#pmc english notes
2oosterr · 2 months
capt. ryan 'orca' murdoch
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NAME: Ryan Murdoch
ALIASES: Orca, Oscar Actual
AFFILIATION: United States Navy, OSOD
RANK: Captain
DOB: March 6th, 1978
AGE: 45
SEXUALITY: Queer unlabeled
HOMETOWN: Rockland, Maine
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Redcorn Airfield, Odessa, Texas
EDUCATION HISTORY: K-12 [1983 - 1991]
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: US Naval Aviator (Commander) [1994 - 2011], PMC Operator (Captain) [2011 - Present]
HEIGHT: 173cm (5’7”)
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EC: Brown
HC: Black, White
BUILD: Athletic, prominent muscle definition
Strength:             ▮▮▮▯▯
Speed:                ▮▮▮▯▯
Intelligence:        ▮▮▮▮▯
Experience:        ▮▮▮▮▮
Perception:         ▮▮▮▮▮
Communication: ▮▮▮▯▯
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English (Native), Spanish (C1), Russian (B2), ASL
SPECIALISATION: Can pilot almost any aircraft, including helicopters and the C-130.
WEAPONS: Proficient in close combat, hand-to-hand, air-to-air, and air-to-land combat. Long range is a weak point.
Alison Murdoch [Mother] [AGE: 66]
Louis Murdoch [Father] [DECEASED]
Aaron Murdoch [Brother] [AGE: 34]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anger management issues
Chronic alcoholism
GSW on right side of face
3rd degree burns on right arm
Dog bite scar on left arm
[GRADE 4 - Extremely Low Risk]
Individual had demonstrated the ability to walk on liquid. Note that individual can submerge in the same liquid when contact point is not the feet.
MBTI type – ISTJ-A; Introverted, observant, thinking, judging, assertive.
Orca is a natural leader despite her introversion. She commands attention, even from those who aren't willing to follow her, unafraid to put such people in their place with harsh words and biting insults. Her introversion leans more to the ambivert side of things, she prefers the quiet of solitude over a loud social function, but socialising is not out of her comfort zone, and she would never be afraid to speak up and voice her opinions.
The ends always justify the means to Orca. She is willing to do risky, and sometimes deplorable, things to complete her objective, leaving some to question her morality, but those close to her trust that she knows where to draw the line. She's self-assured, confident to the point of cockiness at times, because she's good and she knows it. 
The opinions of others mean very little to her, with the exception of the few people she calls her friends – she cares deeply for those select few. It takes a lot for her to trust, and a lot more to consider someone a friend, but once you've proved yourself, her loyalty is fierce. It’s incredibly difficult, but not impossible, to lose her faith.
Even when she was in the Navy, Orca has never been a fan of authority. It takes effort to earn her respect, which many of her commanding officers never did. In a way, this makes her slightly hypocritical, seeing as she demands respect from those around her but doesn't give it so easily.
Although she appears to be a serious, no-nonsense Captain, under the stony facade Orca actually has a strong sense of humour. She's more than willing to indulge in the jokes her soldiers throw around, but she still reserves the ability to take things seriously when the need arises.
Orca learned to play the drums as a way to de-stress. She learned in bootcamp from one of the older kids, and kept it up when she could in the Navy.
Her biggest pet peeve is stupid questions. She’s been known to make people run laps until the sun goes down for not using common sense.
The streaks in her hair are due to a bout of Alopecia Areata that she suffered from for most of her childhood, likely stress induced, and when the patches of hair grew back, they were white. She also has a patch of white where her neck meets her skull, but she keeps that one hidden because she doesn’t think it's as cool as the other two.
Her hair is also the reason for her callsign, since it looks vaguely like the markings on a killer whale, especially when she wears it up.
Her favourite colour is red.
She owns an ungodly amount of orca plushies.
On a similar note, she also owns an ungodly amount of model figures of fighter jets.
She’s obsessed with Top Gun. Like, balls to the wall fucking insane about it.
Like, she references it daily.
Yes, it was the reason she joined the navy. She is not immune to propaganda
Orca actually attended the real TOPGUN in Nevada in 2000, and graduated top of her class.
In 2016, she bought a decommissioned F-22 Raptor thanks to an Admiral friend of hers, and has been slowly refurbishing it in her off time. She keeps it in hangar two, and nobody else is even allowed to go in there.
She does all the repairs to the OSODs aircrafts herself.
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Ryan's fate was decided before she was even born.
Her mother, Alison, was known to carry the gene for a genetic disorder and as a result, when she was pregnant with Ryan, she opted for a genetic screening to see if it would be passed down to her. It wasn't, but it's thanks to this genetic screening that they found out Ryan carried the NLH gene – the enhanced gene.
From the moment she was born, it seemed that her parents had already given up on her. Neglectful would be an understatement, there was no love in the way they cared for her. It was nothing but a chore to them, having to raise their mutant child when all they wanted was a normal baby.
Her father died when she was five. Shipped out to Iraq in ‘83 and never came back. Her mother shut down after that.
Growing up was difficult. Rockland was a small enough town that most, if not all, of the inhabitants knew about the fact that she was enhanced. She spent the majority of her childhood alone, being avoided by her peers and ignored by her mother, and becoming more and more bitter as the years went by.
She was eight when she finally discovered what her enhancement was; the ability to walk on water. It's a cruel joke, that she never even had a fleeting chance at a normal life because of something so insignificant.
When Ryan was eleven, her half-brother Aaron was born, and she got to witness firsthand what it looks like when someone loves you. Her mother was a completely different person once she brought him home, smiling and cooing adoringly at her infant brother. The resentment for both of them would never leave her.
Enhanced individuals, as the official paperwork refers to them, are required to serve in the military whether they like it or not. Mandatory service, starting at sixteen, and ending when you die. There is no choice, not for those who are deemed sub-human because of a genetic mutation completely out of anyone's control.
Despite the unfairness of it all, Ryan was shipped off to bootcamp a few months after her thirteenth birthday. It was easier there, surprisingly; there were other enhanced kids – people like her, for the first time in her life – and the structure and regiment of it all was something she actually found herself enjoying. The one aspect she struggled with was the demanding authority. She has never been with being told what to to, being a follower, especially by people she has no reason to respect apart from their rank. Her commanding officers were just like every other adult that had failed her thus far, and she earned more than a few disciplinaries for the insubordination of her outbursts of anger.
The three years she spent there helped Ryan for some sense of identity. It was strange, and bittersweet in a way, but she thrived in the military – had she not been conscripted, she may have even joined of her own accord.
The only sense of choice people like Ryan are given is the liberty of choosing which branch of the military they go to, so when she finally reached her sixteenth birthday in the March of ‘94, Ryan picked the Navy. She was on the plane to California the next day.
Once again, her entire life and any sense of structure she had was thrown to the wind. The Navy was harder, she was alone again and this time she had no idea if she was the only one of her kind; outing herself as enhanced didn’t seem like the best idea, especially since being a woman already put a target on her head. They looked down on her, endlessly questioned her abilities with an arrogance that made her blood boil, but Ryan was determined. She would be an aviator, and she’d be leagues better than all the people who thought they were above her – no amount of discouragement from them could change her mind.
It was in the academy that she met her first true friend, Michael ‘Berlin’ Addams. He was Ryan’s wingman, her partner in the skies, and the only person in her life to accept her unconditionally and without question. From the moment they met it was like two puzzle pieces clicking into place, his easygoing and humorous nature was the complete opposite of Orca’s quick temper, but they worked incredibly together like two sides of the same coin.
After Orca and Berlin graduated from the academy, placed first and fourth respectively, the two of them quickly rose through the ranks together, thanks to their raw talent for aviation as well as the synergy they had. They were best friends, practically inseparable, and though there were others they got along with, no one else came close to the bond that they had. For the longest time it was just the two of them, but the incident of March 1999 changed that.
While offshore on a deployment, someone found out Orca was enhanced, and word spread around the aircraft carrier faster than she could’ve imagined. She lashed out, broke another pilot's nose, and had to mop the floors for two months as punishment. While she was cleaning she was approached by one of the sailors, Eric Reyton she would come to learn. He extended an olive branch, and almost got his head bitten off before he revealed that he was enhanced too. It was a relief, learning that she wasn’t the only one, she finally had someone who really understood again. Berlin did his best, but he would never truly know what it was like.
From then on, it was the three of them. Orca, Berlin, and Eric – Static, as they took to calling him – and for the first time she actually started to feel like she belonged. The boys were like brothers to her, the family she never had, and life finally felt like it was looking up after all those long, lonely years.
And then Berlin died.
Shot down over land while they were on assignment. He didn't even have time to eject before he hit the ground.
Orca thought she knew pain. Unloved by her own mother, alone for the first sixteen years of her life, rejected by almost everyone she'd ever met, none of it had been easy; but as she watched Berlin's plane disappear into the treeline, nothing could've prepared her for the agony that ripped through her chest.
The rest felt like an out of body experience. She ejected, sparing not a single though for her own plane as it went down too. The landing fractured her ankle but she ran anyway, through the forest towards the blaze. She clambered up the wing of his aircraft, ripping the cockpit open and paying no mind to the way the searing metal burned through her flight suit and then her skin.
She pulled his body from the wreck, collapsing onto the ground with his lifeless body cradled in her arms. That's how the evac team found her, hours later, still sobbing into his cold skin.
His body went back to his family in New Jersey, but Orca kept his tags. She stayed standing over his coffin for hours after everyone else had left, everyone but Eric. Nobody was closer to Berlin than they were. Nobody understood the gaping hole his death left behind.
They were approached, after night had fallen and they were on their way out of the graveyard. The stranger handed Orca a card and introduced herself – Colonel Ellis – telling her to call when they needed a change of scenery. Eric had to restrain her from clawing the Colonel's eyes out for her audacity.
After the funeral, Orca finally understood how her mother felt when her dad didn't come home. There was nothing that could help the pain, the anguish of losing her best friend, so she drank herself into blackout numbness to escape it. Eric tried to help her, but it only ended in her lashing out. It went on like that for months, the only time she wasn't wasted was on the aircraft carrier where she had no choice. In a desperate attempt to help his friend, Eric ended up calling the Colonel to get them both out of California.
They found out on the flight to Texas that the Colonel was starting a PMC solely for the enhanced. The 'Occult Special Operations Division', she called it, a counter-terrorism taskforce. At first Orca was sceptical, the idea of it seemed almost too good to be true, but Colonel Ellis's achievements spoke for themselves. She was a decorated officer, and there was no doubt she had the power and resources to create something like this.
For a year, Orca and Eric served under Colonel Ellis in the OSOD, along with Lieutenant Klaus Green, Corporal Badger, both marines, and Lieutenant Nina ‘Vulture’ Smith, an Air Force pilot and all soldiers Ellis had worked with for a long time. It was better, being surrounded by people like them, and the freedom they had now was infinitely better than what they had in the Navy, but they were still out of their element. While Ellis, Green, Badger were marines and had decades of experience with active combat and its many intricacies, Orca and Eric were just a pilot and a sailor. Still though, Ellis didn't give up on them. They learned surprisingly fast under her mentorship, picking up what she taught them with ease, and though they were still miles behind the marines, their skills were impressive.
In 2011, Ellis was arrested.
The NLH gene is a random mutation, not something that can be isolated and cut out like a genetic disorder. However, if at least one parent carries the NLH gene, then the offspring are guaranteed to be enhanced as well. Starting in the 70s, sterilisation became mandatory for the enhanced, the same as conscription, as another way to control the enhanced population. Colonel Ellis was born in the late 50s, and conscripted in the 60s; in other words, she evaded sterilisation.
It came out that she had a daughter, around Orca's age, and action was taken almost immediately. Colonel Ezikiel Ellis died two months after her incarceration. The details of her death were never released.
Her death was different. It was obvious foul play was involved, but Ellis's death didn't affect her the same way Berlin's devastated her. This time, she got the feeling Ellis had reached her time, that she'd accomplished what she set out to do in her life, and now it was Orca’s duty to carry on her legacy.
She took over the OSOD as Captain as soon as Ellis's death was publicised. Now down to just the three of them, it seemed like a logical course of action to find some new recruits, and it didn't take long to find some. Ellis's daughter, Sergeant Major Arctic, came to Orca shortly after she took over the OSOD, but despite it being her mother's creation, she showed no interest in taking Orca's place. She agreed to work alongside the OSOD, but remained a free agent.
In the same year, they met Sergeants Eastwood and Vantage, marines like Ellis and Green, and most importantly, both enhanced. They were by far the best of their unit and then some, with expertise between them from insertions to engineering. She hired them on the spot.
Orca got the scar in 2012. A mission gone south, an attempt to save a group of hostages, and a crack shot from the enemy. She took a bullet to the face. If she wasn't enhanced, there was no way she would've made it. As luck would have it, if you could call it that, a doctor was among the hostages, and saved Orca's life that night – Honey Rosenheim, an enhanced combat medic who would work with the OSOD for years to come after their unfortunate first encounter.
██████ ██████ ██ █████████ ████ ██████ ███████ █████. █████████ ███████ ██████ █ █████ ████ ██████ ████████. ████ ███████ ███ ██████ █ ██ ██████ █ █████ Badger ███ ███████ █████ █████████ ████ ███████ ██ █████ ██ ██████ █ █████ ██ █████. Badger ███ ████████ M.I.A. ██ ████ 2014.
It's 2019 by the time Orca meets Captain Price, through Kate Laswell and, surprisingly, their mutual friend, Nikolai. To say he didn't make a good first impression would be an understatement. Perhaps it's because of Orca's natural hostility and standoffish nature, but the two Captains butted heads constantly. Eventually he realised – with gentle nudging from Eric and the lieutenants – that she wasn't just an asshole for the sake of it, and she was actually a proficient leader. She slowly warmed up to him once she didn't have to fight for his respect.
Since the mission in 2018, the OSOD has collaborated with Captain Price, and subsequently Task Force 141, on multiple occasions.
It took significant work, but Orca was an accomplished Captain, with loyal soldiers and the ability to actually make a difference in the world. Her fate may have been decided before she was born, but Ryan is the one who made something for herself. She still has Berlin's picture hanging up in her office.
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ermordet-cod · 1 year
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Clumsy infatuation (Captain Price x OC) Headcanons
the formation of the PMC SpecGru brought with it some difficulties in integrating the operators, especially with a certain corporal who has trouble getting along with the british. A simple thing to contextualise this complicated relationship.
notes: (nonsexual) self-hatred, anxiety, asocial behavior, ptsd, blood, age gap.
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The decision to join a PMC was not hers but that of a high command, so she feels obliged to take part in it by superior orders.
The relationship at first would be strictly soldier-captain, Ermordet has no plans to include a love interest in her life because of the way she lives and acts for her job.
One day, Price praised her skills on CQC and she fell in love the second.
She feels guilty for having developed feelings for her captain. She will constantly feel bad about herself and call herself "unprofessional".
She is the type of person who shows her crush in a mean and distant way, is uncomfortable being in the same room as Price if it's not about work and of course hates it when he speaks to her as it only makes her even more nervous.
The feeling of crush bothers her.
Price acts nice to her because he knows her background and her distrust of the military, he just wants her to trust her team and her colleagues.
He begins to notice her strange behavior and thinks that she doesn't fit in with the PMC, however, it doesn't take long for him to realize that this mean behavior is only with him when he realizes that she has a good relationship with Chuy Ordaz and Kleo. .
In an attempt to get along with the whole team, Price starts training with her regularly to create a good bond as a teammate.
What he doesn't know is that she bursts out of her nerves every time she is invited to train CQC with him.
She gets mad at herself for enjoying being dominated by him TOO MUCH.
Although their relationship begins to grow closer, she still feels uncomfortable with him. His accent and manner tend to revive traumatic events she experienced in the past with british soldiers.
Ironically, Price thinks her accent is cute.
Ermordet trains obsessively at night to release stress and avoid intrusive thoughts. She feels calm by tearing her body apart to the point of exhaustion.
During an evening training session, Price notices how aggressively she trains and, in an effort to reassure her, notices how her knuckles are covered in blood and friction scrapes.
He immediately takes care of her wounds while giving her a long lecture on how dangerous it is not to have self-control. She takes it more as a reprimand than advice, and it only increases her self-hatred.
'' Sorry Captain, it won't happen again '' she says, frowning and clenching her fists.
He takes one of her hands and tries to get her to unclench her fist. ''Keep calm. . . I'm not scolding you''
She tries to explain herself but is at a loss for words, she is not used to revealing personal things and finds it difficult to speak on many occasions. Price seems to understand what she is referring to and gives her some advice to calm her anxiety.
One of them is tea, yea, fucking brits.
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Sorry if this was too long or badly written😩😩 english is not my first language!!
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Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋Yanak inceltme yada popüler adıyla ‘Hollywood yanağı’da denilen ameliyat kısa süreli,kalıcı, etkin ve sonuçları çok başarılıdır.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP)Removal ,Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood yanağı, yanak yağı aldırma,yanak inceltme gibi isimlendirilir.
🦋Temel amaç yuvarlak, kare yada geniş yanaklı, elmacık kemiği(zigoma/malar bölge) çıkıntılı olmayan yüzü ince görünmeyen kişilere yapılabilir.
🦋En sık kadınlara yapılsada son yıllarda erkekler de tercih etmektedir.
🦋Yanakta bulunan bu yap yastığını ilk olarak 1732’de Heister tanımlamıştır.
🦋1802’de M.F.X.Bichat anatomik yapısını ayrıntılı açıklamıştır.
🦋Dr.Bichat adıyla anılan ‘Bichat yağ yastığı’ 4 uzantıya ve 3 ayrı loba ayrılır.
🦋Posterior(arka) lob; temporal, ptergoid, ptergopalatin be bukkal kısımlardan oluşur.
🦋Ameliyat tekniği: lokal anestezi genelde yeterli olup iki taraflı üst çene(maksilla) lateral(dış) mukozasından 5-10 mm’lik insizyon yapılarak ‘fatpad’in %40-50’i çıkartılır.
🦋Ortalama volüm 6mm kayıptır( kadınlarda 7.2-10.8 mm ve erkeklerde 7.8-11.3 mm).
🦋Bu miktardan fazla çıkartmalarda yanakta çökme ve/ veya asimetri oluşabilir.
🦋Bu ameliyatı bazı otorler 25 yaş sonrası için önerirler.
🦋Ameliyat süresi 20-40 dakikadır.
🦋Ameliyattan hemen sonra belirgin görüntü oluşsa da 2-3 hafta ödem/şişlik görülmesi doğaldır.
🦋7-10 gün korse kullanımı, antibiyotik, ağrı kesici, gargara ve ağız hijyeni önerilir.
🦋Genelde dikiş alınmasına gerek yoktur 1 haftada eriyecektir.
🦋İdeal görünüm 2-4 ayda ortaya çıkar.
🦋Deneyimli cerrahlarda komplikasyon minimaldir.
🦋Bazı araştırmalarda komplikasyon %8.45 bildirilmiştir.
🦋Bu komplikasyonlar; ödem, kanama(internal maksiller arter), enfeksiyon, asimetri, trismus, fasial sinir bukkal dal yaralanması, paratis bezi stenson kanal yaralanması sayılabilir.
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇻🇬🦋Cheek thinning, or popularly known as 'Hollywood cheek' surgery, is short-term, permanent, effective and its results are very successful.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP) Removal, Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood cheek, cheek fat removal, cheek thinning.
🦋The main purpose is that it can be performed on people with round, square or wide cheeks, without protruding cheekbones (zygoma/malar area), and whose face does not look thin.
🦋Although it is most commonly performed on women, men have also preferred it in recent years.
🦋Heister first described this cheek pad in 1732.
🦋In 1802, M.F.X.Bichat explained its anatomical structure in detail.
🦋The 'Bichat fat pad', also known as Dr. Bichat, is divided into 4 extensions and 3 separate lobes.
🦋Posterior lobe; It consists of temporal, pterygoid, pterygopalatine and buccal parts.
🦋Surgery technique: local anesthesia is generally sufficient and 40-50% of the 'fatpad' is removed by making a 5-10 mm incision in the lateral (external) mucosa of the bilateral upper jaw (maxilla).
🦋The average volume loss is 6 mm (7.2-10.8 mm in women and 7.8-11.3 mm in men).
🦋Decals exceeding this amount may cause sagging and/or asymmetry on the cheek.
🦋Some authorities recommend this surgery for people after the age of 25.
🦋Surgery time is 20-40 minutes.
🦋Although a clear appearance occurs immediately after the surgery, it is natural to see edema/swelling for 2-3 weeks.
🦋 7-10 days of corset use, antibiotics, painkillers, mouthwash and oral hygiene are recommended.
🦋 Generally, there is no need to remove stitches, it will dissolve in 1 week.
🦋The ideal appearance appears in 2-4 months.
🦋Complications are minimal in experienced surgeons.
🦋In some studies, complications were reported as 8.45%.
🦋These complications; edema, bleeding (internal maxillary artery), infection, asymmetry, trismus, facial nerve buccal branch injury, paratis gland Stenson canal injury.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋Eine Wangenverdünnung, im Volksmund auch „Hollywood-Wangenoperation“ genannt, ist kurzfristig, dauerhaft, effektiv und die Ergebnisse sind sehr erfolgreich.
🦋Entfernung des bukkalen Fettpolsters (BFP), partielle bukkale Lipektomie, Hollywood-Wange, Wangenfettentfernung, Wangenverdünnung.
🦋Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, dass es bei Menschen mit runden, eckigen oder breiten Wangen durchgeführt werden kann, ohne hervorstehende Wangenknochen (Jochbein-/Malarbereich) und deren Gesicht nicht dünn aussieht.
🦋Obwohl es am häufigsten bei Frauen durchgeführt wird, bevorzugen es in den letzten Jahren auch Männer.
🦋Heister beschrieb dieses Wangenpolster erstmals im Jahr 1732.
🦋Im Jahr 1802 erklärte M.F.X.Bichat seine anatomische Struktur im Detail.
🦋Das „Bichat-Fettpolster“, auch Dr. Bichat genannt, ist in 4 Fortsätze und 3 separate Lappen unterteilt.
🦋Hinterlappen; Es besteht aus temporalen, pterygoidealen, pterygopalatinalen und bukkalen Teilen.
🦋Operationstechnik: Lokalanästhesie ist im Allgemeinen ausreichend und 40–50 % des „Fettpolsters“ werden durch einen 5–10 mm langen Schnitt in der seitlichen (äußeren) Schleimhaut des beidseitigen Oberkiefers (Oberkiefer) entfernt.
🦋Der durchschnittliche Volumenverlust beträgt 6 mm (7,2–10,8 mm bei Frauen und 7,8–11,3 mm bei Männern).
🦋Abziehbilder, die diese Menge überschreiten, können zu Durchhängen und/oder Asymmetrien auf der Wange führen.
🦋Einige Behörden empfehlen diese Operation für Personen nach dem 25. Lebensjahr.
🦋Die Operationszeit beträgt 20-40 Minuten.
🦋Obwohl unmittelbar nach der Operation ein klares Erscheinungsbild auftritt, ist es natürlich, dass für 2-3 Wochen Ödeme/Schwellungen auftreten.
🦋 7-10 Tage Korsetttragen, Antibiotika, Schmerzmittel, Mundwasser und Mundhygiene werden empfohlen.
🦋 Im Allgemeinen ist es nicht nötig, die Fäden zu entfernen, sie lösen sich innerhalb einer Woche auf.
🦋Das ideale Aussehen stellt sich in 2-4 Monaten ein.
🦋Komplikationen sind bei erfahrenen Chirurgen minimal.
🦋In einigen Studien wurden Komplikationen mit 8,45 % angegeben.
🦋Diese Komplikationen; Ödeme, Blutungen (Arteria maxillaris interna), Infektionen, Asymmetrie, Trismus, Verletzung des Wangenasts des Gesichtsnervs, Verletzung des Stenson-Kanals der Paratisdrüse.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋تنحيف الخد أو المعروفة شعبياً باسم "جراحة خد هوليوود" هي عملية قصيرة الأمد ودائمة وفعالة ونتائجها ناجحة جداً.
‎🦋إزالة وسادة دهون الخد (BFP)، استئصال شحم الشدق الجزئي، خد هوليود، إزالة دهون الخد، تنحيف الخد.
‎🦋الغرض الرئيسي هو أنه يمكن إجراؤها على الأشخاص ذوي الخدود المستديرة أو المربعة أو العريضة، دون عظام الخد البارزة (منطقة الوجنة / الوجنات)، والذين لا يبدو وجههم نحيفًا.
‎🦋على الرغم من أنه يتم إجراؤه بشكل شائع على النساء، إلا أن الرجال يفضلونه أيضًا في السنوات الأخيرة.
‎🦋وصف هيستر وسادة الخد هذه لأول مرة في عام 1732.
‎🦋في عام 1802، شرح M.F.X.Bichat بنيته التشريحية بالتفصيل.
‎🦋تنقسم "وسادة الدهون بيشات"، المعروفة أيضًا باسم دكتور بيشات، إلى 4 ملحقات و3 فصوص منفصلة.
‎🦋الفص الخلفي. وهو يتألف من الأجزاء الصدغية والجناحية والجناحية الحنكية والشدق.
‎🦋تقنية الجراحة: التخدير الموضعي كافٍ بشكل عام ويتم إزالة 40-50% من "السادة الدهنية" عن طريق إجراء شق 5-10 ملم في الغشاء المخاطي الجانبي (الخارجي) للفك العلوي الثنائي (الفك العلوي).
‎🦋متوسط ​​فقدان الحجم هو 6 ملم (7.2-10.8 ملم عند النساء و7.8-11.3 ملم عند الرجال).
‎🦋الملصقات التي تتجاوز هذه الكمية قد تسبب ترهل و/أو عدم تناسق في الخد.
‎🦋توصي بعض السلطات بإجراء هذه الجراحة للأشخاص بعد سن 25 عامًا.
‎🦋مدة الجراحة 20-40 دقيقة.
‎🦋على الرغم من ظهور مظهر واضح بعد الجراحة مباشرة، إلا أنه من الطبيعي رؤية الوذمة/التورم لمدة 2-3 أسابيع.
‎🦋 يوصى باستخدام المشد لمدة 7-10 أيام، ويوصى بالمضادات الحيوية ومسكنات الألم وغسول الفم ونظافة الفم.
‎🦋 بشكل عام ليس هناك حاجة لإزالة الغرز فهي ستذوب خلال أسبوع واحد.
‎🦋يظهر المظهر المثالي خلال 2-4 أشهر.
‎🦋المضاعفات ضئيلة عند الجراحين ذوي الخبرة.
‎🦋في بعض الدراسات، بلغت نسبة المضاعفات 8.45%.
‎🦋هذه المضاعفات؛ وذمة، نزيف (الشريان الفكي الداخلي)، عدوى، عدم تناسق، ضزز، إصابة فرع الشدق في العصب الوجهي، إصابة قناة ستنسون في الغدة النظيرية.
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wemeetby-accident · 1 year
Personnel File: Sunshine E. Davar
Basics Name: Sunshine E. Davar Codename/Callsign: Angel, Sunshine, Eclipse Rank: N/A Role: Intelligence Analyst Eye Color: Brown-Green Hair Color: Brown Height: 5’2” Weight: 124lbs Distinguishing Marks: Freckles across bridge of her nose, across her face. Freckles continue down the chest/neck. Tattoos: Sun on inner left bicep, above arm crease. Floral sleeves on both right and left bicep (shaded black ink with hints of color; eventually covers scarring); large thigh piece with floral design on right thigh. Several ear piercings. Age: 28 Gender: Female Date/Place of Birth: May 16, 1995 - Albany, New York
Skills and Abilities Powers: “Knowledge” (Monster AU: Fae - Seelie) Weapon of Choice: Knife. CQC skills (both learned after joining the Shadows) Languages Known: English, ASL (fluent). Spanish (near fluent). Other Skills and Abilities: Cool head - able to talk panicked peers down. Skilled at organizing and processing information, verbal and physical. Detail-oriented. Good listener. Dedicated to tasks. Weaknesses to be Concerned About: Physical strength is lacking. No formal combat training. Can be easily overwhelmed.
Personality General: Kind, polite, romantic, loving, compassionate, empathetic, genuine, warm, skittish, shy, malleable/submissive, bright Likes: -Flowers, specifically daisies and sunflowers -Gardening (she’d rather be operating her own floral business than whatever job she’s pushed into) -Strawberries (eating and growing) -Small animals (ducks, kittens, and bunnies) -Romance novels (especially the cheap pulpy kind) -Comfy games (not a full-tilt gamer since she was never allowed to play much as a kid, but enjoys things like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing)
Dislikes: -Getting reprimanded/whenever someone angrily raises their voice towards her -Crying in front of others (she gets embarrassed) -Squash (the vegetable. It’s the only one she doesn’t really like!)
Fears: -Severe injuries. -Losing loved ones.
Other: -Very sentimental and affectionate (learned from her grandmother) -Good cook! Had to learn to cook for herself as a teenager as her parents were often out for work. -Can be shy at first but once she is warmed up to someone - very outgoing. -Often does small gestures for others (such as making/offering tea or coffee, etc); often confused with going “above and beyond” in her internships with people who she had considered peers
Relationships Parents: -Joseph Davar (father), Grace Goldman Davar (mother). Government workers. Worked their way up from small local positions to DC. Currently on a committee that benefits Shepherd; Sunshine’s current position with the Shadows was an IOU based on a deal the three managed. -The family has a history of moving: remained in Albany until Sunshine was approx. 11. The family then moved south to White Plains, NY due to promotions and a need to be closer to NYC; Sunshine went to middle and high school in the area. Upon graduation and acceptance into Yale, Sunshine moved to New Haven, CT while her parents moved to NYC for yet another promotion. They then moved from New York City to Washington, DC in the middle of Sunshine’s graduate program without notice.
Siblings: None. Only child. Extended Family: -Grandmother, mother’s side - Elise Goldman, “Nana” - very close and only family member that the Davars keep in touch with. Raised Sunshine for several years when she was young due to her parents taking jobs with busier schedules. -Grandfather, mother’s side - Clark Goldman, “Grandpa” - deceased; d. 2012. -Father’s side - unknown. Little contact; family history suggests a line of politicians. Ex-Partners: None of note. No serious relationships prior to employment with Shadows PMC.
History Education: Loaded high school transcript (6 successful AP credits earned by the end of her high school career.) Attended Yale for both undergraduate and graduate programs. -Undergraduate coursework: AA in Art; Certificate in Data Science; Bachelor’s in Political Science, minor in Business Management; additional coursework in cyber security and risk management -Graduate coursework: Master’s Degree in Asset Management Military Service: N/A. Civilian recruited to Shadows as a favor to the Davar family by Shepherd. Criminal Record: N/A Medical Incidents: Broken tibia, sprained wrist, concussion (27). See note below.
Notes -Regarding medical incidents: see file log dated 23 March 2021 involving Corporal Wolffe. -Previous work experience includes work in political offices and state/county jobs. Interned several times thanks to her parents’ in large offices; not a stranger to office work and overtime without pay.
Additional notes: -Sunshine, 28: slender. Obviously petite but she's clocking in under 130 so she's tiny. Screen fatigue x1000000. She has one of those brightening sticks in her desk drawer and she's tired and pale. She skips meals I think when she's working really really hard to the point where she's had to had an IV but. Those occasions are less frequent? -Sunshine, 32: much softer. She's eating more, eating better. She's got a garden and fruit at her fingertips so she's just enjoying herself all the time. Her hair is longer, but rather than being in two braids she just wears it out? She's not quite got the screen fatigue going on, but she's still got some dark circles. She spends a lot of time reading or working in the garden. She enjoys her time but she's very much trying to use every moment of it all now that she's doing things for herself. Stays up late. Lots of time in the sun, her freckles are much darker but she sort of sunburns - lots of SPF to make up for being inside for so long? She definitely wears hats (all varieties tbh) outside when working, lots of overalls.
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grumpyblackbird · 1 year
You look like you’ve seen a Ghost.
Pairing: Sort of Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!CIA!OC
Authors Note: This is my first time publishing anything I’ve written on tumblr. So please behave and be nice. If you have constructive criticism it is welcome. Please bear in mind that english is not my first language. The spanish phrase in this was translated via Google translate and I apologize for any mistakes. I feel like some parts of this don’t really make sense, as well. But maybe that’s just me. Please enjoy, anyway.
Summary: This is basically a quick rewrite and somewhat of a self-insert of the Cutscene before they take back the Vaqueros and go after Graves and Shadow Company in Modern Warfare 2022.
Skylar had just finished cleaning and reassembling her assault rifle, getting ready to take down Graves and his Shadows, while listening to Price. The captain had started to chew out another of his superior officers. Just like he did back then with Colonel Norris. No matter the tense situation she found herself in, this made her smile. Price always seemed to get away with mouthing off. Yet, John would rain hellfire down on those, who would mouth off to him.
“I don’t need fixing. I’m a patriot protecting my country.” As Sky heard this, she stood up from her seat in the corner of the room scoffing. Not loud enough for the microphone to pick it up and for Shepherd to hear it. But loud enough to get Price's attention at the end of the table. “He should be protecting his country from himself. That last missile could start World War 3, if we don’t find it in time.” Skylar couldn’t have kept this thought silent even if her life had depended on it. This concern of hers had to be voiced, because no one else in this room was going to say it and she had enough time since coming back to the safe house to go through all of the information Kate had gathered.
Instead of voicing his own thoughts on that matter John stood up and started pacing while berating the General on how you’re not supposed to bury each other in shit. While watching that scene unfold Sky could feel someone's eyes on her but none of the men in the room were obviously watching her. As she moved closer to the table, Price had already turned back to the screen telling Shepherd to “call off his Shadow”. “He’s a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you do not try and take it.” The General's response made her step around Gaz obviously about to give him a piece of her mind on that matter, only to be held back by Kyle’s hand on her right shoulder. “He’s the one who threw that bone but he doesn’t have the balls to admit it!” There had always been a certain temperament in her and sometimes she just couldn’t keep silent, especially in high stress situations like these. Not exactly a good trait for a special forces operative but so far it didn’t get her in too much trouble. Maybe she did learn that from a certain Captain.
“This is your last chance to change your mind.” “Then what?” “Then after I go for him…I’m coming for you.” With that Price ended the call by closing the laptop and giving all of us the go ahead to mentally prepare ourselves for the next mission. His eyes found me standing next to him and a silent reprimand was passed between us. He did understand where I was coming from but it wasn't a good idea for me to also antagonize a superior officer. Alejandro left the room first, pushing open the doors and marching towards Rodolfo standing at the other end of the barn-like building. Sky followed in the back shouldering the strap of her rifle. Alejandro had already called the attention of the Vaqueros towards that table. Price was taking lead on this briefing starting with “Alright, listen - we are taking back your HQ.” Skylar was moving around the table to take her place next to Rudy.
“We are killing Commander Graves.”  “When?” “Now.” There had been a certain urgency in Rodolfo’s voice asking that question and to Skylar and definitely every Vaquero in this building it was understandable. Graves and his PMC had committed war crimes in Las Almas. Killing women and children. Killing everyone in their search for Soap, Ghost and her. It couldn’t stand and it wouldn’t. This filled Skylar with a well familiar rush of pre-combat adrenalin. Pushing away the weariness of the last battle. The Reaper was coming to collect.
“This is a fight against our own… We are not 141 and Los Vaqueros on this. We’re a team.. Ghost Team." Everyone in the room was watching Price and now turned to Ghost who pulled out a bag, emptying its contents of skull balaclavas on the table. Silence rang out and you could have heard a needle drop as soon as Ghost pulled off his signature mask revealing his face and identity to most of them for the first time. Skylar felt herself freeze up. “Good to see you again, Simon.” It was like everything else in this room seized to exist. All of her senses were honed in on the one fact that Ghost was very much a ghost.
There he was. Her Simon.
The man she had mourned for the past few years was the same man she had been working with for a while now and he never once deemed it necessary to tell her. Everyone else had already taken a mask and was putting it on or moving towards their gear to put it on before getting ready. But Sky hadn’t moved a muscle, hadn’t even properly taken a breath up until Rudy knocked his shoulder into hers whispering: “Parece que has visto un fantasma.” It broke Sky out of her trance. Turning to Rudy and taking a shaky breath before suddenly stepping around him and beelining it towards the nearest exit. She needed air. All of the adrenaline formerly rushing through her had faded and now she felt sick. He was alive!
“Breathe.”, came a deep voice from behind her and a hand was laid on her shoulder. Skylar pushed away from said hand and turned around. “Don’t tell me what to do! You...all this time. And you knew. You gave me that dog tag with his name on it, knowing full well he was alive.” Price was his usual calm self while Skylar was feeling betrayed. “Even Kate knew and she never said a word. Why?” “It wasn’t our secret to tell.” Skylar scoffed and took a few steps away from Price. “And you think it was a good idea to have this secret revealed right before we go into combat?” “No, I don't think it was a good idea, but I also didn’t know he would do it, and that’s why you’re with me” With that he handed Skylar a balaclava, turned around and moved back inside the building.
@ thetravelingtyper
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I haven't really mentioned much of the Iraqi Chris saga, but the long and short of it is that he's some weirdo from Texas, probably actually an ex-marine in some capacity, who claims to be a hardened ex-Recon snIiper who's currently a PMC operator. He came to Ukraine like three times over the last two years-ish, allegedly to fight in Donbas and subsequently in the actual war, but shortly after meeting Ninja the Kazakh and expressing a desire to meet a pure white trad gf with traditional values, he "meets a woman" online, calling herself fuckbae69, who listens to him make up war stories, is totally into all the kink shit he's into, and who (reading between the lines) he's given a significant sum of money to over the years. Note that she has never called him or sent him a video, nor posted any pictures outside the initial three on her Instagram profile, every time he goes to Lviv to meet her she's "on her period", and when he said that he was totally going to the front for reals this time, she said "it's me or the war". An odd response for a Ukrainian woman but wise if you were someone looking to protect the golden goose
Now, we've spent a long time expressing that it's probably just a couple Uzbeks or Tajiks on the other end of that conversation, laughing their asses off, by saying "haha, Iraqi Chris has been seduced by Ninja", but come to think of it, Ninja really has had a suspiciously steady stream of income ever since he met Iraqi Chris, and he's a humanoid beetle of a man who grew up on the oil fields of Kazakhstan and learned English from lesbian anal porn, so kinky Instagram model fuckbae69 probably would be his best imitation of a nice white girl with traditional values.
Long story short, fake marine recon larper thinks he's going to come to Ukraine and awe everyone with his badass warfighting non-prowess, ends up findommed by a 5'3" Muslim Jihadi
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class-xyznotes · 6 months
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soapfcrce · 7 months
Excerpts from the journal of John MacTavish. If found, return to 22nd SAS regiment, Credenhill, UK. (Part 1. Part 2. Part 3)
Page 1.
Can’t believe Andrews made me get a new journal. If he wanted a token of affection that bad, think we could’ve figured out something else entirely than stealing. Or I could’ve given him those socks.
Page 2-12.
[ Various sketches ranging from different kinds of lethals and tacticals marked with component listings as well as spec preferences for his preferred sniper rifles. There are also lists of chemical components, preferred wire materials for varying uses, and an anthropomorphic rubber duckie. ]
Page 13.
Shipping out for a job in Al-Mazrah in a few and they got me bundled with the marines. Target named Hassan… honestly would’ve thought we nailed him in that missile strike. Guess the guy’s luckier than we are.
The marines aren’t too bad at least. Laswell says I’m gonna be working with Ghost again. Honestly? Bit surprised, but man I’m glad for a familiar face on my six at least. He’s a mean shot, but he gets things done and that’s something I can really look up to.
Wonder if he’s still mad about the kill stealing through… oh well, one way to find out.
Page 14 – 15.
[ Compound blueprint sketches. ]
Page 16.
[ Two more sketches of birds, though noticeably they seem to be vaguely dove shaped. ]
Al-Mazrah was an absolute shitshow, but I can’t remember the last time I was ever in Urzikstan and it wasn’t one. Eight marines injured, six dead, and we didn’t even get the guy in the end. Fucking “choices have consequences” indeed, but I gotta keep telling myself that if we didn’t secure the site then it would’ve been much worse.
The American missiles keep bothering me though… US wouldn’t be in bed with the terrorists, would they? Given past history, suppose that’d be the least surprising thing about this…
Page 17.
[ Another dove sketch ]
Found Andrews had left my journal on my bed before leaving for Russia. Found out he didn’t come back.
Guess I cursed him for thinking there’d be a thing there.
Page 20.
Would’ve thought we’d have had more time, but I’m getting shipped back out with Ghost again. Mexico this time, guess that means Price and Gaz actually turned up something on their end about this. Narco related, by the sound of things. What the hell could drug lords be moving American ballistics for?
And what the hell’s Hassan doing hand in hand with them? Shouldn’t think too hard about it, it’s only gonna make me mad.
Supposedly working with a PMC on this, too. Never worked with one before, so this’ll be interesting. Dossier on their leader’s impressive as hell. If we got time, wonder if Graves will let me poke around an AC-130.
[ Below, a now updated sketch of Ghost the Beagle having made its return, next to a poor man’s helicopter. ]
Page 22.
Absolute shitshow of the last 24 hours.
Going after Hassan as soon as we made contact, only to have to release him? Fucking rules… it’s not like we ever played by them in the first place, so why does it suddenly matter now? I didn’t jump off a cliff for this.
Finding Graves just about as pissed about it as I was had been surprising. Knew I was going to like the guy… Owe him for the save, should remember to pick up a bottle of tequila before we leave.
Ghost has been strangely quiet since we got back to base. I wonder what’s going on in his head…
Page 24.
[ A drawing of Ghost’s mask, large and surprisingly detailed. Specifically he’s focused on the cracks in the material and tears in the fabric. Notes about seeing if Alejandro’s base has tape around and other repair things, plus an arrow pointed at the eye holes that simply says ‘Brown??’ ]
Page 25-26.
[ A long, four column list of Spanish words and their English translation. ]
Page 29/31.
[ The page is positively beaten up, the only signs of any legibility being found behind from indenting and pen markings bleeding through. The only clear thing that can be made out are the words ‘May he rot in the deepest fucking bowels for what he did to us, and the rest of his Shadows better run’. A few dried blood smears can also be seen. ]
Page 37-38.
[ A surprisingly accurate drawing of Ghost and Alejandro can be seen on the top of the page ]
As much of a shitshow as it was, I’m going to miss Mexico. Not the new injuries though, pretty sure that ache in the back of my knee’s still from the damn Narco guards… Though can’t wait to actually get my shoulder properly looked at. Not looking forward to explaining how I caught a bullet in it though…
Gonna miss Alejandro. Man’s a right crazy bastard, and that’s coming from someone who’s an even crazier bastard himself. Honestly, couldn’t have asked for a better partner, really. Actual hermano for life right there.
Couldn’t help but notice Ghost seemed easier when the helicopter finally took off. Relieved, almost, but I couldn’t blame him for that. Now that I’ve seen what he looks like, I wonder if that means he’s finally come around to trusting me a bit more. Could’ve sworn I heard him speak Spanish on the tarmac, too.
Weird guy… every time I think I’ve got him figured out, he’s got another three mysteries on hand.
Page 39.
[ Extensive drawing of the suspected building in Chicago after having gotten the blueprints over computer. There’s a crossed out scrawl of plans, entry points, counting for how many flashes and stuns he should split with Price, and something about C4 in case of locked doors ]
It ends today. Get Hassan.
Page 40.
[ An idle small doodle of an explosion could be found in a corner ]
CIA levels of creative writing should be a standard in school. Wouldn’t have gone with blaming a power outage on wind, but suppose even weirder things happen in this country. Still not sure what hurts more now, the fall down the elevator shaft or the fact that Hassan reopened my shoulder.
Probably a bit of both.
Finding out Shepard’s fucked off was not a good way to end drinks. Finding out Makarov’s back in the picture even worse. No rest for the wicked as they say, and sure as hell no rest for us. They can be tomorrow’s problem though, we earned ourselves a hard won victory.
Page 41-42.
[ A continuation, though it’s separated by a surprisingly large portrait of Simon ]
Getting saved again by Ghost though… twice now? Think I paid him back for the first time in Las Almas already by saving him, but it’s never a good feeling to be left in debt. We got a few more days in Chicago (I blame Price and Laswell insisting I get my shoulder sorted while here), I’m thinking maybe I see if he wants to go out on a bar crawl as thanks.
He probably doesn’t even think about it, but he’s close to owning about as much of me as Price does.
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hamidgraphix · 3 years
MDCAT 5 subject test Salybus Notes for Candidate 2021
MDCAT 5 subject test Salybus Notes for Candidate 2021
are you looking at MDCAT 5 subject test Salybus Notes for Candidate 2021, the test paper includes the subject Biology, chemistry, physics, English and logical reasoning The Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) is a standard computer-based test taken annually in Pakistan and internationally for admission to MBBS and BDS degree programs. MDCAT 5 subject test Salybus Notes for…
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arcticdementor · 5 years
My first reaction to the work of Barbara Ehrenreich was one of complete indignation and contempt. A professor had assigned Ehrenreich’s book Nickel and Dimed (2001) for an English prerequisite at my commuter college—the urban satellite campus for two major universities intended to cater to low-income and nontraditional students. (Go Jaguars!) The book was a committed work of first-person journalism premised on a compelling challenge: to “see wheth­er or not I could match income to expenses, as the truly poor attempt to do every day.” What Ehrenreich “revealed” was the constant struggle to make ends meet, a total lack of security in employment, housing, and resources, declining health from backbreaking work, and the endless humiliations of the American blue-collar worker.
About half of the people in my class were actually “college age,” while the rest were older students with jobs and often children, but not necessarily any higher education under their belt. It was a night class, and when the professor looked around the sparsely populated room, it was usually missing one or two mothers who couldn’t find childcare that evening. Once someone stumbled over a desk, knocking a pile of books to the floor. One of my classmates—an active service member on leave—responded to the din by instinctively drop­ping to the ground in compliance with his training and/or PTSD. Sometimes children colored outside the classroom or students left early to go to their night shifts. Needless to say, most of us found the book boring and its “revelations” laughable. This is not to say it was an unpleasant experience, as it gave us the rare and delicious opportunity to scorn and scoff at the ignorance of the educated. But we were not impressed, to say the least.
It was years later that a friend explained to me that Nickel and Dimed was in fact a revelation, just not for socialists. “Well yeah,” she said matter-of-factly, “that book wasn’t for us, it was for professional‑managerial-class liberals.” This wasn’t my first exposure to the phrase “professional managerial class” (PMC), but it was the first time the distinction seemed so sociologically significant as to force me to revise my opinion of Ehrenreich’s work. Is she a progressive liberal whisperer, spreading the gospel of class politics to the PMC? Is such a task even a worthwhile endeavor?
The PMC is a somewhat mushy category. Its defenders and denialists, particularly in academia and the legacy media, often like to include such beloved professions as public school teachers and nurses among its ranks, a wishful idea of inherent fellowship among the college-educated. But such a loose classification conveniently ignores the “managerial” part of PMC. True PMC personnel exercise influence in the management of institutions. College professors, for example, have a role in managing the university—although this is cer­tainly less so as higher education neoliberalizes (as adjuncts fill the jobs once held by tenured professors, and administrators and donors control more uni­versity operations than ever before). Still, tenured professors and administrators have a hand in the management of the middle-class labor force, including who gets to enter it. Nurses, meanwhile, don’t actually manage patients (who under privatized medicine are reduced to customers), and rarely manage much of the hospital. Likewise, public school teachers don’t actually manage their students so much as provide a service for them, and are managed almost com­pletely by non-teacher administrations.
Squishy and permeable as it may be, PMC is still a useful term for the class of professional managers, regardless of all the disingenuous and pedantic protest. Ehrenreich, of course, was not the first to recog­nize or define the managers among the middle class. There was David Riesman’s The Lonely Crowd, C. Wright Mills’s White Collar: The American Middle Class, and the debates between Erik Olin Wright and Nicos Poulantzas, to name a few. But Ehrenreich set out not simply to define and locate the professional managerial class, but spe­cifically to interrogate its own self-awareness. As she writes in the introduction to Fear of Falling, “This book is about what could be called the class con­sciousness of the professional middle class, and how this consciousness has developed over the past three decades.”
This class consciousness, however, has been notoriously avoided by the professional middle classes themselves. In his 1976 “Notes and Commentary on the Irresistibility of the Petty Bourgeoisie,” German author (and who is better equipped to articulate the formal barriers of professionalization than a real-life veteran of the Hitler Youth?) Hans Magnus Enzensberger argued that the managerial class could be de­fined precisely by its inability to attain consciousness of itself as a class.
Proving Enzensberger’s point, the very existence of a professional managerial class is often most controversial among the sort of left-wing intellectuals who might fit the description. Take for example David Sessions’s recent Jacobin article, “The Right’s Phony Class War,” in which he rejects the “mythical managerial class” as a right-wing boogeyman conspiracy theory, referring to it as “a pseudo-sociology that pits an ambiguous ‘managerial’ or ‘cosmopolitan’ ruling class against the rest of the country—and lets the people who actually hold political and economic power off the hook.” (It’s worth noting here that theorists of the PMC do not consider it a “ruling class” by definition, but rather a category with a relationship to capi­tal that is distinguishable from both capitalist and worker.)
By contrast, Ehrenreich made no bones about exposing the ideolo­gy of her own frenetic class. And like Enzensberger, Ehrenreich understood the importance of such a class’s apparent instability in the midst of the ongoing class war. Enzensberger believed that the center could not hold, that some of the middle class would join the “goats” of capitalism, while most would eventually be proletarianized with the “sheep,” and “reap the fruits of socialism.” Such an outcome had not come to pass when Enzensberger was writing, leaving him to contemplate the inscrutable resilience of the professional middle class.
His conclusion was that the middle classes—by virtue (or sin, if you prefer) of their position as a “multiply articulated assemblage”—retained an “adaptability” or “characterless opportunism.” His de­scription of this ethos was damning: “Never to take a final stand and to seize every possibility: those are the only lessons that the class has learned from its variegated history.” This “adaptability” had occasionally led the PMC to progressive politics, as has occurred recently, but, he observed, this is not a fixed feature so much as a strategy that lends credibility to its secure role as the architects of cultural hegemo­ny.
Or, rather, seemingly secure role. It turns out that all Enzensberger had to do was wait a bit longer.
The root of this neurosis was the historic ambivalence and dread with which the class understood itself as a tenuous “elite” that may or may not succeed in reproducing itself as a class. (Unlike other classes, each generation of the PMC had to earn its status through educational credentialing, qualifying employment, and professional achievement.) As the shock troops of Taylorism, it was as if the PMC always knew on some level that Taylorism would come for it one day as well. Later we learned that these insecurities were justified and that the “fear of falling” was a valid concern: the PMC Ehrenreich described in 1989 was a bubble, a temporary postwar glitch.
It seems to me that Ehrenreich has answered her own question here. The PMC have been—at best—fair-weather friends to the working class, and at worst have been even more devious exploiters by dint of their “liberal” credibility. As the class which ushered in neoliberalism, I would denounce the crimes of the PMC far more forcefully than Ehrenreich.
When the PMC are flying high, their middle-class liberal initiatives to combat poverty have been inhumanely punitive and ineffectual: policies like prohibition, eugenics, and broken-windows policing come to mind. On the institutional level, liberal think tanks like the Center for American Progress and wealthy NGOs like the Gates and Ford Foundations have reliably pushed for neoliberal policies and private sector solutions to poverty, conveniently avoiding expropriation, redistribution, and universal public programs and services.
So I do not weep for this sinking ship, and would instead save my tears for the members of the working class, who have been left with the check, though they may now include a number of recent PMC exiles. Which leads me to the more practical question: Will a sizable number of these erstwhile PMC join the sheep? Or will most of them instead identify with the goats, following Steinbeck’s pathetic “tem­porarily embarrassed millionaires”? Or will they find no class con­sciousness at all, drifting into lumpen listlessness, atomized from both flock and herd?
I am still at times asked to speak at DSA events, including a recent one for the DSA Tech Action Working Group—a decidedly PMC collection of DSA members working in tech. Inspired by Google software engineer James Damore’s infamous “anti-diversity memo,” the subject I was to speak on was “diversity in tech.” The friend who asked me to speak rightly recognized that the tech industry is no longer a small cabal of entrepreneurial specialists but is increasingly expanding into a global labor force of workers—from petit bourgeois to prole, if you will.
I cannot, however, say I found many examples of such workers at this event. Multiple representatives from HR departments spoke up, one to say that “it’s all about hiring practices,” and to urge the attendees to come to HR whenever they had a problem. One woman wanted to read a long academic article about a typesetters’ union fighting automation and other changes that would open the floodgates for underpaid, largely female scab labor. She was under the im­pression that this exposed the sexist nature of trade unions.
The crowd was very “diverse” in all the Ikea commercial ways that warm our Coca-Cola liberal hearts, but some of the most insightful observations came from the bearded and (presumably) cishet white males. One timidly put forth that “HR actually works for management,” while another recognized that the biggest source of “diversi­ty” in the tech industry is highly exploited third-world call-center workers.
At first glance, the superior class consciousness of the beardy white male tech bro may appear counterintuitive, but it is a function of tech industry managerialism that he has a better view of class con­flict. As an industry, tech has thoroughly absorbed “diversity” into its corporate culture and HR programming, for both legal liability and liberal credibility reasons. If you’re a woman and/or minority work­ing for Google and your job is miserable, you are told by the whole world—and by your employer itself—that this is because you are a woman and/or minority. But, you are also told, your employer is here with sensitivity trainings, diversity initiatives, and at-will firing practices (you know, for the bad employees) to remedy all of that and to build a better work environment and, thereby, a more egalitarian world. If, however, you are a straight white man working for Google and your job is miserable, you know it’s because your job is miserable, and the company isn’t there to help you. Liberal identitarian HR obfuscations don’t work as well on exploited and precarious dude-bros.
The evening culminated during the Q and A, wherein a woman earnestly asked, “What do I do if some alt-right guy wants to be in the union?”
Visibly vexed, I replied that if an alt-right guy wants to be in your union, you won.
This statement was met with noticeable consternation, so I went on to explain that you want everyone in the union because the end goal is a closed shop. I explained that this is the very premise of a union: it is not a social club for people of shared progressive values; it’s a shared struggle, and collective politics are the only thing that can actually break down all that office bigotry you’re so concerned about. She did not appear convinced.
I use this particular anecdote to illustrate the obstacles to building a socialist PMC, but I have many others (particularly in the recent spate of white collar unionism), and herein lies the tragic irony of the great middle class exodus: even when they fall, and even when they find themselves in “Left spaces,” they are still too proximal to man­agement—or at least believe themselves to be—to imagine much beyond human resources liberalism. Very frequently, they view blue-collar workers as inherently illiberal antagonists. (Just look at the response to the failed Clinton campaign by prominent members of the liberal media and academia, who have finally answered their fa­vorite old canard of “Why do the working class vote against their own interests?” with accusations of innate bigotry and misogyny.)
Many dedicated socialists of the professional managerial class, from Ehrenreich to my friend who organized this event, have his­torically overestimated the degree to which “liberals” can—or ever really did—benefit working-class Americans. Instead, most PMC lib­erals tend to project their own interests onto the working class, in order to legitimize their decidedly middle-class ambitions (say, a cor­ner office and stock options at a tech firm) through progressive politics. Thus, when middle-class fellow travelers hear the phrase “lib­eral elite” to refer to the progressive PMC, they assume it can be nothing more than a dog whistle, meant to incite working-class re­sentment against themselves. Sessions’s Jacobin article offers an ex­plicit example of this mindset, though Fear of Falling, too, at times protests too much against the right-wing populism that makes hay by criticizing a supposedly mythical “liberal elite.”
It’s fair to say that the PMC’s paternalistic contempt for the working classes has been well documented, including by Ehrenreich herself, but what PMC intellectuals often fail to grasp is how much members of this class also hate one another. The PMC has historically had very little class solidarity (McCarthyism comes to mind), and their recent proletarianization—exacerbated by a hypercompetitive job market, atomization, remote work, precarity, internet social dy­namics, professionalization, Taylorism, etc.—has done nothing to suppress their desire to eat their own. Ehrenreich herself recently experienced this cannibalism firsthand.
I’ve said before that expropriating Yale and Harvard and converting them into public institutions would be a victory in the class war. But the small liberal arts colleges of the PMC—the Reeds, Wesleyans, and Oberlins—they may actually need to be burned down.
Middle-class liberal Remoaners have somehow branded bourgeois cosmopolitanism as Left internationalism, throwing the Corbyn cam­paign under the bus for the sake of an unaccountable capitalist cabal. They’re currently attacking the Labour Party “from the Left,” some because they have mistaken the European Union for the Comintern, and some merely to keep their holidays in Mykonos convenient (not to mention mysteriously affordable these days). Many former Sanders supporters—most notably in “Left media”—have jumped ship, or at­tempt to play both sides, claiming to favor more “electable” candidates as they pander to liberal and iden­titarian hacks in the media and the Democratic Party. Socialists mis­take the middle-class progressive for the comrade at our own risk; a foundation that relies too heavily on the ranks of this nervous, fickle class is doomed to crack and crumble, along with anything we try to build on top of it.
The PMC can—and should—be brought to commit to its own abolition, but attempting to evangelize a class that has so much dif­ficulty even acknowledging its own existence is a futile endeavor. At this rare and fragile moment of opportunity for socialism in America, the best bet for Berniecrats is to build a strong base of workers com­mitted to social democratic reforms. The PMC will follow, as they always do; they’re the cart, not the horse.
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A response to that racist responding repeatedly to my additions to the post on Colonial Genocide
1: “La Hispaniola, in where most if not all of the indigenous population dissapeared. I’m only agreeing partially with you, Spanish colonization was devastating, BUT that just isn’t ALL (as you dare to put, in a kinda of cospirazy-theory way): There were a lot of other factors, in were DID play a part the illnesses and the war the own indians had agaisnt others.”
(Then you talk about the Aztec, unrelated to Hispaniola)
2: “The book you provided to me has taken, unsurprisingly, the highest balance of people (8 million) it supposed to exist in the island of La Hispainola before 1492 (of course, the bigger deads, the better! gets easier to acuse of holocaust and genocide).”
(You misread Stannard, I assume in a preview or something. He mentions the population estimate considered standard by most academia for most of the history of the research of the indigenous peoples of the new world, which was the laughable 8 million in the entire western hemisphere. This is obviously an example of academia being a tool of propaganda, colonialist and yes genocidal propaganda. By diminishing the population they reduce the weight of the colonial crimes and reduce the legitimacy of contemporary peoples to the identities of their ancestors. All which benefits colonial power structures. Currently, the most conservative and still legitimate estimate of populations in Mexico before contact is 25 million. That is just in the region of Mexico. The most current and reasonable estimate for the population of Hispaniola before contact is 1.8 to 2.9 million. That many Taino people may have lived on that island when the Spanish arrived. Less than 1 generation later there were no Taino left on the island. All that survived, less than 50 thousand did so as slaves elsewhere or as refugees in other native nations.
American Holocaust by David E Stannard
http://www.wou.edu/history/files/2015/08/Cain-Stoneking-HST-499.pdf )
3: “There you have the ciphers of people other specialist gives that goes from 60.000 (how they dare!) to 8 million, and the problems actual historians have to put a real number, because, as I’ve been saying, de las Casas simply exagerated the number of deads and the ways spaniards killed indians to make his point (spaniards bad, indians good). You know, census didn’t exist that time in 1492. But of course, that’s not a problem for those who’re appealed to lie. Just put the higher, albeit surreal, cypher to make it more proper to accuse of “genocide”, call you book something as “Genocide in America” or “Holocaust”, and you’ve got it.”
(This is mostly incomprehensible. First of all, no contemporary estimates are done exclusively based on personal accounts. Most population estimates are done by testable evidence like residence numbers in archeological sites compared to a standard model for what local populations looked like. This is still a flawed system constantly producing unreasonably small estimates but even this system far dwarfs what you argue. Cuz you’re a racist who is divorced from reality so much so that you are still using decades-old estimates based on nothing but propaganda.
The second point I have to address is that holocaust is a title, and genocide is a defined term. According to Google, Genocide: “the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.” There is no conceivable argument against the fact that what the Dutch, the English, the Portuguese, and the Spanish did in the new world is genocide. Every single European power has dirtied hands. They stole land, erased languages and profited from other people doing the killing even if they didn’t explicitly do so at first.
https://www.google.com/search?q=genocide+define&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS750US750&oq=genocide+define&aqs=chrome..69i57.4815j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 )
4: “how in 1492-1502 spaniards AND indigenous people were both attacked by a same illness, the supposed illness spanish were “using” to kill indians (like 8 hundreds of millions of tHroUsAnDs of hundreds), per your lasts reviews… They were so smart that you know, “used” the same illness to being killed.”
(As for the idea that the same diseases killing millions of Natives were also killing the Spanish, that is very specifically not true. The diseases that the colonizers and conquistadors brought and then weaponized were more or less experientially harmless to them in context. Things like measles and the flu or malaria and typhus. Even the common cold and chickenpox killed and spread like plagues. The things that were periodic plagues in Europe such as cholera, bubonic plague, and smallpox were instantly devastating. Describing how and why is its own post and maybe I will make that post soon but I’ll just say here that Europe was a fucking dumpster fire in terms of sanitation where most cultures in the New World were so socially organized that every early encounter with any given tribe is usually followed with the Europeans marveling at how often Natives bathe and how much soap they use. Another important factor is the fact that Europe had dozens of different livestock animals that lived in immediate proximity to people often sharing water sources to defecate into and drink from. This meant diseases leaped from chickens and pigs and cows and horses to people much more frequently in the thousands of years since domestication. Native Agriculture developed along different paths and so the numerous livestock animals throughout the western hemisphere were fewer and more sanitarily maintained than in the eastern hemisphere. The only disease spread back to Europe during the Columbian exchange was syphilis, though not a plague still terrified Europe. Important detail: it also did not nearly exterminate the entire population of the entire Old World.
The specific example in the first section of American Holocaust was the first such plague event, that made many Spaniards sick and killed thousands of Natives almost immediately. The first plague, unexpected and abrupt, the Spanish took note and it informed the numerous following invasions. It was swine flu, the kind Columbus deliberately spread ahead of himself later on in his return invasions.
As for the argument that the Spanish didn’t know that spread disease and plagues was possible or that they did so accidentally… I mean, to think this you just have to deny or ignore the insurmountable volume of personal; and first-hand accounts of people saying that’s what they were doing. The compilation of accounts and historical sources that Stannard uses often is Harvest of Violence, but Robert Cormack, it is a hard read of historians primarily from Guatemala and Mexico. As opposed to the pure Spanish propaganda you seem to subscribe to, it prioritizes our own voices and is also filled with the accounts from the colonizers themselves which need no special framing to be transparent and genocidal as they discuss leaving the plagued and dead in fields to prevent healthy harvest and piling the dead and debris in the aqueducts and canals of Tenochtitlan to starve and pollute and trap civilians. Just to be clear and definitive though, Europeans definitely knew about plague bodies spreading plague, obviously, they did not understand how or why, but they did. The Spanish had weaponized blood infected with leprosy to poison wine in Naples in 1495, and there were incidents of biological warfare all throughout the Reconquista, which pointedly ended in 1492 before Columbus left Seville.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1200679/ : examples of Europeans using infected cadavers to poison arrows and wells and so on many times throughout history and recorded by contemporaries.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1198743X14641744 : the Spanish blood in wine thing, as well as a long list of other biological attacks in Europe.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista : this is just a link to the Reconquista from Wikipedia in case you were unaware of the very recent and relevant Spanish relationship with ethnic cleansing and genocide.)
5: “In this article, of course, if you could read spanish,”
(I can read Spanish, and speak it. I used to be pretty fluent but now mi español es limitado y lento, pero es mejor que otras personas, ¿no?)
6: “there were indians that just went to the forest and lived there outside from the cities, and like, nobody had a problem with that. Why they didn’t dissapear? Maybe, because, you know, conquest was not a genocide?or in other words: If it can be considered a genocide, is the worst and most inneficient genocide made ever.”
(I’m going to begin with the weird racist part about living in the forest. I, honest to god, don’t know what to say to explain why that's a laughably dumb claim and fundamentally racist thing to say at all. I was shouted at by some dumb racist in a town hall for my local representative, a Republican who hates immigrants etc. One of the things the racist yelled at me was “Go back to the woods.” I don’t know, figured I’d just mention that. Also, you know, it also just didn’t work either. Natives did flee from persecution and attack, and there are many individual accounts of being hunted down by dogs and soldiers and being brutally killed for it. One of the chiefs of the Hispaniola Natives fled with the few survivors of his people to another island where he identified the wealth and valuables that the Spanish sought and threw them in a river in a desperate attempt to make the Spanish leave them alone. He was known by Hatuey, and the “ good christian” Spaniards crucified him and burned him alive.
Also, I would argue that the relative efficiency of a genocide is not super relevant when measuring its moral value. Odd metric btw.)
7: “You can accuse of spanish colonialism of sclavitude, clasism, racism (even race wasn’t a part in the idea of conquering the indians, was a religious thing) and a lot of other things, really, I’m not even doubting about that, but  “Genocide” it’s not one of them.”
(The Spanish are actually the best case for inventing the notion of race, they applied a lense that mirrors the way American white supremacists measured race and how Nazi’s determined whether someone was Jewish regardless of identity or practice. The Spanish invented “Limpieza de Sangre” during the Reconquista while expelling Jews from Spain and hunting remaining Moors. And we know that Columbus brought it to the New World during colonization.
Again just google the word genocide. https://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/659/tracing-the-roots-of-discrimination/ )
8: “even in the ancient spanish colonies there still a lot of indigenous people that survived and thanks to the own spanish colonial politics, instead of being killed in the moment for being considered as “sub-humans” or put in indian reservations and being killed of drunkness or surviving by putting casinos, but it is what it seems when some anglo-american just accuse other countries of doing the same and it shows.”
(Whew boy. Where to start?
“Ancient” Spanish colonies? Ancient?
Indigenous people survived despite colonial politics.
Literally, every account dehumanizes the Natives. Every single one, even the patronizing friars and supposed benefactors who just so happened to still not do anything to help Natives.
Just gonna put this here “put in indian reservations and being killed of drunkness or surviving by putting casinos,” Jesus.
And, ding ding ding, ya fucking idiot; can’t even read. I’m not “anglo-american” I’m Lumbee/Nanticoke, an indigenous eastern woodlands Native American. The Spanish colonized the Lumbee predecessors; idiot.)
@imanopinionatedadult @givemeyourtired @roxas-has-the-stick @givemeamomentortwo @thatmidstea @padawan-thunderairborne
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yeli-renrong · 5 years
The sense I get from Marshallese is that the VVS mostly didn’t develop from feature transfer. The contrast between palatalization and velarization developed first, and was entirely consonantal in origin -- it was inherited in the labials from Proto-Micronesian, and then expanded to /t r/ by PMc *t *s *S *c *r > tʲ tˠ tˠ rʲ rˠ. Feature transfer only generated the palatalization/velarization/rounding contrast in *l *n and the rounding contrast in the velars.
(It looks like the historical development of the Marshallese vowel system includes some height umlaut and syncope, e.g. *wupʷa > wɘpʷ- ‘chest’, *mʷumʷuta > mʷmʷɘtʲ ‘vomit’. In addition to maybe losing +/-front..)
But what about the glides? We have *ala ‘path’ > yɨyalˠ, with three segments coming out of nowhere... but Proto-Chuukic has *yala, so maybe there was variation between a *y- form and a vocalic-onset form preserved in e.g. Pohnpeian ahl and Carolinian aal. And then... the *y was reanalyzed as an entire syllable... and Bender’s textbook has a pronunciation note that yiy- is markedly reduced in some dialects (but not others?)...
(Using <y> for the abstract [+front] segment is an abuse of IPA -- it should be <j> -- but it’s standard for Micronesian. Another standard, which I’m not following, is using <h> for [-front -round] -- I’m replacing it with <ɰ>.)
Then in *caa > rʲaɰ ‘blood’, you have an underlying segment coming out of nowhere so that the phonetic value of the vowel is retained.  What the hell? Also in *i > yiy ‘at’.
edit: English also has (conditional) neutralization of vowel backness contrasts combined with ejection of semivowels -- aside from /ej oj/ and /er or/ you don’t get [+/-back] contrasts before semivowels at all -- but of course diachronically the ejection preceded the neutralization. 
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all-hail-trudos · 2 years
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I swear, the writers at Mica Team level up after each major event. And Singularity wasn't even bad, it's just that Isomer was great, SC was phenomenal, and PL has my brain buzzing in ways that don't happen often. I love this weird visual novel cosplaying as a tactical rpg gacha game with a heartfelt passion. And I'm a huge fan of the way the lore just keeps unfolding revelations about the past and prospects for the future. I'm genuinely in love with Girl's Frontline, and I wish I had more people to discuss it with.
37 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 02:15:56 GMT
Ambience Synesthesia might be Hypergryph finding new ways to market Arknights to us, both in transcending the weird marching band phase that chinese anime games are going through (or maybe it's just Hypergryph and Mica Team one-upping each other), and as a way of milking the holographic concert thing that Hatsune Miku made popular.
But in universe, I'm convinced this is the result of someone (probably Blaze) proposing a battle of the bands, and things promptly escalated (because Blaze is involved) until literally every operator was involved. EVERY. OPERATOR. The Rainbow 6 isekai squad are arguing about whether they're singing in English or Russian. Mostima, Skadi, and the various other vaguely affiliated souls who drift in and out of the landship have all been dragged back for this. Penguin Logistics is so bogged down with orders for musical equipment, they have no time to practice. Kal'tsit is pinching her brow and glaring at anyone who suggests she should get involved. The end result will be a week-long music festival the likes of which Terra will never see again.
45 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 17:28:21 GMT
After much careful consideration, I've finally deduced that the Doctor is an Aegirian, most likely hailing from Iberia at some point in the distant past. They're clearly well educated, they seem well traveled, and, aside from a minor case of SERIOUS brain damage impairing anything to do with memories of home, they also show no especial attachment to the concept. Appropriate for the Iberians we've met. Being an Aegirian means no horns or animal ears to poke up under that hood, and possibly even a non-existent tail. It would be easy to hide a short tail under that coat, but that hood/helmet combo makes other features a pain to have without visible signs of accommodation.
But all these facts are secondary to the basis of my keen deduction. The Doctor must be Aegirian, because the Aegirian race includes all aquatic life, such as amphibians, cetaceans, and sharks. And the Doctor is a whale.
63 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 17:13:29 GMT
Pramanix's recruitment is hilarious to think about. I know this isn't really an original thought, but just... The sheer absurdity is amazing. You look up from your desk just in time to see this really pretty snow leopard girl in a mori-girl-turned-priestess-robe sneaking into your office and asking to join your weirdly holy union of Doctors Without Borders and the Blackwater PMC. Oh, and could you keep your voice down? She's not just any priestess, but the literal Pope of her religion, and she's kinda here on the down low since she kinda sorta snuck out of her own papal offices to come here and help, and she'd really prefer not to go back if it's up to you.
And of course you have to explain this to Kal'tsit later, who's looking at you like you just sprouted three heads for taking on such a high profile person as an operator INCOGNITO, and do you have any idea what kind of trouble this could cause down the road? But you've already stamped the forms, so it's too late to say anything now.
100 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 23:37:28 GMT
Studio Trigger is proof that, contrary to popular opinion, Men absolutely know how to write women. Frequently can write excellent female characters if they try. All the bad examples of women that we see are the products of hacks who use trite stereotypes to cover up their inability to write a human being.
107 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 01:29:34 GMT
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hunterlocal6 · 3 years
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Autogenous immunity to endogenous RNA tumor virus. This cleavage site also firm found go69 gp41 and gp37 at approximately the same corm position.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Amazing health benefits of GUAVA/AMRUD fruit and leaves via /r/herbalism
Amazing health benefits of GUAVA/AMRUD fruit and leaves
Guava which is commonly known as Amrud, is a fruit with a sweet and a slight astringent taste. It is a small tree belonging to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Native to tropical areas from southern Mexico to northern South America, guava trees have been grown by many other countries having tropical and subtropical climates.
It has anti-oxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, Anti-diarrhoeal, Anti-hypotensive, Analgesic & Anti-hypertensive, Antifungal, Antipyretic property.
                It has different names in different languages such as in English(Guava), Marathi(Jamba, Jambh, Peru), Hindi(Amrood), Gujarati(Jamrud, Jamrukh, Peru), Kannada(Gova, Jamaphala, Perala, Sibi, Sebehabbu), Bengali(Goaachhi, peyara),  Malayalam(Pera, Koyya), Tamil(Koyya, Segappugoyya, Sengoyya, Vellaikoyya, Uyyakkondan), Telugu(Jama), Oriya(Bodojamo, Jamo, Julabojamo, Pijuli), Sanskrit( amrutaphalam, maduphalam, peruka, bahubeej).
Guava fruit discription 
Guava  fruit  generally  have  a  pronounced  and  typical  fragrance.  Guava  pulp  may  be  sweet  or  sour,    tasting    something    between    pear    and    strawberry,  off-white  ("white"  guavas)  to  deep  pink ("red" guavas), with the seeds in the central pulp of variable number and hardness, depending on   species.   The   fruits are   fleshy,   sweet   and   emanate  a  slight  but  pleasant  odor. 
Vitamin and mineral content 
Vitamin : B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, K, A
Mineral : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Podium, Zinc, copper
• It has more vitamin C than the orange. 
• Guava contains a large number of antioxidants and phytochemicals including essential oils, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and triterpenoid acid alkaloids, steroids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. 
                 - Guava contains a higher content of vitamin C and vitamin A. 
                 - Guava is also a very good source of the pectin which is an important dietary fiber.
                 - It has high content of flavonoids, fructose sugar and carotenoids.
                 - There are 41 hydrocarbons 25 esters, 13 alcohols and 9 aromatic compounds in guava
• The strong pleasant smell of fruit is credited to the carbonyl compounds.
• Guava fruit contains terpenes, caryophyllene oxide and p-selinene in large quantity which produce relaxation effects.
                 - The skin of fruit contains ascorbic acid in very high amount; however, it may be destroyed by heat.
                 - Ascorbic acid and citric acid are the major ingredients of guava that play important role in anti-mutagenic activity.
                 - The fruit contains saponin, oleanolic acid, lyxopyranoside, arabopyranoside, guaijavarin, quercetin and flavonoids.
• Essential oil is present in leaves which contain α-pinene, limonene, β-pinene, isopropyl alcohol, menthol, terpenyl acetate, caryophyllene, longicyclene and β-bisabolene. Leaves of guava have a lot of volatile compounds.
                 - Oleanolic acid is also found in the guava leaves. Leaves have high content of limonene about 42.1% and caryophyllene about 21.3%. 
• The bark includes 12–30% of tannin and polyphenols, crystals of calcium oxalate. 
                - Tannin is also present in roots. Leukocyanidins, gallic acid and sterols are also present in roots. Carbohydrates with salts are present in abundance. Tannic acid is also its part.
Benefits, uses and application
1) It is used as food and in the preparation of food products. It is also used in house construction and toys making.
2) Guava leaves has great medicinal properties and use in the treatment of various illness.
3) Drinking guava leaves juice, is one of the best way to Lowering Cholesterol, Lowering Blood-Sugar Levels and Preventing Type2 Diabetes.
                   - When guava is eaten, the dietary fiber present in it enters the body, binds to bile acid and excretes it out of the body. Now, bile acid is required by the body for the digestion of fat. To produce this bile acid, the body uses cholesterol, which is present in the body. Because cholesterol is being used for the synthesis of bile acid, its concentration in the blood decreases and hence, the overall blood cholesterol level is reduced.
4) Take unripe guava. Cut it and apply sendha namak and roast. Eat this roasted guava to treat cough. OR. Take few leaves of guava. Clean them properly and crush them in mortar and pestle and made paste. Add in glass of water and boil till water reduces to 1/4 of initial amount, filter and drink it is lukewarm.
5) Guava leaves imparts anti-stress effects. Drink herbal tea of guava leaves(Add some guava leaves in cup of water reduce half and then drink).
6) Chewing leaf is a common remedy for upset stomach, gum bleeding, bad breath, mouth ulceretc. 
7) Guava leaves decoction or infusion is useful in treating fever, spasm and rheumatism.
8) For Diarrhoea, dysentery, colitis and stomach pain : Take fresh Guava leaves , crush them in mortar and pestle. Boil water, add this crushed leaves and dry ginger powder. Cook till water reduces to 1/4th of initial volume. Filter and drink one cup of this decoction, every three to four hours.     Bark decoction is also very good diarrhoea.
               - Drink infusion of bark or eat bark powder(3-5 grams) with water, 2-4 times a day. This is very good remedy for mild food poisoning, hyperacidity, anal itching and indigestion.
   > Guava leaves have quercetin-3-arabinoside and quercetin which can be isolated from leaves. Its leaves contain a compound which has morphine like action. It controls the muscular tone. Quercetin repressed intestinal contraction encouraged by enhanced absorption of calcium. Quercetin has a strong effect on ileum. It is thought that quercetin in guava leaf are responsible for its spasmolytic activity. Guava has high cytotoxicity. Guava can be used to treat the diarrhea caused by the E. coli or S. aureus toxins.
                 9) For Fever : Boil the water, add giloy (Gaduchi) steam, few Gauva leaves and 2-3 Tulsi leaves, reduce it to 1/4th of initial and drink it when it is luke warm. This preparation also improve liver function.  OR. Drink fresh Guava leaf juice.
                                       10) For Gum problems, tooth ache and Bad breath : Boil water add some leaves of crushed gauva leaves, sendhwa namak(or salt) and clove(Laung) oil or eucalyptus oil. Boil this mixture for 2-3 minutes. Gargle this mixture 2-3 times a day when it is luke warm.  It's antibacterial, antiviral properties helps to get rid of such problems.
               11) Tree bark decoction and poultice(paste made of herbs, plants, and other substances with healing properties. The paste is spread on a warm, moist cloth and applied to the body to relieve inflammation and promote healing) is very good remedy for ulcer wound or normal wounds. It's astringent, antibacterial, antiinflammatory property helps cure wounds.
                 > Guava leaves decoction has an astringent (tends to constrict body tissues), antimicrobial, antiviral and antiseptic (controls growth of infection causing microorganisms) activities. Due to these action this decoction can be used externally to wash infections and kill bacteria.
12) For pimples and acne, apply paste of leaves and water preparation on face.
13) Fresh guava leaves paste is applied on painful joints to reduce swelling and pain.
                      - Guava can alter the heme oxygenase-1 protein’s(play role in inflammation) work. And due to this reason, it can be used as anti-inflammatory agent for skin.
                14) As per ayurveda, consuming Guava friut helps to strengthen the heart and immunity.
                   - According to modern science, Guava leaf extract might be beneficial in the management of atherosclerosis. This is due to the presence of ethyl gallate and quercetin in Guava.
15)  Guava juice is an effective remedy to treat dengue fever. It is recommended to drink the guava juice at least three times in a day for effective results. 
16) It reduces all types of doshas such Tridosha(Tridosha nashak).
17) Guava flowers have been used to treat bronchitis, eye sores  and  to  cool  the  body. 
18) Because of its high level of pectin, guavas are extensively used to make candies, preserves, jellies, jams, and marmalades.
Note : 1) If diabetic person want eat or drink guava fruit, then they have to reduce or cut their other carbohydrates content that they take.  With this it's high content of dietary fiber reduce or maintain sugar level. Pls consult doctor before use. 
            2) While eating guava do not chew its seeds instead swallow as chewing reduces its laxative properties. And do not peel skin of guava.
            3) Pink guavas contain twice the amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects our skin from being damaged by UV rays and environmental pollution.
              4) Overconsumption of guava may also cause bloating and flatulence. Hence eat limited and live long.
Refrence : 
1) GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017, 01(02), 013–019 ; f_extracts
Click here for more information
2) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017 Apr; 18(4): 897. ; PMCID: PMC5412476
3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628524/
4) The phytochemistry and medicinal value of Psidium guajava (guava) ; https://clinphytoscience.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40816-018-0093-8
5) A short review on a Nutritional Fruit : Guava ; December 2018Toxicology Research 1(1):1-8 ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330702066_A_short_review_on_a_Nutritional_Fruit_Guava
6) Antimicrobial Activities of Leaf Extracts of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) on Two Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria ; https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijmicro/2013/746165/
7) sciencedirect.com
9) Wikipedia
10) Local tradition and knowledge
11) Sushruta Samhita
12) Charak Samhita
14) Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2018; 6(4): 44-47
15) Ayurvedacolleage.com
Submitted November 09, 2020 at 09:37PM by kbjawadwar1 via reddit https://ift.tt/2UfrbJy
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chopkins40 · 4 years
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LOW CALORIE BREAKFAST SANDWICH Quick, easy, healthy breakfast in just 7 minutes! INGREDIENTS • 1 light English muffin • 3 tablespoon egg whites • 1 (2 ounce) turkey sausage • 1 wedge Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese • salt and pepper to taste INSTRUCTIONS • Cook sausage in a non-stick pan on medium-high heat 3 minutes on each side • Cook egg whites 50 seconds in microwave. Remove and salt and pepper if desired. • Spread cheese on English muffin and toast while sausage and egg are cooking. • Build your sandwich and enjoy! NOTES ©CallMePMc.com All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or link back to this post for the recipe. NUTRITION Calories: 200kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 26g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 87mg | Potassium: 72mg | Sugar: 1g Source: Call me Pmc ❤ Thank you all for sharing my posts ❤ 🙂 FOLLOW ME or FRIEND ME ❤ : I am always posting awesome stuff on my timeline www.facebook.com/staytrimwithchris www.facebook.com/Christopher.j.hopkins1 Join my healthy group page www.fb.com/groups/ChristopherHopkinsRecipes #HopkinsRecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7ithpjG2W/?igshid=1ubc5taosu8ay
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