#plz don't ship real people
heretherebedork · 6 months
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They are real people! Well, fictional real people. But real people. Auuugh.
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And the audacity to slap me with an artificial height difference?! Ooof.
(But also, seriously, do not ship real people plz. Or at the very least don't tell them about it. Okay? )
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But also, ooo, direct translations of Thai shipping terms. Fascinating. @absolutebl It is very interesting to see terms used in other languages for different tropes and characterizations.
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
Here's what I think your favourite Ninjago ship says about you (made with plz don't take seriously)
Jaya - You definately pick a ship in the begining and you stick with it which isn't usually a problem because as seen here you're usually right
Lava - Same as the first person but you're usually wrong
Bruise - Aw this is your favourite ship? Wow I can't beleive you never told your crush how you feel about them that's really sad
Scruff - I'm gonna be real with you guys until recently I didn't know people shipped this unironicly I thought it was a joke and that's all I'm gonna say on it
Gemstone - These characters interacted maybe one time but that will not stop you from shipping them
Pixane - So it doesn't need to be like your OTP or anything but this is kind of a general rule if you don't ship this I don't trust you does that make sense
Greenflame - On the other hand if you do ship this I also don't trust you GET OUT!!!
Opposite - Yeah we can be friends I can see it
Survival - This is your favourite ship holy shit you got a lot of willpower
Glacier - I could see this happening like it's not a groundbreaking ship or anything but like it's a ship and it's cute I could get behind this
Conya - Really? Like objectively there's nothing wrong with this ship but like you're really sticking with that okay
Mudshock - You really said fuck the love triange or whatever shape it's become
Polyninja - You have wonderful taste in ships
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tiofrean · 1 year
Oh boy... OH BOY... I was reading through comments and tags under that Flint vs. Stede post (and before that in Silver vs. Oluwande post) and OH BOY RANT INCOMING
Feel free to ignore. No, I'm prickly about this.
I LOVE how people are like "Black Sails fans are so mean why are they like that T.T ?" in the tags and comments.
So we have this show that has been marginalized and has been pushed to the side for years. A show that has excellent plot, wonderful intrigue, magnificent representation and well-written, 3D characters that are complex and relatable. You get your edgy queer men (whether you want to characterize Flint as gay or bi, doesn't change the fact that he likes dick whichever way), you get your edgy queer girls (Anne), you get your flamboyant whatever-the-fuck-Jack-Rackham-is (<3), you get sweet gays (Thomas), you get confused bisexuals (Eleanor, Silver), you get straight sweets (Miranda) and straight angery dicks (Woodes Rogers), and competent, edgy straights (Vane). Oh! A competent, master-of-the-house lesbian? Check (Max). You even have asexuals, or that is what I shall forever classify Billy as. You have a f/f sex scene in the first damn episode, ffs. You get threesomes (sexual, romantic), you get couples, you even have Silver in a brothel orgy.
But sexual representation is not ALL! You get goofy pirates (Jack Rackham), you get serious pirates (Blackbeard), you get balls of rage (Flint), you get chill, laid-back sea dogs (Gates), you get competent little weasels (Silver), you get incompetent rats (Dufrense). You also have marvelous extras and side characters (Beauclerc the marksman, Captain Fruit-Fruit, Idelle... OHMYGOD IDELLE <3333).
There's the political plot that's historically accurate, the story's plot that's Flint's big gay rage, there's the sociological context of being painted as a monster, there's the gold hunt, there are ships correctly operated by crews of more than five fucking people, there are guns, blood and realistic injuries. You get quotations and allusions to Shakespeare, Cervantes, Julius Caesar, Marcus Fucking Aurelius, a metric ton of other classical writers. You get so many tropes done right it's astonishing and too effing long to list them all here.
On top of that, there is the picturesque landscape, absolutely gorgeous ships and very accurate portrayal of how life looked back then.
We had to defend that show when it first came out, the actors had to fucking fight homophobic assholes upon the airing of season two (IMAGINE THAT), people who loved it had a hard time going around, although admittedly it's a "fandom" hard time, not a "real life" hard time. We persisted, we persevered, and now we're here, clinging to what's left of our fandom, because we are admittedly all over the place and we don't have "troops" on any one social media, which makes our numbers small in comparison to other fandoms, and makes fandom interactions very limited.
Now imagine that there aired a show... a pirate show promising a lot. And then the show turned out to be an office-type comedy with no lesbian/bi women representation (I may be wrong, but I did watch it out of curiosity, didn't see any, just guys). A show that the whole plot of is just a rendition of the Beauty and the Beast for pirate times with so many historical inaccuracies (couching your crew like a bunch of office workers? Plz. The way they speak and the concepts they talk of that weren't there? It's like they were sitting around a fire, holding hands and singing kumbaya). And don't get me wrong, there's place for those shows as well, and maybe it works for you (and great for you too!).
We tried to ignore it, really we did. We basically gave it the eyebrow-raise-huff-ignore thing that you do on the internet when you want someone to enjoy their stuff and are not interested in it yourself.
But you know what happened? Suddenly there were people on twitter tagging everyone and their dog from Black Sails with renditions of Flint/Izzy (Izzy who comes across as an extreme asshole at best and a homophobic shit at worst and you can't fault people for reading it like this). Let that sink in - our fandom babe Flint, who had his whole life ruined due to homophobia and homophobic assholes is suddenly being shipped with a guy who suspiciously fits the description a bit too much for our tastes. Wouldn't you get angry? Of course you would, we're all very protective of our babes. We are, you are, everyone is. We asked you not to do this, and while I admit that hurling curses your way might not have been the most polite way of asking you to stop, the message was clear enough. What does OFMD fandom do? They all double down. Double fucking down on fanfiction and tagging everything in BS again, pairing Flint and Izzy together, writing things way out of the realm of any possibilities because most of the writers didn't watch BS (I did read their comments on that. They weren't even sorry). If you take such character and throw him into a work of art that can and will be seen as controversial, you should at least have the decency to do your homework on the original work he comes from. Otherwise, to our eyes, you're taking the most wronged man from our beloved show, wronged due to his sexuality, and throw him together with a literal asshole just to see them fuck because they would look pretty (and that's an actual comment from one of the artists, I shit you not). Wouldn't you feel a bit angry about that? I bet you would.
What's worse, people loving Black Sails and not liking OFMD usually point out how narrow the representation is, how improbable the show is and how they're not remotely invested in the plot. It's a cheesy show for your average Sunday afternoon, don't make it into something it's not. It's not a political statement any more than Guess The Tune is.
What's more, when I've seen attempts at people pointing out the obvious flaws in plot, in logic (how many people crew that ship exactly? How is he not dead after being stabbed clean through with a sword?), all we've gotten was "Oh it's not that type of show, OBVIOUSLY", "it's just a comedy, duh" and my personal favorite "you just DON'T UNDERSTAND IT BOOMER". (I'm a late Millennial, thx). Every attempt was chucked out the window. What got me most, tho, was the high praise of OFMD IS THE FIRST SHOW TO [insert whatever queer thing it did supposedly]. No, it's not. There was even a post on twitter that debunked all those claims one by one. I get it, you're happy that you got your gay pirates, good for you. But give credit where credit's due, otherwise you're gonna piss off a lot of people. People who watched our show struggle and crawl so that your show can run today and be fine and accepted widely.
And personally, I felt disappointed watching it because of the lack of representation. Disappointed that Ed turned out to be just as rainbowy as Stede. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against rainbowy, ultra-sweet characters that are big softies. I love them. But not everyone in the lgbtq community is like that. Actually, it's the minority. There are your sweets, there are your glittery rainbows, but the majority is on the more... inconspicuous part of the scale. And there are edgy people (like myself) who don't like glitter, pink, feathers, fluff and a shitton of other things this show had in abundance. You know what made me wince while watching? When I realized that the only person who I could remotely like for the way they weren't so glittery-rainbowy-sweet was Izzy, and I hated him because he was an asshole. Even Jim got the fluffy af oranges arch. So not my (and others') cup of tea.
So yeah, our recent anger and rabidity is not based solely on one post about an insignificant poll (that you're winning only because our fandom is significantly smaller and most people are dispersed between different sites). It's all those things combined and it's the result of them.
And no, I'm not going to finish it with a "please forgive us if we seem a bit angery, we're coping". Flint wouldn't.
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baby-xemnas · 1 day
I want to be real with you… i don't know why People characterization of ginsan is so horrible, when in canon sanji was formal and even friendly with gin before shit hit the fan, even after that he was annoyed but still very much on good terms so where people get that sanji will kick gin and be annoyed all the time with him? ik that there is fanon headcanons for everyone (and that whitout it the ship is kinda boring) but i know Sanji would not be a prick to anyone who shows manners and is at leats a little respectful like gin was in all their interactions
plz do be real with me because im one of the people contributing to this characterization
YES he was super cute and smiley with Gin at first meeting (Gin was not the same since!!!) and he was very attentive during Gin's tearful confession and freaked out when he got fucked up
BUT ill explain how i justify for myself that Sanji would be prickly with him - he is prickly with every male he is close to - Zeff, Patty and Carne, Luffy (he is softer on Usopp but thats a dif story) because thats kind of Sanji's comfort zone? He grew up bickering with his cook fam so to me he would pick on Gin the same way he picks on them - cuz i want Gin to be his family (husband..👉👈) not a stranger he is all polite with
Another justification for why i characterize him treating Gin rudely is that lil tsun "thanks, never come back" before Gin leaves - its cute as hell to me that Sanji is like MAN you are troublesome and messy
+ i like to think Sanji (while understanding) would proclaim Gin an idiot for still keeping his loyalty to Krieg - because Sanji cares about Gin a lot - he is conflicted like "why'd you not become a traitor, you'd be more safe!!!" and Sanji is mad at himself for thinking this way cuz its deeply dishonorable and unfair to Gin -
- but that frustration reflects in him being like "you are a self harming idiot and your decisions are shit, get some self preservation stupid!!!" towards Gin, who brushes it off easily like yeah yeah ☺️ of course Sanji san (joke is that same lack of self preservation is what makes Gin want to be with Sanji so bad, even tho Sanji is all self-loathing and tries driving Gin and his devotion away)
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cositapreciosa · 1 year
You & Me
Gilbert 'Gilly' Lopez x gn!reader, (murder/dead body, nothing graphic tho, ptsd? hardships and hard time, vibes are Gilly's veteran's storyline in the show) the usual for the show, 2307 words
a/n : as DJ Khaled once said : another one. You & Me is a Yelawolf song that slaps so
A follow up of this one can be read part 1.2 here and part 2 here !
Tagging the people I won't stop bothering about this new blorbo obsession @narcolini @drabbles-mc
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx (do I have to add this for Mayans too or? Plz don't kiss people who shot people? You get it.)
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You hadn’t seen him in months, not before you had seen him again at Jacob's birthday party at least, it had been weeks since then. You knew he wouldn’t be mad that you came knocking, found his address the only way you knew how, like the good old days. You were always closest to him, throughout it all, recruits, being shipped out, Mosul, coming back in pieces after everything. You had tried to stay close with them at the beginning, fix the pieces of the puzzle, go to those forced mental-health meetings the army thought were necessary, birthdays or nights out on the town. Even so, it always felt like too much. Too much noise, too many people, too many questions about everything that kept you awake at night. Too many pieces that couldn’t be put back like the others could. You just couldn’t see them as much after that, after you had realized they reminded you every day about what was wrong with you, what you couldn’t fix. You had missed him, of course, oh so much, but every time you stayed too long it felt like you were dragging them all down with you.
You knock on the door, knuckles on the paint. You know it is probably a bad thing, coming unannounced in the middle of the night, but you can’t seem to care. Before you could realize it, you had driven your car to his street, slowing down to read the numbers on the door, finally stopping in front of it. It’s a quaint building, with a nice white door, windows on each side. It didn’t look how you had imagined it and you had, so many times, wished to leave whatever shit show you had gotten yourself into this time. Run back to him. You don’t understand how you managed to escape one hell, only to get yourself trapped in another so quickly. So many hours spent training, fighting for your life, only to fall for a goddamn-
He opens the door, chain pulling between the frames. The porch is dark, barely lit, but you can see the surprise on his face, the confusion as your name falls from his lips. Guilt builds in your chest, panic clawing at your throat.
‘’ Hey, Gil. ‘’
It’s all you can manage, a small smile tugging at your lips, a peace offering. You know you don’t have to explain, that he understands, clearly you are not showing up this late for a beer and a chat. He moves behind the opened door, probably tucking in his waistband whatever gun he had snatched on his way to investigate the noise. He tugs the chain off, opening the door wider this time. You can see him looking around the street, ensuring it is only you and him. You feel like you can’t breathe like you are doing something you shouldn’t, even though you know this is precisely what you should be doing.
‘’ Are you alright? How did you get my… ‘’ You can hear the concern in his voice, see the confusion on his face as he trails off. His beard is shorter than the last time you had seen him, trimmed around the edges. You probably woke him up, you realize.
‘’ Are you doubting my skills now, ranger? ‘’
You want it to sound like a joke, you really do, but it lands flat, your voice is hoarse, tired, adrenaline wearing off. If he noticed it, he doesn’t tell you. He is not pushing you away, yet, and tonight, for the first time, you feel like you can really let your guard down. You take a deep breath, a shaky one, a sad one.
‘’ I hope I didn’t wake you. ‘’ Your voice is small, vulnerable. ‘’ I- ‘’
I need your help. It hurts to say it, to even think about it, and you can’t get the words out. They get stuck in your throat with all the sorry’s you owe him, the apologies you never gave him. His eyes are soft on you, deep brown eyes that always made you feel at home. That is when he notices it, the blood on your bottom lip, a straight cut, already swollen and purple where the fist had hit. His shoulders push back, finally awake, and you know he is ready to fight. You can tell his arms are tensing underneath his shirt, you can see how hard his gaze has become.
‘’ Who did this to you? ‘’
He takes a step towards you, towering over you, his hand moving your jaw to the side to try and see it better in the low light.
‘’ I took care of it, ‘’ You sigh. ‘’, but I need a favour. A big one, Gil. ‘’
You hesitate to tell him, to ask him to do this with you, for you. You know what he has been doing since he got back, joining the not-so-legal motorcycle club. Something about it being the closest it felt to being back in the field. It had been your lives for so long, breathing it, fighting for it, day and night, every second of it.
‘’ Tell me. ‘’
You can smell the detergent from his clothes, taste on your tongue what is left of the cigarette he had before bed. His hand is warm against your cheek, a nice contrast from the cold night. His thumb is caressing beneath your jaw, where the skin hasn’t bruised yet, and you can’t recall the last time you had been touched like this, slow, meaningful. You had missed this, him.
You take a quick look in the dark living room, past his shoulder, maybe he is not alone like you originally thought. You know Rae and Jacob haven’t been staying at their home lately, and Paul had told you that she had stayed a couple of nights at Gil’s. They must still be in the house when he gently presses you a few steps back, closing the door behind him. You really want to believe that it’s because of them, that he does this to keep their minds at ease, not to worry them about what mess you got yourself into this time. You don’t want to believe it might be because of someone else, that maybe he has someone now, someone he didn’t tell you about. He speaks again, gently coaxing it out of you.
‘’ You’re good, I got you. Tell me. ‘’
‘’ I took care of it, ‘’ You continue. Of him. ‘’ He’s in the trunk. ‘’
‘’ He’s in the what, now? ‘’
His hand falls from your jaw, landing in a strong grip where your neck meets the shoulder. It is not meant to hurt, and it doesn’t, you know it is mostly to keep you here, keep you from running away like you usually do. You know he would never let you deal with this on your own, you can’t turn around now, you have to face this.
‘’ I put him in the- ‘’
‘’ The trunk, yeah, I got that. ‘’
You swallow, and it doesn’t feel natural, like your muscles are clenching too hard to make the action happen. You bring a gentle hand to his forearm, taking in the heat that immediately covers your fingertips, the softness of the black shirt under your palm. You look back at him.
‘’ He deserved it, I swear. Gil, I- ‘’ Fuck.
You know there are tears in your eyes, you can’t help it. This whole thing makes you feel like a child, like you just got back from Iraq. You had always been able to be vulnerable with him, he would listen and listen until you had nothing to say anymore, nothing left to cry. A warm hand on your back, fingers in your hair.
‘’ Hey. I’ll take care of this. I know he did. ‘’
You know he doesn’t get it today, he couldn’t possibly, but you let him say it, let it justify your action, the blood that is still drying under your nails.
‘’ Let me make a few calls, okay? ‘’
You nod. You trust him, utterly and completely, with your safety, your life.
And so the both of you wait, seated shoulder to shoulder on the stairs of his porch. Gil's hand is warm on your knee, caressing the skin that peeks out of your distressed jeans. He wants you to stop bouncing your leg, you know it, it has always bothered him, how your stress showed up in micro-movements. You're making me nervous, ranger.
They come for your car fifteen minutes later, all leather cuts, no motorcycles and a single van. Coco, he tells you his name as he asks for your car keys. When you give it to him with a shaking hand, he tells you that everything is going to be fine, they'll take care of it. You believe him, you believe him because you trust Gil and he trusts them, but still, it feels like you are imposing, even when you know they have probably done this many times before.
Coco looks at Gil, a silent conversation you are not a part of, he notices his hand on your thigh, your busted lip.
‘’ We’re taking care of this, cariño. You're safe now. ‘’ Coco tells you.
You want to believe him, you really do. They leave after that, one car following the other, your secret with them. Yours and Gil's and theirs.
‘’ Don’t make a habit of this. ‘’
Gil’s eyes are back on you. He is joking, and it's funny, you laugh, but it doesn't come out like you want, choked in the throat.
‘’ I'm sorry, Gil. I know we haven't been talking much lately. I- ’’
He stops you, a large hand pressing the skin of your thigh.
‘’ Stop it. Whatever you need, you call, I'll answer. ‘’
You sigh and you allow your head to fall to his shoulder. You can’t remember the last time you had been this close, but it feels like you never left, a random night in a world where none of this would have happened. You thank him because there are no other words to make this right. You want to tell him that you owe him, that you will repent until this debt is paid, until he says you did enough to earn it back. His nose is in your hair and you can feel his chest move up and down with every breath. It had never been about that with him, he always took what you gave, broken pieces, burning ashes, wrapping it all up and giving it back to you fixed. You don’t remember when you started crying, silently sobbing against his arm, but he doesn’t mention it. He holds you, caressing your back with a hand, bringing you closer with the other one.
‘’ Stay with me tonight. ‘’ He whispers in your hair, ‘’ I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t. ‘’
That makes you cry harder. Deep inside of you, something is being fixed, an old war wound that had been buried for so long. I will, you tell him, just for tonight.
He doesn’t believe you, he knows you will get up from the bed the second he falls asleep, take your car that now smells like bleach and citrus, and ride out into the morning, away from him once again. When he rolls to your side of the bed in the morning, finding it cold and empty, he knew he was right. He was used to it, of course, a weird, silent arrangement between you two, that you would never be able to stay put for too long, but today, it hurts, pains him in a way it had never before.
‘’ ‘morning. ‘’
You pass the bathroom door that connects directly to his bedroom. Your hair is still damp from the shower, wearing a new set of his clothes on your back. He doesn’t say it back, he can’t, not when he suddenly doesn’t remember how to breathe, not when he can’t believe you actually stayed the night this time. You are here, and he is staring, he can’t look away.
‘’ I hope I didn’t wake you up. ‘’ You begin, ‘’ I just really wanted a shower, and then I heard Jacob in the kitchen, I… ‘’
You stop then, and he can tell that you have realized too, what he is thinking, why his eyes can leave your form. You try to speak again and explain, anything, but it doesn’t come out. Maybe there is no reason why today you chose to stay, out of all the others you could have. He can hear Rae in the living room, the sound of pans and the french toast that is being cooked in the kitchen. You silently walk to his side of the bed, offering him your hand. You smell like his soap and fresh coffee. He takes a deep breath as he reaches up for your palm, fingers lacing with your own as you finally swallow the lump in your throat.
‘’ Just for today then, yeah? ‘’
Your eyes are soft when he looks up, your smile meeting his own, already bright, unable to stop it from hurting his cheeks. Of course, he says, just for today. As many as you would like.
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phantomhivestims · 4 months
Hii!! You can call me Lucy or Lucille! I use She/it/he/doll/lace/rot or none pronouns, I am autistic so please be patient with me ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
My age regression account is @darlingdespairstims
My art account is @raindroppixie
More about me!
My link tree (has my socials)
My lovely gf is @stelleeee
What kind of content do i post?
I post mostly stimboards but I will do Moodboards and icons if requested
Requests I LOVE to do / stuff i often post abt
Stuff relating baldurs gate 3, guilty gear, dead by daylight, identity V, black butler, honkai star rail, genshin, any of my gfs interests (I post stimboards of her interests to make her happy), mlp, South park, twisted wonderland, aphmau, itsfunneh, ect.
I do reblog a lot of age regression content but I do not do age regression stimboards on this account if you wanna request agre stimboards plz go to @trailblazerstims
(Any who apply will be blocked, no exemption)
Proships, Endo systems, NSFW or gore blogs, anti-xenogenders and neos, anti-furry, anti-age regression, racists, homophobes,fujoshis, lolicons, RCTA/ECTA, people big on shipping,"femboys", if you support men being lesbians, if you have a minor DNI, I'm a minor myself so..and other basic DNI stuff
What I won't do
•hazbin hotel and anything by vivziepop
• Alfred's play house or anything similar to it
• ships I'm unfamiliar with (to prevent discourse)
• boyfriend to death or anything like that
• bungo stray dogs
• the Amazing digital circus
• anything relating to the DSMP
• Real people (stuff like characters played by actors or albums are okay)
When requesting please included these
• when requesting things like characters please give their full name and where they're from!!
• if you don't want certain things please specify
• if you want certain stims included plz tell me i will add them!
• if you want a age regression / pet regression themed Stimboard please go to @darlingdespairstims !
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paiteyy · 1 year
Stampede and Maximum Spoilers!
Look this is kinda a negative (not totally but I wanna be polite and warn! ) look at Stampede and it's handling of the queer content in the source marital, if ur not in the mood for that, block me or scroll past plz 👌don't wanna be a downer for anyone so ye, thought I'd slap this uptop lol
Gonna be real, idk how I feel abt the last ep... Some of my fears are definitely coming true. The big one being that Wolfwood's role in the manga seems to be played by Meryl in Stampede.
The manga is so important to me because it lacks the typical anime/manga hetrosexual tropes.
They put these tropes back in when they made the 98 anime, and it feels like they're putting them back into Stampede.
Wolfwood is the one who saves Vash in the manga, he is Vash's reason to fight. I know Stampede is pretty much an AU of the manga, but they're hitting the major plot points in their own unique way. Not everything is in order, and it's different, which I don't mind.
What I do mind is the fact that they've cut out all the queer parts of Maximum.
From changing Elendira, the cannon trans woman (who wasn't perfect rep, but goddamn it a cannon transwoman who wasnt a joke at that time?! I fucking love her), to a lab grown loli (before you come at me, I know this is a prequel and that she'll age, but that's not the point, because it doesn't negate the fact that she is no longer trans. They could have updated her rep from the manga, but no.) To subbing in Meryl for Wolfwood in narrative moments he occupied in the manga, like saving Vash from Knives.
Narrative moments that would have been occupied by a female love interest in most manga were occupied by Wolfwood in TriMax, and intentional or not, TriMax is queer coded as shit. By switching him with Meryl in Stampede, that is gone.
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This is what happens in the manga, in the Stampede Vash is saved by, and saves, Meryl instead. (Also black coat Vash is a reference to Vash from this fight in Maximum. It is the result of him fighting Legato and killing him to preserve Wolfwood's memory, ((he is taking on Wolfwood's color pallet in this fight, the layers in Maximum are insane)):
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This isn't a ship post, not really, it's about stripping the queer aspects from TriMax, which are an integral part of TriMax's narrative, a major part what makes the work unique, especially for it's time, and straight-washing it in Stampede (which is taking a lot from Trimax... just not the queer stuff, hum). However, I'll entertain some ship talk.
People have been calling Vashwood the "yaoi flavor of the season" and in all honesty, to me, that's what Stampede Vashwood feels like. I KNOW it's the first season and this could change, but damn it, I feel like I'm allowed to be a little frustrated and worried about the direction they're going.
Vashwood in the manga is a queer relationship supported by COUNTLESS examples in the text, read as romantic or not,(personally, I think it should be read as romantic based on manga framing ((Wolfwood playing the role narratively reserved for the female love interest in most manga)) and textually (("I wanted to spend my tomorrows with him," just one of many examples of Vash's feeling about Wolfwood)) it is undeniable that they are integral to each other in a bone deep way. To the point where the only person as, or more, important as Wolfwood to Vash is Rem, his mother and guiding light.
This is absent in Stampede.
I'm trying not to be uncharitable, but I have a sinking suspicion that Meryl is going to be the one to find Vash after the timeskip, a role given to Wolfwood in TriMax. I wanna be proven wrong tho!
I DO like how Meryl and Wolfwood are getting more interactions in Stampede! They didn't get many in the manga and I love their dynamic. Honestly him grabbing her like a sack of potatoes and booking it outta there was the best part for me lol, I'm glad Milly is coming back too! Vash getting his spikes back also was rad af!!
I feel like I should also say, this isn't a ship hate post or anything. This isn't a Meryl hate post either, I don't kin characters myself but she's as close as they come for me, so I love the little lady. Plus, I've really been enjoying her Stampede design and character development, it's one of the best parts of the show imo!!
It's just the fact that the queer content from the original didn't make it in, while so many other things from TriMax did, that rubs me the wrong way.
I think I'm mostly just frustrated, I'm enjoying Stampede for what it is, but I'm a queer woman, and I can't help but feel cheated out of the faithful Maximum adaptation I've always dreamed of. How come every other manga gets a one for one adaptation, but Maximum, with all it's queer text, doesn't?! I'm frustrated. They always try to make Trigun more appealing, mass marketable, but damnit that's not why I love it. Idk, I just feel sad. With this new adaptation, idk if I'll ever see a faithful Maximum adaptation, which is a depressing thought for me.
Anyway, this became a vent post, sorry. I'm a longtime TriMax shill and I was really (and to be fair, still am to a degree) enjoying Stampede up until these last few eps. In some ways it feels like I'm watching watered down, more marketable Maximum and that just frustrates me.
I'm still holding out hope for season 2 though, I can't help it, even with the things I'm not personally into in Stampedes it's still Trigun, and if I'm not going to bat for Trigun, am I even me?
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causesciencethatswhy · 7 months
The way jimin presents is much more obviously queer than any other member (purely based on mannerisms, cause if you hear joon or yoongi talking about love for a few minutes you can put two and two together). And his overt queerness makes a lot of cis hetero shippers (or kpop fans ) uncomfortable because they're forced to confront their internalized homophobia and misogyny head on. So they find a way to diminish his importance to the other members or villanise to cartoonish levels to deal with that discomfort.
(I'm the anon you responded to with this^^)
Add onto that how a lot of ARMYs seem to assume that just being a BTS fan makes you an ally/intelligent/a good person, and it's the perfect scenario for some cognitive dissonance. Only that JM haters and Tkkers don't seem to have enough cognitive for it to be anything. Even (maybe especially, even) shipping two men doesn't automatically make you supportive of the queer community and understanding of the struggles just existing as a queer person brings about.
They always clamour "but two gay men wouldn't do xyz in a homophobic country", failing to recognise that queer people have existed through so much worse and still have done things wildly more gay than anything Jikook have done.
There's also a lot of them who only see JM's gender expression and "queer subtext" (meaning fashion choices, and the whole concept of his photofolio + album) while disregarding JK's. Like, that man pulled out the most feminine look and attitude in his "bobs+bangs" Calvin Klein shoot. And he fucking owned it. But instead, at least in my perception, the fandom is split on him: one half genuinely sees and appreciates JKs expression of himself, while the other mostly memes it to death and ridding it of meaning. Any perception of JK as a potentially non-hetero man is forgotten the moment he presents as classically masculine again, aka stereotyping the whole queer community to death.
The latter doesn't happen with JM, because - like you said - he fits the common perception of a gay man. Which is all fun and games for the many "The JM effect" compilations, but for cis shippers it starts sliding into homophobia the moment they need to stop perceiving the members as Ken Dolls and instead treat them as actual human beings with all their complexities, faults and incongruent behaviour.
Which brings me onto Hobi. Now, I don't think he gets it quite as bad as JM.
One reason being that there's simply not as many Yoonminers who aren't mainly tkkers. The latter often uses the former to not be seen as a JM anti, but aside from compilations getting spread to push the "married couple" agenda, they don't focus their attention on it. (Also can the "arguing a lot = being in love/married" thing plz die? As someone whose grandparents argue every 20 minutes (real numbers) it's the actual worst and not really a reflection of romance...)
Another one is that Yoonminers do not care about original content at all. From what I've seen during my baby army days, they pick and choose everything down to the tiniest detail. So they mostly ignore that Hobi even exists as a possible variable.
Which brings me to my next point, which kinda breaks my heart: I don't think a lot of shippers in general, and the tkk/ym crowd in particular, see Hoseok as someone to focus their attention on. He gets forgotten a LOT, relegated to the fun sidekick comic relief while the ships are the mc's. (Which is why, imho, it's always his releases a lot of the fandom doesn't care about/actively ignores). The actual deep founded love every single member of BTS has for him - to the point they should actually propose - is insane. How can you think Ym is more real than Sope or Jihope? How can people be that willfully obtuse?
As someone who thinks Jikook could be real (2019, I am looking at you), I had my doubts seeing Jihope interact a few times. But what gets me is how fucking whipped Hobi gets every time he watches Jikook be all adorable. He looks at them like the proud BFF who got them together. A lot of that is his general love for the maknae line and his personality, but that level? The instances of it happening?
This was a lot. Okay.
Tl;dr: BTS are human beings, also Hoseok is the best person on the planet probably. Be gay, do crime🏳️‍🌈
Even (maybe especially, even) shipping two men doesn't automatically make you supportive of the queer community and understanding of the struggles just existing as a queer person brings about.
This!! Is so key to everything wrong with a large group of shippers and even solo fans. This idea that because you ship on m/m ship over the other, you are no way capable of making homophobic assumptions and statements. To a lot of shippers shipping a potentially queer couple is just another way to fulfill some forbidden romance fantasy of theirs and not actual concern for the lived reality of queer couples in conservative countries.
Which is why the painful torture of two boyfriends being torn apart from each other like star crossed lovers sounds more palatable and realistic to tkkrs than a queer couple deciding to stick by each other's side through thick and thin, despite the risks. It's less spicy I guess, but who cares of queer joy when the dramatics of the other possibility is so much more enticing.
Everytime I see tkkrs make the whole, "being gay in the military is forbidden so a gay couple would never risk going together" argument, a part of my soul dies. I don’t know what's more offensive, the idea that a closeted couple will just forget how to behave around each other after potentially years of being together because Gays and their crazy sex drives, am I right?
Or the alternative explanation that queer people in conservative countries just never make risky descions for the sake of their partners because the law forbids them from even existing.
Both explanations are tone deaf and ignorant of the lived reality of queer people. Its a direct result of straight people dominating shipper spaces. I do sometimes wonder what queer tkkr shippers make of these theories (cause I'm sure they exist as well). Are they perhaps more sane or do they subscribe to this bs as well ?
And oh my gosh yes about jungkook. That boy has very vocally played about with his gender expression and has been the one ignored the most by seriously cis heterosexual fans. This daddy Dom fantasy they project onto him is a bit much though I do think he does enjoy a more masculine cool image for himself as well. Which to the straight mind is confirmation for all their wattpad inspired fantasies of him. It's unfortunate but alas, stereotypes stick , especially those made by people with a very set view of the world.
As for hobi and the ynmner /sope dilemma, I totally get it. Ynmn shippers do tend to get on my nerves from time to time as well and it no doubt does have something to do with the correlation of them to the tkkr subgroup. I have grown fond of the ynmn dynamic since my baby army days I must admit though, because you can clearly see how much yoongi genuinely appreciates jimins presence and how jimin relies on yoongi for emotional comfort. It is sweet, but yeah I don't necessarily see anything else going on there.
Same goes for sope honestly. Nothing has ever made me seriously question them, except the sunshine bf with grumpy bf dynamic they do fit into very perfectly. They also clearly rely on each other for emotional support (Bring Hobi, hes my vitamin 🥺) but yeah Nothing as eye raising ig ? But yes, i can completely see why it's so frustrating to see how Hobi is dismissed within other shipping dynamics similar to the treatment j/m has gotten. Hobi does tend to get overlooked a lot in these bts dynamic discussions when he very much does embody the heart of the group and the members love for him is so heartfelt and grand, we really seriously underestimate his significance to keeping the bts spirit in line all these years.
I love my ball of sunshine who holds and even bottles up a lot emotionally for the sake of his fans and the team. And he always deserves more appreciation by everyone in the fandom (myself included)
Ps. Jihope in that one 2020 music bank live was definitely a 👀 moment lol.
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mrstsung · 3 months
Look mk shipping discourse ahead
So warning ya before you kontinue. These are just my opinions. Plz dont take them so to heart ok?
Cw: vent,discourse
If yall gonna actually do subscorp.....
Bi-han and hanzo have more sexual tension than kaui ever fucking did but y'all aint ready for that conversation. ☕ *sips coffee*
Kuai and hanzo had misunderstandings and genuine friendship. Could it be something more. Sure but it doesn't need to be to be interesting or even wholesome.
Meanwhile bi-han og subzero and hanzo had this love hatefuck in their eyes. Good fucking god like y'all be shipping the wrong subzero brother.
But y'all just only like kaui cuz he's the quote unquote "nicer" brother. Meanwhile what actually happened could male for better and classic AND REAL ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE. i mean it's right fucking there. Kuai and hanzo were never enemies. Let alone friends till waaaaaaaaay later. And even then....they had better things to do than each other. Sorry not sorry. Kaui and hanzo were just damn to platonic to me. Meanwhile bi-han and hanzo be like "bitch" "bitch" and then internally probably all like "💖🔥🔪"
And hanzo and kaui couldn't work because of that tension hanzo has with bi-han. Mostly on bi-hans half than hanzo. Cuz y'all conveniently forget. Hanzo killed bi-han over a misunderstanding,yeah a mofo dont just forget that. You'd be pissed too if you were wrongfully killed over something you didn't do by a ninja from a rival clan. Like bruh.
You can't have this ship without complications and problems.
Hanzo hasashi has not shown in canon anything to kuai than just mutual respect.
Kuai maybe but i dunno. I feel people reach so much with this ship it's like do we even play the same game?
Meanwhile the fucking "bitch fest" bi-han and hanzo have is on another lvl. Granted all this hate is still misplaced and quan chi is the real problem. But ya know.
If you're gonna ship a subzero with hanzo. Bi-han subzero makes more sense.
Tho i personally don't ship hanzo with any subzero ever. (I either self ship or have him just be dad ninja)
And i ship kuai liang subzero with tomas and bi-han with sareena (and self ship with either on occasion)
Either way the point is. Y'all be going about these characters and their dynamics so wrong. And i feel people just want different characters than what is actually happening. Like go make an oc at that point. It's different when they dont have certain dynamics shown and aspects. (Most mk villains dont because they are treated majority of the time as guys to beat up. So they aren't like sub and scorp. Which is shown.....everywhere,all the time,and takes up a majority of the plot. So we know all there is about yellow n blue ninja clans. Even then it doesn't go into that much detail but still we get more insight with them than any other character. Even liu kang and kung lao don't have as much as the two posterboys of mk. Which sucks)
Shipping aside. It sucks that both subzeros(kuai and bi-han) and scorpion(hanzo) get so grossly misinterpreted by fans. And think that everything is hunky dory peaches and roses. When it really isn't. While neither clan after a certain point is warring or fighting each other. There still is tension. Simply because of years,decades even of the mess left behind. Hanzo has to rebuild from the ground up. And kuai has to repair and restore the lin kuei to what it used to be but better and more equal. And less....robotic. lol. There was still a lot of work. Not to mention if noob became bi-han subzero again,somehow. That would add even more awkward tension(good storytelling tho) because bi-han while maybe he could forgive hanzo,he could never be friends truly. And if you guys ship kuai and hanzo. I dont think kuai would feel comfortable with having his only damn brother he's worked so hard to bring back and rekindle his family with just so he cpuld get some dick. Im sorry,relationships dont work that way. Hanzo and kaui are family oriented,and if one or more of parties involved are not on equal playing field or cares for the other. It's a no go.
What im trying to say is the dynamic is not healthy,long lasting,or even worth it. There is not any good chemistry.
Until bi-han and hanzo in canon make amends. Only then could you MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Make that work.
But again shipping aside.
Tomas/smoke and kuai liang subzero. Works better. Because they not only like i said are from the same clan,grew up together. Bi-han more likely than not. Would understand tomas and actually be pretty cool with him.
Like I'm just saying people.
If you want kuai liang to be with a pyromancer fire dude so damn bad.
But Thank you for koming to my ted talk.
Maybe this is just me tho.
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masterfvck · 1 year
Introduction post
Who am I?
I don't know either if I'm being honest... Okay okay. My name is Sharpie, and I'm a Kpop NSFW writer. I mostly write smut, yes, but I also write fluff and angst and all other kinds of stuff. I pretty much only write GxG stuff, but I do write G!P!! Often. I occasionally write for NCT(all units) but I am quite new to them 😅 it's the only BG I will write... For now.
I use She/Her pronouns and I am a big dumb useless Sapphic. I love women.
Am I open to requests? Yeah. All the time!!
I can write blurbs, whole fanfics, small or big oneshots, headcanons... Anything.
Just ask me 😋 Don't be afraid to be specific, I love when it's specific 🙏🙏
Blacklisted things
I will not write smut about minors in any way. Keep in mind, these are real people.
No !nc3st. Again, real people. It's weird. Also I have bad experiences with this concept, so it makes me ick
No watersports or scat, just not my thing yk?
Main pairings
Okay so main pairings are the ones who I mostly write for. I will not do minor x adult unless there's like only a 1/2/3 year age gap. But no smut!!
I will write about other ships as well, so you can request other things obviously 😀 I also can do Idol/Reader 🙏
What's Nayeon and Sana's ship name...
Note: I only write smut for Hanni and Minji
What's the name for Haerin/Hyein 😢
Danielle/Minji. I know only Catnipz, Bbangsaz and Kittyz for names 💔
Lipsoul(Jinsoul/Kim Lip)
NCT(all units included)
Crossover ships
Jenzuha(Jennie/Kazuha(BP, LSRF))
Chaejeong?? Winwon??(Chaewon/Winter(AESPA, IZ/LSRF)
Ryurina(Ryujin/Karina(ITZY, AESPA))
Ryuwinrina(Ryujin/Karina/Winter(ITZY, AESPA))
I'll use some tags for this account when I talk about different things.
Sharpie Puppyverse:
Ship tags. Ofc
Sharpie fics: for my FICS posted on here!!
Sharpiespa: Aespa fics
Two sharpies: TWICE fics
Itz Sharpie: ITZY fics
Le Sharpie: Le sserafim fics
New Sharpies: Newjeans fics
(sharpie) idle: Gidle fics
Mama sharpie: Mamamoo fics
Stan Sharpie: LOONA fics
NCpie: NCT FICS(all units)
Sharpie pink: Blackpink fics
Sharpive: IVE fics
Sharpiz*one: Iz*one fics
SharpieC: StayC fics
NSharpieFW: smut/NSFW
SharpieFW: Sfw(fluff, angst ect)
Sharpie on drugs: just me talking and shit posting 😜 being silly and stuff
Taken anons: 🥭
(anon rules: no slurs plz that's all 🥺 feel free to ask for an anon anytime!! Don't be shy plsplsplsplspls!!!!)
Okay bye. That's all I have to say
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(Putting a tw for a small mention of transphobia and massive tw for fictophobia. Plz be safe)
I really don't understand how people can be so mean.. as of late I've been really upset cuz I keep remembering things an ex of mine said to me when she found out about my self shipping and my main f/o. It actually makes me cry sometimes.
At first she was just sorta mean and made comments here and there. Sure, they hurt a bit, but I could deal with it, but later on, she would be outright mean about it (I won't go into too much detail. Just know she wasn't very...accepting of me being ficto. Calling me delusional and crazy for being a non sharer as well)
The worst is when she said "*main f/o* wouldn't even like you if he was real anyway!! You're delusional!!" And said he would be transphobic so he would HATE ME. That REALLY broke me.. I was sorta ""not allowed"" to post about my f/o or just anything from his source cuz it was ""cringe"" to her and honestly I felt so depressed I couldn't enjoy my ship or f/o anymore :(
I'm happy I'm away from that person but I still can't stop thinking about everything she said. My f/o is a big comfort to me but after all that sometimes whenever I think of him + what that person said to me I just fight the urge to cry. Like would my f/o REALLY hate me for...well...being me? Would he even love me at all? I wanna believe it and I still absolutely love him but those thoughts still linger. Like I love him so much but I question if I even deserve him alot. He makes me so happy but I definitely don't deserve him.
Maybe this is a womp womp Skill issue for me but it still hurts me alot.
(BTW! I believe it's valid to be uncomfy if your partner selfships! I understand!! But plz don't call them sad and pathetic, guilt trip them, or be a jerk. It's easy to be civil and respectful. Be kind to one another♡)
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atla-confessions · 18 days
anti zukaang people, please give me a genuine reason to be against them AS ADULTS or if they're aged together closer (2 years max). and no, spiritual incest isn't real lol.
People don't need to have a 'genuine reason' to dislike something. It's okay to just not like it, but demanding people justify their dislike is how you get people who come up with wild or bad faith arguments bc they feel the need to defend their position. Plz don't literally invite antis to our fandom ToT I'm quite happy with people only ever quoting an age gap or the spiritual incest and leaving it at that.
Especially since every ship has it's problems, including zukaang, and as a zukaang shipper I could give a better breakdown on those problems than any anti. A ship doesn't need to be flawless (tho I maintain that zukaang is perfect to me TwT), it's allowed to just be and you're allowed to enjoy it without having to explain away every bad interaction or theme.
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darkfire359 · 10 months
Thoughts on e6-e7 of The Terror
Continuing my first watch of The Terror, I just have to say... holy shit, that carnival!
I could tell something was going to go horribly wrong with how generically spooky it was, and I'd heard some vague spoilers of Dr. Stanley being a bad guy with respect to it. But he just straight-up arsoned the whole place in the most horrifically premeditated way possible. Possibly the most terrifying thing I've seen so far in the show, because while the Tunbaaq isn't real, overcrowded events with poor escape routes definitely are.
Also shocking was the fact that the guy Hickey stabbed there was an accident! I saw a second of that scene in an AMV pre-watching and I assumed that it was Hickey murdering things up Hannibal style. But actually Hickey was frantically trying to save the lives of everyone there and actively warning people that he was cutting through the tent. I cannot believe how much context completely 180'ed the meaning of that shot.
TBH if I hadn't watched e7 immediately afterwards I'd have wondered if the whole "Hickey is the show's villain" thing was an elaborate trick the Internet had agreed upon to prank new watchers. Even with e7 (when Hickey kills Irving and Farr) it seems hard for him to surpass Stanley's villainy? Maybe I'll be surprised.
The fact that the writers chose to have Hickey be the one coincidentally outside the tent, trying to save people, is... interesting. It's not that Hickey did anything particularly impressive or selfless what with moving the crates out of the way and cutting the tent open. But it's definitely a choice to make him more sympathetic (it could have been anyone outside the tent, in theory). I feel like I actually believe Hickey when he said that he found the dog with a broken leg (if he were lying, would he have admitted to killing the dog at all?) Relatedly, I'm glad we haven't heard anything more about the ship's cat—the dead dog and monkey were sad enough that I'm glad to be able to pretend that (somehow) the cat is happy and safe.
Also someone called me a Jopzier truther after my response to e1, and I was like "IDK, I don't even know these guys," but yes I 100% do ship Jopzier now. Jopson was so sweet taking care of Crozier when he wasn't feeling well! Plus Jopson was like "🥺🥺🥺 You didn't let me shave you or help you put on your underwear? 🥺🥺🥺 Plz dom me, sir, I can't function otherwise." and Crozier literally responded by promoting him. I feel like that might not have been what Jopson was aiming for, but still, sweet! (I started searching for Jopson content and immediately found Jopson/Hickey art, which I apparently also ship now despite first liking Jopson for the Jopzier angle.)
Speaking of shipping, I'm increasingly appreciating Goodsir/Lady Silence. You go girl, be the big spoon to your scared little man! I'm sure you two aren't doomed by the narrative at all...
I'm also disappointed that for all the fan content I've seen about Fitzjames's gender feels, he apparently doesn't even WEAR the dress? He just holds it up in front of himself??? Tragic. It looked like there were people in dresses at the carnival too, so he totally could have gotten away with it though only metaphorically; he literally might not have been able to escape the fire otherwise.
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turnertable · 1 year
can I say something controversial after we just got done celebrating miles and Alex reuniting?
I think Milex is a cute ship, it is, they are an adorable pair. their chemistry is very sweet and they are like soulmates you can tell, be that platonic or not in y'alls opinions. I personally don't ship it (always been a mattlex girly myself, platonically talking). I do feel at times y'all do focus on the wrong thing with Miles and Alex. some of you lot love defending Miles and how he doesn't deserve to just be associated with Alex but please and I beg you, tell me truthfully you know Miles from his solo work and not from TLSP. there's few of us, I think Miles is great and his music is good, I saw him before AM live FFS but no I wouldn't know Miles without Alex. It's just a thing that will always exist and it's unfortunate I know but it's true. I also think documenting and cherry picking at specific moments that have literally no correlation at all to milex romantic moments and making them oddly sexual is fucking odd. like I'll give you the d, I wish you would: that's an innuendo, that's funny and you can make that sexual cuz they did. they act like an old married couple at times. the lentils joke about their bad habits for example, it's cute and domestic. it's fic material. I understand that, trust me but like sometimes they are just on coke and giggling like little boys over like bringing bread and crumpets to the studio and that's not an allegory for fucking each other (an actual real post someone made). please it's odd and fetishism of two men who are straight. I understand that being gay is still a taboo subject for some people from more oppressive countries and maybe at 14 when you found AM, milex was your first introduction to shipping culture and men being shipped together, that would be exciting to you. However the nuances of that is that it can cross a line to a degree where you aren't respecting the two real people. I was in the Dan and Phil fandom before they came out and we had an era called 2012 where Dan especially was on the defense constantly to a point where it was a taboo to us to talk about but through time, that defense became more empathetic with them coming out. we all grew up and that behaviour from when we were kids was not ok anymore and that frustration was valid. I have many straight friends who have felt that pressure to be part of the LGBT community in order to not be shamed and on the flip side, I don't even need to tell you how hard it is still for lgbtqia people to want to hide in the closet with all the problems we still as a society have to face.
what I'm trying to say is, these are straight men and it's ok for straight men to be affectionate with their friends, I know it may still be frowned upon in some cultures but we wouldn't have am without a close bond between the lads. we wouldn't have TLSP without miles and Alex being best friends. i don't think milex is wrong, plz do what you want, draw your porn art if you want, write fics upon fics but plz just think about why this makes you so happy and understand the true consequences on what you say because you could be upsetting the gay community around you by being elated that miles can kiss his friend on the cheek. let boys love each other platonically or not, it doesn't matter. If Alex or Miles came out tomorrow, I'd support them, it's just something to think about.
Plus it's ok for teenagers and younger people to see what the boys do and want that, that's valid and I hope you have fun. There's a point where you may realise that something you said was a kid that you don't agree with and that's part of growing up, I know (hence the dnp rant). I see this now as an adult and think of that as crossing a line by prying at someone's sexuality cuz that's not mine to know and I don't know that person in real life. However if you are like a long time monkeys fan in your late 20s, early 30s, please consider what you're doing and re-evaluate what this means to you because maybe it's not just Alex and Miles that make you feel this way and that's not healthy: that's a parasocial relationship you've held for so long you don't know any different.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for all of the tags guys 💖
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
714,298, lol. I am a monster
3. what fandoms do you write for?
House of the Dragon and anything Ewan Mitchell happens to be in, lol. Such a great actor
4. top five fics by kudos
The Fall from the Heavens; The Evening Star; Appearances; The Impossible Choice; The Softest Whisper
5. do you respond to comments?
Alwayyyyssss I love them!!!!!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
All of my Halloween shit, lol
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Fall from the Heavens!!!!! Hundreds of babies!!!!!!
8. do you get hate on fics?
Usually when they are horror in nature and there is noncon in them. Some people don't understand that writing about rape doesn't mean you don't support it in real life, lol.
9. do you write smut?
10. craziest crossover?
I don't know, but I'm an expert in creating alternative universes for my own stories 😆
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
nie (in Polish, you can learn something new today)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! When it comes to stories, my brain creates alone and flows with my stream of consciousness. This makes the whole thing fit together and not a jumble of fragments.
14. all time favorite ship?
Aemond x Strong! niece; plz, the tension
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I got up off my knees and wrote requests that have been waiting to be written for months in the form of drabbles, so I'm up to date at the moment! But I have two unfinished series that will remain that way (they are already old and I would have to write everything from the beginning).
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think that the right decision in my case is to write about things that I know, because I can describe them properly: so I mean art, university life, references to poetry, the Bible, or high literature in general, but I also use my own intimate experiences with my husband to better describe what the characters feel. I think it quite passes the test.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Creating in a language that is not your native language is a huge challenge. But thanks to the mistakes I make, I am getting better at using it and learning. At one time, punctuation in English was a huge problem for me, because it is used much differently in Polish, but I think I have finally found the right way that works.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I try to avoid it!
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter, lol. Age of 14.
20. favorite fic you've written?
*thinks hard* I think the Gate of Salvation. From the beginning I felt that it was my own, fresh, crazy idea and I still like to come back to this story. I feel like it's really something just mine, if that makes sense. This trope, this plot, this atmosphere and everything.
Tagging: @the-dendrophile-bookdragon, @thought--bubble, @sylasthegrim, @youraverageaemondsimp, @fan-goddess
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streaminn · 1 year
honestly you’re so real for wanting to stay faithful to wenclair! like those are my babies fr…. but i might be convinced if more people paired Enid up w the other characters as well. she doesn’t have that many other pairings tbh. my girl Wednesday has crackships w almost all the other characters in the show and even Amber from scream V. But my girl Enid gets paid dust! Plz ppl give Enid all the love & devotion she deserves!
Btw ppl plz don’t take me too serious, I’m just a bit sleep deprived and my ao3 doesn’t seem to be updating w my wenclair stories 🥺
Fr tho, it'd be funny to see Enid paired with others
I'm currently fixated on having Enid be the Mc in most of my works so I don't mind the idea of her being shipped with people
you just gotta convince me to actually start writing abt it bc I'm busy having fun with Wenclair
And hey, Wednesday may have amber but enid got Tara 😊
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