#plus we have access to resources and technology and computers and still have access to nuclear power and and and
twosides--samecoin · 1 year
I'm trying not to be That Guy on someone's post but I need to get this off my chest
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psychreviews2 · 6 months
Object Relations: Fear Of Success Pt. 7-5
Artificial Intelligence
As jarring as the quickly expanding abilities of artificial intelligence (A.I.) are, one consistent thread is how economics and economic theory has changed along with technology. Libertarianism for example was very thoughtful for a time when machines failed to take over in the Jetsons cartoon style as predicted in the 1950s, but now with more advanced A.I. to be released in 2024, technology is moving faster than ethical human thought can get a grip on. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, as well as many other speakers, talked to the U.S. Congress about the 2024 ChatGPT and provided mixed testimony full of unknowns, but also lots of positive predictions. "There will be a significant impact on jobs, what that impact looks like is very difficult to predict...I believe that there will be far greater jobs on the other side of this and the jobs of today will get better." The new 2024 A.I. is "good at doing tasks, not jobs, and so I see already people using GPT 4 to do their job much more efficiently, by helping them with tasks. GPT 4 will, I think, entirely automate away some jobs, and it will create new ones we believe will be much better...There will be an impact on jobs. We try to be very clear about that and I think it will require partnership between industry and government, but mostly action by government to figure out how we want to mitigate that but I'm very optimistic about how great the jobs of the future will be."
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn-W41hC764
AI eliminated nearly 4,000 jobs in May, report says - CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ai-job-losses-artificial-intelligence-challenger-report/
AI anxiety as computers get super smart - RTL: https://today.rtl.lu/news/world/a/2132837.html
One of the ways that will trigger needs for government intervention is how the distribution of wealth changes with each job displacement. In an article on RTL, it was ironic that "computer coders and writers [critiqued] AI creators for 'training' software on their work, enabling it to replicate their styles or skills without permission or compensation." When A.I. replaces a wage completely, or even partially, a lot of that labor cost is now rewarding computer engineers and suppliers of the materials for the computers, robots, and A.I. software PLUS the ownership. Each displacement requires a new inventory on what transferrable skills are still relevant for that candidate. As stated in the U.S. congress, there are already plans for retraining services, which will also require a lot of resources. Without a tax to transfer the profit of that labor to a human being who lost their job, it can't be ignored that consumers today need to be producers in order earn currency to access consumption. What is also often not talked about is the complexity of these new jobs. I remember talking to a Japanese A.I. expert about this and he was generally irritated with my line of questioning. "I think people will have to move to more complex jobs...Let's change the subject." I later was in a restaurant and bumped into the Alberta provincial New Democratic Party, which is the name for the main socialist party in Canada. The leader was there head-bobbing and chin-wagging with party members and supporters. I took the advantage to talk to some of them and found an economics expert in the bunch. He said for some reason "I am biased," which ultimately everyone is, but he showed that because we are a conservative province the NDP has been steadily moving to the right and has already replaced the Liberal party to appear as the moderate choice on the left side of the political spectrum. This is so much so that they could get former conservatives to vote for them. I asked him if manufacturing jobs could return. He responded that "we are not setup well for that...We can instead develop higher technological value-added jobs." Continuing with the prior thread, his solution still leaves out the high school diploma worker, part-time artist, and hobbyists. Also falling through the cracks would be people who have chosen the wrong field for their personality type and are struggling to make a career change. Where many researchers and economists feel those types of individuals will end up is on a Universal Basic Income.
Already people are getting nostalgic for the times before the pandemic and after the roll out of technocratic control during COVID lockdowns. That nostalgia is key into understanding human emotion. The problem with social engineers in bureaucratic and corporate environments is that they are essentially unelected. When they foist new technology onto the population, governments are always scrambling to understand the consequences. The consequences usually have to happen first so that the complaints can help to create a regulatory response, much like a beta software. This is assuming that there is enough freedom of association and a galvanized population to bring about changes to government policy. The worry is always about people lacking power, being helpless, dehumanized, while working longer hours in low paying jobs alongside a lack of insurance from the government. Joe Allen from Dark Aeon, worries that the Golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," will devolve and "worldly powers will do to us what they would never have done to them." If people are gradually sent to a Universal Basic Income their leverage in the workforce will disappear and worldly powers will now have control over the resources for their survival. People cannot go on strike if they have no job. Then if you compound the desire that oligarchs have to use Climate Change as a tool to ration resources, meaning REWARDS, a very constrained two-tier system will clarify things where those leaders will predictably have enormous freedom to do what they want, to reward themselves, while they at the same time repress everyone else with a false sense of morality. I already argued this when the pandemic was starting in the episode on Narcissistic Supply and how one can be addicted to a downward comparison with others and despite what many leaders say, in practice they are not interested in the equality of outcomes. This can be seen with pop stars who live a high lifestyle while supporting rationing systems for their audience. It can be seen with climate activists using fossil fuels on tap while shaming everyone else. The ultimate conclusion of a system like this is to emulate the Chinese 15-minute city where a person is supposed to live within a 15 min walking distance and not go beyond it. If this is implemented in a harsh way it would mean living in a technological version of the parochial medieval town.
Narcissistic Supply - Freud and Beyond - WNAAD: https://rumble.com/v1gveop-narcissistic-supply-freud-and-beyond-wnaad.html
Life Circle Construction in China under the Idea of Collaborative Governance: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geogrevjapanb/90/1/90_900103/_article
Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters AI Will Rule the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvkRj80H96s
Massive Protest in Oxford Against 15-Minute Cities - Rebel News UK: https://rumble.com/v2a6oy4-massive-protest-in-oxford-against-15-minute-cities.html
MEP Christine Anderson Issues Wake-Up Call: “You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of a Tyranny”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93qGEqJnBwo
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi pointed out the dangers for psychic entropy, when there is too much regulatory control, and this is what would happen on a mass scale if you have a class of dependent people with no leverage in society. For those unaware of this blog, because it's the most common topic, Flow is the ability to gain pleasure by exercising your sense of self on the environment to master a skill, some form of leisure, or endeavor. "In a research on the effects of 'flow deprivation' we have asked subjects to go through their normal daily routines, but to stop doing anything that was not necessary, any act or thought that was done for its own sake. After only 48h of this regime subjects reported severe changes in their psychic functioning. They felt more impatient, irritable, careless, depressed...Performance on creativity tests dropped significantly. [A common] reason for the ill effects of deprivation by the subjects was 'the act of stopping myself from doing what I wanted to do.' Apparently the experimental interference with the freedom of attention may have been one of the causes for the near-pathological disruption of behavior and experience."
If there's an area that requires massive improvement it would have to be in the area of socialism, because that has been the catch-all solution in politics for so long. That problem is that any kind of dependencies can be exploited or over-regulated. This new socialism would have to be super-decentralized so that corruption would be close to impossible. Since that doesn't exist yet, there's a lot of work for the left to do. Good examples were provided by the apostate of the U.S. left, Naomi Wolf, who was shunned after criticizing the COVID19 vaccine rollout and mandates. In an interview with Peter McIlvenna of Hearts of Oak, she recounted her experience of Britain and Europe and some of the dangers of dependency she found there. "...People get so many benefits from the state, in Europe and in Britain, and that's messaged AS benefits and it's very tempting. I have this free this and free that, and I love it and I used to be thoroughly on board with free healthcare and free universities and everything, why not? The dark side is the discourse of individualism, and individual rights becomes very theoretical. Once they give you all these good things, then when they say 'but you can't drive your car from here to here,' it's very hard to realize that that was a poisoned gift." Naomi's struggle is similar to Zhao Ziyang's, as described above, on how to balance human freedoms with leverage, power and responsibility. You can almost imagine some mediation system that is bogged down in committees, or a punishment system that punishes for every small infraction. The reality is that what most western countries have, is already much better than ill-thought-out abstract theories coming from the powerful today. Peter: "It is subtle. [15 minute cities are] for our good, for our health, for our convenience. Convenience comes up often...Often you can point out these issues, '15 minute cities, being local is good.' No it's about restriction or controlling you. Despite what's happened in the last 3 years, they cannot see past the government propaganda." Naomi: "[15 minute cities] may seem 'convenient' or 'green' but it's really going to enslave you and your children forever."
Hearts of Oak - Naomi Wolf - Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age: https://rumble.com/v3tbcwj-hearts-of-oak-naomi-wolf-facing-the-beast-courage-faith-and-resistance-in-a.html
Star Trek TNG -- Crime and Punishment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7XqGiwfUyI
A vast area of study like A.I. can be confusing and distracting, but the nostalgia that people have for the past often has to do with the freedom they had to pursue their interests, especially those pristine experiences where there was a lack of conflict with others. It can be a way to cut through the noise and complexity. Certainly the past shouldn't be treated like a golden age, but it will if attention spans get ever more controlled and rewards are progressively removed. A peaceful exertion of creativity on the environment without endless coercion has to be the litmus test. If A.I. is to truly succeed people will have to feel less fear, and enjoy more peace. There must be as much freedom of choice as in the past, if not more, and very importantly, there must be access to REWARDS. People don't just want to exist. They want to thrive.
Ikigai: https://rumble.com/v1gvo41-ikigai.html
Object Relations: Fear Of Success Pt. 2: https://rumble.com/v1gvuql-object-relations-fear-of-success-pt.-2.html
Patterson, N., Richter, D., Gnerre, S. et al. Genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees. Nature 441, 1103–1108 (2006).
Moorjani P, Amorim CE, Arndt PF, Przeworski M. Variation in the molecular clock of primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Sep 20;113(38):10607-12.
Domínguez-Rodrigo, M., Baquedano, E., Organista, E. et al. Early Pleistocene faunivorous hominins were not kleptoparasitic, and this impacted the evolution of human anatomy and socio-ecology. Sci Rep 11, 16135 (2021).
Lahr, M. M., Rivera, F., Power, R. K., Mounier, A., Copsey, B., Crivellaro, F., … Foley, R. A. (2016). Inter-group violence among early Holocene hunter-gatherers of West Turkana, Kenya. Nature, 529(7586), 394–398.
Violence and the Sacred by René Girard: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780801822186/
Evolution of the Human Diet: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable by Peter S. Ungar: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780195183474/
General History of Africa - Vol. 1 by Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Unesco Staff, Mokhtar: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780520039124/
Projection and Personality Development via the Eight-function Model by Carol Shumate: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780367341381/
Transference And Projection by Jan Grant, Jim Crawley: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780335203147/
Projection and re-collection in Jungian psychology by Marie Louise von Franz: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780875484174/
Newman, Leonard & Duff, Kimberly & Baumeister, Roy. (1997). A new look at defensive projection: Thought suppression, accessibility, and biased person perception. Journal of personality and social psychology. 72. 980-1001.
Identity and Identification by Ken Arnold, James Peto, Mick Gordon, Chris Wilkinson, Hugh Aldersey-Williams, The Wellcome Trust: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781906155865/
Brodey WM. On the dynamics of narcissism. I. Externalization and early ego development. Psychoanal Study Child. 1965;20:165-93.
Marcus, Kenneth L., Accusation in a Mirror (2012). Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 357 - 393, 2012
Atrocity Speech Law by Gregory S. Gordon, Benjamin Ferencz: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780190612689/
A World Transformed by George Bush, Brent Scowcroft: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780679752592/
No Trade Is Free - Robert Lighthizer: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780063282131/
The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited by Louisa Lim: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780199347704/
Prisoner of the State - Zhao Ziyang: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781439149393/
Dark Aeon : Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity by Joe Allen: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781648210105/
HOU Lulu, LIU Yungang, Life Circle Construction in China under the Idea of Collaborative Governance: A Comparative Study of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Geographical review of Japan series B, 2017, Volume 90, Issue 1, Pages 2-16
Psychology: http://psychreviews.org/category/psychology01/
Fear of Success Pt. 1: https://psychreviews.org/fear-of-success/
Fear of Success Pt. 2: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-fear-of-success-pt-2/
Fear of Success Pt. 3: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-fear-of-success-pt-3/
Fear of Success Pt. 4: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-fear-of-success-pt-4/
Fear of Success Pt. 5: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-fear-of-success-pt-5/
Fear of Success Pt. 6: https://psychreviews.org/object-relations-fear-of-success-pt-6/
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raddash · 7 months
How To Obtain A Legitimate Windows 11 Product Key?
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On earth of technology, having a genuine Windows 11 registration key is actually essential for opening the complete possibility of your operating system. Whether you've created a new PC or improved from an older model of Microsoft Windows, securing a legit product key ensures accessibility to routine updates, surveillance spots, plus all the functions that Microsoft Windows 11 has to supply. But along with the great quantity of options accessible online, locating an authentic activation code may seem like seeking a needle in a pile. Worry not, as we explore the details of discovering a legitimate Microsoft Windows 11 activation code.
Quick guide for Getting a Real Windows 11 registration key
Buy From Authorized Stores:
When plunging into your mission for a genuine windows 11 key, it's necessary to start by exploring licensed sellers. Microsoft itself is the most reliable resource for acquiring genuine registration keys. You can easily see the main Microsoft Establishment website or licensed resellers to buy windows 11 product key along with self-confidence. While the initial financial investment may appear intimidating, buying directly from Microsoft promises genuineness as well as satisfaction.
Validate Authenticity:
Along with the occurrence of bogus program keys circulating the internet, it's important to validate the genuineness of any sort of license key you buy. Microsoft offers a device called the "Microsoft Windows activation code Visitor" that allows consumers to legitimize their license keys. Simply enter your registration key into the device, and also it is going to verify whether it is actually legitimate or otherwise. Also, distrust offers that seem to be very great to be actually accurate, as they typically bring about purchasing fake or even void keys.
Look At OEM Options:
Authentic Equipment Maker (OEM) registration keys are actually another pathway to check out when looking for real windows 11 pro product key. These keys are commonly marketed with brand-new personal computers or even hardware and also are actually tied to details tools. While they might come with a reduced rate aspect than retail keys, they use the very same functionality and legitimacy. When purchasing OEM keys, guarantee they originate from respectable resources to steer clear of prospective issues down free throw line. By looking at OEM choices, you can potentially spare money while still acquiring a reputable activation code for your Windows 11 operating system. Remember, whether you are actually acquiring from licensed merchants, discovering OEM choices, or validating legitimacy, the key is actually to focus on validity and also safety and security in your pursuit for how to find Microsoft Windows product key.
Stay Away From Third-Party Marketplaces:
While 3rd party markets may give encouraging deals on Microsoft Windows 11 license keys, they present a considerable danger of marketing imitation or even false keys. It's ideal to avoid 3rd party platforms and also choose authorized merchants or Microsoft's authorities networks to acquire your registration key safely and securely.
Finally, getting a legitimate Windows 11 product key is crucial for uncovering the complete ability of your OS while guaranteeing safety and security and access to updates. Through obtaining from licensed retailers, validating genuineness, taking into consideration OEM options, as well as staying away from 3rd party markets, you can navigate the puzzle of license key purchase along with confidence. Remember, purchasing a genuine product key is actually an expenditure in the long-lasting capability and surveillance of your Microsoft Windows 11 expertise.
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cloudoc2022 · 1 year
Preserving Privacy and Protecting Lives: The Importance of Cybersecurity in Care
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As digital technology becomes more important in business, cybersecurity measures have never been more crucial to a company's success. In this blog post, we explore some of the latest trends and problems facing businesses today, including how ClouDoc has developed a solution that allows businesses in the health and social care sector to protect sensitive data while ensuring they can continue to offer their customers a high-quality service.
Ransomware attacks on healthcare organisations are becoming increasingly common, as cyber criminals know that these organisations process massive amounts of sensitive data and often keep it in one place to make sharing easier. It makes it easier for attackers to get what they want, which is for us to pay them money so they will stop disrupting our business.
In September 2020, a ransomware attack disabled the admissions and records systems at a hospital in Düsseldorf, Germany. The attack delayed the treatment of an older woman suffering an aneurysm and subsequently died at another hospital. Prosecutors attempted to bring this case before the courts as a negligent homicide but were unsuccessful.
While cyberattacks do occur, most of them are financially motivated. Cybercriminals want to disrupt the normal workflow of businesses and services to extort money. Although these attacks do not usually have lethal or life-threatening consequences, they can result in data breaches that require notifications to be filed with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) or notification to service users and stakeholders. It could damage your business' reputation or lead to legal action against you.
Cyberattacks can threaten almost any part of your digital infrastructure, including email and the systems used in domiciliary care. Criminals may seek to access or damage electronic health records and telehealth platforms, which could result in a diminished quality of care for your service users by decreasing your operational efficiency and denying access to crucial resources like care plans and personal details.
Even though small and medium health and social care enterprises hold less sensitive data than large, centralised databases of NHS organisations, they still have valuable information that cybercriminals can exploit. It is because private-sector SMEs tend to have fewer people overseeing financial decisions than public-sector organisations.
While the Government's public-sector cyber defences will be managed by the centralised Government Cyber Coordination Centre (GCCC), private companies and small businesses should stay updated on cybersecurity updates from the GCCC.
Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. The Government's Cyber Strategy emphasises the importance of the 'defend as one principle--collaboration and sharing information among providers.
Providers should work together and encourage cybersecurity conversations. They should also educate their staff about the causes and symptoms of malware infections and how to spot phishing emails. It will help them defend against social engineering attacks like phishing emails.
Cybercriminals often use fear and urgency to trick people into giving up money or sensitive information. It's important to discuss suspicious emails, calls and computer behaviour with someone else before making any decisions about handing over money or sensitive information.
Gaining Government Cyber Essentials accreditation is a great way to enhance your cybersecurity defence. By completing their basic self-certified course, you and your employees will be empowered to defend your business against the vast majority of basic cyberattacks - simple phishing and fraud attacks which are easily avoided when your staff know what to look for. A hands-on technical verification of your cybersecurity measures is carried out to gain Cyber Essentials Plus certification, providing the same benefits with an extra level of reassurance.
If you work under a tender or with a Local Authority, they may already stipulate that Cyber Essentials certification is required. Even if they don't, getting certified reassures your existing and future customers and business partners that your organisation takes cybersecurity seriously and has measures to mitigate vulnerabilities.
As you lead your business towards greater cybersecurity resilience, keep up to date with Government guidance on cybersecurity. The Cyber Security Strategy 2022 - 2030 outlines how the Government will harden all public sector systems against cyberattacks by 2025. By staying well-read and up-to-date on the public sector cybersecurity landscape, you can develop a strong culture of awareness and vigilance in your service, giving you and your staff the best chance to catch and resolve an incident early.
Cloudoc is a safe and secure cloud-based management system that provides Supported Living Policies and Procedures. These are crucial documents that bridge the gap between what is expected by your service and what can be achieved in practice. They will help you understand the local authority's expectations for supporting someone to live independently and operate effectively within your framework agreement. Visit our website for more information.
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secretlifeofmoney · 2 years
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With the internet offering an ever-expanding range of opportunities, it is possible to earn a good wage online. In this article, we will explore how you can make up to $35 per hour by utilizing digital resources and technologies available on the web.
First, let’s look at the types of work available online that can help you earn $25 – $35 per hour. Freelancing is a popular option for those looking to make money from home and offers plenty of opportunities in areas such as web design, content creation, and virtual assistance. There are also several websites which offer freelance tasks or ‘microtasks’ in exchange for payment, such as Fiverr and Upwork.
If you have skills or experience in a particular area then it may be worth exploring the possibility of setting up your own business online. This could include offering services such as consulting, coaching or tutoring through an independent website or using established platforms like Skype and Zoom to reach out to potential clients directly. You could even launch your own e-commerce store selling products related to your field of expertise, either through an existing marketplace platform such as Etsy or Shopify, or by building your own website from scratch with platforms like WordPress.
Another way to make money online is through affiliate marketing where you can promote products on behalf of other businesses in return for commissions when sales are made via links provided by yourself on social media sites including Instagram and Facebook; blogging websites; YouTube videos; email campaigns etcetera. Alternatively, if writing isn’t something that interests you but you still want to get involved with digital marketing then there are many roles available within this industry covering aspects like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaigns management etcetera which require more technical knowledge than creative writing skills but can pay well too depending on the company/project requirements.
Finally, if none of these options appeal then why not consider becoming a tutor? Whether it’s teaching English language courses overseas via video call programs like Skype, providing one-to-one tuition sessions remotely, offering group classes over Google Hangouts Meetings, or creating educational material on Udemy there are plenty of ways that qualified teachers can earn money while helping others learn new things! Plus, most tutoring jobs come with flexible hours so they fit around any lifestyle commitments too making them ideal for busy parents who need extra income without having time away from their family responsibilities.
Whichever route you decide upon earning $25 – $35 per hour is achievable however it does require hard work and dedication but thankfully once set up there won't be much else needed apart from regular maintenance ensuring everything remains up-to-date! To get started all that's needed is access to a good internet connection along with some basic computer knowledge plus any specialist software relevant for the role(s) being undertaken. That said don't forget about tax liabilities either since self-employed individuals must ensure they pay what's due each quarter/year failure to do so will incur penalties!
In conclusion earning up to $35 per hour working online has never been easier thanks largely due advances in technology allowing anyone willing put forth effort into researching the right opportunity for them to make it a reality. So if you’re looking for an alternative way to make money from home then why not take advantage of the online world and see what opportunities await!
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trustasset · 2 years
Download skype for mac 10.6 8
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#Download skype for mac 10.6 8 how to#
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The Resource targets the computer animation engine, but Adobe promises to add far more HTML5 functions like Canvas, HTML5 music online video tags plus much more.Īnd with Adobe Imaginative Sync, every minor thing is undoubtedly related throughout your desktop and cellular apps.Adobe Share Look through and permit many superior-top top quality pics, illustrations, and vector design right in Animate CC.
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No Flash needed objective of Adobe Animate CC Patch is to assist Qualified designers in making Cyberspace animations and sometimes pure video gaming.Īnimate is a part of Imaginative Cloud, meaning you could access your entire belongings such as Adobe Inventory ideal in the software and promptly flip any motivation into a splendid do the work of fine art.Īssistance Android, iOS, WebOS, BlackBerry PlayBook, IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox9 and also other systems. Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you with other users. Skype is such a useful application by which you can remain in contact with your friends, office colleagues, business partners and customers all the time completely free.
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Skype 10.6 Mac OS X AtĪny way around this I cannot upgrade my Mac OS X at this time to be able to run the latest version of Skype, which needs Mac OS X 10.9 or higher.Īpparently theyve already had a lot of protests - obviously I have not idea whether theres any chance of their being pressured to change their corporate minds.Īpple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site.Īll postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the. This is the closest I can find to the Uninstall option on windows. Perhaps some people can get by and ditch all that stuff.Then I searched for all skype related files and deleted them.
#Download skype for mac 10.6 8 how to#
Hangouts is better tech (I'm a longtime Google Voice user myself) but it doesn't help when the other guys aren't using it and I'm not about to spend hours of my time teaching someone else's sales/marketing person how to use the latest/greatest tech (which will probably be different in a year anyhow).Īdmittedly, my employer still maintains telephone numbers, a mailbox, and a fax number. Like you I don't run Skype unless we have a call planned beforehand. I suppose I deal with too many old timers and people from Asia in my work life where Skype remains the lowest common denominator. I usually have people trying to contact me to chat all day on Skype (complete strangers) so I don't turn it on unless the people on the other end schedule a call. Google Hangouts and FaceTime has replaced a lot of the communication that I usually need to do. like a lot of other people, Skype, like e-mail, has become irrelevant. I think the person who asked is saying that. Like any other productivity oriented app, Skype is a tool that serves audiences that need the service's robust flexibility.Īt this point, I suggest you visit the Skype website ( to learn more about its capabilities. Now if you have never left your province and you only communicate to Mum, Dad, your siblings, a few mates, and your boss at the fast food hamburger stand maybe you will not need Skype. It's not the most sophisticated way to contact another person online on this planet, but it is realistically one of the lowest common denominators, which makes it quite relevant. If you are not employed in position that requires you to communicate to foreigners or to business folk in general, it is possible that you may not have found much use for services such as Skype. It is heavily used for business and international communications where multiple users relying on a variety of systems need a common communications platform. In a way, it's the voice equivalent of e-mail. It's a multi-platform telecommunications service that - unlike FaceTime - covers a wide range of system configurations and devices.
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notarealwelder · 2 years
(Underdeveloped thoughts)
Human minds have two parts; hardware of brain, software of memes.
Was it the development of ~meme propagation conditions that kicked off success of homo sapiens? Something about communication medium to transmit with sufficient fidelity, plus whatever error correction, plus some efficient-ish memespace exploration algorithms/mechanism, to make possible evolutionary selection of beneficial memes?
(& then, hm, maybe it's possible to answer "why humans?" quantitatively: something something not that humans are special, but if you start from primates and stumble onto memetics then memes evolve much faster, and eventually you get a civilization in an evolutionary eyeblink, and humans is about where that happens)
Greatest achievements of civilization are not built by a single human. Sure a single mind (with a body) is a great optimization engine; it's still not powerful enough to build an entire skyscraper! But there's a next tier of optimization power humans can invoke; it's possible to delegate subtasks (with sufficient fidelity of success), and thereby run the optimization problem on many a brain (with access to many a resource).
(And also you can use the built-up cache of ~abstract ~easily transmittable general solutions to intermediate problems; material strength science, calculus, ..., are your friends. These parts nobody in the delegation process even computes by themselves; they......come from somewhere, but how do you model them while still separating a single skyscraper project from the whole of civilization? Maybe you can't, generally.)
However: does it make sense to say that the skyscraper is built by some single optimizing entity, a human or a memeplex or ___ ? Probably we could say that the idea originated in a human — maybe several; surely many developed it from the initial form — and that this idea took a life of its own, and....had such a form that its existence led to its propagation, development, interaction with ~~humans' values, goals and planning, and eventually, to a physical skyscraper. No human worked it through to completion though; we just have enough ~~goal-directed-planning within us and ~~robust-delegation structures around us to lift it into reality by a thousand papercuts.
(&, yeah, delegation technology is important there; money and contracts and ownership of shares of future profits (to align incentives correctly) and enough long-term predictability/stability for all that to work as intended)
Does this apply at all to AI theory?
All of this starts from the constraint where you can't scale a human directly; can't take a single mind pursuing the skyscraper idea and let it perform all the requisite planning and action within itself and through its own devices. There's not enough accessible mental hardware to parallelize on; a single human only has comparatively specialized expertise and couldn't acquire same in like 300 different fields involved in building the skyscraper; there's not enough hands to do all that needs to be done (and force-multiplying tools are expensive, and you would need a truly ridiculous number of those); usually one human doesn't even command enough resources to build a skyscraper on a whim, and would need investors.
Which parts of that can be side-stepped in a case of an AI? What properties would it need to scale like humans can't; what properties to work at all?
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zampanobra · 4 years
An Elegy For Cyberpunk
The genre isn't gone, but the silver lining sure is.
William Gibson's Neuromancer is one of those books that I can't remember ever not having read. But I do remember that it wasn't long after I read it that I was introduced to Shadowrun, which quickly supplanted D&D as my go-to RPG. I'm not sure how well I understood what was going on in the plot, and was probably too young to understand a lot of what was going on. (Later on, when I started to understand self-loathing, it made a lot more sense.)
Even then, I loved the world, the technology, and the aesthetic. Gibson is fantastic at showing an entire scene through a couple of hints. He doesn't lean into a lot of what we've come to think of as "cyberpunk" aesthetic, and I prefer his much more understated settings more than a lot of his more over-the-top progeny.
Aside from how it looks, though, a common trope is its focus on people on the fringes of society--the "low life" going along with the "high tech." It's not always criminals, although these lines get a tad blurry due to the increasing corporate dominance that is another common trope of the setting. This is even more the case in the Shadowrun RPG, where your characters ("runners") are mercenaries for hire by all the corporations vying for an edge, where law enforcement has itself been privatized, and where governments' roles in their citizens' daily lives are steadily eroding. (Although a dragon is elected president of one of the major North American countries, so there is that.)
Those familiar with this setting and the tropes associated with it may have raised an eyebrow when I said that there was a silver lining associated with cyberpunk. I'd even venture to say there's an actual optimism in many of these stories.
The Cyber Trickles Downhill
There's a public intellectual of sorts named Eliezer Yudkowsky who started a ~~cult~~ website called LessWrong, and who talks a lot about technology, science, and what-not. He has various "laws" attributed to him, one of which is that "Every eighteen months, the minimum IQ necessary to destroy the world drops by one point." The idea is that, over time, increasingly powerful technology will be in the hands of everyday people. It's kind of like the cliché about how we all walk around with smartphones that are orders of magnitude more powerful and capable than the computers used to send people to the Moon.
Unfortunately, this is not how it generally works out. When better computers and connectivity end up in people's hands, so does a great deal of capture: DRM, surveillance (both corporate and governmental), monopolization, and more recently the move to software-as-a-service (where you have to pay a subscription to keep using something on your personal devices). You can get around much of these, but only but devoting significant time and effort to doing so, and you may often have to do without some aspects of those services. It's rarely going to be as convenient as the more intrusive version, and in some cases you may be outright prevented from communicating with people without using it. And this is without getting into situations where your information is turned over to third parties without your even having an option. In my own life, two of our doctors' offices use third-party portals that include some aspect of record keeping, schools and daycare facilities use them, and I'm of course subject to any of the national things like credit reporting agencies.
Meanwhile, things like artificial limbs and the like have generally made their greatest advances in times of war. Prosthetics in at least some form go back to Ancient Egypt, but a formal industry focused on their production would not come into being until far later. In the United States, it was the Civil War that would drastically increase demand, with thousands of amputees surviving the war and seeking prosthetic limbs: one study estimated that 70,000 men lost limbs during the war. Part of this was the development of the Minié ball, a more modern bullet that caused more irregular wounds to flesh and was heavy enough to shatter bone. Medical science being what it was, doctors generally decided that amputation was a better approach than trying to piece the patient's body back together. After the war, the federal government created the means for the prosthetic boom by agreeing to provide prosthetics for any veteran who needed them.
One veteran, James Hanger (who had himself lost most of a leg) was dissatisfied with the available options, and so developed an artificial leg that hinged and was shaped more like a human leg. He went on to establish the American Artificial Limb Company after the war (which still exists as Hanger, Inc.). Mass production of artificial limbs wouldn't come about for another 60 years or so. Nonetheless, this next development was again spawned by the same combination of factors: a massive conflict leaving thousands upon thousands of amputees (World War I in this case) combined with the federal government providing the money. (War is, indeed, a racket.)
Little seems to have changed into the present, when it's now the perpetual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined with military-oriented welfare programs being the only ones not under constant attack by austerity.
So it is that cyberpunk's dream of widespread limb replacements seems unlikely without coming on the heels of years of additional thousands of traumatic amputees and billions of dollars in subsidies. Under our current system, after all, there is no incentive to continue improvements to artificial limbs without government footing the bill, and the government in turn seems largely unwilling to pay attention to the needs of its citizens that don't have any connection to the military.
The other technologies that epitomize the cyberpunk genre are equally captured. All the improvements to computer technology in the world don't help without the infrastructure to connect them to each other, and service providers have made sure that they can maintain their monopolies (the lucky few have two options). So it is that we get things like data caps, which Comcast introduced for its customers just a few days ago as of this writing, during a time of pandemic when more and more people are reliant on broadband internet access to work and go to school.
In a similar vein, computer and communications technology has become only selectively easier to use. The basics are much simpler, to be sure, but the kinds of things depicted in cyberpunk--hacking and maintaining some semblance of privacy to name two prime examples--are harder and harder. Privacy in particular requires a near constant battle against the hydra of corporate interests that are constantly trying to chip away at it. And not just in terms of taking data itself, but even the expectation of privacy.
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube--they're all predicated on making us share. And of course we do exactly that. Why wouldn't we? We have an innate need for community and connection. But just as advertisers long ago figured out that they could turn our own wiring against us, so-called social networks (anti-social networks?) took our desire for connecting with other people and purified it until it became a freebase. It's difficult to avoid and even harder to quit.
It takes money, knowledge, and work to even slightly escape, and even then it's not really possible unless you happen to only interact with similar privacy-minded folk or cut yourself off from society entirely. It takes almost nothing to be entirely mapped.
Meanwhile, the task is made that much harder by the fact that it's not entirely clear why our data is worth anything. The conventional wisdom is that it's for targeted advertising, but I have to wonder if that's actually worth anything anymore. Then again, it could be completely ineffective but still something companies want to do, since marketing believes that someone has to see a product multiple times before they'll actually seek it out. Plus, there's always the possibility of Facebook et al. cooking the books, as they did in the case of view counts on videos some years back.
Regardless, this lack of knowledge makes it harder for us, because we can't target our defenses. We don't have a clear idea of what's valuable and what isn't, what data is already out there and what data is still being sought. We can't, for example, make digital chaff to flood the collectors with junk.
Chains of Chrome
I'm told that essays should have some part of the author in them, and I can't help but notice that this approach--intertwining personal anecdote with the overall point--is used all over the world. Maybe it's a matter of not getting outside my own writing, but it seems to me that simply what I'm writing and how says more about me than talking about the smells in the bookstore where I bought my first copy of Neuromancer, or some story about my relationship with the friend who introduced me to Blade Runner. I personally have more faith in readers than that.
Having written what I have already, is it really surprising to know that what draws me to the genre more than anything is freedom? It may seem strange to associate freedom with the extremely powerful corporate entities and material conditions of most cyberpunk. But notice, these stories don't focus on the corporate bureaucrat trapped in a structure they'll never escape. Instead, it's the technologically-enhanced ronin, whether their particular weapons are blades or computer viruses. They ultimately answer to no one but themselves, and can generally find a way to live their own lives within the cracks in the business edifice. Sure, drama demands that this not always be true in some way, even if it's as simple as the criminal's reputation.
It's not difficult, then, to see the appeal. I have no skills to sell even if there were still a market for such things (instead of credentials). Mercenaries are rightly outcast, since chances are they'll be put to worse use than even a state-sponsored military. There's a reason that Blackwater has had to change its name two or three times by now.
Cyberpunk allows us all of the freedom of a new frontier by finding that frontier within an existing structure. Its characters aren't constrained the way we are in our daily lives, and can overcome both human nature and human society through the technology available to them. What is now considered experimental or only the purview of DARPA is to them a child's toy, with far better ready for purchase on the streetcorner.
In many ways, cyberpunk is a product of its time, when technology seemed to offer at least as much possibility as threat. Now, we don't really trust technology to be enough. We see the slow-motion apocalypse of climate change and don't believe that we can invent our way out of it; recognizing that even if the device existed, someone would figure out how to capture its benefits. I'm not sure it'll be anything so stark as having clean cities and then a burned wasteland surrounding them, but we'll only be saved to the extent that we're useful.
Cyberpunk showed us an increasing commodification of our lives, but even those imaginations couldn't foresee the degree to which this would be true, while they simultaneously underestimated its subtlety. The trackers on every website that form pieces of the economic puzzle that is ourselves feel too small to fight, and so we sell ourselves in a thousand pieces. Even being a corporate spy in a future dystopia is more honest.
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petazetafilms · 4 years
▷ Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist; Season 2 Episode 1 - (S2E1) - HD 720p
Watch Online Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Episode 1 in NBC Full Episodes Eng Sub / Sub English TV Series 2020 Premiere HD! ❖ Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Full Episodes (HD): Full ✓ NBC TV Shows and Movies from Official Partners. ❖ Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Online ►► P.L.A.Y N.O.W
〘NBC | 4K UHD | HD-1080p | HD-720p | SD-480p | MP4〙
After an unusual event, Zoey Clarke, a whip-smart computer coder forging her way in San Francisco, suddenly starts to hear the innermost wants, thoughts and desires of the people around her through popular songs. ❖ Genre : Drama, Comedy ❖ Air Date : 2021-01-05 ❖ Network : NBC ❖ Casts : Lauren Graham, Alex Newell, Andrew Leeds, Michael Thomas Grant, Jane Levy, Kapil Talwalkar, Mary Steenburgen, John Clarence Stewart, Skylar Astin, Alice Lee Guest Star : Felix Mallard, Jee Young Han, Harvey Guillén
Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Live Stream Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Online Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Dailymotion Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Premiere Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 HD720p Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Free Online Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 English Subtitle Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Stream Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Full Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 HD1080p Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Full Recap Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Online Stream Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 HD Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Online HD Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Full Episode Watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S2E1 Synopsis
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A television show (often simply TV show) is any content produced for broadcast via over-the-air, satellite, cable, or internet and typically viewed on a television set, excluding breaking news, advertisements, or trailers that are typically placed between shows. Television shows are most often scheduled well ahead of time and appear on electronic guides or other TV listings.
Livestreaming, what’s in it for us? Technology has advanced significantly since the first internet livestream but we still turn to video for almost everything. Let’s take a brief look at why livestreaming has been held back so far, and what tech innovations will propel livestreaming to the forefront of internet culture. Right now livestreaming is limited to just a few applications for mass public use and the rest are targeted towards businesses. Livestreaming is to today what home computers were in the early 611110s. The world of livestreaming is waiting for a metaphorical VIC-110, a very popular product that will make live streaming as popular as video through iterations and competition. Shared Video Do you remember when YouTube wasn’t the YouTube you know today? In 11005, when Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim activated the domain “www.youtube.com" they had a vision. Inspired by the lack of easily accessible video clips online, the creators of YouTube saw a world where people could instantly access videos on the internet without having to download files or search for hours for the right clip. Allegedly inspired by the site “Hot or Not”, YouTube originally began as a dating site (think 110s video dating), but without a large ingress of dating videos, they opted to accept any video submission. And as we all know, that fateful decision changed all of our lives forever. Because of YouTube, the world that YouTube was born in no longer exists. The ability to share videos on the scale permitted by YouTube has brought us closer to the “global village” than I’d wager anyone thought realistically possible. And now with technologies like Starlink, we are moving closer and closer to that eventuality. Although the shared video will never become a legacy technology, before long it will truly have to share the stage with its sibling, livestreaming. Although livestreaming is over 110 years old, it hasn’t gained the incredible worldwide adoption YouTube has. This is largely due to infrastructure issues such as latency, quality, and cost. Latency is a priority when it comes to livestreams. Latency is the time it takes for a video to be captured and point a, and viewed at point b. In livestreaming this is done through an encoder-decoder function. Video and audio are captured and turned into code, the code specifies which colours display, when, for how long, and how bright. The code is then sent to the destination, such as a streaming site, where it is decoded into colours and audio again and then displayed on a device like a cell phone. The delay between the image being captured, the code being generated, transmitted, decoded, and played is consistently decreasing. It is now possible to stream content reliably with less than 5 seconds of latency. Sub-second latency is also common and within the next 110 or so years we may witness the last cable broadcast (or perhaps cable will be relegated to the niche market of CB radios, landlines, and AM transmissions). On average, the latency associated with a cable broadcast is about 6 seconds. This is mainly due to limitations on broadcasts coming from the FCC or another similar organization in the interests of censorship. In terms of real-life, however, a 6 second delay on a broadcast is not that big of a deal. In all honesty a few hours’ delay wouldn’t spell the doom of mankind. But for certain types of broadcasts such as election results or sporting events, latency must be kept at a minimum to maximize the viability of the broadcast. Sensitive Content is Hard to Monitor Advances in AI technologies like computer vision have changed the landscape of internet broadcasting. Before too long, algorithms will be better able to prevent sensitive and inappropriate content from being broadcast across the internet on livestreaming platforms. Due to the sheer volume of streams it is much harder to monitor and contain internet broadcasts than it is cable, but we are very near a point where the ability to reliably detect and interrupt inappropriate broadcasts instantaneously. Currently, the majority of content is monitored by humans. And as we’ve learned over the last 50 or so years, computers and machines are much more reliable and consistent than humans could ever be. Everything is moving to an automated space and content moderation is not far behind. We simply don’t have the human resources to monitor every livestream, but with AI we won’t need it. Video Quality In the last decade we have seen video quality move from 7110p to 60110p to 4K and beyond. I can personally remember a time when 4110p was standard and 7110p was considered a luxury reserved for only the most well funded YouTube videos. But times have changed and people expect video quality of at least 7110p. Live streaming has always had issues meeting the demands of video quality. When watching streams on platforms like Twitch, the video can cut out, lag, drop in quality, and stutter all within about 45 seconds. Of course this isn’t as rampant now as it once was, however, sudden drops in quality will likely be a thorn in the side of live streams for years to come. Internet Speeds Perhaps the most common issue one needs to tackle when watching a live stream is their internet speed. Drops in video quality and connection are often due to the quality of the internet connection between the streamer and the viewer. Depending on the location of the parties involved, their distance from the server, and allocated connection speed the stream may experience some errors. And that’s just annoying. Here is a list of the recommended connection speeds for 5 of the most popular streaming applications:
Facebook Live recommends a max bit rate of 4,000 kbps, plus a max audio bit rate of 61111 kbps. YouTube Live recommends a range between 6,500 and 4,000 kbps for video, plus 61111 kbps for audio. Twitch recommends a range between 11,500 and 4,000 kbps for video, plus up to 660 kbps for audio. Live streams are typically available for those of us with good internet. Every day more people are enjoying high quality speeds provided by fibre optic lines, but it will be a while until these lines can truly penetrate rural and less populated areas. Perhaps when that day comes we will see an upsurge of streaming coming from these areas. Language Barrier You can pause and rewind a video if you didn’t understand or hear something, and many video sharing platforms provide the option for subtitles. But you don’t really get that with a live stream. Pausing and rewinding an ongoing stream defeats the purpose of watching a stream. However, the day is soon approaching where we will be able to watch streams, in our own native language with subtitles, even if the streamer speaks something else. Microsoft Azure’s Cognitive Speech Services can give livestreaming platforms an edge in the future as it allows for speech to be automatically translated from language to language. The ability to watch a livestream in real time, with the added benefit of accurate subtitles in one’s own language, will also assist language learners in deciphering spontaneous speech. Monetization One of the most damning features of a live stream is the inherent difficulty in monetizing it. As mentioned before, videos can be paused and ads inserted. In videos, sponsored segments can be bought where the creators of the video read lines provided to them. Ads can run before videos etc. But in the case of a spontaneous live stream sponsored content will stick out. In the case of platforms like YouTube there are ways around ads. Ad blockers, the skip ad button, the deplorable premium account, and fast forwarding through sponsored segments all work together to limit the insane amount of ads we see every day. But in the case of a live stream, ads are a bit more difficult. Live streaming platforms could implement sponsored overlays and borders or a similar graphical method of advertising, but the inclusion of screen shrinking add-ons like that may cause issues on smaller devices where screen size is already limited. Monthly subscriptions are already the norm, but in the case of a live streaming platform (Twitch Prime not withstanding), it may be difficult for consumers to see the benefit in paying for a service that is by nature unscheduled and unpredictable. Live streams are great for quick entertainment, but as they can go on for hours at a time, re-watching streamed content is inherently time consuming. For this reason, many streamers cut their recorded streams down and upload them to platforms like YouTube where they are monetized through a partnership program. It is likely that for other streaming platforms to really take off, they would need to partner with a larger company and offer services similar to Amazon and Twitch. What Might the Future of Livestreaming Look Like?
It is difficult to say, as it is with any speculation about the future. Technologies change and advance beyond the scope of our imaginations virtually every decade. But one thing that is almost a certainty is the continued advancement in our communications infrastructure. Fibre optic lines are being run to smaller towns and cities. Services like Google Fiber, which is now only available at 6 gigabit per second, have shown the current capabilities of our internet infrastructure. As services like this expand we can expect to see a large increase in the number of users seeking streams as the service they expect to interact with will be more stable than it currently is now. Livestreaming, at the moment, is used frequently by gamers and Esports and hasn’t yet seen the mass commercial expansion that is coming. The future of live streaming is on its way. For clues for how it may be in North America we can look to Asia (taobao). Currently, livestreaming is quite popular in the East in terms of a phenomenon that hasn’t quite taken hold on us Westerners, Live Commerce. With retail stores closing left and right, we can’t expect Amazon to pick up all of the slack (as much as I’m sure they would like to). Live streaming affords entrepreneurs and retailers a new opportunity for sales and growth. Live streaming isn’t the way of the future, video will never die, but the two will co-exist and be used for different purposes, as they are now. Live streaming can bring serious benefits to education as well by offering classrooms guest lessons and tutorials by leading professionals. Live streaming is more beneficial for education than video as it allows students to interact with guest teachers in real-time. The live streaming market is waiting to be tapped. Right now there are some prospectors, but in North America, no one has really found the vein leading to the mine. So maybe it’s time to get prospecting. The 2019–20 network television schedule for the five major English-language commercial broadcast networks in the United States covers the prime time hours from September 2019 to August 2020. The schedule is followed by a list per network of returning series, new series, and series canceled after the 2018–19 season.
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States. Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13] Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14] Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration. It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15]
Credit (from Latin credit, “(he/she/it) believes”) is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but promises either to repay or return those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date.[1] In other words, credit is a method of making reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a large group of unrelated people. The resources provided may be financial (e.g. granting a loan), or they may consist of goods or services (e.g. consumer credit). Credit encompasses any form of deferred payment.[2] Credit is extended by a creditor, also known as a lender, to a debtor, also known as a borrower.
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vulcan-highblood · 5 years
Not According To Plan 4/5
Fandom: Supergirl(TV) / Legion of Super-Heroes
Summary: (Post Season 3 Ep. 18 “Shelter From The Storm”) Querl and Imra return to the 31st Century. It’s not at all what they expected.
Read it on AO3!
Chapter 4: Requisition
Upon inspecting Legion Headquarters, it became clear that Querl’s prediction regarding the state of technology had been correct. HQ was, externally at least, very similar to the headquarters they had left behind when they had been thrown back to the past. However, this building lacked the sophisticated security system Querl had painstakingly installed, and all other systems that had been operated by COMPUTO. 
Now Querl was stuck in his lab with an actual physical notepad, taking down the information on the individual they were seeking so he could determine the best way to make use of their limited resources and travel back in time again. He was finding that not being able to use an omnicom was both frustrating and painful. Frustrating, because it meant he had to physically scrawl all of his notes in Interlac, which took far longer than simply mentally dictating and watching the words appear on a screen. Painful, because he had been scribbling his notes in interlac for the better part of an hour and was beginning to develop a cramp in his wrist.
He was unused to hand-writing his notes. Even when he’d been in the 21st century, most of his work had been on computers. It was degrading, to be reduced to mere strokes on a page to try and work out his ideas. Everything was so sprocking slow, his mind felt as though it was whirling away from him, so much faster than his cramping hand.
“Well, Brainy? How’s it look?” Rokk asked, coming up from behind Querl to read over his shoulder.
Querl turned slightly, so Rokk wouldn’t be able to read his notes. Not that it mattered. They were so cramped and convoluted he doubted the Braalian would be able to make heads or tails of them anyway. His handwriting was atrocious. He had never needed it for more than the occasional scribbled notation prior to this point in his life, so he didn’t feel particularly put out by this failing. It didn’t make his wrist feel better, though.
“I have identified the technology advances that led my temporal predecessor to believe that this individual was the best choice to counter my cousin’s attack,” Querl said, “and I am in the process of learning the identity of this individual.” Turning, he looked at Rokk, clarifying. “The information on this person remains shrouded in mystery, but they appear to have hailed from the twenty-first century.”
“That’s where you just came from, wasn’t it?” Rokk asked, ignoring the fact that, technically, he’d been in the 21st century too. He had simply been asleep for the duration of the visit, and thus did not recall their lengthy stay.
Querl wrinkled his nose in irritation. It was troubling that he had not anticipated needing to rely on such an individual while he had been in the right place, at the right time. Then again, Querl had absolutely no recall of this individual in his own mind, which implied that this… (human? Likely. Though not all residents of Earth at that time were truly human, statistically speaking, it was the most reasonable assumption) inventor was possibly a survivor of the Blight who would have died without their intervention.
Fascinating. Their own actions to prevent the Blight also provided a solution to their problem, a problem which was also a result of preventing the spread of the Blight. While this was an intriguing conundrum, trying to determine the identity of this individual with limited historical records and significantly limited access to computer systems was proving to be a challenge.
“Everything has changed as a result of our actions,” Querl pointed out. “I do not even know of this person as their works are all completely unheard of from the time of the Blight, and yet… some of the technological advances pioneered by this individual appear to be foundational structures upon which today’s technology is based. It is…” Querl resisted the urge to sigh, “…admittedly genius-level work. Considering, of course, the limitations of the time.”
Rokk’s eyebrows jumped towards his hairline. “Did you just admit to another person’s work being genius?”
“Having only recently returned from that time period I can unequivocally say that managing to produce any functional tech is a work of exceptional skill and likely boundless patience.” Now Querl did sigh, turning to look at Rokk. “It was so sprocking frustrating, their computers are so stupid it was like talking to a stone. Twenty-first century computers are a lump of electrical impulses and silicon, they have no heart…” he shut his mouth suddenly, feeling as though he had shared quite a bit more than was intended. “It was infuriating,” he summarized.
Rokk was giving him a look, a look Querl received from his peers rather consistently. They didn’t understand computers, and likely did not understand the severe chasm that divided 21st century technology from the 31st century. But when you were a part of it, it was impossible to forget.
“Sounds rough,” Rokk said, neatly underlining the precise problem with the universe at present.
The people of this time still had not fully come to terms with everything they had lost. Could not appreciate how much his family had torn from them all. “What I am trying to say,” Querl turned back around to stare at his blocky interlac notations,  “Is that the AI virus is far more dangerous to us than people from another time - we don’t know how to survive without AI. We haven’t needed to, for centuries.” He glanced back at Rokk again, trying to clearly explain his theory. “An individual from the twenty-first century would not feel as though they were being deprived, precisely because they have never known the level of advancement we once had in this time.”
Rokk shrugged lightly. “I’ll take your word for it.” He turned to leave, then paused, as though he’d remembered something. “Oh, right, I almost forgot -” he quickly approached Querl, extending a large bundle of physical note paper. “I just brought the physical images and information from all the history texts in the National Archives related to the unnamed inventor that you asked Luornu to get for you. I’m guessing that’s the same one you’re researching?” He waved a small handful of paper in Querl’s face before dropping them on top of Querl’s notebook. “There’s probably two hundred pages more that Jo and Luornu are still printing off, plus they found some more research notes that your past self made about the inventor. I put that on top of the pile, actually - I figured you would like to start with what your past self had already decided was important.”
“Yes,” Querl agreed, “Let us hope that my former self’s last days were spent on useful research. I would hate to see my previous research only to discover it is all useless, necessitating additional months of fruitless study while society as we once knew it continues to crumble.”
Rokk made a strangled noise like he wasn’t quite sure how to respond.
Lucky for him, Querl wasn’t expecting a response. It had been a bit callous to make sarcastic remarks about his own untimely death, but Querl was stressed and under a lot of pressure. He felt as though he had earned the right to be a bit of a nass about this whole sordid predicament. But he recognized that this attitude was unhelpful, and so, taking a deep breath, Querl spoke again.“I appreciate the information,” he told Rokk. “I am certain the notes will be useful.” It was, after all, his own research.
“Right,” Rokk said, moving for the door to Querl’s lab. “I’ll just… leave you to it. Good luck.”
Querl lifted a hand in a gesture of farewell, already picking up the pile of notes Rokk had dropped in front of him. He had work to do, and time was running out. If not for him, then certainly for the Legion Cruiser. He needed to gather the necessary information quickly if they stood any chance of traveling back in time again. If only he could use a sprockingcomputer.
Querl lifted the first page, unintentionally dragging the side of it along his fingers, and - “Sprock! Grife! What the-” it had cut him! Why was this paper sharp? Nursing his wounded hand, Querl glared down at the pile of notes, which stared back at him accusingly. Sprocking grife. It was shaping up to be a long day.
Querl was beginning to regret the lack of natural lighting in his laboratory, as the harsh glare of the lights appeared to be causing him to develop a low-grade headache. It wasn’t a particularly painful headache, it was just difficult to concentrate when absolutely anything that strayed from the norm forced him to pause and run a self-diagnostic. Despite his near-certainty that he had not been infected in the short amount of time spent in this timeline, Querl nonetheless found himself bordering on paranoid. He had already died before seeing this mission through to fruition once. If he died this time… well. Querl didn’t expect there would be many other people in the universe capable of plotting a route through time and space using only pen and paper.
To be fair, though, other people would be able to use a computer without risking contamination. So perhaps he wasn’t the only person who could plot their route. He was simply faster than the others. With a sigh, Querl stared at the “historic artifact” that his previous self had found incredibly important and frowned. He could have sworn he’d seen it before, but his recall was taxed by the fact that he had multiple thought-tracks running system diagnostics at regular intervals while several other thought-tracks were attempting to plot a route back to the 21st century. Even so, Querl knew that this ‘artifact’ had been noted, once before. It was in his mind, somewhere. Which meant that at some point during his time int he past, he had been close enough to the inventor to actually take note of their work. How frustrating to know this now, when it was going to be so hard to get back to the same time and place as he’d been before. If only he had a name, or at least a face, to put to the inventor. He could work with that! He could work with…
Work. Why was it that work had sparked something? Immediately dismissing the system diagnostic, Querl attuned three of his thought-tracks to pursuing that line of thought. He could work with the inventor.
Perhaps, he already had.
As he focused, he brought up memory after memory, scrutinizing them for details, the slightest hint, and what he found was… frankly, unexpected. It couldn’t be. Despite the fact that even Querl would have been hard-pressed to predict a Blightless future with anything even resembling accuracy, the fact that he’d been so close was incredibly frustrating. It didn’t matter how unlikely it had been for him to know this, he still felt as though he should have known. Knowing that there was no reason for him to know such a thing was irrelevant in the face of an emotion as illogical as frustration.
Taking a deep breath, Querl set the artifact aside and steepled his fingers, attempting to quiet his mind as he considered the revelation. The thought-tracks he’d commandeered quietly went back to their system diagnostic as Querl mused on what he’d learned. All in all, it made a surprising amount of sense. After all, Winslow Schott had, at least according to DEO records, once opposed and prevailed against his descendant, Brainiac 8. Perhaps he was the right person to oppose Pirn. Or Brainiac. Depending on how much of the younger Coluan’s operating system had been subsumed by his evil ancestor, he might be willing to use that name instead. If Pirn was insisting on going by Brainiac 6, there was a good chance that Vril’s ancestral memory had somehow wrested control from the young Coluan entirely, as the cousin that Querl remembered hadn’t seemed the megalomaniacal sort. Of course, the mother Querl remembered hadn’t seemed the filicidal sort, either, and yet-!
He was going to need a lot of time to think about the meaning of family when this was all over.
For now, he had bigger things to think about. Well. Not bigger, simply more urgent matters than really thinking about the fact that no matter what timeline he fled to, apparently his family was still the sprocking worst. But he didn’t have time to dwell on that. He needed to figure out how to plot their trajectory as precisely as possible, preferably before the Cruiser, which was still equipped with onboard AI systems, shut down for good. At least now he had something to go on, but finding a way back to that time would be troubling.
Querl straightened up, rolling his shoulders, and reviewed his system diagnostics. All clear. His headache appeared to be strictly biological in nature, then. Perhaps because he hadn’t slept since he’d arrived in this century nearly 47 hours earlier. Querl shook out his hand, absently wondering if he would end up developing carpal tunnel from all the unfamiliar motions, and resumed his calculations. The fine-tuning would come later, but at least he had a more clear idea of where - and when - they needed to go next.
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tap-tap-tap-im-in · 5 years
Black Mage
“I don’t understand what you do, it all seems like black magic to me.” - A very honest and satisfied customer.
As someone who has had the pleasure and the curse of doing things that my boss doesn’t have the time or the context to understand, I can’t tell you how many times someone has expressed something like the above sentiment to me. I know a huge part of it is because I have been working at companies small enough that I don’t have very many peers who are fully aware of what I’m doing, and those few peers can’t always follow the logic I’m using. I honestly don’t know if that means I’m operating above them, or that my logic is hugely flawed, but after a few years of getting more positive results than negative I’m starting to trust my gut a lot more.
I’ve been called a doctor (I don’t hold a doctorate), a wizard (I don’t practice magic or magicks), and a lifesaver (I don’t know what flavor). I’ve also heard all sorts of negative descriptions of what I do, and its weird. These small companies need results that are affordable to maintain, and quick to implement, but the thing that they seem quickest to cast off, the thing that would bring my work from the shadows into the light, is documentation. I’ve tried my best to leave ample documentation at the positions I’ve left. I have no idea if it was enough, and at this point I don’t even really care because I was far more interested in making sure they had it than they were in me giving it to them.
I’ve learned a couple of things in the last few years of no one really knowing what I do, and I think I’d like to share those with you.
Keep documentation. As much of it as you can. If you’re the only one who knows something, if you forget it, everything is out to sea. Plus, if you decide to leave the position, you can hand over the documentation and not have any guilt about them not understanding what you did.
Find metrics for all of the work you do. They should be as honest as you can make them, but they need to be nicely quantifiable so that if your manager starts wondering about what it is you’re doing, you have a bunch of numbers to give them that look nice in a report to give to a client or upper management.
Lean into the laziness. I don’t mean miss deadlines or do sloppy work, those will get you fired, but instead relish in the fact that the only thing setting your own process is you. Research, learn, gather or build tools, and join online communities. All of these will make you better and faster at your job, and learning can be fun on its own, and you’d be surprised what kind of information you can tie back to your own job. I read about games and game engines all the time, my justification is that I look into the graphics technology and I crib some of their ideas to help me optimize websites and software.
I mentioned this above, but it really deserves its own point. Join a community of people who are doing something close to what you are doing. The hardest part of having a position like this is that there’s no real way to know if what you are doing is the right thing. Sure, it might be working for now, but is it the best? Learning from your peers can better your process, but it will also save you from a bunch of crippling doubt. Most people, even experts in their fields, are just kind of trying things to see if they work. The difference between experts and amateurs seems to be that experts do this ahead of time to plan their future actions, and amateurs do it almost exclusively in reaction to some deadline or emergency.
Be ethical. Having a position like this makes it exceedingly easy to lie. And you will get away with it, possibly for a long time. But it does catch up to you, and when it does it can kill your whole career, as well as get you fired. Plus I’ll hate you, because you’ve helped contribute to a lot of friction I’ve had with managers over the years.
Be understanding that people don’t understand what you are doing, or what you are saying. Learn to laugh it off. They’re not stupid or ignorant, they just don’t have the same specialized knowledge that you do. If you feel anger welling up, remember, your specialized knowledge is why you’re probably going to be very employable for a very long time.
If you would like to know what I do, here’s an incomplete list of projects I have worked on (they’re not all my best work, but they all taught be something):
PCI Complaint Credit Card Encryption (AES-256, double encrypted, second key is kept [also double encrypted] in an external database requiring IP, hostname, and API token to access. This one was extra dumb because for good measure I built an implementation of the Diffy Hellman exchange used in the communication between browsers and SSL websites and used it inside of the exchange that was already happening to connect to the SSL API in the first place. I encrypted the communication inside of the encrypted communication. I still have no idea if this did anything to help secure it, or if it was just giving the server processors busy work. But anecdotally, we never had anyone decrypt our data without both keys… so)
Completely rewriting a custom piece by piece CMS and then transforming it into a CRM (I hate that terrible acronym, it’s a client, employee, and project management portal)
Website optimization
Using Google Maps to outline your driveway to estimate the material needed to repave it (simpler than it sounds, I did this in three hours)
Writing a client to to automated cloud backups of files chosen by the user (Think Kryptonite, but way less of a budget)
Modifying the above client to sent status and health data back to a central server for monitoring (think LogMeIn, but way less of a budget)
Writing crawler with the aim of only requesting every resource once, even if the resource is used on multiple pages. (I hope all crawlers are built this way, but I suspect they’re not)
Evaluating the data from that crawler to create an SEO report about that website (Think SEM rush, but way less of a budget)
The worst API implementations I’ve ever seen, and I’ve used SOAP.
Writing JavaScript libraries for commonly requested “flashy” elements that leverage technology to make the effects as optimized as possible. (Think banner sliders using CSS transform, and parallax effects using HTML Canvas, anything to pass the heavy lifting over the the graphics hardware and free up the CPU for other work)
Database Diff tools for projects that don’t have proper version control for whatever goddamned reason (there’s no good reason, but you play the cards you’re dealt)
Automated migrations of data in and out of OpenCart, WordPress, Drupal, and even once out of static HTML files written in Dreamweaver V1.0 (and we cached back and forth from wordpress every night on the last one, a dumb requirement, but I did it.)
Calling up a client and telling them that their computer has a virus, and they need to disconnect it from the network, or I’m locking them out of their email account before they spam the entire North American continent. (And yes, you really do have to do this sometimes as a server admin when your boss refuses to let you just lock out the user.)
And, I shit you not, a passed over prototype for integration of a major Shipping Carrier’s new “Deliver To Very Large Drugstore Chain” API features into a woocommerce plugin. They would have sold the plugin along side several others, we would have made a few pennies on every order. (Managers, please tell your developers when a prototype is being tested in front a board of directors, then your developer may not go home when the prototype was bricked by a last minute feature the night before, assuming there will be time to work on it tomorrow)
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dejonge2358-blog · 5 years
Log 1: Internet Education. Should learning move online, or should it stay in the classroom? Is mandatory e-learning a good or bad idea? What would it change about your learning?
Many things are online these days and the internet makes these things a lot easier and more accessible than they were before. For example, recently there has been a lot of talk around adding mandatory e-courses for high school students. While I can see some advantages of moving education online, I think the disadvantages should be weighed much more heavily.
The internet is a rabbit hole, the minute you open google on your device to look up ‘where’s the nearest subway station?’ in five minutes you somehow find yourself on a page learning how to knit. The internet is distracting. It's nearly impossible to look for one thing and not end up on a different thing, which is one of the reasons why moving learning online would not be effective. As a student I see firsthand how distracting a cell phone can be in a classroom, students have no excuse to go on their phones yet they somehow always find their way onto them. If education was moved online, the access to the internet would be justified, while students could find their way to the internet in both online and offline learning it would be infinitely easier for someone to get distracted when a computer is handed to them for work. As teenagers, we just don’t have the self-control to regulate our time effectively. Media is constructed to be distracting, if you do a google search you are bound to receive ads targeted at distracting you. If e-courses are made mandatory the temptation to get off task would be too hard to ignore. Part of the reason for online courses is so the school system needs fewer teachers and can have bigger class sizes. If students are finding their ways on to phones when one teacher is talking directly to their medium-sized class, what would happen if a larger class is given the technology and rarely have a teacher glancing over their shoulder? 
There is a common misconception made about online courses: They are easier than in-class courses. The fact of the matter is that online courses are only effective for a certain type of student. If you are struggling with the face to face course, likely, you will still struggle with the online version. Research conducted by the Community College Research Centre shows that students from community college doing online courses as opposed to students doing in-class courses are more likely to drop out or quit the online class than those taking the face to face course. The students in those courses are college students who couldn’t handle the self-discipline that comes with an online course. If students who are likely smarter, more responsible, and mature struggle with online courses, then implementing these courses in a high school environment for easily distracted, unmotivated teenagers will be much more ineffective.
I acknowledge that there are some advantages to online learning, it may prove to be cheaper in the long run, it allows students to learn in the summertime, and catch up on courses. The problem arises when these courses are made mandatory. For starters, not every student has access to a computer or Wi-Fi at their house. This provides a huge problem for those disadvantaged students. According to Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, “Over a fourteen-week academic term, a student is expected to spend approximately ten hours per week participating in the course and completing all course assignments.” That’s roughly an hour and a half per day if you work on it seven days a week. To fill that time would be very difficult if you didn’t have access to a computer or Wi-Fi at home. Not to mention adding almost two more hours to a teenager's exposure to a screen is worsening an existing problem. According to the Common Sense Census, teenagers spend an average of seven hours and twenty-two minutes on a screen per day and that doesn’t include homework. And that same study states that teenagers spend an hour on a screen doing homework. So, on average a teenager will spend about eight hours on a screen, plus the hour and a half from an online course brings us to about ten hours give or take a few minutes. Ten hours, that’s almost half a day. 
   I believe that moving learning online would not be a good choice for my generation. There would be too many distractions, e-courses would not be a good fit for the majority of students, not everyone has access to the necessary materials like Wi-Fi or a computer, and because adding more time to an already high screen exposure number is not a good idea. Before we make decisions about how our learning will evolve over the years I think we have to establish what is more valuable, a good thorough education or a more convenient but slacking alternative.
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oursystemsplus · 5 years
2020 may just be the year that lets humans be ‘more humans and less robotic’ – courtesy Robotic Automation Process (RPA). RPA has been using software bots that emulate human activities by performing repetitive business processes for a while now – in short, it has efficiently been mimicking its human counterpart!
The fact that RPA has enabled greater speed and accuracy when it comes to the execution of these robotic tasks, and at a fraction of the cost, has also made it the fastest-growing segment of the global enterprise software market, according to Gartner, Inc. There is a perception that introducing RPA will result in loss of jobs but quite honestly, I feel that this is an opportunity to upskill human talent to engage in more challenging and complex tasks. Would this not then make work in general more meaningful for both the employee & the organization?
While tackling tactical processes is the first step, one does wonder how RPA would apply to the slightly more abstract and complex forms of task. The kind that requires judgement, weighing conflicting demands or even deciding the course of action? This is what I refer to as the next level of RPA. To put it simply, it is the amalgamation of RPA, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). When combined, these powerful tools take digital transformation to a whole new level by intelligently deploying RPA. Visualise an intelligent automated bot manager monitoring and synchronizing robot deployment and backlogs with scheduled workflow. This is how cognitive automation will be the game changer for RPA.
In one of my earlier statements, I referred to RPA as an ‘efficient’ mimic for it imitates the ‘manual’ path a human worker would take to complete the task. However to do that, it would need to understand what is communicated to it by the worker. In this case, let’s draw a parallel between a young child and the computer. Just as the child learns by imitating simple sounds, words and sentences, the computer too follows a similar path of learning. And this is where technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) come into play. They help enhance the capabilities of RPA many fold. What I am getting at is, RPA is the ‘doer’ while AI is the thinker.
The integration of NLP with RPA provides the latter with the depth and understanding of human-to-human communication, allowing it to communicate just as effectively. . Meanwhile, OCR digitizes static information such as an invoice number etc. on documents to automate the process end-to-end. The result? It gives people more time… allowing them to focus on higher value work.
So far, I have spoken of all the good that RPA can do. But there is still another very important aspect that we need to ponder on – cybersecurity. Many organisations across various sectors are looking at automating their security posture. The biggest advantage you ask? It minimises the risk exposure for incoming attacks by improving response time, providing reliable detection and solution when issues are discovered and removing human error.
However, since RPA handles a wide array of company data it has also opened up new threats. . Data can be disclosed, stolen, destroyed or modified, access can be gained to unauthorized applications and systems, to exploit existing vulnerabilities. This is why for companies dealing with a significant degree of automation — or any degree of automation, for that matter — one of the biggest concerns is security. Addressing cyber risk by securing the robotics platform and leveraging the bots to enable threat prevention, early detection and mitigation, is extremely important.
Lastly, the democratization of RPA, is another important aspect that organizations need to look at. The simplification of automation will help democratize RPA and expand its use. Currently, for the most part automation through RPA is accomplished through programming and is a major cost of RPA implementation. This includes skilled resources like RPA developers who know the newest no code RPA solutions, so that organizations can circumvent challenges associated with the long programming period.
To conclude, RPA today is one of the leading tools that is propelling digital transformation. However, it is only a catalyst. It needs to be orchestrated in the context of the broader vision, alongside other tools that deliver what RPA alone cannot: visibility, intelligent optimization and a direct impact on overarching business outcomes. Its not just about pick & fix, its about building the larger story that will determine successful outcomes for the future – this is right up our alley if its something you are interested in as well, Lets Talk!
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electrobot1-blog · 5 years
Free Cloud Hosting For 1 Year – A2 Hosting | (July 2019)
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Free Cloud Hosting With A2 Hosting?
Yup!!! It’s Possible Now.
But Let Just Check Why A2 Hosting for Free Cloud Hosting.
Here is your Blog Link:
A2 Hosting has been around since 2001. It might keep a low profile compared to some other big-name hosts, but it has also delivered some of the fastest server speeds we’ve seen over the past 16 months.
Their customer support is efficient, the hosting plans are developer-friendly, and they have a unique “anytime” money-back guarantee to get a refund on any unused portion of your plan. Most plans include SSL and backups, too.
OVERALL RANK: Rated #7 out of 32 web hosts
SPEED: 336ms (December 2017 to March 2019 average)
UPTIME: 99.92% (December 2017 to March 2019 average)
SUPPORT: 24/7 Live Chat
APPS: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and Magento
FEATURES: Unlimited Bandwidth and Storage, Free SSL, Anytime Money Back
HOSTING PLANS: Shared, WordPress, VPS, Reseller and Dedicated Servers
SITE TRANSFER: Single Free Site Transfer
PRICING: Starting at $5/mo (renews at $7.99/mo)
Pros of using A2 Hosting
1. Fastest Cloud Hosting Provider We’ve Tested (109ms)
You’ll see a recurring theme when you go to A2Hosting.com:
They talk about speed on the homepage. All of the features are designed to make your site “screaming fast.” And even the name of each pricing plan is related to speed (like “Swift” and “Turbo”).
It should come as no surprise that A2 Hosting is, in fact, fast. They’re the fastest cloud hosting provider we’ve tested, and they’ve been the fastest for several years now.
That’s no small feat in a world where page loading times could be the difference between keeping a website visitor around or losing them to the competition.
Here Is Last 16-month average load time for A2 hosting From
2. Friendly & Efficient Customer Support
If you are looking for Free Cloud Hosting, A2 Hosting provides hundreds of articles in their knowledge base if you’d prefer to find a quick answer to your sticking point.
Otherwise, if you’d like to speak to a human, they offer everything from chat, to phone, and ticket-based help.
We fired up the live chat. Ironically, A2 Hosting’s customer support was a little slow connecting to the live chat session, taking around five minutes to hop on.
But from there, everything was smooth sailing.
3. Free Site Migrations (1 – 25 Depending on Plan)
A2 Hosting will personally move your existing website over to their servers at no extra charge on all plans.
All you need to do is reach out to their customer support department with your cPanel account credentials, any day or time, and they’ll take that burden off your back.
4. Content Management Systems (CMS), Website Builders, and Developer-Friendly Tools
A2 Hosting works seamlessly with all major content management systems. You can install a WordPress, OpenCart, Drupal, Joomla, or Magento site with just a few clicks. No need for a developer to help you out.
They have a few special features for these sites, like the A2 Optimized WordPress plugin that will come with Turbo plans to keep your site speedy.
A2 Hosting also has their own website builder, appropriately named SiteBuilder. These are ideal if you’re looking for something a little more user-friendly to customize your site by yourself without having to Google a single HTML tag. Just keep in mind that pricing and plans are a little different for A2’s SiteBuilder (than the normal shared hosting plans).
A2 Hosting’s plans come compatible with a Cloudflare CDN account to, repeat after me, keep your site fast (by loading images and other large files separate from your server).
If you’re a webmaster or agency looking to host dozens of sites under one roof, A2 Hosting comes with developer-friendly tools. You can get admin-level access on servers, free server rewind backups to load old versions of a site, and multiple versions of everything from PHP to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, and ASP.NET.
5. Anytime Money-Back Guarantee
A2 Hosting used to have the standard 30-day money-back guarantee like most other hosts we’ve reviewed.
You know the drill with these. Run into any problems or issues within the first 30 days and you can get a complete refund. No questions asked.
However, A2 Hosting has modified this policy a little over the last few years. And customers are the ones who benefit.
A2 now offers an “anytime” money-back guarantee.
Do We Recommend A2 Hosting?
Yes, we do. A2 Hosting Free Cloud Hosting Facts:
A2 Hosting has consistently delivered best-in-class speed for the last several years. Their customer support is friendly and helpful. All shared plans come with a free SSL certificate and one free migration.
And if you run into issues at any time while being a customer, you can ask for a refund on the prorated balance of unused time.
The only downsides are that uptime has slipped over the last few months. Renewal rates are high (and the strict terms aren’t great).
Plus, if you’re paying for the most expensive shared plan to host unlimited websites (“Turbo”), they’ll still only give you one free site migration.
What Is Cloud Hosting?
Cloud hosting has grown in popularity in recent years. If you’ve been exploring your hosting options for any time at all, then you’ve no doubt come across free cloud hosting before, and probably have a lot of questions. The cloud is a concept that has been employed across many areas of technology, and now it’s expended out into the hosting arena as well.
Below we explore what free cloud hosting is and how it works, and why you might want to consider utilizing cloud hosting to host your own website.
Understanding the Cloud
When it comes to the cloud there is no physical thing you can point to and label as the cloud. Just like with free cloud hosting there isn’t a single physical server you can point to and say, “that’s a cloud host.”
Instead, it’s a way of storing data across multiple computers and accessing that data via a network connection like the Internet. As a whole, the cloud behaves like a single physical computer, with endless processing power and storage space.
Common cloud-based services that employ a similar process are cloud storage providers like Dropbox and Google Docs. The underlying idea of resource scaling, storage, and access remain the same when extended out to cloud hosting as well.
Why Free Cloud Hosting Best For Business?
Cloud hosting is more of a way that you configure servers, instead of an actual tangible thing, but with it being called “cloud” hosting that’s probably what you’ve come to expect.
In typical server configurations, you’re limited to the physical constraints of the server your site is hosted on. With cloud hosting, you rely on a unique server configuration that lets you pull from multiple different servers, which results in an affordable hosting solution that’s also scalable and incredibly reliable.
The simplest cloud hosting definition could be a network of virtual servers that tap into an underlying network of physical servers. The extent to which you tap into this network depends upon the actual needs of the website and can be scaled up or down accordingly.
On a technical level, the resources required for your website to function are spread out across multiple remote servers and these resources as tapped as they are needed. Since your website isn’t relying on a single server, but instead a network of servers, this network of servers is referred to as the cloud.
How Does Free Cloud Hosting Work?
The easiest way to break down cloud hosting is to compare it to a single server model. With traditional hosting, you have a single server that contains all of your website’s files. When a user visits your website these files are then served up from that single physical server.
Compare this to a cloud hosting setup where your site’s resources can be drawn from multiple different virtual server environments.
At the core of a cloud hosting setup is a network of physical servers, with virtualized servers running on top of them. With this setup you can draw from a near-infinite supply of server resources and scale your site as your needs grow.
Benefits of Free Cloud Hosting
#1. Flexible Pricing Structure
In most other styles of hosting you pay a monthly rate regardless of whether to not you utilize all of the server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
So, if you’re expecting a post to go viral, or your site is receiving an unusually large amount of traffic, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is scale your resources up during the traffic surge and down once traffic levels return to normal. Instead of having to pay for high hosting fee across the board your pricing matches the total amount of server resources you’re using.
#2. Very Easy to Scale Server Resources
With Free cloud hosting scaling your server resources couldn’t be easier. For most cloud servers you’ll have access to an intuitive site management dashboard that lets you view your site’s performance in real time. You can scale server resources up or down on the spot without having to wait for approval from your hosting provider.
#3. Redundant Server Environment
With most types of hosting your site lives on a single server. If something were to happen to that server, then your site would go offline and you wouldn’t be able to get back online until that server is fixed. When your hosting is redundant a site backup will take over your existing site within seconds. However, not all redundancy is created equal. With free cloud hosting, you’ll have a concurrent live version of your website that your host can load immediately.
#4. High Uptime and Availability
If you’re using any kind of traditional hosting your site’s uptime depends upon the physical server environment. If it goes offline, then so does your site. Unless you’re utilizing a CDN, which can help to reduce your site’s overall downtime.
Cloud hosting has high uptime built into its structure. Since your site will be virtually using the resources of multiple servers, you can simply be transferred to another server if one goes offline or is experiencing technical issues. Plus, with your ability to scale server resources on demand your site won’t go offline from an unexpected traffic surge.
#5. Speedy Server Setup Process
You can deploy a cloud hosting server in record time. Unless you’re signing up for a beginner shared hosting package, it might take some time to deploy your web server. This can be a hassle if you need your site online quickly, or you’re doing a host migration and you’re stuck waiting for the server to be ready.
#6. Safety From Server Hardware Issues
With free cloud hosting your site is isolated from any physical server issues including hacking, hardware failure, or system overload. When a physical server is compromised or experiencing an issue, you can simply utilize the physical resources of another server – all without having any downtime.
#7. Faster Website Speed and Performance
Most cloud servers can offer you blazing fast speeds. In addition to being able to effortlessly increase your site’s capacity, cloud hosting also allows for easier load balancing between multiple server environments, which can help to put much less strain on a single server’s resources.
Of course, the server hardware foundation will also influence the speed of your site, so look for a cloud host that has multiple caching layers, premium server hardware, and low-density servers.
#8. Works Great for Sites With Scalable Traffic
If your traffic levels are up and down, then it’s going to be hard to find a host that’ll give you the best value for your money. With free cloud hosting, you have the ability to easily scale your server resources up and down on an as-needed basis. It’s very difficult to find this level of scalability with any other style of hosting.
#9. Simple Server Management Dashboard
In the past cloud servers were a little difficult to manage and it required technical expertise to manage and scale your server effectively. But, with today’s free cloud hosting you can easily keep track of your hosting and scale it on demand via an intuitive dashboard. You don’t need to have a technical background just to run your cloud server.
#10. Decrease Your Overall Environmental Impact
If you’re a company or individual who’s concerned about their environmental impact, but need a hosting solution that goes beyond traditional shared hosting, then cloud hosting could be exactly what you’re looking for. With cloud hosting, you’re utilizing fewer overall data centers and are only using the server resources you actually require at the moment. By streamlining your resource and data use you’re creating less of an environmental impact.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of cloud server hosting, the technology behind it, and how it can benefit your own website. Start your website with A2 Hosting’s free cloud hosting today!
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timmfreeman4-blog · 5 years
Ravencoin Wallet
Ravencoin is a peer-to-peer blockchain, handling the efficient development and transfer of assets from one gathering to another. Ravencoin can be a protocol based about a new fork of typically the Bitcoin computer code which brings features specifically focused on letting tokens to be supplied on the Ravencoin blockchain. These kinds of tokens can include whatever attributes the issue of the token makes the decision - so they can be restricted in amount, named and be issued while securities or perhaps as collectibles. You can make your personal protection token within a few minutes and still have it trade throughout the world. Representing real world custodied physical or digital asset Securities bridal party: stock or perhaps shares of an company just where the shares happen to be represented by a token rather than a actual physical stock certificate Securities or even partnership interests using the built-in ability to pay dividends around RVN Tokens which represent a hen house, limited relationship, royalty posting or benefit sharing podium A token which will represents a cflexd-funded product having the ability to move or re-sell the thing Representing virtual goods Entry pass to an event say for example a Baltimore Ravens game together with the capability to resell without worry of duplicates being designed A license to make it possible for a activity An access token to use a program In-game currency in addition to things, transferable to some other game enthusiasts outside of the activity program Representing a new share of a project Gold bar Silver coins Physical Pounds Land Accomplishments DC Comics Offers #26 Energy breaks (Electricity, Wood, Gas, Fat, Wind) What Makes Ravencoin Different from Bitcoin? The particular X16R formula hopes to solve the centralization regarding mining viewed on the particular Bitcoin blockchain caused by the introduction of high priced and very successful Software Specific Integrated Routine (ASIC) hardware. By simply randomizing typically the order of 16 distinct hashing codes, Raven creates ASICs difficult to formulate, permitting room for anyone in order to mine the Raven network without the disadvantage associated with competing together with ASIC computer hardware. The Raven team offers also committed to change the hashing algorithms if some sort of Raven ASIC miner is usually at any time developed. Block praise of 5, 000 RVN instead of 50 BTC. Block moments of 1 moment instead of 15. Total coin supply of 21 years of age Billion instead of twenty one million. A new mining algorithm, X16R which will allow for more decentralized exploration. Addition of Property issuance, and transfer. Long term addition of unique assets, sub-assets, rewards, messaging, plus voting. The Raven is usually some sort of highly symbolic person that is mentioned in the variety of cultures having assorted purposes. One of the meanings is change. As Ravencoin can be a fork of the Bitcoin passcode that could very good be this meaning that this developers wanted to express. Its with this imagery that we present Ravencoin. Ravencoin is the fresh project that was introduced on October 31st, 2017 and debuted on Bitcoin�s 9th birthday on January 3rd, 2018 with the launch of application to get gold mining. Ravencoin is more than a hand involving the Bitcoin code it can be a project that builds on the original vision connected with Bitcoin but with added in new features which will lengthen the functionality and the particular implicit value of the particular coin naturally. Ravencoin: Clone of bitcoin that will certainly be used for property. Improved bitcoin built for property Ravencoin is some sort of free open source podium designed for the distinct use case of switching investments such as token-backed possessions from one holder to help another. While it may possibly appear that with often the development of the fantastic blockchains such as Bitcoin plus Ethereum, transferring assets in between different parties is already a good solved issue, it is not specifically the particular case. Neither Bitcoin neither Ethereum were specifically created for facilitating title of additional property, do to the particular fact that they easily focussed their attention around other functions. Ravencoin can be built on a pay of the Bitcoin computer code. It is implemented with the scaled-down block reward of one minute (the prevent reward could be the only means that fresh coins are created and the idea is definitely an incentive for miners to add hash power to typically the network), and the addition of advantage creation and meaning capabilities. If you are a crypto-lover, and that we are certain you are when you are usually reading this right at this point. You will agree that blockchain technology will indeed adjust world-wide economic paradigm while we know it in these modern times. However being able for you to send wealth transactions inside a matter of seconds, throughout the world and with simply no third parties included, is usually just the tip involving the banquise that this new revolution presents. In the same path involving unstoppable evolution, Ravencoin may implement the way resources masters operate with their wells. It will probably permit all of them to handle properly this transfer of their assets to another parties. In order to live our planet order revolution without getting rid of any keypoint: Problem Even with the achievements and prevalent adoption of Bitcoin in addition to Ethereum, neither of them of these blockchains have been exclusively designed for you to help in the ownership associated with additional resources on top of the tokens which can be transacted throughout their particular networks. In Bitcoin, the initial rules governing the blockchain and protocol must be honored and so this specific means that Bitcoin systems are not equipped for you to register that will assets happen to be being embedded directly into as well. This means that to get every property purchase manufactured on the Bitcoin system, there must be an associating bitcoin deal price, set up transaction is for you to easily send the tool. This has a direct result unnecessary transaction fees whenever resources are transferred. Moreover, the particular other major disadvantage is that assets can easily always be �destroyed� credit rating sent to an exchange as well as wallet. For Ethereum often the network is not able to natively acknowledge smart deal tokens and also this can lead to some confusion caused by various ERC20 tokens having equivalent names. The only different factor concerning contracts together with identical names is typically the agreement hash and this particular can confound users as well as be used with malevolent intent to scam other folks. As Ravencoin will become working on a decentralized model along with independent miners to support the soundness associated with the blockchain combined having ASIS-resistance the coin might have a great chance of staying in the hands of individuals and certainly not centralized by one get together or even a group of functions that can collude to help shape the results associated with an event, some sort of political election or even the price of the or maybe itself. Ravencoin Core Wallet Download to Peer Electrical System for the Design and Transfer of Investments Improved for copying possessions Bridal party offer several advantages to traditional shares or even some other participation parts: more rapidly exchange speeds, increased customer deal with, and censorship resistance, as well as a decrease or elimination from the need for a good trusted third party. Alternative The solution to often the above troubles is for you to make a Bitcoin-like process that is completely resource knowledgeable so that this understands if tokens include been created as possessions. With a view to solve the problem, Ravencoin will bring to life typically the said: �Keep it easy stupid� by means of focusing on creating one thing, one specific thing� the bitcoin-like system, totally mindful with regards to when tokens are designed such as assets (Based upon PoW but with the new mining protocol, x16r). This provides three benefits: Assets can be shielded through accidentally being demolished. As being the standard protocol and often the system is alert to often the assets?�?they can be carried on the blockchain like some sort of passenger on the practice gradually getting them all of safely towards the location. Consumers are able to concern, track, and transfer resources with each various other with the ease of sending a good message to one another. Now customers will pass on on a new full system specifically made to issue, track in addition to transfer assets between events. It will provide correct security levels to typically the actual assets. To perform that Ravencoin can hinge on a wide circulation, a strong mining community and even market value to help function. Main Features?�?Tech Guide Ok, now most of us realize the problem (the suggested one, between the quite a few present issues) that requirements to be solved inside current blockchain and most of us know the dimensions of the solution that Ravencoin is committed to produce in order to surpasse that limitation. So� whats next?. We need to be able to go serious into their own tech� it appears humdrum, but we will care for that. Only in that way we shall really now have knowledge and skin foundations to be able to take decisions about this venture. Ravencoin bring us all the following attributes: X16R Algorithm Before we identify what X16R is usually all of us will first provide information behind what other money have got implemented for their particular algorithms. From the search in order to create and carry out algorithms that are ASIC proof (meaning that purpose created mining machines with excessive hash rates could certainly not be developed) which at turn reduces the likelihood of centralization via good sized mining facilities, projects now have tried a good wide variety of tactics to be able to hinder this centralization (such we see with Bitcoin mining). The particular first approach was for you to adopt memory intensive codes including those used by means of both Scrypt and Equihash. This requirement of additional throughout memory information reduces the particular performance in the ASIC for you to more onpar of the GPU based mining with the same algorithm A further approach that was taken on, was initially Dash�s approach, which often was to adopt the X11 algorithm. Here is the use involving 11 chained hashing algorithms (hence the name) around an efforts to slow up the creation of ASIC equipment. This did not protect against the style of a special function ASIC so once there was an ASIC with regard to X11, other folks added a great deal more hashing methods to develop additional methods that had been called X13, X15 together with X17. This makes it more hard to create the ASIC nevertheless because the methods are in around the same order the tough but not not possible to create a great ASIC. What Ravecoin is performing is certainly called X16r and the fact that rendering like the other people described previously use sixteen algorithms for that hashing (see table below). The main difference is they may have extra algorithm reordering. It is that reordering based on the results from the previous stop that provides a lot more ASIC resistance than other hashing algorithms. Example: Previous Prevent Hash: 0000000000000000007e8a29f052ac2870045ae3970270f9?7da00919b8e86287 The ultimate 6 bytes: 0x7da00919b8e86287 decides wht is the next 16 hashes must be. Roadmap Phase 1?�?Complete Ravencoin (RVN) is a good Proof of Function lieu built on the Bitcoin UTXO model. As along with additional Bitcoin derivatives, RVN coins are distributed for you to persons enhancing the Raven circle simply by mining Raven. x1000 coin distribution (21 Billion dollars Total) 10x more rapidly prevents (1 per minute) Inside of app CPU mining ~1. 4 Day issues realignment (2016 blocks) Address start with R� for routine addresses, or r� regarding multisig Network Port: 8767 RPC Port: 8766 UTXO?�?UNSPENT TRANSACTION OUTPUT DEFINITION Typically the Unspent Transaction Output will be key for you to bitcoin like this is how bitcoin keeps track of advices and components on the blockchain. First we need to appearance on how a standard bank works. Assume Tom is to use Bank A and features an equilibrium of $5, 1000 and assume that Alice who does most the banking with Traditional bank N has no balance. Tom wants to send $2, 500 dollars to Alice. To get this done Tom asks their traditional bank to send $2, 000 to Bank T in Alice�s name. Often the real business deal has Tom�s balance minimized by $2, 000 through $5, 500 to $3, 000 plus Alice�s stability increases through $0 to help $2, 000. Taking this specific to the Bitcoin blockchain: Ben offers received inputs in the level of 5 BTC. This kind of is through 4 purchases (inputs) ADVICES Received only two BTC Got 1 BTC = 5 various BTC Acquired 1. your five BTC Received. 5 BTC In this particular example, Tom desires to mail Alice 2 BTC. This blockchain, unlike banking institutions, is not aware of balances just as the example earlier mentioned therefore, the transaction is recorded while: OUTPUTS 2 BTC delivered to Alice 3 BTC sent back to Mary ? this is actually the Unspent Transaction Outcome or UTXO Phase 2?�?Assets (in progress)ASIC RESISTANCE ASIC Resistance?�?A published commitment to be able to continuous attempts at ASIC opposition. If ASICs usually are made for x16r, next i will, at a specific block range, modify a person of the algorithms to add Equihash, EthHash as well as related efforts to increase typically the resistance to ASIC miners with regard to Raven. EXCLUSIVE ASSET SUPPORT Ravencoin will be some sort of hard fork that will offers Raven to include the cabability to issue and transfer resources. The expected release connected with asset capabilities will be roughly seven months after the release of RVN. Raven will be extended to allow issuing, reissuing, in addition to transfer of investments. Resources can be reissuable or maybe limited to a new set in place source at the point of issuance. The expense to create possessions is going to be 500 RVN to develop almost any qty of a asset. Each and every asset brand must be one of a kind. Resource names will be limited by A-Z and 0�9, �� and �. � and must be at minimum three personas long. Typically the �. � and the particular �� cannot be the initial, or the last character, or be consecutive. Illustrations involving valid assets: THE_GAME A. TOKEN 123 Examples involving invalid assets: _TOKEN THEEND. A.. B (consecutive punctuation) AB 12 . INITIAL Often the RVN used to be able to issue assets will possibly be sent to a burn address, which will lessen the amount of RVN available. Advantage geneva chamonix transfers call for the regular RVN financial transaction fees intended for transfer from a single address in order to one more. METADATA Metadata regarding the token could be stashed in IPFS. In the beginning this kind of cannot be changed. If you have a demand, the system can be updated in order to allow updating the metadata by the token issuer. ADVANTAGES Reward capabilities may be added to permit payment (in RVN) to be able to all holders of a great tool. Payments of RVN can be distributed to most property holders pro rata. This is helpful for forking over dividends, dividing installments, or even rewarding a group of expression holders. Example: The little software company problems a property GAMECO that shows a new share of typically the project. GAMECO tokens can be traded using other individuals. Once the computer software business profits, those profits could be distributed to all holders associated with GAMECO by mailing the profits (via RVN) to be able to all cases of GAMECO. BLOCK DIMENSION Raven could increase the blocksize from 1 MB to be able to A MB to allow with regard to a lot more on-chain transactions. Stage 3?�?Rewards The reward program allows the formation regarding bridal party that take a seat with the Raven blockchain. All these tokens might be created together with then sent to guys as the reward regarding doing something or so as to raise funds. The funds raised can then be used to send out just about any currency on the raven blockchain to one other gathering. Phase 4?�?Unique Investments As soon as created, assets can become designed unique for the cost of five RVN. Only non-divisible property can be made unique. This specific moves an advantage with a UTXO and associates an exceptional identifier with the txid. From this point the resource can be shifted from one address to a further and even can be traced returning to it has the source. Only Ravencoin Core Wallet Download from the unique asset can make a property exclusive. The costs to help make unique assets will be sent to some sort of burn address. Some good examples connected with unique assets: Imagine that a form of art dealer concerns the tool named SKILL. The vendor can and then make unique ART WORK possessions by attaching a label or a serialized quantity to each piece associated with art. These distinctive tokens can be transferred for you to the new owner down together with the a muslim as a proof of authenticity. Typically the tokens ART: MonaLisa together with ART: VenusDeMilo are not really agotable and symbolize unique pieces of fine art. A computer software developer can certainly issue often the asset using the name involving their software ABCGAME, in addition to then assign each ABCGAME token a unique identity as well as license key. The particular game tokens could be shifted as the licence transfers. Each token ABCGAME: 398222 and ABCGAME: are usually distinctive tokens. In game possessions. A game ZYX_GAME created unique limited model in-game ui assets that happen to be owned together with used by simply the game gamer. Example: ZYX_GAME: Sword005 and even ZYX_GAME: Purse RVN established exclusive assets can be stuck just using real world assets. Produce a property known as GOLDVAULT. Each gold coin or gold rod in the vault can be serialized and audited. Connected unique assets GOLDVAULT: 444322 and GOLDVAULT: 555994 may be created to represent the specific assets inside the actual gold vault. The public character involving the chain allows regarding whole transparency. Phase 5?�?Messaging Messages to token holders by means of authorized senders may be layered on major of the Phase a few unique assets. See KAAAWWW Protocol for additional details. Step 6?�?Voting Voting will definitely be achieved by developing in addition to distributing seite an seite tokens to be able to token holders. These tokens can be shipped to RVN addresses to guide them with a election. Team + Experts Dubbed some sort of community coin. Anybody can contribute through adding to help the project. The amount of developers involved is usually uncertain, nevertheless there were being 430 Bitcoin developers who else made above 14, 1000 commits based on Github. Tron Black?�?Core Designer Tron offers been in Blockchain & cryptocurrencies as the Computer software Developer for 5+ many years. Currently a Principal Program Developer for Medici a new VC investing in typically the blockchain space. His profession mission is to improve technology in order to resolve true world problems. He / she was basically the President/CEO in Violet Squirrel for 17+ several years. Blue Squirrel is a software program development company their own classic product was SQURL, it was the google involving the online at typically the time. Designed Paten?�?System to Verify Individuality and Track record for the Cryptocurrency Wallet Address: Patent dateFiled June 6, 2013 Patent company and numberus 61831802. Particular descriptionMethod and system intended for voluntary identification of a new business or perhaps individual identification to help public crypto-currency address(es), together with a good single digit track record rating system obtainable by means of API. Bruce Fenton?�? Ravencoin Core Wallet Download is a Blockchain Economic Expert. He features had 23+ numerous years of encounter in the Finance segment and combined with 3+ decades experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency living space. He / she has placed above $5 billion dollars in assets in investing money in the course of his career. Recommended the particular Bill & Melinda Entrances Foundation?�?arranged, attended and staffed very senior level conferences among Bill Gates in addition to business and government commanders in Saudi Arabia, performed with the Head of Middle East for that basic foundation (please note, ideas on electronic digital money plus financial concerns are not regarding the particular foundation). Published the Satoshi Roundtable private abandon, the gathering of 80 associated with the top leaders around blockchain technological innovation. Angel Entrepreneur in SpeechWorks (now public T�nung with $5bn industry cap). Angel Investor within Bitcoin companies such as ShapeShift. Advisor to Factom, BTCS and other companies. Currently hold 3 assignments: Board Of The Bitcoin Foundation (2+ years), which in turn is the largest and even oldest industry group intended for Bitcoin Technology. Founder with Satoshi Roundtable Private Blockchain Retreat (3+ years), a invite only VIP twelve-monthly event. Managing Director. CIO for atlantic Financial Incorporation. (23+)
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