#please just unfollow so i don't have to keep feeling the need to apologize all over the place
aris-ink · 1 year
Okay, I don't wanna spam my blog and this will be deleted anyway, just another psa. Sorry. 🥹
I'm starting to miss the times when I had less followers 🥹 I'm not gonna bother answering more asks. I noticed that out of all the authors posting here, I'm the only one apologizing all the time, either for the content I post or for being unwell.
Guys, if it bothers you that I'm taking too long with the requests, or that I'm tired, or if my personal updates bother you, please feel free to unfollow me or block me. I tried really hard to keep my mouth shut for a long time. Plenty of bad things happened in my life and I haven't shared 90% of them here because I do not wanna fill this blog with negative things, I want it to remain a safe space.
However, it's not "negative" to struggle; it's normal. Writers are people, and this isn't even our job. Fanfiction is just a hobby that we invest our time and energy in for free. As much as I want this to be a safe space for others, it is a safe space for me too. Let's not pretend everyone around us knows all our secrets, the blogs we have, the things we read and write. This is the only place I can come to talk about certain things and I don't wanna keep feeling bad about it. Not to mention I see so many of my mutuals and followers struggling too, and everyone chooses to stay quiet most of the time because it seems so shameful. Well, I don't wanna stay quiet, I'd rather have someone know they're not alone, and that it's okay and normal to struggle. I'm sorry. I love and appreciate you all, but if you're looking for a literal writing machine, I am not one. 🥹 You don't have to care about my problems - obviously, I'm sure you have plenty of your own and I'm sending you all my love. To many of you I am just a kpop profile picture, a blog that posts yandere smut, and that's more than fine. But there is no need to get rude either. Thank you.
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allamericansbitch · 8 months
Hi Sarah, I probably should just unfollow you and keep curating my experience here, but you've been one of my fave blogs for years so I'm gonna try to explain it just in case it helps. The reason why I'm leaving and other people I know have left is because your blog is so draining... Obviously we don't know you personally or how you behave on a day-to-day basis, and it's not all your fault since 80% of your blog is usually asks of people complaining, but do you really not realize this? I remember that you said once during your hiatus that you were going to focus on enjoying things and getting rid of the negative vibes and stop responding to asks that only created drama. That felt so refreshing and good for you, but it keeps getting worse now. And if it feels this way to me and others, I can't imagine the weight that you must carry every day from the moment you log in... I'm telling you this because I don't consider you a toxic person and I think that you'd like to know if someone perceives you the same way as you perceive that one blog you hate (only in your case, it's the other way around) because to be fair the differences are not that huge... Obviously you're the opposite, but in terms of behaviour and perception as a whole, the vibes are there. I'm sorry if any of this has offended you, you're free to ignore it, keep feeding your anons and move on. I know it feels like an attack and that you losing one or two of your followers that you don't even know isn't gonna affect you at all, that's not the meaning behind this. I say this because I genuinely care as I know how toxic these apparently harmless environments can be to your own mental health. You are so much better and clever than that. Anyway, I wish the best for you, maybe I'll be able to follow you again some day. Good luck and please take care 💕
You know what. You’re right. Obviously you can unfollow me no matter what that’s your choice but I’m going to be honest, I am really tired.
I kind of have begun to dread looking at my inbox in the morning because of all the negativity and while I agree with a lot of it, it gets so repetitive. I have been trying to practice not answering the worst ones because my god are they bad and I’ve been doing a good job at just deleting them but there’s so many. I honestly just don’t want to not answer people, so many people have told me this is safe space for them and when they’re venting to me I feel like I have a responsibility to reply and have them feel heard, and I have thought about how it must feel to follow me and have to deal with all these asks.
It’s also really hard to get out of. Like every time something happens I get 20, 50, even 100+ asks about it and I feel like I have to respond. And that’s not even including the insane amount of troll asks I get, it’s exhausting. And I don’t wanna sound ungrateful, people have been so nice to me and appreciative. But for the past week or two, I’ve been wanting to just turn my inbox off because of how bad the troll asks have gotten and how I dread seeing more complaints first thing when I wake up but I’d feel so guilty taking the space away from people.
I feel the need to apologize but I don’t really know what for, the negativity I guess. I do not like what my blog has become to be honest. I think I’m gonna take the day and think about some stuff. Thank you for sending this in such a respectful, constructive way.
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sotwk · 2 years
How I Use My Following/Mutuals List
Although I celebrate the growth of my Followers list as much as the next blogger, my Following list is much more valuable to me, and I try to make it so that my Following List = Mutuals List. (Except for a select few blogs I follow for "business" reasons, such as graphics, artist/image resources, etc.) In an ideal world, my Following list would be the same size as my Followers list too.
I try to Follow mostly just blogs who follow me back, not because I think it's some fancy VIP list, but because interactions and developing actual friendships with Followers matters a lot to me. I regularly browse my Following list to check on blogs/people I haven't touched or interacted with recently, and I make an effort to make some sort of contact if it's been a while. I actually try to keep tabs on Mutuals! That is more difficult to do if there are a 100+ blogs/bloggers on the list that have barely interacted with me and are kind of just sitting there. So I don't follow back those blogs.
I understand that not all Followers want to chat or get chummy, and that's okay! But "silent" interaction is shown through likes and reblogs, and those matter to me too. If you are a Follower, please show up on my notifications and give me some sort of sign that you'd genuinely like for me to follow you, too!
On the other hand, if I started Following you (cause I do make the first move sometimes), and you're not hitting the follow back button to make us Mutuals, that's totally fine! But if enough time passes and the engagement/interest is starting to feel just too one-sided, then I might eventually unfollow--no hard feelings!
I will never unfollow the blog of a Mutual, even one that's gone inactive. Once we become genuine Moots, it's for life, baby!
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I WOULD LOVE TO BE MUTUALS WITH YOU and interact with you and your blog.
I just need some sort of sign that you want the same, thus the word, "Mutual". <3
I just completed a "clean up" of my Following and Followers lists, which included purging suspected bots, following back followers I have missed doing so before, and unfollowing blogs that almost never engage with me or just never followed back. I hope I haven't mistakenly unfollowed someone I wasn't supposed to, but if I did, please forgive me, and if you can please let me know, I will correct the mistake!
Disclaimer: Side-blogs vs main blogs make this whole Following thing pretty tricky, so if that causes me to screw up my own Follow-back protocol, I apologize! Again, please feel free to reach out and give me a heads up on which blog I can/should follow and reach you at!
I love you, Mutuals!
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
the past month has been really incredibly draining and my capacity for creativity has been pretty low. i know i don't need to apologize for, you know, having responsibilities off the internet and treating this hobby like a hobby, but ya girl grew up ✨catholic✨ so she feels unnecessary guilt!
the important things to know:
my astoria blog & vex blogs are still active and i'm regularly trying to keep them up & running and with good activity. my rowan blog is still active, but that remains low-activity, and i'll be there when i'm inspired. my multi is moving, and i've put diana back on my multi.
if we were talking before and i vanished, please message me again. it genuinely slipped my mind with everything. if we were plotting, if it was ooc, doesn't matter. i want to continue our conversation! i just have untreated adhd & a lot of stress so my memory ain't great rn.
i have unfollowed blogs that are inactive, archived, or where we just weren't engaging. if i missed a move announcement, or you do want to write or chat ooc, please nudge me!!! i'd love to engage with all of you and i don't want to miss anybody or anything because my brain's all over the place.
i miss writing. i love writing. astoria is my pride and joy and i have never felt better about her character. and i'm hoping that this time next year i'll be saying the same thing. i turned thirty a week ago and i'm kind of loving it. i got a new tattoo that's really the start of a sleeve. i'm working on some personal projects. it's good. at the same time, as i've said before, i have close family undergoing cancer treatment, and am a part-time caretaker for a grandparent with pretty serious dementia. i'm therapying hard because it's very necessary at the moment. i feel lost in my professional life, i feel lost in my personal life, and there are moments when i feel a little bit like i'm hanging on by a thread.
and overall i'm okay? but the sheer amount of stress i'm constantly under means that my body is starting to feel it. i keep getting sick, i never get enough sleep and when i do finally manage to fall asleep i wake up all the time, my focus is absolutely shot. and like... the truth is just that i'm wiped the fuck out all the time. i'm exhausted. i come on here and manage a couple of sentences and then lose my focus. any cr stuff i've managed is because i'm watching cr constantly and even that takes ages to actually make remotely coherent.
the gist is: i'm working on it. i'm working really hard on it. it's not easy nor is it like, a steady progression anywhere. but i'm working on it !!!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
basically one long apology for not writing and some personal updates <3
i really want to apologize for not writing anything recently. i've really burned myself out with writing a novel this month and i think i worked myself a little too hard in october and haven't gotten back on my feet! i see all of your requests and want to do them desperately but i feel really awful and unable to write anything good enough for them so i just end up getting really frustrated and giving up. i feel like ive lost my grasp on steve and eddie a little and combined with tumult in my personal life and the wider world, i find it harder and harder to get into the headspace to write them.
that being said, i promise to get the 12 days of christmas fics out in december as i planned and then i think i'll be taking a break until the new year (or at least trying to be kinder to myself about not writing). so you will see me sporadically, and probably doing a lot more reblogging than anything else! you're all lovely for being so patient with me and i hope that's okay! if it's not, that's also fine too, feel free to unfollow me. thank you for making it this far!
additionally, i'm going to be on vacation for a week starting on tuesday so i don't know how much i'll be around! if you have recommendations for london or Edinburgh send them my way <3
throughout the next few weeks (and forever) please feel free to come chat with me, send me thoughts or just things to chat about! i am going to close requests so that i stop disappointing people by not doing them but you can always come chat to me about steve or eddie or anything you see fit.
i feel really really grateful and lucky for this little blog and for all of you and it's hard not to beat myself up for not enjoying it as much as i used to. but i hope trying to relax a little and get back to a place of enjoyment will be good for me! i know that there really isn't any need to apologize because this is my life and my blog but i really do want to properly attribute much of the joy from this summer/early fall to you all and this space. so, that's why you're reading this post.
i can promise that i will keep this blog up even if my activity wanes. i anticipate falling back into these characters at some point and i am really proud of what i've written so far for them and i don't want that to go to waste. so, regardless of my presence, this blog will always be here! <3
anyway, if you read all of that, thank you! i love you very much.
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sisterssafespace · 11 months
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu sister. I must say I am very proud of you and your team to keep growing in this particular platform. I used to be your very old follower and I have also sent you a few anon asks. I appreciate for your patience and sorry for my rantings. I appreciate for your replies to my every ask. 🤍 It fills me with joy to recieve a big-sissy-kind-of advice from you. My mumma is too an admirer of your beautiful knowledge despite your age. I previously deleted my Tumblr account because I was in my low point of life. And again created a new one just to thank you, I realised I was ungrateful for such a blessing. Subhanallah! I am an adult and in my college. I often spend my time alone because sadly my Muslim University doesn't have much practicing friends from my department. I am no one to judge but I know things won't go right if I join them. I always fantasy to marry a man of my dreams and probably a best friend would be a bonus. So I make dua in tahajjud everyday and ask Allah a number of things. I ask him from A to Z and I don't compromise in asking cause I know he is the Giver and the Provider. Buuuuuuuuttttttt as I make these duas I get constant bad thoughts in my mind and start to doubt Allah's power to fullfill my duas. I start to doubt to a point where I get demotivated to even make one dua. I rush my prayers, I rush my dhikr, I rush in everything and I get impatient to get my dua accepted. I have seen a lot of YouTube videos where muslimah just posts how their tahajjud duas got accepted few days ago, some said next hour. It baffles me and I ask myself, "how come my dua doesn't get accepted?", "How come they get everything they want whereas I don't?", "Did I commit too many sins to even get any dua acceptance?" And so I tried saying Astagfirullah 200 times after each 5 prayers. Sometimes I miss them due to classes. I have also recently unfollowed a muslimah social media influencer who never attended any University and is of my age. She has got beauty, health, weath and support. She vlogged her whole life for 3 years and showed how she got engaged and married and even gave birth few weeks ago. I was like, "woah! must be a true believer" and I almost start to cry over my life problems and sufferings and all. And I know this too that usually social media doesn't show the reality but sometimes it hurts so much that I tend to see what's really in front of me and not take a deeper look into it. Please help me how should I overcome such negative thoughts and feelings. And what else do I need to get my specific duas accepted in tahajjud? I'm not ungrateful, I am just impatient. How do I master patience? P.s: some of my duas got accepted and I am grateful for it. But negative thoughts just kicks in you know. 💔😢 The devil doesn't take a break.
Assalamualaikum habibty 🥹🥹🥹💗
MashaaaaaAllah such a long multidimensional ask :') where do I start?
First of all, I would like to apologize for the delayed answer, as you may know, the genocide happening right now in Gaza is taking a toll on all of us and our mental health, I am trying my best to deal with my survivor's guilt and find strength to function as normally as possible. Allahu al mustaān.
With that being said, thank you thank you thank you for the kind words, may Allah swt bless you and your momma, and grant her good health and happiness ameeeeeen !! I appreciate your words habibty, Jazaki Allahu kulla khayr 🤍 Sometimes I forget that we have been doing this for a while, and that our posts and answers have helped sisters through different periods of their lives, it helps to be reminded, alhamdullillah 🤍
O Allah swt make me better than what they think of me and forgive me what they don't know about me :')
Now let's talk about your negative thoughts. Those are basically shaytan trying to pull you far from Allah swt and distract you habibty. As we know, shaytan's biggest promise/challenge is to distract the slave of Allah from their worship. So whatever you are focusing on, shaytan will come and try to pull you as far as possible from that. And the harder you stick to that act of worship (in your case duaa and Tahajjud) the harder shaytan will try and fight you. But you have to put in mind one thing: Allahuma barik laki, you are already winning by waking up and praying Tahajjud, you are already winning the Love of Allah swt. Tahajjud is not for everyone, it is only for the brave hearts and the pure hearts, they say that Allah swt invites his beloved slaves for Tahajjud, it is like a superpower, so you should know, waking up for Tahajjud is already unlocking doors for you and taking you up many levels in Jannah in shaa Allah, regardless of whether the duaas are accepted or not. And that is one thing you should be comforted by I hope.
As for duaas being accepted, there are a lot of lectures online by expert shuyookhs and imams who talk about this matter. What they have almost all agreed upon is that making duaas is in itself a beloved act of worship to Allah swt and you'll be rewarded just for that. Then Allah swt has three ways or responses to your duaas: 1) yes, now. 2) yes but not now, later. 3) no that's not good for you but I have something better for you.
And we don't interfere with Allah's timing my dear. All you have to do is ask and leave things in His hands. It is a matter of faith. It is sufficient that you truly believe that Allah swt knows what's best for you and when is the right time to give it to you my dear. You just have to believe that and be at peace with not knowing, and be at peace with waiting. You did mention Sabr, patience, which is crucial in waiting for our duaa response. Prophet Yaqub (as) waiting his whole life for Yusuf (as) to come back to him, he knew in his heart that Allah swt will reunite him with his son, and he never despaired. It took years and years but he never lost hope, or felt frustrated. And that's just one example.
But anyways, if you need to strengthen your chances of your duaas being accepted, you need to start and finish your duaas with sending salaams and prayers upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and you need to ask Allah swt with His specific names, so for example, if you are asking Allah for forgiveness you need to use His names that carry the meaning of forgiveness ( Al Ghaffar, Al Ghafour, Al Ghafir..) and if you are asking for rizq in marriage, ask Him swt by His names Ar-razzaq (the provider/ sustainer), Al-Wadud ( the loving one) .. Al Fatih (the opener).. Al Aleem (The knower of all..) etc.
+ about the topic of rushing after prayer, I do struggle with the same issue sübhanallah, and here is a personal hack that helps me with it. I am a visual person I need visual reminders, so what I would do is make notes on papers, I would write the after-salah adhkar, some duaas, tasbeeh.. and stick them on the wall in my salah corner so when I finish my salah it is right there in front of me I can't skip it. But if you're rushing to go to class then stick to the bare minimum: Ayatul kusee after every fard (obligatory salah) and on your way to class say Sübhanallah x10 Alhamdullillah x10 Allahu akbar x10, and you're all set in shaa Allah 😚 See, Islam is beautifully easy and simple if you want to simplify it. Sübhanallah, our deen is that of ease 🤍
To conclude, I don't want to make this any longer for you, for the negative thoughts keep in mind that it is from shaytan and he is only trying to distract you, whenever you feel like you're slipping into that hole pull back by saying I seek refuge in Allah swt from Shaytan, say la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah x100 a day if you can as well.
I will leave you with this simple but powerful duaa:
Allahuma aenee alaa thikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika : O Allah, help me with remembering you, thanking you, and well-worshipping you.
I, from the bottom of my heart, pray Allah swt grants you ease, relief and comfort habibty. May Allah swt grant your heart its biggest wishes and reward you with an immense joy that makes you burst into tears, soon ya rab ..
Fi Aman Allah my precious one 💗
- A. Z. 🤍🍃
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karmabcmb · 2 years
Hello there! Here we are again, because I love this muse and refuse to let him be ruined. A bit of craziness made me leave, three times, and it's not going to happen again. I've decided to tweak the rules a little bit, reword things a little and whatnot, so I'll apologize now if things sound harsh, but...well, that's a small apology, because apparently harsh is what I need to do. So, here goes:
This is an independent blog. I like to avoid any sort of fandom drama, and even though I know the inFamous crowd is relatively small nowadays, I'm still going to say I'm not directly affiliated with them.
I don't do OOC drama. If you're the type to start it, or enjoy being involved in it, good for you but please keep it away from me.
If you don't like something I'm doing, the unfollow button exists. The block feature exists. Use them. If it's something I can work on, by all means, I am willing to talk about it like adults, but otherwise? Move along.
On the subject of fandoms: I do not care which you're in, or whether I know a single thing about it. I am very open to crossovers and absolutely adore writing the most unlikely of meetings, or creating verses and exploring different aspects of my muse when he's centered in another universe, and so forth. Please, come at me!
The same goes for OCs. I don't expect OCs to be perfectly polished and whatever. A lot of aspects can show and solidify as they interact with other characters and situations, and I am all about being part of that. So, yeah, OCs? Bring 'em here, let me love them.
Shipping: As much as I want to, I'm not going to say that I won't ship on this blog. Things happen, muses mesh - I'm not going to shoot it down if the chemistry is there and everyone is on board. Just know I'm...a little gun shy, so to speak, about shipping this muse, so it might take me a bit to really get behind it. Once I do, though, god help you. I will bombard you with random crap about our ship until you're absolutely sick of me.
Please do not force ships. That is all.
Replies may be slow. I work a lot, but I'll always try to pop on at least once a day. Whether I just lurk, send memes, or actually write, though... it'll vary by day. Patience is appreciated.
Minor godmodding is okay. Things like, assuming my muse passed yours something when prompted in a thread is generally okay. If I had a different plan, I'll definitely let you know but for the most part, it's cool. Anything more than that, and it'll be a problem
I will not write with anyone under 18. I myself am 21+ and it weirds me out, so for my own comfort, I prefer not to write with minors. Also, I am not going to shy away from subjects that may venture into 'adults only' territory - I'm not against smut, if things work out for it, down for violence and foul language, dark themes, and so on - so that's yet another reason I say 18+. Do not lie about your age. If I find out you have, I will block you, no questions asked.
I read everyone's rules and about pages, if they're available. Common courtesy, as far as I'm concerned, so I always make a point to do so.
Mutuals are welcome to my Discord, Telegram, Steam, etc., If they would like. Just hit me up and I'll be happy to give you my handle. Let me know who you are, though, if you add me, just so I don't have to play 'creep or not creep'.
I'm not gonna make you send in a password or anything to interact with me. Instead, I'm gonna do a little thing: if you're feeling up to it, throw a word at me in an ask, and I will write a little starter for our muses based around that word. Not a requirement, but hey, we're all here to write together, right? Let's kick it off right away!
And that should do it! Thanks for taking a second to read through these, and I look forward to writing with you all!
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Please cut your long posts. It’s common courtesy
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Which is an answer in and of itself, and I shouldn't feel the need to explain myself to you, but if you're seeing my long posts, then that means you're following me, which means there's something about my content you like, and I don't want to be rude.
So here's why the no.
And I'll be nice and put it under a read more because this gets long. I'm a long-winded person when it comes to explaining things, unfortunately.
First and foremost, I want to maintain the flow of conversation. To do this, I need to keep the previous response with my response and then cut out the responses before that one. This would cut posts the way you would like and keep them shorter.
There is no current way to do this without adding an extension, and I don't want to add the extension. For a lot of reasons, I don't want to add the extension and have intentionally not added the extension to whichever browser I have used specifically for my personal account. I'm not comfortable with adding the extension.
(I have added it to cut posts, as you suggest, for my roleplaying account, and you will see that I've done that there. And every time I have done that, I have opened an entirely separate browser system (think firefox vs. chrome vs. edge vs. safari), added the extension, logged into my account, made those cuts, logged out, and taken the extension off again. It is a pain, and I'm not going to do it every time I get into a conversation with one of my friends on here.)
Also there is no way to do this on the app, as far as I know, and I'm frequently on the app. (And also I don't want to add that extension to mobile if there is one.)
Tumblr does give the option to cut out all responses to reblogs and leave the original post intact and then talk just under that, but that defeats the purpose of maintaining the flow of conversation, which is what I want on those posts.
To do this without an extension, I would have to do a bunch of extra formatting and linking to the previous post and etc. and I just. Again. I'm not going to do that every time I want to have a conversation with someone. I'm just not. Especially not on mobile.
Tumblr also, when a post gets too long, has that nice fancy expand thing. It covers part of the post, and you, Nonnie, have to click on it to get the rest of said long post. Which means you also can avoid the long post just by nature of this new thing Tumblr has added.
...of course, Tumblr being Tumblr, that doesn't always work the way it's supposed to (I've run into this mostly with picture sets, but I don't post those, so that shouldn't really be an issue with my posts), and I do apologize for that, but that's not really something I can do anything about.
On my roleplaying account (and others I've had in the past), when I've been mobile and unable to cut my posts, I've had a tag like mobile blogging or some such that people can block so they don't see the long posts. I can, in this case, compromise and tag my longer posts so that you can block them, but then I fear you would miss out on those fun conversations - or on my thought process on some of the longer posts that are just me talking to myself and coming to a conclusion on something.
But if that is what you would like, then please let me know at which point/how many replies a post is too long for your liking, and I can make a tag for that. I can't assure you that I will always remember to use it - especially not when I'm reblogging longer posts of information and etc. that I really like - but I can maybe try to do it with my conversational etc.
Feel free to let me know one way or the other! And if not, also feel free to unfollow. This is not a rudeness, but if my account is not something that is helping your dash be good for you, then it won't hurt me if you leave. I will understand. Make things safe for you.
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lunarmaden · 5 months
heya ✌️ i'm tav / fable, i'm 23 years old, my timezone is est, i've been in the rpc for ~10 years, and you could pour soup in my lap and i'd probably apologize to you. if the way these are worded makes me sound a little harsh, it isn't meant to come off that way!! i've just been in the rpc for too long to be vague or lenient. that said, a few rapid-fire rules before we get into the lengthier ones that actually need explaining:
— don't follow me if you're any sort of phobic towards any group of people. — mun =/= muse, i don't condone everything my muses do, you get the drill. — vagueposting / guiltposting is an instant block from me. it's not cute. we're all adults here, let's communicate and act like it. — don't rush me for replies, period. rushing me for a thread at all will result in me flat out dropping it.
[ 1 ] for blogs that i can’t see myself interacting with, i will soft block you to keep my followers clean. personal blogs will be hard blocked immediately unless a sideblog is attached to it and i can easily see that your personal blog is a hub. note that it will take me a little while sometimes to decide if i want to follow back. give me a few days at a minimum. do not unfollow and follow again and again to get my attention. i will just hard block you and call it a day.
[ 2 ] i'm neutral on callouts. if i see them and think the proof provided in it is actually valid, then i'll reblog it under my psa tag and leave it at that, no further discussion. it will not go under "drama tw" or anything of the sort, because if it's serious enough, it isn't petty drama. it's a genuine warning passed to other members of the community so they can make their own opinions about. that said, i also believe people can change. if there is proof of that, then i see no reason to hold past mistakes over someone's head.
[ 3 ] i will only write with 18+ muns. if you follow me and are a minor or your age is not listed clearly on your blog, i will soft block you immediately. do not lie to me about your age, you will be hard blocked if i find out.
on a similar but less serious note, i also don't follow if i can't immediately see an alias. just...kinda wanna know who i'm following, is all.
[ 4 ] i get that plotting is kinda important for some people!! however, rarely will i ever fully plot a thread, and i heavily prefer using memes to interact. now, plotting for the general vibe of the thread and dynamic between characters? absolutely!! but frankly, if i relied on completely plotting threads, i'd kill my creativity and get even less done than i already do. i'm here for a fun time, not a stressful and / or long time, so please be aware.
[ 5 ] speaking of relying on memes, send me several at a time! you're probably more likely to get a response if you give me variety to work with. if i get a meme i don't think i can work with, i'll probably send several back to you to make up for it. just so things don't feel lopsided or something.
[ 6 ] i am 23 and valynn is an adult ( even though elven ages are... a little weird ), so nsfw content is likely to show up here in some capacity. when it does, it'll be tagged as "nsfw //" ( or "suggestive //" if it's only implied ). however, i'm likely only going to write those topics with people i'm close to.
[ 7 ] anon hate is cringe, so if you send it, it won't get a response from me unless it's to make fun of you. at this point i expect most of us to know not to answer it seriously otherwise the sender is just being encouraged, so if i keep seeing it being answered / talked about on the dash ( unless it's being poked fun at ), i'm probably just going to soft block for my sake because. y'know, you didn't wanna get the negativity, i don't wanna see that negativity, etcetera.
on that note, untagged negativity will also lead to me unfollowing. untagged posts in general will lead to me unfollowing if it's a frequent thing, honestly.
[ 8 ] with how difficult tumblr has made it as of late to properly source things, i have become significantly more lenient when it comes to people reblogging memes and musings from me, as long as it isn't like several posts in a row. that said, i expect this understanding to be mutual. i'll always try to reblog from the source if i can, but if not, it'll just have to come from whoever slapped it on the dash.
[ 9 ] if you need something tagged, tell me! i’ll do my best to remember to tag what i need to, but please remind me if i happen to forget. the system i use is just "trigger //". now, if you use fancy tags for nsfw posts or posts that otherwise need a trigger warning and refuse to adjust if confronted about it, that's getting a hard block. it isn't difficult to be respectful of what people need tagged. the refusal to do so for your aesthetic is kinda fucked.
as for what i need tagged, all i ask is that visuals of sunflowers are tagged appropriately. i would also appreciate detailed mentions of terminal illness being tagged, specifically cancer, but that's more of a squick than a trigger, so that one is less of a problem.
[ 10 ] obligatory "let's just have fun" rule here. we're all on this hellsite to write our silly little guys, it really isn't that serious. just be decent, and we'll be chill!!
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ageless-aislynn · 11 months
Sorry for the brief disappearing act, frens, but I finally managed to get the footage I need to finish my Mass Effect: Andromeda vid and I'm putting the final touches on it! 😁
You know, I keep trying to get back to writing things for my own enjoyment again but I can truly say that this vid was made just for me. I wanted my love for this couple to shine through and I think it does. Or maybe I just love them and it makes me happy to see my bbs being happy. I don't know. It doesn't matter. The thing is that making this was a very positive experience and sometimes those are few and far between these days. 😐😉
Anyway, thanks so much to everybody who has tagged me in things, I'll be happily working on them in the next day or so! I love getting tagged and I'm really going to try to, you know, pass that feeling along instead of just vague!tagging like I've been doing. 😶
By the way, if you don't like getting tagged in tag game-ish things, please let me know. Also, if you do but I don't seem to be tagging you in them, also let me know! When in doubt, I don't tag.
I also realized that I've repeatedly tagged a few of my mutuals who are actually not mutuals any longer and that made me feel like a jerk. I just didn't realize they unfollowed me at some point and then here I am, apparently Really Not Taking The Hint, oops. Apologies for that, even though, you know, they won't be reading this because they're not here anymore. But still. Just putting that out there into the universe and all that.
Okay, back to finishing up my vid then hopefully posting it tonight! Then it's back to finishing up my final 2 romance playthroughs before NaNo begins. I wasn't originally planning to Romance Everybody but I find it fun to try out different powers and combat styles while advancing the main missions in order to advance the romances. Though I'm making Scott a terrible Pathfinder by ignoring all of the side quests and non-romance loyalty missions. He even forgot to visit his comatose sister and mannnn, she read him the riot act when she woke up!
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Eobard: "And then Sara looked something like this when Scott walked in the room after ignoring her most of the game..." 😡🤬
I honestly enjoy most of the missions and fights in the game and the ones I don't are pretty easy to avoid now that I know where they are. I even found a couple of missions I'd missed and that was really cool!
Welp, I'm outta here!
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(I seriously cackled when this happened to poor Emile in Halo: Reach! It was so random! I actually have gotten killed by one of the Banshees getting shot down and crashing on my head, though, so clearly it's a hazard! 😯😂😉)
Love you, frens! 🤗🤗🤗
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tavwrote · 1 year
heya ✌️ i'm tav, i'm 23 years old, my timezone is est, i've been in the rpc for ~10 years, and you could pour soup in my lap and i'd probably apologize to you. if the way these are worded makes me sound a little harsh, it isn't meant to come off that way!! i've just been in the rpc for too long to be vague or lenient. that said, a few rapid-fire rules before we get into the lengthier ones that actually need explaining:
— don't follow me if you're any sort of phobic towards any group of people. — mun =/= muse, i don't condone everything my muses do, you get the drill. — vagueposting / guiltposting is an instant block from me. it's not cute. we're all adults here, let's communicate and act like it. — don't rush me for replies, period. rushing me for a thread at all will result in me flat out dropping it. — there are both irl and animated faceclaims to be found here. if you aren't chill with that, don't follow. — if you ship kaeya and diluc or are otherwise "indifferent" to it / people who write it, that's also a block. let's not be gross, please.
[ 1 ] for blogs that i can’t see myself interacting with, i will soft block you to keep my followers clean. personal blogs will be hard blocked immediately unless a sideblog is attached to it and i can easily see that your personal blog is a hub. note that i rarely follow first ( unless you're someone i'm already comfortable with ), and it will take me a little while sometimes to decide if i want to follow back. give me a few days at a minimum. do not unfollow and follow again and again to get my attention. i will just hard block you and call it a day.
[ 2 ] i'm neutral on callouts. if i see them and think the proof provided in it is actually valid, then i'll reblog it under my psa tag and leave it at that, no further discussion. it will not go under "drama tw" or anything of the sort, because if it's serious enough, it isn't petty drama. it's a genuine warning passed to other members of the community so they can make their own opinions about. that said, i also believe people can change. if there is proof of that, then i see no reason to hold past mistakes over someone's head.
[ 3 ] i softblock liberally if i feel it necessary, but "necessary" never means i have a personal problem with you, promise. that's reserved for hardblocking, aka personals and the exceptions. on the off chance you think maybe tumblr has un-mutualized us because there was a rare glitch in this perfect website's code, feel free to follow again or even just ask me about it, i don't mind.
[ 4 ] i will only write with 18+ muns. if you follow me and are a minor or your age is not listed clearly on your blog, i will soft block you immediately. do not lie to me about your age, you will be hard blocked if i find out.
on a similar but less serious note, i also don't follow if i can't immediately see an alias. just...kinda wanna know who i'm following, is all.
[ 5 ] i get that plotting is kinda important for some people!! however, rarely will i ever fully plot a thread, and i heavily prefer using memes to interact. now, plotting for the general vibe of the thread and dynamic between characters? absolutely!! but frankly, if i relied on completely plotting threads, i'd kill my creativity and get even less done than i already do. i'm here for a fun time, not a stressful and / or long time, so please be aware.
[ 6 ] speaking of relying on memes, send me several at a time! you're probably more likely to get a response if you give me variety to work with. if i get a meme i don't think i can work with, i'll probably send several back to you to make up for it. just so things don't feel lopsided or something.
[ 7 ] when sending in memes, remember to specify who you want. if you don't specify or don't message me somehow to let me know who you want for that ask, it will not get answered.
[ 8 ] i'm not going to pretend like there aren't people who i will prioritize responses to. that's not me being "clique-y", that's me being comfortable with people i've known for ages. if you think otherwise or have that jealous roleplayer mindset, leave. leave so fast. yikes.
[ 9 ] i am 23 and all of my muses are adults, so nsfw content is likely to show up here in some capacity. when it does, it'll be tagged as "nsfw //" ( or "suggestive //" if it's only implied ). however, i'm likely only going to write those topics with people i'm close to, and even then, very rarely.
[ 10 ] anon hate is cringe, so if you send it, it won't get a response from me unless it's to make fun of you. at this point i expect most of us to know not to answer it seriously otherwise the sender is just being encouraged, so if i keep seeing it being answered / talked about on the dash ( unless it's being poked fun at ), i'm probably just going to soft block for my sake because. y'know, you didn't wanna get the negativity, i don't wanna see that negativity, etcetera.
on that note, untagged negativity will also lead to me unfollowing. untagged posts in general will lead to me unfollowing if it's a frequent thing, honestly.
[ 11 ] with how difficult tumblr has made it as of late to properly source things, i have become significantly more lenient when it comes to people reblogging memes and musings from me, as long as it isn't like several posts in a row. that said, i expect this understanding to be mutual. i'll always try to reblog from the source if i can, but if not, it'll just have to come from whoever slapped it on the dash.
[ 12 ] if you need something tagged, tell me! i’ll do my best to remember to tag what i need to, but please remind me if i happen to forget. the system i use is just "trigger //". now, if you use fancy tags for nsfw posts or posts that otherwise need a trigger warning and refuse to adjust if confronted about it, that's getting a hard block. it isn't difficult to be respectful of what people need tagged. the refusal to do so for your aesthetic is kinda fucked.
as for what i need tagged, all i ask is that visuals of sunflowers are tagged appropriately. i would also appreciate detailed mentions of terminal illness being tagged, specifically cancer, but that's more of a squick than a trigger, so that one is less of a problem.
[ 13 ] obligatory "let's just have fun" rule here, we're all on this hellsite to write our silly little guys, it really isn't that serious. just be decent, and we'll be chill!!
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xikoatl · 1 year
I've been hesitating whether or not post this because I am a people pleaser and have a lot of anxiety when it comes to social media in which I don't have any friends in but:
My blog will not be centered around Spiderverse forever, I will not post fanfics or headcanons every day, and sometimes I just need to rant about my other hyperfixations, university and my autism. The fact that my headcanons always blow up and have a lot of notes make me feel bad about not always sticking to spiderverse but I need to understand that it's my blog and the sole reason I created it was to have a safe place for me to be myself and not care about people I know seeing it and judging me for it.
I try not to look at the number of notes my posts have nor look at how my follower count shoot up since the first headcanon. So please, if you're here just to see stuff about spiderverse and will get mad if I post something about Fnaf, TMNT, animation in general, autism, horror videogames (with trigger warnings beforehand and nothing explicit, probs just ranting about how I love them), Percy Jackson, and so on; just unfollow me please. I don't want to end up spiraling in an endless hole of posting about the same thing over and over just to gain more followers. If you'd like me to tag you whenever I post spiderverse hcs you can just send me an ask and I'll tag you so you don't have to follow me but will still get notified if I post something about it!
This is all slash genuine and light hearted, I won't get mad if you guys unfollow me! Actually it's the other way around, it's what's best for you and for me.
Also! Asks are open too, so if you have any ideas or requests I can post a drabble about it! Just look at my boundaries beforehand and keep it sfw and nice!
That's all for now, thank you and I apologize for all this mess. Have a cookie 🍪 or an ice cream 🍦🍨 if you don't want a cookie
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fists4once · 1 year
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#𝙵𝙸𝚂𝚃𝚂𝟺𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 : a  fandom - less portrayal of  archie andrews, inspired by ethel cain's preacher's daughter and removed from canon.      often dc based, but very crossover friendly ! extremely personal + original take on the character, re - written as fandom - less and very headcanon heavy. sb to enslaughts.
a study in broken promises and fallen pedestals, bruised knuckles punching in the wind, hero complexes, lost childhood and butterfly nets, grief as anger, healing, what it means to have a body, and to not.     𝟶𝟼/𝟸𝟸/𝟸𝟹.     re - imagined  by  jean,  23,  they/any.
notes. prompts.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
the rpc's distancing from riverdale is very much understood, however, my portrayal of archie is incredibly personalized and wholly adapted to a personal trajectory of mine over the last half a decade. inspiration is taken from the cw show for his backstory, but my default verse for archie is only vaguely season five - like, but that's about it as far as similarities go. this character is a comfort muse unfortunately and incredibly comfortable for me to write simply because of how long i've been doing it. if you hate riverdale, i promise i've heard it all before and am not here to hash it out, but to write what's practically become an original character for me. if you don't wanna be here, simply scroll or block, beloved.
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks, and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror / issues, violence / injury,  horror elements,   parental death, smoking,  religious imagery,  as well as past statutory rape,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
I completely agree with your post about Tom. People’s entitlement over their favourite celebrities goes to far. And tbh I really hate when fans act like they know for sure how he feels and what he’s thinking based on very ambiguous “evidence”. This is usually done so people can align Tom’s views with their own which requires most of the time someone else to be villanised. What I mean is that fans have no actual proof that the writers, producers and director of Loki are bad people and that Tom is unhappy with the directions the show took. There is usually nothing to be inferred about who these people are beyond their merits as professionals. But fans present their assumptions as facts anyway and that has evolved into actual harassment of the production team. All the while piggybacking on this idea that Tom thinks exactly what like them. And I am saying this as someone who hated TR and thinks Loki was deliberately made weaker/less important so Thor could shine more. And someone who hates pretty much all of Mike Waldron’s previous work on Rick and Morty. But is still feels very presumptuous to act like these people deliberate compromised the their own work because they hate Loki and his fans. And that they are filled with every prejudice know to man. And it’s also very demeaning to victimise Tom in the process. Of course some of the people involved suck but most of the time these assumptions have no basis whatsoever. And there is also an over-identification going on between some fans and Tom which isn’t healthy for anybody.
Sorry it took me several days to get to this, anon. It took me a minute to get my thoughts in order. But in a nutshell, yeah, I agree with a lot of the things you pointed out here - especially with fans acting like they know for a fact what he's thinking or feeling.
Under the cut for length and a bit of wank and disagreement w/ the "Marvel hates Loki" discourse so please skip if you don't want to see it.
A lot of the Loki series wank is rooted in whether or not Tom actually likes the series and significantly contributed to it, or if he's just saying what he has to say for publicity and his ideas and contributions were largely ignored. None of us will ever know for sure, bc none of us are Tom and none of us were directly involved in the series, so it's moot speculation, really. But it seems to basically come down to people trying to reconcile their feelings about the show with their feelings about Tom.
I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with believing that Tom's hands were tied to an extent and/or he just says things that he has to for promotion, but I also don't think that it should be treated as fact and then used as, like, ammunition against other people working on the show. I personally have not seen anyone I know or am friendly with taking their complaints to the level of harassment of actual people irl (that seems to be more of a twitter thing, as far as I can tell, and imo comes from an entirely different place than just hating the show [I think there's an inherent meanness in people whose instincts are to harass and bully bc they want to actively make others feel like shit]) but I do see it posted as fact, time and time again, that the showrunners had a personal vendetta against Loki and were intent on making the series as bad as possible, and that Tom was helpless to do anything about it.
Which I get, in a way, bc I personally believe that the Russos had, if not a vendetta, an active dislike of Loki and a vested interest in getting him "out of the way" in a manner that would make him look pathetic in IW - but, I certainly can't say that's the case for sure, and I also think it's a little different bc Tom's contractual obligations for his film appearances were likely very different than what he (and/or his people) negotiated for the show.
That's neither here nor there but my point is, I can understand where the theories come from but I just don't think that's the case here, and seeing it so often makes me feel kinda uncomfortable (for a lot of reasons but also) bc, imo, it undermines Tom's autonomy for fans to act as if he's little more than a puppet on a string, just saying whatever he has to say to please the powers that be. Like, yes, there are legally binding contracts that probably limit how candid he can be, and we all know that he sugarcoats things and never says anything bad about anyone, which can make him seem like a bit of an "unreliable narrator" when he gushes about the show -
- but, he's also a big name celeb (I mean, the studio has always banked on his name being attached to the project bc he's the one who would draw in the most viewers). He's got clout (is that the right word?) to back him up - they wanted him, specifically, to play Loki in this series. Without Tom, there's no show. So why would they want to alienate him, silence him, or dismiss him when he comes to the table and says "here are my ideas"?
My point is, it's unfair and, yes, demeaning to act as if Tom is this voiceless, powerless victim who has no choice but to act in a series he hated that was purposefully trying to destroy his character, and then to turn around and mindlessly sing its praises while promoting it.
I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle - Tom's creative control was likely limited bc he wasn't the director and wasn't the showrunner or head writer, and no one person is ever completely in control when it comes to the end result that we, the audience, end up seeing on the screen anyway. He may not have been entirely happy with every writing or directing choice that was made. But it's also very unlikely that he had no say at all or that any input he had was dismissed (or 95% of it, as it were); again, the series is banking on his name being the draw and he has the advantage of being an authority on Loki while also being intelligent and eloquent enough to convey his perspective on the character. I think that the real issue is that Tom's current perspective and/or interpretation of Loki no longer aligns with his interpretation of OG Loki from 2011-13. Which is, admittedly, a very hard pill to swallow.
Anyway, this may have veered off in another direction and idek if you wanted this answered or to have a conversation or maybe you were just venting - but, here we are.
To make it less about Loki specifically and more about Tom in general, though, yeah, ultimately I just wish his fans wouldn't feel so entitled toward him and his opinions, or his career choices, or his love life, or his clothes. I was browsing one of the Tom ask blogs (or maybe it was a Zawe one, I don't remember now) the other day and I find it really creepy, for lack of a better word, at how invested people are in Tom's, like, day-to-day whereabouts. Someone saw him at a restaurant in NYC - I wonder if he's still there today? Where's he staying? Is he there as a tourist or for work reasons? Who could he be meeting with in New York? A producer? Another play? Will he host SNL? Is Zawe still with him or did she go back to London? etc etc like, it really goes back to my original point in my original post which is, basically, who caaaaaaaares, why are you investing so much of your day trying to figure out what Tom is doing with his?
Now I'm just venting, but yeah ... shit's weird.
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sehunned · 6 years
#.txt#i want to apologize to anyone who's been disappointed if i haven't been making gifs of busted / the cbx reality show / just gifs in general#i don't know if anyone realized but i'm working full time as a pharmacist now#so i've already come to terms with the fact that i will almost never be able to gif things live#and i don't see the point of making gifs for things that someone else has already giffed unless it's for my sideblog#so idk i just wanted to apologize if any of y'all think i'm a bad exo stan or stan in general or anything lsdkmglaskfsad#to be honest?? yeah i'm still deep in exo and kpop land#but as a 20 something year old adult i have responsibilities i want to fulfill#and exo and my other faves are the ones who keep me going!#plus i was so d*pressed last year just because of something stupid like gifs#don't want it to become something i hate so i'll only gif when i can yeah#and dump a lot of stuff on my sideblog#also i know this will definitely offend someone out there but i am going to start making suju gifs as well#starting tomorrow since they are giving us a preview of super tv 2#if it offends you please blacklist or unfollow me ;;;#tbh i am heavily yesung biased but i know there are plenty of people out there who hate suju#i won't force my opinions on you so please just unfollow if it makes you uncomfortable :(#also i hope everyone won't mind if i make gifs of other groups like suju or idle or blackpink or whatever ;;;#idek why i feel the need to apologize for all of this#but yeah#i just feel like i've disappointed a lot of people lately#but things have changed since i'm a full time working adult now...#hope you all will understand my decisions#i'm actually very happy now because just making gifs for fun on my sideblog releases stress related to notes and followers for me#i still love my faves!! but i don't have to do it for notes and followers!!
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polyjuicedpadfoot · 2 years
ok.. i might be being an idiot so feel free to call me out..
lot of discourse going on rn about a certain author of a very popular jegulus fic and some homophobic comments? now i have never read mentioned jegulus fic, and therefore cannot comment on any misrepresentation or harmful content within it, but i did see the whole queen joke, and after seeing multiple jokes like that all over twitter the past day, i didn’t view it as homophobic? i’m gay but i’m also very aware that i could be giving credit where credit is NOT due, so is that the homophobic comment people are referring to when talking about deleted things? cause if so i’ve seen about 50 people that need to do some deleting.
anyways, i’m really sorry if this comes off in a bad way, i just wanna make sure i’m reading a situation correctly cause i struggle with that, and i don’t rlly have a clue what’s goin on!
(also i completely get that it’s not ur place to have to educate people on this so if u wanna ignore this and never think about it again, please feel free)
It's okay, I understand only getting bits and pieces of the story so I'll do my best to sum it up for you.
There was a comment made by an author, and while it may not have necessarily meant to be homophobic, I know it did rub many people the wrong way. It was a comment that implied the feminization of gay men, something that can be seen as stereotypical and hurtful to the population.
The problem came more when it was brought up to the author. When someone brings up that something you said may be controversial or hurtful, typically you'd try to apologize and assure that this was not your intention, if it was in fact not your intention. Unfortunately, this author chose to quote themselves instead of acknowledging that the comment could indeed be hurtful. There were no apologies for potentially saying something controversial or the choice to potentially educate themselves on why it may be hurtful. The author chose to avoid the subject altogether.
Of course, this is where the whole thing sort of blew up. Now I feel like if the author had potentially handled the ask differently, maybe felt remorseful or apologized, people wouldn't be so peeved with the situation. Unfortunately, this was not the case. After this, the author decided to delete the comment and post something that wasn't quite an apology, but something saying they got the asks and they weren't impressed for being called out about it.
Now about other people deleting things. I don't follow many blogs, I typically try to keep to my corner of Tumblr and interact with my friends, so I definitely haven't seen everything every single author is saying. This being said, I invite you to, politely, maybe bring it up to an author or blogger who says something that could potentially be harmful. What the person decides to do then is up to them. If they apologize, show remorse, and correct themselves, I feel like that is okay, as long as they make an effort to correct their mistake and not do it again. Now, if they ignore it, get defensive, and try to tell you that it can't be hurtful because they didn't think it was hurtful, then that's different, and then a lot more people typically get involved because there is strength in numbers, and sometimes people need to hear it multiple times before it sticks in their brain. Now if they don't change, unfollow or block them, and tell some people in the same boat to avoid that person if they could be potentially harmful to your friends.
I didn't take your message as rude in any way, don't worry. And I not only responded to this to help you understand, but so that maybe it will come across another person's blog who needs to read this, or needs help understanding.
I hope this clarified things!
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