#placement list
ibi-grnoida · 2 years
Placement Record - Top PGDM Institute in Greater Noida. Several students of IBI, Greater Noida have successfully placed in top national companies
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harmoonix · 4 months
🎀 Astro Placements with the most AURA 🎀
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🎀 Scorpio/Capricorn/Sagittarius Mars
🎀 Pluto/Sun 1H
🎀 Mars conjuct Venus
🎀 Capricorn Saturn
🎀 12H Sun
🎀 Neptune aspecting Ascendant
🎀 Jupiter aspecting the Ascendant
🎀 Pluto aspecting Moon
🎀 12H Neptune or Uranus
🎀 Mercury 1H
🎀 8H Sun/Moon
🎀 4H Moon/Cancer Moon
🎀 Sun in Leo
🎀 6H Saturn
🎀 Gemini/Virgo Mercury
🎀 Venus in Pisces/12H
🎀 Moon in Sagittarius/Moon in the 9H
🎀 Mercury aspecting Pluto
🎀 Uranus in the 1H
🎀 Aquarius Venus/11H Venus
🎀 Scorpio Venus/8H Venus
Do you have any of these placements?
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esoteriamaya · 11 months
Neptune Placements and Subconscious Manifestation
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Neptunians have a calling in their souls path that utilizes the subconscious prowells of the underworld and higher realms of reality.
Everything is subconscious before it is materialized, so neptunians have a great understanding of this at birth. The beauty of this is that once they learn how to stay afloat in a reality that tries to force them to be grounded, they will be able to use their brain to conquer the reality they wish to receive in this lifetime.
With that being said, let me explain how everyone with neptune placements can utilize their gifts in order to receive the reality they want for themselves, as well as knowing how to appreciate the things their subconscious mind is able to do and magnetize to them.
I will say that nothing is impossible, because with the mind all can be possible if you just believe. Neptune rules the higher heart, it allows us to see the beyond of something we believe as impossible to be possible. With the use of our pineal glands (neptune/uranus) we can see more of anything in the horizon even if its not able to be seen first hand, with effort and practice.the world can be ours.
Sun/Neptune - When it comes to your subconscious mind, it has much to do with the way you express yourself into the world. If you want a dancer, a lawyer, a scientist, etc. Before it materializes you must act it out BEFORE it can arrive to you. Think of the law of attraction (which neptune rules over) and think about how you'd be if you were these things already. Your brain doesn't know the difference between you having this thing or not, it responds to the nature of doing something and receive information on how to expand the consciousness on that desire. Being your true self helps you get into alignment with the thing that you want.
Pay attention to how you act when you are around others because this is reflective of your imagination, not theirs. With neptunians it is easy for people to take in people’s projections of them and it can mess with your imagination, however, we still have control on we’re our subconscious reality goes.
Moon/Neptune is reflective on your emotional state. For example, you want to feel joy, right? What happens if you never felt joy ever? You would have to force yourself into that roll. It might sound goofy at first but with practice you will realize that energy doesn’t lie, and our emotions are connecting to energy.. good bad and neutral.
The beauty with this placement is how well these individuals can alchemize their emotions and transform it into something that they want in the material/physical reality. So if I want more joy and I never felt it before but I know it’s a form of happiness, Im going to “pretend” to be joyous and when I keep doing this it’ll begin to reflect into my reality therefore REAL joy can come into fruition. It just takes time n effort. And with said effort of mastering the alchemy of my own emotions, I could then create a reality out of this energy (our emotions are = energy) thus moving me into a vibration of more joy where I can attract what I want into the form of whatever it is I desire. I just have to seek out joy.
With this placement though, a lot of times what you want to create doesn’t have a actual look, mostly a vibe. So sometimes you have to reflect on the feeling of it and not just the look. “Follow the energy” would be my final word to you all.
Neptune/ASC has a lot to do with shapeshifting yourself into the reality that you want. It also has a lot to do with being consciously aware of the choices that you are making, and making moves toward the direction of your desire. I’m going to use miss Marilyn Monroe as an example. Monroe, a neptune/asc in leo had a vision that she would be a star. Before we knew her as Marilyn, she was norma jean with brunette hair and a pretty smile. Once she transformed her look, hair, and character it was at this moment she would be the world famous superstar of our time. She talked about how she used her mind and pretended she was already the star she wanted to be and with time it moved her into the direction she wanted for herself. Another example would be you want a house or a car, but it’s not just any car or house it’s a luxury! Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference so you would have to consciously make yourself act as if you have it because the external reality responds to the vibration of your internal self (conscious and unconscious) first, external after.
Neptune/Mercury the power is in the voice! One of the few placements that can will what they want for themselves with the power of the tongue. The truth of the matter is that you must pretend and then focus on the energy that is being presented when willing it into your reality. These are the type of people who can be prophets in their life and utilize this ability with any talents in writing/singing/rapping/visuals etc. The use of the hands here is a gift as well. Scripting and creating stories of their own life before it happens is something they could be pretty good at if they listen to their intuition. The mind responds to what you believe is real , like for example you say "Im ugly" a hundred times, the universe will attach that feeling to your reality. If you say "im pretty" eventually your mind will believe this as true, so then you end up being in situations that show your true nature. YOU control the mind and what comes out of it. Just be you!
Neptune/Venus the power is in your sensuality and the way you express your love for yourself and all around you. Beautiful placement, how you will what you want within reality is by going with the flow. Dreams can come true but with venusian energy we have to relinquish our control! These two planets together deal with the heart, so what we believe wholeheartedly can come true we just have to embrace it with our minds and the way we feel life with our sensual nature. Beautiful placement, i'll say it again.
The love you have for yourself will reflect back in your manifestations. Deservingness is a theme for people with this placement.
Neptune/Mars - Your drive. Your endurance levels and what you believe is possible is how strongly this placement will be. If youre not confident in whatever it is you want than mars energy here will be a pretty low since its dependant on the subconscious. I see people with this placement having to embark on a lot of psychological transformations as mars/aries rules the head so the mind will always be something worth having to overcome. Building up confidence and working up a sweat is actually a good way to help your manifestations come through quicker! Neptune/mars can rely on getting into the root of something to heal the wounds of the subconscious so that their conscious reality can mirror the internal feelings of what they desire in the process.
Neptune/Pluto - Okay so at this point i want to start of by saying that any planet that isn't a luminary (Uranus/Neptune/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto) does not have much of a affect in the physical, but mostly internal and spiritual. Neptune and pluto together are a powerhouse baby! Because its dealing with the unconscious and the subconscious and its usually something that lays hidden. With the luminaries, we can consciously see what are reality is like versus our imagination. With this placement its tricky because if pluto wants to stay a secret, thats what itll be. The goal here is to see and feel what your imagination is trying to say to you. You may be dealing with blocked manifestation abilities with this placement so it'll take some sort of 'shadow work' to get the bottom of any issues as to why manifesting something isnt as easy.
Now here is the part on how it can be easier. Since pluto rules the unconscious, you must be aware of your dream state especially since neptune is the ruler of dreams. Sometimes what you want may not come thru you but through others, as pluto is a magnet of getting other people to do what it wants. So with that being said, connecting to your inner self via meditation and thru dreams would help you see the best manifestation method for you. Neptune/Pluto together shows me that their are a lot unlocked gifts that you may have to work to get a chance to use them. Pay attention to how you feel and what you say when manifesting. Start with a sentence on what you desire, pay attention to your imagination, what comes up? does it feel good or bad? if it feels good feel the vibration of it and thats when you'll know how to receive it because its thru a certain emotion (and emotions bring power WHEN used correctly). If it feels bad, why? go deeper on the subject, because it could either be blocking you or protecting you. A lot of times the unconscious like to hide because maybe when you were younger something 'forced' it to lock away certain gifts. Your subconscious/unconscious self holds great awards, and the more you go inside to see the more you will become the magician of your own reality!
Neptune/Saturn - Grounded. Material. Discipline. Staying Focused. 4 things to note with this placement is that saturn will reward you with the effort you take to move into it! The original law of attraction placement. It focuses on bring our dreams into material reality. With you guys, meditating on what you want and then creating a blueprint for it is the best way to see thru an idea and allowing the universe to present it to you the way it sees fit. We may not know all the answers but thats the point, we're not suppose to know everything we're just suppose to do it.
Now with you guys focusing on the task and putting all your energy on that goal is how saturn will push you forward to that thing you want to manifest. I need yall to dream big here because saturn whats you to create something with a long lasting foundation so theirs no playing small here. We start off with some baby steps and we move on to the bigger picture but saturns energy deals with the dark stuff nobody ever talks about. Hardwork pays off but the amount of effort you put into changing your mindset and going in with the challenge is the kicker.
Creating the vision is easy with neptune but putting in the work is sometimes the hardest. How bad do you want it? That's a saturn proverb here. We gotta get use to things not being as 'easy' as we may like, and thats the lesson saturn brings with this placement.
Neptune/Jupiter - This placement counts on your belief system so the higher your beliefs the stronger the outcome of the manifestation. This placement has no room for small, shorthanded beliefs because you'll eventually will have to learn how to expand your horizons. Jupiter rules luck, so a risk will be necessary on receiving what you desire. Do you wish to travel? Then you must believe that you can fly. New look? You must believe that you will look great in whatever you put on? Don't trust yourself to swim ? Gotta change that narrative, just say you're a mermaid without gills ;) jk. This placement can not be still and you will go through many journeys in life whether it's through the mind or across the world. Believe in MORE and you will receive it.
Seriously though, this placement is built on your belief system and it can get stronger immediately once you go towards more optimism in your life.
Neptune/Uranus. Think think think! The power is strictly in your consciousness. With manifesting what you want, it may be more unconventional than you'd think. As a person with this placement (this is a generational placement from like 1993 to 1999) I've noticed that this placement requires you to look beyond what you see in front of you. This generation so far is creating a new era of dreams no one never seen coming. Ive seen people manifest their dreams as being a rapper and even if their not super famous or in hollywood they've built a lifestyle for themselves that we've otherwise never seen possible. I'd say their more on the independant side which I've seen a lot of so far. But the reason I used that as an example is because you have to let go and let the unexpected happen. Our dreams are possible to achieve we just have to know that it may be different and most likely ahead of its time!
I hope you all loved my observation list on neptune and the other placements! Stay tuned for more to come. Maybe you can manifest what i do next ;) hehe, bye!
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foxgirlplushie · 4 months
I keep seeing people doing arknights gender tier lists but they keep getting my faves wrong so here's mine
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lunarlianna · 2 years
Master List
This list will be updated as I post more articles.
You can check my Instagram @Lunar.Lianna if you want to see daily astro updates and more spiritual themes subjects.
Please e-mail me to book a reading: [email protected]
Basic Astrology
Planets in Astrology
Stellium through house
The Moon phase in which you were born
Charts explained
Planets in the 1st house
Planets in 2nd house
Planets in the 3th house
Planets in the 4th house
Planets in the 5th house
Planets in the 6th house
Planets in the 7th house
Planets in the 8th house
Planets in the 9th house
Planets in the 10th house
Planets in the 11th house
Planets in the 12th house
Chiron in sign/house
Asteroid Angel
Asteroid Hekate
Asteroid Urania
Asteroid Morpheus
Asteroid Spirit
Asteroid Karma
Asteroid Lust
Asteroid Sirene
Asteroid Vesta
Asteroid Leviathan
Asteroid Circe
Aura Asteroid
Aphrodite Asteroid
Medusa Asteroid
Ceres Asteroid
Indicators in the natal chart
Astrologer career
Fame indicators
Indicators of cooking skills
Music indicators
Medical astrology
Financial astrology
Indicators in synastry&composite
Marriage indicators in Composite chart
Synastry aspects
Soulmate indicators synastry
Twin Flame indicators
Short guide to composite charts
Other topics:
Feminine archetype
Astrological Points
Part of Fortune
If you love my content and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee. ☕️🌸
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fisheito · 10 months
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i wanted to see altaria rei then i started goofin around
#the only ones i could see clearly were eevee eiden and morpeko morvay#i couldn't pin rei to a single mon bc i don't know a THING ABOUT HIM yet#but i want to see ghost type rei fight ghost type kuya and they're both just super effective against each other#i wonder if all the old men automatically get honourary ghost type membership. live 300 years ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: spooky#ANYWAY LET ME TALK ABOUT MY LIST#as in the list i was compiling of pokemon who matched the VIBE of someone and i couldn't decide#now BESIDES the ones req et al. already mentioned. which i already 👍👍👍 i was trying to find even moooore . exploring what could be.....#rei: altaria. marowak (alolan). noctowl. chandelure. decidueye. ribombee [a quiet friend :)]. inteleon.#once again i don't know rei's birdy deal yet so i won't (eheheh) pigeonhole him into an owl pokemon but we'll just wait and see#i had inteleon under rei before milke brought up sobble yakumo so now i'm like..... oh no...#rei fits the last evol and yakumo fits the first two.... uhhhhh#they can share. like they share gem placement. butt buddies.#yakumo had: girafarig. froslass. azurill (crying). tropius. wishiwashi. leavanny. marshadow.#i just want him to hang out with the food related mons and enjoy some fresh fruit with a giant flying dinosaur. yah#OK FOR EDMOND I SAW SIRFETCH'D AND COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING#WHAT A REGAL BOY. I HAVE TO. PLEASE I NEED EDMOND TO WIELD ONIONS#i was trying to be serious and find him a proper majestic pokesona . i swear. but the look on sirfetch'd's's face#edmond's list went: skarmory. lucario. cinccino. zeraora. dachsbun.#do i know edmond? i doubt. he's fluffy. wait no he's severe. wait no would he dare carry a fluffy cakey pokemon around? DARE HE????#for olivine i was even more stumped. seems like a lot of the pokemon i immediately thought of were the fluffy nurse types#stuff like chansey/blissey. kangaskhan.#this pokemon is 100% female? *flings pokedex out the window* no. olivine is a gender now#some of the newer pokemon i considered were bewear. drampa. mabosstiff.#but once again these were all just Protective of the Little Ones types#so i was imagining olivine just chilling with his serene smile and an army of MASSIVE CARETAKER POKEMON behind him#but. there has to be more to him than just taking care of others . furrows brow. idk. i'll settle for lapras FOR NOW#ditto eiden riding on the back of lapras. wonderful. glorious#pokemon crossover
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Mimii Ngulube Love Island Season 11 Contestant
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disclaimer : this is for entertainment purposes only and i used tarot cards to get an estimate of her birth time… if you don’t agree with this technique please kindly scroll by and keep your twitter fingers to yourself!🌹💢
Mimii is a Gemini Ascendant, extremely smart and inquisitive women. She could be a very extroverted person and would really be a fun person to be around when she’s only around those who she feels safe with.
2H Cancer Part of Fortune?! It’s possible she could have A LOT of luck in terms of money, she really chose thee perfect career that will bring her a lot of success and material wealth and security. In terms of her self-worth… she practices and knows her limits but unfortunately as she mentioned in her intro… when she really loves someone, she loves them down and we can tell with her situation with Ayo (male love island contestant)
3H Leo Rahu, Mimii really does value communication in her life.Mimii should consider balancing her work life firstly, and then focus on creating content because she already had a prominent fan base who LOVE HER DOWN! She would do tremendously well!
7H Sagittarius Chiron, Mimii has definitely had some ups and downs when it comes to relationships but with Pluto in the mix (cusp) her relationships will help her transform her throughout her life.
9H Aquarius MC, Neptune, Uranus andd Venus?! Mimii truly put in all her blood, sweat and tears for University. Mimii must really appreciate mental health and psychology because, she seems like the type to detach from things/topics she is not interested in.
Her Venus sign lol, in her intro she mentioned that she studied psychology and stuff and said that she uses that as her advantage in her dating scene because she is able to see through their lies and once she cuts them off.
10H Pisces Sun and Mercury (retrograde), literal celeb material. Mimii truly shines and attracts a lot of attention and people enjoy their time with her because of her overall energy and vibes. This makes sense because already on the 1st episode, all the boys voted Mimii as marriage and partner material. Her Mercury is in retrograde at the moment, this makes sense because people on social media talk about how Mimii is too closed off and rarely talks to anyone, she mainly talks with the other Black contestants.
11H Aries Mars and Moon, one thing, avoid making Mimii mad. She explodes when she gets mad, which is quite shocking because she seems so calm overall but remember, don’t always judge a book by its cover.
Mars in astrology represents the boyfriend, I’m aware the fire signs represent the ⚪️ man but for Mimii her type are black men ONLY. Based off her type, she truly wants a man who’s confident and has a somewhat of a dominant personality. She probably is attracted to sporty and tall men.
12H Taurus Saturn and Jupiter, Mimii will definitely not find a future hubby on social media/public platforms. She’ll find him in an exclusive place. With Saturn here, it could take some time but trust, I personally believe and hope she will have a long lasting healthy marriage.🤍
Thank you for reading!
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princessbrunette · 4 months
heyy princess ♡ m so curious abt what are the readers' possible myers-briggs types n zodiac signs hehe?? 💕 feel like bunny is totally a libra girly ♡ n kitty is leo or scorpio 💗 ...also can i be the 🐇 anon if it ain't taken 🫶🏼💓
hihiiii ♡ oooo i’m not educated enough of myers briggs personalities but if i had to pick what zodiac signs the girls were…. bunny is 100% a libra (because im a libra okay it’s only right 🎀) probably a cancer moon and a leo rising — kitty could be a scorpio sun, gemini moon and scorpio rising (she has a lot of scorpio and aries in my opinion) puppy would be a sagittarius sun, libra moon, cancer rising — deer would be virgo sun, aquarius moon, libra rising !!
extra : lamb would be virgo sun too, capricorn moon and cancer rising. mouse would be a pisces sun, pisces moon and virgo rising 🎀
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a-d-nox · 1 year
hi, appreciate your work! i was wondering how you research everything (especially asteroids). do you read books? have various google searches? what do you think is the best approach to learn more?
where i get my information (recommended reading from a literature major on the mythical)
hello! thank you for the praise. please click here to read about me and my story with astrology. the short comprehensive answer is that i read a lot of literature and have been for many years. so here are books that i read and reference majorly when writing my posts!
egyptian myth
complete gods and goddesses of ancient egypt by richard h. wilkinson
egyptian mythology: a guide to the gods, goddesses, and traditions of ancient egypt by geraldine pinch
egyptian myths: a guide to the ancient gods and legends by garry j. shaw
greek myth
classical mythology a to z: an encyclopedia of gods & goddesses, heroes & heroines, nymphs, spirits, monsters, and places by annette giesecke
greek tragedy by aeschylus, euripides, and sophocles
heroes by stephen fry
iliad by homer
jason and the golden fleece by apollonius of rhodes
the library of greek mythology by apollodorus
mythos by stephen fry
the odyssey by homer
the trojan women and other plays by euripides
the rise of rome by livy
norse myth
gods and myths of northern europe by h. r. ellis davidson
the prose edda: norse mythology by snorri sturluson
the poetic edda: stories of the norse gods and heroes by jackson crawford
the saga of the volsungs: with the saga of ragnar lothbrok by jackson crawford
the viking spirit: an introduction to norse mythology and religion by daniel mccoy
roman myth
aeneid by virgil
metamorphoses by ovid
the rise of rome by livy
roman myths: gods, heroes, villains and legends of ancient rome by martin j. dougherty
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
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There's a troublesome sail out there by being underneath it ...that last choice of retreat. You'll relearn what it means to know a sea truly free n' live anew, T' Be; Me & Ever-Complete.
Ft. @shadragonheart & @layla-grey For exceptionally trusting me in the handle of their characters or being alongside in writing arcs, and aiming to make this story an epic feat, worthy of the best of em'.
Credit to @under-the-blood-moonlight for a considerable amount of help getting proper designs for Captain and MoXXi alongside official emblem. One of the greatest people to get commissioned, I'll never not recommend! Especially a revered friend to me. Thank you, for being you. Same can be said too about @meepsthemiqo for handling all my stuff and sharing and being there your kindness and power is eternal. Extend this; to all those who followed, been on this voyage, supported me in the ups and down, whether silence, or loud, lurking, or been a view of beautiful inspiration that continuously steer me away from the dark. Even detractors or cool villains, you're vibes worth knowing. Stay bricked up. ✊ You're worlds, and stories, I'm glad, I found.
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harmoonix · 11 months
Placements that can often give "unforgettable" vibes: (list)
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Aspects applying: the most powerful aspects as
- conjunction, trine, sextile
- opposition, square
- bi - quintile/quintile
Jupiter - Moon aspects
Moon - Pluto aspects
12th house placements (especially if Sun and Moon are there)
Neptune in the 1st house or Neptune aspecting the ascendant
Mercury - Moon aspects > Their voice keeps playing in your head
Ascendant Rising sign in a Air/Fire sign > They're presence is remarcabile
Pluto - Midheaven (MC) aspects
Midheaven - Venus aspects
Ascendant - Pluto aspects
Venus - Pluto aspects
Mars - Pluto/Venus aspects
Mars - Asc aspects
Jupiter - Neptune aspects
Uranus - Ascendant aspects
Uranus/Neptune/Pluto/Jupiter as chart rulers
8th house placements (Especially Moon there)
🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶 🩶
💯: I also want to mention that these aspects can apply to tropical/sidereal (vedic) and even synastry chart, since in synastry chart these aspects can apply way better
Go girl, give us everything energy 🩶💯
- H a r m o o n i x
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alyjojo · 1 month
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🍪 Aries 👹
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cmentary-drive · 2 months
OC name reveal - Lola :P
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godly-feh-edits · 10 months
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(Mod Toto) Alrighty here's the revised, ultimate, unbiased, most objective, unopinionated, "This word is gospel" tier list of OCs we discussed 4 hours to make last stream!
How did your favorites fair? 🤔
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vimbry · 8 months
given it some thought, here's my tentative top ten of tmbg, for now. no particular order again:
spoiler alert
where your eyes don't go (*mostly the demo)
I love you for psychological reasons
it's kickin' in
sleeping in the flowers
three might be duende
all time what
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baby-chirp · 1 month
I made a tier list for which Nikkiverse (Shining Nikki and Love Nikki) characters and TF2 characters I would get high with (whether it be smoking a blunt or eating edibles with) so here is my tierlists of dream blunt rotation and nightmare blunt rotation (all of the tiers are in order from like best to worst) so let's fucking bring on the lists.
Shining Nikki Blunt Rotation Tier List
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Love Nikki Blunt Rotation Tier List
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Team Fortress 2 Blunt Rotation Tier List
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