#plus it's incredibly heartwarming to be able to say “come here my love!” and have a soft little cat come bounding over to say hello
fabulouslygaybean · 8 months
i refer to my cats with like, a STUPID amount of petnames because i never get to call anyone this stuff irl but i need to get the affection out somewhere. anyways, i forget that this isn't the norm i guess, because people will come over and kitkat will brush up against my leg and i immediately go "oh! hello my darling :)" and everyone always gives me funny looks and i don't get it
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
all the cpn for wyb’s 27th birthday part one 🎂✨
look, i’m not really sure how many parts this is gonna be but we have to start somewhere. and that is what is available for us so far. i’m sure later in the day we may have a full on photoset and more edits, plus hopefully a video, and i’m really hoping a yelfie.
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this is all clowning, something we have been doing for years. obvs, this is for cpn lovin turtles only!
today is a day to celebrate yibo’s life and all the good he brings to this world. feel free to scroll along if cpns is not for you. but if this is your cup of tea then go ahead and read along. ☕️
should we start with the letter? ✉️
of course we do. another heartwarming message for yibo’s day. written by someone who is obviously close to him.
Time seems to pass faster and faster. Before you can turn the pages of the past year, you have ushered in the 27th summer of your life.
the summer! HAHAHAHA! you all know that’s a keyword we love to look for. and before all these, it was a common guess that some things from xzs vlogs will be echoed here. well, the first post from that time had the caption talking about turning pages when it comes to days passing by.
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This year, I know you a little better. Just like the ripples caused by a stone falling into the water, you can always bring some fresh surprises to people. You mark the shining moments in the music, and look back at your sincerity and passion in the role, witnessing your resilience and concentration.
Although there is always a time difference between people, fortunately, the morning and evening and day and night you have recorded will eventually be passed to the eyes of the next person, giving waves and excitement.
I love how the writer says they know WYB a little bit better. Years have passed and there is still something new to discover when it comes to Bobo. the imagery of the stone falling into the water which causes ripples is something we have been seeing in xzs vlog too. but i’m personally thinking of the live photo of the water.
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i love how he mentions sincerity, which is a big thing between them and how they approach their work and audience. also the part about “resilience” cause i think this is something that is not highlighted that much about yibo. he has been through so much and he does so with grit and incredible resilience.
my cpn alarm bells are ringing tho with the time difference between people. i mean. 👀 well the non-cpn meaning is that it’s the difference between him shooting things and his works being seen by people. so it will take time before all his hard work will be appreciated.
the CPN tho is the difference in time between xz and wyb because of how busy they are with work. but whatever happens, they will update each other which will create that excitement.
This year, you know the world a little more. Although the itinerary is as complicated and busy as ever, you have long adapted to the way of coexisting with time and moving towards the state of mind.
The world is unpredictable, and you can calmly accept every sudden rainstorm, just like appreciating every nameless flower blooming along the way, accept imperfection, allow regrets, the mountains are high and the seas are vast, and please move forward boldly.
the first part is the same as the previous year, where the writer praises him for knowing the secret of taking it slow. for being calm despite the chaos. I feel like this is one thing that xz have always admired in yibo and hopes to be able to apply to himself too.
just appreciating every nameless flower blooming gets me because of how many times we saw flowers in xzs. that is one that always catches his eye so it’s an addition that makes it sus.
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i’m also a believer that xz sees wyb as a flower, his white peony. doesn’t matter if wyb agrees with that but that’s how xz thinks of him and i find it romantic!
The experiences and meanings of growth, the wet mud, the wind carrying grit, the sunrise and sunset outside the window will all tell you: whether standing still swinging a club or preparing to strike a racket, when the ball comes, just hit it, and life is still the same.
I love this part! how the writer compares tennis to how he should approach life. just strike whatever ball comes at you in life! this tennis couple is really something else!
and the sunrise and sunset outside the window is so xz, he likes to take photos of those and share it on his weibo.
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Today is great, yesterday was also good, and tomorrow will definitely be better. The journey of the heart is endless, I wish you continue to travel between mountains and rivers, and may you grow freely!
Getting better and better! that’s both of their tagline at this point. and the mountains & rivers is one that we seen in XZS post too! the exact mountains and rivers were in the finale post of the vlog which we said is a gift of sorts to wyb.
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this is short and sweet! i love love love it! 💛
i’m thankful that yibo allows us to read this letter every year.
and now we move on to the art works (?)
first stop is the bday poster where he is decked out in lacoste , with that pink beanie and pink letters in the back. i swear, he has been embracing pink as his color! cause that is the color of love 💗
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1. the font is similar to what was used before in xz’s bday.
2. i love how the second photo shared in XHS had that pink spray paint effect going on, that’s so yibo’s style! the artist really knows what yibo likes.
3. the theme seems to be blue and pink, tho the XHS one appears to be a different shade of green(?). but… the lights in p1, that’s definitely blue and pink with some violet on it. which kinda reminds me of the bisexual pride flag colors.
4. the “paint” background looks like a z and that (.) after aug is so xiao zhan! that’s kinda like his signature. it he can’t put that z. then we will see the clues in other places.
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5. Love how this photo was chosen by YBO! and all the colors in the letters 🌈 considering the cpn we had about this and PRIDE. also the scribbles of stars and moon! come on!
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that is all for now. i know there will be more interpretations and signs but this is are the ones i gathered. if there is one that really stands out, i will post about it separately. feel free to share your other cpns but i will not be able to add it to the original post!
i wish that whatever is going on your life and around you right now, you will still get to enjoy this very special day and smile. 😊
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Best Anime Openings Spring 2023
With the Spring season winding down, I thought it might be a fun time to share my favorite openings from this season (may or may not do an endings one as well). Initially I had thought about doing a tier list, but that's far too arbitrary for my tastes at this point, so we're gonna stick with the ones that stood out. I'll just go ahead and get started.
Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers - Magical Destroyer
I don't really need to say much about this one, I already wrote about it in depth once. But yeah, damn good opening that has the perfect mix of everything Inagawa, and tells a self-contained story about the journey of these magical girls and Otaku Hero. It's a wildly impressive affair from start to finish, though not quite for the faint of heart as the music choice may be abrasive to some (personally, I love it).
Heavenly Delusion - Innocent Arrogance
Really, this and MAD are interchangeable as my openings of the season/year. In most cases though I give the edge to MAD for the insane style of the latter half, but Innocent Arrogance is far tighter affair. Its themes and stories are more apparent and accessible to fans of the series, and it has a more unique style throughout with the harsh highlights and lighter/softer color palette through most scenes.
Hells Paradise - Work
I might avoid the anime like it's the plague, but you do have to give credit for the opening. Solid on all fronts, it has a unique style that sells the characters and world incredibly well, all tied together by very fluid and dynamic camera movements. Plus, Millenium Parade on an opening is always appreciated. I would still say it's comfortably below the first two in terms of quality though. The stories told through visuals in the above are just out of this world.
Skip and Loafer - Mellow
The song title for this one is very fitting. It's an incredibly comfortable, fun, and warm opening that does a lot with how little it shows. As expected, the color design is wonderful and has the perfect vibe for being a slice of life. The icing on the cake though is the dance sequence. Full of energy and joy, it tops off the wonderfully full feeling that this opening gives viewers.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Slash
Potentially hot take for this one, but while the opening is solid, it's how it teases the story that allows it to be superior. The pieces that are placed in plain view that we're only able to understand in hindsight is where the appreciation for this one comes from. The pieces that aren't directly tied to that comparison are solid, but I wouldn't say they're amazing. The best non-teaser though has to be the scenes of Miorine underwater and in a fractured crystal, as they reflect her mental state without placing anything in front of the viewer to compare it to.
The Legendary Hero Is Dead - Shinda!
This one really surprised me, between Masayoshi Ooishi performing divorced from the other half of OxT and a relatively unknown pair of directors for the opening, a very impressive effort was given for something incredibly memorable. Aggressive colors and storyboarding, a campy feel that plays right into the spiraling shots and lower quality CGI. It presents something incredibly memorable but without an incredible amount of effort expended in pursuit of it. Great example of a solid OP on a (resource) budget.
Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage - Gold
There's not much to say here other than the geniuses over at WIT did it again. A wonderfully executed opening that chronicles the journeys of our various characters as they join Bojji on his adventures. It's incredibly cute and heartwarming, and one of these days I'd love to break down how perfectly it rehashes the story of Season 1 into an energetic and hopeful opening that punctuates the intermediate stories of this season. Also, WIT is yet to miss on song choices for these openings.
Dead Mount Death Play - Nero
I think this opening is the one with the most wasted potential out of the ones I've seen this season. There's some really incredible shots and ideas through it with stuff like looking through the eyes of characters and what they see, but at the same time there's quite a few bog standard pieces that fill out the build up to the crescendo of this OP. I wouldn't say I'm disappointed as I wasn't expecting anything out of this world, but I think if the team pushed themselves a little more they could have had a huge creative breakthrough.
Also, you should 100% go watch the MV that was made the song itself. It's animated by a single person and is entirely out of this world in execution. Amazing work.
And that's about all the very notable ones I have to talk about. There's some I was disappointed with like MahoYome's new OP that was rather restrictive, or the unremarkable nature of Demon Slayer (Zankyou Zanka >>> Akeboshi >> Gurenge >>>> Kizuna no Kiseki ) or Dr. Stone's latest openings. While there was certainly let downs and disinteresting openings, there was also evidently quite a few surprises and dark horses that appeared through the season. Overall, it's really enjoyable seeing how much a lot of newer shows are finding inventive ways to deliver creative and memorable openings.
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cf56 · 2 years
Hello!, Hi!, I just wanted to say that i love your posts SO much, they actually inspire me to draw the siblings, i also love your fanfics!, They're so well written and interesting! hope to see more of your posts in the future cuz i can really tell that you put your heart in this c:, i just wanted to say that.OH! And what does it feel yo have the entire Animaniacs fandom in your shoulders?
Thats all i wanted to say, take care!, buh-bye!!
Wow! Thank you!! Everything you've just said about me, I could say about you. I wish I knew how to respond to such heartwarming praise from one of my absolute favorite artists. I have noticed you liking most of my posts, and I've honestly felt a bit star-struck that one of the top artists in the fandom is also one of my closest followers. I hope that isn't too weird to say, but I still remember less than two years ago when I made my first post here promoting a few of my fics, barely knowing anything about how Tumblr works and not expecting much attention at all. Now here I am, with you telling me I'm carrying the entire fandom on my shoulders. It's still hard to believe.
If I play any role at all in inspiring your amazing art, then I've already done my part in keeping the Animaniacs fandom alive. To say I'm carrying it on my shoulders? It's incredibly high praise, but I'm not sure I can agree. There are so many talented people out there in this fandom helping to keep the creativity going.
What I do have going for me is unending dedication to this silly show and those adorable puppy children. I think about them almost 24/7, so I'm really glad you can see the heart I put into my posts. Many people have come and gone from the fandom, and I don't blame them at all for being normal people and having varying interests, but I have always been and will always be here. I will either be posting about Animaniacs or not posting at all.
I truthfully don't feel like I'm doing everything I want to be doing for the fandom at this moment. I have so many fanfics I want to write, and the time to write them, but my physical health and other factors have kept me from doing so. All I can really do is keep up to date on the latest news and offer my thoughts. I am getting my DVD copies of the original series this week, so I should be able to go back to making the lore posts I enjoy so much, plus a lot more content I've been waiting to put out. Hopefully I'll be back to 100% soon. In the meantime, it's been really uplifting to see such talented people come by and leave such kind words. It helps keep me going, and really makes me happy to be part of such a vibrant and positive community.
I'm getting off track. Really, I can't express how happy your words make me. I never feel like I can say enough to express my gratitude when people give me such high praise, or any support at all. All I can say is thank you!
As long as people are here putting out creative content, Animaniacs will never truly be gone. I'll be doing my part to keep it going for many years to come. Really, I feel like I've barely even started.
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matan4il · 4 years
First of all I’d just like to say that I love your metas, they are so insightful and brilliantly put together.
So I’m not sure if you’ve said anything on this topic already, but I was wondering about your thoughts on the Buck moving in with Eddie theory that is going around at the moment?
Awwww! Thank you so much, this means a lot to me! They take a lot of work and knowing that people like them, even look forward to them, is incredibly motivating and helpful in putting them out there... Huge hugs to you!
The rest of this and other replies under a cut to save everyone’s dashboards...
I always say I prefer not to do speculations. It doesn’t mean I don’t do them, I just prefer not to talk about them too much. So far this season, I’ve seen every ‘reveal’ coming (mystery lady being a therapist, the Buckley secret being a dead older sibling, the sibling having died from disease and Buck having been brought into the world to be their savior, Albert being the guy Veronica ends up with), but that’s always been, well, not because I’m some mastermind, it’s because the show hinted at these with the set up. When it comes to Buck moving in with Eddie, I’m on the fence. Mainly, because I feel like the biggest hint we have for it happening comes from outside the show and I don’t know how reliable that is.
In terms of the narrative, there are hints towards this happening, but also things that don’t work out: if Albert’s betrayal by sleeping with Veronica is such a breaking point, why should Buck move out, why shouldn’t he kick Albert out instead? Al can always go back to staying with Madney. Plus, if it’s a test of their friendship, it’s much more the 911 way to resolve a conflict and bring the characters closer than to let it linger. Especially with regular characters. The biggest conflict so far on the show has been Karen telling Hen to leave the house after Hen cheated and even that was resolved in pretty much no time. Could Buck move in with Eddie anyway and his and Al’s friendship would just take a bit longer to mend? Yes, but wouldn’t that mean Buck returning to his loft then, too? So his move with Eddie would be temporary? But why would the show give us something it knows we want, Buddie as roommates, only to remove that after a short while? Testing the waters, to see how general audiences would react? Maybe. It’s not... unwise. But that’s too much speculation for me. In conclusion: I really don’t know. I see the hints on the show that Buck’s real safe space is Eddie’s house, and I also see the issues with this move in this specific context, so I am honestly on the fence. I’m so sorry that I can’t be of more help! But on the bright side? Being on the fence means that if it doesn’t happen, the disappointment is smaller, and if it does, it would be an amazing and welcome surprise! You’re welcome to join me if you feel like it, there’s plenty of space. ;) xoxox
Hi! LOVE reading your metas! Do you know where I might be able to watch the Eddie begins episode? I only know what happened from tumblr because I could never find it anywhere 😭 if you have any suggestions, I will owe you my entire life and firstborn. If you don’t then well I’m just here to say how great you are and that I appreciate you ☺️
Hi Nonnie and thank you so much for this sweet message, it’s so wonderful and heartwarming! Unfortunately, I can’t post such links, but feel free to contact me in DMs, I can be of more help there. ;) Hope you’re having a great day! xoxox
Hi! The ending scene from this week's ep is on my mind; we see Buck get confused and upset when Veronica mentions that if it weren't for their bad date, she wouldn't have met such a great guy. This is very similar to what happened with Eddie...if Buck had not brought up Ana in front of the team, it's likely that Eddie would not have set up a date with her. Now we have two instances of Buck indirectly aiding his friends' love lives, in turn hurting his own. This might be his "breaking point"?
Hi Nonnie, interesting POV. It might be, especially if it’s compounding on Buck’s feelings of loneliness. Though I do think feeling betrayed by a friend matters a lot. It’s not even the romantic angle, it’s the fact that this is someone Buck trusted, shared with, thought Albert was his ally in dealing with Veronica (sending him in to distract her so Buck could get the mail) only to find out that the way she mistreated Buck wasn’t something that made that much of a difference to Albert. That can really sting. When you think a friend has your back and sees how you were hurt, and it turns out they don’t care about it. And then add to that the sense of feeling that it’s not just his building that’s not a safe space anymore, it’s his own loft too, since the guy who betrayed him is inside it. The reminder of what happened would be constant by simply seeing Al. Plus, Albert’s not the most tactful guy, he may inadvertently rub it in Buck’s face with the way he talks about his thing with Veronica. That in itself could be enough to make him reach ‘breaking point’... I’m not saying you’re wrong, I think you found a really interesting connection, but I feel like the show wouldn’t frame it that way. Does that make sense? Thank you for sharing your insight! xoxox
And this kind of also connects with...
Could have just been buck being dramatic, but him saying "my apartment was my safe space" caught my attention because yeah he talking about veronica and yes she's his neighbor but shes not living in his apartment so why isnt it still  his safe space. So what if it not his safe space anymore because of Albert(chin before) living there with him obliviously hes friend with albert but he cant fully be himself with him there. He's letting him live there for maddie/chimn
Thank you for sharing this as well, Nonnie! I hope you both got something out of my reply and that you’re both having a great day! xoxox
I know season 5 hasn’t actually been announced yet, but I was wondering if you think we’ll be getting 5A this fall or if we’ll have to wait until January again? If they’re wanting season 5 to be a full 18 episodes and have the show back on its normal timeline that pretty much lines up with time passing in real life, it makes the most sense for 5A to start this September like the show normally does.
Hi Nonnie and thanks for the ask! I’m not an American, so I honestly feel a lot less qualified to answer regarding how American TV runs its season schedule, but from what I gather, before we can even try to guess things about season 5, we have to know how long season 4 would be. And right now, we only have guesses, nothing concrete. Hope you’re having a good day, too! xoxox
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Hey! Hey! I just read your answer to the writing reader x character fics ask and wanted to bonk you with a LOT OF APPRECIATION FOR CALLUNA!!
I'm so amazed by it still, it's so heartwarming that you've written something so beautiful inspired by one of my pieces and from where I'm currently at, the story, the plot, SAERAN, the MC/reader, every other character, they're all so on point. I just love it so much, your use of words is wonderful and the whole fic is incredible, I still cannot comprehend how good it is?? I can with no doubt say that you're currently my favourite MM writer out there, everything you come up with is just so incredibly well written and thought of. I've had to hold on giving any feedback till now because I wanted to finish reading it first before throwing all the love I have for it at you, since I'm currently just on chapter 11 because I was following it as it was getting published at first but then school got the better of me (since I always read fics at night and lately school has forced me to go to sleep way to early to do that, and I'm so deprived of fics oh my god), and as I'm only on chapter 11 I know that there's still a big storm coming because sadly someone happened to spoil something about the fic for me, but you bet I'm gonna throw even more love at you when school gives me time for that and you BET I'll be drawing some art for it too 😌💞 It's what you deserve
Also, the post itself really resonated with me, like the things you said about writing what makes you happy. It wasn't only relatable with me drawing things I enjoy, there's also the fact that I've been writing fics for myself lately. That writing has also kinda replaced my activity of reading them as much, but I really enjoy it! Idk why I never did it before honestly, but writing them just for myself is really...therapeutic in a way? There's no pressure of anyone judging you and you can do anything you've ever wanted, it's so comforting. I'm just not showing them to anyone because 1. I feel ashamed of them, I'm not the best writer but I find doing it fun 2. my headcanons are sometimes really different to others' and I sometimes feel bad for that or afraid of getting backlash/into arguments for my headcanons. But writing them is fun, and the same goes for you, I hope you continue to do what makes you happy! Though I do enjoy some good old reader x character fics, reading about Lila is also interesting and sometimes she sounds a lot like what Sunset would do so that's just a huge plus lolol
(also me 🤝 you
giving Saeran CMCs who like lolita fashion)
Pat yourself on the back! That Prince Ray art just lit a fire in me with an idea that was already in the back of my head for a while and it smacked me in the head the second that I saw that handsome boy. It was only the moment I saw a pretty boy in a crown. I am nothing but a simp.
That's the good thing about being in fandom. There are people in these places that make art inspired by writing or writing inspired by art. I love seeing that because it's a testament to the harmony in fandom and it is so easy to look to each other when we feel as if we're making an impact on everyone.
It just feels so good to create something from nothing, even if it's art or writing. The process is cathartic and we cannot deny making something makes us just feel accomplished! Your passion to your art is something that we all see and recognize! I'm glad to have been able to watch you progress with your art because you are very talented and you will only continue to better the more you have fun and practice.
Goodness Gracious, I don't know I'm prepared to see anything from the fic drawn out! I have all of these outfit references for Sparrow and for all of the other cast members in the story but I've not been able to flash them out myself. There's just something really sweet about the aesthetic that exists within fairytale AUs that I can't ignore. I am sorry to hear that someone spoiled you on one of the events in the story.
At least you don't know how it builds up or leads to that point in the story where the incident occurs. I've been spoiled in a few stories before and how I reason with myself is that: I don't know how we get to [Spoiler] and that means the full experience isn't robbed from me. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! I put a lot of care into the story because it was such a great piece of art to work with.
I'm not ready, Seeme. Don't kill me. I don't think we can handle it. Prince Ray already kills me on sight.
Shfksnrowneoehe! Sunset is really cute. I always love seeing her on my Instagram or over here on DailySaeran. Her hair is really bouncy and sweet and it just makes me feel some kind of way. I just love frilly clothes and we need more cute MCs in big skirts. I'm very OC positive and I try to make sure that all kinds of people in this fandom know that they should shamelessly write what makes them happy.
I am glad to hear that you're exploring writing for the first time. I hope you know that you don't have to share with other people of you don't want to do that. You put your heart and soul into your writing even if there's spelling errors, translation errors, or what have you within the story, you put a piece of your heart into what you're writing. I say this with the utmost sincerity write for you and nobody else. Write what makes you happy no matter what anyone says.
I don't care if that means you're writing Self Insert Fics where you have cat ears, rainbow hair, or everyone loves you without question. Or If you're writing about an OC who loves without reason or can do "impossible" things without trouble. It's your story.
You create the canon. You create the universe. You put yourself into it. It is unashamedly you.
If it makes you happy, you write it. Put your heart into it. We put ourselves into the characters, not just our OCs. But, we put our soul into the cast of canon characters. So, just know that even if you do not share your writing, you should never feel like you have to share it for it to be proof of skill or talent. If anyone hits you with discourse if you do share it one day, let me know. I will mess them up with a Hello Kitty bat all the while wearing the cutest dress.
I've got a lot of Saeran x Reader story ideas, I'm gonna make a poll with my general ideas and let people vote on that later once I get home. It'll be a Google Form. I'll probably link it on my IG too. I hope you guys are interested in that! I hope that you're able to slow down and enjoy yourself soon here! I know that school must be really rough with everything right now. I gotta wish you luck with that.
Meanwhile, I gotta go smack myself or something, I admire you and here you are hitting me with the same thing. Djwkdhekdnodbeie
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evalieena · 4 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
well since dearest @bachint​ asked, here goes nothing!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
well if no downplaying’s allowed i guess i’d give it a 3/5? some mistakes since i’m not a native plus i”m still working on getting my english style better! i like what i come up with all the same, i’ve improved a lot these past two years, and my grammar isn’t that bad i guess?
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to do what developers didn’t do in the first place to make good use of my imagination, to cope with the fact that some characters don’t exist and i will never follow another one of their adventures, to forget about a boring real life...
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
my writing doesn’t stand out lmaooo but i guess i’m always trying to focus on the character’s psychology, struggles and all that, so if someone likes my work, it’s ‘original’ bc it’s usually quite different from the usual stories where there are a lot of dialogues and interactions.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
i’ve been inspired a lot by @welcometogressenheller​ (i wish i could do as well as she does.....), @aceklaviergavin​ (kudos to you even if you never see that post and you probably don’t know who i am), and some others whose name i forgot (sorry!)
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
i didn’t write much but i guess that my latest fics are really nice (There’s No Light In You Anymore, and the whole Faith series on AO3). also my big project “Now That You’re Gone”, i’m glad i’ve been able to write that much for it and i intend on continuing as soon as i find the motivation!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
pain, struggles and all that comes with it as long as it’s in the character’s mind, because beware here you step in a dark space
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
ordinary scenes of life? i always find my writing lacking as soon as i step out of my comfort zone, i’m all for rambling and never-ending pain
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
desmond/descole surely
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
all the good guys (and dimitri allen because i’d love writing about him but i’m? just unable to?)
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
that may come as a surprise! angst!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
a mix of question 8 and 10 and you’ve got your answer
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
professor layton and the shattering secrets!!! i’m so happy of what this AU will look like when i’ll be done writing the following chapters, at first it probably looks annoying but heck i wanna promise anyone who’s reading it that the plot twists are gonna be worth it even though the overall background isn’t that original because i’ve mixed up different elements from other games (aaaand we’re back in our oh-so-amazing comfort zone that covers up a massive lack of imagination)
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
ummm? the vampire diaries maybe? back when i was 10 or 11 lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
hands up... pROFESsoR LayTON
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
i didn’t write for many fandoms but back in my younger days i used to do self-insert fics with the vampire diaries cast and it was so odd and i wish i hadn’t just confessed that on my tumblr blog
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
nothing that comes to mind
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
dunno either
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
PL and the shattering secrets! huge canon divergence and one heck of an AU (also its original version is much worse, my mind was going crazy when i was 15)
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
i love reading AUs, writing some requires solid imagination which i have not, but honestly i don’t really mind
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
desmond sycamore x his wife / randall ascot x hershel layton (be it romantic or platonic) / randall ascot x basically anyone from the MM i guess though i didn’t write anything about that yet (it’s about to change guys)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
yea i can’t write without listening to music - any playlist does the trick as long as i like what i’m listening to but usually i listen to sad soundtracks, or i’m inspired by some random lyrics
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
i’d go with challenges bc my horrible ass has very few ideas but i usually come up with independent ideas
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
one shots!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
i don’t remember ;_;
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
i’ve got one OS in mind with randall/layton but i don’t want to be the talk of the town because it’s probably going to be awful? also any other fic including the PL3 crew
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
@welcometogressenheller telling me she believed i was a native!!! i struggle so much trying to improve my writing style in english and i have a lot of insecurities so it was so heartwarming and incredible to read...
also basically any other comment where people tell me they like what i write. i love that writers feel the need to take some time reviewing my works bc i need constant validation
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
well i’ve never really received ‘harsh’ criticism or anything, save for some very rare remarks on my grammar so i guess i don’t know? at first it’s always sad to see that what i’ve done isn’t perfect but i guess it’s impossible to be perfect so i’m really happy that people take some time to underline what looks wrong to them
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
currently trying to with shattering secrets and it’s actually a great way to improve!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
i wish i could but it would perhaps be a huge spoiler so i don’t wanna say much about them...
i have 1) annabell sycamore, des’s wife, whose personality fits very much mine. she’s a playwright, spends lot of her time writing and acting in front of des AND WITH des. also she’s a very realistic person and some people usually tell her that she’s being too pessimistic 
2) aurelia from the shattering secrets and on her i really cannot say much... if anyone’s read this far it would be so nice if you could give SS a shot by the way!! 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
desmond sometimes finds happiness but it’s always taken from him
(isn’t that a summary for everything i’ve ever written?)
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
i don’t translate my works from my original language to english, i write straight in english. i spend a lot of time making sure i haven’t done any grammatical mistakes, checking the definition and the use of some words i’m not sure about, and sometimes it’s quite a pain and it can be also very discouraging bc i end up believing what i write comes from a random internet dictionary while deep down i know it’s not true but hey what can i say. huge insecurities laid bare here.
(if any reader of mine’s reading this, i apologize)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
(beware: spoilers for the whole prequel trilogy!!!)
“Hershel Layton was puzzled. A funny emotion to feel for someone who loved puzzles that much, but nothing could ever describe better the way he’d felt for hours now, hours that seemed like ages.So much did happen in the span of a few hours.
First he’d learned his parents could be targeted by Targent, then Aurora had made it clear that she didn’t want to live anymore, all so she could protect them. Then Desmond—no, Descole—had taken the key from her hands, and revealed himself as the dangerous scientist Layton knew him to be.
Then they’d fought. Despair was filling the air, though Hershel didn’t understand what Descole meant when he cried that the Azran legacy was all he had to live for.
And as if there hadn’t been enough betrayals as it was, Emmy was soon to follow. Luke had been abducted. He’d had no other choice than siding with Descole to prevent Bronev from unleashing doom on Earth. Misery didn’t seem to end.
Just when he’d thought he’d finally be able to change things, Descole had been ready to sacrifice himself to save Luke. And then…
Then everything just collapsed.
He held his agonizing brother in his arms; the one who’d wanted so hard to take him down only a few hours back was now confessing, fearing death was on the way.“
from ‘Six Times Hershel Layton Remembered, Plus The One Time He Didn’t’
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
oops i haven’t got anything more to say but thank you for reading? perhaps?
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homosexualadventure · 4 years
every single lmam song, ranked.
i just finished listening to let’s make a music for the first time, and Oh My God it rocks. it’s a great podcast and if you’re reading this without having listened to it...i don’t know what to tell you. i don’t know what you think lmam means. but, that aside, if you haven’t listened to it yet: go listen to it! it’s not a crazy long podcast, overall or episode length-wise, so it’s manageable even for people who usually can’t handle podcasts (like me!) anyways, now that it’s over, what’s left for me to do with my time and energy that i used to spend thinking about lmam?
listen to the episodes again so that i can rank all fourty-one songs from worst to best, of course. so that’s exactly what i did.
i mostly ranked these on my gut feeling, because i didn’t come up with the idea of ranking it on a set of points before like...five minutes ago. there’s a bit of personal bias in here, so if you disagree with me on rankings, hey! send me an ask, or a dm. we can talk about it. 
so, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into it! let’s...make a ranking. haha. that’s just a fun little lmam joke for you. 
41. the roquefort stank
this song only gets points for laura’s stanky noises in the background. i love laura.
40. shan’t he shanty
weirdly catchy. for a sea shanty, that is. that’s all i have to say.
39. well, i’m on child...
i do love a good gay song about polyamory but it just wasn’t enough in this case. truly heartbreaking. 
38. dog trash
i’m not a big fan of polka in general. that’s all i have to say. i don’t have to explain all my decisions. this is my journey. and it’s your journey that you’re taking with me.
37. echoes of wednesday
it’s not my favorite but i do think it’s sweet and i like all the laura vocals. also the zuko vocals. 
36. brothers in legs
not their best character song but it’s still a song you could quietly headbang to. i just don’t love full story ballads (there is an exception to this, you’ll see) most of the time. 
35. ol’ tim’s tricks
i’m not saying it’s a bad song, i’m just saying it sounds like it was once in a made for tv disney channel-esque movie about a girl who finds her calling in sports and friendship.
34. don’t give me that altitude
very queen-esque with general 80s vibes and i like that.
33. dreamless
if it was longer i think it would be a lot higher on the list, because it’s Good. but i don’t feel right putting a 45 second song above, like, tobie’s razor. still! i love the mellow, kind of sad and eerie tones of it.
32. holiday crime!
look i know this one’s fairly low on the list, hear me out: it’s a good song and it’s pretty memorable as well! but as far as holiday songs go, i don’t think it’s their best or most iconic one. laura’s laughing and beat in the back is absolutely wonderful and heartwarming, though.
31. mr. dad
this one gets a higher rating than the previous holiday song for its good good harmonica and because when i heard the lyrics “but you love to watch him go” used to describe mr. dad i almost toppled my chair backwards with me still in it.
30. mourning ritual
the biggest load of 1980s bullshit i’ve ever heard in this decade. somehow it’s also got a big panic! at the disco vibe and i’m not sure how i feel about it but it’s definitely Strongly There and i can’t deny it.
29. outback sadhouse
it’s RIDICULOUS how well they nailed the sufjan stevens vibe with this one. plus the restaurant dialogue bit in the back of the song really adds a lot. 
28. let down my better dynamite
it’s really easy to bop to and the instrumental in the background is FANTASTIC! jonah really killed it with this one. plus they talk a lot about rats in the episode which is nice for me because i love rats. also it’s the first episode with an instance of “brian does a bit”.
27. the tale of the greazzy creek
i just think it absolutely nails the vibe of a rural campfire grizzled old cowboy song while also being a really catchy theme song. like, i think you could’ve snuck it into holes (2003) and i would’ve been like, yeah, that sounds right. 
26. turn around and come down slowly
not one of their more iconic songs but brian’s voice is so pretty in this and it’s really soothing. 
25. ratless randy’s
i don’t know why it’s this high on the list either, but it is. ratless randy’s really IS the place to be, guys.
24. tobie’s razor
i will be honest. when i saw the title for this episode for the first time i just thought “occam’s razor” and as i type this i can’t even think of what that actually is, so..... anyways, i’d say this song absolutely NAILS the vibe but i have no idea what vibe it’s even remotely related to. certainly does nail the internal childhood monologue though. i think this song is the first one where they really started hitting their stride, also. not that it’s better than some of the earlier ones, but this one forward their songs were pretty consistently high quality. plus, and no one will be surprised by this by now, it gets extra points for laura. 
23. armoire of royals
it’s weird, it’s synthy, has a vaguely billie eilish-esque part near the end which is not necessarily a point in favor depending on your taste but it Definitely is surprising and cool, and it’s got fake british accents. what more do you need out of a song?
22. sybil’s night scare
the piano in this is perfect and fantastic and the comedic timing in the song is just right. jonah’s delivery of “they’re actually real human eyes” is so goddamn good and his singing is Also great and frankly i think we can all agree we’re fucking tired of him saying he can’t sing. i mean, i assume (i fucking hope) he’s stopped saying that by now considering he had the majority of vocals on silo by a bit but Still. it’s a good peppy halloween-y song.
21. chalice for your thoughts
two spooky songs in a row! honestly, i’m not sure what reasons i have for ranking this song as high as i did. i just like it a lot. they were able to include a lot of weird twitter suggestions fairly seamlessly, and it’s just soft and pretty. spooky, but still pretty. 
20. 21st blitheday
i admit it: i fucking hate the voice brian uses in this. but i really, really like the song. the beat’s very good and somehow brian still manages to sing the chorus well and make it sound nice even though his affectation is Stupid as hell <3 the background whistling is nice and his robot voice, which he’s used for several of his videos but i think most notoriously for scrundler in his week in revue series (here), is also featured. it’s a real bop, i think.
19. monday night boomball
i genuinely think this is their weirdest song, ever. it’s incomprehensible and it’s so fucking theatre kid of them, and it’s dumb as shit but it’s really funny and enjoyable and strange and i love it.
18. gentle light
this is a really good song. it’s not weird or funny, it’s genuinely just a really soft, calming, normal song. i can’t in good conscience rank it above the others for this reason, because it’s easier to make a regular song good than it is for a song about fucking a tree, but i want to be clear: i really love this song. it’s a song that you could fall asleep to, cry to, cuddle up in a blanket to, whatever the hell you want to do to it.
17. proud egg mouth
extra points for fitting the word “maw” in any kind of song, a feat i’m not sure anyone else has ever accomplished. also for brian actually singing with an egg in his mouth.
16. you can take that to the bank
brian does an incredible randy newman impression and i love him for it. also it’s just a good song! it’s not my favorite but it’s very pleasing to my ears and it’s well made.
15. rainbow trout eggs
i listened to a shit ton of colbie caillat in middle school and i can tell you with confidence that the lyrics “i feel so alive and i know that i’m happy na na na na na hey hey” would be in one of her songs. it’s a good song with completely ridiculous lyrics and it’s a better character/full story ballad than their previous ones, in my opinion. which is what you’re specifically here for!
14. car mitzvah
i think this is a song my dad would listen to if it came on the radio. i also think it deserves to be in an early 90s or maybe coming of age movie. brian’s vocals are fantastic in this, also.
13. dr. brims
“it’s a new year, Ha Hah!” this song is sooooo fucking funny and exemplary of a lot of their other songs that came afterwards. i’ve been saying that a lot i think. writing reviews is hard.
12. let’s make a music (theme song)
maybe it’s the emotional value of this song being the song i associate most with the podcast, since it’s the theme song, or maybe it’s just really good. (spoiler: it’s both but mostly the second one) the episode is also really funny in general and if you’re new to the podcast and don’t care about order, i highly recommend this one first! 
11. heartbreak in michael’s
a very very very good sad gay love song and i recommend it to the ends of the earth! because this is the internet, and i can!
10. arbor day!
you try making a horny song about deforestation.
9. why don’t you like our song title?
such a fucking bop and showcases their skill for just doing whatever the hell they want and STILL making a fantastic song or video or whatever. they just stop saying words in it and it does not take anything away from the song. could you do that? i mean...maybe! but for the sake of this review and my point i’m gonna be like fuck you no you couldn’t. moving on.
8. akimbo
the backing track in this is ABSOLUTELY what makes the song. plus that one video of brian strutting but technically that can’t affect my review of the song because Technically it’s not part of the song. anyways it’s really peppy and fun and enjoyable and Good.
7. heartbreak in michael’s (reprise)
it’s the perfect finale song. like, it genuinely sounds like the song that plays at the end of a romcom after everything’s finally worked out. i Did cry when i heard brian sing the theme song at the end but that’s just because i’m a sentimental son of a bitch. so besides that ending bit that i can(’t) guarantee will make you tear up at Least, it’s really fucking fun! it’s upbeat and happy and i think they made the right song to go out on. or to go on a hiatus on, if brian’s website is to be believed. i don’t believe it, but hypothetically, y’know? hypothetically...
6. debutaunt ball
if the met gala doesn’t make this their theme song i will personally burn next year’s event to the ground, i swear to god. also it’s a good song to show off both jonah and brian’s range. it’s not like a lot of their other songs but it’s SUCH a banger and i adore it.
5. madame zamporium’s wax emporium 
fuck yeah. learning that the “ooh come on baby” from several unraveleds came from a let’s make a music is the reason i finally started listening to the podcast in the first place. but BESIDES that, since that’s not a reason for my ranking (just a fun little fact about me!), this song slaps a ridiculous amount. they went insanely hard and it’s the first song they made that really sets the tone of the podcast, which is: great comedy, great high production music. 
4. alan rickman’s edible zoo
GOD! the anti-celebrity, anti-capitalist rock song i’ve been waiting all my fucking life for! also it’s anti-america but only in one lyric. but in Another sense....throughout the whole song. PLUS, and most importantly, it features jonah’s literally and i mean LITERALLY impeccable alan rickman impression. like, it’s fucking bulletproof. alan rickman was in the goddamn room. 
3. horsecar!
look. when this song started playing for the first time i went...fuck no. in general i don’t tolerate country or cowboy songs very well because they just don’t sound appealing to my ears most of the time. i put up with country road only because of a funny mario edit someone made of it and now the original song has more value to me. this is relevant only because the same thing happened with horsecar! in that the chorus KICKS ASS. i may make a post on just my favorite lmam songs and also this is already a crazy long post so i won’t go into it too much but i will say this. the shock value of going from the first verse in this song to the chorus is...........Incredibly high and it Works So Fucking Well! it literally makes the song. and not even just for the short term value of Oh My God That’s A Twist, it lasts through the whole song. i’m listening to the song as i type this and i’m currently at the country/cowboy part and i don’t hate it because i know the chorus is incredible. in fact, i’d argue that the chorus on its own may be the best thing lmam ever made, even better than my two actual favorite songs of theirs. i’m definitely going to have to make a full post on this. (SIDE NOTE: BRIAN’S VOCALS ARE FUCKING CRAZY AND HORSECAR! IS ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES OF THIS. his goddamn RANGE!! SIR!!! his falsetto is literally ridiculous my pants are OFF)
2. dragon me to this wedding
this is what i meant when i said there’s an exception to the “i’m not generally a fan of full story ballads”, because this is one of my all time favorite lmam songs. as in, it’s in the top three. which i guess you can tell from it being number two in the top three. in fact, it’s probably one of my favorite songs in general. the first time i listened to the episode i went back and listened to the song again three times in a row, and all three times i cried real tears. it’s GAY it’s REALLY PRETTY and i LOVE IT. 
1. save 2 4 tony
so we’ve finally made it to my all-time favorite lmam song. maybe it’s that i recently graduated myself and so this song hits a little harder, but it also just GOES hard. i genuinely think they peaked when they recorded this. it’s one of those bdg songs where you’re listening to it, you’re just chilling, and it’s like “yeah wow this is nice!” and all of a sudden he hits a falsetto and you go “oh FUCK that guy can SING!” literally his vocals in this are incredible and it’s very fun (and on brand) that the Oh Fuck moment here is the line “tony hawk babeyyy!” plus jonah killed it on the backing and composition and everything. it’s the best let’s make a music song and i won’t take constructive criticism.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {35}**
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, SMUT, NSFW
Word Count: 6.1K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
NOTE: **Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊❤❤️
Chapter 35: San Francisco Bound
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 Two days was all Ella had allowed them once you’d told her that you had to go on a trip. He was impressed with how chill she was about it. There were times she was so attached to you and other times where she was okay if you left her on her own. He took it as her trusting you implicitly, it was the show of what a great mother you were, something he loved more and more about you.
 The two of you left Massachusetts at nine and boarded the private jet he’d arranged. When you found out your annoyance with him over it was evident. You didn’t beat him up too bad for it, you went easy and bit your tongue after he’d told you he did it out of availability and how urgent the emergency was. Thanks to the neary four-hour flight the two of you had some much needed downtime. A game of poker was all it took for the two of you to begin laughing together then two beers later and you’d gotten quiet. You spent the remainder of the flight on your laptop working and he spent the remainder of it just staring at you. It was now his favorite thing.
When the jet landed and the two of you were in the rental car that you took lead procuring it was just turning night. As you passed sights you pointed them out to him. the smile on your face as you showed him around was heartwarming. It made him smile seeing your town through your eyes. The way your eyes lit up at certain things and your smile got bigger at others it made him really want to be by your side and see everything through your eyes.
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“Ella loves this view. Sometimes at night when she can’t sleep I just drive here, and park and she’ll just watch the lights. I’ve had to make more trips here in the middle of the night than I can count.”
 “It’s a great view. She has great taste.” You had a faraway look on your face as you stared down the hill at all the lights of the city. He wanted to know what you were thinking, he’d seen this look several times before. “What’re you thinking?”
 “The nights when I couldn’t sleep while I was pregnant, I’d drive here and watch the city fade.”
 “I wish I could have seen you pregnant. I bet you were beautiful.”
 You snorted and laughed then gave him a “yeah right” expression.
 “Whatever, I was hideous. I was huge, I gained so much weight and my cheeks puffed so big. Uugh, you would not have wanted to touch me with a ten-foot pole.”
 He smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t believe it, not one bit. “Whatever, I’m still calling it, you were gorgeous. Plus, it was my kid in there I’m sure I’d have been hopelessly in--.” He trailed his words off and avoided your eyes hoping that you’d let whatever he said fade. Thankfully you didn’t say anything. You just put the car in drive and continued on.
 A little before eight you pulled up before your restaurant, parked and walked inside. It looked just like the pictures online down to the décor and even the flowers. It was elegant but also down to earth as if you could get a filet mignon and a burger off the same menu. It was just how you were, elegant and down to earth. It was a hell of a combination.
 “All right, this is insane Franklin.”
 “I know, I don’t know how you managed it, but the workers were here and they fixed the pipe and pumped the leak. We have the fans running and I think it’s airing out well.”
 As he talked you walked around and examined the dining area and finally walked into the kitchen where you continued to look around.
 “Did the burst mess with the ventilation all of this is bad.” You examined the produce in the fridge and the look on your face was annoyed.
 “Damn it, I didn’t even realize it. Shit!” Franklin looked equally annoyed. You rubbed your forehead and groaned, then interrupted Franklin as he spoke.
 “Okay, we’re not going to panic. I know someone that can help. What time will everyone be here?”
 “Most of the staff are already on their way here if not here. I had them on standby,” Franklin informed.
 “Okay, prep them I’m going to my office.” You walked out the kitchen toward the back, you then turned to him.
 “Oh, I’m sorry,” you began.
 “It’s okay, go take care of business. I’m going to be around,” he assured. You nodded and continued your walk.
 He took the time to walk around the restaurant and admire everything you’d accomplished. It wasn’t like those start-up restaurants or mom and pop diners, this was a well planned and executed establishment. He perused the culinary awards and medals that you’d won in the span of the restaurant being open. He looked at all the prized reviews from the culinary greats and saw a picture of you from some food expo. You looked happy, he liked seeing you happy. He wanted to be the one to make you happy.
 As he scanned the wall of your success, he couldn’t help but be filled with pride and awe. You were this force to be reckoned with, this incredible woman who’d made a life and path for herself by herself facing all the obstacles that came her way. He was impressed. When he’d finished walking around he made his way back into the kitchen and asked Franklin how he could help. The man looked speechless when he approached and could barely put two words together. When he was able to speak he directed him what he could do. He wasted no time rolling up his sleeves and getting down with the rest of them to pitch in.
 An hour later a line of people walked in with crates of produce followed by someone rolling in a brand-new fridge.
 “Oh my god Luke, thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver.” He could hear your voice in the main dining area before he saw you. When he did, you met a tall dark-haired man and threw your arms around him. He lifted you in the air and spun you around.
 “Aw Vixy you know I’d do anything for you.” Your smile was wide before he placed you down back to your feet.
 “I really needed you tonight. Thank you for coming through.”
 “No problem. Anything I can chip in with?”
 “Honestly Luke, you’ve done way more than you needed to. Thank you again.” He watched the man kiss your jaw before he licked his lips pulling the bottom one into his mouth. A pang of jealousy washed through him. It was jealousy he’d never felt before. In his other relationships, he’d never felt threatened or jealous over anyone. He knew what he had and also didn’t really think things were that deep. Now though, he recognized his jealousy.
 You walked into the kitchen and he busied himself with the other workers.
 “Chris? What’re you doing?”
 “Helping out any way I can.”
 “You don’t have to do this,” you assured even with the frazzled look still in your eyes. This was stressful for you.
 “I know, I want to, I really do. Plus I’m not virgin to working with my hands.”
 You looked down to his hands as he continued prepping the produce that was just brought in. a soft smile played at your lips before you nodded.
 “Thank you.” You were looking right into his eyes when you said the words, and he felt how much you meant them.
 “Vixen, I just got word that the rest of the staff can’t make it in. so now we’re operating at about seventy-five percent,” Franklin informed. The frazzled look in your eyes magnified and you groaned again.
 “Okay, all right. We open for the night in about forty-five minutes, we’re fully booked and we’re short staffed. Guess that means I’m here tonight.”
 You walked over to the wall where aprons hung and put one on then proceeded to wash your hands.
 “All right everyone, attention! We open those doors in forty-five minutes, we’re back on track. I want that dining area prepped as if this were opening night, I want everything to be a thing of beauty. I know a lot had happened tonight and I’m not gonna lie and say it won’t be a hectic night. It will be, but we’re in this together and I won’t quit if you don’t quit. Can we do this?”
 “Yes we can!” The unanimous chant of everyone made him smile. That was a pep speech if he’d ever heard one.
 Everyone broke off doing their own thing. You came beside him and watched him for a few moments. “ Are you sure you’re okay?”
 “Vix, I’m good. I promise. Go do what you do best.”
 “And what’s that?”
 “Be the best,” he added. You smiled at him and went off to work.
 You managed your kitchen like a five star regimental general, strict, clean and organized. He watched as you listed off order after order for them to complete and even took the time to demonstrate how you wanted things done. When you began prepping dishes he marveled at your skill with the knives and the ease you combined ingredients to make your dishes. It was truly something to watch you in your element.
 By the time the dinner crowd rolled in you had everything under control and didn’t look one bit worried or stressed. After an hour into dinner service, you came over to him and thanked him for helping then told him to take a breather in your office upstairs. He wanted to protest but the way you said it he knew this was your element and there was no back talking. When he walked out of the kitchen and up the steps he took the time to look out over the packed dining room at all the diner’s faces. There was not one displeased look, everyone looked to be enjoying themselves and their food.
 When he got into your office he slowly examined the contents of your office, the artwork on the walls, sculptures on shelves and pictures in frames. Ella was decorated throughout your office and in every picture, you were with her. You both looked so happy and it filled him with joy. He never imagined he’d see this part of your world, never imagined what he may think or feel and now that he was seeing this while he was happy, impressed and in awe of you there was also a feeling of fear that was lurking in him. It was a fear he wasn’t ready to address though. 
 -6 hours later-
 “Thank you guys again for coming out tonight,” you said to the last of the diners as they walked through the door. You pushed it closed and flipped the sign on the door to “Closed”. You sighed turned your back then leaned on the glass.
 From the bar, he could tell you were tired. You’d just worked an entire kitchen, charmed the whole dining room, and managed for the last few hours and all in heels. Through it all, you remained composed and gorgeous.
 “I think you’ve earned a glass of wine.”
 You snorted then looked at him. “Just a glass?”
 “Hell I’ll give you the whole vineyard if you want, but it all starts with one glass.” You smiled and walked to him at the bar and slipped onto one of the elegant stools with a groan.
 “Oh my god, what a night.”
 “That is all I’ve been saying. You were—are incredible.”
 Studying him, your eyes never left his face. it was as if you were thinking about something, either you wanted to say something or do something. You lifted the glass and drank down the white wine then moaned. “Mmm, one more then let’s get out of here.”
 He poured you another. After you’d finished it Franklin approached. “Everything is good here Vixen, I can handle the rest.” He placed your bag onto the counter along with two brown paper bags.
 “You’re sure?”
 “Yes. What a night,” he responded. You smiled and nodded before slipping off the stool to gather your belongings and the bags.
 “Remember the quiet nights?”
 “Ha, no. we’ve never had one.” You snorted and laughed as you nodded in agreement. The two of you walked to the front door and out onto the sidewalk. He took the brown bags from you hoping to lessen your load.
 “Good night Franklin,” you said as you slipped into the driver’s seat with another groan.
 “You sure you can make it?”
 “Oh, I can make it.”
 “Make it where exactly?”
 “Home,” you answered putting the car into drive.
 Twenty minutes later you parked in front of an impressive brownstone. Quickly you got out the car and walked up the steps toward the front door with him following closely behind you with the bags. When you unlocked the door and walked into the foyer you dropped your bag and kicked off your heels then groaned loudly.
“Oh my god, that feels so good you have no idea.”
 “Do you always wear heels to work?”
 “You know what, if I plan on being in the kitchen I put on my Tom’s, but I was so focused on the nightmare that was today I didn’t even think about it.”
 He nodded and looked around. “So, this is home sweet home, huh?”
 “Uh, yeah. These are my humble beginnings.” You walked further in and stopped in the open space of the living room.
 “If this is humble I want to see your house once you have three restaurants open,” he joked. You smiled and fanned him off.
 “Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour.”
 You walked down the steps and into the living room and tapped a button on the wall that illuminated everything around. The light gave him the opportunity to look around at the tens of pictures that were framed around the room. You were in some, as was Nexus and your parents but the majority was Ella. With the number of pictures around it was clear to see you really loved her and took pride in her. As he walked through the room he eyed different items of Ella’s lying around, dolls, fairy wings, toys, books and then smiled widely when he saw a pile of Disney character toys.
 “What can I say, she loves her Disney.” You took lead and walked throughout the dwelling showing him the kitchen and dining area, bathrooms, and other various rooms.
 When you opened Ella’s room door upstairs he stopped at the door and just looked around. It looked fit for a princess, down to the crown that was etched into her toddler bed. A smile tickled his lips and he backed out into the hallway. He was filled with so many thoughts, so many emotions but he couldn’t let any of them out. you’d built a beautiful life for yourself here, a life for Ella, a life he had no idea where he could possibly fit in.
 You showed him to an empty bedroom that was expertly decorated and screamed comfort. 
“So uh—this is the third guest room. No one has stayed in here, Nex has her own down the hall as do my parents. So you can uh—you can stay here if you want.” Your stutters were cute if he were in a better mental state he’d tease you about it.
 “Do you want me to stay here?” Your eyes met but you didn’t speak. You pressed your back on the jamb of the door and chewed your bottom lip, but your eyes never left his.
 “What do you want?” he leaned back on the other side of the threshold and softly sighed out.
 “You know what I want Vix.” Still, you didn’t speak, you simply took him in. He could hear the gears in your head turning but he had no idea what you were thinking. He wanted to, badly.
 “It’s been a very long day, humor me,” you replied.
 He saw himself go out on this ledge yet again and every alarm said stop play it coy, be chill about it but what he said was anything but coy, or chill.
 “I want you Vixen, in every single way the word want implies.”
 He saw a mixture of things in your eyes, shock, intrigue, confusion, hope, desire but he saw an overwhelming amount of fear. It was then he acknowledged you were afraid of him. You looked from his eyes and down to your feet then cleared your throat.
 “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”
 You walked away down the hall and steps you’d just come up leaving him there to reassess everything. He didn’t know how to work around that.
 A few minutes later, when he joined you back downstairs he found you sitting on the balcony off the living room. You’d spread out the food containers atop the table and had already opened a bottle of wine. Taking his seat across from you he sighed.
 “This smells incredible.”
 “Bon appetite,” you said holding up your fork. He smiled and clanked his against yours then dug into the warm deliciousness of a steak. He moaned his delight as the juices of the perfectly cooked steak washed over every one of his taste buds.
 “God, you’re an amazing cook.” You smiled and nodded as you ate.
 Dinner was easy. the conversation flowed as it always did, the laughs rolled out effortlessly like clockwork, and the air between you was always relaxing. This dinner reminded him of the one he’d had with you in LA before he’d made probably the biggest mistake of his life. He’d never felt this easygoing with anyone before. There was always some feeling of angst or discomfort but with you, none of that was there. It was like you were an old friend who knew everything about him.
 You told him stories of your life living here, stories that had Nexus in them, stories that had your friends. They were stories that showed him other sides of you, sides that weren’t so professional, or stern. You were able to be goofy and silly and completely destructive and carefree; they were sides he wanted to see firsthand, sides he’d seen in Vegas. He wondered if you ever thought about Vegas.
With the food finished and the two of you on your third bottle of wine sitting in the dim light of the moon’s glow, he watched you.
 “Do you ever think about it?” Your head was leaned back on the chair back, you then turned it to look at him.
 “Think about what?”
 “Vegas. Us?” The mellow look on your face changed to a faraway one. You looked caught up in a memory, or daydream. The silence between you stretched and you were no longer looking at him, you were looking through him. then the look in your eyes changed and you saw him.
 “I do.” It was barely above a whisper.
 The air around you became heavy with the rising energy between you.
 “Me too. Everyday.”
 Neither of you spoke again, you just stared at each other. There was no movement, nothing but this was the first time he felt he was able to see you and the first time he fully realized how much of a fool he’d been.
 Four in the morning. He groaned and rubbed his head. He’d been tossing and turning and still hadn’t found a way to get to sleep. He had way too much going on in his head. After sitting up for a few minutes just staring out to nowhere he knew he wasn’t going to get back to sleep. The house was quiet, you were most likely knocked out. He could feel the exhaustion coming off of you. In the kitchen, he found a bottle of whiskey and fondly smiled. You knew your liquor. With a full tumbler, he hopped on the counter and slowly enjoyed the burn on his tongue and down his throat. It was enough to distract him from the chaotic noise in his head.
 Twenty minutes later, the noise was all-encompassing and he’d had two glasses already. His thoughts were so loud he didn’t hear you until you walked into the kitchen in a robe. You didn’t jump or gasp when you saw him, you just leaned against the counter across the room.
 “Couldn’t sleep?”
 “No, too much noise.”
 “Of the city?”
 “In my head,” he corrected. You nodded and walked to one of the cupboards and took down your own tumbler and put two ice cubes in it and came a little closer with your eyes on his. He held out the whiskey bottle to you and watched you pour a little more than half. Your lips on the glass came next and drew his attention but it didn’t stay there. He followed the trail he knew the liquid made, down your throat, to your chest where he saw the swells of your breasts playing peekaboo from behind the robe you wore. His eyes dipped lower to the loose knot of the material just where your navel was and finally to the hem of the garment that slightly parted at the tops of your thighs.
 When he looked back to your eyes your glass was empty. He tipped his glass to his lips but came to the realization his was also empty. Neither of you moved or spoke, there was no need. After a few minutes, you put your glass on the counter and was the one to walk toward him. When you stopped you were just a few inches from him. You took the glass from his hand and slid it on the counter before you take his free hand slipping your smaller one in his palm before you traced your fingertips over it sending sparks through his hand and up his arm. When your fingers laced together in an impenetrable fashion his heart was beating erratically. You stepped back and gently pulled his hand with you.
 Allowing you to pull him off the counter he let you lead him wherever you chose to go, it didn’t matter. He’d follow you anywhere. The sway of your backside was hypnotizing, he’d only had two glasses, but his head felt as if he’d had the entire bottle. Up the stairs and to the end of the hall you lead him into the room that screamed you from the oversized canopy bed that was draped in a sheer material that looked to be cascading as if a breeze wafted through the room, but there was no breeze. Like in the distance he could hear the soft melodies of music playing, he didn’t know if it was in his imagination or if it were real. He didn’t care. You were the only thing that had his attention.
 At the foot of the bed, you turn to him and slowly rake your eyes over his exposed chest. Under the heat of your eyes for the first time, he felt self-conscious as if he may not be to your liking, or he may not be enough. It was a newfound fear. After far too long your hands moved to the knot of the robe and slowly pulled it free then pushed it off your shoulders to the floor. You stood before him in a soft pink two-piece lace get up. The blood in his veins felt like he was on fire and burning from the inside out. You were gorgeous, a vision of a dream.
 You then brought your hands to the front of the lace bra like contraption and slowly unbuttoned it until you peeled it off and let it join your robe. He took a deep breath in and clenched his jaw trying to remain in control. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his sweats and pulled them from his legs then stood before you completely bare and open to you. all you had to do was look close enough and you’d know everything.
 Your eyes again skimmed his body then stopped at his cock and again that self-consciousness reappeared. He watched you pull off the bottoms you wore then slowly took in every inch of you. His heart felt as if it were about to burst right through his chest. You slowly backed toward your bed and every step you took he felt like he was being pulled to you. Soon he stood before you and he couldn’t keep his distance any longer. He touched the back of his hand to your cheek and softly felt your skin and brought his lips to your forehead, then your nose and finally your chin before his lips met yours. It was a soft kiss, a kiss that spoke of timidness, and a need for delicateness. He relished the feel of your lips as he drank in every essence of you before he deepened it.
 Your moan echoed in the room and it hit him where he’d heard the music from. It was playing the second time you were together in Vegas. He tore his lips from yours and gazed deeply into your eyes. He could tell you were both in the same moment.
 “I told you I do,” you whispered before you dropped back onto the bed and waited for him to join you.  
 Slowly he lowered himself onto you and hovered staring into your eyes before his lips again met yours and took control of a kiss he hoped showed you everything he felt that he was not brave enough to tell you. His hands cupped your cheeks holding you still so he could fully explore your mouth with his tongue. Teasingly he sucked onto yours, a groan escaped him once he felt your legs spread wider giving him full access to press onto your core. You moaned then wrapped those sinful legs around his waist. He was a goner from there.
 Pulling his lips from yours he moved them down to your jaw and kissed a path down your throat to your neck where he teased the sensitive flesh at the spot he knew would bring a reaction. Like a moth to a flame, you arched your head back and dug your fingers into his hair. He loved how you reacted to him. slowly he dipped lower and kissed the tops of your breast before wrapping his lips around a cacao colored nipple. Every flick of his tongue and nibble of his teeth had you moaning louder. When he released one to go to the other he used his fingers to roll `the hardened bud bringing you more pleasure.
 As he kissed across your stomach he took a peek up at you, your eyes were on him taking in every move he made. Draping one of your legs over his shoulder he settled between them and savored the sight of you. one kiss began his exploration, then two, and three until he was heartily tasting and pleasing you. Your fingers gripped his hair gently as moan after moan fell from you. He could do this all night and never tire of your taste, tire of the sounds you made or how beautiful you looked with your jaw dropped, eyes closed and back arched.
 It was a strangled whisper that was cut off and replaced with a loud screech as your thighs snapped closed around his head and he tasted just how well you responded to him. He moaned as he drank from your well not wasting not even a drop.
 It was high pitched and the next thing he knew you were pulling away from him. he kissed another trail up your body, you pulled him to you and delved your tongue into his mouth and kissed him with such heat it woke desires in him he didn’t know laid dormant.
 Hands tangled as both of you had wants of your own to touch the other. The song playing only intensified the feelings he felt in this moment and made it that much more special. When you rolled onto him and kissed across his skin he fought the urge to roll back onto you. He wanted to enjoy this and savor every minute. You mirrored his actions on your nipples to his before you went across his stomach and kissed the indented muscle just before his pelvis. When he felt your teeth nip his skin he groaned and lurched his hips forward nudging your throat with his need.
 Your eyes met his and he saw red hot desire and it rivaled his. Without making him wait any longer you took his length and he watched as your lips sank slowly over every inch. Keeping eye contact with you right now he was sure you could see everything in him, he held no secrets right now, he was an open book, he was sure of it.
 Your mouth felt so good—too good. He knew if he let you continue the havoc you were wreaking with nothing but your tongue and lips he wouldn’t last. When he pulled you to him and kissed you then rolled back onto you, you didn’t protest, you moaned onto him and wrapped your arms around him and used your hands to softly trace patterns into his back.
 He pressed your hands to the bed and entwined his fingers with yours and stared into your eyes before he slowly sank into you. With every inch he fed you neither of you looked from the other, neither of you spoke, you just looked shocked. Once he was sheathed in your heat dropped his forehead to yours and slowly rocked his hips back and forth into you time and time again. Every thrust had you squeezing his hand tighter and tighter and gasping for air as if every stroke stole your breath.
 With every thrust, the need he felt for you only grew and he tried to get closer and closer to you which made his thrusts deeper and deeper. After a few minutes he couldn’t take looking into your eyes anymore, he had to look away and bury his face into the crook of your neck and breathe you in.
 “Yes, Yes, Chris yes!”
 Your nails dug into his back and just like that he got lost in the combination of sensations he was feeling. His thrusts sped up and became sloppier and more staggered he knew he was close. When your eyes met again he could see how close you were, and his mission was to push you to the edge. He kissed you again but didn’t slow his movements when he heard you moan on his mouth and clench around him he knew all he had to do was one move to make you come undone. He slowed his hips and stared down at you and into your eyes and hesitated then he snapped his hips forward making you arch back and shriek out and bring him with you in the kaleidoscopic panorama of pleasure only you could give him.
 You clung to each other for long minutes as you rode the waves of your coupled release until he felt you shiver. He then brought you underneath the blankets and settled beside you as if he’d done it every day of his life. You rested your head on his chest and the sigh he released was the sigh of complete satisfaction, complete happiness.
 He should have been exhausted, but he wasn’t, his mind was still too loud. He knew when you fell asleep and laid perfectly still listening to the sound of you sleeping and that of his heart beating. He laid there and got lost in the feel of your skin and how perfect it all felt which made him think about the future. A future he didn’t know if he could have, but it was one he wanted more than anything.
 When he was sure you wouldn’t wake he got up and walked out of your room but not before he glanced back to you. He took the time to walk back to Ella’s room and he looked at every detail. It was easy to see her here, easy to envision the life she had, a life without him a life he really wanted to be a part of and would do whatever it took to be a part of. After a few minutes, he ended up in the living room where you’d left your laptop open. The screen’s image was Ella scrunching up her face. He tapped the icon on the screen for your pictures and looked through the images of the years he’d missed. He saw you through different parts of your life, pregnant, not, and he noticed though you smiled, your eyes looked empty in a few of them.
 After clicking through the pictures, a video came up. it took him a minute to figure out what he was watching but when he did he nearly fell over. You were pulling a white veil over your eyes head but before you did you gave a wide grin to the camera.
 “No fucking way.” He dropped into the seat that was there and continued to watch the video of your wedding. He waited at the altar with the biggest grin on his face. he couldn’t help but snort and cover his face.
 ���Jesus, look at me.”
 He took notice of the song from The Little Mermaid playing. He had no idea why this was the song they chose for you to walk down to. It seemed perfect at the time. Seeing you in full bridal costume had him smiling again. He remembered it vividly. Your smile was as wide as his. He couldn’t help but snicker at how drunk off your asses you were. Though he knew you both were drunk he couldn’t help but see it differently. You looked happy, he looked happy, like this was the plan all along.
 When his loud animal noises broke out he cringed. He was such a dork, he thought. He didn’t know why you didn’t run out of there instead of laughing and looking at him with those eyes.
 “God.” He groaned and rubbed his forehead and watched some more.
 He remembered holding your hands and thinking how badly he wanted to kiss you and that you were the only woman who liked to hold hands the way he liked—like waffles. He shook his head just watching the two of you beam at each other through the whole ceremony. He remembered a moment of clarity when the minister recited Corinthians that he thought this was the right thing, in that moment of clarity it didn’t cross his mind that he was making a mistake. Deep down he knew even if he couldn’t face it when he was sober.
 He listened to himself recite the generic vows and right now they held a deeper meaning. Have and hold, richer or poorer, sickness and health, forsaking all others. He spoke them then, he meant them now. When you were pronounced husband and wife, not one second was wasted before your lips met. Even then the passion between you was evident. He watched himself grope the two of you walking back down the aisle to Marvin Gaye as Mr. and Mrs. Then you both grinned and showed off your wedding rings. There was no sign of unhappiness or apprehension.
 Long after the video stopped he was still sitting there thinking about it. This was the first time he’d seen it. He’d deliberately stayed away from it because he didn’t think he could handle watching it, he was right. An image of you and Ella together came up on the screen and he saw what he wanted in a new light.
 You’d built this life without him; you didn’t need him. He’d always had a fear of being swallowed by the person he was with. It was one of the reasons he kept most at a distance and cut ties when he saw any evidence that he was becoming a center for them. He had a fear of being suffocated, but with you, there was no fear of that. You had everything your own and he knew he’d never feel the pressure of being everything. It was a relief, but it also showed him that you didn’t need him. You may not even want him the way he wanted you. Looking around him he didn’t know how he’d find a place in your life or vice versa. 
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geekmedium · 4 years
Favorite Doctor/Companion Teams
Because I want to spread some Doctor Who good cheer for Christmas. Also, I’m not doing the 9th or 13th doctor because they’ve really only had one team. Anyway...
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1. The Original Team 
The ones who started it all. They would win by iconography, but even with that, they’re just a lot of fun to watch. This is the doctor at his most curmudgeon; he’s rude, fairly detached, and very much not the hero we’re use to. So they gave him a granddaughter who he cares for, and two teachers who act as the parents and honestly more noble, likable people.
It’s a family dynamic, one which we don’t see often. I appreciate that they were a team who grew to care for each other, but still had radically different approaches to whatever situation they found themselves in. And it is through this team up that the Doctor could mellow out and be a more straight up heroic figure. He learned from them just as much as the reverse.
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2nd, Jamie, and Zoe 
Where the first team had a family dynamic to it, the second doctor had a more “bro” relationship with his team. He and Jamie are famously close, and if I’m not mistaken, Jamie is still one of the longest lasting companions. They joked around, had each others backs, and were just great pals. While Doctor Who was meant to be a teaching show, I believe these two turned the tone from edutainment into one full of Wonder.
As for Zoe, well I just like her. She was probably the first companion who could be considered of super intelligence. I like the Doctor and Jamie as two bros hanging out, but Zoe can be in there to keep everyone from getting along too well. Her intelligence could lead her to be smug, but she was truly loyal to the Tardis team. And I loved her interactions with Jamie as brother and sister.
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3rd and Jo Grant 
I kind of like the Doctor with a ditzy companion. Despite not being remembered very well, I think Jo was able to occasionally pull her weight and she worked well with the Doctor. Plus their last scene together, when he says goodbye? Man, you could tell how sad that made not only them, but their actors as well.
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4th and Sarah Jane
There were so many choices, but ultimately I can’t help thinking of this one as the best. Not only is Sarah Jane still considered one of the best companions, her dynamic with the Doctor was one of equal love and exasperation. She would often debate with him, grow frustrated with him, but still be with him through some of the most terrifying threats any companion had to deal with. And when it was time to go, she took it with good grace; she would always remember her time with the Doctor fondly, and only asked that he do the same. Magical.
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5th, Adric, Tegan, and Nyssa 
Here we have the family dynamic back again. I just really like the Doctor acting like a mentor to Adric, with Tegan and Nyssa as best friends who act like the big sisters of the group. I feel that while the first Doctor’s family was a generational thing, with each passing something to the next, the fifth Doctor’s family was a group of siblings. They were kind of equals with each other, and they got into plenty of small arguments, constantly annoying each other, but with a kind of affection that made them want to be together even when they were mad.
I know it’s hard to write Doctor Who with more than 1 or 2 constant companions, but I personally like family dynamics the best. With the 2nd through 4th, there isn’t a ton to say because they got on very well. There were disagreements sure, but for the most part, they were great friends and always happy with each other. A family dynamic, like with the fifth ensured a lot more dynamic back in forth bickering, with everyone's different backgrounds playing off each other in a way unique to Doctor Who, that could bring people from different timelines and planets together.
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6th and Evelyn
I’m going to cheat a bit by going off the grid into the audio dramas. No offense to Peri fans, but Evelyn is everything a companion should be. Tough, strongly opinionated, and incredibly empathetic, she provided a good foil to possibly the most selfish Doctor.
But what I loved most about her was that she was elderly. It provided a different dynamic to the Doctor, who occasionally acted the part of student to her mentor, instead of the usual status quo which is the reverse. Even more than that was her role in the story; she wasn’t there to be a young companion who realizes her potential under the Doctor. She was there to show that even if your bones don’t work like they use to. Even if you’re not most people’s ideal of good looking. Even if you’ve lived a life full of joys and sorrows, you’re never too old to start over. To gain new experiences, new joys, new pains, and new love.
I think that’s really beautiful.
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7th and Ace
I struggled with if I wanted to add Bernice Summerfield to this team, because she’s great. But then I realized so much of what I like about the 7th Doctor and Ace works when they are a two person team.
The 7th Doctor is believed to be the most manipulative, actively using his own loved ones for the greater good. He can be cold and calculating in a way few other Doctors ever approached. And so that made his relationship with Ace all the more heartwarming. Here was this little delinquent of a girl, who thought she was worthless, and yet she was the only person in the universe who could bend the 7th Doctor to her whim; he loved her like a daughter, and the scenes where they interact is all the more special when you contrast them with the cold Doctor.
Having another companion kind of intrudes on this very intimate bond. I think Ace should be special to this Doctor. The one person who he would sacrifice himself before he sacrificed her. A companion who can be horrified with his more manipulative acts, but nevertheless stuck with him out of a loyalty to the first person who ever took a chance on her. Hurt Ace at your peril; the 7th Doctor will come for you.
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8th and Izzy (plus Fey) 
Ignore that Izzy’s a fish, she isn’t usually.
This one is pure nostalgia. The 8th Doctor’s comic strip adventures were my first real introduction to the WHO-niverse. So while I’m sure Izzy is probably last on most people’s list (if they know her at all), she’ll always be my companion. She was probably the first pop-culture savvy companion who could offer a quip that stumped even the Doctor with how contemporary it was. She was finding herself on her journey with the Doctor, and had a character arc that I think inspired RTD when it was his time to reboot the series. Plus, from what I’ve read of other 8th Doctor material, he tends to be romantically linked with most of his other companions. Some people might like that, but I think you can tell from this list, I like my Doctor as a more celibate fellow.
Fey is someone who I think of as an intermittent companion. She helps out the Doctor a great deal, and her position within the universe is very unique and imaginative, but I wouldn’t want her in for more than a story arc or two at a time before moving on to another spatial-temporal James Bond style adventure.
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10th and Donna
Like the fourth Doctor before him, I had plenty of options. I was even gonna pull a fast one and pick another comic strip companion, the self-centered businesswoman Majenta Pryce. But the 10th Doctor and Donna are special.
Not only is she one of the only companions the Doctor has called his best friend, when you get down to it, she was who he needed at the time. After the last two companions had ended in a sort of tragic romance, the Doctor was walling himself off again. Donna, however, came into his life as purely a friend. Someone to pal around with and banter with. For the Doctor, this must have been a godsend. No drama, no hassle, just true companionship in every since of the word. And she still has possibly the saddest exit for any companion to date.
Goodbye Donna Noble. You definitely lived up to the name.
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11th, Amy, and Rory (plus River Song) 
The last family companionship on this list, and quite honestly, my favorite Tardis dynamic in the whole series. Why? Because it’s such a glorious mess that should collapse in flames but becomes something that’s just so interesting to think about.
The Doctor was Amy’s childhood crush she never quite got over. She eventually grew to love Rory, but both she and the Doctor were kind of dismissive of him. But does Rory angst and get into a love rivalry with the Doctor? Not really. He grows into himself, faces numerous dangers for them both, and by the end both Amy and the Doctor love the guy to pieces. And then you have River Song, who should turn the whole thing into a kind of Jerry Springer prize winner. I won’t go into spoilers, but what could have seemed creepy is actually a very interesting relationship with the Doctor. Though like Fey above, I think she works best as an intermittent companion who often goes off on her own adventures.
Still, they are the best family and if that’s controversial, it is the hill I will die on.
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12th and Clara
The final companions are another friendship. In a lot of ways, this is pretty fun, because the 12th Doctor is an old curmudgeon like the first. But with all that he’s been through, it is interesting to see how they contrasts, especially in their companions. Because while the 1st Doctor was happy to play the cranky grandfather type, 12th had a genuine friendship with Clara.
They didn’t always get each other. They frequently disagreed, and could even be resentful. But when the chips were down, they would follow each other into hell together. The Doctor always tried to be a little more considerate for her than most others around him, and Clara tried to defend him against his critics. And while the end to their companionship could have been handled better, it was still an impactful parting between two friends.
So do you agree or disagree? Who are your favorite teams? I would love to know.
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snowbellewells · 5 years
CS Fic Rec Monday: Fics I Loved in 2019 /// July - September
Continuing my goal to celebrate the fics I most enjoyed last year, here comes by third list of great fics for 2019. Again, I am sure there were even more, but these were the ones I remembered or found in scrolling by through my history...
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“Break Me” by @thisonesatellite​ 
It’s hard to believe it’s really only been about six months since I discovered and started reading Stephanie’s incredible and affecting stories! And this one was the one that reeled me in! An amazingly unique, heartwrenching, and thrilling supernatural fic that you just won’t be able to put down. I certainly couldn’t!   (I also discovered her older short MC “it’s our scars that give us character” during this time frame, for a bonus suggestion. :)
“A Drowning Soul Will Clutch at any Straw” by @shireness-says​
This one shot was written for last year’s @cssns​ event, and features a pirate Killian and his discovery of a mermaid Emma. Where they go from there is so beautifully well-done it reads like a true classic fairy tale. It’s lovely and inventive, and I can almost guarantee you’ll want to go back to it again and again.
“Sadie Hawkins Dance” by: @searchingwardrobes​
Okay, so I just had to list this particular fic from Melanie’s Fandom Birthday Playlist separately, as it was written for my birthday!! ;) <3 I loved every little bit of it, but it feels particularly special since Emma and Killian are teachers like me in this modern au version, and it’s so touchingly sweet and perfect how they go from friends to more.  (Other birthday playlist highlights in this time period: “If I Fall” and “Your Love is a Song”)
“Just Human, Volume 2″ by: @donteattheappleshook​
This touching story is also from last summer’s @cssns​ event, and a take on the BBC’s show Being Human, with Emma, Killian, and David as the ghost, vampire and werewolf roommates. I love how emotionally affecting this was. It has really stayed with me ever since reading it.
“One Day” by @darkcolinodonorgasm​
Another @cssns​ fic that just reeled me in right from the start and hasn’t let go of my imagination since! I love the version of a cursed Storybrooke the author has created, and her Henry just struck me right in the heart. This WIP has me hanging on every update to see how things will finally be put right.
“Historical Inaccuracies” by @thejollyroger-writer​
This is a lovely July 4th flavored fic with a fun CS and Charming family feel and just a happy modern au one shot. Such an entertaining read with an adorable little Leo Nolan for added irresistibility. :)
“Rainbound” by @profdanglaisstuff​
This one shot sees Emma and KIllian stranded at his remote cabin, thinking they hate each other, but over the course of their time there, they find they have more in common than they’d realized. It’s beautiful how they come to this, and the connection that flares between them.
“On What They Fall” by @profdanglaisstuff​
This story of Emma and Killian as younger versions of themselves in a non-magic AU will tug on every single one of your heartstrings all throughout the course of it!  You will ache for Emma and for Killian both, even as they cause each other more pain with misunderstanding and self-doubt.  It makes the hard-earned ending all the more glorious a reward though! Plus, there’s lovely CaptainBook in this one as well - which I always love! ;)
“The Very Witching Time” by @profdanglaisstuff​
Oh my goodness!! This entry to last summer’s @cssns​ event features a witch!Emma and perhaps the most completely adorable version of Killian I’ve yet read.  I don’t want to spoil all the lovely thrills and chills of this one, but if you missed it, you’re in for a supernatural treat!
“Time and Again” by @kmomof4​
This engaging and completely romantic take on Killian and Emma as soulmates destined to meet even in a non-magical modern AU is wonderful!! It has mutiple chapters, but you’ll want to devour it all in one go to see as our lovely OTP’s connection strengthens and their True Love grows.
“Sick of Love” by @spartanguard​
This one was such an interesting take on the whole idea of soulmates and how they find each other. I could feel Emma’s pain and how torn she was all throughout it and how much Killian wanted to reach out to her. Neither of them could ignore how drawn to each other they were - really amazingly well-written!!
“Mistress of the Sea” by @let-it-raines​
This lovely short series of one shots has such an appealing take on the Captain Wench version of Emma and Killian. I love how they meet, how they completely charm each other - changing the course of both their lives up to that point - and set out together on their own new adventure! You don’t want to miss this one!!
“An Education in Southern Gothic” by @searchingwardrobes​
Man alive! This entry into the @cssns​19 event has just the right about of thrills and chills without becoming too much for a definite chicken like me. I honestly can’t resist Killian as a teacher/professor, which Melanie gives us here, and the mystery surrounding the school, as well as the still very real threat reaching its claws into the present will make you unable to stop reading this one until you reach the end. There’s friends to love romance, pining, suspense, supernatural danger, both Captain Cobra and Captain Book friendship, and just everything you could want in a fic really!
“Took My Soul, Wiped It Clean” and “Echo” by @shireness-says​
Two lovely, feelsy and AMAZING one shots I discovered during this time period. “Echo” is a much more deeply layered and affecting take on heart-sharing, and “Took My Soul, Wiped it Clean” has one of the most heartwarming daddy!Killian versions I’ve ever read (and one of the most engaging and perfectly formed CS kids I’ve read as well!)
“Until the Day Breaks and the Shadows Flee” by @searchingwardrobes​
This alternate take on the Cupid and Psyche myth also brings to mind previous of versions of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale and gives nods to elements of the OuaT 5b Underworld arc (but much more affectingly written!) I loved Emma’s bravery in this one, and how she and Killian tentatively move toward affection and genuinely knowing each other’s hearts. Achingly lovely!!
“Life Meant Nothing Until You Used My Toothbrush” by @let-it-raines​
This one shot first written for last year’s @csseptembersunshine​ event is one of my favorite of Raines’ MANY awesome stories. I love the cozy small town feel of it, how it’s a bit of a mash-up with Gilmore Girls, and the friendship Emma and Killian have and the way it finally becomes romantic for them as well. :)
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samwrights · 4 years
i have no idea if you'll actually see this, but i just wanted to say that your blog was one of the things that inspired me to create one myself!! i really love your writing and literally binged all your hq work when i found your account 😭😭 my favorite one is elixir, you were able to make me start listening to a whole new music genre with it lmao. anywayyys, you seem like a really cool person and i really wanted to tell you this stuff!! keep on writing please, it makes me really happy 🥺🥺
I. Literally. Just. Screamed.
I don’t even know where to start, wow. So I guess we’ll go through in succession.
1. You have no idea how incredibly heartwarming it is to hear that little ole me has served as some form of inspiration. You’re the fifth person to say that to me this week, and I’m so fucking honored? To think that I’ve helped inspire someone to start their own blog? I never think my writing is that powerful or that impactful and to have amazing humans like yourselves coming forth and telling me things like this is a huge part of the reason I focus so much on pleasing and caring for you all.
2. Elixir. Elixir is such a strange, personal tale of mine that was inspired by different people in my life. While it’s not my most revered work, it is something so near and dear to me and I swear I’m going to finish it at some point 😂 also I’m glad you got into the music! Those particular songs are also pretty special to me. Especially A Part of Me, oof.
3. Seriously, thank you for telling me. It is so incredibly gratifying to see stuff like this in my inbox because, sometimes, I wonder why I should even bother continuing writing. But it’s conversations like these that genuinely keep me going.
4. I’ve been writing for over 10 years (albeit, not very well) and have no plans to full-on stop any time soon! However, and I’m making an official announcement in a moment here, I should probably close off requests for a little while. To go from having maybe 3-6 a day then having my inbox be empty to having over 100 things in my inbox in a two weeks is overwhelming. Plus, I really wanna dedicate some time to the series I’ve started—especially for the fans of those works such as yourself.
Tl;dr, thank you so much for your kindness. I take everything I read on here from you guys to heart and I’m so grateful to belong to a community full of incredible people.
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Thoughts on/reactions to the BNHA: Heroes Rising movie since I need somewhere to gush about it (now that I’ve gotten to see it officially in theaters):
(As an FYI, I saw the film in the original Japanese with English subtitles. Not sure if I’ll ever watch it in the English dub, seeing as I didn’t watch the first movie or the anime in English dub. I don’t mind it, and I’ll watch clips of it here and there, but I don’t feel like going out of my way to watch BNHA in its entirety in English.)
In no particular order (this is long, kinda a mess, not verb tense consistent, iffy at a few points because I don’t remember some exact details, etc. Be forewarned. Split into sections for a semblance of convenience):
The Fight Scenes/Class 1-A (General Overview):
This movie is pretty action-packed! The majority of the film consisted of fight scenes—but never quite to the point that it felt tiring. Now, I’m no expert on animation or fight choreography, but I thought the battle sequences were STUNNING! I really feel like the animators put a lot of care into this film.
Speaking of fight scenes, I was pleasantly surprised to see how a lot of the less-centric 1-A students were able to get their time to shine. Uraraka got a cool Badass™ moment (kinda reminded me of her fight versus Bakugou at the Sports Festival). Sero goes all out on a villain (was it Nine?), getting thrown back, but still earning a concerned “Sero!” from Bakugou (so that’s a win). Aoyama is surprisingly a force to be reckoned with his Navel Laser. Shoji deserves the title of Honorary Big Brother to Katsuma and Mahoro (the kids) with the way he devoted himself to protecting them throughout the battles (seriously made me emotional at one point!). Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were sick as usual! Kirishima gets another Unbreakable moment—this dude’s seriously got guts!
Todoroki, while arguably one of the main protagonists of the series, admittedly didn’t feel like he got TOO much screen-time during this film (I feel like it’s because they wanted to focus on the relationship between Deku and Bakugou). That being said, his defeat of Chimera was AWESOME. It was a nice touch having him remember Endeavor’s advice as he prepares his final attack, his father’s profile dissolving into his own. Todoroki really went Plus Ultra there (almost too much, like, damn, I think you got him). There were a few times like that throughout the film, like with Bakugou vs. Mummy, where I was like, pretty sure these villains should not be alive right now, but accordingly to anime logic, they’ll be fine (plus, we can’t have the hero students be killing anyone...). Basically, everyone was really cool, and I think this movie proves how they all deserve to be at UA.
The climax battle (Deku & Bakugou vs. Nine): I kinda wish I didn’t spoil so much of HR before seeing it officially—not that it ruined my enjoyment of it, but I feel like it would have been more intense/emotional if I went into it blind. So I knew going in that Deku and Bakugou were going to share OFA (and I may or may NOT have seen clips of it online beforehand... because I have no self-control), but it was still really great seeing it on the big-screen! Didn’t cry like I thought I would, but the moment where Deku and Bakugou did their Detroit Smash together for the first time got me kinda teary-eyed, with them doing an All Might-esque one-fist-raised pose. It’s just so heartwarming to see these two work together, carrying on All Might’s legacy.
Deku + Katsuma & Mahoro (the two main, local kids of Nabu Island):
Speaking of getting emotional: THAT scene when All Might arrives post-final battle and he’s cradling an injured Deku in his arms and Deku apologizes to him for having to give away OFA because he feels like he’s failed him: OH MY GOD! Major props to Daiki Yamashita for his voice acting in that scene (as for all his scenes as Deku, of course), it was so raw and emotional! Same praise applies to Nobuhiko Okamoto for his respective scenes as Bakugou, naturally.
Also, I SUPER enjoyed Deku in this film! I mean, I’m already a huge Deku stan (perhaps this comes as a bit of a surprise, since I never shut up about Bakugou and Bakugou only), but you could really see his development in HR! He comes across as a lot more confident, steady, level-headed, and sure of himself than he used to be! It was incredible to see him fight too: his first encounter with Nine in the forest stood out to me in particular. Ever the strategist. Sure, he’s still a little bit of a push-over (he apologizes to Mahoro, who’s just a little girl, after she scolds him for not coming to “rescue” her brother fast enough—it’s a pretty funny scene), but he really feels like he’s filling out his role as All Might’s successor. Not to mention all the parallels of his relationship with Katsuma to Deku’s own relationship with All Might. Also, of course, Deku is a huge sweetheart, and it was so endearing to see him interact with the island kids. Katsuma and Mahoro might seriously have some competition when it comes to the cutest characters in this film: they really amped up the sweetness of Deku in this film. But maybe I’m biased because I’m a Deku stan so I’ll shut up now. But seriously, big mama bear vibes from Deku with the kids.
While I’m on the topic of cuteness, Oh My God, Katsuma and Mahoro were PRECIOUS! Now I understand why Horikoshi couldn’t stop drawing them—seriously, they are the total opposite of the usual annoying kids trope. Katsuma’s shyness/timidness was adorable. Mahoro’s sass and attitude was adorable. On top of that, they were very brave and protective of each other. Their brother-sister relationship was also very wholesome. But seriously, almost every time these kids were on-screen, I could hear people in the audience going “Awww” and I was like “YES! AWW IS RIGHT!”
The Bakugou section (because my adoration of him warrants an entire section of its own):
This doesn’t seem like too natural of a segue, but cuteness has now made me think about Bakugou and how he was in the film. Can I just say, I love how all the comical, raging Bakugou scenes made the audience laugh; I love that we all share the same amusement of this angry gremlin. The part where Bakugou finds out that Mahoro tricked him by making an illusion of a villain and he goes into Rage Mode to the 10th power was amazing. The edgy guitar rendition of Bakugou’s leitmotif playing in the background as they zoom into his furious face thrice as he gets increasingly incensed, with fiery flames in the background, was peak comedy. And then Deku has to hold Bakugou back as the kids escape his wrath. Even when the two tumble to the ground, Bakugou Grudge-crawls up to them with Deku clinging to his back. One of my favorite scenes in the film: it was hilarious. Oh, Bakugou. Never change.
Bakugou’s old ways aside, I do like how he seemed to warm up to the kids a little by the end of the film. His genuine smile and sort-of wave upon seeing the kids saying goodbye to them as they sail away on the ship was sweet! Earlier, when Bakugou first grabs Katsuma and carries him along to show him where the “villain” is, once they locate it, Bakugou immediately yeets Katsuma aside like an empty soda can (he was fine, of course). While, admittedly, I found that moment hilarious, I did feel the general reaction of audience also being like, jeez, Bakugou, you don’t throw kids like that, lol. I did like how, despite tossing Katsuma aside, Bakugou did grunt a quick “Go hide” to him, showing that he did care at least a little for Katsuma’s safety: more than he outwardly demonstrates, at least. I like how the whole “proper handling of kids” thing came back during the final battle when Bakugou catches Mahoro from falling when Nine tosses her aside (not totally unlike how Bakugou tossed Katsuma aside earlier.. hmm...). And Deku was the one who punched (kicked?) Nine at that moment instead (showing a little reversal of roles when it comes to saving and fighting). Seriously, Bakugou puts Mahoro down so gently on her feet too! It was so sweet! And then he proceeds to give her his whole “This is why I’m going to be the number one hero” spiel too. If my memory serves me correctly, I think Mahoro wasn’t even going to fall that far, and would have probably been fine if she just dropped to the ground, but Bakugou still went out of his way to catch her, which is great. But yeah, though obviously Bakugou is nowhere near as bad as Nine, I like how this was one of the moments which proved the difference between Bakugou and the villains, that his rescue demonstrates just the kind of hero Bakugou is eventually going to become.
Another moment like that, which I haven’t seen too many people talk about, is when Bakugou and Deku are immobilized by Nine’s 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragons, and Nine gives a speech on something along the lines of how power is great and he wants to create a world in which the strong rule over the weak, yada yada, total domination. Deku, of course, is infuriated by Nine’s evil plans, but I was also pleasantly surprised to see Bakugou tell him off too, telling him how he’s crazy for wanting to do something like that. Of course, it's been clear for a while that Bakugou is not necessarily the power-hungry, overlord type, but this moment really made a little more clear to me that Bakugou is more concerned with winning and the sense of self-fulfillment that comes with it, rather than ruling over others with his power (though I don’t doubt that Bakugou finds some enjoyment in being able to beat up villains. I mean, look at that feral smile).
Also, Bakugou melting a whole-ass mountain and hurling it at Nine. Freaking lava monster. That is all.
The Deku & Bakugou Dynamic:
Deku really wasn’t intimidated by Bakugou anymore in the film, so I appreciated those moments when Deku stood up to him and wouldn’t take his shit. One example was when Deku held Bakugou back from scolding the kids. Another moment I thought was great was when Mahoro called them about Nine’s arrival, and Bakugou answers the phone, thinking she’s crying wolf again, and starts to chew her out until Deku snatches the phone out of his hand. Bakugou just stares at him in shock, he looks so offended, haha! He can hardly get out a word of protest before just slumping in defeat, annoyed, but still letting Deku talk to Mahoro on the phone. Really like those moments where Deku takes charge like that.
Bakugou eavesdropping (as per his usual nosy self) on Katsuma and Deku’s conversation, in which Katsuma apologizes for their prank earlier, explains his story, and Deku talks about how saving and winning are both important (*hint hint, nudge nudge*). And Bakugou’s so engrossed that he doesn’t notice his popsicle melting until it drips onto the floor. And he just stares at it in vague bafflement. Yes. Good.
This was another really small moment, but it was cute, so I have to talk about it. Deku’s training outside and Bakugou runs into him on his patrol. They have their whole talk about how they’re going to surpass each other, and then, right at the end, Deku kinda just smiles at him. It’s such a fond smile, you can even hear him giving a small laugh along with it. And then Bakugou meets it with a determined stare, and he almost gives a gruff little “huh?”. It was just a funny little stare down they had there, except they’re coming at it with completely different expressions/sentiments. Bakugou almost seemed a bit confused by Deku’s happy smile; it reminded me of that moment during Deku vs. Kacchan 2, when Deku takes a moment to smile at Bakugou, impressed by his progress, and Bakugou gets pissed at him for looking so happy. Like, c’mon Bakugou, let the guy be proud of you! I think now, post-DvK2, Bakugou does understand Deku’s words/expressions a little better, but he still doesn’t seem to fully comprehend how much Deku respects and cares for him. Either that, or he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. Here’s to hoping Bakugou comes to realize it at some point. Bakugou-accept-compliments/affection challenge 2020.
I think everyone’s already said what there is to say about Deku’s decision to give OFA to Bakugou, and Bakugou’s reaction to it. Even so, I have a few things to add. One, I like how Bakugou’s grown to respect Deku as a rival/fellow hero in the movie, which is especially evident once Deku gives him OFA. Deku, of course, trusts Bakugou enough to give it to him, saying how it’s alright if it’s him, really hammering in that bond they have between them (that and well... he’s really the only other option here...). Two, Bakugou’s initial reaction after Deku implies that they need to share OFA, his expression right before he reaches out his hand to take it, has some people talking. I initially thought that the reason Bakugou looked so defeated/begrudging/upset, was because him having to accept OFA/help from Deku in order to win was a blow to his pride (kind of like in the Final Exam team-up). Or that it also means that Bakugou can no longer beat Deku at his strongest (Bakugou with OFA would become the better hero by default, kind of like how Endeavor rose to Number 1 after All Might’s retirement, instead of earning it through besting him fair and square). But I’ve also seen people say it was because Bakugou was reluctant to have to put an end to Deku’s dream (not unlike the way Bakugou put an end to All Might’s career?), since Deku was forfeiting OFA. Which I can kind of believe, but then again, this is why Bakugou is so hard to pin down: we rarely get his inner narrative, so his expressions are often multi-faceted/layered. So who knows what he was thinking? Granted, I tend to actually not give Bakugou the benefit of the doubt in these situations, but I do hope it was a mixture of all these things. But I think Bakugou really did feel bad about Deku’s hero career potentially being over: he even asks him if he was sure about his decision immediately after accepting OFA. Which is a huge 180 from the beginning of the series, when Bakugou WANTED to put an end to Deku’s dream. Now that’s growth.
This is going to delve more into just Bakugou himself, but I had additional thoughts about the whole OFA transfer thing, and how All Might (tentatively?) concludes that the predecessors returned OFA to Deku, even though, supposedly, it is non-returnable. The fact that Bakugou doesn’t remember the OFA transfer might be a better thing that I thought, since, if it really was the predecessors’ decision to give it back to Deku (and not just because he conked out before the transfer was done), then that just means that Deku is the one who is really worthy of OFA, and not him. At least, that’s one way of looking at it. Which might have crushed Bakugou, even though Bakugou likely doesn’t want OFA for himself. But I almost think that explains part of Bakugou’s reaction I mentioned in the previous point. Maybe, deep down, Bakugou doesn’t think he deserves OFA? Sure, Bakugou’s made it clear that he wants to become the best hero with his own power/Quirk, but it still hurt/confused him in DvK2 that All Might chose Deku. OFA itself choosing Deku and not him might as well just confirm that Deku is truly the better hero. Of course, we can’t really know for sure why the vestiges returned OFA to Deku. Personally, I would find it kinda funny/sad if OFA just thought Deku was better. Maybe it’s destiny? Maybe Deku’s journey is just not meant to be over yet? Or maybe, Bakugou, in the OFA mindscape, actually relinquished OFA to Deku of his own accord? Either way, as much as I love Bakugou, I think the vestiges were right in going back to Deku. Not even just for plot-reasons, but that OFA really is better suited for Deku. It’s a Quirk meant to be used for the sake of other people, and Bakugou simply isn’t of that mindset (yet?). I’m sorry Bakugou, but I’d choose Deku too.
Overall, I really feel like Deku and Bakugou’s teamwork was so natural and in-sync! They seem to act like one unit, not even having to talk to each other during the final Double OFA showdown, like they’re on the same wavelength or something. This film really made me believe that these two are going to become hero partners in the future or something, they’re too good together to be ultimately separated. Or maybe that’s just me being hopeful. We’ll see.
Meme Corner:
Bakugou after finding out that Mahoro was creating an illusion of a villain:
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Bakugou: *winces from the pain of breaking his arm using OFA*
Deku, not even bothered, multiple-time champion of the arms-breaking club:
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Bakugou to the kids: “I’m gonna show you why I’m gonna be the number one hero!”
*proceeds to get the shit beat out of him by Nine* (cue the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme).
There’s probably a lot more to discuss (that other people will likely touch on), but this is mainly what I cared about, so I’ll leave it at that. But just as a brief summary for everything else: LOV was good as usual, were mainly only at the beginning of the film; speaking of, that opening car chase sequence was pretty neat; the brief, Endeavor vs. Dabi was cool; Endeavor hugging Todoroki after they were rescued and Todoroki Not Having any of it was funny; Nine was alright as the main villain, could use some more depth, but I guess that’s what the short spin-off manga and bonus material are for. Hawks was great too. Even though I didn’t watch the English dub, I really liked the short clip I did see of him in English. His English VA suits him well (as does the Japanese)!
I don’t feel like going into critiques, even though there certainly are things to critique in the movie. I just enjoyed this film for the joyride that it is. Main nitpick: maybe NOT drop a bunch of high-schoolers on an island without a Pro-hero presence. Maybe NOT do that. But we got the Good ol’ Hero Commission going: “Oh boy, what could POSSIBLY go wrong???  🤷🤷🤷” 
Oh, and I do think that this film is safe for anime-onlies. The only thing is that people who haven’t read the manga will see things/characters they don’t really know about it and will, thus, be left wondering a little about them, but I don’t think it’s a huge deal.
If you took the time to get to the end of all my rambling, thank you and congrats!  I didn’t include screen-caps for this post because the movie’s not on digital or DVD yet (and I don’t want to use other people’s camrips because Reasons), so I might do additional analyses once that happens.
Link to Unofficial Part 1 of My Thoughts on HR (based on leaks, before actually seeing the film; but I do go more into depth on other points of the film, such as OFA)
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ssaalexblake · 5 years
star wars spoilers
ros spoilers
move onnnn
like actual proper major spoilers and i’m making this intro long in case mobile decides to hate read mores today
Anyway like, i am a Shallow sw viewer who isn’t actually likely to kick up a fuss abt what i didn’t like in any serious way even tho i got issues, But i wanna say what i really liked b/c?? there were moments in that movie with themes i Loved and i don’t wanna be negative nancy for this franchise because i am actually incapable of taking it seriously tbh no matter how wtf or wild it is and i just Gotta;
First of all. The entire franchise was worth Rey it for calling Leia Master. 
like, they added her in best as they could, which wasn’t fabulous but i can’t really say how they’d work their way around that tbh so i’m not gonna rag on abt the Leia plot But god they proper confirmed she was a Legit Jedi thank u V much.
Chewie!!! Got!!! his!!! medal!!!
they put porgs in the movie, it was my only request and i recieved. i am content. 
also the effects on old palps were Incredible and Creepy and!!! props to the vis effects teams
also s/o to the choreographer who planned out rey’s fighting style to look like gymnastic tumbles but with a murderous glow stick. love it.
idk what extended sw canon now says about force powers being able to heal But the old eu book shatterpoint is one of my faves and i loved the inclusion that Rey can just like. Heal. 
also lol i heard daisy ridley on the radio this morning and she was supposed to be requesting songs to air but didn’t know the names of them and i have Never related to anybody more than i did in that moment. 
look ok, that rey and kylie could literally fight each other when not in the same room was Really Cool ok
tho i would have Paid to have seen the pov of an outsider while they had lightsaber battles from miles away tbh b/c that would have been Wild
i had one Horrified moment where i thought the ‘rise of skywalker’ thing was a Pun about kylie dragging his ass up from that hole and u have No Idea how thankful i was @ the Rise sequence
also i, a massive mace windu fan, was Ecstatic his voice was present in the proceedings
which were A) tacky and B) Abdolutely my favourite thing ever. 
it’s a space opera ok i am allowed to Want to be here for the tacky heartwarming shit
‘is that the navy??!?!?!?!?@ ‘ no sir... it’s.. .People’ was one of the funniest yet heartwarming sequences in anything ever ngl
inexplicable lin manuel miranda cameo
rey’s temper explained due to the fact that she is related to... Vilanelle
and look ok, i Always hated the idea of Rey being related to the skywalkers and Any crap meta that she had to be family for it to Count properly. It was an insult to found family, any form of adoption etc etc and i am.. Actually very mollified by this familial turn of events lol. It has a certain symmetry. and sw is literally built on the idea that history repeats but... different. 
i was’t against rey being related to anybody, i just didn’t want her to be a skywalker because like... she was gonna Be a skywalker b/c legacy isn’t about blood, and uh... least i was right. i am naturally happy abt this. 
also when i watched tlj the first time i was CONVINCED at the end of the movie she’d raise luke’s x wing from the depths as yoda did for luke in esb, and was Super off put that i was wrong. I was not wrong just... my timing was off. luke rose the x wing for her. ur yoda now luke. deal with it. 
the other ex storm troopers who laid down their weapons!!! all of them!!! fin is not alone, they only have power by making you think you are alone!!! 
i Really loved that thematic thread btw
also richard e grant’s performance was actually kind of chilling
but i am glad that i can still happily say that every character in sw Is a total unmitigated idiot. All of them. Stupid. Idiot rights. Yes, this is a plus point. 
i also liked that it’s Kind of obvious hamill and ford picked up slack for what Would have been carrie’s scenes??? Like, it’s horrible she’s not there but they obviously care to do that in her stead. it’s sad but makes you smile. 
as much as i’m not a kyle fan and never will be, and as much as i am not a fan of the ship, i can’t say there there weren’t decent thematic threads around the rey and kylie plot. Her symbolically killing kylie in a fit of rage, actively actually rising to his bait, realising as luke did in the roj climax that she had let the dark side get the better of her But having the power to take that Back and heal him and Stop even after she’d done something. It’s like the originals but not. And so, kylo is dead and Solo walks again. Was this plot My thing? No. But i appreciate the symbolism of him being stabbed through the stomach like he did to Han, and i appreciate the contrast of her actions after doing that versus His after he did it. What a difference. 
i said this wasn’t a complaint post but u wanna know the worst part abt the movie??? how cheap the sith dagger looked. surely u can do better than that???
anyway, 3po’s red eyed when he translated the sith was hilarious tbh. 
also hilarious: sw’s response to hiring Another brown haired white lady was to Only show her eyes in a way that was Incredibly conspicuous and was therefore unintentionally hilarious. 
Finn is Explicitly force sensitive now and it’s over for y’all 
like... the sith amphitheater???  with the ghosties of all sith past (i think??? my interpretation anyway) was Genuinely creepy??? 
this is a Bit of a side note, but Luke was Perfectly in tune with tlj luke??? Because tlj luke changed tune before the end of That movie when he gucci booted his astral ass to distract kylie, him Saying his fear was wrong was merely verbal confirmation of what was portrayed in tlj. really. That’s not them backing away from tlj, it’s afffirming it. 
i really loved that hux just got That death. I liked  that while he Was used for ridiculous comic relief, the narrative did not forget he was just straight up evil. 
that i all. that’s the point. just lando.
sheev palpatine’s late entry for Shittiest parent/paternal figure in the sw universe Was at the eleventh hour but by god did he give it his all to win the competition. 
things only relevant to cm fans: they killed kate callahan’s husband!!! :((((
critics are slamming them for like, hardly killing anybody but I for one am happy they didn’t go grimdark and just went. Fuck it, we’re gonna keep being bullheadedly optimistic and most everybody lives, deal with it.
s/o to that gay moment that lasted like 2 solid seconds but i’d have preferred it if she’d been like, making out w/ chewie tbh.
that hug!! the trio hug!! my ot3!!! that i am even more convinced would Properly work as an ot3, too btw. Poe spent the whole movie jealous finn is into Rey, while confused abt it b/c He’s also kinda into Rey in that han/leia Tension kinda way, but Finn is also into Poe but not in the Puppy way he is with Rey, in the ‘i am so in love w/ you i don’t realise it but i trust you with the world’ kinda thing and Rey also has the Tension thing w/ Poe and would do anything for Finn but she’s like... Busy. B/c like, unfortunate family reunions and the awkwardness of being a millennial Actually offered a decent job that your morals do not allow you to take and the crisis that leaves u with. 
anyway what i’m saying is the ot3 is Sailing in my head. look how it ended!!! Sailing. 
however, i would like it known that the lady at the end Should have heard the word skywalker and Run for the hills. missed a chance. 
But also Rey Did find that family of hers Maz told her she’d get ahead of her!!! i hate how many ppl say that was dropped or forgotten. like wtf??? what are finn and poe and chewie and bb8 and 3po and all the army of droids that love her and all the resistance that does too??? Luke and Leia??? y’all obsessed with blood when it comes to sw. She’s got her family. 
now i Could make a complaints post but i just... I’ll leave that to everybody else and their mothers for now bc they’d be better at it anyway. I liked This stuff. Except for that point about the dagger. that sucked. 
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xxvanrougexx · 5 years
My pdx top 11
I know no one cares but i thought it would be fun to post something once in awhile
1. Lee Eunsang
He is my #1 pick since x1-ma came out. Not that i stanned him immediately at this point but he was the trainee i was most interested in. 1st ep only confirmed him in my top spot! I love that he's really sweet, shy child who transforms into a charismatic man on the stage. Sure, he still has a lot to learn but i think he's ready to debut. One of the best points i love about him is that he is loved so much by his friends, classmates and teachers, heartwarming anecdotes abt him are never-ending. In my ideal top 11 he would be a vocalist in charge of sweet voice but he dances very well too. He's good in english and i'm also sure he has a lot to show us
2. Kim Wooseok
Wooshin is special in my heart bc i loved up10tion since their debut and wooshin was my bias. I cant say i was a honey10 bc i didnt follow them closely after white night came out but i was devastated by thinking about wooshin's hiatus too. Even though he has a group to comeback to, i think he already decided to himself that he needs to debut again. In my opinion he is the perfect center, he is incredibly eye-catching, his expressions are on point, he was just born to be in the spotlight. His visuals are outstanding and he's super talented too. I hope he will get to open up with his personality more bc i love his sassiness and mischivousness. Anyways stan up10tion!!
3. Yun Junghwan
A main vocal in the house!!!! Not only that but he's also an all rounder even though people tend to overlook it. I think he's ready to debut and his stage presence is there as well just watch his twit fancam. I love his adorkable personality and i would like to know about him more. Plus he likes cats like me!! He has a fine chemistry with eunsang btw. His fox-like visuals remind me of minhyun but he's very handsome in his own way. Did i say he's talking voice is amazing?
4. Son Dongpyo
Ok i just gotta include this cutie pie. He got the center not for nothing and it shows. Not only he's very talented, he constantly challenges himself with different concepts and i admire it. I mean it's obvious he is cut-out for cute concepts but he is not afraid to choose cool and mature "boss" and sexy and powerful "believer" and slay it. He'd be lead dancer and vocalist, boy's got a voice to show off. I know all of the trainees are trying their hardest but with dongpyo i feel his sincerity and determination very strongly.
5. Kang Seokhwa
Ok, it might be a little bit shallow but i just think he's cute. When i first noticed him he immediately reminded me of my cat lol. But despite that he is actually a good vocalist and i think he'd be a lead vocalist in my top. I love reading anecdotes about him and would like to get to know him better. My heart aches for him bc i want him to debut after leaving all those companies including yg and jyp.
6. Song Yuvin
I was never really interested in myteen but i knew song yuvin. He is a great main vocalist, yes but i was attracted to him bc of his bright personality. He just seems like a fun person to hang out with he's funny and cool, every group needs someone like him. Not to mention his pinky finger has more talent than my entire body. I dont really see his resemblance with mingyu but nevertheless he's very handsome.
7. Kim Yohan
Yeah, i fell into his trap too. I think it's just impossible to stay neutral with him. I can see why he is so popular. He has that natural adorableness in him. The greatest quality about him that i love is how quick he develops as a trainee, i just blinked and he's no longer a lacking visual but a hidden gem with many talents. In conclusion i have a lot of hopes when it comes to yohan. In my top he'd be a vocalist+rapper.
8. Kim Sihun
Kim sihun is all-rounder every team needs. Vocalist? Check. Lead dancer? Check. Lead rapper? Check. And leader and composer. He is very kind, i can see it. Theres nothing to hate about him to be honest. He's not my top pick i dont really think abt him all the time but i definitely want him to debut.
9. Song Hyeongjun
Some people say hyeongjun and dongpyo in one group is too much cuteness but i don't think so. As i already said dongpyo is able to pull off any concepts and hyeongjun seems pretty natural in any concept too. He's a great dancer, im not an expert but i can say he's natural at it. I geniunely love his pureness and somehow i came to a thought that its not something i witness a lot this days. Theres nothing bad about being a cute child. He'd be a lead dancer and sub rapper.
10. Keum Donghyun
He entered my top 11 literally just now after the fancams for the believer dropped but he's been wrecking me ever since love shot. He is young but already ready to debut. Just look at his moves, at his expressions, theres no other like him in produce. Main dancer in the house!!!!! His rap is decent but i have no problem with it. His voice is somewhat teenager-esque but already very low and velvety and i love it. Plus he seems to be a stay and that indicates a taste! I dont know abt his personality too much but he seems like a sweet kid and it was amusing to watch him when love shot team were choosing their center. Not to mention he is undeniably smart and lucky bc every stage he has been in so far are legendary. Keumvengers rise!!
11. Ham Wonjin/Lee Jinhyuk
I'm torn between these too bc i had to push out someone since i added keumdong to my top but i just can't :( i'd like wonjin and hyeongjun to debut together. I love wonjin's cuteness and stage charisma, he slayed clap center. His voice is definitely unique but i like it. I think he can be a vocalist and a rapper but he's mainly a dancer. Jinhyuk is just my up10tion baby, i have soft spot for him. He wasnt my bias but hes just adorable through and through. Plus need a main rapper? Wei is here!!!
My top can change soon bc some may get e worded :( but nevertheless i support a lot of trainees and wish them all the best
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ourmanifestoisfun · 5 years
4x17 & 4x18 episode thoughts
That was one hell of a journey, and while I’m sad I won’t be able to write up week after week anymore, that still doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of things left to say.
Dream ghosting! I was kind of hoping she went to the real Dr Akopian, but honestly dream ghosting works equally well for me. But falling asleep on the toilet, Rebecca? Really?
I love the red dress Rebecca wears, because that is the color associated with love and of course she will wear it on this important night.
Tim...spend Valentine’s Day with your wife. You learned about her clitoris, now learn to handle your 11-12-year relationship. Seriously.
Maya looks cute though. Love her Reveal
All of Paula’s heart decorations are marvelous. Especially digging the earrings.
The time fakeout was nicely played. I got spoiled for that going in, but I appreciated how they clarified when “earlier” actually was.
Josh’s panic about Rebecca’s decision made it sound like it was...not entirely about her, more that he had finally reached a new stage in his life and was ready to share it with someone compatible. I wish they had delved into that more.
George’s “Raven’s Nest” is terrifying
Yay for Darryl and his blended family with April. Also holy hell that is going to be a crowded household.
All of Rebecca’s flashforwards were very short, but I liked those different glimpses into different lives and how frustrated she was that the Rebeccas in them were not happy.
So much cuteness: Rebecca + Greg’s wedding dance, pregnant!Rebecca presenting a baby Ruth Gator Ginsburg to Nathaniel, and her+Josh’s family breakfast with their adorable kids
Having the episode be a little more stripped down and center on Rebecca and Paula felt very natural, because that is how the show started and it would be the way to make it come full circle. While their relationship is no longer nearly as codependent and have other aspects of their lives as priority, it is good to see them still come together and rely on each other for pivotal moments.
ESPECIALLY having Rebecca bring Paula into “that weird thing [she] does”. Seeing her run around and peer excitedly at the costumes, and being so excited about this rich imagination of her best friend is just so heartwarming.
What she needs “just happens to be here” and the handholding moments GAHHHHHH
Also ‘11 o’clock’ was PERFECT. Love how they took all of these seminal songs and brought them together with the mannequins and the outfits and everything gahhhhhhh
I’m so proud of Paula for sticking to her guns about the pro bono arm of the firm and being prepared to walk away in order to continue doing something that she felt was right. Paula now knows her worth as a lawyer - now she can figure out how to use her worth and apply it to her drive. And Julia was willing to listen, so it paid off!
Watching Josh get his heart broken was hard, because the poor boy did not see it coming.
It makes sense for him to move out, but I wish we knew what he was doing for a living now.
I like the tidbit that him and George hang out now.
Josh’s new magic club girlfriend looks super nice and cute. But meeting Rebecca must have been so awkward. Especially if she followed the saga in the Daily West Covina.
Also, I wished she had a name. Please, for fan-fictional reasons!
AJ moving in with Rebecca is fun, but also such a bad idea. I am relieved that he will never tell her whether he has a vibrator or not.
I love AJ in general. For introducing a new supporting character, they came out very strong with him and I’ve really enjoyed having him around.
I hope she does get him that Harvard t-shirt
Valencia and Beth are engaged! And it was both quiet (in bed) AND a little bit dramatic (the drone). Looking forward to that wedding.
Heather and Hector got a hot tub! 
...maybe Rebecca shouldn’t be using it at the same time as them.
I liked that Nathaniel recognized what was happening with Rebecca very quickly and I kinda hope he was joking about the rock (knowing him though, he wasn’t). Still, the “you only have one life to live and you should live it the way you want” was a sweet sentiment.
Nathaniel walking away from his father’s firm was exactly what I wanted for him. I’m not sure he should stay long term in Guatemala, but a change to reevaluate his life will be good for him.
Also that he did it with the support of two psuedo-father figures and yelled ‘’I love you’ at his dad before hanging up. I am very pleased by that because Sr would HATE it.
I’m glad that Greg made it clear that he wasn’t going to wait for Rebecca
I loved Rebecca’s tribute to him at the open mic night, that he is someone who has always been ahead, and that she wants to have the passion in her life that he has for Serrano’s.
Whijo’s grumping about it was hilarious.
I am sure that Whijo had great things happen in his life too in the past year, but ouch re: the wildfire burning both his apartment and his childhood home.
To the surprise of no one, Rebecca is not in a relationship at the time of the ending. But given how they played her breakups with the boys with gentleness, and the idea that she has a focus of her own now rather than needing to actively “choose herself”, really worked for me, because romance is still important and desirable part of life. It’s just not the only part of it, and when Rebecca says that she feels ready to welcome the other side of love into her life, I believe her.
The panning shot of all of the eligible guys made me laugh way too hard.
I did want to hear her song, but that is an excellent way to close things off.
For the concert special I don’t have this kind of list, but it was fun and sweet and a perfect send-off as well. My favorite gag is either between David Hull dancing in Vella’s song, or Michael MicMillan’s sexy toothbrushes. The Period Sex choreography was GREAT. Especially the incredibly obvious maxipads. They are all stupidly talented.
It’s also really cool that they were able to have so many of the supporting cast come join them for props/backup vocals/gags. That made it feel really warm and complete.
Also loved Vinnie popping out of the bed for the Sex Medley
In many ways, this episode resolution was simple and probably predictable for anyone who has thought about the show as deeply as the people here think about it. There was so much focus on the boys in the last few weeks that it was incredibly obvious that the solution would be that she would choose none of them, because to actually have the conflict for the final episode narrowed down to that choice would go against the very nature of the show. But the way it was handled really worked for me. Rebecca has a life and routine and friends, plus now she has a passion to nurture to its full potential. This first version will be rough, but it will be something.
I do have my criticisms, because while I love this show, there have been quite a few plot points/character beats that I feel were shorted/not touched upon: Josh’s story in particular feels incomplete to me, especially when it comes to having direction in his life. I wanted to see more of Heather+Valencia this season and especially have a stronger focus on Rebecca being a better friend to her gurlgroup, which was often glossed over. I wish things hadn’t gotten so frenetic, or the love quadrangle taken up so much time that could have been spent on moving the characters more gradually in certain directions. In general, I wanted to explore other background character relationship dynamics on a deeper level. There’s also the consistent question of when and how often the writers were knowingly subverting or playing into with tropes, which I suspect also contributed to how the back half of this season was devised.
But this story has always been Rebecca’s story, for better or worse, and that focus is part of what makes this ending feel satisfying, knowing that she is in a centered, happy place, that she is surrounded by people she loves, and the room might include the guy who will be her future mate or not, and she is about to give them words from her heart. This was an apt ending to a phase in her life where she wasn’t sure what she wanted, and I’m happy for her and for everyone, and in the end that is what I wanted from this show.
“I open at the close” - written by JK Rowling, tweeted by Rachel Bloom, and applicable to Rebecca Bunch’s story. She now knows the passion that makes her happy, so we can leave her to a future wide with possibilities.
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