#plagiarism shipping
gravyhoney · 7 months
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Promised Toni and Skylor kissing drawing. Hope you like it uhhhhhhh like and subscribe for more quality content. 👍🫡‼️
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raylex · 29 days
I don't like directly commenting on this stuff because I prefer to just block and move on (and plus I like keeping negativity/complaininng to a minimum) but the growing wave of pr0shippers that copy and paste people's selfship posts and go "heehee I stole this from an anti! 😈" is so annoying you people are so james somerton coded
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trek-tracks · 3 months
Hit my first 50k post yesterday…what does one do on such an auspicious occasion? Have cake, or run away to the woods, never to be seen again?
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warningsine · 15 days
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your all time favorite F/F pairing is.
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luonnonvalinnat · 1 year
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Happy anniversary (which was a couple of days ago) to my magnum opus aka the gay cruise, which I have very mixed feelings for, but mostly positive ones.
Fr it has received so much positive attention, even though I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in that kind of a story when I started it. (It's still getting kudos today wtf you guys)
Anyways THANKS SO MUCH YALL 😭😭💖 here's a revamped version of the scene ever
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pastafossa · 1 year
The Plagiarist: Act 3, Return of the Impasta
So I woke up to a few eagle-eyed anons in my box who’ve spotted what appears to be my plagiarist, again. Even if this person’s not my plagiarist (though I suspect it is), I’ve confirmed this person stole a direct quote from one of my stories, the honey scented salve that Matt uses in TRT, and once again tried to use the same tag that gave the plagiarist away before. I’ve also confirmed that she’s following me on tumblr.
If you’re looking to catch up on this wild ride, you can find the first post about the plagiarist here, and then the second post when she reappeared and attempted this again here.
Now. Hi @spencerception​ (AO3 account here). Congrats for being obvious af by lifting a very unique line from my fic, which was a dead giveaway. You might have gotten away with the rest of this, but you just had to steal a quote word for word. My fic ‘Appreciation’:
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Her fic ‘Devil’s Advocate’ containing the plagiarized line. Note how the punctuation is suddenly different from the rest of her dialogue, indicating she just copy-pasted the line from my fic and deleted a few words:
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The above is the most blatant, tbh. The rest of this I probably would have let go but when paired with the stolen line, it’s clear this was taken intentionally. So two more: 
Anyone who reads my fic TRT knows about the tin of medicinal honey-based salve Matt uses. I’m not going to post every chapter link because I’ve used it a lot over 140 chapters but here’s some screenshots just to back it up.
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And now here’s her fic, where a jar of honey based salve used for injuries ALSO makes an appearance.
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And lastly, if you’ve been following the Saga of the Plagiarist Impasta, you’d know she has, in the past, given herself away by using a very unique tag I created (used by 3 fics on AO3 total, with mine being the first). I’m not sure how she thought a slight alteration wouldn’t make it noticeable but here we are again cause damn does she love stealing that tag.
My tag on TRT:
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Her tag on her Matt Murdock x Reader fic:
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Honestly the sheer, breathtaking audacity to try this not just in the same fandom but in the same ship (a ship which is not all that large) is astonishing, especially if this is indeed our plagiarist, which I believe it is. And the equally bizarre thing is, there’s enough story in those fics that she didn’t have to steal. There’s precisely zero reason to take this shit again.
As before, it’ll be reported to AO3, and I’ll send an update to tumblr staff. I’m going to leave the same type of comment on their AO3 - calm but firm, stop stealing my shit. If you’re going to comment, please do the same - no threats, nothing bullying cause I don’t want anyone banned or blacklisted on AO3 and tumblr. But yeah, here we go again. We’ll see how this one goes.
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Just kidding I just lied I was talking to my partner the other day and no one REALLY says that their favorite powerpuff girl is Blossom (I'm also guilty of this, Bubbles is my favorite) but I really do adore her so much 😭😭 she's for the burnt out gifted children
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anemoflower · 10 months
Will I now just create a fancy post for a 30 day selfship challenge for other selfshippers to use?? Watch me.
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cricketsatnight · 1 year
hi there, i just wanted to let you know that a writer named errantrue posted a story on AO3 called Occupied in the olivia benson/elliot stabler tag that has plagiarized from the mile high chapter of your fic (two days later) the hours in-between and after. she forgot to replace a "Joyce", which led me to search the jopper tag for mile high fics, which is how i found yours.
Hey anon!
First off, thank you SO much for bringing this to my attention. You are a true fanfiction hero. (Seriously like... I want to buy you a coffee. May you be blessed always.) I know these things happen, but I have never had it so BLATANTLY happen to me before.
This fucking sucks. New milestone moment as a fic writer, I guess? (That I know of. Yeesh.)
Here's the fic in question on AO3. I imagine it won't be up for much longer, because I will be commenting there. Here is my fic. (The plagiarized scene is in Chapter 2.)
I saved their fic, also saved it in screen shots... what a headache.
You know, typically, I try not to engage in... well, being pissed off online.
But lol.
Since you're following me, and have been since October 2022, hey @errantrue - what gives? This is so disrespectful. I'm glad you fucked up with plagiarizing my work by leaving Joyce's name. Incredible clown shoes moment for you! (Joyce Byers, stay winning.) Moreover, I'm sincerely glad there are readers on AO3 that care enough to look into these things when something is off. (Anon, stay winning.)
Why would you follow me, assuming because you liked my work, and do something so rude and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh terrible? Shitty? I'm at a loss for words, think you could help?
I do this as a hobby. I do this for free, when I have the time, because I love writing. I share what I write in fanfiction with a lot of trust: all fanfic writers do. I trust readers to simply, in good faith, enjoy that I want to make the fictional people kiss. Not to rip my efforts off.
Everyone is capable of writing. I implore you to write what you want, but with your own fucking words. Not just bare minimum changes and tweaks. (Especially when you're copying and pasting a different character's name.) I think about how many of us get anxious wondering if we are writing things too alike to someone we admire, or the hellish what ifs about if there was a catchy phrase or descriptor we picked up in a story years ago, etc etc. These things do happen. I would never care much for or about that; creation is... a lot of fine-tuning and stumbling.
Don't do this.
I get sad when I am on a hiatus (like right now) because fanfic-writing is a beloved hobby of mine. Really one of the few creative pursuits I have that capitalism can't suck the joy from. Shit like this makes me more likely to extend a hiatus than come back smiling, though I know that feeling will pass.
I'm posting this and calling you out PRIMARILY because I am pissed off but also because chances are I'm not the only person you've done this to. Barring you don't panic-delete off of the internet, maybe other writers will figure that out when they comb over your fics.
Putting the passage the anon mentioned (and another) behind a KR link because they are NSFW passages from E-rated fics.
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(This is my fic.)
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(This is "their" fic. Fucking lol, where did Joyce come from???)
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(My fic again.)
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("Their" fic.)
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Okay so about the whole plagiarism thing. I actually had some sympathy for this person because I saw people saying they deserve death threats and such and I was like...I just remember what it's like to be young and immature and not knowing better. Keep in mind I used to have a fic blog and I have had my work stolen before so I understand how frustrating this is but I wanted to try the compassionate route. I thought, hey, maybe they just feel cornered and so they're doubling down as some form of self protection and if I reach out to them in kindness and try to educate them on why what they're doing is so bad they'll change their mind.
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Anddd they fucking blocked me. I don't think I could've been much nicer. This person is just a downright piece of shit who has no remorse.
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semi-sketchy · 1 year
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Wait a minute...
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yooj-v02 · 2 years
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me thinking up will's dnd character's outfit vs mike's outfit
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becomingsoup · 1 year
drawing hack:
if you hate drawing spaceships because of their similarity to cars (I hate drawing cars), you can trick yourself into drawing spaceships by drawing the body shapes of cool bugs and then adding spaceship bits. it's hard for me to explain exactly which parts to pick and choose from but here's the result:
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like ok yes you can definitely tell I never practice drawing spaceships but trust me, they’re way better than what I had before
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Okay I am SO sorry this isn't even blorbo-tagging this is so much worse BUT. That post about Rapscallion and Petrichor gave me the biggest Obi-Wan & Anakin vibes. To be fair I am in Star Wars mode so that wasn't hard but still. But I didn't just come into your inbox to tell about my blorbos, no, actually I'm here to suggest these two as like, vibe fodder for your OCs? Because Obi-Wan and Anakin have so many iconic quotes and incredible moments so like, this is me sharing the treasure trove of absolutely incredible interactions.
Personal suggestions include all of the really fun quotes from the Revenge of the Sith novelisation by Matthew Stover, like "Anakin and Obi-Wan. Kenobi and Skywalker. From the beginning of the Clone Wars, the phrase Kenobi and Skywalker has become a single word." or "it’s not uncommon for an exasperated parent to ask, when faced with offspring who have just tried to pull off one of the spectacularly dangerous bits of foolishness that are the stock-in-trade of high-spirited younglings everywhere, So which were you supposed to be, Kenobi or Skywalker?" or "He is the ultimate Jedi. And he is proud to be Anakin Skywalker’s best friend." or "This, then, is Obi-Wan and Anakin: They are closer than friends. Closer than brothers. Though Obi-Wan is sixteen standard years Anakin’s elder, they have become men together. Neither can imagine life without the other. The war has forged their two lives into one." or "Anakin and Obi-Wan would never fight each other. They couldn’t. They’re a team. They’re the team. And both of them are sure they always will be." or "“Anakin.” Obi-Wan’s voice had gone soft, and his hand was warm on Anakin’s arm. “There is no other Jedi I would rather have at my side right now. No other man.”" or the iconic "Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After thousands of hours in lightsaber sparring, they knew each other better than brothers, more intimately than lovers; they were complementary halves of a single warrior." In the Kenobi show that's coming out now at some point he says "all he'll see is me" about Vader and he's right. I could keep going I just decided to spare you.
Like. Is that the vibe. Am I reading it right. Because I read your post and I was like, butterfly meme "Is this about Obi-Wan & Anakin?" and obviously if this isn't the vibe then I'll shut up. But like. I have severe brainrot and I thought why not share it. Otherwise "whatever souls are made of you and I are the same" will always be a classic
(and I didn't know where to say that so yeah but. I know you said you shipped Rapscallion and Petrichor and then I jumped in with my obsession and I think it's obvious I'm annoying about Obikin as a romantic ship but if you don't see their relationship as romantic just like ignore that part lol I am offering totally platonic quotes that also work as romantic) (sorry if you give 0 fucks about my blorbos feel free to delete this and shoot me a DM or an ask like "sorry I don't care" and I'll know to shut up lol)
ram i know literally nothing about star wars but THIS IS THE VIBES EXACTLY YES OH MY GOSH
He is the king of the sea. And he is proud to be Petrichor's best friend
Petrichor and Rapscallion would never fight each other. They couldn’t. They’re a team. They’re the team. And both of them are sure they always will be.
"Petrichor," Rapscallions voice had gone soft, and his wing was warm over Petrichor's back. “There is no other dragon I would rather have at my side right now. No other dragon."
this is. yes. thank u.
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circesoracle · 22 days
i doubt there's enough crossover for anyone to notice but what's the consensus on slightly rewriting/reskinning a fic you deleted years ago for a new ship and posting it? I'd rewrite parts of it but it's so convenient to just have that base there
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strangefable · 6 months
i'm just. so.
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