#playboy russia
jodyxowens · 10 months
Blood Rave out now
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seymour-butz-stuff · 5 months
There are no more dog whistles. No code words. No efforts to hide the truth. When it comes to democracy, Republicans are against it. Trump: We’ve been waging an all out war on American democracy pic.twitter.com/4YQDfsvTwi— Acyn (@Acyn) December 2, 2023 That little nugget may have been just one of the endless series of mistakes, slip-ups, and misstatements that the media seems willing to overlook when it comes to Donald Trump. But even if that’s the case, you don’t have to go far to understand what Trump has in mind for America. There’s “Agenda47,” where Trump promises to expand the death penalty, end birthright citizenship, and create giant “tent cities” for homeless people. And there’s the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which lays out plans to destroy the Department of Justice and replace tens of thousands of career federal employees with conservatives pledged to Trump’s will. But this past week, it seems that major media outlets woke up enough to realize that whistling past the Chancellery may not be the best idea. As The New York Times reported on Monday, Trump’s plan for moving the country into authoritarian control is now more sophisticated, and the systems that are supposed to safeguard democracy have all been weakened. It’s not that Trump hasn’t always been a radical fan of authoritarian rule. “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it,” Donald J. Trump said in an interview with Playboy magazine the year after the massacre. “Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak.” It’s just that the first time around, Trump seemed unprepared for the idea that he couldn’t just step into the Oval Office and begin enjoying the despotic freedom of a Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin. This time, Trump and his allies seem to be pulling out all the stops to ensure that there are no stops. Not only has Trump been mimicking the language of the Nazi Party in describing his opponents as “vermin” and fretting that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” he’s also making it clear that he intends to take actions lifted from Germany circa 1939. Republicans have made the idea of invading Mexico practically a requirement for being a candidate in 2024, and Trump has sworn to get that done. Besides getting a little American lebensraum, Trump has also threatened to send military forces to take control of “Democratic cities.” Which would be all but three of America’s 20 largest cities and almost two-thirds of the top 100.
Any student of history - hell just current events - would know that countries are at their weakest when they stand alone against the world.
Just look at how weak Russia has become as a result of standing alone. They'll be lucky to get out of 2024 without handing over their east to China.
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duca-66 · 11 months
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Incensare ad libitum no.
Da ieri a canali unificati si assiste alla celebrazione del politico Berlusconi. L'apologia è servita. Di seguito alcune gaffes istituzionali dello statista Berlusconi. Buona lettura.
8 febbraio 2002: siamo a Caceres, in Spagna, in occasione del vertice dei ministri degli esteri europei. Berlusconi, durante la foto ufficiale, fa le corna. Il premier si giustifica affermando: “Volevo far ridere un gruppo di boy-scout che assisteva”.
4 ottobre, conferenza stampa con il primo ministro danese e presidente di turno dell’Ue, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Berlusconi approfitta e scherza sulla vita privata del diplomatico: “Rasmussen è il primo ministro più bello dell’Europa. Penso di presentarlo a mia moglie perché è anche più bello di Cacciari. Con tutto quello che si dice in giro…”
2 luglio 2003, il leader italiano risponde così al deputato tedesco, Martin Schultz, che lo aveva criticato su conflitto d’interessi e giustizia: “Signor Schultz in Italia c’è un produttore che sta preparando un film sui campi di concentramento nazisti. La proporrò per il ruolo di kapò”
22 giugno 2005 all’apertura dell’Authority alimentare dell’Ue a Parma, Berlusconi sostiene di “aver usato anche le sue armi da playboy per convincere la presidente finlandese” Tarja Hatonen a lasciare all’Italia la nuova istituzione europea, a cui ambiva la stessa Finlandia.
18 aprile del 2008 l’ex presidente del Consiglio italiano riesce a far piangere una cronista. Durante una conferenza stampa congiunta fra Putin e Berlusconi una giornalista russa chiede al suo presidente se fosse vero che intendesse divorziare e aggiunge “Non pensa a sua figlia che oltretutto vive all’estero?”. Mentre Putin è intento a rispondere, il Cavaliere fa un gesto scherzoso verso la cronista, mimando un colpo di mitra. La donna a fine conferenza scoppia in lacrime, visto che nel periodo la Russia contava in 10 anni l’uccisione di circa 200 cronisti.
18 novembre 2008, il presidente del Consiglio, sempre Berlusconi, nell’accogliere Angela Merkel in piazza dell’Unità d’Italia, si nasconde dietro il pennone portabandiera, per poi sbucare all’improvviso facendo “cucù” all’arrivo della cancelliera.
27 febbraio 2009 quando Berlusconi sussurra, a microfoni accesi, a Sarkozy: “Io ti ho dato la tua donna”.
4 aprile 2009, Berlusconi si fa attendere da Angela Merkel. Sul ponte del Reno il premier italiano è impegnato in una lunga telefonata, mentre la cancelliera lo attende per accoglierlo alla cerimonia per 160 anni della Nato.
10 settembre 2009, il primo ministro italiano è in compagnia dell’omologo spagnolo Zapatero. Un giornalista si rivolge a Berlusconi chiedendogli se avesse mai pensato di dimettersi a causa del presunto giro di prostituzione in cui sarebbe coinvolto. Il premier non ha peli sulla lingua e stizzito attacca: “È invidioso eh? Abbiamo molte turiste straniere che hanno prenotato le vacanze del prossimo anno” e poi ancora “Vedo che lei legge solo L’Unità e La Repubblica, complimenti”.
23 novembre 2011 Silvio Berlusconi arriva in ritardo al vertice Nato di Lisbona. La versione ufficiale parla di problemi di traffico aeroportuale, fonti sostengono che il premier fosse al telefono con Mara Carfagna, che minacciava di lasciare Il partito.
La tensione tra Italia e Germania è arrivata a sfiorare persino l’incidente diplomatico nel settembre 2011 a causa di una presunta frase offensiva del presidente di Fi con allusione sessuale (culona) contenuta in una intercettazione relativa all’inchiesta di Bari sul caso Tarantini. Il chiarimento tra i due sarebbe arrivato solo nell’ottobre del 2015, con una stretta di mano al vertice del Ppe a Madrid.
Forse la gaffe più clamorosa, che in poche ore fece il giro del mondo, invadendo le home page dei siti web, è stata quella sull’allora neo presidente Usa, Barack Obama nel 2009. «Obama? Giovane, bello e abbronzato», esordisce Berlusconi con un sorriso al termine di un incontro a Mosca con l’allora presidente russo Medvedev.
27 settembre dello stesso anno, tornando dal suo primo incontro con Obama, in occasione di un intervento alla festa nazionale della Libertà di Milano: «Vi porto i saluti di uno che si chiama… uno abbronzato… Ah, Barack Obama». E ancora: «voi non ci crederete, ma sono andati a prendere il sole in spiaggia in due, perché è abbronzata anche la moglie».
Nel settembre 2009 Berlusconi si ripete: a Washington viene accolto dai coniugi Obama e crea imbarazzo con un gesto di apprezzamento nei confronti della first lady americana, Michelle, squadrandola dalla testa ai piedi.
Altro siparietto a Londra, nell’aprile dello stesso anno, durante il G20, Berlusconi richiama l’attenzione del presidente Usa urlando "Mister Obama!" e la Regina Elisabetta si indispettisce e chiede: «What is it? Why does he have to shout?», (tradotto, "Ma cosa ha da urlare così tanto?").
Nella foto ufficiale fa le corna al ministro degli Esteri spagnolo Josep Piqué. È solo l’inizio di uno show: davanti ai cronisti si leva una scarpa e la fa loro esaminare per dimostrare che «non è vero, come dicono, che porto i tacchi».
L’ultima gaffe in ordine di tempo è quella del maggio 2017, durante un comizio a Monza. Nel mirino la moglie del presidente francese Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte: «Macron? È un bel ragazzo, che ha una bella mamma che se lo porta sottobraccio...».
Fonti stampa.
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reality-detective · 9 months
Thinking that there is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW# but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.
What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world. Q showed us them. Vatican, Buchinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. What about Russia?
Another Post from WhipLash347
Big Pharma in Wuhan = Isreal
Isreal/Khazarians controls CCP.
The Media etc
34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall.
Rods of God
WORLDWIDE over the coming days to Easter. Ending of Biblical Period.
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free energy
34 Satan buildings & dams bombed
Bitcoin Servers trued off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via Military Courts
Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.
Attached is Q1871 outlining this.
Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.
Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.
Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.
This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.
Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time.
If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.
THE EVENT has many facets too it.
The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.
They are very significant.
Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.
This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto's will be removed from existence with the event.
Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)
Tomorrow free money stops for backs. Bonds sell of to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event...stay safe.
Are we still comfy ?
Or are we scared ?
A little bit of both is normal.
Trump keeps his promises.
Have faith in the Lord Our God.
He will comfort you through the storm.
Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force?
Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too.
If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.
Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place.
Defender Europe 21 covering Europe & Africa.
Australia has one same time as Defender Europe. US just announced involvement.
Its all happening in front of you.
It's a GLOBAL MILITARY Operation
Transition to Gesara.
Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.
- Benjamin Fulford
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katebishopofearth · 5 months
I know this is out of nowhere but do you have any tonynat fic snippets you can share with us? I really love your writing 🥹
Ahhhhh this ask means so much to me you don't even understand 🥹
Here's... a thing...? that started out as a response to a prompt from a million years ago, it takes place in a Hollywood AU, but in order to write for that AU I obviously had to develop the entire elaborate backstory, after which... I did not finish writing for the prompt I am so sorry 😭 it's in the works I promise
But for now, here's the backstory:
In the glamorous world of Hollywood, money alone wasn't enough to open doors. You also needed status and fame, the ephemeral currencies of Hollywood.
And Tony Stark was nothing if not Hollywood royalty. He grew up in the limelight, the only child of celebrated actors Howard and Maria Stark. He had cameos in blockbusters before he could walk, became a leading man at the age of sixteen, and made a name for himself as not only a brilliant actor but also a notorious playboy following in his father's footsteps. Everywhere he went he had a different girl on his arm, he courted the affections of a handful of men, and when an interviewer asked him about settling down, he shrugged off the idea with his trademark devil-may-care smirk.
Natasha Romanoff found it all rather amusing. Because for a year now, Tony Stark hadn't been going home to his sprawling beachside mansion with a carousel of beautiful and interchangeable men and women. He had been going home to her cozy townhouse, cooking dinner in her kitchen, and spending his evenings curled up with her on her couch.
It had started as a chance encounter at the friend of a friend's, which led to an evening of lively, engaging conversation over drinks. He had seen her debut movie, which came out eight months ago, a small indie picture about two sisters that made barely a splash critically or in the box office. But he had seen it, and he had some surprisingly deep and pointed insights into it. It proved to her that there was a brain behind all his bravado, and broke through any reservations she might have had about his status as the A-lister of A-listers.
Then Tony expressed interest in her new project, and she cast him in a supporting role. They spent a lot of time together during that project – two months in the middle of nowhere. When Natasha was deep in the mires of rewrites, shooting schedules, and editing, it was Tony who brought her a sandwich, a cup of tea, or an aspirin. Sometimes, he acted as a sounding board, letting her bounce her ideas and frustrations off him. Other times, he cajoled her into taking a break – watching old spy movies, going for a walk, or drawing her out of her hyper-focus with a lively debate over something as pointless as almond milk or the Star Wars prequels.
It was on one of these breaks, in the last two weeks of shooting, that she kissed him. It might have been in the middle of From Russia With Love, in the middle of a field at dusk, or  in the middle of a discussion about aliens. The details didn't matter – what did matter was that despite his reputation, despite the energy that fizzled between them, Tony didn't make the first move. That had always been reserved for Natasha. When she pulled back and asked him, "was that okay?" he smiled so that the edges of his eyes crinkled, and he said in wonderment, "no one's ever asked me that before", before he leaned in for another kiss. When their lips met, it was with a sense of inevitability, like they had been, all this time, finding their way to each other.
After that, the world shifted imperceptibly. It was the subtlest of paradigm shifts. Even after the shoot wrapped up and they went back to LA, and Natasha dove into the post-production phase of her film and Tony started shooting a new movie in his superhero franchise, there was no picking up their normal lives again.
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theunderneath · 27 days
Part 1 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere 1p and 2p America with a darling that chooses 1p America? (headcanons / EDITED)
2p America and 2p Canada's reaction to their s/o getting badly hurt in a car accident (Headcanon /
2p FACE + 2p Romano react to a s/o who bruise easily (Headcanon /
Yandere Canada that is a Wendigo (One Shot /
Would the 2p's still drug/tie up/lock their darling in the basement if they were in a relationship with them willingly? Could they have a normal relationship even if they are Yandere? (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Canada/James Williams and his darling fucking up the people who hurt both of them in the past (Headcanon /
2p Allies scared their Darling so bad they punched them (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Prussia SFW and NSFW headcanons (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Nordics headcanon (
Yandere 1p Allies in love with a Darling who yandere for someone else (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p and 1p Japan (
NSFW headcanons for 1p Russia (
A sociopath darling with Allies (Headcanon /
2p Norway sharing a Darling with 2p Iceland (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p Russia and 2p America (Headcanon /
2p Prussia, 1p Canada, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 1p Japan that has a big tiddie goth gf Darling (Headcanon /
1p/2p axis with a cold-hearted/sociopath Darling (Headcanon
Yandere 2p Russia, 2p England, 1p America, and 1p Germany with a darling that rejected their marriage proposal because of superstition (Headcanon /
2p Russia do if his kidnapped Darling one night comes to his room while he was asleep and cuddled to him (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Italy headcanon (
Yandere 2p Italy's favorite outfits to put a fem Darling in (Headcanon /
The most sexual vanilla p2's (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia and 2p Prussia proposing to their Darling and they turn them down (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Spain headcanons (
What 5 2ps are most baby-hungry (Headcanon /
What 2ps would want a personal Playboy bunny (headcanon /
2p Italy kink headcanons (
2p Japan with a Darling that gets flustered when he speaks Japanese (headcanon /
2p Axis most taboo kinks (Headcanon /
Part 2
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
Taking a break from writing to share what wings I think side(ish) characters in The Man From U.N.C.L.E would have!
Alexander Waverly; Commander, British Naval Intelligence
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Aquatic bird of prey! British NAVAL Intelligence! I imagine they stay pretty tense, raised and slightly puffed up at all times 😅
Adrian Sanders; CIA
American Black Vulture
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My only reasoning is because Sanders is a scavenger and vultures are scavengers. But also I feel like he would be incredibly envious of eagle-types, which he thinks Solo is, further fueling his hatred for him. "Why does this traitor, this criminal, get to be an eagle type when he's not even loyal to the US of A??"
Oleg; KGB
Demoiselle Crane
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Native to Russia, probably dangerous?? Just fits his vibe and aesthetic, honestly 😅 I think he probably uses the massive wingspan to intimidate victims (be it targets or KGB agents beneath him).
Victoria Vinciguerra; Nazi
Southern Grey Shrike
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Innocent looking murder machines. Need I say more? I almost made her a dove-type, then I remembered how not-deadly shrikes look and as I'm writing this I'm just now realizing it also fits her black and white aesthetic shown throughout the film. She tells people she's a song-bird-type, chickadee to be exact, but her victims know the truth.
Alexander Vinciguerra; Nazi Playboy Nazi-Wannabe
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Aquatic (shipping company) bird with fancy colorful plumage. I literally just went down the Wikipedia list of birds native to Italy until I found the fanciest looking bird that also goes in water sometimes lol. Very vain about his feathers, probably.
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the-fool-s · 10 months
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SMB x Worm Here they are, the whole supervillain team is assembled: Magician, plumber, secretary, spider-girl, muscle-guy and clown. Count Bleck (cape identity) - the leader of a team of supervillains, and he is also a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. Classified as Mover 3 (His main ability is teleportation, but he can also float in the air), he is also armed with his wand, created by E.G., from which he can shoot lightning at short distances and beat them if the enemy is nearby. He has a mansion in which he not only lives, but also has a base where the team is assembled. He used to be a superhero with Timpani, but after the death of his beloved, he left his superhero career. Nastasia - an immigrant who left Russia after the Endbringer attack on Moscow and its following destruction. Now she is Count's right-hand man working behind the PRT's lines. The only member of the team who does not participate in battles, instead she obtaining the necessary information that could help the team in the future (and other's PRT's secrets which she can manipulate others). Powerful hypnotic abilities also help her in this (She is not officially classified, as she is not listed as a parahuman in society). So far, no one suspects her existence as another member of the supervillain team. Unrequited in love with Count Bleck... O'Chunks - a typical "muscles instead of brains". He is the main striking force of the team. Apart from his innate physical strength, he have superpowers classified as Brute 6 (Unfortunately, PRT perceives his innate strength for superpowers, which is why he has high countermeasures), thanks to which he is able to withstand a large number of blows and damage, from which an ordinary person would have already died long ago. He used to be a military man, but his entire team died during the Behemoth attack on New York. O'Chunks was saved by Count Bleck. He is also unrequited in love with Nastasia... (oh, this love triangle) Mimi (nobody knows her real name) - a girl who used to live in one of the temporary accommodation facilities owned by Count Bleck, who invited her to join his team after learning about her superpowers. Mimi is able to transform its body into a spider-like abomination, increasing in size and becoming stronger. She can also crawl on walls and ceilings after transformation. Changer 3 (Her transformation takes a long time and it is also quite painful)), the main trump card in the sleeve of the Count's team. She likes to dress stylishly and brightly, but she can't be called a cute girl, just no. Fun fact: Mimi likes spiders and she have her own tarantula.  Dementio (cape identity) - Local trickster and prob the most chaotic member of “Pure Hearts”, cunning and clever, although he pretends to be a fool. No one has figured out how he got into the team. He is able to manipulate space on a certain area, distorting it and changing it at his discretion (Shaker 7 (PRT really hates that guy)), although Dementio uses his brains more, which is why he may be mistakenly classified as Thinker. Together with Nastasia, they arrange a brainstorming session. Well, you already know everything about Mr. L, so I'll move on to lore. The plot of AU takes place in New York, which attacked by Behemoth 8 years ago. The city survived, but it had to go through difficult times for New York to blossom again. Luigi and Mario were one of the survivors of the Endbringer attack, but unfortunately their home was destroyed and they were left orphaned... Luigi knew that Mario was working very hard to provide for both of them and in order not to feel useless, he began to try to help him. The feeling of uselessness did not go away, but at the same time he began to feel like a shadow against the background of Mario, who at the same time was popular at school and was everyone's favorite. And Luigi? "Oh! That guy in green!" Recently, conflicts between brothers have also become more frequent. The culmination of everything was the accidental disclosure that Mario was a superhero known as "Firebrand". He understood Mario was working hard for them, but- ...no. He did not want to understand anything anymore. Envy and resentment finally splashed him. He got fed up with the role of the shadow, he no longer wanted to be second. Why the hell does Mario get all the best? Why and why does everyone around him love and adore him? But Luigi was still powerless in this situation. And then he triggered. Initially, Luigi wanted to join The Wards after discovering his powers. But he remembered Mario and Luigi was afraid that he would still remain the second there. And when he made his first power-gloves, he went outside with a mask on the street, where after a while he is noticed by the "Pure Hearts" team. It was a team of villains, but he was finally noticed, he is no longer felt like a shadow. He agreed. Not immediately, but Luigi- no, Mr. L did it. He is now a part of something bigger, and in the new team he no longer feels alone. But will Luigi regret his decision in the future? It's only a matter of time.
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The Daily Dad — 2024-04-01
Things you might want to know:
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Playboy image from 1972 gets ban from IEEE computer journals ❝ Use of "Lenna" image in computer image processing research stretches back to the 1970s.
The T-Mobile Sidekick’s Jump button made mobile multitasking easy 💭 I always liked the Sidekick, but I ultimately settled on a Palm Treo… the app ecosystem was solid on PalmOS. Of course, it took about six months for iPhoneOS to surpass it, so there wasn’t as much difference as I thought in the moment.
The Walking Dead is building to something — but it’s not clear what ❝ Is the future of The Walking Dead… The Walking Dead divided into three shows?
Ryan Williams Mindbreaking BMX Free Willy ❝ Ryan Williams is an Australian scooter and BMX rider who does wild tricks that make me nervous. In 2013 he perfected a back flip w
Lawsuit from Elon Musk’s X against anti-hate speech group dismissed by US judge 💭 Knowing that Elon doesn’t even notice the cost of his frivolity takes away any satisfaction in his frequent legal losses.
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The Facebook 'Poke' is being revived by Gen Z 💭 What the hell, Gen Z? You’ll just unironically click anything out of boredom, won’t you? What’s next? Will we go back to hazzing cheezburgers, only this time the photos will all be AI-generated pictures of animals actually having cheeseburgers?
'App Lock' lets you protect and hide any app on your iPhone ❝ iOS provides developers with an API to lock apps with Face ID or Touch ID. However, not every app has...
Stephen Bear to pay £27k over illegal sex tape of Georgia Harrison ❝ The 34-year-old is told to pay back the money he made from illegally sharing sexual footage.
Yellowstone actor "kicked off" plane because he didn’t want to sit next to masked passenger 💭 Is there anyone on Yellowstone who isn’t an asshole?
A Marijuana Boom Led Her to Oklahoma. Then Anti-Drug Agents Seized Her Money and Raided Her Home. ❝ A year after authorities arrested Qiu He, the Chinese immigrant has yet to be charged with a crime. She and others say anti-Asian bias plays a role in the state’s crackdown on the pot industry: “I don’t feel secure here.”
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How Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke's Queer, Non-Traditional Marriage Inspired 'Drive-Away Dolls' ❝ “Being married to Ethan and being queer, there’s always a little disconnect sometimes,” Cooke said in a recent interview.
The creators of 3 Body Problem want to have ‘a back and forth’ with the book 💭 That’s a fun way to say “we didn’t know what to do with it, so we ‘fixed’ it.”
A Deepfake Nude Generator Reveals a Chilling Look at Its Victims ❝ WIRED reporting uncovered a site that “nudifies” photos for a fee—and posts a feed appearing to show user uploads. They included photos of young girls and images seemingly taken of strangers.
A Lawyer Abandoned Family and Career to Follow the Voices in His Head - The Wall Street Journal ❝ Rob Dart took a fast track to the American dream until mental illness turned his brilliant mind against him.
Homeland Security reportedly raids Sean “Diddy” Combs’ houses in L.A. and Miami ❝ Combs has been hit with several lawsuits over the last few months
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'Spermworld': Hulu Documentary Looks at Facebook Sperm Donors ❝ In Hulu documentary 'Spermworld,' director Lance Oppenheim looks at sperm donors and prospective parents using Facebook groups to connect.
Never-before-seen data wiper may have been used by Russia against Ukraine ❝ AcidRain, discovered in 2022, is tied to AcidPour. Both are attributed to Russia.
Jeffrey Jones' face might be in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, but the rest of him isn't ❝ A rep for the Beetlejuice and Ferris Bueller actor, who was forced to register as a sex offender in 2003, confirmed that Jones does not appear in the film
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
Please tell me more about your salad-eating dad.
Well he's about eighty now and he's a bit set in his ways as they say about people that hold a lotta stereotyped ideas about women and POC, which honestly I still have trouble reconciling with the diversity of his friends and the frankly unbelievable amount of beautiful women he pulled. Man's always been one big cup of respect women juice away from getting to live the rest of his life with an astonishingly beautiful and brilliant woman with a medical career and that's on him. Twice divorced. Kinda looks like a shorter, more square version of Mr. Clean.
I think he was granted secret fae glamour because he literally can make friends with anyone, anywhere. I've seen it happen on an elevator ride. I know he was the wild child of his family, dealing drugs and listening to acid rock and driving fast cars. He met my mom that way. My bubbie, his mom, emigrated from Russia but never taught a word to her kids.
He's a mixed bag, definitely put some mental scars on me, but also he has been supportive of what I like, I never had a bigger cheer leader for my art. He likes golf and got me into reading scifi at a young age and also kept telling me I could look at his Playboy and Hustlers anytime when I was a teenager, made we swear to stick to LSD not pot becuase LSD was better. Would randomly quiz me about where we were when driving and yell at me if I didn't know, probably hit my mom once, but not me.
And he's old, y'know, pretty old, pretty good shape for an old guy, and I was in a pretty bad place when I started transition and I think the happiness he heard in our calls is really why he never flinched. Somewhere over the year or so I was out but not to my dad the change from "My kid might die" sunk in that when I dropped transition on him I spec he was releived he got an alive daughter not a dead son.
He's just some guy in the grand scheme, mostly he did right by me as a father but he wasn't always good or kind. He's funny and smart and probably on balance, probably, did more good than harm, I hope.
And it really ended up meaning a lot to have him so easily accept transition, because of all that, because I know he's not perfect and has done kind things and cruel things but the thing he never did was make his kid feel unloved for being trans, yeah? I think about how many other parents, better or worse, aren't as supportive, or outright oppositional and I can't understand it. My dad doesn't even understand why it's such a big deal him being like that. It should be that for everyone is all.
Anyway, he also likes making big salads for dinner, probably because he had like four heart attacks.
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I am sorry, did The Empress really make Franz Joseph, the man whose main characteristic as a politician and a person was that he had to be dragged into every kind of progress kicking and screaming, have liberal sympathies?! Now I have to watch it, since it's obviously a comedy of the year! Seriously, there are so many ways to make Franz Joseph as a person sympathetic, but as a thinker and politician he's pretty much unsalvageable. There's a reason why most Sisi media, as far as I can tell, don't touch on this aspect of the man, save for the Hungarian question (which in turns leads to the romanticization of the Compromise, but oh well). It helps that Sisi in general wasn't a very politically involved person.
YES THEY DID IT'S LAUGHABLE, there is a whole side plot of him wanting to modernize the empire building a railway but Sophie tells him that it's a waste of money and that he should go to war against Russia instead (I'm not even sure which conflict is this meant to be, the Crimean War?) Oh and also all the executions post 1848? His mother forced him to do it, he wanted to grant forgiveness to the accused!
This is also probably the reason why they butchered archduke Maximilian's personality. The source of the tension between the brothers were their political disagreements, which is no longer possible in this AU in which FJ is pro-liberal; so their solution was "easy! Max is no longer a liberal, he's now an irresponsible playboy that schemes for the throne because... Envy I guess?"
Sisi media usually only talks about his policies in the context of Elisabeth making him change his mind or helping him improve his reputation. The first example that comes to my mind is strangely from the Sissi Trilogy, were it is explicitly stated that Franz Josef is hated in many parts of the empire because of the repression and executions - only so the movies can later show how Sissi can win Hungary and Italy despite this with her kindness alone.
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