#plum blossom bookmark
welcometoteyvat · 7 months
In the portrait, Xingqiu's face is the picture of a young master. Hu Tao traces the clean, swooping curve of his jaw, follows the serious line of his lips that don't quite reach his unsmiling eyes. Whoever painted this sure has a masterful way of capturing their subject's likeness. It's like a serious-second-son could come alive any minute! Oh, but the painting has one thing off... Hu Tao turns back to the real Xingqiu, standing next to her, and squints, plum-blossom eyes narrowing. Well, besides the embarrassment dusting her friend's face, his bangs are a bit off—the bowlcut the painter gave him isn't doing the portrait much good. No matter—it's still a great likeness, and enough to rib him about for days. Hu Tao nudges Xingqiu, and he startles, going a bit pink. She almost laughs (when did her lack of composure get this bad?).
"I almost can't believe my eyes! Who knew Feiyun Guild had such a capable, noble second son! Look at this portrait... doesn't he look like the perfect boyish prince?"
"Hu Tao... you know this was only because of my father's orders..." Ah, and there's the second young master's petulance again. He's really too much fun to tease...
"Shame. You're quite handsome like that, y'know? People might even start making the connection between Guhua's chivalric successor and the handsome guild master in the painting if you dressed like that every day."
"Hu Tao!"
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mythrilthread · 1 year
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Цветы корицы, аромат сливы by Анна Коростелева.
This novella was originally posted in 2009 and has been available for free ever since. It was bound as a birthday gift for a friend.
Blossoms of cinnamon, aroma of plum (which is the title) is a story about a Chinese student that comes to Moscow via an exchange program, seemingly by mistake, and unexpectedly uncovers some of his family’s secrets. It’s very witty and funny, and has a mystical twist. The title is supposed to be a saying that means “being something other than what you appear to be”.
So, I decided to combine classic Chinese design elements with interesting twists. So, I have a good luck knot with a tassel for a bookmark, but the colors used in the design are very modern ones (and also are favorites of the birthday girl). This is a regular Bradel binding, but it has an imitation of the classic Chinese stab binding on the spine.
The title spread features a public domain print by Hu Zhen-Yang.
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ichorai · 2 years
fluorescence ; natasha romanoff.
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pairing ; natasha romanoff x mutant!gn!reader
synopsis ; in which you get a little too immersed in your book.
words ; 0.8k
themes ; fluff, mutant au, housemates au
warnings / includes ; no warnings, there's very gay tension in this one folks, very clear Feelings™ for each other, sun-and-moon dynamic, reader has cool powers :D
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Fantasy had always enamored you. The blazing dragons of the sky, the glinting swords of knights, and the soft pastels of intricate ball gowns never failed to send you into a romanticized haze. It was the longing for a life you knew you couldn’t have, the sweetest of romances between forbidden parties, the thrilling action that had you gripping the book so tightly, it was a wonder its spine didn’t split into half.
On a particularly dreary winter night, you had been so immersed in the story of the princess and the dragon that you hadn’t even realized your powers getting the better of you. Vines snaked up the walls and ceilings, crawling out of your room and into the hallway. Small wildflowers blossomed by your nightstand, but you had yet to notice.
You let out a breathy laugh as you rolled over on your bed, not once ripping your gaze from the inked words, just about drowning in your thick woolen blanket. With this action, leaves sprouted from the vines and criss-crossed over your bed. Within minutes, your room started looking more like a forest than a place of slumber.
Finding your nose buried between the pages of a book far too thick for her liking wasn’t an uncommon feat for Natasha. Finding her laptop shrouded with greenery and roses, however, was not. Her narrowed gaze traced over the vines leading out of her own sanctuary and into the hallway, confirming her suspicions by twisting right into your bedroom.
She pushed away from her work desk with an amused sigh, careful to sidestep the plum-hued orchids in the midst of fluorescence by her feet.
“You have a peculiar way of luring people into bed with you,” Natasha murmured humorously once she ducked under the canopy of leaves decorating your doorway. “While I appreciate the flowers, I do have some recon papers to organize.”
In an instant, your wide eyes snapped away from the worn pages of your book, finding solace in your roommate’s entertained gaze. It took you a second to realize the repercussions of your slipping reign over your powers. The green was hard to miss, after all.
“I am so sorry.” Your voice came out far smaller than you intended it to, but you slanted your lips into an apologetic smile to make up for it. “I didn’t realize.”
Natasha shrugged it off lightly, a small smile of her own playing at the corner of her lips. It relieved you to see that she wasn’t actually mad. She meandered over the foliage and sat beside you on the bed, raising an eyebrow at your book. “So you didn’t send me those flowers on purpose? I’m offended.” A faux gasp of indignation escaped her lungs, but was ultimately betrayed by a striking grin.
With a scoff, you nudged at her shoulder with your own. You placed a bookmark (also your receipt from your last grocery run with Natasha) where you left off and pushed the story to the side. Bringing both your palms together, you conjured a singular, minuscule canary buttercup, its petals falling soft against your fingers. Natasha watched in muted awe, green irises darting between your concentrated expression to the flower unfurling in your palm. Nimbly, you slotted the canary behind her ear, smoothing your thumb over her carmine hair, before shifting down to trail over her cheekbone. For just a second, your eyes slid to her lips, slightly parted and lightly glossed—so very, very kissable—
Breath hitching in your throat, your fingers curled in on themself, and you reluctantly pulled your hand away. If Natasha had noticed you ogling her mouth (which, she most definitely did) she didn’t mention it, to which you were extremely grateful.
Natasha seemed mildly disappointed when your warmth retracted, but she cleared her throat and the twinkle in her viridescent eyes came back just as quickly as it disappeared.
“There. You happy now?”
She made a jokingly unimpressed noise. “It’s small.”
“Seemed fitting,” you teased. “You’re not very tall yourself, you know.”
Natasha shot you a spineless glare. “Don’t even start.” She looked oh so pretty with that flower behind her ear, dappled moonlight casting sharp shadows over her even shaper features. The both of you fell into a comfortable silence before she spoke up once more. “You know, the recon can wait. That book must be pretty good to make you lose control of your powers.”
A warm flush spidered through your skin, and you reached over to grab at the frayed book once again. “You want me to read a bit to you?”
“Nothing would be better,” Natasha quipped as she laid down, sinking into your plush pillows with a pleased grin, inhaling the crisp fougere scent of your air freshener and enjoying the small moment of home with you a little more than she should’ve.
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fanfaire · 9 months
-- THE PACKAGE THAT Furina receives is… slightly strange, to put it one way. Though the paper that covers the box - a simple royal blue paper, thin on its own but achieving thickness through its many layers - is placed there with surgical care, it is littered in creases that suggest it has been folded and unfolded many a time.
And, well, of course Furina knows it is for Furina because the writing scrawled on top says as much, scripted in silver ink that, too, has been written down with precision. ‘To Furina’.
When opened, the package seems to in fact be a bento box, a container found most often in Inazuma. In its various compartments are not food, however- well, alright. There is food in one of them, the largest: a somewhat smushed rollcake, stuffed with cream and slices of amakumo. In efforts to contain said cream, it has been wrapped in a waxy film, though it has not entirely succeeded in preventing some stickiness from oozing out onto the other items in the box.
These other items being, namely, a rather elaborate sensu fan, encrusted with a pearl at its hilt as it is stuffed into the thin compartment where chopsticks would normally be found. When unfolded, it reveals a rather artistic depiction of waves crashing upon the shore, formed in thick and purposeful ink strokes on a pale blue background.
The rest of the compartments seem to be filled with a variety of trinkets, namely fitting into the category of ‘blue’ and ‘Sumeran’ in one way or another. There are pressed bookmarks made from kalpalata lotus blossoms, jewelry from crystalized rukkhashava mushrooms.
When the rollcake has been eaten, as you lick off your fingers, you find a small square note at the bottom of the box. It reads simply: ‘You’d do well to have more practical tastes’.
But if your gift-giver was really so loathe to your requests then, well, why go through all the effort?
first, she had thought — who so ungratefully left their discarded wrapping box littered on her doorstep? the season for gifts and wintry cheer had come, alighting the streets of the court of fontaine in scintillating array, accompanied by the neverending crush of bodies big and small, rushed and joyous alike. but it also meant more and more commotion, more things left about, more carelessness. the gardes — human, meka, and melusine — had all had their hands full since the first snowfall; she certainly didn't envy them.
but if she had never thought to curiously afford the package a second glance, drawn in by its rich blue, she would have left it behind altogether, and never realized it was in fact right where it was intended to be.
' to furina '.
at the careful stencil of her name, her heart leaps. first with surprise; then, more childishly, with delight.
for this must be her gift from the guild! her reward and return for her own painstaking endeavor some days ago, for the scolding she'd endured from chevalmarin in overspending on the month's budget in pursuit of the perfect custom-crafted artisanal piece.
she snatches the box up in her arms ( pleased to find it pleasantly weighty ) and vanishes into her apartment in a flutter of taffeta, eyes alight with hope and expectation.
( for though furina, the hydro archon, regina of waters, kindreds, peoples, and laws had received far too many gifts in her time to be counted, furina, the girl who had recently retired from the stage, had never once. and perhaps some part of her had presumed that one did not receive such gifts anymore once they had stepped down from aweing the crowd. )
unpackaging the beautifully embroidered tin unveils an array of colorful trappings, such that she tucks a girlish gasp audibly in one gloved hand, eyes hardly knowing where to land.
the miniature fan? the elegant jeweled necklace?
the insidiously tempting roll cake? ( —she had already had two slices of plum galette this morning; surely she would be scolded if she had more; and yet this is the season of celebration, isn't it? )
yes, it's true some of it had gotten sticky, no doubt being bumped around on the way here, and she would have liked for the packager to take greater care with its contents in light of this, or perhaps have marked the parcel as fragile. but perhaps such carelessness, to which she would lend more heart in some different circumstance, could be let go this time. after all, a gift was a gift to the young lady seldom so blessed, and that alone is enough.
some hours later, once frosting has been licked from fingertips and the amakumo's vibrant tart has faded from her tongue, she does not forget her etiquette.
to my gracious gifter, rather than my possessing more practical tastes, it could be said that your ability to meet even the most impractical of wishes speaks to your kindness, diligence, and above all your savoir faire. see this then as bounty on both our parts, for your attention has not gone unnoticed nor unrewarded. i have here attached a selection of pâte de fruits of good quality, not merely the kind obtainable from any streetside booth. you will find the bold flavors of your roll cake complemented well by the subtle, gentler sweetness of the pear and black fig. a heartfelt thanks once again, furina de fontaine
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 2.25
Armed Forces Day (Dominican Republic)
Big Bang Theory Day
Choiseul Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Colt Revolver Day
Commedia dell’Arte Day
Coronado Day (Mexico)
Cuddle Day
Dag van de Revolutie (Day of Liberation and Innovation; Suriname)
Dance of the Secret Places
Day of Liberation and Innovation (Suriname)
Deinonychus Day
DNA Discovery Day
EDSA Revolution Day (Philippines)
Februaristaking (Netherlands)
Flag Day (Bangladesh)
George Harrison Day
Gray Day (Scotland)
High Five Day
Imam Ali Day (Iran)
International Cochlear Implant Day
Ireland Reads Day (Ireland)
Italian Buckthorn Day (French Republic)
Meher Baba Day
Memorial Day for the Victims of the Communist Dictatorships (Hungary)
National Billy Day
National Day (Kuwait)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Jessica Day
National Kathy Day
National Masturbation Day (Poland)
National Nicholas Day
National radio Day (Thailand)
National Reparations Awareness Day
Peace Memorial Holiday (Taiwan)
People Power Day (Anniversary of EDSA Revolution; Philippines)
Pistol Patent Day
Revolution Day (Suriname)
Russian Warship GFY Day
Quiet Day
Sister Wendy Day
Soviet Occupation Day (Georgia)
Time of the Old Woman begins (until March 4)
Tristan da Cunha (a.k.a. Queen’s Day, Saint Helena)
Women’s Day (Iceland)
World Bookmark Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
Let's All Eat Right Day
National Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
National Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
National Clam Chowder Day
National Muffin Day
Tastykake Day
4th & Last Sunday in February
College Goal Sunday [Last Sunday]
Freedom Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Woman’s Day (original date; 1909) [Last Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 25 (4th Week)
Peace Corp Week [thru 3.2]
Telecommuter Appreciation Week [thru 3.2]
Independence & Related Days
Choiseul Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Kuwait (from UK, 1961)
Pigeon Island (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 1 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 25, 2024
Popsicle Bridge Contest (Richmond, Virginia)
Tampa Bay Jewish Food Festival (Tampa Bay, Florida)
Feast Days
Æthelberht of Kent (1st Christian Anglo-Saxon King) [current date]
Anthony Burgess (Writerism)
Bd Robert of Arbrissel (Christian; Saint)
Burke Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Caesarius, Physician of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás (Positivist; Blessed)
Dance of the Secret Places (Shamanism)
Day of Mut (Mother Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Elizabeth Fedde (Lutheran Church)
Ethelbert of Kent (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Fflur (Celtic Book of Days)
Feast of the Blessed Regina Marriam of Vattalil (India)
Feast of Montu (Egyptian Falcon-Headed War God; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Feast of the Stinky Butts
Festival of Ptah (Ancient Egypt)
Gerland of Agrigento (Christian; Saint)
Giuseppe De Nittis (Artology)
Hare Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermie (Muppetism)
Jacques Philippe Caresme (Artology)
John Roberts, writer and missionary (Christian; Saint)
Kitano Baika-sai (Plum Blossom Festival; Kyoto, Japan; Shinto)
Maria Adeodata Pisani (Positivist; Blessed)
Media Hiems I (Pagan)
Octopus Enjoyment Day (Pastafarian)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Artology)
2nd Sunday in Lent (a.k.a. ... 
Reminiscere Sunday
The Transfiguration
Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Victornius and six companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Virgil (Positivist; Saint)
Walpurga (Christian; Saint; she was canonised on 5.1 c. 870 and Walpurgis Night is celebrated 4.30) [Crops]
Wendy Beckett (Christian; Sister) [Art]
Wenchang Wang Day (Chinese God of Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [9 of 53]
Belle Epoque (Film; 1994)
Boat Builders (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Boom at the Top or Bullwinkle Loses His Head (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 259; 1964)
Boris Talks to Himself or Mockingbird Heel (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 260; 1964)
Born to Peck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
The Bourne Ultimatum, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1990)
Broom-Stick Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Camelot (TV Series; 2011)
The Carnival of the Animals, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Musical Suite; 1922)
The Cat Above and the Mouse Below (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
DC Showcase: The Phantom Stranger (WB MM Cartoon; 2020)
Drive Angry (Film; 2011)
Gold Rush Daze (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Hall Pass (Film; 2011)
Henry IV, Part 1, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1598)
In the Name of the Father (Film; 1993)
The Lady Eve (Film; 1941)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Modern Times (Film; 1936)
The Mouse on 57th Street (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
On the Beach, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1957)
Ooooooohhh… On the TLC Tip, by TLC (Album; 1992)
The Passion of the Christ (Film; 2004)
Phoney Booths, Parts 1 & 2 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 37 & 38; 1967)
Please Please Me, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
Reindeer Games (Film; 2000)
Rubber Duckie, sung by Ernie (Song; 1970)
Slap Shot (Film; 1977)
Soldiers' Pay, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1926)
Songs from the Big Chair, by Tears for Fears (Album; 1985)
Superman: Red Son (WB Animated Film; 2020)
Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, by Carl Jung (Science Book; 1952)
Ten Summoner’s Tales, by Sting (Album; 1993)
Terror Island (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #24; 1965)
That’ll Be the Day, recorded by Buddy Holly (Song; 1957)
Vikings: Valhalla (TV Series; 2022)
Wonder Boys (Film; 2000)
Yes Minister (UK TV Series; 1980)
Your Show of Shows (TV Series; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Walburga (Austria)
Berislav, Hrvoje, Nestorije (Croatia)
Liliana (Czech Republic)
Victorinus (Denmark)
Tormi, Tuule, Tuuli, Tuulike (Estonia)
Tuija, Tuire, Vanessa (Finland)
Roméo (France)
Edeltraud, Walburga (Germany)
Riginos, Tarasios, Tarsi (Greece)
Mátyás (Hungary)
Cesario, Costanza, Vittorino (Italy)
Alma, Grants, Zalga (Latvia)
Margiris, Rasa, Regimantas, Viktoras (Lithuania)
Viktor, Viktoria (Norway)
Bolebor, Cezary, Konstancjusz, Maciej, Małgorzata, Modest, Nicefor (Poland)
Tarasie (Romania)
Frederik (Slovakia)
Donato, Valerio (Spain)
Sigvard, Sivert (Sweden)
Artema, Artemis, Welden, Weldon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 56 of 2024; 310 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 16 (Ji-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 16 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 15 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 26 Grey; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 11 February 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Homer (2nd Month) [Virgil]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 67 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 7 of 30)
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zukkaoru · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @starrynightarchive and @feralshadowdemon, ty for the tag!! putting most of this under a cut since it's long lol
tagging (with no pressure): @that-was-anticlimactic @backhurtyy @rejectscanon
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
167 linked to my main ao3 account. maybe some others floating around that have been made anonymous or orphaned or something. who knows
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
965,845 - okay wow i did not realize i was that close to 1mil. huh
3. what fandoms do you write for?
well right now the bsd brainrot has taken hold of me and i cannot think of much else. but i do have a handful of zine fics for other fandoms that are in progress / will be posted eventually. i have a very long list of fandoms i have written for in the past; however, i would not recommend reading anything posted before 2021
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
plum blossom
you clutched my brain and eased my ailing
my calamitous love & insurmountable grief
five times ryan came out (and one time he couldn't)
(just wanna be) somebody i'm proud of
my disclaimer here is that these are absolutely nowhere even close to being by best fics and i kind of resent them being my top five
5. do you respond to comments
i'm trying🫠 i let like 600+ pile up in my inbox over the course of a year and a half (or more) and so i recently went through and just marked everything as read instead of actually responding. BUT (almost) all comments on fics posted since ~august 2023 will get responses. exceptions are if i literally don't know what to say bc i'm bad at talking to people sorry
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you don't even want to know the horrors that showed up in my google docs this weekend. but also either if one of us dies or may we stay lost on our way home
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'll go with this ultraviolet morning light just bc it's probably the greatest payoff since it takes longest to get to the happy ending
8. do you get hate on fics?
not typically but there have been a few mean comments over the years. actually i got one bookmark on a fic that's in a series for a fanweek that says "ignore the others in this series but this one is good" and honest to god it just made me laugh. like.. you do realize i can see that, right?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i can barely write kiss scenes
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i don't usually BUT when i was in middle school my friend and i created The Megacrossover, which consisted of us putting a bunch of different book characters into a hunger games arena. and we just kept adding more fandoms, and having new characters be transported into the arena. it was a good time. this was also entirely handwritten as all fanfiction should be when you're 10-12 years old
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. definitely found one fic that was like. heavily influenced by mine back in my ouat days though
12. what's the longest you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
longest: over a year, at least shortest: a couple hours (not including editing)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
not technically since the megacrossover but corey and i co-come up with ideas like. at least once a week
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? from all fandoms?
outlaw queen has to be my answer to this forever and always. never forgive never forget 🏹🍎
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
too many to answer. probably the biggest one is the azula-centric sequel to tuvml that i simply do not have the attention to write bc the hyperfixations have travelled elsewhere :( there are many many others though. i have an endless amount of ideas and not enough time
16. what are your writing strengths?
people often tell me i'm good at characterization and tbh i do pride myself on knowing characters better than 97% of the rest of the fandom. not all of the characters. but most of them.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
short attention span </3
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
do whatever you want forever. but like.. respectfully
19. first fandom you wrote for?
probably percy jackson when i was like 10. no you cannot find that anywhere online because i, like an idiot, deleted it without saving a backup copy
20. favorite fic you've written?
definitely (i am) the whisper of a memory. i love a lot of my fics, but that is one i am especially proud of because i tried new things with the formatting and i think it worked really really well
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 2.25
Armed Forces Day (Dominican Republic)
Big Bang Theory Day
Choiseul Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Colt Revolver Day
Commedia dell’Arte Day
Coronado Day (Mexico)
Cuddle Day
Dag van de Revolutie (Day of Liberation and Innovation; Suriname)
Dance of the Secret Places
Day of Liberation and Innovation (Suriname)
Deinonychus Day
DNA Discovery Day
EDSA Revolution Day (Philippines)
Februaristaking (Netherlands)
Flag Day (Bangladesh)
George Harrison Day
Gray Day (Scotland)
High Five Day
Imam Ali Day (Iran)
International Cochlear Implant Day
Ireland Reads Day (Ireland)
Italian Buckthorn Day (French Republic)
Meher Baba Day
Memorial Day for the Victims of the Communist Dictatorships (Hungary)
National Billy Day
National Day (Kuwait)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Jessica Day
National Kathy Day
National Masturbation Day (Poland)
National Nicholas Day
National radio Day (Thailand)
National Reparations Awareness Day
Peace Memorial Holiday (Taiwan)
People Power Day (Anniversary of EDSA Revolution; Philippines)
Pistol Patent Day
Revolution Day (Suriname)
Russian Warship GFY Day
Quiet Day
Sister Wendy Day
Soviet Occupation Day (Georgia)
Time of the Old Woman begins (until March 4)
Tristan da Cunha (a.k.a. Queen’s Day, Saint Helena)
Women’s Day (Iceland)
World Bookmark Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
Let's All Eat Right Day
National Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
National Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
National Clam Chowder Day
National Muffin Day
Tastykake Day
4th & Last Sunday in February
College Goal Sunday [Last Sunday]
Freedom Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Woman’s Day (original date; 1909) [Last Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 25 (4th Week)
Peace Corp Week [thru 3.2]
Telecommuter Appreciation Week [thru 3.2]
Independence & Related Days
Choiseul Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Kuwait (from UK, 1961)
Pigeon Island (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 1 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 25, 2024
Popsicle Bridge Contest (Richmond, Virginia)
Tampa Bay Jewish Food Festival (Tampa Bay, Florida)
Feast Days
Æthelberht of Kent (1st Christian Anglo-Saxon King) [current date]
Anthony Burgess (Writerism)
Bd Robert of Arbrissel (Christian; Saint)
Burke Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Caesarius, Physician of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás (Positivist; Blessed)
Dance of the Secret Places (Shamanism)
Day of Mut (Mother Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Elizabeth Fedde (Lutheran Church)
Ethelbert of Kent (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Fflur (Celtic Book of Days)
Feast of the Blessed Regina Marriam of Vattalil (India)
Feast of Montu (Egyptian Falcon-Headed War God; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Feast of the Stinky Butts
Festival of Ptah (Ancient Egypt)
Gerland of Agrigento (Christian; Saint)
Giuseppe De Nittis (Artology)
Hare Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermie (Muppetism)
Jacques Philippe Caresme (Artology)
John Roberts, writer and missionary (Christian; Saint)
Kitano Baika-sai (Plum Blossom Festival; Kyoto, Japan; Shinto)
Maria Adeodata Pisani (Positivist; Blessed)
Media Hiems I (Pagan)
Octopus Enjoyment Day (Pastafarian)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Artology)
2nd Sunday in Lent (a.k.a. ... 
Reminiscere Sunday
The Transfiguration
Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Victornius and six companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Virgil (Positivist; Saint)
Walpurga (Christian; Saint; she was canonised on 5.1 c. 870 and Walpurgis Night is celebrated 4.30) [Crops]
Wendy Beckett (Christian; Sister) [Art]
Wenchang Wang Day (Chinese God of Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [9 of 53]
Belle Epoque (Film; 1994)
Boat Builders (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Boom at the Top or Bullwinkle Loses His Head (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 259; 1964)
Boris Talks to Himself or Mockingbird Heel (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 260; 1964)
Born to Peck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
The Bourne Ultimatum, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1990)
Broom-Stick Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Camelot (TV Series; 2011)
The Carnival of the Animals, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Musical Suite; 1922)
The Cat Above and the Mouse Below (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
Count Screwloose and J.R. the Wonder Dog (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
DC Showcase: The Phantom Stranger (WB MM Cartoon; 2020)
Drive Angry (Film; 2011)
Gold Rush Daze (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Hall Pass (Film; 2011)
Henry IV, Part 1, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1598)
In the Name of the Father (Film; 1993)
The Lady Eve (Film; 1941)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Modern Times (Film; 1936)
The Mouse on 57th Street (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
On the Beach, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1957)
Ooooooohhh… On the TLC Tip, by TLC (Album; 1992)
The Passion of the Christ (Film; 2004)
Phoney Booths, Parts 1 & 2 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 37 & 38; 1967)
Please Please Me, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
Reindeer Games (Film; 2000)
Rubber Duckie, sung by Ernie (Song; 1970)
Slap Shot (Film; 1977)
Soldiers' Pay, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1926)
Songs from the Big Chair, by Tears for Fears (Album; 1985)
Superman: Red Son (WB Animated Film; 2020)
Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, by Carl Jung (Science Book; 1952)
Ten Summoner’s Tales, by Sting (Album; 1993)
Terror Island (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #24; 1965)
That’ll Be the Day, recorded by Buddy Holly (Song; 1957)
Vikings: Valhalla (TV Series; 2022)
Wonder Boys (Film; 2000)
Yes Minister (UK TV Series; 1980)
Your Show of Shows (TV Series; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Walburga (Austria)
Berislav, Hrvoje, Nestorije (Croatia)
Liliana (Czech Republic)
Victorinus (Denmark)
Tormi, Tuule, Tuuli, Tuulike (Estonia)
Tuija, Tuire, Vanessa (Finland)
Roméo (France)
Edeltraud, Walburga (Germany)
Riginos, Tarasios, Tarsi (Greece)
Mátyás (Hungary)
Cesario, Costanza, Vittorino (Italy)
Alma, Grants, Zalga (Latvia)
Margiris, Rasa, Regimantas, Viktoras (Lithuania)
Viktor, Viktoria (Norway)
Bolebor, Cezary, Konstancjusz, Maciej, Małgorzata, Modest, Nicefor (Poland)
Tarasie (Romania)
Frederik (Slovakia)
Donato, Valerio (Spain)
Sigvard, Sivert (Sweden)
Artema, Artemis, Welden, Weldon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 56 of 2024; 310 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 16 (Ji-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 16 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 15 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 26 Grey; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 11 February 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Homer (2nd Month) [Virgil]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 67 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 7 of 30)
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shlzine · 3 years
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Our shop is open for preorders NOW through March 31! https://sijihuazine.bigcartel.com/
All proceeds from zine sales will be donated to our charity of choice, Doctors Without Borders. Note to UK customers: You must order through our Group Order form.  Do not use this form if you are not in the UK.  Find the form and details here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1zYU6ogS6zx-uR-DvbGVuv7rAdckKZz-ylkXLInEalAe8cw/viewform?usp=sf_link Note to Singapore customers: One of our mods has organized a group order for Singapore!  Find the information and order form here: https://twitter.com/nicke1nomore/status/1499251744336867329
Bundle descriptions are under the cut!
🌺 Azalea Bundle 🌺
Includes physical and digital copies of the main zine volume.
🌻 Chrysanthemum Bundle 🌻
Includes physical and digital copies of the NSFW companion volume. This can also be purchased as an add-on for all bundles.
🌹 Day Lily Bundle 🌹
Includes digital copies of the main zine volume and the NSFW companion volume (can be purchased separately or together).
🌼 Osmanthus Bundle 🌼
Includes physical and digital copies of the main zine volume + 1 sticker sheet, 3 die-cut stickers, 2 prints, 1 bookmark.
🌸 Plum Blossom Bundle 🌸

Includes physical and digital copies of the main zine volume + all merch items: 1 sticker sheet, 3 die-cut stickers, 2 prints, 2 enamel pins, 1 acrylic standee, 2 acrylic charms, 1 bookmark.
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I have 2016 stats and 2017 stats and 2018 stats and 2019 stats
Tagging @ everybody who sees this post and wants to do this! <3
AO3 Stats!
(How to find your stats: go to your Dashboard, click on “Statistics,” then click on the year you’re answering for!)
Total 2020 Word Count: 259274 Total 2020 Hits: 216458 Total Kudos: 16028 Total Bookmarks: 2449 Total Comment (threads): 1426 User Subscriptions: 740
Links and Titles to 2020 Works:
A Need To Forget (E, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, 1648 words)
Nightfall (E, Maddie Bishop/Ben Pownall/Ryn, 1871 words)
Flickers In The Flame (G, Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, 940 words)
Love-Lust (E, Krolia/Romelle, 656 words)
Secrets And Untruths (T, Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, Lyra Belacqua & Pantalaimon, 3882 words)
Better Late Than Never (T, Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, 4585 words)
Devil's Side (T, Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, 3455 words)
I Like You For You (No Rating, Iorek Byrnison/Lee Scoresby, 1122 words)
Weeks and Weeks (T, Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, Lyra Belacqua & Pantalaimon, 3800 words)
Don't You Worry (T, Lyra Belacqua & Lee Scoresby, Lee Scoresby & Hester, 1095 words)
Take Me And Do As You Will (E, Death/Morrigan (Der Gevatter Tod | Godfather Death), Godfather Death/The Physician (Der Gevatter Tod | Godfather Death), 1159 words)
Already Extraordinary (No Rating, Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, Marisa Coulter & Lord Asriel, 3540 words)
Golden Yellow Dice (M, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren/Han Solo, 450 words)
Tickle Me Pink (T, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, 849 words)
Watermelon (M, Misty Day/Cordelia Foxx | Cordelia Goode, 560 words)
Rose Red (T, Drusilla/Kendra Young, 324 words)
Cherry (E, Sara Lance/Thea Queen, 495 words)
Scarlet (No Rating, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, 327 words)
Burnt Orange (T, Beth Kane | Alice/Kate Kane, 824 words)
Macaroni And Cheese (E, Rue Bennett/Jules Vaughn, 586 words)
Sleepless Nights (G, Azula/Yue, 543 words)
Peach (M, Anne Lister (1791-1840)/Ann Walker (1803-1854), 641 words)
Goldenrod (G, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 447 words)
Canary Yellow (T, Marisa Coulter/Ma Costa, 982 words)
Sunglow (No Rating, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, 932 words)
Lemon Lime (T, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, 806 words)
Seafoam Green (No Rating, Robin Buckley/Kali Prasad, 428 words)
Rainforest (G, Katie Bell/Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet, 553 words)
Emerald (No Rating, Anna/Elsa, 702 words)
Mint (T, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, 100 words)
Teal (M, Eleanor Guthrie/Max, 557 words)
We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off (To Have A Good Time) (No Rating, Tony Stark & Steve Rogers & James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson & Natasha Romanov & Clint Barton & Peggy Carter, 654 words)
Cerulean (No Rating, Cheryl Blossom/Betty Cooper, 500 words)
Pride Before The Fall (T, Lyra Belacqua/Marisa Coulter, 827 words)
Turquoise (E, Doreah/Daenerys Targaryen, 458 words)
Blueberry (G, C.C./Euphemia li Britannia, 523 words)
Cobalt (No Rating, Thelma Dickinson/Louise Sawyer, 301 words)
The Devil's Daughter (E, Black Philip/Thomasin, 989 words)
Indigo (M, Jo Harvelle/Meg Masters, 398 words)
Plum (No Rating, Elphaba Thropp/Galinda Upland, 404 words)
Violet (E, Korra/Asami Sato, 270 words)
Lilac (T, Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, 714 words)
Lavender (G, Marcie/Peppermint Patty, 681 words)
Steel Gray (M, Kawakami Tomie/Chiemi (The Long Hair In The Attic), 870 words)
Black As Nightblood (No Rating, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, 693 words)
Pale White (G, Emilyko/Kate Shadow-sama, 276 words)
Bright and Blood Red (T, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, 473 words)
In a Second (T, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 2550 words)
Lost In Paradise (No Rating, Thirteenth Doctor/Dhawan!Master, 2236 words)
Never To Surrender (T, Beth Kane | Alice & Kate Kane, Beth Kane | Alice/Kate Kane, 409 words)
Darkest Before The Dawn (T, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, 1385 words)
Trouble In Here (M, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, 2538 words)
I’ll Be Dreaming Of You (T, Thirteenth Doctor/Dhawan!Master, 818 words)
Too Lovely By Far (T, Fa Mulan/Li Shang, Fa Ping/Li Shang, 1280 words)
Stay The Same
(G, Phichit Chulanont & Christophe Giacometti, 100 words)
Despair On Your Lips (T, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, 100 words)
Hello Again (No Rating, Thirteenth Doctor/The Doctor's TARDIS, 100 words)
Warm Hugs (G, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 100 words)
Find Me In Orbit (T, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey, 100 words)
All Night Long (M, Fa Mulan/Original Female Character(s), 2061 words)
Up In Smoke (T, Korra/Asami Sato, 1286 words)
Bala Lilas (E, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, 1621 words)
Searching For You (No Rating, Leia Organa/Rey/Luke Skywalker/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, 896 words)
Not Without A Fight (T, Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, 1528 words)
It'll Be Fine (M, Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, 3209 words)
Vœux (G, Prince Charming/Cinderella, 3375 words)
Between Grief and High Delight (No Rating, Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, 30943 words, UNFINISHED)
The Child (M, Thirteenth Doctor/River Song, 4463 words)
Vengeance (M, Betty Cooper/FP Jones II, Betty Cooper & FP Jones II, 600 words)
It Takes Two (G, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, 100 words)
Oof (T, Sing Soo-Ling & Shorter Wong, 100 words)
Sweet Slow Motion (E, Peter Parker/Tony Stark, 100 words)
For Better Or Worse (No Rating, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, 100 words)
Without Warning (T, Keith/Shiro, 100 words)
Work In Progress (No Rating, Xander Harris & Buffy Summers & Faith Lehane & Angel, 100 words)
I Got You (And You Got Me) (T, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, 1047 words)
Nedovtipa (T, Aang/Zuko, 342 words)
Blood Orange (No Rating, Chiyoh/Margot Verger, 522 words)
Hygge (G, Anna/Elsa, 370 words)
Redamancy (M, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon, 435 words)
Noceur (No Rating, Dick Grayson/Wally West, 689 words)
Paroxysm (E, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, 310 words)
Trouvaille (T, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, 551 words)
Frabjous (M, Keith/Shiro, 601 words)
Minutiae (G, Koriand'r/Raven, 139 words)
Sarang (No Rating, Hitachiin Hikaru/Hitachiin Kaoru, 363 words)
Basorexia (T, Ros/Sansa Stark, 467 words)
Fika (G, Aziraphale/Crowley, 269 words)
Operose (No Rating, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, 392 words)
Akrasia (T, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, 386 words)
Sophrosyne (G, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, 244 words)
Lagom (M, Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji/Shorter Wong, 847 words)
Nebulochaotic (No Rating, Shuri & T'Challa, Michelle Jones/Shuri, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Ned Leeds/Peter Parker, 287 words)
Whelve (G, Prince Justin | Turnip Head/Howl Pendragon, 342 words)
Adronitis (No Rating, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, 276 words)
Gigil (E, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, 554 words)
Selcouth (G, Dib/Zim, 362 words)
Charmolypi (T, Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones, 703 words)
Vorfreude (M, Gwen/Morgana, 886 words)
Perambulate (G, Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, 1358 words)
Vagary (G, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 1048 words)
Yuputka (M, Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, 554 words)
Erlebnisse (T, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 1017 words)
Trapped In Yearning (E, Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, 1645 words)
Aeonian (G, Korra/Asami Sato, 852 words)
Irusu (E, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, 905 words)
Concinnity (No Rating, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, 694 words)
Quatervois (T, Ben Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves, 522 words)
Varb (T, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 852 words)
Make A Good Memory (T, Aang/Katara, 1145 words)
With Masterful Deceit (E, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, 3960 words)
Good Girls Go To Heaven (No Rating, Wendy Darling/Mermaids, 1258 words)
Give In To Me (E, Dark Rey/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, 1212 words)
Take It Slow (G, Izumi/Kya II, 739 words)
Hands Free (No Rating, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, 1344 words)
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welcometoteyvat · 6 months
Xingqiu slumps onto his desk, defeated. The deadline for a special volume of A Legend of Sword is scarcely three nights away, and yet he still hasn’t progressed past the first fight sequence. Every word he pens feels inadequate, his characters are becoming more and more crooked, and the sentences are crawling away from him like silkworms off the page—one, two, three, four… Wait—but the next arc… His valiant unnamed hero will claim a narrow victory against the Tai-Shogun’s cyborg samurai, and then—and then…
When Xingqiu’s eyelids flutter open again, the lantern by his window has dimmed considerably. He cannot have dozed off for that long, can he?
At least his father and brother are asleep. It would be best if they never find out about his sleeping schedule.
The shadow of his hand is so sharp against the pages of his lantern-lit draft. Xingqiu traces the ridges of his knuckles, a flickering black silhouette on the page beneath it. From this angle, it almost looks like a dragon’s mouth, one of the Natlan kinds… Maybe he’ll be able to see one in person someday…
He should try to finish this chapter, since it’s almost done anyways… Oh, but didn’t Calx mention something about their alchemy experiments in their last letter? Perhaps they know a potion that could increase his inspiration… it wouldn’t be too late to ask about it, right?
His eyes shut slowly.
“—qiu. Xingqiu. Hey, bookworm. Aren’t you a sorry sight, hm?” Someone is poking his shoulder. He wishes they would stop. He knows that voice. It—
“…Wh— Hu Tao? Isn’t it late? How did you even get in?” Where is she? Xingqiu can only stare blearily in the direction of her voice, strangely disembodied in the pitch-black room.
“The same way I always do; don’t tell me you already forgot? Anyways, there was business at Wuwang Hill tonight. It takes a long time to walk back.” There's rustling, the tap-tap of shoes against the sandalwood floor, and then a crackling of fire as Xingqiu's lantern flickers to life again. It illuminates Xingqiu’s room, his manuscript, and the girl leaning against his desk, idly twirling her hat round her thumb. A smile dances across Hu Tao’s peach blossom eyes, and her merry lips quirk up at the corners, greeting him warmly. Xingqiu is impressed by her liveliness at such an hour; anyone normal would never be in such a good mood in this dead of night. Of course, Hu Tao has never settled for normalcy. And he would be delighted to see her any other time, but…
“Hu Tao, I appreciate your visit, but you should head back to Wangsheng. I need to focus, and you should rest too.” Xingqiu straightens in his chair, and immediately grimaces—his back is aching. Hu Tao’s eyes narrow, and Xingqiu resigns himself. He’s never been able to hide much from her: not his double standards, his avoidance, his fatigue.
“You’ve been in this slump for at least a week, and you’re still putting on a brave face? It’s unbecoming for a chivalric hero to refuse help in dire straits, Xingqiu.” Hu Tao’s voice is rarely so serious, and Xingqiu can feel her studying him, her gaze quietly burning. He looks away. When had she become so adept at instilling that indescribable feeling of shame-guilt in him?
“How long have you been working on this dialogue? You know, inspiration won’t strike you like a lightning bolt in this dead of night, or it would’ve already.”
“I—” Xingqiu looks back at the draft. The last sentence trails off illegibly, and there are ink splatters all over the page—it seems his brush control is no better with less sleep. He sighs.
“Aiya… look at you, already so despondent. Isn’t your deadline still three midnights away? Come on, you’re already turning into a dull and uninspired young master. If you go on like this, soon I won’t have anyone to trade verses with anymore.”
“Hey! I’m not becoming dull or uninspired! I just… I just need a bit more time.” Yeah, that’s it. He just needs to get used to the flow of his story again. After all, there’s never been another way out, has there?
“Hm. Whatever you say, young master. Listen, let me tell you about the hanged ghost mystery that cropped up a week ago; it’ll send chills down your spine for sure. I guarantee it would make for an incredible plot point!” There’s a warm lilt in Hu Tao’s voice—a rare teasing fondness that makes Xingqiu raise his head. She is looking at him expectantly, eyes alight with the promise of a good story, words waiting to spill from her lips like the sweet melody of just-ready rice wine.
Really, this girl. It’s scary how much she understands him.
“Oh? Then, if it pleases Master Hu to continue, my attention is all hers.”
notes: i have no idea how hu tao could get into his room tbh i just accept she's better at being a prankster than i am lmao. peach blossom eyes does not just refer to hu tao's pupils, it's an eye shape classification! i thought it fits her <3 (putting this note here since I already described it like that 2x) also just imagine that xingqiu usually has relatively fast reflexes but he's eepy and tired so he isn't as alert against intruders. also, smiles serenely. they could be each other's muses and inspirations (high honor). this is rlly just xingqiu going through The Horrors (writers block) but i hope it's decent i love him dearly. i dont actually know if hu tao was written that well tbh something about writing in limited perspective kinda fucks me up idk. the more i look at this the more things i find wrong with it but i need to be free from it now or it's never getting done
also this is irrelevant to this snippet but i choose to believe in shit eyesight xingqiu who got the teyvat equivalent of contacts and/or lasik eye surgery. he would've needed glasses but he doesn't want to look like an Old Man!!!! (baizhu: ._. )
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paintingarta · 5 years
What You Know About Traditional Chinese Artwork And What You Don’t Know About Traditional Chinese Artwork | Traditional Chinese Artwork
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ichorai · 3 years
florentis ; k.hj
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requested by anon (24 + magic au) for my milestone celebration !!
pairing ; roommate!hongjoong x nature manipulator!reader (gender-neutral)
summary ; you find yourself getting a little too immersed in your book.
themes ; fantasy, fluff, superpowers au, roommates au, hints at college au
words ; 0.7k
warnings / includes ; no warnings, hongjoong being a sap, reader has cool powers :D
a/n ; this was super fun to write :D and it's my first hongjoong piece omg !!! i love him mucho :( thanks to @subways-stuff again for letting me ramble to you <//3
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Fantasy has always enamoured you. The blazing dragons of the sky, the glinting swords of knights, and the soft pastels of elaborate ball gowns never failed to send you into a dreamy haze. It was the longing for a life you knew you couldn’t have, the sweetest of romances between forbidden parties, the thrilling action that had you gripping the book so tightly, it was a wonder its spine didn’t split into half.
In fact, you were so immersed in the story of the princess and the knight that you hadn’t even realized your powers had gotten the better of you. Vines snaked up the walls and ceilings, crawling out of your room and into the hallway. Small wildflowers blossomed by your nightstand, but you had yet to notice.
You let out a breathy laugh as you rolled over on your bed, not once ripping your gaze from the inked words, drowning in your thick woolen blanket. With this action, leaves sprouted from the vines and criss-crossed over your bed. Within minutes, your room started looking more like a forest than a place of slumber.
Finding your nose buried between the pages of a book far too thick for his liking wasn’t an uncommon feat for Hongjoong. Finding his laptop shrouded with greenery and roses, however, was not. His narrowed gaze traced over the vines leading out of his own sanctuary and into the hallway, confirming his suspicions by twisting right into your bedroom.
He pushed away from his work desk with an amused sigh, careful to sidestep the plum-hued orchids in the midst of fluorescence by his feet.
“You have a peculiar way of luring people into bed with you,” Hongjoong murmured once he ducked under the canopy of leaves decorating your doorway. “While I appreciate the flowers, I do have a paper to finish.”
In an instant, your irises snapped away from the worn pages of your book, finding solace in your roommate’s entertained gaze. It took you a second to realize the repercussions of your slipping reign over your powers. The green was hard to miss, after all.
“I am so sorry.” Your voice came out far smaller than you intended it to, but you slanted your lips into an apologetic smile to make up for it. “I didn’t realize.”
Hongjoong shrugged it off lightly, a smile of his own playing at the corner of his lips. It relieved you to see that he wasn’t actually mad. He meandered over the foliage and sat beside you on the bed, raising an eyebrow at your book. “So you didn’t send me those flowers on purpose? I’m offended.” A faux gasp of indignation escaped his lungs, but ultimately betrayed by a striking grin.
With a scoff, you nudged at his shoulder with your own. You placed a bookmark (also your receipt from your last grocery run with Hongjoong) where you left off and pushed the story to the side. Bringing both your palms together, you conjured a singular, minuscule canary buttercup, its petals falling soft against your fingers. Hongjoong watched in muted awe. Nimbly, you slotted the flower behind his ear, smoothing your thumbs over his faded clementine hair, trailing over his cheek. He shut his eyes at your gentle touch.
Had you gone too far for a roommate? Your fingers curled in on themself, and you reluctantly pulled your hand away.
Hongjoong seemed mildly disappointed when your warmth retracted, but he cleared his throat and the twinkle in his eye came back just as quickly as it disappeared.
“There. You happy now?”
“It’s small.”
“Seems fitting,” you teased.
Hongjoong shot you a spineless glare. “Don’t even start.” He looked oh so pretty with that flower behind his ear. He was also pretty without the sweet blossom, but you weren’t quite sure you were ready to admit that to yourself just yet. The both of you fell into a comfortable silence before he spoke up once more. “You know, the paper can wait. That book must be pretty good to make you lose this much control.”
A warm flush spidered through your skin, and you reached over to grab at the frayed book once again. “You want me to read a bit to you?”
“Nothing would be better,” Hongjoong quipped as he laid down, sinking into your plush pillows, inhaling your fresh fougere scent and enjoying this moment a little more than he should’ve.
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ocdhuacheng · 6 years
do you have any fic recs for gk? thanks!
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SORRYFOR TAKING SO LONG TO REPLY TO THIS im terrible at time managementskills and my life has been a dumpster fire lately, but school iscancelled because the midwest is frozen so now is the time to getshit done
also anon(s) i say this bc this fandom is tiny so if youre awriter and im recommending you your own works 1) sorry lmao, 2) good joband thank you and also i love you
anyway I havent read like. All the fics in the tag (that areactually interesting to me) but here are some ones that I really likeso far:
world eater by antagonists: urban fantasy modern au, featuringsugimoto, asirpa, shiraishi, tanigaki, and ogata. the writing iscool, its kind of vague which makes an interesting atmosphere and Ilove the concept itself! (i want them to write more in this universebut idk if they ever will u_u) (gen, one shot, ~2000 words) 
happily ever after by jojotier: set in karafuto, angsty, where thebois get drunk and tsukishima tells the story of him and igogusa butlike framed as a fairytale (gen, one shot, ~3000 words)
a nugget of happiness by jojotier: modern au, tsukishima is a warvet and gets a therapy dog (gen, ongoing, ~4600 words so far)
back together by TRANSTOSHI: sugimoto, shiraishi, and aspira arereunited. Really cute!!!! (sugishira, one shot, ~1700 words)
plum blossom, fox blessed by tokidokis: inkarmat visits umeko postchapter 138. Rarepair!!! but I like it and I need more fics about thegirls (inkarmat/umeko, one shot, ~2400 words)
in between by bikeaesthetic: following events of ch 25; everyoneis asleep and sugimoto is happy (gen, one shot, ~700 words)
trust by jouska: Shiraishi wants to affirm Sugimoto’s trust inhim, offering a shoulder to lean on when they’re the only ones awake.(sugishira, one shot, ~1600 words)
hajime by saltystrawberry: He loved her for calling him by hisreal name. a drabble about tsukishima and igogusa, throughouttsukishima’s life (tsukishima/igogusa, one shot, ~2000 words)
corporeal by knightofbunnies: In spite of everything, Inkarmatlives, and Ienaga is around to provide a better-than-average hospitaldinner. Centered on some conversations between inkarmat and ienegaafter the abashiri raid. (gen, one shot, ~1700 words)
living in the shadows of great men by fizzyspines: After a lingonberry wine crisis somewhat averted and an unfortunate encounter with the dangerous wilderness of Karafuto, Koito decides to isolate himself from the group. Intrigued by this unusual behaviour, the sergeant Tsukishima decides to get to the bottom of this. (gen, one shot, ~2600 words)
vainglory by jojotier: in which sugimoto is ACTUALLY immortal(sugishira, ongoing, ~5400 words so far)
sleepless by tiredtiredtired: Sugimoto can’t sleep, so he has a chat with Shiraishi by the campfire over some booze (sugishira, one-shot, ~1800 words)
avoiding seasickness by 2LT: koito gets seasick :p no theres more to it than that lol. koito and tsukishima talk about parents and responsibilities and other things (koito/tsukishima, one shot, ~2000 words)
there are also a couple of long fics that I havent read yet so Icant recommend them per se  (tho theyre by jojotier, so lbrtheyre probably good lol) but theyre artificial enemy(koito/tsukishima, sugishira, modern au with AIs, ~31300 words so far) andstarchasers (gen, space opera!! choose your own adventure story,~11300 words so far) so if you like scifi like I do maybe check thoseout, I will be doing that too when I have the time to read long fics:p
so yeah, hopefully I didnt forget anything, and I know theres noorganization to this list sjdfnskjdfn I was basically just going thrumy bookmarks. also u can tell where i got lazy and just copy pasted the summary instead of writing anything myself
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.25
Big Bang Theory Day
Choiseul Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Colt Revolver Day
Commedia dell’Arte Day
Coronado Day (Mexico)
Cuddle Day
Dag van de Revolutie (Day of Liberation and Innovation; Suriname)
Dance of the Secret Places
Deinonychus Day
DNA Discovery Day
Februaristaking (Netherlands)
George Harrison Day
Gray Day (Scotland)
High Five Day
Imam Ali Day (Iran)
International Cochlear Implant Day
Ireland Reads Day (Ireland)
Meher Baba Day
Memorial Day for the Victims of the Communist Dictatorships (Hungary)
National Billy Day
National Day (Kuwait)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Jessica Day
National Kathy Day
National Nicholas Day
Peace Memorial Holiday (Taiwan)
People Power Day (Anniversary of EDSA Revolution; Philippines)
Pistol Patent Day
Revolution Day (Suriname)
Russian Warship GFY Day
Quiet Day
Sister Wendy Day
Soviet Occupation Day (Georgia)
Time of the Old Woman begins (until March 4)
Tristan da Cunha (a.k.a. Queen’s Day, Saint Helena)
World Bookmark Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
Let's All Eat Right Day
National Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
National Clam Chowder Day
Tastykake Day
4th & Last Saturday in February
Clam Chowder Cook-Off (Santa Cruz, CA) [Last Saturday & Sunday]
International Sword Swallowers Day [Last Saturday]
International Tongue Twister Contest Day [Last Saturday]
National Day of Terere (Paraguay) [Last Saturday]
National Library Open Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
National Pretty Brown Girl Day [4th Saturday]
National TRiO Day [4th Saturday]
Open That Bottle Night [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Kuwait (from UK, 1961)
Pigeon Island (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Æthelberht of Kent (1st Christian Anglo-Saxon King) [current date]
Burke Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Caesarius, Physician of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás (Positivist; Blessed)
Day of Mut (Mother Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Blessed Regina Marriam of Vattalil (India)
Feast of the Stinky Butts
Festival of Ptah (Ancient Egypt)
Gerland of Agrigento (Christian; Saint)
Hare Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermie (Muppetism)
John Roberts, writer and missionary (Christian; Saint)
Kitano Baika-sai (Plum Blossom Festival; Kyoto, Japan; Shinto)
Maria Adeodata Pisani (Positivist; Blessed)
Media Hiems (Pagan)
Octopus Enjoyment Day (Pastafarian)
Saturday of Souls, Second (Eastern Orthodox) [57 Days before Easter]
Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Victornius and six companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Virgil (Positivist; Saint)
Walpurga (Christian; Saint; she was canonised on 5.1 c. 870 and Walpurgis Night is celebrated 4.30) [Crops]
Wendy Beckett (Christian; Sister) [Art]
Wenchang Wang Day (Chinese God of Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [9 of 53]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Belle Epoque (Film; 1994)
Boat Builders (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
The Bourne Ultimatum, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1990)
The Carnival of the Animals, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Musical Suite; 1922)
Henry IV, Part 1, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1598)
The Lady Eve (Film; 1941)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Modern Times (Film; 1936)
Ooooooohhh… On the TLC Tip, by TLC (Album; 1992)
The Passion of the Christ (Film; 2004)
Please Please Me, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
Reindeer Games (Film; 2000)
Rubber Duckie, sung by Ernie (Song; 1970)
Slap Shot (Film; 1977)
Songs from the Big Chair, by Tears for Fears (Album; 1985)
Ten Summoner’s Tales, by Sting (Album; 1993)
That’ll Be the Day, recorded by Buddy Holly (Song; 1957)
Yes Minister (UK TV Series; 1980)
Your Show of Shows (TV Series; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Walburga (Austria)
Berislav, Hrvoje, Nestorije (Croatia)
Liliana (Czech Republic)
Victorinus (Denmark)
Tormi, Tuule, Tuuli, Tuulike (Estonia)
Tuija, Tuire, Vanessa (Finland)
Roméo (France)
Edeltraud, Walburga (Germany)
Riginos, Tarasios, Tarsi (Greece)
Mátyás (Hungary)
Cesario, Costanza, Vittorino (Italy)
Alma, Grants, Zalga (Latvia)
Margiris, Rasa, Regimantas, Viktoras (Lithuania)
Viktor, Viktoria (Norway)
Bolebor, Cezary, Konstancjusz, Maciej, Małgorzata, Modest, Nicefor (Poland)
Tarasie (Romania)
Frederik (Slovakia)
Donato, Valerio (Spain)
Sigvard, Sivert (Sweden)
Artema, Artemis, Welden, Weldon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 56 of 2023; 309 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 8 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 6 (Jia-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 4 Adar 5783
Islamic: 4 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 26 Xin; Fiveday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 February 2023
Moon: 34%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 28 Homer (2nd Month) [Virgil]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 67 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 6 of 29)
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erasiign · 6 years
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(yet another) stationery haul &  mini review
Uni-ball Signo UM-151 0.38 Gel Pen - Brown Black
Just like any other Uni-ball Signo gel pen---super smooth and pigmented, but skips occasionally.
Uni-ball Signo UM-151 0.28 Gel Pen - Black
I wasn’t super sure about this pen, (since its tip is so thin I thought it would be scratchy) but when I tried it out in store, I was blown away by how smooth it was! It’s really pigmented too :)
Zebra Sarasa Dry 0.5 Gel Pen - Black
As indicated in the name, this pen drys super fast! It’s supposed to be 0.5, but it writes more like 0.7
Pottering Cat Bookmark
This was a present from a friend, and I am so in love with it, that I can’t bear to use it! It’s so cute!!!
mt Masking Tape x Lisa Larson Washi Tape
I saw this pattern for the first time in store, and I totally fell in love with the artwork! It’s so cool that mt has collaborated with artists! This was my first mt masking tape, and I was stunned by both the quality and quantity!
mt Masking Tape - Plum Blossom - Green Brown
I’ve been eyeing this washi tape online for a while, so when I saw it in store (for a cheaper price!!), I just couldn’t resist!
Tombow Dual Brush Pens - 837 & 873
As mentioned on this blog before, I have quite an extensive collection of these. Being the occasionally forgetful being that I am, I accidentally bought the color 837 again!! It’s a very pretty color, but I definitely do not need two of them, so I gave this one to a friend.
Kuretake Fudegokochi - Hard Tip - Black
I meant to buy the soft tip one, so I was a little disappointed (in myself), but overall, this pen is pretty nice! it’s very good for inking drawings, but far from ideal when it comes to calligraphy. Also, it is a little bit too inky/watery for my taste, and tends to feather a bit, even on 80 gsm paper. It takes a while to dry, so beware of that.
***DISCLAIMER: You by no means need any of this fancy stuff to create great artwork or take good notes! I personally just really love stationery, and choose to spend my money on it rather than on other things.
check out my studygram! questions? ask here!!
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zukkaoru · 4 years
top five fics of 2020
i was tagged by @zukka-soulmates to post my five favorite works I made this year.
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works  you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them  below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
(these are going to be in no particular order because i’m indecisive)
1. plum blossom
confession: i actually started writing this fic before i even finished watching atla for the first time. finishing this fic was what motivated me to finally watch the last few episodes (which i had been putting off bc i didn’t want it to end). i was expecting it to be around 5k words, but i just kept writing more and more, and i actually liked what i was writing while i was writing it, which is not always the case for me. it also got way more attention than i ever expected it to (at the moment, it’s my only fic to cross the 1000 kudos threshold and it has almost 200 public bookmarks, which is absolutely insane to me). before i wrote/published this fic, i’d always wanted to write one of those really long oneshots that ended up being 15k+ words bc i admired that people could even do that, so i’m proud of this fic for that reason. the other thing i really like about this fic is that while it is technically a zukka fic, i ended up spending a lot of time in it exploring the friendship between mai and zuko, as well as the friendships between zuko and many of the other main characters in the show, and i had a lot of fun doing that.
2. my calamitous love & insurmountable grief
i got a lot of comments on this one from people saying they were impressed that both the prose and the poetry parts of the fic were equally good, but honestly, i wasn’t too proud of the prose part. i am, however, pretty proud of the poems. my favorite line (which several people commented on) is definitely “could the world ever mourn for us, my love?” from hope wasn’t meant for us, and that was actually the first line i came up with for that poem. that poem was also the first sonnet i wrote that i don’t actively want to set on fire, so that’s cool too. i’m also a little partial to the end of star-crossed - “and i am only me” because i think it highlights how differently sokka views himself from the way other people (zuko) view him. sokka thinks he’s inferior to all his friends because, well, he’s only sokka. but only sokka has half the world leaders wrapped around his fingers and could single-handedly save or destroy the world if he just. realized. how important he is to the people around him.
3. it’s nice to have a friend
this was the first mailee-centric fic i wrote, and i wrote most of it all in one day. i think i’ve said this before, but this fic is one of the few that just. went exactly where i expected and hoped it would go, and i think accurately portrayed the tone and mood i was going for. i really liked the last scene in chapter three with the snow, and i’m also pretty proud of the ending line, which is nice, because ending lines are important to me and i have gotten stuck on endings so many times because nothing i come up with is good enough. also, the beginning of chapter two actually paved the way for the next fic on this list
4. (no sweeter innocence than) our gentle sin
this fic is a monster. i don’t know what else to say. it’s 25k words long and i wrote it all in three days, listening to chloe moriondo’s cover of take me to church basically the whole time. if that cover was on spotify, it would have made my spotify wrapped just outright embarrassing because i probably listened to that song two hundred times in the span of three days. it started as an exploration of how the agni kai between zuko and ozai might have affected mai and ty lee (hence chapter two of it’s nice to have a friend being the starting inspiration), but it turned into... i don’t know. twenty-five thousand words of me projecting onto all four fire nation kids. and i know people get bogged down by internalized homophobia and homophobic family because it’s depressing and it’s been done before, but i didn’t really write this for anyone besides myself, and people like me, who just want to know that they aren’t alone in what they’re feeling. and it took 25k words and i still wasn’t completely satisfied with it, but i think i got a pretty good start in showing what it’s like to grow up with family whose love you know is entirely hinged on their false belief that you’re straight, and in an environment where you’re essentially taught that if you’re gay, you have to choose between everything you’ve ever known and any shot at living, or falling in love.
5. when we all fall asleep, where do we go?
last but not least, we have what i affectionately labelled my sleep paralysis sokka one shot long before i even started writing it. this idea sat in my head for weeks before i finally got around to writing it, and in the earliest stages of the idea, it was going to be a zuko sleep paralysis oneshot. i’m glad i changed it to sokka, though, because i really enjoyed writing for him. i also might have forced myself into a position where i knew i would experience sleep paralysis before writing the very last scene, so i had some ~fresh~ memories in my mind as i wrote, and i think that scene had the most accurate description because of that. i would not recommend doing that to your mind/body, but... it did help me. (also i may or may not be thinking about writing a sort-of sequel to this that is kya ii-centric.. but i have many other wips to work on first)
tagging: @that-was-anticlimactic @tysukis @zukosaturtle-duck and anyone else who wants to participate! (of course, don’t feel obligated to if you don’t want to)
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