#please let me qork let me work let me WORK
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
I'm about to be so tired ghejeje
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mythicmanuscripts · 26 days
Hello, Sea, how are you? I hope your migraine is gone and you're fully recovered from it 💖
If you don't mind me being super self indulgent, I really sad at the moment, so I'll ask how hotd boys would try to cheer wife if she was down.
Thank you for sharing your qork with us, it always make me happy to read
I'm doing much better now thanks! Unfortunately I'm just someone who gets migraines occasionally and there's not much I can do about them, but I'm feeling much better.
Anyway, I love this question! I'm gonna write a little bit about our three main lads. This whole answer was supposed to be SFW but then I reached aegon and well... he's Aegon. So needless to say, I've had to put a cut in
So the first thing to note about Jace is how good his memory is? He always remembers all the things you tell him. He takes careful note of the things you like and the things you don't, and also he learns how you act when you're upset and what can upset you.
So he will notice almost immediately when you're feeling down and he will always try to help. Jace just wants you to be happy and healthy and so he will literally drop whatever it is that he's doing to try and help you. And if someone else needs him to be doing something else, he will distracted the entire time because he can't stop thinking about you and about what he can do to try and help you.
His go to method is to bring you your favourite flowers or wine or treats or whatever. If there's anything you have mentioned you really like in the past few weeks then he'll make sure to get that as well. He also just won't leave your side? Sure you can be in a bad mood and sulk all day if you want, but you certainly can't do that alone he won't let you.
So I actually think realising you're feeling down would be genuinely distressing for Aemond? Especially if it's something he has absolutely no control of. He has no idea what to do, no idea how to make this better. His entire being is centred around making you happy and pleasing you and now you're upset and he feels like he failed. Even if whatever is upsetting you has absolutely nothing to do with him and can't be changed, he'll still feel like a failure.
He usually ends up asking you what you need. He would do whatever you want to make this better. No request would be too big. He would make anything work to make you happier. And you do have to actually give him something to do because if you don't he will be paralysed and not know what to do.
Needless to say, if he thinks there's even the smallest chance of someone having caused your distress then that person's days are numbered.
The moment Aegon realises you arent as happy as you usually are, he immediately asks you who needs to die. You always just roll your eyes and make him promise he won't set the kings guard on anyone, but he still might do it anyway.
When you inform him that no, he can't just murder every person to mildly inconvenience you, he sighs and then proceeds to promptly ask you if he can go down on you. Aegon's horny little gremlin mind literally goes, "Oh I can't kill someone? Fine, can I eat you out?"
Aegon will try his best to help in his own chaotic little way. Of course he will ask you what's wrong and listen to you, but to be honest he's one of the worst people to vent to. You'll say someone is making your life difficult and aegon is just like 'oh I'll have them killed' like no, no aegon don't do that.
Oh and also, he will cancel his appearances that day without a second thought if you're distressed. He could not care less about all the lords and ladies who travelled far and wide to see him, his pretty wife is upset so obviously the entire kingdom must come to a standstill until you feel better.
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innalheid · 6 years
God I cant even create and dream and be creative because if the stupid constant sickening ball of dread in the pit of my stomach over literally everything in life like
#i just wish i could make my brain qork for once#like properly work#if i could qork straight through my 4 day weekends like a normal person#if i could just have#the next three weeks#ill take any physical/mental fallout i can be exhausted for all of december for all i care but please#please let me have these next three weeks#but no i can focus for approximately thirty seconds maximum before getting bored and restless#like#how did my add get worse???#i dont understand at ALL#i cant even literally read anymore#like im literally having trouble focusing on visuals and words#i was looking at houses today and sending them to garrett and like he would point out#a whole bunch of details in them that i had somehow completely missed#i cant read poetry or well written books because the well writtenness just. completely doesnt register#i dont notice the beautiful phrasing and metaphors and prose unless i go word by word three times#and then read the whole phrase together a few times#i have tried like 90% of add meds and none of them have worked#or maybe they did and i didnt realize they did because i couldnt identify what unfocused felt like until recently#and i cant. like try them cuz my doctor is getting sick of my med hopping i think#every task is like this. there is no respite.#why should i live a life where every second is exhausting what is the point#i just want help. please. no one ever helps me#where is the world's compassion#where has my hope gone#the government is trying to kill me and goddammit its working#im so tired of being in charge of everything and incapable of organizing it all#for once when i get upset about a behaviour itd be nice if i was met with change instead of an apology#anyway. i think its time for bed.
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frostandbanners · 7 years
Home Coming
A grit within the stone path was scratching along the cold surface of the ground. Within view of the path were two large wooden gates hinged to large, neatly trimmed stone and mortar walls. A few more steps, a few more breathes from the trusted wolf Valorfang and the General was in front of the gates.
“Open the gates! General Frostmancer has returned!” With that, the large oak gates opened. Loud popping sounds of chains under strain traveled down the cold stone road as the General dismounted his wolf and began walking towards the entrance to the the Ninths barracks with his wolf following behind. 
Frozen blue eyes looked over the grounds of the Ninth Regiment and as expected, a lot had changed. Passing the Forge, he noted the addition put onto the west sides exterior and the weapon racks had doubled outside of the building. Smirking to himself, as it was the first sign his regiment may be alive and well. His ears flicked, hearing Valorfangs hurried foot steps taunt his attention. Bringing his gaze left, past the chapel they landed upon the stable. The outside seemed old, barnish and weathered. Home was home, however and the food pens appeared to be recently stocked.
A faint sound of laughter was heard, and within the large distance he stopped and peered directly at the main quarters door. At least from here, it seemed the few that were left were at least happy and it caused a small chuckle himself. When he had departed, it was a very unsettling time for the Ninth Regiment. The civil war that divided their unit and almost leading them all to the cold path of death had emotionally scarred them all. Though as he drew closer, the laughter and joy appeared to just become louder and louder.
He didn’t knock, not in his home. As his hand curled around the cold door knob, the sound of the mechanical latches clinked and clanked until a loud pop was heard and his own weight pushed the door open.
“Azaira! Stop it! I can’t-.. Stop making Varlast slip every time he gets out of the shower!” Faelah said as bursts of joyful tears rolled down her cheeks. “Ya, seriously ya’ bitch just cuz’ you can wiggle your fingers and make me miserable doesn’t mean ya’ have to do it every day.” Faelah laughed as her drawing mischievous gaze looked over ranger trying to keep his towel on. “Come on, darling I can do more than make you miserable with my fingers.” She said with a soft coo in her tone. “Yeah, ya’ can make me miserable with your tongue too and I didn’t think that was even possible from a woman.” Varlast responded quickly as he stood up.
“Will you all just behave for an hour, please? It’s rather embarrassing knowing we have to be reviewed by the Warlords on our progress and you can’t stop your little antics for a day.” Allunae said from the couch. “And Faelah, put some clothes on will you? Lingerie and bat ears A, doesn’t fit a frost mage for hallows end, and B you aren’t even going out.” Allunae grumbled as she picked her book back up.
“What? I can’t drink wine and bake with hallows end spirit? Come on, you’re just jealous I draw attention.” She said as she stepped her taunting stride over to the fire place. “I don’t want attention from dehydrated men.” Allunae snapped back, though her eyes never left her book. “It’s not worth giving her attention, remember she’s so perfect and untouchable that no one is worth her time.” Varlast said, leaning against the wall in his towel.
“Come on Varlast, you don’t even like blondes.” Azaira said teasingly. “Yeah I don’t but I like the rest of her.” Varlast responded defeatedly. Though a sudden cold breeze took over the room. A familiar feeling to all of them and suddenly they all stopped. All their eyes looked down the small hallway as the door shut behind the general. A bright blue and white flash pierced the room as the room inscribed in the floor removed his armor. Soft foot steps came down the hall as the General walked into the living quarters fire light. It was as if they all had seen ghosts, staring idly at the General in shock. 
“Don’t let me interrupt, you like everything else other than her hair isn’t news to us.” The General said calmly as he continued into the room, taking his path over to the bar. Sudden bright flashes of arcane flooded  the room as both mages blinked in front of the General. Bright, wide smiles over their faces as screams were heard. Warmth flooded his figure as Azaira wrapped her arms around his left, and Faelah wrapped her arms around his right. Peering up at him as if the man had just made the impossible happen. “Daelas!” The two women shouted as they squeezed against him. 
For a long moment, He just stood their idly as his gaze peered down over the two. “So I see you both still do the rather alluring priestess and demon costumes.. if you can call them costumes.” He said, though was swiftly cut off by Azaira. “To fel with the costumes! You’re back! The last we heard your brother sealed you away and you’re back!” Each of the women giggled as they released him, taking a step back as their hands began to paw paw at his cheeks and arms. “You’re actually here..” Faeluh said in shock, but their actions pausing him had finally ended. “I am.” He said flatly, walking over to the bar. Turning, he leaned against the wooden surface with both elbows supporting his weight.
Allunaes book had shut quickly, standing promptly to approach the General. As she became before him, her hands rose to his chest, fixing his shirt. “Did you find him?” She asked almost silently. “No.” Daelas said calmly. “Do you still miss him?” She shook her head. “I hate him. You know this..” Sighing heavily, Daelas brought his cold gaze down to Allunaes gaze. “You hated me, I doubt the rules flipped so easily.” Rolling her eyes, she idly walked back to the couch. “Time changes things, General. You were right, I was wrong. Welcome back, we’ve all missed you.” Sitting back down on the couch, Allunae’s eyes closed and her heard rested against the tall back rest.
“Allunae’s just upset she doesn’t get to burn him alive or let her demons rip him apart herself.” Faelah said tauntingly as she sat upon one of the stoles next to the General, crossing her legs. “Don’t even cross them Faelah, we both know you’re far beyond modesty.” Allunae chirped from the couch. Azaira giggled to herself and walked behind the bar. “Drinks anyone? I’m only asking once.” Though immediately she reached down into the icebox, popping a qork from a bottle and without a glass, she slid the bottle so it hit against Daelas’s elbow. “You just get the whole bottle General.” Winking playfully before her gaze turned to Varlast who was walking over cautiously as his eyes watched the floor. Truly, he didn’t want to slip again. 
“General Frostmancer.” Varlast said in a serious tone. Daelas looked over to the man in the towel, raising a brow. “This outta’ be good..” Daelas said casually. But in that moment, Varlast rushed towards him and the towel fell off. “Fucks sake!” Daelas said as the nude man rushed him. Bending his one knee upwards, he was prepared to kick the man as he drew close. Though the water droplets turned to ice as Faelah looked to Varlast. “Don’t even think about it! He just got back and you’re up to your shit again!” Faelah screamed as Varlast went crashing down, sliding across the floor until he clashed into the bar. “Alright! Fine! I’ll get dressed first!” Varlast said as Daelas set his foot back down, taking the bottle from the counter top. “Cheers to that.” Daelas said before taking a swig of the chilled whisky. Very carefully, Varlast stood up and began to walk off to his room. Though just before he was out of sight, Azaira snapped her fingers and the mans leg hair ignited. With a loud shout, he rushed into his room as the sudden gust from his speed put the small flames out.
“So how are miss Fire and Ice?” Daelas asked casually, looking from left to right though not to anyone specific. “We’re bored, alive, but bored.. Our unit hasn’t been very active, and well.. We get in to much trouble without you around. Former Argent Dawn groups sort of.. well.. Want war. I guess since their neutral and we’re Horde, they don’t like us poking around.. burning their stuff.” Azaira said with a purr in her tone. “Yeah, besides I put it out, just.. didn’t thaw it out.” Faelah chimed in quickly. “The Warlords suspended our unit from any operations last week until further notice. They’ll be doing inspections tomorrow.” Allunae said dullfully from the couch.
“Well that’s just..- At least it’s clean in here.” Daelas grunted before taking another swig. “See, I cook, clean, and drink when I’m dressed to impress.” Faelah said in arrogance. “Then you should do all of those things in battle armor too.” Allunae muttered unamused. “Well, I’ve been given orders already. I’m stationed with a group of relic hunters who worked with him. Or.. artifact hunters, same shit to me.”
Allunae swiftly stood up, walking towards the hallway to enter her sleeping quarters. “I’m going to bed.” She said distastefully. “You returning? Good news, all you have to say? Bad news, it’s to late for me to deal with the brood you bring.” With that, her door slammed shut and Faelah rolled her eyes. Azaira’s hand rose, tugging on the back of Daelas’s hair. “She’ll come around.” Azaira said hopefully before her hand returned to the counter top. Faelah hadn’t waited a second, she began rushing towards the hallway. “Come on Azaira, we need to light Daelas’s fire place.” Azaira rolled her eyes and giggled. “No we don’t, we’ve kept it lit for weeks.”
Daelas rose a brow, looking over his shoulder to Azaira. “Why have you kept it lit?” Azaira leaned on the counter, grinning mischievously. “Your bed was more comfortable than mine and Faelahs, it’s big enough for two so we just slept there.We can fit three if we squeeze.” Winking playfully to Daelas as her taunting tone surfaced. “Mmm, I see you aren’t as innocent as you once were.” Snickering to herself she shrugged casually. “Spend all your time with Faelah and she rubs off on you.” Daelas shook his head in defeat. “I hope you don’t mean literally.” Faelah shouted. “Maybe we do!” As a fit of laughter was heard.
Pushing off the counter he began to walk towards the hallway. “I’ll sleep alone.” Daelas said distantly as Azaira followed. “Fine.. you use to be more fun you know. Remember when you had a crush on Faelah? All we can be frosty together!” She giggled while they approached his door. Faelah wasn’t in eye sight in the room. Soon, the sound of running water splashing against a porcelain basin was heard. “And you both use my shower it seems..” Daelas said almost displeased. “It’s nicer.” Faelah shouted from the wash room. “Well, you’ll be around in the morning won’t you?” Azaira questioned gently. “For an hour or so.” Daelas responded as he turned his back to the bed, falling flat against the thick mattress. “See you in the morning, General!” Azaira purred, exiting the room slowly.
Faelah yelled loudly. “What, going to let me share the bed with him alone?” Daelas just sighed. “No, you can go share a bed with her. I’ll be sleeping alone.” Faelah groaned irritably. “Fine, your beds nicer without you in it anyways.” Though the sound of water ended, wet foot steps were heard as Faelah walked in front of the bed. Her long blonde hair soaked as the small water streams ran down into the towel wrapped around her chest. Her outfit in hand as she waved it at him. “Missed your chance again, General.” She said winking as she exited the room in the same taunting stride. “I wasn’t aware I was suppose to take either of them in the first place. After all, men don’t get anywhere with you.” Faelah giggled to herself. “It’s fun to make them think they could of when you know, I’m off duty, don’t have to be serious. Good night, General.” With that, the door was closed and the only light illuminating the room was the fire used to heat the walls.
Staring up at the ceiling, his fingers dug into the wolf fur quilt. “Wonder where the others were..” Though, the thought swiftly left as the endless, darkening spiral entered his mind. It wasn’t long before his heart beat slowed, his breathing eased and sleep had taken him.
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narrylove-blog · 7 years
loving and hurting (a narry one shot)
the three times harry treated niall like shit, and the one time he didn’t (angst) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word Count: 1918
“Harry, c'mon, please,” Niall whined, tugging at his boyfriend’s sleeve. They were on the couch, Harry busy on his phone and Niall begging Harry to take him out today. He was so desperate for Harry’s attention, even if its just a little bit of it. Harry’s been on his phone since this morning, and as much as Niall didn’t wanna be a nuisance, he just wanted his boyfriend to pay attention to him.
“For the last time Niall, I don’t wanna go out.” Harry sighed loudly, as if to imply what a burden Niall is being. Niall’s face falls a little, but he quickly recovers and tries one more time. “Please, Harry, there’s a special occasion today,” Niall pleads, hoping that Harry would finally be convinced.
Harry scrunches his nose, trying to think of what could be so important today. “Huh? What are you talking about?” Harry replies, not a single idea coming to his mind.
Niall’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach, “you-you don’t remember?” Niall’s so disappointed now, he thought that his boyfriend would remember his birthday. It doesn’t even matter to him if he didn’t get any presents from Harry, just knowing that he cared enough to remember his birthday would have sufficed.
“No,” Harry shakes his head, “is it important?” he questions. “No, no it’s not,” niall whispered with a heartbroken tone, which Harry didnt seem to notice. He goes back to his phone, while Niall stands up and exits the living room.
Niall doesn’t talk to Harry for the whole day.
Harry didn’t seem to care.
Harry thrusts into the woman underneath him, yelling obscenities as he moans at the intense feeling.
“Fuck, dammnit, you feel so good,” he grunts, already nearing his climax. He knew it was wrong, but he didn’t really care at that point. All he could focus on was the amazing sex he’s having and how good it was making him feel.
“Baby, I’m hom-”, Niall gasped at the scene in front of him. His boyfriend, his fucking boyfriend, has a woman underneath him and is fucking her in their house, in their bed, lying on their sheets, on their pillows. He watched as his lover came inside the woman, watched as his face became overcome with a blissed out expression.
It took about 30 seconds for Harry to look towards the door, his eyes showing panic as his brain tries to concoct an excuse that wouldn’t make him sound selfish or heartless.
He couldn’t.
“shit, niall, I didn’t know you were there,” he springs out of bed, while the woman tries to dress as quickly as possible so she could leave the predicament she was caught in. Harry stares at Niall, tries to search any sign of emotion, anger, sadness, anything, but to no avail. Niall couldn’t really feel anything at that point, refuses to believe that what he saw was actually happening. But it was, and as he realized that, he broke down sobbing. His heart felt heavy while he shed tears that seemed never ending.
Harry cautiously approached him, kneeling down to engulf the small blonde into his arms. Niall didn’t even try to fight him off, he wasn’t strong enough to do that so what was the point of trying?
“You’re not even drunk,” Niall sputters weakly. Harry didn’t respond, he just held the boy tighter in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” Harry offers a half hearted apology, not really meaning it. He wanted to feel guilty, he did, but he doesn’t. Niall’s shit in bed anyways, it’s not my fault i had to go to look for someone that would actually meet my needs, Harry bitterly thought.
Niall forgave him, Harry sounded so convincing.
Harry’s always been good at acting, Niall doesn’t know why he forgot that.
“Harry,” Niall whimpered. He was on his knees, hugging Harry’s legs. “Don’t leave me, please,” He wailed. He didn’t want Harry to leave him. He loved him so so much. Harry had been the perfect boyfriend for him, it hurts that the love of his life was actually leaving him.
“PLEASE, I’LL DO ANYTHING,” Niall yelled, his grip on Harry getting tighter. “I can be better, Harry. I’ll dress better, I’ll learn how to be better in bed, yeah. just please don’t do this.” Niall sobbed. But Harry, he wasn’t phased. He just kept on filling up his suitcase with his belongings, trying to get out of there as quickly as he can.
“Listen, Niall, there’s nothing you can do to make me stay. You’re just getting to annoying for my liking. And you were born bad in bed. No amount of practice will make you better in it. You’re just too bad at it. Accept it Niall, I’m too good for you. You knew from the start that you weren’t good enough for me. It was only a matter of time until I left you. Oh and just an advice, if you want to keep your next boyfriend, you shouldn’t be too clingy. No one wants someone who latches on to you like a leech. Goodbye, Niall,” Harry yanks his legs from Niall. No remorse for what just came out of his mouth. When his whole leg was able to escape Niall’s hold, he ran down the stairs without a second thought, leaving Niall broken.
The door clicked, and Niall knew it was over. He curled up in a ball, tears flowing down his face as his heart clenched to the point that he felt his heart about to burst. He would like that, actually. The thought of him exploding is nothing compared to the pain he’s feeling. He felt knives stabbing onto his heart, his skin, his body, and he knew he would never get better.
And hopefully, hopefully he was wrong.
Its one month after that Harry begins to notice that something is missing. That there’s a hole in his heart but he can’t seem to find what fits.
He begins missing the little kisses he got in the morning, the text messages he’d receive everyday that said, good luck at qork today, ill miss you xx -ni, the smile and he was met after a long day at work, the cooking he’d eat heaps and piles off, and the i love you he’d get every night.
Now that he’s alone, there was no one that would give him little kisses, no encouraging text messages, no smile or hug thzt would greet him after work, he’d order take out cause he’s too lazy to cook for himself, and no one to whisper i love you to him at night.
For the next three months, Harry searched. He searched for someone who could fill the void in his heart. He thought it was gonna be easy to find someone that does everything Niall does. I mean, he’s Niall. If Niall could do it then anyone can do it.
He was wrong.
No one else did the things that Niall did. No one was willing to be there for him behind closed doors. Everyone wanted to date him only because of his looks. No one made the effort to make dinner and give him kisses and send him messages. No one was able to love him like Niall did.
It was a Tuesday morning when he finally accepted that he needed Niall. That the void in his heart wasn’t just any void, it was a niall-sized hole in his heart. Only Niall could take that place. He feels so empty without the blonde boy with him. He threw everything inside his room, overwhelmed with the idea that he missed his Niall so much. He decided that he was gonna get his baby back, he had to, or else he was gonna go crazy with the pain he feels.
He tried calling Niall, he wouldn’t answer. He tried to go to their-well now Niall’s house, but he wasn’t there. He wanted to see Niall now, he wanted to see him so bad, and he was determined to see him. Something clicked in him, and he realized that there was one other place Niall could be: the mall. ……. He arrived at the mall and tried to search for a blond head. He looked and looked and looked, but Niall wasn’t there. He was about to give up when he saw him. He looks so beautiful, Harry thinks. He was dressed in tight skiny jeans with an oversized jersey reaching mid thigh. His hair was styled down, and looks so fluffy. Harry ran towards him.
Niall’s eyes widened at the sight of Harry. He hadn’t seen him in about what, four months now? He was shell shocked as he saw the boy he once loved standing in front of Niall begging him to talk to him. “Niall, can we please talk?” Harry asked, and Niall, though a bit wary, nodded.
“Niall, I know i made so many mistakes and I’m not asking you to forgive me right away but-” Harry was cut off by a puppy-looking boy wrapping his arm around Niall’s shoulder. “What’s going on?,” the puppy boy asked, curiousness laced in his voice.
“Umm,” Niall began, “Harry, this is my boyfriend, Liam.” And wow was that painful. Harry feels like a ton of bricks hit him in chest and he suddenly has a hard time breathing.
“Boyfriend?” Harry repeated, his voice cracking a bit. “Yeah,” Niall said, looking at Liam with adoration in his eyes. Just like the way he used to look at Harry. And it hurts, it really hurts. Harry just wants to go grab niall and take him home but he knows he can’t do that. He knows it wasnt his right to interfere with the relationship that made Niall happy. He didn’t wanna make Niall unhappy anymore. So he changed his mind. He wasn’t gonna try to get Niall back.
“Niall, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything. I made so many mistakes and I wish that one day you’ll be able to forgive me. I hope you and Liam will live happy, cause that’s what you deserve.” Niall had tears in his eyes and engulfed Harry in a tight hug. “Thank You, Harry,” he whispered in the younger boy’s ear. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Niall’s waist, indulging in the intimacy, and wondering why he ever took since Niall’s hugs for granted.
When they pulled away, Harry turned to Liam and sternly told him, “Treat him well, okay?” Liam gave him a sincere smile and told him he was, pulling Niall’s body close to him and kissing his hair. Harry pretended that that didn’t hurt, but he supposes it’s only fair, given that Niall suffered too.
“Let’s meet up sometime, yeah? Liam and I have to go now but I really want us to be friends Harry.” Niall looked at Harry with pleading eyes. “Of Course, Niall.” He replied softly with a smile. “Well, goodbye Harry,” Niall said, him and Liam linking their hands together, the pair walking away from the green eyed boy. “Bye,” Harry waved at the happy pair, his heart breaking as Liam kissed Niall’s temple. “I love you,” Harry whispered in the air as he turned around, a few tears rolling down his face.
Then he smiled, cause he knows that Niall is smiling too.
It took him this long but he realized that that’s all he ever wanted, for Niall to be happy.
Even if it Niall’s happy ever after wasn’t with him.
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