#please let him be romancable
I love waxwitch. We've barely had a crumb of Melioe and Icarus interactions, and yet I've absorbed them into my soul.
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kiivg · 15 days
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.please please please please please pl.
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So many takes on "Astarion kills himself when Tav dies of old age"
And I Hate it
Let me present to you the more likely: Astarion knew the whole time that he is immortal and you are not
He willingly engages in a relationship with you, and spends *your entire life* with you
When you die, he knew it was coming the whole time. He enjoyed every moment of it with you. He is ready to say farewell when you are gone.
He then, with your blessing, because you ALSO KNEW HES IMMORTAL AND WANT THE BEST FOR HIM, continues living.
Continues living, and exploring life, and doing whatever he wants, and if he wants to have another relationship he has it. And if he doesn't he doesn't. And that's okay. He gets to be free, alone and free, for the first time now.
It's not better or worse than being with you. It's the inevitable and expected outcome. It's the time where he gets to explore the things he didn't while he was with you, because when he was with you he didn't feel the need to.
We need to get past the idea that his entire being and identity hinges on Tav, because it absolutely destroys the entire point of his Spawn Ending- character arc. And I know some of you are.... Inexperienced, in love and romance. In relationships, or at least, truly healthy ones.
But let me tell you now
"I'd die for you" is shit
"I'd live FOR you" is .... Best left for the beginning of a healing journey
'I live for myself, and I loved the time I had with you, every moment of it'
That's where it's at. I choose you, I chose you, and when the time comes, I will let you go. Thank you, for everything. You can rest now. I'll be alright.
That's where it's AT, guys.
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smittenskitten · 10 months
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You seem to be following the steps of the poet, Phraya Sisunthonwohan. Soon you'll have about 10 wives under your arm. Lovers? One is enough for me.
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yumemiruuuu · 6 months
New Year art of TGCF from BiliBili
They’re so babies 🥺
Look at Qi Rong and Mu Qing
And Shi Qingxuan showing off their new outfit to our Beef Boi
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arctophyllax · 8 months
*clears throat* why I think Larian should let us recruit Zevlor:
More people are desperate for Zevlor than I thought at first. We all want to see him happy. We all want him to get all that he deserves and more. He just has SO much potential, he’s such a well written character just for his story to get cut off so suddenly? Thinking about how badly his story was neglected by Larian after they made us so attached breaks my heart. Of all side characters we met along the acts he is undeniably one of the most important and memorable ones; we fought for him, we saved him, we helped him, hells we even get the option to reject his payment for us for helping him and his people.
We practically got nothing out of helping him, especially the ones who reject his payments and i find myself rejecting the payment every single playthrough because i can’t find it in my heart to take something away from people who have nothing left already. If you betray the tieflings you get Minthara- and yes that may cost you certain companions too, but wouldn’t it be fair to be able to have Zevlor at camp if we save his people? At least after we save him in act 2? That way it would still be optional but god I need him so badly, I need to see him happy, I need Larian to let me look after him and take care of him and make sure that he doesn’t drown in sorrow and I know everyone who reads this feels exactly the same.
He went through so much, and every time his hope returned it got shattered to bits again. And it just feels like we’re forced to “give up” on him after we let him wander away in act 2. It doesn’t feel right. It will never feel right. We saw how miserable he was in that pod, how distressed and in pain he was. Common sense would have told us to take him with us. Make sure he fucking survives the night without doing anything stupid. Clean him off the blood and clean him off his worries, all that self hatred.
God, do I so hate to see him in such distress. And while a tiny part of me believes that death might have actually been a small mercy for him I was and will never be ready to give up on him.
Every time I see him on that damned screen, every time he speaks and every time I witness him interact with someone I DON’T see an oathbreaker who failed his people and had to be saved from being consumed by the Absolute. All I see is a competent leader who carries a burden not meant to be carried by one person alone.
This has nothing to do with him being weak. This has nothing to to with him being incompetent or not careful enough. This has nothing to do with any lost faith or broken oath. This has to do with the fact that he is so selfless that he wouldn’t allow himself to share this burden with anyone.
Yes he has (had?) his fellow tieflings, he has Tilses right beside him all of the time. But did he ever open up to her? Does he ever accept any help from his own people while he knows that they are already suffering? Would he EVER allow ANY of these people to carry even a SLIVER of his burden?
No. He would not. He would NEVER let them bear any of those duties, he has seen them in way too much pain already, seen them suffer far too often.
He is the type who gives and gives and gives and he never takes. He doesn’t know how to take, take anything positive.
His past, his comrades, his Hellriders- yes he had them. They gave him as much as he gave them. But they got torn away from him, cruelly and mercilessly.
His people, the refugees, family- he had them. And they gave him the respect and admiration he deserved. But they got torn away from him. Cruelly. Mercilessly.
His saviour, us, Tav- he had us. But we left him. Because we had no choice. We watched him walk of as though it was nothing. Cruelly. Because we could do nothing else.
And yes, I will always see red at that. Because we SHOULD be able to do better. We shouldn’t be just another loss for him.
And I will personally fistfight Larian if it meant hope for just a single chance at giving Zevlor what he never allowed himself to have: stability, encouragement. Someone he can rely on and share his burden with. A rest. Peace.
(Larian do you hear me I am under your bed we are going to fight)
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(Scratch would like him to stay at camp, too)
(And what Scratch wants, Scratch gets. Right?)
(No because when you talk to Scratch the second time at camp during the tiefling party he actually says that he wouldn’t mind if you kept the tieflings at camp… trust me, Scratch, i wouldn’t mind either)
…I’d honestly die for him who’s with me
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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frank pls~🎃
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sweetie-peaches · 6 months
Is it weird that I want tubbos arc to not have any love interest? I don’t know if it’s the kinda aro kinda ace in me. But I want his arc to focus on him, and healing the wounds left by the trauma he’s experienced (and getting worse wink wink wink wink), I don’t think he needs a love interest to make his story more interesting. Just my opinion though but idk I think it’d be interesting to see without the eyes of romance
I’m not saying he doesn’t need to make out with someone sloppy style, however, I think an arc where he is hurting and causes conflict eventually heals would be more interesting
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csphire · 9 months
More Dammon anyone?
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Because there can never be enough Dammon in our lives. ^_~
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odditydweirdo · 4 months
If you play Palia there is a soild %100 chance youve met Reth (and a 80% chance you want to date him), I am....not unique-
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mila-bee · 2 months
Okay I need everyone to open their minds and use their imaginations and tell me if I’m crazy here. I made this connection and now I can’t unsee this 😭 I don’t know why, maybe it’s the cheekbones, or the soulless eyes, or the tiny suit. But I’ll never look at him the same again ☠️☠️
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honeysulani · 8 months
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well, hello?
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judesmoonbeauty · 7 months
From his POV of Love me, Hate CE:
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I LOVE a biter….me next 😏
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swordmaid · 1 month
have this very specific post canon au jb in mind and it’s essentially jaime trying to woo and court her but respectfully chastely and in a way that’s befitting a noble lady but brienne thinks they’re just hanging out
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micamicster · 1 month
The thing about bridgertton is not that I hate bad television. I think we can easily see from perusing all 92831 posts on this blog that I in fact love bad television. And hard as it is to believe I don’t hate fun either! It’s just that none of this particular bad television looks fun to me…
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lizzychanstuffss · 10 months
Some cute Astarion shit I'm about to put yall on. So let's say that Tav really likes his voice and also admits they really enjoy his overt flirting because well it makes them feel good when he does. Now of course we already he's a pet names guy and that has just kind of stuck even after he starts figuring out what he wants.
Now I can imagine Tav is sad about something and just having a rough day and I am betting 100% he would notice and then get the bright idea to start showering them with pet names and sweet little compliments about themselves. Of course also showering Tav in kisses and cuddles if they so desired as well.
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