planarfates-blog · 7 years
Pre-Campaign one-shot
Zentha Nailo the skilled wood elf spy is ordered by Drakkin spy master Vanderil to investigate the organization called Filamond’s baked goods and report any suspicious activity. she makes her way to the capital of Sehlean Ahn’sorril then made her way to the port city of Ahm’serrin. Ahm’serrin is a city of opportunity where people of all walks of life can be found, it is often viewed as a seedy city and Zentha is now walking through the very streets of said city. Zentha slowly made her way to the store front of Filamond’s Baked Goods and walked into the store where she encountered Delilah who looked at her with an unnaturally wide and white smile the entire time she was there. Zentha sought to find any information on the owners and found out that the previous owner mister Filamond had passed away recently and his wife Mrs. Filamond had taken over the business. Zentha bought a cinnamon bun and then walked out of the shop declaring she would be back in one hour to talk to Mrs. Filamond. as soon as she walked out she moved toward the edge of the store in a crowded city street in front of a large window and climbed up the building to it’s roof which gathered a bit of a crowd.
Zentha climbed down and announced to the crowd that she was just getting a better view and seeing what was around and then swiftly moved into a nearby alleyway and hide herself among various boxes and barrels. She waited until she was sure the crowd that she gathered had left before moving around behind the buildings and behind the bakery where she slowly approached and overheard two guards back door whispering where she learned that they had been waiting for someone to show up. Zentha then snuck over to a cluster of boxes and barrels with the logo of Filamond’s Baked Goods and opened a nearby barrel filled with a thick viscous red liquid that smelled like a mixture of jam and whiskey, Zentha then took out a crowbar and attempted to open a crate but unfortunately the crate broke with a loud crash revealing a crate full of small bags of a fine white powder that Zentha thought was similar to various powders and medicines that she’d used on other missions and pocketed one of them before submerging herself in the barrel of red liquid and closed it. she heard the two guards searching the area as one runs off to warn of an intruder and another moved down the alley way searching. 
Zentha once sure the coast was clear climbed out of the barrel and with a slow squishing noise approached the door handily picked the lock and entered a kitchen that was empty, Zentha changed mostly out of her soiled clothes into really small clothes and snuck through a door on the other side of the kitchen. she stumbled upon a stairway down and a door near it that seemingly lead to the store front. slowly Zentha moved down stairs leaving a red trail behind her from the red liquid in her boots. She stumbled upon a large hallway with glowing stones every 5 feet and with glowing red glyphs at the molding on either side of the hallway every 5 feet. Zentha turned around and went up the stairs to the door she saw and slowly opened it to reveal Delilah standing at the counter and that the door was actually a bookcase. moving closer Zentha placed her shortsword at the neck of Delilah and froze in place under the influence of a hold person spell.
Zentha was dragged down into the underground base and with her weapons confiscated was thrown into a holding cell where she was told to wait for Delilah to come talk to her. 
while frozen Zentha staring at a wall in the cell, she heard foot steps behind her as the hold person fades where she turns to see a man with long white hair pulled back into a pony tail, the man had grey skin with solid purple eyes and wearing what appeared to be a tricorne hat. this man melted the bars to the holding cell and handed zentha a satchel and gave her the information that she was ratted out by a mole. the man then took Zentha’s hand and the two teleported and found themselves at the Ahn’sorril skyport.
She heads home to Drakkin and sets foot in her home city after a week long journey and heads toward her apartment where she sees and listens in on a few of the people she worked with, Helga Headspinner the enormous goliath women that she over heard warning someone that ‘she’ was back and to warn the others. Zentha listened into the conversation between a halfling known at Kit Black and a fellow worker known as Nex. utilizing a distraction Zentha managed to steal Kit’s bag and a strange cup like object from Helga and fled.
Zentha found her way to a nearby in called the Grinning wyrm and ordered a room. she went up and inspected her finding going through Kit’s bag only to find that she was a prolific author and had 8 or 9 different manuscripts that were written by Kit. suspicious Zentha checked the back for any secret compartments and found a small obsidian scarab that animated and through some bad luck found it’s way to Zentha’s spine and dug in and every attempt to remove it had zentha experience temporary paralysis and she could remove it. she later found out that this was called a Kelter and they were found in the ruins of a newly discovered landmass to the north and every attempt to remove these from the people that had them ended with death. Zentha chose to leave the scarab thing be and go attempt to stealthily return the bag she took. 
she went and threw the bag through the library window of her apartment building but was then called by her boss Spy master Vanderil and found that she forgot that she had to go toward the main citadel and talk to him. once arriving Zentha was led by a disgruntled Vanderil to the High Magister Rusorth who cast zone of truth and proceeded to interrogate Zentha about the events of her mission. He was told about the mole and Tricorne hat man to which the High Magister reacted with fear and Vanderil horrified. High Magister Rusorth demanded that Zentha bring forth the items that Tricorne gave her. Zentha placed the the satchel on the table. the High magister demanded that she show everything tricorne gave her.  Zentha reluctantly brings out a small black bead that the High magister attempts to take but upon touching it recoils with pain. 
in surprise Zentha asks what the bead does to which the High magister gestures for her to hold it above her head. the bead locks into place as a ring of shadows forms into a crown floating above her head. Zentha pulls the bead down and it is revealed that the bead is called the crown of the Masked King. 
Zentha is ordered to look into Tricorne and see what he wants and is dismissed. Zentha then goes and gets ready to leave and make her way toward the capital of Hendral and the Poorman’s gambit an inn that she has to meet up with 3 others on the first day of the summer’s vale festival.
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prespalie · 6 years
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#PCOS #endometriosis #fibrowarrior👊 #AnticardiolipinAntibodySyndrome #factor2 #anxiety #depression #narcissisticabusesurvivor #sociallyawkward #blacksheep #abandonment_issues #nicegirlsyndrome #potssyndrome #sexualabusesurvivor #MeToo #pesurvivor #brokenbones #csectionmama #hypothyroidism #edema #fostercareyouth #childabuse #highcholesterol #fibroids #sleepapnea #insomnia #restlesslegsyndrome #anemia #sinustachycardia #chronicfatigue #leftlumbarimpairment #scoliosis #displacedulnarnerves #hematomas #bladderissues #kidneystoneprone #fattyliver #heelspurs #singlemomlife #SpecialParenting #SPDkids #ASDkids #ADHDkids #pituitarycyst #sinusitis #migraines #oralhealthissues #dentures #AdultADHD #chronicpain #mentalabuse #emotionalabuse #dvt #planarficitis #hyperextensionissues #badknees #jointpain #jointissues #highstress #tooyoungforallthis #trauma #perseverance #igotthis
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At a short distance from Puimoisson was the lavender field and what might have been a chestnut tree hiding a barn. I had forgotten my iPhone in the car, parked at a little distance upstream and I had a lot of difficulties, with my APS-C and my 72mm (45mm Zeiss Sonar) to find an interesting angle for this subject. But here is a photo with very vibrant colors. It was Laure, an inhabitant of Puimoisson, whom I met a little earlier who showed me this place. _____________________ To better experience this panorama, please go on my Facebook profile, click on the picture and view it full screen. My profile Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/William.Lesourd.1/photos_albums _____________________ To find out more about Puimoisson and Valensole, please follow these links : - (in French) https://puimoisson.jimdo.com/photos/ - Tourism Information : Valensole : https://goo.gl/cQ24sD - Valensole on Wikipedia : https://goo.gl/heaAQE _____________________ #sonynex7 + 45mm #Zeiss #contax #planarf/2 – 2 July 2017 at 17h36 © William Lesourd​ _____________________ This picture is a fusion of 9 photos and it was post-treated in Photoshop. _____________________ #france #provence #france🇫🇷#france2017#puimoisson#plateaudevalensole#valensoleplateau#francetourisme#france4dreams#provence#provenceguide#photooftheday#beautifuldestinations#provenceguide#provencefrance#provencemylove#worldclasslandscapephotographers ___THANKS_FOR_TRAVELING_WITH_ME___ (à Puimoisson)
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Legend of the Midnight Hag
It is said that during dark and cloudy nights, a old crone wearing a cloak over her hunchbacked form, walking by herself can be seen in the distance. Very little is known about her, however, it is believed that she brings pestilence in her wake to farmsteads and towns. With her she carries a Scythe and a Sickle. If she comes inside your home carrying the sickle then some may be spared, however, if she carries the scythe, then no one will survive her visit.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Veraldin, a nation build around order. Ruled with an iron fist by the Corelius family, the ruler of the powerful nation is supreme Albert Corelius and his wife Narcissa Corelius who was rumored to have been born with the ability to see the future allowing this nation to enter an era of prosperity. This era lasted for several hundred years before the rise of the Cult of the Forgotten who infiltrated and corrupted the family. The supreme gave into a deal for power and long life with an entity of dark power which cast its mark on his Lineage cursing the bloodline as Tieflings. The supreme lord Albert abruptly cut of communication with the surrounding nations ending trade and political talks and the nation has gone silent since. The once bountiful land of Veraldin was cursed along with the royal family now being a land of hell fire and brimstone where monsters roam around the iron city of Corelion. 
Corelion- Corelion is made up of three rings surrounding a large iron tower, the center ring for the wealthy nobles, the middle ring for the merchants and craftsmen with the last outside ring left for the poor operating as a slums. 
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
the open nation of Hendral is ruled by a small council and a king, this nation is made up of an alliance of five or so small kingdoms that have banned together to protect each other, the council is made of of several races, the Talwin elves, the Brandel halflings, the Corbin's who are human, Feldran Tabaxi. This nation is the main defense against the demon invasions and its capital is Vera Mundus. Hendral borders Veraldin, Sehlean and the Republic of Praetus to the south.
Vera Mundus- Small villages: Lunar mills- lumber village in northern Hendral under the dominion of the Corbin's. This village is a major exporter of lumber and is widely traveled for its famous wood work and Moonmarrow brew. Glanchester- northern Hendral Home of the Corbins and First port of Hendral. A sprawling port city governed by the Barons of the north where a large majority of the Hendral Navy is being stationed.
Edinborourgh- Northwestern port city ruled by the Corbins, a trade center for Northern Hendral that has trade routes with Ahm’serrin the port city of Sehlean and Farfair of Praetus.
Eastcliff- northern Hendral village under the dominion of the Corbins, viewed as a cultural center of the nation second only to Vera Mundus Itself, know for it’s vast foods, art and strange festivals.
Talywick- village in western Hendral under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, home to the estate of the Seveon family and main base of operations of Seveon Spellworks.
Farnfoss-Western village under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, popular land for Druids and rangers of all kinds because of the vast grove of witchwood trees and Arcatan trees, known for its vast harvest and rumored to contain a portal to a different plane.
Falkirk- Western village under the dominion of the Talwin Elves, home to many seedy individuals this town is ruled mainly by the vast syndicate known as the Cross Co. a company that runs many casinos and various other dubious business.
Glanyrafon- western Hendral under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Skegness- Eastern village under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Everport- Eastern village under the rule of the Feldran Tabaxi
Rivergrove- Training ground village ruled by the Feldran Tabaxi
Eldham- southern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings, this village is quaint and home to rolling hills and farms filled with small houses as well as a few large ones but this town is mostly populated by small folk such as halflings. Pathstow- Southern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings, a small town on the way to a fortress this village is often moved through by Military forces and as such is often used for training and many competitions. Sharpton- Southeastern village under the watch of the Brandel Halflings home to the Foundry, a small group that gives out jobs to adventures.
Fayburn- small farming village under direct protection of the High king of Hendral. A major producer of food and product for the Capital of Vera Mundus.
Silverwater- Large archive of knowledge watched by the Arcanum council and governed by the High king of Hendral. Home to the Arcanum Archives where the largest gathering of knowledge mystical or otherwise is located in Hendral second only to The Arcanum Council and academy in Vera Mundus. Fortresses: Bows shallow- Hendral fortress on the board to Veraldin
Shalefury- Hendral fortress on the border to Sehlean
Anvilhead- Hendral Fortress on the border to Veraldin
Irongarde- Hendral fortress on the border to the Republic of Praetus
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Magic of Pan-Tyrel
The Weave
The weave is the lifeblood of Arcane magic, where clerics and paladins draw power from their faith and deities, wizards and other Arcane spellcasters draw power from the weave. This net of raw power is maintained by Saekra, The goddess of magic. Where the Weave touches Pan-Tyrel it manifests as Ley Lines. When there is a tear in the weave you will often find dead zones where no arcane magic can be cast, other strange areas are wild magic zones where the weave hold little control over the flow of arcane energy in that area and spells may not have the desired effect.
Ley Lines
Ley lines are paths along which magical energies are emitted. They are the mystical tendrils of the Weave and can be thought of like faults lines in tectonic plates. Magic is amplified along them due to the concentration of energy.
Ruptures and Rifts 
The abuse, disruptions, intersections of Ley Lines or magic can cause one of these different types of disturbances along ley lines
elemental distortion: elements mixed/gone haywire
wild magic: rift gone wrong; gravity, Strange lights, and physics gone wrong
void maw: energy drawn away; rifts between planes can be torn through the over use or the collision of different types of magic.
 Anti-Magic zones: Areas where all the magic has been depleted from a Ley Line or where the Weave has been torn, this can only be fixed by using a Wish spell.
Wizards study and understand properties; able to recreate those effects through magical script.
Sorcerers are their own well of magical power and must learn to tame and shape the innate magical energies within them.
Truename Magic
Using words of power, true naming, and songs of power a melody can be created with a duet of arcane and divine, the harmony between chaos and order, and the beauty between good and evil. Various types of magic use the power of sound, of names or words to craft and shape the mystical energy of the world, whether it is a cleric using words of power that pulls from their deity or a bard that uses sound or words or song to shape and manipulate the flow of energy. This is a binding type of magic that is often used in conjunction with deals or contracts made by mortals with powerful entities like deities or fiends.
Magic Creatures
Ley Lines have a high concentration of magical creatures.
Commoners are aware of zombies, goblins and deities, either god like powers or conversely weak but common magical creatures.
Commoners are not aware about details about vampires, werewolves, other uncommon monsters, troll weaknesses, and ley lines. They may have knowledge if they have a higher level of schooling yet those that live on farms may or may not have any experience with magical creatures short of a goblin or the occasional giant bird in the sky.
Most commoners are aware of magic, but not how it works or if they do have a general idea of it the it is the most basic and simplistic view of Magic.
The power of a warlock does not operate the same as a sorcerer or a wizard where those two shape and manipulate raw Arcane energy drawn from the Ley Lines whereas warlocks gain power through a third party source.
Where a wizard or a sorcerer will lose power like in an anti-Magic zone, a warlock will not lose access to their magic or abilities unless their patron is cut off from them in some way.
Manipulate magic not through incantations like wizards and are not gifted with the innate well of arcane power the Sorcerers have instead they use the power of word play or song to manipulate or shape the raw arcane energy from Ley Lines into the spells or abilities that are often used and well known.
Bards will lose access to spellcasting while in most Anti-Magic Zone.
Clerics much like warlocks gain their power through a third party, typically a deity. The devotion of a cleric toward a deity allows them to become a living conduit of said deities power and is what grants the their ability to cast rather than shaping the raw arcane energy of Ley Lines. Rather clerics with pull power from their deities and faith.
Clerics will not be affected by Anti-Magic zones unless they are for some reason cut off by their patron deity.
A deceptively common occurrence in the world of Pan-Tyrel, while the pursuit of wizardry is often on that many give up due to lack of funds or an inability to find schooling that they can pay for. Various countries have organizations that will taking magic users and guide them into control and power. These organizations are like the neutral Arcanum Council or the nation of Drakkin itself.
WIzards if exposed to Anti-Magic Zones will lose the ability to cast spells while in said Anti-Magic Zone.
A relatively rare occurrence among the populace of Pan-Tyrel Sorcerers are among the most powerful of Arcane spellcasters that can directly draw upon the weave for power. This is due to the innate well of energy that is embedded within them. These Sorcerers can often be plagued by fate and thrown into bad situations, whether that is uncontrollable magic or where they are seen as important or struck down as a threat sorcerers will often struggle to remain alive.
Sorcerers will lose access to spellcasting while in Anti-Magic Zones.
Eldritch Knights
These are often the same as wizards with the exception that they often focus on integrating magic with close quarters combat.
Eldritch Knights will lose access to spellcasting while in Anti-Magic Zones.
Arcane Tricksters
These Arcane casters are very similar to wizards with the exception of more close quarters combat and often tailoring spells to stealth or charming people.
Arcane Tricksters will lose access to spellcasting while in Anti-Magic Zones.
These special type of casters can draw power from various sources depending on who they are and what they are connected to. They can operate much like the Coven of Matern and draw their Druidic power from a third party source like the goddess Matern or they can draw power directly from the nature around them.
Most druids will not lose access to spellcasting in anti-magic zones.
Rangers are similar to Druids in the style of magic they cast however they draw power from Ley Lines and like with Eldritch Knights often tailor their spells to their style of fighting, typically ranged combat however there are close quarters rangers.
Rangers will lose access to spellcasting while in Anti-Magic Zones.
Warriors of justice and champions of their causes paladins are a type of divine Spellcasters that can draw power from their unshakable faith in their deities and their oaths they take that set them upon their paths.
Paladins will not usually lose access to spellcasting while in Anti-Magic Zones.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Cornealius Thatchery
So from the beginning, Thatch was born into a noble human house in Drakkin. His father's name was Nolan Otroci, a knowledgeable man in the arts of magic. Nolan never showed any care towards those who were not so inclined in the art. As where the ways of the Draconian nobles who run the city. Drakkin's ideology matched that of his father’s though he was not originally born there. Nolan was from the Republic of Praetus. The most Thatch knows of his father's time there was that Nolan wasn’t as respected for his realm of magic there or his ideals did not align with those who lived there. Perhaps both. Though the dragon found his foreign magics interesting especially with him being from a much more mysterious nation by comparison.
He never knew his mother. All he knows is she was from Praetus. He had a sister named Vira, who had a better reputation with their father. She is 5 years older than him. She was always very proficient in magic. Always studying though she showed some semblance of care for Thatch. Always made fun of him or teased when people were around for not being as powerful, all the while trying to cover for him when Thatch had to show his “skill” in the arts to his father. When she did not cover for him Thatch would be beaten. Nolan wanted to give him a bit more “motivation”. Thatch never had any innate ability for magic like his sister. Thatch would always be building something. A toy or tool of some sort. No matter what it was his father would smash it and throw away. Nolan only saw the creations as a waste of time. Vira would try to help him in studies but, to no avail. Her tricks would only cover for him for so long. She was also the one who told Thatch the little he knows of his father's history.
Once Thatch was age 10, they had a test for the students, those who succeeded move on to higher areas of training, those who still showed magic had to retake the previous courses, but to anyone who showed no power at all well they would be thrown into slavery. Nothing Vira could do could prevent Thatch from receiving such a fate. His father took him personally down to go see the slaves working, being beaten, or even hanged for disobedience to try to scare the power into him. Well it did not work. So his father took Thatch as an embarrassment to the family and made sure he’d be thrown in a very deep pit so he’d never have to look at him again. Nolan made Vira watch as he beat Thatch and the guards to drag him away. She did not show the slightest bit of emotion, out of fear that’d he’d do the same to her.
Thatch was thrown into a cell, still bloody. Their a dragonborn named Otrok, got him back up onto his feet, stitched him up and got him ready for work. Otrok was tail less, tall, and strong for his size. Otrock was a caring but, blunt being. He’d tell you did something wrong if you did. Otrok was Thatch’s first friend. Someone who finally did not hate him for his lack of ability for magic. Otrok would become like a father figure to him. Otrok would steal extra pieces of metal and that Thatch could fashion into something else. He was more intrigued by what Thatch could make. He found it being more and more of a useful talent as he got older. Thatch fashioned half decent lock picks for those that could use em and shivs. Though that would involve their later escape. He’d help make better tools to help with work. Half decent pick axes, small but better for getting gems properly removed from the ground. Made the masters happier, they did not like the smashed gems as much to say the least.
One of the master their took a special disliking towards Thatch though. That slaver’s name was Zloduch. He was a tall, strong, red scaled dragonborn. Well really behind the image he was pompous asshole who would do anything for little extra cash or well for entertainment. If it made him look good to those above him he’d do it. Well his “prey” so to speak, was Thatch. He’d picked on him since the first day Thatch got thrown down into the pit. First day Thatch got to his cell. Zloduch never thought he’d see one the more “rich” kids get thrown down to the bottom of the food chain. So Zloduch introduced himself all powerful saying he owned the place, told him ive he ever stepped out of line he would lose his fingers or maybe his eye. Thatch didn’t care enough to remember all the details. Whenever they came back a day's labor Zloduch would beat him for not getting enough resources or just looking at him the wrong way. Well one day years after Thatch had first arrived, Zloduch beat him again. This time Thatch stole a ring right out the stupid red scaled dragonborns pocket when he wasn’t looking. Zloduch did not find out till later but by then Thatch traded it for a few more rations that day. Well Zloduch never found it but he was pissed. Only one person would take a shot at him right? Well at least in his mind. Besides the point. He gathered up the guard to take a crack at Thatch. Every single one of them kicked, punched, even stomped on him. Zloduch did not get his ring back though, not even a word from Thatch. He just cracked a smile. Zloduch then preceded to take one of the pick axes lying around and drove it through the side of Thatches chest then through him in a cell. Letting him lay there bleeding out. Thatch still smiling. Then darkness. He passed out. When he woke up a man with a Tricorn hat was there. No clue how he got there. No one was supposed to even be there. Thatch was in solitary. No guard was just gonna let somebody in. Well there he was. Standing on the far wall of the room. Thatch never met the man ever before in his lifetime. The man had so much to say though. He offered Thatch a way out. A way say he could one day get his revenge on the man that put him in there. Well Thatch said yes. Tricorn kneeled down, put one hand over Thatch's left eye and everything went dark again. Never got a good glimpse of the guys face. Remembers the hat though and well, waking up covered in blood standing on the outside walls of one of the most secure places in all of Drakkin. He was free. No one around. No one had escaped out of that prison in the last century. He made one deal.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Zentha’s story
[ This is written from Zentha’s PoV]
As a child I was born a twin, my brothers name was Ala’don and he was always my parents favorite as he was born just before me. My mom and dad were in a loving marriage, their names being Sana and Arun, and dad took a bit of an obsession with training Ala’don. Since a very young age Arun trained him the ways of the sword, he was forced to train everyday with him, and he was so gifted to the point that Ala’don could beat my father at the young age of 72. I was left alone with my mom to help out around the house, I was unhappy being disregarded by my father I wanted to be involved with my brother and he wouldn't allow me to. I wanted to fight and be trained so on our 100th birthday I told Ala’don I was running away, he tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen, and I found myself escaping in the dark of night.
I went to the heart of the closest city to me, Drakkin. I was a lost child on the brink of death nearly every day, I was attacked by thieves, bandits, ran out of food, water. In a last state of desperation there was one boy who saved me, Gimble was his name. He was a young gnome who took me back to his home and helped keep me safe. He taught me how to survive in a In big city like here in Drakkin. I found my place here in Drakkin, this city made me happy. Just a few years later I was introduced to my future husband, Marus. We instantly fell in love, he was a simple elf who dreamed of a family life. He made me feel normal, and I felt like I had to be in a family that liked me for who I was. We quickly got married and had a son named Leroy. We then moved into a house together right outside of the main city of Drakkin.
I found myself falling back into my old family life, I was stuck doing work around the house and doing meaningless side jobs to just make ends meet. I was bored and needed a change. Then Gimble offered to show me his Monastery. He had been training there for years and thought it would fit me well. My Monastery was established by the government of Drakkin to ensure there would always be spies to watch the city and those surrounding. This monastery consumed me, it was all I could do, and all that I could think about. A few years past and I ended up abandoning Marus and Leroy who was only but 56 years old.
My Monastery, nicknamed Callisto, put a nearly cult like devotion in me, to the point that I have forgotten about my family for a good amount of time until they just had to leave me because I could no longer support them. I spent nearly 100 years training both my body and my mind to be completely loyal to whatever the Drakkin government needed me to do. The high masters of Callisto instilled a fear into me, a fear of wanting to be alone and to only trust myself and whatever the High masters tell me. I became their toy.
I was completely manipulated by the Drakkin government and would do whatever they asked of me to do, no matter how dirty. I followed blindly and made somewhat of a name for myself within the government, yet in the streets I fell into the shadows. Very few knew who I was, and I began learning more and more information to be given back to my masters. I would get the information in any way I could, which also meant interrogation and at times torture. The amount of enemies I made was countless, but nothing mattered as long as my loyalty shined through to my masters.
I did meet one friend though, he was a Tiefling by the name of Karion. He caught me lurking behind him and he immediately attempted to kill me. I only narrowly escaped his clutches but I was left with a large burn scar on my left forearm. We began fighting until we realized we were fairly evenly matched so the fighting would never end. We came to a truce where we would help one another disregarding our differences. Karion is completely opposed to any sort of government, he runs for himself only, he craved freedom and wants to bring down any massive city standing in his way. We have a mutual respect for one another. I won't get in his way, he stayed out of mine.
As time went on the high masters of Drakkin entrusted me with leaving the cities bonds as long as I would report back to them anytime I got information that would interest them. I have served them for years, and I plan on serving them for 100’s more. I want to be as powerful I can be, not only for myself but for the great city of Drakkin.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
The mountains of Golgeral lay host to the many tribes of Goliath on Pan-Tyrel, these Goliath are a brutal nation of warriors that live and breath war, sitting atop their mountains they mostly fight among themselves and occasionally with the surrounding nations. Now not all Goliaths stay in Golgeral some form bands of nomadic tribes that roam the ground lands of the continent.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Drakkin, build as a marvelous city on the ground spanning hundreds upon hundreds of miles built around various mystic ruins and around the belief that magic is needed to achieve fulfillment in life as both a person and a positive effect on society. After the first Sundering the land of Drakkin was sundered and with it the marvelous nation of magic. With the wide scale destruction of their lands the people of Drakkin experienced a dark age where those that knew magic rose to power and those that didn't or couldn't fell into poverty and slavery upon which the now prosperous city nation was built. The extravagant capital city of Drakkin discovered a strange type of stone that appeared weightless when several of their building s began to float into the sky. Now the city floats above the ground chained down to keep Drakkin from floating into the sky and away forever.
Now The mystical floating nation of Drakkin is steeped in magic, filled with knowledge and invention. This mystical land borders Golgeral to the west, Sehlean to the northwest and the Republic of Praetus to the east. Drakkin is home to the magical floating city where people go to find worth in their respective fields of magic and to develop and research new uses of said magic. The Magic floating city of Drakkin is several floating islands of rocks with giant metal chains holding each part of the city to the ground.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Sehlean, a nation formed after the arrival of the Novi Imperil survivors, after the long civil war with those that lived here prior to the fall of the promise land, the Novi Imperil ended up being pushed back to the desert lands and built a village around an oasis that eventually grew into the sprawling desert city of Ahn'soril better known to the outside world as the desert's flower. Sehlean is bordered to the south by Golgeral, south east by Drakkin, west by Veraldin and the republic of Praetus and to the north by Hendral.
Ahn’soril- The desert rose, the oasis of the desert, ruled by the sultanate of Imperil this nation flourishes where most others would fail. The center of this massive sprawling city is a large lake where much of the green plant life lives, Ahn’soril has many districts from the golden bizarre to the iron walk where justice is dealt many live their lives to the fullest in this nation lost in the sand.
Ahm’serrin- The large port city of Sehlean, this is the cesspit of the desert, largely populated by pirates, and crime lords, this bizarre city allows those creatures that others would normally consider monstrous to walk it’s streets.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Republic of Praetus
Not much is known about Praetus other than it is ruled by a council of incredible magic users, This small nation was created after the mysterious fall of the Portaln empire and has held up to all attacks and attempted invasions since.
Praetora- The capital of the Republic of Praetus, this large city is set up in a grid pattern where the center holds the tribunal temple and building outward from that is a wall and then residential area and then another wall and then market place and another thick wall.
Small Villages:
Flatwell- a small town in in Praetus, with large amounts of farmland close to the northern border of of Hendral.
Sunbreak- A large town with a large sunken arena in the center of it, this town is largely centered around gladiatorial combat, where fighters would gather to try and make their name in Praetus.
Amber Mills- one of the major lumber exporters of Praetus, this small village lays on the edge of Feyfeather forest which contains various strange magical creature and is a popular place for magic users of all types to visit.
 Sunfell- Another major lumber exporter, for Praetus, also home to the Court Combine, a powerful organization. A popular destination for many adventurers because of its plentiful supply of alcohol and its vast amount of jobs.
Heartwich- Hit badly by the fourth Sundering the people of Heartwich spend much of their time rebuilding their once great city. Heartwich is a unique location in Praetus mostly because of the underground portion of the city home to many of the subterranean races of Pan-Tyrel.
Stagford- A village right on the edge of the Krag River on the border to Drakkin, the tensions in this town are usually high because of the close proximity to the border and the fact that due to the fourth Sundering the town has fallen under the rule of a shady mayor.
Everhorn- A mining village on the outskirts of Praetora, this Town is largely populated by Dwarves and Dragonborn surprisingly, the small town above does nothing to give way to the massive underground cityscape.
Kilstall- a slum city, filled with the disparate and filthy, people in Kilstall are not usually there by choice and are probably hiding from something.
Farfair Harbor- The primary port of the Republic of Praetus where a large majority of the navy is stationed, it contains many trade routes by sea as well is host to many explorers groups that seek to explore the world beyond the continent they reside.
Thorngrove- A town built in trees, the houses are trees, the inns are trees, massive tree houses fill the area, this town was raised by Keselth the silent to give home to the refuges from Drakkin when the first sundering occurred.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Rulers of Pan-Tyrel
High king Cornelius Hendral
Queen Lesedi Hendral
Hendral court:
Halfor Talwin, lord of the high elves governor of the West
Toriel Brandel Representative of the halflings, warden of the south
Lord Intin Corbin Baron of the North
Zoldran Feldran, general of the Tabaxi and Keeper of the East
Ronnuth the gold, High general of the Praetian Military 
Keselth The Voiceless, Silent Archivist of the Praetian tribunal
Mekarth of the bronze, ruler of the forge and mercantile 
Sultana Inilth Imperil
High Magister Rusorth
Supreme Albert Corelius
Queen Narcissa Corelius
Chief Zanrok Heavyhand
High Tinker Ralia Novis
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