#plus their arc in TCW is pretty awesome
thelastenvoyyy · 2 years
I've just realised a bit of a problem with my SWTOR fan fic
I wanted to include a sub-plot involving the Dathomirian Nightbrothers/Nightsisters with Rynkor (my Sith Zabrak OC)
according to both Canon and Legends lore, the Nightsisters didn’t come about until around 600 BBY
my story takes place 3,000 years before that 😬
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✨Assault on the droid factory (P1) !✨
A decently-sized MOC I've been working on for the past few weeks. These is the landing platform of the factory, and, hopefully, I will take some time to make the actual factory inside, which is nothing more than an idea, at the moment.
Closeups and details under the cut !
The door :
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I have a lot of fun with the mountainside of this MOC : It's been a while since I last did rocky terrain (or any terrain at all), and it is an enjoyable process. Most of the bottom is supported by large rock pieces (for structural integrity), but anything around and above the door is meticulously hand crafted from slopes. I also added some little plants here and there to break the dull grey, including some weird spiralling plants, because alien environment.
The door itself is just a bunch of slopes, and then two black sections. It's not moving and will remain in this half-opened state indefinitely.
The bridge :
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Really the heart of the MOC, both visually and structurally. While it's covered everywhere, there are technic bars running under the large plates, and that's what allows everything to stay together. Just below the landing platform, you might spot one small antenna acting as a pillar. It's only there to keep the bridge in this position, as most of the charge is held by the mountain. It was a bit dull at first, so I added the cable running under it, and the small barriers, which fit the aesthetic without being overwhelming.
As for the action, here is a brief summary of what story I'm trying to tell : a squad of ARC are infiltrating a droid to destroy it, using a stolen CIS ship. Upon their arrival, they face heavy resistance.
Trying to breath life in these scenes is really fun, and it uses multiple tricks, from the droid falling off the bridge to the one being pushed by the shield, plus the clone jumping on a droid to stab it. Speaking of, here they are !
The clones :
MOC postures :
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Rest postures :
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Custom clones ! I absolutely love making these, and I still have a lot of similarly customised ones on my shelves. The ARCs from the battle pack look awesome, and even if they all have the same prints and color, it doesn't take much to change their appearance.
Sadly, I couldn't find enough kamas for all of the, so only the first and third ones have one. Same goes for the pauldron, so only the three first have one (plus the fifth, but it's a different kind which, I think, comes from a mando). For visors and rangefinders, the choice was mostly arbitrary, because I have a lot of each, so I tried to guess who of the clones would need them, according to their roles (because they have roles. And names, too ! From left to right : Orders, Surge, Bacta, Gears, and Stalker.) I also used the kneeling posture, which is, essentially, in half my TCW MOCs (just check out this one if you're doubting me. Or if you want to see a really cool thing, too.)
A lot of weapons are at least partially custom too :the left clone's weapon (hands can be attached at the bottom of the weapons as a grip); the Z-6 for the next one (would be better if Lego had black versions of the grey pieces, but alas, they don't exist as of yet), the shield (held together by an actual 2*3 shield piece, and the printed GAR cog is just the perfect piece to go with it), the rocket launcher (as screen accurate as I could do, which is to say not much). I also used a fancy silver knife as a vibroknife, because why not, after all ?
Another worthy addition :
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While Lego's default ARC backpacks are pretty cool, I find this technic really nice to add a proper communication antenna : one lever attached to the side of a minifig roller skate piece. The connection is not very secure, but since it's only used for display, it's alright.
The ship :
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As some might have seen already, this is a variation of the 8036 separatist shuttle. It is a bit longer than the original, and have more details on top. I changed the original antenna for a fencing sword piece, which looks better, and adjusted the dorsal wing a wing, as well as the side, to add the CIS-stickered pieces.
Mostly, this version has so much more playability than the original : it was only made to accommodate a droid pilot and one passenger. This version can fit : one pilot and one astromech in the front, plus a whole bunch of minifigs in the back; and the two parts are connected. Ironically, it won't ever be seen, but it still is a nice thing to know.
You're still here ? Well, I guess you enjoyed this MOC then. If it is the case, stay tuned, because I still have one big TCW diorama which I need to figure how to showcase, and another one in the making, which will also be terribly hard to showcase, but that will be a problem for later me !
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sirikenobi12 · 4 years
Creator Tag Game
I was tagged by the absolutely wonderful @mahizli (Meysun on AO3) - 2020 has been overall terrible for many reasons, but it brought me back to the world of Star Wars fanfiction and introduced me to so many amazing writers such as Meysun who continue to inspire my work!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Deception -  Back from an undercover mission Siri Tachi learns of Obi-Wan’s “death” at the hand of assassin Rako Hardeen – but she sees through the Deception (set during The Clone Wars animated series episode 4.15 entitled Deception).
So, this was the very first fic that I wrote after a decade and it’s very dear to my heart! Watching TCW for the first time re-ignited my passion for Star Wars (Obi-Wan in particular) and this arc felt just perfect to bring Siri Tachi into the world of the animated series. This one also started my first series which is finding ways to include Siri into TCW. 
It Takes a Village - The events, consequences and aftermath of the Phantom Menace as seen through the eyes of Obi-Wan’s closest friends. And when they see their friend grieving the loss of his Master, dealing with the fame associated with killing a Sith while also taking on a Padawan (the Chosen One no less) they step in to help because they realize he is in WAY over his head.
This is probably hands down my favorite story that I’ve ever written (so far). This fic not only allowed me to write about not just the difficulties Obi-Wan faced after Naboo, but also Siri having to prepare for her Krayn mission. It gave me an opportunity to discover my love of writing this group of friends and caused me to want to include Quinlan Vos in nearly everything I write! This fic also was special because it was a sort of collaboration with @mahizli and just how much fun it was to write our two fics at the same time! 
Aftermath, the Fall of Kenobi - Obi-wan is struggling, the darkness he felt on Zigoola has come back full force after the death of Satine and he is close to falling. It doesn’t help that Sidious was injured after his duel with Darth Maul and he is now looking to transfer his essence into someone.
This fic nearly killed me, but I am so oddly proud of it! It all started when someone prompted me to try and write a “realistic” depiction of a Dark Obi-Wan and it ended up in the most complicated story I’ve ever written. I have never felt comfortable writing duels or battle scenes and I ended up with huge chapters that showcased probably 15 different characters dueling and battling. This also took me on a wild deep Wookiepedia dive to learn about ancient Sith prophecies and tactics. Even though it was a struggle to write I am so very happy with how it turned out, and it’s one of my more popular stories which is also pretty cool. 
Tested - There is an unspoken rule throughout the galaxy - if you go after a Jedi Padawan you better make sure the Master isn’t breathing. Unfortunately, not everyone follows that particular rule. 15 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi is kidnapped and experimented on by an old enemy and Qui-Gon races to his rescue. 
This is my most recent story and is currently a WIP. I wasn’t expecting this one to be as fun to write as it was, it was really just supposed to be a short writing exercise to see if I could write other characters (like Qui-Gon, Tahl and Mace Windu). It was a super fun surprise to learn just how enjoyable writing these other characters were. Plus, this is so full of angst and Obi-whump how could it not be one of my top 5?? 
It’s also overwhelming just how popular this story is!! Definitely my most popular to date. 
Memoirs of Kadavo - Siri Tachi was the spy who gave Obi-Wan and Anakin the intel on the Zygerrian Queen in order to help rescue the people of Kiros. She did not agree with their plan to infiltrate the slave market undercover, but of course our boys didn’t listen to her warnings. Now, she has to pick up the pieces of three traumatized Jedi.
This was another installment of bringing Siri Tachi into the world of the Clone Wars series and what was supposed to be a simple story that dealt more with Obi-Wan’s mental health after Zygerria instead of his physical turned into a crazy ride through the Force and Obi-Wan’s past. 
This story became a character study of Obi-Wan and also it dealt with the difference between attachment and love. Not to mention it had some quality Siri and Ahsoka bonding which was such a treasure to write (and can’t wait to write more). 
The Jedi Virus -   A deadly and highly contagious virus which specifically targets Midi-chlorians has been secretly created by unknown forces. Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan Kenobi have unknowingly been infected with the virus, and now both are under strict quarantine orders. As they face their fate together in isolation another team of Jedi race to find an antidote before it’s too late.
So, I know this game is only 5 fics, but I’d be remise if for 2020 I didn’t include my quarantine fanfic. I wrote this at the beginning of the lock down in March when it was only supposed to be a couple of weeks and here we are 9 months later and it still relevant. This story started out as just a fun short story with the idea of how fun it’d be to have Obi-Wan and Siri stuck in quarantine together and it became a huge plot that will come into play in some of my future fics. I really enjoyed writing this one!
 Well, there you have it my friends. Thank you again to the wonderful @mahizli for tagging me in this game! I’m tagging other authors who have really inspired my work this year (besides Meysun’s). No pressure tags (I’m sure you’ve all already been tagged): @luvvewan @stolen-pen-name23 @kckenobi harpforhim  @meantforinfinitesadness​  kyitsya @firondoiel 
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anakincausesmayhem · 5 years
So the Clone Wars trailer was dropped the other day at Celebration and it made me feel so many conflicting things. 
Firstly, this is awesome. We get to see the Siege of Mandalore, the most talked-about arc out of all the unfinished ones! We get to see Ahsoka again, and Anakin and Obi-Wan and Rex and everybody else! That’s great! And the animation is just top-notch; it’s so, so good. 
But, you know, besides all this excitement, I also started to feel a little nostalgic, and then resentful and even angry at Disney. 
Honestly, the thing that started everything was seeing Anakin. Like, look at him:
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Does the animation look great? Yes. Does he look like Hayden!Anakin? No, not really. 
The reason why the first trailer made me so happy--besides the fact that CW is back, bitches!!!--was because while the animation looked maybe even better than season 5 and the Lost Missions, it was still the same style. And not only was it the same style, they made Anakin and Obi-Wan look so alike to how they look in RotS! Look at them: 
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Anakin’s hair, longer and blonder, his robes, Obi-Wan’s robes and cloak and his hair and beard and everything--they look like they do in RotS! And that made me and a lot of other fand so happy because it made us emotional! The end is near and we all know how it’ll end. anakin why
This new style might be of better quality; I honestly like the smooth lines on some characters--I especially love how Ahsoka looks--and the changes on the clones are so small you can barely see them. But what hit me was how different Anakin looks. His hair is longer, yes, but it’s so dark and his jaw is like, huge? I don’t know. It’s not the same, man.
And after watching the CW panel, I don’t blame the crew for it being different. Like Dave said, it’s not like they could turn a switch and go back into CW-mode. They had worked on other projects, they've grown and changed. Of course, it’s not the same. Still, I can’t help but wish that it was. 
So my anger is not directed at the cast and crew. Like I said at the beginning, it is directed at Disney. Because everybody was just so happy with Disney when they announced that Clone Wars is coming back, and I was too, you know, but now? Now I’m not, because if it weren’t for their greed, we could have had all this and more. Not the same, although I made it clear that I prefer the old animation style, but more. Hear me out:
We are going to get 3 arcs: The Bad Batch (which you could already watch on YouTube in a pretty rough version), Ahsoka in the Underworld, and the Siege of Mandalore. If Disney hadn’t cancelled CW, we would’ve gotten the following arcs: 
Bad Batch: which apparently we will see in a completed version
Son of Dathomir: which would have shown us what happens with Maul after Sidious kills Savage and before he returns to Mandalore for the Siege. This is now a comicbook series
Dark Disciple: Ventress is still a bounty hunter, but then Vos gets thrown into the mix and then Dooku and Vos goes bad and this would have been so cool; Ventress is a character introduced in TCW, so I think that we should have seen the end of her story on TCW as well. Still, for those interested, this is now a book by Christie Golden
Ahsoka in the Underworld, which we will get to see, albeit in a different version
A Mystery Under the Jedi Temple: now this is one I really regret not getting to see. We would’ve seen Ahsoka and Anakin pair up before Mandalore! We would’ve seen Ahsoka having to go back to the Temple! How would she deal with that??? We would’ve seen them search the tunnels under the temple--where a Sith temple used to be. We would’ve seen Ahsoka fight back Palpatine! It would’ve been amazing!!!   
Yoda on Kashyyyk: finally, we would have found out why good relationships with the Wookies, Yoda has
A Captain Rex/R2-D2 Team-Up: do I need to say more
Mon Cala’s Political Crisis: This would have also been epic! We would have gotten to see Padmé return to Mon Cala and meet people who talk against Palpatine! This was probably one of the moments that made her decide that somebody has to stand against him, and so the Rebellion was later born! This is a crucial moment! Not to mention, I am so bitter that we will most likely never see Padmé again in TCW 
The Canonization of the Yuuzhan Vong, a really cool alien species which we have only seen in Legends so far  
Crystal Crisis on Utapau (you can find the story reels on Youtube): where we would have seen Palpatine’s first attempt to get a huge kyber crystal for the Death Star. Plus, we see Anakin deal with Ahsoka’s leaving and this was just a classic SW adventure, it’s just a pity   
Boba Fett vs. Cad Bane: Epic. Boba fans would have finally see him get his iconic armor and we would have gotten to see the end of his transformation to the guy from the OT; not to mention that we would’ve gotten to see the end of Cad Bane’s arc, who is in the same situation as Ventress: he was introduced in the show, so I think it would have been only fitting for his story to end on the show.  
The Siege of Mandalore: we all know about this, we’ve been waiting for this, we’ll get this. 
Some of this arcs we got in books or comics, yes, but still: it would’ve been so cool to see them in the series! Others, most of them, are forever lost. And this is why I cannot be grateful to Disney. I am happy CW is coming back, yes, but I am not grateful to Disney. Disney is the one who took CW away from us in the first place, and now that their new projects never got the same amount of love from the fans, they’re coming back with their tail between their legs. And we’re not getting this because Disney cares about the story or about the fans or anything like that. We’re getting more CW because Disney is launching that streaming service of theirs and they need to give people a reason to subscribe. And they’re giving us just a taste of it, just enough to make us give them our money. If they actually cared about the story, they would’ve allowed Dave and the others to finish all the arcs. 
TL;DR: I'm happy Clone Wars is coming back and I am so grateful to Dave and the cast for not giving up and for loving this show as much as we the fans do, but seeing the new animation style made me nostalgic for the old one and about everything we could have had if it weren't for Disney's greed.
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Rewatching “Revenge” in TCW
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 of the Darth Maul arc
I just realized that they do the same black vein details to Spider-Maul as they did with Dark!Ahsoka from the Mortis arc.  That’s cool.
“Far above, far above, we don’t where we’ll fall/ far above, far above, what once was great is rendered small.”  Anybody try to figure out what that originates from?  I know it refers to Maul himself.
“Brother, we have to go.”  He [Savage] slipped back into his regular pre-Nightsister magic treatment voice.  I just noticed that...
One of the things I really enjoy in this arc is that you can sense that Savage really wants to experience that whole family connection again but it’s really a kind of Pandora’s Box situation; Maul is just so much worse.
Plus, you can instantly tell that Savage wants to connect with his brother.  He wants to help out, care for him, and be an equal to him.  But Maul is still in that “there are always two” mindset that someone has to be number one and it has to be him or else he feels powerless.
Man, the zombie episode with Ventress was awesome.
So the Nightsister magic is just straight up magic right?  It’s not the Force?
The music in this episode is awesome.
Like seriously, where can I find the “Son of Dathomir” comic?  Because I need to read it.
*Maul starts screaming*  Oh my God, seriously!  Get Sam some water for pete’s sake!
The parallels though from the Nightsister arc (Savage waking up vs. Maul waking up)
Why does everyone hate the chicken legs?  I think they’re cool!
Can I just yell about how fantastic the writing and characterization for Maul is in this show and Rebels? 
I love this moment where Maul tries to use the Force and it doesn’t work at first.
What planet is this?
Oh, Raydonia. Thanks, Obi-Wan.
I forgot Mace was voiced by Phil LaMarr in this show.  I’m so used to Samuel L. Jackson.
Anybody wanna translate the Aurebesh on the wanted signs?
Obi-Wan, get ready to have one of the worst days of your life.
That’s pretty much this entire arc honestly.
*Obi-Wan finds Maul*  Why yes, hello... can you tell me where the nearest... cafe.. is?
That shot’s amazing
So how long has Maul been waiting there for Obi-Wan?  Has he been pacing around just practicing his lines?
My sister:  It’s like Shen in “Kung Fu Panda 2″
I love that trope so much.
Why do they keep muffling the punching noises in this show?
“I like your new legs; they make you look taller!”  OBI-WAN KENOBI, IN A STUNNING DISPLAY OF A LACK OF SELF PRESERVATION!
“A brother?  Looks like he’s half the man you are, Savage.”  BUT SERIOUSLY, HE WAS SLICED IN HALF!
Obi-Wan’s freaking hair flip while he’s talking to Ventress.  Buddy...
She is so not impressed.
Oh my God, you two, stop flirting!
They’re all using red lightsabers!
I think Obi-Wan just went to light speed in this still.
@dynamicdiplomacy, it’s the Dramatic Hair Flop of Angst!
Oh my God, they used a stock lion roar on Maul!  Why do I find that so funny?
So how do Obi-Wan and Ventress get picked up?  What happened between that and them escaping from Maul?
“... You look nice today.”  “Shut up.”
God, I love the effect they do on Maul and Savage’s eyes in this arc.
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@mswyrr replied to your post:mswyrr replied to your postgoing off what i said...
that makes total sense! i prefer to be more meh about the jedi but - nah, not morally equivalent to the sith. and there’s a lot there to salvage. it’s cool that people do that and the ways they do! i just personally enjoy wearing my grumpy gus pants about them but mean no disrespect to the cultures lucas pilfered from or folks who enjoy fixing the issues :)
*nods* And that’s a totally legitimate choice. Everyone has different preferences and different perspectives, y’know? That’s half of the fun of fandom.
If you enjoy wearing your grumpy gus pants about the Order, might I suggest the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series? Like most forms of SW media, I have mixed opinions about it, but you might enjoy the opportunity to find more ‘WTF Jedi’ moments... and it has those in plenty. Also, cool female characters. (I suspect that you’d particularly like both Satine Kryze and Asajj Ventress.) And getting to watch Padme shut Anakin down a couple of times when he’s being a controlling jackass is a pretty awesome plus, even if she does end up going back to him in the end without any of their issues getting even slightly resolved. (Which, on one hand, kinda has to happen because TCW leads into RotS, but on the other hand still really irks me.) The show is 6 seasons long, though, so if you aren’t really into Star Wars, you might be better off watching select episodes/plot arcs. Just a thought, though... your TV schedule might be pretty full as it is.
Oh yeah, no worries -- I never assumed otherwise about you! :-)
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