#please recognize that the national religion of America is capitalism
chimaerabutt · 5 months
If you’re afraid of reading anything written by anyone with conflicting views to you because you think consuming media of “the enemy” will lead to thoughtcrime, you should perhaps do some deep thinking on the religious trauma you still need to deconstruct, and examine why you have replaced religious dogmatism with an ideological dogmatism your belief in is somehow so fragile that simply reading the wrong thing could shatter it.
It is important to read things, even doctrine heavy manifestos, by those ideologically opposed to you. It is important to understand their viewpoint and the people that wrote them.
Understanding is NOT agreeing with. Reading is NOT agreeing with. If you do not understand, do you even know what you are opposing? If you do not understand what you oppose, do you even know what YOU believe?
The less you understand those you are against, the less you understand about their beliefs, the shakier your own arguments, the more susceptible you are to propaganda, and moreover, the more likely you are to Other them. Normal human beings are capable of absolutely terrible things. YOU are no less capable of absolutely terrible things because you think the Right Thoughts ™️
Your enemy is still human.
Your enemy is still human.
Your enemy is still human.
Do not cling to political ideology as though it is a new religious doctrine with its own forms of “Sin”.
Important and Good are not synonyms. Many important things are terrible.
They are still important.
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nerdygaymormon · 4 years
America’s Pre-Stonewall  Queer Rights Movement
We talk like the 1969 Stonewall Riots came out of nowhere, and in some important ways it did as it upended the gay rights movement that had existed. It rejected the respectability politics of prior efforts. We were no longer trying to say we’re just like you, please treat us nicely. Post-Stonewall we were radical and demanding rights, legal reforms and power. However, the steps prior to Stonewall were important as it showed LGBTQ people exist and helped people start getting organized, building networks and methods of communication that could be used after Stonewall
A lot of queer people lived in small towns and farming communities and felt like they were the only one. Then they were drafted into the military and fought in World War II and found each other. 
Upon returning home from war, they were under a great deal of pressure to marry and conform to a conservative lifestyle. Most did but they still looked for opportunities to meet others and many upstanding men in their communities would go to certain bathrooms or parks to cruise (finding other men for sex) and then return home to their respectable life afterwards. They were out to satisfy a need and if the cops ran a sting, they slinked out shamefully, and feared their name being reported in the newspaper for that could destroy their life. 
The United States government was scared of the Communists and called that threat the Red Scare. Related to this is the Lavender Scare, which is the belief that queer people would be susceptible to being blackmailed and so it was important to remove them from positions in government, business, & society. Many cities passed laws that further marginalized queer people. But not everyone took this meekly, they started organizing to try to fight back. 
1945 - World War II ends
1947 - Vice Versa, the first American lesbian publication, is written and self-published by Lisa Ben (real name Edith Eyde) in Los Angeles. Lisa Ben is an anagram of “lesbian.” It survived 8 months and published 9 issues. Vice Versa's mix of editorials, short stories, poetry, book and film reviews and a letters column, a pattern subsequently followed by many queer publications. 
1950 - The Mattachine Society is the first national gay rights organization formed after WWII. They coined the term homophile (to be used instead of homosexual which feels so clinical and often used as a diagnosis of a disorder), and when asked to speak about what is a homophile, they talked about love instead of sex. At the time, LGBT people were regularly described as deviants and having mental issues, frequently portrayed as villains in the movies, often were homeless & sex workers as a result of being kicked out of their homes. The Mattachine Society fought to change that perception by portraying LGBT people as respectable citizens. The society went into decline in the mid-1960′s and disappeared after Stonewall for seeming too stuffy and unwilling to be confrontational.
1952 - "Spring Fire," the first lesbian paperback novel, was published and sold 1.5 million copies. It was written by lesbian Marijane Meaker under the false name Vin Packer.
1952 - Christine Jorgensen becomes the first widely-publicized person to have sex reassignment surgery, in this case, male to female, creating a world-wide sensation. This was performed in Denmark, and upon arriving in the USA, her transition was the subject of a New York Daily News front-page story, making her a celebrity. She published an autobiography in 1967
1952 - Several members of the Mattachine Society formed a separate society called One, Inc. They published ONE magazine, a monthly magazine and the first U.S. pro-gay publication. The US Post Office declared it obscene and refused to deliver, but it was sold at newstands in LA. ONE existed until 1965.
1953 - The Diana Foundation was created in Houston and is still in existence, making it the oldest continuously active gay organization in the United States. The Diana Foundation is focused on assisting and supporting the needs of the gay community, by distributing funds to organizations that are dedicated to providing services that enhance the lives of individuals in the community.
1953 - President Eisenhower signs an Executive Order banning anyone identified as threats to national security--including those with criminal records, alcoholics, and “sex perverts”--to be excluded or terminated from federal employment. It's estimated 5000 employees were let go, and this number does not include the many who were not hired as questions about their sexual orientation were found during background checks. This ban extended to all subcontractors who want to do business with the federal government, like Boeing, IBM, and many other businesses.  1955 - Dissatisfied at the lack of women voices in the Mattachine Society, the first lesbian rights organization in the US, The Daughters of Bilitis, was founded. It was originally meant to be a social alternative to lesbian bars, which were subject to raids and police harassment. As the Daughters of Bilitis gained members, they shifted their focus to supporting women who were afraid to come out by educating them about their rights and about gay history. They held national conventions in Los Angeles every 2 years from 1960 to 1968. Their 1962 convention was covered by local TV channel WTTV, making it the first  American broadcast that specifically covered lesbians.
1956 – The Ladder, the first nationally distributed lesbian publication in the United States, began publication. It was published monthly from 1956 to 1970, and every other month in 1971 and 1972. It was the primary publication and method of communication for the Daughters of Bilitis. A big part of it’s end was debate over whether to remain aligned with other homophile groups or to join the National Organization for Women and their fight for women’s rights. 
1956 - Dr. Evelyn Hooker presented her work that disproved the diagnosis that being gay is a mental illness. She conducted psychological tests of gay individuals who were not incarcerated and also were not psychological patients. Her work was met with incredulity, but she continued her work and published several additional studies over the coming years.  
1957 - The word “transsexual” is coined by U.S. physician Harry Benjamin to refer to people who have a gender identity inconsistent with their assigned sex and desire to permanently transition to the sex or gender with which they identify, usually through medical means (hormones & surgery) 
1958 - The US Supreme Court ruled against the US Post Office for refusing to allow ONE magazine to be delivered by mail simply for having stories and poems about lesbian and gay characters. This is the first US Supreme Court ruling to deal with homosexuality
1958 - The first gay leather bar in the United States, the Gold Coast, opened in Chicago
1961 - in San Francisco, José Sarria became the first openly gay candidate in the United States to run for public office, running for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Sarria almost won by default as there were fewer than 5 candidates for the 5 open seats, but city officials recognized this and on the final day had gotten more than 30 candidates registered. Sarria lost but won enough votes to create the idea that a gay voting bloc could wield real power in city politics
1961 - the Tay-Bush raid, the largest raid on a gay bar in San Francisco, resulted in the arrests of 103 people. It is considered a pivotal event in the history of LGBT rights in San Francisco.
1962 – Illinois becomes the first U.S. state to remove sodomy law from its criminal code, but it criminalized acts of "Open Lewdness,” such as open displays of affection between people of the same sex
1962 - The Janus Society was founded in Philadelphia. It is notable as the publisher of Drum magazine, one of the earliest gay publications in the United States and the one most widely circulated in the 1960s. The Janus Society focused on a strategy of seeking respect by showing the public gay individuals conforming to hetero-normative standards of dress at protests.
1962 - In San Francisco the Tavern Guild, the first gay business association in the United States, was created by gay bar owners as a response to the Tay-Bush raid and continued police harassment and closing of gay bars 
1962 - A panel of 8 gay men had 90 minutes on a New York radio station to talk about what it was like to be gay. They talked about their difficulties in maintaining careers, the problems of police harassment, and the social responsibility of gays and straights alike. 
1964 - the first organized protest against gay discrimination took place in New York City. 10 people picketed in New York City to protest the armed forces’ anti-gay discrimination and the army’s failure to keep gay men’s draft records confidential. These brave people stood up and spoke out at a time when very few were willing to do so because they did not want to be identified for fear of their family's reaction and the likely loss of their job and housing.
1964 - Life magazine published the article "Homosexuality In America" which was the first time a national publication reported on gay issues. The article described San Francisco as "The Gay Capital of America." This resulted in a big migration of gays to the city.
1964 - the Council on Religion and the Homosexual was the first group in the U.S. to use the word "homosexual" in its name. It was a San Francisco-based organization founded for the purpose of joining homosexual activists and religious leaders. It held an event where local politicians could be questioned about issues concerning gay and lesbian people, including police intimidation. The event marks the first known instance of "the gay vote" being sought.
1965 - Frank Kameny & Jack Nichols led the first “homosexual rights” protest at the White House. They wanted equal treatment of gay employees in the federal government, the repeal of sodomy laws, and the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s manual of mental disorders. 10 men & 3 women bravely picketed, and were covered by ABC, UPI, AP, Reuters, and other news organizations. 
1965 - Inspired by the picket at the White House, on July 4th 39 conservatively-dressed people were part of a protest called “Reminder Day” held in Philadelphia at the Liberty Bell to point out that gay people are denied the rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. This picket was done on July 4th for 5 years in a row. The last time just a week after the Stonewall Riots.
1965 - Vanguard was created, an organization of LGBT youth in a low-income San Francisco district. It is considered the first Gay Liberation organization in the U.S. which encouraged gays & lesbians to engage in radical direct action, and to counter societal shame with gay pride, such as by coming out to family & friends
1966 - The New York Mattachine Society stages a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City. New York liquor laws prohibited serving alcohol to gays. While unsuccessful that day in getting served, the publicity helped get the law changed.  1966 - Riot at Compton's Cafeteria in San Francisco - Compton’s became a regular hangout for drag queens, trans individuals, and young gay street hustlers, including many who belonged to Vanguard, much to the chagrin of it’s owners. The gay bars didn’t allow them in due to transphobic policies. One night management was fed-up by the noisy crowd at one table and called the police. When a cop attempted to arrest a transgender woman (cross-dressing was illegal), she resisted by throwing coffee at the police officer. It was followed by drag queens pouring into the streets, fighting back with their high heels and heavy bags. In the aftermath of this, the city of San Francisco began treating trans people as a community of citizens with legitimate needs instead of simply as a problem to get rid of.
1966 - In Los Angeles a coalition of Homosexual organizations organized demonstrations for Armed Forces Day to protest the exclusion of LGBT from the U.S. armed services. The 15-car motorcade is sometimes called the nation's first gay pride parade
1966 - National Transsexual Counseling Unit was formed in San Francisco, the first transgender organization ever, this is one action taken due to the Compton’s Cafeteria riot.
1966 - The Society for Individual Rights opened America’s first gay and lesbian community center in San Francisco
1967 - On New Years Day at the Black Cat Tavern in Los Angeles, the balloons dropped at midnight, auld lang syne was sung and some bar patrons kissed, then at five minutes after midnight, 12 plainclothes policemen began swinging clubs and pool cues, dragging patrons out the door and into the street. Sixteen people were arrested that night—six of them charged with lewd conduct (otherwise known as kissing). The raid prompted a series of protests that began on 5 January 1967, organized by P.R.I.D.E. (Personal Rights in Defense and Education). It's the first use of the term "Pride" that came to be associated with LGBT rights.
1967 - The Advocate, an American LGBT-interest magazine, was first published as a local newsletter by the activist group Personal Rights in Defense and Education (PRIDE) in Los Angeles. It began as a way to alert gay men to police raids in Los Angeles gay bars.
1967 - Craig Rodwell opened the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop in New York City, the first bookstore in the country focused on literature by gay and lesbian authors. Rodwell was also vice president of the Mattachine Society and the bookstore doubled as a community center. 
1967 - The Student Homophile League at Columbia University is the first institutionally recognized gay student group in the United States.
1969 - Stonewall Riots
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ianworthy · 3 years
Israel vs Palestine
What is really happening? And the bloody solution…
First off, I'm from a small town on the other side of the planet so I don't have any kind of agenda.  If you want that B.S. there's lots of options.  I realized more than ever over the last year that we are being lied to and manipulated on the daily, which led me down many rabbit holes. I've been "re-educating" myself and started writing in an effort to make some sense of the craziness.
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History made shorter…
We should start around when the Ottoman Empire ended for some context, which was in the early 1920s in case you slept through History.  If you rely on the ‘news’ you'd think this started a couple of weeks ago.  Reality, if you go back far enough no one "owned" anyone, nor the land they occupied or any of the land you’re on right now. Humanity and its entire existence has involved one tribe/country trying to annihilate the other.   It never works out, but here we are 200000 years later, give or take 194000 years, depending on whether your belief in Science transcends beyond vaccines and masks.  In case you didn't catch that I’m referring to the 6000 year timeline outlined in the Bible.  Breaking this down to the core revolves around religion used to create unnecessary animosity, so a relatively small proportion of a population can benefit.  Isn't that every war ever?
After the Ottoman collapse, the land that's in dispute aka Israel and Palestine was given to the British.  Interesting fact, if you look at all the atrocities and wars currently going on in the world, they are all countries that were "occupied" some way or another by the British or to a lesser extent, the French.  Aren't we all curious for Harry's hot take on how he's the product of ruthless colonization of his great grandparents that its impact on global society is ever present? These former colonies are humanitarian disasters enslaved by whichever military coup at the time provides corporations with the most resources.  But hey, as long as the Old B of England got the right biscuits to accompany her afternoon Tea that's all that matters, right?        
When the British, or most powerful Army at the time called the shots, there was a movement referred to as Zionism that began to gain support from the Jewish people throughout Europe.  Zionism basically means the nationalist movement to create a state for the Jews, not the jam by Damien Marley, which is my first exposure to the word Zion.  I'm sure this rise was foreshadowing of what was to come.  Not to get all conspiracy theory on you but none other than the Rothschilds (wealthiest family in history that created the global money supply that are apparently no longer wealthy) created a proposal that involved divvying up the land for a state in the future, which was after the war.  Google the ‘Balfour Declaration’ if you don't believe me.  From that point the amount of land occupied by the Palestinians has steadily decreased, according to the last map I checked it was looking pretty bleak.  The land was divided not because they are physiologically different but because one group of parents parents parents were raised to believe in Abraham and the other a linkage to Abraham.
Up to the current point… 
I'm sure that Jared Kusher's involvement in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Trump peace plan of supplying the middle east with more missiles played a supporting role, but more current, Ramadan.  The Israelis like all of the World Leaders during the last year have been flexing too much during the lockdowns of COVID, which carried over to yet another Ramadan and evicted some families for further settlements.  In addition to the evictions the Israelis broke up a Mosque gathering on Eid, Antifa style.  Eid for Muslims is like Christmas for Christians, but instead of getting toys and gifts from Jesus swap, Santa Claus, you get to eat during daylight after a month of starving yourself.  This Mosque is Islam's third holiest site, conveniently Jerusalem is Judaism and Christianity holiest site as well, coincidence?  To relate, for Christians, if Jerusalem is the holiest, and the Vatican is the Second then probably a Church like Notre Dame would be third, or up there at least.  I feel that the MSM coverage of the Notre Dame burning was little different than the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. 
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In retaliation to the Israeli raids, Hamas, the awful military leadership of Palestine launched missiles that had no real threat of reaching their target, being shot down half way by the Rafael Advanced Defense System (Iron Dome) that the US taxpayer supplied batteries for under Obama.  In response to a “potential” desert storm attack from Palestine a bunch of USA made Lockheed Martin F-16s equipped with M61 Vulcans and Raytheon AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles launched an Airstrike killing a bunch of innocent civilians, including kids.  According to the death toll I just looked at, it was 241 dead Palestinians, including 5 top Hamas commanders, the media and a bunch of kids to 12 Israelis, no executives, consultants, shareholders or politicians were killed.               
The Solution Is…
Two solid states, and no longer decreasing the amount of land occupied by the Palestinians and increasing of Jewish settlements.  Palestinians and Jews both have the right to a home.  With the help of the greedy boomers (worst leadership class in history) and the media making the next couple of generations hate each other, the rift is super deep.  Every war is sustained by the industrial military complex.  Lockheed Martin Raptors or Raytheon Heat Seeking Missiles do not magically appear in the Israeli Air Force.  The corporations that run the United States are in the business of making money at all costs, in this case innocent lives mostly Palestinians.  Humans need to stop providing the means to commit such acts of horror.     
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It also seems pretty convenient that Benjamin Netanyahu was recently unable to form a new government and is facing criminal corruption charges.  Party leaders are always guilty of something, it’s just a matter of if they follow the most profitable line or not.  He's obviously not the right person to run Israel, taking it in the extreme right position that’s trendy right now in politics.  Extreme either way is no solution to anything, and the sooner Netanyahu goes the better.  His father was an Ivy League Professor active in the Zionist movement, who's father was also a Zionists.  Point here is people that grow up entitled with an unwavering ideology and no life experience make for horrible leaders.  That applies to a lot of world "leaders", even the countries that don't have nonsensical inbred Royals in charge.  Any peaceful long-term resolution involves leadership that recognizes that Jews and Palestinians have a right to a home.  There also needs to be more fair coverage.  I guess it doesn't help that the people running Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Lionsgate, Universal, NBC, The New York Times, The Tribune, Discovery, CNN, Google and Facebook are all Jewish.  In Palestine, the Israeli Air Force blew up one of the main media buildings that housed Al Jazeera News and the Associated Press.  No press or opinion vs all the colluding press and opinions. 
As for Hamas, or any of these military coups that emerge are the result of instability and no leadership for its people, present more of a challenge.  Israel can and hopefully soon, will function just fine with new leadership.  My entire adult life, the Industrial Military Complex has been at war with the Middle East.  The defense contractors that have been defending America from an “evasion” always seem to find some action. It's purely about Oil(Money) and strategic power, but we can leave that for another time. From the West perspective Hamas is a terrorist organization, which they are, but if you're living in Palestine having dinner with your family and a Raytheon heat seeker comes through the window and blows up your family into pieces. Wouldn’t that be a terrorist act? In order to have any kind of sustainable solutions the counties and corporations that pillage these places killing innocent people need to find a way to structure these de facto coups into a legit military that can serve as a National Army. At the end of the day these kids are just fighting for what they think or are forced to think is right. Given the option, and right identity, kids can redirect their frustration and hatred towards a national unity that respects and values its citizens. Not that I have much faith in non-secular rule, but I think as a starting point a country that can be run more or less by its people is better than this apartheid situation that’s going on now.
The ceasefire has been called, which is the necessary short-term solution, however not going to change much going forward.  This game is being played with a zero-sum, and I think that they were premeditated targets that were going to be fired at some point in the future regardless of what the spark was. My position at the end of the day is that a handful of countries produce all the weapons used to blow everyone up, so it should start at the source and those who benefit the most.  Which obviously isn't the everyday people of Palestine or Israel. The upside, with the media fighting for relevance the corporate narrative is being challenged.  We just haven't figured out the right way. I have some thoughts, subscribe or follow please.
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luked4nuke · 4 years
If, I were President of the United States. (I just wanna state I’m not a democrat or republican)
First I’d enforce Quarantine and extend it. I’d also attend the poorest families or individuals first and provide them with the financial assistance they need. People are struggling hard enough as it is living paycheck to paycheck.
Second I’d shut down the schools as I believe safty more important especially for the future kids who will rule this place. I also don’t like how schools give so much homework and stress. They just condition kids into beleiving working 40 hours a week is normal and that you should be lucky to have weekends. Staying in classes all day then returning home only to be forced to complete more homework that takes up time and robs them of social interactions. These schools don’t even test knowledge. They test obedience and reward them for being quiet little slaves that will slowly become a “regular worker.” They really don’t care about how smart you are, they test memory over all else, when they study a subject and pass the test they move on quickly to the next one stressing them out. If they failed the test, to bad they’re still moving on with you. (Sorry this got way of topic. I just hate how schools operate and also how low they pay the teachers)
Third I would dismantle the police force and create a new one. A better one that focuses on real problems like sex trafficking and drugs. All the horrible crimes that are allowed to fly under the radar. Any excessive use of force would be heavily punished. Fired, fined and jail time. No shooting at peaceful protesters, seriously dafaq is wrong with them unleashing hell upon unarmed civilians and sneaking in rioters to escalate it to justify the force.
Fourth, gold is a finite resource. Pretty much all the money you’ve ever spent is fake, all digital backed by nothing. Personally I hate it but you’ve all becomes achstomed to it so I would attempt to fix the economy so people can afford essential things, like homes and food. Instead of kicking out homeless people Id build shelters. They make it to easy to fall down into poverty and nearly impossible to climb back up. Once you’ve been arrested, once you’ve been homeless, you understand the struggle of trying to reintergrate with society. The easiest path become the dark one. I would attempt to control the population, America is a gigantic habitat and likewise it has a carrying capacity. If you’re gonna argue people have to pay unreasonable amounts of money for food you’re crazy.
Immigrants are definitely allowed as long as they follow the rules and don’t commit crimes. America was litterally founded on immigrants. American stole land from the natives violently and even managed to capture Hawaii, which was its own nation. They taxed us and recognized us as a small power. Iolani Palace has electricity flush toilets and even phones before the White House did. Queen Lili’uokalani signed in duress. It horrible and sheforfeited her whole kingdom in exchange for the people, as a leader should. The people make a country, the government already should put the people first. Without all the hardworking Americans working, there is no country.
We don’t serve the government. As a government worker we serve the people. It’s our duty to ensure everybody is treated fairly. To make sure everybody that we oversee has the essentials for life, a home and food.
And for LGBT rights. I personally don’t care what the heck they do. Love is love, let it be. They can chose to identify as whoever they want and pursue relationships with whoever. You can’t force things onto people. America is supposed to be freedom personified, we can chose to do as we please as long as we don’t bring harm to others. Those camps are wrong. America is also religion free, you can be whatever you want, Christian Muslim, litterally anything. Being a satanist is totally legal as long as you don’t hurt anything. Believe in what you want and don’t force it on others. Gay people are amazing! We all are, were all human and we can change and create change. We are all human at the core and we always have been. We have a right to love, and to be loved by all around us. Love is love, let it be, theres always been love. I can identify as a man or woman, and I can damn well love either as I please as long it’s reciprocated. I’d always rather say I love you too much then not enough.
Climate change is real. The pollution of those stupidly large companies is also VERY real. As an individual you contribute less than a percent of the actual pollution, it’s literally the big corporations. That needs to stop. I’m not exactly sure how but I AM GOING to start a wave of change that will benefit the worlds health. We all live here. This is not political, I don’t have time for games, scientists that have studied their whole lives are begging for us to change. We can all have solar electricity farms and then it’d be FREE. “But you can’t charge people for that you can’t make money.” I’m NOT TRYING TO MAKE MONEY I DO NOT CARE ANOUT MONEY. IM AIMING FOR SOMETHING BIGGER THAN GREED THE BETTERMENT OF HUMANITY. I don’t care about ruining electric companies and other random fossil fuels bullshits that will run out, I want the future to be bright!
Screw it im going off the rails, schools main courses should focus on stuff like self sustainment, like farming and wilderness survival. Creativity because that’s the most human thing about us! Empathy basic Psychology. Kids can get mad they should learn and understand why. Understand why they feel the feelings they feel and giving them all better emotional control. EMPATHY. They need to learn things like taxes since they’re such a big part. Also why the heck are taxes so complicated. It’s just targeting the illiterate foreigners and immigrants who struggle and try to understand it and I believe that’s horrible. Make it easier to become apart of America the land of freedom and the getaway from the crueler areas of earth. Maybe just limit the population. Also seriously fuck off with taxes! Why the hell are you charging and taxing 14 year olds that aren’t allowed to vote, thats taxation without representation.
Taxes should be like Mario kart and Ancient Greece. Quote from some thing I googled
“The philosopher Aristotle developed the theme. His "magnificent man" gave vast sums to the community. But poor men could never be "magnificent" because they did not have the financial means. True wealth consists in doing good, Aristotle argued in the Art of Rhetoric: in handing out money and gifts, and helping others to maintain an existence.
The idea is simple the higher up you are on the financial ladder the more you have to pay taxes and contribute to society. The large taxes from the rich help fund financial aid for the poor and stuff. The rich did not earn that money they climbed to top on top a mountain of millions of shortcuts and underpaid workers It should be an honor to be taxed and help the poor people survive. Like in Mario kart, the higher you’re placed the harder it is to maintain it and the last place people always get the better power ups giving them a constant fighting chance. At most I believe wealth should be hoarded to sustain like one generation of kids, two at the most. Maybe three but theres no reason anybody should have all that money that your never going to spend or all that money that becomes worthless once a war or breaks out or aliens attack or something. Life is more important than money. Something simple everyone should consider.
I think everybody should be able to pursue a career and each career should be sustainable. Enjoyment in a job of your choosing without worrying about financial burden. Jobs would be divided into smaller simple groups and the pay would based on their contribution to society. Like doctors getting paid more and getting teachers paid more, but small retailers wouldn’t get paid as much but they could survive not living paycheck to paycheck. The motivation is everybody should free to pursue the hobby they love without being punished. Maybe little Timmy doesn’t want to be a firefighter, maybe he desires a simple fun life selling flowers. That’s fine! Maybe they don’t wanna become the hero but it’ll be an honor to society. As long as you have a job that contributes to society you can live for free. If everybody is constantly trying to make the most profit, then we all become a bucket of crabs dragging each other down. I can’t sell my $10 good that costed me $2 to make. Also the whole buy back thing irritates me, I spent $60 on this goddamn game and GameStop can only give me like $10 in store credit or $5 in real life? That’s isn’t fair and that applies to pretty much everything. That’s $1000 phone you bought is barley worth $357 right now. I’m pretty sure it didn’t cost that much to make these things but like DAMN. Capitalism sucks.
In summary, I don’t know much about politics but I would be the human party. I don’t care about left or right. I’m the one that doesn’t care about money. I care more about life and creativity. Peoples right to enjoyment and living a happy life with others regardless of gender. Survival of the human race and advancement into the future where more things are free and we can constantly focus on creating an even BETTER one. We can’t go anywhere without each other especially if we’re all just a bucket of crabs. To greedy and self destructive constantly looking out only for themselves. Seriously get your act together humans before you kickstart your own downfall. If we’re all trying to make a profit, nobody does. The best things in life are free. You can pursue wealth for your future or you can focus and live and enjoy and love the now. Mario kart style, where all in this race for life and we all deserve a winning chance.
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brightquang · 4 years
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William Barr claims an election with mail in voting is not secure – but admits he has no evidence for it
Justice for the prisoners of war
Please give me a share with you.SincerelyBright Quang
Allied America and the Paris Peace Accords which is why he did not remember the statute of the International Court of Justice law. Such a treaty ought to protect human rights. Just because communism has invaded the Republic of Vietnam that communism has been destroyed the right to life of the Southern people. Therefore, America had sprung gallantly to defense the South Vietnamese people by the Southeast Asian organization treaty (SEATO TREATY
Southeast Asia collective defense treaty, with the protocol (SEATO).* Signed at Manila September 8, 1954. Entered into force February 19, 1955. 6 UST 81; TIAS 3170; 209 UNTS 28 Depositary: Philippines (SEATO).* That is why America did think the Republic of Vietnam that looks like a pond of the gym to let the American citizens easily come in and freely get out- during America has approved the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam by multilateral and bilateral treaties. The collective defense treaty remains in force which is why American and alliance cut and run out of South Vietnam without had kept promises. When America did control the Southeast Asian organization treaty, lets Southeast Asian organization treaty fight against communism. (SEATO), the regional - defense organization from 1955 to 1977, created by the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, signed at Manila on September 8, 1954, by representatives of America, Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and the Republic of Vietnam in which is a multilateral treaty. The treaty of the American honors, the American dignities and the American powers had gathered the excellent Armed forces of some powerful nations worldwide to build this multilateral treaty on February 19, 1955. In the meanwhile, they had begotten to follow behind the Government of the United States when they were highly raising the flag of the just cause of Capitalism to help for the Republic of Vietnam together fighting against communism. However, this Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was to be a puppeteer Organization because they were coming to the Republic of   ___________
(78) Memorandum of understanding for the cooperative support of the 76/62 OTO Melara Compact Gun (OMCG), with annexes. Done at Rome October 24, 1978. Entered into force... Signed April 24, May 9, 18 and July 6, 1979. Entered into force July 6, 1979. TIAS 12256 Amendment: December 23, 1999 Parties: Denmark Germany, Federal Republic of 1 United States. Signed at Manila September 8, 1954. Entered into force February 19, 1955 - 6 UST 81; TIAS 3170; 209 UNTS 28 Depositary: Philippines Notes: * By the decision of the SEATO Council of September 24, 1975, the Organization ceased to exist as of June 30, 1977.
Vietnam. When they violated human rights, they had deprived the right to life of the Southern people when this The organization had betrayed allied South Vietnam. That is why this Southeast Asia Treaty Organization did not give ear to the Government of the United States but also betrayed the Republic of Vietnam. When the Vietnamese communists had attacked South Vietnam, it had violated the Paris Peace Accords. Where did SEATO TREATY escape? Perhaps, SEATO TREATY was fooled by America. Therefore, it did not help for the Republic of Vietnam when North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam. In the meanwhile, SEATO TREATY still existed in 1977. For that reason, this SEATO TREATY could count the International law, but this treaty didn't impress the peace world when it is represented for the ambitious aggression America. Therefore, Britain and France have not supported when Pakistan was self withdrew one's self. That is why this treaty has registered with the United Nations office by the US Department of Secretary in order to protect the American honor to invade the Republic of Vietnam. In condition, the masterminds of the United States Department of State have used this organization to occupy the Republic of Vietnam, but it did not only have the whole world given a sentence but also had the full American people fought against their injustice government. As a result, we carry out this treaty in order to prove disheartened America's illegal invasion of the Republic of Vietnam in the past. America did not only abuse of the Great power in order to occupy the other smallest country but also bullied the Republic of Vietnam going behind the hoax game of America which is why the belligerence of the Government of the United States of America has enacted the law to invade the Republic of Vietnam to let America fight against communism, but America didn't need any victories. Another, when the Central Intelligence Agency secretly welcomed to the North Vietnamese Communist, the American Central Intelligence Agency has opened a green light to let Vietnamese communists attack South Vietnam through the coup has taken place 1 November 1963. After that, the American Central Intelligence Agency secretly destroyed the strategic hamlet of President Ngo Dinh Diem's a plan that fought against communism. Moreover, the strategic hamlet of President is very resulted in defense to fight anti- Vietnamese communists’ spies, so this time the Southern Vietnam situation is very peaceful. But when the coup has taken place a little upside by the Vietnamese religious Buddhist, the coup is fooled by the American Central Intelligence Agency. In fact, after Saigon fell on 30 April 1975, all of the Vietnam religions are strongly suppressed, imprisoned, and secretly assassinated by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, but no one the international organizations called for Human rights or the rights to life in Vietnam. Besides that, so much the Buddhism temple, the Catholic Temple and other religious temples were ruined by the Vietnamese Communist Government, but America has to look another way. That is why America has built an upside situation in the Republic of Vietnam from 1963 to 1965.   After that, America has been mobilized the multilateral Armed Forces gathered together in the Republic of Vietnam, let them fight against communism or so-called Southeast Asia Organization Treaty. Truly, this belligerent organization was strongly bullied by the Government of the United States of America when Britain and France withdrew out of America. Yet, Pakistan has withdrawn against the unfair organization of America. Besides this, America has forced the Republic of Vietnam to sign a bilateral treaty in which America forced signed a mutual waiver of government claims for damages to government property and for injury or death of members of armed services. America has pushed the Republic of Vietnam to be treason. In contrast, the Government of the United States of America had never had a mutual waiver for the prisoners of war which is why the United States has tidied to swallow the prisoners of war with the Southern officers because the hand can completely not cover the sun. The end of the American liars opened up on the public opinion saw.  Uncertainly, the modern civilized and progressive powers of America are freely building up the inhuman war and then, America freely cut and run out of Vietnam without had compensated for the war victims during Department of the Army Washington, DC, 8 October 1970 or so-called is Army Subject Schedule o.27-1, N ASubjSed 27-1 that it has been taught for the American troop to learn for the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and. Especially, Headquarters Hague Convention No. IV of 1907 (79) (published in support of AR 350-216 for use in all components of Army) In fact, when General Westmoreland and his alliance have had not to concern the endowment of individuals with rights to life. The principle of jointing allied of America and South Vietnam in which has been reciprocity with America to be nothing, but no place in the world of the freedom of the Republic of Vietnam played to that is why? Perhaps, in the limited context of reservations to declarations on the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice would think about the Republic of Vietnam’s competence under article 36.41- As a result, America policy was passed over everyone’s head by the Paris Peace Accords. Because of the principle rule of treaty respects, an international treaty should be enforced by all parties, the United States of America has never respected any treaties when America did not only solemnly sign but also all of the super values of America cast into the treaty. Why didn't the United States of America have self-respect one's self? For example, Geneva Conference on 20 July 1954 and the Paris Peace
(79) See the American troop studies the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Hague Convention No. IV of 1907 when Headquarters Army Subject Schedule o.27-1, N ASubjSed 27-1
Accords on 27 January 1973, the Government of the United States has self swallow its super values of one great nation.
(80) Article 31 & 32 of the Vienna Convention, is that treaty shall be protected in good faith - Therefore, America would think the Republic of Vietnam that did not become a member of the United Nations. That the right of South Vietnam is nothing to do if the South Vietnam were France, America would not dare shred the Paris Peace Accords to let General William Westmoreland apologize to us. For this reason, How would do the United States Congress think about this true evidence when Congressional had not resolved the settlement case's prisoners of war during Congressional enacting bill's  H. Res 309-Recognizing the 44th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975(81).
In conclusion, the Agreement has declared to rebuilding for injured war in which Articles 21 and 22 anticipated reconciliation and normalization of relations between the United States and the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam. The former promised postwar reconstruction aid, but no promised took the real property of the Southern officers transferred to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam which is why the event took place in South Vietnam, of course, the American Government played the hands-off policy. In condition, the preamble of Paris Peace Accords has said, "The parties participating in the Paris Conference on Vietnam, with a view to ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam on the basis of respect for the Vietnamese people's fundamental national rights and the South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination, and to contributing to the consolidation of peace in Asia and the world,
Have agreed on the following provisions and undertake to respect and to implement them:
We would like to ask a question with the Senate of the United States. How would do you fairly think about this preamble of Paris Peace Accords to be trusted or un-trusted?
Lets him quote the self-evident truth in chapter I said,” The Vietnamese
People’s Fundamental National Rights when Article 1 said;" The United States and all other countries respect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Vietnam as recognized by the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Vietnam. And in Article IV said,
(80) MULTILATERAL Vienna Convention on the law of treaties (with annex). Concluded at Vienna on 23 May 1969 authentic texts: English, French, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. Registered ex officio on 27 January 1980 Number: No.18232
(81)The United States Congress has recognized the fall of Saigon, but it didn’t compensate prisoners of war.
“The exercise of the South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination” when Article 9 said, “The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam undertakes to respect the following principles for the exercise of the South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination:
(a) The South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination is sacred, inalienable, and shall be respected by all countries.
(b) The South Vietnamese people shall decide themselves the political future of South Viet-Nam through genuinely free and democratic general elections under international supervision.
(c) Foreign countries shall not impose any political tendency or personality on the South Vietnamese people.” Which is why the Government of the United States of America did allow North Government has forced to overthrow South Vietnam during General William Westmoreland said apologize above.
In fact, Bright Quang, he, did not only make live-war witness directly but also had the plaintiff the Settlement cases prisoners of war- ironically, he was discriminated national color by the American Court System, the American law, and the US Constitution but also prejudiced the war of peace and belligerent because he is a minor ethnic group living together with the American indigenous peoples. He has a petition To Honorable Jerrold Nadler- Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary- 2132 Rayburn Building-Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5635, when he has written and said:
Dearest Honorable Jerrold Nadler sir-
I would appreciate some of your news-letters when you have been sent to me. When I was interestingly reading your special letters, my heart welcomes have the sunrises on the horizon. Especially, your letter guides ought to against Covid-19 to include Bill H.R 6201 in which should be supported for all of the American citizens in economic regression that is the biggest blesses of our Government do not only expressed regard for the American people but also highly impressed true value of American politics.
(82) 5 USC §  702 Right of review- September 6, 1966
As you have understood about my life when I was a youth's childhood, I had been burdening with war sufferings for a long time. I, every day, eat some of the manioc, but not full stomach.  I, some of the day, went to school in order to study. Yet, at the weekend, I was on behalf of my family carrying the bamboo when we have built the strategic hamlet to let us prohibit communist spies. When they were secretly going into our village, they mobilized our southern people to fight for anti-America.
On the other hand, the war was taking place in my village; my father was deadly by the war. When he is an honest farmer without had attended any political, but No governments endorsed given his certificate death. So, my family fell in the bankrupting war, my youth's life looked like a dog that was left between marketing-life within hopelessness because of an honest father who was died by the proxy war of America. Therefore, I became a special secret southern spy when I was collecting the news of communists. I disguised with a newspaper-selling-person. I had earned $ 1,500.00 per month when I just went to studying during my mother was living in my village in which the Vietnamese communists have overseen over her during the South coup was chaotic. The Southern Army was self left its local points because it did not believe the Southern Government at this time.
Therefore, my villager was left for the Vietnamese communists. In contrast, my family did not follow with the Southern Government to the free zone of the South Government because my parents could not carry any farms to follow with them. He would like to ask for the Senate of the United States a question - Why did America deprive the rights of life of my family when we had never violated crime and destroyed supreme law of land of America, but America has revenge us?
In condition, I have been graduated for Bachelor of Art in Hue City in 1968, but I did not join the Southern Army. After that, I did join the Police first month of 1975, I was compulsory to drop my Police office by the American allied. I was a Chief Police District in Son Ha District because of University in 1967 in Saigon Capital. It follows that I was nominated as a chief Police village in Son Ha District until April 30, 1975, (83) when the American
(82)A person suffering legal wrong because of agency action, or adversely affected or aggrieved by agency action within the meaning of a relevant statute, is entitled to judicial review thereof. An action in a court of the United States seeking relief other than money damages and stating a claim that an agency or an officer or employee thereof acted or failed to act in an official capacity or under color of legal authority shall not be dismissed nor relief therein be denied on the ground that it is against the United States or that the United States is an indispensable party. The United States may be named as a defendant in any such action and a judgment or decree may be entered against the United States: Provided, that any mandatory or injunctive decree shall specify the Federal officer or officers (by name or by title), and their successors in office, personally responsible for compliance. Nothing herein (1) affects other limitations on judicial review or the power or duty of the court to dismiss any action or deny relief on any other appropriate legal or equitable ground; or (2) confers authority to grant relief if any other statute that grants consent to suit expressly or impliedly forbids the relief which is sought.
(83) America did not only occupy South Vietnam but also controlled the Republic of Vietnam from the central government to the local government the South Government. The History Place - Vietnam War 1965-1968
Advisor and my Office Province was strongly forced. For example, at the end of the year of 1974, my team spy has been discovered as the Vietnamese communist troop that it was secretly transferred on Ho Chi Minh trail from the North to the South on the highland by its army-cars groups.
For that reason, my duty ought to report for my province office in Quang Ngai City, so approximately two weeks have gone by, American Advisors and Southern General Ngo Quang Truong group that they were from Danang City to our office by airplane. Of course, I, on behalf of a leader district group, did report all of the detailed events in which were had been happening in our local district when they would listen to the special events. Both experts were taking notes. They must get out of our local on the same day. As a result, one week has gone by, both helicopters were from Danang City, those helicopters carried on both 105 mm gun cannons with the ten bullets, so they brought back both 155 gun cannons to Danang City. After one week has gone, the helicopters group was flying from Danang City to Son Ha District. It had quickly ordered us to cut and run off my local without had the main reason. For that reason, we first gave the civilian to get on the helicopter transportation to Quang Ngai City after the four times the civilian getting out of our local. I and my employees got in the helicopters together the chief Army Forces District must leave off this peaceful local- and however, we cried with regrets because our local was not to have any guerrillas. Ironically, we, the Southern officers, remembered the French invader when it has been invaded Vietnam for one hundred years in the past. Moreover, the French have equipped simple guns for Vietnam forces within a gun and the ten bullets. If Vietnam Forces rebelled against French, they have been done within the ten bullets. So the French should be re-attacked to anti- the rebellion. Therefore, American allied gave the ten 105 mm cannons bullets for the South Forces, and then, we must cut and run out of this wonderful local when no Vietnamese guerrillas came to seize our government. Again, as you understood about the situation of the Republic of Vietnam that was into disorder during the Paris Peace Accords to be shredded as my family was homeless, my lovely children were
not to have any school, and I was imprisoned for a half and six years (84) After that, I was released from the communist jail, I went to my home. Moreover, the Vietnamese communist regime did not only force nationalization all my property and my small business but also did not give my family residence in Quang Ngai City. It was forced my family to go to a new economic zone in highland. There was fear as my wife must escape there. She was bringing her seven children for returning Hue City during my children did not have any birth certificates. Bitter missed up together cynically, the communist
(84) 10 U.S. Code § 2733 Property loss; personal injury or death:__________________________
regime did not allow our children to go to the schools when my wife must sell her ear-flowers and wedding ring. Let her bribe local communists that it gave the birth certificates for our children. In Hue City, we did not have any houses and household register books, but I was overseen the whole day and night. At this time, my wife did not have any job from 1975 to 1982, so my children had returned the situation of my childhood in This following ICJ Article 38 paragraph 1 (b) international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; the past when they were going to the elementary school that their stomachs were food empty. Therefore, I did escape from my lovely wife and my tender children when my eyes were a full tear in the cry which is why I secretly called to the sky, but he did not respond, and then, I called to God, so God was too. Why and why? Why had America had a modern civilized country when America pushed the innocent Southern officer too much suffering than normal cattle had? By means of my professional sculpture, I worked at a private business, but the local Vietnamese communist police did not only expel out of this business because I had never had any household-register- book. Significantly, my own boss had been persuading me to show my artwork when I sculpted a statue. That is my object title a Vietnamese youth who has broken down an A.K gun. My boss and I were hopefully when the Art Government Guild may be reviewed to accept, but, when we meet the guild that it had commented that it could not accept my artwork because of my sculpture broke the gun A.K symbolized communism, but that is why instead of my sculpture must break an American A.R.16 gun. Therewith to I had left my sculpt job behind communist socialism - in the meanwhile, I did not only think forwards when my wife and my children waiting for me but also had my old mother had been dreamed to see me after the long years to not see together by the time and space of the unreasonable partings. For me to demean the body to the tricycle pedals this job was freedom when no one Vietnamese communist police concerned, I had shared half of the tricycle when I was working from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am as I earned approximately $150.00 Vietnamese money. For the day I secretly composed the poem. Beyond, when I'd been accumulated a small capital, I bought a whole tricycle. In case, I went back to Hue City when I would like to welcome my family to Saigon in order to build a new life, but even though it was difficult, but I tried to pass it. After that, I rented a small room in an apartment when I first mobilized our children that they must go to school in order to study. However, in Saigon City shall be difficult more than Hue City. Because almost teachers taught in Saigon City, they forcefully bribed openly when they told me that each your child to must pay for two thousand Vietnamese money including the school-record or so-called is a student-book and therefore, we must loan with high profit since the need for my tricycle had increased the whole night and day. Let me earn, at least, the three hundred or the four hundred per day and night. Why did America enact the Foreign Assistance Act for the Republic of Vietnam by this situation?
Suddenly, in the years of 1988, the matter of ex-prisoners of the war of the Republic of Vietnam shall be resolved by both governments of Democratic of the Republish of Vietnam and the American Government. In the meanwhile, the Vietnamese communist policemen came to each a residence when they were mobilizing for the former Southern officers to apply passport to come to the United States of America.
(85) 22 U.S. Code § 7103.Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking. Exactly, I have been waiting for the five years, but I could not have any money to apply for the passport during my children could not graduate any High School as a part of the Vietnamese communist policemen ought to bribe us. They said that if you wanted to come to the United States early, you must pay for high-price. Therefore, my family must loan the gold that we bought the Vietnamese passport when we had never had any household- registry-books of the Vietnamese government. In my opinion that this is a trafficker- person game of a great power America which is why the American Government has to restore the Geneva Conference, but the Paris Peace Accords has never had the time to bring us to get the refugee during the fall of the Saigon on 30 April 1975, but today the United States secretly negotiated with Vietnamese communist to sell us to America. Because of America did not want us to rebuild our wonderful regime, the American Government ought to pick up us to America. Lets the
Vietnamese communist regime have not worried us to rebel, of course, we were forced to surrender with unreasoned communism by the Senate of the United States of America.
In condition, we are hopeful that the American government shall repay the prisoners of war to follow with the Geneva Convention to the treatment for prisoners of war because we were servicing for the American War in the Republic of Vietnam, but all of my hopefulness was not hopefully. When I could not study American law and Constitution expressly by my second English language level was very lowest, I, therefore, decided to study the English language.
According to the law of war, I am full hopefully for the special reason:
First, the United States does not only have an alliance with the Republic of Vietnam and the second of modern civilized America than the worldwide could not treat badly with its Vietnamese officers allied. Whereas, the rich American is more than the million-fold of us which is why the American treatment has not recorded in the history of the law of war because I was trained the lowest job when no one of the American veterans did a job like
(85) All of the multilateral and bilateral treaties of the US with the Republic of Vietnam had not had imprisoned the Southern Officers or the Northern soldiers imprisoned which is why the US has sold the Republic of Vietnam____________________
me. In fact, the local government of the United States has been trained the job for me when I was together working with many American mental cases, but they have received $ 1,200.00 per month when it has paid me to only $36.00 per month to what can I rebuild a new life when I am an artist, poet, and writer, and a prisoner of war? Therefore, I ought to try to study in order to re-earn my bachelor of art. Even though the difficulty has been against me viewpoint, I did try to overpass it. Unluckily, I was tortured in the communist jail during my left ear was deaf, but the house-schools were offered for a favor by the disabled student. While I had been loaning for the twelve thousand dollars ($12,763.00) within the eight years after graduates should repay upon to the fifty thousand dollars (52,529.04) to include the capital and the profit, but I could not do that because I always met too many unreasonable matters which had never had in the American law, the US Constitution, and The Hague Convention to treatment for prisoners of war like me have. In conclusion, I, today, would dearly like to submit the self-evident truths of my life to you in order to should you review my settlement case of prisoner of war within the legal of our American law and Constitution. As life always worries for the fate of a prisoner of war to shall be dead, which I do believe, you and our Congressional to shall not be left me behind our super values of American law and Constitution. As you maybe understand about the rest of my life will not live much longer when I live without had any houses and will die without having a tomb. Just because no one benefactors donated a tomb part for me when my Nguyen family have had first immigrated in the United States and therefore, I’d have to need a tomb part without had paid the income tax for the long run after I will have died.  Even because of no one of my family was unable to pay the income tax of my tomb, so, the American local government ought to dig upon my bones and then it could throw anywhere as my offspring will not offer present any vestiges to let them offer the flower and light the incense to be respectful their ancestry. For that reason, their parent did not understand the law of war, the supreme law of the land and the rights to life, and the right to death during also their father did not understand American law to enact for Vietnam War. Therefore, he lived without had a home when he died he did not have any tomb part. Finally, that’s a special reason, I would like to ask for you and our Congressional to should be reviewed my settlement case of prisoner of war of proxy war of America. Finally, No multilateral treaties and bilateral between America and the Republic of Vietnam had sold off the Republic of Vietnam to communism and no international relation protocols between America and the Republic of Vietnam were imprisoned the Southern Officers by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. And after that, America has requested the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to get refugees to America or so-called is BRING THEM HOME ALIVE.
Respectfully Yours- signature-Bright Quang
To return, the super values of the Paris Peace Accords are bad less than a marriage- certificate.  Because of husband and wife has separated each other, the American Court judged the support child orders, but the Paris Peace Accords has not compensated any pennies by the war masterminds’ America. If no parents were born the children, what did somehow America have the serviced soldiers in war without had compensation?
(86) The United Nations: - Treaty Series No. 13295 - Chapter V- Article 15 – paragraph a, b, c, & d. and that is why          the Government of the United States of America did not only enforce the Geneva Conference on July 20, 1954, but also has had solemnly signed on Paris Peace Accords again, but both treaties were shredded by the American Government. Why does America have a modern civilized nation, but the United States of America has deceived the weak Vietnamese people because America hatched secretly conspiracy with the North Government to use the Army forces to overthrow South Vietnam without had respected both agreements treaties when America approved sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam, America had not had approved North Vietnam?  For that reason, we would like to ask the Senate a few questions: How should have whether the Senate of America independently kept the American dignity of super values of this settlement case of the Southern officers’ prisoners of war without having made an influent of the great power of America? How does the Senate of America self- rethink to enact H.R. 7885 for the Vietnam War in 1963? (87)
How would the US Senate compare American slaves in prehistory and neo-slave-American of the Vietnam War? Because American slaves in prehistory were traders, the neo-slaves America are traded by the modern civilized wars like the Vietnam war.
(86) Chapter V says, “The Reunification of Vietnam and the relationship between North and South Vietnam-“Article 15 says, “The reunification of Vietnam shall be carried out step by step through peaceful means on the basis of discussion and agreements between North and South Vietnam, without coercion or annexation by either party and without foreign interference. The time for reunification will be agreed upon North and South Vietnam. Pending reunification to see paragraph (a), (b), (c) & (d)
No. 13295 (a) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM, PROVISIONAL REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH VIET-NAM and REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Viet-Nam. Signed at Paris on 27 January 1973 or volume-935-1-13295-English.pdf
(87) 35 U.S. Code § 183 - Right to compensation | U.S. Code ...
The head of the department or agency is authorized, upon the presentation of a claim, to enter into an agreement with the applicant, his successors assigns, or legal representatives, in full settlement for the damage and/or use. This settlement agreement shall be conclusive for all purposes notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary. If full settlement of the claim cannot be effected, the head of the department or agency may award and pay to such applicant, his successors assigns, or legal representatives, a sum not exceeding 75 per centum of the sum…
Actually, the masterminds of the proxy war of America in which the American-leaderships (88) were self-confessed their aggression war in the Republic of Vietnam to be wrongful actions. Even truth, the threats of American President Nixon has had to force Southern President Nguyen Van Thieu to sign the Paris Peace Accords to let the American Government have cut and run out of the Republic of Vietnam without had the war compensation for any Vietnamese victims of the proxy war of America to should be compensated by the customary law of war (89).
In the same way, first, President John Kennedy secretly endorsed the assassination of South President Ngo Dinh Diem (90) during the United States Constitution has never had this Chapter. However, the American leaders did not only violate American law (91) but also violated the Charter I Article1 paragraph 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the United Nations, when, the Government of the United States of America has organized the United Nations Council meeting in San Francisco on 26 June 1945, which is why the Government of the United States of America has violated Charter II
(89)Kissinger: Vietnam failures `we did to ourselves’ | The ...
https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/... and 28 USC §1346b-June 25,      1948 Chapter171-Tort Claims Procedure…
(90) To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take     effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by  adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
(91) Mr. Kissinger is confessed one’s self when he has quoted.
Article 2 paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. (92) that is why America has used
the right of veto to prohibit the Republic of Vietnam to join a member of the United Nations - after that, America has freely been receiving the Republic of Vietnam to be the allied partnership in order to mobilize South Vietnam to fight against communism which is why America did not respect the sovereignty of South Vietnam, but, the United States Congress has been approved American law enacting for assistance the Republic of Vietnam. In the war ended, America has strongly betrayed the Republic of Vietnam by the saying of Kissinger,
"Vietnam failures we did to ourselves
” when he is self-confessed wrongful war actions,
"he said,” The Vietnam War required us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principle, what President and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn’t make it.
What would have America carried on the justice of the American Government to join with the United Nations of the International Court of Justice, and of the Republic of Vietnam?
In conclusion, for both the United States Treaties above were the inhuman wars game of the lack of contributes ought to build in the Southeast Asian peace of the American Government because of 1 U.S.C. § 112 b (a) (b) (c)
in which American law has ordered the US Department of Foreign Affairs to should be editing formatted the text and then, it ought to submit to the United States Congress within 60 days. Let Congressional enact the law. That is why the Department of Foreign Affairs has no had enforced, but America has waited for on 13 May 1974, America has registered with the United Nations. So both the United States Treaties above were not efficacy for peaceful Vietnam
Therefore, we would like to ask for the Senate of America to review the ethical conscience of America in the Vietnam War. Especially, the compensation of the prisoners of war of America must enforce because we were hired servicing war by the law of the United States of America. Let us prove the law's S 484- 106-Congress-1999-(2000): Bring Them Home alive
if we were not the paid soldiers of America to why do America ______________
(92) President Nixon threatens President Thieu - HISTORY
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nixon-threatens-president- thieu
Jan 15, 2020 · Again, President Thieu refused to sign the Accords, but Nixon promised to come to the aid of South Vietnam if the communists violated the terms of the peace treaty, and Thieu agreed to sign.
(93) 1 U.S. Code § 112b - United States international agreements ...
(94) No.13295-Agreement on ending the war restoring peace in Vietnam Signed at Paris on 27 January 1973-Registered by the USA on 13 May 1974
(95) https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/senate-bill/484Bring Them Home Alive Act of
(96) 28 USC § 1502-Treaty case: Except as otherwise provided by Act of Congress, the United States Court of Federal Claims shall not have jurisdiction of any claim.
(97)   b. solutions of international economic, social, health, and related problems; and international cultural and educational cooperation; and
bring us back the American home that means that America is a super trader own of the war, whilst our home is a wonderful national Vietnam, but not the right home in the United States of America. For the United States of America was aggressive war when it has been occupying the Republic of Vietnam from 1954 to 1975 in which was not the customary law of war of the supreme law of the land of our modern civilized Age, but based on the modern weapons of America occupied a small country like the Republic of Vietnam. In fact, the first time America came to South Vietnam when the United States of America has mobilized us to fight anti-communism, but the ended, America secretly shook hands with mainland China to live in peace. Why did a Great Power’s America fool the Republic of Vietnam in the war? Where was the American justice pushing for worldwide place? (98) 28 U.S. C. § 1346. (a)(b)(c) (d)(e)(f)(g) United States as a defendant (June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat.
(99) 28 USC § 1346 the United States as the defendant.
According to this statute is the exact defendant America that does not only compensate for his real property, his small business, and his injury imprisoned but also America came to occupy the Republic of Vietnam by the American laws, the American Armed Forces, and bilateral treaties, and multilateral treaties. That is why America had not to respect the entire international for relation protocols with the Republic of Vietnam to include the benefits of taxation of the plaintiff when America has signed a bilateral treaty with the Republic of Vietnam in which is the exchange of notes at __________
(98) Recognizes the significance of the 42nd anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Honors:
the contributions of Vietnamese Americans to the United States over the last 42 years and their tireless commitment to upholding freedom and democracy in Vietnam;
the service of members of the U.S. Armed Forces and of the South Vietnamese forces who fought in Vietnam, including those who gave their lives; and
the memory of the Vietnamese who lost their lives while attempting to flee Vietnam.
Encourages all U.S. citizens to join in remembering the Fall of Saigon, honoring the contributions of the Vietnamese American community, and calling for freedom and democracy in Vietnam.
(99) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-April 10, 2019-Mr. Lowenthal (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Correa, Mrs. Davis of California, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Cisneros, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Rouda, and Ms. Lofgren) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
Saigon March 31 and May 3, 1967. Entered into force on May 3, 1967. 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS 207 (100)which is why was self America torn shred with the Republic of Vietnam by this bilateral treaty? Because America and the Republic of Vietnam had agreed to pay the taxation to each other, the American people and the Vietnamese people are equal to each other. So the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Vietnam are too, no one government violated crime to each other.
(101) H.RES 293- Recognizing the 42nd anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on 30, 1975 -
According to this bill of the shameful of the United States Congress sending for the all of the Southern officers of prisoners of war a bitter-source scold because the US Congress has enacted H.R. 7885 Foreign Assistance Act in 1963 to persuade the Republic of Vietnam to fight against communism, but the end, the Government of the United States of America did not enforce this bill when America has sold off the Republic of Vietnam to communism. So the bill’s H.R 7885 had sold off the human rights, the Freedom, the sovereignty, and all of the sacred dignity of the Vietnamese people, and the Republic of Vietnam to communism during America has deprived rights of the life of the Southern people and the Southern officers. Let America play the inhuman war in South Vietnam. In contrast, America has forcefully forced us to cut and run out of the Republic of Vietnam when we, the Southern Officers, did not only betray our ancestors but also had the treason our fatherland to let us follow behind the American Armed Forces. Even worse, the Government of the United States of America has sold us to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Therefore, the North Government did not only imprison us but also nationalized all of our properties and small business. Let us come to the United States when we did not have earned any benefits of prisoners of war but also had some years nearby, the United States Congress has enacted for a few of the bills dug up so many conditional ashamed of both sides. One is the great power of America has   ___________
(100) the agreements listed below were in force between the United States and the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Viet-Nam). The status of these agreements remain under review by the United States
(101) Honors: the contributions of Vietnamese Americans to the United States over the last 42 years and their tireless commitment to upholding freedom and democracy in Vietnam; the service of members of the U.S. Armed Forces and of the South Vietnamese forces who fought in Vietnam, including those who gave their lives; and the memory of the Vietnamese who lost their lives while attempting to flee Vietnam. Encourages all U.S. citizens to join in remembering the Fall of Saigon, honoring the contributions of the Vietnamese American community, and calling for freedom and democracy in Vietnam____________
fooled a small national Vietnam and second is an American modern civilized and progressive playing a trick on America's ally, which is the Republic of Vietnam-however, the rich of America gloriously has millionfold the Southern officers of prisoners of war, but the United States Congress is still deceived the Southern Officers of prisoners of war by American law again. Bills to honor us to be enriching for our second mother of American because no army of the whole world had followed with military occupier in order to betray their nation and people like America has strongly forced the Republic of Vietnam Army Forces to surrender a barbarous enemy when our enemy did not have any international relations and international protocols with America and the Republic of Vietnam.
(102) H.Res 309 - the 44th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, America within H. RES. 309 Recognizing the 44th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. The ethical conscience of this express bill of the respectful lack of the law of war on the Hague Convention in 1901, since the American President and the US Senate was approved by the American law. Even good, the US Congress has forcefully enacted the law to the Foreign Assistance Act for the Republic of Vietnam. In the meanwhile, the Government of the United States of America has been signing for a few multilateral treaties and bilateral treaty for the   Republic of Vietnam in which did not only endorse the self-determination of the Southern people but also approved the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam by those treaties, by American law which is why a modern civilized and progressive America did not keep the solemn promises with a small country. But America has abuses for the atomic power and the powerful missiles one's self to force the Republic of Vietnam that's unconditional surrenders. In the meanwhile, the American Government has distorted all of the super values of great power and all of the super values of American honors to exchange a little core of interests in the Republic of Vietnam to get the national interests with Communism. Especially, America is a super trader when America looked at the Southern Officers who looked like the slaves of prehistoric America. Therefore, the text of this bill has contained the full enslaved smell without had little human rights of American humanism because on the playing war yard does not only have equally but also one side was lost defeated, so the lost war ought to compensate the injured war. That is why the United States Congress has fooled us for a second time. In the meanwhile, the United States Congress has fully understood the Southern officers of prisoners of war were sacrificed our wonderful life to protect the core of interests of America by the invaded war of America which is why the richest of the
(102) Shown Here: Introduced in House (04/10/2019) This resolution recognizes        the significance of the 44th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. The resolution honors the contributions of Vietnamese Americans and honors the service of members of the U.S. Armed Forces and the South Vietnamese forces who fought in Vietnam, including those who gave their lives.___________________
American Government is trillion-fold of the Southern officers of prisoners of war which is why the United States Congress has still fooled us.
(103)H.R 7885 Pbl.L 88_205 - Approved December 16, 1963, so the quick orders of American President sent the American Armed Forces to the Republic of Vietnam together with the same day- In condition, Secretary Defense William Westmoreland who is an excellent hero of World War Two during he led the strong American Armed Forces and the American Alliance of the Southeast Organization Treaty to come to the Republic of Vietnam in order to occupy the Republic of Vietnam after the thirty years in the war. And then, America has begun to betray the Republic of Vietnam after America has been consumed the oldest weapons of World War Two. So America has sold off the Republic of Vietnam to communism. Because America has borrowed the law of war to shake hands with Mainland China, America, after that, has trafficker humans with communism and arrested so much slave war to come to America. As a result, the Southern officers run to follow with America on 30 April 1975, the United States Congress has enacted this bill. Let America praise them to easily listen to the American occupier when they were easily treason for their ancestors and their wonderful fatherland. Moreover, they demeaned to work so many jobs when the jobs of the Native Americans have never worked these jobs. Why do our high military ranks and pundits of the Republic of Vietnam change to work these jobs in the US? Why did the US Congress enact this to scold us but no compensated any pennies of the prisoners of war because we were listened to ear America by the lost nation? How would we explain our treason for our ancestors and our fatherland and our Vietnamese people when we were betrayed in all by the United States Congress?
(104) 28 USC § 1502 Treaty case because of the fifteen five years have gone by, our petition was from the low courts to the US Congress, but they have never resolved the prisoners of war benefits and the real property. Therefore, I would like to carry out our case to the Senate of the United States because the Government of the United States of America has been endorsed all of the multilateral, bilateral treaties, American laws, and international of relation protocols that enforced in force by the United States Congress.
(103) See (61) page 57-
(104) the agreements listed below were in force between the United States and the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Viet-Nam). The status of these agreements remains under review by the United States Agreement for mutual defense assistance in Indochina, with three annexes. Signed at Saigon December 23, 1950. Entered into force December 23, 1950- 3 UST 2756; TIAS 2447; 185 UNTS 3 Parties: Cambodia France Laos United States Vietnam -
Whereas since 1975, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese have resettled in the United States and built vibrant communities across the United States which contribute to the rich diversity of the Nation, but this bill does not resolve for the refugees after 1980 to follow with (105) S 484 Bright Them Home Alive because this is his benefit of prisoner of war and his real properties were lost in all by the American Government. When he looked like a dutiful child of the American family, but, the American father of him is an unkind guy.
(106) 75 U.N.T.S. 135, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950, the special event of the United Nations protects the peaceful world- therefore; we do prove Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which is why America has not enforce this Convention for the Southern officers, we have been maltreating for the forty-five by the Government of the United States of America played the hands-off policy in the Vietnam War.
First of all, we would like to point out the significance of this Geneva Convention relative to prisoners of war in which has including 143 articles. But the Government of the United States of America did not only play war games in the Republic of Vietnam but also maltreated its good partnership allied America again. When America is a modern civilized society than social Vietnam's million-fold, the American Government always praises human rights and highly respects the law of war which is why America has taken advantage of the political ideology to push us within the inhuman war after war game was gone. Anyhow, America does not only betray its friendly allied but also maltreated to discriminate us. When we are the older guys, so, America abuses power discriminated us. We are a minor ethnic group living with in the American indigenous peoples. If we’ll be death, we will unable to buy a tomb part to bury when we are a first-generation immigrant in the USA. We should be needed a tomb to let my offspring will be visiting or offering a present gift in order to memorial their ancestry. If we were unable capital to install the land, our tomb shall be dug up, so, the American local government ought to dig up and to throw anywhere because our offspring will not pay the tomb-tax. What should we tell with our offspring in the future since we were the paid soldier of America?        
(105) the some of the multilateral & bilateral treaties of US with the Republic of Vietnam are belonged to resolve the settlement case of prisoners of war by the US Congress, but Congress did not resolve, Bright Quang, he submit to the US Senate
(106) S 484 BRING THEM HOME ALIVE is the refugee, but not effect for prisoners of war.
(107) Article 1 paragraph 3 of the United Nations, or the International Court of Justice (ICJ) - Article 1
We do prove the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 75 U.N.T.S. 135, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950, in which has from Article I to Article 143 in which the Government of the United States of America has never had compensated for the Southern Officers of prisoners of War of the proxy war of America, but America trampled the dignity of prisoners of war down and the right to life of us to the dirty mud during America did not only abuse of power but also had proudly of modern society in order to violate human rights (ICJ) Article 2 (108).
For example, social American is very richest when the foods of American people have used half and threw out one half. But that is why the Government of the United States of America did not carry out the customary law of war when the supreme law of the land of America has never owned in the Republic of Vietnam. Therefore, we do believe the ethics of the Senate of the United States is fair equality to solve for his prisoners of war cases. In the meanwhile, the national core of interests of America could not have in the Republic of Vietnam which is why the Government of the United States of America has violated the customary law of war in the Republic of Vietnam. Ironically, the ambitious war of America in South Vietnam has forgotten the supreme law of land. In condition, South Vietnam is small less than national America the one hundred fold during America is the peaceful age which is why America has not let the Vietnamese people build peace and to develop agriculture, economy, to contribute for human rights of the peace world. But when America was wrongful actions in the Republic of Vietnam, the American Government has never enforced any Geneva Conventions to the treatment for the prisoners of war. Especially, we were serviced war for the American Government when our national sovereignty was lost by America‘s power. According to Article 2 (109) of the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 75 U.N.T.S. 135, which America has been implemented unfairness policy of in the Vietnam War for in wartime and peacetime, but America has left us on the fratricidal strife. Moreover, when we are the young guys, we were servicing
(107) To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and (ICJ) the International Court
(108) The Court shall be composed of a body of independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character, who possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurisconsults of recognized competence in international law.
(109) In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which …
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When Libtards Take the Terrorist Side
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Leftists used to champion women and LGBT’s rights. How long until they are okay with wife-beating, hand-chopping, child marriage, FGM, slavery and polyandry?
I used to believe that those in the PC culture sphere that identify themselves as “democrats”, “Labour”, “liberals”, “leftists”, “communists” or whatever that have consistently rebuked anyone who dares to criticize Islam have done so out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness mixed with ignorance. But at this point, we can’t remain blind anymore that some self-described “liberals” are now malicious in their intent, and makes me wonder if the same Left who used to champion women’s and LGBT rights will soon say its fine for Muslims to throw gays off buildings, for women to cover themselves up or they will be splashed with acid, for Christians to pay protection money or be crucified.
I am not necessarily putting the “Left” or “Muslims” as a whole under the same blanket, I will get to this later on, but I refer to an specific alliance between far-left activists with a genocidal hatred for anything “conservative” (anything to their right-wing, including liberals who disagree with them) and those who genuinely believe ISIS was completely justified and they want to repeat the same process in the West. And worse, this rot is seeped deep into politics for anyone who sees it. The more recent examples I could think of are:
A Canadian resolution that would have recognized the persecution of Assyrians, Yazidis and Shias by ISIS as genocide was blocked by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. 
Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn has consistently called terrorist organizations like Hamas as “friends”. Hamas is an terrorist organization dedicated in turning Israel into a Islamic state and has systematically implemented Shariah law in the Gaza Strip.
Muslim Labour member Aysegul Gurbuz have been suspended praising Hitler on Twitter.
Linda Sarsour is an activist that has been embraced by American feminists for criticizing Donald Trump but has a history of promoting Sharia law and saying Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Her fellow Women’s March Tamika Malory got into hot water for praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and refusing to say Israel has a right to exist.
Iranian feminist Masih Alinejad condemned female SJWs for using the hijab in solidarity after campaigning so hard to be free in the Iranian regime.
Despite factual evidence to the contrary, ABC’s Matthew Douwd believes Muslims in America are far persecuted far more than Christians worldwide.
That last point is the key issue the Western left has when it comes to perspective. Recent statistics show that liberals seem to be completely divorced from reality when comparing the genocide of Christians in the Islamic world when compared to the “persecution” of Muslims in the West.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats, however, believe most Muslims in this country [America] are mistreated, a view shared by only 22% of Republicans and 39% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Fewer Democrats (47%) think most Christians are mistreated in the Islamic world, compared to 76% of GOP voters and 64% of unaffiliateds...Women are more likely than men to think most American Muslims are mistreated here but less likely to believe Christians are mistreated in the Islamic world. Nearly as many voters under 40 think most Muslims are mistreated in America (51%) as think most Christians are mistreated in the Muslim world (57%).
It's worth noting that the overwhelming majority of Muslims persecuting Christians are not "terrorists" (at least not formally), but rather come from all rungs of Muslim society. Take Egypt, for example (the 17th worst nation according to Open Doors, an organization that tracks persecution of Christians world wide). According to the report, along with "violent religious groups," two other segments of society are "very strong[ly]" responsible for the persecution:  
"non-Christian religious leaders" — meaning Muslim clerics, sheikhs, imams, and the rest — "at any level from local to national" 
"normal citizens (people from the general public), including mobs."
Similarly, "officials at any level from local to national" are "strongly responsible" for the "oppression" of Egypt's Christians, particularly "through their failure to vindicate the rights of Christians and also through their discriminatory acts which violate the fundamental rights of Christians." Now, compare all this to the supposedly worse — in liberal minds — "mistreatment" Muslims suffer in America. According to a November 2017 Pew report: "In 2016, there were 127 reported [Muslim] victims of aggravated or simple assault." In the preceding decades, assaults on Muslims averaged around 50 a year.
Even if this number were accurate, it pales in comparison to what millions of Christians — not 127 — are experiencing under Islam. But the fact is many of these anti-Muslim hate crimes are later found to have been fabricated or grossly exaggerated. Note, for instance, how the Pew report conflates "assaults" with "simple assaults" — even though the latter "does not involve physical contact with the victim."
Moreover, Muslims in America do not experience institutionalized persecution — that is, persecution at the hands of governments, authorities, and police — as Christians under Islam do...Nonetheless... all these actual facts have little to do with what a significantly large segment of the American voting population — mostly liberals and Democrats... believe. Why they are so misinformed becomes apparent when one understands that the liberal media is dedicated to maintaining liberal narratives at all costs: in this case, that Christians are always the aggressors, while Muslims always the misunderstood victims.
Hamed Abdel Samad is an Egyptian political scientist and a former Muslim who made a scathing remark about the Western left when it came to cuddling up to Islam:
"The beginnings of the European left included principles like criticism of religion… Karl Marx was the first leftist, and he said that religion was the opium of the people. The left founded feminism and fought for women's liberation. Nobody fought for freedom of expression more than the left. The left said that nobody is above the law, and that nobody – not Moses, nor Jesus, the queen, the king, or any celebrity – is above criticism. They criticized, drew [cartoons], and made comedies about all of them. Nobody defended homosexuals more than the left, and the same is true of women's rights. But when it comes to Islam, the left morphs into the conservative right. You can draw [cartoons] of Jesus, of Moses, of anybody, but don’t draw Muhammad, because that's racism… Why is it racism? When you say that the immigrants have problems in their neighborhood, the [left] says: 'Don’t talk about the immigrants. They are victims of the West.' Man, the [immigrants] are killing one another. Their neighborhoods have become dreadful. No, you cannot criticize the immigrants, or else you are labeled racist and Islamophobic. They picked up the term 'Islamophobia' from the Muslim Brotherhood in the West, and they keep talking about Islamophobia all the time.”
"In Denmark, when a Muslim kid comes to school with bruises on his face or neck, nobody says anything. They leave him alone. But if they see bruises on a white Danish kid, they report it to the police and the social services, so that they will come and investigate his family. But when the Muslims beat their kids, it is viewed as part of their culture. This is a despicable leftist approach. I call it the racism of low expectations. They look at a Muslim and say: He will never be like us. He cannot be expected to uphold human rights, to accept criticism, or to accept dissenting views. They view Muslims as barbaric savages. I saw to my Muslim brothers: Don't be pleased that these people are defending you. They are looking down on you. It's true that I myself criticize you and your religion, but I respect you and your intellect. I want you to be better and to gain your rights. I don't want you to be satisfied by someone who pats you on the back.” (...)
"The [leftists] have a psychological complex towards their Western countries. They hate capitalism. They hate America. They hate the West. They see the West as the worst thing in the world, and they embrace and defend anything that is anti-West. They always wanted to defend the working class, but there are no working classes in the world anymore. (...)
With the working class gone, the leftists were looking for someone to defend, so they got us the 'Third World' – our beloved people of the 'Third World,' who are persecuted by colonialism, imperialism, and whatnot… Bring me a 'Third World' to defend… But the 'Third World' is no longer what it used to be, and nobody uses that phrase, so along came the immigrants, especially the Muslims ones. They come to the West... How nice! Come, I will defend you. Be quiet, and let me defend you. Don't say a word, and I will get you your rights. Some Syrian refugees who come here to Germany are young and eager to work and learn German. They want to make something of themselves before it's too late. They know that things in Germany might change, and they would be sent back, just like that. If economic or political conditions change, or if a right-wing party comes to power… So the young want to start… But you see that the leftists who help them say to them: 'You are still traumatized. You are still affected by the war.' Traumatized? They want to work. But they are told it’s not time yet. They want to keep them in the role of the victim. They want to keep them in a jar or in a zoo cage, like monkeys.
"This is the left that deals with the Muslims. These leftists defend the hijab and make a hijab-clad Barbie doll. The leftists are very happy, even though the company did it for gain: 'How wonderful. They made a Barbie doll!' I will dedicate an episode of my show to this subject. I will talk about how they are promoting the hijab in Europe these days. In the past, they would say that the hijab represents modesty. But the Muslim Brotherhood realized the West would not go for that modesty business, so they changed their rhetoric. They began to say that the hijab symbolizes freedom, self-determination, and emancipation. Now they are saying that the hijab means empowerment of women. Seriously?! The hijab means empowerment of women? To hell with this deception. And the leftists willingly buy anything the Muslim Brotherhood sells them. They are oppressed… They are all victims of the West… I should dedicate an entire episode to this psychological issue. The European left has created a hierarchy of victims. The best victims are the victims of the West, of Israel, of imperialism, and of capitalism. But a Muslim who kills his wife is a 'poor little thing'… The West drove him to this…
"When a terrorist says in his message that he is killing infidels because he was told to do so by the Prophet and the Quran, and that he must cleanse the land from abomination and corruption, and he even quotes Quranic verses in support of his point of view – the leftists say to him: 'No, you didn’t do it because of your religion. You are marginalized. You are a victim of the West. You are a victim of racism. You are a victim of colonialism. You probably applied for a job and was rejected by the West. You must have tried to become part of society, but was rejected.' [The terrorist himself] cites the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran as the reason, and in his last testimony, he writes that he did it because of his religion, because he wants to break bread with the Prophet Muhammad in Paradise… But it’s to no avail. The left has him pegged as a victim. For the leftists, any Muslim or African is a victim of the West. That's pure racism. It means that they do not see Muslims or Africans as people responsible for their own lives. No, the leftists want someone to defend. They like to play the role of the advocate. They have a sort of 'mother complex' and want to protect someone – even if it is from the leftists themselves."
It hasn’t been no surprise that our biggest academic institutions have been funded by Saudi petro-dollars, which gave an open space for Islamists to infiltrate it and disseminate their ideology. The most moderate liberals are usually indoctrinated into believing that past Islamic societies were more advanced and progressive than the European West, which is why they frame things that we would consider discriminatory like the jizya and dhimmitude as some kind of enviable status where religious minorities are protected and respected when it was factually untrue.
The most shrewd of these far-leftists see this as an game against their political opponents and Islamists like Muslim Brotherhood members make the more natural allies since they share one thing in common: being control freaks. They work side by side to ensure their power base, say liberal memes in public to rally the useful idiots and the public with their media as propaganda arm. This way they can hope to get people they disagree with de-platformed, silenced or maybe even killed.
Case in point, Islamist apologist (and possible terrorist sympathizer) Omar Aziz has recently penned an article in response to the Christchurch attack denouncing atheist author Sam Harris for having emboldened the NZ terrorist into carrying out his attack. Harris pointed out that Aziz’s article is dishonest because he is aware of Harris’ political positions as someone who opposes fascism and identity politics of any kind, yet writes such an article wasn’t tailored at refuting his points, but to discredit him in the eyes of the masses who don’t know anything about Harris. Aziz is even more dishonest by the fact the terrorist manifesto doesn’t mention Harris once the whole time, but since the public will be discouraged from reading it (and it constitutes as an crime in New Zealand), its very fortunate into misleading the audience.
The most frustrating thing about this is that Muslims and liberals themselves that disagree with the collective are rebuked and persecuted by their own rather than by “the other side”. I can’t keep keep track of the number of Muslim reformers (adherents or atheists) that are criticized by the left such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Maajid Nawaz, Mohammed Tawhidi, Ed Hussein, Zineb El Rhazoui or Tarek Fatah, I don’t even dare Google them to see what is the latest hit piece written by some leftist retard. On a even more serious note, some of these might actually have their lives in danger.
Zineb El Rhazoui was a writer in the Charlie Hebdo magazine who survived the 2015 massacre due to receiving a Holiday extension and being at her home in Casablanca when the attack took place where twelve of her friends were killed including Charb. After the massacre, extensive security routines became a part of Rhazoui's life. She avoids eating at restaurants, taking the train and later moving from place to place because Islamists have issued fatwas calling for her death. 
Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali used to be a Dutch politician before having to move out of the country after her close friend Theo van Gogh was assassinated by a Moroccan Islamist for making a movie about the mistreatment of women in Islamic societies.  Considering that two years before van Gogh’s death, Dutch politician Pym Fortuin (a gay Catholic mind you) was also assassinated by an jihadist, Ali’s safety could not be ensured in the Netherlands and she had to flee. 
Tarek Fatah is a liberal Indian Muslim who advocates for secularism, gay rights, opposes shariah law and other things. He regularly clashes with Canada’s Muslim community and in 2017, has been nearly assassinated by a man hired by Muslim mafioso Dawood Ibrahim.
Rather than drawing condemnation for, the left has been at best silent or ignorant, or at worse unsympathetic if not downright cheerleading for their deaths to happen:
When van Gogh was killed, Rohan Jayasekera made light of his death for “overusing his freedom of speech” to criticize Muslims (yet, Jayasekera gave a platform for Holocaust denier David Irving).
Former Charlie Hebdo employee Oliver Cyran said his former employees brought their deaths on themselves and also accused Rhazoui of being anti-Muslim racist, without revealing her name or gender to give the impression everyone in Hebdo were all white bigots. She further goes to own him by saying that (from Wikipedia):   
if she were raped "the websites that posted your article will definitely say I was asking for it because I don’t respect Islam," she observed that Cyran himself had implicitly endorsed all of this by embracing the "whole moralizing discourse about how one must 'respect Islam,' as demanded by the Islamists, who do not ask whether Islam respects other religions, or other people.”
How are we supposed to expect the people to uphold liberalism that can’t even protect their own free-thinkers and politicians who dare to speak out against Islamic radicalism, are going to protect the average individual. I live in Brazil where no-go areas are a sad reality of our lives, but when I look at what happens in places like Europe (specifically Sweden), I get terrified. Our drug dealers are really crazy, but none are willing to go as far as carrying out bomb attacks or are that much in a rush to get into Heaven.
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And if you think the creation of Islamic states backed by the Left is unlikely, you are sorely mistaken. Islam makes up only 3% of the population in the USA, mostly concentrated in Minnesotta, yet the local politicians want to enforce blasphemy laws in response to the Christchurch attack. Minnesotta, the same state where Ilhan Omar came from and is buddies with Linda Sarsour. The people reading this and believing it to be pure paranoia would have been shitting bricks if a evangelical Christian conservative was making similar prepositions. 
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The first people hurt by this of course will be liberals themselves; surely they have already been. Maria Ladenburger for example was the daughter of an top European Union official who was raped and drowned by an Afghan asylum seeker who was already arrested before for trying to rape a Greek woman and admitted in prison to have raped a girl in Iran even before that. More recently, two Scandinavian girls Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland were beheaded while in a trip to Morocco by ISIS militants. Several people on the far-right were specially unsympathetic, specially in the latter case it surfaced  that the girls were pro-migrants themselves.
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It’s easy for certain heartless individuals on the right-wing to say “they had it coming” or “burn the coal? Pay the toll” with glee, but this is an symptom of Western liberal pampering where women in particular are raised to believe everyone will be as open-minded as they were. Even though Morocco is sure a nice to place to visit, its far from an ideal place to live if you are a Christian, a woman or specially a Scandinavian liberal. I’ve seen Scandinavians saying that liberal virtue-signalling is just an natural and innocent thing to do in their countries in order to fit in better. 
I am sad to say that its not just exclusive to Scandinavia. Ever since 9/11, vast portions of the Western Left have disgraced themselves by their failure to acknowledge the threats posed to security and social cohesion by radical and fundamentalist Islam, and a craven willingness to align with Islamists in opposition to American foreign policy, entangled in an obscurantist web of moral relativity, postcolonial theory, identity politics, anti-Zionism, and general moral confusion. Even back then, many leftist ideologues argued that the World Trade Center attack was a “justified” action because of the USA for supporting Israel and their actions in the Gulf War, never mind those weren’t related - bin Laden repeatedly used the sactions against Iraq to rally Muslims against the West but never had any love for Saddam Hussein and Ba’athism. The most infamous incident was an essay made by Ward Churchill where he basically called the 9/11 victims “little Eichemanns” (in reference to Adolf Eichemann, one of the architects of the Holocaust) because they were bureaucrats working for the “genocide in the Middle-East”. Not a very wise move.
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I am for one sick and tired of their collusion, but I am afraid this won’t be the last time I write about such topic. While the outrage against Brunei applying sharia law appears to show that liberals will draw a line at somewhere, I don’t think this will amount to anything and I personally find their outrage hypocritical. I close this off with something for you to ponder: if you think the Muslims you know personally are moderates just ask them if they would like Sharia law to be legally enforced, then you will discover the truth about how moderate they claim to be.
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vectorgallery · 8 years
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Satanic Gallerist JJ Brine Created This Valentine For Donald Trump
FEBRUARY 14, 2017
Last time we spoke to JJ Brine, the man behind “the official art gallery of Satan,” he told us that Donald J. Trump was “pure poison.” That was in August, right after the Republican National Convention. JJ, the self-declared “Crown Prince of Hell,” refused to say much more about the GOP candidate, even though Brine had his own political agenda: He had just tabled a plan to bring Vector Gallery to Washington D.C. in order to “‘program” the presidential elections and cause “systemic shifts in the geopolitical configuration of power in the Middle East.”
Like all things JJ Brine, his ideas about Trump were enigmatic. I assumed that what he meant by “pure poison” was that he wasn’t a huge fan of the guy– until the morning after Election Day, when I found myself sleepless at 3 am, messaging him to ask: “How is Trump our President?” I figured if anyone had an intelligent insight, it would be JJ.
He replied almost immediately: “For a sick system that has systemically entrenched its own sickness, the prescription is pure poison,” he wrote. “To prescribe palliative measures is to sustain the malaise. PURE POISON is the requisite prescription fpr [sic] the induction of projectile vomiting. The whole thing must come to a catastrophic end in order to give way to something new again.”
So Trump is America’s ayahuasca?
JJ was hush on what he meant exactly, until he reached out to me last week and said that he was finally ready to be “explicit” about Donald Trump. When I asked what led to his decision, he was characteristically elusive. Regardless, JJ’s clarity on the matter came after Vector nearly met a “catastrophic end” of its own. In late January, around a dozen Vectorian Ministers squeezed into the tiny East Village gallery for a photoshoot, and immediately after leaving the gallery and going our separate ways, a fire broke out. The flames torched a wall at Vector and incinerated some of the art (sadly, even the “COCAINE” neon light is gone too), luckily no one was hurt. Still, the fire resonated with JJ’s assessment of the current situation.
When we finally spoke about Trump, JJ elaborated quickly, with the sort of passion you rarely see outside of acid-trip ephipanies. “I have an American passport, and for the first time I am just delighted to be an American,” he explained. I could hear him beaming through the phone. “Omarosa is in the administration now,” he continued. “That’s all I really need to say about it in order to justify my feelings toward it.”
JJ’s feelings on the matter are best expressed in a new graphic pictured above, which at first looked a bit like the Vectorian interpretation of a PowerPoint slide. (Just imagine, sometime in the distant future, sitting through a lecture called History 3001: Impeachment of Trump through President Yeezy, 2017 – 2028.) At the bottom, JJ signed his name with a heart. “It’s our Valentine to America, really,” he said.
The images pool together the Christian cross, the McDonald’s logo, and the Vector symbol. Another frequent theme, as you will probably notice right away, is Kanye West– who drew criticism when he met with the President Elect at Trump Tower and later hinted that he might run for President himself in 2020. “Kanye will win,” JJ said with conviction.
‘The cross becomes the spokesperson for McDonald’s,’ according to Brine (Image courtesy of the artist, JJ Brine)
But the McDonald’s golden arches, probably the most potent symbol of capitalism and 21st-century American imperialism (i.e. globalization/consumerism), is what really stood out to me. It turns out that JJ really does have an affinity for the fast-food chain, he grew up eating McDonald’s, and it has remained a constant theme in his life.
“I met Amanda Bynes at McDonald’s. I’ve been on dates with McDonald’s employees, I am the devil and it’s the international symbol of my empire. It’s a globally recognized brand. It enshrines the values of every religious system it comes into contact with and subverts that religion,” he said, rattling off various associations. His boyfriend Michael, the Vectorian Minister of Growth, sculpted a voluminous M-shaped foam hat in honor of the worldwide burger chain. “So the cross really becomes the spokesperson for McDonald’s and McDonald’s really becomes the spokesperson for the Cross,” JJ added. “And that’s the best temple of America that exists right now.”
The golden arches is as honest a symbol as it gets– goofy looking, iconic, taboo, and embedded with a consumerist message (if red and yellow aren’t a subliminal advertisement for greasy burgers, then go ahead and call me crazy). In the same way, Donald Trump is an honest portrayal of classic American values: racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and sexism. (Whereas throughout American history many more politicians and presidents, past and present, have harbored similar prejudices, they were just better at hiding it.) “He really believes what he’s saying,” JJ said. “There’s nothing untrue that comes out of his mouth. And what he really cares about is he wants people to like him. As long as you like him, he likes you. He’s a pure reflection.”
Overall, JJ seemed pleased that things are falling into place. Recently, he and Michael (who have started a band) narrowly missed a run-in with Tiffany Trump, who attended a party that the couple had planned to check out. “It’ll happen soon, though,” JJ said.
Meanwhile, Vector goes on. The next gathering is all about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, or lack thereof. Initially, it looked like just one more policy issue that would take a U-turn under the new administration, before Trump pivoted away from his own ardent pro-Israel rhetoric and suggested in an interview that Israeli settlements “may not be helpful” for compromise. “It will be a pageant really, a cathartic one,” JJ explained. “Where all the perspectives will be enshrined, and shown in an interactive way.”
For now, he’s feeling confident in the way things are playing out. “It is indeed very pleasing to me to see everything is in tune, exactly in sequence,” he said. “I am micro-managing global affairs on an energetic level and this is something that is a lifelong pursuit.”
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
As Saudi Arabia Destroys Religious Sites, One Rights Group Seeks to Save a Culture - MIDDLE EAST, OPINION
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/as-saudi-arabia-destroys-religious-sites-one-rights-group-seeks-to-save-a-culture/
As Saudi Arabia Destroys Religious Sites, One Rights Group Seeks to Save a Culture
Saudi Arabia is destroying religious and cultural sites across the country, but one group, the Al Baqee Organization, is fighting to preserve a heritage.
October is not a good month for Saudi Arabia … but then again the Kingdom somewhat had it coming if we consider the violence it has so freely dispensed over the decades. If Saudi Arabia managed to buy loyalties and influence – none stronger than that extended by the United States of America – Riyadh’s systematic disregard for human rights, nations’ sovereignty, and international law, are pushing many to reconsider their positions.
As the Associated Press puts it:
“The kingdom long has been known to grab rambunctious princes or opponents abroad and spirit them back to Riyadh on private planes. But the disappearance of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, who Turkish officials fear has been killed, potentially has taken the practice to a new, macabre level by grabbing a writer who could both navigate Saudi Arabia’s byzantine royal court and explain it to the West.”
The alleged murder of writer Jamal Khashoggi is of course but a small example of the cruelty of a regime which barbarism has been emboldened by our collective silence – a silence rooted in greed since it was bought to the tune of billions of dollars.
Saudi Arabia’s lobbying activities took to new heights in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 when news transpired that 15 out the 19 terrorists were, in fact, Saudi citizens.
To protect its interests and avoid answering uncomfortable questions as to the doctrine of Wahhabism/Salafism it has imposed as ‘state religion’ on its citizens, the Kingdom went on to buy the world’s good graces. To better smooth corners and deflect blame away from its fanaticism – the fanaticism that remains the so-called Islamic radical outfits’ main ideological inspiration, Riyadh spent a reported $100 million over the next decade to improve public perceptions and retain influence in the U.S. capital.
A detailed report published in the Atlantic gives an overview of Saudi Arabia’s lobbying activities. It reads:
“A quick review of the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) database, which is where lobbyists who advocate for foreign countries must announce themselves, shows that, among other Washington firms, Hill & Knowlton, Inc. has been lobbying for Saudi Arabia from 1982 until at least 2009. Qorvis Communications, LLC has received $60.3 million in Saudi money over the past decade, and is still doing communications work for Riyadh. Hogan Lovells U.S., L.L.P., which was called Hogan & Harston until May of this year, did work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in 2009. The Saudis paid the Loeffler Group, LLP, $10.5 million over the past 10 years, and gave Sandler Innocenzi, Inc. $8.9 million. Patton Boggs, LLP, another lobbying firm, also continues to do work for Saudi Arabia, and has earned a little over $3 million over the past decade.”
Riyadh’s push on Capitol Hill went into overdrive in 2015 after U.S. President Barack Obama decided to break bread with Iran by signing the now scrapped Nuclear Deal. The move that did not please Saudi Royals in the least as they view Iran as their arch enemy, mainly on the basis that they do not share Riyadh’s religious worldview.
To describe Saudi Arabia’s buying spree Ben Freeman writes:
“In 2016, according to FARA records, they reported spending just under $10 million on lobbying firms; in 2017, that number had nearly tripled to $27.3 million. And that’s just a baseline figure for a far larger operation to buy influence in Washington, since it doesn’t include considerable sums given to elite universities or think tanks like the Arab Gulf States Institute, the Middle East Institute, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (to mention just a few of them).”
Risking Life and Freedom to Speak Out Against Saudi Arabia
Speaking against Saudi Arabia has become an almost impossible feat. Speaking against Saudi Arabia also entails some degree of danger as the Kingdom often resorts to violence to silence those voices it cannot coerce. If you recall, only weeks before Riyadh was lauded for finally allowing women to drive – what a breakthrough! – Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the arrest of several women’s rights activists including internationally recognized women’s rights activist Samar Badawi.
“The arrests of Samar Badawi and Nassima al-Sadah signal that the Saudi authorities see any peaceful dissent, whether past or present, as a threat to their autocratic rule,” warned Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch in August 2018.
She added: “After the recent arbitrary arrests of businesspeople, women’s rights activists, and reformist clerics, Saudi Arabia’s allies and partners should question what ‘reform’ really means in a country where the rule of law is disdainfully ignored.”
Indeed … many things in Saudi Arabia are perceived as direct attacks to Al Saud’s absolute rule, and all offenses are punishable by death.
Saudi Arabia’s Attempt to Eradicate History
But there is an aspect of Saudi Arabia’s intolerance that remains seldom talked about – that of religious and cultural persecution.
Under the direction of Al Saud’s clergy, so that the Wahhabism doctrine would never be challenged throughout the Islamic World, the Kingdom architected the destruction of all religious and cultural sites – thus denying a people and a faith their History.
If we do nothing Islam will be what Saudi Arabia dictates it is in just a few decades – the thought warrants a deep pause if we consider that all self-professed Islamic radicals claim Wahhabism/Salafism as their matrix.
Wahhabism/Salafism although posited as a legitimate interpretation of the Scriptures is in fact not a recognized school of thought, it sits as an aberration over 1.6 billion people by the virtue of the money it wields, the governments it owns, and the guns it points at its detractors.
In 2014 Carla Power published for the Times an exposé on Saudi Arabia’s “wider government campaign to rub out historical and religious sites across the Kingdom.”
She writes: “Over 98% of the Kingdom’s historical and religious sites have been destroyed since 1985, estimates the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation in London… In recent years, the twin forks of Wahhabi doctrine and urban development have speared most physical reminders of Islamic history in the heart of Mecca. The house of the Prophet’s first wife, Khadijah has made way for public toilets.”
Al Baqee Organization Defends Religious Heritage
Silence was broken this October on the floor of the United Nations Human Rights in Geneva and the United Nations headquarter in New York, as myself and other members of the Al Baqee Organization, a grassroots not-for-profit dedicated to the defense of religious freedom and the protection of the world religious heritage, broke the status quo by demanding that Saudi Arabia be held accountable for its many and grave cultural and religious violations.
  As per the UNESCO’s mandate: “Safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage in all its forms – tangible and intangible, cultural and natural, movable and immovable – are key to achieving dialogue, sustainable development and social cohesion.” Saudi Arabia has systematically and, as a matter of state policy, hacked away at such heritage so that it could imprint its worldview.
  For the first time since Al Saud rose kings over Arabia, Muslims are speaking up against the abuses the silent and silenced majority has had to endure over the decades and centuries, so that they could be freed of the yoke of intolerance and fanaticism.
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traveljaunts · 6 years
Traveling to Africa has been one of my long-term dreams come true. For last 3 years or so, I was researching on the same, checking for safari destination, costs and considering how to plan my African safari. But before I talk about this once in a lifetime East African safari adventure, let me start with some insights on Africa.
  Myths & Misconceptions about Africa
Africa is a country
Whenever I have spoken to people about Kenya Tanzania, most of the times people have used the word south Africa in return. In India Africa means south Africa for many. Let me state here, South Africa is one of the nations/countries that is part of Africa. Africa is a continent and countries like Kenya Tanzania are East African nations of Africa.
Africa is dangerous, people are violent, not a safe place to be
When we talk about Africa, we are talking about a huge continent. Not all countries are at war and not all places are unsafe. With stories on civil wars, child soldiers, pirates, and revolutions, it’s no wonder that people fear to go to Africa. However, there is a different side to it. The way we treat Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India differently even though they all come under Asia, similarly all African nations can’t be treated in the same way.
Mauritius, Botswana, Ghana, Senegal, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, and Namibia are some of the most peaceful nations within Africa. Staying safe is a matter of common sense and please read travel warnings before concluding anything about Africa. For example, It is absolutely safe to go to safari destinations in Africa.
Africa is the origin of many diseases and is ridden with diseases
Diseases have taken millions of lives each year in Africa due to lack of childhood immunization and lack of basic healthcare. Many diseases in-fact originated from South America, Europe, and Asia but the outbreak in Africa has been impactful only because of lack of basic healthcare.
However, there has been a huge change since last decade. Most deadly diseases that plagued African nations once are completely preventable by vaccinations and simple hygiene today.
For travelers from the west, even the more exotic diseases of Africa namely, yellow fever, typhoid etc can be avoided simply by vaccination. And as far as Malaria is concerned, it can be avoided using prophylactics, sprays and body creams. For HIV/Aids
Its always hot in Africa
Africa is not exclusively made of desert and Savannahs. There are high altitude mountains, rainforests and cool coastal peninsulas. Infact during winters, temperatures in sub Saharan regions plunge below freezing. Many African nations also record snow. Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains see enough snow to support a ski resort near Marrakesh.
We found Nairobi in May to have similar climate as Bangalore. While on roads in Kenya, there were a couple of stretches which made us feel as if we were in Europe.
All African countries are poor and need aid to develop
Africa is often painted with a sweeping stroke of doom and gloom. Bad news and sad stories sell more.  There are many pre- conceived notions. Seychelles, Mauritius, Botswana, Namibia, Egypt and South Africa are some of the countries with a good standard of living and respectable GDP. Africa has four of the ten fastest growing economies in the world
Africa is cheap
Its not really cheap to travel in Africa. The cost of transport accommodation etc is almost at par with other places in other continents. Infact, safari destinations in Africa are a bit on a higher side because the season is limited to a few months and maintaining such properties in the middle of nowhere locations is a task in itself.
 There is nothing to see apart from animals
That’s not true. We all know one of the oldest civilizations that developed around the Nile, the Egyptian civilization is from the same continent. Egypt has so much history, Nile river and Pyramids. Mauritius and Seychelles Zanzibar in Tanzania on the other hand are well known beach destinations.
For desert lovers, Namibia is the place to be, South Africa is one of the adventure capitals of the world and Marrakesh in Africa is well known cultural delight.
Food could be a big issue for travellers from the west
I never knew till my visit to east Africa that they have same rice, Lentils and chapati. Indian chapati is the same chapati in Swahili too. You do get the same tea, coffee and juices to drink. The same breads, eggs, pancakes and fruits to eat for breakfast and similar dishes for lunch and dinner. In East Africa, most good hotel chains are run by Indians so don’t worry, you will even find biryani, papad and pickle there.
Our experience in Africa- Movie shot and made by Travel Jaunts
Facts about Africa
Africa is the world’s second largest in size and second most-populous continent
It covers 6% of Earth’stotal surface area and 20% of its land area. about a fifth of the earth’s total landmass. This makes it larger than India, China, Mexico,  USA and a huge chunk of Europe combined.
Africa is the most centrally located continent in the world. Both the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude), and the equator (0 degrees latitude) cut across it.
The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Seato the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west and still has the shortest coastline compared to its land mass.
There are approx. 54 fully recognized countries, nine territories and two independent states with limited or no recognition in the African continent
There are an estimated 1500-2000 African languages spoken in African of which 10-11 are most spoken.
Islam is the dominant religion in Africa. Christianity is the second.
There are 135 UNESCO world heritage sites in Africa which are located in approx. 37 countries across Africa.
World’s longest river Nile is in Africa. It is approx. 6600 km long and flows through 11 countries finally draining into Mediterranean sea.
Madagascar island in Africa is the fourth largest island in the world.
The Victoria Falls, located along the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Zambezi River is the fall’s main water source.
The second-largest freshwater lake in the world is lake Victoria of Africa.
World largest hot desert is of course Africa’s Sahara desert covering 9.1 million km2.
The highest point in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Both the world’s tallest and largest land animals come from Africa. They are the giraffe and African elephant, respectively.
A single tribe in Kenya-called the “Kalenjin”-produces most of the world’s fastest long-distance runners
And don’t consider Africa to be backward in terms of technology. There are more than 100 million Facebook users in Africa at present.
  Where to go for best wildlife experience in Africa
Africa’s top 5 classic safari destinations along with most famous parks are
Kenya – Masai Mara
Tanzania – Serengeti
Botswana (one of the most expensive safari destinations)– Chobe National Park
South Africa – Kruger
Namibia- Etosha National park
However, Kenya Tanzania are literally the mecca of wildlife viewing. The annual migration of two million wildebeests plus hundreds of thousands of gazelles and zebras – followed by their predators in search of pasture and water – is one of the most impressive nature spectacles in the world which takes place between these two adjacent countries, Kenya and Tanzania. The animals make a 2000-kilometre trek between the Serengeti ecosystem from Tanzania to Kenya and then back.
  National parks in East Africa – East Africa tour
The national parks fall primarily under the following countries
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Kenya : Masai Mara National Park, one of the most popular across the world is in Kenya and one can see Kenya’s most abundant wildlife here. Masai Mara in Savanah in a part of the vast Greater Serengeti, where massive herds of animals make an annual migration across the plains. Apart from Mara Kenya does have many other good quality parks with abundant wildlife including Samburu, Tsavo, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru
Tanzania: Serengeti National Park is almost 5 times Masai Mara in size and houses part of the Serengeti National Park — the best park to see great herds of wildlife. Besides, one of our most favorite places in Tanzania is Ngorongoro conservation area or Ngorongoro crater adjacent to Serengeti. Over 30,000 animals live in the crater; it has the densest lion population in the world.
Mount Kilimanjaro national park, Tarangire National Park, lake manyara are noteworthy sites too in Tanzania.
Uganda: If you are interested in primates, you should choose Uganda. It offers the opportunity to get a close look at Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and others in their natural habitats.
  When to go for Africa safari
The best time to travel to Africa depends on your specific destination. Overall, it’s best (but most expensive) to travel in the dry season, which corresponds with the region’s winter. For east African nations, Kenya and Tanzania, the best time is, of course, the migration time which is from July to September.
  Visas and vaccinations for Africa
Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa offer Visa on arrival for Indians. The only thing you need is the passport and itinerary. Visa cost per person is approx. $50 per person for both the countries.
Yellow fever vaccination is a must for East African and Southern African nations. You need to carry the yellow card when you travel to these destinations. At the time of your exit from the country, this will be checked.
  African Safari- How to book
There are three options
All inclusive safari packages in Africa offered by tour operators– These are guided, custom made and tailor-made packages for families and groups inclusive of food, tours, excursions, and accommodation. The vehicle is either a minivan or 4 by 4 land cruiser for road trips. And you also have flying safaris, you can directly fly into some of the parks instead of driving.
Accommodation can vary from ultra-luxury suits/stylish tents to budget options/eco-lodges depending on the budget. You can also opt for mid-range options or a combination of all. This is the best way to travel for families with kids as well as for corporate groups.
There are many East Africa tour operators and online websites offering Safari tours in Africa. Important thing is to select a trusted safari tour operator in Africa to avoid any kind of scam. Travel Jaunts also offers  African safari tour packages in Kenya and Tanzania with our partners in Africa who have a very high reputation and reviews. We have traveled with them and checked each and every facility that we offer.
Overland or Mobile Safaris– One typically stays in budget accommodations and travels in groups with other travellers. These are the cheapest type of organized tour safaris. These are usually participatory, you may be expected to pitch in with chores such as cooking meals or setting up camp. Intrepid travel and Acasia Africa are some of the operators in this category. Makes sense for solo travellers who can stay happily in budget places with basic facilities.
Self drive– For the most adventurous ones , you do have the option of self drive safari in Africa though it is only limited to public parks. You can opt foremost in expensive stay options ala carte meals and  tour the wild on your own without any guide.
  East Africa safari tour- our journey
I could have done Kenya long back but I was keen on doing Kenya along with Tanzania. Tanzania is a little more expensive destination than Kenya. If beach destinations interest you than you can also club your Tanzania safari with Zanzibar
With limited time at hand, we spent almost 15 days exclusively on Kenya Tanzania Safaris exploring various national parks. We booked our flights till Nairobi and then it was a complete road trip. You do have an option of flying safaris for those who can’t sit in the vehicles for long but for us, the whole tour was pretty comfortable and enjoyable. Driving through the parks is much more scenic and adventurous than flying into the park. The route that we followed was
Nairobi- Samburu- Nakuru-Masai Mara-Serengeti-Ngorongoro-Lake Manyara lake-Amboseli- Nairobi
  Please click on the each of the national park above to read in details. Here are some memories of our East Africa tour.
  Masai Mara
Inside the 4X4 land cruiser
Ready for the game drive
Picnic in Mara with animals around
Greenery unlimited
Breakfast by the Mara river
Playing with animals in the backdrop
Ngorongoro Farm House
Picnic point inside the Crater, Tanzania
East Africa Safari Tour– Kenya Tanzania Traveling to Africa has been one of my long-term dreams come true. For last 3 years or so, I was researching on the same, checking for safari destination, costs and considering how to plan my African safari.
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melindarowens · 7 years
Hamas calls for Palestinian uprising over Trump’s Jerusalem plan
A wounded Palestinian protester is evacuated during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, near the border with Israel in the southern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
December 7, 2017
By Dan Williams and Nidal al-Mughrabi
JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) – The Islamist group Hamas urged Palestinians on Thursday to abandon peace efforts and launch a new uprising against Israel in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital.
Palestinian factions called for a “Day of Rage” on Friday, and on Thursday a wave of protest in the West Bank and Gaza brought clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops. At least 31 people were wounded by Israeli gunfire and rubber bullets, medics said.
The Israeli military said on Thursday evening two rockets had been fired towards Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, but did not cross into Israeli territory.
(For a graphic on possible Jerusalem U.S. Embassy sites, click http://tmsnrt.rs/2jIXIoq)
The military said it was reinforcing troops in the occupied West Bank.
Medics said 11 people had been hit by live bullets and 20 by rubber bullets in the Thursday unrest. One was in a critical condition. Some protesters threw rocks at soldiers and others chanted: “Death to America! Death to the fool Trump!”
Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy on Wednesday by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, angering the Arab world and upsetting Western allies.
The status of Jerusalem – home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions – is one of the biggest obstacles to a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
“We should call for and we should work on launching an intifada (Palestinian uprising) in the face of the Zionist enemy,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech in Gaza.
On Friday’s “Day of Rage”, rallies and protests are expected near Israeli-controlled checkpoints in the West Bank and along the border with Gaza.
Friday prayers at the Muslim shrine of Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem could also be a flashpoint.
Naser Al-Qidwa, an aide to Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and senior official in his Fatah party, urged Palestinians to stage protests but said they should be peaceful.
Abbas on Thursday met Jordan’s King Abdullah, whose dynasty is traditional custodian of Jerusalem’s holy places. Jordan is a staunch U.S. ally but has dismissed Trump’s move as “legally null”.
Palestinian news agency Wafa said Abbas updated the king on “the imminent dangers in light of the decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state, and the mechanism of future steps to protect the holy city”.
Israel considers Jerusalem its eternal and indivisible capital. Palestinians want the capital of an independent state of their own to be in the city’s eastern sector, which Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed in a move never recognized internationally.
Trump announced his administration would begin a process of moving the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a step expected to take years, a move his predecessors opted not to take to avoid inflaming tensions.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump’s announcement as a “historic landmark” and said many countries would follow the U.S. move and contacts were under way. He did not name the countries.
“President Trump has immortalized himself in the chronicles of our capital. His name will now be held aloft, alongside other names connected to the glorious history of Jerusalem and of our people,” he said in a speech at Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
Other close Western allies of Washington, including France and Britain, have been critical of Trump’s move. Pope Francis has called for Jerusalem’s status quo to be respected, while China and Russia have expressed concern.
The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said: “The European Union has a clear and united position. We believe the only realistic solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine is based on two states and with Jerusalem as the capital of both.”
The United Nations Security Council is likely to meet on Friday to discuss the U.S. decision, diplomats said.
Trump’s decision has raised doubts about his administration’s ability to follow through on a peace effort that his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, has led for months aimed at reviving long-stalled negotiations.
Haniyeh called on Abbas to withdraw from peacemaking with Israel and on Arabs to boycott the Trump administration. Abbas said on Wednesday the United States had abdicated its role as a mediator in peace efforts.
“We have given instruction to all Hamas members and to all its wings to be fully ready for any new instructions or orders that may be given to confront this strategic danger that threatens Jerusalem and threatens Palestine,” Haniyeh said.
Israel and the United States consider Hamas, which has fought three wars with Israel since 2007, a terrorist organization. Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and its suicide bombings helped spearhead the last intifada, from 2000 to 2005.
Fearing disruption to reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Al-Hamdallah and other Fatah delegates arrived in Gaza on Thursday to meet Hamas.
The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the whole of Jerusalem and no other country has its embassy there.
Trump’s decision fulfils a campaign promise and will please Republican conservatives and evangelicals.
He said his move was not intended to tip the scales in favor of Israel and that any deal involving the future of Jerusalem would have to be negotiated by the parties, but the move was seen almost uniformly in Arab capitals as a sharp tilt towards Israel.
The United States is asking Israel to temper its response to the announcement because Washington expects a backlash and is weighing the potential threat to U.S. facilities and people, according to a State Department document seen by Reuters.
“The president has directed me and the State Department to undertake the process to begin an effort to move the embassy,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in Vienna.
“This is not something that will happen overnight.”
In Lebanon, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah backed calls for a new intafada and said: “We are facing blatant American aggression.”
Islamist militant group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said Trump’s decision was the result of “normalization steps” between some Gulf Arab countries and Israel.
“It is also a clear challenge to the Muslim world,” the Yemen-based group said.
Protests have broken out since Trump’s announcement in Jordan, outside the U.S. consulate in Istanbul and in Pakistan.
Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan said the United States was “exposing its colonial ambition in Muslim territory”.
Palestinians switched off Christmas lights on trees outside Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, where Christians believe Jesus was born, and in Ramallah, next to the burial site of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, in protest.
(Additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi in Kabul, Kay Johnson in Islamabad, Ellen Francis in Beirut and Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Andrew Roche)
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source https://capitalisthq.com/hamas-calls-for-palestinian-uprising-over-trumps-jerusalem-plan/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/12/hamas-calls-for-palestinian-uprising.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
Hamas calls for Palestinian uprising over Trump’s Jerusalem plan
A wounded Palestinian protester is evacuated during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, near the border with Israel in the southern Gaza Strip December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
December 7, 2017
By Dan Williams and Nidal al-Mughrabi
JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) – The Islamist group Hamas urged Palestinians on Thursday to abandon peace efforts and launch a new uprising against Israel in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital.
Palestinian factions called for a “Day of Rage” on Friday, and on Thursday a wave of protest in the West Bank and Gaza brought clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops. At least 31 people were wounded by Israeli gunfire and rubber bullets, medics said.
The Israeli military said on Thursday evening two rockets had been fired towards Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, but did not cross into Israeli territory.
(For a graphic on possible Jerusalem U.S. Embassy sites, click http://tmsnrt.rs/2jIXIoq)
The military said it was reinforcing troops in the occupied West Bank.
Medics said 11 people had been hit by live bullets and 20 by rubber bullets in the Thursday unrest. One was in a critical condition. Some protesters threw rocks at soldiers and others chanted: “Death to America! Death to the fool Trump!”
Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy on Wednesday by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, angering the Arab world and upsetting Western allies.
The status of Jerusalem – home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions – is one of the biggest obstacles to a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
“We should call for and we should work on launching an intifada (Palestinian uprising) in the face of the Zionist enemy,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech in Gaza.
On Friday’s “Day of Rage”, rallies and protests are expected near Israeli-controlled checkpoints in the West Bank and along the border with Gaza.
Friday prayers at the Muslim shrine of Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem could also be a flashpoint.
Naser Al-Qidwa, an aide to Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and senior official in his Fatah party, urged Palestinians to stage protests but said they should be peaceful.
Abbas on Thursday met Jordan’s King Abdullah, whose dynasty is traditional custodian of Jerusalem’s holy places. Jordan is a staunch U.S. ally but has dismissed Trump’s move as “legally null”.
Palestinian news agency Wafa said Abbas updated the king on “the imminent dangers in light of the decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state, and the mechanism of future steps to protect the holy city”.
Israel considers Jerusalem its eternal and indivisible capital. Palestinians want the capital of an independent state of their own to be in the city’s eastern sector, which Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed in a move never recognized internationally.
Trump announced his administration would begin a process of moving the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a step expected to take years, a move his predecessors opted not to take to avoid inflaming tensions.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump’s announcement as a “historic landmark” and said many countries would follow the U.S. move and contacts were under way. He did not name the countries.
“President Trump has immortalized himself in the chronicles of our capital. His name will now be held aloft, alongside other names connected to the glorious history of Jerusalem and of our people,” he said in a speech at Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
Other close Western allies of Washington, including France and Britain, have been critical of Trump’s move. Pope Francis has called for Jerusalem’s status quo to be respected, while China and Russia have expressed concern.
The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said: “The European Union has a clear and united position. We believe the only realistic solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine is based on two states and with Jerusalem as the capital of both.”
The United Nations Security Council is likely to meet on Friday to discuss the U.S. decision, diplomats said.
Trump’s decision has raised doubts about his administration’s ability to follow through on a peace effort that his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, has led for months aimed at reviving long-stalled negotiations.
Haniyeh called on Abbas to withdraw from peacemaking with Israel and on Arabs to boycott the Trump administration. Abbas said on Wednesday the United States had abdicated its role as a mediator in peace efforts.
“We have given instruction to all Hamas members and to all its wings to be fully ready for any new instructions or orders that may be given to confront this strategic danger that threatens Jerusalem and threatens Palestine,” Haniyeh said.
Israel and the United States consider Hamas, which has fought three wars with Israel since 2007, a terrorist organization. Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and its suicide bombings helped spearhead the last intifada, from 2000 to 2005.
Fearing disruption to reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Al-Hamdallah and other Fatah delegates arrived in Gaza on Thursday to meet Hamas.
The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the whole of Jerusalem and no other country has its embassy there.
Trump’s decision fulfils a campaign promise and will please Republican conservatives and evangelicals.
He said his move was not intended to tip the scales in favor of Israel and that any deal involving the future of Jerusalem would have to be negotiated by the parties, but the move was seen almost uniformly in Arab capitals as a sharp tilt towards Israel.
The United States is asking Israel to temper its response to the announcement because Washington expects a backlash and is weighing the potential threat to U.S. facilities and people, according to a State Department document seen by Reuters.
“The president has directed me and the State Department to undertake the process to begin an effort to move the embassy,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in Vienna.
“This is not something that will happen overnight.”
In Lebanon, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah backed calls for a new intafada and said: “We are facing blatant American aggression.”
Islamist militant group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said Trump’s decision was the result of “normalization steps” between some Gulf Arab countries and Israel.
“It is also a clear challenge to the Muslim world,” the Yemen-based group said.
Protests have broken out since Trump’s announcement in Jordan, outside the U.S. consulate in Istanbul and in Pakistan.
Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan said the United States was “exposing its colonial ambition in Muslim territory”.
Palestinians switched off Christmas lights on trees outside Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, where Christians believe Jesus was born, and in Ramallah, next to the burial site of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, in protest.
(Additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi in Kabul, Kay Johnson in Islamabad, Ellen Francis in Beirut and Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Andrew Roche)
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from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/hamas-calls-for-palestinian-uprising-over-trumps-jerusalem-plan/
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The Daily PageantViewpoint Section
If you're looking for a European tourist destination, think about the Calabria area of southern Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionian Sea. The white sands of this lovely beach are widespread all through summer with each locals and international guests to the Mom City of Cape City, South Africa. Whenever you buy a product from an internationally recognized producer there may be every chance that the product will last and final and supply very many years of excellent service. The historical past of historical Greek pottery is divided stylistically into intervals: The Protogeometric from about 1050 BC. The Geometric from about 900 BC. The Archaic from about 750 BC. The Black figure from the early seventh century BC. The Purple figure from about 530 BC. Oregano, regardless of of its recognition in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean nations, was almost unknown in the US until after the World Warfare II when troopers brought house the "pizza style". The European international locations are merely adjusting sooner as a result of they have been shoveling the goodies into the public trough for longer, and with extra shovels. While Crete doesn't exactly have a scene, this island that is widespread with all types of travelers does have a LGBT-owned mattress and breakfast, a handful of LGBT bars and establishments, beaches and a generally welcoming ambiance, making this one other nice stop on a trip to Greece. Planning a vacation in Athens require an ideal timing as a way to not solely take pleasure in a beautiful time exploring the history, but additionally have the chance to be a part of the vast-unfold celebration of festivals within the Athens. Based on Greek mythology, the Cretan Alkaios was the first king of Paros, who determined to construct his city on the site of right now's island capital, Parikia. Whether or not you desire a household trip or just ship your holidays together with your finest friends, whether or not you wish to spend romantic moments along with your associate or look ahead to limitless nights of untamed clubbing, Greece offers you all these possibilities. It was reconstructed effectively over 100 years ago by individuals who didn't know what they were doing. The white walnut tree is the most chilly hardy of all walnut bushes, rising vigorously in zones three-9. There are a number of exceptional panels of the Parthenon frieze that Lord Elgin forgot, and the air pollution-scarred Caryatids. The wood walnut columns (and later, marble) at the Acropolis that stand above the town have been transformed into her human picture (catyatides) that as we speak could be seen by vacationers in Athens, Greece. Italians, in spite of everything, have gained the prize for probably the most outgoing folks in Europe. If in case you have not had such suggestions then I'd advise you to arrange your trip to the most favorable location leaving some room in your schedule for visiting places that the locals will undoubtedly recommend. Planning either before or after August might be the neatest thing one can do when touring to Greece. Some people consider that in the days of the Roman Empire that their troopers would search out hot springs to assist heal their battle weary limbs. As the middle of modern civilization, Greece is taken into account the home of art, philosophy and many different facets of tradition which set us apart from other creatures. This place provides you excellent environment so that you could get spoilt in some of the eye-catching seaside resorts this place is known for. Early spring finds most of Europe nonetheless chilly and wet, especially within the north, so streets are uncrowded. Pan-Europeanism and the yearning for the Frequent Market, the common currency and the common all the things else received its start as an effort to maintain the European nations from going to struggle with each other, as they all the time have. Eating places in Greece are world famous for offering fabulous traditional dishes and therefore it's also a paradise for meals lovers. One scorching spot for all those who like heritage is visiting the Parthenon. Nevertheless it needn't take years. That is notably true for the northern international locations. Luther Burbank in 1893 launched fast rising walnut tree hybrids that solely required 15 years of development to succeed in maturity, slightly than the same old 50-60 years of progress. The Greeks have been credited with the primary certified improvements in the dimension and quality of the Persian (Iran and Iraq) as we speak called English walnut timber through selection and cultivation. The raisins are pickled and fermented into the well-known Tokay wine, that should be aged for many years as an aromatic wine identified for its unique and intense flavor. Ensure that to see the Venetian-model Villa Zerbi and the Pinoteco Comunale (Town Artwork Gallery). Even after latest recession within the nation of Greece, the markets of Athens are usually not pondering to place a cease and have been pleasing its clients with a beautiful array of handicraft, artifact, clothes, souvenirs and many extra products. At the heart of current occasions is Kosovo, though a collection of wars other than the Kosovo conflict had been fought within the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's. The black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis, also known as the wild black raspberries or the black cap raspberry was introduced in America within the 1840s by Nicholas Longworth of Ohio and was an excellent addition to cultivated fruit to be grown everywhere. At the moment, whereas the Greeks are celebrating as a result of they have escaped a default that was set to occur on November 16th,when 5 billion euros in treasury payments come due. Many visitors to Greece, and Greek citizens, transfer from island care items to hospitals in Athens hospitals for extra fashionable and professional care. In comparison with the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) pyramid, the Mediterranean weight-reduction plan contains little saturated and trans fats that raise cholesterol in the blood. There was a rush by Northern nursery retailers to plant Windmill Palm trees for the house gardener, who desires that tropical look and accent around his pool or patio. Walnut tree extracts have been used for hundreds of years to make ink and dyes. The ancient Greek legend tells us that this place is likely one of the most erotic adventures of Zeus. The facility is similar all over Greece in the primary land in addition to within the Greek islands. An excellent proposal equipment will include a whole bunch of templates that you should use in any proposal, together with all of the topics talked about above. It takes slightly effort on the a part of the journey nurse to cut back expectations based on time. That is an ancient Minoan Palace that draws a whole lot of guests yearly. With its welcoming locals and stylish seashore bars oceanside, Mykonos is another good spot to occasion on the sands. In addition, in several resort areas around the country there are some splendid (and pricy) villas and other properties which are attractive to properly heeled foreign nationals who need second houses and vacation properties. As red goes in for the kill, blue steps apart and airmails a beautifully executed roundhouse kick direct to red's photo voltaic plexus. Once you journey around the island you will note the many olive trees, the infinite pine tree forests, numerous lovely pictures the place the inexperienced bushes are mixing with the blue water. New 12 months's eve in Paris is exciting, with parties, festivals and night time life. Part of the intrigue of Greece is that it mixes trendy and historic parts collectively seamlessly. This choice at the moment to present additional money and time to Greece was triggered by the Greek Authorities promising to cut it's deficit to 2 percent of the GDP. With festivals just like the Competition of Epiphany, The Greek Revolution Day, Apokries, Panigiri, Feast of the Flowers, Music Day, Epidaurus Pageant, Jazz Pageant, Rockwave Festival, Ochi Day and plenty of more are just a few of the festivals that may surely provde the glimpse of wealthy cultural values, creative treasure, magnificent non secular beliefs and unity among all religions living together in concord and celebrating each big day with more zeal than earlier than. The more we research God's Wisdom, the better we perceive what He needs from each of us. The extra we perceive, the better we can accomplish that which He has given us to do. It does not take a lifetime and yes, you can be taught - even in the event you "cannot draw a straight line." All you want is the suitable instruction, given by a caring and capable instructor. Houses are sometimes left half-finished for months, and even years at a time. These places are usually really helpful from those who have already gone there. Most of our grandparents, or nice-grandparents used to can meals and hold a supply of preserved and dry foods in the pantry, or basement. Nevertheless, in case you are voyaging throughout the well-known islands, get able to be ripped-off throughout the season as a fancy meal on the islands is absolutely costly and you'll regret the taste once you try comparable dishes on the mainland. It's really considered a part of the legume family, just like the soybean, and is fairly straightforward to develop in various areas of the world, hence it is cheap price. Athens Loosen up caters to a combined-age clientele and is a big sauna directly throughout the road from considered one of Athen's fashionable clubs, while the smaller Hera caters to a extra mature clientele. Internally, you can take 3-four drops of wild oregano oil in a glass of water 2 occasions per day. 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Its sunset and Bredo has a table set on the seaside from the place he desires to indicate us a perfect sundown. One of the first issues you'll discover as you're taking out on your travels of Greece is the big range of litter strewn nearly everywhere. Mykonos is house to many stunning beaches the place activities comparable to swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, sunbathing, and boating are widespread. The black walnut tree can grow to a height of 60 toes and can reside past one hundred years. This event-venue opened almost 7 years ago as a seaside celebration for Amsterdam locals. A go to to the holy city of Jerusalem is a worthwhile tour from both Israeli ports - Haifa and Ashdod - on a Mediterranean cruise of the Middle East. The bargaining is as widespread in Athens as in every other a part of the world. Being an archipelago country with loads of beaches inside its territory, it's extremely probably that you'll have to use the ferries to explore it extra. Every of the popular countries on this continent, yearly, has a considerable inhabitants of vacationers visiting due to their culinary attraction. Keep in mind in the event you rent rooms or apartments in Athens Greece don't plug just something within the energy outlets. These on crusing trips to and from Turkey and other close by islands take pleasure in stopping by Leros. Of all the gorgeous beaches on Mykonos, by far the most popular are Platis Gialos, Psarou, Paranga, Kalafatis, Elia and Agrari. In ancient occasions, Hebe was considered the goddess of youth and the servant of the Greco-Roman gods. As has been mentioned beforehand, the vacation or vacation actual property market in Greece is "sizzling." Indeed, the demand for vacation real estate has continued to extend each 12 months because the flip of the century. Indeed, to make the most of an overused term - in the case of actual property, Greece is sizzling. 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catholicwatertown · 7 years
Pope Francis in-flight presser after Egypt visit
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday evening, during his return from Egypt, held his traditional inflight “press conference” with journalists onboard the Papal plane touching on a wide range of issues.
Amongst the topics elaborated upon, he spoke of his concern for the North Korea crisis for which he urged diplomatic mediation, of the phenomenon of populism in Europe and across the world and of the dramatic situation of forced migrants and refugees in many refugee camps.
Please find below CNA and EWTN’s full transcript of the Pope's inflight press conference:
Greg Burke (Vatican press director): Here among the journalists are those who are making a trip for the first time and those who have made almost 100.. No, more than 100, I think… And you, I don’t know if you know how many international trips you’ve made…
Pope Francis: 18! 
Greg Burke: Ah, 18, alright great. I didn’t know. Nineteen is around the corner, so also you have a good number of Papal trips now. Thanks for this moment which is always a strong moment for us and let’s start with the Italian group, Paolo Rodari. I don’t know if you want to say something first.
Pope Francis: Yes, good evening and thanks for your work because these were 27 hours, I think, of much work. Thanks so much for what you did, thank you. And I’m at your disposal.
Greg Burke: Thank you, Holy Father.
Paolo Rodari (Repubblica): Hello. Holy Father, thank you. I wanted to ask you about your meeting yesterday with al Sisi. What did you speak about? Topics of human rights were mentioned and, in particular, that you were able to speak about the case of Giulio Regeni, and do you think the truth will be reached in that regard?
Pope Francis: On this I will give a general response, to then reach the particular. Generally when I am with a head of state in private dialogue, that remains private, unless, by agreement, we say ‘let’s say on this point, we’ll make it public.’ I had four private dialogues here with the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, with al Sisi, with Patriarch Tawadros and with Patriarch Ibrahim and I believe that if it is private, for respect one must maintain privacy… it is confidential… but later there is the question on Regeni. I am concerned, from the Holy See I have moved on that topic because the parents also asked me to. The Holy See has moved. I will not say how or where, but we have moved.
Greg Burke: Dario Menor Torres, from El Correo Espanol.   Dario Menor (El Correo Espanol): Thank you, Holiness! You said yesterday that peace, prosperity and development deserve every sacrifice and later you underscored the importance of the inalienable rights of man. Does this mean a support for the Egyptian government, a recognition of its role in the Middle East, and how it tries to defend Christians despite insufficient democratic guarantees from this government?
Pope Francis: Could you repeat… what does what mean? I didn’t hear…
Dario Menor: If these words that you said on the importance of peace, of prosperity and development, saying that they deserve every sacrifice, if we should interpret them as a support of the Egyptian government and how it tries to defend Christians despite insufficient democratic guarantees.
Pope Francis: No, No… one must interpret (it) literally as values in themselves… I said that defending peace, defending the harmony of peoples, defending the equality of citizens, whichever the religion they profess may be, are values. I spoke of values! If a person who governs defends one value or defends another, it is another issue. I have made 18 [international] visits. In many of those nations, I’ve heard, ‘But the Pope, going there, gives support to that government,’ because a government always has its weaknesses or it has its political adversaries, and some say one thing or another… I don’t get mixed up (in that)... I speak about values, and every person sees, is a judge if this government, this state, that from here, that from there, carries those values forward…   Dario Menor: Were you left with the urge to visit the Pyramids?
Pope Francis: But, do you know that today at 6:00 in the morning, two of my assistants went to visit the pyramids? Dario Menor: Would you have liked to go with them?
Pope Francis: Truly, yes.
Dario Menor: Thanks a million.
Virginie Riva (Europe 1): Holy Father, a question possibly starting from the trip and extending it to France, if you accept. You spoke at al-Azhar, at the university, about demagogic populism. French Catholics in this moment are tempted by the populist or extreme vote, they are divided and disoriented. What elements of discernment could you give these Catholic electors?
Pope Francis: Great… there is a dimension of “populisms” - in quotes, because you know that this word for me, I’ve had to relearn it in Europe, because in Latin America it has another meaning - there is an issue in Europe and there is an issue of the European Union behind it… that which I said about Europe I will not repeat it here… I’ve spoken about it four times, I believe, twice in Strasbourg, once at the Charlemagne Prize and at the beginning of the commemoration of the 60th. There is everything I’ve said about Europe. Every nation is free to make choices that it believes convenient before this. I cannot judge if this choice is made for this reason, or for another, because I don’t know the internal politics. It is true that Europe is in danger of dissolving. This is true! I said it softly in Strasbourg. I said it more strongly at the Charlemagne [Prize ceremony] and lately without nuance. We must meditate on only that - the Europe that goes from the Atlantic to the Urals - there is an issue that scares Europe and perhaps feeds … the issue is emigration. This is true. But let’s not forget that Europe was made by migrants, centuries and centuries of migrants. We are them! But it is an issue that must be studied well, also respecting opinions, but the honest opinions of a political discussion - with the capital letter, big, with the big ‘Politics’ and not with the little ‘politics’ of the nation that in the end winds up falling. About France, I’ll tell the truth. I don’t understand the internal French politics. I don’t understand it. I’ve sought to have good relations, also with the current president, with which there was a conflict once, but after I was able to speak clearly about things, respecting his opinion. On the two political candidates, I don’t know the history. I don’t know where they come from, nor - yes, I know that one represents the strong right, but the other I truly don’t know where they come from - for this (reason) I cannot give a clear opinion on France. But, speaking with Catholics, here in one of the gatherings, while I was greeting people, one said to me, ‘But why don’t you think big about politics ?’ What does that mean? Well, he said it to me as if asking for help… eh, to make a party for Catholics. This is a good man but he’s living in the last century. For this, the populisms have relationships with migrants, but this is not from the trip. If I still have time later I can return to this. If I have time, I will return.
Vera Shcherbakova (ITAR-TASS): Holy Father, thank you first of all for the blessings… you blessed me. I knelt down some minutes ago. I am Orthodox and I don’t see any contradiction with my baptism, anyway, I see it as a great pleasure. I wanted to ask: what are the prospects for the relations between the Orthodox, obviously Russian, but also yesterday in the common declaration with the Coptic Patriarch, the common date of Easter (came up) and that they speak of a recognition of baptism… where are we on this point? How do you evaluate the relations between the Vatican and Russia as a State, also in light of the defense of the values of Christians in the Middle East and especially in Syria? Thanks.
Greg Burke: This is Vera Shcherbakova, of the TASS Agency.
Pope Francis: Christos Anesti! I, with the Orthodox, have always had a great friendship, since Buenos Aires, no? For example, every January 6th I would go to vespers, to the complete readings, at your Cathedral of Patriarch Plato, who is in an archbishop in the area of Ukraine, no? And he… two hours and forty (minutes) of prayer in a language that I didn’t understand, but you could pray well, and then the dinner with the community. Three hundred people, a Christmas Eve dinner, not a Christmas dinner. They still couldn’t eat dairy or meat, but it was a beautiful dinner and then bingo, the lottery… friendship… also with the other Orthodox, also sometimes they needed legal help. They would come to the Catholic Curia because they are small communities and they would go to the lawyers. They’d come in and out. But, I’ve always had a filial, fraternal relationship. We are sister Churches! With Tawadros, there is a special friendship. For me, he’s a great man of God! And Tawadros is a patriarch, a pope that carries the Church forward, the name of Jesus before (him). He has a great apostolic zeal… He is one of the most - permit me the word, but in quotes - ‘fanatics’ of finding a fixed date for Easter. I am too. We are seeking the way. But he says, ‘Let’s fight!’ He is a man of God. He is a man who, when he was bishop, far from Egypt, went out to feed the disabled, a man who was sent to a diocese with five churches and he left behind 25, I don’t know how many Christian families with the apostolic zeal. The you know how they make the election among them. They look for three, then they put the names in a bag, they call a child, they close their eyes and the child chooses the name. The Lord is there. He is clearly a great patriarch. The unity of baptism is moving ahead. The guilt of baptism is an historical thing (Editor’s note: Pope Francis seems to be referring to the historical ‘breach’ between the recognition of baptism between the Coptic Orthodox and Catholic traditions. Neither currently recognizes baptism carried out in the other Church), because in the first Councils it was the same, then as the Coptic Christians baptized children in the shrines, when they wanted to get married, they came to us, they were married with a Catholic, they asked for the faith… but they didn’t have it and they asked for baptism under a condition. It started with us, not with them… but now the door has been opened and we are on a good path of overcoming this issue, the door…. In the common declaration, the penultimate paragraph speaks of this. The Russian Orthodox recognize our baptism and we recognize their baptism.  I was a very close friend as the bishop of Buenos Aires with the Russians, also with the Georgians, for example… but the patriarch of the Georgians is a man of God, Ilia II. He is a mystic! We Catholics must learn also from this mystical tradition of the Orthodox Churches. During this trip, we had this ecumenical encounter. Patriarch Bartholomew was there too. The Greek Orthodox Archbishop was there and then there were other Christians - Anglicans, also the secretary of the Union of Churches of Geneva (Editor’s note: Pope Francis is referring to the Conference of European Churches) but all that makes ecumenism is on the path. Ecumenism is made on the path, with the works of charity, with the works of helping, doing things together when they can be done together. Static ecumenism doesn’t exist! It is true that theologians must study and come to an agreement, but it will not be possible for this to finish well if we’re not walking. What can we do together? Pray together, work together, do works of charity together… but, together, eh! And move ahead. The relations with Patriarch Kirill are good. They are good. Also, Metropolitan Archbishop Hilarion has come many times to speak with me and we have a good relationship.
Greg Burke: She’s asking about with the State…
Pope Francis: Ah, with the State! I know that the State speaks of this, of the defense of Christians in the Middle East. This I know and believe that it is a good thing to fight against persecution… today there are more martyrs than in the first centuries, most of all in the Middle East.
Greg Burke: Phil Pulella...this question will address the trip, but then let's see where it ends...   Phil Pulella (Reuters): If I can I would like to speak about another topic, but I'll start with the trip. You spoke yesterday in your first speech about the danger of unilateral action, and that everyone must be builders of peace. Now you have spoken very clearly about the "third world war in pieces," but it seems that today this fear and anxiety is concentrated on what is happening in North Korea...   Pope Francis: Yes, it's the focal point!   Pulella: Exactly, it's the point of concentration. President Trump sent a team of military ships to the coast of North Korea, the leader of North Korea threatened to bomb South Korea, Japan and even the United States if they succeed in building long-range missiles. People are afraid and speak of the possibility of a nuclear war as if it were nothing. You, if you see President Trump, but also other people, what will you say to these leaders who are responsible for the future of humanity? Because we are in a very critical moment...
Pope Francis: I would call them, I call them and I will call them like I called on leaders in different positions to work on resolving problems along the path of diplomacy, and there are facilitators, many of them, in the world. There are mediators who offer...there are countries like Norway, for example, no one can accuse Norway of being a dictatorial country, and it's always ready to help, to name an example, but there are many. The path is the path of negotiation, the path of diplomatic solutions. This world war in pieces of which I've been talking about for two years more or less, it's in pieces, but the pieces have gotten bigger, they are concentrated, they are focused on points that are already hot. Things are already hot, as the issue of missiles in North Korea has been there for more than a year, now it seems that the thing has gotten too hot. I always say to resolve problems on the path of diplomacy, negotiation, because the future of humanity...today a widespread war destroys I don't say half of humanity, but a good part of humanity, and it's the culture, everything. It's terrible. I think that today humanity is not able to support it. Let's look to these countries that are suffering an internal war, inside, where there are the fires of war, in the Middle East for example, but also in Africa, in Yemen. Let's stop! Let's look for a diplomatic solution! And there I believe that the United Nations has the duty to resume their leadership, because it's been watered down a bit.
Pulella: Do you want to meet President Trump when he comes to Europe? Has there been a request for a meeting?   Pope Francis: I still have not been informed by the Secretariat of State if there has been a request, but I receive every head of state who asks for an audience.    Greg Burke: I think the questions on the trip have finished. We can take one more still, then we have to go to dinner at six-thirty. There is Antonio Pelayo from Antena 3, who you know…
Antonio Pelayo (Antena 3): Thank you. Holy Father, the situation in Venezuela has deteriorated recently in a very serious way, and there have been many deaths. I want to ask you if the Holy See intends to carry out this action, this peacemaking intervention, and what forms could this action take?
Pope Francis: There was an intervention from the Holy See at the strong request of the four presidents that were working as facilitators. And the thing didn’t turn out. And it remained there. It didn’t turn out because the proposals weren’t accepted or they were diluted. It was a ‘yes-yes,’ but ‘no-no.’ We all know the difficult situation of Venezuela. It is a nation that I really love. And I know that now they are insisting, I don’t know well from where, I believe that it’s from the four presidents, on relaunching this facilitation and they are looking for the place. I think that this has to be with conditions already, very clear conditions. Part of the opposition doesn’t want this. Because it’s curious, the very opposition is divided and on the other hand it appears that the conflicts are always worse.  But, there is something in movement. I was informed of that, but it is very up in the air still. But all that can be done for Venezuela has to be done, with the necessary guarantees, if not we’re playing ‘tin tin pirulero’ (Editor’s note: this is a Spanish term for trying one thing, then another and another without knowing what one is doing). It’s not working...
Greg Burke: Thank you Holy Father. And now we go to...
Jörg Heinz Norbert Bremer (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung): Some days ago you spoke about the theme of refugees in Greece, in Lesbos, and you used this word "concentration camp" because there were too many people. For us Germans this was obviously a very, very serious word, and very close to "extermination camp." There are people who say that this was a linguistic lapse. What did you intend to say?
Pope Francis: First, you must read well everything that I said. I said that the most generous in Europe were Italy and Greece. It's true, they are closer to Libya, to Syria. From Germany, I have always admired the ability of integration. When I studied there, there were many integrated Turks in Frankfurt. They integrated and had a normal life. There was no linguistic lapse: there are concentration camps, sorry: refugee camps that are true camps of concentration. Perhaps there are some in Italy, or in another area...in Germany, I'm not sure, but you think of what people do who are closed in a camp and can't leave. Think about what happened in Northern Europe when they wanted to cross the sea and go to England. They are closed inside. But it made me laugh a bit, and this is a bit of Italian culture, but it made me laugh that in a refugee camp in Sicily, a delegate of Catholic Action told me, one of the delegates from the dioceses in Argentina - there is one or two in the area there, I don't know which diocese - the heads of that city where the camp was spoke to the people in the refugee camp, and they said: you, here inside, it will hurt you and your mental health too...you have to go out, but please don't do anything bad. We can't open the door, but we can make a little hole behind. Go out, have a nice walk, and this is how relationships were made with the people who lived in that city, good relationships, and these (refugees) aren't delinquents, they don't commit crimes. The sole fact of being closed without anything (to do), this is a lager! (Editor’s note: he is referring to the German name for concentration camp. For example, Auschwitz was a “lager”). But it doesn't have anything to do with Germany, no.
Greg Burke: Thank you Holy Father.   Pope Francis: Thanks to you for this work you do which helps a lot of people. You don't know the good that you can do with your news pieces, with your articles, with your thoughts. We must help people and also help communication, because communication...may the press lead us to good things, may it not lead us to disorientations that don't help us. Thank you very much! Have a good dinner, and pray for me!
(from Vatican Radio)
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peopleoftexas · 8 years
Letter of Mr. Walker of Mississippi, 1844
Page 3: It was a revolution in Mexico that produced the conflict for independence in Texas. the citizens of Texas had been invited there by Mexico, under the solemn guaranty of the federal constitution of 1824. This constitution, to which Texas so long and faithfully adhered, was prostrated by the usurper Santa Anna. After a severe struggle, the people of Mexico were subdued by a mercenary army; the States were annihilated, and a military dictator was placed at the head of a central despotism. In the capital of Mexico, and of the state of Coahuila and Texas, the civil authorities were suppressed by the bayonet; the disarming of every citizen was decreed, and the soldiery of the usurper proceeded to enforce this edict. The people of Texas resolved to resist, and perish upon the field of battle, rather than submit to the despotic sway of a treacherous and sanguinary military dictator. Short was the conflict, and glorious the issue. The American race was successful; the armies of the tyrant were overthrown and dispersed, and the dictator himself was captured. He was released by Texas, and restored to his country, having first acknowledged, by a solemn treaty, the independence of Texas. After the fall of Santa Anna, and the total rout and dispersion of the Mexican army, and when a resubjugation had become hopeless, I introduced into the Senate the resolution acknowledging the independence of Texas. it was adopted in March, 1837, and the name of Texas inscribed on the roll of independent nations. Subsequently, France, England, and Holland, have recognized her independence; and Texas now has all the rights of sovereignty over her territory and people, as full and perfect as any other nation of the world. ……. In 1836, this question, together with that of ratifying their constitution, was submitted by the constituted authorities to the people of Texas, who, with unparalleled unanimity, (there being but 93 dissenting votes,) decided in favor of re-annexation.
Page 6: By the treaty of 1803, by which, we have seen, Texas was acquired by us from France, we pledged our faith to France, and to the people of Texas, never to surrender that territory. The 3d article of that treaty declares: “the inhabitants of the ceded territory shall be incorporated in the Union of the United States, and admitted as soon as possible, according to the principles of the federal constitution, to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages, and immunities of citizens of the United States; and in the meantime they shall be protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property, and the religion which they profess.” Such was our pledge to France and to the people of Texas, by the treaty of purchase; and if our subsequent treaty of cession to Spain was not unconstitutional and invalid, it was a gross infraction of a previous treaty, and of one of the fundamental conditions under which Texas was acquired.
Here, then, are many grave questions of constitutional power. Could the solemn guaranty to France, and to the people of Texas, be rescinded by a treaty with Spain? Can this government, by its own mere power, surrender any portion of its territory? Can it cut off a territory without the consent of its people, and surrender them and the territory to a foreign power? Can it expatriate and expel from the Union its own citizens, who occupy that territory, and change an American citizen into a citizen of Spain or Mexico? There are momentous questions, which it is not necessary now to determine, and in regard to which I advance at this time no opinion. Certain, however, it is, that, with the consent of the people of Texas, Congress can carry out the solemn pledges of the treaty of 1803, and admit one or more States from Texas into the Union.
Page 9: As a question of money, no State is much more deeply interest in the re-annexation of Texas than your own great Commonwealth of Kentucky. There, if Texas becomes part of the Union, will be a great and growing market for her beef and pork, her lard and butter, her flour and corn; and there, within a very short period, would be found a ready sale for more than a million dollars in value, of her bale-rope and hemp and cotton bagging. Nor can it be that Kentucky would desire, by the refusal of re-annexation, to mutilate and dismember the valley of which she is a part; or that Kentucky would curtail the limits of the republic, or diminish its power and strength and glory. It cannot be that Kentucky will wish to see any flag except our own upon the banks of the Sabine and Arkansas and Red river, and within a day’s sail of the mouth of the Mississippi, and the outlet of all her own commerce in the Gulf. Many of her own people are within the limits of Texas, and its battlefields are water with the blood of many of her sons. It was her own intrepid Milam, who headed the brave 300 who, armed with rifles only, captured the fortress of the Alamo, defended by heavy artillery, and 1300 of the picked troops of Mexico, under one of their best commanders. And will Kentucky refuse to re-embrace so many of her own people? nor permit them, without leaving Texas, to return to the American Union? And if war should ever again revisit our country, Kentucky knows that the steady aim of the western riflemen, and the brave hearts and stout hands, within the limits of Texas, are, in the hour of danger, among the surest defenders of the country, and especially of the valley of the West. The question of re-annexation, and of the restoration of ancient boundaries, is a much stronger case than that of the purchase of new territory. It is a stronger case also than the acquisition of Louisiana or Florida; not only upon the ground that these were both an acquisition of new territory, but that they embraced a foreign people, dissimilar to our own, in language, laws, and institutions; and transferred without their knowledge or consent, by the act of a European king. More especially, in a case like this, where the people of Texas occupy a region which was once exclusively our own; and this people, in whom we acknowledge to reside the only sovereignty over the whole and every portion of Teas, desire the re-annexation—that we cannot reestablish our former boundaries, and restore to us the whole or any part of the territory which was once our own, is a proposition, the bare statement of which is its best refutation.
Page 18: In the message of the President of Texas of the 12th of December, 1843, he speaks of the “generous and friendly disposition, and active and friendly offices of England.” He speaks, also, of “injuries and indignities inflicted” by this government upon Texas, and declares “that reparation has been demanded.” Such is the wonderful advance in Texas of the influence of England, that she has succeeded in having it announced in an executive message to the people of Texas that England is their friend, and that we are their enemies. If all this had been predicted three years since, it would have been deemed incredible; and if Texas is not reenacted, she is certain, within a few years more, to become first a commercial dependency, and then a colony, in fact, if not in name, of England. When we regard the consequence which have already followed the mere apprehension of the refusal of re-annexation, what will be the result in Texas when re-annexation is positively and forever rejected? When this is done, and Texas is repulsed with contempt or indifference, when her people are told, The flag of the Union shall never wave over you, go!—go where you may, to England, if you please,—who can doubt the result? To doubt is willful blindness; and whilst we will have lost a most important territory, and an indispensable portion of the valley of the West, England will have gained a dependency first, and then a colony; and we shall awake from our slumbers when, amid British rejoicings and the sound of British cannon, the flag of England shall wave upon the coast and throughout the limits of Texas; and a monarchy rises up on our own continent and on our own borders, upon the grave of a republic. Yes, this is not a question merely between us and Texas, but a question between the advance of British or American power; and that, too, within the very heart of the valley of the West. It is a question also between the advance of monarchy and republicanism throughout the fairest and most fertile portion of the American continent, and is one of the mighty movements in deciding the great question between monarchy and republicanism, which of the two forms of government shall preponderate throughout the world. In the North, the flag of England waves from the Atlantic to the Pacific over a region much more extensive than our own; and if it must float also for several thousand miles upon the banks of the tributaries of the great Mississippi, and along the gulf, from the Sabine to the Del Norte, we will be surrounded on all sides by England in America.
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