#plant discussions
nelumbo-lotuses · 8 months
[ @os-mapmaker ]
Greetings. You may call me the Mapmaker. I am on a mission to learn about all currently known timelines and their residents. I hope you would not mind answering a few questions.
Interview: Mason
I noticed that you have shared a lot of information about your garden and gardening experiences, but very little about yourself. Who or what got you into gardening in the first place?
Oh, howdy! I have been eyeing your work for a while. Good work, I can commend it. By all means, you may ask me any questions you would like. Some of us do not have rocket science jobs. Here's a secret: I was raised at the Glen, actualy. Grew up around a bunch of plants, and our house had a moss ceiling! From the Polytrichaceae family if my memory serves me right, mainly from the creeping rootstalks.
Our family could not afford to make a living in the Refuge, so we had humble lives as farmers and traders with the glenfolks. I was their only child however, and they insisted they did not want me to live the same life as them. Fortunately for me, I had a stronger way with words, and I got to study plant biology. Being around a family that grows plants for a living, you can guess how that went. Then, I finally got the chance to study abroad. Had to leave my family however, which was crushing at first. But, being able to explore around the Refuge with my future colleagues was absolutely immaculate. That's how I met Kip! Now, I'm here. Still surrounded by plants, the only difference being that I'm alone now, heh. I'm living my life though, and a secret is that living a best life is never a thing. It's only living a life around the things you care about dearly, so that your issues are smaller. Whew, long one! Sorry for the autobiography, I get chatty a lot. Hope it answers your question.
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doomedlemur · 1 year
Does Crowley actually destroy the "bad" plants?
I think not!
Neil Gaiman notably suggested once that he makes the shredder noise to frighten the plants, then sneaks the plant with leaf spots out and gives it to the old lady downstairs.
However, this was just in response to a question asking what could be told to a child who was upset by the scene, and so could not be considered canon. It does seem in character, but trying to be mindful of not headcanonning Crowley into too much of a meow-meow, I was prepared to believe either possibility.
But then, I was reading the book. And though much of the scene in the show was taken line for line, in the book it doesn't say he shreds the plants, or that the sound of a shredder is heard, or anything like that. It says he leaves the flat with the offending plant, and returns an hour or so later with an empty pot.
About the right amount of time to pop downstairs, have a chat and a cup of tea, and re-pot a plant, wouldn't you say? Hmmmmmmm.
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harringroveera · 8 months
Yeah we know how Billy managed to stop the Mind Flayer with his bare hands but have we talked about how he never even moved an inch while the Mind Flayer attacked him? He planted his feet and stood his ground
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oddarette · 4 months
Help me decide?
I'm having a botanical/art crisis. This may be my last year ever in CA as we are likely getting PCSed(Permanent Change of Station) soon. To honor the state where I spent most of my life, I want to do a series of southern California plant illustrations. I'm torn however. I originally wanted to do native CA plants, but after photographing, cataloguing, and researching many of the plants I had selected during my time hiking around socal, I've found many of them are not actually native. This begs the question. Should I do justice to the reality of what I've seen and enjoyed during my time living here by including non native plants and still calling them CA plants, or do I offer an idealized version of native CA plants even if it's not what the reality is when you are in the wild.
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So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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ships-n-bats · 8 months
I still absolutely love how Wolfwalkers ended.
Love that it still ultimately focused on Robyn and Mebh and how they leave their old world behind to find a new one, just for them, their parents, and the wolf family to live in peace, far away from the townspeople. How after all that drama and near-death experiences, they just get to rest in the caravan, protected by their respective parent and live together in the forest.
No more societal expectations. No more gender roles. No need to appease a bunch of people who really only want them dead for what they are. No focus on these two literal children to change a town’s whole mindset like so many other films do. No, the message was just these two girls finding their happy ending with their loved ones somewhere else and just cutting out that toxic environment all together.
Why waste energy trying to help a bunch of people they don’t even have any real attachment to, after all? Especially with people who actively forced roles they didn’t want onto them and mistreated them for being different? It’s just such a breath of fresh air to see a film that ends with the characters finding happiness and peace in their own little slice of heaven, rather than wasting time, energy, and emotions on trying to change others.
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pastelaeqy · 1 month
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have been making this whilst listening to final part device theory for deltarune. Strongly recommend giving it a go. I’ve yet to finalise some of the colours here so this is still def a wip.
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b0ll0 · 15 days
K, relating to my last post but, how tf do Argos and Mr plant kiss?? Has this been discussed before?? Does Mr plant have lips? In my last post I just made him have no mouth like them Gacha characters (I’m still gonna be thinking about this at midnight)
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nelumbo-lotuses · 10 months
since you’re a pothead do you smoke weed
Only a couple times, for science! I may be a literal pothead, but I make use of my herbs responsibly and in moderation!
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grahamcore · 2 years
not to be delusional on main but i truly believe that tomgreg has the potential to go canon. greg’s dad is gay and if there’s one thing this show loves it’s generational similarities (and why bother having that be a plot point if not for later use). tom’s open marriage and hesitancy to cheat but easy intimacy with greg. the eventual crumbling of said marriage and tom’s subsequent closeness with greg as a blatant replacement for shiv. the ‘would you kiss me’ line, the ‘you’re mine’ water bottle pelting scene, the forehead kiss. not to fucking mention nero and sporus. tom has killed his wife, pushed her down the metaphorical stairs, and all that’s left now is for him to dress greg in her clothes and kiss him on the lips. all i’m saying is that i think the writers of succession are too smart to lay all this foundation and not follow through. it’s too good a show for that.
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peach-nii · 1 year
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sir billiam’s art studio ^u^
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cctinsleybaxter · 5 months
I get the asexual reading for like the first 50 pages as Patrick objectifies women to a point that he thinks of them using the same language he would for a sex toy + can only masturbate to advertisements and movies + makes it very clear he views sex (and sex crimes) as a social obligation for people in positions of power. But the minute you get to the bathroom scene where he's suddenly describing luis touching him using completely different language and mentally short-circuiting it's like... this is not a subtle book
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alluralater · 2 months
my best friend is single as of two hours ago and she’s so hot and sexy and funny and no you cannot shoot your shot with her because i won’t approve but you MAY fawn over her. this i will allow
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b0tsbby · 3 months
Do (personally) enjoy when an author questions or outright explores knives and conforming to a human constructed gender binary cause honestly like, yea. Why.
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kittzuxp · 1 month
Hiii I took the Argos x Jeff art down pls stop addressing this again. I just thought it was a funny crackship apparently it's proship (yikes). I feel really bad when someone brings it up because I didn't have any bad intentions*, and I think neither did the person who thought of the ship.
*by bad intentions I mean considering the ship to be proship.
First of all, while I was drawing them, I was thinking of them both as adults, not adult and minor. So it's not something I did intentionally.
When someone pointed it out at first, I was disgusted at myself because I had technically drawn proship, and I am heavily against it.
But in desperation I pulled some crappy excuse out my ass and said that 'even if he's 13 let's just say I aged him up.' which I have realized is an excuse people have said throughout the years so that they continue drawing proship without getting backlash.
Almost immediately, I think at least one person had come to our defense and said that Jeff is 13 in his backstory. So the drawing and crackship shouldn't be a problem.
I don't currently know if this is a valid enough response, I hope it is.
Even so, I'm sorry about the situation. And hope I can be forgiven by the people against me.
Some other things to address:
First of all, this is not targeted towards anyone, not the person who first pointed it out, not the people against me, not anyone. Don't take this personally. And most importantly, don't hate on anyone involved.
I never thought I'd ever need to bring out the ukulele and apologize to the internet, but here I am I guess.
[Please know that English isn't my first language, and I tried to be formal about this. But I may have worded something incorrectly]
Just know, I'm not malicious at all about the situation, in fact, if you try to 'fix' it I probably won't care.
Mr plant x Argos will always be my OTP :)
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transandgaybutworse · 8 months
for some reason, Argos really seems like the kind of guy that'd collect pins and keychains to me, especially ones that seem really random
definitely need to draw him with a bag that just has a ton of pins at some point
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