#pleids 17
kilohokustoryteller · 2 years
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The Pleiades, an open star cluster in the shoulder of the constellation Taurus, is known to the kilo hōkū, the Hawaiian astronomer, by several names: Ka Huihui a Makali`i (The cluster of Makali`i), Huihui kōkō a Makali`i Kau i Luna (The Net Cluster of Makali`i Hung Above), Nā Kā a Makali`i (The Bailer of Makali`i), Nā kōkō a Makali`i (The Net of Makali`i), Nā Wahine a Makali`i (The Wives of Makali`i), Ke Aweawe Makali`i (The Makali`i Stars Stuck Together), Ka Lālani a Makali`i (The Makali`i Line), Huihui (Cluster, Group), and Kūpuku (Clustered). 
In some traditions, the Pleiades is also called Makali`i, but there are also traditions which give that name to Aldebaran.What does such an abundance of names tell us? First, it tells us that the star, planet, or  group of stars is very important to a lot of people. The Pleiades is important to the traveler as a navigational feature. The variety of names indicates, I believe, the altitude and angle of the cluster, critical information to a navigator. 
One translation for Makali`i is “Eyes of the Chief,” and that was the name of the head navigator of Hawai`iloa, a great voyaging chief. If we look at the cluster when it is first rising above the horizon, it could look a bit like a woman standing upright. Or, perhaps it is a group of women, Nā Wahine a Makali`i. In either case, soon the sail of the husband’s canoe comes into sight, and Makali`i (Aldebaran), the navigator, sails into view. What better reason to journey forth than to find a wife? As the cluster rises overhead, the stars begin to look like a bailer, an important commodity, indeed, for those who spend their lives on the sea. In fact, a number of Polynesian legends center on magical women who take the form of a beautifully carved bailer floating in the ocean. Caught and courted by the right man, the bailer becomes a beautiful woman who agrees to marry him. And so the Makali`i line continues down to the sea. Makali`i and his wives rise a bit north of due east, and pass directly overhead on their way to the sea, where they will set to the south of due west. 
For the traditional farmer, on the Island of Hawai`i, the November 17 rising of the Pleiades marks the approximate start of the rainy season. Makali`i was not only a great navigator and steersman, but also an agronomist, an expert farmer. Indeed, we find that around the world, the Pleides is associated with farming. In Hawai`i, the evening rising of those stars is associated with the return of the all-important rainy season. 
Other chiefs also have had the name “Makali`i. Among them is the father of Kamapua`a, the pig demi-god, also associated with rain and fertility. At the other end of the spectrum is a greedy Chief Makali`i, who figures in a story from the Kona coast of Hawai`i Island. In this story, Makali`i is translated as “tiny eyes,” a euphamism for “greedy,” and refers to a greedy chief who taxed the people into poverty during a drought. In this story, `Iole, the Hawaiian rat, saved the people from starvation by chewing through Huihui kōkō a Makali`i Kau i Luna. The net burst open, and all the food which the evil Chief Makali`i had placed in it fell back to earth. 
Hidden within this story may be a record of the extreme El Nino conditions of 1640. But whatever historical events may be encoded into the story, for myself, when the net hangs over the western sea, I enjoy thinking of Aldeberan as the right ear of `Iole, ε Tauri as his left ear, θ1 and δ his eyes, and γ Tauri his pointy little nose. His body is to my left, and Orion’s bow makes his tail. If I look closely at the Pleiades, which `Iole also is eyeing, I see where our heroic little rat bit through the net so the food could fall to earth and feed all the people there.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Jeonghan
Anon requested: "hello hello! i really loved reading your hogwarts aus;; can i request a jeonghan one?? ty if you do this! <3" & @willowtree8 requested: "Hey love your writing. Especially the hogwarts au's, so could you make a Jeonghan Hogwarts Au for me. And could you make the s/o a raveclaw, if it's not to much to ask. Thanks so much!" & anon requested: "Can I please request a hogwarts jeonghan au! 💚✨"
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2511
fifth year Slytherin
also a prefect with Joshua and Seungcheol
he was surprised when he found out he got selected as a prefect
but no one else was
Jeonghan tends to mother everyone
"Yah! Eat your food!"
"Don't skip meals or I'll give you detention."
"If you don't sleep, you'll end up napping in classes, and miss vital information."
"Hey just because I nap in class doesn't mean you can!!! Your education is important!!!"
knows almost everyone's names
don't even be surprised if you walk by him in the halls
"Your robes are a bit crooked, here." he'll call you by name and fix it for you before waving goodbye
usually seen sitting under some tree with a first year or other younger students
giving them advice and counseling sessions
and because of this also knows all the latest gossip at Hogwarts
"Did you hear about the first year that got kicked out for trying to set the whomping willow on fire?"
"I heard the professor from muggle studies is dating!"
"There's supposed to be a prank planned for the potions master by some of the older students, don't get caught in the crossfire" 
absolutely adores Ravenclaw's first year, Chan
always following Chan to make sure he eats and babies him a lot
"Chan, who's baby are you?"
babies all of his friends though
"Seokmin, don't read books upside down while walking, you'll get a headache or run into a pillar, again."
"Seungcheol, you should sit straight and not slouch or you'll complain about back pains after quidditch practice."
"Minghao, just cuz you think you're cool, doesn't mean it's cool to not eat lunch."
"Get your butt over here and explain yourself before I hex it out of you."
suffice to say, may use his prefect powers a bit too much
"But professor, he was trying to prank a first year, I just used my powers as a prefect to get a bit of revenge. It was totally called for!!!!"
pranks everyone a lot too
"Why is my hw flying away from me?"
"I may or may not have cast a spell on it." //evil giggling//
"But you're a prefect!"
"Which is why you won't tell the professor or else I'll give you detention!"
even with all the pranking though
everyone knows they can go to Jeonghan for advice
literally the best second mother to everyone ever
always listening to students talk about friend drama
or stress problems
or schoolwork complaints
and never refuses to ignore someone who needs help
which is probably why all the teachers still tolerate him sending himself a howler every year around Christmas just so everyone can hear him singing Christmas songs all across the hall
his voice is freaking angelic anyway so no one complains
he's friends with everyone too
one time you're sitting in the library
with your charms paper in front of you trying not to fall asleep on top of it
and you see Jeonghan walk in with Joshua
and Joshua leaves after a bit
leaving Jeonghan alone
now if you haven't been living under a rock in the forbidden forest
you knew Jeonghan
literally all of Hogwarts knows Jeonghan and his friend group
the 13 boys from all four houses that were the best of friends
and so you were curious why he was alone in the library
you watched as he settled his stuff down on a desk and started writing a paper
you're a fourth year ravenclaw so you don't really have any classes with him
you've just kind of seen him around helping everyone
and you think he's super sweet for trying to help everyone
but now that you're looking at him from across the library
you notice he's really cute too
the way his round wire-framed silver glasses sat neatly and gracefully on the bridge of his nose
the way his hair framed his forehead in a half heart shape
the way he set his chin on his fist to write his paper
you smiled at the sight, he was seriously good-looking
sighing, 'outta my league too' you thought to yourself
you went on to continue writing your paper
a little while later you finished
and get up about to leave
when you notice a frown on his face as he stares up at a bookshelf
you hear him audibly sigh a few times
and scratch his head angrily
so what the heck
you and whatever nonexistent confidence
you walked over and set your things down gently across from him
"Hey Jeonghan, are you ok?"
he looks up at you in surprise
"I'm y/n," you say sheepishly forgetting that he probably doesn't know you even though you always hear about him from everyone else
"No I know, you're f/n's friend, she talked about you once when you guys had that fight."
"She did?"
"Yea, she was crying and asking how to tell you she was sorry and stuff" he said, "she even showed me a picture" he laughed
"Wow, well..." you're speechless
the famous counselor Jeonghan knows you???
"I'm glad you guys made up." He said smiling
"I'm just glad you made her feel better, it was just a misunderstanding."
he gave another small smile before the frown returned to his face and he buried his face in his hands
"Well I just..." you start nervously, "I just wanted to ask if you're ok. Usually you're always helping everyone and it seems like there's something wrong so, just know if you need someone to talk to, I'm here." you say finally nodding slowly
you watch as the tiniest of smiles reappears on Jeonghan's face
"That's really nice of you to offer."
you wait to see if he elaborates
"I've just been a bit tired lately, with studying for the O.W.L.'s and whatnot."
you nod making reassuring eye contact with him
"My scores in transfiguration aren't the best right now, but since I'm kind of the one everyone looks to for help when they're stressed, I try really hard not to let the others know when I'm worried myself." he said puffing his cheeks a bit
you stared at him for a bit
Jeonghan must genuinely care so much for everyone if he went to the point of sitting by himself in the library just to make sure his friends weren't worried
"Well, I'm not sure if I'm any help as a fourth year" you say timidly, "but my best subject is transfiguration, and I have older siblings who show me stuff all the time. Let me see what you're having trouble with."
he looks at you a bit skeptically before turning the textbook he was reading around for you to see
it's a diagram of the vanishing spell, a transfiguration spell that will most likely be on the O.W.L.'s
you smile up at Jeonghan
"Hey I know this one really well! My brother showed me ages ago."
"Really? I'm struggling with it a lot, but I guess it must be easy for a Ravenclaw." he smiled
your breath caught a bit as you felt your heart race a bit at his smile
you thought that Jeonghan's smile was the best thing in the world
and you wanted to make sure he kept smiling since he made everyone around him as happy as he could
the boy was everyone's saving grace from a bad day or bad moods in general
Hogwart's own fallen angel
so you steeled your nerves and gathered up some more courage
"Let's meet tomorrow, I'll definitely help you." you say confidently
"Why would you go through that trouble." he frowned again making your heart ache
"Because you help everyone around here, it's about time we repaid the favor."
so you meet him out on the grounds the next day and you can tell he's pretty nervous
but you're pretty confident and you have like five bottles of butter beer and pumpkin juice lined up next to a few bowls of water you set up on the ground
"Rules are simple, for every vanishing spell you do perfectly, I'll treat you to a free drink!" you call laughing
you notice he lightens up and starts smiling with you
the both of you work the afternoon away
you helping him with wand technique
and when he gets it perfectly for the first time
in a moment of screaming elated excitement
he turns to you with the biggest grin on his face as he hugs you
and promptly realizes what he did
and you both turn pink and start blushing as you pull away
but PROGRESS!!!!
you're so happy he finally did it and he's super thankful too
in the end he has it down
and you both just sit watching the sunset while sipping your bottles of pumpkin juice
"Who needs a vanishing spell when you can just drink the delicious drink, right?" you giggle raising your bottle for a toast
and as Jeonghan returns it with a gentle clink of his bottle to yours
you sigh contentedly proud you could be of some help
the next few weeks you don't see Jeonghan around that much
for obvious reasons of course
you're both a year apart and in different houses
but whenever you do see him in the hallways he gives you a big grin and literally runs up to you to give you a hug
or yell and jump around with you because he did well on his transfiguration exam
and although you don't see him as much as you want to
you're really happy to see him smiling again
an angel's smile
you're walking into charms one day when Wonwoo comes up to you
shaking his head in disbelief as he hands you a letter
"Honestly, making me a delivery owl, I thought I had more respect to my name than this" he joked and laughed giving you a smile
you open it and read it
"Thanks for all your help y/n, to celebrate I'm buying you butter beer at Hogsmeade, oh and I told Wonwoo not to leave you alone until you said yes."
you look up at Wonwoo, a huge smile on your face
"Sorry you got put up to this" you laugh
"He doesn't stop glowing about you now, never seen hyung so happy about anyone," Wonwoo shakes his head while laughing, "So to save me some time, just say yes?"
"Of course, haha thank you Mr. owl."
"I don't get paid in owl treats for this you know."
and when the weekend rolls by you're super excited
and you put on your best outfit
even though you think you're crazy
not like it was a date or anything, just a fifth year thanking you for helping him out in a class
but you couldn't help the smile that crept up your face as you walked into Hogsmeade
to see Jeonghan there with a small bouquet of flowers
and freaking Joshua and Seungcheol laughing their asses off at Jeonghan before he turned around to threaten to smack them with the flowers
"Here." he said smiling nervously before giving them to you
"Aww they're so pretty thank you." you laugh taking them into your arms
"I just can't thank you enough, y/n." he stands a bit awkwardly before Seungcheol comes up behind the two of you
"Not to be blunt and all... but I'm going to go practice quidditch. And leave the two of you alone. Yea." Seungcheol laughs and you can literally see Jeonghan shooting lasers at Seungcheol with his eyes
oh but the best part
freaking Hong Jisoo
walks up to the two of you
with this sly af smile on his face
"Hey y/n, I'm going to take off too. You see, Jeonghan shoved me into a broom closet once because I had a crush on this person, and it must have worked because we're dating now, but I still haven't completely forgiven Jeonghan, and so I thought now would be a great time...."
"Shua I swear if you-"
"Take this as a metaphorical broom closet and I apologize profusely."
Joshua gives you a sheepish smile before Seungcheol gives you a gentle push, causing you to trip before Jeonghan catches you in his arms
and legit Seungcheol and Joshua running away laughing
the both of you still blushing as he's still holding you in his arms
"So I'm just going to be honest and admit I wanted to ask you out on a date properly, but it seems my friends may have ruined the surprise." Jeonghan chuckled
you stare at him in shock
"Wait you like me?"
"I said yes already y/n keep up." he laughed and tousled your hair lightly
"It's ok if you don't like me back, it's just you made me feel like I could take time for myself and be worried and not have to hide anything. It's was really nice."
"No I like you, too, like a lot." you laughed
"That's actually perfect I was just pretending you not liking me back was ok, but I literally was freaking out on the inside so much thank you."
and you both collapse into a fit of giggles in the middle of Hogsmeade blushing but happy
"So you'll be my girlfriend?"
"Of course."
and literally anyone seeing the two of you together would literally die from the cuteness how could they not
all the students  calling you and Jeonghan their parents
"Look it's my mom and dad, aren't they such goals ;,,,,)"
as you guys walk around the school grounds hand in hand, giggling together
he'd randomly stop walking just to hold you in his arms a bit
"Shut it Seungkwan!"
and everyone going to you and Jeonghan for relationship advice now too
"We don't ever fight you can trust our advice."
"What the heck, Jeonghan you're always arguing with me."
"Ok got me there."
like the two of you going around calling yourselves cupids and matchmakers
"Look at us, aren't we the cutest couple you've ever seen?"
and legit being the silliest couple ever around valentines day
bewitching miniature statues of cupid to go around pelting people with chocolates and paper arrows
and giving each other high fives as the cupids start attacking Seungcheol
"Nah I think they've got the right idea."
definitely the fallen angel couple with your pranks on one side and lovey dovey advice on the other
"Honest;y we're a blessing to this school."
"Which is why we're stuck cleaning up all these paper arrows the cupids shot everyone?"
"Hey detention is more fun with two people!"
"What angel gets detention?"
"Your boyfriend does, now shh and get the broom."
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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fywoozi · 7 years
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© Pink Melody || Do not crop or edit! 
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seventeen17kpop · 7 years
Seventeen in 3 words
S.Coups: 100% daddy material
Jeonghan: living shampoo ad
Joshua: god bless y’all
Jun: y’all need jesus
Hoshi: hyperactive lil’ kid
Woozi: grumpy lil’ kid
Wonwoo: gotta hate life
DK: gotta love life
Mingyu: tissues are overrated
The8: dog dog dog
Seungkwan: call me queen
Vernon: I’m only seventeen
Dino: korean Michael Jackson
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praksisuganda · 5 years
African time og infeksjon i øyet
African time// Et begrep som beskriver det unike tidsperspektivet Afrikanske land har.  Det kan bety at du kommer om en time, tre timer eller i morgen. Du kan gjerne også bare gjøre en ting per dag. Hvile er et must, og hvis det regner er dagen avlyst. Man kan ikke komme inn til kontoret hvis det regner.
 Dette har vært en av de største utfordringene mine så langt. Å komme inn i det Ugandiske tempoet. Som en norsk student har man lyst til å begynne med en gang og være kjempe effektiv, men det er rett og slett ikke gjennomførbart her. Det å senke skuldrene er en kunst jeg begynner å bli vant til, og det er da man klarer å gjøre noe. Å pushe sine egne arbeidsvaner og tempo på en kultur om ikke jobber på den måten vil bare føre til mer problemer. Dette er en viktig til å lære og jeg er glad for at jeg får muligheten til å kjenne litt på kroppen hvordan det er å være den som må tilpasse seg. I Norge er vi alle så like, og har samme tempo. Det er  helt annerledes enn her.
Så nå etter 2 uker kan jeg endelig si at jeg har begynt å jobbe ordentlig. Vi tar det dag for dag, og det fører endelig til noe.
Sånn har de siste dagene sett ut:
Jeg står opp  og drar på hovedkontoret. I tillegg til å jobbe med barnehagen, ble jeg spurt om å jobb se på menyen til de voksne. De har nærmest identisk meny til barna, eneste forskjellen er at de serverer bare et måltid om dagen sammenlignet med barnehagen som serverer tre. Vi er fortsatt tidlig i fasen, og nå går tiden til å snakke om mat. Hva kokken Rose synes er sundt, hva som er gjennomførbart for henne å lage, hva budsjettet tillater. Etter det drar jeg til barnehagen. Skolebarna er fortsatt på ferie ( i Uganda har de juleferie til første uka i februar), men det er fortsatt en del barn der i barnehage. For en uke siden fikk jeg en kopi av menyen, og jeg har jobbet med å prøve å forbedre den så mye som mulig uten at den blir for vanskelig eller rar for barna. Det ble jeg akkurat ferdig med, og skal i morgen (forhåpentligvis- man vet aldri med african time) gi den til bestyreren Pheobe. Sammen skal vi se på det jeg har foreslått å endre, hun skal gi tilbakemeldinger. Her nede er alt veldig offisielt og ordentlig, så vi må ha ordentlig møte for å snakke om dette.
Etter har jeg pleid å sette meg på en kafe og jobbe med kurs. Jeg skal holde kurs for ansatte, mødre til barna i barnehage/skole, lærerne og barna.  
 Jeg er vanligvis hjemme rundt 17-18 tiden på kvelden.
 Ja også har jeg klart å få infeksjon på begge øynene – de er bare hovne på grunn av varmen, men jeg har fått beskjed å holde meg unna direkte sollys. Dette er litt vanskelig ettersom jeg bor i Afrika, men jeg har kjøpt meg noen enorme solbriller som får meg til å se ut som en solbrent Elton John .
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Ugandas svar på Oslo S. 
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På vei fra kontor til barnehage 
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Etter å ha snakket om mat hele dagen, må den jo spises. Dette er en standard lunsj for de voksne. Irske poteter, bønner, posho (som rispolenta) og friterte grønnsaker. 
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Et annen måltid. Rice and beans. Veldig vanlig og spises nesten daglig. Som dere ser er de ikke sjenerte med mengden mat de får.  
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fortjenerupendo · 4 years
Uttrykk - “il y a __ ans...”
for ___ år siden
Jeg er alltid forvirret mellom hvordan man sier “four years ago,” “for four years,” og “in four years” på norsk. Så begynner jeg å øve disse uttrykkene med bare én av dem.
For 2.5 år siden begynte jeg å studere norsk mens jeg kunne ikke jobbe, fordi jeg ble skadet. Nå fortsette jeg å studere norsk mens jeg kan ikke jobbe nok på grunn av pandemien. Etter 2 måneder hadde jeg gjort alle leksjonene i det minst én gang, og så fått jeg troféen. Jeg måtte få troféen tre ganger fordi de legget mer leksjoner til kurset. Jeg oppnådde nivå 25, det maximale, for 2 uker siden. Nå må jeg få alle leksjonene gyldne.
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For 17 år siden begynte jeg å studere språk. Teknisk var det for 19 år siden, når jeg prøvde å lære kinesisk, men jeg lærte knapt ingenting inntil to år senere. Jeg begynte å lære fransk for 17 år siden. Etter 3 eller 4 år kunne jeg fransk halvflytende (”semi-fluenty” som jeg sier på engelsk).
For 15 år siden begynte jeg å studere rumensk. Jeg studerte det i én år.
For 13 år siden flyttet jeg til byen på østkysten hvor jeg bor fremdeles. Der studerte jeg litt lingvistikk, men så stoppet jeg etter étt år for å studere andre temaer.
For 4.5 år siden studerte jeg italiensk. Jeg gjorde alle leksjoner i det minst én gang innen 4 måneder. Det var det raskeste jeg hadde gjort det, men nå har jeg gjort det raskere med norsk.
Pandemien begynte for 8-10 måneder siden. Her var det for nesten 8.5 måneder siden at livet endret. Jeg jobbet ikke i mer enn 3 måneder. For rundt 5 måneder siden, i juli, begynte jeg å arbeide igjen. Men det er fortsatt farlig å gjøre hva jeg gjør under pandemien. :|
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Du kan se nivået ditt på duome.eu. Duolingo pleide å fortelle deg nivået ditt under profilen, men nå må du gå til forumene eller duome.eu for å se det.
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Modric, som ble kritisert av Real Madrid, gjorde det kroatiske landslaget godt, og i VM-kvalifiseringen mot Hellas, scoret han en straff for å hjelpe sin ledelse 1: 0 ledelse, og han tvang også motspillerne til å spise to gule kort, og i spillet viste han noen flotte detaljer, til slutt vant Modric fansens skål. Merchandise forfremmelse tid, nå ordrer for å kjøpe Billige Fotballdrakter til Barn, har muligheten til å få en rekke små gaver. I rapporten registrerte World Sports Journal at Modric spilte et veldig godt spill hos det kroatiske landslaget, og han fungerte også som landslagssjef. Modric følte seg veldig bra og spilte en viktig rolle i Zagreb-kampen mot Hellas World Cup-kvalifiserende. Men før det var han grå i Real Madrid, i sterk kontrast til sin prestasjon i landslaget. Fotballjersey butikk for å selge Real Madrid drakt barn 17/18, det nye startbilde direkte markedsføringssenteret. Modric pleide å spille en avgjørende rolle i Real Madrid, en sentral spiller på midtbanen og et godt rykte for media fans, men etter sesongens begynnelse klarte han ikke å finne følelsen, og han ble kritisert mange ganger. I noen konkurranser ble han også plassert på benken, som det siste spanske spillet mot Las Palmas. Resultatet var at hans rolle i 4: 1-vinneren over Hellas også hjalp ham med å få igjen tillit. Mot Hell begynte Modric å ta på seg straffen, han lurte målvakten for å score mål. I Yao-stillingen er Modric-ytelsen veldig god, la den greske baklinjen føle seg vakt. De greske spillerne kunne ikke forsvare Modric, og to av de andre spillerne spiste det gule kortet til defensiv Modric. I spillet viste Mo Wooldridge også noen detaljer for å vinne fansen, hans vakre hæler passerte gjennom motstanden, inkludert en-ballen til Perisich, som vant ham. Den 89. minutt Modric ble erstattet, og vunnet applausen til hele publikum. Hvis du vil vite mer om Fotballdrakt Barn med navn, vennligst besøk nettstedet, der det er en mer detaljert beskrivelse.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Woozi
Anon requested: “I love the hogwarts au!! Please continue with other members, maybe Jun or Woozi?????” and "Hello! I was wondering if I could request a woozi hogwarts au like wonwoos, I absolutely love the seventeen hogwarts au's I find them so cute and I need more 💘💘💘💘"
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2312
he’s kind of a mystery to everyone who doesn’t really know him
he’s just known as a fourth year slytherin who comes from a pure blood family
never brags about it though and no one would even have known
he never treats anyone like he's superior
he's just mysterious
friends with Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Jun and their friend group
all 13 of them are pretty well known as one of the biggest friend groups at Hogwarts
even though they're all from different houses
they always hang out and sit with each other for meals
and they're split into groups by age for classes
but they're all like one big family and no one in Hogwarts can deny how close they all are to each other
and although they're all pretty different, they all somehow fit together perfectly as if fate deemed them destined to be best friends with each other
Jihoon doesn’t really talk all that much in his classes
but from his exam scores he’s basically acing everything
most people call him Jihoon, his friends call him Woozi or Jihoon
but again, no one really knows what kind of person he is besides his own friends
since he's pretty quiet and doesn't ever start conversations with anyone unless he's forced to
though don’t ever call him cute
for some reason whenever someone calls him cute
like this fourth year ravenclaw in potions
they end up getting hexed
that ravenclaw had his shoes turned into spiders
and Jihoon just walks past listening to him shouting and tries hiding a smile
“Again?” Soonyoung asks Jihoon as they walk to their next class
“It was just a small hex, no harm done.”
“You’re too mean, Jihoon.” Soonyoung says laughing
Jihoon simply replies with an evil giggle
“I know.”
never gets caught for it either because he's mastered casting hexes without saying incantations aloud
the one always hexing his friends too since they tease him and call him cute too
cast the full body bind hex on Mingyu once just because he told Jihoon
“but hyung, you’re shorter than me”
his favorite subjects have to be potions and charms
again always using hexes here and there to annoy his friends
or slipping them a potion that makes their voice sound high-pitched for the rest of the day
and although he’s quiet, he really loves his friends
and everyone is always surprised to know he plays as the other slytherin beater on the quidditch team
because he doesn’t seem like the type
but everyone cowers when Jihoon has his beater’s bat
the guy may be short, but his swing is no joke
and the bludgers he hits don’t generally miss
him and Minghao are a deadly duo as the slytherin beaters
and you're the fourth year slytherin seeker
so you know most of his friend group pretty well since the two of you are close friends
you both met on the Hogwarts express during first year
he had asked to sit in your compartment
and although you both didn't say much at first
he saw a pin on your trunk
the one with a broomstick
"Do you play quidditch?"
"Yea, I'm going to try out for the team at school." you say smiling shyly
"Me too."
and you both took off from there
realizing you both got sorted into the same house
giving him a high five as you both sat next to each other
and had all your classes together
and when you went to try-outs
the both of you practiced together in the rain really hard for hours each day after the homework
and you both made it in
which forced the two of you to get to know each other a lot more
you watched as he grew up in Hogwarts and earned himself a sort of mysterious guy image
especially when some of the girls in Slytherin were always coming up to him while the two of you did hw in the common room
younger girls who would giggle and push each other forward to congratulate Jihoon on the victory of the latest quidditch game
and you weren't sure why but you would always get annoyed at them
but Jihoon never really acknowledged them
"Thanks but our seeker, y/n, did most of the work" without even looking up from his paper
which made you smile and blush
while the other girls gave you dirty looks
"Don't all the fangirls get annoying?" you say rolling your eyes
"What fangirls?" he'd say, "Just finish your paper so we can go practice"
and you weren't sure why
but every time Jihoon brushed off the fangirls like the savage he was
you would always be pretty smug and satisfied
you and Jihoon would always hang out at Hogsmeade together with the others
though you didn't really have many friends outside of Jihoon and his group
you were close friends with the other fourth years; Wonwoo, Jun, and Soonyoung
and Jihoon would always make time for you even if you told him it was ok to just hang out with his friends
"You're their friend too, come on, won't be the same without you."
which is kind of how you became part of that huge friend group
you and Jihoon would always work on hw together
and anytime you needed help, he was there in a heartbeat to explain confusing concepts in a way that made sense
or just occasionally letting you copy
though if Soonyoung came around, he'd refuse
"Why does y/n get to copy but I don't?" Soonyoung would whine
"Because y/n and I have practice and she's smarter than you" Jihoon would say looking at you to hurry up
you both walk around the grounds a lot too
discussing strategies and talking about the opposing team's game plan and how best to beat them
"You're probably not going to catch the snitch if Jun's actually playing that day." Jihoon says
"Junhui, my worst enemy," you joke, "yea I never win against him."
"That's ok, just stall him long enough for us to get a more than 150 points lead." he'd say
"That I can do."
he's someone you can always rely on to talk about stress since you both take the same classes and have quidditch practice
and he talks to you about his fears and worries because he trusts you so much
at some point, just to save time
you both share food and water like you've been friends your whole life
he's always looking out for you
once you got hit by a bludger and ended up in the infirmary
and he stayed there all night catching you up on the win and helping you with the hw
and being the best friend you could ever ask for
staying up and helping you with anything you needed
"I can get water by myself just fine Lee Jihoon" you smirked
"Nope, I can get it hang on."
and you weren't sure when
but your feelings for Jihoon kind of outgrew just being friends
the classic falling for your best friend cliché
and that complicated shi
it hit you once when you were about to hex a girl who gave Jihoon chocolates
like you felt jealous
which is weird and gross and what the heck was wrong with you
in all your time knowing Jihoon, he never once showed any interest in dating girls or having other feelings for you besides friendly ones
and so your one-sided feelings sort of consumed you
but little did you know that the rest of Jihoon's friend group can read him a bit better
especially after another slytherin fourth year tried hard core flirting with you in herbology
but you weren't paying his advances any attention
and later Jihoon hexed the poor boy until he was hanging upside down from a tree
"You obviously like y/n, why don't you just ask her out?" Jun says smirking
"Just because you have a girlfriend, have you decided you're our official cupid now?" Jihoon says blushing
"Soonyoung, I'll turn your food into spiders, I will."
"Just tell her already!"
"No! We're friends, you know how that goes." Jihoon sighed
but that didn't stop the rest of Svt from always trying to put you and Jihoon together
and Jihoon always blushes like crazy because of them trying
but you're low key ignorant of it
"Hey y/n, Jihoon was complimenting you on your flying the other day." Jun says sliding next to you
"Hahaha Jun, you can't distract me, I'll finally beat you this match. And Jihoon never compliments me, he's the one giving constructive criticism, and I like that better anyway." you smile leaving the table
and you don't hear Jun screaming
"Jihoon you don't ever compliment her?!?!? JUST BE SINGLE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE THEN!"
which results in Jihoon complimenting you that night when writing your charms paper
you nearly choking on your water
"Jihoon, are you sick?" you laugh
"I can't compliment you?" he said blushing furiously
causing you to blush too
"No thank you, it's just you never do so..."
"I SWEAR THEY'RE BOTH SO HELPLESS" you and Jihoon look up at Jeonghan who yelled that
Jeonghan just waves meekly and runs away like shi they heard me
followed by awkward silence
before Jihoon stands up and tells you night before going to bed
leaving you sighing
you knew that whole bs with ruining friendships because of feelings
and you didn't want that to happen
and it seemed like Jihoon was catching on and avoiding you for that
when in reality it was quite the opposite
Jihoon liked you too, but didn't know how to express it
and he was scared for your guys' friendship too
and all the others just watching the two of you like we have to do something before we die of old age and these two lovesick fools still haven't confessed
also low key trying to get Jihoon back for all the hexes and potions pranks he's pulled on them
but also they don't like seeing the two of you obviously not happy because of the whole situation
and so they use Seungkwan as a sacrifice
"Woozi-hyung, you're so cuuuuutttee." Seungkwan running away for dear life afterwards
and Jihoon just fake smiling like Seungkwan I'm going to get you later
and he makes a potion that turns the person's hair color a shade of minty neon yellow green and then to pink lemonade
and he slips it in Seungkwan's goblet during lunch waiting for Seungkwan
but surprise surprise
you get pulled over by Seungkwan who hands you the goblet
and Jihoon is terrified
and grabs the goblet from you and drinks it before you can
with all of Svt laughing their heads off
as his hair changes color
and you're standing there confused af
causing Jihoon to turn as pink as his turning pink hair
"Just admit you like each other already, legit the whole castle knows except for you two!"
everyone smacks Soonyoung for yelling that
as you turn as pink as Jihoon's hair too
and Svt kind of leaves the two of you
"I mean..." you start, "I've known you for a while Jihoon and I didn't want to mess up anything, so I get it if you want to pretend my feelings for you were never like that and just stay friends." you finally say sighing
ready for a cold rejection like the ones you've seen before from him to other girls
"But I want to date you, I like you a lot, y/n" he says looking away
and like that first day on the train
instead of awkward silence
the two of you clicked and everything worked itself out
Jihoon taking your hand in his and smiling into your face incredulously
thinking he must have gotten hella lucky
and that you're incredible and amazing for liking him too
that's why they say falling for your best friend is the best thing ever if it works out
because you both realized you liked each other
and you were both already so comfortable with each other
you'd both be holding hands and whispering sweet nothings during quidditch practice before the captain yells at the two of you to practice
at the same time not a lot changed
you both still did just about everything together from hw in the common room to practicing on the quidditch field
but now all the fangirls backed off from Jihoon, knowing very well they stood no chance against his best friend
which you were happy with
always ready to hex some witches though if they ever came close to even batting an eyelash at Jihoon
same with any guys around you
they were always careful so as to avoid Jihoon's wrath
you both become known as the most famous couple in Hogwarts
with all your PDA in the hallways like hand holding, hugs, and him carrying your stuff sometimes or you carrying books for him
you both always sat together for meals with one hand on your fork and another holding his hand under the table
and with Svt making gagging gestures every time the two of you were doing something cute
the both of you always together in the library for papers with one of you usually sleeping on top of the other
and the celebratory hugs where he'd pick you up and twirl you around if you won the quidditch match
and all the "aw's" everyone gave the two of you
because wow what a cute couple
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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kpopvineedits · 9 years
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seventeen17kpop · 7 years
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Jihoon is like a angel with no wings 😂😂
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crying-over-koreans · 9 years
It’s a Monday and I come back home, check the seventeen tag and I hear that some people are asking the twice fandom to let seventeen win????? I don’t want to see this shit, it’s mONDAY. And of course they’re not gonna let us win, let’s be real it’s gonna make them stream twice as much *pun not intended* It’s like running a race. If you’re coming second you don’t scream at the person who’s first to slow down and let you win like ???????? You try harder. You run faster. And if you don’t win big deal, you can enter another race. And if the twice fandom did let seventeen win, the win wouldn’t feel as good. TBH I would feel really shitty because it wasn’t an actual win; they forfeited. I want seventeen’s first win to be just us, I don’t want an advantage. I want a fair and square win for my sons.
Congrats to twice for winning the prevoting. Gg
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Seventeen’s Vocal Unit’s songs always kinda make me sad. There’s so much feeling in their songs. v.v
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lovinghansol · 9 years
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Creds to 17_HAKRON ♥151108♥ || Editing allowed! Do not crop logo!
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kpopvineedits · 9 years
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zetomin · 9 years
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fixed it :)
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