randomartz · 3 months
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Percy is a professional disassociater I think
Let the boy rest (they won’t )
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nessa--draws · 11 months
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Six Fanarts challenge with Percy Jackson!
Check it out on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and DeviantART
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mercury0silver · 2 years
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Time to post art that’s actually recent! I read the PJtO series when I was a kid, loved it, grew up a little, hated it, and now I’ve swung back around to loving it in a completely different light than I did before. Aaaand loving this asshole.
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beardedbarba · 6 months
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hearvex · 1 year
necesito que estén en vc y se enteren de que han estado peleando los mismos demonios sería increíble
dios por favor que le costaba al universo hacerlos bilingues SERIAN IMPARABLES
teniendo una gran comunidad resultado de fama repentina en pandemia, constantemente calmando y aconsejando a dicha comunidad para que no manden odio en su nombre y que esten chill/disfruten del contenido nomas, JUGANDO AL MINECRAFT COMO DOS PJTOS AMOS BWAAAAAH greenspreen/wardenduo my beloved
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verdanteraser · 5 months
has anyone else thought about the idea that maybe the original greek myths won't survive for the next couple thousand years, but maybe pjto will-- and maybe some day a future civilization will look back on our culture and think there were people in the die-hard sects of the fandom who owrshipped percy and annabeth and the other characters of pjto?
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heavenssexiestangel · 6 months
The questions are from this post. No one sent an ask or anything, I'm going to answer all of them on my own LOL
This is gonna be a long post, so I'm putting it under a 'read more'
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How many words have you written this year?
I did some math and I wrote 94577 words. Not all the stuff is published, but still, words!
2. How many works did you publish this year?
Well, I updated 2 fics and published 23 new things :D
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Well I don't get many kudos or hits anyway so whatever about that. Absolutely I'm mostly proud of Heaven is a Place on Earth (Gadreel/Dean from SPN).
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
From this year or generally? Generally it's This Sex is on Fire (Leo Valdez/Percy Jackson from PJTO), from 2022/2023 (I updated it this year), it's Love and Gunpowder (Michael/Dean from SPN).
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Feedback as kudos or comments? Anyway uh... I guess A Growing Family (Arthur/Mick/Dean from SPN)
6. Favorite title you used
I am my Beloved's and my Beloved's mine
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Well, I used a song title. Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
uuuh lemme check...
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Gadreel/Dean and Arthur Ketch/Dean lol
10. What work was the quickest to write?
I'd say the drabbles?
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Heaven is a Place on Earth.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
AAHAAHAHAHAH OVER 50 already started but many more ideas
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
Heaven is a Place on Earth. That fic alone is over 56k, completed, and it'll have sequels
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
It's a tie among some 100-words drabbles: It's three in the morning (Arthur/Dean from SPN), I miss you (Arthur Ketch & Alexander Ketch from SPN) Adventures in parenting (Arthur/Mick/Dean from SPN), and Call without an answer (tw implied suicide, Dean from spn)
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
too many to friggin' list
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
uh... generally, it seems it's "Fluff"!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Gadreel. LOL
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
oh. mmmh... I'd say Ketch.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I wanna write more Mick/Dean. and also some Adam Milligan/Dean :)
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Good question... I've re-read a bunch this year... I'd say it's a tie between Tell me what's wrong (Arthur/Dean from SPN) and Take my Breath Away (Lucifer/Dean from SPN)
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
22. Which work has the most comments?
from this year? Love and Gunpowder.
generally? GEAW 2020 fics
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
I started writing a fic with @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell and another with @michaelmilligan. I need to go back to both
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
I wrote Adventures in Parenting, A Growing Family, and Show Your Love for @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
One More Kiss for @envydean
Cuddling and Bonding for @michaelmilligan
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
From @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell I got Between the Three and Follow that Car!
From randomfills (not on tumblr) I got Taking Care of You
From @quietwingsinthesky I got hold still. He also podficced my fics I was born to love you and Slowly Waking
From @ladyknightskye I got The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester
From @envydean I got Sun-warmed Skin
26. What’s your most common category?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Usually nothing, but Heaven is a Place on Earth had a whole playlist of 80s or earlier songs.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Heaven is a Place on Earth and also the SPN Lucifer Week Poems
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
mmmh... there are a few... I can't really choose...
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I think it was that I can write poems. LOL
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xaracosmia · 8 days
Hello! It's Twin! I'd like to update Hermes' canonpoint to "post The Last Olympian" if you don't mind! it's 6/6 and you can find me @Twin_Destinies on twitter. Thank you <3 <3 <3
this can't possibly have a next effect on the PJTO population
hermes' canon point has been updated!
<3 mod yuri
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noneisspokenfor · 9 months
hellos are short, so i wrote u letter.
disclaimer: anais punya saya, maverick punya pmnya (bukan saya), dan universe-nya pinjam forum thelostheroes (pjto-based) punya adminnya (bukan saya).
ps. aq gak bisa bikin ff, jadi bikin ini aj yg penting muka tembok menulis. '-' (sungkem dulu) kalau gak suka gpp, aq bisa bikin lagi tp buat jon (NGANCEM).
・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :
Seperti rintik di musim gugur, datangnya sial pun tidak hanya sekali.
Tiga hari lalu, ia diperingatkan oleh pengajarnya di kelas untuk bergegas menyelesaikan tugas bacanya dan menulis esai sebab Anais termasuk dalam segelintir murid yang lamban. Animal Farm isinya revolusi yang dipimpin babi-babi peternakan untuk menggulingkan manusia. Seru, tapi lebih seru jika didongengi.
Namun suatu hari, seperti hari-hari lainnya, hujan turun. Deras. Anais lupa bawa payung. Ceroboh satu ini niat menunggu reda, tapi sudah lewat lima belas menit masih saja deras. Antara tidak sabaran dan nekat—alhasil, diterobosnya lah, dibiarkan dirinya kuyup dari kepala hingga kaki. Jarak halte ke rumah tidak jauh. Mulanya, ia melangkah besar-besar, tapi lama-lama kakinya diseret, melompat, berhenti, diayun ke kanan-kiri, jalan lagi ke depan dengan hentakan. Menari.
Sebelum sadar, bukunya pun ikut kuyup. Anais berhenti tertawa. Sampai rumah, bukunya dikeringkan, diangin-anginkan. Ada tulisan yang semakin pudar, otak Demigod-nya semakin frustrasi.
Esok harinya, pengajarnya memberi hukuman; 1 esai lagi untuk bacaan lain, katanya. Ugh, sial. Kuadrat.
・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :
Satu minggu sebelumnya, ia bertemu dengan seorang wanita dewasa-hampir-menjadi-nenek. Mungkin usianya 50-an. Menundukkan kepala, terisak, tisu dalam genggaman ditempel-tempelkan ke mata, pipi, lalu mengeluarkan ingus. Tangisnya tidak bersuara, tapi Anais menyadarinya sore itu. Merasa simpati, ia turut menyodorkan tisu, sambil bertanya, "hei, kamu oke?" Dijawab dengan kereta kalimat alias panjang, wanita tersebut berkisah bahwa suaminya yang bangkotan itu selingkuh. Anjingnya juga baru mati seminggu lalu.
Anais menepuk-nepuk punggung si wanita dewasa, berharap meringankan sedih. Harusnya bisa pulang dalam lima belas menit, ia malah telat satu jam.
Saat akan berpisah, wanita bernama Margaret tersebut memberinya pita rambut dan sejumlah permen warna-warni, sambil tersenyum, sudah tidak menangis. Anais pun pulang dengan gembira, dengan rambut berpita, serta permen di saku.
Sudah satu minggu pula, permennya belum dicecap.
・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :
Eleanor sedang libur, meski mata pandanya kentara dan gurat lelah di wajah membekas. Ia mengajak anak gadisnya, Anais ke supermarket (lebih tepatnya, Anais yang ingin ikut).
Sesampainya di rumah, mereka mendapati kakeknya berkacamata, tengah membaca koran harian. "Hai, Grampy, ada berita menarik?" Di lembar belakang, tampak ilustrasi satu orang membanting orang lainnya dalam ring; otak disleksianya sontak mencoba mengeja lambat-lambat. Badannya maju menghampiri dan diucapkannya dengan vokal. "WWE World Have-eight?—oh, Heavyweight Champion Batista vs. Mark Henry in a No Disquisit—my God—Disqua-li-fi-ca-tion Match—woah!" Pendengaran William Godfrey sudah menurun, sehingga kakeknya itu hanya akan menanggapi pekiknya yang agak keras.
"Ada apa?" Lembarnya dibalik, dicermati. Gagal cermat. "Hoo, smackdown?"
"Iya iya, tiba-tiba teringat, temanku ada yang senang gulat."
Eleanor yang masih membereskan kantung belanjaan ikut berceletuk, "Tumben. Temanmu yang mana? Yang ke sekolah naik skateboard? Yang celananya pernah robek di kelas? Yang pernah meminjamimu jaket? Atau, yang makan pizza dengan nanas?" Wanita tersebut mengingat-ingat.
"Yang terakhir," jawab Anais cepat, sembari cekatan membantu ibunya meletakkan sayur ke dalam lemari pendingin. "Dia temanku di perkemahan, yang rumahnya aku tumpangi. Oh, bukankah aku pernah cerita?" Kepalanya terangkat, cengirannya melebar.
・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :
Untuk Maverick yang berisik (tidakkah berima) Howdy, pal. Apa kabar dunia? Kabarku nggak perlu ditanya, aku baik-baik saja walau kepalaku sakit sekali pasca menyelesaikan tugas baca di sekolah. Tugasku berlipatganda alias dihukum karena sebelumnya telat mengumpulkan. Bisa-bisanya Zeus mengirim hujan saat aku nggak bawa payung! YA, tugasku kuyup. Tapi, nggak apa-apa, sudah berlalu. Anyway, aku ingin mengadopsi kucing jalanan yang suka lewat depan rumah, tapi ibuku nggak suka. Katanya, nanti banyak bulu rontok, lelah membersihkannya. Aku sudah menawarkan diri membersihkan, sih, tapi ibuku masih bersikeras karena katanya aku sendiri pelupa. Memangnya, iya? Entah. Tapi, aku pun bingung, anjing dan kucing sama-sama menggemaskan. Masa aku pelihara dua-duanya? Hm, nantilah, aku bujuk ibuku dulu. Omong-omong soal anjing, waktu itu, aku bertemu wanita namanya Daisy (aslinya Margaret, tapi dia blasteran Perancis dan menurutnya, nama Daisy membuatnya merasa lebih muda dan cocok berteman denganku, lol). Dia menangis karena ditinggal anjingnya. Aku katakan kepadanya kalau anjingnya akan sedih kalau dia terus menerus menangis. Nah, nah, kemudian dia memberikanku permen bungkus warna-warni (gak ada mereknya), aku ragu mau makan. Ok, aku kirimkan untukmu tiga (kalau sepuluh kebanyakan), barangkali penasaran. Kemudian, kapan ya... aku mengenalkan pizza nanas kepada ibuku. Katanya, enak, tapi aku yang menghabiskan sih, dia cuma ambil sepotong. Aku juga menceritakan soal aku punya teman anak Aphrodite, lalu ibuku bertanya; apa anak Aphrodite bisa mendeteksi orang yang sedang jatuh cinta? Atau mengetahui yang mana soulmate-mu? Aku bilang nggak tahu, nanti aku tanya Maverick. Namanya Maverick. Kata ibuku, aku perlu mengajakmu ke rumah kapan-kapan. Mana bisa? Rumahmu saja di ujung dunia. (rumahku sih yang di ujung) Jadi, tiga paragraf di atas adalah pembuka. Maksud dari suratku adalah… aku ingin bilang kalau aku sepertinya nggak akan datang ke perkemahan di musim dingin ini. Kamu pasti datang kan? Rumahmu kan dekat di sana. Jaga diri, ya! Kalau sakit, minta tolong Beau saja. TAPI JANGAN LAH KALAU BISA. Jangan lupa pakai pakaian hangat, istirahat yang cukup, dll sudahlah, sudah besar, pasti tahu. Apa ya… salam untuk Paman Pasquale, Jonah, urmm siapa pun di rumahmu, lalu kakak-kakakku di perkemahan (terutama Beau, takutnya dia mencari), Otty, juga Exy. Kalau ada direktur perkemahan kita, Dewa Ares, tolong sampaikan salamku juga. Temanmu yang keren, Anais.
・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :
Kertasnya ia lipat, berpikir sejenak, dibuka lagi, dicoret-coret lagi. Digambar-gambar. Semua objek dan entitas dalam kisahnya dibuat doodle seperti biasa, seperti suratnya yang lalu-lalu. Terakhir, ada Anais, rambutnya panjang, tersenyum, matahari di atas kepala. Ada surat, lalu pesawat. Ada temannya, Maverick, ikal, nyengir, bajunya diberi gambar hati. Nah, sudah, ia mengangguk-angguk puas.
"Moms, pernah punya teman pena?"
Lucunya, itu kali pertama Anais punya sobat pena.
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princxsskida · 1 year
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inspired  by  :  kidagakash nedakh [atlantis: the lost empire] / added inspo ! Annabeth Chase (PJTO), Asuna (SAO), Zelda (TLOZ), Yue (A:TLA) 
Kidagakash ["Kida"] Nedakh. 
Zazie Beets.
 July 6th, many centuries ago 
Tour Guide, Elias Museum of History and Art 
Lawful good. 
present !! 
When Kida met the McDucks, she was instantly enamored by their stories of the surface world. Her father didn't want to welcome these strangers, but Kida convinced him. 
Then the call came - danger. Kida was ready to face it, but her father convinced her to go with the them to protect Atlantis. 
It broke her heart to leave her ailing father and their people, but that string of curiosity tugged and tugged. Maybe she could still find someone who could help her crack the code. 
In comparison to her life in Atlantis, Elias, California was mundane in the best way possible. Kida adores the monotony of her days, giving tours at the museum and learning how the people of this new world live. 
In the meantime, she's drinking in all the knowledge she possibly can, both from the public library and Scrooge's personal. 
 And Milo, while scholarly, awkward, and scrawny, has a charm that Kida can't quite resist… 
past !!
Kidagakash remembers little about the day Atlantis sunk beneath the waves. She remembers a bright light, like a star, and her mother’s hand slipping from her own. 
Kida grew up quickly, training to be the strongest she could be to protect and serve her people. 
She loved them, walking among them, learning their stories, determined to be fully in-tune with the needs of her people. 
Over the centuries, Kida watched as Atlantean culture slowly withered. She longed to crack the code of their lost language, tinkering with the machinery that she found around the island. 
While Kida looked to the past, she also looked to the surface world, and the future. Was there something up there that could help them discover the key to written Atlantean? Could unlocking the secrets of their past lead them to a better future? 
In her patrols, Kida and her chosen few stumbled upon the McDuck expedition, sparking hope that maybe, just maybe, the gods had answered her many prayers. 
future !!
Kida will learn how to read Atlantean and investigate the Heart of Atlantis further! 
Will Maleficent realize that Kida is in Elias? 
What powers does Kida possess? Is there someone who can mentor her and nurture these burgeoning powers? 
To be continued…
taken connections
wanted connections
Magical Mentor 
Friends!! Girlfriends who help Kida embrace life in Elias and live it to the fullest! 
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cosmicpercy · 4 years
happy birthday percy jackson!!
i almost always say the same thing over and over again but thank you percy for being such a huge part of my life and for being the best fictional character ever!!! dont think i'll love a character as much as i love you :( i hope u are enjoying ur blue cake courtesy of sally jackson aka best fictional mom ever <3 oh and perhaps a date w annabeth too ;)
ilysmpj - i love you so much percy jackson
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nessa--draws · 5 years
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Birthday gift for @randomartz95 !!! 😁😁 . . . #ocs #pjo #pjto #pjoocs #pjtoocs #chb #hoo #percyjacksonoc #percyjackson #heroesofolympus #trialsofapollo #toa #drawing #digitalart #krita #illistration #desenho #art #arte #art🎨 #instaart #instadraw #artistsontumblr #artistsontwitter #artistsoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GgVCpgmCF/?igshid=jz08xomx4tux
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3rdgymbros · 7 years
Will: I loved playing doctor as a child.
[flashback to little Will with a stethoscope and a stuffed bear]
Will: The cancer has spread. Get your house in order.
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bloodlorded · 3 years
Someone tell me why I waited until I was nearly 24 before I started reading the Percy Jackson books.
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my-ghostly-thoughts · 7 years
Hiding in books for the rest of my summer...
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