#please do correct me if something isn't translated properly
setmeatopthepyre · 4 months
ماشي حافي حاسس حالي عالي كافي دافي و عافي تحملت كتير و ضاعت السنين و بعد العذاب أنا صامد مش راح انحني أنا صامد مش راح انحني أنا صامد مش راح انحني
Walking barefoot I feel Elevated and worthy Warm and healthy I have suffered and withstood so much And I've lost so many years And after all this torture I am steadfast and won't bow down I am steadfast and won't bow down I am steadfast and won't bow down
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maristelina · 1 year
Amane Voice Drama Really Bad Translation
Please take my really bad translation with a truckload of salt. It's super incomplete. I was having troubles understanding what's going on because of my current anemia and uh episode. I wanted to share this because I want to see how close I got later when more competent people translates the Voice Drama.
Amane: We were disappointed in MILGRAM's judgement. We thought it could be a new world. You're quite something, always looking down on others from above. I'm pretty sure I told you not to be conceited. On top of that, you say something incomprehensible like not forgiving us.
How dare you say that. But we are magnanimous. Let's set aside time for dialogue with the warden once again. After all, our history is one that has been made through dialogue.
Es: Get to the point quickly. What's wrong, Amane? Don't think I can just overlook your drastically changed attitude and move on. It's the result of my judgment that you've become like this. The way you talk. You're like a completely different person at the moment. Everyone who is unforgiven is under the mental stress of hearing voices blaming their own sins. Is your change also due to that influence?
Amane: The ridiculous voices? Ah, we did indeed hear it. But, that's not a big deal because we have steadfast teachings. We have clear and sublime faith. No matter what is said from the outside, we won't be shaken.
Es: Faith. You're talking about the religion you believe in.
Amane: The power that Milgram possesses seems to be true. Have you also taken a peek at our faith?
Es: It was quite an abstract expression(??), but I judged that your killing of people was due to religious beliefs.
Amane: It's not murder; I simply administered punishment according to the doctrine.
Es: So you're saying it's not a sin.
Amane: Is faith a sin?
Es: Faith itself is free, and while many are non-religious, I understand that there are those who are saved by religion.
Amane: Is that so? Are the unforgiven prisoners lost? They might also need our faith.
Es: I'd rather you refrain from proselytizing within Milgram
Amane: Faith is free. Faith exists for the sake of those who are lost.
Es: We've gotten off-topic. So, what exactly are you now? You keep saying 'we,' does that mean you're not Amane Momose?
Amane: I am Momose Amane and yet not Momose Amane. I am a spokesperson for our faith. You said you won't forgive us. I think there's a need for dialogue and warning because you made a wrong judgment, so I am speaking as 'we.'
Es: So, in essence, I am speaking with the concept of your religion itself right now. Is that what you're saying?
Amane: You can think of it that way if you like. So, let's issue the warning again. Warden. Milgram made the decision not to forgive us.
Es: Ah, yes, that's correct.
Amane: As I said earlier, our actions are actions of faith???, and they don't amount to sin. Therefore, Milgram is wrong. People are getting killed in the prison. I understand that I'm breaking the law.
Es: As I said before, there are things more important than the law. This is Milgram. Such arbitrary rules cannot be accepted as a standard. Therefore, I won't forgive. That's all. Faith in religion is also free. However, your so-called doctrine cannot become the standard for overall sin.
Amane: Isn't Milgram trying to establish new standards precisely because foolish laws can't properly guide this world? Are you still bound by the law?
As a mere warden I have no way of knowing Milgram's philosophy. It's not because love is against the law. Your killing of people is not forgiven by Milgram. I simply made that judgment. The orders are to deny your doctrine.
Amane: If you don't change your mind, we can never forgive you either.
Es: What do you mean "we"? You make me laugh. What you're doing is simply murder. Whether you talk about it as a whole or sing it like a noble ideal, it's murder. Momose Amane. The one who killed was not "you all," it was you. Don't divert your eyes from your own actions by playing games.
Amane: I have a duty for God!
Es: So? What are you gonna do about it? / What would you do if that's the case?
Amane: I will never forgive you! I will definitely never forgive you!
Es: I'm saying that attacking me is pointless.
Amane: I will never forgive you!
Es: Weren't you taught that those scissors you got from the supply should not be directed at people?
Amane: According to the doctrine, the guards' insults towards us are fully subject to penalties. We won't forgive.
Es: It's poitnless, you might as well give up.
Amane: I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you!
Es: Attacks from prisoners to guards are not possible. It's Milgram's principle, but a certain multiple personality individual slipped through this rule. In other words, Milgram's prisoner classification focuses on the mind rather than the body, so if the mind is separate, the rule doesn't apply. It seems like they're struggling with a flawed rule.
Amane: I'll kill you! I will fucking kill you!
Es: Thanks to that flawed rule, it has been proven this way. The fact that you're wielding scissors now doesn't make you a god or a concept. You're just Amane, plain and simple. Quite literally, what you're doing is just a pretend game. It's trivial. This is what you wanted with Milgram, isn't it? A direct showdown.
Es: What's wrong? Have you indeed desired to be treated like a child? In my opinion, the fact that you are a child is closely related to this matter. No matter what you assert, no matter how much you try to act mature, you are a child. It's an unchangeable fact.
Amane: You're also a child!
Es: I'm 15 years old, so in Puerto Rico and Haiti, I'm considered an adult. You're 12 years old, so you're a child in any country. You look frustrated.
Es: Either way is fine. Why? In the first place, there are two main reasons why children are given reduced sentences by law: the potential for rehabilitation and the influence of their environment, I believe. In this case, it's mainly the latter. As I mentioned before, early childhood is heavily impacted by parental upbringing, and the effects of the rearing environment are substantial. Children born into households that practice religion, for instance, grow up recognizing it as a rule of the world.
Amane: What are you trying to say?
Es: It's about how they feel that the doctrines of what is commonly known as a religion are everything in the world.
Amane: You are arguing against the idea that being underdeveloped due to being of a young age.
Es: Certainly, the ego was fully developed. However, because this ego was nurtured in a specialized environment isolated from society, the argument remains among us whether this is your sin or rather the sin of your parents' environment. Here, we assess the potential for rehabilitation, as I mentioned earlier.
Amane: W-well, what do you mean by "among us"? Isn't it me? Aren't we from the same country? The warden and I understand five years' worth. As for me being special, it's just that my environment is unique, and everyone else's is ordinary. There are people who have actually gone there. I've been told things like you're being deceived, it's not too late even now, or you're mentally unstable. They still treat me like a child after all. It's because I'm a child that they think I've been brainwashed. But that's not the case. Even I, as a child, understand everything. Please don't label people as unhappy. I'm fortunate to have been born to my parents. It's challenging, and sometimes it gets tight, but I'm happy to live under pure teachings. That's the path I want to take. I see, you all think it's brainwashing, don't you?
From my perspective, you all are also being brainwashed by the religion of mainstream values. Why do you blindly believe in it just because there are many people following it?
Es: I understand
Amane: It's only natural that those of us who haven't been acknowledged by society due to our small numbers would see the potential for a new world in Milgram.
Es: Yes, I understand well. That's why your doctrines aren't acknowledged. Teachings that affirm life are not permitted by my standards. Huh.
Amane: That is correct.
Es: Our judgement, huh? I'll take another look at your feelings. Next time, if you feel something even deeper there, I intend to accept it properly. It's like a direct showdown, isn't it? That's right.
Amane: If, in the end, you deny and don't forgive me or us, then at that time, I won't forgive you. No, that's not it. I won't forgive you. Evading responsibility for your actions through pretend play is the next line. Thanks, it's not just you. It's all of you. I said I won't forgive you. It's a direct showdown. You're not allowed to keep your hands clean.
Es: What are you talking about?
Amane: I suppose so. The warden refers to themselves as "you all." If it's you, then it's you.
Are you experiencing a headache? Are you alright, warden? Please stand up on your own. That's a trial given by God. It's a trial of pain/sickness. Escaping from it is the greatest evil according to our teachings. One of the Eight Principles, isn't it? It's not allowed for anyone, no matter who they are. People do tend to act that way. Like a devil among prisoners, trying to steal trials from others.
Kirisaki Shidou, his actions who is cutting and tearing, violating our taboos. I issued a warning. If they continue, I might have to intervene. Is it perhaps already too late?
Es: Shut up.
Amane: Resorting to violence, how childish
Es: Silence. I am the one who makes the rules here.
Amane: What sets us apart from you?
Es: I told you to shut up didn't I? Listen to what I say.
Amane: If the world you create is attractive to me, or perhaps.
Es: Prisoner #8, Sing your sins!
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history-detective · 5 months
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
Season 1 – Episode 8:
Chapter 4– I will never lose
(Hari, Kei, Mokuren, Kasumi, Qu, MC)
Kei: Saki, which do you prefer, citrus or mint?
MC: Eh? What are you talking about?
Kei: I'm talking about the scent of the shampoo. If the staff were to use one of those scents, which would you prefer?
Kei: I decided to arrange it as part of the store's customs. The people here lack the self-awareness to properly appear in front of customers.
Mokuren: Soap is enough.
Kasumi: Kei~ do you have some time? There is someone I want you to meet.
Mokuren: It's you again.....
Hari: Please give me your time.
Kei: I'm listening, I have heard you are calling yourself Hari. So then, what do you want from me?
Hari: Please let me join Starless! You have the power to decide, right?
Kei: Hmm, I guess you heard it from Ran, but I have no intention of increasing my crew right now.
Kei: Mokuren, what do you think? Is he necessary?
Mokuren: I don't need him. He will get in the way.
Hari: Guh... [sorry I don't know how to communicate this word lol].
MC: That's a little much to say Mokuren. Please think a little more.....
Mokuren: ......If you want me to think about it. Princess, I do owe you something.
Mokuren: Minimum facilities in the shower room and backyard. It's guranteed because you are here.
Mokuren: That being said.......you [Hari] can't dance, can you? I really don't need that kind of person.
Hari: I haven't even tried yet so you cannot be convinced!
Kasumi: That's right, if that is the case, there is no choice but to give him a chance~.
Hari: That's it! Mokuren, I challenge you to a 'game'.
Mokuren: Are you an idiot? There is no way you can beat me.
Kasumi: You won't know unless you try, right?
Hari: That's correct! If you don't compete, I win by default.
Mokuren: .......Okay then, I'll make you regret it. Kei, please judge us.
Hari: I won't back down. I have a secret strategy to not lose.
Kei: ......Can't be helped. Kasumi, I'll take advantage of your scheme.
Kasumi: Please don't say bad things about others. I'm not planning anything.
Kasumi: Ah, I'm still on a shift! I'll leave the rest to the two of you~.
Kei: Hmm, he ran away.......Okay I'll just ignore him for now.
Kei: MC, should we go? Qu should be at the lesson venue.
MC: Ah, yes.
Mokuren: ........How stubborn.
Kei: ......Do you still want to continue?
Hari: .....No......Not.... yet......I can still do it.
MC: Isn't it better to stop now? Hari, you seem light-headed.
Qu: Can you stop it, Kei? As expected, I will have trouble waking him up.
Mokuren: No, you don't have to stop. He himself says, 'I can still do it'.
Qu: Are you a demon?
Mokuren: It's his wish. I'll dance until he admits to losing.
Kei: Hm, I'm glad you're motivated. There is no need for judging anymore. Let's go, MC.
MC: Eh, but!
Kei: Him doing this means that there is no way to judge. He will never admit defeat.
Hari: I'm enjoying this so much, that I'm not losing......I won't stop such a fun lesson......!
Qu: By calling this a lesson you have the guts to back it up. You are much more stubborn than I thought.
Mokuren: .......It's really annoying. Tell me when you can dance better.
Qu: Even you are having fun. Mokuren, you don't know many words.
Mokuren: Dance is the only word I need. It is enough.
Kei: That's right, your performance is so eloquent. Including the fact that the dancing up until now was different from W's.
Kei: Hari, I allow you access to the backyard. You can use the lesson area as you like.
Hari: I did it.....!
Qu: Ehh. Forgive me Kei, but is it okay? I think Mokuren will do whatever they want [to Hari].
Kei: I don't care, I'll leave him in your care for a while. Feel free to use him as you like.
Mokuren: Hey, wake up, you keep rolling around forever. If you want to die that much, I'll kill you.
Hari: If you can do it.....try to..... Because I won't die easily.
MC: Ahh....Um, Kei, is it okay to leave the two of them like that?
Kei: Qu, the rest is up to you.
Qu: Throwing it all at me? Oh well, good for you that it's Mokuren.....
To be continued.....
Sorry for the late upload, it's my exam period at the minute, so updates will be slow.
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
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sevault-canyon · 2 years
@literaryreference submitted:
I have some suggestions for corrections to the machine translations on your soy sauce post, and I wasn't sure how best to get them to you, so I hope this works? Initially I was just going to reblog your post, but my comments got kinda long, which is potentially annoying for people on my dash to scroll through and also felt kind of combative if aired in public, which I don't mean it to be--I really appreciate what you're doing here, I'm just trying to help add a little polish. This isn't meant to be published as a separate post, it's just in lieu of an email, basically.
良き理解者 means she was a supporter or proponent of soy sauce, or "on the side" of soy sauce. (A soy sauce partisan, perhaps?) Basically they seem to be suggesting that if not for pressure from her bosses, she would have favored the soy sauce industry over the MSG industry, because unlike them, she understood its cultural importance.
"The original proposed allocation ratio of 2 to 8, with absolute dominance of the amino acid industry, was finally approved by GHQ with the advent of the [sc2] method and the '7 to 3 Agreement' of the 'Shoda-Ouchi Conference'" is a bit of a mess that ends up saying the opposite of what it means to say. Literally (though this is clunky as hell), this is something like "Regarding the original proposed allocation ratio of 2 to 8 with absolute dominance of the amino acid industry, the GHQ finally approved the 7 to 3 agreement of the Shoda-Ouchi Conference due to/based on the emergence of the sc2 method."(This is one of those "は is a topic marker, not a subject marker" issues.)
The quote from the Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan is missing a bit off the end--the last sentence should read "一旦,消費者に定着した混合しょうゆのニーズにより本醗造しょうゆに切り換えることが出来ず,現在も混合しょうゆが主力商品となっているのではないかと考えている 。" This bit is also a lot more equivocal than DeepL makes it out to be: "Even now, it's possible mixed/kongo soy sauce might be the top [soy sauce] product." (Japanese does tend to be more equivocal than English, but since the article doesn't back up that statement with a citation or statistic or anything, I think it really is speculation and not a definitive statement of fact.)
I think those are the only particularly significant corrections I have, but here's some nitpicking of errors that don't seriously impede comprehension, because I'm that kind of person:
In "The internal paint that was being researched..." the word translated as paint, "塗料," can refer to any kind of coating (see this dictionary definition) and I would just say "coating" here--the article doesn't specify, but it seems to me that in this context it's more likely to be some kind of protective coating than paint.
"ヤマサ印", here translated as "Yamasa mark," is more properly "Yamasa brand" in English (as in, this was a manufacturing site for Yamasa brand soy sauce).
In "GHQ assigned Ms. Blanche Appleton..." "Ms." should be "Mrs."--which doesn't really matter, but it's fascinating to me that DeepL gets it wrong here when "Mrs." is written out phonetically (so it's not even guessing at interpretations of さん or anything) and it does correctly translate/transliterate it elsewhere.
"which defatted soybeans could be used more effectively" should be "which [industry] would use the defatted soybeans more effectively."
"Once mixed soy sauce has taken root among consumers, they are unable to switch over to hon-fermented soy sauce due to the demand for mixed soy sauce" has done something really weird with the first clause, splitting it into two semi-redundant parts on either side of the "unable to switch over" bit--it should just be "Once a demand for mixed soy sauce has taken root among consumers, they are unable to switch over to honjozo soy sauce, and even today..."
I hope this was helpful (as opposed to just annoying); please feel free to send me an ask or a message if you have any questions!
thank you for your translation notes!
oops, i already got the same note regarding 良き理解者 from other folks, i have edited the original post before you submitted. same for the 2-to-8 agreement thing.
thanks for the note on "might be"! i wouldn't've caught it.
yea i can change the word "paint" to "coating," i'm not well versed in the intricacies these terms in english so i'll take your word for it.
ah yea in my native language mark = brand as well, so i'll change that. thanks for the link.
i changed it to ms. on purpose bc i wasnt entirely sure of her marital status and i wanted to use something more neutral
thanks for the remaining notes as well, i agree with your interpretations so i'll change my post.
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atelier-maroron · 3 years
Eng Translation for the Preview for Keith's Year 1 Birthday Story
🍰Not the full bday story, only the preview 🍰Please take this computer-aided translation with a huge-ass grain of salt. Expect mistakes, and please feel free to correct me! 🍰A thousand years of credit to @dark-frosted-heart's partial translation here 🍰Shamelessly stealing the format from all the other wonderful fan translators on here. 🍰Check reblogs and notes for any edits or corrections.
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Regular text = shy Keith This text = evil Keith *Please note that these are just arbitrary titles for the two sides of Keith and may or may not accurately reflect the full nature of his personalities.
Keith's 1st Birthday ~ Remain Like This, Not Knowing ~
Prince Keith asks me to do a certain something on his birthday? Even though he's a kind person, for some reason I feel scared as well. I am driven by my growing apprehension. "I don't need a thing. So long as you remember 'me.'"
The rest is below the cut 🦌
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Keith: Are you baking me a cake? Emma: ! Keith: Actually, I was thinking I might head into the city in a bit for a change of pace, but— Keith: If it's alright with you, how about gathering the ingredients for the cake in town? Together with me that is. I was supposed to be baking a birthday cake for Keith, the prince of neutral Jade, but somehow I ended up going into town with him!?
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Keith: Here, I'll hold it.
Emma: No, I've got it! This much isn't heavy at all.
Keith: In that case, let's hold it together?
(If we do that you'll still be holding it in the end anyway. But more than anything, even suggesting we hold the basket together in the first place...)
Keith: I'm joking of course.
Emma: Huh?
Keith: It's so funny how candid and cute you are.
Emma: !?
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Emma: U-Um, Prince Keith...
Keith: Hm?
He lightly shook one knee as if to chide me when I tried to get off his lap. And then...
Keith: Open your mouth?
This was different from the gentle side he usually showed. This other Keith seemed to harbor something dangerous, and he was pulling me into his sway.
Without even knowing, I found myself seeking an answer for that dissonance. [lit. bad feeling]
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Keith: How is it that...
The depths of his eyes, the color of gold foil, flickered as if lit by a flame from within.
Keith: Your words and your gaze are so untainted, so unblemished. Pure white.
Keith: As if you don't know a thing... So much so that it makes me worry.
Emma: U-Um, Prince Keith...
Keith: But, it's exactly the same as...
Preview of His POV
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(If you want to know, you'll have to properly arrive at the answer.)
(Because otherwise it won't be fun for me.)
(It doesn't seem like I'll be bored so long as Emma is around.)
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Emma: Hehe, "the same as."
Keith: What?
Emma: I just remembered you saying something like that this morning too.
Keith: Oh... that's right.
Keith: Then I guess I can't do it this way... I'm sorry, for saying the same thing again. [I'm super unclear on the first part of this. He says "それならこの手は使えないか".]
(That means those words just now weren't mine, but his, weren't they...)
I couldn't suppress the feelings of guilt and emptiness that steadily washed over me.
(...I can't get used to it no matter how many times I go through this.)
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The story gradually begins to unfold.
Underneath the sky glittering beautifully with stars, the same as that night we first met.
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kachuusha · 4 years
implied mutual feelings of love between levi and hanji—an analysis based on chapters 126 and 132.
note: this is a more in-depth version of what I have posted earlier.
This post is an attempt to make sense out of Levi’s nuanced dialogue in chapter 132. But before proceeding please read this tweet first to understand the context of this post: link to original tweet 
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Please also read this analysis done by shunkani, explaining the nuance present in the original Japanese text. 
it is important that you read the posts I’ve linked above because what I am about to say here is not gonna make sense if you don’t.
Like always, note that what I am about to say is only my own interpretation of the events and should not be taken as absolute canon confirmation.
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In chapter 132, Levi has a line that lost its nuance in the English translation. As explained in the linked posts above, Levi comments on Hanji’s unrequited love for titans but there is an implication that a mutual love shared with someone else.
What if that someone is Levi? When you think about it, it is not farfetched to assume that it was him considering how close he is to Hanji.
Other than that, there is an incident in the chapters prior to 132 that presents a strong case on why Levi could be referring to himself. Yes that's right—Hanji asking Levi to live with him.
Now I've seen people try to dismiss what Hanji said to Levi in the forest and insist that there is nothing possibly romantic with it and that Hanji was simply expressing their want to run away because they are tired so here is my take on it:
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After tending to Levi's wounds, Hanji says,
"Maybe we should just live here together. Right Levi?"
If Isayama only intends to have Hanji express their exhaustion and desire to run away from everything, why didn't he just make Hanji say something like 《"I want to run away Levi. I am tired."》 ?
Why did it have to be Hanji expressing their want to live together with Levi? It was like Isayama tried to hit two birds with one stone. He had Hanji say their desire to run away and also to be with Levi.
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Another factor in this is Hanji blushing after realizing that Levi heard what they said. Again, some fans have tried to refute this by saying that Hanji blushes all the time.
Yes Hanji blushes a lot but also consider the context of the scene. For second let us pretend tha these two characters are not Levi and Hanji—let's pretend that they are Character A and B.
Character A is with Character B, and the former thinks the the latter is asleep. Character A then takes this as a chance to voice out their feelings for Character B.
A few moments later, Character B brings up what Character A said. Character A realizes Character B heard their confession and so they blush.
I mean look at it, you could easily pretend that what happened in the forest was something that came out straight from a romance novel or a shoujo manga.
And come on are we going to pretend that the run away and live with someone to start anew isn't a common trope in romance?
Another argument I've seen is that maybe Hanji was just embarrassed that Levi heard them expressing their want to abandon their duties. This one is very easy to debunk.
Remember the beginning of Uprising Arc? Hanji shows their hesitation to Levi in continuing the titan experiments with Eren because they are afraid that the MPs might go after the SC just like what they did to Pastor Nick.
In both situations, Hanji was trying to run away and evade something and Levi was present in both situations. But did Hanji blush after showing their want to run here? No they did not.
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Then what else could possibly the reason for Hanji's blush other than a hint for romantic feelings?
Next let's talk about Levi's response to Hanji.
Levi subtly implies to Hanji that he heard what they said by asking,
"If we keep...running and hiding...what will that get us...?"
Some say that this was Levi rejecting Hanji but I disgaree. To me what Levi said sounds more like a We can't run away yet if we still have things to do.
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Levi also said that because he is aware of Hanji's strong sense of responsibility.
"I know you...you're not able to stay out of the action..."
He knows Hanji would't be satisfied in being a bystander.
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Another thing to note here is that Hanji is the one who arrives at the conclusion that they can't.
Levi himself did not really gave a direct answer—and that is expected from someone like Levi who seems to be awkward and inexperienced in romance. It is understandable if he was caught off guard with what Hanji said and thus couldn't give a proper response.
Now getting back to chapter 132.
After seeing Hanji's exchange with Pieck, Levi says:
"...So, four eyes. yet another love for a titan gone unrequited, I see."
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So like what had been explained in the posts above, Levi comments on Hanji's unrequited love for titans but implies that there is mutual love shared with someone.
With what happened in 126 in mind, who would be the most reasonable choice for that someone if not Levi? What if this was Levi's response or way of acknowledging Hanji's words back in the forest?
Just think about it. Hanji gives Levi something like a confession and then a few chapters later Levi suddenly implies that Hanji shares a mutual love with someone. The connection between the two events is not really difficult to make.
Like I said earlier, Levi not being able to form a direct answer is expected considering he seems to be the type who would be extremely awkward at love. Maybe he just needed time to sort his feelings first. Another thing to consider is they are both soldiers in duty.
Also can we talk about how Levi suddenly decided to call Hanji "four-eyes" again? It was like Levi is making an effort to go back to those days of normalcy.
An ambiguous and vague confession is also something that is so in character of Levi because of his awkwardness with words. Another is because he doesn't have to be direct with his words because Hanji and him share a deep understanding of one another.
Before anyone tries to brush this line off as nothing, I would like to point out that Isayama changed the kanji used in the dialogue in the volume release. This was pointed out in the tweet by @/kasumi_kasa as shown above.
The point I am trying to make here is that if this line is something we should just simply brush off, then why would Isayama bother making changes to it in the volume release?
The kanji in the original chapter release was 片思い but was changed into 片想い in the volume release. Both are read the same way (kataomoi) but just like what @/kasumi_kasa had explained, the kanji used in the volume release which is 想い, is indicative of a deeper form of love.
Also take note that the latter is an unusual way of writing unrequited love in Japanese.
Taking that into consideration and the implication of a mutual feeling with someone, does that mean Levi and Hanji share a deep form of love?
See the lengths Isayama is going through just for this one line? It really feels like the is trying to push something here.
Now onto Hanji's side. If by any chance we are correct that Levi was indeed confessing his feelings to Hanji, then did the latter caught what Levi was trying to say?
In my observation, it is very likely that Hanji had caught on to it because of their seemingly flustered and hesitant reply towards Levi. The hesistance is present in the pause (the three dots) before Hanji's dialogue.
"...We"ll be friendly in no time."
Another thing I would like to point out is how Hanji suddenly diverted the subject.
This is actually kind of ironic if you think about it. In 126 Hanji was the one who is seemingly confessing and Levi was the one who brought up their duties. Here in 132, it was Levi's turn to confess but Hanji was the one who brought up their duties.
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My honest take on here is that it feels like Hanji was on the process of moving on and abadoning whatever feelings they had laid down in the forest so they could focus solely on their cause but then Levi suddenly drops something like this on them.
Hanji would be understandably flustered just like how Levi was in 126. Honestly in the end, both of them are just so awkward at romance.
So this is where I am gonna end this attempt at analyzing what was said in 126 and 132. I hope I was able to convey my thoughts properly. If you have made it this far then thank you.
If ever I am mistaken with my assumptions in here, it still doesn't diminish the beautiful bond that Levi and Hanji share.
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ooh for the prompts I think this one is super cute and could be fun:
“A kiss here. A kiss there... Ah! There’s the smile I’ve been hoping to see!”
Thanks! (I did a variation on the dialogue to better fit the character.)
ok I've never written for Star Trek before, let alone for a scene with my own OC. Please be gentle. LOL *is nervous*
    Dr. Bashir was having a fairly slow week. This was welcome as the previous few days had been taken up with treating various species for what appeared to be a common cold. The accompanying documentation of treatment was mind-numbingly dull. Miles had asked him to go to Quark's and Julian had agreed, yawning, saying he had one more appointment and would be there shortly. He looked over his patient's chart, noting that they were a species he had not seen before let alone treated. Intrigued, his mind became a bit more alert.
    A humanoid with skin a muted violet, almost blue-grey, and curly forest-green hair sat in the infirmary waiting for Bashir.
    "Zo-vel, isn't it?" Julian said cheerfully as he approached.
    "Yes," they said plainly, observing the doctor with great intensity. Their face was stern, emotionless, but to an intuitive individual, melancholy. Their brown eyes were soft, their mouth closed and unsmiling.
"Have you been feeling ill at all, recently?"
    Zo-vel replied that they had not. Julian nodded, silently hoping that the universal translator was functioning properly. He examined their eyes, nose, mouth, checked for any rashes, took their temperature and stared at the readouts. Everything was in order and Julian informed them that they could be on their way.
    "Yes, it was just a routine scan. You're in perfect health."
    Zo-vel was hesitant to leave, looking toward the door and then back at the doctor.
    "Was there something else?"
    His patient inhaled, drawing back. Their eyes widened slightly in hope and then narrowed again. They sighed and pushed their mane of mossy-green locks off their forehead.
    "I have heard of a sickness, that is not a sickness exactly. I don't know what to call it. I am far away from my home and being away from my planet...the air is not right for me. I cannot explain."
    Julian nodded, knowingly. "I understand."
    "You do?"
    He looked at their dark periwinkle face. There was a long scar that started above their left eyebrow and ran down at an angle over their eye and ended under the outer edge of it. He could tell it was a new injury, perhaps occurring in the last year or so. Their thin brown eyebrows were raised in hope. Their mouth still straight and small.
    "Being away from home causes 'homesickness' but you're correct, it isn't a real illness, at least in a physical sense. However, I think there also may be some biological consequences for being in an entirely new atmosphere. Altitude, change in atmospheric composition, a change in natural diet - all these things can have additional effects on one's heath."
    Zo-vel bowed their head.
    The doctor made a mental note; this species cried like a human would. Silent tears fell on their black clothing. Julian looked away but decided to take a chance. He placed a kiss on top of their head.
    "Ah! Now there's a smile."
    Zo-vel looked up and wiped the tears away. They tucked their hair behind their slender pointed ears, and made their way to the infirmary exit.
    "Thank you, doctor." They nodded, looking back.
    Julian beamed and watched his patient walk out of sight.
The End (maybe I'll return to this character?)
For visual reference, my OC:
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I tried.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
"Oh! It's over!"
At the same time the bell rang, Yata stood up vigorously.
However, at that moment, the chalk released by Anna-sensei hit Yata's forehead so badly that it was creepy. Yata turned around and was surprised by the gaudy sound.
"Guh! It hurts!"
"Misaki. Class is not over yet."
"Hey... the doorbell rang, isn't it over?"
"Class doesn't end until the teacher says it's over. Have a seat."
"Don't bother. It's over."
She tried to tell him that it wasn't okay. However, on the way, when Anna-sensei caught him, Yata shook his shoulders and mouth.
"Tsk. Sit down quickly."
"What? Monkey!"
"I understand."
Yata clicked his tongue and sat up savagely.
"Class, so far for today. Don't forget your homework, preparation, and review."
"Wow! This time it's over!"
Yata stood up again and Anna-sensei stopped him again.
Kukuri, who was sitting next to Saya, stood up, touching her arm a bit.
"Come on. The next thing is physical education. First we have to change clothes."
"Oh, it's true."
Oh, so is that why Yata was so tense?
She quickly cleaned her desk and got up with her gym bag.
"Look, Wagahai-chan will go too. Oh, I'll lend you a bag. I'll bring it to you. Saya-chan, your left hand is burned. It hurts, right?"
"It hurts, but it's okay like this."
She shook her head, "Okay then." She replied softly.
"Physical education is often separated by gender, but today it is the same. It is a physical fitness test."
"Oh, is today the fitness test?"
[Physical education for the first and second semesters is decided by a physical fitness test.]
"Yes, it's correct."
"Is Saya-chan good at exercising?"
"Normal. If you say simple tasks like 'run' and 'swim', I'm good at it, but when it gets complicated I tend to think too much and I'm not very good at it. I need a strategy."
"Oh, basketball or volleyball?"
"Yes. I'm not good at team sports. How about you, Kukuri-chan?"
"Me too. I'm neither good nor bad."
"Neko seems to be good at exercising. She moves her limbs well."
Glancing back at Neko as she opened the locker room door, the strange-eyed girl smiled a big smile and shook her head vigorously.
"I like to move my body, but I'm not good with rules!"
It was exciting to her.
"Today we will do a physical fitness test. Everyone, do your best to get a better score than last year!"
Claudia Weismann, a physics teacher with a soft and beautiful beauty, shook the board and screamed.
"You know the first event to measure, right? Each group, after the measurement, go clockwise to the next event. When they have finished the tour, go to the schoolyard!"
"Us first, what was that?"
"Grip strength. No, it's below average, isn't it?"
Kukuri sighed.
Fushimi sighed as well, saying, "That's annoying... Do you want to do things correctly?" She had made a mistake, right? She remembers hearing that the blue club was a super elite group who behaved well.
When she accidentally looks back, he glares at her. "Sorry.". She felt a murderous aura.
"Yes. Next. Yata-kun. Come here."
She suddenly looked back at Claudia's voice.
Yata's face at Claudia's call was surprisingly bright red.
She opened her eyes and rubbed them at the strange answer.
The event was the long seat forward lean. Claudia had just told him to sit in front of the digital measuring instrument... It is true that they will sit close enough to touch, but that's it. That's. However, Yata seemed to be going through a difficult time.
"Yata-kun, even if Claudia-sensei is the other party, he's nervous."
When she coughed, Kukuri turned around and smiled a bitter smile.
"It's like that except for Anna-sensei. He's not good with girls anyway. He hasn't talked much about it either."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Yes. If you answer 'Oh', do I feel that communication went well today?"
Hey? Was it really like that?
She stared at Yata, who was away from Claudia, because he couldn't concentrate.
It was certainly a digital measuring instrument that a single person can measure. Even if Claudia was out, she could measure it, but she... she already understood. That was Yata, he really was shy.
Little by little, her chest grew warm.
Although he wasn't that good with girls, he looked directly into her eyes and apologized.
And he said that he would "protect" her.
It was Yata who suggested that they take her to the Kusanagi´s bar.
She finally understood how cool he was. That's how it is. All of that was something he had a lot of trouble doing. What should she do? She was happy!
How much of the flame she burns was originally from Yata? What's more, she was a different Strain.
"Hey. It's Saya-chan's turn! What? You're smiling."
"It's nothing. I'm sorry."
She shook her head hastily, pressed her red cheeks together and went to Awashima-sensei.
"Yes. Grip strength meter. Start with the right hand. You should not use the left hand."
Awashima-sensei, a frozen beauty math teacher, presented you with a grip strength meter.
"I think it's okay..."
"But it hurts if you push yourself, right? You can't push yourself too hard. What did the nurse say? Did you go to the hospital?"
"Oh, sure, I was told not to move too much."
"So, let's stop the left hand. We'll only measure the right hand. Now, hold it. Lower your hand parallel to your body. Yes. Hold it as tightly as you can."
As she indicated, she squeezed the grip strength gauge.
At that moment, a destructive sound echoed through the gym.
Awashima's eyes widened. She was confused too, and she looked down at her right hand.
The needle jumped, and that was not enough, the grip piece was broken and had come off. Was it the handle part? Subjection? Anyway, the part she grabbed was broken.
Eh? Maybe she over-squeezed the grip strength gauge?!
"I wonder if it is old."
"Sensei. It's painful."
She didn't think it was easy for an aluminum alloy that wasn't rusted to break because it was old.
She understood that she should take care of herself, but she couldn't.
When she shook her head forcefully, Awashima scowled sheepishly, "That's right."
"Is it because of my ability?"
"Yes, maybe. No, maybe it is."
"Konohana-san. You still don't know your abilities, do you? I have received reports about it."
Reports from whom?
She wondered that, but it was definitely true, so she took it firmly.
"Let's try again for now."
"Eh? Is that okay?"
"Things can be firmly measured this time."
"But I could break it again, right?"
She had gambled a bit, but it was true that her abilities were so unstable that it didn't seem like she was going to continue (or rather, she hadn't had that experience yet), so she was quietly receiving a new strength meter from grip.
Suddenly, the whole class was looking at her. Of course, Yata too.
She couldn't bear the attention and her face turned red.
"That's right. Konohana-san."
"Oh, yeah."
Like before, she lowered her hand vertically, but unlike before, she tried to hold it a little lighter.
However, at that moment, she heard a loud buzzing sound again and closed her eyes tightly.
(Wow, ah! Why is it continuously activated only right now?), she thought.
"Sorry! Sorry!"
Awashima shook her head and asked Kukuri to fetch a new grip strength gauge from the warehouse. Then she turned her eyes back and tilted her head a little.
"The record is over 100 kilos. Is it okay if it can't be measured?"
"I can't measure it, please!"
This was only the result of the skill activation.
Her own grip strength wasn't as good as a gorilla's, it was normal! Because she was normal!
"Hm. It seems the newcomer's skills are excellent. Unlike you."
When she returned the broken grip strength gauge and tilted her head, she heard Fushimi's tongue click from behind.
When she took a breath and turned around, Fushimi had a haunting smile on Yata. Yata also turned his fierce gaze towards Fushimi, saying, "What?"
(Ah, wait!), She thought.
He immediately mistook her for such an atmosphere.
When she looked at Awashima, she said, "Well... oh, you two...", and gave them a lecture.
Then, to stop the fight that was about to start, she started walking towards the two of them, but at that moment, the third "bang" echoed through the gym.
They all looked at her as if that sound was coming from her.
"Kya, kyaa, ah!"
Her wide eyes were stained evenly and astonishingly. With the board broken in half, she quickly bowed her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sick and my hands are getting stronger!"
"It's okay. You two…"
Looking back, Awashima smiled gently and turned her eyes to Fushimi and Yata.
And when she points her thumb at them, she heard a pleasant voice.
"If you don't stop fighting now, you will stay like this too."
(I mean... I broke it that way. I mean, I won't do that!), she thought.
She tried to deny it hastily, but when she saw the two of them choke on the words, she thought reflectively.
(Maybe it is better not to solve the misunderstanding to fit in this place?)
However, she would like to deny that "If they're going to fight here, they'll end up like this.".
When she saw them, they clicked their tongues at the same time and turned away from her.
When she looked at Kamamoto as she was about to cry from the pain of being "the last demon chief", Kamamoto also hid his smiling mouth with a deliberate throat clearing and turned away from her.
When she gave a great sigh, before Awashima who returned in front of what was broken in half, she bowed deeply.
Rang the doorbell.
Once she stepped inside, the wooden floor squeaked.
"Welcome. Oh. Yata-chan, you can escort properly."
Kusanagi, who was cleaning the glasses, gave him a mischievous wink when he saw them.
"You took her bag and opened the door... Yeah, great. Did you keep up with the girl?"
Yata blushed a little.
"I can carry my luggage, but..."
"Oh, I am your servant until the burns heal!"
"Why do you say…"
She was embarrassed, she wondered if it was okay, but regret the words.
Saying that while she was thinking about her request, Kusanagi laughed and showed the counter seat.
"Miss, sit down. What do you want to drink? Soda, tea, orange juice..."
"Oh, never mind. I didn't get the price of the parfait yesterday either."
"Okay, don't worry. Part of the cost of the material is deducted exactly from the cost of the apartment. Don't hesitate."
Is that so?
"Well then tea. Um... please use china that can break."
Kusanagi widened his eyes in amazement.
"Break up? Why…?"
"Because she could crush him."
"What?! Crush it?!"
"Konohana-san, it was impossible to measure with a grip force of more than 100 kg."
Kamamoto's words surprised everyone, not just Kusanagi.
As she looked around her, she looked at Kusanagi with a glance and breathed softly.
"It seems the ability has been activated... I smashed two grip strength gauges."
Kusanagi lost his complexion, perhaps even imagining a broken grip strength gauge.
"Well, Saya-chan. Is it possible to use a stainless steel cup? The color of the black tea worsens."
"Of course it's okay. Thank you."
"I would like to thank you. But what is your ability, Saya-chan?"
Kusanagi tilted his head as he set the kettle.
"Here we go…"
"Isn't it the power to manipulate the flame? That pillar of fire…"
"If that's the case, she won't run out of oxygen surrounded by flames. She'll burn."
Suoh, who was lying on the couch, denied the words someone said with a yawn.
"And that's Yata's flame."
"So maybe because the quality of the flame was different? It was Homura's flame, so it burned out."
"It's not impossible, but... hmm."
Totsuka, who was playing with the camera at the end of the counter, looked up.
"That's too conspicuous for Yata's flames to escape, isn't it? So I think Konohana-san's abilities are working somehow... but because she acted on the flames, I manipulate the fire. Is it premature say skill?"
So cut off his words, and Totsuka lowered the camera and looked at her.
"Don't you think you could have multiple abilities? You protected yourself from the knife, (maybe) acted on Yata's flames and broke the grip strength meter, all of which are abilities of different quality."
Everyone except Suoh took a breath and stared at each other at the Totsuka words.
She wasn't familiar with these abilities in the first place, so she didn't understand why everyone was so shocked, she opened her mouth and looked at Totsuka.
"Ah, is that unusual?"
"Yes. At least I haven't heard of that."
When she looked around, everyone shook their heads evenly.
"Is that so."
"I don't know. I don't know if you really have multiple abilities, but it certainly looks different in quality."
"If so, right? Konohana-san's specialty as Strain isn't just that she was born off the island."
Coughing, Totsuka wiped the smile from his lips. Then, he made a thoughtful gesture and called her "Konohana-san.".
"Oh, yeah!"
"That's what happened in PE class, right?"
"Yes, that's true. It was in PE class this afternoon."
When she shook her head vertically, Totsuka and Kusanagi looked at each other.
"Not good."
"That's right... what should I do? I'm sure he noticed it too."
Totsuka covered his mouth with his hand and stared at the amber counter.
That boy? Who was he?
She bow my head, but no one said anything. Did everyone know?
Suddenly, when she saw Yata, he bitterly distorted his face and stared at the bottle on the back of the counter in silence.
The identity of "that boy" was immediately revealed.
To be exact, the next day. When she went to the bathroom alone after lunch.
As she put her handkerchief in her pocket, he approached her as she walked back to the classroom.
She turned around and looked back quickly.
"Ah, Fushimi-kun?"
"Are you really going in there?"
"What?" Before asking, she was surprised to hear him speak to her.
She turned to Fushimi and smiled, "Um...".
"What place is that?"
"The red club. Why are you in such a place?"
"I've never heard of a Strain with multiple abilities."
The words surprised her.
Maybe "this boy" was the one Totsuka was talking about...
"Do you think you can elucidate your abilities and control yourself in such a place? They do not perform any activities. You will just soak in warm water every day."
"Oh, that..."
"Anyway, are you just drinking tea and talking?"
She wondered why? It was as if he knew the red club. That crossed her mind.
By the way, Totsuka had called him "that boy", wasn't it a way of calling a person that you only know his face?
Maybe it was because she didn't answer him that Fushimi clicked his tongue.
She shook her shoulders and lifted her face from him.
"Someday someone may be in danger. It's too late. Do you think so too? Your abilities must urgently be clarified and you must learn to control them."
She thought he was correct.
But for some reason, she couldn't obediently control it, and when she rejected it again, Fushimi clicked his tongue again.
"You are a Strain full of irregularities. It's strange. You can't do it alone. You should still be under the supervision of the blue club, for the good of the school and the students."
Under surveillance...
The words bit her lips involuntarily.
There was nothing wrong with what he said. Rather, that was correct. Very correct.
With pursed lips, she touched the bandage on her left hand with her right hand.
But nobody in the red club said that.
"The captain cares. If something happens outside the school, regardless of whether it is inside the school, we may not be able to respond quickly. The meeting place for the red club is outside the school."
Then Fushimi kept talking.
But after all he was correct. It could be wrong. Because she cannot control it, her abilities can be revealed outside of school. At that time, it would be possible that there was no one from the red club nearby. She would have no way to stop the damage.
She couldn't do it alone, she thought. There was no rumbling sound. She certainly hurt people in the past.
Because Fushimi was right, she couldn't argue, she was just scared.
It was at that moment that...
"Stop it!"
A high-pitched scream echoed down the hall. At the same time, intense footsteps were heard.
When she raised her face to turn around, a reddish-brown haired boy jumped in front of them.
At that moment, her heart made a loud noise and she covered her mouth with both hands.
"Don't say what you want!"
Yata yelled as he stepped between her and Fushimi.
"What's wrong? You shouldn't come to school to act like this!"
He said with a high-pitched cry without hesitation.
Her chest warmed with his back wider than she expected, wrapped in a black school uniform.
He was there to protect her.
Fushimi was very right, but he still held him back.
She knew that she shouldn't be happy. There was no reason to rejoice. She was not a good person to protect. If she really thought of everyone, she should abide by Fushimi's words.
However, she was excited, in a selfish way.
Kamamoto squeezed her shoulders coughing. He gently supported his large, warm hands.
"How dare you intimidate her?! Do you know the word 'rights'?"
Faced with Yata's anger, Fushimi maintained his usual nasty and annoying demeanor. He looked at Yata with a ridiculous laugh on his lips.
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"Hmm...! What?"
"Always talking, and what right do you have? Don't say warm things. It's too late after an irreparable disaster. I don't think the red club can handle it."
"Shut up, bastard!"
Yata yelled at Fushimi's words.
"Don't be silly! Idiot! What do you think that girl is?"
"A Strain, so what? This place is full of them."
Obstructing Yata's words, Fushimi took a breath.
Then, with a provocative mausoleum again, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yata.
"You will end up being killed, Misaki. You seem like an incomparably idiotic person, right?"
Yata grabbed onto Fushimi's chest as if he couldn't take it anymore.
At the same time, the battle was dry. The lid of the memory that was desperately stored in the depths opened, making a rattling noise.
What revived in her mind was a noise and a scream. It was a schoolyard where tears flew.
A blue sheet put on the floor. The red lights of the ambulance that came all the time.
And a bloody person lifted off the ground.
The faces of the students on the gurney overlapped with Yata's.
At that moment, terrible nausea hit her. She held her mouth with both hands and sat there.
Kamamoto's voice rang out. He quickly knelt beside her and hugged her shoulders like she cared, but she couldn't lift her face. She was trying to hold back the nausea.
Her whole body was trembling terribly.
It was an unmistakable horror.
Yes, it was. Fortunately, there were no deaths at the time, but she was lucky. After all, there were many serious injuries.
(I don't know what it will be like next time! This time I can kill people!), she thought.
Kukuri, Neko, Shiro, her classmates, and the red club members as well. Even Yata!
"Are you okay? Konohana-san!"
"Kamamoto! Get away!"
Dark horror stained her eyes black.
With the sharp shout of Konohana and Yata, Kamamoto's hand detached from her shoulder, and the signal fell far away.
Immediately after, she was strongly drawn and her body floated in the air.
When she opened her eyes as she held her mouth with both hands, Yata's face was at her side.
She realized that Yata was holding her and her heart ignited.
"Are you ok?!
She was happy.
Oh, but no. She wanted Yata to let her go, she was afraid of hurting him.
"Don't talk! Now let's go to the infirmary."
The fiery eyes no longer saw Fushimi, they only stared straight ahead.
Her profile was very sad.
At the same time as her heart beat, it became painful.
(No. It's not good, Yata-kun. Let me go.), she thought.
But she didn't get her voice out of it. Her consciousness was swallowed up by the darkness just as she was.
Suddenly, consciousness arose from her.
When she slowly opened her eyes, she could see the cloudy white ceiling.
She couldn't understand the situation for a moment, and looked mysteriously around her, but she could only see the white partition curtain.
Oh, but she notices that the curtain rail was covered with her uniform jacket and this was the bed in the infirmary room.
When she got up, you probably noticed it from the sound of the bed. She opened the dividing curtain and the infirmary teacher looked at her face.
Instead of being kind, the teacher, who felt like a trustworthy mother with deep nostalgia, smiled and took off her lab coat to get closer to her.
Her smile makes her feel relieved for some reason.
"Yes. You fell. Don't you remember?"
Oh, it's true. That had happened.
"Oh, that's good. Afternoon class is over, so go home today."
Oh, was it over?
"Did I sleep that long?"
"It's a few hours, even if it's long, right?"
No, but...
"They should pick you up, so go home today. Get some rest."
"What? Pick me up?"
When she tilted her head as she combed her hair with her hand, the door to the infirmary opened instantly as if could hear her, and Kamamoto said, "I'm sorry.".
"Oh, you came."
The infirmary teacher looked at the door and beckoned.
Then, Yata and Kamamoto came out from behind the curtain and looked at her anxiously.
"Are you ok?"
"Aren't you shaking anymore?"
Their voices made her feel very relieved.
"Yes, thank you.", she said smiling. Yata's face turned bright red.
And as he was, he retreated into the shadow of the curtain. "Yes?"
"Oh, Yata-kun?"
"Yata-san didn't mind carrying you, take it easy."
"Shut up!"
Just as she was, she heard the rattling sound of the door. So did he come out?
"Huh? Hm?"
"Oh, don't worry. Maybe she's waiting outside. Konohana-san, can you get up?"
Kamamoto shrugged and put a bag on the bed.
"This is a bag. Rest assured that Yukizome cleaned it up. It should have what you need. If you can get you up, let's go home. I'll send it to the bedroom."
"Oh, thank you. Maybe it's okay."
It was time to get out of bed and get up.
She fixed the wrinkles in her skirt and put her shoes back on. She looked good.
"Especially, it feels awkward, they're not there, are they?"
"Yes. There are none. Take it easy."
"But the expression was dark. Really?"
She involuntarily looks at the teacher.
"Is your body really okay?"
"My body is fine..."
The teacher shrugged and said, "Then go home."
Kamamoto removed the sack from the curtain rail and handed it to her. She grabbed it and put it on.
"Then, thank you."
Ready to go, she bowed to the nursing teacher.
When she bowed firmly to her voice that told her "Take care." and she came out of the infirmary with Kamamoto, as Kamamoto said, Yata sat in the hallway and waited.
"Oh, give me the bag."
"Eh? I can carry it."
"I'm going to do it."
Yata extended his hand with slightly red cheeks and looking away.
"Then, please."
"Oh. Then take out your PDA."
Eh? PDA?
"PDA? Why?"
"Because it's okay, get it out."
As she tilted her head, he took out his PDA, and Yata pointed his own PDA.
A bang was heard and Yata's contact information was recorded on her PDA.
"If something happens, give me a call! Okay? Do it!"
Yata's face turned red as soon as he saw her.
Her cheeks warmed when she noticed him. She was very happy.
Because... huh? Didn't he care at all what Fushimi said?
(I can't control my abilities, right? I might hurt Yata-kun. It's not an impossible story, because I've done it in the past.), she thought.
She try to speak correctly.
But it wasn't just about being there. He will try to protect her, it was also very natural.
Why? Why did he worry so much?
It was like a dream. Was that really the case?
"If I call you, will you come?"
"Oh, that's the natural thing to do!"
He wasn't looking at her as usual, but he didn't hesitate or stagnate at her words.
"No matter what happens, hurry up and do it right away!"
Simple words that can be clearly understood without lying.
She was so happy.
(Oh what's up with this? Why am I such a happy monster?), she thought.
She tried to email "Yata-kun" while she hid her face that had turned bright red with the PDA.
Yata, who was alerted by the ringtone and lowered his eyes to his PDA, turned his eyebrows on her saying "Oh?", and finally looked back at her.
"Yes, call me, but not for something silly!"
"Oh? I'll send you an email, if you don't have anything to do..."
"Ok, that's fine."
Kamamoto turned away from Yata, who averted his eyes from his as he endured laughter.
Yata wandered for a while and then quickly turned his back on her to hide his red face from her.
"Hey, I'm not going to answer you if it's something stupid!"
"Yes? You guys. If you get a red dot in the middle and end of the period, you won't be allowed to enter here for a while."
At Kusanagi's sudden declaration, they all yelled at once: "Huh?!" Oh, everyone except her, Suoh, and Totsuka.
Yata, who was sitting on the sofa with her, raised his hand, also stopped and looked at Kusanagi in a stunned way.
"Eh?! I won't, it's stupid. Nobody says I can get good points. Just tell me to avoid the red dots. It's the lowest line."
"But they are all themes, right?"
"It's still normal. Hey, I'm thankful I didn't say that in the skill test in April. The range is fixed at the middle and end of the period. It shouldn't be difficult."
"He can't help but show that he is our idiot, Kusanagi-san."
"I'm not trying to do that, stupid."
Kusanagi sighed and put the polished glass on the counter.
"By the way, Saya-chan, how did your skill test go?"
"Huh? Oh, the average score was only 80 points. Math was a bit difficult."
The inside of the tent was so cold that everyone looked at her with surprised eyes.
Yata's hand also stopped again.
"What? I haven't taken those numbers."
"Oh, no, at my other school, the transfer exam was really difficult."
Eh? Was that so?
(But I haven't taken the transfer exam, have I? I got a letter of recommendation and I just...), she thought.
Thinking of that, Totsuka suddenly looked at her and looked at her left hand.
"By the way, your burns, don't you have to go to the hospital anymore?"
"Oh, yeah. Thanks. All I have to do is be careful not to leave marks."
Yata applied to her a vitamin C ointment and lotion to the back of her hand and bandaged it.
He put a gauze on and taped it up. He had repeated it many times since April and he was used to it.
Yata who usually had a hard time talking to her, much less touching her, had a calm face when he did that treatment, probably because it was a treatment. He would ask things like "Are you okay?" or "Are you no longer in pain?"
When everyone made fun of him, he turned bright red and got angry, but he didn't stop doing it after all.
"Will the scars disappear?"
"There is no problem with the right knee. It seems that the left hand thing will disappear cleanly if care is not neglected. It will take some time, but it will still be clean in the summer."
"Yeah I'm glad."
Totsuka smiled as if he was relieved.
"Hmm. Left hand, finished. Is the bandage not tight?"
Yata propped up the scissors and looked at her.
She slowly opened and closed her hand, shaking her head.
"It's okay."
"So next is the foot. Put your foot up."
Yata hit the couch, pointing at it.
When she lifted her leg up as he told her to, Yata took off her shoe and put it on her lap. Then he released the bandage on her right knee.
"No matter how many times I watch it, it's erotic, right?"
"Aha. But Yata doesn't see it with evil eyes like you do, Chitose."
"No, Saya-chan doesn't either. She lets a man's hand apply ointment or lotion."
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"That's why Konohana-san doesn't have an evil idea like Chitose."
She could hear them.
No, she wasn't embarrassing now, but she was really embarrassing at first.
She had gotten used to it a bit lately, but not that she wasn't embarrassed at all.
But more than that, Yata was desperate... It wasn't Yata's fault, but he was desperate to make it up to her and do what he could.
So she was very happy.
"How about the pain?"
"Most of it is gone, it's just turning red. Maybe I can use a lotion."
"Hmm. But don't overdo it, should I apply a little more salve?"
"Isn't that conversation too erotic to listen to?"
"Shut up, Chitose."
"Saya. I'm off topic. The guy who got a red dot in the middle and end of the period is banned from coming for a while. That's absolutely unreasonable."
Kusanagi stopped the talk by hitting a bread. Yes, that was the story.
Yata's hand stopped again. Maybe for Yata it was quite dangerous?
"If you don't study properly, you won't be a professional."
"You don't want to study because you want to be like Mikoto?"
"No! Go study! Even now!"
Yata sighed as he opened the cap on the lotion.
That was it. It was so dangerous that he sighed.
When she laughed, she softly made a noise to Yata, who was in a gloomy state.
"Let's do our best."
"Are you studying correctly?"
While she was doing her homework in her room, it suddenly occurred to her to email Yata.
She went into the kitchen, boiled water, made instant coffee, and returned to the study table with hot mug in hand, and had already received an answer.
She sat in the chair and enthusiastically opened the message.
"I was in Homura a while ago."
Only those words, but she was very happy. Yata answered the message correctly even though he said that he would not reply nonsense.
It was blunt and a short sentence, but he answered correctly the right way every time.
She was happy to send an email even though she had no problem.
Today was certainly a study session at HOMRA.
Some people were playing games, but Yata was studying hard.
When she casually showed Yata, who scratched his head, he turned red and didn't speak properly, but when the problem was solved, he said quietly, "Thank you.".
When he asked her over and over again, "Tell me...", "Tell me this..." and "Tell me that...", Kusanagi, who was watching them, said, "These idiots. Couldn't they study elsewhere?", but he was happy.
At HOMRA, the red club was very warm.
It was so much fun mingling with everyone and being happy.
"I have to do it in the bedroom. Aim! Avoid the red dots!"
She sent a reply to Yata and wrapped both hands around the mug.
The sweet, warm coffee made her heart feel warm.
She never dreamed that she could spend her days with that feeling even though her abilities had been revealed to everyone. She believed that it was all thanks to Yata and everyone in the red club.
Was she really good? She was having a quiet day like that.
The PDA shook to notify her of an incoming call.
When she opened the email she received, she saw the words "I'm upset."
"Hm, you don't have to be upset, Yata-kun. Maybe you're just blocked, aren't you? Let's do our best together. Ok?"
She texted while she smiled.
He immediately responded with an "Ok."
That made her feel like it was the end of the conversation, so she thought about it for a moment and asked, "Let's study in the library instead of going to HOMRA tomorrow."
She thought that he would probably hate studying in the library, but the answer was, surprisingly, "I can do that.", and she was shocked.
Eh?! Was it okay to go study in the library? Wouldn't he go to HOMRA?!
Oh, she didn't think he would return that answer. Yata really wanted to avoid the red dot.
She was happy in another way and said, "Let's do our best! If you have any questions, ask more and more. If I can understand it, I will show you."
Yata's response was: "I don't know, there are a lot of things I don't understand."
Yata's worried face seemed to appear before her eyes, and it erupted irresistibly.
"Hahaha. Yes. Yes... I see... Hehehe."
She laughed and wrapped both hands around the PDA.
But still, she told him to study together in the library without giving up.
"Well. If that happens, I'll ask you to avoid the red dot. Homura without Yata-kun is alone."
She put down the PDA and picked up the mechanical pencil again in a new mood.
"If that is."
Awashima-sensei announced with the ringing of the doorbell.
They all responded at once. A great chorus of "Yes!" echoed through the classroom.
"Turn over the answer sheet."
She placed her answer sheet on the stack of paper that came from behind and turned it forward.
Awashima received it, counted the number, and confirmed it. And when she finished, she looked around and smiled.
"Yes. Good work."
"Good luck! The test is over!"
The screams increased. She too took a breath and sank down on the desk.
After all, the math was difficult. She was not good at it. The last problem, she could not write it, although the final score would be high.
When she was narrowing her eyes, Kamamoto's voice, "How did it go, Yata-san?", jumped into her ears.
(Oh yeah! Yata-kun!), she thought.
She snapped her eyes open and woke up.
And when she got up on the same impulse, she went with Yata and the others.
"How was it? Do you think you can pass?"
"Oh, maybe it's okay."
Kamamoto smiled. Looking at Yata, he was a bit confident.
"What about, Yata-kun?"
"No! No, that..."
When she looked into Yata's eyes, he blushed a little and walked away.
But soon, he coughed, "Well, I was able to write more than usual... I have hope."
"Really?! So..."
"Well, I hope it goes well. But, I think it can be avoided."
"Hooray! That's good! You did the best you could!"
They didn't have the result yet, but she was relieved. She didn't want Yata to be banned from the bar.
When she clapped her hands, Yata flashed a goofy smile, "Oh!"
That was irresistible and she warmed her chest.
"Oh that's right. Hey, Yata-kun. This morning's email…"
She was worried about it since morning, but she finally asked a question that she couldn't ask because she thought it shouldn't disturb his concentration on the exam.
At that moment, Yata patted her on the back and his overreaction made her narrow her eyes. That? That reaction.
In fact, when she woke up this morning, she was surprised to receive an email from Yata.
Because he, until today, he almost always responded to her emails, but Yata never spoke first. That day for the first time, Yata sent her an email. She had been impressed since the morning.
But that was a slightly confusing email.
There was no topic or text. It was just an email with a photo of the crepe shop attached. She at first she thought it was a wrong email.
Because she knew him well, Yata wasn't very good at sweets.
It was strange to think of Yata sending her a photo of a crepe shop. She felt something was wrong.
So, she thought about asking what happened after the test was completed, so she put it on hold... Hmm? Wasn't that a mistake?
Kamamoto tilted his head and looked at her.
When he spoke to him because he didn't want to say something, Kamamoto turned his gaze to Yata, "Did you send it?"
"Well, well!"
Yata stepped out of Kamamoto's line of sight and said that.
(Oh, after all, he sent it to me. Not a mistake.), she thought.
What did that mean?
Suddenly, she put her finger on her lips and thought.
(That email. What if he couldn't write the topic or the text?)
What if attaching a photo was the best thing the shy Yata could do in front of a girl?
Oh, maybe that was it?
Her heart made a loud noise.
Ah, she wished it were so.
But what if it was different? If it was a coincidence? She was thinking too much.
(But what if…? In this case…), she thought, and her face turned red.
Was it okay to say that? If it was different, it would be a shame, but... but!
She clenched her hands tightly and looked at Yata.
"Oh, that... if you want, can you take me? No, I want to go!"
Yata turned his back on her at her words and looked away.
When she laughed again, his cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. She then she thought that she was not wrong, (Ah! It can't be! Yes, that was it!).
She ducked involuntarily, hugging her knees.
"What?! Konohana-san?"
She couldn't raise her face at Kamamoto's voice of surprise. Because her ears were bright red and she could understand him.
(Oh, I get it! Yata-kun is great and I like him!), she thought.
Even though he wasn't good at talking to girls, he emailed her and everything.
Of course, inviting a girl must have been a huge hurdle for Yata.
Yata, who wasn't good at sweets, went to the trouble of looking it up and bravely emailed her, right? She always wanted to see it, and she could have Kamamoto translate it!
"Eh? What's wrong? Yata-san. What happened to Konohana-san?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything."
"Huh? What's wrong? Am I the only one in the group?"
"Shut up. You have to keep up with yourself."
Eh? There, Kamamoto always goes where Yata went, but...
"But no. If so, okay?"
"Huh? Hey, Konohana-san."
Face down, she shook her head and refused to explain.
It wasn't that hard to tell, was it? "I invited you to a crepe shop.", "I invite you.", is a story that can be done, right? Also, if she went to the crepe shop later, she could make a rough guess, right? Still, she didn't want to say why.
Yata invited her, she wanted to keep that impression.
It could be for a short time, but she wanted to keep it.
She knew Yata was embarrassed, but when she saw him refuse to talk to Kamamoto in the same way, she even felt the same way. She also tickled her and she was happy.
That "happy" accumulated and he made her happier. Yata was amazing. She felt sorry for Kamamoto, who kept it a secret.
Oh, but after all, she wanted Yata, who had the courage to send that photo, to be with her.
"Hey, how about the crepe shop?"
"It was delicious!"
With a big smile on his forehead, Kusanagi said, "I'm glad."
"That's why the three of us are late. I see, it's too early to be relieved."
"Of course. You know that, right?"
"I don't know. I don't think so when I see him frolicking behind me."
Yata, Kamamoto and everyone else were talking about the athletic festival around the couch where Suoh was sleeping.
It's basically a class competition, but after all, there seems to be a competition that uses skills to compete between special clubs, and they were all on fire.
Above all, the extreme tag game that takes place at the end of all competitions, it is a competition that can be said to be the flower form of the school athletic festival, and it seems to be very exciting.
Everyone was motivated to beat the blue club this year.
"Saya-chan, will you participate?"
Suddenly, Kusanagi said that to her and looked back.
"Sports day. If you go to the competition as a member of the red club, yes."
At Kusanagi's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at her.
"Eh, what?"
She notices that everyone's eyes were shining as if they were saying, "Let's do it!", and she shook her head hastily, also with both hands.
"Yes, yes, refrain!"
"Eh? Why? Do it!"
"Chitose-san. No, I refrain from doing it! I'm afraid of competitions that use my abilities. I can't control them."
In the first place, she had never tried to develop her abilities on her own. She didn't want to use them at all, but just hung out.
Did they want her to use her abilities voluntarily when she didn't even know what her abilities are? What a terrifying thing. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
"I don't know what will come out in the first place, so there's a good chance it won't work."
"Oh, never mind. I'll keep helping you..."
Yata's little cough made her eyes widen.
"It did not matter?"
Even having seen that pillar of fire, the stone pavement that was sandwiched between them, the broken grip strength meter, and the broken recording board, she was surprised that Yata could say that normally.
She really couldn't tell him anything.
Wasn't Yata afraid of him? Doesn't he think she will ever hurt him?
She didn't want him to be afraid of her. Of course, she didn't want him to avoid her.
She was very happy that he treated her like a "normal girl".
She was so happy that she trembled, but still she responded.
"But I don't know what will happen..."
Still, she was afraid to "use" her abilities voluntarily. It could affect the competition and the athletic festival itself. Especially if she hurt someone.
When she shook her head and looked at Yata, Yata coughed, "Oh, I get it.", and turned his back on her.
"No, if you don't like it, no. I'm not trying to force you. But if you're enjoying school life, join us."
"Oh, I'll help you. I'll follow you as much as I can."
A word spoken without hesitation.
Maybe he wasn't very smart, but he was warm and kind and cool.
Although he looked closely at what she had done, he was able to say it without a small bet.
The masculine side of him was great.
(Oh, I see. I'm so happy!), she thought.
"Yes, thank you. Ordinary competitions are aggressive. Oh, that's right. Let's take first place in class grades, Yata-kun. I'll do my best too. I'll enjoy it!"
Rubbing away the burning dependency, she regained her composure and clenched her fist.
"Let's get the trophy! Yata-kun, you can win right?"
With expectations, she looks directly at him.
Looking back over his shoulder, Yata shook his head with his usual awkward smile.
"Leave it to me."
Sports festival. Joyful cheers filled the playground.
It was an ideal sunny day for a sports festival. The blue sky was tinged with cloudless blue. She was cheerful enough to sweat even if she didn't move.
Without disappointing the expectations of the class, Yata participated in quite a few competitions and was producing good results.
She never tired of looking at Yata, who was running like the wind.
Speaking of not getting tired of looking, Suoh was also looking. He had a completely different attitude than Yata.
What's the point of walking calmly, he wasn't even running? Burning obstacles in an obstacle course? Very surreal.
Kusanagi took a break from the store and came with a large package. She was surprised not to know that. Oh, but the rice balls and omelette were delicious! Why was everyone's lunch box so delicious?
The appearance of installing a video camera on a tripod was like someone's parents, and she laughed with Totsuka.
But it seems like he was filming with a lot of energy, and he really wanted to see it with everyone at HOMRA.
"Next is the final competition. It is an extreme tag team game against special club activities."
That was the announcement that echoed down the hall. She closed the cap on the mineral water she was drinking and hurried back to the cheering seat for the special club activities.
"Oh, come here, Konohana-san."
Totsuka, who noticed her, motioned for her to come with him.
She sat next to him and looked at the executive committee that was cleaning up.
"Speaking of which, I was wondering, but what is extreme etiquette?"
"Hmm? Oh, the one in last place wins the competition."
Eh? What was that? Kill each other or something?
In response to the answer that was diagonally above her expectations, she instinctively looked at Totsuka in confusion.
What did that mean?
"Specifically, it's a competition where five players from the special club are sent to compete. One of the five is wearing a special club color ribbon. If it is stolen, or if it is undone, if it is burned, if it is cut... Anyway, if they take it out of your head, you will lose."
"The remaining four people protect the people who are hovering anyway. So, surprisingly, it's a competition where strategy is more important than skill."
"I see. Well, maybe."
"That's right. I'm a bit weak at that. It seems that the blue club has won many championships even in the past. That's because it is controlled like an army."
Sensing what she meant, Totsuka smiled.
That's right, uh...?
"Oh, that? I think the silver club had three members in the first place. But is it a competition where five representatives are selected?"
"Oh, the silver club will not participate. Last year there were fewer people. The silver club just marks the beginning of each year."
Eh? Was that so?
"Oh, hey, does it start?"
Shiro came out with a smile and turned the starter pistol towards the sky.
After a moment, he rang out a loud electronic sound signaling the start of the competition.
The players all began to move at the same time. A great ovation enveloped them.
"No matter how many times I see it, that rabbit is surreal."
"That's right. But Yata will go."
Yata, the commander of the red club unit, rushed straight into the enemy camp.
There was no strategy. Really, it was attacking directly from the front.
Kamamoto and Chitose followed.
Suoh didn't move.
He stood silently and stared at Munakata, the leader of the blue club.
"Ah. okay!"
Everyone around him raised their fists and shouted loudly.
When she turned his gaze towards Yata, Yata also struck a gutsy pose with the best smile. Apparently, he managed to burn the rabbit-faced headband.
He had a cheerful expression. Immediately, he brought his lips together, harbored a fierce flame in his eyes, and plunged into a new enemy.
She was fascinated with him.
He do not doubt it and challenge from the front, facing the enemy directly.
There was no alteration of the plan, nor any calculation. He didn't even think about winning.
He just believed in himself and his friends, and ran.
His appearance was very stringy.
To her, who had run away from various things, he looked very bright.
She intensely yearned for him.
(Oh, he's amazing. Amazing! Yata-kun is amazing!), she thought.
"The green club, left! The rest are from the red and blue club! This year was also a unique match!"
The announcement heated the place even more.
Then, turning his back on the comment, Yata started running towards the blue club, who was solidifying his defense.
The opponent was the blue club, which is good at tactics and strategy. Involuntarily she breathes, then clasp her hands and pray that Yata won't get hurt and will win.
Yata's hand was engulfed in flames and the members of the blue club held his swords.
Five beautiful leaves that roared in the sunlight.
She was surprised at how sharp they were, she got up and yelled.
At that moment, Yata's flame swelled tens and hundreds of times. It grew big enough to burn the skies, swelled up like a living being, and attacked the blue club.
The blue club took a breath and faced a sudden attack that was completely different from what they expected.
That momentary delay was fatal. The flame burned the headband.
"Ah! Wah?!"
The scorch broke and fell to the ground without a sound.
"The winner is the red club."
Big applause in the hall at the exciting announcement.
Everyone in the red club stood up and raised a voice of joy.
"I did it! Saya-chan! I did it!"
"Yes! You won!"
Everyone clapped and rejoiced.
"Yata-kun! Great!"
"You did it! Yata!"
Kamamoto and Chitose ran towards Yata, who was somewhat confused.
Yata, who was hugged, looked at Suoh for some reason.
For some reason, Suoh and Fushimi were looking at her.
Beside her, who noticed the line of sight and tilted his head, Totsuka put his finger on his chin and narrowed his eyes.
"I see."
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HANA Doll track project archive 1-14 IDOLls translation
The translation is very rough!!! More info here also (?) before dot means I'm really not sure if the sentence is correct and (?) after dot means I couldn't translate some part I tried to erase all my idiotic comments hope this tl helps!!
Mahiro: Eh, Kaoru collapsed.
Lihito: Rather than collapse it looked like he lost conciousnes(?). It didn't look like it was this searious(?) but there was given an urgent instruction to transport him to medical care.
Mahiro: So that means Kaoru...
Lihito: He was carried out to the closest hospital.
Mahiro: There is such a facility. I didn't know.
Lihito: If I knew there was such a thing, I would use it when the flowers bloomed. This time I followed PLANTs instructions(?).
Mahiro: Kaoru...
Lihito: Then, you can take this dinner plate if you don't want to eat the dinner(?). Kaoru was worried.
Mahiro: I see. Thank you.
Lihito: After that, this is my personal request. If you'll act like that(??), everyone will go crazy. He(?) will not return as soon as possible(?).
Mahiro: What do you mean?
Lihito: You're probably much more than you think. It's about balancing in the middle of Anthos. I'm sick of the noise in the dormitory. It's more uncomfortable being kissed(??????). It would be helpful if you could fix your mood without being stubborn.
Mahiro: But It's not about me(?).
Lihito: The HANA Doll project is clear, there is no emotional factor in the judgment of aptitude or not. No matter who you are or who you were, that is not the case.
Mahiro: Lii-san...
Lihito: I guess you were thinking about that. Even though it was the son of President Amagiri, the flowers did not bloom first. This time it became clear that there was no strange work done. One conclusion can be drawn. I don't leave the center of the unit to someone who isn't fit.
Mahiro: I wonder if that's true. Really.
Lihito: The decisions made by the project so far all make sense. At least I think so. Well, then.
Mahiro: Lii-san! Thank you, Lii-san. I'm feeling a little better.
Lihito: It was simple.
Haruta: Chise-nii. Chise-nii, come here.
*sleepy chise noises*
Haruta: Get up. I'll leave you to Lito-nii and Ryo-nii and go out.
Chise: Go out where?
Haruta: To work. PR of new song with flowered members(?). You woke up.
Chise: That's right! Hari, Oru-kun still haven't come back?
Haruta: It seems that three people went and contacted him today. The message board says so(??). Lii-san said earlier.
Chise: I see. It's been three days already. Is he okay? I'm worried.
Haruta: I'm worried about you, Chise-nii(??).
Chise: Me?
Haruta: Your flower, stupid. I wonder if your physical condition is okay.
Chise: Hari is a good boy. It's kind of you.
Haruta: It's normal. Anyone who sees you suffering like that will be surprised and worried.
Chise: But Hari, You don't really want to talk to me.
Haruta: uh
Chise: Don't put up with that. You can think that you hate it more(?). About me and Ryo-kun. About Oru-kun too.
Haruto: oh
Chise: Sorry. I scared you. It's unpleasant to be told this. But I thought a lot. I want to get along with Hari properly. That's why I want to stop hiding it.
Haruta: Chise-nii...
Chise: I couldn't tell my parents what I really felt. (?) Now I think it's okay to talk to everyone. With Hari too, right? When Oru-kun will come back let's talk. Please do it.
Haruta: Kao-nii...
Chise: With Oru-kun. He will listen to all of Hari's feelings. It'll be fine. I'm not scary/ed at all.
Ryoga: Chise, I'm ready. (He mutters something)
Chise: Ryo-kun, I'm sorry. I'll get up now.
Ryoga: Lihito is waiting.
Chise: Sorry. What to wear today?
Ryoga: It doesn't matter as long as you're not naked.
Chise: Ryo-kun says violent things today.
Ryoga: I don't know if I won't be called to work outside at all in the future(?).
Chise: No, no. I won't be late.
Ryoga: Haru, will you help Hiro today(?)? I'm preparing breakfast now.
Haruta: Okay.
Ryoga: Thanks(?).
Haruta: Understood.
Chise: Ryo-kun is too frustrated. You have to quickly make up with Yukki.
Ryoga: Chise, you-
Chise: Don't get angry like that. I don't know what happened. I haven't seen both of them because their feelings are so messy these days.
Ryoga: It's okay. Change your clothes.
Chise: Actually, Ryo-kun is pretty childish. Cute.
Ryoga: You, This movie(?) is bad quality(??).
Chise: It’s very attractive, isn’t it? Because my flower bloomed beautifuly.
Ryoga: Well then, thank you for the rest, both of you.
Haruta: Same here, do your best there as the representitive of Anthos.
Ryoga: Leave it to me.
Chise: Yukki, Hari, I'll buy souvenirs.
Mahiro: Chi-san, thank you.
Lihito: Don't say something you can't promise. Let's go.
Chise: I'm going out so much that I took a detour for a while.
Ryoga: Okay, we're going.
Haruta: Take care. Good luck.
*they leave*
Mahiro: I should get ready.
Haruta: You feeling good, Hiro?
Mahiro: It's okay don't worry, Haru. Let's do voluntary training this afternoon together.
Haruta: I'm sorry, Hiro-nii. I want to do voluntary training alone. I want to learn one step(?).
Mahiro: I understand, there are times when you want to do it at your own pace.
Haruta: I'm sorry.
*in mahiros head*
Mahiro: Haru is not okay. I wonder if only two of them are answering machines. Or something happened with everyone when I was in the room. But it's kind of hard to hear. There's a great weather behind the window. My face reflected in the window is terrible. I had a dull face. I don't look like an idol. With this, forever(?).
Mahiro: Yes, It feels a little better when washed. What can I do now? Let's clean the room. I hope Kaoru will be greeted comfortably whenever he comes back. After that... The ring is ringing(?). What is that? Luggage delivery. Luggage? It says that you can receive it, but where? In the living room?
Haruta: Alright this step is already perfect. I have to practice a lot now. Like flowers bloom. Don't leave it to everyone.
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minabon · 4 years
"Love counseling with Lee Jong Suk"
Today, I will give advice on relationships. It won't be perfect, but I'll do my best to be helpful.
Haha ... (laugh)
I'll pick one (raffle question)
I didn't know it would be like this.
Hope to get an easy one.
Qns1: My boyfriend lives abroad and we have not been able to see each other because of Covid.
How can we maintain our relationship?
LJS: I'm always tempted to have a little fun with these. Since you are physical apart, I believe that mutual trust is the most important thing. All you can do is give her reasons to keep trusting you.
It would be great if he did the same. But that's your business. So all you can do is do your best to let him know "I still love". I think the only way is to have a strong bond of trust.
I will choose one.
Because I like orange. (referring to the questionnaire, it is orange)
Qns2: I'm in my 30s and someone 10 years younger than me told me they liked me. That I have to do?
LJS: That is a difficult situation.
I think the first thing you need to do is find out how deep his feelings are. There are many real problems that can arise from the 10-year age gap.
He probably just got out of the military and goes back to school, then he'll get a job. I don't know if he's planning to get married, but if he is, there may be problems while he's dating, so before I start anything, I think you should have an idea of ​​how serious he is. That's it.
Here's the Spanish translation of Lee Jong Suk's Elle Korea for the March 2021 issue.
"Love counseling with Lee Jong Suk"
Love? Have a date? Perfect boy? Lee Jong Suk will tell you everything!
Qns3: I want to tell someone how I feel. What is the best way to do it?
LJS: There are so many different ways.
You can be more subtle and try to show how you feel. Saying it out loud or sending a text message is a bit embarrassing. And depending on your choice of words, it can be mysteriously interpreted.
How about writing a letter? Make sure to correct the spelling. That can be a huge detour. I get tense in front of the person I like and cannot speak properly.
Qns4: How can I speak more comfortably?
LJS: Well for me, even doing this interview makes me really anxious.
My fans know this, but when I speak at fan meetings, I feel quite comfortable. The reason is because it is comforting to know that the people in front of you like you.
If you are anxious, I think it may be part of your charm to show it. If someone tells me that they like me and are looking forward to it, I would find it very charming.
This is hard. (To laugh)
Qns5: Maybe it's because I haven't dated in a while, but I feel like my love cells are dead.
LJS: What can I do about it? That's too bad.
If you have a prolonged dry period, do your love cells die?
I don't think you have met anyone who makes your heart beat. At some point, you will meet someone who will make you think, "What is this feeling?" and then those cells will come back to life.
Qns6: Someone told me that he likes me and that I want to reject him without hurting me.
LJS: I don't think that's possible. I think it is always better to be very clear.
Also, even if you reject them, you need to keep an eye on how sincere your feelings are. If the person turns around and becomes hostile about it, I would think, "Oh, did they really love me?"
After rejecting them, take another look at it. They may turn out to be really cool. You can reconsider your decision.
Tricky question
Qns7: Does love exist? Seriously?
LJS: Of course, love exists.
Of course.
I believe that it exists moment by moment rather than forever. Not only with a lover, there are different ways of it, but the feeling that is exerted in those different moments is love.
Actually, it is a difficult question.
Qns8: Is the destination predetermined? Or do you do it?
LJS: Destiny ... destiny ... destiny ... (sings)
They say that love is the right time, so a part of me thinks things start with a coincidence. But I also believe that you can create it yourself.
That's it ... Depends on how much you want it.
Love? Have a date? Perfect boy? Lee Jong Suk will tell you everything!
Qns9: I am in a relationship and I want to keep things fresh and romantic.
LJS: I think that to continue like this, you can never take for granted the things you receive from your partner. Be it your feelings or your gifts, even if it is something as small as a flower.
There is a process: they thought of me, they went to the florist, they picked a flower, they thought of the meaning. If you think about the process, I think you will feel closer.
That's one way to keep things alive longer. It's something you can force. Hold on to what you are feeling now, and later on, you can look back and remind yourself.
All of these are really difficult. (To laugh)
Qns10: Someone who I love virsus someone who loves me.
LJS: In my opinion, because I am someone who receives a lot of love from my "fans", it is really a joy to be loved.
If I had to choose one, I would go with someone who loves me. It's really comforting to know that they understand me and cheer me on.
Qns11: I want to give a gift to a guy I'm not dating yet.
LJS: Recommendations?
Something I recently bought, this is not an advertisement. There is a new razor that is heating up and you get a warning. I think it's very good. That or a knee pad massager! If the person you like is someone who likes to exercise, that could be a thoughtful gift that isn't really obvious.
Qns12: There is someone I like and I want to know if they feel the same.
Los: This one is difficult.
I wonder if this person can feel it. When you talk to the person, you will probably have a feeling if the person is leaving the door open.
For example, if you are texting and you ask a question and they respond with a period or an exclamation point and the conversation ends, then you can assume that the person is not interested in you that way.
But if the conversation continues back and forth, you can tell that person is somewhat interested.
Do what you want with it.
Last question.
This is my first time doing something like this. It is fun but difficult.
Qns13: What is a "geinuino man" according to Lee Jong Suk?
LJS: This question really came to the end!
Woof. A genuine man.
I don't want my answer to be too obvious. Someone who gives their partner no reason for doubt or suspicion to begin with.
Someone whose presence alone can cut your anxiety in half.
But I guess that depends more on you than the boy. Trusting someone so much.
A genuine man I am ... Me! (To laugh)
That has been a relationship advice with Lee Jong Suk.
Please like and subscribe to ELLE.
I'm leaving now. Bye!
The end.
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selenecrown · 4 years
Hey, I watched a translation of the first part Twisted Wonderland Chapter 4, and I have a theory.
First, I think Jamil is the one who is going to Overblot, I mean, we see a scene of him genuinely, I honestly think he was genuinely caught off guard by Kalim's lack of care towards the grades and preformance in his dorm. I'm referring to this scene in particular:
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(I took this screenshot from https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eX5k2HU6mic , I claim no credit for the screenshots I took because my phone is really crappy when it comes to moblie games, if it even lets me download them)
While I think the other times we've seen him, he was covering his true thoughts and feelings on the matter, because that's probably what he was trained to do because in the end, he is a servant, not a member of the family he serves and doesn't really have a say in the matter at hand, no matter what it maybe. And afterwards, we seen him immediately try to hide his feelings again and be diplomatic about the situation with Kalim, which works because Kalim adores him. Jamil was twisted from Jafar, who is known to be a calculating, and smart villian. So, I think it's pretty safe to assume Jamil is the same way. I mean, multiple people have stated he is pretty smart and wonder why he isn't the dorm leader, because he's the one running the show 90% of the time. So, I don't think it's out of the question he's hiding something. But, I guess that much is obvious with the kitchen scene. So, anyway, why did it take so long for the ink to show up then? Because the ink indicating an Overblot doesn't show up in the scene when it ends, but a few scenes later.
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I think this is because Jamil realizes that, his plan is kinda in jeopardy now that the MC and Grim are here, because he knows that the last three dorms that got involved with these two Overblotted and, while probably better off, where in quite a bit of trouble. And, he needs to keep the situation completely under control. Which was why there where guards outside and the door was locked on the MC and Grim. So, I think one reason why the chapter might be so long is because Jamil is going to take a while to Overblot.
Now that I have that stuff out of the way, I also have a few thoughts as to why Jamil might Overblot.
1. Kalim's happy-go-lucky attitude is bad for his own future. (This is the One where Jamil likes Kalim)
It's possible that Kalim may have always been the sunshine child we know him as today. And, Jamil thinks that Kalim is an idiot for not understanding his position as an heir, so he tried something on a smaller scale, a dorm leader. But when that didn't work out because Kalim still doesn't understand, Jamil is kinda of out of options. So, now he has to take him out of leadership because Kalim hasn't learned to properly rule over people, or at least shown it to Jamil, at all. Jamil has probably worked his whole life to get Kalim to see the position Kalim is in, but it failed. So, out of desperation, he's taking matters into his own hands and he's becoming the leader. Why is he going slowly then? Because all at once is unnatural, despite it possibly being in character for Kalim.
2. He's tired of being the sidekick (This is One where Jamil hates Kalim)
Jamil has been Kalim's hypercompent sidekick for most of their lives. So, it's also possible that Kalim has been praised for what is essentially Jamil's deeds, and Jamil remembers but Kalim doesn't. Or that Kalim is considered something that he doesn't deserve to be called, like being gifted in magic, a prodigy, or an amazing child in general and Jamil knows it because he's lived with Kalim most of his life. So, he hold a grudge against Kalim for being number two, and fails to realize how much Kalim really, really appreciates him and how other do as well, thinking it's a lie. (Basically he's got similar issues to Leona). So, he tries to get rid of Kalim to, well, get rid of his competition.
Here's the thing though.
I don't think Jamil will be the only one that may Overblot. Kalim may or not Overblot (I honestly can't tell right now for sure), but he's not getting off scott-free either. Personally, I hope he Overblots because the other option we have for Kalim is a full-on mental breakdown (which is what I think Overblots actually are, but whatever, that's not important right now.) or something worse. Because Kalim is a literal sunshine child, and unlike Jamil, I honestly don't think he's hiding anything besides his past. And, unfortunately, this is going to break his world view, knowing that the man he loved like a brother actually went to lengths to hurt others and walked on Kalim to get what he wanted. Kalim will be devastated and heartbroken, and hopefully, it'll just be an Overblot and not some magic explosion or something.So, I think Kalim may Overblot to. But here's the catch. For him and Rook Hunt, because they're based on the good guys, the Overblotting thing may have a different name or even different system on how it works for these guys. But, I don't know, maybe I'm just writing out my wishfullment stuff here. But with 49 chapters (I think that's the right number, please correct me if I'm wrong), two Overblots in one chapter would make sense to me.
That's what I got. It's probably nothing new, but hey, it's what I got.
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HANA Doll track project archive 1-17 Message translation
The translation is very rough!!! More info here also (?) before dot means I'm really not sure if the sentence is correct and (?) after dot means I couldn't translate some part I tried to erase all my idiotic comments hope this tl helps!!
Mahiro: It's kind of exciting.
Lihito: Mahiro, I'm getting off, so stay there.
Mahiro: Ah, sorry Lii-san.
Ryoga: PLANTs, Please come here to pick us up at 5 o'clock.
Kaoru: I look forward to working with you.
Chise: Let's all go eat ice cream.
Haruta: Chise-nii, wait.
Chise: There are many places I want to go with you all. Let's hurry, we're running out of time.
Ryoga: Wait a moment. Before we split(?), let's take a photo.
Chise: Yeah! Take a cool picture.
Ryoga: (you can't speak I have no idea what you said)
Chise: Litto here, next to me.
Ryoga: Can Kaoru and Hiro move closer to the center one step at a time?
Haruta: I can crouch in the front.
Ryoga: Fine! Let's go. Cheese.
Chise: You got it. Show me, show me!
Haruta: I also want to see.
*Haruta trips*
Kaoru: Haruta.
Haruta: Sorry, Kao-nii. (?)
Kaoru: Is your foot okay?
Haruta: It's fine, it's fine.
Chise: Take a look, everyone.
Mahiro: You take beautiful pictures.
Ryoga: I am pretty good at it(?).
Chise: I look cool(?).
Haruta: Chise-nii is that kind of person(?).
Chise: Hari is also cute.
Haruta: Why not cool(?)?
Lihito: We don't have time, let's go quickly.
Chise: Wait! Hari, let's go.
Haruta: I understand, I understand, Chise-nii.
Chise: Litto, the ice cream shop isn't over there. It's the opposite.
Kaoru: But now, we should take photo with Ryoga-san.
Ryoga: Well, we also should go(?).
Mahiro: Let's all take a picture next time.
Kaoru: I agree. Ah, Mahiro?
Mahiro: What?
Kaoru: Perhaps you have something for Ryoga-san(like not a present but like something is up with them)?
Mahiro: Eh?
Kaoru: I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
Mahiro: That was the correct answer. Kaoru is sharp.
Kaoru: Mahiro...
Mahiro: We had a quarell when Kaoru wasn't here.
Kaoru: Quarell? Mahiro...
Mahiro: But it's ok. We made up properly.
Kaoru: Is that so? Then that's fine.
Mahiro: But I still feel like Ryo-san is lying to me.
Kaoru: Eh?
*haruta kinda struggling*
Chise: I want a photo with you two(??). Hey, Ryo-kun, take another one.
Ryoga: I get it, I get it so don't move that much.
Kaoru: Lying? How?
Mahiro: Don't know. I don't want to know and I haven't heard.
Kaoru: That's the reason. The way Ryoga-san looks at Mahiro is always very kind. I can understand it well when I see it next to me.
Mahiro: I know. I know that too.
Kaoru: If so-
Ryoga: Something happened? Both of you stopped at such place.
Kaoru: No.
Ryoga: If you'll won't move Chise will leave you behind.
Chise: Oru-kun! Yukki!
Mahiro: Chise-san, wait. We're going now.
Ryoga: Let me take a photo of you two(?).
Mahiro: Let's stick together with Chi-san(?).
Kaoru: Yes.
Mahiro: Ryo-san you can take it. Ryo-san? What's wrong?
Ryoga: My bad. Let's go. Cheese.
Mahiro: Thank you. Please give it to me later.
Kaoru: I want it too.
Ryoga: Yeah, of course.
Mahiro: Let's hurry. We have to chase after Chi-san. Let's go, Kaoru.
Kaoru: Yes.
Ryoga: Really, I wonder why I didn't notice it, Hiro.
Chise: I can't walk one step further.
Lihito: I thought it would be like this.
Haruta: Chise-nii skipped too much(?).
Chise: I can't do it.
Lihito: I hope you don't go crazy in the middle of downtown.
Ryoga: It can't be helped. Should we go home?
Chise: Eh. There is still time until PLANTs come.
Lihito: You said you were tired.
Chise: But no, no! I don't know if everyone can come(like come outside again maybe?????).
Ryoga: Oi, Chise.
Haruta: That's true. I may be the last to be able to do this with Chise-nii. It was fun and I forgot.
Kaoru: Haruta.
Chise: Eh, why is it the last?! I don't know when it will be next because the rules are noisy, but it will come again.
Haruta: He, Chise-nii don't understand at all.
Chise: What don't I understand?
Haruta: Ok, it's nothing.
Mahiro: Look, Lii-san. There's a bench over there.
Kaoru: Shall we take a break?
Mahiro: I'll go buy drinks. Chi-san what do you want?
Chise: Thank you. Well I-
Ryoga: I'll go. I'll buy a lot of things, so wait a minute.
Chise: Argh, Ryo-kun's rough. He's overprotective for Yuki.
Mahiro: Right? I think so too.
Lihito: Kaoru, you sit on the bench instead(?).
Kaoru: Me? But-
Lihito: It's okay.
Kaoru: Ok.
Kaoru: Lihito-san. This is-
Lihito: Even if you get tired, don't insist a little. You're not strong.
Haruta: That's right, Kao-nii!
Chise: Oh no, I forgot.
Lihito: Not at all(??).
Chise: Litto is kind after all.
Kaoru: I'm sorry. I made you care.
Chise: What is it? That's natural.
Mahiro: That's right. I also should have done it.
Haruta: It would be difficult if you suddenly collapsed like before.
Kaoru: I'm in good shape today, so it's okay. Besides, I'm getting stronger than before.
Haruta: Kaoru've been getting up early in the morning and doing his best in stretching and muscle training.
Haruta: Really?
Kaoru: Yes, I can't lose to Haru.
Haruta: What's that? Do your best secretly.
Ryoga: I bought drinks.
Mahiro: Thank you, Ryo-san.
Ryoga: I like this kind of training(?). (????)
Chise: I want tea(?).
Haruta: I want soda(?)!
Ryoga: Tea and soda, here. Hiro, what do you want?
Mahiro: I'm fine with what's left(?). Kaoru and Lii-san...
[S.T.O.P. playing]
Mahiro: Eh that's Anthos's-
Chise: That's our song.
Haruta: Let's see. They're similar to people at the meeting(?????).
*fan noises*
Kaoru: Amazing. Anthos's song is played in such a place.
????: (?)News. Click here(maybe more like stay here, stay tunned??) for today's special feature. Darkness and loss approach idols in the future(??????).
Mahiro: Eh, I don't like it.
Lihito: Quickly, call PLANTs.
Ryoga: I'll call(??). Everyone, let's move to the alley over there.
Haruta: Eh, why?
Ryoga: I'll tell you later.
Presenter: Do you know idol unit Anthos? Six fresh people belonging to Amagiri Production. It's secretly rising in popularity. However, it is rumored that the reality is surrounded by darkness. We, the interview team, contacted our secret source reporter(there's smth about some second daughter but????).
Haruta: Who's that (second daughter??? Child??? Idk ig its about reporter or source but tl dont work)
Idiot: Anthos are great man raised by Amagiri Productions. A unit built into the HANA Doll project.
Kaoru: That voice... From that time. Isn't it the reporter who asked the question at the time of the release event?
Mahiro: That time...
Ryoga: Certainly similar.
Presenter: According to the published materials, HANA Doll project tries to make perfect idols(???). It’s a new attempt.
Idiot: That's right. Embedding what is called the seed(??) in the bodies of boys. It is a very dangerous thing to bring out the ability to the limit. Although it is described as an ostensibly medical practice. The appearance that idol suitability is linked to medical care is zero(?). Seeing that legal means are being used if I don't make a mistake(?).
Haruta: It's legal. Don't lie, idiot.
*no way im tl this fans*
Idiot: Furthermore, In this project someone was participating more than once(??). The youngest of them Kiyose Haruta 17 years old.
Haruta: oh
Idiot: A child from an orphanage who has no relatives. Amagiri Productions feeds on the gorgeous entertainment world. I think they invited this in the project(???). Poor thing.
Haruta: That's wrong!
Mahiro: Haruta.
Idiot: I tried to interview the orphanage where Mr. Kiyose was.
Haruta: Why such a thing?
Idiot: There were many children who were hungry for love. It's normal he dreamed of being cheered on a shining stage and getting sick(?).
Haruta: Stop. That's not true.
Mahiro: Haru, calm down.
Haruta: Hiro-nii. That's wrong. I-
Mahiro: I know. I know.
X: Hey you saw the child over there(??)?
Y: Eh, oh really.
Kaoru: Let's go away from here as soon as possible.
Ryoga: Yeah.
Kaoru: Come on, Haruta.
Lihito: Chise, let's go.
Chise: Litto, what should I do? I'm scared.
Lihito: There's nothing to be scared of.
Chise: Litto.
Presenter: Amagiri Productions had other unit popular 3 years ago(??). Suddenly the activity was suspended (they are talking ab this Amemiya Kaito from loulou*di who stopped being there ig but im not sure).
Idiot: It is unthinkable that it is precious at that timing when it was at the height of its popularity (like he go away then idk). I understand that Amemiya's body may have become abnormal due to the experiment. Amagiri Production wants to deceive young people and continue to mass-produce monsters that surpass humans behind the scenes.
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