#place d'arc
retrogeographie · 1 year
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Orléans, le centre commercial de la place d'Arc.
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anaie-russie · 1 year
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Sharing one of my gigajillion WIPs with the world. I may finish it... even color it... one day... for sure...
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this one goes out to my singular funger mutual <3
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kjzx · 5 months
Nas'hrah I believe somewhere at the museum mentions The Girl and he says something along the lines of "--that kid, whatever her name was,--" which implies that she Did have a name, which makes sense (pretty much everyone but Enki would give her a name and he very explicitly was not the one who led her to ending A), but it's nice to have a canon confirmation she did have a name
If NAS'HRAH vaguely remembers her having a name I damn bet everyone was calling her by it
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Just a little bit of comfort to leave the dungeons behind us...
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bb-fennelposting · 19 days
ehhhhhhhh..... maybe??
i mean the similiarities are there, but tigerstar's rise to power stemmed from a particular ideology whereas le'garde had a god complex, but also a desire to help humanity against a cruel and unjust world (or so he claims, it can be just vanity). there wasn't really an ideology so much as a goal
i think he's moreso like clear sky. obsessed with power and wielding a flimsy ""justification"" for all their horrendous actions
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val1ate1flower · 2 months
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I feel like people don't talk about Jancer enough she's such a cutie
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
okay, it seems reading from the “oh dear all those people are so fucked up” angle paid off, i’m barely 41 pages in (vs the book’s 428, that’s Nothing) but look at this quote (pgs 39, 41-42):
It happened that there was a black mirror stand opposite Yuichi. The round mirror had been knocked askew by the robe of someone walking past it, but there on its back, as it were, it reflected full in the face of Yuichi. While they talked, Yuichi felt as if his own face stared at him from time to time.
(...) All the while Yuichi was taken with the face of the beautiful youth that stared at him out of the mirror in the lamplight. The deep, mournful eyes under the intelligent brows stared fixedly in hsi direction.
Yuichi Minami tasted the mystery of that beauty. The face he had always known, filled with the energy of youth, carved with the depth of masculinity, bearing the unhappy bronze substance of youth -- it was his own. Until now Yuichi had felt only loathing in his consciousness of his own beauty. The beauty of the boys he loved, on the other hand, filled him with longing. As men in general do, Yuichi forbade himself ever to believe that he was beautiful. But the fervent praise of this old man before him now rang in his ears; and that artistic poison, the powerful poison of his words, loosened those inhibitions that had persisted so long. He now permitted himself to believe that he himself was beautiful. Now for the first time Yuichi saw himself in all his beauty. Within that little round mirror appeared the face of a surprisingly beautiful youth he had never seen before. The manly lips exposed a row of white teeth that involuntarily broke into a smile.
#like hm! there is something! there is something there!#the tanizakicore of a man obsessed with a pretty young woman and deciding to guide her/raise her into his perfect woman But ending up#being the one owned/dominated by her... except here it's a young man instead of a woman. shunsuke (the old writer) plans to use yuichi#to take revenge on Women aka have him seduce them and then break their hearts BUT he ends up giving yuichi all his life's money before dying#as an extension there's the young attractive Observed person turning the gaze on themselves and discovering their powers (yuichi later has#flings with other men; when the one he's close with is jealous of the one who's just asked yuichi out and tells yuichi to not come to the#meeting but meet up with him instead; yuichi just... doesn't come to meet any of them)#there's also something i've noticed -- not in this quote but somewhere else -- about how loving men as a man is somewhat placed in#opposition to loving men as women do. there's nothing worse to a gay man than femininity! youichi even thinks to himself that 'if i; who;#though i cannot love women wish only to love women; loved this boy -- after all a man -- would he not become transformed into some#unspeakably ugly; woman-like creature?' this is in particular interesting re: mishima's other more autobiographic-like work of confessions#of a mask in which he talks about dressing as a female stage artist as a child and becoming obsessed with a beautiful knight -- but on the#other hand feeling deep disappointment and betrayal when said knight turned out to be joanne d'arc#so far we're not in Women's Thoughts yet so i don't know for how long i'm going to have patience for this book but. it is interesting#shrimp thoughts#liveshrimping
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hertzdo · 1 year
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Excuse me I’m a what now ?
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lydianidi · 6 months
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"The trusted knight of the propheticed one. She seems awfully dim standing next to the blinding shimmer of the one... But it might be wrong to misjudge her potential..."
-The New Gods of the Grand Hall
D'arce won the poll, with Enki being in second place, so here we are, I hope y'all enjoy!! ♥️
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tomicscomics · 4 months
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A suffocating childhood?!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. The Source: This cartoon is based on a question St. Joan received during her trial. Before I explain it, here's the story from the original manuscript (translated by W. S. Scott): "Questioned concerning her father's dreams, she replied that when she was still with her father and mother, she was often told by her mother that her father had said that he dreamed his daughter Jeanne would go off with the soldiers; and that her mother and father took great care to keep her safely; that they were very strict with her; and that she was always obedient to them save in the incident at Toul, the action for [breach of promise of] marriage. She said further that she had heard her mother say that her father had said to her brothers: If I thought that such a thing could happen as I have dreamed, I should want you to drown her; and if you did not, I would drown her myself. And that she greatly feared that they would lose their minds when she left to go to Vaucouleurs. Asked if his thoughts and dreams had come to her father after she had her visions, she replied: Yes, more than two years after she first heard the voices." 2. Summary: In short, Joan's judges have heard that her father had prophetic dreams about her leaving home. She tells them what she knows based on what her mother told her, including that her father would prefer to have her drowned than let her go off with the army as he dreamed. 3. Location Change: For those wondering, after the 6th session of Joan's questioning, some of her assessors became too busy to consistently attend sessions, so Bishop Cauchon decreed they'd hold future sessions in her cell to make things easier. 4. The Name "Tart": First off, Jacques' last name was spelled a lot of different ways in old French (Darc, Dars, Dart, Darx, Tart, Day, and probably more). Joan didn't actually use his last name, because in her village, girls took their mother's last name, but we assign it to her nowadays anyway. In modern French, Jacques' surname is spelled d'Arc (the apostrophe is a late addition). However, when brought into English, translators assumed the d-[apostrophe] meant "of" like most names with that prefix, so Jeanne d'Arc became Joan of Arc, despite there not being a place called Arc for her to be of. In this cartoon, I used the spelling "Tart" for Jacques' surname, because W. S. Scott determined it to be the most authentic form of the patronymic, according to his sources. Also, it allowed me to make the joke in Panel 3, "I'm off to become a REAL tart!" Jacques is dreaming that Joan will run off to become a prostitute, and in addition to "Tart" being his surname, "tart" is also an old word for prostitute. 5. The Dream: Jacques shares a bit in common with St. Joseph, as both are hard-working men from simple towns, and both experience important dreams about their miracle children. However, while St. Joseph understands and responds to his dream with a generous yes, Jacques doesn't fully understand his dream and tries to prevent it from coming true. Back then, some women would follow armies around so they could prostitute themselves when the soldiers made camp. Many authors believe that Jacques' feared this would be Joan's fate, and that he never suspected that her true fate was to become a general of war. He told his sons he would prefer her to be drowned than for his dream to come true, probably meaning that he'd rather she die than lose her soul in the sinful life he thought he foresaw.
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"Uffington White Horse" (c.1380-550 BCE) / Chauvet Cave Bear (30,000 and 32,000 BP)
UFFINGTON WHITE HORSE: its public landscape art, its from bronze or iron age and people still maintain it and this chain of people working together, even through the original purpose is lost, the art is not, the community aspect of it (anonymous)
CHAUVET CAVE BEAR: I'm not a very emotional person but there's something about prehistoric cave paintings that make me cry my eyes out. There are too many examples (please check out the Altamira cave bisons they're beautiful) but one that never fails to amaze me is the Chauvet Cave Bear. He's painting with so much care, he's only one of hundreds and thousands of paintings in this cave, many of them more detailed, colorful and dynamic than this guy, but there's something about the careful lines that the artist (bc prehistoric people were artists) put on this wall that touches me. It's put in a scene where he's hunted, he's alone, in a peaceful position, possibly rummaging through a bush. The anatomy is maybe even cartoony with its tiny ears and small mouth but it's realistic in all the ways that matter at that time, anybody could look at it and see a bear, the artist had to carefully watch this bear (or many bears) to memorize its lines, it's humps and structure and the scrounge up the materials to paint, and finally put to rock this animal they admired from a distance. The Chauvet Cave has thousands of cave bear remains, estimating 200 individuals. The cave also has a quarter of ALL cave bear depictions in pre-history. That means that whoever painted this bear not only saw one in the wild but lived alongside these animals their entire lives, their culture was deeply locked with them. There's a chamber in this cave with 50 bear skulls, all of them carefully placed. This painting shows so much care and love from people that are often depicted as brute and uncaring but they were just as capable as any current human of not only caring but DEPICTING their love. It's a beautiful early representation of our capability for admiration and cherishing things that weren't essential for basic survival. Also the artist was damn good that bear has so much expression without even having eyes, the line thickness balance is amazing. (athenasabattoir)
(The "Uffington White Horse" is a prehistoric hill figure created by trenches filled with crushed white chalk. It is 110 m (360 ft) long and is located on Whitehorse Hill in England.
The "Chauvet Cave Bear" is a prehistoric cave painting in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave located in Ardèche, France. This cave contains hundreds of preserved figure paintings from the Upper Paleolithic time period. The central bear is 120 cm (47 in) and was painted using red pigment.)
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shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Shiki! I humbly request Jeanne Alter, Nobu, Okita, and Osakabehime with reader that is taller than them and will at random just *Scoop* them up nearly scaring them out of their skin to give them a hug or kiss then gently set them down and walk on like nothing happend, Bonus points if they're in the middle of a conversation or trying to be scary.
INCLUDES: jeanne d'Arc (alter), okita souji (saber)
NAVIGATION: Fate Masterlist
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Arguably not a smart decision when it comes to Jeanne Alter
If she doesn't see that it is you, because you approached her from behind, you will get burned. If she does see it is you, you probably will still get burned, because how dare you do something like that.
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It was a stupid dare Mordred forced upon you. Being the reckless mage you were, you obviously agreed with little hesitation. You have defeated countless singularities and lost belts. So of course you couldn't just back down from a little dare like that, even if it meant finding yourself on the other end of Jeanne's wrath. It can't be that bad… right? If everything goes wrong, you still had your command spells. Even if you'd rather not have to explain why you used one to the Director.
But now it was probably too late for second-guessing anyway. You could see Jeanne with her back turned to you talking to Andersen and Shakespeare. None of them noticed your arrival, being too engrossed in their conversation about German tales.
You take a deep breath before approaching the group.
"Jeanne!", you call out, so she will know it is you, before already slightly embracing her and placing a kiss upon her cheek.
You hoped Jeanne would be too caught of guard to react, which actually seemed to be the case until...
"How dare you, you dummy!!! La Grondement--"
You've never run faster in your life as you try to get away before Jeanne's Noble Phantasm pulverizes you.
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Okita Souji:
Does not know how to react.
Okita has no idea about romance and such so it went right over her head what your show of affection could imply.
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You thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Okita with a kiss on the cheek to see how she would react.
You begin to search for her. It didn't take you long to spot her together with a few other Servants of the Saber class discussing swordsmanship.
As always, Okita's expression was neutral. You took the chance and approached her. A second later you had scooped her up and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before setting her down again and walking away as if nothing happened, leaving the other servants rather flabbergasted to what the hell just happened, while Okita stood there with a very confused expression.
She turns to her fellow servants. "Was that Masters way of showing our friendship?", she asks, causing some Servants to facepalm at her obviousness and others to snicker in amusement.
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k-tarotz · 11 months
Personal Reading Options
these readings are unrelated to any kind of celebrity or entertainment source. they are made with the purpose of helping people at an affordable price.
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Lady Dior (new)
Your story as a royalty | 18.50£
- what would you be (like)
- what would you be known for
- how would you go down in history
- what would make you unique
- the aura that surrounds your energy
Silver Dragon (new)
You as a mythical being | 15£
- how would your life be like
- the power you hold
- how would people react to you, think of you, view you
- moodboard
Disc; you can either let us find out which mythical creature you'd most likely be or you can tell us your own choice for yourself and we will still do all sections as mentioned!
Jeanne D'arc (new)
What would it be like to live in the past? | 15.50£
- describing your life in the year of your choice
- things you could have achieved
- why you feel called to that time period
- add on question by you
Disc; if you don't have a specific year in mind we will find one that matches you based on tarot and intuition
"Should I" (new)
Should you do/purchase the thing you are thinking of? | 12.50£
- yes or no with explanation
- what happens if you do it / purchase it
- what happens if you don't do it / don't purchase it
Red string of Fate (new)
This is about a person in your future who will serve a romantic purpose in your life | 35£
- a description of this person
- your relationship with them
- what will a connection with them teach you
- how will they treat you
- how are your souls connected
- a channeled message
CHANEL N° 5 (new)
a reading on how you and your celebrity crush would be like in a romantic relationship | 25£
- Their first impression of you
- How would the relationship develop
- Fans thoughts on you as a couple
- Special things they would do just for you
- What makes you loveable to them
- Moodboard
Aurora lights (new)
Overall compatibility between you and your special person | 15£
- your pro's and con's
- in what ways you are compatible
- what makes you perfect for one another
Your abilities (new)
This is about things you could be good at but might not realize | 12£
- your (cap)abilities
- why you are good at them
- how to tap into them
ASTRO : your future spouse (new)
details of your future spouse | 50,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than our tarot readings
- cities/countries that might be interesting
- their personality
- how they might view you
- how will your connection be like with them
- how will you possibly meet
ASTRO : Twin Flame (new)
a reading on your fate with them | 40,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
- is it the person you are thinking of?
- will it end on bad terms?
- what are they here to teach you
- how will you two get along
ASTRO : Compatibility (new)
intended for crush, celebrity crush or current partner | 55,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
disc.: need both of your and their birth place and time of birth
- overall compatibility
- positive aspects
- negative aspects
- things they adore about you
Love ABC (new)
abc describing everything your fs/crush will/would love about you! | 30£
- 26 sections!
- 2-3 sentences for each section
Red vs Green flags (new)
red & green flags of your person/crush/idol crush | 10£
- detailed description of red flags
- detailed description of green flags
Ideal Types (new)
related to your crush/celebrity crush ect | 10,50£
- in guys
- in girls
- friends wise
Dynamic Duo (new)
dynamic between two people you are curious of | 15£
- person a’s view on person b
- person b’s view on person a
- what they both think of the connection
- your question
Go big or Go home (new)
detailed dynamics between the group of your choice | 25,50£
disc.: 7+ member groups cost more due to the time and effort it takes.
- each members view on every other member (so each pairing = one section)
BFF (new)
you and the idol of your choice as best friends | 25£
- How compatible you are as best friends
- Things they adore about you
- Friendship dynamics
- How are you different from other friends
- Question of your choice
Peekaboo (new)
how the idol of your choice is viewed | 27,50£
- by members
- other idols/friends they are close with
- idols from other groups
- staff
- people they work with
- each other’s family members
- people who have a crush on them
Sweet Venom! (new)
Your compatibility with a kpop group | 18£
- each member of this group x you, your compatibility over all - detailed
- we will point out if and who has a romantic compatibility with you
- for an even more in depth reading about this please include your: name/initials, your mbti, your life path number / or your enneagramm and your 3 big zodiac signs
Disc: for groups with more than 7 members we will charge 1£ more for each person
Upper side Dreamin' (new)
Your dream meaning | 10£
- tell us your dream and we will tell you what it could possibly mean
- what could possibly happen (especially if it's a déjà rěvé)
- we will also use our tarot cards and intuition to get a clear picture and possibly guide you
Polaroid Love ♡ (new)
Did you share a past life with your bias?/idol of choice | 22£
- how did you two meet?
- how were you related?
- how was your relationship like?
- your feelings for each other
- how does your past life affect your current life?
- one add on question (by you) is possible
Serendipity (new)
Find out your FS / S/o .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Butterfly (new)
Find out your soulmates .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
- platonic or romantic soulmate
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Your spirit animals (new)
Everything about your spirit animals ♡ | 13.50£
- get to know how many spirit animals you have
- get to know more about your spirit animal itself (all!)
- what impact do they have on you / on your life?
- channeled message from at least one of them
Includes pictures of all cards!
Starlight (new)
Your crush’s view on you~ | 16£
- Crush’s assumptions about you
- What do you crush’s friends think of you
- How will/would they react to a confession
- How would/will dates go
The Star (new)
You as a new member in your fave group | 32£
- Who would you get along with the most
- Their reactions
- What’s your position in the group
- How fans would react & how accepting would they be
- Your add on question
disc.: if the group is more than 7 members each additional member is 1£ as we write out everyones reaction. if you wish to ask more than one add on question, every new question is 1£ each, however there are no limits to it. (please keep the questions relevant to the reading.)
Soulmate & You (new)
A reading on your FS/O | 18,50£
- How strong is your connection
- Have you met yet (if no, when will you meet if yes how did you meet)
- Their personality
- Red & Green flags
Career Path (new)
a help from your guides career wise | 14.50£
- what jobs might suit you
- what you need to consider when choosing careers
- things to avoid
- your strengths
Channeled Messages Flower Bouquets! (new)
Channeling everything you need to know | 15£
- messages from your pets
- messages from your past life self
- messages from your ancestors
- messages from your angels
disc.: if you want to purchase any of these individually that is entirely possible for 5£ or 10£ if you wish to add 3-5 sections/questions!
Your Crush (new)
Your crush & you | 15,50£
Disclaimer: your crush must know about you/interacted with you at least once
- how does your crush view you
- is there a possibility they will reciprocate your love?
- how would your romantic relationship look like with them?
- will they give a relationship with you a chance?
Your Aura (new)
How does your aura look like? | 13£
- In this we will describe how your aura looks like especially the colors and the feelings that are associated with the colors in your aura
- we will also tell you how people might view you depending on your aura, especially first impressions
‐ one add on question by you related to your aura
- includes a picture to help you visualize
Your Past life (new)
How was your past life like? | 20£
- How was your appearance
- How was your personality
- did you had a partner? A family? How was it like?
- your career?
- how many past lives you had already
‐ any add on question by you
Parallel universe (new)
Just you but in a different universe | 15.55£
- who are you in the other universe?
- how is it different from the you in this universe?
- what have you accomplished?
- your career in the other universe?
- add on question by you
Love Potion (new)
What makes people fall for you? | 12£
- you can choose between opposite gender, same gender or both - what's their usual first impression of you?
- on what is their attention on?
‐ what keeps them interested in you?
‐ add on question by you
Your life as celebrity (new)
Your life as celebrity / kpop idol | 16.50£
- what kind of fans would you have?
- what would you be famous for?
- would you have any commercials / if yes what kind?
- who would be your closest friends?
- solo or in a group? [In case of kpop idol]
Please specify for this one if international celebrity, international actor/actress or if kpop idol, or kpop actor/actress
Special combination (new)
How does your fs view you | 12.50£
- how does your fs view your dark side?
- how does your fs view you in general?
- words of affirmation from your fs
- a channeled message from them
Your friendship/relationship dynamics (new)
About your friendship/relationship in general | 15.50£
- your friendship/relationship dynamics
- how strong is your friendship/relationship?
- how loyal are they to you?
- what's something you guys have to work on?
- add one question by you
You & Your FS 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What will your intimate life be like? | 20£
- General intimidate life
- Their energy
- Your energy
- Kinks
- What they like about your body
- Fantasies
- Question of your choice
The Devil 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What make you desirable to others? | 16£
- Your charms
- What others are attracted to the most
- Your specific person’s view of you
- Fantasies other people might have of you
- Question of your choice!
Lover 18+ (new)
disc.; minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
How will your first time be like? | 15.50£
- The atmosphere
- Where will it happen
- Your feelings
- Their feelings
- Question of your choice
Lucky Charm 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
The kinks of your FS/Crush | 9.50£
your choice which one, the crush must know you.
- How are they like in bed & what they focus on
- Things you haven’t considered
- Things they are curious of
Your Choice Questions
Yes or No questions | 4,44£
You can ask any question as long as it’s not related to health or legal matters. You will get your question answered and we will also try to expand on it.
- an answer to your question
- an expansion on the answer
General Reading | 4£
You can ask any question that is not related to health or legal issues. However please keep in mind that this will be a shorter reading, not an indepth one.
- an answer to your question
Advice Questions
Your Spirit Guides | 8,50£
This is just a general reading on what your spirit guides want you to know, and what they want you to focus on.
- messages from your spirit guides
- things you need to focus on
- good things coming your way
Your Inner Child | 9£
A reading to help you connect more with your inner child, as well as what could possibly help you heal.
- what your inner child wants you to know
- things that could possibly help you heal
- a message from your inner child
Future Spouse
Channeled Messages From Your FS | 5£
this reading contains two channeled messages, in which one can be centered around a topic of your choice.
- a general channeled message
- a message on a topic of your choice
General FS Reading | 12£
an in depth reading on your FS!
- their personality
- appearance
- their view of you
- an add on/question by you
Timely Reading
Weekly Reading | 11,50£
what’s ahead for you for the next 7 days, everything your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead for you in general
- what’s ahead for you in love
- what to mentally prepare for
- a question of your own
Yearly Reading | 15.50£
what’s ahead for you in the next 12 months, every major event your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead in general
- what’s ahead in love
- some changes that will happen
- things to mentally prepare for
- a message from your future self
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- Hun & Candy
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Can I request ragnvaldr hc from f&h?
Sure! Honestly the last main Funger 1 character I have to do after this is probably Enki if he's requested. Not fully proofread, there may be mistakes.
Yandere! Ragnvaldr Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Trauma, Dark themes, Death/Mass Murder, Violence, Threats, Blood, Gore, Jealousy, Possessive/Protective behavior, Forced relationship, Fear and Hunger content.
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Ragnvaldr was born with the soul of the tormented, he's destined to struggle in his life... which is what made him what he is.
I feel his obsession counts as one of those struggles.
He's incredibly strong and has an iron will.
He was forced to come back to his home to see his entire tribe and village dead by The Knights of The Midnight Sun.
This included his wife and child.
He enters the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger to find Le'garde and exact revenge.
In fact, his only goal is revenge.
Yet while try to pursue his goal, he finds you.
You are pleasant distraction... a sight for sore eyes in a place such as the dungeons.
Ragnvaldr tries not to distract himself too much with you, he has a goal.
But you still manage to tag along... at first just following from behind.
When he confronts you and asks what you're planning, you say you want to help his quest.
You don't want to be alone here.
For some reason, Ragnvaldr takes pity on you and allows you to follow along with him.
Perhaps you reminded him of the family he used to have.
Ragnvaldr, despite his appearance, is capable of being kind.
When you follow along on his quest he teaches you important skills.
While he's capable of taking on threats, you stick by to heal him and keep him going with whatever supplies you find.
You try not to ask much about his motivations but you can tell he's hellbent on something.
I feel out of the entire main cast for Funger 1, Ragnvaldr is the most terrifying as a yandere due to his physical prowess.
I feel Cahara is bad due to his touchy and persistent nature, D'arce is bad due to her delusional behavior, Enki may be bad psychologically, but Ragnvaldr is bad since he is so strong.
You've seen how he can tear through threats in this place.
Especially if you see how he treats Le'garde when he gets his hands on him.
You look away when Ragnvaldr deals with Le'garde, if the fool is even alive when you get there.
It's not the worst thing you've seen.
Ragnvaldr probably uses you as a way to cope with the loss of his family.
That can be by seeing you as a close companion or perhaps even another romantic partner.
Ragnvaldr seems like he's be possessive but also protective.
He won't admit it but he dreads the thought of losing you.
As a result he works hard to keep you beside him.
If you seem upset or are losing sanity, he'll be by your side to hold you.
He probably dislikes you taking in other people to the group, like Cahara, D'arce, or Enki.
However, he holds his rage back.
Oh... but imagine Ragnvaldr during his S Ending as a yandere.
You watch as this man slaughters every paranormal creature in his path, all to soothe his bloodlust and protect you.
Seeing Ragnvaldr covered in blood becomes the norm for you.
He probably would even target party members, driven completely by the thought that they could take you.
At the peak of his obsession there's a good chance Ragnvaldr is covered in blood, giving you a stare that's both of adoration and something else entirely.
You originally followed him for protection... but now you fear he's a monster like the rest of the creatures in this dungeon.
But there's nothing much you can do when he pulls you into his bare chest, the blood smearing on your clothes and face.
He holds your face with bloody hands, he vows he won't ever hurt you or let anything hurt you.
Really... what can hurt you anymore?
Ragnvaldr would/already has slaughtered everything and everyone you come across.
All that's left is the blood on you and him.
He looks at you with such... obsession.
You could almost mistake it for care.
Now you're nearly completely alone, except for the Outlander in front of you.
He'll even drag you out of the dungeons with him, covered in blood, the both of you affected by the horrors you've seen.
You would call it bad...
But honestly, nothing compares to the horrors you've seen in there.
Not even the blood and gore Ragnvaldr leaves behind as he swears to care for you.
"Now nothing can hurt you... I won't let it. Every creature and person who dares to touch you will die by my hands... painfully.... Nothing will come between you and me, not even the gods."
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"Spoilers free version: Trauma bonding while raising a child. They can all have sex with one another (except Enki), all are searching for the same guy.
Character Parallels;(spoilers) Cahara and D’arce are both putting themselves here for the one they love.(despite the place literally being maddening) ragnvaldr had a wife and kid who were murderd; Cahara is here to provide for his wife and future kid ragnvaldr and D’arce are both desperately seeking the same man; however while D’arce is here to save him, ragnvaldr wants to kill him. Dramatic irony Celeste is Caharas wife so I have to include her
And while I like Enki, he doesn’t seem that interested in the polycule. Also only Cahara is willing to have sex with Enki, the others refuse. So I guess if Enkis ever bored he can join." - Anonymous
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