#plus i really wanted to play through the story again 🥺 it’s so good
dykeaegir · 1 year
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i restarted scarlet so i could use this little man…i named him pavé
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torialefay · 2 months
comments and thoughts on the channie content from today's jpn fanmeet?
He’s been so into his “cutie boy” era and I’m honestly here for it. And ofc I love his curly hair the most, but I am really liking the straightened hairstyle he’s had over the last little bit. It actually has been feeding my delusions bc remember him talking about how he’d love to wear his hair out more, but he just doesn’t know how to style it? Well I could figure out the curly routine, but his straightened style??? Easy. Like lemme do it for you baby 🥺 Plus the video of him almost kissing Binnie’s hand ughhhhh
Because imagine having a lazy morning with Channie & you end up doing his hair 🥺🫶🏼
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The two of you had stayed up late playing games, drinking, telling stories, and talking into the darkest hours of the night.
When you’d woken up in the morning, the sun was peaking through the back of the blackout curtains in Chan’s bedroom. Your movements woke him up as well.
“Morning baby,” he’d whispered sweetly in his crackly morning voice before reaching his arms around you to pull you in closer to him. You’d let your head rest in his chest as he nuzzled his chin onto your forehead with a smile.
“Good morning,” you’d tried to say back, the words getting lost in the barrier of his bare skin. Your brain was still foggy, but your heart was content beating next to his.
“What do you wanna do today?” he’d mumbled, squeezing you a bit harder before resting with you in an even tighter embrace.
“This,” you smiled, planting a soft kiss to the skin in the middle of his chest.
“Mmm good,” he whispered, moving one hand to hold taut to the area between your lower back and your ass. “Back to bed, angel,” he managed to get out while grinning to himself.
A few hours later, once you’d both began to stir, Chan checked his phone, scrolling through the notifications, one after one. He’d absentmindedly opened TikTok to start watching videos with you. It’s something you’d done time and time again. Chan’s algorithm was different than yours to say the least. Random gaming videos, sports reels, music stuff, etc. The one thing you had in common on the platform was recommended STAY edits. And every time Chan skipped a sexy edit of himself, you pouted until he went back and let you watch it. Of course you had to tease him a bit afterwards, rubbing your hand up and down his torso. “Look at my fine mannn,” you’d teased, pulling back with a big smile on your face.
“Hush,” Chan rolled his eyes, lazily grinning before pulling you back to him so you couldn’t say another word.
Later, he’d received a text from Felix saying that a few of the boys wanted to check out a new gallery that had opened up about an hour away. He’d asked if you and Chan would like to go.
“I’m more than content with just laying here with you, baby,” Chan said, leaving the decision up to you.
“I am too… But it could be fun if you wanna go,” you looked at him with big eyes, excited that you’d been included in the plans.
“We’d better get ready then,” he’d said before stretching his arms out above his head. “I think they’re wanting to leave in a little over an hour.”
45 minutes later, and you were finishing your makep as you saw Chris walk out of the bathroom toward his closet, wearing only his shorts. You watched the outline of his back from your makeup mirror as he sorted through shirts before pulling one over his head and down his torso. He grabbed a beanie from the shelf and chucked it on as well. The way his muscles flexed as they were reaching up was a sight you’d never get over. After giving himself a one-over in his long mirror, he walked behind you and plopped onto the bed, waiting for you to be ready.
One final brush stroke of mascara and you were done. You turned in your chair to face your boyfriend. “Your hair is so cute baby. Why don’t you wear it out today?”
Chan blushed a bit before looking down. He always got like this when the hair conversation came up.
“You know I don’t know how to style my hair,” his voice went up as he spoke, still feeling shy. “It’s got a mind of it’s own right now… And every other day as well.”
“Well lucky for youuu-“ you dragged out as you stood and walked to stand in front of your boyfriend. “I can do it for you! Please please pleaseeee,” you plead, grabbing his hands to squeeze them.
He giggled, giving into you waving his hands up and down. “Okay, okay, you can give it a go. I trust you to do me right, yeah?” he joked.
Your whole face perked up at his agreeance, giving a couple of quick claps before running into the bathroom. You sorted through your things before returning to the bed where he was sat.
“Okay SO, there’s good news and bad news. Bad news is that I only have stuff to straighten hair. Good news is we can go buy some curly hair products once we get done with the boys!” you said excitedly, reveling in your new-found service. “We’re gonna curly girl method you! I’ve always wanted to try it!”
“You’re gonna do what to me?” Chan asked, half laughing but half squinting his eyes in confusion.
“You’ll see.” You walked to the bed to grab a pillow and set it in the floor just between the bed and your makeup table.
“Alright baby,” you said as you plugged your straightener into the outlet, “you sit on the pillow and I’ll get you all squared away.”
Chan did as he was told and shimmied down to sit cross-legged on the pillow. As you situated yourself into the bed behind him, you instructed him to lean back into you, wrapping your legs around him in the process. “Gotta hold you still for good measure,” you grinned.
After peeling Chan’s beanie off, you gave his scalp a quick rub, earning a light moan in response. You took your time combing through his hair, adding some heat protection and a silkening gloss before running the styling tool through it. You made sure you were on the lowest heat setting and were as gentle as you could be. You didn’t want to throw his natural pattern too far off.
Once you’d finished, you made sure to add some holding spray to make sure it would last him the day. “Alright, final check,” you said, swooping your feet out and turning them so you could land in front of him. You let yourself fall down to your knees so that you were straddling his lap. “Okay now look at me,” you instructed. Without really giving him time to cooperate, you placed your hands at his jaw to tilt his head up to eye level with you.
“Perfect,” you smiled, admiring how handsome he looked with his hair on display. “Now tell me-“ you strained as you reached backward to grab a mirror off of your table. “If there’s anything you want me to change,” you said, holding the mirror out to Chan.
He took it carefully before bringing it to his head. He swerved it around, making sure to check every angle. “Wow,” he smiled before lowering the mirror, “you did a good job, babe. It looks really good. Thank you,” he said sweetly before reaching out to grab your hand. He held it so softly, so tenderly before holding it up in front of his lips. He pressed a small kiss onto the back of your hand as he watched you, thanking you again silently with his eyes.
The gesture put a wide grin on your face. You squeezed onto his hand again before leaning into a hug. “You don’t need to thank me, I’d do it any day. But next time…” you said, pulling back, “we’re leaving your curls, okay?” You lightly scratched the back of his neck.
A little smile spread across him. “If you think you can manage it.”
“Oh, you’re gonna love it by the time I’m done with you,” you teased.
Chan wrapped one arm around your waist, letting the other hand trail down to rest on your ass. He held tightly as he pulled you closer on his lap. “I like the sound of that.”
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
Het beautiful! ♡ how have you been doing? I hope ur doing well.
I saw your working on liam and spark? I really liked chapter one. The grumpy girl and our lovely liam, I instantly loved them so I can't wait to see what you have in store for them. (Knowing that our beloved doesn't make through his first year. I feel like its gonna end sad🥺) but keep going, your making amazing stories.
School is gonna start again for me tomorrow so we're back on the stress train 😅 but that means that during my breaks at least I can read your story's. (Really, I swear, that's how I spend my breaks usually. Rereading your amazing story's ♡) so that's a plus!
I was wondering if you maybe (if you want to) give a sneak peak about something Bren fluff? (can be someone else if u want to) but then I have something fluff that I can kind of hold on to. It sounds lame, but it really helps.
Also I saw your post about a last game of hockey season? Do u play yourself? Cuz that's pretty cool ♡ I hope you have an amazing day and week. I'm proud of you. You're creating amazing stories! ♡♡♡
hihi!! I’m doing well 🥰 still sick (it’s been a whole month now lol)
Liam and his girl will only have a short time together, and it’s going to be very hard for after he passes, but they’ll love each other deeply while they can, and he’s going to help her work through some things before he has to go 🥺❤️‍🩹
my writing helps me a lot with the stress from work + being sick all the time, and I’m glad that reading it helps you with the stress of school 💕
here’s a little snip of something I’m working on for Bren and his wifey:
He wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer. “I’m so glad my dad made me learn Tyrrish as a kid.”
You laugh, your ribs shaking under his palm. “That’s really what you’re thinking about right now?”
And I don’t play hockey myself, I just follow my closest NHL/AHL teams and I like to make the drive to see them once a month or so. They’re not the best but I still love them and it’s always a good time 💗
I hope the week is kind to you. and good luck with school 🥰 📚 I believe in you!!
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again - lee jeno scenario
hi! and I am back once again😊 so many things happened this week, first thing’s first I finally saw 127 live!! it was sooo  surreal. All I can say is they are sooo soooo great live, I don’t think there’s enough words to describe it🥺😭
But anyways, I hope you like this scenario. Apologies I can’t work on longer stories for now but I hope you like this💛
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine. credit to original owner)
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It was like a joke made by the universe, you never ending up with guys your age. It’s either their older or a bit younger than you. Of course none of those ever end well. Dating someone older just never works because you’re in two different timelines of your lives, there’s just things in life you can’t quite agree on. On the other hand, dating someone younger half of the time feels like you can never fully express yourself. You always have to be the one to understand, to adjust, to be the mature one. 
The dilemma is entirely on you though. Whenever guys your age approach you, you just run the other way. You’re way too picky, so your friends say. They say you’ll never find the one for you if you keep on passing up on every opportunity. 
“You think the arcade is a good place to find a guy?” you ask your friend, already not feeling good about tonight. If anything you’d rather be at home right now. 
“It’s arcade night, the school council organized this so a lot of other students is here. Maybe you finally find someone cute enough to take home”
“Sounds like a start of a horror movie” you mumbled, following behind her as she squeezes her way through the crowd. She walks over the counter to get a bag to tokens for the both of you before going off on her own leaving you all by yourself. 
“Just great” you mumble to yourself. Not knowing what to do, you just walk over the game machines to pass the time. You’re already here anyways might as well make it something of it. 
You’re on your fourth claw machine of night, you already got a few prizes but you already gave them away to the other students who were more than happy to have them. Just when you’re about to secure the cute puppy plushie, you feel someone stand close by. Not paying that much attention, they’re probably waiting for their turn. 
Clicking on the grab button twice, you secured the prize once again. 
“Oh dang, I wanted to get that one” the person behind you say, turning around to offer it to him but you were a bit taken aback by him. 
You’re not going to lie, he’s very handsome. Probably the most good looking person in the room. You remember your friend saying a lot of students came out tonight so you’re wondering how come you never met him. 
“I think I might have set that one up for the win” he chuckles, looking at the prize in your hand “Oh sorry I didn’t know someone was playing” you answer, now feeling guilty about potentially stealing this win from him. 
“Yea I just grabbed more tokens, you won fair and square though” he says with a smile. In contrast with his other strong features, his eye smile definitely stands out the most. When he smiled, his eyes disappeared almost completely. 
“Here, you can have it if you want” Surprised by your offer, he didn’t immediately take the prize from you so you grabbed his arm to put it in his hand.
“Are you sure?”
“Yea totally, not really aiming for the prize. I’m just here to pass time plus my friend kinda ditched me so I have nothing else to do”
Again, he smile at you. Not really knowing what to say next you just shot him a smile before moving on to find your next prize. 
“Hey, uhm you said your friend ditched you?” you hear him ask
“Yea, she kinda went off earlier I haven’t seen her since”
“If you want, I can keep you company for a while. I swear I’m not a bad guy or anything. You can check my ID to confirm that I do go to the same campus” he points at the school logo on your jacket
“I wasn’t thinking that but thanks” you chuckle, 
“Oh wait, I’m Jeno by the way”
“I saw the air hockey table earlier, want to go there?” you ask him
And that’s how you unexpectedly spent the rest of the night. After playing a few games and winning most of them but you doubt he’s just letting you have the win. You don’t call him out about though. To be honest, you were having a grand time with Jeno even though you just met him. 
“I’m a communications major”
“You’re an engineering student and you have time to be here?” he laughs at your question, “Yea, shocking right. We don’t get to have that much free time, I just so happen to finish my plates early and my roommate sexiled me for the night”
You laugh at his explanation, not expecting him to be this honest with you. ”Well you can’t be here all night, where will you go after the event?”
“Not sure, maybe stay at a convenient store or something. Rather do that than accidently walk in dorm in the middle of them doing the deed. You?”
“No roommates kicked me out, more like dragged me out here”
It’s been a good couple of hours, you probably have played all games you could. 
“Hey, want to take a picture? I still have two tokens left” Jeno points at the vacant photobooth. 
You scoot inside taking a seat first with Jeno following behind you. It was a tight space inside so you’re shoulder to shoulder with him. 
“Which one do you want to do?” he asks you, pointing at the screen
“Let’s do the four cut one”
“Okay, ready?”
The screen flashes the count down 
For the first picture both of you were smiling, after the flash the two of you burst out laughing. You didn’t hear the countdown go off so you were still laughing meanwhile Jeno was just looking at you with a small smile on his face. All he could think to himself was how cute your laugh was and how pretty you looked smiling. 
That’s how the second picture came out. 
The next one you hear the countdown so you calm down, looking over at Jeno only to find him already looking at you. 
“What? Is there something on my face?”
Jeno just shakes his head, still smiling at you. 
Click. That’s the third photo. 
“Do you want to maybe go out after this? Get coffee or dinner?” he asks
If this was any other occasion, if this was any other guy you’d say no by now but something about him just made you want to say yes. 
“Sure, how about dinner then coffee?” you answer with a smile. Click.
When the two of you step out of the booth and wait for the photos to develop, you exchange phone numbers to keep in touch. When the two photo strips finally drop, you take one look at it and you can already feel the blush on your cheeks. 
“Cute” you hear Jeno mumble from beside you. 
“You’re keeping this right?” you ask him “Of course, what else would I do with it?”
“I dunno, throw it after this”
“No way, want me to put this on our fridge door?” you laugh at his suggestion, not sure if he’s joking or not. “I’m serious”
‘Yah Lee Jeno, don’t do that” you say in between giggles, again Jeno could only think how he liked how his name sounded when you’re the one who say it. 
It really was luck he decided to come out here tonight, or else he would’ve never bumped into you. Saying a mental thank you to his roommate for kicking him out tonight, he might just buy him dinner too if this night ends on a better note. 
“I’ll see you again after tonight right?” he asks
“You’re taking me out for dinner right? so yea. Unless you’re too busy”
“No, no I’m not that busy”
You smile at him again, feeling like he answered too quickly. 
“It’s okay if you are, it doesn’t even have to be a fancy dinner out. To be honest I prefer a simple dinner at home” you reassure him
“I’m not a good cook though” an unintentional pout forms on his lips, it took everything in you not to swoon then and there
“Good thing I am, so all is good” his face lights up once again upon hearing your words. 
You’re not sure yet where this will go. It’s still too soon to tell but one thing’s for sure, Lee Jeno isn’t just some guy. He’s not lilke the rest you’ve met before, and even though you only met him you can already say it with confidence because no guy has made you feel this comfortable and safe. It’s like you know you’re safe with him. 
“How about for tonight I walk you home?”
Maybe, just maybe this time the universe decided to make amends and make up for all the failed attempts with all the guys you’ve met in the past.  
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first of all, please ignore (even delete) this if you're not in the mood because half of this'll be essentially just a rant, sorry. a positive one, but a rant nonetheless. i just wanna share with someone, preferably someone who knows what i'm talking about/what i mean. also please tell me if you don't want me to appear in your ask box like this ever again.
second of all, i wanna apologize for not writing you back, i just fucking forgot (seems to be a reoccuring theme with us ig). but if you wanna, i'd like to continue the conversation, especially that i haven't even heard about the second guy.
third of all, not to make you even more jealous but i think that our creative writing professor is a fucking genius. like holy shit.
the whole class i was adhd-ing so hard (so maybe having it doubled is not that good for my brain, oops - especially that we talk a lot and, well, listen to each other a lot and it requieres focus. anyway). i was fidgeting through the whole class and i think i hit the chair next to me like ten times and i wanted to scream because i was sure i was annoying, visible and sometimes even somewhat loud about it and eh. thankfully, we had a ten minute break and i think it was somewhat better after that.
but! onto the positive part! i was last to read and it gave me some anxiety beforehand but i really enjoyed reading and i think i said things nicely plus the feedback and i was very quickly in a good mood aaaand dopamine lol. then we played a game which was nice and also game!!
and then he said what we have to do for the next class which is esentially a retelling (any mythology, any type and even like any time-period? as in you can write the story again, like the song of achilles or place it in modern day or whatever. so like. how cool is that???) and here comes my fav part because i have been planning an orpheus and eurydice retelling with simon and adalaine for a while and i plan that as a big project, like a full book preferably but. still. i get to work with that! and i get to work with simon and adalaine! for my creative writing class!! absolutely losing my shit
anyway if you'd have an exercise like this what do you think, what would you write?? i'm so curious (i'm just generally so interested in the topic of retellings. like they're so cool). also if you wanna write it, i'd love to read it.
also curious about what do you think, what work of yours would you read out loud to get to know your writing at a class like this/at a writing club or smth?
also how are you?? hope you're doing ok.
sorry for the rant again. and for not writing you back. yeah
bestie hi hiii !!! don't ever feel bad for wriggling into my inbox it's always a pleasure seeing you here in my little corner of the internet! and it's always so good to hear abt what shenanigans you got into, seeing that we haven't seen each other in ages :( (speaking of which, any chance of you hanging 'round budapest in upcoming weeks perhaps?)
damn ur right u are making me kinda jealous hehe. but more importantly I'm so happy for u man!! you get to share your stories with an audience that listens and gives good feedback that's some really good stuff and I'm happy you get to experience that! and you know my opinions on Simon and their pals so the idea that you're gonna have written material for them (as in, more than there already is)?? damn now I really just wanna read more of your stuff 😩 (I mean. only if u want me to. like I'd love to read whatever you write for the class if ur comfy sharing 🥺)
Tbh I'm not much of a reteller-type - don't get me wrong I get feral about stories that manage to both acknowledge their roots and the fact that they are a different story to those roots, my current fav series for instance does a phenomenal job at this imo - I just personally prefer to tell original stories bc I feel I dunno, less limited? Still if I had to choose it would probably be Icarus's story, I know not the most original but the concept has me screaming crying foaming at the mouth and a lot of my little guys could fit into the story almost frighteningly well. Then again as much fun as talking abt my guys in an academic setting sounds like I'd probably be insufferable 😂
I'm not sure if I have works I'd be comfy reading in front of a class lol, most of what I already have is either unfinished/unedited or a 20k fic on ao3. but if I absolutely had to choose it'd probably be this one bc 1) it combines all my fav parts of writing (poetic wording, dark themes, utterly incomprehensible metaphors...) and 2) it's short so it won't take me ages to read it out loud lol
anyway don't feel bad for not answering you know exactly how my own short term memory works (hint: it doesn't) lmao. it doesn't count if we're both shit at replying to each others' stuff that just means were even 😂 (but seriously though I really don't mind I know how sometimes the brain just does a backflip unprompted)
and seriously feel free to rant at me any time you like as we already agreed normal chat apps <<<<<< tumblr when it comes to communication (but only if I can rant back at you hehe)
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I played @undermaintenancegame last night...
And got Theo's route first. 💙
Then I continued tonight, and came to the conclusion that...
I love him. He's so my type irl or at least I want someone like him irl 😭
I kinda feel like, among the three boys, he's the one for me. His route came easy to me. Like I didn't have a hard time choosing the right choices to get to this...
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Plus, I looked at the profiles on itch and I'm like, okay, let's try and get Theo's route, then boom! I'm on his route(*)!! 🥳🎉🎉
My second route is... *drumroll*
Oh goodness, I've been through a lot in his route. First, this...
His bad end 😭
I'm so bad at it. I couldn't figure out what to do or say in his route. Lmao 😭
Then, I tried again and guess what?
Normal end. LOL
But third time is a charm, indeed!!!
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I liked him, too. I mean, I didn't give up just to get to his good end, so that's proof. 💖
I'm not sure if I'll take Tristan's route, tho, because he reminds me of myself somehow and I don't really like myself so idk... 🤷🏼‍♀️😅
Might update once I decided on this.
Overall... I frickin' love this game!!! ❤️❤️❤️
The references cracked me up. I love them!! 😂
The art style is 💙💙💙💙😍😍😍😍
I love that naming your character and setting everything up is a part of the game itself (not just in the beginning, before you play the game). This is very clever! 💯 I really love that. 💙
Story-wise, it's also 💯💯💯💙💙💙 (I was moved by Theo's father's speech 🥺 That stuck, aside from Theo's cheesy lines 😂😍😍 love them, too, esp the one about a heavy hand 😉💙)
The romance is... 😍😍😍 My heart is filled. 💙💙💙
I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THEO. Omg!!! 😭🥺💙💙💙💙💙💙
Some reactions:
This guy. He's hot and I kinda liked him at first and I would've loved a route but... I mean, I'm attracted to his physical appearance but I realized I'm not that shallow. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️ (And nevermind on the route 😬✌️ I'll end up fighting him and might end up getting his bad end 🤣🤣🤣)
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Oh Mark... *sighs*
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Eep!!! I literally squealed. Carmela here is kinda better than my Carmela irl (at least at this part, I don't want the real Carmela to hate me because I love her. She's my bff after all lol) And in-game Carmela is on-point!!! I didn't expect for her (this is my pronoun for in-game Carmela) to say this. 🥺😍😍😍 (Love that I got to keep the hoodie. Love it so much!!! 💙💙💙💙)
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Game, why are you so accurate? Lol (Theo's route, of course 💙)
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We have a response to this in Filipino but I'm not sure how to translate it in English, it goes like this: "Kasi mahangin ka." LOL (Sorry not sorry for dissing you, Mark but that's only because you're kinda getting on my nerves. I don't wanna hate you honestly but... Oh, Mark... *sighs*
The moment I realized Theo really is my kind of guy 💙😍
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I mean, I already love everything about him even before this moment but when he said this... I'm like, "no way, I really love this guy. Why isn't he real? 😭"
Idk how to explain it but I just love what he said. If you could see me when I read it, I'm cheering for him as if it was a basketball game and he shoot the ball at the three-point line and was successful. Hell yeah!!! 😎 That's my man!! Right there!!! 💙💙💙
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That was my reaction. 😂😂😂 I so love the employee identifier 😎💙🤣🤣🤣
I love the writer's sense of humor, in general, tbh. Hahaha 😁
I feel slightly/subtly called out...
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But I'm okay with it. No biggie. I mean, it was the truth. And it was exactly what I was doing when this bubble popped up. Lmao jk 🤣🤣 so accurate (half of it at least 😬) 😭 but at least our MC is gettin' some. (Luca's route) happy for her. 🥰
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If I was drinking when I read this, I would've spat my drink and choked. LOL again, I love the references. 💙💙 The kabedon, too HAHAHAHA
Is Heavenly Love somehow Tears of Themis-inspired? I kinda got that vibe when MC was explaining to Luca about childhood friends turn to lovers trope. Plus, there are 4 husbandos hehe 🤔
I love the title of the game. It's quite fun. Like if ever the game will actually be under maintenance, it'll be less effort. They just have to flash the key art and we'll know what's up. And maybe some notes under it like the date when the game will be back on. Lmao so cool.
Not to mention the trailer!!! LOL I love the trailer. It's so nice. 😂
Aaaaaaannnndddd I think that's the last of it.
(*)footnote: I always go for beer when choosing what to drink in games. Because I think it's also what I'd drink if I go to a bar. Hehe luckyyyyyy~
End. 💖💖💖
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maerenee930 · 2 years
so with everything that has happened in s3, i would once again like to start a petition that we see klaus have/get a best friend next season! i reeeeally feel and believe that this is something that could help klaus’ character development! this best friend could be one of the original 43 children. also has powers. could fit in the story line with how everything left off at the end of s3. (i have many thoughts about this and would love to talk about them with anyone if they’d like to know what those ideas are 😊 or they don’t have to have powers. it could still work and i have lots of ideas about that as well lol.)
it just really would be so good to see klaus have someone be there for them and to be close to the way his sibling have had someone to be close to over the past seasons! he deserves that 💙
and maybe idk… i could play that character? 🥺👉👈 like for real, i want to play that character 🖤 i mean, it’s time that netflix has more plus size and non-binary representation! this character could also be pansexual and would be demisexual. we don’t see many demisexual characters and as someone who is demi, bi/pan/queer, plus-size and non-binary, i feel we deserve more representation in media and i would love to be able to be play that character and i think i should play that character! ☺️
and the character i have in mind would be so good for klaus and a such good addition to the already amazing characters we have 🖤 and while i realize that i don’t have any professional acting experience, i truly believe with all of my heart and soul that i have the talent to play that character. (acting is my passion and my dream. i know i have the talent and i think i would be a very good fit with the cast 😊)
klaus deserves have someone who won’t just brush off whatever he says because they think klaus is just being klaus, looking for attention and they just ignore him. when in reality, (and more often than not) he’s a lot more in tune with the situation (or whatever they’re dealing with) than anyone gives him credit and he actually is right and knows what he’s talking about. we deserve to see klaus have someone who can work through the funny and silly things klaus says and see that whatever he’s talking about is something they should be looking into or take what he’s saying seriously. klaus deserves to have someone who won’t just ignore him.
and if for some reason we’re not getting dave back, this character could help klaus find his own personal closure with dave and help him see that he can still be in love with dave and be in love with someone else. they show klaus that he has someone who loves him as much as he loves dave. 🥺
this character would be a good balance to klaus’ hilarious chaotic energy. they would be a little bit more reserved but they’re very much once you get to know them, you see they’re a lot like klaus and are just as hilarious and outgoing as he is. they let klaus deal with things the way he needs to but doesn’t let him get consumed by the pain he feels. they love how unapologetic he is and he inspires them to embrace who they are and just live life to the fullest. he helps her come out of her shell and they’re just really good for each other. klaus actually helps her be the best version of herself because he sees she has so much to offer to the world and doesn’t want to see her struggles get the better of her like he has let his. he may be very selfish at times or he puts himself before others, but with this best friend, with her, she’s just as important to him as he is to himself. and they may be a little too codependent at times 😄 but they help bring out the best in each other and are good for one another. they call each other out when they needs it and don’t put up with the other’s bs when they’re acting stupid lol. klaus needs someone like that and we deserve to see klaus have that kind of friendship/relationship with someone if we aren’t getting dave back.
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mountswhore · 2 years
Jesse lingard x reader - reader decides to celebrate Christmas after not wanting to for 2 years and Jesse makes it special moment for her 🥺🤍
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 — jesse lingard
summary: you hadn't celebrated christmas due to personal reasons, for a long time. and when you decide to finally join in with the festivities, jesse goes above and beyond to make it the best christmas ever.
notes: requests are OPEN.
Christmas had always been a horrible time for you. Your family was nothing if not dysfunctional, and it was safe to say they'd ruined the holiday entirely for you. So you stopped celebrating it completely. You told your manager you could work Christmas eve, Christmas day, Boxing day, which was a plus for them. And it also meant you were distracted during the holidays.
When Jesse met you, he couldn't imagine not celebrating Christmas. He was baffled as to how you treated it like any other day, the whole of his December meant he was full on Christmas mode. But he respected it, even as you began to date. He would always offer to have you over, even to have a relaxed day with casual gifts and a lovely roast, a very nonchalant Christmas. But you refused.
You'd gotten used to not celebrating it, waking up to see your timeline filled with 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Holidays', all whilst you were getting ready to do some work. Jesse would post his daughter on his story, seeing her so happy about the presents he'd gotten her, and you'd often smile at your phone as you watched it. She looked so giddy playing with her toys, even after Christmas when you visited again.
But it had slowly become boring. You hadn't spoken to your family in years, none of them reaching out either. You'd gotten used to it being December 25th rather than Christmas day. You loved how happy this holiday made Jesse, and Hope, but you felt like the Grinch. You felt so downcast on these days where people were at their happiest, all because your family had ruined it for you. Christmas used to be a holiday of arguments, crying, watching your dad storm out of the house for the next few days, but now, it was a holiday of loneliness, watching other people enjoy their family, food, and presents.
It was December 20th, and you'd had enough. You'd woken up one day with a completely new mindset. You wanted to feel the happiness everyone else felt this year, you wanted to enjoy Christmas. Immediately, you booked the following days off, and decided your first plan of action was to call Jesse.
Jesse was aware of why you didn't celebrate Christmas. You'd told him all about your past experiences and he never forced or pleaded with you, but he'd always make sure the invite was there. And whilst waking up to a call from you was expected, there was no way he would expect it to be about you wanting to celebrate Christmas.
"Good morning, darling." He croaked, giving his legs a stretch before leaving his room, and he could practically hear your smile through the phone.
"Good morning, indeed. I have some news." You spoke casually, but he could hear the undertone of excitement in your voice. "I know that on Christmas Eve Eve, you will send me a text inviting me to yours for Christmas, and I always say no. But this year, I think I'll take that invite."
Jesse choked on his breath, his legs almost failed him as he walked down the stairs. "Really?"
"Yeah, I've decided I don't want this time of year to be dark for me. I want to be as happy as everyone else this time of year," you mentioned, and your mind couldn't help but reminisce on past Christmases, where all sorts of arguments and things happened, "would that be okay?"
"More than okay, I'm so much more excited for Christmas now." Jesse cheered, and you could imagine the smile on his face right now, it melted your heart, "get yourself dressed, I'll be there within two hours."
You did as you were told, and you were sitting pretty on your couch as Jesse walked through the door. Still sporting the smile you'd put on his face this morning, it hadn't left his face at all. Even as he hugged you, his eyes closed, he took you in completely, and yet he still had a goofy smile on his face.
"Where are we going?" You asked from the passenger seat, clutching Jesse's hand in yours as he drove. But he kept it a secret, he'd planned the next six days out within a span of half an hour, and couldn't wait to celebrate Christmas with you for the first time.
Jesse had taken you to a store, selling a range of Christmas decor, and he was slowly filling the trolley with your help, all for your home. It was a fun experience, you'd never celebrated Christmas as an adult, so buying gifts and decorations was fun.
"So, today until the 24th, we will be doing Christmassy things," Jesse mentioned in the car ride back to yours, his backseat full of bags of decorations, "Christmas Eve is technically my Christmas day with Hope, so we will open her gifts, have a nice meal, and then Christmas day will be the two of us," Jesse continued, and as much as it was overwhelming, you knew it'd be nothing like Christmas with your family, "we will open our gifts to each other, eat dinner together, and Boxing Day, my family will be round."
You just nodded along, a smile on your face as you listened to your busy week ahead of you. Jesse saw the slight concern on your face, and squeezed your hand a little tighter.
"If my family being over scares you, we don't have to do it. I want this to be the best Christmas ever for you," Jesse spoke quietly, despite it only being the two of you in the car, "I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with."
"You don't have to try hard for it to be the best Christmas I've had," you stated, and the fact was rather saddening for Jesse. Which is exactly why he wanted this to be special.
The next few days had been busy, but fun. You decorated your home, put a small tree up, visited the Christmas market, and made some sweet treats for Christmas. Finally, on the night of the 23rd, Hope had been dropped off and was more than ecstatic for her Christmas with her daddy. Hope loved you, anyone could see that, and after hearing that you'd be with them for Christmas, she was over the moon.
"You're staying for Christmas?" She asked you as you lifted her into your arms, and you admired the cute candy cane bow in her curly hair. Nodding at her, she squealed in excitement and held you tighter.
"I bought you some gifts, which we can open tomorrow morning," you mentioned to her, "I'll be here for dinner, too." She giggled loudly as you put her down, and she'd run over to the tree hoarding all of her presents. Jesse had his arm around you, holding you close to him. It would be your first Christmas together, and nothing felt more special to him.
Hope had woken the two of you up early, and the pair of you sat on the sofa like zombies as she ripped open her gifts, cheering as she looked at them all. But Jesse would pay thousands to frame the smile on your face, watching his daughter open the gifts you'd bought her, it was a moment he wanted to keep forever.
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day were all busy, festivity filled, and full of love. Spending Christmas with Jesse and his family was the best decision you'd ever made, it helped you find your way back to the love you had for Christmas as a child. And you couldn't wait for next year.
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Thank you for ranting to me, Shan. Don't get me wrong, I understand why the whole talk no jutsu may not be for everyone, especially when the villain the hero is trying to talk is confirmed to be irredeemable. But what's wrong with Deku's kindness and desire to save Shigaraki? In a society like ours, kind people are worthy of respect and kindness and it's time to be grateful for them. And don't worry, I'm doing great, just using you as more motivation to finish my schoolwork ^^
I mean, of course the whole talking is not gonna work in some people. But the thing is that the kids are trying to save as many people as possible, and they don't decide beforehand if something is gonna work or not. They try.
I find so funny when people call some heroes stupid for trying, even if everyone knows it's not going to work. Because!!!!! They tried!!!! It fills my heart with admiration. The fact that they won't stop trying even if everything is against them. Because sometimes it's not going to work, but they don't know.
That keeps me going.
Will they accept me for the job? Unlikely, but I'll keep trying, just in case.
Could I get a good grade on this exam or work? I don't think so, but I'm going to try.
These world is so used to resignation. "Don't try it because it's not going to work". Half of the things I've done in my life, I thought I couldn't achieve them. But I tried. And many times I did not achieve them, but sometimes I did.
And that "sometimes I did" makes me believe is worth being alive. Because what if it works.
We're used to apathy and resignation, frustration and sadness, rage and sorrow. What about climate change? What about cancer? What about the global economy? What about politics?
Just because it's unlikely that we can change it, doesn't mean we should stop trying.
Through history, humans have always used art to carry their hope to the next generations. This is a message that will never stop playing and replaying, as long as humanity exists.
The entire human race is based on this fact. All our cultures and myths and stories and legends, works of science fiction or just real works, romances and poems, studies and creations. We hope for things we can't see yet, that's faith, that's even the base of science. We believe, before anything, we believe.
That's the most powerful message of them all, if you ask me. That's the message that you're going to see in must shounen mangas. That's why you almost all the time, you have a character that decided to believe in something as the center of the story.
There's no logic in seeing Deku try and think "he's dumb". No, he's kind. His first time as a hero was when he saved his bully from getting murdered in front of everyone. No one else ran towards Bakugou, but Izuku did. Because in that moment, he blindly believed in something. It was an impulse. "I can rescue him, I can help". He followed All Might because he believed, he rescued Uraraka because he believed. Again and again, he faced all the odds with determination. Nighteye told it himself, that the faith of Deku and all his friends were changing the future. Unlikely. Impossible. And yet.
The final battle of bnha is going to be surrounded by with the idea that even when it seems impossible, that the good side can win, that the hero can defeat the villain, the hero will always go raise against the challenge (go plus ultra) and defeat the odds.
There's no place for something as irredeemable in this manga, because if Horikoshi wants he can even magically "cure" AFO and "wake him up from his evil behavior" and reunite him with Yoichi in a sibling embrace. Because this is a shounen. The only things that are or not possible are the things the author thinks that are or not possible.
Anyway, I'm glad your finding inspiration in my rants lwhdksudndjhf. I should be working on my thesis but I have a sudden meltdown and felt the need to rant. It's nice to have someone to talk to tho. Thank you so much for your company, really 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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I’ve never watched it, so i can’t say much but after those screenshots i doubt i will lol.
absolute screeching at the idea of desi tony the tiger, thank you for that mental image. honestly i feel like most brown people would like to be blissfully ignorant to the idea that queer Indians exist which is honestly sometimes nicer than hearing homophobic/transphobic shit.
haha i mean it kind of makes sense that you weren’t at your parents wedding where premarital sex is a big no-no. but I’ve only been to like three weddings and yeah, they always make comments when the bride even ever do slight sticks up for herself :/
also indian weddings are where a lot of the gossip happens lmao
me too, i absolutely love Hindu myths and arjun is a favorite of mine. draupadi is also high on my list; she raises so many valid points in the original texts about women and misogyny, plus i watched a tv show about the Mahabharata and the actress who played her was really pretty.... so potential childhood gay crush lol
it wasn’t by any means accepting, but kind of acknowledged that queer people existed. also the idea of lgbt heroes makes my heart really happy..
i don’t and i don’t think I’ve heard of it, but it sounds rlly cool! i don’t watch a lot of telugu shows, but sometimes i listen to bits in the background cause my parents watch a lot of dhee :)
every time i send you a super long anon, i feel like i’m writing a letter to a long lost friend. so *dips quill in ink* i hope that the weather is treating you well and you have plenty good harvest
with a casual shoulder bump
- indi <3
who needs a desi tony the tiger when we have the tide ads like "aVoKaYyArA?????" those will never fail to make me lose my mind. i do agree that its nice to just be ignored rather than blatantly hated, but its kinda... pick your poison, yk?
lmao yeah, i was born a year after they got married, and ive been to three or four weddings but they were all a while ago and im the most mature and usually the oldest relative who has the time to care for the kids so im always just wrangling twenty to thirty kids at the lowest lmao. one time i actually made and brought one of those ropes with hairbands on them for kids to put their hands in so they walk in a straight line in schools? that was much easier but i wasnt allowed to bring it again :(
sooo true ive discovered so many scandals in my family through weddings, sometimes i have to pinch myself to make sure i havent dropped into a weird dream where im in an indian serial bc its so dramatic
Draupadi is awesome, yes!!! idk if youve heard of it but theres a book series called the Pandava Quintet, starting with Aru Shah and the End of Time, and its basically the Pandavas reincarnated as middle school girls, and its really good, i love it, and the reincarnation of Draupadi is referred to as wifey once they know who it is and its honestly hilarious.
i read the Mahabharata when i was really young in telugu, i dont know if i'll be able to do that again, but at some point i'll find an english translated version and read it, bc i remember most of the stories, but it'll be nice to have it all put together.
i havent seen dhee whats it about? but you should watch dancee+, the host talks forever but its mostly fun and it's super cool to see such talented dancers do takes on popular songs, and im gay crushing on two of them 😌 plus they like to stir up drama between the judges for shits and giggles so you have a little bit of everything (and kids are adorbable i want to adopt them 🥺)
no but it feels exactly like that for me!! im a sucker for writing letters so this is actually awesome, so *taps quill on well to get rid of excess ink* the weather is as kind as it desires, and its desires are as fleeting as the wind, and strawberries, grapes, and other fruits have been plentiful and eaten, but blueberries have been stolen away by thieves in feathered cloaks. i wish you plenty in return, and hope the world is kinder to you than ever. (signed, the dark prince of the night)
*bumps your shoulder back like besties in a hallway*
i love you indi <3
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skzfaker · 3 years
regardless if u make me something (regardless of the time u post it) I will appreciate it a lot 🥺
speaking of gift... >:) I started writing your fic! I think it's going to turn out super well. The beginning is exactly what I want. It's a little spooky and a little silly 🥰
actually, I don't read fanfics all that often ironically enough! Used to, but not anymore. I think I've gotten too picky. I don't write traditional fics like romance or school aus or scenarios, I write a lot of fantasy, horror, supernatural, and adventure. Honestly, really unique concepts that u wouldn't be able to just search for on Tumblr Tumblr interaction on fics, like reblogging with feedback in the tags is so terrible already with romance fics/popular fics so I'm always swept under the rug uuudhdhdhdhak, so I guess that's what I look for in fics. I just never find it since no one writes it :') plus I can just pick up a published book and get what I want, just ofc without my beloved idols starring :(
Oh also, are u a boy or girl or non-binary? You'll play a tiny role in the fic I'm writing and I didn't want to assume :') I looked up Akire on Google only to find it was a gender neutral name and I just ajdkskdmkskd
I honestly think I could do well as a writer (like, a job) but I don't think my parents would be super happy with me doing that. So what's my major? Engineering 😭👌 which I will say, I enjoy! It's not a bad fit. I like math and science a lot. I'm just also extremely musical and imaginative. Low-key I'd love to apply what I learn in my field to writing, almost like a side hussle. Who knows, maybe I'd be noticed then :')
Do u have a job?
Ajdkkcdll the ninth man of stray kids </3 I literally became a fan right when all of his allegations were coming out. It was a wild time. One time I got a freebie of him when I bought a San photocard and I was so flabbergasted 😭 I just threw it out bc what was I even supposed to do w him. Ig the seller thought that bc I was an atiny, there'd be a chance I wouldn't also be a stay so I wouldn't know the wiser
And as for my bias... :) hmmm, I really wanna say but I feel like it'll spoil my identity immediately. But ig I assume you're not looking at ateez stuff on tumblr so maybe it won't matter? 👀 And yeah, that's cool that u even know their faces! Fair enough considering all the groups u stan
and finals went rly well!!! I have hated physics this whole semester and I slid by with a B, I'm so happy :) all of my other classes are in good shape, I'm still waiting for the results. I just have one more final on Monday and I'll be totally free ☺️👌
And holiday prep is good! I'm not going home until my last final but when I get home my dad and I are going to go out and buy Christmas gifts together. I'm excited bc I love my dad, he's 10/10 :) he's also a hardcore kpop stan lol! He loves BTS a whole lot, they were my first group and he got into them through me.
What moment did I stan stray kids? Omg, I remember being neck deep in college work last year and I decided to watch every. Single. Performance. Of God's menu. I literally fell for Jisung so hard. I fell for all of them so hard. I was kind of falling out of BTS at the time so they was a tremendous pick me up!
- 🎅
awesome!! i'll think of something to make for you!
AHH OMG I AM EXCITED! can i just say that "spooky and silly" seems right up minho and hyunjin's alley. i actually rewatched skzcode/when they went through the haunted school - 10000/10 would want to see them go through horror scenarios again. and maybe felix too, but i’d go easier on him.
oh dang - yeah that's true. it's always romance/angst/drama when it comes to idol fics without really much variety. that sucks tho - you have to write what you want to read. if only there was a machine that could just automatically convert thoughts/daydreams to an actual coherent story. i hope you don't stop writing tho! i'll be sure to review bomb any skz fics you write after the reveal!
ah i'm a girl. also i didn't realize my name was gender neutral HAHAHA. hmm i wonder if it's because it's close to 'akira' which generally a boy's name...ah anyway. I AM MUCH EXCITE ABOUT MY ROLE IN THE STORY (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
...okay your situation hit me hard because it was my (and i guess still is) situation too (;´Д`) i wanted to be a writer then eventually a graphic artist, yet i ended up with a major so far from either of those - accounting, also thanks to my very traditional asian parents. i like math too and i think i excelled in college, but i still feel like this isn't exactly my calling HAHA the amount of existential crises i've gone through... i'm glad you're liking engineering tho! my brother's about to graduate from his mechanical engineering course soon too, and all of it just looks whack to me LOL. you guys are a different breed. and YES - DEFINITELY you can/should turn writing into a side hustle. should i expect engineer AUs in your future work or
oh, and yeah i'm a CPA ( ;∀;) i probably have one of the most boring jobs in the world. also i feel like i should mention that i’m only 2 years older than chan - hopefully that’s not too old HAHAHA
wooooow okay yeah i definitely feel like that seller was trying to get rid of the he-who-shall-not-be-named PCs and figured since you're an atiny, you wouldn't care. agh i really don't want any of his merch! i've been lucky with my clé albums since he was nowhere to be found, and the worst that happened to me was some duplicate PCs. but i'm still kinda sacred for the I AM ones. egh i'll probably just do what you did and throw them out. i doubt anyone actually wants them and i don't want to see them lying around.
i solemnly swear i will not look up your bias on tumblr (≧◇≦) but if you still don't feel like telling me...can i get another hint? i'll make my atiny friend crack this.
eyy congrats on the B tho! and hey, at least physics is done and over with for now. never really enjoyed that subject much when i had to take it as an elective either...i feel like that's mostly my professor's fault tho. are you close to graduating btw?
OMG YOUR DAD IS AN ARMY? i'm not really a fan of bts, but that is so cool! i imagine you tell him all about your faves and he totally relates HAHAHA. you are definitely getting kpop merch for christmas then. i feel like my parents kiiiiinda understand my obsession with kpop/jpop, but they still have no idea what's going on in them...that's probably for the best LOL
(also, kinda tangential story, but i was watching MAMA live earlier and during hyunjin's part of the intro/collab stage, my mom was watching over my shoulder. she asked if he was a member of stray kids, and when i said yes, she asked which skzoo plushie was his. yes this is how my mom knows skz - through skzoo)
HAH YES GOD'S MENU SUPREMACY! i don't blame you tho - han's the ace for a reason. man that comeback just wrecked all of us, i feel - definitely the rise of skz world domination.
oh, and speaking of which, have you seen their MAMA performance??
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