#pls feel free to @ me for the link to it
felassan · 3 months
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Dragon Age on YouTube live chat: "'We drift upon the echoes of the vast, eternal dream.' - Emmrich. 💜 Goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow!" [source]
The YouTube live chat info session draws to a close with a beautiful quote from Emmrich. :> the language reminds me of the "sea of dreams", "emerald waters of the Fade" imagery when it comes to the Fade. 😴
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glassofpumpkinjuice · 6 months
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january's top riff with patrick moments:
(links with timestamps included)
leg 1:
too much gatorade
the sweatshirt/sweat saga
"Riff With Patrick" origins
2 guys 1 spotlight
patrick is like a teddy bear
leg 2:
man of my daydreams and fuckin nightmares
golly gee willikers
beyonce fan
we ate a lot of snacks today
stumph wentz & sons hardware store
leg 3:
patrick never shuts up
baby dreams
play us a song love
especially good
i'm your butler?
crayoning nicely
i know that's a lot. but this is what u get when u ask me to pick my favorites of anything haha
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kidovna · 2 years
question: is there a pre relationship byler fic out there where mike and will time travel to 2022? not a modern AU, just them from 1986 dropping down in our time probably at the doorsteps of much older versions of themselves. if there isn’t, how is there not? it’s a comedy gold mine. Imagine the look on Mike’s face when he sees an iPhone 14 pro
edit: feel free to throw in your fun headcanons of the way they’d react to 2022 stuff in the replies below!
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izuizzy · 2 months
silvaze au where silver is the royal wizard’s apprentice and childhood friends with blaze. she doesn’t fall for him until she witnesses how heroic he’s become when they’re older but he’s loved her from the moment he met her bc he’s a stupid romantic (affectionate)
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thev01dd · 2 years
tumblr ficlets/prompts are going to be my villain origin story if none of them turn into +10k words fanfiction at some point
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franthonyofficial · 1 year
do you have any franthony recs 🤍 ily
omg yes always
say encore literally my favorite and the only franthony ever
know me like i know you
motivational interference
just how it was meant to end
finders keepers
lead singers
beg for death
empty when you're gone
these are fuckthony but soooooooooo good
such a riot
where i want to be
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evilratfag · 2 years
here’s all the useful/random things i’ve found on the internet in one place (i’ll also be updating this from time to time to add new stuff)
(btw make sure to AT LEAST have a few ad blockers before u start pirating and if u can get a vpn)
nikfilecabinet — their entire account has a lot of useful shit ive just mostly used their piracy section
does the dog die — u can look up triggers that are in movies/tv shows (not directly related to piracy but though id throw it in here anyway)
communist manifesto — it like 50 pages just read it
stone butch blues —
it is frequently discussed as a difficult yet essential work for LGBT communities, as it "never shies away from portraying the anti-Semitism, classism, homophobia, anti-butch animus, and trans-phobia that protagonist Jess Goldberg faced on a daily basis—but it also shows the healing power of love and political activism."
fucking trans women — (cw for lots of nudity obviously)
a zine by trans women, about the sex lives of trans women. It is an educational and instructional tool as much as it is a creative exploration of how we have sex.
all animorphs books — kids are able to morph into animals and have to save the planet or something idk i haven’t finished the first book yet
spanish for beginners — speaks for itself
an indigenous peoples history of the us —
it describes and analyzes a four-hundred-year span of complex Indigenous struggles against the colonization of the Americas
electronic furby manual — a l l h a i l f u r b y s
native languages — they have lots of reliable info on native things and links to tribal sites
scarleteen — they have articles on tons of important things relating to sex ed, including things on queer sex, stuff relating to being trans/intersex, having sex while disabled/having a disabled partner, safe sex, consent, u get the picture
mending/fixing/taking care of clothes — they also have stuff about “upgrading” clothes (remaking, resizing, etc.) (also i got this from this twt thread that has other stuff too if u wanna check it out)
breast cancer self exam patient education for post mastectomy trans patients — just in case twitter finally blows up here’s the pdf
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
i wish i could draw because the barbie and ken mugshot meme is so vilkas and farkas.
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braindancer · 11 months
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Finally posting my incredibly, embarrassingly self-indulgent OC for Male V Monday!
He's an AI-turned-robot-turned-android who calls himself Adam Nile. That absolutely isn't an anagram for anything, don't worry about it. He takes odd merc jobs under the name The Glitch.
He ditched his original body and occupied a bombus drone, then a robot, and has slowly built himself a more human-passing body with the help of his partner, Romy. But since I play on console, I can only play as his ""final"" appearance.
It's not necessarily that he wants to be human, he just wants to live. And with Netwatch always sniffing around for rogue AIs like him, this is the easiest way for him to go about it.
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dcynight · 1 month
- NSFW will be likely on this blog but not a constant. If you’re uncomfortable with murder, gore, blood, abuse, etc. (or any mentioning of these things); Then this blog isn’t for you. Sexual things may occur from time to time but it’ll be rare and tagged accordingly!
- Most art I use on here, whether for icons or other means are not mine, nor do I take credit for them. All things that I draw specifically will be tagged as such! Artist credits are as follows: koda_mint, shandzii, sanchesky, fluffpillow, deceptiveshadow, (more tba + links)
- I’m personally triggered by very little, but if I follow you back, if you could tag the following things for me I’d greatly appreciate it. Otherwise tumblr savior won’t work: emetophobia / trypophobia
- Again this blog is going to be full of adult themes and scenarios at times because despite these two being silly daycare attendants, this is still FNAF after all! I’m fine with role-playing serious topics, HOWEVER! Please message me or plot with me beforehand when it comes to heavy topics like this so we’re both on the same page.
- I WILL NOT post about fandom discourse, nor will I engage in call-out posts, vague-blogging, or anything else related. This is a fun and drama-free environment for both me and my friends. If you start drama, harass people, bully, or send hate of any kind towards me or my mutuals, you will be blocked and reported. As Sun would say, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!
- Personal blogs that follow me will usually be blocked. If you have a sideblog that’s your roleplay blog, message me and let me know, or have it stated somewhere on your blog so that I’m aware! I’ve tried in the past to let personals chill here but after weird inbox messages and nonstop spam in different areas, I no longer tolerate them.
- I don’t usually care about reblog karma. I will always personally reblog memes and prompts from their sources, and I won’t get angry if you reblog from me and don’t send something in every single time. However, I WILL get upset if you start to use me as your CONSTANT meme or prompt resource. This means, if you constantly reblog memes from me and never send even ONE back in to me. I will probably say something to you! This is a roleplay blog, and it gets discouraging after a while if you take everything I reblog and never bother to try and send anything back.
- I will ALWAYS read your rules page before I follow you. I will also do my best to make sure I send in passwords or any other form of verification. HOWEVER, I follow A LOT of people so if I ever break a rule of yours, I can assure it was probably an accident. Just message me privately and let me know and I’ll fix it, no problem!
- I have anxiety and my memory and attention span can be shitty and sporadic at times. So it’s totally okay to remind me of replies I owe if it’s been a week or so since I’ve replied! HOWEVER, do NOT harass me or constantly pester me to reply to a thread. Otherwise I’ll drop it completely, and may even soft block you if you become hateful about it.
- Going off what I said above, my memory is bad at times. I also follow a TON of people. I WILL forget things. I may forget about replying to threads, I might also forget about replying to ooc messages, and even certain rules or headcanons about your blog or characters. I can PROMISE you this is not intentional though, and I encourage you to nudge or remind me of things if I DO forget!! Just again, do not be rude about it or hateful. I promise I’m doing my best.
- Sometimes I may get overwhelmed by the amount of threads I’ve accumulated. Or I may not know how to continue a thread if it hits a dead end and I can’t think of anything to keep it going. If this happens I’ll most likely drop a few that I may not be feeling atm. If this happens I will do my best to message you first if I decide to drop a thread of ours!
- I will ONLY interact with MUTUALS. This means if you follow me and I am not following you back, then I’m probably not interested. My inbox is always open though to anyone even if we aren’t mutuals!
- I will interact with ocs and canon characters from different fandoms. But again we have to be MUTUALS, and I do ask that you have an about page or post somewhere that I can get to, just in case I’m not familiar with your character.
- I WILL NOT interact with personal blogs, or anyone under the age of 18!! This is for my own comfort and even safety. You don’t have to put your age on your blog, but if I ever find out you’re underage, you will be blocked!
- This blog will be multi-ship and multi-verse! I don’t do mains or exclusives, though I may have certain people I respond to quicker just based on the fact we’re close friends or mutuals.
- In addition to running this blog, I run another RP blog, and I also have a job irl. So my activity on this blog, as well as in general, will be sporadic.
Name: Nub / Nubby
Age: 27
Pronouns: They / Them
Hobbies: Cosplaying, art, crafting, sewing, cross stitching, roleplaying, cooking, and prop-making!
** I also take art commissions! If you’re ever curious about prices never be afraid to message me!
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roscoehamiltons · 5 months
15 Q 15 friends, tagged by @comraderoscoes 💜
Are you named after anyone? no
When was the last you cried? when i watched the opening scene in the first ep of 3 body problem lol
Do you have kids? no
What sports do you play/have you played? i had a brief stint of doing ballet and volleyball in middle school and was terrible at both. I don’t play any sports now
Do you use sarcasm? never
What is the first thing you notice about people? face and height
What is your eye color? dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings? i like both but prefer happy endings nowadays since the world atm is basically a horror movie
Any talents? i'm not sure hm
Where were you born? in a different city than the one i live in rn
What are your hobbies? thrifting, photography, playing video games, reading
Do you have any pets? not atm but i really want a cat
How tall are you? 5'3" / 160 cm aka the same as yuki lol
Favorite subject at school? biology/science while i was growing up, then i became more interested in the humanities (history more specifically) after high school
Dream job? natgeo/f1 photographer
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oh wow okay rereading/binging the ubers match all together.. its actually really fucking good.
no seriously, when these chapters were coming out i too was bored and felt like it was taking forever. but when you binge it all together, the pacing is actually perfect and the themes all tied together really nice. as in- hiori's arc makes sense to cover in this match bc it tied in with the ideas of snuffy's backstory and barou's arc too (which btw the ubers storyline wrapped up really well. i get why they didnt win bc their arc finished kind of early and bc of other technical aspects tho)
if anything, i felt like one more chapter was needed. isagi and hiori's goal needed a little more build up at least from the perspective of getting to the conclusion of hiori's arc. that part felt a little messy with getting from ch 237 to 238. but otherwise wow...
that was one damn good match
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bluelancelion · 2 years
I'm watching Merlin for the first time and I'm absolutely floored by it and by how much I fell in love with Merthur and the Knights, so here's a couple of Modern! AU that popped in my mind.
Rugby Champion/Nerd AU
- Probably a classic, I'd be surprised if ao3 wasn't plenty of it.
- Of course Arthur is Captain of the rugby team and of course Merlin is the guy sitting in the library all day.
- Don't ask me how they meet don't ask me how they fall in love, they just do
- Arthur's father is the school's principal
- And for this reason there's some people hating on Arthur cause they believe he has privileges
- Spoiler: he doesn't (or denies any of it when his father offers some) but due to this he finds hard to trust people
- Hence he trusts only his teammates aka true friends aka the squad!
- And Merlin of course
- Literally Heartstopper but make it #merthur with gay! Merlin and #bi-and-still-in-the-closet Arthur
Musicians AU
- Merlin goes to a public school and no one knows he's literally a world wide known classic musician
- Idk how don't ask
- Arthur is like the popular guy who plays guitar and all girls love him yadda yadda
- he has a band (must have the boys in every merthur fic sorry not sorry)
- Leon is the bassist, Percy the drummer, Gwaine the second guitar, Elyan is the dj and plays the keyboard, while Lancelot is the singer
- Again don't ask why don't ask how but Merlin and Arthur fight or argue and end up talking ever since
- Maybe Arthur was teasing him about knowing nothing about music
- Merlin silently snickering like *You dare to fight me with your half cheap-ass rock band when rich people spend thousands to listen me play at operas lmao you fool*
- But for some reason he can't tell him that or reveal his secret or else he'll be forced to change school (I dunooooo)
- So Arthur has no idea Merlin is a genius at music
- But.
- He notices Merlin has a perfect pitch, and something like- He can't explain it but Merlin has something with music, like a touch, so he invites him over to listen to his band
- All band members fall in love with him and side with him against Arthur when the two have their - now friendly - banters
- Bros being bros - Dudes being Dudes
- Idk what I was going for with this but IMAGINE WHEN THEY FIND OUT
- Like
- Imagine this fragile boi all cute smiles and sassy remarks and Arthur goes into protective mode cause he develops a crush-
And like, Arthur has a rock band so they look cool and they don't fear anyone in case Merlin gets bullied or something
And then they see him, for the first time-
Wearing a black/navy blue suit that costs thousand of dollars, walking in this giant golden opera with royal red drapes-
And he starts playing the piano for all these rich people and he's absolutely phenomenal
And suddenly Merlin fears Arthur won't be friends with him anymore or he'll fear he's gonna think Merlin is too "marvelous" to enjoy their little rock band
- But in reality Merlin loves them and he loves Arthur and Arthur honestly can't look at Merlin and see any other man than the guy he's been teasing and has argued with for all this time,
- aaand I don't know where I wanted to go with this as well lmao
Feel free to drop any completed fic link in the comments pls I am desperate :)
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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forsworned · 7 months
hi pooks. just came across ur blog and i thought the font colors were really cool!! how do u do it???
omg thank you so much! im in the middle of changing a bunch of stuff but here is the tutorial for it! lmk if it helps!
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bcofl0ve · 8 months
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how it feels to be an austin butler fan who previous to his fandom was mostly drawn to homoerotic subtext incorporated fandoms (shipping barba/carisi on law & order svu, hamilton/laurens american rev history tumblr) after the premiere of the second episode of masters of the air.
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