#please don't give us more dinosaurs in cities
ailendolin · 8 months
New Jurassic World Movie in the works with David Koepp writing
I love that my initial 3 thoughts about this were:
please ignore whatever tf Dominion was
go back to the jungle setting
bring back Billy Brennan and use the brilliant plot from the video game that never was
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amrass · 7 months
Fanfiction updates and excerpts 02.16.24
I think I am getting better after my burnout, which is nice! And I also finished all my main projects, so that's also nice. Thank you for all the kind feedback and well wishes I've gotten, I appreciate them loads.
My life seems to get steadily busier in spring. I'm observing Lent from 02.14 to 03.28 together with my fiancé, who is more religious/spiritual than me, but I enjoy the mental challenge. Our main way of fasting is restricting the internet outside of work, so I won't be online as much. But I still copy paste comments/messages with me, so I can answer when offline.
The upcoming projects are a few old ideas and a few new ones. Lots of Micah, as always. NSFW content under the cut.
Main works: 
Colm/Micah, sugar daddy precanon AU, dark content. Currently at part 5, opening Arc 2: "Christmas with the O'Driscolls". Soon readers can look forward to heavy bondage, accidental retraumatization, a murder attempt, spanking, sounding, needle play and piercing play. And Owen O'Driscoll delivering the line "As a boy, I used to weep in butcher shops," while sneaking into Colm's bedroom at night to ... check out Micah. Here is an excerpt from chapter 6:
"Don't be scared," Colm said, choosing the moment when Micah steeled himself to press his nail into the nipple. He imagined the soft, pink space giving in to his finger, all those sensitive nerve endings giving a way for him, engulfing him like a cunt. The steel mechanism kept on making a slight scraping sound when Micah pulled at them, until he drew his legs up, spreading his knees while his ankles remained bound tight together. "You want more?" 
"I'll kill you," Micah mumbled. 
"Yeah, you want more." Colm kissed the skin between Micah's cheek and ear, then finished the remaining shirt buttons. He tugged the fabric to the side so that he could kiss the boy's shoulder, until the hunching made his collarbone jut forward. It looked delicious, and Colm sank his teeth into the bone until Micah whimpered. 
The Lost and the Lethal
A motorcycle gang AU set around 1990-2010, like in GTA 4: The Lost and the Damned, with the RDR2 main cast as bikers and their horses as smaller pets. While out riding, Arthur gets tasked with recovering Micah, who has been missing from the clubhouse for a few days. After finding him in a lethal condition, there's a race to get him to a hospital, with some help from fellow members and a threat from a rival MC gang. My first attempt at whump with an VdL vs O'Driscoll MC fight in the middle. Kind ZanaZira has been helping me out with this, she is a godsend!!!
Micah came and went to the clubhouse as he pleased, unless forced to stay due to an ankle monitor. He guarded his bike like Gollum with the Ring (a reference he wouldn't get despite the gang's frequent film marathons), but it had been parked in the clubhouse garage for a couple of days. Arthur had even gotten a chance to study the red skull details amid the black paint, and read the edgy quote about vengeance scratched into the fender of the bike.
"Just try to find him, that's all I ask," Dutch said.
"Alright," Arthur grumbled, not looking forward to the shift from open roads to city alleys, the car queues, and the trucks riding his ass like randy dinosaurs. Worst of all was the smog trapped between the tall buildings, tickling the scar tissue inside his lungs. "I'll do it."
The Sweet Escape
My take on the Morbellicious "Blessed are the Meek?" scenario. Arthur has Micah where he wants him, jailed in Strawberry, soon to be hanged. Threats, among other things, are exchanged through the window bars, while Arthur is barely concealed by the nightly rain fog, and Micah's cellmate is being an O'Driscoll flavor of bastard.
"I could use a toothpick, and ... " The hand found him and wrapped around his shaft, pulling him out from the fabric. The following silence made Arthur look down, focusing on Micah's expression behind the bars. Micah was staring at his cock. Arthur flushed; was there something wrong with it? The air was cold, and he was too uneasy to be fully erect, but ...
A whistle from the corner of the cell. "Holy shit, that's a huge dick."
Micah whipped around, "Shut the fuck up, O'Driscoll!" His grip on Arthur tightened like a vice, and he groaned like some sort of demonic background choir to Micah's shouting. "One more word and I'll crack you skull open like I did with your friend!"
"Hey, no fighting down there!" a lawman called from upstairs. Arthur and Micah froze. The O'Driscoll held a finger to his lips, and then fluffed his pillows as if getting comfortable before a show.
Other pieces I am thinking of a lot but have not written much of:
Untitled Catboy Micah fanfic 
CRACK. Arthur has to take Micah to the vet to get him fixed, because his kittens are overflowing in the camp. My notes are all there, I just need to write it in one go, as I do with crack fics.
Say that we're sweethearts again
Kind of a sequel to "Through the Wilderness" set 20-30 years later. Old!Micah/old!Arthur. An AU where (low honor) Arthur is tasked to find (low honor) Jack Marston. There's reason to believe (high honor??) bounty hunter!Micah is after him. Having had a stormy relationship ending in Dutch's death, the reunion is tense, and Jack doesn’t help matters. Lol, I loved playing low honor creepy Jack ...
WARNING: REALLY DARK, HORNY CONTENT. O'Driscoll Gang/Micah. Set in my MC AU, extremely dubcon biker gangbang, O'Driscoll Thrash Party … I wanna write Micah trying to steal from the O'Driscolls, getting chased by motorcycles, then waking up in a concrete garage of some sort. Will include duct tape, drugs, vibrators, boot worship, overstimulation, alligator clamps, spider gags, watersports, the writer slobbering all over the biker wear … Colm is overseeing the whole thing and being his beyond creepy self. Colom boy, I love youuuuu (as a fiction character yada yada)
And that's it! I have a few old projects mentioned in other posts that I might work on later, but for now, my main focus is Salt, the first chapter of the MC whump threeshot, and The Sweet Escape.
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@yesimwriting tagged me in this! These are so fun,Thanks :)
I'm on mobile and i can't add the color to my text, it's really pissing me off rn so I'll just have to clarify which one I chose below or like add an emoji, sorry :)
barbie🦋or oppenheimer // ketchup🦋or mustard // crinkled fries or curly fries🦋// robots or dinosaurs🦋 // silly hats or silly sock🦋// spring or autumn🦋 // harry potter🦋or lord of the rings // vacation or staycation🦋 // day or night🦋 // board games🦋or video games // books or movies🦋// money🦋or love // milkshake🦋or iced coffee // waffles🦋 or pancakes // chocolate🦋or candy // beach🦋or pool // laundry🦋or dishes // take-out🦋 or dine-out // fantasy or sci-fi // lays or pringles🦋
Barbie🦋: I just loved how every one reacted to themovie, I haven't seen it yet and I've heard they're both good but I'm a girls-girl through and through so
Ketchup🦋: you can put ketchup on anything and the only thing I use mustard for are fried sausages, like that's it.
Curly fires🦋: they're just better I can't explain it I just really like the spring they have and they're always well seasoned
Dinosaurs🦋: I've liked Jurassic park since forever so that's where my allegiances lie
Silly socks🦋: I have a few silly socks and they're my favorite thing ever. I have this one pair that isn't necessarily silly but it has IT from the 1990's version and like clown colors, again my favorite thing ever
Autumn🦋: all the pretty leaves change color and weather gets cold and the scary movies come out. What's not to love?
Harry Potter🦋: I'm not that big of a fan of either but I know more about Harry Potter
Staycation🦋: I like things I'm familiar with, staying home or going fun places in my city sounds nice.
Night🦋: I'm honestly really big on both, I like the day the birds or the sun wakes me up usually and it's nice but night always has my heart
Board games🦋: I get really competitive and usually end up losing but it's still fun and I'm better at those then I am video games
Movies🦋: i honestly have a short-ish attention span so movies are better for me, sometimes I watch movies first and then read books to give more insight on a character but not usually. But at the same time I'll binge read a fanfic with 120 chapters so idk🤷🏽‍♀️
Money🦋: I love a lot of people and I'm loved by a lot of people I just feel Ike money could help the people I love, and who doesn't love money
Milkshakes🦋: I don't drink coffee, I've had it a few times and it usually makes me nauseous that and I have specific milkshake order that I get everytime, it's heart attack in a cup but it's my baby
Waffles🦋: what can I say you can't go worg with a waffles
Chocolate🦋: it's always chocolate and it always will be
Beach🦋: i don't really like either but I love the sand at beaches and the people I go with
Laundry🦋: I like doing my laundry, if I don't do it I kinda stress out
Take-out🦋: why would you be around people when you can order your food, sit at home and rewatch supernatural (sammy my love<3) for the thousandth time?
Fantasy🦋: I love sci-fi but if I had to chose, take me out of our realm of reality please
Pringles🦋: I love Pringles they're just good, and I like the shape
Tagging (no pressure but @they-slash-them and @doitmour1r )
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omentranslates · 1 year
Owari no Seraph chapter 125 english fan translation
Hi this was missing for some reason? I did it back when it came out but I guess I forgot to upload it here or it just got lost and I didn't notice. I'm reuploading a direct copy now bc I pride myself only on my complete archive
Chapter 125: Father and Soft Serve Ice Cream
Irrelevant of time our bond stands here unchanging.
Yuu: Wow, so it's ok if we don't hide at all? He's not noticing Anything.
Mika: I guess
Yuu: Spooky!!
Shikama: Damn it. Then this method is out too.
Yuu: What's he reading? Think we'd be able to read it?
Mika: You wanna go look?
Yuu: wow you ARE brave
Yuu: Is this really the dinosaur age? This city looks like it's way way wayyyy far in the future.
Yuu: Can you read anything?
Mika: It-it can't be!?
Yuu: What!? Is there something really wild written there??
Mika: Wouldn't know can't read it. Unreadable.
Yuu: Would you knock that off...
Mika: Well it's not readable, is it!?
Yuu: Ah, yeah I mean...
Yuu: Uh....dimming...the sun's light.
Yuu: Act of creating....a breed of those to be used.....act of resurrection....together are of the highest sin within reach of the law. That's what it looks like is written.
Yuu: Ohhh is that so...?
Mika: YUUCHAN WHO THE HELL ARE YOU. Actually that doesn't matter, read a little more, go on hurry!
Yuu: But it's using the part my brain is worst at to do though, I feel like my head's gonna explode and I'm using up calories......
Mikaela: Father!
Shikama: Ah, one moment.
Mikaela: I went and bought something delicious!!!
Yuu: Angel Mika's here!!
Mika: Sh!!
Shikama: Oh, did you go out into town again? Even though you should know you're not meant to.
Mikaela: Ehehe
Shikama: And I thought I told YOU to watch over them...
Mikaela: Yuu didn't do anything wrong I made them come along
Mika: They said Yuu.
Yuu: So that WAS me? These are THEIR memories?
Shikama: Yuu? Did you name another homonculus?
Mikaela: Yeah like so they wouldn't feel lonely!
Mika: But y'know....the way that angel Mika acts....isn't it kinda like you, Yuuchan? Like in how they're kinda dumb?
Yuu: Yeah...wait ok I'm not dumb, but I see what you mean. So then...are THEY actually me????
Mikaela: Right!? Yuuuu
Shikama: Yuu...Yuu huh? I don't really recommend naming those, though. When you name something, you're casting a dreadful curse on it called "giving it a soul."
Mikaela: What is love but to name things, though?
Shikama: It's a curse alright. Anything with a heart will have no choice but to worry with it.
Mikaela: Why'd you name me Mikaela when I was a kid then?
Shikama: To curse you, of course.
Mikaela: C'mon, I don't believe that!!
Shikama: Oof.
Mikaela: You totally named me because you love me!! Right!? Come on, right!? Father!?
Yuu: Wow what's even going on over there, they're cute in a dog kinda way.
Mika: I'd never do anything even close to that, though.
Yuu: What, you think I would either?
Mika: Hmm...yeah, you actually are kinda like that sometimes.
Shikama: Of course I love you.
Mikaela: I knew it all along!! So now I'll give you your portion of the snack~!
Shikama: What is this supposed to be
Mikaela: I've heard it's super popular in town right now! It's so tasty!!
Shikama: Haven't I told you you shouldn't eat things from town? Your body is too weak for that.
Mikaela: Yeah but good things are good for you so!
Shikama: Oh please...
Mika: What a willful kid.
Yuu: And a sickly one.
Mikaela: *coughing*
Shikama: See, here we go
Mikaela: No no, I just swallowed some wrong--! *continued coughing*
Mikaela: *cough* ah....I wasted it...
Mikaela: *more coughing* I'm sorry. Having a treat didn't do this though, right?
Shikama: No, breaking your promise and spending too much time outside did. The outside air is not good for you. Now go back to the clean room.
Mikaela: I hate it there so much...
Shikama: If I were the one who was sick and did this same thing, how would you feel?
Mikaela: I'd be a mess.
Shikama: Don't do that to me.
Mikaela: I'm sorry.
Shikama: You're a good kid, so now get going.
Mikaela: Father, will I get better someday?
Shikama: Of course. You'll heal when you're an adult.
Yuu: He's lying.
Mika: Obviously. No way that kid's going to heal.
Mikaela: An adult like you?
Shikama: Yes exactly
Mikaela: An adult huh...I hope I'll be able to become just as wonderful as my father
Shikama: If you get enough sleep I'm sure you will. And I looked into your snack, it doesn't seem there's anything harmful in it, so I'll let you go get some more.
Mikaela: Wait really!!? YAYYYY!!
Mikaela: Will you eat it together with me!?
Shikama: Yes, so go to sleep quickly now.
Mikaela: Got it! Let's go Yuu!!
Yuu: This is definitely a memory of when the Angel Mika died. And the First clearly loves his kid.
Mika: But when that beloved child died...
Yuu: What the hell....did you do to me and Mika.
Steadily shedding light on this new side of the First....
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its-tiamat · 2 years
hi hi!! i found your blog and i am falling in loveee >< your writing is so good and adorable aaahhh they're really fun to read too!! i see that the request is open, so... i'd like to request some hcs if it's okay heheh. well... so, i'd like to req hawks, katsuki, and dabi (is it alright if i request three characters??) with a s/o who is an airhead, sort of happy-go-lucky person, who likes to ask random questions like "what if the chicken i am eating right now was your chicken's sibling? or worse, mother??" when they're eating dinner.
i hope my request is not confusing >< thank you sooo much! I hope you have a great day!! 🌟🌟
ok anon, SO, beside thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind things you just said, I LOVE THIS PROMPT. If you ever feel comfortable enough to text me, pls do it. Like, you just gave me a genius tier prompt and two of my fave characters to work with so I'd just give you the biggest kiss rn. Also, requesting three characters is super fine (It's the ideal number! I love you!) and encouraged, so I'm sure I'm working with someone you like.
Pairings: dabi × reader • bakugo × reader • hawks × reader
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To be honest, at first Toya was kinda worried about you being such an airhead. But that also means you're comfortable enough to speak your mind around him, right? He won't complain.
You love the concerned look he gives you when you do or say something weird. "You were talking in your sleep last night," he said once, while you were having lunch at your place. "Huh? What did I say?" you asked.
Toya lifted his shoulders: "you turned to look at me and said: I realized why it's called breakfast, because it breaks the fast. I mean you're not wrong but-"
"Love. I was fully awake. I was talking with you."
Don't keep asking him which food he can cook best with his quirk, please. The answer is none.
He must admit it though, your questions made him so curious. He tried to cook bacon while you weren't at home once.
It tasted like coal.
Also let's not forget, he's still a villain. Thinking out loud, you once asked him what would happen if he donated his hair and whoever used the wig committed a crime, leaving his DNA on the crime scene.
"Honey," he huffed, "my DNA is already on half of the crime scenes in this city. Honestly, I wouldn't worry that much."
It kinda froze your blood. Welp. That's the good ol' fuck around and find out. Maybe if you ever commit a crime you should drop some of his hair to the ground. Just in case.
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Bakugo used to be. So damn annoyed by your random thoughts. And his reactions are so fun that you tried to film them a couple of times.
"Do you ever think about the fact that the bus we are in is powered by decomposed dinosaurs?"
"No? What the hell, Y/n. Wait, are you filming this?"
"Nah, why would I film it? By the way, do you ever think that maybe the water you're drinking right now has been into like, someone famous? All Might, maybe."
Bakugo almost spat water over the old lady that was sitting in front of you that time. What the hell was wrong with your brain?
You couldn't deny it, annoying him is part of the fun, especially when you manage to break his tough exterior, taking him by surprise. He's been catching up lately though, and he tries to answer your questions.
"Katsuki? I have a question."
"Please, tell me it's not one of your weird ass questions, huh. It would be the third today!" He said, holding up his head with one of his fists.
"No, it's a serious one. You know how electricity runs through water right?" you asked.
"Yep," Bakugo looked at you, "another weird ass question. I knew it."
"How do fish survive when a lightning strikes the sea?" Bakugo's eyes widened. How did the fish survive? Shit, he didn't know either. With a groan, he took his phone "I gotta look this one up."
(just for the record, they don't survive :( the ones closer to the point where it strikes die because of the electric impulse, and more die because of the shock wave resulting from it. I was too curious and had to look it up too lol.)
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Keigo, on the other hand, loves your stupid ass questions. He's so on board with that.
Mostly because his head is at least as weird as yours, so even when you ask him what his favorite brand of milk is, he has a straight  answer for you. Why shouldn't he have a favorite brand of milk after all? It's the one that complements better your favorite cookies.
You both startle each other with weird facts and questions lol. It gets to the point where it looks like a competition.
"What if the chicken I'm eating right now is the sibling of the chicken you're eating?" you blurted once while you were out eating at your favorite yakitori place. His eyes kept moving from his plate, to you, to your plate. "What if my chicken is the mother of your chicken? That would be even worse!" He exclaimed. You shrugged. "At least they got to be cooked together, right?" He nodded, and went back to eating.
You love how your random thoughts just make sense to him, and how your vibes are reciprocated.
Once, while you were cuddling, he asked you: "Y/n, don't you think some word just sound...plastic? forged? I really don't know how to describe it." You shifted in his arms to look at him "like, they sound fake?"
He nodded: "Like elbow, or aardvark."
"Like harpoon?"
"Yes! You get it, love"
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 5
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Previous chapter links:
Afterglow chapters Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader CHAPTER FIVE
Sometimes, the universe works in different dumb ways. You're one of the few lucky people if you get what you want, and one of those who aren't; the ones who run out of luck every damn time. There's nothing more miserable than finding what you're not looking for, meeting the right person at the wrong time (or vice versa), getting the wrong take out food, or riding the wrong cab.
Unlike your first cab ride, this one was different. There was no loud music, no speeding, no overtaking, and no yelling -- definitely not what you needed right now. See how the universe works in different dumb ways?
If Bucky wasn't hungover right now, you would've ran all the way from White Wolf to the bar. God, how much did he drink last night? After thirty minutes, the cab finally stopped in front of the bar. Bucky paid a generous amount. "Keep the change." He said casually before stepping out of the cab.
Without second thoughts, you walked the steps down that lead to the door of the bar. In front of it were sealed boxes and cases of different kinds of liquor -- beer, champagne, wine, whiskey, vodka; you name it. Luckily, you always had the bar keys in your pockets in case of emergencies. Lucky for Steve, one of his employees just lived right above the bar and had the freedom to come down any time she wanted. Steve lived all the way in Brooklyn. Why he chose to work in the Upper West Side, you might never know. He was a pretty secretive person. No one from the bar staff knew anything about his personal life -- except that his family was from Rhode Island (perhaps).
"That's a lot of boxes." Bucky caught up with you. "Good thing I'm here."
"Please." You scoffed. "You're still hungover." I bet he couldn't even carry one small box, and even if he could, he'd just spill them all over the floor. But you didn't really know Bucky. You just knew him from Peter's stories. So, when he carried two big boxes at the same time right before you opened the door, the shock came over you. You wondered, spending all his time partying and drinking, where he stores all the alcohol he consumes.
"Where do you want me to put this?" Bucky asked.
"Just right behind the counter." You replied. "If you need some help, let me know."
"I got it all, doll, don't you worry." He chuckled, placing the boxes on top of the counter then jumping over it to reach the other side. You rolled your eyes and got more of the boxes that were sitting lonely outside. You put a stopper right between the small gap between the floor and the door. "Nice place you got here!" You heard Bucky yell amidst the city noises. "Different kind of bar."
"You mean not like the kind of bar you go to?"
You heard him chuckle. "Yeah, that. This one's kind of vintage."
"Yeah." You replied, sticking your head out by the door frame. "Like you!"
He gave you a small chuckle. The bar did give off some vintage mood -- that was why it was a bar for everyone. The kids were now discovering and loving all kinds of vintage stuff, people in their fifties come here 'cause it reminded them of their time, and some are just curious.
On the inside of the bar, everyone was completely shut out from the outside. There were no windows, only color-stained glasses on the wooden walls near the ceiling. You can never tell day from night inside unless you look at the wall clock.
You pushed some of the boxes on the floor. You didn't have enough upper body strength to carry them all the way to the counter. By the time you reached Bucky, you carried the boxes one by one and placed them on the counter, then he carried them over to the other side.
"So vintage." He commented once again. "You even got a jukebox. Does that even work?" He motioned towards the jukebox.
You sensed he wanted to try it for himself so you told him he could give it a little push. He smiled and jumped over the counter once more. "You don't always have to jump, Bucky." You showed him the wooden counter pass-through he could easily open but his focus was set on the jukebox. He found the plug and waited for it to light up.
"Cool. Just like they do in the movies."
"Of course. What did you expect when you plugged that in?" You carried one box to the counter and stopped near the jukebox, leaning over it. "Besides, didn't you guys have this during your time?"
"You make it sound like I came from the fifties."
You raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms. "So, what did you guys have?"
"Cassettes." He mumbled.
"We had iPods. But at some point I think we did have cassettes, then the CD, then the iPods. Still doesn't change the fact that you're basically a dinosaur." Then you made a roaring sound which you thought was the sound of dinosaurs.
"That's not how a dinosaur sounds like, Aria."
"Of course, you'd know." You teased before going back to get some more boxes.
Bucky started to push some buttons until a mellow song played. "It's been a long, long time." He mumbled.
"What?" You asked and stopped pushing the boxes.
"The song. It's named 'It's been a long, long time.' A buddy of mine's favorite song. He and his girlfriend used to dance to it. Haven't heard this song for a long time. Quite nice."
"It is nice." You commented. "But it's too dramatic. Put some Beatles on!"
He chuckled and pushed more buttons until a song from The Beatles played.
You resumed moving all the things inside. As the boxes got heavier, assuming they were mostly the new plates and glasses, Bucky removed his polo shirt and dropped it somewhere. He was still wearing the tank top he had yesterday. "Remind me to buy Peter some new clothes."
"You're really gonna buy him new clothes?" You grunted, carrying a heavy box on the counter, passing it to Bucky.
"Yeah." He made a face, clearly struggling with the box. "I kinda destroyed what was half in his closet."
"I heard, yeah." You replied while walking to the front door to get the cases.
"You got some more back there?" Bucky yelled.
"It's the last one. I got it."
For the next hour, you and Bucky spent unpacking and placing everything where they were supposed to be. You had a few phone calls from Peter, most were just him checking up on Bucky. You promised to tell him you'd tell the whole fiasco at the White Wolf when he gets here in the bar.
"I'll be there as fast as I can." Peter replied before hanging up. You told Bucky about the phone call and he mumbled something under his breath you couldn't quite decipher. You decided to leave him be as he unloaded the last box.
Before you could even ask about the mean drink he was supposed to make, he emerged from behind the counter, holding up two bottles in his hand. "You up for some drinks?"
"As long as you pay for it."
On his hands were two expensive unopened bottles. As long as they were still half full and paid by Bucky, you wouldn't get in any kind of trouble with Steve.
"I got you, doll. Don't worry." He popped both of them open and grabbed two cups and a shaker as you sat down one of the stools, shaking off the nickname he'd been giving you ever since you arrived here at the bar.
You barely paid attention to the song still playing on the jukebox as you watched Bucky make his supposedly mean drink. He started to tell a story about how he learned to make his own drinks. Unlike Peter, he didn't bother to beat around the bush. He kept everything short and precise: A bartender friend of his taught him how to make drinks then experimented on his own in his penthouse where he had a mini bar just for himself, which was inside his own office. Odd, you thought. Most people would have them on the corner of the living room, with wine glasses dangling on hanging wine holders and shelves full of liquor. Bucky's mind worked in a different way.
Bucky's very short story made you wonder of all the other classic Bucky stories you've been told -- the long ones Peter would tell you. You wondered if they were only adventurous and wild in Peter's words. Would they have been different if you'd heard them from Bucky?
"I'm gonna name this drink after you." Bucky snapped you out of your train of thought.
"This one." He carefully  handed me the drink. "I made it based on your personality."
"Bucky." You chuckled, gazing at the drink before me. Then returned it to him. "You don't even know me."
"And to think we were just engaged a while ago." He pursed his lips and leaned on the bar counter, then licked his lower lip. You tried your hardest not to give a quick glance at it but you obviously failed, so you stared at the drink in front of you once again.
"This drink is basically your judgement about me." You replied.
"It's a good judgement." He retorted. "Trust me."
"You're gonna pay, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." He playfully rolled his eyes. "Go on, try it."
Before you could even take a small sip, someone came in the door and your instinct was to say: "Sorry, we're closed right now" but it turned out to be Steve wearing denim on denim and a cap.
"Steve!" Quickly, you gave Bucky the drink he made you, then he hid it behind the counter where Steve could not take even a small peak. "Hey, I thought you were with your family."
Steve managed to catch his breath, leaning against the wall while keeping his eyes on you. "I have been calling you for the past few minutes. I thought you didn't make it here."
Your eyes widened, taking a quick glance at your phone which was on top of the bar counter. On the bright screen were a bunch of missed calls from Steve. You gave him an apologetic look and he just sighed as he walked towards the counter. Then, he caught a glimpse of Bucky who was right behind you.
"Right, right." You shook my head. "Bucky, this is Steve. He's my boss. And Steve, this is Bucky. He's Peter's stepbrother. He's just helping me out with the boxes."
There was an odd exchange between the two for a second or three. A knowing look. But you shrugged it off when Steve shook Bucky's hand over the counter. "Bucky. Nice to meet you."
Steve nodded. "Aren't you the owner of White Wolf?"
"That's me." Bucky chuckled, withdrawing his hand back after the friendly handshake.
Steve focused his attention back to you. "You could've called me y'know."
"It's okay. Bucky came to help. Besides," you gave Bucky a side glance, "he owes me."
"Zip it, doll."
You laughed, looking at Steve. "Aren't you supposed to be at your family gathering?" you asked, practically shooing Steve away, not wanting him to see Bucky making drinks behind the counter.
"Yeah, well I thought -- "
"Go, Steve. We're basically finished." You stood up and walked Steve out the door. Bucky yelled a simple goodbye as we walked.
"So," Steve whispered once we were at the door, "are you two..."
You gave him a look of disbelief. "What? No, no, no, no, no. We're not. We just met."
"That's what they all say."
"Rogers." You grunted as you opened the door. "Go."
"Wow, so eager to get me out of here. Are you gonna have sex on the floor?"
"Please, don't have sex on the floor."
"No, we won't. Now go."
Steve laughed as he walked up the steps and hailed for a cab. "You say that now, Aria. Just remember to clean up afterwards."
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dustysandwiches · 3 years
Family (TMVSTM)
Summary: Eric and Deborahbot 5000 feels like they didn't belong with the The Mitchells and run away to live their own lives
"Purple glasses woman, why did you saved me?"
"Oh come on, you boys are family now"
It is such a complex word, too difficult to truly understand. For a robot create just to following orders, Eric did not understand it yet, though he did looked up the definition of it but despite that he plays along for the sake of his and his Pal Max brother
They're heading to the Silicon Valley, The night sky is filled with no stars but the green "fun pots" containing human to somewhere. It makes the sky lights up with green light. It is an unusual sight even for robots.
The Mitchells are really going to destroy Pal?.... If so, what will happen to the remaining robots? What if..they failed..?
The bot are lost in his memories and Net Work to find something he's looking for. It seems like he's in too deep in the system Until he feels someone shaking his shoulder part lighty
"Eric...Eric, are you there? Is your system too damaged?" A voice speaks in hushed tone
Eric turn his mechanical head to another Pal Max bot, Deborahbot 5000
His brother
"What wrong? you've been so still like you shut down. I'm…. worry"
Deborah grip Eric's shoulder part lighty. Robots isn't supposed to have feelings but they're the defective now anyway, so it's not surprising that he would express what he "feels"
The car stop at some abandoned gas station. Only Katie, Aaron and the loft of bread are sleeping in the car at the moment. Mother and The male Mitchells are inside the store for something. Eric finally answered and grip Deborah's hand back
"I'm okay, my system and outside damage is unchange at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your question earlier. Don't need to be worry"
"Okay… but tell me if anything is acting strange, will you? I don't want to lose you, brother...We're only defective robots here, if you're gone, what am I going to do?"
"I'll always have your back like you have mine, brother. We are going to survive, one way or another"
Eric tells what he thinks is logical to his robo brother. He let go of Deborah's hand and turned his head to Mother, who's making her way back to the car with her partner and tells her the safest route to Silicon Valley.
The car is running along the road at night. The robo brothers looking outside of the car, expanding their data about the human environment and hearing the conversation between Katie and Mother. They're talking about The male Mitchells, Rick of how he's just trying to make her happy.
Eric wants to feel this "happy" too and he wants Deborah to feel the same. Maybe it would feel really nice, like getting their system updated.
But how could they do that? They're about to went through most protected head quarter in the world right now and there's no guarantee that the plan would work but the show must go on
"Mom, what is that?"
"Oh my god!!"
The car suddenly stops, making their head jerks back, Eric and Deborah turn their heads to the front window. As the Mitchells get out of the car to stand in front of the giant building as tall as the sky.
"We're here...the Head Quarter" Eric said as he's getting out of the trunk
"Oh boy, I don't like this. Do you think we could get to the top without others noticing?" Deborah ask, stepping beside Eric in front of the car, behind the Mitchells
Slowly, Eric extends his hand to the side to his brother, knob and gears whirring while he processes his next word. Deborah immediately holds his hand and they're both looking up to the tower.
"No matter what happens, we're going to be alright"
The plan did not go well. The Mitchells got caught by a new robot, Pal invented. The sounds of the alarm is almost deafening, after the cable car has fell down and crashed. Deborah's vision is trying to adjust after he hits the ground. The first thing he see is the face of Pal Max bot with some face drawn on.
"Are you alright, brother?" Eric said as worrying as his robotic voice could spunds while kneeling next to him
Before he could answer, The black robot burst through and captured Mother and Rick. The Mitchells is being taken away and Deborah knows he need to help
Because they're his family now too
"Mitchells, we will help"
"Oh no no no, you won't. download new order"
Suddenly, like the virus creeping through their system. Making the robo brothers clutch their head like they're in pain, unable to take control of their body any longer.
New order appears : Capture the Mitchells
Deborah trying to break free one last time
No please I don't want to do this. Eric, Mother, Anyone…Can you hear me?..
"We're sorry, Mother"
Then, everything went blank
"Let's take a photo after we saved the world!" Linda said cheerily to Eric after handing or rather putting it in his hand
The battle is over the human won and the uprising is over. All of the Pal Max and the new robot has been shut down, Well almost every bot.
Eric and Deborahbot 5000 have broken through Pal's control and helped Rick Mitchells to put the video of the bread dog on, neutralizing the other robots. Now they're celebrating without them
They broke the code and helped this family save the world and now they can't even be in a photo? Eric thought but took the photo anyway. Maybe they're just too excited like humans always does.
The Mitchells tell the brothers, they can stay at home with them as a member of the family. The Mitchells welcome them, Linda teaches Deborah how to draw stuff like the Sun, the tree and other things. Rick shows them how to build a shelter from branches and leaves. Arron always talks to them about dinosaurs in his books and Katie sometimes asks them for ideas for her project. It was a good time.
Time passes and the robo brothers feels like they're more like a servant than a family. The Mitchells tells them to do things for them like chores, collecting the mails, mow the lawn and many things. Most of the time they haven't called them by their names or acknowledge them when they do something for the Mitchells. At first the brothers gladly do them, thinking it was a part of being a family but this time they had enough.
At night, when everyone is asleep. Eric and Deborah sit on a rooftop, looking into the sky. The moon is full today, shining bright along millions of sparkling stars. They come here every time they want to say something they went through each day, like updating each other. Today is different
"Today Rick called me Robot instead of my name again, I don't really think it's from force habits anymore" Deborah speaks in a quiet voice, mechanical head looks up to the shooting stars, then to his brother.
"But at least Mother let me help her cook dinner! It was really interesting, I learned how to peel a potato today, Look!"
He grabbed the potato peels besides him and held up to his brother. It's ragged, uneven and still has a big chunk of potato attached to it. Eric chuckles in a monotone like his robotic voice always does.
"That's great, Deborah. You know today Mother also let me do the laundry too! There was a lot of foam but I think I did well, Mother's face looks so surprised when I tell her I also put her bag in there too. She rushed past me so fast, I can't even see her"
"The purple bag? Oh yes, she loves that bag. Very thoughtful, Eric."
Then Deborah held out his hand, attempt to high-five Eric but they kept missing each other's hands, so they tapped their heads together gently. The glass tink softly as they did.
They looked up to the sky again, thinking about their lives with the Mitchells. Of how they've been treated lately, how they've been struggling to fit in the family and how they feel like they've been ignored.
Eric broke the silence between them and speaks in a quiet voice, hands gripping his knees tighter.
"Making our own order is great, we can do everything we want now"
Deborah nods " but why do I feel like we're doing The Mitchells order everyday"
"I understand if they haven't felt comfortable with us but they should have told us and we can be somewhere else. Not…. keeping us servants..like this.."
He looked back at Eric and asked in a hushed voice, if a robot can cry tears, his voice would be shaking like a human...but he's not human.
“I wonder if there’s any bots like us.. You know, the defectives. What are they up to? Where are they now? Do they stay with humans like us?”
“I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I guess Pal wasn’t prepared for anything like this. She didn’t put any program for tracking other bots for us.”
“We should go find them. That way we can have our own robots family! We don’t have to listen to any humans anymore!
Deborah grab his brother shoulders part, turn his body to face him and said firmly
“You say it yourself, Eric. We take our own orders now. This is the time we can truly do that. Don’t you see? Other Mitchells except Mother didn’t treat us very well. They call us Robots rather than our names. They give orders. They got angry when we didn’t complete what they requested. They didn’t acknowledge us most of the time like we aren’t right there!”
His voice drop low and finally he hugs his brother, a gesture he saw human does to their family and the one they cared for
“We did everything together...but we’re just in the background every time..We aren’t supposed to feel emotions but I do...”
Slowly, Eric lifts his hand and hugs back tightly, mechanical gear and wires clicking as he thinks about his brother's words.
It’s true. They were in the background most of the time. They were more like a maid robot than a member of a family like the Mitchells said. Maybe his brother was right, this is not where they truly belong. They need to get away from humans. For good this time.
“You’re right. We should go”
Eric let go of his brother and stand up. Looking into the distant city, held out his hand for Deborah. They will make their own future with others, if there are any more of them left.
“Let’s go say our goodbye to the Mitchells. Though they may have treated us like this but they still help us from Pal.”
“Should we leave a letter or something?”
“If you want to, we can. Oh oh! We should put the glitter on!”
Together, they jump down from the rooftops and go inside the house. Writing a goodbye letter for the Mitchells, telling them they appreciated everything they did but they want to live their own lives somewhere else without anyone giving them orders
After sometime, they put the letter down at the dinner table with a flower Eric collected from the neighbor's house, The Poseys.
Now, the brothers stand in front of the house. Looking back one last time before leaving.
"Let's go, brother" Eric said.
The sounds of the jet under their feet break the silence of the night. They jump and fly into the sky, green trails from the jet painting the night sky. They fly and fly further away from the house. Until the dawn came, they stopped at some abandoned cabin in the woods. It appears there's nobody living here for a long time.
"This place is in a good condition and I believe there's no human living here." Deborah said, feeling satisfied
"Yes, but we should look around just in case. Could you check around the cabin? I'll check inside." Eric asked while looking around and scanning the cabin with the camera on the top right of his head.
Deborah nods and goes out the door to check for anything or anyone. Leaving only Eric inside.
Eric wanders into the halls, scanning every room. The cabin is dusty and there were some traces of wild animals making a nest and shelter. Some kind of nuts and leaves were scattered all over the floor.Everything seems normal for an abandoned human cabin, until he spotted muddy footprints. It’s still wet, this only means one thing. There’s someone here.
The sound of a metal clanking from further down the cabin. It appears the sounds came from the kitchen. Eric changes one of his hand to the plasma beam shooter, being on guard and slowly walking to the origin of the sound.
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The story of Nasir the Cat part 1
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This is a drawing I did for Nasir... ya I know it terrible 😓 I haven't drawn cat's in a long time if anyone wants to redraw Nasir I give full permission as long as you follow the copy right and give credit where credit is due
Oh another thing Nasir is Arabic for eagle
The story of how Nasir became Altair's little furry partner in crime.
It was a Friday morning around 6;30. People were driving or walking to work, as the birds chirped and the eagles soaring through the open air, somewhere in the crowds of people, there was a blade walking among them, that blade was... Altair lbn-La'Ahad.
Altair was wearing his modern outfit, which was a plain white jacket hoodie, a black T-shirt underneath, navy blue pants, a leather belt, and black brand shoes. He was walking towards Mike's cafe, as he did every Friday and Monday morning.
The cafe bell rang as he walked inside, there at the cash register was Michael, wearing an open jean-jacket with some different pins on it, a red t-shirt, tan pants, and a red beanie hat.
Michael: yo! Altair! How's my main man doing?
Altair: I am doing well Michael.
The two fist bump, Altair and mike high fives from top to bottom then ending the handshake ending with them gripping both their forearm and shaking them. They both then let go and continued talking.
Altair: how have things been with you and the cafe?
Michael: I've been doing good, the same goes for the cafe too. So what can I do for my favorite customers slash good friend, today?
Altair: the usual Friday and Monday breakfast, please.
Michael: the butter coated croissants with a warm brew latte.
Altair: that would be it yes.
Michael: all right, and how many croissants would you like?
Altair: the usual five, please.
Michael: alrighty then, that'll be $17.99, please.
Altair: *hands him a coupon and three dollars*
Michael: Awesome, I'll get your drink and latte in a few minutes.
Altair: -nods-
A few minutes later Michael handed Altair his Latte and a white paper bag with the five butter-covered croissants inside.
Michael: there you go, a latte and five butter coated croissants.
Altair: *grabs the Latte and paper bag with the croissants inside* shukraan lak, thank you, Michael.
Michael: no problem man, hey you, Desmond, and Ezio are still going boating with me next week, right?
Altair: I believe we still are, yes.
Michael: right on dude! Well, I'll see you later then! *waves goodbye*
Altair: *makes a small wave back*
Altair exits the building and begins walking two blocks over to a bench that was next to an alleyway. Altair takes a seat on the bench, as he took a sip of his Latte.
Altair: ... *looks around to see if anyone was watching him* ... *turns around to the alleyway* *click* *click* Goldie~ come here Goldie~
Just then a large black cat came slowly emerging from the alleyway. The cat was a midnight black cat that had ember gold eyes just like Altair's eyes. The cat meows happily back at Altair when suddenly a large bulldog came around the corner and growled at the black cat.
Goldie: HISSSSS! *scratches at the air and towards the dog*
Altair quickly got up and got in between the dog and the cat.
Dog: *snarls and growls* BARK! BARK!
Altair: *gets in the dog's face* GRRRR! HISSSSSS!
Dog: ... *whimpers* *leaves with his tail between his legs*
Altair: Tch, stupid dog never learns! *sigh*... you ok Goldie?
Goldie: Meow~ *rubs her head on Altair's leg* Purrr~
Altair: Heh, I take that as a yes.
The cat smiles at Altair as it jumps on a few boxes and onto his shoulder, as he walks back to the nearby bench. The cat leaped off his shoulder and onto the bench and sat next to him on the bench. Altair pulled two butter coated croissants out of the paper bag and gave one to the cat.
Altair: one for you.
Goldie: meow~ *starts eating the croissant*
Altair: and one for me *starts eating his croissant* *pets the cat with his left hand* did you miss me, girl?
Goldie: Purrr~
Altair: Heh, I missed you too.
A woman came walking up to Altair. The women had a short dirt blond hair cut, wore black high heels, long light grey pants, and a fancy grey, open, button, jacket, and a white shirt.
Women: oh, look who it is. Tch, well I guess it is pretty common in New York to find psychopaths on the streets, so why am I surprised?
Altair: 😑 oh... Hello Linda... what brings you to the streets at this hour?
(Altair threatened Linda at a bar after she was being a jerk to Desmond)
Linda: *looks down at Goldie* What. Is. That? *points at Goldie*
Altair: *sarcastic gasp* Linda I'm shocked. Did your teacher not inform you about what a cat is?
Linda: -_- don't be a smart @$$ with me, you know what I meant... so is it yours?
Altair: sadly no, she is a stray.
Linda: gross. Why is it sitting on public city property?
Altair: uh... cause it's public and anyone can sit here?
Linda: ya, people can, not wild, dirty animals. I would say you're not allowed to sit there either, but unfortunately to the government's eyes, your a person to I guess.
Altair: really? Cause right now I'm staring at the likes of an old crusty dinosaur and I'm pretty those went extinct a long while ago.
Linda: *gasp*! Well I- HMF! Well doesn't matter cause I'll just call animal control if you don't get rid of it!
Altair: you're not doing sh*t, you sayidat majnuna! You're not gonna call them for sh*t! Goldie is-
Linda: he isn't legally yours! What authority do you have to stop me!? Hm? Tell me, what legal authority do you have that will prevent me from doing so?
Altair: ... (sh*t she's right for once) still, birds sit and stand here all the time! You gonna call them on a bunch of birds too!?
Linda: listen here alt!
Altair: Altair.
Linda: I don't care if your name was bob or steve! If I could I would, but those little rats with wings are everywhere! And I can't do much about them, but this I very much can!
Altair: so help me Linda you call them on her-
Linda: you have no control here!
Altair: *swiftly gets up* LINDA I WILL-
Linda: *she wags her finger close to Altair's face* tisk, tisk, tisk, now Altair. Wouldn't want to cause a scene in the public eye, would you now?
Altair: ... (I can't let them know, what I am... Linda already has enough suspicion on me and the family)
Goldie: mow?
Altair: *looks down at Goldie*
Goldie had gone ahead and pull out another croissant from the bag and eat Altair's half-eaten one.
Altair: ... *makes a small smile at Goldie and pets her gently on the head* (I can't risk word getting out and exposing us to Abstergo.) *looks back at Linda with a glare* I won't let you.
Linda: well if you don't, why not just adopt the thing?
Altair: as much as I'd like to, Shaun doesn't let us have pets in the house.
Linda: well what a shame... tell you what, since I'm in a generous mood. I'll give you till tomorrow to say your goodbyes. But by the time I come back, that chubby cat has got to go! Now ta ta, I'm about to be late for work.
Linda continues walking past the two, leaving a lonely Altair alone with his cat.
Altair: ... *sighs* *slumps back down on the bench* ... what are we going to do? ...
Goldie: meow? *nuzzles into Altair's side*
Altair: ... Heh *scratches behind Goldie's ears* don't worry Goldie, I won't let her take you away to some animal prison.
Goldie: mow~
Altair: *reaches into the bag and pulls out another croissant and gives it to goldie* here you go, my little qath saghira.
Goldie: Meow~ *starts eating the croissant*
Altair: *chuckles* ... maybe Linda is right, you are getting a bit big. *pets goldie* Maybe I should stop giving you so many croissants.
Goldie: mow~
Altair: you have been eating a lot more as of late, funny *rubs her tummy* it's almost like you're-... You're... *looks over at Goldie in shock* goldie... your... no...
Goldie: *happy Meow sound*
Altair realized that goldie was pregnant, as an assassin, he doesn't get surprised rarely, but when he does, it's quite the sight to see.
Altair: ... *chuckles* I can't believe this. *picks up Goldie in his lap* you are pregnant aren't you?!
Goldie: meow~ purrrs~
Altair: I'm going to be a grandpa! *chuckles* well I'm technically already am, but this is different. I'm so happy for you my little gold~ *chuckles* Eha... ha...
Goldie: mow?
Altair: ... I can't let Linda take you away, no less leave you here with that stupid mut! Lurking around every corner... I can't just leave you when your most vulnerable at this state, nor can I leave you and your kittens here, the streets are no place for you and your kittens.
Goldie: meow...
Altair: ... *sighs* ... you know what, screw Shaun's rules of no pets!
Goldie: mow?
Altair: *whispers to Goldie* I'm the leader of the assassins and one of the best according to history. *normal talk* I should be able to make my own damn decisions!
Goldie: Moew!
Altair: damn right Goldie! If Shaun has a problem he's gonna have to deal with it!
Goldie: MOEW!
Altair: *picks up Goldie and stands up* yes goldie! Let me hear you roar!
Goldie: MOEW!
Man: *clears throat*
Altair and Goldie: ...
Man: ...
Altair: *clears throat* ... how much of the conversation did you hear?
Man: ... just about how if this guy named Shaun has a problem with you and your cat that he'll have to deal with it...
Altair: ... oh.
Man: ...
Altair: ... don't you have work or something?
Man: don't you?
Altair: no.
Man: oh... lucky. *leaves*
Altair: ... *looks at Goldie*
Goldie: *looks back at Altair*
Altair: *chuckles* tomorrow Goldie, I'll take you home before Linda can take you away. There you can have your litter of kittens in the house and not out here in the streets.
Goldie: *happy meow*
Altair: *kisses Goldie's forehead* I promise, I won't let anything happen to you little one. I will take care of you and your kittens for as long as I may still breathe.
[Current] - [next]
Hoped you guys liked part 1 of How Nasir became Altair's fury little companion✌😸
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bbq-hawks-wings · 5 years
I want to express an unpopular opinion. I hope for your understanding, because such things don't like to listen. Why does everyone think that Hawks is a bird? I couldn' fit my logical arguments into the askbox :( (about how he sits on a pole "like a bird", supposedly likes jewelry and so on). Even his quirk is called Fierce Wings, not a Hawk, not a Red Bird. Do you remember the names of the quirks of Hound Dog and Tsuyu-chan? We haven't evidence to believe that Hawks is behaves like a bird.
I do believe very much he’s a bird, and if you would let me friend, I would love to try and prove it to you because I think the evidence is overwhelming. I’ll make a TL;DR at the end but I’d really like to take the opportunity to perhaps teach others at least one method for literary analysis since it can be a really dry and boring subject to learn in school but is SO useful not only for getting good grades but getting into colleges as well as interpreting both entertainment and genuinely important information like the news, history, laws, and scientific papers. Using fiction - especially such a rich, engaging one like HeroAca - is a great way to try it out without the pressure of a grade. I don’t have the qualifications to teach in any formal capacity, but as a “peer” tutor I hope I can be helpful.
I’m going to put everything under the cut from here because this is going to get LONG, but I promise the TL;DR at the end will be very easy to read. If you liked this sort of unofficial tutorial please let me know. I’d love to help make “academic” skills like this more accessible for those who might benefit from it and enjoy it, but it doesn’t make sense to put in all that effort moving forward if I’m garbage at it.
Before we get too into things, I want to lay out a few notes to keep in mind as we go.
I will only be using the official translations from Viz’s Shonen Jump website when available. Fan translations are more than close enough to casually enjoy and follow the story, but professional translators are paid to know and get various nuances correct and some of the trickier cultural background behind certain phrases (for example, the phrase “where the rubber meets the road” might make zero sense in a foreign language if translated literally, so an equal cultural phrase should be used instead) that give more exact information. Rarely is this too important, but sometimes it helps, plus it supports the source material.
If you’ve followed my blog for a while you might know I’m very fond of doing this kind of thing in my spare time and that I’m a huge fan of YouTube channels like Game/Film Theory, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Extra Credits, and Wisecrack that do this kind of thing with popular media as well. If you like this sort of content, may I encourage you to check them out after this to see how else you can apply these kinds of analytical skills to things that aren’t homework.
My writing style tends to meander, but I do my best to cut out the fat and only include relevant information so even though there’s a lot of information here, please know that I’m trying to be thorough and explain things to the best of my ability. If I seem to go off on a tangent, I’m trying to set up or contextualize information to explain why it’s relevant and then come back to the point. In other words, please be patient and bear with me as I go.
Now, to start, I want to explain at least my method for analyzing a text/piece of media. There is a set order and number of steps to take, and it’s as follows:
Read the material all the way through.
Come up with a hypothesis about something you’ve noticed when reading it. (In this case, it’s “Is Hawks actually supposed to be a bird?”)
Collect as much relevant information as possible and test the evidence to see if it supports the hypothesis we’ve made.
Step back and look at everything again with those points in mind.
Determine if we were right or wrong with the evidence we have.
If we were wrong, go back to step 3 to figure out what fell apart and see if we need to go back to step 2.
If that sequence sounds familiar it’s because it’s the scientific method! Aha, didn’t think we’d be pulling science into all this, did you? Don’t worry, we won’t be putting numbers or formulas anywhere near this discussion - the scientific method is just a way we can observe something and test if what we thought about it is actually true; and it applies to almost everything we as humans can observe - from the laws of the universe, to arts and crafts, to philosophy and religion, and so on! When you think about it that way, whole new possibilities can open up for you when it comes to understanding how the world works.
So with that set let’s (finally) begin!
Steps 1 and 2 are already done. We’ve read the manga and want to prove that Hawks is a bird. (We’re going to try and prove he IS a bird because in the context of the series there’s a lot that *isn’t* a bird and less stuff that *is* which will make our job easier.) So now, we’re onto: 
Step 3 - collect data and see what conclusions we can get just from our evidence.
Now, to pause again (I know, bear with me!) there’s a few different kinds of information and considerations we have to keep in mind as we collect. There are four kinds of information that are important to know about in order to determine if it’s good data that will help us with the testing phase in Step 4. The kinds of information to keep in mind are:
Explicit information - this is information that is directly spelled out for us. For example, Hawks says, “I like my coffee sweet.” and his character sheet says “Hawk’s favorite food is chicken.” That’s all there is to it, and it’s pretty hard to argue with. This is the easiest type of info to find.
Implicit information - this is info that isn’t directly spelled out but is noticeable either in the background or as actions, patterns, or behaviors that can be observed. For example, Hawks has mentioned in at least three very different places his concerns over people getting hurt while he tries to get in with the League:
Chapter 191 when confronting Dabi about the Nomu he says, “You said you’d release it in the factory on the coast, not in the middle of the damn city!”
Chapter 191 again in a flashback with the Hero Commission he asks, “What about the people who might be hurt while I’m infiltrating the League?”
Chapter 240 when discovering how much influence and power the League has gained, “If someone had taken down the League sooner, all those good citizens wouldn’t have had to die!”
Hawks never says in so many words, “I never want innocent people to get hurt under any circumstances!” but the pattern of behavior and concern is consistent enough to form a pattern and clue us in that this is a key part of his character to keep in mind.
Peripheral information - this is information that isn’t directly to do with Hawks or maybe even the series as a whole but is still relevant to keep in mind for his character and the questions we’re asking. This may include extra content that isn’t the “series” proper, but is still an official source like interviews with Horikoshi, etc. but it can go even further. For example, while we try to prove that he’s a bird, we should have some knowledge about what makes a bird a bird, some specific and notable birdlike habits/behaviors/features, etc. This is just to show how wide-ranging we need to cast our informational net.
Contextual information - this will be important when we get to Step 4, but it’s good to keep in mind now. This is when we compare evidence against the broader scope of the series and consider the circumstances under which we find the information. For example, if I told you, “Harry kicked a dog.” you might think “What a jerk! What decent person kicks a dog?”; but if I said, “Harry kicked a dog while trying to keep it from biting his kid.” suddenly it re-frames the story. “Is the kid ok? Why was that dog attacking? Harry put himself in danger to keep his kid safe - what a great dad!”
I’ll go chronologically to make it easier to follow my evidence as I gather and give references as to where I found that information. I’ll go through the manga first, and then any peripheral sources that are either direct informational companions to the series (like character books or bonus character information sheets) and interviews with Horikoshi. Please note the categories these details fall into may vary based on opinion/interpretation, but I did my best to list them out for reference.
Chapter 185 - Explicit Type: Feathered wings - regardless of the specifics of his quirk it’s undeniable his wings are made up of feathers which is a distinctly birdlike quality. There are many mythical creatures and even dinosaurs that also have feathered wings, but this is our first big piece of evidence.
Chapter 186 - Peripheral Type: Large appetite - birds have an incredibly fast metabolism because flying takes so much energy. They’re constantly eating. Plenty of young men are big eaters, but it was specifically pointed out and works towards our hypothesis so we’ll keep it in our back pocket for now.
Chapter 186 - Implicit/Peripheral Type: Fantastic vision - Hawks senses the Nomu coming before the audience even is able to make out what’s headed their way. It could be implied his wings caught it first, which might be the case, but he looks directly at the Nomu and brings Endeavor’s attention to it. Birds have fantastic long-range vision, especially birds of prey that mainly swoop in from high in the air to ambush highly perceptive prey. Also good to add to the pile.
Chapter 192 + Volume 20 Cover - Implicit/Peripheral type: Wears jewelry and bright colors - birds are well documented to be drawn to bright colors and are known for decorating their nests with trinkets. Scientists actually have to be careful when tagging birds with tracking bracelets because they can accidentally make him VASTLY more popular with the ladies by giving him a brightly colored band to the point they can’t resist him! Male birds are also known for having bright, colorful displays for attracting and wooing mates. While Hawks isn’t the only male character to wear jewelry in the series, he’s the only one (to my recollection) that wears as MUCH jewelry so often both during and outside of work. It may not be obvious, but the illustration on Volume 20 is actually an advertisement for his line of (presumably) luxury jewelry. In other words, Hawks on some level is synonymous with style and flair to the point he can make money by selling jewelry with his name on it.
Chapter 20 Volume Cover - Explicit Type: Hawk emblem on the watch face - If the name “Hawks” didn’t give it away, he’s very clearly trying to align himself with more avian qualities if his merch has bird motifs. In other words Hawk = “Hero Hawks” and “Hero Hawks” = bird.
Chapter 192, 244, clear file illustration - Peripheral Type: birdlike posture. Chapter 244 isn’t quite released yet on the official site as of writing this, but when Hawks swoops in and beats the kids to the punch apprehending the criminals trying to subdue Endeavor, his hands are clenched in a very talon-like manner similar to a swooping eagle. When walking with Endeavor in 192, he holds his resting hand in a similar fashion. On the clear file illustration he’s not only perched on his tippy toes in a pose that has been famously called “owling” (remember that trend/meme, y’all?) but his wings are slightly outstretched to catch the breeze to keep from falling over which a lot of birds can be seen doing when they don’t have great purchase on a surface in a place that’s a little windy. The fact that he seems to gravitate to high places like birds are often seen doing might also be a noteworthy indication.
Extra sources:
Hawks Shifuku: Horikoshi describes Hawks as a “bird person” and says that his initial design was based off of Takahiro from his old manga. 
Takahiro’s design:
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Current character design: The banner image on my blog was commissioned from a friend of mine who doesn’t follow the series. When I showed her reference images of Hawks, you know what she said? “Oh! His hair is feathers!” Even his eyebrows have that fluffy/scruffy texture to them that his hair has. The markings on his eyes can also be seen on him as a young child in Chapter 191 which means it isn’t makeup meant to tie in a theme or look. He has those dark, pointed eye markings like many birds do. So on some genetic level he resembles a bird.
Step 4: Testing our hypothesis with the gathered evidence.
There’s already a lot of compelling evidence that already closely aligns him to birds which is promising. However, to really prove our point we should try to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he is a bird. To do that this time around I’m going to see how the series treats people with animal-based quirks and see if it’s consistent with the way Hawks is portrayed.
You bring up Hound Dog and Tsuyu, and they’re fantastic examples. Let’s start with Hound.
He’s pretty straight forward - he’s like a dog. He has a dog face, has dog-like tendencies, and dog-like abilities. Superpower: dog.
And in Tsuyu’s case - quirk: frog, just frog. She’s stated explicitly to have frog-like features, frog-like tendencies, have frog-like abilities, and even comes from a “froggy family.”
So with these two very explicitly animal-like characters the common theme seems to be “If they’re considered to be like a specific animal, they have to physically resemble that animal, act like that animal at times, and have abilities like that animal.” Let’s see if another animal-quirk character matches up and then put Hawks to the test.
Spinner’s quirk is Gecko. Based on our criteria, is he a gecko?
Does he look like a gecko, even vaguely? 
Yes, he’s covered head to toe in scales, and his face is very lizard-like.
Does he occasionally act like a gecko? 
Unclear. We haven’t really seen any evidence of this, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t. For the sake of our argument, we’ll just say no and move on.
Does he have gecko-like abilities?
 Yes! Though most of his abilities are limited to things like being able to stick to walls, it’s still gecko-like in origin and qualifies.
Spinner hits clearly hits ⅔ criteria and our standards seem pretty consistent, so let’s see how Hawks stands up.
Does he look like a bird? 
Not all of his features may explicitly scream “avian” at first, but upon closer observation and with his clear previous inspiration this is a resounding yes.
Does he act like a bird? 
Many of the mannerisms and behaviors he displays can just be chalked up to him being a little eccentric, but with the sheer number of them that also parallel birds in some way this is also a pretty convincing yes.
Does he have bird-like abilities? 
While most of the emphasis is on his wings and what they can do, it does seem that he not only possesses things like heightened senses which could be attributed to avian abilities but he also very much possess high intelligence and incredibly fast reaction times which birds are also known for.
Even if we only gave Hawks a “maybe/half a point” for those last two, he still meets the 2⁄3 that Spinner did. So we have another question to ask: Does a character have to have an explicitly named “animal” quirk to be considered to be/resemble a specific animal? Let’s look at Ojirou and Tokoyami for reference.
Ojirou’s quirk is just “tail,” but he’s been described by his peers and classmates as a monkey and does seem to share some more monkey-like features. It isn’t lumped in with his quirk because the only notable monkey-like quality he possesses is a tail. He doesn’t have fangs or an opposable toe - he just has a tail. For quirk classification as far as hero work goes, that’s the only important thing to note.
Tokoyami, on the other hand has an entire literal bird head, but nothing else. He has a beak, feathers, and even in illustrations of him as a baby he had fluffier feathers on his head. Even with only those details, he just screams “bird!” However, his quirk is classified as “Dark Shadow” because that’s what sets him apart for hero work.
Back at Hawks we see his quirk classified as “fierce wings” but like Ojirou and especially like Tokoyami, the emphasis on his wings is what sets his abilities as a hero apart. Otherwise, he’s just a guy who looks and acts a LOT like a bird.
But astute observers may have noticed I’ve left out a detail that’s more or less a nail in the coffin on the whole matter, so let me ask a question: Tsuyu in particular has something else of note that solidifies in our minds that she is, indeed, a frog - she explicitly calls herself a frog. Could we say the same about Hawks?
Chapter 199 - Explicit Type
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Bingo. Hawks has known himself for as long as he’s been alive. He knows his habits, his impulses, his family/genes, and so on. If he calls himself a bird, are we going to call him a liar? In fact, he calls himself a bird not once, but twice!
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That’s pretty much it. With the evidence stacked to that degree, I’d be hard pressed to NOT believe he’s a bird.
That was a long amount of text to get through, so if you’re here at the end thank you for sticking out with me to this point. I really appreciate it. This is more or less the process I use when analyzing anything and everything whether it be HeroAca related or not. Maybe it’ll help you if you’ve struggled with literary analysis, or at the very least I hope you got some enjoyment out of it.
TL;DR If Hawks looks like a bird, walks (acts) like a bird, is based on a bird (character), and calls himself a bird, he’s probably a bird.
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teabreen · 5 years
warnings — sexual themes included.
disclaimer — this is strictly for female readers, but i am open for writing male readers, so please request.
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i see mina as the type to spoil her girlfriend
so she would really love being a sugar mommy, in my opinion
loves giving you everything you want
like you want that new victoria's secret perfume? or that louis vuitton purse? don't worry, she's probably wrapping it up in a gift box to give you.
on special occasions, she'll give you her billion dollar credit card and let you buy anything you want.
but she prefers giving you what you want.
takes you out on vacations
but the place of where you two are going will be your choice
loves showing you off
she really takes pride in you, so you are like a princess to her
she treats you like a princess
her lap is literally your throne
compliments you 24/7
your eyes, your dress, your makeup, your hands, she compliments everything.
leaves home and then comes back with jewelry for you to wear
buys you dresses and clothes
when it's your anniversary, she'll take things to the extreme
get a beach with a dinner table on a platform with roses surrounding it.
maybe even take you on a helicopter ride to view the story
or even buy you a mansion
likes taking you out for drives
she likes admiring the city with you
but she'll probably admire you instead
cheesy pick up lines
" do you know where all the stars are located? in your eyes."
gets shy after saying it uwu
you once showed her a book about kittens and and she told you it was nice of them to make a book about you
she really likes your company, and you reciprocate those feelings
on her birthday she takes you out for outings
she'll take you to an expensive restaurant
then she'll take you out sight seeing
gives you expensive gifts as your presents
probably tries to make the cake herself
she will then cuddle you until you guys fall asleep
whispering " happy birthday " as she notices you start to fall asleep
have you seen the cars she owns
damn girl, she could flex with that
likes it when you pose with them
so she can take photos of them
always takes photos of you guys whenever you visit a place, or even just casually
she's a child at heart
she likes having fun with you
she feels comfortable around you
sometimes buys you the most ridiculous things
like a barbie doll or a toy dinosaur
but in her eyes, you're a baby
that's why she kind of plays with you like a child
never declines if you want anything
for fun she'll take you out for ice cream
or visit the museum
she loves the way or eyes light up when you see the godly beauty of the museum
in conclusion: mina is whipped
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okay y'all we going in the hard hours
her guilty pleasure is being called miss
likes it when you please her
praises you while you pleasure her
but loves giving
she's not that hard, but has a few kinks up her sleeves
buys you pretty lingerie
gets shy telling you she thinks you would look nice in it
buys handcuffs
the one with a fluffy inner surface so your wrists won't hurt
buys alot of sex toys
likes vibrators, dildos, you name it
she totally allows you to masturbate with them since you two can be apart sometimes, but she likes using them on you.
a little bit into overstimulation
she's guilty for it
but if you start crying she'll stop immediately and panic, and will still panic even when you told her it's okay
she's really soft in aftercare
gives you a bath, cooks you food, and will wrap you in a towel and watch tom hiddleston movies with you
" you okay, kitty, do you need anything else? "
she really loves you a lot
she views you more than something she can spend money on
you're literally her soulmate
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voxvulgi · 4 years
multiples of 6 - for whoever you think has the best answer including youuuu (you can skip those you don't like xD)
// alright so *cracks knuckles* *puts on accountant hat* *takes out calculator* in 100, the largest multiple of 6 is 96, which has 16 6′s in it. i have 18 muses, but 4 of them are exclusive, so i can stick to the 14 non-exclusive muses and have 2 questions to spare, which i can answer myself
Keep reading
6: do you keep plants? 
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“I do. I live alone, so the flat feels dead sometimes. Plants help me feel like I don’t live alone. I do like isolation, but that’s only to a certain extent. Plants are living beings you have to take care of, and they’re a sight for sore eyes, too. I especially like them in the kitchen. When I wake up to make breakfast, the sun is at an angle that pours gold into my kitchen window, and the specific shade of green of their leaves is absolutely gorgeous. I also have a group of small pots to plant thyme and rosemary and such. I could just buy them fresh, but picking your spices yourself every now and again just...engulfs the senses.”
12: what's your favorite planet? 
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“When Malik asked me this question and I told him Uranus, he laughed at me for ten minutes straight. At first, he laughed for a few seconds because he thought I was making a joke, but when I told him I was serious, he laughed for the rest of the ten. I really wish scientists just let Uranus be called Ouranos. Did they really not consider that sometime in the future, a girl would tell someone that her favourte planet was your-anus and get laughed at? Rude. But anyway, Uranus is my favourite planet...literally just because it’s pretty. Blue is my favourite colour. Also, it’s the only planet that spins on its side, which was what made me decide that it was more worthy of being my favourite planet than Neptune. Neptune just goes with the flow. Lame, right? Uranus is not like other planets. It’s different. It stays home and eats chicken nuggets instead of going to parties. Also, it was the only planet named after a Greek god instead of a Roman one, and when I found that out, I was like finally, and I just made it my favourite planet.”
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
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“I live with my cousins, alright? They own a pub. So, basically, we live upstairs, and the pub is downstairs and open until late. My cousins don’t have a problem with this because they set their won work hours and wake and sleep as they please and all, but I have to attend work with the local herbalist sometimes because she trains me. So, one night, the pub was open well after the usual closing time because some man was getting married in a few days and wanted to celebrate with his friends. I’m not the kind of person to tell people how to live their lives and how late to go to bed, but I was irritated and went downstairs to ask my cousin when this would be over. You know, just so I could get a good idea of when I’ll finally be able to sleep. When I got there, the man to be married was flirting with the barmaid. I would have ignored it, but she looked terribly uncomfortable. I told him off first, and it didn’t work-- obviously. So I went back to my room and gathered some leftover poison ivy powder. I went back downstairs, flirted with him, and unbuckled his belt in front of all his friends. They ooh’ed and ahh’ed because they’re idiots, then I tugged on the back of his waistband and left him with poison ivy all over his arse. I waited until his face twisted and he started drunkenly panicking, then I left. That man didn’t know I’m related to the owners since my cousins are white and all, so there was no harm done to the pub’s reputation, but my cousins and the pub workers -- even the barmaid -- now keep asking me not to hide poison ivy in their pants whenever I look even mildly disapproving.”
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
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“I’d trust Alan with every one of my secrets. Except if I do something that isn’t actually worrying but I think might worry him anyway. Because he’s a worrier. That’s not technically a secret.”
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
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“Look, I think everyone has been truly scared. There’s always a moment in their life that really scares them, and just because it isn’t as scared as they can psychologically be doesn’t mean it wasn’t true scared. So yes, I have been truly scared. The most scared I’ve ever been was, obviously enough, when I got the phone call from my mother about Joseph.”
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
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“Branches. They’re upbeat but at the same time make me feel calm and relaxed, which is thankfully my mood in general.”
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
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“My favourite coffee shop is a block down from my work. I rarely take work there, usually just buy a coffee and leave or stay for a while and lounge. It’s my favourite because they make the coffee taste how it smells. If coffee doesn’t taste the way it smells, you might as well be drinking mud water. They practically have walls instead of windows, and there’s this terrace on the second floor. It gives you a good view of the street. Looks best in the morning because there’s a park just a street away and people everywhere. The coffee shop itself -- the interior, I mean -- is just clean and tidy. Their seats are comfortable but don’t look like something a wannabe hippie would own. They like their plants in moderation. Their tables are glass, not metal or wood. They don’t have puns or cheesy quotes anywhere. I like that.”
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
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“My biggest fear was that a dragon would kidnap my mom and hide her in a tower. I thought and still think that my mom is so pretty! So I figured that if a dragon was going to kidnap someone, it would be my mom. I don’t have that fear now, but I’m...well, I’m really afraid of Jace dying.”
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
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“Jenny and Dean last father’s day. Their dad’s already been dead for about a year at that point, but...hell, it’s their dad. I probably looked really sad, too, and he wasn’t even my biological dad.”
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
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“I do like poetry. Not big on the older stuff, mostly because of the language barrier. The modern stuff is easier to understand. I actually prefer confessional poetry because it’s like looking into the dark corners of someone’s mind, and not in this romanticised way. Not for me, at least. This certain kind makes me feel seen because when someone shares their experiences from behind their own eyes, in their own shoes, they experience emotions and thoughts that are so raw and human that I feel less alone reading them. I haven’t read that much, to be honest, so I don’t have favourites. I’ve only read the more popular ones that have been coming out in the past decade, so I think picking a favourite is unfair because my pool is so small.”
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? 
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“I don’t know. I’ve never worn a flower crown, but I suppose that if I were given one, I’d like for it to have a good amount of leaves along with the flowers. Green is my favourite colour. The flowers can be anything, but I think open ones look better. Maybe daisies-- they sound perfect. Yellows and pinks and reds would be welcome, too, as long as there’s a good amount of white daisies.”
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
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“I would not say I forget easily, but I note everything down, just in case. Some things are too important to get wrong, while others just cause avoidable inconvenience. It helps me organise my time and prioritise, too, so I just opt for making notes.”
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
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“Fanclub! They’re very cute. I only saw them in that movie called Despicable Me. Most of the time, Ivan and I aren’t allowed to use the TV, but it was on one of the days we were allowed, so we watched it. I liked it a lot. The minions are so full of energy and happy and stuff.”
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
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“Ooooh, yes!! I’m gonna get a bunch of tattoos! They won’t be anything fancy, though. Just some stars and smiley faces here and there. They’ll all be in colour. Nothing black or white. There’s probably gonna be some small dinosaurs. And music notes. Oh, and rocket ships! I’ll just get a tattoo every time I think of something. They’ll be small. Like, and inch or something, so there’s plenty of room!”
90: talk about one of your favorite cities.
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“Paris is my favourite city. The thing about it is...it loves you. That’s how I can describe it. It’s a very old city, okay? A lot of shit went down in it. There were wars and revolutions and all that. I admit that I don’t know much about the historical details because I sucked ass in history class, but I just feel like Paris was founded on fighting, and people fight for their rights and the things they love. So...I think that every building in Paris was made with love and built with a purpose. I don’t like New York because I feel like it just wants to eat you. Paris loves you. I’m very appreciative of that, and I’m appreciative of the buildings most of all. Especially the old ones are gorgeous. I try to incorporate as much of Paris into my architecture models as I could.”
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
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“Not really quickly. If I just got on my computer and it tells me it needs to update, I wait until I’m done with my task before I update it. Otherwise, it’ll keep bothering me about it, so I just like to get it over with. Similar thing with my phone. I postpone the update until bedtime then let it update while I sleep. No need to let it disturb the flow of my day, you know? But I’m still gonna do it. I’m not a big procrastinator.”
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1-101 (don't murder me please)
1. what colors are in your room? Blues, grays, black, and some other brighter and more vibrant colors. 2. who was your favorite school teacher? My English professor Niki!3. what are some passions of yours? Finding the beauty in all things, helping others, arts and crafts (anything I can get my hands on I try to learn how to do - currently woodworking and painting are my faves) 4. when you drink coffee, do you like it black or with cream and sugar? Cream and sugar. 5. are you self-conscious about anything? if so, what? I don't really like to be the center of attention. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess I feel as though I'm not worthy or enough. Why would anyone want to focus their attention on me?...but I'm working on feeling enough. 6. do you have any tips for self-love? Do anything and everything you can to make yourself feel the way you should about yourself. The more you look inward and focus on the love you deserve to give yourself the more I believe it's projected onto others. I found through yoga and meditation that I've grown to love parts of myself that I never thought possible. That I could give myself an hour a week to focus on me. I never realized that every time I said yes to someone else, not that it's a bad thing, and said yes to other things, too often I might add, it meant focusing less on myself. Somewhere down that road I lost interest in me, and I've realized it's time to give a little love back to myself. Even if it's only an hour a week. It's an hour I say yes to myself. An hour to check in...To learn to love my own company. 7. do you have any stuffed animals? Do you name them? I have a LOT of stuffed animals. They're mostly in the garage now-a-days. Recently, my girlfriend and I went to Wild Adventures to celebrate my birthday, and we won one another stuffed animals. I have a little dinosaur named Dino and she has a little purple elephant named Humfrey!8. do you like drawing or painting more? I love both, but currently painting. 9. how do you sleep? Typically on my left side but I roll in my sleep and wake up on my stomach a lot. I'm lucky enough to fall asleep on skype every night with the mot wonderful person. 10. what are some things that always make you smile? My girlfriend! My besties! Animals! Food...definitely food...especially of the taco variety... 😍😍11. living in the city, mountains, small town, or out in the middle of nowhere? Mm. Mountains or city! 12. what's your dream house? A little cabin in the mountains or a beach house. 13. how many pets do you wish to have? All of the petssssss!!! Oh my goshhhhh. 14. have you ever dyed your hair? do you want to? what color? I had highlights a couple of times when I was a teenager, and I've dyed it with temp. dye a couple times but nothing truly lasting. 15. what's your opinion on keeping a diary? I think it's a wonderful thing, to sort your thoughts and feelings and place them in a keepsake...I've tried to keep a steady journal and I'd stick with it for a few days and then stop for a month and then make a new entry...so I never keep up with it enough. 16. what's your opinion on keeping an art journal? See answer to 15! Lol. Very similar. 17. any art tips? Go with what you're feeling. 18. talk about a moment where time stopped. I've had quite a bit in the past 6 months..you know who you are 😊..but one in particular was the moment my girlfriend gave me my last birthday gift. It's one that will definitely last a lifetime. I cried because I was THAT happy! 19. do you keep playlists for your music? I do! 20. is there anyone out there that you trust with your life? There isa very select few, but yes. 21. are you your number one priority? Not often. 22. do you always type correctly or do you make millions of typos? I make typos often when I'm in a hurry or when I'm extra hyper, but typically I enjoy typing correctly. 23. recommend some music!! Sleeping at last, I prevail, Faber drive, and recently I've come to really enjoy Idina Menzel!24. are your nails perfectly painted, chipped, or plain? Plain Jane. 25. do you believe in wishing on a shooting star? I do! 26. did you see the eclipse? describe it!! I saw a few moments of it! A coworker let me borrow their glasses. We only had about 80%.27. tell us what you love about nature. I love that it's the one place I feel grounded (pun totally not intended). The one place I feel as though I can finally breathe. 28. who are you? describe yourself! Ehhhh. I don't wannaaaa. 29. what type of music do you like, and why? All types ranging from classical to heavy metal with the exception of like 98% country and rap. 30. what's your favorite clothing store?why do you love it so much? Hot topic and old navy but I'm a broke ass college kid so once a year will do it... ☹️ I love that hot topic has all of my nerdy pleasures and badass band ts but I love that old navy has pants that actually fit lol. 31. thrift stores or name brand stores? Thrift!!32. do you like wearing your s.o clothes? Oh. My. God. Is. This. Even. A. Question???? I have a giant pile of my gf's clothes on my bed at all times only about a foot away. She sleeps with a giant pile of mine and leaves half on one side of her and half on the other so if she shifts she can still cuddle with my clothing. She wears my shirts and pj pants to bed every night and ahhhhh asdfghjkl!!! 💙😍33. when did you start tumblr? why did you decide to? Umm. Junior year of high school I think? So about...5 years ago? I'm a junior in college now. I didn't really want a tumblr. The person I was dating at the time wanted me to have one so I did if they made it I would use it. I grew to loveee Tumblr instantly. 34. what's your face care routine? I like to wash my face in the shower, and use face masks. 35. freckles or dimples? Omg...the impossible question.. ermmm freckles! 36. name something you think should be banned from the universe. Littering. 37. tell us something you did as a kid that you loved. Every Sunday my dad and I used to go to the flea market. I miss it. 38. mom or dad? Mom. 39. do you buy expensive things just for the aesthetic or do you actually use everything you buy? Well we've already established I'm a broke college student sooo...typically if I buy it I'm going to use it and get its use out of it. I have a few items for show because I treat myself every now and again but not often. 40. tell us about something you're strongly opinionated about. Politics. 41. do you take peoples advice or do you have to figure things out yourself? I try to figure things out but I don't mind asking for advice whether or not I take it. 42. bra or no bra? Aha 😏😏43. would you rather be cute or comfy? Comfyyy! 44. tell us about a moment in your life where everything went just perfect. When I met her. 45. do you believe in anything? aliens? god? bigfoot? I believe in lots of things. Ghosts. Aliens. Purgatory or an "in between." Love. 46. how much water do you drink a day? I try to drink a lot of water, but I will treat myself with a Sprite here or there. Maybe some tea. 47. how do you feel about your natural hair? Ehhh. I used to hate it. I've more recently grown to like it. I wear it natural on occasion but typically straighten it. 48. what does the sky look like right now? clear? cloudy? pink? blue? rainy? It's looks like a sea of glitter because it's night time. 49. would you be a prince or a king? princess or a queen? Maybe a hobbit? 50. tell us about your favorite outfit! All black! Black skinnies, black vans, and a black v-neck! 51. name a few things you love about yourself. My hair. My eyes. My lips. My heart. 52. are you open-minded? I always try to be. 53. do you judge? could someone come to you in any situation they're in and you not judge them? I would hope I make everyone feel safe enough around me to come to me and know that I'll listen and not judge. Unfortunately society has taught us to make more judgements in first 5 seconds of knowing someone than we can count, and I try my best to break that habit. I try to closely follow, "don't judge a book by its cover."54. do you like planning ahead? I do, but it's good to be spontaneous! 55. tell us how you feel about school. I love learning about things and the way they work. 56. talk about your first pet. My first pet...well I was probably only about 5-7 yrs old and I picked out the runt of the litter of puppies my dog had and named her cowgirl. My first pet I had all on my own was a calico kitten named phantom. 57. chocolate or strawberry milk? Um..neither.. but chocolate if I must pick. 58. were you/are you in a fandom? if so, what? I enjoy cosplay but I don't really consider myself to be in a fandom. 59. spotify, pandora, or itunes? Spotify 60. favorite disney princess movie? Umm..they aren't princesses really but Pocahontas, Mulan, and Moana. 61. favorite disney movie...currently Moana 62. what's a subject that you think people don't talk about enough? History, Psychology, and Politics. 63. how long does it take you to let your phone update? Until it requires me to64. describe the fifth picture on your phone! The 5th from the top is a photo I took of a little fairytale garden named lichgate, and the 5th from the bottom is a picture of my beautiful girlfriend! 65. favorite movie and why? V for Vendetta. I'm fascinated with all of the symbolism. 66. do you watch studio ghibli? what's the first one you saw? what's your favorite one? Nope. 67. you're home alone. describe how the setting is. music? what kind of music? tv on? what show? Music of all sorts or TV while I do my homework. 68. how often do you say "i love you"? I try to say it as I feel it. I let someone know when I do. 69. do you have any weird things you obsess over? Office supplies and pennies 70. do you like being single or do you wish you had a partner? I have a partner!!! I love her very very much. I don't know what I'd do without her. 71. what's the last drink you had? Water. 72. talk about the easiest person to talk to. I would have to say my girlfriend. I'm lucky enough to have her as my gf and as my best friend! I also feel as though I could talk to my other besties about anything and everything. 73. give us some of your favorite blogs! Jiljer735, unevxntful, anything regarding the 100 lol 74. if you could have one wish, what would it be? That I could spend every day with the person I love. 75. do you sing in the shower? I love to! I can't promise it's good but I don't really care lol76. how often do you shave? or do you wax? or do you not shave? I like to shave my armpits very often. At least 4 times a week. Legs aren't always clean shaven. Maybe once or twice a week. I like to keep everything else nice a tidy. 77. tell us about a habit you wish you could stop. Biting my nails. 78. do you listen to your own advice? I try to. 79. do you love yourself? if not, are you trying to? I do a lot more than I used to. It's something that requires daily attention. 80. tell us about your favorite halloween!! what did you dress up as? did you get a lot of candy? I don't remember what I dressed up as, but I remember when I used to run around with my older brother hoping from neighborhood to neighborhood.81. first memory that pops in your head, talk about it. ...god take me back... she told me she never really liked the beach but she also hadn't been too too much...I decided to take her for a night trip to the beach. It was early spring, and the nights were still cold. We made it to the coast, and we laid out on a blanket beneath a sea of stars glistening across the water. Soft music playing. We danced to our song. We watched as the waves crashed into the shore sending out a long blue sparkle because of the bioluminescent phytoplankton. 82. how are you? what are you feeling? how has your week gone? I am well, and I feel well. My week has been pretty stressful and incredibly hectic. 83. rant. I hate that I'm stuck here when I really want to be with my girlfriend on her birthday. I was supposed to see her this weekend but because of Hurricane Irma I refuse to let her travel to see me. 84. do you worry about something a lot? if so, what? That I bore people or that I'm not making them happy because they always seem to be distracted or focused on other things when I'm trying to talk to them. 85. do you think long distance works? I absolutely do, and I think it builds a stronger lasting bond. 86. would you date someone younger than you? older than you? Nope. I have a girlfriend. She's 11 months older. I've dated up to 9 years older and 2 years younger though. I prefer older. 87. name some people you'd love to meet. Umm. Idk.... I'd have to really think about it for a while.... I don't have an answer atm. 88. what were some things you were scared of as a kid? Spiders, needles, furbies, and happy clowns...scary clowns are just fine...it's the happy ones you had to look out for! 89. tell us about your favorite birthday. Probably my 21st birthday that just passed! I got to celebrate with my family. 90. how is high school? It sucks monkey balls. I'm happy in college. 91. tell us the worst pick-up line you've ever heard...."how much does a polar bear weigh?" "enough to break the ice"92. every been groped or catcalled? how'd it make you feel? what did you do? I have been groped as well as catcalled. It made me pretty pissed because someone thought so low of me that they whistled at me like a dog or attempted to feel me up 93. opinion of feminism? Rock on! 94. tell us about a time you got embarrassed. Just recently. I don't really care to talk about it. 95. ever had a pregnancy scare? tell us about it! Never. One great thing about being hella gay is you have the best birth control. 96. tell us about your best friend. Well I've mentioned her quite a bit already and she's breath taking. She has the brightest and biggest heart. She inspires me often. Sam, my best friend of 16 going on 17 years is the bomb.com! I haven't been connected with my other bestie in a while but she's always in my heart and on my mind. I miss her like crazy! 97. what's your opinion on planning your life out? I think it's good to have a plan, but again, it's always great to just go and do. Be spontaneous. Do things that scare you. So what if it's awful timing. Make it work. Have an adventure. 98. describe what you think afterlife is like. I hope I'm reincarnated or that when I'm cremated that they'll plant a tree! 99. talking on the phone or texting? I used to say texting but there's nothing like hearing the voice of someone you care dearly for. 100. how do you feel about the way most teachers treat students? I think that most teachers are exactly their title. They're there to teach. Some are without a doubt awful teachers lol. Some are great, but very few are those ones that stick with us for the rest of our lives. I think teachers are incredible. They put up with a LOT of bullshit and yet are still willing to go out of their way to make sure you understand the things you're learning if only you ask. Many are there to help you. Genuinely help you. 101. what's a word you use more than others? Essentially, fuck, hella, uhhh I dunno.
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