically because of hide and seek, which might play out very differently on a roadtrip now that it's a twice-charting throwback hit. oh. oh my god. some of you are trying to do a 2000s fashion revival and have NEVER EVEN HEARD HIDE AND SEEK. please delete tiktok
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
(I haven't watched the leaked episode, if you did, please do not post any spoilers. You will be blocked if you do.)
King!!! King is back!!! Unfortunately it comes at the cost of him obviously being the Collector's servant basically. At least he still has François.
King also reads a book about the Collector, similar to how the end of S1 he read a book about Belos. It's an easy way to add lore to the show, and it calls back to another time he did so
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Not only do we get curly redhead Lilith, but she has a pixie cut now too!!! Her glasses are gone tho :(
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All of the Coven Heads (but Terra?) got turned to puppets ;___; as have most other citizens including Hooty, Principal Bump & the other Hexside teachers, and some of the other student body like the grudgby players
Also Eda does not seem to have a prosthetic like most people predicted, which makes me wonder what happened to Alador
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Mattholomule grew the worst facial hair lol (I am certain the 😑 expressions everyone made in that last promo image was at Mattholomule). Skara is there too!!!! And Barkus (maybe we'll get a gustholomule moment)
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Eda can still lose control of the Owl Beast in Harpy mode -- and I can't blame her considering the circumstances. Her eyes turn fully black in that inky drop motion like back in s1
I wonder if her short hair affects the look
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Huntlow moment 💚💛
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Dana was right, sparkly is a good word to describe this episode.
I'm not sure how I feel by the idea that almost all adults got captured, it does feel specifically like The Collector (a child like God) did it on purpose, but it still is kinda :/ to know most of my fav supporting cast are puppets now to conveniently write them all out of the episode so as to keep the cast from bloating. Like I get why it was done but I'm still salty about it
The Coven Heads (again except maybe Terra?? Idk why she wasn't there? Did she pledge loyalty well enough to not need to be puppetfied? Did she escape? Die? Lol could you imagine) all have slight whimsical features added to their designs, as with everyone who got puppetfied, but for once they're all moving & working in tandem haha. Raine's close up not only killed me, but gave a good callback to when they got captured by Kikimora then "brainwashed" for weeks afterwards. The parallels of Raine pretending to be an enemy vs now they are but completely against their will. Bah. I'm dying, I'm afraid to see Eda's face in that scene. ;__; I'm really unhappy to have any Raeda fluff or bonding during this special (or suggested to have happened in between KT & FTF) robbed from us, but angst is classic Raeda vibes so I'm not surprised
I did also notice we didn't see any hints of Amity, Gus, or Willow's families at all. All we know is Eda & Lilith seem to have escaped puppetfication. I have a feeling Hooty took the puppetfication blast for Lilith in that moment
I'm stoked about Lilith having red hair again, and I was not expecting her & Eda to both cut their hair short! Everyone's getting hair style changes!
This will definitely be a Collector lore heavy episode, if only for the fact King was reading that book about them. I wonder if there used to be more children of the stars, and where the others went/are if there were
And lastly I'm at the photo cap but Belos is there too. He is using glyphs to burrow into some area, and he's killing the wildlife as he goes. Y'know, classic Belos behavior. I wonder if he's trying to get to where Caleb's mangled remains are, and if so what the plan is from there. I doubt Belos will play a large part in this episode as it seems very heavily focused on The Collector instead, which I'm fine with as I figured the final confrontation with Belos was gonna be the last special, what with him being the main villain of the show.
Despite any hangups I have I'm very excited to see the special! I know Dana & the crew worked hard on it
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rockorded · 1 year
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[  txt  ]  :   ok   so   wnso   i   was   got   ing   to   walmamrt   and   i   rember   i   was   drnku      as   fuck   i   adraknk   like   2   hwkle   bottles   of   gin   and   i   was   also   high   off   weeed   an   di   said   hmmni   really   want   to   get   som   pixie   sticks   rn   so   inwent   to   walmar   but   then   thebwre   was   a   rat   rhatbl   like   atttackednme   an   the   police   came   so   since   o   was   drunk   i   tried   to   fins   a   hiding   plac   e   and   imisss   tripped   san   d   fell   in   the   hole   kt   was   so   deep   depeer   than   ur   dad's then   theybgot   me   tl   the   shipital   becaus   ei   broke   a   n   arm   and   they   said   iohhhhh   shit   be   have   to   fix   it   and   they   fixe   it [  txt  ]  :  then   i   wsnt   out   and   saw   A   FICKIN   TREE [  txt  ]  :   and   ie   wss   taunting   me!!!   wtf   u   jst   tstanding   there   for   watching   me [  txt  ]  :   you   wan   tto   fight???   you   wnt   to   punch   me   ?? [  txt  ]  :   then   i   ounched   the   tree   and   brokeme   hand
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animeraider · 2 years
A solid and eclectic week for new music from Scary Pockets, Ozzy Osbourne, Bjork, KT Tunstall, Pixies, Built to Spill, the legendary Arthur Brown and so much more. Enjoy!
Here is a listing of this week's artists by twitter profile, unless otherwise marked:
@scarypockets with @EliseTrouw and @DaveKozMusic playing a solo that I've always known he's had in him but perhaps you didn't. @EricLindenMusic @OzzyOsbourne (who has the best Spotify bio EVAR @ChloeTemtchine @bjork featuring Kasimyn @kelly_kintner with @platinummind and @TheGodzillaAtt1 @Quadraphonix @Fear2Stop Rijell (still no socials - find him on Spotify_ @Kiffie8 @arkellsmusic with @beatricepirate and @alyandaj heroesfalllast (Instagram) and @copperstoneband @volkermilch nervousnessboys (Instagram) aka @ANDREWDROPKICK and @bobointegral The legendary @GodofHellFire5 with the also legendary @TheIanPaice @PIXIES @KTTunstall @mikeyj_music @madicunningham @FrogLeapStudios @youngthegiant @bretmckenzie3 @drugdealerband @duranduran @ezrafurman @Built_2_Spill @sudanarchives @stelladonnelly @jockstrapmusic1 @SonLittleMusic @MarlonWMusic @air_waves with @LukeTempleMusic and @rinamushonga @thelastyearsbnd
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kidgetrash · 5 years
The Sassy Little Mermaid - A MerMay Kidge Trash/Piixie Fawn Collab fic - Chapter 1
So, yesterday, @piixiefawn showed me some incredible art she has made for MerMay!  Me, being useless, hadn’t even remembered, so had nothing prepared, but together we started throwing ideas around and this is what we’ve come up with so far!  We’re hoping this will be a 31 chapter piece, one for each day in May!  Wish us luck!  Art will follow, but Pixie is very busy and she is under no pressure to complete it as long as she’s still feeding me with ideas!
On another note, the names of the kingdoms we took from mythological deities from each region!  Also, everyone is a mer-person, no real land-dwellers!  Just throw them all in the water!
Chapter 1
Princess Katie of the Mediterranean Kingdom of Salacia looked up from her workbench.  There was something truly challenging about trying to adapt their technology to enable their explorers to spend longer on The Great Unwet and she had proved herself one of their best experts despite, or perhaps because, of her royal status.  The entire family were descended from a long line of scientists, their expertise renowned throughout the oceans.  Her brother was no exception, and as he glided gracefully through the entrance carrying a small casket she quirked him a small smile.
‘Are those the samples I’ve been waiting for from Mizuchi?’  She asked hopefully, clearing a gap for him to place the box down.
‘It is, although not as many as we would have liked.’  He popped the lid and showed her.  ‘They don’t seem to know the different variants we can use and have only gathered the most likely.’
‘Which are the hardest to find.’  She pulled a face.  ‘If Dad would just let me…’
‘You know he won’t let you go on an expedition.’  Matt swam over her head, his aqua scales catching the glow of her work lamp.  ‘But, there might be a way around it.’
She narrowed her eyes at him.  ‘Go on.’
‘Mom and Dad want to see you.  Both of us, really, but I already know what it’s about.’
‘So tell me.’
‘And ruin the surprise?’  He chuckled as he picked up a tool from her bench.  ‘Nope.’
‘You’re the worst big brother ever.’  She snatched the equipment out of his hand.
‘I’m the best big brother ever.’  He corrected her.  ‘Also you have an hour to clean up before we’re due to meet them.’
She looked at herself, her violet scales stained with the phosphorescent glow from the components she used.  ‘That won’t take me an hour.’
Matt resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her, knowing that in all likelihood she would get back into her work and forget to clean up entirely.  ‘Alright, I’ll see you in Dad’s stateroom in an hour.’
‘Got it.’  She nodded as he swam out again.  ‘I can get a lot done in an hour.’  She smiled to herself before getting back to work.
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possum-tooth · 3 years
lord give me the strength to not cut my hair off after i bleach it 🥴
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sp3llboundgirl · 3 years
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dashuisofanubis · 3 years
Got any fic recs? 🥺💕
Definitely! I warn you, this is going to be long bc there are so many good fics out there
rugged heart by The Sushi Monster
And that's when it hits Eddie that is something new and different; ensemble. (Post-"The Touchstone of Ra")
I love this one so much, its wonderful and I think about it a lot
You Give Me Feelings That I Adore by crocs
Interestingly, when KT and Nina meet for the first time, the world is not ending. (NinaKT. Post-S3.)
Short, but very sweet
A bona fide mystery by marshmallownose
“With this Circle of Light, I seal the Circle of Life,” she said, trying to fit the pieces together only for them to topple and fall apart. “With this Circle of Light, I seal the Circle of Life,” Nina said again, voice pitching in desperation. Nothing. She whirled around to face them, green eyes glassy with frustration. “Why isn’t it working?"
No spoilers, but this one is fun to think about
(Baby) it's cold outside by DietS0daS0ciety
In which Patricia Williamson will never back down from a (snowball) fight.
The Anubis kids have a snowball fight! What more could you want
Fairytale of Amun York by crocs
'Nina — Might be a good idea to attend this,' it read. 'Seems like something you might be into!' A crudely drawn smiley face followed the message. It still smelled vaguely of scented perma-marker. Nina leant in. Apple-scented perma-marker.' (NinaFabian. Post-Series.)
I love this one very much
Coffee, decaf by sleepymarvel
Nobody had ever called her smart before. She’d been called a bitch, a troublemaker occasionally, suicidally brave once, there was the time Alfie called her a scheming pixie and she thought that was pretty funny, but nobody had ever told her she was smart.
A really cool piece looking at early s1 Patricia's thoughts on Rufus. I recommend the rest of the fics in this series too!
In the house of yesteryear by marshmallownose
every tragedy has a beginning and an end, but the moments in the middle are often forgotten whether they be bitter or sweet.
this is a moment in time.
Sarah, Victor and Rufus as teenagers!
The Heist by mask_of_anubis
It's Prospective Parents' Day once again and the Anubis students couldn't be less excited. But when Mr. Sweet decides to place the Frobisher Shield under lockdown for safe keeping, the kids set out on the ultimate parents' day mission: a heist to reclaim the shield and win eternal glory. Takes place after the end of season 2 before the school term ends.
This one is so much fun I adore it
Family ties by HouseofSecrets
Evelyn Meridian Martin’s life was one of joy and suffering. Haunted by dreams of a girl she has never met in a house she has never seen, Evelyn searches for answers and unearths long buried secrets.
Backstory for Nina’s grandmother!
Trixie by daddyoshie
Where did the nickname "Trixie" come from? And why do only Alfie and Jerome use it? Until now, Patricia has never told anyone the story behind the name.
Or: The story of the time that Alfie and Jerome went out of their way for Patricia and forged a strong bond of friendship in the process.
This one is very fun and very sweet! (also one of the tags is 'no beta we crash and burn like a Jerome moneymaking scheme' and I think that's wonderful)
Tears of Gold by HouseofSecrets
After finding out about her father and the secrets Mara and Jerome had been keeping from her, Poppy calls in reinforcements. Meanwhile the Sibunas race against time to find the Mask of Anubis.
Okay I am nowhere near as far through this as I should be, but it is incredible and I definitely recommend it!
it's called "therapy," and we all need it. by ironicsopsychotic
one thing leads to another, and—because it’s anubis house—they decide it’s only fair to get victor a therapist. for all their sakes as well as his.
A chaotic, very fun text fic
Two is Company by marshmallownose
When Eddie and his sister Kira were invited by their estranged father to attend the esteemed Amun Academic Boarding School in the United Kingdom, they were unaware of exactly what they were getting into.
What if Eddie had a twin sister? Honestly check out all of marshmallownose/@incorrectsibunaquotes' works, they're all wonderful. Speaking of, what would this list be if I didn't include...
House of Mistakes by marshmallownose
'Eddie knew better. He really did! But he needed to vent to someone, and Denby was willing to listen. And so he let it out right then and there. And she’d been so understanding, so supportive…so overly sweet.
Maybe that’s why Eddie felt like such a chump.'
Sinner Eddie AU! Sinner Eddie AU!
Finally I have to recommend this because of the pure chaos that went down when we created it
Getting Caught in the Rain (Down in Africa) by the Sibuna Lives discord
A group trip to Germany should be simple.
Here is a list of things not considered simple:
- Mick getting on the wrong plane
- Jerome following him
- Joy finding them stranded in South Africa
- Fabian getting kidnapped
- No one answering his distress calls
- Alfie calling a SWAT team to save him
Mick: Hey Joy, if you like pina coladas
Mick: or getting caught in the rain
Mick: I forgot the rest
Joy: Oh you old romantic you
Oh and I'm going to rec myself here bc I'm still proud of this fic
Making Excuses (or 5 times Eddie and Patricia got chores and 1 time they didn't) by Whispers_of_Gallifrey
Alternatively titled: 6 times Victor got a migraine
It was all subjective really. Maybe they had been miscreants launching a deliberate and malicious attack against Victor’s prize dahlias, or maybe they had just been having fun playing catch when the competitive streak kicked in and the flowers were unfortunately caught in the cross-fire. If he hadn’t wanted his flowers to become a casualty, maybe he shouldn’t have planted them there.
Tragically, Victor didn’t see it their way, so Patricia and Eddie were once again stuck doing chores for the foreseeable future.
There you go! If you got to the end of this congratulations because I think I went overboard (though there are far more I could have recced there's so many good fics out there!)
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
Baby baby, we're on the rocket. Wherever we land, you'll be my spaceman. Baby baby, we're supersonic. Now we're together, we'll last forever. Put the plug in the socket, give me all your power. When you turn it on I can go for hours. Hit the switch, push the button, baby, then you'll see we can have it all, baby, you and me. Kiss the stars tonight. You and me, oh, we will write our name in lights. They will see we're in love tonight. Love tonight, we're in love tonight. Love tonight, love tonight. We're in love tonight.
Kiss The Stars by Pixie Lott
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guiltskate · 2 years
thinking about how everyone knows carter and makes up their own idea of her in their heads and... kt was right, carter was the first manic pixie dream girl confirmed.
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jaegerbroshoe · 4 years
[0.0] Calendar of Events
#published: 12/14/20
[1.0] Breaking the Cycle: Eren’s Real Plan and the Ending of Snk 
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #foreshadowing  #character: “eren”  #theme: “cycles”  #published: 12/05/19
    [1.011] <<Grisha and Eren Saw More of the Future>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “grisha”, “eren”  #concept: “memory triggers”  #published: 11/10/19
    [1.012] <<Why Grisha Gave Eren the Powers After Telling Zeke to Stop Him>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “grisha”, “eren”  #published: 11/10/19
    [1.013] <<Eren’s Motive for the EMA Fallout>>
#eren’s plan  #character: “eren”, “armin”, “mikasa”  #published: 03/18/19
    [1.02] <<Eren’s Monologue (Ch. 123) is a Reflection of His Character/Thought Development>>
#ending theory  #foreshadowing  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #published: 01/28/20
    [1.03] <<There is No Perfect Ending>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #theme: “there is no perfect solution”  #published: 12/11/19
    [1.04] <<There is No Perfect Solution>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #theme: “there is no perfect solution”  #published: 02/01/20
   [1.041] <<The Eren/Pixis Scene (Ch. 12) Was Foreshadowing a Temporary Solution>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #theme: “there is no perfect solution”  #published: 12/17/20
    [1.05] Miscellaneous Theories
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”, “armin”, “zeke”  #concept: “PATHS”  #published: 01/08/21
    [1.06] <<Possible Use of the FT’s Memory Manipulation Ability>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”, “zeke”  #power of the titans  #published: 03/05/21
[1.1] Eren’s Monologue (Ch. 97) Has All the Answers
#foreshadowing  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #published: 11/05/19
[1.2] Eren’s Thought Progression and Foreshadowing of His Plan
#foreshadowing  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #published: 11/30/19
[1.3] T-KT and the Ending of Snk
#ending theory  #foreshadowing  #ost  #eren’s plan  #character: “eren”  #published: 11/09/19
[1.4] Red Swan and the Ending of Snk
#ending theory  #foreshadowing  #ost  #eren’s plan  #published: 11/30/19
[2.0] Destroying the Power of the Titans
#ending theory  #titan theory  #concept: “PATHS”  #symbology: “flowers”  #published: 10/05/19
    [2.01] <<Requirement for Ymir’s Return>>
#ending theory  #eren’s plan  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”  #published: 10/06/19
    [2.02] <<How the Original Source Was Preserved>>
#power of the titans  #titan theory  #character: “ymir the first”  #ending theory  #eren’s plan  #published: 01/09/21
[2.1] <<The Founding Titan’s DNA Manipulation Ability>>
#ending theory  #power of the titans  #eren’s plan  #published: 02/07/19
[3.0] Ragnarok and the Potential Ending of Snk
#ending theory  #the rumbling  #published: 10/05/19
[4.0] <<The Wish-Granting Ability of the Source Caused This>>
#ending theory  #the rumbling  #theme: “wishes”  #symbology: “flowers”  #published:  08/08/20
[5.0] <<Ymir is the “See You Later, Eren” Girl>>
#ending theory  #phrase: “see you later, eren”  #concept: “PATHS”  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”, “mikasa”  #published: 08/06/19
[5.1] <<The Final Panel and “See You Later, Eren”>>
#ending theory  #phrase: “see you later, eren”  #concept: “PATHS”  #character: “eren”, “ymir the first”, “grisha”  #published: 01/28/20
[5.2] <<Eren is The Bird>>
#ending theory #titan theory #power of the titans #concept: “PATHS” #character: “eren”, “falco” #published: 12/13/20
    [5.21] <<Foreshadowing in the Season 4 Ending>>
#ending theory #titan theory #power of the titans #concept: “PATHS” #character: “falco”, “eren” #published: 01/16/21
[6.0] <<How I Would Execute the Ending>>
#storytelling  #ending theory  #eren’s plan  #published: 09/25/20
[7.0] The Contrasting Devils: King Fritz and Eren Jaeger
#theme: “freedom vs. oppression”  #symbology: “devil”  #character: “eren”, “king fritz”  #foreshadowing  #published: 11/03/19
[8.0] <<Hell as a Symbol of Suicide>>
#symbology: “hell”  #foreshadowing  #character: “erwin”, “eren”  #published: 11/10/19
[9.0] The Pigs and Their Symbology
#symbology: “cattle and pigs”  #theme: “free will”  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”  #published: 12/04/20
[10.0] The Meaning of the Shadowed Eyes
#symbology: “shadowed eyes”  #theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “the bias of perspective”  #explanation  #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”  #published: 02/05/21
[11.0] The Brilliance of Chapter 131: Freedom vs. Oppression
#theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “life is cruel”  #character: “eren”  #published: 08/27/20
[11.1] <<Eren’s Definition of Freedom>>
#theme: “freedom vs. oppression”  #character: “eren”  #explanation  #published: 10/06/20
[12.0] <<What Grisha Meant by the “Most Important Thing”>>
#theme: “cycles”  #character: “grisha”, “eren”  #published: 04/13/20
[13.0] <<What the Scarf Meant to Eren>>
#theme: “life is cruel”  #character: “eren”, “mikasa”  #published: 10/16/20
[14.0] <<Why Snk is Not Nazi Propaganda>>
#theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “the bias of perspective”  #storytelling  #published: 05/04/19
[15.0] <<Isayama’s Writing Style Post-Timeskip is a Test for the Reader>>
#theme: “the bias of perspective”  #storytelling  #ending theory  #published: 06/05/19
[16.0] <<A Guide to PATHS>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #explanation  #published: 02/04/19
[16.1] <<Physical Manifestation of PATHS>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #power of the titans  #explanation  #published: 03/07/19
[16.2] Trying to Make Sense of This Big Mindfuck Called PATHS
#concept: “PATHS”  #theme: “time”, “fate”  #titan theory  #explanation  #published: 09/04/19
   [16.21] <<Why Grisha Was Able to See and Hug Zeke>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #theme: “time”  #titan theory  #explanation  #published: 08/14/20
   [16.23] <<Linearity of Time and Implications on Fate>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #theme: “time”, “fate”, “free will”, “cycles”  #character: “eren”, “grisha”  #published: 10/17/19
   [16.24] <<Did Eren Cause Everything to Happen via PATHS?>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #theme: “time”, “free will”, “freedom vs. oppression”, “the bias of perspective”  #symbology: “devil”  #character: “eren”  #published: 07/11/20
[16.3] Accessing the Coordinate PATH
#concept: “PATHS”, “subject(s) of ymir”  #titan theory  #power of the titans  #symbology: “flowers”  #published: 01/15/21
[16.4] PATHS and the Echoes of the Dead
#concept: “PATHS”, “subject(s) of ymir” #titan theory #power of the titans #published: 03/05/21
[17.0] Recipe to Titan Creation and The Source of All Organic Matter
#titan theory  #power of the titans  #published: 10/04/19
[17.1] The Source: Morphology, Evolution, Transmission, and Death
#titan theory  #power of the titans  #concept: “subject(s) of ymir  #ending theory  #published: 02/28/21
[18.0] <<The Dilution Effect>>
#titan theory  #power of the titans  #concept: “PATHS”  #published: 10/14/19
[18.1] <<Classification of Races: Eldian vs. SoY>>
#concept: “subject(s) of ymir”  #explanation  #published: 08/14/20
[18.2] <<Classification of SoY: What Makes One Royal-Blooded?>>
#concept: “subject(s) of ymir”  #explanation  #titan theory  #published: 09/15/20
[19.0] Memory Triggers in Snk
#concept: “memory triggers”, “memory swipe”, “PATHS”  #titan theory  #explanation  #published: 10/05/20
    [19.01] <<Why Eren Had a Harder Time Controlling His Powers Than Other Shifters>>
#concept: “memory swipe”  #titan theory  #character: “eren”  #published: 03/16/19
[20.0] <<Requirements for Activating the Coordinate and Bypassing Karl Fritz’ Vow>> 
#power of the titans  #explanation  #character: “eren”, “historia”, “zeke”  #published: 03/07/19
[20.1] <<How Eren Can Still Access the FT Without Zeke>>
#power of the titans #titan theory #ending theory #character: “ymir the first”, “eren”, “zeke”, “dina” #published: 03/05/21
[21.0] <<Eren’s Motive for the Attack on Liberio: Was it Always the Case?>>
#character: “eren”  #eren’s plan  #published: 01/12/19
[22.0] <<How Thunder Spears Work and Why Zeke Didn’t Die>>
#explanation  #published: 02/13/19
[23.0] <<Entering the PATHS Dimension>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #symbology: “flowers”  #published: 03/10/19
[24.0] <<Emulating Predecessors>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #character: “eren”, “dina”  #theme: “free will”  #published: 05/18/19
[24.1] <<Grisha’s Changing Eye Colour>>
#character: “grisha”  #theme: “free will”  #published: 05/26/19
[25.0] <<Eren Doesn’t Agree with Euthanasia>>
#eren’s plan  #zeke’s plan  #character: “eren”  #published: 07/15/19
[26.0] <<What Eren Saw in the Medal Ceremony (Ch. 90/121)>>
#concept: “PATHS”  #explanation  #predictions  #published: 09/04/19
[26.1] <<“That Sight” Was Shown in Chapter 106>>
#phrase: “that sight”  #ending theory  #character: “eren”  #theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “time”  #predictions  #published: 09/25/19
    [26.11] <<Eren Knew The Rumbling Was An Inevitability (Ch. 106)>>
#phrase: “that sight”  #theme: “time”  #character: “eren”  #foreshadowing  #predictions  #published: 09/25/19
[26.2] <<Grisha Was Referring to the Rumbling Here>>
#phrase: “that sight”  #the rumbling  #explanation  #predictions  #published: 11/30/19
[27.0] <<Translation Discrepancies in Chapter 130>>
#ending theory  #character: “eren”  #predictions  #published: 07/08/20
[28.0] <<Armin and the Crying Colossal Titan>>
#predictions  #the rumbling  #character: “armin”  #published: 08/30/20
[29.0] <<The Eldian Empire and How SoY Were Always the Victims>>
#concept: “subject(s) of ymir”  #explanation  #published: 01/09/21
[30.0] <<Why Magath Sucks Ass>>
#character: “magath”  #published: 07/30/19
[31.0] <<The Fandom’s Misuse of “Evil”>>
#theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “there is no perfect solution”, “life is cruel”  #character: “eren”  #published: 10/08/19
[32.0] <<Why I Agree With Eren’s Choice>>
#the rumbling  #theme: “there is no perfect solution”, “life is cruel”  #published: 11/06/19
[33.0] <<Is Zeke’s Plan Morally Right?>>
#zeke’s plan  #theme: “freedom vs. oppression”, “cycles”  #concept: “subject(s) of ymir”  #published: 08/08/20
[34.0] Historia’s Stance and the Circumstances Behind Her Pregnancy
#historia’s pregnancy  #explanation  #ending theory  #character: “historia”, “eren”  #theme: “cycles”  #published: 01/30/21
[35.0] <<Eren Being the Dad Doesn’t Add Up>>
#historia’s pregnancy  #eren’s plan  #zeke’s plan  #character: “eren”, “historia”  #published: 04/12/19
[35.1] <<Eren’s Motive for the Attack on Liberio: Was it All For Historia?>>
#eren’s plan  #historia’s pregnancy  #character: “eren”  #explanation  #published: 09/17/19
[35.2] <<Eren Being the Dad Doesn’t Fit Thematically>>
#historia’s pregnancy  #theme: “cycles”  #eren’s plan  #zeke’s plan  #character: “eren”, “historia”, “ymir the first”, “zeke”, “king fritz”  #published: 10/06/19
[36.0] <<Grisha Loved Both Dina and Carla>>
#character: “grisha”, “dina”, “carla”  #published: 02/10/19
[37.0] <<Eren is Literally Following in Erwin’s Footsteps>>
#character: “eren”, “erwin”  #theme: “life is cruel”  #published: 03/22/19
[38.0] <<Eren Was Trying to Give Reiner Closure>>
#character: “eren”, “reiner”  #published: 11/30/19
[39.0] <<Eren Doesn’t Intend to Kill Everyone>>
#eren’s plan  #the rumbling  #character: “eren”  #published: 10/09/19
[40.0] Theory on Source of All Organic Matter + Eren’s Plan
#power of the titans  #eren’s plan  #the rumbling  #titan theory  #published: 04/07/19
[41.0] <<Annie’s Role>>
#character: “annie”  #eren’s plan  #published: 04/10/19
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breesays · 4 years
THE Reflective Blog
Of COURSE I get food poisoning on my birthday. At breakfast! I won't get into detail but let the record reflect. 
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It's a weird year. And I love birthday parties and themes but yo, I cannot get behind the zoom festivities. Catch ups and webinars, sure. Parties? Nah, son. Furthermore, we are quarantining so we can spend Christmas with my NEW BABY NIECE. Priorities. 
But, I have turned FORTY.  I'm not one of those people who laments about getting old. I believe words have a lot of power, so even joking about "falling apart" holds weight with the universe. Much of my unresolved anger at my Dad is about him  being “close to death” for decades. Lamenting. Warning. Sometimes, even wallowing. No "Carpe Diem." An external locus of control. 
All my mom's friends outed me on FB. "Happy 40th!" Ok, well, like only like a third of my friends knew my age before you posted that but thanks. I've been a fairly late bloomer in most aspects of my life--relationships, reading (why read chapter books when the others come with illustrations?), college, career--although marriage and having a kid at latelate-thirties feels on par for Los Angeles, eh?
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Interview question I would never ask: Do you feel older? LTRR: (making that abbreviation a thing) The food poisoning may have altered this answer but Tim got it too and he is a fresh-faced 33.
All I really feel is grateful. I'm not a super ambitious person. When I was younger (youngest) I started eliminating careers before anything else--no doctor, no dentist, no cop (no blood/guts). I wanted to be a teacher until I realized they make no money. But I taught some things--PeeWee sports, TurboKick, kids bootcamp. 
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At some point I just started saying "I just want to be myself, and get paid for it."  And that happened! The writing / editing / hosting combo with occasional travel and a rental wardrobe was IT. I wrote my own questions, wrote my own scripts. I found myself (my face) autoplaying while looking up articles on Rolling Stone and Consequence of Sound. 
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My bucket list items have been particular and weird. But I was an embedded blogger on WARPED TOUR. In 2008! I woke up to hearing The Academy Is... sound checking. It was sweaty and grueling and incredible. AND I was on the entire Bamboozle Roadshow 2010 tour, which no one remembers but it was All Time Low and Third Eye Blind (yep) and Good Charlotte and I really wanted them to play "Festival Song" but they never did.
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I got to follow the trajectory of a band I loved so much AND become friends with them. It was all luck and kindness, but I think you know a lot of shitbirds have been discovered within the “scene.” I am so grateful to have grown up with such good guys. 
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(Jack Barakat is in TWO of your pictures, OK?)
I've interviewed so many interesting and inspiring people. Brandon Boyd. Emily Haines. Aaron Bruno. Paramore. Michael Franti. Kathy Griffin. Tom Dumont. Andrew WK. Pete Wentz. Soupy. Alison Mosshart. My Chemical Romance. Korn. The Pixies. Ellen Page. KT Tunstall. K Flay. All Time Low, who perpetually derail my interviews. This is by no means a comprehensive list.
I've worked with Leslie Simon and Tony Pierce and Karina Kogan and Allan MacDonell and Jennifer Schwartz and Yasi Salek (twice!) and Mark Oshiro and Elise Varnell and 5SF. I’ve had interns who became good friends.
I've been to SXSW and Sasquatch and Coachella and Bonnaroo and it was my job! 
I’ve thrown some pretty great themed parties. The proof is in the pics.
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I have a husband who looks like Keanu Reeves and loves to cook, two sweet adopted cats who entertain and provide emotional support daily and a painfully adorable son who motivates me to do rediscover the world AND stay silly. 
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I have books I have internet I have a mom's club I have compassionate friends and incredible neighbors. I'm healthy I'm agile I'm resourceful.
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storytell · 4 years
muses but assigned to villain songs
money money money: STEINBECK, fukase, lizzie, kyoya, fitzgerald, talbot, daishou, NEMESIS, sigyn, temple, zhongli
hayloft: lucy, HUCK, kenji, winfield, minami, tatara, souji, a-qing, maria, rachel, sham, charon, nyx, gary, julia, lancelot, south, georgia, kokichi, beck, childe
angel of small death in the codeine scene: gogol, katai, agatha, poe, widowmaker, ray, lan wangji, jin zixuan, monika, donatello, graham, banica, JANE, galahad, idaho
house of wolves: twain, kajii, gide, akutagawa, ashe, shindou, the mother, kinjo, nie mingjue, sergei, claire, berga, dallas, gabriel, ladd, jacuzzi’s gang, heracles, clawdeen, race, tucker, gamma, sigma, omega, michiru, lumine
bubblegum bitch: margaret, ranpo, casino, momiji, pixie-bob, maryelle, ramona, silvermist, narcissus, celeste
st bernard: tetcho, mushitaro, ayatsuji, karma, dogra magra, q, gentle, tamaki, all of love, tetsu, niccolo, shiroe, mo xuanyu, yura, nathaniel, luck, maiza, jacuzzi, roy, RGB, oliver, lyf, gawain, nagi, carolina, north, eta, iota, doyle, maine, diluc
the house of the rising sun: natsume, shibusawa, dazai, genji, noe, tsurugi, gear, seung-gil, KR, koumei, kagami, huey, melvi, essa, czes, the poet, cass, tsukishima, march, NEMESIS, jon, JONNY, brian, rin, bitters, epsilon, delta, theta, church, simmons, tex, mal, keebo, KAEYA
barracuda: yuzu, teruko, gin, roland, rieze, alibaba, KT, darling, luka, eliot, nice, lua, christopher, chaini, sonja, kalia, rail, percy, tink, michael, luna, wyoming, tenko, ninny, fischl
time warp: frankenstein, tracer LMFAO, manga, belkia, iori, dinkuron, jack, wells, the watcher, isaac, ronny, robecca, caboose
???: lovecraft
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jacerk · 4 years
●// fc update!!
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hello peeps!!!!!! its nana here, and if i stand correct, not many of you will actually be aware of this change! anyway, lets get right into it!
it’s been approved from the mods and jacerk will no longer be lee jihoon aka woozi from seventeen, but im changkyun aka i.m from monsta x! there were a few reasons for this change, and i think, after having jacerk as a muse for 5 years, he has grown a lot and changed. i am pretty sure people will ask about the whole height thing and his nickname pixie and here’s how it will go!
he basically got the idol glow up deluxe; he used to bleach and dye his hair a lot in every single colour of the rainbow, however once he joined kt ent, he decided to have a break. this was all the way back in june 2017. when he joined sphere in october 2017, he hit a really late growth spurt. he was 19 at the time when that happened to him, so yeah, he basically grew quite a bit right in front of the convex member’s eyes. he is also, 110% okay with the members bringing it up on tv and in front of people since he never.. really had a height complex. 
however, changkyun now stands at a solid 174cm! he is also born on the 26th of january 1998, which makes his age the same as before, 22! he is still the same jacerk he was before just.. you know, taller and you know, more of a demon i guess hahaha. this is a really long post and i will actually stop it here for now, thank you for your attention qwq
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