#pll plot holes
dejwrldarchived · 9 months
pretty little liars books were my roman empire
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theoneandonlyespa · 2 years
Still waiting for one of those video essayists on youtube to do a full on recap review of all 7 seasons of Once Upon A Time and slowly lose their sanity as they try to explain the family tree
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godsfavdarling · 2 months
Have you seen it?
my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn! reader summary: You start explaining the 'Pretty Little Liars' plot to your bf words: 440 warings: spoilers for pll obviously! a/n: how about pll/criminal minds cross over where spencer and spencer start dating? Has anyone ever thought of that? Is there a market for that?
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You and Spencer sat comfortably on the couch, the soft glow of the TV casting gentle shadows in the dimly lit room. The movie, A Cinderella Story starring Lucy Hale, played on the screen.
You had a soft spot for these light-hearted, whimsical films, and every once in a while, you managed to persuade Spencer to watch one with you. To his credit, he always agreed, happy to partake in anything that brought you joy, even if it was a bit out of his usual interests.
"This girl was in this one show, Pretty Little Liars. It was crazy and had so many plot holes," you said, your eyes lighting up as you remembered the series.
"Have you seen it? It's actually about crime... kind of. Well, there's this group of girls who start getting scary messages and threats. Season 1 is pretty good actually. Oh, and this girl, Lucy Hale, she plays Aria, who starts dating her English teacher."
Spencer's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What?"
"I know, it's crazy," you laughed, shaking your head. "Also, one of the girls... you'll never guess it. Her name is Spencer! And she’s super smart."
Spencer chuckled, a warm, affectionate sound that made your heart flutter.
"She is! She can hack and stuff, and she knows everything. Just like you!"
"How long was the show?" Spencer asked, tilting his head with genuine curiosity.
With that question, Spencer unknowingly opened the floodgates. You forgot about the movie you were watching, your excitement bubbling over as you launched into a detailed explanation of the convoluted plot of Pretty Little Liars.
"And then it turns out CeCe is Charlotte, who used to be Charles, but she’s actually trans," you explained animatedly, your hands gesturing wildly. "And guess what? There's another character who has a secret sister."
Spencer's eyes widened as he tried to keep up with the barrage of information. Despite his impressive intellect, he struggled to piece together the tangled web of relationships and mysteries you were describing.
You grabbed your laptop, pulling up images and character charts to help illustrate your points.
"The movie ended an hour ago," Spencer noted, glancing at the dark screen, a bemused smile tugging at his lips.
You barely heard him, too caught up in recounting the show's most outrageous twists. "Spencer has a sister! An evil British twin sister! That was crazy! It was wild!"
Spencer's smile widened as he watched your enthusiasm. He loved seeing you so passionate, even if he couldn't quite wrap his mind around the labyrinthine plot of Pretty Little Liars.
For him, moments like these were priceless, reminding him of why he adored you so much.
You two were so different, but so similar at the same time.
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karouvas · 4 months
Your tags on that sparia post have me going insane. do we think the gangsey could unmask A? the important questions
Lol! For context those tags were actually a reference to a Sparia TRB au I’m trying to write where Aria is Blue, Spencer is Gansey, Emily is Adam (part of this is because I’m also convinced Spemily could do Adansey—) haven’t fleshed out Ronan’s part in this as much but he’s vaguely Hanna. Melissa is obviously Helen and this way I get to write Melissa hitting on Emily and Spencer being mad/jealous about it, and obviously Spencer and Aria meet when Spencer is trying to set up Emaria who could do Bluedam (definitely want to get a version of that canon ~are you expecting me to change the tire because I’m gay? ~ no, but your the sporty one exchange into it somehow but change the specifics obviously) anyway! Onto the actual question: 
If you put trc chars in the plot of early pll it’s interesting because I think Gansey is the char most suited to the dead girl role for obvious reasons, and I also think Adam is a bit Mona coded so I could see an au where Gansey disappeared pre series and Adam had never had that roadside conversation with him that changed his life and so kept having an obsessive hate crush on him (like Mona with Alison), pulled a full Mona and kept an A lair with pictures of Gansey everywhere and plotted to get rid of him…. orchestrating something where he gets to pull Gansey out of a grave and comfort him at the Lost Woods for a night then panic and manipulate him to leave town. There is of course a gaping hole in this idea because Gansey isn’t going to bully Adam to make this even a little justified… maybe you could make this an au Gansey who didn’t have the wasp death incident happen to him and therefore grew up to be a little more Whelk-esque like Maggie said he would be then but I think then he’d be less kind but still not go out of his way to hurt people. So maybe there is a big misunderstanding of some sort like Adam thinks Gansey spread certain rumors about him and that’s why he’s being treated poorly at Aglionby or something but when Gansey is confused about this and then warm to him he panics about *feelings* and convinces Gansey to leave town and fake his death. Of course for Gansey to be willing to leave he needs to already want to on some level, which is tricky if he’s already friends with Ronan… maybe this is an au where Niall didn’t die but he and Aurora are on the brink of separating or just divorced because Niall was cheating on her with another blonde woman maybe she’s his student…. so basically Gansey and Ronan are still Insane about each other but not at the level of codependency they were at in trc since part of that was traumabonding (I just need a reason for this to work)… so I imagine in some ways this Gansey is lonelier than he is in canon and he is already sometimes quite lonely in canon Cordelia voice I can be surrounded by people and still be completely alone … anyway he also thinks someone wants to kill him, and this Gansey has less of a death wish. So in his absence Henry Ronan and Noah who are his circle of friends are mourning him and grow apart a bit. I’m unsure if I want to recreate a version of the vandermarin dynamic here at first I thought maybe you could have that with Pynch but I don’t think any version of Ronan is going to be receptive into being molded into a version of Gansey the way Hanna was because Ronan and Blue are chars who are very authentically them and I don’t see them being into wearing masks of other people’s faces over their own or purposefully making their personalities malleable in the way characters like Adam or Gansey or Mona or Alison or Hanna tend to do. So that’s out, maybe if we keep the Mona transforming one of Alison’s friends to wear her skin with her / be the new Alison with her it could be Noah since he’s more timid and likely to be in the shadows, even if he’s more energetic here like he was when he was alive. So then Noah is Adam’s first real friend, and when he starts getting closer to the others again Adam is jealous and brings on the A games where he pretends to be Gansey in a way… then Blue turns up as the new girl (they don’t go to an all boys school here) and Noah starts falling for her which ups the stakes even more! 
Oh I know I got off topic I think Adam would be A in a pll au was my main thing. Also I’m trying to think of a version of this where someone other than Gansey dies or disappears at the start I just can’t get there, I mean I guess Kavinsky?? But he doesn’t have the Gansey/Alison power of making everyone talk about him like they’re in love post mortum and that’s really essential to the text… Kavinsky could be Jenna maybe but not Alison. I guess you could have Henry be Mona because he wants into the group and his hate crush on Gansey could also lend itself to these themes… so that’s the route to go for non A Adam I think is Henry as A. and then the essential group dynamics are a bit closer to the canon ones with Adam taking leadership over mystery stuff (in the alternate it that would be Henry!) in Gansey’s absence, and be like my ideal version of TRK that had a whole section about the other chars between Gansey’s death/disappearance and his return…I do think either way A gets unmasked but in the latter I think Henry will be forgiven pretty quickly by Gansey if not by anyone else, like I said for the former idea to work Gansey would need to be a slightly colder version of himself although still not an Alison at all in terms of meanness… so think it would take longer. Whichever way you slice it there is perfectionists au potential afterwards it just depends on whether it’s Adansey or Chengsey who go to Beacon Hill. 
I clearly went on a little mental journey there lol but it was fun thank you for the ask <3
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jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x08
A classic PLL line that has been memed on endlessly, and yet I’ve only just realized - is what Hanna means that even if Jenna hears their stomping, Jenna won’t be able to see that it’s them because duh, she’s blind?
Does Jenna have a kink for making out next to windows? I think her rape-by-blackmail vid with Toby was also taken near a window
Emily has terrible situp form. Is she even exercising her abs. She’s also making the terrible choice to do them the morning of the meet
I’m concerned Emily doesn’t have any friends on the swim team to discuss training regimens with :/ 
You know who I bet knows things about training regimens? Paige.
Hanna fussing over Emily’s overtraining is cute. Less cute is Emily witnessing Tom and Ashley’s morning after, this is the most family drama she’s experienced outside of her own coming out
In my notes I wrote “Wren is gross” and it doesn’t even matter what scene this is about
Mike’s friend who bothers him in school...I think he’s genuinely concerned about Mike, it’s just filtered through terrible teenage bro levels of self-expression (asking Mike if he’s going to be a crackhead next)
Aria lies to Ezra about the confrontation she had with Jenna in ceramics class and never told him about the Mike burglary shenanigans
On one hand, she doesn’t want to mention Jason to Ezra, on the other hand she is the most secretive of the liars
As a naturally secretive person myself I’m inclined to defend this behaviour
Emily’s so stressed she gives herself an ulcer. Her little “when can I swim again” :( :( :( 
Fun fact: Ulcers aren’t really caused by stress but by bacteria, though of course stress is not great for the immune system overall
Spencer is so cute when she’s defensive of Emily who has an ulcer, Do Not Scare Her Hanna! I love that when Aria shows up with a coffee Emily silently looks at Spencer to give the explanation.
Thus we can conclude the other three’s reactions to learning about Emily
Hanna: Stopped by her Mom’s workplace to borrow her car to go to the hospital, googled ulcers out of mild curiosity and went WAIT IT’S A HOLE IN YOUR STOMACH? THAT’S WHAT AN ULCER IS? A HOLE?  SPENCER A HOLE??? 
Spencer: Already knew what an ulcer is but re-reviewed to know what Emily can or cannot consume and to provide Reassuring Facts on ulcer healing.
Aria: Does not know what an ulcer is and does not care to find out, does know Emily’s favorite coffee order and wants to give her a nice treat. Foiled by biology :/ 
Spencer is so funny when she interrogates Hanna on her Caleb sitch while they’re in the elevator. “Where else are you gonna go?” Guess Hanna has to answer her.
Ashley telling Tom to fuck off. Hell yeah!! Maybe tell him to talk to Hanna first
We see more of Jenna & Garrett Evilly Plotting than I remember, I’ll want to compare this to later Evil Plotting scenes from other characters 
Emily gets hit with the second punch of steroid use. She is so scared and stressed about this :/ It is well-crafted emotional torture by A - to have first made Emily a liar and then a cheater, when Emily is the girl who cares most about fair play, whose mom stated back in S1 that her daughter was raised to earn everything she’s gotten
And all of it is in circumstances where no one would believe Emily telling the truth
Did the ulcer save Emily from getting kicked off the swimming team...
Mike seems to be actually doing his homework when Ella knocks on his door, which is a note I like
OK when Haleb is in Spencer’s family cabin, why is Caleb the one making the fire and Hanna the one to not know what kindling is? The camping scene last season had Hanna be the one with outdoor survival skills and Caleb clueless, I don’t like this arbitrary swap
All of Caleb’s shady shit happened in Allentown. I have memories of a fic where the backstory was Caleb & Paige being absolute disasters in Allentown and I wonder if the author chose that location because of this mention or just because, you know, it’s a place in PA
Was this whole plot so Haleb could get laid? Maybe a little bit
Wayne Fields is the one good father, he does not want Emily to stress about college and paying for it. Well sir please investigate your finances and military benefits
Emily wants to bail to Texas, Spencer appeals to her sense of justice in finding Ali’s killer. The limit to Spencer’s desire to protect her people, perhaps - she doesn’t want to be left alone
Hanna is really upset at Ashley saying she doesn’t want to get back with Tom, because that makes Hanna the sucker that is the only Marin who wants things back the way they were
2x08 is six weeks before the wedding. Enjoy fitting that into the timeline. 
While Emily is alone and depressed in her hospital bed in her very shitty situation, Spencer pops up to go “Hey Em, wanna read through our dead friend’s autopsy report with me? Look at this X-ray of blunt force trauma to her skull.”
Emily does look at it, I ponder if Emily and Spencer were partners in bio class and they realize page 5 is missing. Oh no! 
I have literally no memory of this plot point, would simply like to note that when Hanna asks “How can one page just disappear” I went yeah PLL I have that question too
You know Hanna is really broken up about her dad because she and Caleb literally sit on the curb while staring at the happy family. Do you think the parents of that family are going hey why is that teenage couple staring at us?
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I just finished a PLL rewatch and I already miss them. It's not exactly the plot (full of strange twists and holes) but the characters and their friendship and love.
Someone on line suggest to watch Big White Lies towatch next.but altjough it's interesting... it doesn't have that special thing (almost supernatural), that girliness you find in Pll.
Any suggestion ?
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di1aurentis · 2 years
okay so basic rundown of my quarry verse for ali
alis a camper at hacketts quarry, an absolute nightmare that everyone finds very difficult to deal with. probably blackmailing some adults
the night she disappears is at camp. her mom is working camp too. she sneaks out after dark to meet up with an absurd amount of people so that there are a thousand suspects in her murder
her mom watches her get hit over the head with a rock and in a panic buries her in the woods to protect charlotte? or whoever did it i cant remember
ali is still alive and wakes up and claws her way out of the grave, serious head trauma struggles greatly. someone probably helps her out but idk who in this scenario (ur muse mayhaps???)
ali has been getting the threatening messages from A for a while including at camp and decides its better to stay dead because she'd be safe from A
is attacked by a werewolf in the woods, transforms a few hours later
wakes up in the morning alone and afraid and without clothes, soon finds something to wear and continues to make her way to the nearest town. her disappearance has been noted, everyone at camp is trying to find her (and is annoyed ab it bc they think shes just being Annoying)
after a while of searching they start to realize its serious, chris calls travis and they start a wider search party. the hacketts are looking for a body, believing that she was killed by silas or another werewolf.
somewhere somehow that other girls body ends up in the grave wearing the same outfit ali was. Idk im not fixing the pll plot holes just bringing them in
ali is off in some other town w a brunette wig and a dream, goes by vivian darkbloom and starts trying to discover who A is
eventually discovers that shes blacking out on full moons and waking up naked in the woods, starts trying harder to lock herself up and work out whats happening
around a year after she disappeared the other girls body is found and thanks to the outfit she was in shes presumed to be alison, ali is officially marked dead and her missing persons case closed. the camp faces some backlash but remains open
another two years later is the events of the game. alison thinks shes ready to come out of hiding and goes to the hacketts quarry police station. she wasn't paying attention and realized its a full moon as she gets there. she watches travis drag an unconcious laura and max into the prison and decides not to reveal herself yet
a couple more months of thought and planning happens, then on the night of the game whatever she was doing to lock herself away fails. cue werewolf ali running around camp
she wakes up outside the lodge, the counselors that are still alive all freak out because shes supposed to be dead and they found a body. she doesnt know how to explain anything, but they all seem to get the werewolf thing
alison panics and doesnt want to face any consequences for her actions, so she fabricates a story about travis kidnapping her using what she saw with max and laura as a base for her story whether or not this is successful depends on if travis lives and also on threads and plotting and stuff
she doesnt know who A is lmao. Knew ab mona but mona was sorted out before she returned, so she doesn't know who the new A is
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#first kill - 24 posts
#pretty little liars - 22 posts
#pll - 21 posts
#rewatching pll - 20 posts
#not incorrect quotes - 4 posts
#glee - 4 posts
#succession - 4 posts
#season 2 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#finn and artie aren’t on my list cause they both seem misogynistic enough to deny liking taylor
My Top Posts in 2022:
The thing about the Charlotte reveal is that it only works if you don’t THINK about it. Think about it and it all falls APART
5 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Rewatching is PLL is just me going “plot hole, plot hole, plot hole” every couple of minutes
5 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
I will forever be upset about Teenage Bounty Hunters being cancelled.
8 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
I’m watching all the girls get hugs from their mums post dollhouse. Except for Spencer, Spencer’s mum is just there not hugging Spencer and not letting Spencer have pills to help her sleep.
9 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just want to give Leah a hug
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queerstudiesnatural · 8 months
rewatching pll i feel like it makes a lot more sense than it did the first time i watched it for some reason. like yeah there are a few plot holes and red herrings they left unexplained, but overall it still feels like it was all planned at least semi meticulously. at least until the time jump.
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takecareluv · 1 year
the fact that you like pll just makes me love you and your blog even more <33
omg yesss!!! i can’t even count how many times i’ve watched that show, it’s embarrassing😭 but i don’t care i will keep watching it over n over again — i love it so much <3 plot holes and all
but omg the fact that you like pll makes me love YOU even more <33
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
ooooogh wife and i have been watching PLL for the first time and we've been slowly watching it a couple episodes at a time. 'cause it's way too dramatic to just watch one! there's too many cliffhangers! especially the little A-pov clips at the end of each ep, they really suck you into the next episode. so like the secret is you GOTTA pop an edible first so that you can suspend your disbelief and ignore any plot holes, makes for a way less stressful and crazy viewing experience. however when utilizing this technique at a certain point you simply become Too high to follow the bonkers-ass plot anymore, so? 2-3 episodes at a time it is. so like it's taken us a LONG time to make our way through the show but we're like rapidly approaching the end of S5... i know Some spoilers but not everything, all i know is that we are practically knocking on the door of the dollhouse plotline and i cannot WAIT im so excited
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I'm re-watching PLL, I'm on S01E08, plot holes still bug me. Like, who the hell was knocking books off of the bookshelves and took Emily's bag? Mona and Lucas were both in the locker room. As well as basically every student. 🤦🏼‍♀️ One day I'll get over it, today is not that day.
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bertann · 7 years
Calling All PLL Fans: Do you want answers?
So, as some of you may know, the indiegogo campaign for the short film I’ve written and produced “Forward” went live Friday morning! We’re already 1/5 of the way funded and we need your help to raise the rest!!
I took some time and wondered to myself, what could I do to help raise funds for the film- while also involving the people who helped me get here in the first place.
And then, I had an idea.
How would you like an alternate version of the PLL Finale?
That’s right. A series finale that connects every missing piece, fixes every plot hole, gives happy endings each character deserved, and hopefully gives you the A reveal you always wanted. 
PLL Fans, I have a proposition for you. If we raise the full $5000, I will write and release an alternate series finale for PLL and put it online for all to see and read.
Now, here’s where I leave it up to you... 
We know money is tight nowadays, so if you can't afford to donate right now you can share our indiegogo link on social media or spread the word! Donate, share, tweet, spread the word any way you can! Anything helps!
Indiegogo and Social Media Links:
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/forwardshort/x/17588256
Facebook: http://facebook.com/forwardshort 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/forward_short 
Instagram: http://instagram.com/forward_short 
Tumblr: http://forwardshortfilm.tumblr.com 
 Synopsis: “Forward” portrays a moment in the life of Parker and Taylor, a perfectionist soccer captain and her supportive teammate, as they engage in an emotional and physical 1v1 match.  As they go head-to-head on the field, their match embodies Parker's underlying struggle with internalized homophobia and Taylor’s desire to help Parker open up. 
"Forward" marks Reflection Productions first short film, which was founded to create authentic and positive LGBTQ media content.
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pastor-ted-blog · 7 years
Surely Melissa would have run into Alex at some stage in London like... Melissa is a shady bitch, there’s no way she wouldn’t have stalked Wren to see who he was banging 
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lottieurl · 2 years
i think the plot of pretty little liars confused me less than s4 of killing eve. i cannot stress it enough-
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rosewoodlliars · 7 years
Lucas and Charles
So since Charles and Lucas were best friends that means that Charles was 12 and Lucas would've been 5 and if Charles was 10 then Lucas would've been 3. And they were both at the camp together. Also what was the purpose of the comic book?
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