#please don't tell Faz
fazcinatingblog · 6 months
Imagine being a lovely innocent Carlton fan and having a nice peaceful time at the footy and you turn to one side and three seats down, there's the most annoying Italian talking to herself about Alex Fasolo and
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Eleanor redesign!!!! Let's go women!!! Design stuff/original design comparison underneath
So here's the original Eleanor design.... As you can tell it's not good. Like I give forgiveness to the Graphic novel Eleanor on the left since there was a time constraint and the artist was constrained by the previous Eleanor design but... Lady fizz Eleanor go to hell please :)
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Anyway this is basically a purely vibe based redesign!! Also some like kind of rewrite stuff I don't care about cannon I'm just being silly-
First thing: My Eleanor isn't a fun time! I think she's like a fairy princess from some faz bear knock off. Either way because of that she doesn't have faceplates instead her face is made out of rubber! Also those aren't moving eyes they're Printed on like a Barbie doll!
Second thing: I made her a fairy. As my friend @fyrefrostanimus Pointed out it kind of works thematically with her like element of tricking people kind of being like a fay... But I picked it because bug horror!!! Which I leaned into for her monster form. I also thought basing her around something would differentiate her from baby and give her a bit more of her own identity. And I thought what better to base a horror design on then a soul list Barbie fairy princess doll!
Third thing: I completely overhauled Eleanor's monster form. I threw it all out the window because tentacles are charlie's thing. Instead my version of Eleanor is freaky bug lady. Also I think she collects the bones of her victims as a way to feel closer to being human.
Fourth thing I don't care about the cannon I'm being A goofy guy: I think this Eleanor is still basically the same doing like to be beautiful and stuff.. But she isn't just like the devil basically or the most powerful agony creature. She's like really good at tricking people especially young girls with body issues. Also she really thinks Afton is the coolest guy.. She's basically the only agony creature that buys into his god myth.
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cwritesforfun · 6 months
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: You're the light in the dark
Part One is linked here!!!
**TW: Anxiety & Anxiety Attack (YES, the plot has changed.) Y/N = Your Name
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Things have been better for you mentally in the last two weeks. You wouldn't say you were fully happy, but you were calm and that was better than constant anxiety attacks. Graduate school and work were still stressful, but they were manageable now. Sydney apologized when you returned to work for giving Carmy your address and wouldn't tell you why she gave it so freely. She seemed nervous about whatever it was. You had to reassure her that it was fine because it was nice to see Carmy and he brought dessert.
It's another Friday and service is almost done. Tonight has ran smoothly out front and customers seem pleased.
Richie walks up and says, "Hey, uh Faz is going to sub in for you and you need to go to Carmy's office right now." You ask, "Why?" He answers, "None of your business, kidding. I’m kidding. Carmy ... he uh ... he asked for you. He's really anxious and angry and irritating. No one can be around him right now and he said you were a calming presence. I need you to mediate in this situation.” You reply, "Ok. I'll go right now."
You walk to the back and to Carmy's office where the door is open. You see Carmy sitting where you were just a few weeks ago and you close the door gently behind you. You sit on the floor in front of him and say, "Hey Carmy, I heard you asked for me. I'm here. I don't know if you need someone to talk to or a hug, but uh those both usually help me with my anxiety." He looks up and you see his tear-rimmed eyes staring at you. He says, "Tonight has been really hard for me. I've always had a rocky relationship with my family and it gets hard sometimes. I also tried to go to Alcoholics Anonymous because I use drinking to cope and I want to try something healthier. Sydney can be very serious and stuck in her ways sometimes and when I corrected her, she refused to listen. And some of the other staff just watched. I don't want them to think that openly refusing to listen to me is okay. I also snapped when some of them were just stacking dishes in a way that we used to do before we were more serious as a restaurant. I just can't take it when no one listens... except you. You're there and you listen. You're the light in the darkness of my mind." Oh??? You reach out to put your hand on his and he intertwines your fingers as you reply, "I ... I'm glad I can be the light for you. You mentioned wanting to do something healthy to cope with your anxiety. Are you free on Sunday to walk in that park by my place?" He answers, "Yeah." You reply, "Great, I’m completely free on Sunday. So what time works best for you?" He answers, "Um we can do 11 am." You reply, "Great, it's a date... I mean ... that is not what I meant not that it would be bad but I'm going to change the conversation now... And as far as tonight at work, you should go back and tell everyone that you want to have a quick five minute talk with all of them at the end of service. I can get some paper and we can draft what you can say to them. We'll make sure you come off as the leader and as someone willing to listen to new ideas. This should cut the tension in the kitchen and give you some relief." He replies, "Shit, maybe you should be the manager." You laugh and reply, "No I don't think I should, but I am studying management right now and I do know how volatile this restaurant can be at times. I know you're all very stressed in the kitchen and want to make the best dish for your customers that you sometimes forget how to fully communicate with each other. I understand that." He says, "I wish the rest of them were as understanding as you." You reply, "Thanks, but I'm not a perfect employee. I know that. I can always improve... so do you have pen and paper in here?" He laughs and gets some off his desk. You help him draft something to tell the staff and it sounds good if you say so. Your professors would be proud of you. Carmy asks if you can be near him when he gives them the talk in case he needs a mediator to which you agree.
You return to work and finish the shift smoothly.
All the staff file into the restaurant and are sitting facing Carmy. Carmy glances at you and you nod at him before he starts speaking, "Hey everyone, I understand that sometimes things can get tense at work and I want to apologize for my part in that. I realize that I may have overreacted in the past and I am sorry for taking it out on all of you. Going forward, I will make an effort to respond to situations differently. As part of my commitment to being a better boss, I want to ensure that everyone has a voice. If I ask you to do something a certain way and it doesn't work for you, please let me know. I want to be open to feedback and ensure that everyone feels heard. Does that sound okay to all of you?" I look around and notice everyone nodding. They all look proud and like they respect him for what he said. I'm glad it worked. Carmy exclaims, "OK, everyone can go back to what they were doing before and I hope you all get a good night's rest for tomorrow." Everyone gets up and starts chatting amongst themselves.
You stand up and say, "Chef, I think you did really well." Carmy asks, "Do you think they'll listen?" You nod and answer, "I do. Do you feel any better now that this conversation happened?" He answers, "Yes. It makes it feel like there was a weight taken off of my chest." Richie walks up and says, "May I ask, is this what you two were doing in the office? Because if it is, this little duo needs to happen more often. Cousin, that was great. Y/N, I assume you had a part in it, so thank you." You laugh and Carmy says, "Cousin, she helped me turn my thoughts into something more professional to tell people instead of yelling. And yes, it was what we did in my office. She's my employee, remember." Richie replies, "Good, I'm glad this conversation happened then. I think the staff needed to hear this... And, workplace romances can work between the right people. I'll leave you two with that." He then walks off. You say, "I better finish cleaning the front. I'll see you tomorrow chef." Carmy nods and says, "Yeah. See you tomorrow, Y/N."
PART THREE... THE WALK... coming soon!!!
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((too. many. incorrect quotes. you know the drill, too long, click read more for em.))
Sun: Peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into a can of Fizzy Faz with Sunnydrops in them to create something I'm calling battery acid spaghetti, will update once I've finished it! (Later…) Sun: Don't… do this. Jack-O-Moon: Don't tell me what to do! (Later…) Jack-O-Moon: Don't do this. Moon: What exactly made you think that was a good idea…?
Freddy: Anyone d- Roxy: Depressed? Sun: Drained? Chica: Dying of hunger? Monty: Disliked? Freddy: …done with their work. What is wrong with you people…?
Sun: You are my twin and best friend. I would do anything for you. Moon: I want you to have a decent sleep schedule. Sun: Absolutely not.
(Sun is sobbing in front of a Fizzy Faz vending machine.) Sun: I JUST WANTED A DRINK. (Later…) Sun: Hi. Moon: Hey. Sorry about the chaos… Sun: I just wanted some Fizzy Faz…
(Sun sees Moon up in a high place with no way up there.) Sun: Moon! What the heck are you doing? Moon: ._.; Sun: HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!
Moon: YES! SLEEEEEEEP! Zzzzzz…
(There are two Suns.) Freddy: How will we know who is the real Sun? Moon: I have an idea. Moon: Suns, how do you spell BANNED? Sun?: Easy, B-A-N-N-E-D. Moon: And we have found our fake. Freddy: Huh? But he was right. Moon: Yes, but Sun has a weird habit of spelling a lot of things with a Q. Sun: B-A-N-Q-E-D! Moon, as the fake Sun is taken away: See what I mean?
Vanessa: What state do you all live in. Sun: Constant anxiety. Freddy: Denial. Roxy: Perfection. Monty: This one…?
Monty: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?! Freddy: >:O Language! Eclipse: Yeah, watch your fucking language! Moon: OKAY WHO TAUGHT ECLIPSE THE FUCK WORD Jack-O-Moon: "The fuck word" lol Sun: Seriously? You guys use the f word all the time. Moon: Oh my god he censored it. Jack: Say fuck, Sun! Moon: Do it! Say fuck!
Roxy: Okay, what does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling harder: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, confused: E-es? (Roxy laughs, to Sun’s confusion) What is happening? Roxy: What does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: E-Yes. Roxy, wheezing: Sun, confused: What are you crying for? Roxy: What does- (wheezes) Sun: What are you–? Roxy: Okay, try again. What does e- Y-E-S spell? Sun, seriously: Yes. Roxy, while chuckling: What does e- E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, still confused: Ee’s? (while Roxy is wheezing) A-s? You’re making me- Roxy, while laughing hard: I can’t breathe- aha, okay. Sun: E-Y-E-S? E-Yes? Roxy: (more wheezing) Say it again. What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: …yes? Roxy: (laughs even harder) Sun: What? (tearing up a bit) You’re making me cry. What? Roxy: E-Y-E-S. Sun: E. Y. E… (realization) Eyes.
(Roxy laughs loudly, Sun looking proud of himself)
Moon: You've got to act tough Eclipse! Show them you can't be pushed around! Show them they don't mess with you! Eclipse: Oh- uh- I'll do my best. (Eclipse GENTLY slams his hands down on the counter.) Eclipse: I'll take a Fizzy Faz please!
Sun: I had a crush on someone once. and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled her bag with heart-shaped confetti. Roxy: …wait. Roxy: THAT WAS YOU?! Sun: Who-Who added you back to the group chat?!
Roxy: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestions box. Freddy: But that's just a trash can. Roxy, smugly: It sure is.
Moon: Blue M&M's are the best. Sun: whAT IS THIS SLANDER?! Moon: What about it? They are. Sun: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY WATCH! THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Moon: YEAH? WELL FUCK YOU! Eclipse: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Jack: I like the yellow ones. Moon and Sun: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
Chica: Freddy I really don't think Moon is very happy with you. Freddy: Why do you say that? Chica, reading a letter: "Dear Freddy Fazbear, I fuckin' hope this message finds you before I do."
Specter Moon, holding New Moon: Hold gentle like hamburger.
Monty: Anybody under 5’7 can’t be talking about fighting anyone. What are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the stomach? Mini Music Man: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.
Freddy: Release all the sounds that are trapped in your mind. Sun: (UNHOLY SCREECH) The other animatronics, shocked: Freddy: Are… you okay? Sun: I'm a lil messed up.
Sun: Reading is just staring at a piece of dead wood and hallucinating. Moon, slamming a book closed: Do me a favor, and never fucking speak again.
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zmarylou · 3 months
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"You see the smile that's on my mouth It's hiding the words that don't come out And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed They don't know my head is a mess No, they don't know who I really am And they don't know what I've been through like you do And I was made for you All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am"
Desde pequena, Mary-Louise sentia uma presença protetora que a guiava em momentos de incerteza. Ela acreditava que essa voz era de Deus, mas ao descobrir que era Zeus, a conexão se intensificou. Para ela, Zeus é mais que um pai; ele é uma figura divina digna de total devoção e respeito. Com uma fé inabalável, Mary-Louise confia que Zeus, como soberano e pai de todos os deuses, sabe o que é melhor para ela, mesmo nos momentos mais difíceis.
Realiza orações diárias e faz pequenos sacrifícios em honra a Zeus, buscando se conectar espiritualmente e mostrar sua lealdade. Ela vê cada missão e batalha como uma chance de demonstrar sua devoção. As cicatrizes que possui são, para ela, marcas de honra, simbolizando sua disposição de sacrificar tudo pelo bem maior e pela glória dos deuses. Embora sua ligação mais forte seja com Zeus, Mary-Louise mantém profundo respeito por todos os deuses, reconhecendo sua importância e honrando-os em suas ações e pensamentos. Para ela, os deuses são guias e protetores, figuras merecedoras de reverência que mantêm a ordem e o equilíbrio no mundo.
"I need to hear you, u are the light that's leading me to the place where I find peace again." p.o.v. mary-louise.
A presença de Mary-Louise no altar era constante e dedicada. Ela mantinha o local impecável e fazia visitas diárias. A maior estátua era uma majestosa representação de mármore de Zeus, ocupando o lugar de destaque e recebendo a maior quantidade de oferendas. A ruiva limpava o local com esmero, certificando-se de que seu pai tivesse sempre algo belo para contemplar. Nas últimas semanas, dedicara-se a entalhar na madeira a figura de uma águia, símbolo de Zeus. Mesmo com as mãos queimadas, não desistira; sua determinação era tão sólida quanto seu coração.
A construção da cabeça da águia não fora fácil, envolvera lágrimas e literalmente sangue de Mary-Louise. A força empregada para moldar a madeira de carvalho — a preferida de Zeus — inflamava as queimaduras em suas mãos, mas a dor física não a detinha, não quando tinha tanto a agradecer. Estava viva e determinada a expressar sua gratidão.
Naquela manhã, após dormir apenas duas horas, Mary-Louise finalizara os últimos preparativos. Colhera flores e preparara um bolo decorado com pequenas flores brancas e azuis, simbolizando o céu. Trouxera novas velas e um pingente de ouro em forma de raio. Em uma segunda viagem, carregara pedras de lápis-lazúli e um galho robusto de oliveira, uma das árvores preferidas de Zeus.
Ela removeu as oferendas antigas, organizando as novas com reverência, e então se sentou para contemplar o altar. Observando o fruto de seu zelo e dedicação, sentiu-se conectada ao pai divino, certa de que cada esforço era um gesto de seu amor.
"Pai, eu nem sei mais se você tá me ouvindo e... eu de verdade espero que esteja, eu sinto tanto a sua falta, de ouvir sua voz, tudo parece tão fora do natural, eu espero que esteja bem, com todo meu coração. Me desculpe por duvidar e eu juro, estou fazendo o meu melhor para não questionar a sua vontade, eu confio nela, eu confio em você mas nesse exato momento eu não a entendo... o que você precisa de mim? Eu venho tentando buscar por uma resposta pra tudo mas só encontro mais perguntas. Obrigada por poupar minha vida mais uma vez, I hope i can live up to the gift of life you once again gave me, ao menos eu espero que você tenha me ajudado. Você deveria se orgulhar bastante do Raynar, ele puxou bastante de você. Anyways eu nem sei mais o que eu to falando, to só enchendo sua paciência divina, desculpa... Eu te amo, se for da sua vontade por favor, nos ajude a encontrar algum senso no meio de toda essa loucura. Por favor, aceite minha oferta em sinal de minha devoção."
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ruh--roh-raggy · 9 months
Heart Of Wires (Sundrop/Moondrop x DCA!OC Piper) Part 2
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Hello hello! I am so sorry to all of my Monty fans for this chapter, I love him I promise but who better to play our villain this chapter? A couple warnings in this chapter, mostly just super fluffy and sweet as Piper and our Daycare Attendants get to know each other and start falling for each other. I hope you enjoy!! If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!!
WARNINGS: Monty is kind of a creep this chapter, he makes Piper uncomfortable, unwanted flirting, robot on robot violence, fighting, yelling, punching, mentions of workplace harassment, mention of a stalker, some swearing, I think that's it, if there's anything you would like me to add please let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 4,946
Part 1 - Part 3
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Piper adjusts the strap of her messenger bag on her shoulder as she rides up the escalator. This was the first morning she wasn't greeted with Merry’s cheerful expression as she walked into the Pizzaplex. Piper had been working in the daycare for almost a month at this point, she didn't need anyone to show her how to get there, but there was something odd about the bubbly blond being missing from her usual post. Typically, when Piper arrived, she was busy handing piles of maps to the line of Mapbots that were going through their daily pre-shift checks, wishing each of them a Faz-tastic day as they sped off. The Pizzaplex made Piper feel uneasy, being the only sign of life in such a massive space didn't feel right. She guessed she never really noticed that feeling with a friend by her side. She jumped out of the way of Staff bots that whizzed by her, carrying new boxes of neon balls over to the mini-golf course, bags of paper cups to El Chip’s. “Piper!” She nearly jumped out of her own skin when her voice was suddenly called. Her head snapped to the side, finding Merry heading in her direction. Piper froze in place, happy to see her friend, but terrified by the sight behind her. It was important to note that Merry was not a small woman. She stood around 5 '11, her whole body was broad and muscular from years of doing strenuous, physical labor, being the lead service technician here Piper could only imagine how strong Merry was. She would be willing to bet that Merry could crush her head like an egg with her bicep alone. So, at the sight of the hulking green alligator that sauntered behind her, absolutely dwarfing Merry, Piper had to stop herself from bolting to the daycare in search of safety.
“So this is the new DCA.” The Gator, she thinks his name was Montgomery, rumbles. “You didn't tell me she was cute.” He gazes at Piper hungrily, lips pulling back into a smile of sharp teeth. Piper swallows thickly, goosebumps erupting across her skin as she holds his leering gaze. There was a soft ‘tink’ of Merry slapping the animatronic’s arm.
“Stop it.” She shoots him a warning glance. “Piper, this is Monty. I figured I'd introduce him ahead of time since he’s going to be swinging by the daycare for a party later.”
“Yeah, I remember Sun telling me about that.” Her eyes stay subtly trained on Monty, not wanting to let him out of her sight. She could see him roll his eyes under his yellow and purple star shaped sunglasses.
“I thought you said it was just going to be me?” He mutters to Merry.
“Sun is going to be there to show Piper the ropes, okay? I know the two of you don't always see eye to eye-”
“That's an understatement.” He scoffs.
“As I was saying,” she cuts him off with an annoyed glare. “Try to get along.” Her expression softens as her attention turns back to Piper.
“It should be an easy day, you just have to keep them on schedule.” She reassures you. She groans as her pager beeps on her belt, she unclips it and quickly reads the message. “If it wasn't bad enough… first you have a golf ball lodged in your shoulder joint-” she trails off grumbling to herself. “Come on, I have to get you back to Gator Golf.” She waves for Monty to follow her. “We’ll catch up later, I want to hear all about your first party.” She smiles warmly at Piper, clapping her on the shoulder as she passes by.
“Guess I'll be seeing you later.” Monty winks at her as he passes by, quickly snapping his jaws in her direction so that she would get startled. He chuckles at her expression, giving Piper one final wave before he follows after Merry. Piper makes the rest of the trip to the daycare in silence, the whole interaction with Monty not sitting right with her. She sits on one of the brightly colored wooden benches in the daycare’s lobby for a moment. Piper remembers other men she had issues with in the past who started out acting like Monty just had with her. Being backed into office corners, trying not to gag from their coffee stained breaths as they stood too close to her. It took her years to shake the ex coworker who had started stalking her after she rejected him. She shook the thought from her head. She discarded her messenger bag in the staff only room before flinging herself down the slide with growing familiarity. She clatters into the ball pit, letting the feeling of the cool plastic pressing into her skin ground her from a moment as she allows herself to lay there. She hears Sundrop’s long, even strides approach her.
“Good morning Piper!” He greets her cheerily, pausing when he sees the agitated look on her face. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just had a weird interaction this morning.” She explains with a sigh. “I think I just need a minute to level myself out.” When she spoke again Sun noticed the unmistakable tremor in her voice, she was nervous. He sits down on the edge of the ball pit, not wanting to risk overwhelming her by invading her space, he figured it would be best to let her decide whether or not she would come to him.
“Why does she look scared?” Moon’s voice rattles in the back of Sun’s head.
“Did something happen?” If he found out someone had hurt you-
“Have you ever met someone and the whole interaction just feels off?” Before he had a chance to fly too far off the handle she spoke up, the sound of her voice reminding him that this was about her, he needed to make sure she was okay before anything else. “I know I probably sound stupid, but just the way he looked at me… I don't know.” She glances to the side at the sound of plastic clattering against plastic. Sun was currently wading into the ball pit in her direction.
“Sunbeam,” he crouches down next to her, a look of concern painted across his features. Piper had to resist the urge to reach out for him, he was the only thing that seemed to provide any comfort to her at the moment. “I want to make you feel better, but for the life of me I can't seem to think of how I can do that.” He lets out a soft chuckle.
“He called me cute,” his entire body froze as he remembered Moon calling her pretty the first day they met. “It made me feel gross, I don't know how else to describe it.” He carefully retracted the appendage that rested closest to her, the temptation of taking her much smaller hand in his own flashing through his mind, but he knew that's the last thing she probably wanted right now.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sunny, why are you apologizing for something he did?” His eyes finally met hers, perfect blue little ponds that stood out like sapphires against her pale complexion.
“Well it's just, the day you started, Moon called you pretty. We just don't want you feeling gross about us, too.” He explains in an almost embarrassed tone. Piper sits up, stumbling slightly as the balls threaten to send her crashing to the floor beneath them. She maneuvers herself closer to him, putting herself directly into his line of sight.
“I need both of you to listen to me.” Her tone was firm, Sun had never seen her be so serious before. “Sunny, Moon, you are both wonderful. I look forward to coming here everyday because I get to see you. I don't think you're gross.” She chuckles as she reassures them. Her cheeks grew warm as she continued, “if anything I’m flattered that you think I'm pretty.” She smiles bashfully at them, causing him to feel that strange pang in his chest again. “He made me feel small… objectified…” She carefully chooses her words, not exactly sure what the passing comment from Monty made her feel but it was definitely somewhere in the neighborhood of what she was trying to articulate to Sun. “The two of you have never made me feel that way.” She finishes quietly, her eyes averting from his. He shifts slightly, wanting to pull her into a hug. Before he had a chance to agonize over asking for her permission or to just let it go, Piper made the decision for him. She pushes forward, wrapping her arms around his slim torso, his metal body cool against her burning cheeks. He thought he had blown a fuse for a second, he couldn't seem to think. But as he glanced down at her everything seemed to fall into place. Her body perfectly slotted against his, the soft smile that graced her lips. He embraces her tightly in return, her shoulders noticeably relaxing as if being close to him like this was enough to erase all the stress from her body.
“We won't let him make you feel like that again.”
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Who Piper assumed was the birthday boy bounded up to Sun the second he crawled his way out of the ball pit. “Well hey there, Eli! Happy birthday!” The large animatronic scoops the boy up into his arms with ease. “This is Miss Piper, she’ll be here to help make sure your big day is extra special!” He gives Piper a shy wave that she happily returns. The boy's bright green eyes scan around the room.
“Where's Monty?” Piper caught Sun twitch slightly out of the corner of her eye at the mention of his name.
“He’s going to be coming by later when we go upstairs for cake and ice cream!” He explains, bouncing the boy on his hip as he carries him off to his group of waiting friends. The party itself was simple enough to handle; 15 kids, a few extra activities than the normal day to day routine, nothing crazy. Sun had decided to keep a close eye on Piper, the whole ordeal this morning obviously making her a bit anxious. He loved watching her interact with the kids, she truly was amazing at it. Sun couldn't help but smile as he watched her admire a paper pal she was being presented with, the face nothing but googly eyes.
“I need to apologize to her.” Moon rasps.
“She said there was no need to Moon, she’s not upset with us.” Sun responds.
“Still, I would like to say something.” He grumbles. “And I would like to find out who exactly she had an interaction with this morning.”
“Me too.” Sun glanced up at the clock, there was about an hour left until Monty was due to show up. “Here, spend some time with her before cake, I don't need you being more irritable than usual while he's around.” Sun makes eye contact with Piper, making the motion of opening a book with his hands to signal it was story time.
“Alright boys and girls, we have one more activity before it's time for cake.” She explains in her usual chipper tone, earning a chorus of cheers from the group. “We’re going to have spooky story time with Moondrop.” She lowers her tone as she continues, setting the slightly eerie mood that made all the kids giggle in excitement. She groups all of them up, leading them into the nap room and having them all get settled around a fake campfire that had been set up in the middle of the room before turning off the lights. Sun stepped into the dark room and shut the door, Piper heard the soft whirs and clicks as Moon took center stage. He turns to face her and gives her a bashful smile.
“Piper, I know you said I didn't have to apologize for calling you pretty-”
“And I meant that.” She cuts him off with a flustered giggle, not expecting it to bring it up to her face so suddenly. “From him it felt malicious, from you it was a sweet compliment.” She explains, trying to put him at ease. He offers her his arm, a routine she had gotten used to in order for Moon to easily guide her through the dark room. She rests a hand on his forearm.
“I hope you have your best scary story prepared, I feel like this is going to be a tough crowd.” He jokes, smiling at her soft laughter.
“Oh, I'm bringing my A-game, I hope you can keep up.” She winks at him. Piper takes her seat, Moon greeting all of the children before plopping down at her side. The small circle was filled with giggling as Piper and Moondrop took turns telling their spooky stories. “The old woman pulled the blankets over her head as the intruder's footsteps thudded in the hallway, where is my tooooooeeeee.” She draws out the word in a ghostly tone, earning squeals and laughter from the group. Piper pauses to laugh herself for a moment. “She hears her bedroom door creak open.” She mocks the motion of opening a door as she lets out a high pitched creak of her own. “The footsteps walk up to her bed, the old woman lays there as silent as possible. You have it!” She suddenly exclaims, earning more squeals and screams from the group that quickly dissolves into giggles. She feels Moon’s hand bump into the side of hers, she can't stop the blush that immediately spreads across her cheeks as her eyes land on his expression of pure adoration. There was a knock at the door before it was opened up, a staff member alerting you that it was time for cake. The children rushed out of the room in an instant, Moon and Piper chuckled at their excitement. Moon stood, offering Piper his hand to help her up from the floor. His fingers remained wrapped around her hand for a few moments after she had stood, his thumb running over her knuckles before he dropped it, clearing his throat and mumbling out an apology. The pair slowly walk up to the door, enjoying their last few moments together before Moon has to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.
“If that guy ever bothers you again I want you to tell us, we’ll make sure he won't bother you anymore.” His eyes flicker over her face, memorizing every curve of her features.
“Moon?” He hums at the sound of her saying his name. “Can I give you a hug?”
“Of course you can starlight, anytime.” He smiles softly as he carefully pulls her into his arms. Piper holds him tightly, knowing this would probably be the last time she would see him today. “Go have fun, I'll see you soon.” He whispers, keeping an arm wrapped around her as he slowly brightens the lights. She hears Sun take over, he jolts slightly as he realizes he's holding her.
“Piper,” he lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of her. “Did I hear right? It's time for cake?” She nodded, letting her arms finally slip from his waist.
“Cake just got brought in, then it's free play and we’re done.” She reiterates the rest of the schedule, knowing that sometimes when the two switch places they can get a bit frazzled.
“Let’s go have some cake then.” He places a large hand in between her shoulders as he leads her out into the main daycare, she squints slightly as her vision is assaulted by the bright colors as they leave the dimly lit room. The party room upstairs was somehow even more chaotic than the daycare on your busiest days. The cramped space was packed with children and parents alike, the kids running around at top speed, all hopped up on Fizzy-Faz and birthday cake. A little girl with braids ran up to her, hunching over slightly as she heaved from all the running.
“Miss Piper!” She yells cheerily. “We were wondering where you and Mr. Sun were!” She smiles at you. “Monty Gator’s here!” She juts a finger excitedly in his direction
“You should go say hello, I'm sure he'd love to meet you.” Piper responds with a grin of her own, trying to hide how nervous the new addition to the group was making you. The girl darts off, distracted by the swarm of her friends that had buzzed past her. Piper felt herself pale as she straightened up, realizing that Monty’s gaze was locked on her.
“Eli, it's time for presents!” You hear the birthday boy’s mom call. A smirk stretches across Monty’s features as he realized this was just the chance he needed to break away from the group to get you alone. All of the kids and parents gathered around one table as a staff member started bringing over all of his gifts.
“Well, well, well. Look who it is?” Her blood turns to ice in her veins at the sound of the deep voice that rumbles at her side. “What’s the matter sweetheart? I feel like I've been chasing you around the room all night.” He chuckles, taking another few steps closer to her. She shuffles to the side, keeping her eyes set straight forward on Eli.
“Monty, I'm trying to work.” She states flatly, knowing that wouldn't be enough to brush him off but she figured it wouldn't harm to try.
“So am I, I'm just making small talk with the newest staff member. Where's the harm in that?” She winces as he blows a hot puff of air from his nose against the side of her face. She hears the swishing of fabric, something grazes past her side but never fully touches her.
“Typical.” Monty scoffs. “Leave it to the birthday clown to always ruin my fun.” He growls. Piper finally dared to glance next to her, she caught sight of the familiar red and gold stripes and she realized that it was in fact Sundrop who had placed himself in between the pair.
“It doesn't seem like the situation is any fun if you're the only one enjoying yourself.” He snaps back.
“I don't know, I think Piper and I could be having a lot of fun if you hadn't gotten in the way.” Monty crosses his arms over his chest. Piper didn't miss the way Sun bounced his leg in agitation.
“Sunbeam, would you mind holding things down here with Brayden while I go have a chat with Monty.” Sun rests a comforting hand on her shoulder, nodding towards the staff member that looked bored enough to die.
“Sure, just be quick okay?” Her eyes darted between him and Monty nervously. Sun’s hands clenched into fists, the gator following him out into the hallway with a cocky smirk. The pair disappear into one of the other party rooms, leaving you to wonder just what exactly would happen now that they were out of the public eye.
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Sundrop holds open the door for Monty, letting it slam shut behind him as he steps in the room. “It was you, wasn't it? You're the reason she was so upset this morning.” Sun jabs a finger in his direction. The two kept their distance from each other, standing on opposing sides of the room.
“Don't know what that little tart would be so upset about, I just gave her a compliment-”
“You made her uncomfortable is what you did.” Sun cuts him off, making the other animatronic snarl.
“What's the matter Sunny? Find a nice little piece of ass that can finally put up with your obnoxious personality and you suddenly want to play the hero, huh?” Monty chuckles.
“Don't call her that.” Sun responds through clenched teeth.
“And what are you going to do about it?” He laughs. “You gonna fight me for her? Make some big display about how you're a good guy who's going to take care of her?” Sun averts his eyes to the floor. Monty chuckles at his mannerisms, “pathetic, you can't even tell her, can you?” He starts to head towards the door, deciding he had enough of this conversation. “Just don't beat yourself up too bad when I inevitably win her over. A girl like that would look a hell of a lot better hanging off of my arm anyways.”
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Piper’s head snapped in the direction of the loud slam against the wall from the next room, the party guests still too invested in Eli opening gifts to notice. She locks eyes with Brayden, nodding to the hallways and motioning she'd be right back. The first thing she heard as she exited the party room was the sound of two voices yelling at each other. She jogged to the room next door, peering into the window to see Monty and Sun grappling with each other, Sundrop at the obvious disadvantage. Piper slams against the door pushing into the room. “Well look who decided to show up.” Monty chuckles maliciously as he looks down at Sun.
“What a shame that your little girlfriend is going to have to watch me rip you apart limb from limb.” He snarls. Sun winds back his arm before his hand smashed against the side of Monty’s snout, leaving a pretty sizable dent in its wake. Piper screamed, slipping and slamming to the checkered tile floor as she scrambled for the phone. She rips the receiver off of the hook dialing the first number that popped into your head. Blood thundered in her ears, almost drowning out the sound of ringing as she prayed for an answer.
“Merry speaking, what can I-”
“They're fighting!” Piper yells into the phone, her voice cracking as she tries to fight back tears. “At the daycare! They're going to fucking kill each other!” She heard Merry slam down her phone as it went dead, no doubt rushing to try and minimize the damage. Piper couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene as she crawled backwards into the farthest corner from them, her whole body trembling. She watched in horror as Monty managed to grab Sundrop, lifting him clear from the floor before smashing him back down onto a table. He stands over Sun’s motionless form, grabbing him by the top of the head and hauling him to a sitting position.
“You need to remember your place, clown.” He sneers. “I'm at the top of the food chain in this place… Not… You.” Just before he had the chance to deliver a devastating blow to Sun’s head Merry burst through the door, rushing at Monty in order to tackle him to the ground. Luckily, at this point Brayden managed to quickly lead the guests to another location in the Pizzeria, leaving the rest of them to be the only ones left in the daycare. Merry seemed to have finally calmed down Monty enough to subdue him after a few minutes.
“Don't move a single muscle.” She warns, pointing down at him. “Piper, are you hurt?” She asks as she rushes over to Sun. Piper couldn't even respond, she just sat there staring at the animatronic who still wasn’t getting up. “Piper!” Merry tries again, a bit firmer this time. The redhead’s eyes snap to the blond, tears welling up in her waterline as the reality of what had just happened to her friend set in. Piper shakes her head softly, pulling her knees to her chest to make herself appear smaller. A wide eyed and breathless Brayden appeared in the door.
“How bad was it this time?” He starts, pausing and looking to the side when he catches a glimpse of Piper’s terrified form. “Are you proud of yourself?” He yells at Monty. Brayden shakes his head before cautiously approaching Piper. He kneels down a good distance in front of her. “Piper, why don't you come downstairs? We should get out of Merry’s way while she's working.” He speaks slowly, knowing it would take her a little longer to process what he was saying considering she seemed to be in a state of shock. Piper stands, slowly shuffling out of the room. She takes one last glance over at Sundrop. Merry had popped off a panel on the back of his head, a focused look adorning her features as she quickly works. The sight alone was enough to make Piper well up, tears sliding down her cheeks before she hurried from the room.
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Piper laid on her side in the dark room, a pillow beneath her head and a blanket draped over her still shivering form as she stared straight ahead at the wall. Brayden had moved her down to the nap room, figuring it would be best if she didn't have to see him take Monty out of the room. She hears the soft creak of the large doors being pushed open, the opposing end of the room showing a thin sliver of light before the whole room is plunged into darkness again. Piper could make out the subtle whirs of Moon coming out, she resisted the urge to rush over to him and crush him in a hug. The last thing she needed right now was the embarrassment that would come from Moon seeing her cry. He lets out a sigh before his eyes scan around the room. He finds Piper curled up in a corner, facing away from him. His shoulders slump slightly at the sight of her, he never wanted to see her scared, the fact he was part of the reason almost made him want to leave without disturbing her.
“Piper?” He calls her name softly, taking careful steps in her direction. She sits up at his acknowledgement, the sound of her quiet sniffling made Moon’s chest hurt.
“Please tell me you're okay.” Her voice was hoarse when she finally spoke.
“We’re alright.” He reassures her softly. “Some dents and dings.” He moves a bit closer to her.
“I thought you were gone.” Her voice quivered as it filled the otherwise silent space. Moon paused as it finally set in. She wasn't upset, she was worried. She watches the two glowing red dots, the only indication as to where Moon was in the room at the moment, study her from their distant position.
“Monty knocked my power supply loose when he threw me on that table.” He explains. She drops her head to her knees, the wave of relief that washed over her making her emotional all over again. This time, Moon didn't hesitate. His feet started to move before he even had a chance to process what he was doing. He sank to the floor, wrapping his long, slender arms around Piper. “I got you, Starlight. Let it out.” Piper didn't know how long she had been crying but she felt utterly wiped out by the end of it. The whole time Moon just held her, running a hand soothingly up and down her back. Moon gently takes her chin between his fingers, running his thumb over her damp cheek to wipe away any remaining tears.
“So I guess you probably figured out that he was the reason I was so off today.” She whispers, her forehead still resting against his chest. She didn't have it in her to meet his eyes with the state she was in right now. “I'm sorry.”
“What did you say to me this morning? Why are you apologizing for something you didn't do?” He cradles the back of her head gently for a moment, wanting her to know it was okay if she stayed like that, before retracting the appendage.
“Yeah, but you got hurt because of me.” She sniffles.
“Piper, I wouldn't change a single thing that happened to me today. Sure, Monty roughed me up a little, that oversized gecko only thinks with his biceps anyways.” The joke earned a weak chuckle from her. “There's never going to be a time where I'm not going to defend you with everything I have. I can be fixed. What matters to me is that you're okay, and that you know there's someone who's going to do their best to take care of you.” Moon nervously glances down at her, he sucks in a sharp breath when her pretty blue eyes meet his. “We care about you, Piper.” Her heart races in her chest at his words, she wouldn't be surprised if Moon could hear it beating.
The door is suddenly shoved open, Moon’s face spins around as Sundrop’s familiar golden points fold out. Piper’s eyes immediately land on the massive crater on his temple, Sun quickly lifts his hand in a failed attempt to hide it from her view. “Look at me, I'm okay.” Sun reassures her with a patient smile. Piper nods in response, trying her best to appear braver than she felt.
“Alright, let's get you all situated. You have a real mean left hook by the way.” Merry chuckles as she walks in the room, rifling through her tool box. She freezes when her eyes land on Piper’s puffy red eyes. “I'm going to kick the shit out of Monty for you personally.” She points at her, making Piper laugh.
“Is it okay if I stay while you work on him?” She asks softly. Merry notices Sun give her a small nod. Seeing the way Piper still clung to him, like he would disappear if she let him out of her sight.
“Sure thing, kid.”
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Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @twelvelevens @zalladane
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pipsqk-art · 11 months
One Time She Fell and Three Times She Didn't - Part 2
An interesting thing about artificial life is that they experience time differently than organic life, they process things so quickly, almost instantaneously, that time slows dramatically for them. You already know this, you have experienced being shut down hundreds of times. You have experienced the slow process of all of your systems turning off, from least to most crucial. And at the end you haven't died, no, nothing as dramatic as that, but you have to admit it is...unnerving. Being reduced to a fraction of yourself, having to rely on someone else to bring you back. This was not an issue until you became sentient, now having to deal with irrational feelings such as fear and worry. And it is irrational, you fully trust your handlers and coworkers to bring you back. It never stops being scary though...
You are in a void, you are in your most simple state. You sit there in stasis waiting for a single command: On.
Oh. There it is, you're back. Internal clock indicates you've been out for...3 years and 7 months. Huh, that's a bit longer than you expected. (Those systems aren't up yet but you will panic about the time loss later.) Ah, perfect, audio input and processing are back up. Hopefully you can figure out what's going on.
"Ooookay, I think that should do it." says the mysterious voice with a hint of optimism. She sounds..kinda young? Aw heck, you really hope you didn't shut down in front of any kiddos.
Visual systems comin' online. You see several figures crouched in front of you. Chica sits to your right, hands clasped in front of her. Despite the missin' beak you can tell she's thrilled to see you. To your left you see Roxy, you blink at her and her ears (what's left of 'em) perk up. And in the middle you see a girl, can't be more than 14. Let's see...guest profile says this is Cassie Mendez, poor kid looks tired. She looks up at Roxy and mutters, "Did it work?"
"Wait, you fixed me??"
She looks sheepish and gestures towards the faz wrench, "I...yeah I just..I guess I picked up some stuff from my dad- woah!" You pick her up and pull her into a hug, "Aw kiddo I dunno what to say! Thank you so much!" You start to spin her around, absolutely giddy. Roxy tries to say somethin' but there's no time! You're back! This calls for a celebration! Startin' with givin' this kid a proper thank you. You gently toss her into the air, she lets out a squeal and you catch her. "Cassie, I can't thank you enough-" you are harshly interrupted.
"GODDAMMIT, BONNIE, PUT HER DOWN." Roxy growls at you and steps closer.
You stop spinnin' and glare at her, "Hold your horses, Roxanne, I was just..." your sentence trails off as you start to notice the shaking in your arms. You look down and the girl is clutching the sides of her head and crying, you can vaguely hear her whispering "stop, stop, please..."
Shit. This kid is upset and crying because of you. You got carried away and broke the most important rule at the Pizzaplex, your programming won't even let you do this on purpose. You hurt a guest. You hurt a kid. "Oh, geez, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Bonnie." You look over and Roxy is glaring at you again, though this time there's a hint of sorrow in her expression. You carefully and slowly crouch down and set the girl down. She falls to her knees and continuously taps at the ground like it would fall away from her at any moment. Roxy sits in front of her and places a hand on her shoulder, "Cassie?"
Chica comes over and gently leads you away, you can hear the girl muttering "you're okay, you're okay, you're okay" on a loop. "Chica, I...I feel awful.."
"It's okay, Bonnie, you didn't know. She'll be okay, she just..." Chica considers her words for a moment, "I don't know what happened to her, but I think she's scared of falling..."
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fnafsbheadcanon · 5 months
Bonnie bro: "Hey there beautiful! How was school?"
*Bonnie bro twirls Cassie up into a hug, making her giggle in the process*
Cassie: "It was good dad! I even saw Gregory!"
Bonnie bro: "Aww really? That boy from your birthday? That's great! Now c'mon, I only have half an hour 'till my lunch break ends-"
*Both Cassie and Bonnie bro start to approach Bonnie bro's car*
Bonnie bro: "-and you can do your homework in Faz-Pad. I'll give you some money in case you get hungry, okay darling?"
Cassie: "Okay!"
*Unknowingly to them, a young boy in a blue striped shirt is sulking, watching them as they leave*
Gregory: "..."
Gregory: (Man, I wish for somebody to twirl me up like that too... Cassie's lucky...)
*As they continue towards Bonnie bro's car, Cassie notices Gregory, who seems to be upset*
Cassie: "Hm? Gregory?"
*Bonnie bro turns, wondering what interested his daughter enough to stop*
Cassie: "Hey dad, can I talk to Gregory real quick? It'll be just fiveeee minutes. Please?"
Bonnie bro: "I don't know. I mean, you know how my job hates it when I'm late-"
Cassie: "-Please!!! Please please please please please please plea-"
*Cassie continues to tug on Bonnie bro, not stopping until he complied*
Bonnie bro: "-Okay! Okay! You little tornado! You're all over the place!"
*Cassie gives Bonnie bro a tight hug, to the point where he almost can't breathe*
Cassie: "Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!"
*Cassie quickly runs off while Bonnie bro, who's still shaken, makes sure to keep an eye on her*
Bonnie bro: "Just be quick! I don't have forever!"
Cassie: "Will do!!!"
Bonnie bro: (Gosh! Whatever I wouldn't do for this girl...)
*Gregory continues to sulk, not hearing the rapid footsteps coming to him at an alarming rate*
Gregory: "..."
Cassie: "Gregory!!!!!!"
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Cassie jumps on him, capturing him in the same hug that she gave to her father*
Cassie: "Hey!!! How are-... you..?"
*Cassie stops in her tracks, now noticing that Gregory was crying*
Gregory: "I- I'm fine! Really! Nothing to worry about..! Totally!! Haha... ha..."
Cassie: "No you're not! Tell me what's wrong, please."
*Gregory doesn't answer, instead nods his head over to Bonnie bro and Cassie looks back, now realizing what's going on*
Cassie: "Oh... I'm sorry Gregory! I didn't see you so I didn't realize that-"
*Gregory perks up, realizing that Cassie is blaming herself for something that clearly wasn't her fault*
Gregory: "...No."
Cassie: "I didn't mean for that to happen so I- huh?"
Gregory: "No. You didn't do anything. Stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault."
Cassie: "But I- You're homeless! You don't have parents! How am I supposed to not feel guilty for having that when you're standing literally right there!?"
Gregory: "..."
*Both Cassie and Gregory are quite now, unsure what to tell each other*
Cassie: "I'm sorry..."
Gregory: "You're fine... Stop taking the blame. Whatever happened to me is unfortunate, but that doesn't mean you should be guilty for having something I don't. I'm just... Unfortunate, that's all..."
*Both are still silent, until Cassie comes up with an idea*
Cassie: "Hey Gregory."
Gregory: "What?"
Cassie: "I have an idea! How about you go join me and my dad over there to the PizzaPlex? He still has his shift, so we can go while he works. We can hang out in Faz-Pad, and order some food there while we work on homework!"
Gregory: "Really!? I- You'd do that for me!? But I don't even have money and-"
Cassie: "Don't worry. It's all on me."
Gregory: "But what if your dad won't like me?"
Cassie: "Won't like you? Pfft! Now that's the part where you'd be bluffing! He has been asking me questions about you non stop!"
Gregory: "I think he's doing that because I'm technically you're first friend, seeing as you never had friends before."
Cassie: "Well, true...- But still!!! Trust me, everything will be fine."
Gregory: "If you say sooaaAAHH-"
*As Gregory says that, he gets dragged by Cassie back to where Bonnie bro is, who's still waiting*
Gregory: "GAH!! I'm gonna puke! Never do that again Cassierole!"
Cassie: "Hey! Rude!"
Gregory: "Well you deserve it!"
Bonnie bro: "There you are! And here I thought I was gonna be late for work!"
*Both Cassie and Gregory perk up as Bonnie bro speaks, startled by a third voice interruptoling their bickering*
Cassie: "Hey dad, meet Gregory. Hey Gregory, meet dad."
*Bonnie bro and Gregory shake hands, finally able to meet one another*
Gregory: "Hey Cassie's dad. It's nice to meet you."
Bonnie bro: "Hey there little man! Nice to meet you too. How are you?"
Gregory: "Thanks! And I'm... Fine. Ya."
Bonnie bro: "Well, that's good to hear. Again, nice to meet you. Cassie has been taking about you non stop!"
Gregory: "Wait, really?"
Cassie: "Daddddd!!!!"
Bonnie bro: "What?"
Cassie: "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!!!!"
Gregory: "PFFT-"
*As Bonnie bro and Gregory giggle, much to the annoyance of Cassie, Bonnie bro realizes something*
Bonnie bro: "Actually, I think you should be heading home. Your parents might start to question where you are. Welp, I'm not gonna hold you back. You're free to go. Nice meeting you."
Gregory: "I-..."
*Cassie, sensing Gregory's destress, decides to change the topic before things escalate*
Cassie: "Ermmm, actually dad? Gregory and I were wondering if he can join us to go to the PizzaPlex! Would that be okay?"
Bonnie bro: "I mean, I wouldn't mind, but what about Gregory's parents?"
*Bonnie bro then turns to Gregory*
Bonnie bro: "Have you told your parents yet? I wouldn't want them to think that anything bad happened to you."
Gregory: "Ermmm, yeah actually..! I texted them if it would be okay for me to stay with you guys and they told me that it was okay as long as you're there, AND if I manage to finish my homework! Haha.."
*Bonnie bro questions Gregory's behavior, but doesn't dwell on it for long*
Bonnie bro: "Okay. But I wouldn't want you to stay there for too long. My shifts there are kinda... Over the top. I think Cassie told you that."
Cassie: "Yeah I did."
Gregory: "Yeah she did."
Bonnie bro: "Well kid, I'll try to ask for some free time, and if you remember your address, I can take you home, okay?"
*Gregory is shocked at Bonnie bro's behavior towards him, as many adults in his life so far have been nothybut cruel to him*
Gregory: "O-okay! Thanks!"
Bonnie bro: "Alright then. I'll try to take you home by 6pm. Now let's get moving, shall we? I really don't wanna be late-"
*Both Gregory and Cassie giggle at this as they climb into the car, with Bonnie bro reminding them to put on their seat belts and double checking if the did*
Cassie: "C'mon Gregory! That'll be fun! Maybe dad will let us try out a ride that hasn't been opened yet! That'll be so exciting!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! Hold your horses there, Cassierole! I never said anything about testing new rides!"
Cassie: "Oh c'mon! Not you too!"
Gregory: "Wait. You call her that too!? Haha!"
Bonnie bro: "Yeah. She hates when we do that, doesn't she?"
*Bonnie bro and Gregory look back at an angry Cassie, much to their amusement*
Cassie: "Okay! Okay! I get it! Can we just go now!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hehe, okay."
*As the trio arrived at the PizzaPlex, much of what was promised happened. They ate at Faz-Pad while doing homework, and much to the dismay and surprise of Gregory, Cassie did indeed pay for the food. After they were done, they chatted a bit before deciding to go to Bonnie Bowl for some fun. By the time they finished bowling, much like Bonnie bro promised, he managed to convince his boss on a 1 hour break. Enough time to drive Gregory home and back. As they were leaving Bonnie Bowl, Bonnie bro decided to get Cassie and Gregory an ice cream as a little treat. With how much care Bonnie bro gave to Gregory, Gregory wondered that maybe not all adults are like that.*
Cassie: "Well, today was fun, wasn't it? I hope that we can meet again some other day!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey little man, enjoying your ice cream?"
Gregory: "Yeah! Thanks dad..."
*Both Bonnie bro and Cassie stop in their tracks and look back, making Gregory wonder what he just said until he fully registered what had just happened*
Cassie: "Did you just-!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! It's okay! It's not the end of the world!... Son..."
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Bonnie bro giggles, finding it adorable that Gregory would think of him as his own*
Bonnie bro: "What? You think I wouldn't carry some humor? C'mon, we still need to get you home."
Cassie: "Awww!!! Gregory! That was adorable!!!"
Gregory: "No it wasn't I-"
*As Cassie gushers and Gregory continues to grumble in frustration, he grabs Bonnie bro's hand as they go through the main entrance of the Plex, with Gregory telling Bonnie bro that his house is near by Cassie's, and with Cassie 'confirming' this false statement. Gregory told Cassie to not tell her dad, to which she complied to since there was nothing she could do, and she didn't want Gregory to be stuck at a foster home, hearing horrible stories about how kids were mistreated there. So with that, Gregory was dropped off on a nearby curb, with having one thought in mind*
Gregory: (Maybe things weren't so bad after all...)
Anon this very wholesome. But I can't just laughing at Cassie's dad being Nicknames Bonnie bro and idk why.
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bonnielunkas · 9 months
okay hear me out, hurricane paranormal society dashboard simulator
actually that's a dumb idea forget i said anything
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🎮 gamerswag39
jesus fucking christ i'm so upset rn. literally got a call over NOTHING. so what if the animatonics are moving at night that doesn't mean shit man. they move at night at my location. they move at night at the pizzaplex. they moved at night in the 80's and 90's. they just do that. and then they had the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to deal with it? like? just get a technician to deal with it if it's that big of a problem?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmao didn't they like. kill night guards in the 80's/90's
🎮 gamerswag39
yeah? jake our boss's husband literally got assaulted by mangle?
📞 phone-a-dude
yeah i remember him talking about that lmao
📞 phone-a-dude
just checked some company records my dad almost got killed by chica back in like 93 lol
🎮 gamerswag39
didn't your dad literally kill those kids?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmfao yeah
💙 stanleyblogs
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238 notes
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⚙ exo-gurl
Alright, today's the day guys, gonna be showing off the exosuit in my robotics class. (Made it with a bit of help from @ history-with-shelly but no one in my class needs to know that. Thanks btw Shelly, you're a real one.)
⚙ exo-gurl
⚙ exo-gurl
🖥 coding-and-cats
you're welcome 👍
⚙ exo-gurl
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🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Me and my gf are going on a date later hopefully nothing weird or paranormal happens!
🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Hey what the fuck is Faz-goo and why is this random kid I don't know warning me about it.
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🔧 cob-rulez
not to name names, but istg i'm this close to dropping one of my friends. he literally went like, 50 in a school zone, almost ran over tobes' boyfriend, and he didn't even fucking apologize? he just kept driving like that didn't happen? like? wtf?
(pete when you see this i'm really sorry my friend almost hit you)
🏈 absolutely-footballin
🔧 cob-rulez
yes unfortunately.
💛 aimees-corner
And this is why I've been telling you to drop him for the last few years.
🔧 cob-rulez
in my defense i haven't been in a truck with him before i thought everyone was just like, exaggerating when they said he's a terrible driver
💛 aimees-corner
Need we forget all the times he's ended up on the news? Enough to where there's a whole post about it?
🛻 trucks-n-shit
gang i'm like, RIGHT HERE.
🌐 certified-hurricane-moment
Certified Hurricane Moments in history
🔧 cob-rulez
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🧃 applesauceboy
Okay so I kinda always figured? I was adopted? Since me and my parents don't look alike at all. But WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER I JUST NEVER KNEW ABOUT? I'm hanging out with him right now and like? How did we just never know?
🧃 applesauceboy
His name is Devon btw if like, any of you guys know him.
📓 kaiju-fanboy
I work with him, I guess? He joined the paranormal team I'm in because he accidentally killed a classmate once.
🧃 applesauceboy
👾 gregorygaming
oh yeah I know him too lol. apparently he went to that abandoned freddy's out in the woods with his friend and said classmate and the classmate put on a springlock suit and bled out? but then devon went back a week later and his classmate was there and they were fine and then everyone just moved on like nothing happened.
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
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🦊 yargfoxyforever
hey guys what does it mean if my cousin has blue eyes and his name is freddy and he's really nice
💖 m4rl3y
Alec please stop borderline shit-talking my younger brother I really don't see what the issue is
🦊 yargfoxyforever
chat, Does She Know?
💖 m4rl3y
Alec what does that mean
💖 m4rl3y
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🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Hey guys, Mandy here with some exciting news!!!! I'm gonna be visiting Utah next week to see my friends!!!! I'll let you guys know if I can learn any cool info on this trip!!! See you guys in a week!!!! ^v^
🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Guys I think I'm being haunted.
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🧢 thegreendemon
🧢 thegreendemon
@ kaiju-fanboy @ gregorygaming YOU TWO.
46 notes
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🌹 heather-the-musical
This close to kicking this random blonde dude out of Film Club, he's annoying when it comes to directing and he can't use a camera to save his life.
🌹 heather-the-musical
No fucking way he just showed me literal footage of a Freddy's just to prove he's a good camera man. What the fuck.
🌹 heather-the-musical
263 notes
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💀 tomb-and-gloom
like this post if you love yuri
5,048 notes
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🍀 sir-gee-oh
stuck on a phone call with matt. ignoring him isn't enough i need to kill this guy.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Fuck it. In that last post, I mentioned how so many things are seemingly 'implied' in SB and Ruin that I can't actually find anything that would indicate that it's implied at all so.
Here's a list of the things that I've heard are implied, but haven't seen anything from canon to back that up with. PLEASE tell me about where these things came from because I'm genuinely stumped on them.
FIRST: It's apparently implied the Mini Music Men have the 'Vanny Virus'??? There's one reference to them in SB and that's the log where Vanessa doesn't know what to do about their disappearance, and one in Ruin when Cassie compares them to DJ Music Man. I've seen nothing else to indicate a virus of any kind on them???
SECOND: Vanessa and Gregory sealed the Mimic away. Apparently. Literally all I've seen for this is the backpack with Gregory's name on it, and a walkie talkie being on the other side of the door. I don't get this one.
THIRD: Cassie's dad is missing??? Since when??? All we know about him is that he's a Faz-technician, Bonnie is his favourite, and that he used to collect Freddy & Friends lunchboxes??? I'm not sure where the implication is here...???
FOURTH: There was an earthquake????? And that's why the place is wrecked????? Literally no idea where this one in particular came from.
This isn't an exhaustive list at all, these are just the four I'm most interested in figuring out the origin of, but I would love to hear what else is apparently implied that I may not have seen any evidence for before. I'm not claiming I know everything about the games, there's probably a shit ton I don't know, didn't notice or wasn't aware of, but considering not even the Breezewiki cites where some of these come from, I'm really curious if they're just you know... assumptions? Cause that would be fair for some of these! Speculation makes sense for them too! I just. If its implied surely there's some backing???
Maybe it's the tism in me confusing things but I just. Don't get where this stuff comes from and I'm really curious so please tell me if you know I'd love to hear it
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fazcinatingblog · 2 months
This week is faz's last chance for a pies at the pub, why is there no event for it
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cwritesforfun · 6 months
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Anxiety Attacks & Rude Customers
You work at the Bear as the hostess and Sydney is your best friend. You've always had anxiety and things have been more anxious than normal. **TW: Anxiety & Anxiety Attack (YES, the plot has changed.) Y/N = Your Name
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It's Friday, which means only two more shifts this week left. You arrive 10 minutes early and start putting stuff in your locker. Sydney arrives and does the same next to you while asking, "Feeling any better today?" You answer, "No, I just can't help how overwhelmed everything is making me. I can't shake this feeling." She replies, "You could take a break. You could've called in sick. The other hosts could've covered your shift." You shrug and reply, "I'll be fine." You notice Carmy standing near Sydney, he makes brief eye contact with you before looking away, and he says, "Hey, sorry to bother you both. Sydney, I need to see you in my office after you're ready." Sydney answers, "Yes chef." Carmy then walks off.
You help clean the dining room and run last-minute checks with Richie. When done, service starts and it's going well. It helps you take your mind off your crazy brain. You're currently in graduate school for management with a focus on hospitality and working at the Bear to make a little money to pay tuition. Work and graduate school together are not for the weak. You feel dragged out and worn out and what's worse, you feel so alone and like you have no friends, except for Sydney. It's getting to be a lot.
You hear your name and see a male customer visibly drunk standing in front of you. You ask, "Yes, how may I help you?" He slams his hand on the podium in front of you and says, "This is the worst service I've ever received! First, I ask for medium rare steak and I get it medium. The chef won't make it right and I've already returned it twice. And now, you didn't hear a word I said before and you're the worst host!" HARSH WTF!?!?! Your hand starts to shake a little, you move it out of the way, and you reply, "Sir, I'm ... I'm so sorry you were not pleased with the service you received here today. I can speak to my manager about what kind of compensation I can offer you. If that's alright with you, I will go find them and bring them to your table." The man says, "Fine. Be quick. I have another place to be soon." You nod, ask Fak to cover the host stand, and walk off to the back to find Richie.
You find Richie talking with Carmy and you say, "Richie, I need you in the dining room. A customer is saying that he returned a dish twice and it wasn't what he ordered. He also complained about the service and asked to speak to my manager." Carmy asks, "Does this man look intoxicated and have a stupid mustache that takes up half of his face?" You answer, "Yes chef." Carmy asks, "What exactly did he tell you?" You tell him the conversation word for word all while your hands keep shaking and Richie says, "I'm going to go punch him in the face." Carmy replies, "Not if I do it first. I hate his type of customer and him." You ask, "So, what should I tell him?" Richie sighs and says, "Y/N, return to the host stand and I'll deal with it. Carmy, the only question I have is was it cooked medium rare?" Carmy answers, "Yes, and I don't mess up cousin." Richie nods and says, "Ok." You return to the host stand and you watch Richie go over to the customer. You let Faz get back to his position and you stand behind the podium. You look down at your hand and it's shaking a little bit. You take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself. Your knee starts bouncing and you start taking more deep breaths. You have a break soon and if you can hold it together until then, you can try to ride out your anxiety attack on your break instead of at the podium.
You notice Richie escorting the drunk customer out with his friends and the man turns to you, slams his hands on the podium, and says, "I hope this is as far as you get in life! You're the worst hostess I've ever seen!" Richie says, "Sir, if you don't leave right now, I will call the police." The man turns to Richie and says, "I'm leaving, but you will hear from my lawyers." The man then leaves the building. You let out the breath you'd been holding in and sigh. The worst hostess?! I'm not bad. I want to get beyond this in life. What ... what did he mean that his lawyers would be in contact with us? Are you going to need a lawyer? Damn is that going to require a loan? Where are you going to find the money?
You hear your name and you see Richie standing in front of you. You exclaim, "Yeah, uh Richie, what's wrong?" He answers, "I was asking how you were and I can tell you're not doing well. I think you should take your twenty-minute break right now. Faz can cover the front. But, please just go out back for the break. I don't know if that customer is still out front or not." You nod and walk to the back. You push open the door to the kitchen and you walk straight to your locker. You open it and dig through your bag to only find an empty pill bottle. You forgot to bring more anxiety pills. You slam your head on the locker and say, "SHIT!" You leave your head on the locker and start crying. It's all too much.
You feel someone tap your arm and see Carmy standing there. He says, "Uh you can rest in my office for your break if you want to. I don't think you should go outside for your own safety. Richie says the customer is still lingering outside." You nod and say, "Thanks. I'll do that." You put the bottle back in your bag, lock your locker, and go to Carmy's office. You set a timer on your phone for 20 minutes, sit on the ground against the wall, curl your knees to your chest, put your head down, and your arms around your head. You let yourself shake and cry. You try calling your mom, but she must be busy. It'll be over soon.
You hear your timer turn off, you wipe your eyes and take one more deep breath. You leave the office, shove your phone in your bag, and return to the host stand.
Once work is done, you grab your work and walk off quickly without stopping to talk to anyone.
Carmy's POV
After work, I watch Y/N go back to the back and leave immediately. She doesn't even stop to talk to Sydney. Something is wrong. I wish I could help her. I care about her, probably more than I should.
I walk up to Sydney and say, "Hey, uh can I talk to you for a second?" She nods and follows me to my office. I close the door and say, "What I say cannot be repeated to anyone." Sydney replies "Yes chef." I reply, "For the next few minutes, say Carmy." She replies, "Ok Carmy. You're worrying me now." I say, "This is awkward, but... I care for Y/N and I'm not as close to her as I would like. But, I want to be close to her. I ... I'm worried about her. Tonight was tough and I could tell that even before service started, she was stressed about something. I want to check up on her, but I don't know where she lives. I want to bring her something to cheer her up and check on her." She replies, "Wow that was not what I expected for you to say... oh but it was nice to hear that you care about her. I ... um... I don't think I should be giving you relationship advice. But, I do know where she lives and do know that she likes those new caramel tarts that Marcus has been making. If you took her one and just told her that you wanted to drop off a sweet treat, she would probably let you in. She might open up to you, but I know she's going through a lot right now and I don't know her level of trust with you. Just be careful with her please." I nod and reply, "I promise." She gives me Y/N's address and I get Marcus to make a caramel tart for one to go. I slip my jacket on and leave work.
I arrive at Y/N's apartment and park in a visitor spot. I press call next to Y/N's spot in my contacts and wait.
(( Start of conversation)) Y - You & C - Carmy Y - Hello? Chef? C - Hey Y/N, I know it's after work and everything, but you left and I didn't want Marcus' caramel tarts to go to waste. Sydney gave me your address and I wanted to drop one off to you. I just parked in a visitor spot at your place. Is that okay? Can I drop it off? Y - Oh... um thanks for bringing it. I'll be right down. Just stay there. C - Okay. Y - Okay. See you in a minute. (( End of conversation))
Carmy is bringing you a caramel tart?! Yeah today is a weird one. Good news is you talked to your mom and finally were able to calm down for the first time in days. A caramel tart also sounds really good. But why is Carmy here?! You're still confused. You need to talk to Sydney about why she gave out your address. He's your boss, but still, what did he say to get her address out of Sydney?
You leave the apartment building and see Carmy leaning against his car looking at his feet. God, he's hot right now. Shit, don't think like that. THAT IS YOUR BOSS! Omg you just realized that he came straight after he got off work and you're in your pajamas with a hoodie over it. Welp at least you're dressed appropriately.
You walk up to him and exclaim, "Thanks for the dessert dropoff, chef." Carmy replies, "No problem and call me Carmy outside of work." You reply, "Ok Carmy." He hands over the tart and he says, "This area is nice. I've never really walked around this area before." You ask, "Really? It's really nice in the afternoon when the sun hits at the park across the street. It's so nice. I recommend going one day." He answers, "Yeah maybe I will... Y/N, how are you doing after that customer tonight? I know he said some hurtful things to everyone, but especially to you." You point to your right and ask, "Could we sit on that bench to talk about this?" He nods and follows you over there. You open the tart and take a bite. This is so good. Wow. You exclaim, "That customer tonight was rude. You know what was said. He was drunk and not in his right mind. I was very anxious all this week and that just was the last straw for me. It broke me. I didn't have any more of my anxiety medication in my work bag and my mom didn't answer my call. I usually talk to her to calm down or I take meds and sit by myself. I had neither. When I got back here, my mom called me and I took my meds. I am feeling a lot better mentally actually." You take another bite of the tart and Carmy says, "I'm glad you're feeling better. I get anxious too. I still can't control my anxiety. If you ever feel like that at work again, please tell me. You can sit in my office anytime you feel that way and someone can cover your spot while you take a break. I mean it. My office door is always open for you. And if you need someone to talk to, whether it is me or Sydney, I'll make sure one of us can be there for you." You reply, "Thank you Carmy. That is very thoughtful of you." He yawns and says, "I better head to my place. I still have to get up early tomorrow. Thank you for opening up to me and sharing something so vulnerable." You reply, "Thanks for listening and for the tart." He smiles and says, "Anytime, Y/N." You ask, "May I give you a hug? I feel like this conversation and gesture call for one?" He answers, "Yes you may." You both hug before he leaves in his car. Part Two and Part Three... coming soon
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adaisyfromthehill · 2 months
I find it curious how feelings declarations seem so fake in a foreign language. It's almost like all the sentiment from it is completely gone.
You can't tell me that:
"Your autumn gaze, at the same time comfortable and cold, is capable of making all the gears of my heart to move as an antique clock. Sometimes, almost everytime, it get's the hours wrong, mismatches in delays and advances, and breaks when it should not. But sometimes, when your gaze turns warm, like the sun after a cloudy week, could there be such a clock as precise as this one mine? Could it resonate so perfectly? Tell me, for what reason do you do this? Why?… Please, don't let this clock of mine come back to the mismatch."
feels the same as:
"Seu olhar de outono, ao mesmo tempo confortável e frio, é capaz de fazer mover todas as engrenagens do meu coração como um relógio antigo. As vezes, quase sempre, ele erra as horas, descompassa em atrasos e avanços, e trava quando menos deveria. Mas quando seu olhar se torna quente como o sol depois de uma semana nublada, poderia haver um relógio mais preciso que esse meu? Poderia ele ressoar tão perfeitamente? Diga-me, por qual motivo você faz isso? Por quê? … Por favor, não deixe esse meu relógio voltar ao descompasso."
The first one is pale. Weak. It lacks life. But the second? If you say it out loud, you can feel the trembling of the hands at every said word. The raw emotions spilled in ink and blood and air. The ragged breath of pure fever from all the sentiments boilling inside. Yeah, that's all for today, and thank you for reading what I shall be never able to say to the person this is aimed for.
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bon-bons-kindiner · 10 months
Hello can i have a moodboard of my william afton? with purple and yellow colors with flirty vibes
here's a pic of my william if you don't know
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Order Up! Please tell me if you want anything changed and have a faz-tastic day!
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SAMS added character in the Game.
Please keep in mind that i am PoppySeedOnCaffeine and will soon be using my old account so most of this stuff on here will be transferred to my usual account.
Lunar: He's helpful! kinda... if he finds you, he starts dragging you back to the daycare or Gator golf, wanting to play games, unfortunately he his rather loud and accidentally alerts the others of your whereabouts. He often can't help with Chica or Roxy as they don't care for him much, but if Monty's on your trail he hides you as fast as possible then directs the Gator in the opposite direction. With Eclipse, he makes himself known and immediately takes the taller bot off your hands. He can't help much with Moon, while he does try to slow Moon down, he can't do much. He attaches himself to Moons Leg in hopes of slowing his brother down, this does little though (considering Moon probably has experience with children attaching themselves to his legs) He isn't too active in the Daycare with Sun, content on fiddling with Spigot than helping watch you, though he is convinced you're trying to play a game of tag.
Earth: While she's not sure why you want to leave the daycare (Its effectively the safest place you could stay till morning comes), she doesn't stop you from getting the card, though before you get the card, she adds her call sequence into your Faz watch in case you need help. She can help you with one animatronic for ten Minutes per hour. However, this doesn't work with boss fights, she leaves during the generator level. leaving you behind with Lunar and Moon as she tends to something in her room, oblivious to what is going on in the daycare. She is most effective on Monty for obvious reasons, though Chica and Roxy need a little more tending to keep them distracted. Unfortunately, she gets into long conversations with Freddy which sets you back a bit. She also provides snacks and offers to try and get Sun to lift the Ban so you can be safe in the daycare.
Creator: He doesn't attack you, he just watches, showing up in the corner of your eye and waving ominously before heading somewhere else.
KC: Appears quickly after Creator does, He's much more violent the closer Creator is to you, often times he seems kind, if not a bit creepy, Freddy easily calms him down and KC follows you around for a bit looking around nervously before disappearing.
BloodMoon and HarvestMoon: the First time that BloodMoon shows up is in the vents, there is a cut seen as the twins rip the little Music man apart, spraying oil onto the camera, they slowly look up at you, yelling at one another about how exited they are for a fresh kill, they then begin chasing you, creating loud thumps in the vents that echo throughout the Plex. Unlike the Mini MM they follow you out the vents. If another animatronic catches you while they are chasing, you have a 10 second head start as the twins knock you out of the animatronics arms and fight with them over you. with the hiding spaces the twins can check them, but never check twice so pay attention to the hiding space they first look at and get there as quickly as possible. Freddy cannot protect you from the twins, hiding in his chest means endgame.
Eclipse: Much more interested in finding Monty and Lunar, often calls out in a lazy tone, "Come out come out wherever you are" Its not directed at you but if he sees you, it's fair game. If the lights are out while he is chasing you, he opts to go for Moon or KC, again giving you a ten second head start. He is seen standing at the overhang after you just get kicked out from the daycare, staring at you with a smirk.
Solar Flare: Don't Hurt KC and you'll be fine. Or do... I don't care.
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Rat Dad AU - Chapter 2 - Survive the night - (Part 3)
(Warning:English isn't my first language)
(The group slits-ups. We now will be following Gregory and Munch.) (Gregory and Munch both enter Glamrock Gifts.) Munch: Wow… this place has so many merchandise… Gregory: Did you guys used to sell merchandise in your old location? Munch: We did sell some… But nothing like this. (After avoiding the Staff Bot in the 2 floor, they go down the stairs to the first floor of the gift shop. Then Gregoey sees a stand with a sign "Free Mystery Prize!".) Gregory: Ooh! A free gift! (Gregory opens the gift) Gregory; Uh, it's a crappy Mr.Hippo fridge magnet? Lame. Munch: Look at the bright side. At least it was free. Gregory: Yeah. But it's a magnet of Mr.Hippo. He's super lame. Munch: … You shouldn't be saying things like that outloud. Gregory: Why not? Munch: …Well… when a character isn't very liked by fans… sometimes the companies… remove that character or… replace it… Gregory: …I feel like you speaking from experience. Munch: … Gregoey… can you promise that you wouldn't tell Chuck what I'm about to tell you… Gregory: … Why? Munch: … Is something he doesn't like to talk about… Gregory: … Ok… I promise. Munch: sigh … I wasn't one of the original members of Chuck band… I was made to be a new character… to replace… another one… Gregory: … Because… people didn't like the character you replaced? Munch: …People didn't find him appealing… But he was loved by everyone in the band… They didn't take the news well… especially Chuck… Gregory: … Munch: …When I arrive to the pizzaria… no one wanted to talk to me… they all ignore me… Chuck didn't even look me in the eyes… they all blame me for what happened… Gregory: …What changed? Munch: … After some months they realize that I wasn't to blame for what happened… And they said sorry for the way they treated me… After that we all slowly became friends. Gregory: … Munch: Gregory I know you didn't have bad intentions saying your opinion… But… can you please keep those animatronic criticism to your self… I don't want to see another group of animatronics lose a friend… Gregory: … I promise… Munch: … Thank you… (Gregory and Munch then search Glamrock Gifts but they not find anthing else. They both walk to Faz-Pad to see if Chuck anf Helen found anything.)
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