#platonic tsu'tey x reader
jello-bbq · 2 years
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
<Unlikely friendships, unlikely opportunities, unlikely accidents.>
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Injuries and near death experiences. Timeskip because I cannot write slowburn. Angst coming up next I think.
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They had no idea what to do. What could they do?
Jake and Neytiri were having lessons somewhere in the tree. The only two people they could safely interact with. Technically, a third, awkward option presented itself.
After the healer's tent, he followed them out. And continued following them as they walked around to pass the time. Which they thought completely unnecessary. But still, they could understand the need to hover. To make sure they wouldn't cause trouble around the people.
People still steered their children away when they came close, so they tried their best to keep off the main pathways.
They looked back and surely, there he was, walking a few feet away.
They pressed the cloth to their nose again, finding that the blood had lessened considerably. They would have to thank Zeyko the next time they saw her, which would definitely be soon.
After a few minutes, Tsu'tey caught up with them, silently holding out a yellow fruit.
The two ate as they walked to no place in particular. At least to them. Tsu'tey began to steer them somewhere. They didn't question it, though a part of their mind rang alarm bells and yelled 'now he's gonna kill you!'
Having been wrong three times, they could give him the benefit of the doubt.
Neither spoke as they veered off the paths. The branches looked visibly less managed than the pathways, with tall ferns getting thicker and thicker as they went.
They had to admit, it would have been a good place to die.
He took the lead when the branches became too narrow for them to walk side by side. Every now and then he would glance back as if to confirm they were still there.
His glances were hardly noticed. The ferns kept their attention.
They kept looking around, marveling at the multi-colored plants and wondering how everything looked at night. They would find out soon, realizing that eclipse had begun.
They stopped, mesmerized, forgetting that Tsu'tey seemed to be leading them somewhere. He stopped, realizing they were no longer following.
They didn't even realize he had come back and sat down beside their legs until he spoke.
"It is beautiful."
Their brows furrowed. One unusual display of care after another. Nevertheless, they took a seat on the branch, a safe distance away.
"It is."
The two sat at the edge, feet dangling, watching the sky together. Blue gave way to orange. Orange caressed pink. The sun sank over the moon's horizon and the forest lit up, replacing one beauty for another.
Tommy would've loved this, they thought. He hadn't quite left their mind since morning.
A few minutes after dark Tsu'tey led them to dinner.
"What's with the bandages?" Jake sat next to them, keen on making small talk after spending the day apart.
They, who had been dissecting the Tsu'tey thing, thinking about Tommy, and whose brain had been on Na'vi mode the whole day, did not understand his question.
He pointed to their fingers. "That. You hurt yourself?"
"On the bow, yeah." They answered. "Ripped my skin open." They stretched their fingers, letting Jake take their hand and examine it.
"Gotta be more careful with that, kid. Don't wanna be making too many trips to the healers."
"Says the guy who has bruises all over. I'm surprised you aren't wrapped in a giant band-aid."
"Nah, the healer said it'd cover my handsome face. Would hurt all the ladies." He didn't let go of their fingers, fiddling with the ends of the bandages.
"Oh please, white boy. She did not say that." They leaned against him, starting to feel the effects of the bow training and blood loss. "I'm sure Zeyko would have smacked you for having so many bruises."
"You know the healer's name?"
They shrugged. "She told me."
Jake chuckled, noting their sudden lethargy. "Look at you making friends so quickly."
"Haven't you noticed Tsu'tey and me? We're practically besties." They murmured, lacking that usual bite.
He didn't need to ask what was wrong. They hadn't held back on telling him much after they landed on Pandora. But he asked anyway. "You missing him?"
"Yeah, just-" They motioned vaguely.
"I know, kid." Jake sighed. "He would've loved it here."
"Would have had to drag him out of the forest by his tail."
The two laughed quietly.
Neytiri and Tsu'tey seemed to notice the sudden drop in mood and their empty bowls. Some people began to retire for the night, and they made to do the same.
They followed, talking with Jake in whispers. He immediately took the empty hammock beside Neytiri again, bidding them goodnight as they moved farther away to their usual spot and laid down.
To their surprise, someone moved into the hammock beside them. With the dim light of the moss, they could barely make out the person's features.
"Sleeping alone is not good for your health."
"You have much to live for. I can feel it. Eywa wills it."
They laughed bitterly. "I'm surprised I'm not dead yet."
They waited for something else, something to clarify her words. But only light snoring came.
They resisted the urge to sigh. Eywa wills it. Had she willed for Tommy to die?
They laid back and closed their eyes, opening them again to be faced with the pod's gel-like inside. The lid opened. Grace greeted them with a smile and an unspoken question.
"I had bow training today." They lifted their hand to show the bandages, only to remember that they couldn't. They shook their head. "Ripped my fingers open."
"Geez, keep the bloodshed to a minimum. You're already bleeding too much as it is." She knelt down to pull the tampon from their nose.
"That was very uncomfortable." They scrunched and unscrunched their nose. "But better than choking on my own blood."
Grace laughed. "Dinner and then bed, kiddo."
"Yes mum," they joked quietly, standing up and making their way to the canteen.
Switching bodies always felt weird. Two bodies. Two wildly different environments. One consciousness. At least both bodies had the same amount of limbs, excluding the tail.
As they walked the halls they could almost feel it swishing behind them except of course it wasn't. The scientists had come up with a name for it. Phantom Tail Syndrome.
Only one person sat in the canteen, a tray opposite him.
They smiled. "Thought you would have talked to Neytiri for a while."
Jake smiled back at them, straightening up at their voice. "Thought you'd be earlier." He motioned to the tray. "Food's getting cold."
They took a spoon. "I'm taking your yogurt."
"I'm taking your jerky."
The days faded into weeks. Weeks passed into months.
Their days had a set routine now. Wake up, eat breakfast, get in the pod. Eat breakfast again. Go early hunting with Tsu'tey.
Archery lessons. Lunch. Direhorse riding. Practice for the upcoming possible iknimaya. Get back to hometree in time to watch the eclipse with Tsu'tey. Dinner. Sleep.
Wake up in the link pod, eat dinner again. Go to bed.
Jake had much of the same schedule. Though his early mornings held Na'vi lessons instead of hunting.
The people had slowly become less high-strung around them. A kid named Li'yek had begun looking for them before they slept, asking them questions about earth.
Zeyko still slept on the hammock beside them, never elaborating on her words but instead commenting on whatever new injury they'd acquired that day.
On one particular day, they thought it would follow the same routine.
"What's for breakfast today?" They caught the yellow fruit thrown their way. "Oh."
"Oh?" Tsu'tey mocked, going back to sharpening his arrows for the morning hunt.
"You have no originality." They referred to his mocking and to the yellow fruit which, while tasty they had been having for breakfast for weeks now.
He shook his head slightly, ever too refined to just roll his eyes. They took a seat beside him and bit into the fruit.
"There is some dried meat in my pouch." He nodded over to the leather satchel hanging from a branch.
They grinned, finishing off the last of the yellow fruit and getting up to fish the meat out of the pouch. "What are we hunting today?"
"We are not hunting today."
"What?" They offered him the net of dried meat. He took a piece and bit on it before going back to sharpening again. "Someone else is? When's the last time you weren't on morning hunting duty?"
"A while."
They ate half the meat before tucking it back into the pouch. "Can I go back to sleep then?"
"No, ready the direhorses."
"But," they paused, "I thought we weren't hunting today?"
"We are not." He held up an arrow, watching it glint in the light. They realized it had different markings than his usual arrows. "You are."
"But- huh?" That would mean taking a clean kill. And a clean kill meant the start of iknimaya. "Jake isn't getting a clean kill yet."
"Mo'at has decided it will be you who goes first." He looked at them and smiled softly. "You are ready. Now go get the direhorses."
They were ready. That's what they kept telling themselves as they walked through the branches without noise. A herd of hexapedes below them.
Tsu'tey stood beside them, holding his spear. Before the two reached the forest, they had asked him why he needed it.
"To protect you should something try to kill you. Or to kill you out of mercy should you manage to get the neurotoxin into your blood."
They had rolled their eyes at that, shoving him as he laughed.
He couldn't laugh now. He looked completely serious, letting them do it completely on their own.
They pulled the string all the way back, breathing evenly. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw him nod, approving of their stance. They took a breath, reminding themselves not to close one eye.
The hexapedes grazed, unknowing. Their gaze fell upon all of them, choosing the biggest one to feed the people. Another breath. They let go.
The arrow flew and hit true. The hexapedes scattered, leaving behind the dead.
They jumped down, whispering prayers as they pulled out the arrow.
They had done it.
A hand touched their shoulder. "You are truly ready."
They carried the hexapede with his help, strapping it onto their direhorse.
"Do you think you can climb the mountains? If you fall I will not catch you," he joked, getting onto his direhorse.
As they went to reply, they felt it more than heard it or saw it. Instinct, if you will.
The leaves moved. They hit the direhorses, causing them to run off quickly. A palulukan pounced, aiming for where Tsu'tey had been mere milliseconds ago.
They reached for their bow only to have a chilling realization. It was on their horse.
The palulukan grunted, turning to growl at them as if accusing them of costing it its meal. And then it pounced again.
The force hit them like a truck. They were pinned between the palulukan and the ground. Stones dug into their back.
If they cried out, they wouldn't know. The pain coursed through them blindingly. They could almost hear bones snapping. For a second they thought they passed out.
The palulukan moved above them. When they looked up, its teeth were right above. It's jaw on their chest.
There was no time to think. They wrapped their arms and legs around its mouth, holding it shut. It did not like that, bucking and shaking, almost succeeding in throwing them off. Their face got dangerously close to the opening of its jaw and they leaned back, head hitting the ground.
A glint in the grass caught their eye. Their arms hurt. Their legs were conceding to the sheer power of the palulukan's jaw.
They reached out blindly, skin scraping on stones. Tears clouded their eyes. Warm breath pushed against their skin. Saliva dribbled down and loosened their hold.
Their hand hit more rocks. The palulukan jumped around wildly, realizing as well that their death was imminent.
They kept readjusting, trying not to fall. The saliva made it hard to get a grip. The breath made them want to barf.
This was it, they would die.
And then their hand hit solid wood, grasping for it blindly. The familiar carving had them crying even more.
They let their other hand slip, relying on their legs to keep its mouth closed. And then they drove the arrow into the middle of its jaw.
It cried out and faltered. Their grip slipped and they hit the forest floor with a force that drove the air from their lungs.
The pain had gone numb, at least. Another product of their experimentation.
The palulukan struggled, crying out. They watched as its movements became sluggish, whining in pain. They stood easily. As if they didn't have any injuries at all.
They took another arrow, trying to even their breathing as they approached it. "I'm sorry." The arrow plunged into its head and it went still.
A small spray of blood reached them, splattering across their front.
A prayer for its life floated into the air, uttered with the barest amount of shock.
When it fell they cried, body shaking, and the urge to lay down and wait for help grew strong. Something felt off to them, knowing that the experiments robbed them of feeling anything in the midst of such situations.
This didn't seem to be the case with them kneeling on the grass, shaking uncontrollably and throwing up fruit and meat until they heard a cry that wasn't their own.
Their body froze, every emotion finally slinking away as it had been trained to do.
They picked the remaining arrows off of the ground and ran.
The cry rang out again and they almost tripped upon the realization that it was Tsu'tey.
They saw a blur of black through the trees and their blood ran cold. Another palulukan. Why?
It jumped at a tree, and they could just barely make out Tsu'tey stabbing at it with his spear.
They ran forward to help.
The palulukan jumped higher, nearly grazing Tsu'tey, and when he stepped back nothing could support his weight but leaves.
They ran faster when he fell and it turned to pounce on him. They pounced first. Jumping onto its back, bunching all of the arrows together, and bringing them down.
Blood splattered on them again. Coating them almost wholly this time. But they had no time to care or cry. They stumbled over to Tsu'tey, muttering another prayer.
They examined him. He wasn't hurt, but he wasn't awake. His head had hit a log.
They cried out for the horses, only one appeared.
His weight didn't hurt. Even though they could hear their bones straining, it didn't hurt. It couldn't hurt. They hauled him up onto the direhorse, easily ignoring how their arms shook.
They followed behind him, climbing onto the horse and urging it forward. They could feel the horse's worry through the bond, no doubt heightened by whatever pain their body currently ignored.
The forest at that time of morning could be easily navigated and they would have thanked Eywa for it if they still had control over their thoughts.
Their brain started to shut down. The numbness intensified. Somehow, they spotted a guard in the trees and called out. Or at least they think they did.
The guard turned, and they had time to register the panic in his eyes before the world tilted.
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
700 Follower Special ~ Platonic Yandere Mo'at X Fem Human Reader
~A/N: This idea had been plaguing me while I was trying to sleep, so I decided to tie this in with a follower milestone. I hope you guys enjoy this!
CW: possessive behavior, obssessive behavior, adult fem reader, kidnapping, forced body modification (you'll see), forced proximity
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-You had been part of the first people going to Pandora to study the things there. You were the youngest person to go there. You had made quick friends with some of the other scientists, like Grace, Norm, and Max. And you also got along well with Jake Sully, though he wasn’t exactly a scientist. 
-You had loved getting to study the plant life on Pandora, though you were a rather small person and the massive size of most of the things on the planet made you nervous. Especially having to be accompanied by the people in avatar bodies. 
-You knew they were there to protect you, but having them standing around you made you kind of scared. You were dwarfed by everything there and you hated it. 
-So, because of that, you tried to stay in the labs as much as you possibly could. And it worked because you didn’t have to take much of a plant to have enough of it to work with for weeks. 
-But, you were running out of your current ones and had to go on the trip outside the labs with everyone. 
So, here you were, one of the only people moving through the forest as a human. You hadn’t thought much when rejecting the offer of an avatar, liking your body and wanting to stay in it no matter how much easier it would be if you were in a navi body. 
You had been in the back of the group, occasionally stopping to gather more samples, when you spotted something you didn’t have a ways off of the path you guys were on. You turned to the group and asked Jake to come with you to get some of the plant that you saw. He agreed and barely remembered to tell the rest of them before following after you. You had walked for longer than you had expected before being able to get some of the plant, Jake standing behind you and looking around. Though, neither of you had noticed the massive six-legged creature coming your way. 
You had just closed your bag with the samples in it when you heard something. Jake heard it too, and both of you slowly turned to look at the predator stalking you. It didn’t take long for it to lunge at you two, making Jake snatch you up into his arms and run away from it. You had been clinging to him while being chased before suddenly feeling weightless, before looking over your shoulder and screaming as you fell down in the air from the cliff Jake jumped off of. You had buried your face in his neck and clung to him as hard as you could, and he wrapped you with his body as you hit the water below you. 
-As you both got to the bank of the lake you landed in, you curled up and coughed up some water as Jake flopped onto his back next to you. As soon as you stopped coughing you slapped his arm and yelled at him. But you immediately apologized afterwards and thanked him for saving you. 
-He accepted your apology before looking around you, trying to find out if he could get you both back to the labs. But, he just stood back up and helped you to your feet before starting to walk away from the lake. 
-As you followed after him you started to hear more concerning sounds around you. You grabbed onto Jake’s pants before more creatures jumped out and surrounded you. You were dragged onto the ground as he fell back against a log next to you. 
-Though out of nowhere, an actual navi came to your rescue and killed them. You were still trembling on the ground as Jake tried to get help from her. 
-You quickly got up and went with them as they walked away from you quickly. You caught up while balancing on a log and peeked around Jake’s leg as you tried asking her to help you make it to the lab yourself. You felt like bursting into tears as she hissed at you. Though Jake put his hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you when he saw your reaction. 
Though before anyone could speak again, you looked up as white things came floating towards you and Jake. He backed up in his confusion, but you were rooted in place, standing still while looking up at them. They came closer to you and eventually landed all over you, one was even right in the middle of your forehead, almost caressing your face. It didn’t take long for them to start drifting away from you, you glanced back and saw the same had happened to Jake. You turned back and saw the woman looking at the two of you with an amazed expression on her face. 
You backed up into Jake as she walked closer to you. You were almost hyperventilating as she tried to touch your face. Luckily, Jake put his hand on her shoulder and said that she was making you nervous, and that you rarely chose to leave the labs. You were very out of your comfort zone and were glad that he was sticking up for you. You went back to being slightly behind him as she said she had to bring you two back to her clan to meet the leaders. You almost teared up hearing that. 
She continued along the log, you two following her. However, you were brought down with Jake again as his ankles were caught in something. And again, he shielded your fall with his own body. You looked up after he landed and actually started crying when seeing multiple navi men on Pandoran horses. You flinched when the woman dropped down next to you and started talking to the apparent leader of the group. She obviously reached a solution because she came back and cut the rope tying Jake’s ankles together. 
-Once he was cut free, she told him that he must follow them to the heart of their clan. You were trembling as you tried to keep up with everyone. 
-She noticed and went back to snatch you up and carry you. You flinched hard when she touched you, letting out a few tears while trying to not look at the rest of the natives in the group. 
-It was embarrassing to be held by her like a child, though you supposed you shouldn’t be surprised with how small you were compared to her. 
-You looked around in wonder as you made it to their home. You wondered if you truly looked like a child to them at that moment. Probably. 
-You quickly made your way to the center of their home, their leader coming down from a tree to stand in front of you. You were set down and quickly went to be beside Jake again, and buried your face in his pant leg, trying to calm yourself down. 
-You were listening to them, the woman and their leader, go back and forth before Jake said something about fathers and stepped away from you. You felt the color leave your face as they were all eyeing you. 
-In the midst of your renewed panic, a woman in a shall came down from the tree as well and silenced the crowd. 
Once she was in front of Jake, she talked to him, in english! You perked up at that and paid attention to her. She asked him some questions, to which he answered. Then she moved to you and crouched in front of you to ask you some as well. 
Your eyes widened in fear as she looked you up and down. She asked you what you were doing there, and you said that you were a scientist, like Grace, and that you just needed more plants to study, so you came into the forest. Then looked down while saying that you ventured to get one and got lost, and that Jake was with you to protect you. When you were done talking, she used her hand to lift your face. 
You looked into her eyes curiously as she asked how you changed her daughter's mind about leaving you, so you told her about the floating white things that covered your body. Then asked what they were. She said they were seeds of eywa, and you just raised your brows at that. Your reaction amused her, apparently, as she dragged you with her as she went back to where Jake, the woman, and the leader were standing. 
-You curled into yourself as she inspected Jake closer, even pricking him with the knife hanging from her head. You prepared for the same to happen to you, but she seemed much more gentle when doing it with you. 
-Once she was done, she addressed the whole clan, telling them that eywa had given her a sign. That the two of you are to learn from them and prove your worth. You teared up at the message, knowing you wouldn’t be back at the lab anytime soon. 
-You tried to go back to Jake, but the older woman grabbed you and brought you up the tree with her. You frantically looked back at Jake, but he was being taken in the other direction by the first woman. 
-You were taken into a hut higher up in the tree, and forced to sit down in front of her. You continued trembling as she grabbed a few bowls and some scraps of fabric over to you. 
-She said that you had to change into different clothes before she put some salves on your injuries. You just nodded before reaching out for the clothes she had. She just set down the bowls before helping you stand up and grabbing at your clothes. 
-You panicked and tried to push away from her, but she just reprimanded you like a child, before taking your clothes off herself. 
-You covered yourself as she untangled the fabrics. And once she saw you covering yourself, she huffed at you before moving your arms and helping you into the top first. It barely covered your chest, making you blush. 
-She looked from the loincloth to you, then went to grab another piece of fabric and sewing it into the back string of the loincloth, then tied it around your waist for you. You were thankful for the extra piece that was now covering your butt. 
-You continued staying still as she grabbed one of the bowls and got some of the salve and rubbed it on your scrapes. Then used a different one for the bruises you had. 
-You quietly thanked her as she put the bowls back in their places. She smiled at you before coming back over and picking you up into her arms. You harshly gasped, but chose to grip her as she walked back down the tree with you. 
As she got back to the ground, you saw Jake making his way back to the other woman and sitting on a log, also wearing navi clothes. You waited for the woman to set you down so you could go sit with him, but she just took you with her to the leader. She sat down on a log next to him, with you settled in her lap, and you curled into yourself. She just patted your hip before asking you for your name. You looked up at her before introducing yourself. She repeated your name back to you with some navi words, and you nodded after she was done. 
She introduced herself and her husband, as well as explaining that they were the leaders of the clan, the olo’eyktan and tsahik. Their names were Mo’at and Eytukan. You just nodded at them before saying that it was nice to meet them. You almost flinched again as he got up and came back with some big leaves. She unwrapped it revealing some food. Meat. 
You just looked at it from behind your mask. You couldn’t smell it, but it did look good. She grabbed a tiny bit of it and brought it up to your face. You just looked at it before looking back at her. She looked almost demanding, so you carefully lifted your mask so she could feed you. As soon as her hand was far enough away from you, you brought your mask back down and sealed it to your face again. 
-You chewed it as she looked down at you. You told her that it tasted amazing as soon as you had swallowed it. You also asked what the other woman’s name was that had helped you. And she told you it was her daughter Neytiri. 
-You just smiled and nodded at her. She took a couple of bites herself before giving another to you. 
-This routine continued until the food was gone. She handed the leaf to her husband before pulling you to lean against her. You tensed as she rubbed your side. 
-You asked if you could go to Jake, which she immediately shut down. You just nodded while looking in his direction. But he was focused on Neytiri. You sighed before relaxing against Mo’at. 
-She hugged you to her as you saw people going into a multitude of hammocks in the trees. Which you had to admit was interesting to see. 
-You yelped when you were abruptly lifted up. Mo’at was looking at you and told you to hold on tight, which you immediately did. She then began climbing up a tree, following her husband, and made her way to a more open and spacious hammock. 
-You nervously looked at him as she laid down with you. Luckily, it wasn’t between the two of them. You just nervously cuddled into her side and slowly went to sleep. 
-Eytukan just asked his mate what she saw in the little sky person. Mo’at said that eywa gave her a sign. That you were like her oldest, alive again. She said she had the chance to protect you, like she couldn’t with her first daughter. Her mate just sighed before putting his arm around her, resting his hand against your side. 
-Jake woke up back in the link pod to Grace in front of him. 
-He excitedly shared where his other body was, and that he would be learning the ways of the people from the olo’eyktan’s daughter. 
-Grace said that it was wonderful, then asked where you were. 
-He just went silent, then said that you were at the same place as him. In the clan’s home. But he wasn’t sure where you went after dinner. Though he did see you with the tsahik. 
-Grace just sighed before putting him back in his wheelchair and pushing him to where dinner for his human self was. But she said he would have to get you back here soon, considering how scared you probably were there. 
-He sheepishly admitted that he forgot about that and told her he would try his hardest to get you back to the labs. 
The morning after, Jake was able to steal you from Mo’at, saying he wanted to get some fruit for you. And that he had missed you last night. 
He grabbed you and your bag and headed off into the forest in the direction he was pointed to. He also pretended to not notice Neytiri following you two. That was until she stopped the two of you to ask where you were going. Jake looked her in the eyes before saying to get some fruit again. 
Neytiri huffed at him before saying that he wouldn’t have your bag if that were the case. He just sighed before holding you tighter and saying that he knew you were terrified in the village, because you had always been scared of things as big as the navi. Plus, Grace made him promise that he would get you back to the labs as soon as possible. 
Neytiri just looked him up and down before moving her gaze onto you, who was hiding in his neck and trembling. She said she could get you there, but wasn’t sure how her mother would think of it, since she clearly likes you. He just barely smiled and said that he was sure she would understand. Neytiri huffed but started to guide them to a big clearing and made a loud noise, which made you flinch. 
In almost no time a massive winged creature touched down near her, and she got on it. She directed Jake to get on behind her so he could guide her to the human building, and bring him back after. He quickly hopped on, still holding you tight. She went up into the air and Jake told her to fly in the direction they came from last night. Following that path, they made it to the labs quickly. Once you saw the building, you hopped off the thing, grabbed your bag from Jake, thanked them, then sprinted to the doors, going inside as quickly as you possibly could. 
Neytiri squinted at you, and Jake huffed before saying that you would probably go to your bed and cry. She looked concerned, but he just said that even being around him in that body made you nervous, so he couldn’t imagine how scared you were while with the rest of the navi. She nodded at him before making her way back to her home. 
-They see Mo’at waiting for them before they even land. She’s immediately on him, asking him where you are. 
-He put his hands up and said that they took you back to the labs, where you wanted to be. He continues talking, saying that you must have been so scared being around so many navi at once. And that things that big had always terrified you. 
-Mo’at’s tail was angrily swishing behind her, and she growled at him after he finished talking. She yelled at him that he shouldn’t have done that. That eywa had given her a sign that you were meant to be with her. That you were like her first daughter. 
-Neytiri was just looking between them with a conflicted expression. She wanted to follow the will of eywa, but she had seen how scared you were. And how relieved you were to be back with the other sky people. 
-She got roped into the lecture with Jake before they were sent off to start training. Mo’at just said that they will be forgiven when they bring you back. 
-Meanwhile, you were back in the lab, getting back into regular clothes after a nice shower. You had eaten a regular meal before crawling into your bed and going right back to sleep. 
-You woke up around lunch time and chose to tell Grace what had happened to you. You told her how uncomfortable it was being treated like a little kid by the tsahik of the clan. 
-Grace just listened to you before comforting you once you were done talking. You melted into her for the entire time she sat with you. 
-But, you eventually went back to your bed to grab your bag and get your samples to bring to your lab station. You had enough of them to not need to go outside for at least a month, maybe two. 
-You happily continued your research, documenting it along the way. You were just happy that you didn’t have to go out of your comfort zone for a while. 
-Things continued that way for the time until your samples ran out. You happily did your experiments. 
-And Jake had been going through tough training everyday, at the orders of Mo’at, until he could bring you back to the clan. He told her it would be a while until you thought of going outside again for more samples. 
-She just said to tell her when you were going out so she could go get you herself, for once thankful that he went back to his human body at night. 
-It took too long, in her opinion, for him to reluctantly tell her that you had run out of samples and would be going outside to get more the next day. 
-She was so relieved that she had brought him into a hug. She absently said that she had to get ready for you, hurrying to her hut to do something. Jake couldn’t help but be concerned for you. 
You had put on a mask and grabbed your bag before going outside for more samples. Making sure to let the others know where you would be going. You carefully made your way down the path, occasionally stopping to grab a part of some of the plants. You would occasionally stop and look around, thinking you heard something and feeling watched. 
You grabbed a plant to fill your final sample container, before hurrying back down the path you came from. You keep thinking you hear something, but brush it off as you jog back towards the labs, getting faster as you go. 
You’re about to break the treeline when one of the winged creatures lands in front of you. You screamed and fell to the ground, crawling away from it. You’re immediately sent into a panic as the navi woman who had babied you hops off of the creature. You just continued backing up as she came towards you. You just breathed heavily as she kneeled in front of you and gently picked you up. She rubbed your back as she got back on the creature and flew away from the labs. 
-It didn’t take you long to make it back to the clan, to your dismay. Once you were in front of the people, you saw the apologetic and guilty look on Jake’s face. You knew what that meant and don't really blame him for whatever he did. You just subtly nodded at him as you were carried into her hut again. 
-Once you were in the hut she put you on your feet and took your regular clothes from you, and didn’t put them in a place to take them back this time. 
-She put you in a navi top again, a new one that fit you better, and a new loincloth as well. They both seemed to be made with you in mind, which made you very nervous. 
-And instead of stopping at just the clothes, she put some accessories on you as well. A necklace, two anklets, and a decorative headband. You just squirmed as she dolled you up. She shushed you as she adjusted everything, smiling at you once she was done. 
-She stepped back to admire you before picking you up again and making her way back down the tree. 
You made it back to the crowd of people, clinging to her the whole time. Once you stopped moving, you lifted your head. She said something in navi to the crowd, and got cheers in return. You were just looking up at the treetops when you saw one of the floating white things coming down to you. As it got closer, everyone else saw it too. And, once again, it landed directly on your forehead, caressing your face, before floating off again. 
The entire clan was in awe from the sight. It was one thing to hear about the signs from eywa, and another to see one with their own eyes. They immediately started cheering again, knowing for sure that Mo'at saying you were her daughter returned was true. You were suddenly held up in the air facing the people, which just made you tense more and widen your eyes. 
-Though it didn’t take long for you to be brought back into her arms again. Cradled like a little kid. You wiggled in her arms as she held you to her chest. 
-She just shushed and cooed at you while staying in front of the clan. Looking to the side as her mate made his way over to her. 
-Eytukan stopped next to her and looked down at the human in his wife’s arms. He looked into her eyes and was starting to see what his wife was talking about. You were cute to him, there was no denying that, but he didn’t feel as strongly about you as his wife.
-Mo’at herself just stroked your back with her free hand, before unconsciously sniffing you. She was displeased that you smelled overwhelmingly like sky person, though figured it couldn’t be helped. She just huffed before telling her husband that she needed to bathe you. 
She stopped by her pod to grab the bathing supplies before heading off to the bathing pool with you still in her arms. Once she got there, she set down the pouch at the edge of the pool before quickly undressing you again. She set you in the pool before undressing herself. She looked at you treading water in the pool and smiled before hopping in herself, but she was able to stand in it. She grabbed the supplies she would need to wash your hair, then turned to see you facing your body away from her. Mo’at huffed before gently grabbing you and pulling you in front of her and beginning to scrub your hair and scalp. She was pleased that you were finally relaxing against her. It didn’t take her long to wash and rinse your hair before she moved on to washing your body. You tried to squirm away from her, but she just held you in place while washing you with her other hand. Even with your whining, she was finished quickly. She brought you out of the water and quickly redressed you before dressing herself. 
-She was very pleased that you no longer smelled like one of the sky people. She had a pep in her step as she made her way back to the clan with you. 
-She arrived again, very pleased with herself. You looked adorable to her, but the mask you needed to breathe bothered her a lot. It made your cute face look nearly unpleasant to her. 
-She told her husband that she would be going to pray to eywa with you, and to let the other healers know to take over while she was gone. 
-And with that, she made her way to the spirit tree with you to consult with eywa about her new daughter needing a mask to live. Hoping that eywa would be able to help her and give you a small blessing. 
-She had finally made it to the tree, and saw the look of awe on your face, which made her smile
-Mo’at made her way to the center of the tree, and placed you down on the ground, firmly telling you to stay in place. She then connected her queue to one of the glowing vines to connect with eywa and make her prayers known. 
-She had been facing a way that she could look at you and saw you laying with wide eyes as tendrils from the ground connected to your body. She continued her prayers and pleads until the tendrils retreated back into the ground. 
-Mo’at quickly went over to kneel next to you and gently removed your mask, keeping it close if you struggled to breathe. But you surprised her by taking a few big gasps of air, before your breathing slowed and you looked confused, because you were breathing fine without your mask. 
-You looked up at her with the most adorable confused look on your face before Mo’at engulfed you in her arms after throwing the mask away from you. In your confusion you ended up clinging to her while softly crying. 
-She was so thankful that eywa had heard her prayers and granted you this ability to live free of that mask. 
She picked you up into her arms again while making her way back to her people for the final time that day. Once she arrived with you, people immediately took notice of the change that had happened. Some of them gathered around her and asked what happened. And Mo’at gladly told them that the great mother had blessed her new daughter with the ability to breathe their air. They all congratulated her before going back to what they were doing. 
She was making her way back to her healing hut when she crossed paths with her daughter and Jake. He looked at you in complete shock, immediately asking what happened with your mask. Mo’at told them that she had prayed to the great mother, and she had given you a blessing that rid you of the need for the mask. You sighed into her neck, since you had defeatedly cuddled into her side since you had left the tree. Jake had wide eyes, and had put a hand over his mouth in the shock of the news. Neytiri was just smiling before going over and rubbing her new sister’s side, giving her congratulations. 
She then noticed the atmosphere between you and Jake and grabbed him to talk to him separately to not ruin her mother’s good mood. She was happy that her mother was happy, and that she could have a sister again. But she had to know why Jake was so upset about it first. 
-Once they had made it a bit away into the forest before she turned and asked him why he had reacted like that. 
-Jake just sighed, putting his hands behind his head and tipping it back. He said that he knew you would have never wanted this. You were content to be in the labs here, working with the plants. You were scared of almost everything outside of the labs, and now you most likely couldn’t go back without it majorly affecting you. 
-He saw the defeat in your eyes and knew that it was, a good bit, his fault. And he felt so guilty for doing that to you. 
-Neytiri was, again, torn. She now knew how much you didn’t want to be here, but also knew it was the will of eywa for you to be here. She sighed before pacing in front of Jake. 
-She told him that understood his pain a little bit, but also insisted that eywa worked to maintain the balance of life there. And you being here was a part of that balance. But, she could make sure that you got some time to yourself every once in a while, with the excuse of sibling bonding. 
-Jake looked in her eyes, before nodding. He told her that he wasn’t upset at anyone but himself. And that he was very thankful for her suggestion. 
-She smiled before saying that they should go and spend some time with you. 
-He just barely smiled before taking her hand and walking back to the village with her. 
They made it back quickly and went to Mo’at’s healing tent to go see you. You were sitting on the floor while Mo’at was mixing more salves and balms. You looked up at them as they walked in, still looking very disinterested in what was happening around you. Neytiri greeted her mother before going to sit next to you. Jake said hello to Mo’at before going to sit on your other side. You had curled into yourself as they settled next to you, not wanting any of them that close to you. 
Neytiri had raised her head and asked her mother when they could have some sister bonding time, to get to know each other. Mo’at looked up at her oldest daughter while thinking. She said that since she had work to do before dinner, you could go with them until then. She received two nods before you were picked up by your new ‘sister’ and brought out into the forest with her and Jake. 
-You weren’t even holding onto Neytiri as you were carried, just limply laying against her. And Jake was just watching you with such guilt in his eyes. 
-You all quickly made it to a clearing next to a river, and were set down in the middle of it. You immediately laid down where you were set and touched all of the plants around you. 
-Jake sat down next to you and watched you play with the plants. He was amused by your love of plants coming out in a low point of life for you. 
-He broke the silence by saying he was sorry. He said that he wouldn’t have told Mo’at what she asked of him if he knew that this would be the result. And that he felt so guilty for it. 
-You looked over at him and told him that you didn’t blame him at all. You understood why he did it. And that you forgave him, so he shouldn’t be feeling guilty for complying with someone higher up than him. 
-He let out a big breath and flopped down beside you before pulling you into the crook of his arm and ruffling your hair. 
-You slapped his arm while laughing. He was chuckling with you, having so much weight come off of his shoulders after hearing what you said. He was glad that he could goof around with you like he did in the labs. 
-Neytiri was watching the moment between you two with a smile on her face. It was nice seeing you not be tense for once. 
She cautiously made her way over to you two, and crouched in front of you guys. She didn’t try to touch you, but formally introduced herself to you. She looked to the side while saying you didn’t have to see her as your older sister, but she knew you needed time away from the clan to relax. It had been explained to her your fear of large things like navi, and she thought you would appreciate this time away from everything. 
You looked over at her before hesitantly reaching over and patting her arm. Telling her that you appreciate her effort. She smiled at you and fully sat down beside you. You sat up again and reached out to touch the plant sitting in front of you, inspecting it. 
Jake made a comment about ‘you and your plants’ before laying down next to you. Neytiri looked between you two before asking what that meant. You were more willing to talk, and explained your love of, and research of, plants. She smiled before saying that her mother and the other healers knew almost everything about all of the plants and their properties. You shrugged before getting up and walking around the clearing to see all of the different plants. 
-You did that for a long while before going over to the bank of the river, sitting and dipping your feet in the water. 
-Jake looked over at you sitting there, before getting up, running, and jumping into the water right in front of you. You gasped because of getting splashed, yelling at him when he surfaced, even if he was just laughing. 
-Neytiri was, once again, smiling at you two getting along, before she also ran and jumped into the river. Jake cheered when she resurfaced, with you giggling along. She just smiled before having fun in the river with the two of you. 
-Once she realized it was about time for dinner to happen, she guided you guys back to the clan. Though she stopped before you would be seen by anyone and told you her mother would want her to be carrying you to show how you’ve bonded. 
-You sighed before saying it was okay and reaching up to her. You even wrapped your arms around her neck once she got you settled. 
-And Mo’at was so happy to see both of her daughters getting along so well. She had such a big smile while walking up to the group of you. And once she made it to you, she put a hand on each one of your cheeks and kissed the ones she wasn’t holding. 
-Neytiri had a big smile on her face, while you only just barely smiled. 
-Mo’at then led all of you over to the log that her and her husband would be eating, wanting to be with family, with the arrival of a new family member. She even let Jake tag along. 
Pretty much as soon as you made it over to the log, Eytukan came over with enough food leaves for everyone there. He gave one to everyone there before sitting next to his wife. His daughter, the dreamwalker, and the little human were sitting on the ground in front of him and his wife. And he was happy to see all of them talking with each other while eating, and looking at his wife told him she felt the same way. 
Mo’at was smiling while watching her daughters get along so well, relieved that giving them some time to themselves granted them the bond that she got to witness. 
-The meal went well, with everyone helping clean up before making their way to go to sleep. 
-Neytiri and Jake go to the individual hammocks, and Mo’at goes to her and her husband’s hammock with you in tow. This time putting you in the middle of the three of you. You took a while to fall asleep, but ultimately slept well and deeply. 
-Jake woke up in the link pod to Grace in front of him once again. 
-She asked him where you were, and he just sighed and put his head in his hands before telling Grace everything that he knew. 
-She sighed with him before putting him in his wheelchair and took him to have some food. 
-She sat with him while he ate, asking him more questions along the way. 
-She was just shocked at what happened to you, along with being sad from hearing Jake’s description of the defeat on your face. 
-She and Jake went to sleep frustrated and defeated. 
-The next morning, you were at breakfast with everyone again. Actually being relaxed with the navi you had gotten used to. 
-Afterwards, you went to the healing tent with Mo’at, and were given a lesson on the navi language. 
-And you had picked it up surprisingly fast, which made Mo’at very proud of you. She hugged you once you were done and peppered your face with kisses. You even laughed when she did it. 
-You still didn’t quite feel comfortable around her, but she was a sweet woman, and you knew she was still grieving her first daughter. You were just very unsure of being the replacement. 
-However, you could get used to all of the positive attention, even from a species that scared you. 
It didn’t take long for the clan’s lunchtime to roll around, and you were once again carried down the tree like a toddler. You faced her shoulder, once again feeling embarrassed to be carried like a child when you were technically an adult. Though you also hadn’t told them how old you were yet. You just figured they would ignore you anyway. 
You made it to the log that Eytukan and the man who argued with Neytiri were sitting on. And as Mo’at sat down with you in her lap, Jake and Neytiri came from the forest and immediately made their way over to you four. You perked up when seeing them, from your spot relaxing against Mo’at. They quickly made it over to you, and Neytiri kissed the top of your head before sitting on the ground in front of you, and Jake ruffled your hair. You scoffed and slapped at him while he smiled and sat down next to Neytiri. 
Eytukan and the other man got up to go get food for everyone, and you started asking the two in front of you what they did that morning. They told you all about the training they did, and before you knew it the other two men were making their way back over to the group with enough leaves of food for everybody. One being noticeably smaller than the rest. Once they rejoined the group you reached out for your leaf, saying a ‘thank you’ after it was handed to you. 
Once everyone was settled, the leaves were opened and all of you started eating. Though you and the other man were side-eyeing each other the whole time. You with apprehension, and him with curious disdain. Neither of you liked each other, but also didn’t even know each other’s names. Neytiri had noticed the looks exchanged, and took the initiative to introduce you to ‘Tsu’tey’. You looked him up and down before telling him it was nice to officially meet him, and he said the same to you. 
The rest of the meal continued without fanfare, and you were sent with the other young people to do more language lessons before dinner. You had hopped onto Jake’s back, given a piggyback ride into the forest to make it back to the clearing from before. You were set down and immediately walked around to the plants you didn’t get to see the day before. 
-Jake and Neytiri were smiling at you while sitting in the middle of the clearing. And Tsu’tey was still eyeing you suspiciously. 
-You had turned and asked Neytiri what the name of the plant was. She took a peek at the plant and explained all she knew about the plant to you. 
-Tsu’tey looked between them before Jake noticed and explained your role in the labs, stemming from your love of plants. He just nodded while leaning back on his arms and looking over at you. 
-You finally made your way back over to the group and sat in a spot that would complete the circle. Then you went over more of the navi language until you got bored. 
-Jake agreed with you, so he reached over and took off the accessories you had on, which made you narrow your eyes at him. Even if you didn’t stop him. 
-You started protesting when he threw you over his shoulder and started walking towards the river. It was worse because you could hear Neytiri giggling behind you. 
-Jake got to the edge of the river, taking you off of his shoulder and dangling you above the water, with you clinging to him the whole time. Meanwhile, he just smirked before bringing you closer… and then throwing you into the river. 
-You were shouting at him as soon as you surfaced, just hearing his chuckling before getting splashed in the face. And you just knew that that idiot had jumped in too. 
-You shrieked when he grabbed your ankle on his way back up to the surface of the water. But you couldn’t help but laugh with him while treading water in front of him. 
-You had faintly heard feet hitting the ground before another splash hit the back of your head, Neytiri popping back up behind you. At this point, you were having such a good time with these simple pleasures of life. 
-You stopped laughing, then saw Tsu’tey perched on the bank of the river looking at you guys. You rolled your eyes before diving under the water and swimming towards him. When you were right in front of him, you perched your feet on a root under the water and used it to launch yourself out of the water. Using your momentum to grab onto his arm and drag him with you back into the water. 
-You laughed at his scowled, aimed at you, when he got back above the water. Neytiri and Jake watching with wide eyes before starting to laugh with you. Tsu’tey eventually huffed before relaxing his mouth into something resembling a smirk. Then he splashed you. 
-You gasped before splashing him back. The other two exchange a look before joining in, creating an all out war between you four. 
-It didn’t take long for you to get tired and go sit on the bank, watching the other three continue swimming around while relaxing against the ground. And it didn’t take you long to fall asleep, laying against the soft moss with your feet in the cool water. 
None of the three still in the water noticed Mo’at making her way into the clearing, having gone there after she had finished her duties for the day. And what she saw had warmed her heart. She crouched in the middle of the clearing, seeing all four of you’s accessories laying on the ground, with the three navi playing around in the river, and you laying on the edge of it. She quietly got closer, seeing you asleep while the other three still swam and splashed around. 
She just smiled more before going and retrieving your things, before going over and gently picking you up. She cradled you in her arms before standing up, finally gaining the attention of the other three, before waving and walking off with you. She looked down at your peaceful face as she made her way back to the village, kissing your forehead as she basked in the warmth enveloping her heart. 
(To be continued…)
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐲, 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
ᴛꜱᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ ᴛᴇ ʀᴏɴɢʟᴏᴀ ᴀᴛᴇʏᴏ'ɪᴛᴀɴ x ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ᴀʀʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ/ꜰɪᴀɴᴄÉ? ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ ᴛᴇ ꜱᴜʟɪ ᴛꜱʏᴇʏᴋ'ɪᴛᴀɴ x ʏ/ɴ ᴛᴇ ʀᴏɴɢʟᴏᴀ ᴛꜱᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ'ɪᴛᴇ
Tw: child birth, mentions of war, older sibling responsibility, over protective Tsu'tey, arranged marriages/mating, reader is a hothead, rivalry between reader and Neteyam.
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After the war, every thing went back to normal, Tsu'tey had survived and the humans were sent back. As Pandora healed so did the Omaticaya. Tsu'tey had began a relationship with Saeyla. During her training he had began to fall for her, but due to being mated to Neytiri, he did not acknowledge his feelings towards her at first, but after he had found out about Neytiri and Jake's mating, he was livid at first, since a Sky Demon had basically come in and began to change clan's traditions. Now that the war was over and everything was going somewhat back to normal, Tsu'tey had began a life with his mate soon after.
When he had found out about her pregnancy, he was over the moon. He had dreamed about wanting children and those dreams had finally come true, the whole eight months he was very protective and caring to his mate. He wanted for her and his child to be okay, he was prepared for anything, he knew what to do when the time came.
When Saeyla went into labor it was hard, she was bleeding immensely and there was complications, but finally his daughter was born. Tsu'tey was relived, seen that both his mate and child were okay. Once he got a look at you, he was in tears, his daughter was the most beautiful being he had laid eyes on. He had promised to protect at all costs.
Y/n te Rongloa Tsu'tey'ite
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Your dad was overprotective, very overprotective when it comes to you and your mom. For most of the months that your mom had to rest, he had no issues in taking care of you day and night, you were his only daughter. Besides that, everyone saw how loving of a father her was. Everyone had assumed that he'd have or would want to have sons, but he was so loving towards you, he was almost a complete person. That scowl that he'd have on his face would quickly change once he saw you. He'd stop everything he was doing and will tend to you, it didn't matter if what he was doing was important or not, you were his first priority. Even Saeyla saw the changes in his attitude, he was even more loving towards her and you.
Tsu'tey always made sure that you had everything that you needed. he always made sure you and your mom ate first then he'd have his share. He's spend some nights making you the most prettiest clothing you've ever seen and would find the most prettiest beads for your hair, he loved to see you smile, it made him smile. When you got older, you began to try and be like your dad, from trying to pose like him, act like him, even tried to mimic his scowl and also had tried to make your braids look like his.
Not only that, but you had tried making a warrior band like his, wouldn't really wear a top like the girls your age. Your mom would often tell you that you have to wear a top because you're a girl, you'd often tell her that you wanted to be like your dad. As a birthday gift she gave you a top that looked just like your dad's warrior choker, with the freathers, ikran claws as well as the red and orange details, you loved the top and never really took it off. Tsu'tey felt proud and also found you adorable trying to be like him, you will turn out like him if not better.
Your uncle Arvok would often comment on how he'd spoil you, but he also spoiled you like your dad. He loved you, his one and only niece. He was the one that told you all your father's embarrassing stories, which your father did not appreciate. Arvok has had a talk with your father to never put any kind of high expectations on you or put any kind of pressure, sure you might be his brother's only child, but those kind of treatments can also cause you to have issues in the future. Tsu'tey took Arvok's words to heart.
Besides being with your family, you were also around the Sully's. Mostly Neteyam since he was around your age, and also because you really liked the boy. You'd often make comments that you were going to be Neteyam's mate someday, it was harmless comments since kids tend to say things like that, but no one would of thought that the adults had other plans for the future.
When you had learned about how your father was meant to be the next leader instead of Jake, you began to dislike him for a time. You didn't think it was fair that your father who was born a true na'vi and he had been chosen by both Mo'at and Eytukan to be the next leader, his position was taken away. But your father had explained to you why his positioned was removed, which was more understandable. You went back to liking him.
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Years passed, You and Neteyam were now fifteen, and you two had become rivals. Whatever Neteyam would do, you always tried to do it better. As much of friend he was of yours, you both still played this little game. At a young age you were already learning how to wield a bow and how to hunt, your father wanted for you to start early so that you could develop quicker. Since Neteyam was also learning early as well, you both would often train together with Jake and Tsu'tey. You were a carbon copy of Tsu'tey, whenever Neteyam would make a mistake, you'd always have a comment to say on why he messed up and you he could of done better. Neteyam didn't like it at first, but he began to listen to your advice, which was very helpful, a bit mean but helpful.
A thing about your father was that he stuck to tradition, he thought since you and Neteyam basically grew up together, then you'd be the perfect match for one another. When you got the news from both your parents as well as Jake and Neytiri that you and Neteyam were going to be mates, you and Neteyam had no issue in being each other's mates for the sake of the clan, you wanted to be the Olo'ekte, mainly to be the thing your father wasn't and because you wanted to be a good leader, but Neteyam was going to be Olo'ektan and you'd be the Tsahik.
You hated, you always thought that you were better at everything, you argued with your parents about the situation, but there was nothing you could do, it was decided, and you hated it. You were mad, he had never been more mad in your life until now. Eventually you got over it, if being Tsahik was what your father wanted, so be it.
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Since your arrangement, you and Neteyam spent even more time together. Besides training and hunting, you'd have some kind of quality time. Such as making arrows, going for a walk around the woods, weaving baskets and other stuff. It was kind of awkward at first but you eventually got used to it. But sometimes that you and him were together, he'd bring Tuk along with you both. It was odd since it should of only been you and him, but he was bringing Tuk along. It's not that you didn't like his sister, you loved her like a younger sibling, but she also needed her parents. When you'd ask him why he'd bring his baby sister along, he'd often tell you that it was his responsibility as the older brother to watch over her. This confused you, shouldn't that be the job of the parents?
You'd constantly tell him that it wasn't his responsibility, it was his parents responsibility to watch over their kid. Neteyam would justify it by saying that he was the older brother or that you wouldn't understand since you're an only child, that may be true, but you saw right through him. You had brought it up with your dad and mom, how Jake was putting a lot of pressure on your future mate on things that should be his responsibility. Tsu'tey knew how that was like, his parents did the same to both him and Avork when they were younger, he's told you that he will have a word with Jake about Neteyam.
One time after you were done with chores, you and Neteyam were about to go off together like normal, but his father had asked to watch Tuk, before Neteyam could answer, you answered for him. You told Jake that he couldn't because you and him would be busy for the next couple hours and left while holding Neteyam's hand. You noticed how Neteyam was almost dying on the inside, but you didn't care, your future mate needed to be a kid himself. Even though he may be mature for his age, he was still a kid who was considered an adult like you. He asked you on why you did what you did, you told him that he needed a break from everyone and that he needed some time by himself, as well as with you.
Jake had told your dad how disrespectful you were, Tsu'tey was not going to let his friend say anything about you. Yes you were his child, but you were not what Jake said you were, Tsu'tey basically went off on him, telling him that he should be more of a father to his children and take more fatherly responsibilities, as well as he shouldn't be hard on a Neteyam, a literal kid, sure he may be considered an adult, but he was still a kid, a kid who was missing out on his teen years because of responsibilities that he shouldn't really have.
That night you and Neteyam stayed out way out of his curfew time, at first he was worried that he'd get into some trouble for not being home in time. You had to calm him down and told him to live a little and to not worry about his dad's rules at the moment. If Jake wanted to get onto someone's ass, he can get onto yours, if your dad allowed him.
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themastaralex · 2 years
hellooo i would like to request a fic with Kiri if i can:)) Kiri x fem reader aand they like each other i'm thinking maybe something with a love triangle? like y/n trying to show one up to Spider or Rotxo or someone and Kiri actually does like her back
Yes, requests are always welcome! Hopefully this is good! Sorry if it took a bit longer than you'd hoped.
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You and Spider weren't always so.. competitive.
It's only started recently, ever since you realized you liked Kiri. You told the boy how you felt, and he soon felt jealousy.
He knew he couldn't compete with you much, with you being Na'vi, and a warrior/hunter at that. Whenever you all hung out together, he could tell you were trying to impress Kiri. He also knows that you and her hang out alone together a lot, which did in some way make him jealous.
But he also knows that him and Kiri are close, maybe close enough that he shouldn't be worried of you stealing her.
"Spider?" You tap his shoulder, making him focus back to the present. He jumps a bit, worrying you. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Nothing to worry about." He lies right through his mask, not wanting you to see his jealousy. Instead, he perks up his head, moving his dreads out of his face.
"Maybe you should get a haircut, bro.." You grab one of the braids, imagining a shaved look on his head. "Maybe a buzz?" You chuckle, although you don't see any semblance of a smile on his face.
"Yeah." To you, Spider seemed oddly distant, yet you weren't sure as to why.
You pat his shoulder, hopefully giving him some comfort. "Let's go."
During that, you were busy training, practicing to draw and fire arrows more rapidly and effectively. Spider saw you and he was curious as to how you did it.
Weirdly, you're not a left-handed Na'vi, which is a rare case. Although your father always said you were special.
Oh, your father, Tsu'tey. He always knew you were special, from the moment he saw you. From the moment you could walk, he started teaching you about being Olo’eyktan.
Guess you could say you and Neteyam are friendly rivals, being quite close since childhood and all. You and Neteyam were the youngest Omatikaya to ever do the Iknimaya rite of passage. Through and through, you and him were attached at the hip.
As you walk back into the camp, multiple people greet you, as you greet them back, Spider following your lead.
Your bow hangs around your chest, as you and Spider go your separate ways. As you walk inside the hut, you see your father sitting down, seemingly meditating.
"Y/N. Sit." He opens his eyes, his gaze unwavering.
You nod and sit, removing your bow from your chest and placing it next to you.
"I was hoping we could talk about your Olo'eyktan training and possibly finding you a mate. Just a possibility." His voice is calm and slow, a result of years of handling you.
"Father, my Olo’eyktan training is going great, but I don't think we need to talk about finding a mate. I don't exactly..want one."
He moves his gaze all over you, contemplating something.
"Are you sure? As I've seen some interesting things. I know you like Jake Sully's daughter. If anything, she'd be a fine mate for you, daughter-"
You interrupt him, which isn't something you do often. "Father, please, I don't want to talk about it." He dons a softer face, giving you his nod.
"Alright. I'll stop. At least for now."
He's a stubborn man, but for his only daughter, he'd give the world. But for now, he can only give you his word.
"But I do want to make sure you're okay. After all, you're my only daughter, my only child. You make me proud." He smiles at you, which isn't too often done.
"Thank you, father. May I go now?"
He nods, allowing you to leave.
You often feel bad for him, knowing he lost both his arm and his mate, but he's normally a proud man, too engrossed in his own thinking to worry about what has happened. Instead, he thinks about the future, as to what will happen, mainly for you.
You love him dearly, both as your father and instructor. You couldn't imagine life without your father's input, his voiced opinions, and his wisdom.
You walk towards where your ikran is, perched along the rocks.
"Hey, girl." You step up to her, petting her neck and under her mouth. You smile, as someone comes up behind you, grabbing you by the waist.
You yelp, taking your hands off your ikran. Instead, you reach for your knife, but realize it's no threat.
"Spooked?" You sigh, turning around, facing the perpetrator: Kiri.
"Yeah. Almost got my knife out." You stand a few inches taller than her, as you cross your arms. "So, you need something? Whenever you do this, you almost always want something." You grin.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "But yeah. I do want something."
You nod, the smirk on your face a knowing one. She thinks it's funny; the way you always know when she wants something from you, which is almost always a small thing.
"Okay. What is it?"
"I was just hoping you'd come with me to gather some herbs, it isn't far."
"Why not just go it alone since it's close?" Now you're asking too many questions, but she thinks it's cute.
The way your ears perk up when you get extremely excited, how you and Neteyam gladly do all the grunt work for the other four, the way your hands became calloused after getting your bow, the way she fixes you up after a hunting mission.
She can't help but like a lot of little things about you, and she's sure you like her too, and if she's not, then she's been seeing fake signals.
"Because I need someone to cover my back, just in case." Lying, how barbaric. But it works, and you both depart soon after that, not realizing the two boys that were listening in to your conversation.
They follow you both, careful to not reveal themselves.
The one time they actually attempt to do something right it's the aftermath of them being nosy.
They talk on the way to the spot, staying back a bit.
"So why do you think Kiri's really bringing Y/N there?"
"Dunno, bro. Probably to make out and shit." Lo'ak laughs, and Spider follows, with the fakest laugh anyone's ever heard, although Lo'ak doesn't question it.
"Funny, though I don't think it's that. I think they're just gonna do girl stuff." Lo'ak fake gags, giving Spider a real laugh.
"Yeah." They fly in silence for the next few minutes, and as you and Kiri land, you instinctively grab your bow and arrows, but she says you won't need them.
"Then why'd I come along?"
"You'll see." You walk behind her, following. You walk for a few minutes, climbing the occasional tree or rock formation, until you catch sight of a beautiful waterfall and pond.
You always knew there was secret places around the mountains, just never this beautiful.
"Speechless?" You nod, kneeling in front of the water.
You grab one of the rocks under your feet, perfect for skipping across the water. You throw it, as it skips twice.
"Yo! We skipping rocks?" Lo'ak comes out of seemingly nowhere, as Kiri scoffs.
"Yeah, I mean, I am. Not sure if Kiri's in it." She grabs a rock as well, as Spider pops up too, encouraged to one up you in this.
"Alright. Whoever gets the most skips with a rock wins, easy as that. Or do you need me to make it more simple?" You interchange looks between Lo'ak and Spider, the resident goofballs and known idiots.
The joke ends and you begin, flicking that shit with maximum efficiency.
Ultimately, you end up winning, in which you were sure no one else had much chance.
"You cheated, 'cause ain't no way you got 5 on one."
"I'm just better. And how the hell would I cheat?" You feel almost offended, offended Lo'ak would accuse you and not back it up.
You two bicker for a moment, and soon get back to your normal routine.
You grab Kiri's hand, taking her to a different part of the waterfall, while Spider and Lo'ak are busy discussing what just happened, and how you beat them.
"Hey, so, I was hoping we could talk." You say it shyly, which is odd for you, since you normally always have a bit of pride in your words.
"I- I was too, actually." She sounds almost startled, given she wasn't exactly ready for this today.
"Okay, uhm, have you noticed how I always act tough around you?" You start feeling nervous now, weirdly enough, your prideful self starts to wither, backing down.
Only now you've started to realize why Spider's been acting weird: jealousy. It makes sense as to why he's always starts acting weird whenever Kiri shows up and you and him are both there.
"Yeah. But it's okay, I think it's..cool. I think it just shows you'd do whatever for the people you love." You keep your eyes on her, even as she's turned around.
Spider listens in, as Lo'ak's sat down and started taking a nap, as if he doesn't sleep enough already.
But Spider, he knows this is a confession from both of you, and he so desperately wants to confess as well, but he knows he'd get rejected, always. His jealousy got the best of him, and he's repulsed at the thought of even getting in between both of you, considering Kiri sees him as a brother.
So, while he will cry, and maybe even hurt, he will get over it, for your and Kiri's sake.
He listens back in from his thoughts and sees you two holding hands, facing each other.
He sadly smiles, all the while, you thank the boy in your mind, knowing he could have interrupted, yet he didn't.
"I see you, really."
"I see you too. Really."
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bbyeros-xo · 2 years
⎯⎯ A Heartfelt Wish II
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IN WHICH, you are found by Tsu’tey and taken under his care.
genre fluff, a bit angsty ngl, half human/half na’vi! fem! reader
warning(s) partially proof-read, a bit of angst (but nothing too bad), descriptions of anxiety
Part 2 of “A Heartfelt Wish”, sorry it took so long, I had finals. The ending is a bit rushed, because I didn't want to make y’all wait too long. There will definitely be more parts and thank you for all the love and support! I hope you enjoy! <3
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Dismounting from his Pali, the tall Na’vi walks through the sea of people as his grip tightens around the small child wrapped in his arms. He adjusts the cloth–hiding the child from prying eyes, hoping to avoid the spread of gossip before he can explain the situation to the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya. 
His mind aches as the pressure on his heart worsens. His breath quickens as his steps become more urgent. He looks around a bit more frantically, the child in his arms beginning to fuss. Its small little cries do little to calm the warrior’s nerves; his blood pressure rises with each passing second. 
His breath hitches as his heart is caught in his throat. He turns around meeting the gaze of a young Na’vi woman. She looks at him worriedly, her hand resting on her belly–softly soothing the child growing inside her. 
His breathing relaxes, greeting the Na’vi woman. She returns the greeting with a small smile gracing her lips. She glances at the small bundle of cloth held securely in his arms. She looks at him, eyebrows raised slightly at the peculiar sound coming from it. 
He sighs deeply, unwrapping the cloth from the child’s face. The woman gasps slightly at the sight of the human-like child. The child flinches at the sudden brightness, with tears in their eyes they peek at the world around them. The child’s small tantrum comes to a quick halt once their gaze lands on the pregnant Na’vi staring back at them. 
They stood there silent, eyes both filled with amazement and wonder. The tall warrior Na’vi, Tsu’tey, watches quietly as he observes the interaction between the child and the pregnant woman. No one spoke a word, too absorbed in a world of their own until a small battle cry breaks through the silence. 
A group of Na’vi who rode on the backs of banshees landed nearby. Those around greeted the group for a safe trip back home. One in particular received more formal greetings as he made his way towards the woman and Tsu’tey. 
The woman smiled happily, greeting the man with a hug, “Welcome home, ma Jake.”
The man, Jake–the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, returned the greeting with a kiss, “Happy to be home, ma Neytiri.”
Tsu’tey greets Jake with a small smile, his stress still evident on his features. Before Jake could question him, he catches a glimpse of the child staring at him intently. Jake takes a step back, looks at Tsu’tey, the child, back at Tsu’tey, before giving the same look to his mate, Neytiri, who looks back at him with the same look in return. There is a pregnant pause as everyone stands in silence, questions hanging heavy in the air, but with no clear direction on where to begin. 
Placing a hand on his hip, Jake scratches the back of his neck before motioning toward the direction of his hut, “It probably best if we don’t talk about this out here.”
Nodding, Tsu’tey and Neytiri follow Jake to a more quiet place.
They all stood huddled around the child, quietly observing. They noticed that although the child overall held the appearance of a human, they also showed signs indicating that Na’vi blood runs through their veins. Small white dots mimicking scattered constellations danced across their skin, strips just a shade darker than their natural skin tone were painted across their body like the na’vi, their ears slightly pointed, and a tail that swung happily at the sight of them. 
“So, you came across a woman being attacked by the sky people’s forces, but were unable to save her from the crossfire. As her last dying wish, she asked you to protect this child,” Jake recapped, smiling softly as he took the child into his arms, “and you also saw a sign from Eywa?”
“Yes,” Tsu’tey answered quietly, glancing at the child before meeting Jake’s gaze.
There was a strong hint of sadness hidden deep within Tsu’tey’s eyes that did not go unnoticed by Neytiri. Her gaze softens as she recalls the events of Tsu’tey’s report, her heart breaking for the child’s fallen mother. Turning her attention towards the child who was intrigued by Jake's appearance. She smiles, reaching out towards the child, caressing their cheek lightly; the small action gaining the child’s attention in return. 
The child laughs lightly, wrapping their small hand around her finger. Neytiri’s heart warms at the sound, her emotions slowly getting the better of her as she reaches to take the child into her own arms. She slowly brings her other hand to cup the baby’s face, brushing her thumb against the soft skin of the baby’s cheek.
Jake is quietly taken aback as his mate becomes enamored with the child, almost disinterested in the world around them. He calls out to her quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as fearing he might scare her off. 
Neytiri awakes from her trance looking back at Jake before glancing at Tsu’tey. She clears her throat as she turns her attention back to the problem at hand. She gives one more quick look at the child before hesitantly opening her mouth to speak.
“Her–Her mother…” Neytiri trails off, her brows furrowed as she seems to struggle to find the right words to say–not wanting to worsen the warrior’s heartache, “was she…”
Her words fall silent as she meets his brief gaze; his eyes cast downwards the moment they meet hers. His silence is enough to answer her question, the air growing thicker at the change in mood. Jake looks between the two Na’vi, although saying nothing–he appears to understand the same as Neytiri.
Quick to change the topic, Jake turns his attention back to the child before looking at Tsu’tey, “Well, in honor of her mother’s dying wish, you are to raise her as your own.”
Tsu’tey looks at Jake shocked, before looking at Neytiri who looks just as shocked at the tall Na’vi. They both look back at Jake as if he had grown two heads. Neytiri grips Jakes tightly by his arms earning a slight wince from the Olo'eyktan. Turning their backs to the Na’vi warrior–who still stood dumbfounded at the earlier statement–Neytiri dragged him to a farther corner within the hut. 
“You wish to put the care of a child in the hands of a Na’vi who has such little experience with one to begin with–especially a baby!” Neytiri loudly hissed in a tone that was well-meant to be below a whisper.
“Her mother’s dying wish was for Tsu’tey to protect her child,” The Olo'eyktan explained, trying to calm his fuming wife, “you know better than I that she would want nothing more than this child to be raised and loved by him.”
Neytiri’s harsh gaze falters at her mate’s words. She loosens her grip around his arms as her gaze slowly drifts to the floor. A sadness creeps over her as she spares on final glance at the baby held in her husband’s arms. Neytiri meets Jake’s gaze on last time before stepping aside, her silence being an acknowledgement to his words.
He pulls her close, giving her a quick kiss on her temple before approaching Tsu’tey. The warrior, who had been silently watching the brief argument between the two, stood dumbfounded. He looked at Jake and then the child in his arms, before taking a step back. Slowly shaking his head as the thoughts of taking care of a child he wasn’t prepared for plagued his mind. The anxiety squeezed tightly around his throat as his heart was beating loudly in his chest.
“No… No, no, no–I can’t…” His words felt like acid on his tongue as he struggled to choke back the sobs trying to climb up his throat; the events of the day catching up to him as tears threaten to escape from his eyes, “I–¨ 
Shocked by Tsu’tey’s crumpling state, Jake brings his hand to his shoulder hoping to calm him a bit before the panic starts to spread. Neytiri, hearing Tsu’tey broken voice, quickly approaches the two, placing her hand on the warrior’s arm. Golden eyes full of uneasiness at the sight of his crippling anxiety chipping away at his–otherwise–confident, strong nature. 
The two Na’vi share a look before turning their attention back to Tsu’tey. They comfort the warrior, assuring him that he has the help of both the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk to help him in raising this child.
Their words of comfort seem to temporarily calm his anxiety as he takes the child into his arms. He stares at the child, gaze full of uncertainty. 
“Tsu’tey,” Neytiri calls out to him, her voice barely above a whisper; he meets her tender gaze with eyes still full of tears, “By what name are you going to call this child?”
He pauses for a moment, his mind playing through records of memories before recalling a name he heard so long ago.
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kingofvipers · 11 months
Avatar (2009) Masterlist
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
- Too Close -
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Pairing: Jealous!Tsu’tey x fem!Avatar!reader
Request: [ @teyamsbitch ] "Why are you getting so jealous of them?" "Because they are clearly all over you, that's why. w/ Tsu'tey » post. — reader was accepted alongside Jake and also passed the transfer. (Before this Tsu’tey and reader had already mated) Tsu’tey is jealous of Jake and reader friendship especially when Jake's platonic (not to Tsu’tey) touches reader, Tsu’tey gets frustrated. Reader assures him that she only wants him.
Synopsis: When Tsu’tey looks across the room and sees Jake being touchy with you for the millionth times it burns a fire of jealousy within him.
Content: angst → fluff, Tsu’tey getting jealous, reader is confused by Tsu’tey’s behavior, Tsu’tey confronts reader about his feelings, reader reassures him he’s the only one for her, cute little jealousy fic!
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting, I hope it fulfills your expectations and that you enjoy!
- This is my first Tsu’tey fic!
Word Count: 951
Glossary: Oeyä tìyawn - My love || skxawng - idiot, moron
Extra: Requests are closed!
Links: Navigation || Avatar Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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"Jake, stop tickling me, you skxawng!" You shout in between laughs as you try to swat his hands away from you.
You and Jake are sitting next to each during communal dinner, and as always both of you are talking, joking, and having a good time. You both have always been close knit, but with you being accepted in the clan and having to do hours worth of training together to learn the Omatikaya ways, it has brought you even closer than before.
As Tsu'tey talks to his hunter trainees about their performance today, he looks out the corner of his eye and can see Jake with his signature smirk on his lips as he stands behind you and lightly squeezes your shoulders. The calm expression that was on his face quickly washes away and a small growl erupts from his throat. Watching the smile on your face and the way Jake can make you laugh makes him envious of the bond you both have.
“I will be back,” is all Tsu’tey says before striding over to where you and Jake stand.
“Oh my goodness, Jake, stop, seriously!” The way Jake keeps telling you jokes, your sides begin to ache and your stomach starts to hurt.
As you look upwards, you can see Tsu’tey coming toward you. “What’s up, brother?” Jake says as he goes in to greet Tsu’tey.
“Move, demon!” He scoffs, shoving Jake out of his path and walks in front of you. When you notice Tsu’tey’s ears are flattened, you realize that he’s mad about something but you don’t know exactly what yet.
“Tsu’tey, what’s wrong?” You ask, concern lacing your tone.
“Come. Now.” By the deepness of his voice, you know that he means business, so you push yourself off the ground and begin following Tsu’tey to your shared mauri.
When both of you walk inside, you close the flap behind you and walk up towards him. “‘Tey, what’s bothering you? Why are you so upset?”
“Why are you and Jake so close?” He questions, straight to the point as his tail begins to move behind him. This question has been burning inside him for weeks. He’s been wanting to bring this matter up to you, but he didn’t want to seem like he was making a big deal out of nothing. Now it’s gotten to the point where he can’t bite his tongue any further.
“Me and Jake are friends, so that means we are close.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
“Why not?” You ask with a raised brow. You know Jake and Tsu’tey have a sort of complicated friendship, but you also know that deep down, he likes Jake even though he isn’t fond of admitting it, so you can’t understand why he’s against both of you being friends now.
“The reason is unimportant.” He murmurs as he walks to the other side of the marui, now silently regretting even bringing up the topic. He had a reason, but admitting it was the tough part.
You follow his path, unallowing him to wiggle his way out of the conversation. “No, it is important if it’s making you so upset that you pull me away from dinner, so tell me the reason.” Tsu’tey doesn’t respond to you, he just continues walking as if your words are falling on deaf ears.
“What is it, Tsu’tey? Hm? Is it because we’re close or are you just jealous?” A small laugh comes behind the word ‘Jealous’ because you never thought your mate would ever be jealous of anyone, especially Jake, but when you see the way Tsu’tey’s body language change; how he stops in his tracks with his ears folding down to his skull, it all comes to pieces that your unknowingly suspicion of him being jealous is in fact true.
“‘Tey, why are you getting so jealous of Jake?” You ask him in a soft tone as you walk in front of him.
"Because he's clearly all over you, that's why!” His voice begins to escalate as a flashback reel races through his head of all the times he’s watched Jake touch you. In his mind, every touch was romantic, nothing about Jake’s touch seemed platonic in his eyes.
It all begins to make sense to you. You now understand why Tsu’tey seemed so irked with Jake’s presence lately. “Oeyä tìyawn, I promise you’re the only man I want. Jake is a nice guy, but I don’t see that skxawng as anything else but a friend.” You grab his hand and gently place it against your chest. “My heart only beats for you Tsu’tey. No one else can make me feel the way you do.”
A warmth begins to swarm Tsu’tey’s chest as your words kiss his ears. He knew that your soul was forever linked with his and that you would never look at another man with a loving stare, but to have you reassure him that he is your one and only love makes his need to be jealous slowly fade away.
“I see you, y/n.” His voice is much softer, coated with an affectionate tone as he pulls you closer to him.
“I see you, ‘Tey. You know I always will.”
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
Previous Fic
Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Taglist: @liyahsocorro @fanboyluvr @kapyzkms @ladespedidas @navegaluv @haileymsstuff @onlyloaksgf @kierys-blog @julyytsireya @gamerxpfighter @potatoknishesofficial69 @yetanotherattemptatanaccount @yeosxxx @bakugouswaif @hc-geralt-23 @myheartfollower @number1gal @iluvpandorawomen @neteyamsblog @dreamingofpandora @savagemickey03 @neteyamyawne @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @headsincloud9
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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areislol · 2 years
helloo! just wanna say that your writing is so good! could i request neteyam(or the sully kids), lo'ak and tsu'tey with fem! reader who's on her period? how would they deal with the bleeding and react? thank you ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
sully kids, tsu'tey x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, kiri, tuk, tsu'tey warnings— mentions of blood, inappropriate language(sperm, etc.), might be ooc? can be seen as platonic/romantic for neteyam/lo'ak. tsu'tey and reader are dating/the female na’vi’s do not menstruate, fluff!! not proof read but i will later, hopefully. a/n— tysm anon! i've been thinking about the boys with reader who's on her period and then this request comes in, thank you!! also spider isn’t in here because.. no. i’m sorry to everybody who wanted him in here. anything with tsu’tey in it is in avatar 2, he’s still alive. unless you request or i write it during avatar 1. synopsis— when your period arrives, they are curious and scared about why you're bleeding from that area, you explain to them about the female anatomy.
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"Wait... so you bleed from there every month?" they asked, you nod.
they stare at you in disbelief, mouth wide open and eyes bugged, you chuckle from their reaction, “so what do you have to do to stop the bleeding?”
you pull out a thick cloth from your satchel and fold it until it’s the right size. “this.” you say while holding it up
they exchange glances at the piece of cloth and you, when they don’t say anything and just continue to stare at the cloth and then at you, you sigh before speaking.
“i put it under where the blood comes from, and then i wash the cloth and reuse. if i can’t then i just get another cloth and then do the same thing, understand now?”
they squint their eyes, unsure of what to make of this, determined to make them understand you decide to teach them the (human) female anatomy.
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sully kids x human! reader
Kiri, tuk and lo’ak were talking to each other, wondering what you were going to be teaching them, neteyam on the other hand, watched you as you walk around to find a stick to use, his eyebrows raises when he sees you running toward where the group was, a stick in your hand. Once you reach them you sit down beside kiri, using the stick, you start to draw a human body on the sand, a very poorly drawn human body, well at least what resembles a body anyway. Everybody leaned in closer to look at your drawing, “hm.. okay! so this is the part where the blood comes from,” you say, pointing to the lower part of the body in between the legs, “okay?”, they nod, kiri and neteyam look at you which prompts you to go on. ”So this area...”, pointing at the uterus, “is the uterus, correct?” you ask, when they nod you start to draw lines coming out of the uterus and out of the part(v). “This is the period.” you say, pointing at the lines. “So every month a female starts her period which should only last for a week, the uterus lining, which is like tissue from our uterus, shreds because the egg hasn’t been fertilized.” Upon hearing the last sentence everybody raised their eyebrows. ”What egg? do you have a egg in you?!” tuk questions, worry filled her voice, she almost faints. You found it hilarious that she thought that, then neteyam and lo’ak also asked if you had an egg in you and if you were okay, you could see the worry on their faces, shaking your head you giggled, lo’ak stared at you in disbelief, why were you laughing at this serious matter? ”No no, not a literal egg. it’s like a small little thing in our ovary, it’s one of the main things that you need to get pregnant. Once the.. sperm reaches the egg,  the egg gets fertilized and you know, you get pregnant!”, once you were done talking you noticed how they all look dazed, their smiles faltering, like they didn’t understand, but you could understand. I mean, you were quite literally saying words that they didn’t understand. Sooner or later after you stopped talking, they started to ask you questions, what is “sperm”? why is the female body so “complicated”? and such. Kiri and tuk would grimace, scrunching their face, even sticking out their tongue in disgust whenever you answered their or the others questions. Lo’ak and neteyam were both slightly disgusted but interested. You then go on to explain how some girls experience cramps and mood swings when on their period. Neteyam expressions seem to soften after hearing the problems that you, girls, have to go through, while lo’ak expressions seem to harden, why did you, girls, have to go through that? Tuk shivers when she hears you talk more about periods. They all were interested in periods, all paying extreme attention to what you had to say. Kiri laid her hand on your thigh, giving you a sorrowful look. “I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of that... i’m so glad that we don’t have to go through that.” Tuk nodded, agreeing with kiri’s statement. You placed your hand over kiri’s, giving her a gentle smile you spoke, “it’s fine kiri, honestly, i’ve had it for a long time now, i’m used to it.” You pulled your hand back, kiri doing the same. After a few seconds lo’ak’s eye widens, he was crouching down, but after something had popped into his mind he moved closer to you, still crouching. “How can we help you?”, his voice was serious yet it also sounded like he was worried. ”Hm, well there’s nothing you can do really, but i guess for period cramps something warm? having an extra cloth on you and listening to someone rambling and comforting them when they’re having mood swings.” you answer, putting on your thinking face. While you’re still thinking for more things, you dont realize that all the sully children are taking in what you’re saying and remembering, so next time you have cramps or is leaking they have everything prepared. Every example you give they’re taking notes mentally, Lo’ak asks you more questions so that he can be FULLY prepared when you’re on your period, especially when you’re early. Neteyam, kiri and tuk are nodding at everything you say, remembering what you’re talking about. Once you’re done explaining you notice that they are all eager to go off somewhere. They all looked like they wanted to be somewhere, right now. When you all say your goodbye’s neteyam is off to his marui, grabbing some spare cloths. Lo’ak is off to grab everything to make the “heat pad”, cloths and something soft and some sewing materials. Kiri and tuk both run off to ronal, the tsahìk to ask for some pain killers. ”Pain killers? and for what?” ronal spoke, raising her eyebrows, eyeing the two young girls. Kiri and tuk exchange looks and giggle before answering ronal, “nothing!” Ronal contemplates whether or not to give the pain killers to kiri and tuk but in the end she gives in. They would all fight for your thanks' and fight to help you really, an example, you’re sitting on a rock, your legs swaying in the water, the sully children are playing in the water, chasing each other in the water when you feel a sudden pain in your abdomen. It was your cramps, again. Sighing you reach into your satchel, putting your hands in the pocket you feel for your pain killers but after trying to grab nothing you looked into your bag, a look of devastation feel on your face. Neteyam heard your groans and whimpering, just a few feet away from where he and his siblings were. His head popped up from the water, gasping for air once he got up, he turned around to see where you were, once you were in his sight his face dropped, you were tightly hugging your waist, your eyes were closed shut, you mouth agape, groaning. Wasting no time he quickly swims to where you sat and hopped on the rock, looking up you see neteyam standing next to you, his eyes said everything. ”Are you okay? do you need anything? period cramps?” with his question you nod eagerly. Neteyam hurriedly rummaged through his satchel when he saw shadows in the water approaching you two, neteyam closed his satchel, he fiercely stood right next to you, fists balled just in case ao’nung and his gang were going to cause trouble to you and him. Once neteyam seems the familiar faces rising up and popping up and gasping for air he eased, “What’s wrong neteyam? you just left us- oh, y/n? are you okay?!” kiri rushed to you, climbing on the rock and sitting beside you, placing her hands on your shoulder, looking at tuk she nodded and tuk swam closer to you and sat on the rock with you, but before tuk could open her satchel neteyam interrupted her, “what are you doing?” Tuk paused, looking up at her older brother her lips curved into a smile, “just giving y/n some pain killers, why?”, tuk saw how neteyam glared at her, playfully if you can even call it that. “Was going to give her some too..” he mumbled, gripping your stomach you looked at neteyam and gave him a faint smile, giving tuk one as well. Lo’ak and kiri then hopped on the rock and started to question if you were okay, when you told them that your stomach hurt they both opened their satchels, they were about to grab the pain killers when they stopped. Everybody looked at each other with confusion, kiri and lo’ak smiled in mischief, both grabbing the pain killers and offering it to you. Neteyam stood beside you, watching his brother and sister offer their pain killers to you, he wanted to give you the pain killers that he had, to you, but he didn’t want to cause a scene so he let his siblings to their thing. Tuk frowned but after you gestured her to come sit closer to you her smile appeared, although she was wet, she was warm, and that made your stomach pain fade away slowly. While that was happening kiri and lo’ak were both arguing, saying that you should take her pain killers because she’s a girl, lo’ak gives her a look of confusion and disbelief. Lo’ak then went on that you should take his because he got it recently while kiri’s was probably a century old, which was of course, false. Neteyam sat down beside you and put his arm around you and tuk, pulling you closer to his body, and again, he was wet but still warm, so with the warmth of two people, warmth on your shoulder and warmth on your stomach you sighed in relief, stopping the bickering between kiri and lo’ak. They saw you with a smile on your face, eyes closed, tuk laying on your thighs, hugging your stomach while neteyam held you close, his arms around your shoulders with a smug look on his face when he sees the look of devastation on his sibling face. ”Good luck next time” neteyam states, pulling you even more close to him even though you two were practically in each others bubble. Kiri looked defeated, lo’ak frowned before sighing, “I’ll need it..” and with that he sat beside tuk, kiri following him and sitting beside lo’ak. Neteyam, lo’ak and kiri looked beyond the horizon, Neteyam hugging you closely while tuk slept on your lap. “We should get home, dad won’t like it if we’re out any later.” kiri suggests, lo’ak and neteyam simultaneously look at her, “no, y/n and tuk is resting, later.” Kiri rolls her eyes and huffs, standing up and jumping into the water to see the fishes, again.
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tsu’tey x human! reader “What do you mean you bleed from there? are you hurt? should i call the tsahìk?” tsu’tey asks, worry filled his voice, “what? no! im fine, it’s normal.” you answer, holding back your laughter, he sounded way too serious for something that was normal, well, for humans anyway. Tsu’tey raises his eyebrow at you, giving you a small nod even though he wasn’t completely sure if you were okay but he trusted you, also since you were a human so your anatomy is different to his kind. You and tsu’tey stop talking for a bit before he breaks the silence with a question, “how do you deal with all of that? the.. ‘period’?” he asks, inching closer to where you sat. The first thing you thought of was the cloth, which was the replacement of a pad, humming you open your satchel and pull out a cloth, you then fold it until it’s the right size and hand it to tsu’tey, he was watching you with confusion written all over his face when he saw you grab your cloth. Tsu’tey takes the cloth from your hands and observes it, it looks normal, nothing is different other than the fact that you folded it. He looked at you, cloth in hand and doesn’t say anything, meaning that he’s confused. “Uh- so basically we just put it under our part.. so stop the bleeding from going everywhere.” you blurt out, with your answer tsu’tey nods, understanding you but not fully. You know that he doesn’t know much about the female body so you decide to teach him, reaching into your satchel you pull out your notebook and a pencil, you set the notebook down and move (even) closer to tsu’tey, you start to draw a human body, or what resembles a human body. “Okay, so this is our part, it’s called a “vagina”, that’s the proper way to say it, another way to say it is “pussy” but that also means cat.” you say, then you tell him to repeat what you said and he does so. You then point to where the uterus is, “this is our uterus, where the baby grows, the reason why we bleed is because our “egg” isn’t fertilized, so our uterus lining shreds, so we bleed because we don’t get pregnant and it’s like “oh! no sperm? might as well shred”.” Once you finish talking you look at tsu’tey looks overwhelmed with the information you’ve given him, to you it’s not a lot, but to him it’s a lot. Once tsu’tey calms down a bit, his brows furrowed before asking you a “serious” question, “do you have an egg in you?” he asks in a grave tone. He sounded too serious that you burst out laughing, while you’re laughing hysetrically he’s giving you a confused look before pouting, why were you laughing at his question? Tsu’tey puts his hand on your shoulder and tells you to calm down, in an attempt to calm you down, and you do. Once your laughter dies down you had to wipe your tears away, “now answer my question, do you have an egg in you? why?” and again, he says it in a serious tone that it almost makes you laugh again. Using all your will power you stop yourself from laughing and answer his question, you shook your head and once you do his shoulders rest as if he has been carrying something heavy on his shoulder. “They’re small things in our ovaries, we call them eggs. Without it we wouldn’t have any children.” Once you finish your comment tsu’tey gives you a nod and pulls his hand back. After explaining some things, like how some girls experience cramps which is when the stomach hurts, mood swings, when their mood changes very quickly, tsu’tey then asks if there was any way to reduce the pain or help the women, you give him a tender smile and answer his questions. While answering his questions, he’s mentally taking notes since he knows that you’re on your period and is taking notes so the next time you’re late or early he’s prepared, oh you don’t have any spare cloths? fret not! inside my satchel i have some cloths just for you! your stomach hurts? here my love, a handmade heat pad (it’s a cloth that’s sewed with something soft inside of it and was left out in the sun for hours) just for you. You also explain how some girls leak, meaning that their “pad” or cloth, couldn’t hold the bleeding (most times it’s heavy bleeding) and leaked, or the size wasn’t right or the absorbancy was poor. Everything you say, tsu’tey is taking notes, and when you tell him how some men get mad at their girlfriends for leaking he gets mad, like how could you get mad for someone who can’t even control something? Tsu’tey scoffs, he assures you that if you ever leaked he’d never get mad at you and would help you clean up, get you a new cloth and underwear if you feel too disgusted to walk, or if you can you can go get it. Once you hear him say that you give him a hug and you made sure to hug him tightly, kissing his cheek, “best boyfrien- no, mate, ever!!” you squeal. Smiling, he hugs you back while running his fingers through your hair, When you pull back your hands are still around his neck, his eyes are staring deep into yours, his yellow eyes with a hue of green never failed to make you awe, “i can say the same to you my love.” he states before pulling you into a kiss. To say the least, he definitely praises and respects women even more now, since you women carry babies and deal with all this nonsense.
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist:  @winnithepoohh @nerbyrobotics 
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing for 5 days, literal hell. enjoy!! also i have others coming up to stay tuned bb.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
.Request page.
.Second Master.
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut = 🌹
Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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I Choose... - Aonung 🌺
The Heat Cycle - Jake 🌹
Evil No More - Jake 🌹
Never Alone - Kiri 🌺
Too Late - Lo'ak 🥀
Wild Animal - Lo'ak 🌹
BFF To Lovers - Lo'ak 🌺🌹
Broken Girl - Miles 🥀🌹
Tied To The Bed - Miles 🌹
Unplanned - Miles 🌺
Run!!! - Neteyam 🌹
Jealous Boy - Neteyam 🌹
The Distraction - Spider 🌺
Demon Blood - Tsu'tey 🌹
Different Kind Of Lessons - Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Commanding Officer - Ghost, Köing, miles 🌹
It Was An Accident - Jason Todd, Lo'ak 🌹
Pride And Joy - Jake, Neytiri 🥀🌺🌼
Something In Your Eyes - Jake, Neytiri 🌹
Lust Filled Beasts - Neteyam, Lo'ak 🌹
Second Glance - Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
One Room - Tedros, Jamie, Neteyam 🌹
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To Many To Count - Jake 🌹
A Last Goodbye - Neteyam 🥀
Two Masters Now - Anakin skywalker & Jake 🌹
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Is That So - Aonung ⚘️
Dilf Material - Jake 🌹
Eye To Eye - Jake 🥀🌺🌼
The Heat - Jake 🌹
(🍗) Thanksgiving Stuffing - Jake 🌹
Confession Time - Lo'ak 🌺
Only Us - Lo'ak 🥀🌺
Broken minded - Miles 🥀🌹
Tears Of Gold. Prt 2 - Neteyam 🥀
Never Be Ashamed - Neteyam 🌺
Bully As A Brother. Prt 2 - Neteyam 🥀🌺🌼
Spoiled Brat - Neteyam 🥀🌹
Our Love Is Pure - Neteyam 🥀🌺
A Distant Memory - Neteyam 🥀🌺
Back Off - Neteyam 🌹
Five Stages Of Feelings - Neteyam 🥀🌺
Beyond The Shadows - Norman 🌺
Hope - Trudy 🌺
Hidden Surprises - Tsu'tey 🌺
Injured - Tsu'tey 🥀🌺
Na'vi At Heart - Tsu'tey 🌹
Different - Tsu'tey 🌺
What Is This? - Tsutey ⚘️
Badly As My Heart Does - Tsutey 🌹
Intriguing - Tsu'tey 🌺
At Fault - Tsu'tey 🌺
Lesson learned - Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Sun Bathing - Aonung, Rotxo, Lo'ak, Neteyam ⚘️
Parents Love - Jake, Neytiri 🥀🌼
Tied Down - Jake, Neytiri 🌺
Chained - Jake, Tonowari 🌹
Hard Stares - Jake, Neytiri, Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
My Our Plaything - Neteyam, Lo'ak 🌹
Temperamental - Neteyam, Aonung 🥀🌺
The Blurriness - Sully Family 🌼🥀🌺
Connection. Prt 2 - Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
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Fucking The Nerd - Lo'ak, Neteyam, Aonung, Rotxo 🌹🥀
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Modern Day
Aonung x Crush Reader 🌺
Jake x Fan Reader 🌹
Lo'ak x Ex Reader 🌺
Neteyam x Girlfriend Reader 🥀🌺
Spider x Dog Lover Reader 🌺
Tonowari x Student Reader 🌹
Knight Jake x Princess Reader 🌺
Worshipper Neteyam x Goddess Reader 🌺
God Neteyam x Offering Reader 🌹
Unclaimed Omega - Alpha Neteyam x Omega Reader 🍁
I thought- - Alpha Neteyam x Omega Reader 🥀
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Stuffed - Anakin Skywalker & Jake 🌹
Unknown Planet - Cal Kestis & Neteyam 🌺🥀
A Bit Feral - Ethan Landry & Spider Socorro 🌹
When Stars Aligned - Stark Reader x Neteyam 🌺
A Gift From The Stars - Togruta Reader x Jake 🌺
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Alleyway Sex - Jake, Miles, Lyle, Neteyam, Aonung, Spider, Lo'ak 🌹
Breeding Kink - Jake, Tsu'tey, Miles, Neteyam, Aonung, Lo'ak 🌹
Childhood Room - Lo'ak, Spider, Aonung 🌹
Locker Room - Jake, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Shower Sex - Tonowari, Tsu'tey, Aonung, Jake, Lo'ak 🌹
They Wake You Up By Eating You Out - Jake, Miles Tonowari, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung, Spider 🌹
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NSFW and SFW alphabet
NSFW - Jake Sully
SFW - Norman Spellman
NSFW - Spider Socorro
NSFW - Tsu'tey
SFW - Lo'ak, Tsireya
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How He Asked You Out - Lo'ak, Neteyam, Jake
Yandere vibes - Aonung, Rotxo, Tsireya, Kiri, Lo'ak
Yandere Vibes 2 - Spider, Neteyam, Miles Jake, Tonowari
Their Kinks, Turn Ons/Offs - Tsu'tey, Tonowari, Jake
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@greekgods15 @erenjaegerwifee
@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @laylasbunbunny
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sivyera · 7 months
avatar x oceanic na'vi fem!reader headcanons
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a/n: headcanons with Tuk are ONLY PLATONIC, otherwise you and the character are dating, also every character has two headcanons in here and when i say every character i mean every but i don't like lyle so he's not there; i also don't like quaritch but MANY avatar fans like him so... that's why he's here, anyway enjoy!
ronal will introduce you to her spirit sister, ro'a. her spirit sister means so much to her, just like you, so she wants both of her favourite girls to like each other.
spider wants to learn everything about everything! he only lived with the sully's (omaticaya people/forest na'vi) so that's the only na'vi he knows. you are so different and so beautiful, he can't get enough.
neteyam often catches himself staring at you from behind. he watches after you so if anything happens; he can protect you. he also admires you.
tuk sees you as her new big sister and she always wants to pet baby ilu's with you or feed the big ones with sea leaves.
quaritch will probably 'kidnap' you from your village to have you close to him, because nobody can know about your relationship, for now.
tsu'tey will often provoke you; like flick your ear or pinch your hip just to see how your ears went back and you cringe your nose, it always makes him laugh. you also hit his arm right after that.
every morning, tonowari looks at your bottom cloith and then add something to his own, to match yours. like a feather or a shell that's the same color.
trudy wants you to tattoo her, because when she saw the traditional oceanic na'vi tattoo (because metkayina is just a clan, yk) she fell in love with them!
kiri will dive with you for HOURS, while exploring the sea together. different animals and plants, rocks and crystals, all of this while spending time with you, she loves it!
tsireya loves to hold your hand and she will, all the time! it bring her comfort, she also often swings them while walking or stroke your thumb.
neytiri will make you a lot of tops, bracelets, necklaces,... but she will use gifts from the sea. she'll also make you matching ones, which is always magical.
every time you take a nap, ao'nung will become your bed, and he LOVES it. like one time he layed on a rock with you on top of him while the sea waves were still touching your legs.
grace will love to learn your ways and like 'study' you. it brings her curiosity back (because she probably knows everything about forest na'vi) which somehow makes her feel young and loved.
jake always admires how elegant are you in the water. you look so magnificent, so divine. he could watch you all day without getting tired of it.
when you said that payakan may not be a killer, lo'ak fell in love immediately. it meant a lot to him, he also trusts you with his life now.
trudy will love swimming with you. i feel like she did many sports as a child so it brings her nostalgia, she can also spends time with her love.
spider will protect you at all cost, and slowly he'll become loyal only to you, not to quaritch, not to rda, not to the sully's, not even to kiri, just to you.
ronal will often massage you. it's her way of saying 'you did really good today, i love you'.
tsu'tey can dance and he will dance with you pretty often because he loves it! he can hold you close while looking at your beautiful face, but he surprisingly also likes the dancing.
quaritch will get your name tattooed near his heart on his chest, as a sign of loyalty and love that he holds for you.
racing on skimwings is one of tonowari's favourite activity to do with you. he always laughs when you fell off or when you laugh that he fell off. your laugh warms his heart so he's falling off pretty often.
neteyam will often bring you different sea flowers or land crystals that catches his eyes while training, hunting or just walking that remains him of you.
tsireya loves when you braid her hair, you massage her scalp while kissing her forehead and you always manage to find the perfect hairstyle for her.
neytiri will try to learn how to ride an ilu because of you, but most of the time she's on her ikran right above you, protecting you from the sky. but if you try to learn how to ride an ikran, she'd be pleased!
you are basically an idol to tuk. she really admires you, she finds you funny, gorgeous and strong. it's cute, really.
ao'nung will often hunt with you because he's one of the best metkayina hunters so he can show off his skills. he wants to impress you and let you know that you are safe with him.
kiri has some spiritual connection with you, just like she has with eywa so she feels safe with you. you are her true home.
lo'ak secretly practiced diving and holding his breath every night, just so he can impress you the next day and spend more time playing and talking than learning.
jake will tease you, how he already managed to ride a skimwing in a such a short time and then race you, his mouth is wide open every time you win; which is almost every time.
grace has three photos of you she once took and she has them placed; first near her bed, second in her notebook and third in her lab, so she can always look at your face when she misses you.
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jello-bbq · 2 years
Oel Nga'ti Kameie
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
Jake is not the only avatar the Omaticaya decide to take a chance on. A failed government experiment must also prove themselves alongside him. Will this prove too much for an already overflowing cup? Will their insanity be cured? Or will they spiral further with Tsu'tey as the one assigned by Mo'at to teach them?
Listen. I know the child as the government experiment with an obviously traumatic backstory who also has frequent nosebleeds is so overused but it had to be done.
Part 2
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They had only meant to observe. To watch. To guard Grace and Norm as they took a few samples from the trees. And yet here they were, stuck on top of a tree. How had they gotten there?
Fuck if they know.
Jake had been playing with some plants, motioning them over when he'd seen them watching curiously.
Without hesitation, they followed, barely dipping their hand into the curved divots before the plant shrunk. It had brought out a laugh from both of them. "Fun, right?"
And then it wasn't. The plants reacted in chains, all plunging in a way that had them laugh again. Jake raised his gun, aiming behind them.
When they turned, a large creature stared right at them. They reached for their gun.
"Don't shoot!"
The creature did not break eye contact, and neither did they as Grace continued.
"Trust me marine, you cannot pierce that hide. You'll only piss it off. Don't run either, stand your ground."
They felt it more than heard it. The tension lowering every so slightly as Jake put the gun down. Or at least they hoped he did, because they could only take so much of knowing a gun was at their back.
The creature snorted, swinging its large head and smashing the nearby trees. Cracking sounds filled the air. Wood splintering to fine pieces.
Grace was still talking in a low voice, sharing facts that certainly did not help the threat of being crushed to mush. Or their spine splintering like the trees had.
As they stared they felt something in their gut. Instinct. A feeling telling them to act on it. And so they did, stepping forward and hissing at the large creature, hammerhead tita-something, Grace had said.
The 'angtsik stepped back ever so slightly, letting out an almost relenting snort. Iridescent fans flared out at each side of its large flat head and it bucked forward, showing that it would not give up so easily.
That seemed to spur Jake on. He ran out from behind them, waving his hands in the air and yelling as he did.
That made the 'angtsik halt, fans folding back. It bowed slightly and turned.
Jake laughed, unbelieving that it actually worked. "Yeah, that's right! Who's bad?" He whooped, yelling at the creatures retreating backs. "That's what I'm talking about, bitch!"
They shook their head, smiling. You'd almost believe there were two children on this mission.
The victory was short-lived.
As Jake went to shout more curse words, they felt a prickle at the back of their neck. They ducked. Just in time to catch a glimpse of something black flying over Jake's head.
"What about this one?" Jake rushed, raising his gun again. This time, they followed his lead and raised their own.
The new creature turned to them. This one was smaller, but something about it screamed that it was more dangerous. They say prey should know how to identify a predator. "Run, don't run? What?"
"Run! Definitely run."
And so they did. The palulukan fell behind them, choosing to go after Jake, but they didn't know that. No, every echoing footstep rattled behind them. It was close. It was gaining. Its teeth were just inches from their neck.
Maybe it was the new environment. Or the lab experiments fresh in their mind. Perhaps another defect to add to the list. But they fully believed the palulukan stayed right at their heels.
Instinct took over reason. Screaming that every sound in the forest was the palulukan after them.
Nothing made sense after that. And so, they woke up in a tree. How had they even fallen asleep? Where was the palulukan?
They felt too tired to ask. Cogs in their brain freezing together as their surroundings sunk in.
Pandora. At night.
A beauty they had never seen. Until now.
Bioluminescent moss clung to the branches. When they peered over the edge of the tree, the glow dotted the forest floor below. A constellation shining so brightly it drowned out the sky.
They almost made their way down, startled instead by some small animals huffing around in the undergrowth.
A bit too late, they noticed the lack of a gun. Nothing to defend themselves with but a knife tucked away in their boot. And so they decided not to push their luck. They stayed in the trees. Trying their best to weave through the forest on the branches, but their best clearly could not compare.
As they tried to gather the courage to jump from one branch to another, they didn't hear the rustling in the trees.
"Come on," they muttered, trying not to get distracted by their glowing surroundings. Or else they'd never make it out of the forest. That sounded agreeable still.
A figure in the shadows, cleverly hidden, draws its bow. A clear shot at one of the Sky People that dared to roam in fake forms. There is no hesitation, and his grip almost loosens before a different glow fills the air.
Startled, the figure stares at the atokirina. Seeds of Home Tree. Sacred to Eywa. It flits right over the blade of his arrow, still aimed for the killing shot. It moves up the carved wood and rests in the air in front of him as if making sure it would be seen and understood.
And he has no time to dwell on it as the seed flies away, accompanied by the sounds of what could only be a person falling to the ground.
They had fallen. Slipped on a patch of moss as they ran forward for a headstart. So much for staying off the forest floor. "Fucking hell," they grumbled, wiping a bit of shining moss from their face.
It isn't long before they notice. Figures surrounded them. In the haze, they can hardly tell, but they all hold something sharp-looking and shiny, pointed straight at them.
It is also instinct to raise their hands. A fleeting show of peace as they stand slowly, blinking fast to get the blur out of their sight. Were they crying because the fall hurt? "I'm-" they try, words catching in their throat as one of them moves forward.
Clearly the leader of what appeared to be a hunting party. He sits tall on the direhorse. Imposing. Demanding respect. Arrow drawn directly at their heart.
"Why do you venture into our lands?" He asks, and it shocks them for only a moment that they could understand the words.
"I didn't mean to, I got lost-"
The Na'vi scoffs. "Of course, you are lost." He leans in slightly, if only to dig the tip of the arrow against her collarbone. "You Sky People are in 𝘰𝘶𝘳 home."
They say nothing. For what can you say against the truth? Nothing. So they take a different route. They step forward.
The Na'vi on the direhorses shift, holding their bows tighter, pulling at the strings more. They see it even as they keep their eyes on the one in front of them.
The blade pierces skin and in the light the shade of red is beautiful. However, no one pays attention.
"Kill me then." The words aren't said lightly. They carry a weight that the leader almost reaches to understand. "I am one of the Sky People, shoot me."
Four fingers grip the string tighter. Golden eyes narrow, and again he finds himself nearly releasing the killing blow.
This time, he is not interrupted by one atokirina. This time, they flood into the small clearing.
Their eyes widen in awe. No idea of the situation's weight. Not knowing anything but whispers of prayer, a soft exclamation of wonder. They don't understand why breaths hitch when one touches their hand. Or why the bows drop to their sides when more start to find their way to them.
One hovers over the wound on their chest, still dribbling crimson. It hovers as if in disapproval, then moves to fly in front of the Na'vi whose arrow made the cut. Hugf
They stand painfully still, afraid to move and scare them away. Though they still did not know what they were. Or why they were here.
The moment is beautiful while it lasts, but eventually one starts on its way, and they all do. They leave behind nothing. Nothing but the memory of their feather-like touches.
Only then do they notice how much the air has changed. There is still the tension, now more of a background note as confusion takes the lead. "What?"
Something is said in Na'vi, a quick beat of words. An order.
The words prick at their brain. A feeling all too familiar. But they have no time to dwell on it as arms grasp them and they are hoisted up onto a direhorse.
It is instinct again that has them wrap their arms around the one in front of them, who they recognize immediately by the way he grunts.
When they deign to pull away and take their chances, the Na'vi speaks. "Do not move unless you want to fall off."
And with that, the direhorse is rushing through the trees.
Their hands tighten at the sudden movement, a leaf slapping them in the face. A slight rumble felt in their fingers has them sure that was intentional. Though there is no time to hold a grudge.
The forest whips past them, a blur of color that has their head spinning in the best way. It isn't long before the gallop slows to a casual trot and the blurs turn into figures. Plants, trees, large arches of roots. A soft stream here and there.
The beauty isn't lost on them, their head swiveling to try and take it all in. Hair flies everywhere. The Na'vi they cling onto grunts again and despite wanting to mouth off, they shut up and move slower.
They'd love it if the plants were the last things they would ever see, and they were sure they would be.
The hunters were taking them somewhere a body could be disposed of easily. And that body would be theirs.
Pain courses through their shoulder. A flash of color accompanies it, a moment of red. The feeling is so clear that they flinch, turning sharply.
"Stop that," commands the Na'vi in front of him, "𝘴𝘬𝘹𝘢𝘸𝘯𝘨." The last part is added under his breath.
Briefly, they wonder if the Na'vi had hit them. But their shoulder remains untouched. No sign of crimson, not even of the pain they'd felt just a moment before.
No, they knew what it was. The ever so present hauntings of her past.
To some people, the past haunts through unrelenting memories. You see something, anything, and are somehow reminded of the past.
To them, memories had nothing. The past haunted them with aches. By brushes of searing pain, echoing all that they had ever felt before. And their life had plenty of pain to portray.
A cry signals their arrival. Drums follow, welcoming the hunting party back. The sound brings them back, and the pain is almost completely forgotten as they stare.
Roots so tall they resembled mountains. Sheets of glowing moss coating everything in soft light.
Hometree, standing tall and proud. Crafted so beautifully by Eywa. The love of the people almost tangibly flowing through it. If there were words to describe the sheer awe in face of it, they had yet to learn to them.
The same people gather, sneering as they realize meat isn't the only thing the hunters have brought back. And the avatar is reminded it is not their place to be in awe.
"Demon," some of them hiss, making sure to say it in English.
They realize they still hold tight against the Na'vi, and releases their grip. The horse moves slowly enough that they do not fall off.
The crowd follows, even as they dismount and weave through them, pulled along to the Olo'eyktan.
When they reach the front they meet the eye of Jake, who mirrors the look of confusion. Jake is being pulled through the crowd as well, and the crowd reacts similarly.
"𝘖𝘦𝘭 𝘕𝘨𝘢'𝘵𝘪 𝘒𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘦, 𝘖𝘭𝘰'𝘦𝘺𝘬𝘵𝘢𝘯."
Their attention turns back to the conversation happening beside them. They know the greeting but hold off, thinking they would not take kindly to it seeing as they were a demon.
"𝘖𝘦𝘭 𝘕𝘨𝘢'𝘵𝘪 𝘒𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘦, 𝘛𝘴𝘶'𝘵𝘦𝘺."
The foreign language itches at their brain. They try to fight the feeling, knowing what is next, hoping that they can hold it off.
Jake is pushed alongside them as the greeting is returned. They spot the Na'vi who had been pulling him. For a moment the itch stops. She had moved to stand a bit farther away, which piqued their interest.
Especially as the other Na'vi, Tsu'tey, keeps his grip on their forearm firm. His other hand held a spear as if ready to plunge it into their chest at a moment's notice.
"𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴?"
The words are forcing their way in. Squirming as the itch intensifies. And their efforts at repression are futile. Their eyes clamp shut. Information floods the front of her mind. Phrases. Words. Infixes. Crowding their thoughts and drowning them out.
Only Jake seems to notice, trying to hide his concern. "You okay?"
It lasts a second but feels longer. Like time had slowed and each millisecond brought more pain. And then they understand, but the pain doesn't go away. Like needles piercing through bone.
They understand the previous words now, even with the fog of pain.
"𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦." The words are solid, unmoving. Tsu'tey clearly thinks the same as he struggles to spit out words to say otherwise.
They were curious too. They had almost accepted that they were to be shot and thrown off a cliff far away. Instead, they were here. At the very heart of the Omaticaya.
"𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘌𝘺𝘸𝘢." It is the other Na'vi that speaks up.
"𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦! 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘦!"
Absentmindedly, they sniff the air. This does not go unnoticed by Tsu'tey, whose glare and grip become firmer.
"𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘴𝘶'𝘵𝘦𝘺."
"What's going on?"
For a moment, the English sounds foreign. Their brain falters, like it has been worked to overdrive and is sputtering to cool down. Which, they suppose, is exactly what it is.
The pain starts to subside, slowly, as if it doesn't want to leave. And they are reminded of what comes next. The blood. This time, they know they have to hide it. They sniff.
"My father is deciding whether to kill you."
The blood begins to drip.
"Your father?" Jake moves from their side. "Nice to meet you sir-" Instantly he is surrounded. Spears surround him, the hunters hissing as the blades glint.
Tsu'tey is among those that stepped forward to threaten his life.
They sniff again. The blood drips.
"𝘌𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩!" A voice rings out. "𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘴."
Everyone turns, and the distraction is enough for them to wipe at their nose, their hand coming back with a smudge of crimson. No one notices, hopefully.
The pain has dulled enough that they can look up and see the one approaching them. Her gaze is severe.
"That is Mother. She is Tsahik- the one who interprets the will of Eywa." The Na'vi speaks softly, bending down as if worshiping the ground to be walked on when the Tsahik draws near.
"Who's Eywa?"
They tap at Jake's hand, shaking their head lightly without looking at him. How was he so stupid?
The Tsahik stops in front of them, looking at them in disdain. "What are you called?"
"Jake Sully."
An expectant look is thrown their way and they almost ask why before Jake says their name for them.
"Do you not speak?" The following gase seems even harsher. Or do you not wish to?
She moves to them first, procuring a long thorn and noting the wound tracing just below their collarbone. They don't flinch as the thick edge of the thorn comes up to trace it. Quickly, harshly.
Their blood is tasted, and she moves on to Jake, striking his chest with a flourish. The sharp end is brought to her lips this time, and his blood is tasted as well.
He hopes Jake is smart enough not to comment.
"Why have you come to us?"
They decide to leave the talking to Jake. He was better at that. Besides, they were fighting the next drop of blood slowly making its way down their nostril.
"We came to learn."
"We have tried to teach other Skypeople. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full."
They almost react at that. Their captors had certainly tried. And succeeded, his mind reminded him.
"My cup is empty, trust me. Ask Dr. Augustine, hell, ask them. I'm no scientist."
"What are you?"
They brush a finger under their nose, hoping to play it off as natural.
"I don't know," he faltered. "I was a Marine- a uh, a warrior. Of the Jarhead clan."
That almost has them snort. Tsu'tey laughs outright. "𝘈 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳! 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘺!"
"And you?" All reaction ceases as the Na'vi look to them.
"I was-" they clear their throat. "I am also a warrior." An oversimplification, sure. But they did not feel like baring all the nuances of what they were.
More reactions. Jeering. Laughing. "𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳𝘴!"
"𝘕𝘰!" That one word is enough to silence all reactions. The Olo'eyktan speaks again. "𝘛𝘩���𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯. And the first child. 𝘞𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦."
"What's going on?"
"𝘋𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺. 𝘛𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘰."
She goes to retort but the Tsahik turns to Tsu'tey, effectively cutting her off.
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘸." She turns back to her daughter, conveying the same message.
They feel Tsu'tey would argue if he could. But instead, his gaze hardens, not even trying to plead like the other.
Finally, she turns to them. They almost don't notice, another drop of blood slowly creeping down. "You will be taught the ways of the people."
The sound fades momentarily, as if someone's turned down the volume. Thankfully, she is talking to Jake and when she speaks again, the words are clear. "Tsu'tey will teach you. Learn well. We will see if your insanity can be cured." She gives them both a final look before turning away.
Staring at her retreating back, they wipe at their nose again. More crimson.
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shu-box-puns · 9 months
You wanna be one of them (Tsu'tey x Reader) Part 9
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Previous Chapter <- Act 9
If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the fic here!
Word Count: 9156
Summary: To transfer, or not to transfer, that is the question.
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
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The morning the Sky People returned to the stars, you linked up to your avatar as you had been doing for the past several months. As always, you felt something in the back of your mind click into place as the buzz of the link unit cradling your human body melted away, in its place, the sounds of the forest swept in, alongside the comforting rumble of a steady purr. Your senses filtered in one by one after that, as they always did. 
Only this time, you woke to the scent of your new home, the comforting weight of your mate’s arms wrapped around you, and the soft light of dawn trickling through the canopy above your newly built hut. It would take several more weeks before New Village was finished, with your own accommodation needing a few further tweaks, but it was home. 
Smugly, you felt yourself grinning as you curled up tighter in Tsu’tey’s arms, revelling in the weight of them wrapped around you and the warmth of him pressed up against you. The hammock rocked under your shifting weight, sturdy and comfortable as it swayed. During the night, your legs had tangled together, whereas Tsu’tey had tucked his face into your neck, his steady breaths curling across the sensitive skin of your collarbones. Here, within the home you’d built together in New Village, he was the picture of relaxed.  
All too soon, his loose limbed sprawl wound tight as he realised you had linked up.
Tsu’tey’s ear flicked lazily as he shifted in place, a cat readjusting before going back to sleep. <”Good morning.”> He greeted sluggishly, nuzzling his cold nose against vulnerable skin.
Smiling to yourself, you squeezed him in return, relishing in how he melted under your touch. All pliant and relaxed, greedy for some soft words and adoring touches. <”Did I wake you?”> Tsu’tey hummed drowsily, but took his sweet time in responding. <”No,”> he murmured finally, making no move to get up. Typical. 
As his breathing evened out again, you listened to the familiar buzz of the clan preparing for the day. Two dozen hunters would oversee the launch at noon, whereas the rest of the clan would continue to forage and build New Village in their absence. With all the humans successfully rounded up and accounted for, the time had come to finally get them off Pandora.
<”We need to get up.”> You finally told the ceiling, when Tsu’tey made it abundantly clear he had no plans of doing so. 
Predictably, your mate shook his head against your skin before nestling down further into you, pulling your long limbed body impossibly closer. You had the sneaking suspicion that he would crawl in your body if it were possible. 
Who knew the fearsome Tsu’tey was a cuddler? 
You certainly hadn’t; not before. Not when you’d been friends, despite the evidence lying in how he’d always felt a need to playfully shove at you or knock your shoulders together. What once could’ve been passed off as platonic camaraderie between hunters, had now been revealed as what it was. 
A newly formed bond, strong in its magnetism and unescapable. Not that you wanted to escape. If anything, the last few days had proven just how much Tsu’tey had been holding back during the courtship. Now that you were mated, it seemed you couldn’t keep your hands off of one another. Sometimes, you felt like it was a miracle you’d managed to get anything done. 
Every touch felt too fleeting, regardless of whether it had been for hours or minutes. You constantly wanted to be near him, wanting to appease the instinctual part of you that looked at Tsu’tey and felt complete; felt safe. It was a fascinating phenomenon, you’d concluded.
Even more so when you realised that although Tsu’tey had formed the bond with your human body, the pull between you was no less magnetising in your avatar. It didn’t matter which body you occupied, Tsu’tey seemed to sense where you were before you could even announce yourself. 
Chuckling to yourself, you gave his back a sympathetic pat in condolence. <”I know, I know, I love a lie in as much as the next person, but the sooner we get up, the sooner we can get it done.”>
<”That is not how time works.”> Tsu’tey immediately argued. 
<”And yet, we still have to get up.”>
Stubbornly, Tsu’tey didn’t move, so you were forced to resort to peeling his hands off of you and wiggling out from under him. Tsu’tey put up a half-assed fight, but ultimately allowed you to sit up. Legs swung over the side of the hammock, you glanced back to find him glaring at your back whilst curling into the warm spot you’d left behind. His tail thumped unhappily as he simply watched you, looking annoyingly adorable. 
Seeing your distraction, Tsu’tey abruptly decided he was done with sleeping and quick as a whip, reached out and wrestled you back down into the hammock. You yelped, hands pushing feebly at him as he pressed you down into the comfortable material and stretched out across your front. 
<”Forgetting something?”> Tsu’tey asked calmly, the hunger in his gaze betraying his collected tone. You felt his tail thumping down next to your thigh now, intrigued as you smiled and pulled his face down. 
A purr rumbled to life in his chest as you kissed his cheek, like you had every morning after he’d rescued you. Adorably, his ears were wiggling now as his eyes fluttered closed, basking in your attention. Finding yourself grinning too hard to keep kissing him, you settled for pressing your foreheads together as you had hundreds of times before. Lovingly, your hand slid from cupping his cheek to carding through his braids.
Tsu’tey’s eyelids slipped open at the change of sensation. <”More.”> 
<”Greedy.”> You purred back.
<”If you’re going to kiss me,”> Tsu’tey continued slowly, a glint of glee creeping into his eye as he lowered himself from his hands to his elbows. It sent a thrill through you, in how confident he was in getting when asking for something. He was hovering close enough not that your flat noses almost touched. <”Then I demand that you do it properly.”> 
You couldn’t help but momentarily flick your gaze down to his lips as he spoke, noting - not for the first time -  their pretty pigmentation. How a hint of lilac had crept onto his lower lip, blending perfectly with the blue of his complexion. Those lips stretched into a cocky grin under your attention.
It took great effort, but you managed to glare up at him as you replied in mock offence, <”those were proper kisses.”>
Tsu’tey tilted his head curiously, looking as unconvinced as one physically could. <”Properly.”> He repeated, as the corner of his mouth kicked up in amusement. 
With a playful eye roll, you sighed. <”Fine.”> 
Dramatically, you puckered your lips and batted your eyelashes, assuming Tsu’tey would scoff at your idiocy and push you away with a laugh. You thought he’d groan at you for ruining the mood and finally climb out of bed to get on with his day. It seemed however, that you had gravely miscalculated.
Instead of replying with banter or a tut, Tsu’tey’s cockiness abruptly melted into hunger. Your stomach squirmed as his eyes dragged down your face to your mouth, his tongue unconsciously flicking out to wet his lower lip. Your only warning was the way his ears lowered, before he promptly dove in for the kill. 
Despite his enthusiasm, the first touch of your lips was gentle, almost chaste. A simple press of warm skin to skin before pulling back. His pupils were blown unbelievably wide as he tilted his head and moved in for another. 
His body pressed you down into the hammock, applying delicious pressure to your stomach and thighs. You felt your own purr rising in the back of your throat as the security the position offered, with your mate covering all of you with himself, and taking whatever you gave him. Your chests were pressed so tightly together that you could feel the rhythmic pounding of his heart beating in time with your own escalated pulse. 
The way his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumb rubbing back and forth across the apple of your cheek as if you were something precious - something to be admired - made your knees weak. 
Kissing Tsu’tey was nothing like touching foreheads in either form. Neither was it anything like kissing him when you were human. In this body, where the size difference was significantly less and your strengths were similar, the kisses were less careful, and more effortless in how they pushed and pulled you into each other’s orbit. It was simple, and perfect, and felt like you’d been doing it your entire lives.
That was what you loved about Tsu’tey. How easy it was to be with him, and how effortlessly the pair of you fit together. How, despite your differences and your playful banter, you could still have these precious and soft moments just between you.
All too soon, your mate pulled back with a satisfied grin. <”Much better.”> He praised you, landing one last parting peck to the tip of your nose before rolling off of you. You were left panting, staring up with blown pupils at the ceiling whilst Tsu’tey puttered around the hut. 
Getting your breath back, you finally managed to roll yourself out of the hammock. Stooping for your knife belt, you heard Tsu’tey chuckle to himself from across the hut. Flipping him off over your shoulder, you secured your belt across your torso before reaching for your jewellery. The pair of you prepared for the day ahead in companionable silence.
By the time you’d strapped your armband across your bicep and shouldered your bow, Tsu’tey had adorned his Olo’eyktan attire and dug out a couple of bowls of war paint. Having already crushed the pigment and mixed in the adequate measurement of water, Tsu’tey had sat himself down and gestured to you to come over. The feathers braided into his hair danced on a soft breeze as you sank to your knees opposite him.
As he wordlessly mixed up the yellow pigment for the base layer, you found yourself beginning to fidget. <”What pattern are you doing this time?”> <”The same as before. My family crest.”> Tsu’tey explained simply, his eyes remaining fixed on the task at hand.
<”Your family…”> You trailed off as realisation dawned on you.
Tsu’tey made a point of dipping his fingers into the thick, yellow paint, his hand steady as he withdrew from the bowl and raised it to begin painting the cold mixture in a familiar pattern across your features. Diligently, you kept still as he worked, watching his brow furrow in concentration. Outwardly, he seemed to be the picture of calm and collected, but behind his back, you noted how he was making an effort to keep his tail still. The sudden twitches and aborted movements of the appendage betrayed his anxiety. 
You knew without asking that both of you were recalling that morning before the Battle for The Tree of Souls, when Tsu’tey had distracted you from Grace’s passing by applying your war paint, an act traditionally performed by mates or family members. At the time, you had dismissed it as a kind gesture, considering you had no family of your own to ask. But in hindsight, Tsu’tey’s true intentions had been painfully obvious. As had the gifting of the Atokirina knife and armband after your successful iknimaya. 
<”You’re a sneaky bastard.”>
Tsu’tey’s lips thinned, but his movements remained steady. <”No, you’re just dense.”> He sighed tiredly with no venom.  <”You knew exactly what applying war paint means, and yet did not stop me. I assumed my intentions were welcome since you reciprocated.”> <”I mean, yes it worked out, but I didn’t think that was how you meant it.”> You admitted honestly, to which Tsu’tey rolled his eyes but let you speak. You pressed on, <”I assumed it was because Jake was occupied with Neytiri. Just like I didn’t realise the gifts were courting gifts, because I assumed you were just being friendly and didn’t want me to miss out on the usual traditions.”>
<”Dense.”> Tsu’tey repeated smugly. <”When have I even been that friendly to an outsider?”>
You tilted your head in acknowledgement to the valid point. <”Not dense.”> You decided to focus on, ignoring his sarcastic snort. <”It wasn’t my fault that your People’s courting rituals don’t come with a handbook.”>
Tsu’tey shook his head, dismissing the argument. <”I made my intentions painfully clear.”>
<”By painfully clear, you mean painfully confusing.”>
Abruptly, Tsu’tey pulled his hand away from your face and fixed you with a stern look. <”And what, please tell me, is confusing about gifting you useful items? Does that not indicate courtship on your planet?”> <”I mean yes, but-”> <”Then my point remains the same, you are incredibly dense.”> With a flourish, he put down the yellow paint and reached for the navy whilst you stewed. 
He was applying the new shade to your brow when you came up with a decent response. <”And what if I turned up to HomeTree with a fistful of flowers and presented them to you?”>
Tsu’tey’s painting hand faltered mid stroke as his nose scrunched up in confusion. <”Why in Eywa’s name, would you want to do that?”> Your heart twinged. <”Just humour me, what would you think?”> <”Would you intend to add them to a soup? Craft clothing or extract the oils?”> <”No. I would pick them because they’re pretty.”> And they’d look pretty on you. You didn’t add. Tsu’tey scoffed, his voice firm as he voiced his opinion. <”Then I would consider it impractical, and a waste of resources.”> Against your best efforts, your expression tightened at the predictable response. Thank Eywa for Mo’at confiscating your hard found ‘weeds’. 
Tsu’tey’s steady hand had gone still against your cheek. <”What?”> He asked, pulling his finger back.
<”What?”> He wrinkled his nose. <”You’re looking at me like I stepped on your tail and refused to apologise.”> You kept your mouth resolutely shut, hoping he’d just go back to painting, but as usual, Tsu’tey didn’t let you off lightly. <”Yawne, tell me.”> He said sweetly, his painting hand lowering in clear indication that he wouldn’t continue until you explained.
With a loud swallow, you pushed the words out, feeling foolish. <”Humans give people they like pretty flowers to show they like each other. It’s usually how we show something that we’d like to keep dating.”>
Understanding swept across Tsu’tey’s face. <”I see. It is one of your traditions then?”>
<”Yeah.”> <”How interesting.”> Tsu’tey commented neutrally, <”unheard of by my people, but similar to our gifting of useful items.”> You hummed in agreement, which Tsu’tey took as the go ahead to drop the topic and continue with the task at hand. 
The hunting party was uncharacteristically silent as it crossed the rainforests towards Hell’s Gate. Where usually there was light banter or joking, today, no one spoke. Hardly anyone made eye contact. There would be time to relax later, for now it was crucial to come off as the hostile enemy the RDA painted them as. One final push before the finish line. 
The rest of the day followed the same sombre mood. You sat astride your pa’li with your bow notched and resting against your thigh as you supervised the sad march of the humans towards their spaceship. Your war paint felt tight against your clammy skin, but you knew it made you look unsettlingly fearsome from the weary glances your former colleagues kept shooting you. You recognised a couple of faces amongst the crowd, all of which were twisted in defeat and bitter betrayal. Their eyes slid off of you like oil over water. It seemed that you fit in so well amongst the clan, that no one could pinpoint your face.
At your side, Jake shifted uncomfortably astride his own mount, his eyes pinned on Neytiri who stood at Tsu’tey’s elbow on the other side of the literal human stream. The pair were decked out in their feathers and formal attire, offering a united, intimidating front in the face of the defeated humans. 
The tension was so thick that it felt like a cloak around your shoulders. The anxiety it generated naturally filtered down the bond into your mount, who shifted uneasily on her hooves. You soothed her as well as you could. Gently, running your hand up and down her neck as you pushed calming thoughts down the bond. 
She did not like this weird environment where the earth was smooth and treacherous and the dirt was concealed by a thick layer of rock. She did not like the towering structures pretending to be cliffs, nor did she like the rumble of the metal toruk’s growl, which sent her instincts into overdrive. She was concerned by the weird little creatures willingly clambering into the great predator’s mouth, and anxious that she might be asked to follow.
As she shifted, you kept rubbing her neck and coaxing her to look at the trees instead of the waiting spaceship.
Beside you, Jake drew in a deep breath, barely warning you that he was about to speak.
“What is it?” You asked quietly, conscious of the people within earshot. 
”Well,” Jake began, “Tsu’tey asked me the weirdest questions this morning, about weeds and random flora that I don’t even know the translations for. You didn’t, by chance, have anything to do with that, did you?” The marine whispered, sounding more amused than concerned.
Rolling your eyes at his blatant jabs ”I was proving that our traditions are different and he shouldn’t have expected me to figure out the courtship through mixed signals and unfamiliar gestures.” ”Ah.” He did not elaborate.
“What does that mean?” Jake pointedly ducked his head. You furrowed your brow. “Jake, what the hell did you tell him? ”Jake suddenly became very interested in the humans marching across the tarmac. You prodded him in the side with the end of your bow, to which Jake took a swift swipe at the weapon which laughably missed. ”What the hell did you tell him?”
“Nothing bad!” Jake exclaimed too loudly, drawing a few heads. He raised his spear in silent threat before continuing, his face melting into the cold, hard lines of Toruk Makto. Startled, the humans returned their attention to the spaceship instead of his outburst. ”I told him about roses and carnations and shit. Alright?” 
“Wow, didn’t take you for a florist. Was that a side gig back on earth?” “Of course not. I just had a girlfriend who was really into flower meanings.” He fiddled with the twine holding his spear head to the shaft. “Uhuh, of course you did.” Without turning his attention from the humans, Jake shifted his weapon and jabbed you in the side with the butt of his spear. You hissed before twisting in the saddle and kicking him in the hip. He narrowly avoided being unseated by the blow. Jake growled in response, but whatever retaliation he planned on carrying out abruptly flew out the window when the pair of you noticed that someone had stopped walking in front of your pa’li.
Just from the way he held himself, you knew the man was important, and he knew it too. Luckily, it didn’t take too long for his name to return to you. 
“Oi Selfridge, spaceship is that way.” Jake prompted, motioning to said ship.
The former CEO didn’t move. With a thoughtful expression, he pointedly looked the marine up and down with cocky disinterest, his exo mask puffing loudly in time with his slow, measured breaths. Somehow, he commanded all of your attention despite his vulnerable position, he barely came up to your pa’li’s knee after all. 
“You know this isn’t over.” Selfridge stated, no, promised. 
Jake sat up a little straighter as his expression turned venomous. “No. It very much is over.” The marine said confidently, to which Selfridge shook his head.
Your spine prickled, as your tail shot upright. With great theatrics, you drew your bow on the man, ensuring that his attention slid to you as you pulled the bowstring taught and aimed your arrow at him. “Move along.” You growled simply, motioning to the ship with your arrowhead. 
Selfridge took his time looking you up and down, unnerving you with how calmly he reacted to having an arrow longer than his leg aimed at his head. “Doctor.” He drawled by way of greeting, to which you made a point of pulling your bowstring back to your cheek. 
The CEO nodded once, his expression unreadable, before turning on his heel and marching peacefully into the spaceship alongside everyone else to find himself a seat. You kept your arrow trained on him the whole time, if only because it made the rest of them shuffle a little faster towards the ship. 
Smartly, no one else attempted to strike up conversation.
Before the sun reached its peak, the door to the spaceship began to close with a thunderous grind of gears. Within minutes, the clan were retreating back across the tarmac towards the trees as the engines began to fire up. Your pa’li had just stepped into the shade of the furthest tree when the enormous machine generated enough thrust to finally lift off. 
And just like that, it was over.
Something sentimental stirred in your chest, as you urged your pa’li to pause. Restlessly, she did, allowing you to turn in the saddle and watch the enormous machine streak up into the clouds and beyond. It sped like a shooting star back into the atmosphere and then further and further until it was almost indistinguishable from the other daytime stars.
A vast bonfire was lit as eclipse rolled in, and the light of the human spaceship had shrunk to a pinprick in the night sky. 
As the smell of roasted yerik and popping nuts filled the belly of New Village, you relaxed against a fallen log. Face freshly cleaned of war paint, you looked out amongst the People who had welcomed you into their midst and felt warmth bloom in your chest. The clearing was alive with chatter and music as na’vi leapt around the popping flames, twirling with one another as laughter filled the air. It was the most relaxed you’d seen everyone in weeks. 
Your eyes were heavy from the alcohol, a pleasant buzz settling into the back of your mind as you simply watched. At long last, you felt content. The RDA were returning home. The clan was finally safe. And to top it all off, you’d somehow snagged the Olo’eyktan of said clan and gotten yourself a ridiculously protective alien cat in the process.
The very same powerful chieftain, who was currently curled up in your lap, decked out in his Olo’eyktan attire with his tipsiness showing in the bright flush of his cheeks. You didn’t need Tsaheylu to know that he was content. Every hard contour of his body screamed relaxed. His muscles were loose and pliant under your wandering fingers as you carded the long digits through his freshly braided hair. His tail lazily thumped against the grass, whilst one of his arms was slung over your lap and loosely holding your thigh. A possessive but comfortable hold.
Over by the fire, you watched a couple of avatar drivers attempt to imitate the complex dance moves of some hunters, who laughed good naturedly at them before drunkenly walking them through steps. 
You could see Jake forcing Norm to dance with him, whilst Neytiri cheered as she swayed on her feet. To his credit, Norm tried his very best to keep up, but Jake was a surprisingly competent dancer. The scientist gave up after an embarrassing couple of failed attempts, his hands raised in mock surrender whilst Jake ribbed him. 
The marine didn’t let his lack of partner sour his drunken haze however, and quickly swept Neytiri up in his rhythm. She beamed, her eyes alight as her body moved with liquid grace to the sound of the drums. 
<”Are you cold, Yawne?”> Tsu’tey murmured softly into your thigh, the arm slung over your legs moving to rub at your calf. Your gaze flickered downwards as a fond smile slipped onto your lips. 
<”You don’t need an excuse to cuddle me.”> You chuckled, giving his scalp an affectionate scratch, <”get up here.”> Your mate rolled the command over in his head once or twice, before deciding that the suggestion was a sound one. With great concentration which could only be mustered after one had drunk a little too much, Tsu’tey fumbled into a sitting position before promptly collapsing down on the log you were currently leaning against, and clumsily dragging you across his chest. You laughed, wiggling to readjust his neck piece into a more comfortable pillow before settling down.
Against your ear, Tsu’tey’s chest roared to life with a healthy purr, to which you allowed your own content sound to slip free. His grip tightened on your shoulder, whilst his tail wound its way around your ankle. The picture of content. Who would’ve known that Tsu’tey was an affectionate drunk?
”Look at ya, you lovebirds.” Jake suddenly slurred, his head popping into your peripheral vision before promptly disappearing as he threw himself down into the grass with a heavy thump. 
“Love-bird?” Tsu’tey muttered to himself, his eyes closed and his head tipped back to lean against the cool bark of the log. 
“Jake.” Neytiri lightly scolded, padding away from the fire, her eyes bright with amusement. “I believe you have had too much.” Jake looked thoughtful for a moment, his hand rising to scratch at an absent beard as he looked the picture of quiet contemplation. All before he shook his head with an exaggerated. “Naaaaaaaaaaa.” 
Neytiri chuckled lightly.
“Having waaaaaayyyy tooo much fun.” The marine continued, oblivious to the volume of his voice, whilst Tsu’tey grumbled. “I wish every day.” He paused, “could be like this one.”
“I mean,” you interjected, refusing to lift your head from your comfortable pillow. “What’s stopping us? Am I right?” “Right you are!” Jake agreed readily, before a sudden idea struck him. His ears flattened as he spun to Neytiri who barely batted an eyelid at his dramatics. “Neyyyytiri?”
She sighed. “Yes?” “You know you love me?” “I do.” “Like, you love me the way Tsu’tey loves human Y/n?” “Yes?” Neytiri answered, her voice wavering. “Where is this going, Jake?” “Well, would you still love me if I were a na’vi? Like fully na’vi. Not half or even a quarter, as in full, total na’vi.” He was talking animatedly with his hands now, which he was waving around to emphasise his words, only to catch sight of them mid rant. The marine frowned as he wiggled his five fingers. “Or, well, as close to na’vi as I can get.”
To her credit, Neytiri managed to keep her voice level when she responded, but you could tell from the sudden thrash of her tail that Jake had unknowingly struck a nerve. “What are you saying Jake?” “Well!” The marine continued, oblivious to the distress on his mate’s face. “The doctor.” He pointed dramatically to you, “and I were discussing consciousness transfers.” It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over your head, smacked your round the face with a marble rolling pin, and then gleefully kicked the back of your knee so you fell down a flight of stairs. Beneath you, Tsu’tey’s body went from a comfortable pillow to a rigid bed of granite.
Neytiri just looked confused. “You want to go through with the-” “Yes!” Jake replied rapidly, his tail wiggling with eagerness. “I do! I really want to! It’s all I’ve thought about for WEEKS!”
“Really?” Neytiri pressed, Jake nodded excitedly, to which Neytiri sighed. Her lips were pressed tightly together as she looked him up and down, her ears lowering as she realised just how sure he was about this. With an anxious flick of her tail, the huntress managed to smooth out her expression and offer a neutral, “we will talk about this once you’re sober.”
Jake just wiggled, all wide smiles and flapping ears. Neytiri shook her head at him, but didn’t press the matter further. Cautiously, she approached, still studying him for telltale signs of doubt, but found nothing. 
Jake on the other hand, had decided the conversation was not yet over. With a sudden and unnerving turn of his head, his too focused gaze settled on you, causing you to tense. Those disproportionately small eyes seemed to peer into your very soul as he asked plainly, “did you decide that you wanted to do it with me in the end?”
Tsu’tey loose grip around your torso turned bruising. His purr, which had lowered to a languid rumble since Jake had sat down, abruptly cut out. 
“You have discussed this?” Tsu’tey asked, his voice barely within the range of calm. It almost sounded accusatory, but that could just be the alcohol running through your bloodstream.
“A little.” You replied honestly, finding yourself unable to meet his eyes. You almost felt guilty for admitting it, as if you’d betrayed him somehow. “I mean, as avatar drivers we all inevitably fantasise about staying like this. Whether it’s possible or not-” “But Mo’at thinks it is possible.” Jake interrupted, oblivious to the mosaic of emotions currently playing out across Tsu’tey’s face. “We have a chance.” He implored, practically sparkling with enthusiasm. “A real, proper chance.” “As did Grace Augustine.” Tsu’tey cut in, his eyes suddenly sharp and sober. If he didn’t have his arm still tightly around your torso, acting as reassurance and comfort, you might have shrunk away from the ice in his tone. “Was her chance not as good as your own?” “Grace was dying.” Neytiri pointed out carefully, “Eywa had already taken her hand.”
“And what if She takes his hand?” Tsu’tey pointed out, gesturing to Jake. “What if She takes them out of their bodies but does not give them back? What then?” Neytiri’s carefully guarded expression threatened to crumble, to which Tsu’tey’s rage flickered. Guilt played out across his face as he gazed upon his friend and saw his own anxiety reflecting back at him.
“If it makes you feel any better, She wouldn’t want me.” You mumbled inaudibly, tipping your head back to catch his eye. You focused on making your microexpressions relaxed, trying to offer subconscious comfort.
“She might.” “She won’t.” You reassured him, “I’m too slippery anyway.” Which was a lie. Of course, there was the very real chance that Eywa might not breathe you back, and that terrified you. It made you queasy just thinking about it.
”That’s alright.” Jake reassured you, before a sly, shit-eating grin appeared on his face. ”I doubt Tsu’tey could deal with waking up to your grumpy ass every morning anyway.”
The mixed emotions in Tsu’tey’s face immediately cleared up into an offended snort. ”I could!”
”You could not!” Jake countered explosively. ”Sure, they’re all cute trying to steal back their blankets, but I have feared for my life. The swearing is ridiculous and the side-eyes could kill a man.” Tsu’tey suddenly grinned as if he were about to let Jake in on a state secret. ”Perhaps your methods guarantee failure.” He purred seductively in your ear, before unexpectedly attacking your neck and ear with kisses. Absently, you heard Jake fake a retch between the sounds of your own shrieking. He was ignored, as you focused all your efforts into wriggling free of Tsu’tey’s secure grasp, as the assault of loud kisses were pelted across your face and neck.  
By the time he let up with one last, heavy kiss to your cheek, Neytiri had coaxed Jake into drinking some water, and the previous topic of conversation had been laid to rest. 
If Tsu’tey held you a little tighter throughout the rest of the night, neither of you brought it up.
All in all, it was a wild party that lasted well into the early hours of the next day. 
Bidding Neytiri and a sloshed Jake a warm goodbye, you and Tsu’tey padded across the village to your shared hut. Within moments of ducking in through the curtain, you went straight for the hammock. Flopping down in it on your front, you felt exhaustion threaten to drag you down there and then. Over the hours, your drunkenness had lightened to a pleasant warmth in your chest and a slight slowing of your reflexes.
Something which Tsu’tey took advantage of now as he carefully unstrapped your knife from your chest, as well as removing your armband and other accessories. His focused movements were practised and gently as he placed everything down carefully beside the hammock on the floor where you could find it easily in the morning. 
<”You coming in?”> You asked sleepily, after he brushed your braids from your face and straightened.
<“I must check on the clan first.”> Tsu’tey whispered back, ever the doting Olo’eyktan. <”Several of the younger hunters were not looking too capable of getting home unassisted.”>
<”Okay.”> You yawned, before snuggling down with a content purr. <”I’ll be heading out then.”> Tsu’tey smiled tightly. <”Of course.”> <“Sleep well.”>
He nodded, but you were too tipsy to find anything unusual in the action. 
As Tsu’tey’s footsteps padded away across the hammock, you allowed your eyelids to droop as you began to drift away. 
The comfortable buzz of alcohol left you as you slipped back into your human body, like a warm hand disappearing from your cheek. You opened your eyes to the low glow of the link unit, to the tiny little lights that decorated the inner metal frame; a pathetic replacement for the stars.
For a moment, you just laid there, wishing you were still in your home. Recalling the warmth of Tsu’tey’s body as you’d been pressed against it all night. In some ways, you half expected to turn your head and find him there waiting for you, but in reality, you knew he wouldn’t be. Whilst the link unit was a sensible distance from the village, it was still out of the way enough for privacy. Which meant your comfy hammock and mate would be inaccessible until you relinked. 
With a heavy sigh, you lifted a numb arm and pushed open the lid.
The room beyond your unit was dim, with only the green emergency lights breaking up the darkness. The whir of Jake’s machine chugged along by the wall, and no doubt would continue to do so for several more hours. You envied him, despite having made the decision to leave yourself.
Absently, you recalled the conversation from earlier. The confident way in which Jake had communicated his desires, how he hadn’t hesitated in stating what he wanted. Although he had been drunk at the time, you knew how much he wanted to transfer. 
In some ways, you envied how single minded he was on the matter. How sure he was that it would be the best thing for him. 
Overhead, raindrops tapped lightly against the hollow metal of the compound roof. When did it begin to rain?
With a coldness settling in within your ribs, you heaved your sore body into a sitting position. The walls of the compound were grey, as Hell’s Gate had always been. The floor was ice cold beneath your feet, a stark contrast to the sun warmed soil you’d been lounging on for the past few hours.
With a firm shake of your head, you shoved that thought process down. Dwelling too long on it would only make the consciousness transfer more appealing. And sometimes it was; when you were alone. But after the look on Tsu’tey’s face when Jake had brought it up, the way he’d held you that little bit tighter, the way your now sober brain could read the fear in his actions, you knew you couldn’t go through with it. Not now that you had everything you needed. 
With forced energy, you padded out of the link room towards the bathroom where you flicked on the light but pointedly avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. In this weird mindset, you weren’t quite sure how you’d feel if you caught sight of yourself.
The warmth of the shower helped in the way only blistering hot water could. And comfortable pyjamas just made everything that little bit more bearable. 
The kitchen was as you’d left it that morning. Sterile and boring. Dragging down a sealed ration from one of the overhead cupboards, you pierced the plastic film before shoving the dehydrated meal into the microwave and setting it to three minutes. In the stillness of the compound, illuminated by the orange light of the little machine, you watched your lacklustre meal spin on the carousel. 
If you hadn’t been staring so hard at the microwave, you would’ve missed the flicker of movement that darted across the window in your peripheral vision. Instinctively, your head snapped up. After spending all day in your avatar, you could feel the phantom sensation of your ears pricking as your slouched body went ramrod straight. The reflection of the warm light of the microwave made it hard for you to see out into the darkness, but when the little machine dinged and went dark, the kitchen was abruptly plunged into darkness. 
As the pastel glow of Pandora’s plants filled the little room, you felt your heartbeat begin to pick up. You dared not move a muscle, despite itching for a weapon. Preferably your knife, but that was stashed beside your link unit as an additional security measure. 
With luck, the movement was something none threatening that had just happened to come across the compound and immediately lost interest. Or maybe, it was that palulukan that had taken an interest in Tsu’tey. If you were really unlucky however, it would be something armed and intelligent enough to get into the compound. 
Somewhere outside, you heard something large shifting through the undergrowth, as a couple of plants wiggled when something brushed against them. You sucked in a sharp breath.
The sound of someone politely knocking was almost more terrifying than the unknown. 
Spinning around, you found a distinctly na’vi figure lurking behind the glass of another window. You weren’t entirely sure whether to be relieved or more terrified. The figure stooped, as if peering through the glass before knocking again, this time more firmly. With the plants backlighting them, you couldn’t make out any features.
Deciding that this was not at all how you wanted to spend your evening, you decided to bite the bullet and turn on the light switch. Hopefully, the na’vi was just drunk and confused, and the sight of you would send them on their way. 
You flipped the switch, bathing the kitchen in warm light. Your own reflection looked back at you from the window, looking tired and small. To your surprise, the na’vi began tapping more furiously, almost desperately against the glass at the sight of you. Your brows furrowed, that definitely was not the reaction you’d been expecting, must be someone from the clan.
Hesitantly, you approached the window. The knocking slowed down a little, as the na’vi realised that they had successfully captured your attention. Making your movements obvious, you brought your hand up to the glass to block out some of the light, which created a small pocket with which you could see outside with.
The first feature you noticed was the familiar notch taken out of the na’vi’s right ear. By then, it was pretty easy to figure out who had drunkenly decided to visit you.
Your shoulders lost their tension as you sighed good naturedly and pulled away from the window. With exaggerated movements, you turned in the direction of the airlock, to which the knocking ceased once more and you heard something large pushing through the undergrowth as they strode for the entrance to the compound. 
With practised ease, you strapped on an exo mask and slipped into the airlock, which immediately clicked shut and sucked all the earth air out before the second door unlocked with a crisp click. Pushing it open, you were immediately met with a firm sheet of rain. And there, standing at the base of the steps, his braids dripping, was Tsu’tey.
<”What are you doing here?”> You blurted, taking in his sodden appearance. Judging by his slightly elevated breathing, he’d run here instead of tracking down a pa’li or calling his ikran. 
With the sway of a tipsy man pretending to be sober, Tsu’tey stepped closer. <”Missed you.”> 
Your knee jerk reaction to the admission was to point out that you’d last seen each other barely half an hour ago, but his expression stilled your tongue. You could see your own uncertainty reflecting back at you, could see the unsettled shifting of his feet as his eyes flickered from your face to somewhere over your shoulder.
<”Yeah, I missed you too.”> You said instead, finding a private smile slipping onto your face as his shoulders loosened in relief. 
The tension between you now felt more charged than usual, like a second shoe preparing to drop. This wasn’t the usual buzz of friendly camaraderie or mutual pining, there was something more lurking in the shadows here. A thought evidenced by the hunter’s lowered ears as he averted his gaze once again. 
<”What is it?”> Your voice was barely audible over the sound of raindrops landing on leaves, but you knew from the way his expression snapped back to something more neutral, that he had heard. 
It was then that you noticed he had one hand suspiciously hidden behind his back. 
The scene turned comical then. With Tsu’tey dripping wet from the rain and hiding something from you, whilst you stood at about chest height thanks to the ramp outside the compound, with your hands resting on your hips. To an outsider, the scene would resemble a sceptical parent wondering what their toddler had that they definitely shouldn’t. The fact that Tsu’tey was swaying slightly from the alcohol just added to the entire thing.
<”What do you have there?”> You asked carefully, to which Tsu’tey’s eyes narrowed.
<”Nothing.”> <”Tsu’tey, I can see you’re hiding something.”> <”No you can’t!”> He blurted before adding, <”am not!”>
You arched a brow, to which Tsu’tey’s tail rose in silent challenge. 
<”How?!”> He demanded.
<”Lucky guess?”>
The hunter sighed heavily. <”It was a secret.”>
<”Ah, I see.”>
With a pout, Tsu’tey dramatically pulled a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back and thrust them at you. They were tiny in his enormous hand, barely glowing with several of their petals missing and their roots still intact with soil falling from them at random intervals. <”You are truly a difficult person to smoothly give gifts to.”> Your mate helpfully informed you as your eyes blew wide at the adorable gesture.
You were torn between wrestling him down into a hug and bursting into tears at the thoughtful gesture. With a tight throat, you instead managed to squeeze out an emotional, <”thank you,”> as you reached to take them. The plants fit perfectly into your fist. 
Tsu’tey’s expression immediately brightened, his ears pricking at the evident emotion swimming behind your eyes. Although he looked ridiculously similar to a drowned rat, his fanged smile was nothing short of adorable as your fingers brushed when you took the flowers from him. All of which, you were pleased to realise, weren’t carnivorous or dangerous for you to touch.
<”What’s the occasion?”>
Tsu’tey’s tail stopped mid-wag. <”Occasion?”> He repeated uncertainly. <”Not that I’m not grateful!”> You quickly jumped in, <”they are gorgeous flowers, I was just wondering why you trekked through the forest at the ass crack of dawn to give them to me.”> <”I just wanted to.”> Tsu’tey explained dismissively, not quite meeting your eyes as he looked at your ear or the doorframe at your back. Raindrops slid down his cheeks, before collecting on his jaw and dripping off. An idea caused him to tense. <”Did I do it wrong? Can they only be presented during a celebration?”> <”What? No. Of course not. Flowers are just for when you want to.”> <”Okay.”> Tsu’tey said firmly. <”I should-”> he motioned over his shoulder towards the forest as he retreated a step. 
You were blurting out an invitation before he could take another. <”Do you want to come in? I should have plenty of towels to get you somewhat dry.”>
He paused, chewing on his lower lip before nodding. 
With care, you ushered him into the airlock, where he still struggled to meet your gaze. He’d been in the compound enough times to know where the new Na’vi respirators were kept, so you left him to it, after removing your exopack.
Padding into the kitchen, you managed to find a tall enough cup to fill with water and set the flowers in until you could get ahold of a proper clay vase. They glowed faintly in the dim room, as they slowly died.
Your dinner was now completely forgotten in the microwave as you puttered around the kitchen, pulling another large cup down from a cupboard and filling it with water. Setting it on the counter, you checked under the sink for some towels only to come up empty handed. The hallway cupboard provided much more successful results, and plenty of warmed towels to get the job down.
By the time you returned to the kitchen, Tsu’tey had sat himself down on the floor and was leaning back against the far wall. The same one he’d leant against whilst holding your human form for the first time. Then he’d been in a similar state of anxiety after watching your avatar collapse in the Well of Souls and assuming the humans had found the compound. Now, he just looked tired. 
Scooping up the large cup of water, you approached.
<”Drink this, it should lessen the hangover you’ll wake up with tomorrow.”> <”Thank you.”> He said, gently taking it from you and drinking deeply. It was gone in three gulps, but he didn’t seem to mind. Placing the cup down by his thigh, he held his hand out for a towel, which you handed over willingly. With a sigh, Tsu’tey heaved himself off of the wall and began to wipe himself down. 
For a while, neither of you spoke. Tsu’tey busied himself with getting the worst of the rain off and removing his weapons, whilst you bundled up the soaked towels to be dealt with later and strode back and forth from the sink to refill his glass. By the time he deemed himself ‘dry’, Tsu’tey somehow looked even more tired.
<”Right, you’re sleeping in my bunk tonight.”> You instructed, taking the last towel off his hands and adding it to the pile. <”God, it’s feels like it’s been forever since we cuddled like this.”> You motioned to your current body with a cheeky smile, which seemed to have the opposite effect on your mate. <”Do you want to talk about why you’re really here?”> You offered, to which Tsu’tey schooled his expression into a firm scowl. <“No.”> <“You sure. You’re stressed and I want to help you if I can, but I can’t if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”>
<”It’s nothing.”> He deflected, before adding. <”It’s stupid.”> <”Which is it?”> You prodded, knowing from his expression that he was almost there. With another push or two, he would explain and you’d both be able to sleep better tonight. <”It sounds important.”>
He glared with no real heat, but didn’t deny it. 
<”You didn’t come here because of the flowers, did you?”> He sighed, <”no. It is about what Jake said at the feast.”>
The quiet admission gave you pause. His eyes were burning now with a hurricane of anxiety and fear. It was clear that Jake’s drunken confession hadn’t only unsettled Neytiri.
<”About the consciousness transfer?”> 
<”Yes.”> <”What about it?”> Tsu’tey tensed as if expecting a blow, to which you retreated a step and kept your expression neutral. <”Please, I want to hear your opinion on it.”>
<”You do?”> <”Yes, you are my mate.”> You flickered your gaze down to your wrist, the one with the spiral from his kuru carved into the skin. Delicately, you ran a thumb across the mark, allowing a nostalgic feeling to flicker to life in your chest. <”And this would affect you as much as me. I want to know what you think about it.”> <”Okay.”> Tsu’tey said quietly. <”I don’t want you to do it.”>  
He paused again, studying your face for a reaction, to which you gave none. 
<”I don’t want you to change.”> He added, averting his eyes as if the admission was a shameful thing to give voice to. <”We’ve only just truly begun to understand and trust each other, and we’re happy. We’re finally happy, and life is good. And now,”> he swallowed, <”now I’m terrified it’s going to be ripped away. The Sky People tried to take you from me twice, and both times they failed. But Eywa, if she takes you, I can’t do anything, and that terrifies me. I don’t care if you’re like this. I don’t care that you’re alien and different. That you dreamwalk during the day and sleep here at night. It doesn’t bother me anymore. And I don’t want to lose it. This. Us. It’s too important to me!
<”I love you in your avatar, yes. I love hunting with you, and riding pa’li together, and messing around because we’re equal in strength. But I also love coming here and being with you whilst you tend to the compound. I love our size difference, I love how you don’t back down from me. I love being able to hold you for hours. I love when you braid my hair and I love that I can carry you around like you weigh nothing. And I love being able to connect with you through Tsaheylu. But most of all, I just don’t want you to leave, not if you don’t have to.”> He swallowed audibly before forcefully composing himself. <“But I also know that that is simply a risk of the procedure, and this is not in fact my decision to make. I understand that. And if going through with the transfer will make you happy, I will support you.”> 
<”You would.”> His eyes shone as he finally glanced up and met your gaze. <”Undoubtable, Yawne.”> He said with enough conviction to convince you immediately. If you really wanted to, he would support you. <”Whatever you want to do with your avatar, I will be by your side the entire time.”>
Something within you crumbled like an origami crane under the tightening of a god’s fist. Your carefully schooled expression shattered as a boat load of stress and unresolved tension swept off of you. Tsu’tey’s expression morphed into alarm, his hands coming up to hold you as half-thought out apologies began to tumble out of his mouth.
<”Yawne, I-”>
You hugged him before he could say anything stupid. It was a stretch to reach his neck, even with him sat down, but you managed by standing on your tiptoes. <”You beautiful, wonderful, perfect man you.”> You praised as you cupped his cheeks and kissed his pliant lips. All at once his concern morphed into confusion. 
<”I love you.”> You exclaimed happily as your vision grew misty. There was laughter bubbling up in your throat from the force of your relief. Laughter which made it hard to keep peppering him in kisses. You tried regardless.
<”Eywa, how I love you.”> You continued, revelling in how Tsu’tey’s pupils swelled from the claim. <”My other half. My thoughtful, amazing mate.”> Tsu’tey spluttered under the onslaught of affection and praise, his cheeks flushing gorgeously. <”I’m not going anywhere.”> You promised, <”I refuse to if there’s even a chance I won’t be able to get back to you.”> 
You promptly released his cheeks to wrap him in a hug. Wrapping your arms around his neck as you cuddled in close. Automatically, one of his large hands came up to steady you, the weight of it stretching across the span of your neck, as sure and comforting as it had always been. He was too starstruck to respond. 
<”I don’t need the stupid avatar.”> You said, rambling now. <”I See that now. I don’t need to transfer to be one of the clan. Just as you’ve always said.”> 
Tsu’tey’s grip tightened. He curled around you, taking deep steadying breaths as the tension he’d been carrying finally slipped away. You hadn’t noticed during the feast, but after Jake’s confession he hadn’t managed to completely relax into the same headspace he’d been in beforehand. Now, you could hear the relief in his voice as he swallowed loudly. <”I am glad.”> He murmured, and you knew he meant it. With great strength he pulled himself back so he could look down at you, those golden eyes alight with relief and adoration. Gently, he leaned down and knocked your foreheads together as he had done countless times before. <”And I love you too, you infuriating little creature. I wouldn’t change you for anything.”> 
Abently, you slid your hand up to one of his fringe braids before tucking it behind his ear. Tsu’tey pressed into the action, causing the braid to fall back where it was, and its ruby red bead to catch the artificial light. 
<”Your braids need to be redone.”> You comment simply, giving the hair a light twirl. His roots were beginning to grow out, whereas some of the shorter strands were beginning to escape from the beads.
Tsu’tey’s eyes flickered from the bead tipped braid with a thoughtful hum. <”Well, it is a good thing you seemed to be itching for something to do. Just make sure the partings are straight, I would like to take you up on that offer to share your bunk.”> You let out an indignant noise. <”My partings are always straight.”> Tsu’tey pulled a face. <”Debatable.”> You scoffed, <”and what happened to me being an awful braider?”> <”People can improve.”> Tsu’tey teased, to which you flicked the braid you were holding into his eye. Your mate only grinned before carefully rising to his feet. He still had to stoop to fit inside the compound, but it was nowhere near as awkward of a stance for him as it had once been. With a soft smile, he extended his hand to you, which you took without hesitation. Together, you walked towards the bunk room. 
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Previous Chapter <- Act 9
Sequel with the addition of son!Spider now available on Ao3 here!
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xan-izme · 1 year
Avatar James Camron Master list
(Mainly platonic)
Sully fam:
"Crybaby"(Dad!Jake x Daughter!reader) Summary: Reader has always been a crybaby. Sensitive and had a soft spot for all living life. Jake disliked how sensitive you always were, he sent you out on your own for a month and came back a cold-blooded killer.
"Bad Guy" (Dad!Jake X Villian Daughter)
Summary: Jake didn't just leave you on a rotting planet, he did so much more. He barely showed his fatherly side to you, he was on Marin mode 24/7. The night before he left was what pushed you to the edge, after 7 years of him not returning, was your braking point. He left you, his own daughter and betrayed his own race. If he can do that, what's wrong with leaving behind your own humanity?
Metkayina Fam:
"Protector" (metkayina fam x daughter reader)
Summary: The eldest daughter of Ronal is very protective, so when the Sully's arrived, trust that her dislike for them were bigger than both her mothers and little brother.
You Give Me Strength (Tsu'tey x Adopted daughter reader)
Summary: You are a daughter of an avatar who was with Jake on becoming one of the people. When he passed during the war, Tsu'tey took you in as his own and honor your father, who he saw as his friend, by raising you to become a great warrior.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
🪷 — Forever : Parted
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୭ ˚. Pairing : Widow!JakeSully x fem!na'vi!reader 
୭ ˚. summary : request
୭ ˚. Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3
୭ ˚. Song : Happiness is simple
୭ ˚. Warning : angst, age gap, hurt, no comfort, death of a major character, blood , gun shots, mildly graphic, mourning, sadness, heartbreak, little platonic fluff , hate from Jake if you squint, kinda open ending?
୭ ˚. Word count : 3.4k , not proof read
"word" - dialogue , ** word ** - flashback
୭ ˚. Note : Tsu'tey is alive bitches!!!! No one dies in my world (hehe🤭 except for one in this fic 😭)
୭ ˚. Extras : This is my first ever series, i did the best i could, not gonna lie i cried myself too, idk if y'all would like it or not so please leave your views ☺️🫶🏼
୭ ˚. Glossary : [Ma'sa'nok] - my mother, [Ma'sempul] - my father, [Palulukan] - Thanator, [sa'nu] - mom,  [tsaheylu] - neural bond , [paysyul] - water flower, [öeya tsmuke] - my sister (possesive)
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Laughter filled out of the Olo'eyktan's tent, children zooming in and out as flashes of blue and cream ran across the clearing in front of the tent, life was simple, neytiri sat near the fire, the meat slowly braising inside the pot, vapors of the seasoning wafting throughout the premises, Jake was sprawled in his hammock for once enjoying the day off as tsu'tey took over for the rest till eclipse, his sleep was interrupted as lo'ak jumped on top of his chest wheezing any air left in his lungs as Jake caught his son while coughing, neteyam, kiri and spider laughing as the old man was in distress, clearly enjoy the view neytiri adjusted her hold on tuk, who was strapped to her chest, shaking her head she turned back to the stew.
Footsteps were heard as y/n walked into the leaders tent, all the children ran towards her screaming their lungs out "Aunty y/n!!!!!" As she was tackled to the ground , her pouch filled with various trinkets fell aside as she hugged the group of kids on top of her giving them all a tight squeeze, finally Letting her go, she brought out the pouch giving them each a piece she collected or made , neteyam got a armband, lo'ak and kiri got lots of beads made or picked specially for them by their aunt y/n, spider got a new necklace which he took and went running to show it to norm and max, chuckling at their antiques she got up from the ground dusting herself as she made her way towards neytiri
~ y/n pov ~
I sat down beside Neytiri taking the little tuk from her wrap, she cooed as she looked at me, big golden eyes and soft little nose twitched now and then, even though I say i do not have favorites! Really i don't but this small bundle of joy will definitely get whatever she wants with simple boo boo eyes and I'm not ready for her to use it as weapon against me
Today was Jake and neytiri's date night as he says so, I'll be looking over the children for them, neytiri still hesitates a bit before leaving as her motherly instincts are still up, not because she doesn't trusts me, just because it's the first time leaving tuk after giving birth to her, she was like this with neteyam, lo'ak and kiri as well, i give her a reassuring smile as i say "tiri, i have taken care of them countless of times, what's one more addition to that? It's better than what lo'ak used to do anyways" with that Jake took neytiri's hand laughing at the joke, as they took off on their ikrans , turning around and looking at the kids i couldn't help but remember my childhood with neytiri…
My parents were respected warriors and hunters of the clan, but life is not always joyous, the day i was born , ma sa'nok passed away giving birth to me so mo'at took me under her wing even being 5 years younger than neytiri she never let me feel secluded, she would always take me with her everywhere she went, sylwanin used to say "eywa knew if these two were to be real sisters they would have already claimed the entire land as their own by the time they both pass their iknimaya"
No matter what anyone says neytiri was , is and always be my sister, not by blood but by soul, after i turned 6, ma sempul was attacked by a palulukan in the end loosing his life due to extreme blood loss, and the Olo'eyktan's family took me in completely, neytiri stood by my side through everything, after that incident, if we were seen together everywhere now we became inseparable, attached to the hip if you must , years passed and still the bond stayed the same.
Matching tops to communal festivals, matching beads in our hair, having the same hairstyles and even have the same hoop earrings, she was the sun to my moon, mo'at was more than happy to see her girls happy together and then came in Jake sully as everything went downhill, with her bringing him to the clan, mating with him even when she was promised to tsu'tey , she had expressed her disdain about being promised to tsu'tey after sylwanin died in the RDA attack but it was final even i couldn't do anything, tsu'tey's rage for Jake betrayal, neytiri pouncing on him to protect Jake, everything was just falling apart, the war left a big abyss in everyone's life, we almost lost tsu'tey that day, and i couldn't forget the feeling of his blood on my hands as i sew him up, the hours of praying to eywa finally coming to an end as everyone was settled over, no one can ever forget that day to their dying breath..
Soon Jake was chosen as the Olo'eyktan as he became the toruk makto, tsu'tey his right hand man, life turned for good when neytiri found out about her pregnancy, never have i seen the clan so happy in my life, that day was as cherished as neytiri was, my heart swelled as i got the new honor of being an aunt, the day i held neteyam in my arms i thought I'd die from happiness itself, neytiri smiled from the cot she was laying on after hours of labor she was utterly exhausted but still she clasped my arm as i looked at her as she said " promise me öeya tsmuke, if something were to ever happen to me, you'll take care of my children and Jake" i looked at her flabbergasted "nothing is gonna happen to you ,tiri, you'll be alright" i knew she was saying this because of the near death experience she just went through but even the thought of losing her was unbearable, "promise me y/n, please" and in that moment i didn't know what to do so i promised her….. which turned out to be a curse as of now-
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Blood dripped down my fingers as my hands were shaking with my mind still in denial as i sew up the cuts and gashes on her body, my desperate state causing the needle to slip as i cussed doing my best to not just breakdown right then and there, tears pricked my eyes, blurring my vision but i pushed everything back, cleared my mind as i worked beside mo'at, she wasn't doing any better than i was….
** Today was the first raid after last week's fiasco, the humans tricked the bombs, blasting many of our na'vi soldiers, the healing tents were filled with injured, i worked nights on end without rest to tend to them, but now was a different situation, they have made a fool proof plan, as i sat in the healing tent praying for everyone's safe return when the horns blared signaling the arrival of the war party i immediately got into action checking the salves and pastes when i heard a cry i prayed i would never hear "Y/N, MO'AT! Y/N? ARE YOU HERE- y/n quick- please do something!" My mind went blank as i saw Neytiri with blood pouring out of her torso as many bullets had pierced her while some were embedded, a long gash ran down her arm and stomach, i felt like time slowed down , my body automatically moving into action but my brain wasn't even thinking straight, it felt like i was underwater no air to breathe but my limbs were acting on their own to break the surface of the water, me and mo'at did our fucking best, removing the bullets but the blood loss was extensive, even if the logical part of me knew she won't make it, something in me held onto the hope that it'll all be okay…… Nothing was okay**
Tears lined my eyes, some Falling down freely as everything crumbled apart in my hands, Jake was screaming, mo'at was silent, as neytiri looked at me her eyes glassy as stopped me from the stitching grabbing my hand bringing it to her chest as she heaved out with difficulty "y- y/n , remem- remember our promise-" i couldn't even comprehend her words as sobs came right after, it was like all the air was sucked out of me as i shook my head but she went on " take car-" she was cut short with a cough as blood spilled out, my mind zeroed as i wipe it but she stopped me again, holding me firmly, even in her dying state her grip was just as strong as before " take care of- of them, for me, plea-" before i could even respond the life in her eyes flickered out like a dying flame, a screaming bubbled in my throat as it tumbled out but it was nothing compared to the man who sat besides his mate's dead body, no one on earth or Pandora has seen Jake sully scream for his love as he did now, the whole of omaticaya silenced at the sceams of a mate losing his other half, everything felt numb, like a void that sucked everything inn, leaving the man to grieve in private i stumbled out but my legs failed me as i crashed into the ground, sobs wrecking my body and i doubled over my knees, letting everything out, i lost my mentor, my rock, my sun more importantly my tsmuke, everything blurred over as i felt hands touch my shoulder but i didn't care who it was but the next i knew i was being engulfed in a hug, the warmth did nothing to soothe the cold that wrapped around me as i sobbed, a void in my chest that could never be filled again, seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours as i got up from my spot outside the healing tent, mo'at was seated beside me, she was fast asleep after all the crying that was done, i looked inside as Jake was still besides neytiri, my already fractured heart broke a thousand pieces at the scene, i turned around not wanting to look at Jake's mournful cries but i was met with the faces that will haunt me forever…….
Sitting down inside their Hut as everyone hugged me tight as they all cried for their mother, tuk hugged my neck asking what was going on but i couldn't even bring myself to answer that question before breaking into tears as they all slowly drifted into sleep but i sat there staring at the ceiling , silent tears flowing non- stop.
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I stood a little behind Jake as they lowered neytiri into the small hole dug into the hometree as she finally United with the great mother, tears smeared my cheeks as i watched, the peaceful look on her face can almost trick anyone into thinking she was asleep if they didn't know better, goosebumps running down my body as i watched Jake choke back on his sobs, he was the strongest man I've ever known and seeing him like that makes me want to hurl my stomach out, i walked forward gently throwing the flower petals onto her body, after me as did everyone else, as mo'at started chanting to eywa i couldn't take it as i turned around and speed walked myself into my tent as i curled into a ball and cried till there was nothing left, all that left behind was a husk, even though my mind knew she was gone, gone forever and never coming back, my heart still denied it, this was not how it was supposed to be, she was supposed to be here laughing and enjoying as we all ate together, not like this, all cold with no sense of warmth to ever return too, not like this with no one to turn when you have a problem, no one to hug when you have a bad day, no one… no one there to share your presence with…
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A few months have passed on, Jake had thrown himself into work, working his emotions into war plans, his appearance becoming tattered more then ever but no one dared to question him, there were way too many raids throughout the week, warriors were getting exhausted but didn't once complaint as they went through every raid, more were getting injured but no word was spoken as it went on, but what did catch my eye was his behavior was just as same towards neteyam and lo'ak as it was towards the actual warriors, always making them do task way above their league as he walked away going into the war tent, sighing i knew if i intervened right now Jake would punish the boys even more but i couldn't just sit around seeing them miserable, as i got to them, they stopped in their tracks tensing up but when they saw who it was all tension faded away, as i opened my arms and they both stumbled into the hug, i squeezed them tight giving them both a kiss on their forehead as i told them " finish you work and come home, I'll make your favorite dinners" as they both smiled nodding and going to do their work with a renewed power.
After the food was done i got up wiping myself of the sweat , turning around i saw tuk laying in the hammock, it wasn't her laying down that concerned me, it was the sniffles i heard, as i walked over to her bending down a bit as i caressed her hair "tuk, sweetheart, what is wrong?" I got in beside her as she held onto me, her nose pressed into my neck as i felt her tears fall on my shoulder, i just rubbed her back , finally calming down i asked once again "what is wrong baby?" She sniffled before answering " is mommy never going to come back?" And my heart shattered hearing those words, how was I even supposed to explain to her what death was? But i tried my best " you see, when people grow old, they become weak, that's when the great mother calls them back to her so they can all rest in peace, we are all eywa's children, we all return back to her, but when they get their eywa's love is so strong they all stay there, you mommy is there as well, she's at peace and is watching over us, as the time comes we'll all meet her eventually" tuk just stared at me with big wide eyes as she processed the information, nodding she said "then i hope i see eywa as soon as possible" now it was my turn to stare at her with wide eyes " No, paysyul, you cannot do that, you'll see her when the time comes not before or after " giving me a nod of understanding she plopped her head right into my neck yet again clutching me close, few minutes later she was passed out cold as i held her close, neteyam and lo'ak got back as they looked at me , giving me smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes, i knew Jake had scolded them yet again, sighing i carefully placed tuk into the hammock, mentally remembering to feed her later, as i helped the boys to serve, while they ate their dinner i said "you boys stay here for a while, I'm going to your grandmother's to help her" they just nodded while lo'ak also gave me a thumbs up, smiling i made my way towards the healing tent.
As i got in, i saw kiri and mo'at talking, mo'at smiled as i entered "ahh ma child, come come" kiri looked up and smiled, squatting beside her i spoke "kiri, go home now, you've helped enough, i have made dinner, eat something, I'll handle this from here" she just looked down for a moment then nodding as she got up bidding a quick bye she went out, neytiri's passing was a lot harder on the girl, as she already didn't have grace now her, she became really quite talking only to me , mo'at and spider , as i got to work, i saw mo'at was a bit quieter than usual , eyeing her a few times i broke the silence as it was getting too much "what is it ma sa'nok? You seem quieter than usual" she turned to face me, her face a bit paler than usual as well, i got worried by the passing seconds of silence, she opened her mouth to speak but didn't, worried i asked again "sa'nu are you alright? Do you need anything?" As if with newfound confidence, her next sentence broke the ground i stood on "you are to mate with toruk makto, there has been a sign from eywa and it shall be done as soon as possible " as i processed her words the only thing leaving my mouth was "WhAt?!" And i was ready to bet the entirety of omaticaya heard me in that moment, she just looked at me with a calm expression repeating the words again, "you are to be mated to Jake Sully and there will be no exceptions" i just stared at her dumbfounded, without listening anything more i walked out, not wanting to hear another word…….
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I sat at the edge of the lake me and tiri used to come too, dangling my legs into the water, flicking it now and then sighing, i mulled over what mo'at said , closing my eyes i reeled over the thoughts of tuk, kiri, lo'ak and neteyam, their faces zooming through my mind , groaning i knew i had to say yes, not just because of the sign eywa had showed but due to my promise to neytiri, my head hung down as i was lost in thoughts, finally hardening my heart, i walked back towards the healing tent, praying all goes smoothly, walking inside i saw eywa has turned her back to me, standing right in front of me with his back to me was Jake sully himself, inhaling a deep breath, calming my heart, i walked forward, mo'at seeing me smiled as Jake turned, his figure towering over me, his look almost looked murderous, i just hoped it wasn't towards me , my tail fell between my legs, i spoke "i agree for the union" Jake's head snapped to mine as he almost broke it, his annoyance evident as he said "you can't be serious right now? You really want to do that to neytiri!!?" My heart sunk at the words we haven't spoken after that day in the tent, now i don't even know if this was even worse but i kept my opinion firm as i turned to him, fear lingered but i bit down on it " i said i am ready for the union, i promised Neytiri and i won't let it down" he flashed his fangs at me but i kept stotic, mo'at took her que to leave as her work to get the word across was done, Jake gritted "you will take that back right now" , "it is eywa's will, we can't run from it Jake, it has to be done or it won't be good for any of us if the great mother herself is angered" i said, "so you're ready to give yourself up to a man who won't even look at you with what a mate should look?" I winced at the words but i knew i had to keep her promise as i nodded, he had a look of disbelief on his face but he took a breathe looking at me with a serious face he said the words that rocked my world " if that's your decisions then here's mine, i won't make tsaheylu with you, nor will i give you what a mate can give you but i will respect and protect you and that's my words but do not expect anything more from me" he scoffed and stormed out of the tent, i just crumbled to the floor bringing my knees close to my chest as i curled up on myself, repeating on and on that this was for good and for the Better future of the kids but my heart mourned for MY future as it saw everything crash down into ash….
I got up , chin held high, if the future I saw for myself wasn't going to happen then I'll make a different one and make it happen, for myself, for Neytiri as I walked out of the tent ready to face the cruel fate I was destined too…
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A/n : i just finished this and i couldn't believe i wrote upto 3k, like i get bored to write 200 words essay and now I'm writing these big ass fics, I'm like 🥹😭🫣 anyway if you wanna be tagged then please go see the pinned post on my blog 💙🫶🏼
Yawne : @elriel-4-ever, @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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plzfeedmebread · 2 years
☆.。.:*The All Fic Masterlist.。.:*☆
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Hello everyone! Figured I should make one of these since I plan to flood this place with all of my nonsense! Will update is I write more! So please feel free to ask me if you have any requests for x reader! I'll also right any pairings you like, except Quaritch, he belongs to reader >:)))
🔄 - ongoing
✅ - completed
🔞 - adult only content - mostly pertaining to smut - MINORS DON'T YOU DARE
🌸 - family friendly, hand holding, fluff, romance no smut, platonic etc.
Else please leave a comment on the relevant fic you specifically want to be pinged for :)
🔄🔞 The Lie of Providence - Recom/Na'vi Miles Quaritch x Sully! Female! Na'vi Reader
🔄🔞Revenant - Colonel Miles Quaritch x Female! Wife! Reader
✅ 🔞To Ask so Casually - Recom! Na'vi Colonel Miles Quaritch x Recom! Female! Na'vi Reader
✅ 🔞What Do I Tell My Friends Family? - Human/Recom Miles Quaritch x Sully! Female! Na'vi Reader
✅🌸Red Rivers Run Deep - Human Miles Quaritch x Human! Female! Reader
✅🔞Hold My Hand and Never Let Go - Jake Sully x Omatikaya! Female! Na'vi Reader
✅🔞Scorching - Jake Sully x Female! Na'vi Reader
✅🔞Where'd You Learn That? - Tsu'tey x Female! Human! Reader
✅🌸Resplendent- Neteyam Sully x Female! Metkayina! Na'vi Reader
✅🌸 - Jealousy? You Wear it Well - Ao'nung x Omatikayan! Sully! Female! Na'vi Reader
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moonchildxoxx · 1 year
My request are open
My blog is 18+ MDNI and if you'er under 18 get out
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Please read this before sending any requests in, if I see a request that don’t follow my guidelines, it'll be deleted.
My Master List
Who I'II write for!
* Avatar + Atwow - Jake Sully, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo’ak, Tuk ( Platonic only!), Spider ( Platonic Only!), Tonowari, Ronal, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Rotxo,
Avatar: frontiers of Pandora-So’lek , Eetu , Nor
- All can be either platonic or romantic requests.
- Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo are all aged up in my NSFW fics
What I'II write!
- Pregnancy, marriage/mates, friends to lovers, soulmates/fated mates. enemies to lovers, enemiesto friends to lovers, second chance, childhood friends to lovers, monogamous/poly ( no more then reader and 2 characters) insecurities, jealousy, etc.
(If you want to see something that isn’t on my what I’ll write/ won’t write you please definitely ask if I can write it in my inbox)
- fem!reader Only
- Kinks - light bdsm, breeding kink, dom!character, sub!reader, praise kink, lactation kink, and pregnancy ykink. ( if you don't see a kink here, you can always ask me to see what I'm okay with writing.)
What I won't write
-Colonel Quaritch and his team
- female characters x female reader ( but I will write them in a platonic manner or if they’re along with a male ex: Jake x Reader x Neytiri, Tonowari x Reader x Ronal )
-Rape, self-harm, death, su!c!de/su!c!dal thoughts, incest/ stepcest/pseudo cest, gore, eating disorders, heavy trauma, heavy violence, sexual assault, underage sex, and non-consensual activity
-Kinks - heavy bdsm, age regression, foot fetishes, piss/feces kink, Anal/Anilingus, Pegging, DDLC, knife play, and gun play.
Again if I see any of these in my inbox, they'll be deleted.
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