#pll 1x15
forbescaroline · 1 year
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favorite platonic relationships: spencer hastings, hanna marin, emily fields and aria montgomery “They can take everything from us, but they can’t take us from each other. I don’t care how far apart from you guys I am, I will still be with you. I love you guys.”
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jaggedwolf · 4 months
pll rewatch 1x15-1x16
my poor little meow meow is here...Paige has arrived and is causing problems (and accidentally giving the liars a clue). these couple of episodes also have a Spencer-Emily and Hanna-Aria split to them.
oh Paige...we're just gonna talk about all of her and Emily's stuff first because jaggedwolf is biased like this
even in my peak PLL fandom I didn't rewatch their S1 scenes often, so it is an interesting experience to view them again after all these years
blah blah drowning scene happened blah blah, I shall spare you the obvious statement that it was (bad and violent) intimidation and not a murder attempt
most interesting to me is that in their very first scene together, at the poolside, Paige doesn't come across as antagonistic - instead, she's almost pleased that Emily's back for the full season.
and then gives us that very painful captain-related speech (is she currently captain? are they in the process of deciding captaining?) before being super aggro to Emily
I adore Emily's response here, telling Paige to suck it up and work harder if she cares so much. No one other than the two of them witnesses it, so no one gives Emily the credit she deserves for this - she wasn't lying when she told Spencer she handled it, and it is very possible Paige would've backed down at this point
ofc spencer spencers it up, so that is not to be
also intriguing is that Paige assumes a level of plotting to Emily's choices - that Emily is gunning for captain, that Emily snitched to Coach Fulton and then didn't weirdly didn't say anything to Coach when it was the three of them
it's the first time we've seen someone assume that of Emily, and we've had 14 episodes showing us that Emily is the most direct of the Liars, so it's a jarring assumption
one that works well with some later stuff though, so I like it
Coach Fulton ILU but deciding the relay anchor the morning of your swim meet via a swim-off between your best two swimmers is an insane choice, don't you want them rested?? for the sake of my sanity and my meager investigations into high school sports seasons, I'm going to assume this meet is an early season friendly that is meaningless
also for the sake of Paige's swimming career ig bc she misses the meet, due to wiping out in the rain, due to riding off sadly in the rain away from Emily's house
even Paige's apology in the rain is ??? inducing for Poor Emily, haha, but I enjoy how pathetic she looks here. I'll note that this apology scenes comes not right after the drowning but after the swim-off decision, though there are likely doylist reasons for that
something I like about Emily's S1 stuff with Toby and Paige is that you get the sense of both of them have existed in Emily's periphery for a while now - Toby is her neighbour, Paige is on the swim team
and so Paige knows where she lives, they have each other's phone numbers, etc
forgot that Paige straight up says "how easy it would be if I just wiped out", hm.
the sudden music for the final swimming scene kills me, I had zero memory of that
Spencer's choice of DVD rental movie star is jake gyllenhaal, it is 2010, I wonder what her favored jake gyllenhaal movie is. also if Hanna followed the subsequent tswift drama.
anw, Spencer's instinctive caretaking re: the liars is sweet and sad to me.
sweet because it really does seem to happen without conscious thought, like asking if anyone wants coffee, making Emily eat pizza, uttering "I'll destroy her" about Paige, and of course, telling the coach behind Emily's back.
sad because you can see the threads of how her parents show her affection - i've taken care of this for you, it's all settled, let's go, you're going to win
anyway we get our first real Spencer-Emily fight this episode and I love it, it's so charged. Emily does not expect to be hurt this way nor does Spencer expect to hurt her
I just love that Spencer had paid attention to the Alison-Emily dynamic to realize that, despite how cold flashback!Spencer is towards the others
and Emily hates being coddled, or protected, or assumed a pushover
Spencer and Toby's nervous little french lessons! Emily is hesitant about Spencer's outreach here, but I'm curious about her own lack of reaching out to Toby - does she feel like she doesn't get to, after she didn't believe him?
really like their scene where Emily is simultaneously cheating off Spencer for homework and Spencer is wondering aloud about Toby while Emily teases her.
Spencer mentions Paige was on her field hockey team and we should all take a moment to contemplate how cursed that freshman year hockey team must've been. Ian as coach is creeping on Spencer, Paige is committing fouls so violent that they get named for her, very sorry for all the other girls on the squad. Imagining Bridget Wu as a bench-warmer taking swigs from her flask.
Hastings household apparently has a housekeeper huh
Spencer's intense argument with Ali in that flashback...excellent...I'd entirely forgotten about it, and I wonder if Ali lived if Spencer would've followed through on ditching her.
AITAH I (15F) unionized my friends (15F, 15F, 15F) against our mean friend-leader (15F) who had secrets on all of us
Every time Spencer speaks to Ian alone I am so creeped out, which means the show is doing a good job, but eughhh. Also eughhh: Melissa waving off that her husband macked on her then-15 year old sister and jumping right to the pregnancy news.
Spencer pissed off Emily so bad that she had to be alone when she visited bead lady and got told "Spencer Hastings" bought the bracelets
though we all should be grateful Spencer took 2 seconds when seeing Paige's gifts to the swim team and that she went "Paige bought these from the same place our bracelets came from" and not "Paige is A!!!!"
the only good thing about the Ezra plot these episodes is that it makes Hanna emo and it makes Spencer tell Aria "you were ready to give me tongue yesterday"
Ashley Marin makes objectively terrible decisions and the show still makes me always on her side. That is the power of Ashley Marin.
can't believe it's Caleb's fault that Ella doesn't find out about Ezra boinking her daughter. In a vacuum, I love it, this kid who doesn't have anywhere to sleep and who needs cash fast decides to kill a teacher's car just because Hanna seems really upset about the teacher getting somewhere.
but looking ahead at how many seasons of Ezra/Aria we have to slog through...you could've shown your affection some other way Caleb
list of places Caleb's bounced around: Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver, Chicago and then finally little old Rosewood
Spencer has some great outfits these episodes.
In one of these episodes Emily is wearing one of those T-shirts where the back just doesn't exist and I got distracted pondering how it stays on.
feels unfair for Aria to jump to jealousy when Hanna tries to get her to not go to the museum with Ezra, but so it goes, and poor Hanna when she tries to explain herself at the end and doesn't get to
the rosewood shark plushies are very cute and I can't believe this is the first time I've even noticed they existed, I suspect that means they never show up again.
at some point while talking Spencer just sticks her finger in the shark plushie's mouth lmao
I've forgotten so many of these A tags...French lessons on tape while weapons from clue are laid out? Having tea with bead lady? Sure, why not
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winnie-the-monster · 9 months
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rewatching-pll-2021 · 3 years
"I always thought my first sunrise would have tequila in it." Such an iconic line
Wow, how did they get rid of the caption?
First time actually seeing Emily swim
I wouldn't blame Hanna for sabotaging Aria&Ezra. It's just the right thing to do.
Hanna saying Ezra&Aria are a bad idea
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OMG Justin Bieber stanning. Why is this so cringe
I think there is a joke in the kill switch conversation but I can't find it
The audacity of Mr. Montgomery calling out Ella for walking out on him. I can't. You should've respected her request and moved out after you cheated on HER! I am way too passioned about this.
Paige is a psychopath
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aurorarebeka · 7 years
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themarinaalexis · 3 years
Uploaded a new Aria/Hanna collab today!
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Ezria kissing in public (。♥‿♥。)
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team-girls-rosewood · 7 years
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spencer hastings per episodes » 1x15 “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again”
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2006aquamarine · 4 years
imma review tvd 1x15 cuz why not
“nothing matters. not anymore” damon then go die
“i’m gonna go exploit some women in the name of grief” didn’t he do the same thing when he thought elena died in like season 7? and y’all still call this “character growth”? ok!
shit these people make me think that maybe I can be a damn actress. 
nina learn how to act miss ma’am
she’s lucky she’s pretty
i really did like elena in the first two seasons. even though she did help enable damon’s actions
speaking of damon: why should she give a damn about damon and his feelings? i mean i get that she’s supposed to be compassionate and warm but at this point her compassion should drive her crazy. she should be like “WHY am i feeling sorry for someone who pretty much MURDERED one of my childhood friends’ sister?”
matt’s mother. why have child services not stepped in. 
“tell me everything i have missed” YOUR DAUGHTER IS MISSING.
“he murdered my wife WHEN HAS HE BEEN STABLE”
the only thing i dislike about stefan’s character is his love for his brother. your brother is a piece of shit. of COURSE alaric’s gonna hate him. idc how much I like seeing you intimidate people, stefan.
isobel literally just wanted to turn into a vampire alaric. the signs were there. she ain’t give a damn about you.
now people had been drained of blood...and NO ONE suspected it was vampires? not even some “underground” club of weirdos who are obsessed with vampires like in Buffy? GIVE US SOMETHING, WRITERS.
trudie you are so not good at being evasive. 
i feel bad for elena. she just wanted to know about her birth mom. and she keeps getting terrorized by random people.
damon when are you gonna be anything other than be a fuck up. 
“sober’s depressing.’ why though, damon. i don’t see any internal struggle. i don’t see WHY you would have any mental problems UNLESS it’s about a woman. FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO. GET A HOBBY THAT DOESN’T INCLUDE TERRORIZING WOMEN.
i like damon more when he’s interacting with other adults. now when he’s in a room with teenaged girls...
sheriff forbes...you ain’t got shit else to do? do you know that this man is preying on teenaged girls? why have you not arrested him yet...(i mean i know why but still)
tvd was almost good and suspenseful.
wasn’t this dude in pll. “lance”?
elena why...are you helping...this man...with his shirt...and why...are you telling...damon...that you found...your birth mother...what indication has he given you that made you think that he’d give a damn. was it when he force fed you vampire blood? when he tried to kill your best friend? when he ABUSED one of your best friends for WEEKS? when he KILLED your childhood friend’s sister? and you don’t care? HELLO? TVD WRITERS?
literally imagine being a Black person in mystic falls...
matt’s mother...C H I L D S E R V I C E S.
damon looked old as hell. what did they put on his SKIN.
girl the GHETTO.
this is what y’all do in small towns? i hope not.
elena waving at stefan...his lil smile and peace sign at her...
how has no one killed damon yet. literally how has no one killed him yet in his 145 years of being a vampire.
you are stupid, elena. but it’s because of the writers.
damon won’t change like...145 years and he still on his same old bullshit? stefan.
kelly you are a G R O W N W O M A N. WHY are you talking shit about A TEENAGED GIRL to her FACE.
nina...somebody give this girl acting classes chile...THIS MAN KILLED YOUR MOM. HE DIDN’T CHEAT ON YOUR BEST FRIEND.
isobel is a vampire YES. isobel compelled this man, YES. isobel has no regard for human life, YES. isobel is a piece of shit, YES. just like the man that turned her.
caroline you’re adorable.
alaric stop acting weird with jenna over your bitch ass wife.
isobel why did you get married to him if you didn’t want a life with him. why waste this man’s time.
kelly is such a shitty parent. “please don’t leave me you’re all i have left.” why are you putting so much responsibility on your KID. GROW UP!
people think damon is such a badass but all he does he beat up people that are weaker than him. what’s so badass about that.
“i slept with her because i liked her.” so she cheated, too. great. lovely wife.
now i don’t understand how alaric was able to be friends with damon after...damon slept with his wife, killed/turned his wife into a vampire, GLOATED about sleeping with his wife, killing his wife, and turning his wife into a vampire, THEN KILLED him. I don’t know what it is with TVD and it’s hard on for whiny male characters like damon and klaus but...
stefan you should have killed your brother a long time ago. but i know you would have felt guilty about it so.
isobel gave you the ring to keep you safe, yes. but what does it matter if she was a horrible wife.
paul looked so good...
girl tvd might as well have been made a decade ago (it was but the flip phone shocked the hell out of me).
well that was it.
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thegiftedoneishere · 5 years
Hafael/Hopel and Rope Rant
As previously stated I’m a huge fan of the entire TVD world. This weekend was rare, I had nothing to do, so I rewatched the first season of Legacies. While watching, I quickly realized the glaring differences between season 1 and what season 2 is currently.
I really believe Julie P. caught lightening in a bottle for the third time with the first season. Some really awesome things transpired that are missing in the second season imo. But I’ll get into that later…
What really struck me as I watched, and I noticed it the first time around as well, but it’s the fact that Hope and Rafael have chemistry…like really good chemistry.
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And it was there from the first. Their first real interactions with one another it was felt and seen.
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Some actors just have really good chemistry with one another and it’s effortless whatever they are trying to portray. I believe this is the case with Danielle and Peyton.
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One thing that has always bugged me about Hafael (Hopel and Rope) ship is that it’s played up to be one sided. It’s definitely not and I’m hoping Julie P. is playing it this way on purpose but from what I’ve seen of season 2, she’s about to drop the entire ball on this ship and it’s complete and utter bullshit.
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Not sure if it’s direction or the acting choices of Danielle specifically but it’s a reason they say that the eyes are the mirror to the soul. Since the start Hope has looked very deeply at Rafael and at its basic level, it’s clear attraction. 
As Raf and Hope have gotten closer, it’s clear that Hope cares very deeply for Rafael and considers him to be a friend, but her eyes and actions say it’s a lot deeper than that. I believe Hope loves Raf but hasn’t admitted that to herself and thus she continues to dismiss his truth about falling for her, but the eyes tell something completely different.
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This was definitely seen in one of their many private conversations in episode 1x15.  When the convo, got super serious, it’s all about the eye contact from both of these actors/characters. It was well done, even down to the timbre of their voices. Truly believable. 
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Again, I dunno if this acting choices by Danielle and by extension Peyton or it’s been up to direction but the chemistry between those two characters have been the most authentic throughout the entire series. A close second would be between Josie and Penelope.
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Second season, ships have been thrust down the viewers throat and somehow a fan base is supposed to come from that. Julie literally has taken Hope has chemistry with everyone over board. While that is true, some chemistry just sticks out more than others.
My fear is that Julie P. is going to do what she’s always done and not write what is obviously there, for whatever fear of a fan revolt or whatever is the case. Which again...
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 She did this with Caroline and Klaus…the fact that this wasn’t fully fleshed out and explored was true bullshit.
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 And yes, she did this with Bonnie and Damon after Nina left. Yes, I said it and it’s true. (Evidence that the chemistry was seen as more than friendship is the mountain of fans shaking their heads ‘nah’ anytime this is mentioned. This happened to me personally during my unexpected trip to Mystic Falls. The chemistry between those two was definitely there and should’ve been explored.)
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 The only reason I believe she (Julie) won’t go there is because she’s hell bent on Hope and Landon being the “it”couple. She’s going to try and rectify with Legacies, what she couldn’t do with The Vampire Diaries. It’s agreed that Landon is supposed to be the new Stefan…okay. Whatever floats your boat.
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 Speaking of Landon, I saw this and I couldn’t agree more.
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I mean is the show about Hope or nah...
 Things that’s missing from season 2 that was a part of season 1.
- Hope sparring.
-  A deeper dive into already established characters. How did MG and Kaleb become vamps? Why does it seem like Alaric spends more time preoccupied with Hope than his own children? The other supernatural schools out there? Landon’s a phoenix…cool, but what the fuck does he actually do?
- How does a phoenix fit into the already established world of witches, vamps, and werewolves?
- Hope is werewolf royalty…can we get some background into that as well?    
- I guess they are dealing with Rafael’s history but Peyton has been missing from the show for weeks…so again
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 - Is a pretend phone call from Marcel, Kol, Davina, Keelin, Freya or Aunty Bex too much to ask for?
 Sorry for this long ass post but this season just ain’t hittin like Season 1. And I feel like one of the best ships on here is gonna get the shaft because of bull. I love a good teen drama and this has the ability to be one of the best but we shall see. I mean I’ve made it through several seasons of PLL and that ended in an unmitigated disaster. 
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pllcloset · 7 years
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Spencer wore this polka-dot blouse by Tucker for Target in 1x15 ‘If At First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again’. Listed below is the exact one worn on-screen.
Tucker for Target ’ Orange Polka-Dot Print Tie-Front Blouse’ - $44.99 (eBay)
Worn with: BCBGeneration coat (not pictured), Deux Lux backpack
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lifeisdeal · 7 years
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jaggedwolf · 30 days
PLL Rewatch Posts: S1
1x03 & 1x04 1x05 & 1x06 1x07 & 1x08 1x09 & 1x10 1x11, 1x12, 1x13, 1x14 1x15 & 1x16 1x17 & 1x18 1x19 1x20 & 1x21 1x22
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winnie-the-monster · 9 months
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liarsgifs-blog1 · 8 years
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aurorarebeka · 7 years
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